
LittleItalyalsamixer is not working for me00:31
psycho_oreosyou probably need to run alsaconf00:36
LittleItalycommand not found00:38
psycho_oreoswoops alsactl00:39
LittleItalytells me to specify command00:42
LittleItalymy sound card cannt be found, yet it is listed in lspci00:52
LittleItalyis the sound module supposed to be in xorg.conf?00:56
halphi, does anyone know anything about xubuntu & wine?01:34
LittleItalywhen a computer beeps when the login screen pops up, that is from the soundcard right?04:59
maduserno thats from the mother boared05:00
maduserthere a speaker for beeps usually used to send error messages05:01
maduserbut xubuntu uses it when the login starts05:01
LittleItalycan you help me, my sound card stopped working when i messed with my xorg.conf file05:01
LittleItalylspci shows it05:01
maduserxorg.conf is video05:01
maduserxorg is video05:01
maduserI don't know how it could mess up your sound05:02
LittleItalywell, it stopped working some how =/05:02
LittleItalyi didnt have to install any drivers for it to work05:02
LittleItalyxubuntu comes with alsa, so i went to package manager, reinstalled every packet and it still didnt help05:03
LittleItalywtf.... i went to reboot, booted from an earlier back up, and the sound is there and my video res is the same as well05:09
LittleItalysince i booted to an earlier back up, will it boot into this each time maduser?05:09
maduserah you have back up kernels in grub?05:10
LittleItalywill it save to boot into this back up that has sound automatically?05:11
LittleItalyso what do i have to do?05:13
maduseryou can chose the back up at boot05:14
maduserbut the no sound is part of a bigger error which I don't know how to fix05:15
LittleItalyi cannt get rid of the others in grub?05:15
LittleItalyso that it boots off this backup05:16
LittleItalymaduser, since im using the backup wont it default to using this session?05:21
maduserI think so05:23
maduserbut this is part of a bigger problem that I don't know how to fix05:23
LittleItalydoes anyone know how to get rid of grub entries that are corrupt?05:39
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
thejayjetson_Hello [06:11] <thejayjetson> having a lot of trouble [06:12] <thejayjetson> Trying to get xubuntu started up but disc is not readable [06:12] <thejayjetson> I used a burn program on my mac called simply 'Burn' [06:13] <thejayjetson> I browsed for xubuntu [06:13] <thejayjetson> mounted [06:13] <thejayjetson> burned [06:13] <thejayjetson> but not getting the new os installer recognized [06:13] <thejayjetson> please help14:18
knomethejayjetson_, if you run a normal os, what's on the disc?14:32
thejayjetson_i run mac osx14:34
thejayjetson_i must have done the disc wrong cuz it said data instead of image14:34
knomewhat's on the disc, if you browse it on mac osx?14:38
knomeis there an .iso file or some other files?14:38
thejayjetson_sorry, was in another14:42
thejayjetson_chat room with ubuntu helper14:42
thejayjetson_but he wasn't able to help14:43
thejayjetson_i will pop the disc in my mac and tell you what i see on there14:43
thejayjetson_the disc named itself xubuntu 9.1 0 ppc14:44
thejayjetson_and when i click on the disc i see a lot14:45
thejayjetson_i meant PS314:45
thejayjetson_shortcut to ubuntu14:45
thejayjetson_so, is that what i am supposed to see?14:46
thejayjetson_o, please don't go to sleep on me14:47
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic14:48
knomethejayjetson_, that looks as it should.14:48
thejayjetson_then can you help me figure out what the problem is?14:50
thejayjetson_r u still here knome?14:52
thejayjetson_knome, i will owe you a beer if you help me out14:54
thejayjetson_how about 2 beers to whoever can help me out?14:56
TheSheepthis is mactel or ppc?14:57
thejayjetson_i used a mac to burn the disc14:57
thejayjetson_partioned xmb for new os (PS3)14:57
TheSheepwhat is the computer you are trying to boot from it?14:58
thejayjetson_partitioned i mean14:58
TheSheepI know nothring about ps3, sorry, maybe try the forums or google14:58
thejayjetson_i have done all that14:58
TheSheepor maybe there is a ps3 channel14:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps14:59
ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )14:59
thejayjetson_just tell me if i have done anything wrong if i was putting this on a pc or something14:59
TheSheeptry #ubuntu-ps314:59
TheSheepthejayjetson_: we don't know15:00
thejayjetson_is there a secondary number i can try?15:10
neotenywhat do i need to do to have a script run at boot with admin rights?15:48
avvayput it in /etc/init.d15:51
=== avvay is now known as lukinfore
lukinfore& read man update-rc.d15:52
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
tdmsbnhello, everyone.. i need some help with the evil blue screen thats shows up when something goes wrong with the boot17:15
tdmsbnI'm new to ubuntu, and the only way i can get it to work is by inputting terminal commands into my start up list so that i have a desktop and pannels17:16
tdmsbnalso as a result my computer is now very slow and even somthing as low performance as this chat is freezing up17:18
pi00100100hello. i'm trying to create a liveusb with systemrescuecd and xubuntu livecd on it. at boot, i should be able to select which one to load via grub.17:25
pi00100100systemrescuecd works ok. xubuntu doesn't. the problem is i don't know which parameters to pass to casper17:25
pi00100100i mean only-ubiquity, quiet, splash, ...17:26
* SiDi_ has no idea.17:26
pi00100100at the moment, menu.lst looks like this: http://dpaste.com/87359/17:27
SiDi_shouldnt you have a root=/dev/sd## quiet splash after that ?17:32
Besogonmay you don't need to use "root" parameter? I have "quiet" after each string of OS17:32
=== SiDi_ is now known as SiDi
Besogonpi00100100, you should add "boot" parameter. http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#GNU_002fLinux17:43
pi00100100boot is only needed in interactive mode i think17:44
pi00100100selecting the right os from the menu and issuing enter is the same imho17:44
pi00100100anyway, it fails saying: gave up waiting for root device. common problems: boot args (cat /proc/cmdline); check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?); check root= (did the system wait for the right device?) missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)17:45
pi00100100also: ALERT! does not exist. dropping to a shell!17:46
pi00100100but it doesn't specify what doesn't exist17:47
pi00100100perhaps an empty string is displayed17:47
pi00100100if i put root=/dev/sda3 i will get the same error message with: ALERT! /dev/sda3 does not exist.17:51
pi00100100ah sorry... it should be sdb317:53
Besogonpi00100100, So, may be it will more better if you use uuid insteed root17:55
Besogonpi00100100, sudo vol_id -u /dev/sdaX get UUID of the device17:58
Besogonpi00100100, what is with your GRUB? Is it work?18:08
pi00100100sorry but i don't understand your question..18:09
pi00100100now it fails with an error very similar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98920118:10
BesogonDo you use UUID insteed "root"?18:11
pi00100100yeah, let me try with UUIDs...18:12
pi00100100uuids are not mentioned in grub 0.97 manual18:16
pi00100100perhaps it is a feature of grub218:16
pi00100100anyway, i don't think my problem is uuid related18:16
Besogonpi00100100, nono no. I have uuid in menu.lst of ubuntu. (Actually Im using grub2 this time but grub2 dont use menu.lst file)18:18
Besogonusing "uuid" is more reliability18:19
BesogonAt least you will be certain about using right partition18:20
pi00100100ok. i think i'll have to study the grub manual before trying to do this18:22
pi00100100anyway thanks for your support18:23
Besogonpi00100100, http://dpaste.com/87383/ This was in my menu.lst some mounths ago18:24
pi00100100your menu is for booting an installed ubuntu system. what i need is the knowledge to boot a livecd system18:24
Besogonmake your menu.lst similar to that menu.lst.18:26
pi00100100sorry, have to go... bye!18:31
=== Sysi is now known as sysi---
=== sysi--- is now known as Sysi-
sabinahello! Just installed Xubuntu on my acer aspire 8930. I have no sound at all, nothing is muted in the alsamixer. Anyone knows whats up?20:04
sabinaanyone? D:20:06
Sysi-seems problematic20:09
Sysi-have you installed updates?20:10
sabinaeverything is uptodate20:10
Sysi-i had problems but they fixed themselves20:10
sabinalol well arent you lucky20:10
Sysi-there is lot going on with intel driver curretly20:11
sabinai have tried pulseaudio too, but didnt make any diffrence, so reinstalled esd20:13
Sysi-in my other computer web radios won't work, problems are in graphic cards drivers20:15
halphi Im having issues installing pretty much anything on xubuntu...I cant get wine to work nor flash20:15
TheSheephalp: what's the error message?20:15
sabinai just noticed that if i had terminal going the package manager didnt work and vice versa20:16
sabinayou got sound halp? lol20:16
halpfor flash it keeps telling me the file or directory doesnt exist20:16
TheSheephalp: THE file?20:16
TheSheephalp: your descriptions are so vague, that it's really very hard to help you20:17
halpumm for flash when I type in sudo sh flashplayer-installer it says no such file or directory20:17
TheSheephalp: why would you type that?20:18
Sysi-install xubuntu-restricted-extras20:18
halpis that the thing on psychocats.net?20:19
Sysi-guess so20:20
halpok I did that...20:20
Sysi-if that won't work, ubuntu-restricted-extras20:20
halpwhere do I get that?20:20
TheSheepor just flashplugin-nonfree20:20
TheSheep!info flashplugin-nonfree20:20
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:20
TheSheephalp: from the repositories, with the synaptic package manager20:21
halpI dont see xubuntu-restricted-extras in synaptic package manager20:22
halpnor flashplugin nonfree20:23
Sysi-there is search20:23
halpI searched nothing came up20:24
knomehalp, suppose you don't have the multiverse repositories enabled20:24
knomehalp, on synaptic, go to settings -> repositories20:25
knomehalp, on the "ubuntu software" tab (should open immediately), select all the checkboxes, if they are not checked already20:25
halpok I found flashplugin but not xubuntu restricted extras20:28
halpalso youtube videos still wont play so flashplugin isnt really working20:28
knomehalp, did you do what i said? did you refresh the package lists after that?20:30
halpwith reload?20:30
knomewhich xubuntu version you have?20:31
halpeven with flashplugin installed now flash still isnt working20:31
Sysi-is that still supported?20:31
halpum what20:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 60620:32
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions20:32
halpbtw Im a major noob...I dont get any of this...20:32
knomehalp, 6.06 is not supported any more, you should upgrade20:32
halpI cant, its the only version that works on my computer20:33
knomehalp, and even that is not supported, so the best way would be to install again20:33
halpwell the latest version that works20:33
=== Sysi- is now known as Sysi
halpsooo flash wont work at all no matter what?20:35
TheSheephalp: what do you mean the later versions don't work? they should20:36
knomehalp, i'm not sure if it works in 6.06.20:37
TheSheepprobably they (Adobe) changed the location of the flash plugin, so installer can't download it anymore20:37
TheSheepyou could probably try gnash, I think it suports Youtube20:38
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:38
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/20:38
Sysithere aren't anymore repos where from to install it?20:38
Sysi(bad english i know)20:38
Sysiif 6.06 isn't supported anymore20:39
TheSheepSysi: to start with, Ubuntu is not allowed to keep the flash plugin in the repositories, so it keeps there a script that downloads it from Adobe site20:40
knomeSysi, the repositories/packages are there, but they link to a url that doesn't exist anymore, and as 6.06 is not supported, the packages are not updated either to point to the new place - and in the end, adobe doesn't even serve these old version20:40
sabinaanyone know what linux dist thats reported least sound issues? lol20:40
TheSheepSysi: but Adobe is known to change their addresses20:40
halpok...I have to reboot so Ill brb20:40
TheSheepsabina: try looking for your sound card model and word 'linux' in google20:41
halpIm just gonna say screwit about flash, and get back to my issues with wine since thats more important to me, I see it in synaptic now but it says it needs a lot more files to install (even some that are already there)20:51
Sysii'd guess that upgrading would help solvin probles a lot, if they still exist20:53
halpI cant upgrade though, it wont work on my computer20:53
Sysiwhat wont work?20:54
halpupgrades wont20:54
Sysii guess because 6.06 isn't supported anymore20:55
knomehalp, yes, and that's because 6.06 is not supported.20:55
knomehalp, it's END-OF-LIFE20:55
halpI mean, xubuntu upgrades wont work20:55
Sysiupgrading to 8.04 should work if i have right information?20:55
halplike the recent version of xubuntu wont install on my computer20:56
knomehalp, exactly.20:56
halpwhat exactly...20:57
knomehalp, i understand that the newer versions wouldn't work on your computer, because you don't have resources for them to run.20:57
knomehalp, but thus you are using the old version, it is possible that other things like flash won't work also.20:58
halpoh ok20:58
halpso wine wont work with that version either?20:58
knomehalp, it is possible that it works, but there might be bugs.20:58
knomehalp, but because all the upgrades in ubuntu come from the repositories, you can't get any updates to any application, because you're running an outdated version of ubuntu20:59
Sysijaunty with lxde might work?20:59
Sysilxde isn't as nice as xfce but pretty good21:00
halpI think Im going to give up with xubuntu...this old version is too limited, Im going to try another distro =/21:03
nikolamSysi, i installed lxde on hardy, there is sime repository/ppa foro that, and wicd also21:03
nikolamhelp is a looser :)21:04
nikolamhalp, sorry :)21:04
knomehe has a point in there *and* i don't think the OS choice is a reason to call anybody a loser21:05
nikolamknome maybe you are right. I appologise. I just figured that he just said something and leaved ah.21:09
knomewell, that's not the best way to handle the situation, i agree, but i think he was very frustrated already21:10
knomeand maybe giving this one more go at xubuntu and not getting what he wanted..21:10
Sysihe said he was noob, he isn't gonna get anything easier running on that machine21:11
nikolamSysi, I use deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main to have lxde on Hardy21:11
Sysii have it on jaunty, xfce was slow on eee 70121:12
knomeSysi, maybe he'll get back then.21:12
nikolamknome I entered later and I woldnt say anything if he was present. sry21:12
knomenikolam, he wasn't, but that was not the point. :)21:13
nikolamSysi, I use Hardy on 701 and i am content with it..21:13
nikolamknome, i know.21:13
Sysii had easy peasy but i thought i should upgrade21:13
nikolamSysi, I used to install some scripts to get drivers etc that worked only on Hardy as advertised21:14
Sysii tried fedora, it was fast, but you'd need 2.6.30 kernel to get wlan eorking21:14
nikolamI don`t think I will move Hardy from my eee untill LTS EOL21:14
Sysior that would be easiest/best solution21:15
nikolamI get everything working on hardy on eee, I even use wicd wireless menager, very much more usefull that network manager21:15
Sysifedora was with gnome as fast as ubuntu with xfce, maybe even faster :S21:15
Sysibut i need wlan21:16
nikolamHm, I reccomend My solution :) Xubuntu Hardy+uodate +that script for setting up drivers21:16
Sysihardy has old software21:17
nikolamI choosed solution where drivers are reinstalled after every kernel upgrade. but there is also repo for hardy with alternate kernel, too21:17
nikolamYes, Hardy is older but on think like eeepc, I want stable stuff etc21:17
Sysii want stable to desktop21:18
nikolamYou can ged newer software from ppa repos, like OOo 3.1, newer pidgin from getdeb.net etc21:18
Sysieee is for experiments21:18
nikolamOh, I see, you are looking for solution for your desktop..21:18
nikolamWell,I use hardy on desktop, too :)21:19
Sysiin one i has fedora21:19
Sysiin this one jaunty21:19
nikolamBut if you are new user, newest is maybe best for you , unill second lts next year21:19
nikolamOnly I think drivers for Intel graphics are far from perfect in Jaunky etc.21:20
Sysii'm actually not very new, but quite noob still :)21:20
nikolamSysi, I know the feeling :)21:20
nikolamI know now how to compile packages on my own, from .say. karmic repo etc and use it on hardy21:21
Sysii can do that with instructions21:21
Sysii just can't see any reason to use hardy21:22
Sysifor me jaunty is very stable21:22
nikolamI found instructions about that in package debian-reference21:22
nikolamSysi, then, that is right solution for you :)21:22
Sysithat's why i have it :D21:23
nikolamI found some reasons for myself in testing period for jaunty. Much things in Xfce didn`t work as I expected, so thats it21:23
Sysixfce is best but lxde flies even on eee21:24
nikolamyup but i use xfce anyway, i get used to its solutions21:24
Sysii have xfce with intel e5200 too :)21:25
Sysihaven't installed it yet to fedora21:25
Sysii may want fedora, but that would propably mean compiling if i dont wait untill f12 is released21:26
nikolamhey I just don`t believe that wireless on eee shouldn`t be make to work on crrent fedora21:28
nikolamknome, there is a reason I was jumpy upon coming :)21:29
Sysirtl8187se is problematic card21:29
Sysirtl8187 driwers won't work21:29
nikolamI get bruised and kicked for the first time on #opensolaris yesterday, just for talking about GPL3. Obviously they are some kind of BSD freaks that control #opensolaris21:30
nikolamSysi, of fedora you are talking?21:30
Sysiin xubu they work great21:31
knomenikolam, hah, sure.21:31
nikolamThey seems to include BSD cone inside opensolaris and want it to keep that way21:32
nikolamAnd they generally hate Linux wide gpl and userbase etc21:32
nikolamCCDL is like LGPL to me, but not to them, etc21:33
nikolamSysi, I think you can change wireless card inside eee for some else :)21:33
nikolamit is just wireless mini pci express card inside :)21:34
thejayjetsonanyone here?21:39
thejayjetsonhello forces21:41
forces!hi | thejayjetson21:41
ubottuthejayjetson: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!21:41
thejayjetsoni am stuck on the kboot screen of my ps321:41
thejayjetsoni have xubuntu burned to disc21:42
thejayjetsonyes, kboot screen21:42
thejayjetsoncan't get system to recognize disc21:42
thejayjetsonor to begin installation21:43
thejayjetsonplease help, my ps is in a coma until i fix this problem21:44
thejayjetsonhello.........anyone availible at the moment?  needs some help with Xubuntu on the ps321:47
nikolamyou already used xubuntu on that sp3?21:50
zkHi! Is it normal to have screen tearing with composite enabled with video playback?21:51
nikolambecause newest ps3 type has removed ability to run linux, by SONY..21:52
nikolamzk what player, what version of xubuntu and what graphics driver and hardware?21:52
nikolamthejayjetson, what is model number of your ps3?21:53
zknikolam, vlc xubuntu jaunty 9.04 nvidia gtx 280 with 185 driver21:53
zknikolam, it works ok with compiz so it might be a problem with sync to vblank21:54
nikolamzk how it is doing with open driver only?21:54
zknikolam, i'm using proprietary ones...21:54
zknikolam, should i try open ones?21:55
nikolamI would try to compare on them21:55
nikolamBut closed drivers problems are good to report directly to producer, say nvidia21:55
nikolamThat might be fastest way to fix them21:55
nikolamor/and on lanchpad bug system, too21:56
nikolamAlso some forum aabout nvidia drivers, too21:56
nikolamI used last year of two amd fglrx driver and I know how pain is that21:57
zkwhat are you using as a driver?21:57
nikolamwell closed source amd driver, called fglrx.21:59
zkand it works tearing free ?21:59
zkthe video playback with XFCE compositor21:59
nikolamzk depending on player.. my graphics is low end, integrated with mobo22:00
zkok brb22:00
nikolamI know that driver model has been change since jaunty in kernel and that is why drivers still need some adjustments. feel free to report any glitches22:02
nikolamok, I am rebooting now22:03
vallhalla81can any one help i am having trouble getting my dvb-t from tevion working tryed many forums andd google searches22:26
AryehGregorSomething messed with my dual-monitor setup, and now the panel options don't let me move panels to my primary monitor -- they just stick to my second monitor and don't give a choice of where to move them.  Any ideas, other than "try restarting X"?23:05
AryehGregorI can position windows in the other monitor, but panels refuse to go there.  Even if I set them to freely movable.23:06
TheSheepAryehGregor: try killing the panels and starting them23:12
knomeAryehGregor, right-click panel -> customise -> "select monitor" ?23:53
AryehGregorknome, thanks, but there's no "select monitor".  There usually is, but now there's not.23:54
AryehGregorTheSheep, bingo, thanks.23:55
AryehGregorOnly problem is, now it's running in my terminal window.  How can I get it to detach and run in the background?23:56
knomeAryehGregor, alt+f223:56
AryehGregorOh, clever.  Thanks!23:57
knomenp. hope you enjoy xubuntu23:58

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