
EagleScreen_we need a sustitude for krec http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy-updates/krec00:04
neversfeldeRiddell: evening, we need a place for koffice beta before we do upgrade tests for jaunty 4.3.100:06
Riddellneversfelde: can you create a new PPA under kubuntu-ppa?  call it "beta"00:07
neversfeldeRiddell: I can't find an option to do it, probably only admins or team owners are allowed00:08
Riddellneversfelde: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta voila00:10
Riddellneversfelde: you should be able to just copy the koffice2 packages across00:10
neversfeldeRiddell: thanks, I move koffice there00:10
lex79I already moved it in experimental btw00:10
Riddellmake sure you copy the binaries too00:10
neversfeldethey are moved and deleted in the other ppas00:15
neversfeldewe should probably announce the koffice packages00:28
neversfelderyanakca: would you do it?00:28
ryanakcaneversfelde: Sure, where are they?00:55
neversfelderyanakca: in the new backports beta ppa00:55
ryanakcaneversfelde: OK00:58
neversfeldethank you00:58
ryanakcaRiddell: How would you recommend I get the more drastic changes to the website done (ex, changes to the layout, etc.)... is taking the website offline for an hour or so (well, make it a few so that we have breathing room) reasonable so that we can make the changes, or should I try to get the sysadmins to setup a testsite that they can just migrate the changes to the real site?01:00
ryanakcaneversfelde: is it on archive.u.c for karmic too?01:01
neversfelderyanakca: no, there are packages for karmic and jaunty in the ppa. It won't make it in karmic01:02
ryanakcaneversfelde: and what's special about these packages? Is it the final release for KOffice2 or are they just now available for testing or ?01:05
neversfelderyanakca: koffice 2.1 beta1 for testing01:05
ryanakcaCan someone please re'ack bug 421061 ?01:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421061 in frescobaldi "Sync frescobaldi 0.7.13-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42106101:06
ryanakcaneversfelde: OK01:06
JontheEchidnaryanakca: re-acked01:12
* JontheEchidna is glad to see that he doesn't have to reconfigure his printer after each reboot anymore01:13
ryanakcaneversfelde: Done... give the cache a second or two...01:13
neversfelderyanakca: thank you01:14
Trouble-Isn't the details of the Jaunty PPA wrong in the KOffice 2.1 beta news?01:28
ryanakcaTrouble-: yes, thanks01:39
Trouble-np :)01:40
ryanakcaTrouble-: fixed01:41
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: Thanks :)03:21
* spstarr is coming to the point of snapping on Fedora and sh*ty yum04:24
spstarrI want my apt back NOW04:24
nixternalgimme my apt!!!04:26
nixternalspstarr: I am working on some stuff for Yum now for a company....you get used to it after a while04:26
spstarrdowngrading with yum? forget it04:26
spstarrnixternal: http://www.sh0n.net/spstarr/yum-horror.txt04:27
spstarrim getting very close to coming back 'home' to debian/kubuntu04:27
nixternalya dude, dep hell big time04:28
spstarrthis time, kubuntu but im caught cause my radeon GPU works in Fedora but not other distros.. unless i manually compile Mesa/libdrm/ddx04:28
spstarrnixternal: im sick of it, im so close to snapping and just reinstalling with kubuntu karmic04:28
nixternalI have had that problem as well...and funky enough, it is/was with openssl :)04:28
spstarrat least i can upgrade to the next kubuntu development from apt04:29
spstarrnixternal: haha04:29
spstarrnixternal: notice it wants to REMOVE everything04:29
nixternalI am trying to remember the package I was working on...I was like, damn, don't need this for this appliance, it takes up space...let me get rid of it...NOPE! it uninstalled pretty much everything04:29
nixternalit was for another company I was working for04:29
nixternalwe used centos which is the same garbage04:30
spstarrmaybe my horror with RPM will come to and RSN04:30
spstarrnixternal: im serious, im fed up, i want to come home04:37
Riddellryanakca: taking the website down for an hour or so is fine with me08:48
agateauRiddell: I have been told that kmail package is missing the ui to enable/disable indicators10:36
agateauRiddell: It seems the package is lacking the last patch10:36
agateauRiddell: can you have a look at this?10:36
Riddellagateau: these are the patches http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/kdepim/ubuntu/files/head%3A/debian/patches/kubuntu-message-indicator/10:54
agateauIt's a different list from what I posted on my people page10:55
agateaufor some reason, they are shifted by 110:55
agateau(your 0002 is my 0001)10:55
agateauand you are lacking my 0005, which adds the configuration ui10:56
Riddellok I'll update those10:56
jussi01yay for kde microblog plasma widget being borke.... :/11:10
davmor2jussi01: no never I don't believe you :P11:16
jussi01davmor2: shush now :P11:17
jussi01davmor2: Ive it configed fro twitter, but it leaves the configure buttone active on top of it, which is kinda annoying11:18
davmor2jussi01: I think I bugged that ages ago I at least told Riddell if not :)11:18
davmor2jussi01: also it doesn't display other peoples posts only your own :)11:19
jussi01davmor2: ahh, I only just got to karmic now, hence I noticed it11:19
jussi01So is it just me or is open office in kde lacking icons?11:34
* jussi01 thinks theres a few bugs to reports here...11:34
Riddellwait for 4.3.1 to see what's fixed there11:42
jussi01Riddell: ahh, ok. can you tell me when thats due? (of course I can look myself, but if you know quickly thats appreciated)11:44
ScottKjussi01: Tuesday11:44
jussi01ahh, k. thanks ScottK11:45
Riddellwe'll probably upload tonight11:47
ScottKRiddell: I did talk about it at the release team meeting on Friday, so people know it's coming.11:47
Riddellyeah saw that thanks11:48
jussi01Riddell: excellent. thanks a lot.11:50
* jussi01 is looking forward to it, there are a lot of bugs still in the current karmic (expected of course, but itll be great to see them getting fixed)11:51
jussi01also, real quick question, is there a reason the old koffice is still available in karmic?11:55
davmor2ScottK: I'm mostly testing wubi today unfortunately ubiquity appears to be crashing at the end.  Will test kne-wubi on my netbook shortly11:55
ScottKThanks davmor2.11:55
davmor2ScottK: 2 days to install and update xp and it runs so slow :(11:56
davmor2oh and the official atheros xp driver only supports wep and not wpa :)  but xp is better than linux right :D11:57
Riddelljussi01: the koffice devs don't want 2.0 in main11:59
jussi01Riddell: is there a reason koffice needs to be in main though?12:00
ScottKjussi01: On the dvd.12:01
jussi01ScottK: ahh, ok.12:01
jussi01Itlle be interesting to see what gets fixed in 4.3.1 as neither koffice, koffice kde4 or open office are currently in a close to usable state.12:03
Riddellopen office works fine12:03
Riddell4.3.1 won't touch any of those12:03
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
jussi01Riddell: it does? hrm, my upgrade mustve borked something...13:04
jussi01I have  no icons, and several other UI inconsistencies...13:05
ScottKI've seen icon issues in other apps too (Quassel)13:17
SputScottK: that still seems to be kubuntu problem though... maybe KDE's icon cache is stale after you stopped installing the icons we ship?13:18
SputI've had bad experiences with KDE's icon caching before :)13:19
jussi01remind me how to refresh the icon cache?13:23
ghostcubeupdate-icon-cache ?13:25
ghostcubeits definetly an update-*13:25
jussi01No command 'update-icon-cache' found, did you mean:13:25
jussi01 Command 'update-icon-caches' from package 'libgtk2.0-bin' (main)13:25
ghostcubeoh missed  an s but it was very close hehe13:25
jussi01I dont really want to install libgtk2.0-bin if I can help it...13:26
Sputjussi01: wouldn't help either13:26
Sputyou gotta remove the cache file somewhere in your .kde413:26
ghostcubehola i must remember this i have icon probs too and was wondering why13:28
Sputwell, who knows if it helps with your problems :)13:28
Sputcertainly helped with mine, but I'm not a kubuntu user13:28
jussi01since when did we have a.kde4 anymore?13:28
ghostcubehmm i dont have the restart icon if an krnel is new or some others13:28
Sputjussi01: ...or wherever you guy have your $kdehome13:28
* jussi01 hugs Sputand says thanks :)13:29
Sputjussi01: did it work?13:29
jussi01got to test, work right this sec, brb13:29
davmor2ScottK: Install inside windows option is still missing from the wubi install.  I'm going to see if it is down to the drive space left being too small13:32
davmor2ScottK: no not showing up on a real xp pc either so one for evand when he gets back I think :(13:34
ScottKOK.  Thanks for testing13:34
davmor2ScottK: I'll have a look at a full install latter if I get the time if not then tomorrow to prep for alpha513:35
* ScottK nods13:36
ScottKSput: Clearing cache didn't help and AFAIK it's just the quassel channel icons in the 'chat' list.13:42
SputScottK: you have stopped installing our icons for rc1, right?13:42
ScottKI did.13:42
Sputok, should still work of course13:43
Sputexcept they're missing from your oxygen somehow13:43
ScottKBut I did a test build where I put those back and it didn't help.13:43
Sputdid it still work in the packages you had before?13:43
ScottKI didn't try that.13:43
Sputwell, you probably would've noticed :)13:43
ScottKIt does work with the same package built on Jaunty.13:43
ScottKBut I'm shipping your icons in that one.13:44
ScottKSo it's officially weird.13:44
SputScottK: so maybe check your installation for /usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions/irc-*13:44
Sputdo the icons work in the toolbar?13:44
ScottKGotta turn it back on ...13:45
Sputthat makes it even weirder :)13:46
Sputso looks like only 16x16 is missing13:46
Sput(the toolbar uses larger ones)13:46
ScottKExcept they are present.13:46
ScottK/usr/share/icons/oxygen/16x16/actions$ ls irc-*13:47
ScottKirc-close-channel.png  irc-join-channel.png  irc-operator.png  irc-remove-operator.png  irc-unvoice.png  irc-voice.png13:47
Sputoh... wait13:47
Sputjust saw something confusing13:47
ScottKAlso they render fine with gwenview, so I don't think it's a corrupt icon problem.13:48
Sputwe have irc-channel-active in the code13:48
Sputnow I wonder two things: why does it work here, and why did I pick that name?13:48
jussi01Sput: isnt irc-channel-active the one for the blue "active" chans?13:50
ScottKjussi01: One isn't provided by that name either in Quassel's Oxygen icons nor in KDE's.13:50
jussi01maybe that was nuno's original name? (guessing now...)13:51
SputScottK: it's provided in Quassel's icons in fact, but not in KDE13:53
Sputnow I remember, it's slightly modified icons that Nuno never put in Oxygen for some reason13:53
Sput(prolly because we didn't poke him hard enough)13:53
ScottKI don't see it at 16x16 in my rc1 tarball?13:54
SputScottK: in status/ rather than actions/13:54
ScottKSo I need to ship that one.13:54
SputI'll have a stab at the build system later today13:54
Sputwe actually have a -DWITH_OXYGEN option in cmake13:55
Sputbut never use it :)13:55
ScottKWell for now I can adjust my build system to ship those.13:55
Sputsorry for the confusion, I didn't remember that we still had some icons not in upstream KDE13:56
SputScottK: basically you want to ship all the icons in icons/oxygen_quassel13:57
Sputthose contain the tray animation as well13:57
ScottKI don't have that.  I have hicolor, import, and oxygen under icons.13:58
SputI think I'm going to make that clearer, move oxygen_quassel to oxygen and the things we import from kde to oxygen_kde, and allow for a build flag that doesn't install the KDE ones13:58
Sputinteresting :)13:58
Sputaha, now I remember that other little details13:59
Sputthey're in git, but not in the tarballs13:59
Sputwell, I'm gonna fix this somehow. for now, status/ and animations/ should be shipped13:59
ScottKSput: All of animations or just the irc* ones?14:14
SputScottK: there should be only quassel_tray* ones?14:14
Sputif I'm not mistaken again :)14:14
ScottKSput: Right.  Meant actions.14:14
Sputthe irc-channel-* ones from status14:15
Sputshould be sufficient14:15
ScottKerr status14:15
ScottKGot that set up.14:15
Sputyou also might want to have apps/quassel_inactive14:16
davmor2ScottK: obvious question but one I think you'll get lots of bug reports for how do I shut kne down?14:16
ScottKSput: I ship all the ones with quassel in the file name.14:16
SputScottK: ah ok.14:16
ScottKdavmor2: Touch the power button and you should get the logout/shutdown/restart dialogue14:16
davmor2ScottK: I know but I can see lots of bug reports coming from it.  I can see a lot of people looking for the off button :)14:19
ScottKdavmor2: We have one already.  On the TODO.14:19
davmor2ScottK: I figured it would be :)14:19
ScottKAlthough I'm very tempted to keep it the way it is.14:20
ScottKI netbook isn't meant to me just like a big computer.14:20
davmor2ScottK: I think you would miss new user market if you did.  Too many people are used to hitting windows/shutdown or of course the linux equivalent in order to shutdown their machine14:22
SputAlt+F2 -> "shutdown" -> Enter14:23
Sputclicking things is so KDE314:23
ScottKTouch power button.14:24
ScottKHit enter14:25
ghostcubeclicking things is so ... normal14:25
ghostcubei didnt know we had biolocical interface settings owadays14:26
davmor2ScottK: that logs you out :P14:27
ScottKWhich doesn't, last I checked, work with Intel and kdm.14:27
davmor2not shutdown :)14:27
ScottKWe probably ought to change that.14:28
ScottKSput: Fix uploaded.14:51
Sputcool :)14:51
SputI'll stab our buildsys later today14:51
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
ryanakcaHmmm... for frescobaldi, seeing that we're in FF, I'm guessing it won't be possible to sync rumor in from Debian. Therefore, should I remove the 'Suggests: rumor' line?14:54
ScottKryanakca: Unmet suggests are OK.14:54
ryanakcaScottK: OK14:54
rgreeningTonio_: k3b extra codecs broken as it doesn't allow -unstripped52 packages and should15:21
Tonio_rgreening: needs a conditional dep, I agree, but howto ????15:26
rgreeningScottK: ^ any advice for Tonio_?15:26
Tonio_I have no option to do this since those deps are shbuildep....15:27
rgreeningTonio_: it used to work...15:27
rgreeningnot sure what changed15:27
Tonio_rgreening: ffmpeg packages where changed15:27
Tonio_and renamed15:27
Tonio_-unstripped packages don't exist anymore15:27
ScottKffmpeg is what used to be unstripped15:28
Tonio_rgreening: new ffmpeg packages don't have those, check out the versions :)15:28
Tonio_ScottK: see with siretart, I worked with him on that point15:28
Tonio_ScottK: he reuploaded reintroducing the packages and asked me to change kubuntu-restricted extras to install the stripped ones15:29
ScottKSo what's the issue?15:29
Tonio_since there is very few differences according to him15:29
ScottKHe should know15:30
Tonio_ScottK: the issue is that the ffmpeg -dev packages have a conditional dep on libavcodec52 OR libavcodec-unstripped-5215:30
Tonio_but, as k3b package uses shbuilddeps to build the deps, it'll only depend on libavcodec5215:30
Tonio_ScottK: we could hardcode the deps, but that sounds a bit nasty15:30
Tonio_ScottK: shbuilddeps should know about conditional deps when they exist on -dev packages instead of just playing with ld15:31
ScottKI don't think they do though.15:31
ScottKSo you get to write a debian/rules hack to fix it.15:31
Tonio_ScottK: I see there a limitation of the tools, so we can decide the good override15:31
Tonio_ScottK: at work right now, so I can ping siretart, but feel free to do so, and we can decide the best override later15:32
rgreeningwe need to allow the unstripped and stripped I believe in order for some of the codec stuff to work.. but I could be wrong.15:32
ScottKList unstripped first and then stripped so if they have the repo enabled they get unstripped.15:33
Tonio_ScottK: no ! restricted extras install the stripped now15:33
Tonio_ScottK: this part was asked form all ubuntu restricted packages bu siretart, he should know more the real reason15:34
Tonio_ScottK: I just did what he asked me to do :)15:34
Tonio_ScottK: ouch ! sorry for the keyboard issues15:37
Tonio_ScottK: I'm trying to get used to qwerty, that's pretty hard :)15:38
ScottKSeems fine to me.  I think I just automatically edit it as I read.15:38
Riddelldoesn't it defeat the point of restricted extras to depend on the stripped version?15:40
rgreeningI agree15:44
Riddellyou can work around shlibs if needed15:47
nixternaloi oi15:48
Riddellit's nixternal!15:50
nixternalcatch him, don't let him get away...he needs to do some work around here!15:51
Riddellagateau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262566/15:59
Riddellquassel fail16:00
ScottKRiddell: FYI, I did just update the quassel package this morning, so please base any upload on that one.16:02
ScottK(just added some icons back in, so it won't affect testing)16:02
agateauRiddell: @phone16:03
RiddellScottK: yeah using bzr16:04
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  Just making sure.16:07
Riddellagateau: you can have both WANT_QTCLIENT and WANT_MONO on, not sure if the CMake code takes that into account16:07
agateauRiddell: looks like I did not properly escape the desktop file path16:11
agateauodd that it builds on my machine16:11
* agateau looks16:11
Riddellyes, needs quote marks around it16:12
agateauRiddell: being able to have both  WANT_QTCLIENT and WANT_MONO is annoying16:14
agateauRiddell: does the package define both?16:15
ScottKagateau: It does16:15
agateauScottK: so it create different binaries I guess16:16
ScottKagateau: Exactly.16:16
agateauThen I need to find a way to have my define change depending on the binary16:16
ScottKRiddell: Your Kopete trayicon change got a fair amount more grumbling while you were away over the weekend.  Any thought about reverting it yet?16:17
RiddellI still maintain my lifelong dislike of excessive tray icons16:20
RiddellI don't see a purpose in the tray icon if the message indicator is on as it is currently16:21
Riddelland we should have a meeting soon to decide if we want to keep it on or not16:21
rgreeningRiddell: mi is broken for tray icon stuff16:21
Riddellrgreening: how do you mean?16:21
rgreeningtry opening Kopete using mi16:21
Riddellworks for me16:22
ScottKRiddell: Since it's fully configurable in 4.3, I think you should just let people that don't like it hide it.16:22
rgreeningit only works if the app main window is not hidden16:22
rgreeningi.e the app is running and window minimized.16:22
rgreeningwhereas I like hiding the window with the app running. mi doesn't allow unhiding the app and raising the window, only the tray icon does that16:23
rgreeningso, if mi can do that, then we are ok, otherwise...16:23
rgreeningwe have issues.16:23
Riddellright, either Kopete should treat the Close button as a Close button and quit, or it should reappear from the message indicator16:24
Riddellthat should be entirely fixable n'est pas agateau?16:25
agateauRiddell: I hope so16:26
agateaurgreening: so what you do is click the "x" button, Kopete goes away and you can't bring it back with mi, that's it?16:27
JontheEchidnamoderation required in #kubuntu16:30
JontheEchidnamaco: thanks16:31
macoi forgot to op myself before typing kick the first time :P16:31
rgreeningagateau: yeah16:34
agateaurgreening: but you can still see a Kopete entry in mi?16:34
rgreeningagateau: mi doesn't know it's running cause the window is hidden I guess. And yep, still in mi.16:34
agateaurgreening: I am afraid it's simpler than that:16:35
rgreeningagateau: same happens for Kmail/Kontact btw16:35
agateaurgreening: if systray is disabled, then clicking (x) cause Kopete to quit16:35
agateaurgreening: same reason I think16:35
Riddellagateau: ps says it's still running for me16:35
agateauRiddell: strange16:36
rgreeningagateau: clicking X causes window to hide and app to remain running in background is what is desired, and mi to know about this.16:36
Riddellit's also still listed in the message indicator which isn't the case after I killall kopete16:36
rgreeningI noticed that too. It requires a restart of mi to pick up this change (i.e. remove it and re-add it)16:37
rgreening^that was when the kopete icon was misbehaving though.16:37
agateaurgreening: what I fail to understand is how can your mi entry disappear if the plugin is enabled and kopete is running16:37
rgreeningagateau: do you have skype :)16:38
Riddellagateau: the message indicator entry is still there for me16:38
agateauRiddell: ok, this makes more sense16:38
agateauRiddell: then I just need to figure out what is called when the systray is clicked and do the same16:38
rgreeningor .show()16:39
Riddellshow()  I expect16:39
* agateau digs in the code16:39
smarterI think we need a way to notify the user that his app went into the mi16:40
smartereither a popup or a modal window16:41
smarteran animation would be nice too, but it requires a fallback for non-composite systems16:41
* rgreening thinks we needs a "slurping" sound for when MI slurps the app in. j/k16:41
Riddellit currently has a not very elegant dialogue to tell the user it went into the systray, that could be adapted16:41
ScottKApparently notifications in the middle of the screen are all the rage in Ubuntu.16:41
smarterlet's not do that.16:42
agateausmarter: I agree we need such a notification, not sure about the best way to implement this16:42
Riddellagateau: Quassel MI lights up when I get pinged but the window doesn't come to the forground when I select it in MI16:42
agateauRiddell: is the window on another desktop?16:42
ScottKRiddell: Got focus stealing prevention on?16:42
Riddellagateau: no16:42
RiddellScottK: not that I know of16:43
ScottKRiddell: It defaults on Low.16:43
ScottKWhich we might want to reconsider.16:43
RiddellScottK: mm, yes16:43
Riddellif I change it to None it starts to work16:44
agateauI am getting a bit overflowed here :)16:44
agateauit's probably time to log those to LP16:44
ScottKRiddell: Same problem with clicking on the notification.16:44
Riddellagateau: yes, time for a bug tracker probably16:44
agateauScottK: Riddell: yes, the problem is we can't use the kde api to bring app to front16:44
agateauor maybe we can... since we build with KDE support16:45
Riddellcheck for -DWITH_KDE=ON ?16:45
agateauSomething like this yes16:45
ScottKagateau: There is an open bug asking for Qt only binaries too, so please do check for KDE=ON16:45
agateauScottK: sure16:46
agateauit won't get upstream otherwise16:46
smarteragateau: did you post your patches to a kde ml?16:47
Riddellsmarter: that's actually next on my todo for discussing with agateau16:47
agateauI posted quassel patches to sput16:47
Riddellthe konversation ones got posted16:47
agateauI posted some my api to detect support for action in notifications16:48
ScottKkdelibs too, but that conversation isn't going so well.16:48
agateaubut it's not going in I'm afraid16:48
smarter'cause we still have no idea what upstream thinks of that16:48
agateausmarter: I also had good feedback from kmail devs on irc16:48
ScottKBTW, is there an FFe approved for this MI patching?16:49
agateauScottK: it was done before FF, am I wrong?16:49
agateauNow it's bug fix16:49
ScottKagateau: I don't think so.16:49
ScottKAdding MI support to an app I would think is a feature change.16:49
Riddellthey were except for this Quassel one which I've been late with16:49
RiddellI can do a FFe16:50
Riddellagateau: so bugs, we can report them on the ubuntu package and use a tag?16:51
ScottKQuassel doesn't have a lot of bugs open on it, so a tag is probably overkill16:51
agateauRiddell: you are more used to LP than me, just tell me what feels better16:52
Riddellapachelogger: having a crisis of faith?16:55
Riddellagateau: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=message-indicator-kde17:06
agateautime to go17:09
agateausee you at 20:00 utc for udw17:09
Riddellagateau: see you then17:09
RiddellSime_: Phil got back to us and said next Sip will be GPL by the way, so that's the licence issue there sorted17:19
Sime_thanks you guys for that.17:19
nixternalapachelogger: oh you just enjoy flame baiting don't you? :D18:03
ScottKWhat'd he do now?18:07
ScottKI see it now.18:17
ScottKnixternal: Odd for you to suggest that.  I guess it takes one to know one.18:17
nixternalScottK: :)  ya, but I know to keep the flame bates off my blog...I just do it here on IRC...just ask sabdfl :p18:25
lex79ScottK: can you retry this: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eet/1.2.2-2 ?19:02
Riddelllex79: I can19:03
Riddellalthough only if I manually add +retry to the end of the URL it seems19:05
Riddell~twitter update Plasmoid tutorial in #ubuntu-classroom in two hours19:05
kubotustatus updated19:05
nixternalooh, Quickly kind of looks groovy...though I think rickspencer3 might look at creating more work for you Riddell :)19:11
nixternalthough, I wonder how much of a benefit we would get from it over KDevelop and its templates?19:11
Riddellkapptemplate is the equivalent19:11
nixternaland he just answered my question in the classroom :)19:11
Riddelland could do with being more slick19:12
nixternalthough having it tie into bzr and lp is what is pretty slick too19:13
Riddellhaving .deb packaging too19:14
nixternalthat is going to far now....we can't make it that easy for people ;p19:15
nixternalRiddell: I just might have to take that on as a future project...I think it is koolicious19:16
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Riddellnixternal: which, posting quickly or making kapptemplate more complete and slick?19:26
nixternalmaking kapptemplate more complete and slick19:27
ghostcubehmmm i just updated on jaunty to 4.3.1 anyone did this too today ?19:34
ghostcubesudo apt-get autoremove shows a strange amount of packages19:34
freinhard4.3.1 is still in staging, isn't it?19:35
neversfeldeghostcube: support => #kubuntu19:35
neversfeldefreinhard: yes19:35
ghostcubeno just a question no need for support19:35
ghostcubei have no probs neversfelde19:35
nixternalthen join #neversfelde :p19:41
nixternalthere are still some packages to go through it seems...you aren't the first one to notice the mass amounts of 'no longer needed'19:41
nixternalI have a friend who must have 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in a cron job that runs every minute, because he messaged me 5 times already today19:42
ghostcubeoh ok i doesnt wanted to bother anybody just was surprised cause the packages the apt wants to remove had been installed 10 secs before19:43
nixternalI wasn't paying attention and ran into that the other day on karmic and ended up autoremoving more than I wanted to19:44
ghostcubei doesnt touch autoremove for a long time now19:45
ghostcube*hasent touched19:45
nixternalI do it to often I think19:45
nixternalespecially after removing libpulse by accident19:45
ghostcubeyeah  ihad this to in feisrty19:45
ghostcubetill the day all was gone19:45
ghostcubethe bad is if you autoremove by cron19:46
ScottKDo that and all you get is what you deserve.19:46
ghostcubebut 4.3.1 is working faster as it seems19:48
ScottKNCommander: Packagekit build failure on armel is causing my CD images not to build.  Please fix.19:49
NCommanderScottK, normal packagekit or kpackagekit?19:49
ScottKNCommander: Normal packagekit19:49
ScottKNCommander:   packagekit-backend-apt: Depends: python-packagekit (= 0.4.8-0ubuntu5) but it is not going to be installed19:50
ScottKE: Broken packages19:50
ScottKDunno if kpackagekit gets there or not.  We don't get that far.19:50
ScottKIt also died on   libgtk2.0-bin: Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.17.9-0ubuntu1) but 2.17.7-0ubuntu3 is to be installed, but I expect that's just a transient.19:51
RiddellSime_: if you're about do pop into our Plasma tutorial in #ubuntu-classroom in an hour, we'll be covering basicly your tutorial from techbase20:09
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Riddellagateau: ready in 10?20:49
agateauRiddell: yes sir!20:50
Riddellagateau: I've found at least one critical mistake in the techbase tutorial20:50
agateauRiddell: and fixed it i home20:50
ScottKI think he left it to you to find during the presentation.20:51
agateaunice :)20:52
* vorian want's to make a Riddell plasmoid20:54
* vorian gets some fun questions ready :P20:55
ghostcubewow 4.3.1 fixes notification bugs22:02
* Riddell high fives agateau 22:02
ghostcubeand its definetly faster than 4.3.022:03
ghostcubeand the fonts look different22:04
nixternalagateau and Riddell: hats off, good job!22:07
agateaunixternal: thanks!22:07
=== dantti is now known as dantti_away
agateausleep time22:10
Riddellbon nuit22:11
nixternalRiddell: I take it the feedback applet is out? I just got an email about the survey itself being a bit to generic22:20
macofeedback applet?22:21
macocan someone add the weather plasmoid and tell it to report temperatures in Kelvin22:22
macoim pretty sure its wrong because its telling me 273K and thats 0C and um its summer. its 22C here. that should be 295K22:22
macoalso, did kmail dimap break very recently? it fails after syncin 1/3 of the first folder when i add an account now22:26
Riddellnixternal: yes it's in main and still pointing at your server, I hope to get it pointing at another server toot sweet22:27
macoRiddell: you been watching too much Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?22:27
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
apacheloggerRiddell: no crysis no flame bait, I just want to establish some identity (cause that is really missing from my POV), and to get that started people first have to think about what Kubuntu is all about + I am really not so sure what the vision is ... is it being a KDE distribution or is it being Ubuntu with KDE, cause the latter would suggest little to no changes to upstream while the latter would indeed mean a lot of em22:39
apacheloggernixternal: ^22:40
nixternalapachelogger: "To create the greatest KDE implementation ever"22:40
apacheloggerwell, that would also mean changing upstream a lot, since implementation usually differs a lot from concept :P22:40
Riddellhense kubuntu-default-settings22:41
apacheloggerkds is rather non-intrusive22:41
apacheloggerkmenu icon is more what I mean22:42
nixternalmake everyone use krunner, get rid of the menu all together ;p22:42
apacheloggerthat is mutually exclusive with what you said earlier :P22:43
nixternalhere are some important things in my eyes that need to work or work better: Printer (time to hack some more on the applet?), Samba (yes, even I need to access a Windows machine from time-to-time), Bluetooth, multiple-displays22:43
nixternalI am going to read jono's book and make our community even better!22:44
apacheloggerso our identity should be a printer applet? Oo22:44
nixternalI should write a book called, "The Art of Destroying Community" :P22:44
nixternalno, not talking about identiy on that one22:45
apacheloggeryou know22:45
nixternalour identity could be: "Making your desktop work, so you don't have to" :)22:46
apacheloggerthat is a slogn :P22:47
apacheloggeranyway, what I wanted to say ... how would you make our community even better with knowledge that should already be applied to it :P22:47
nixternalbut it would make creating the vision easier unless you are used creating charters for a living :)22:47
apacheloggersince kubuntu is a subset of ubuntu and jono is community dude of ubuntu it would seem like the subset kubuntu already got the magic touch22:48
nixternalthere is just so much work to do, and so little time22:49
nixternalright now I am trying to earn a living, and unfortunately Kubuntu isn't helping there :/  otherwise I would spend day-and-night on it22:49
apacheloggercause yer aint not getting new minions22:50
ScottKnixternal: I think Canonical has the destroying community book on internal distro already.22:50
apacheloggercan't even leave you alone for 9 months without running low on minions :P22:50
nixternalScottK: lol22:50
nixternalI got rid of my minions...they just got in the way :)22:50
ScottKapachelogger: I tried to demote nixternal to minion, but he still wouldn't do any work.22:50
* nixternal is waiting for end of october to go spend a nice sunny month in mexico22:51
* apachelogger better doesn't do that joke now22:51
apacheloggerScottK: sounds sensible, he is nixternal after all22:51
apacheloggersounds like human after all ... mhhhh .... daft punk22:51
nixternalScottK: I have been doing the minion work for the greater part of 4 years... DOCUMENTATION :/22:51
nixternalwhich I need to work on some more, just trying to find the energy to do so22:51
ScottKnixternal: Last I heard you were complaining no doc work got done since Hardy.  Please pick one story and stick to it.22:52
ScottKkairmode is appreciated though.22:52
nixternalScottK: Dapper :p22:52
apacheloggerone more python app to eat up my poor poor mem22:53
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nixternalapachelogger: so true...wonder if it is to late to convert it to c++ yet22:55
apacheloggerits never to late Gautama said22:56
apacheloggertoo even22:56
apacheloggerbtw, are python apps really that slow on starting? to me it feels like KDE is starting up way faster if I remove the printer applet and jockey from autostart22:57
nixternalya, the autostarting is something different...but just on starting alone they are no slower than a c++ alternative22:59
apacheloggernixternal: how is autostart different?23:01
* apachelogger thinks that he moved everything to autostart phase 2 yet somehow KDE loads quite slowish23:02
nixternalautostart has always seemed sluggish to me23:02
nixternalphase=2 or not, it seems sluggish23:03
yuriynixternal: are you sure? it always seemed to me like c++ kcms load instantly while python ones take a while23:03
ScottKThe first python app is slow, because Python has to start.23:03
ScottKAfter that, not so much.23:03
jkaryHi Folks... Is there anyone else who just attended the PythonPlasmoids tutorial?23:03
nixternalyuriy: that would be probably be very true for larger apps23:03
nixternalbut small apps you can hardly tell the difference23:03
yuriykcms are small apps23:03
yuriyScottK: good point, and that's not so good for autostarts23:04
nixternaloh, i didn't catch the kcms in the sentence23:04
jkaryon this IRC I mean23:04
nixternaljkary: what's up?23:04
jkaryI tried to install the hello-python and I am getting "No metadata file in package" error?  I am running Jaunty with plasma and kde-workspace-bin packages installed.23:06
nixternaljkary: did you create the .plasmoid file for the install?23:07
jkaryI've verified the file contents for both source files.23:07
nixternalzip -r dir plasma-foo.plasmoid23:07
jkarylet me try that... one sec23:07
nixternaljkary: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma#Plasma_Programming_with_Python   <- you can also review that as well for more info23:08
* nixternal takes the dogs out for a quick run23:08
jkarynixternal: I am following http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Python/GettingStarted...23:10
_3vi1_X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends only refers to other plasmoids, right?23:10
jkarynope... still getting the same error and I seem to be following the tutorial exactly.23:14
jkaryplasapkg -v returns Qt 4.5.0, KDE 4.2.2  Plasma Package Manager 0.123:15
* _3vi1_ is away: Gone away for now23:31
shtylmanRiddell seele: any counter thoughts to removing the quit button and putting it in the upper right corner? or does it seem like a sensible thing to do?23:53
Riddellisn't that different from every other app/dialogue?23:54
shtylmanwell...in some ways yes and others no... you mean every other install app right?23:55
shtylmanon one hand...having it in the upper corner makes it similar to a window that you can close23:56
shtylmanon the other hand, having it as a button with text makes it very clear what will happen23:56
shtylmanand also doesn't begin to clutter the upper right with small icons23:57
shtylmanthat do various things23:57
Riddellis there a problem that it would solve?23:58
jkaryhmmm... I guess the plasma example doesn't work in Jaunty... I've spent the last hour reviewing and tried the zip file from http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/plasma-python/hello-python.zip23:59
jkary with no luck either23:59

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