
lampliterhey, hoping bzr+eclipse folks around?00:00
lampliterhmm same echo as earlier :-)  fwiw, the docs for bsz-eclipse are seriously out of date.  Eclipse apparently changed the user interface in the plug-ins section00:03
lamplitereither that or I'm wandering around the wrong part of eclipse.  That's been known to happen before.00:04
sorakiui am developing a website on a contract -- i'm a little fuzzy on gplv2 -- can i put the source in a bazaar repository without opening the source code?  i'm using bzr as-is00:10
bob2[IANAL] copyright affects derivative works, your website doesn't derivce from bzr00:11
sorakiuits only if i make changes to bzr the program or link against it that gplv2 applies, right?00:11
sorakiuahh - thx00:11
sorakiui like it so far -- its cool00:11
lifelessbob2: you gotta stop with the I ANAL stuff :P00:12
lampliterthis a family channel even if we are a tad bzr00:14
lifelessI know :)00:15
lifelessIANAL stands for I Am Not A Laywer00:15
lampliterI just thankful he didn't hut a <heart> after the I00:15
bob2and INAA stands for I Need An Adult00:16
lifelessbuts its confusion for folk that don't know the abbreviation, and folk that do don't need the warning (IMO) - only laywers need to declare that they aren't giving legal advice.00:16
lifelessbob2: lol00:16
lampliterI was old when folks started using those abbrevs00:17
lampliterso GOMLYPK00:17
lampliterget off my lawn you punk kids00:18
verteroklampliter: hi00:48
verteroklampliter: what's the issue with bzr-eclipse?00:49
Noldorindoes the bzr smart server still not have its own authentication?00:52
lifelessthat is correct00:53
lifelesswe recommend that you layer it either over ssh or http if authentication is required,00:53
Noldorinlifeless: yeah, that's what i've done at the moment. just makes it a bit of a pain when i want read-only http access00:55
Noldorinto the public00:55
lifelessNoldorin: Indeed; we should make that better. I'll file a bug.00:59
Noldorincheers :)01:00
Noldorinlifeless: how's the 2.0 release coming along btw? i take it this won't get included...01:00
pooliespiv, i'll call you in a minute01:02
spivpoolie: ok01:02
igcpoolie: I'll like a call this morning as well please01:09
pooliecool, i'll call you after01:10
igcpoolie: my 'chat' list is long btw - content filtering, migrations, performance, upgrades, website, docs, packaging, GUIs, etc.01:13
lifelessNoldorin: no chance01:13
lifelessNoldorin: it needs code01:13
Noldorinfair enough01:14
Noldorinplans for the release going well anyway?01:14
igclifeless: I'd like to submit that doc contents tweak you approved to 2.001:14
igclifeless: what's the pqm address?01:14
lifelesssubmit_branch = http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.001:15
lifelesspqm_email = pqm@bazaar-vcs.org01:15
igclifeless: thanks01:15
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lampliterverterok: sorry, debugging vpm probs with mac01:18
verteroklampliter: np01:18
lampliterthank you for paying attention to my request for help01:19
lampliterokay, the problem is the documentation screen shots are out of sync with the current version of eclipse01:19
lampliterI think it's installed properly.  I think I've set up things properly but, I can't figure out how to grab my files from launch pad from eclipse01:19
verteroklampliter: Project new --> Bazaar --> Branch as a new Prokect01:20
verteroklampliter: sorry, that should be: File --> New --> Project --> Bazaar --> Branch as a new Prokect01:21
lampliterI'm using pydev  does that matter?01:21
verteroklampliter: or checkout as a new project01:21
verteroklampliter: no, it shouldn't01:21
verteroklampliter: is your .project and .pydevproject? versioned?01:22
lampliterthey were originally managed by Emacs and command line bzr but my hands broke worse and I'm trying to put speech recognition macros on top of the eclipse user interface01:22
lampliterso, it's making a lot of changes all once01:23
lampliterI'm going to be asking the eclipse people a lot of embarrassing accessibility questions in the relative near future.  :-)01:23
spmlampliter: given I just had an eclipse bug moved into 'triaged' - 3 years after reporting and providing all desired info - don't hold your breath :-)01:27
lampliterhehe well, anyone who uses Python well knows that job is a lot slower.  ;-)01:28
lampliterspeech recognition error, job/Java01:28
spmOh I dunno... job/java sounds perfectly sane to me ;-)01:29
lampliterokay, I have a checkout of my project sitting in my project directory.  Do I want to put my eclipse project in the same place?01:30
spmif I understand your meaning correctly; yes. I personally do this and bzr ignore the eclipse files; but I also use cmdline bzr so ymmv01:32
spms/use/vastly prefer/01:32
lampliterUnderstood.  When my hands aren't too bad shape and am working in Linux, I prefer the command line as well.  But when I'm using speech recognition, I am stuck on Windows01:35
lampliterso I need to build a hand friendly speech driven environment01:35
lampliterso back to my question.  I found I had a copy of my project checked out.  Do I want to just impose the eclipse project environment on top of that or do I want to put the eclipse project in a different location?01:36
lifeless4 bugs to go01:37
lampliterit can't cope with spaces in the path names01:44
lampliterbzr import Wizard can cope with spaces in the path names such as "my documents".  It fails by stripping off the my and then not letting you move forward without saying anything01:44
lampliterI've just spent the past 15 minutes trying to figure out why it couldn't figure out where my project directory was01:45
lampliterit's not your fault.  Microsoft was an idiot for allowing spaces in filenames in the first place01:45
bob2what is "bzr import Wizard"?01:47
lampliteris part of the plug-in for eclipse.  Bazaar Import Wizard01:47
lampliteroh, I also see part of the cognitive problem.  It says the final location to branch from and then has the browse button when it really should be a repository URL.  I'm sorry, my brain is not working right.  It's been a long day01:49
lampliteron the plus side, I got my blood sugar down to 72.  And the fact that I'm channel surfing quite as bad as a sign I should go get something to eat and bring my blood sugar back up a bit01:50
lampliterjoys of being diabetic and still not fully in control01:50
lifelessspiv: is that needing review?02:07
poolieBugs in Bazaar Version Control System <https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bugs?search=Search&amp;field.importance=Critical&amp;field.status=New&amp;field.status=Incomplete&amp;field.status=Confirmed&amp;field.status=Triaged&amp;field.status=In+Progress&amp;field.status=Fix+Committed> -- igc02:09
lifelessI need a teddy bear I think.02:15
lifelessspiv: Up for a call? bug 40265202:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402652 in bzr "smart fetch for --2a does not opportunistically combine groups" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40265202:15
lampliterokay, got a few  more  neurons.  When through and finish the create a project and it failed during the checkout02:19
lamplitershe says "error while executing checkout object of type 'NoneType' has no len()02:20
lampliterI'm guessing something in the authentication/identity area is not set up right02:21
lifelessgrabbing food03:14
lifelesspoolie: if you're done with your other calls; you could ring my mobile ;)03:14
* igc lunch03:15
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lifelesslaksa is just the best thing in the world when one is sniffly03:33
yek401so I know you said bzr join --reference isn't supported.. but is it even functional in any of the dev releases?03:40
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TravisDI am new to bzr (as a warning, mostly). I have a branch on my laptop which i wish to push to a repository on a server I have access to04:28
lifelessis it misbehaving, you are just looking for 'getting started' help ?04:29
TravisDI issue the command bzr push sftp://..., and I get an error, bzr: ERROR (ignored): GraphIndex(', followed by a long URL, followed by bzr: ERROR: Generic path error: ... unable to rename to ...04:29
TravisD(Sorry about breaking that into two messages)04:29
lifelessTravisD: that could be a permission issue04:30
lifelesswhat are the last 3 or so path elements in the error?04:30
lifelessthe bits under 'repository/'04:30
TravisDbzr: ERROR (ignored): GraphIndex('sftp://tdick@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca/~/bzr_projects/SameGameSolver/trunk/.bzr/repository/indices/904bda77bfd1ba65ea5e551d8529329d.rix')04:30
TravisDbzr: ERROR: Generic path error: '482iwleesvd30gra23ql.pack': Failure: unable to rename to '../packs/904bda77bfd1ba65ea5e551d8529329d.pack')04:30
TravisDahh, sorry about the multiline paste -- was not expecting that04:31
lifelessthat looks like you are missing write or execute permission on the packs directory04:31
TravisDas a point of interest, in "SameGameSolver", ls -a shows no .bzr directory04:33
TravisDshould there be one?04:33
lampliterfrom bzr-eclipse -- Executing: checkout lp:akasha C:\Users\esj\workspace\akasha; Error while executing checkout object of type 'NoneType' has no len()04:33
lifelessTravisD: yes, otherwise the writes to create the indices and uploads/pack would have failed04:34
lifelessTravisD: oh sorry04:34
lifelessTravisD: no, there's no need for a repositoriy, use of a separate repository is optional04:35
lifelessthe .bzr under trunk is an in-place repository for just that branch and should work totally fine04:35
TravisDah, I see04:35
TravisDEarlier I issued: bzr init-repo .../SameGameSolver04:35
TravisDwould that not make the .bzr directory?04:35
lifelessyes it would have ;P04:36
TravisDI will try it again :)04:36
TravisDlifeless, this is from a fresh attempt: http://www.pastebin.org/1354304:42
TravisDthis time the .bzr is present as expected04:42
lifelessTravisD: sorry I'm on a phone call04:57
TravisDthats no problem04:58
TravisDlifeless, any ideas?06:03
lifelesslooking now06:04
TravisDthanks :) Sorry to be a pester06:04
lifelessno bother06:04
lifelesswas a longish call06:05
TravisDhaha no problem06:05
lifelessTravisD: that does look like some sort of perm error06:06
lifelesswhat ftp server is it, do you know?06:06
lifelessalso, you don't need the separate 'init' step, just pushing will create a new branch for you06:06
lifelesscould you please file a bug for us to gather data and debug this?06:06
TravisDI don't know the server, unfortunately06:07
TravisDis there a way I can check in an ssh session?06:07
johnjosephbachiri have foo1/file.txt and foo2/file.txt. i want to apply changes made to foo1/file.txt in r5 to foo2 -- is there a slick way to do this, or do i just generate a diff, and apply it on the commandline with patch06:08
lifelessTravisD: ssh -vv host06:08
TravisDOpenSSH_4.6, OpenSSL 0.9.7j 04 May 200606:09
lifelessjohnjosephbachir: are foo1 and foo2 branches?06:09
johnjosephbachirno-- two directories in the same branch06:09
lifelessTravisD: ok, no huge surprises there06:09
lifelessjohnjosephbachir: then just make a diff and apply it06:09
johnjosephbachirlifeless: that seems so 2005, but okay. :)06:09
TravisDlifeless, could a malformed branch on my system cause this kind of error?06:10
TravisDAlso, I think I'm using bzr 1.18, if that makes a difference06:11
TravisD(Just installed Karmic Koala and got it out of the debian repositories)06:11
lifelessTravisD: no, I don't think so06:11
TravisDlifeless, drwxr-xr-x  2 tdick  uofa   2.0K Aug 30 21:37 packs <-- this is the permissions on the packs directory in .bzr/repository/06:12
lifelessTravisD: on the server?06:13
lifelessI dunno.06:14
lifelessI need to pop out for a bit; someone else may be able to help, but I really recommend you file a bug06:14
TravisDsure, how do I do that? haha06:14
TravisDalright :) thanks06:14
lifelessclick on file a bug06:14
poolieigc, i might file that bug about getting it into add/remove?06:18
igcpoolie: sure06:18
igcpoolie: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2009q3/061200.html06:20
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TravisDbug submitted, fairly comprehensive, I think06:29
pooliehttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2009q3/061200.html igc06:32
igcpoolie: did you mean to post a different link to the one I gave you?06:46
pooliei did :)06:46
pooliei actually meant bug 42177806:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421778 in bzr "want Bazaar in Add/Remove Applications and the Applications menu in Ubuntu/Debian/etc" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42177806:46
jmlquick question07:24
jmlI want to move files from one branch to a related branch07:24
jmla non-related branch07:24
lifelessdo you need to take history?07:25
jmllifeless, I'd like to, but only if it's easy to do so07:25
lifeless[note that taking history takes /all/ file histories]07:25
lifelessjml: does that influence your answer07:25
jmllifeless, it does.07:25
jmllifeless, I'll just copy the contents and forget history07:25
lifelessdo you need to take history?07:25
jmlhistory is bunk07:26
vilahi all07:49
poolielifeless: have you hit bug 421804 ever?07:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421804 in launchpad "launchpad ajax steals focus while loading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42180407:54
pooliehello vila07:54
vilahmm, my karmic slave won't complete booting... any magic key during boot to get a root shell ?07:56
lifelesspoolie: it wouldn't surprise08:03
lifelessme to find that I have08:03
lifelesspoolie: on the 2a group combining, I want John's input..08:03
lifelesspoolie: I've asked for it in the bug, and I'm EODing... 'now'08:03
poolieigc, just as feedback "improve documentation bundling" is a poor summary08:03
pooliecompared to say "split documentation bundles by language"08:04
lifelesspoolie: I think I have hit it, yes.08:04
lifelessthe language of the 'This bug affects me too  Edit' message annoys me.08:05
poolieit's a bit better now08:05
lifelessIt doesn't affect my web browser/laptop/launchpad.08:05
lifelessits a bit of a philosophical annoyance08:05
pooliehi vila08:10
pooliehow's stuff?08:11
vilagood, my karmic slave booted finally (I had to threaten it of reinstall, that worked)08:11
poolieheh :)08:11
loxs_wrkhi, will bzr 2 work with bzr 1 branches?08:12
lifelessit will create bzr 2 branches by default08:12
lifelessbut you can read from bzr 1 branches into a bzr 2 branch08:12
loxs_wrkand 1 won't be able to work with bzr 2 branches?08:12
lifeless1.16 and above can08:13
loxs_wrkI see, thanks08:13
lifelesswe will be strongly encouraging people to upgrade08:13
loxs_wrkwell, people will upgrade when distros upgrade :)08:14
loxs_wrklike my distro (gentoo) is already updated08:14
vilalifeless: 'selftest is using atext for some strange reason'.... :-D You really don't know ?08:14
lifelessvila: no, I don't08:15
vilawell, because there is no such thing as setUp/tearDown for TestSuite...08:15
poolieyay gentoo08:15
lifelessfor instance08:15
lifelessvila: but separately, why not do it per test08:16
vilalifeless: correction: there *was* no such...08:16
vilalifeless: I think the rationale was to catch any possible problem in any test (or outside or at the border or... catch'm all...)08:16
vilathat's the most I can recall from the discussion, I think it was with spiv08:17
lifelessvila: right, I'm not saying 'no catcher', just 'per-test' - that makes it cleaner, at the cost of 5 mkdirs08:17
spivI don't recall the specific discussion.08:18
vilathat helped keep the /tmp dir cleaner too (since we often regressed there and also because ctrl-c'ing tends to avoid the atexit)08:18
spivI can imagine using atexit as a hackish solution to that sort of problem.08:19
lifelessvila: Don't feel that I'm attacking you please; I think its a bug that we use atexit, as demonstrated by my bug report.08:20
vilaspiv: I'm pretty sure you're the one annotate will point its finger at for using it in the first place ;-)08:20
vilaOOOh, no problem there !08:20
lifelessvila: if you agree that we can do better, great. If you think we should stay with atext, lets discuss why ;)08:20
vilaI agree we should do better, I was just trying to bring the context back08:20
spivvila: quite possibly :)08:20
vilaI wasn't throwig stones either !08:21
spivvila: it's ok that my memory is poor because we have a vcs to remember stuff for me ;)08:21
vilaspiv: exactly :)08:21
spivBut glancing at the comments on that atexit.register, it does seem to be used because we don't have a good way to know when the TestCaseWithMemoryTransport.TEST_ROOT resource is no longer needed, so atexit is a cheap approximation of what we want.08:22
spivIf it were free to create and destroy that directory with every test that wants it then that would solve the problem.08:23
spivAs would removing the need for that particular safety net :)08:24
spiv(Or if measurement shows that the cost of doing that per test is negligible, let's just do that right now)08:25
viladata point: I just deleted ~200 testbzr directories from my /tmp dir08:29
lifelessvila: so clearly its not working :P08:32
vilaI ctrl-c a lot :)08:33
vilabut that sounds too much08:33
spivCtrl-C shouldn't prevent atexit from triggering, AIUI.08:34
spivBut yes, clearly it is failing to clean up reliably.08:34
vilapoolie: regarding bug #390502, my jaunty slave is using 2a for ~1 week, I intend to migrate the others today08:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390502 in bzr "bzr's development should dogfood format 2a" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39050208:35
vilaThat's not the same as upgrading the lp branches, but stilll a significant test IMHO08:36
pooliethat's good08:37
pooliei'd like to do it soon08:37
* igc diiner08:56
poolievila, i'm going to poke at getting an EC2 for packaging going09:06
vilato replace kerguelen you mean ?09:06
poolievila, can you point me to any good instructions on how to set up a win32 build environment?09:29
lifelessI think sidnei did some09:30
vilajam's brain ?09:30
vilawhat precisely do you want ? compiler/dev tools setup or just buildbot setup ?09:30
pooliethe first09:31
vilathe most recent one I know about is the one robert pointed to ^09:31
vilahttp://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrWin32Installer is the corresponding wiki page09:32
poolieoh it's pretty awful09:32
vilapoolie: yes09:32
vilathe dream setup should be: 1) install bzr.exe, 2) bzr branch lp:bzr-pimp-my-windev, 3) bzr pimp-my-windev 4)....09:34
lifelessvila: you could use a config; that can unpack tars and stff too :P09:35
lifelessbut I think sidnei made it all work via buildout09:35
vilalifeless: we're talking about *installing* the tools, not running the installer build09:36
lifelessvila: I know09:36
vilaand yes, 'pimp-my-win' is a plugin that can untar unzip run installers :-D09:36
vilaand sidnei made an install via buildbot ?09:37
vilanever heard about it...09:37
lifelesshe made nightly windows builds09:38
lifelessdidn't he?09:38
vilayes, they have been integrated in the test farm, they currently run on kerguelen09:38
vilathey rely on kerguelen having all the needed tools already installed09:39
vilatest farm all green by the way (after the necessary fixes for the  week-end related hiccups)09:45
lifelesseven win32?09:45
vilawin32 selftest has been disabled because it (currently) 1) crash with CantCreateThread without reporting the number of failures, 2) run under cygwin (not the primary target)09:47
lifelessoh right09:47
vilaI want a local setup to debug both09:47
poolieCantCreateThread because there are too many leaks?09:49
vilapoolie: That's my best guess yes09:50
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isma_tinbuenos dias a todas/os09:53
spivHmm, the global _page_cache in chk_map interferes with noticing missing data.09:59
spivIt would be less dangerous to cache per-repo rather than globally.  Oh well, I can hack around that...10:00
lifelessjelmer: do you use doap?10:25
thumperthank you to whoever fixed commit --strict not to complain when I say to commit only one file of several changed \o/10:50
lifelessthumper: hmm, 2a? bzr nightly ?10:51
lifeless-might be a bug10:51
thumperI mean it10:51
thumperif I say a file name10:52
thumperdon't bitch about the other changed files10:52
lifelessI'm not offering a value judgemnet :)10:52
lifelessjust saying that the change in behaviour may have been an untested case, and that both the old and new behaviour are not necessarily strictly intentional10:52
lifelessI'm glad you like what its doing now.10:53
lifelesshmmm, I'm writing blog posts that are too long now.11:01
crisbanyone around who can help me with an AIX test problem? just need a few pointers.  its #40574511:05
spivcrisb: it hangs?11:06
spivcrisb: maybe hit SIGQUIT (probably Ctrl-\) and type "bt" and add that to the bug.11:07
spivcrisb: it might be interesting also to run just the HTTP tests without the blackbox tests.11:09
bialixspiv: ping11:09
spivcrisb: e.g. "bzr selftest -s bt.test_http"11:09
spivbialix: pong11:09
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spiv(Although I need to tear myself away from my laptop soon)11:10
bialixspiv: is it known problem with 1.18?11:10
bialixbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for ('odict.html-20011:10
bialix90118140732-dye8mko5bfy12t15-2', 'bialix@ukr.net-20090118142612-vk1ob9k8l58oivi8')")11:10
bialixgot while run command: bzr get lp:bzr-scmproj/0.4.511:10
spivcrisb: (I've added these comments to the bug)11:11
crisbspiv:cheers, just giving it a go now11:12
spivbialix: probably bug 354036, looking now.11:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403611:12
bialixspie: filed my case as https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/42186011:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421860 in bzr "branch error: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for" [Undecided,New]11:14
bialixspiv: ^11:14
spivbialix: yes, it's bug 35403611:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354036 in bzr "ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35403611:15
spivbialix: the fix script attached to 354036 identifies several missing inventories11:16
bialixso it's not fixed?11:16
spivbialix: it is in bzr11:16
bialixoh, it's THAT bug again?11:16
spivbialix: but affected branches in launchpad are hard to fix due to the way Launchpad keeps separate copies for where you push to and where other users read from.11:16
spivSo the fix script fixes it for users that can write to the branch, but not those that can only read from it.11:17
bialixso what I should do?11:17
lifelessbialix: run the fix script11:17
spiva) Run the fix script and get a Launchpad admin to delete the mirrored branch and trigger a fresh mirror from the hosted area, or b) delete/rename the branch on Launchpad entirely and repush :(11:18
lifelessfor a) you could also run the fix script and push something there11:18
lifelessor uncommit, then push the original again after it mirrors the uncommit?11:18
lifelessspiv: 611:19
bialixon my current PC I have no copy of that branch11:19
spivlifeless: that won't cause the missing inventories to get copied across to the mirrored area AFAIK.11:19
lifelessspiv: doesn't matter does it? I thought bzr+ssh read from the main copy...11:19
spivlifeless: if you have write access.11:19
wgrantlifeless: Only if you have write access.11:19
lifelessoh bah11:19
lifelessneed a 'fixme' button11:19
spivlifeless: write access == use hosted area, everyone else == mirrored area.11:19
lifelessbialix: bzr pull nosmart+ , and it will work11:19
* spiv makes some noise on the bug.11:19
lifelessspiv: in the summary please11:20
wgrantWill a tip change not cause the puller to resolve it? Maybe I've previously fixed it with a format change...11:20
wgrant(that causes a full remirror)11:20
lifelesswgrant: yes, format change does full mirror11:21
lifelesstip changes do regular pulls11:21
bialixspiv, lifeless: pull from http source does work11:21
wgrantlifeless: And a regular pull won't fix it?11:22
lifelessno, it won't11:22
crisbspiv: have attached the backtraces (both hang)11:23
bialixspiv: your script hang on Windows11:25
bialixspiv: I told you so many months ago11:25
spivlifeless: done11:25
spivbialix: it's lifeless' script :P11:26
bialixthen lifeless11:26
spivbialix: I'm not sure why it would, I don't see any obvious portability pitfalls in it.11:27
lifelessbialix: does it run into a locking issue?11:27
bialixit prints me: missing inventories(...) and then hang11:27
bialixlifeless: how can I know this?11:27
lifelessbialix: at that point it should be uploading the inventories11:27
lifelessbialix: is there any network traffic11:27
spivAre you running it against Launchpad or a local branch?11:28
lifelessbialix: use Process Explorer11:28
bialixno network traffic11:28
bialixit just hang11:28
bialixand it seems it does the job11:28
bialixand then hang11:28
lifelessvery odd11:28
spivIf you're running it against a remote branch then I have no idea unless there's something about open SSH connections causing the process to never die.11:28
bialixbecause on second run I've got: Missing inventories: set([])11:28
bialixspiv: I should run it against local? why for?11:29
bialixthe problem IS with lp: branch11:29
spivbialix: well, I can imagine some scenarios :)11:29
spivbialix: but just checking assumptions11:29
bialixyeah, ol win people ar dump?11:30
spivNot at all.11:30
spivIf it's local, then the typical locking bugs would have been my first suspect.11:30
bialixspiv: I don't understand the problem and your script, so I'm just using instructions from summary11:30
bialixit said about bzr+ssh11:31
bialixso why I should use it local? my problem with lp only11:31
spivBut because it's network, that seems unlikely, so it I guess it's something about the way it uses the network, e.g. maybe somehow there's a non-daemonic thread created by paramiko.11:31
spivThe bug can apply to local branches too.11:31
spivIt's more unusual to have stacked branches locally, but it does happen.11:32
bialixspiv: because problem solved I have no desire nor time to dig so deep.11:32
bialixspiv, lifeless: thanks11:32
bialixbut it hang11:32
spivbialix: sure.  I'm happy to help debug a bug report, but "it hangs" with no further info rarely leads to a fix :)11:32
Raimwhat should I do if I want to move a subtree into its own repository? fast-export/import?11:32
bialixspiv: I hope it's lat time I've got this error11:33
bialixBug #421860 marked as duplicate11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421860 in bzr "branch error: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42186011:33
spivbialix: I hope so too11:34
bialixRaim: only if you want to filter out history11:34
bialixspiv: but frankly: what kind of details you'd like to have?11:35
spivvila: 405745 sounds like your territory11:35
spivbialix: to debug the hang?  Where it's hung; and what threads are running.11:36
bialixspiv: it's a standalone script, I have no idea how to set BZR_PDB=1 and stop it without KeyboardInterrupt11:36
spivYeah, that's a pain.11:36
bialixwait a sec11:36
Raimbialix: no, I want to keep the full history of this subtree. what should I use then? already tried to find something in the wiki...11:36
spivNormally I'd ask for a traceback from SIGBREAK, but some hacking would be necessary.11:36
bialixRaim: bzr split then11:36
spivBut I guess KeyboardInterrupt would give one.11:36
bialixspiv: on Windows there is no SIGBREAK11:37
spivbialix: oh yes there is :)11:37
lifelessSIGBREAK will kill it though11:37
lifelesswhat you want is11:37
lifelesspython -m pdb script.py11:37
Raimbialix: thanks, that seems to be what I am looking for!11:37
lifelesspython -m pdb script.py URL11:38
bialixspiv, lifeless: there is indeed 2 threads11:38
spivlifeless: (right, but inside bzr SIGBREAK on win32 does what SIGQUIT does on posix)11:38
lifelessspiv: yup; however we're not inside bzr;)11:39
bialixlifeless: -m pdb run it in the pdb11:39
bialixwhat's next?11:39
vilaspiv: ooh, didn't notice the updates on the page, looking at it11:39
lifelessrun it11:39
lifelessand hit ctrl-C once it hangs11:39
spivbialix: ok, and I guess thread2.isDaemon() == False ?11:39
lifelessthat should leave you in pdb11:39
spivbialix: (for future reference, jam and I recently added SIGBREAK support to main bzr, so you can hit Ctrl-Break (IIRC) on windows to get dropped into a pdb prompt)11:40
spivbialix: (unfortuately not helpful for this script)11:40
bialixf*** pdb does not understad backslashes11:40
bialixlifeless, spiv: http://pastebin.com/m2ff2370611:41
bialixpdb is not much help11:41
bialixspiv: this does not work on WIndows11:42
bialixCtrl+Break simply stops the script11:42
vilaspiv: humpf, hang on *server* close !11:42
spivbialix: it stops the script, but not bzr11:42
bialixot does not matter11:42
spivbialix: try "bzr log lp:bzr", and hit Ctrl-Break11:43
bialixit just kill bzr or script11:43
spivbialix: it's a handy trick to have11:43
bialixmaybe it's  FAR use Ctrl+Break11:43
spivjam definitely tested it :)11:43
* bialix trying11:44
bialixit works now11:44
bialixwith log11:44
spivbialix: anyway, with that pdb prompt from the script, please try:11:44
bialixbut I'm sure in most situation it just kill the process and all11:44
spivimport threading11:45
spivpp [t.daemon for t in threading]11:45
spivbialix: yep, in most situations it does, but for bzr we've set it to drop into pdb instead :)11:45
spiv(bzrlib.breakin has the magic)11:46
bialix*** TypeError: TypeError("'module' object is not iterable",)11:46
spivOh, oops:11:46
spivpp [t.daemon for t in threading.enumerate()]11:46
spivThat's what I get for typing untested code into IRC :(11:46
bialix*** AttributeError: AttributeError("'Transport' object has no attribute 'daemon'",)11:46
spivThat's a weird error.  I guess pdb isn't very good with list comprehensions.11:47
spivOk, just "pp threading.enumerate()"11:47
maxbbzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('overwrite', 'new-27', u'branch-format'), ('overwrite', 'new-29', u'branch-lock'), ('overwrite', 'new-34', u'README'), ('overwrite', 'new-9', u'.bzr')]       <---- umm, eek! What is bzr trying to tell me?11:47
bialix[<paramiko.Transport at 0x15d4150L (cipher aes128-cbc, 128 bits) (active; 1 open channel(s))>,11:48
bialix <_MainThread(MainThread, started)>]11:48
spivpp threading.enumerate()[0]11:48
bialix<paramiko.Transport at 0x15d4150L (cipher aes128-cbc, 128 bits) (active; 1 open channel(s))>11:48
spivpp threading.enumerate()[0].daemon11:48
bialix*** AttributeError: AttributeError("'Transport' object has no attribute 'daemon'",)11:49
spivpp threading.enumerate()[0].isDaemon()11:49
spiv(hope springs eternal)11:49
spivOk, it is the paramiko thread, as I speculated.11:49
spivI'm not sure why that would be different for the script vs bzr.11:50
bialixpdb-over-irc in action!11:50
spivYeah.  Painful :)11:50
spivBut it gets there in the end.11:50
bialixI think it should be in Standard Python library11:50
bialixspiv: I think bzr does not use threads?11:51
spivNormally not.11:51
spiv"bzr serve" does.11:51
spivAnd dependencies like paramiko sometimes do.11:52
bialixso this is difference between script and bzr11:52
bialixor not11:52
bialixdo you want me other testing?11:52
* bialix bbiab11:53
spivbialix: no, I want dinner :)11:53
spivI can't really see why a script would behave differently to bzr here.11:54
spivOh, ugh, garbage collection.11:55
spivNormally a __del__ triggers the disconnect method.11:55
* bialix back11:55
spivI have no idea why the script is *less* likely to allow that to happen.11:55
spivPerhaps "del b" at the end of the script would do it.11:56
bialixscript does os.exit11:56
spivOr perhaps putting the Branch.open line inside main would.11:56
spivOh yeah, that's right, the 'bzr' script does do os._exit, which would conveniently sidestep the problem of daemon threads.  Heh.11:57
spivThat probably does explain it.11:57
spivEither that, or the fact that the open branch object is a module global in the main script might.11:57
* bialix trying11:58
bialixdoes not help11:58
bialixhang anyway11:58
spivSheesh, rather.11:58
bialixafter moving b into main() and del b in finally11:58
spivNot sure why it's not gc'd.11:59
spivTry "import gc; gc.collect(); print gc.garbage" at the end of the script.11:59
bialixnon-daemon threads never11:59
bialixon windwos11:59
bialixand in my programs it's always problem11:59
spivThere's a __del__ that normally takes care of this thread.11:59
bialixso in my multi-threaded programs I'm always force daemon mode11:59
spivSure, but this thread is supposed to be stopped by the normal garbage collection.12:00
spiv(I mean, __del__ is evil and should die, but that's a separate matter...)12:00
bialixI dunno12:01
spiv(And really, this __del__ could be replaced by a weakref callback, which would be more reliable)12:01
bialixspiv: I think I'd better stop here. Enjoy your dinner, I'm going to lunch12:01
poolievila, hi, still here?12:01
spivbialix: ok.  Thanks for digging into this mystery.12:01
pooliehi spiv :)12:01
bialixI hope it was helpful12:01
spivpoolie: hello, goodbye ;)12:01
spivbialix: it was12:01
bialixpoolie: pretty awful?12:02
spivbialix: it's nice to slowly get closer to understanding mysteries :)12:02
vilapoolie: yup12:02
pooliegood night, i'm just trying to catch ... vila12:02
pooliebialix: the instructions to set up a win32 build environment seem complicated12:02
bialixspiv: thanks12:02
pooliethat's not the fault of their authors12:02
bialixpretty or awful? ;-)12:02
* bialix really wanna lunch12:03
poolievila, see PM12:03
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bialix-lunchpoolie: maybe you don't trust, but I've tried to simplify things12:03
bialix-lunchthough cog must die today12:04
pooliehopefully soon we'll have a machine image that people can use to test it12:04
* bialix-lunch don't think it complicated12:04
crisbspiv: seems to be hanging while doing setattr during close on the socket12:10
Raimis there a way to preview the diff of shelved changes?12:14
RaimI mean, without applying them12:14
RaimI ran into a state where the shelved changes cannot be applied again... "bzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-1'"12:15
vilacrisb: as commented in the bug, the close comes after a shutdown()....12:23
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bialixRaim: I don't find the way, maybe unshelve --dry-run -v does?12:27
Raimbialix: unfortunately not12:27
bialixif it's not I'd suggest to file a bug and ensure abentley will see it.12:28
vilacrisb: still there ?12:34
crisbvila: yep sorry, was just trying out some simple python socket stuff to check it was ok12:39
vilacrisb: great, and the answer is ?12:40
crisbvila: cant get it to happen with just a simple listen/accept/shutdown/close program12:40
vilaright, so close() shouldn't hand after shutdown() sounds like a valid assumption to you ?12:41
crisbvila: yeah, as far as I know its good to do shutdown before close :)12:42
vilacrisb: so back to my first question: Is that behaviour new or are you trying selftest for the first time under AIX ?12:44
crisbvila:think its been that way ever since i've been building bzr on aix..12:45
vilacrisb: well, I kind of prefer  that :-/12:45
crisbvila: however since I started doing my bzr for unix page I wanted to get the selftests working. (i've never had any problems with general usage of bzr on aix - but I dont do much http serving stuff)12:46
vilacan you re-rerun 'bzr selftest -s bt.test_http -v' and attach  the result to check what tests pass before the hanging one ?12:47
vilacrisb: You have my strong sympathy for doing that and I hope I can help you succeed in making the full test suite running there12:47
vilacrisb: keep in mind though that selftest is a very special case when in comes to hanging threads, bzr is normally run as a client XOR a sever12:48
vilaand there are some gremlins in python related to the socket stack when using multiple threads AND having clients doing weird stuff with servers AND servers trying to kick clients when they do weird stuff :)12:50
crisbvila: :)12:50
crisbvila: plus the fact that AIX is a great example of 'old IBM' :)12:51
crisbie. hmmm everyone does it like this.....lets do it OUR way12:51
vilai.e. it's very unfortunate that *you* can't (yet !) use the test suite to get confidence that stuff works, but this bug... smells just like that12:51
vilawell, bzr is supposed to shielded by python for those grey areas :D12:52
crisbvila: have to admit I've built python too !12:52
vilacrisb: do you think you used controversial settings ?12:53
crisbvila: not really.  few patches for aix weirdness of building shared libraries, but nothing really naughty.12:54
vilacrisb: do you have ssl support ?12:54
crisbvila: i do12:55
vilacan you re-rerun 'bzr selftest -s bt.test_http -v' and attach  the result to check what tests pass before the hanging one ?12:55
vilaattach to the bug for the record I mean12:56
crisbvila: done12:58
vilarats, all my bets are off so far, I was more or less hoping to see pycurl there :-/12:59
vilaThis test does really.... nearly nothing, start the server, stop the server, nobody connects13:00
crisbvila: sorry will have to continue later..gf is kicking me out ;)13:00
vilacrisb: last thing !13:00
vilacrisb: what you can try is: 'bzr selftest -s bt.test_http --list >all.tests'13:01
vilaand from there use: 'bzr selftest --load all.tests' deleting all hanging tests as you encounter them....13:01
vilathat may give us more hints...13:01
vilacrisb: when you're back :-)13:01
crisbvila: aha - will do :)13:01
vilacrisb: ^13:01
vilacrisb: thanks !13:01
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maxbIs there any way to be notified when a pull results in *tags* being transferred?15:07
maxbIf you "bzr branch -r some_earlier_revision", the new branch will include all tags from the parent, even ones pointing at revisions that it does not have ..... bug?15:28
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garyvdmHi jam.17:02
jamhi garyvdm17:02
ctrlsofthi garyvdm, jam17:02
ctrlsoftjam: thanks for the review!17:03
jamhey jelmer. Surprised to see your other nick17:03
jamctrlsoft: nice to have you back, too :)17:03
garyvdmI got qlog using KnownGraph. I did not result in a performance increase. :-)17:04
jamgaryvdm: well, if you are using stuff like "branch.iter_merge_sorted_revisions()" before, that has already been taught to use KnownGraph under the covers17:04
ctrlsoftheh, at the current pace of development it's hard to catch up with even two weeks of changes :-)17:05
jamI don't really know what you do directly, versus indirectly17:05
jamIt also depends on if the bottleneck is in the Qt portions, versus the bzr loading portions.17:05
garyvdmjam: .iter_merge_sorted_revisions is a big portion17:06
garyvdmabout 50% of the load time17:06
garyvdmSo I am going to peruse just loading the mainline first, and there rest of the graph when the expands a node.17:06
garyvdm*when the user..17:06
garyvdmAnd when bzr can store the gdfo, then I will make it only load the bits of the graph needed.17:07
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trondnwhy do bzr upgrade leave a backup.bzr directory in my repository ?19:13
beunotrondn, in case you need to revert19:14
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beunoif something breaks, etc19:14
trondnwell, if bzr upgrade succeeds, why do I want to revert?19:15
trondnseems to me that I should create a clone before trying to upgrade if I wanted to revert...19:15
beunotrondn, it's a fantastic question19:15
beunoI'm an advocate of removing the backup dir once it has upgraded19:16
beunobut some developers feel that we may get into a situation where things fail, and the dir gets deleted anyway, leaving you with data loss19:16
trondnwell I wouldn't try upgrade on my master repository without having a backup first...19:17
trondnpretty much the same they tell you to when you upgrade your os ;)19:17
beunoyeah, I've been nagging to at least have an --delete-after-upgrade option19:17
tbradshawhello, is it appropriate to ask end-user questions about bzr in here?  Or, perhaps, should all questions be asked on launchpad?19:53
LarstiQtbradshaw: that's appropriate19:54
tbradshawI'm having issues where I'm trying to commit to a svn branch, and it's informing me that my svn version is out of date, when that doesn't appear to be the case:19:56
tbradshawof note, I'm on OSX19:57
LarstiQtbradshaw: is subvertpy compiled against that svn though?19:57
tbradshawHmmm, good point and likely not19:58
tbradshawI'm pretty sure that I just fetched the OSX latest binaries from the bzr site19:58
tbradshawI'll confirm19:58
LarstiQtbradshaw: so, with an svn working copy, the data structures system svn 1.6 stores may not be readable by subvertpy libsvn 1.519:59
LarstiQtbradshaw: one option is to bzr branch, commit in that, push20:00
tbradshawForgive my naivety, I'm a bit new at bzr20:00
LarstiQavoids having to muck with svn working copy formats20:00
LarstiQtbradshaw: np20:00
tbradshawI had attempted to follow the instructions to do just that.20:00
tbradshawthese: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html#using-a-central-repository-mirror20:00
tbradshawand I was a bit surprised when a commit immediately triggered a push20:01
LarstiQthe commands listed there can't get you in the situation you're in20:02
tbradshawno, I'm wrong20:02
tbradshawI followed my history20:02
tbradshawand I used "checkout" instead20:02
LarstiQtbradshaw: what does `bzr info` say in the branch you tried to commit in?20:02
LarstiQtbradshaw: right, that makes more sense20:02
tbradshawI'll get a fresh branch made and give it another shot20:03
tbradshawthanks for your time LarstiQ, I appreciate it. :)20:03
LarstiQtbradshaw: let me know how things work out :)20:04
tbradshawI will!20:04
lifelessmoin moin20:08
lifelessjam: hi20:08
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lifelessjam: ping20:26
tbradshawLarstiQ: while I did end up with a different workflow, the core issue didn't resolve20:45
tbradshawit appears that the bzr 1.17 disk image provided for Mac OSX is insufficient for now. :(20:46
LarstiQtbradshaw: hmm20:48
tbradshawLarstiQ: would you be familiar with the differences in the osx disk images?  For instance, would you expect some sort of incompatibility with using an image intended for an older version of OSX?20:51
tbradshawit appears that the 10.4 images are kept very up to date20:51
tbradshawin comparison with 10.520:52
tbradshawhmmm, I guess those are unstable anyway20:52
tbradshawI'll try reinstalling, just in case it does any rebuilding that could resolve this for me20:53
LarstiQtbradshaw: I'm not really familiar with them, no20:54
tbradshawperhaps I can just rebuild subvertpy21:00
ronnywhere is jelmer?21:02
ctrlsoftback from vacation as of yesterday!21:02
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ronnyim tring to allocate all the guys from the different svn interaction projects in order to get a single svn history analysis lib that can deal with most of the broken fucked up svn repos out there21:03
ronny(kida selfish, i need such a thing for anyvc)21:04
ronnyand meh, i dont want yet another one, svn is pain enough on its own21:05
jelmercan you explain a bit better what you're looking for exactly?21:06
jelmerbzr-svn has functionality for this, but it makes assumptions about the sort of history changes that can happen and honors bzr-svn-specific revision/file properties to cope with things that can't be represented in svn natively21:06
ronnyjelmer: i want something that can view messed up svn histories (unfortunately those exist all over the place) as something semilar to a dvcs dag21:07
jelmerronny: so, subvertpy could take care of some of this but it would need hooks in various places so bzr-svn can still do its magic21:07
ronny(and i'd like the possibility to dump enough metadata at svn to make it easyly usable by stuff like hgsubversion and bzrsvn)21:07
lvhI'm using Packs 6 (uses btree indexes, requires bzr 1.9)21:33
lvhis updating to 2a a good idea?21:33
beunolvh, yes. Major performance wins, and some space savings as well21:33
beunokeep in mind, you'll need to upgrade all your branches21:33
lvhOkay. It is in a state that I can expect my repos to not be eaten?21:34
beunoyes it is  :)21:34
lvhWell, it's a branch of twisted21:34
lvhIn that case i need to wait for them to move to 2a21:34
lvhbeuno: Thanks for the quick answer :-)21:34
ronnylifeless: on a sidenode, for me bzr something is still constantly at least 0.2 seconds slower than hg something (usually 0.4-0.5 vs 0.2-0.3 seconds) when will that be fixed (cause its the difference between noticable to my attention span)21:37
lifelessronny: it'll be 0.1 faster or so if you run with --no-plugins I suspect ;)21:38
ronnylifeless: i got tonns of plugins on hg and none of bzr21:39
lifelessronny: how long does 'time bzr --no-plugins info' take21:40
ronnybzr v 1.18, old format branch21:42
ronnyit takes about 0.1 seconds less outside of a bzr dir21:42
ronnyit goes down 0.3 after the caches are hot21:42
lifelessso how long?21:44
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ronnyon a small vellum branch21:45
lifelessthats just info, no -v21:46
ronnylifeless: just info21:48
lifelessso this is basically your lower bound for bzr on your machine21:50
ronnylifeless: its a laptop21:50
lifelessnow try with 'time bzr --no-plugins info'21:50
ronnyand no sdd21:50
lifelessronny: its not IO, not once the cache is hot21:50
lifelessinfo doesn't write21:50
lifelessbzr plugins21:51
lifelessI bet you have 2 or 3 installed21:51
ronnylaunchpad, netrc_credential_store, qbzr21:52
zsquarepluschttp://bazaar-vcs.org/Scenarios has some empty pages, like "Share common versioned code (e.g. standard utilities) between multiple projects" is there some other documentation about this?21:52
lifelessso, I'd like to make the overhead of loading code lower21:53
lifelessbut its so far proved fairly resistant to cheap fixes21:53
lifelesszsquareplusc: doc.bazaar-vcs.org has a comprehensive user guide21:53
ronnylifeless: my lower bounds for hg are around:21:54
ronnylifeless: and thats with with 14 extensions21:55
lifelessronny: yes, hg's code is extremely pithy21:55
ronny'pithy' ?!21:55
ronnyi quite like it, most of the anyvc stuff for hg was done in fractions of the time i needed for bzr21:56
jelmer       adj : concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments";21:56
jelmer             "the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which21:56
jelmer             Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen [syn: {sententious}]21:56
ronnyjelmer: ah, thanks21:56
lifelessronny: pithy - small, compact.21:57
jelmerronny: that's mainly dependent on what you're familiar with though, I suspect21:57
ronnylifeless: but that quite fits the most important rule 'to be fast, do less'21:57
ronnyjelmer: well, hg is something i can keep i my head as whole, bzr isn't21:58
ronnyand that results in a direct massive productivity gain21:59
jelmerronny: I'm working on bzr-hg and for me it's the other way around21:59
ronnyhg's model is absolutely simple21:59
ronnyyou got a store of revlogs, some represent files, then there is the manifest, and the changelog,22:00
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ronnyone of the thing that might be bugging is stuff like infering directory-renames22:01
lifelessronny: so its bzr's: you have a byte store, files, inventories & commits.22:01
ronnyi came to the conclusion that cimplex inventories are no real gain22:02
ronnythey never catch the intresting details22:02
ronnycause thats file-level refactorings22:02
ronnylifeless: bzr's model is not that appearant from how one codes for it22:03
jelmerronny: where are inventories significantly different from manifests?22:03
ronnyjelmer: i think the main difference is dont care about directories22:04
ronnyalso there is no inode id maping22:04
jelmerronny: inode id mapping?22:04
ronny(god how i hate that path2id stuff on memorytrees)22:04
ronnyjelmer: another issue with bzr is, all those inheritance tres that distribute meanings across the whole source tree22:15
ronnyjelmer: btw, whats driving you to do bzr-hg, and whats missing to make a hg-bzr as well?22:17
jelmerronny: being able to "bzr branch hg://foo" and natively push/pull hg repo's22:19
jelmerI'm not sure what would be necessary for a hg-bzr22:20
zsquarepluscdon't you get that for free then? when you can push to empty hg repo you have the conversion?22:20
zsquareplusclifeless: is scrolled through the contents of the user guide but i don't see anything about that topic.22:21
ronnyjelmer: from the bzr codebase side, is there any diffence to it where the bzr repos are?22:21
ronnyjelmer: i think the only thing really missing is some quick wraper around hg's localrepo22:21
zsquarepluscis there a workflow that helps where svn:externals are used in the other VCS?22:21
lifelesszsquareplusc: not currently22:22
lifelesszsquareplusc: we haven't finalised our equivalent to externals, they aren't supported today. You can use an external tool, such as config-manager, instead.22:22
zsquarepluscbut is it possible to to a bzr checkout of one branch within an other? running ci/update etc on the "sub repo" would be to bad22:23
lifelessis the workflows stuff you were asking about22:23
lifelessyou can checkout Foo ; cd foo; checkout bar22:23
lifelessthat works fine, you just have to commit bar and foo separately22:23
zsquarepluscok :-)22:24
ronnyjelmer: my ideal goal would be to have n-way integration between all reasonable vcs's on anyvc, but thats pretty much a pipedeam for now22:26
lifelessjelmer: hi22:30
lifelessjelmer: is bzr-svn supporting concurrent access to the same svn /repo/ ?22:30
jelmerlifeless: as much as svn itself is22:35
lifelessjelmer: in #twisted, a sqlite3 operationalerror was encountered by exarkun22:36
jelmerlifeless: ah22:36
lifelesspushing and pulling at the same time to svn22:36
jelmerlifeless: using tdb should work around that22:36
jelmerronny: in that regard anyvc provides the same sort of abstraction as bzr does22:38
ronnyjelmer: i thing bzr's abstractions are layered a bit weird, a vcs shoudl be a vcs first, not a abstraction lib22:40
pooliehello jelmer, welcome back22:57
pooliehello jam?22:58
lifelessmorning mr poolie ;)22:58
jamhi poolie23:03
pooliehi, shall we talk?23:05
jampoolie: yeah, can you call the house? I just got the new laptop so not everything is set up yet.23:05
pooliesorry, sound troubles...23:09
lifelessjam: whats the new laptop?23:43
jamlenovo t50023:45
jam2.8GHz cpu, 3GB ram, etc23:46
lifelesshmm fastexport-hg is kinda slow23:47
lifelessabout 5revs a sec23:47
lifelessjam: when you are around, I want to talk realtime about this23:53
lifelessgrouping issue23:53

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