
idylepenguin42/blueskaj: was a brother wireless printer -- but furthermore my kde control panel printer module is totally busted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33119200:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331192 in kdeadmin-kde4 "KDE printer configuration app stopped working on Jaunty" [Medium,Fix released]00:00
BluesKajidyle, have you updated lately ? the kde printer GUIs are ok now , dunno about gnome tho00:02
idyleblueskaj: just did a full-upgrade but I have 8 broken packages, googling how to fix that one now00:02
nemohm. could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/411574 too00:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411574 in pulseaudio "[karmic] No sound on Intel 82801H HD Audio" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:03
nemoguess I'll just watch both and hope00:03
idyleblueskaj: nope, still broken00:03
BluesKajin system settings, idyle ?00:04
idyleblueskaj: yes, kde system settings -> printers gives the error described in that bug by "Tyler"00:05
BluesKajwhich kde version idyle ?00:06
idyleblueskaj: how to detect the version?00:06
idylekde4 --version gives me nothing00:08
BluesKajjust open konqueror or dolphin /help/about kde00:09
idyleblueskaj: 4.3.0000:10
BluesKajhmm that's odd , my system settings/printer config GUI is opening00:11
BluesKajmaybe a reboot is in order, if you just updated , idyle00:11
EagleScreen_to configure printers, you can use the web interface of CUPS: http://localhost:631/admin00:12
BluesKajEagleScreen_, have you ever actually tried to use that app ?00:12
EagleScreen_which app?00:13
BluesKajwell ok wrong choice of words00:13
penguin42EagleScreen_: That web interface is pretty grim00:14
BluesKajand old00:14
EagleScreen_I think it shoud work00:14
EagleScreen_it is not much harder than systemconfig-printer-kde00:15
penguin42EagleScreen_: Yeuch - surely not00:16
EagleScreen_printer auto-detection and other stuff is inherit from this service00:17
penguin42hmm, no need to worry about location aware browsing then - geolocation thinks I'm in London00:25
BluesKajwestminster ?00:29
penguin42well, I didn't look for detail - but to be fair I didn't check which00:33
BluesKajpenguin42, cuz neotrace shows westminster uk00:34
penguin42I can believe it; it's just central london - and I'm a couple of hundred miles from there00:35
BluesKajyeah sometimes mine shows Ottawa , Toronto and places in between00:37
BluesKajI'm 250mi from toronto and 400 mi from ottawa :)00:38
rebgilHi I just did an upgrade from jaunty to karmic and now I get errors in update manager when trying to remove install pdns-recursor, I have tried remove --force=yes any other suggestions on how to remove pdns-recursor from my system?00:45
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stlsainthey does karmic use GNU Grub?02:18
Dr_WillisIt can02:18
Dr_WillisGrub2 on a clean install..02:18
Dr_Willisgrublegacy on a upgrade02:19
stlsaintok i ran a clean install on a vm...that should run GRUB2 right?02:19
Dr_WillisShould be using grub2 on a 'new' install. yes02:19
Dr_Willisit did use grub2 here02:19
stlsaintwell i read the manual on gnu grub and it said that grub.cfg is the "new" menu.lst02:20
stlsaintbut on my vm i still run everything from menu.lst02:20
Dr_Willisif you did a clean/new install.. there would of been no menu.lst02:21
Dr_Willismore /etc/grub.d/README02:22
stlsaintoh yea im doing it right now....menu.lst and at boot up grub says gnu grub version 1.96 i think it is02:24
Dr_Willissounds like you some how got grub 1 installed...02:25
Dr_WillisI dont have a /boot/grub/menu.lst02:25
stlsaintis there a cmd to see what grub im using02:27
Dr_Willisnever noticed such a command.. or needed one. :)02:31
Dr_Willisupdate-grub might give some info.02:31
stlsaintyea i restarted and it said gnu grub02:34
Dr_Willisthe default grub menu on this box is 'grey/mono' colored i noticed..02:34
Dr_Willisthats grub202:34
stlsaintman im sorry...im stupid...i was looking at my sources list by mistake and talking about something else...multi-tasking gone wrong...sorry again.02:37
stlsaintnow im looking for grub.cfg02:38
Dr_Willistheres some grub files you do NOT manually edit any more02:42
nemoswitching between windows is enough to screw up pulseaudio on this machine02:42
Dr_Willismore /etc/grub.d/README02:42
nemocausing 100% cpu useage in SDL game and sound crawling02:42
Dr_Willisgrub2 basics -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527502:43
Dr_Willis, grub.cfg is not meant to be edited.02:43
stlsaintso what do you edit than02:44
nemoof course, pulseaudio has been screwed up pretty consistently02:44
nemobut is especially bad right now :(02:44
Khronosanyone else here have a STAC 9228 and use an external mic?02:49
KhronosSTAC = Sigmatel02:49
bjsniderno wonder dtchen isn't in here so often, with all of you badmouthing pulseaudio so much02:51
Khronoswell, I've been having trouble with an external mic in karmic02:52
KhronosI'm confused between all the settings with alsaconf and gnome-settings manager02:52
Khronosthe internal mic works fine02:52
bjsniderif it's been screwed up for you for the past 4 distros, your sound hardware is junk. absolute garbage02:53
Khronosit's new02:53
Khronosthe problem is new I think02:53
bjsniderwell, there are lots of people whining about junk hardware not working right. it's junk, that's why it doesn't work right. go out and buy something good.02:53
nemoKhronos: ah. I ahve a similar card, haven't tried mic yet, but it is generally screwed up02:58
nemoSigmaTel STAC922703:00
nemo18:42 < nemo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/40068203:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400682 in linux "[Karmic stac927x regression] No sound after upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [Medium,Triaged]03:01
nemo18:43 < nemo> that's probably me :-/03:01
nemo19:03 < nemo> hm. could be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/411574 too03:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411574 in pulseaudio "[karmic] No sound on Intel 82801H HD Audio" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:01
nemo19:03 < nemo> guess I'll just watch both and hope03:01
nemoI'd swear pulseaudio has gotten worse in each release with this sound card :(03:02
nemomore and more unusable03:02
KhronosI have sound, it's just the external mic03:02
Khronosunless I fried it when I was doing experiments yesterday03:02
Khronoswhich would be bad03:02
KhronosI might've accidentally passed 12 volts through it for a very short time03:03
Khronosbut it wasn't working anyway03:03
Khronosno, I don't think that's the problem03:03
nemosymptoms don't quite match mine, but then, looks like driver in general is not in good shape03:03
Khronosit says "1 output, 1 input"03:04
Khronosit should say, "1 output, 2 inputs"03:04
Khronosso it's the driver03:04
Khronosand when I look at the codec it says something like it's not there03:05
KhronosMisc = NO_PRESENCE03:05
Khronosno presents for me :(03:05
Khronosthis was a really old battery03:07
Khronosso I don't think it got damaged03:07
Khronosat least a year old03:07
nemoI've been putting up with half an hour of hellish sound in this game03:07
nemo'cause if I kill pulseaudio, the SDL game will crash03:07
nemono. playing about one fragment of sound per second03:07
andresmujicanemo, kronos, i don't really now which is your problem, but i recently was triaging a bug with your codec, so maybe the workaround can be useful https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=466503:07
nemowhile maxing out CPU on one core03:07
peepsi am unable to start gnome keyboard shortcuts.  are others having this problem?03:08
nemoKhronos: this happens pretty much every time I tab out of the game window.03:09
nemosound stutters. sometimes doesn't recover03:09
nemono clue why, but, yeah, pulseaudio has been teh suck for me03:09
Khronosthis is perhaps unworkable. I'm going go try linux from a VM03:12
nemoandresmujica: can't access that bug BTW03:13
nemoI get a front page03:13
nemoin w3m03:13
andresmujicaclick on guest session03:13
nemoI sympathise w/ the decent soundcard thing. actually, I should just move my SB32 card from 10y ago out of my server and into this dell that I bought to support their linux program03:15
nemoapparently cheap 10y/o HW can still outperform intel pos onboard chips03:15
nemohm. wonder if I can move the sound card w/o shutting the server down03:15
bjsniderif it isn't junk hardware, it's an alsa driver that's an absolute piece of dreck03:15
bjsnideryou can't hot-swap a pci card03:16
nemowell. dunno who to blame, but I do know my sound experience in ubuntu has been worse and worse with each release03:16
nemoI leave it on pulseaudio for purposes of supporting ubuntu users03:16
nemootherwise I'd rip that out03:16
nemoalrighty. lets see if the game behaves better since the openal rewrite in .1203:16
nemocan't reproduce bug03:18
nemoso I guess it is SDL + pulseaudio03:18
nemoalthough even without that issue, my pulseaudio is clearly pretty mucked up03:20
bjsnideri can tell you dtchen is using a usb m-audio device03:23
ShapeShifter499before I do anything like more updates, I want to know, I just updated to karmic 9.10 for powepc now why are all the repo lines I have point to jaunty?03:40
nemoShapeShifter499: were you using pinning in jaunty by any chance?03:42
ShapeShifter499I'm sorry "pinning"?03:42
nemoguess not03:42
nemodunno then :)03:42
ShapeShifter499I just did a fresh reinstall of jaunty03:42
ShapeShifter499than I updated to karic03:43
ShapeShifter499ok I'm going to reinstall again, before I do, what is better? installing jaunty than upgrade to karmic OR download karmic iso for powerpc arch and then do a fresh install with karmic?03:45
stlsaintwell xchat works just fine in vm glad to see03:46
stlsainthey how do you install guest addtionals under karmic in vbox03:48
bjsnidermount the iso image, run the install script from the command line03:55
bjsniderthe iso is in /usr/share/virtualbox03:55
billybigriggerShapeShifter499: fresh install is always better03:59
ShapeShifter499ok.....and I can mix and match packages from diffrent builds of ubuntu right? (ie 8.04 ibm-java installed on 9.10)04:02
alteregoayeah, married wifes are less comfortable04:03
billybigriggerumm no04:03
billybigrigger@ ShapeShifter49904:03
alteregoathey tend to get mad04:03
alteregoabecause they are not updateable04:04
alteregoai updated from dapper to karmic04:05
ShapeShifter499but wouldn't they be update able if I included the repo the package(s) are on?04:05
ShapeShifter499what I'm saying is, what if I wanted to install a package that worked(say ibm-java 1.6) and it was only available on medibuntu repo 8.04, its ok to install if it seems to not mess with other packages and if my current system is at a latter ubuntu distro(say 9.10)?04:10
alteregoadownload the tarball with the dependencies04:19
alteregoaburp landgasker04:20
ShapeShifter499mml .gn04:21
ShapeShifter499 .v04:21
alteregoais this a new programming language?04:22
ShapeShifter499wrong window04:22
alteregoalooks like microsoft c# in year 203004:22
Walker__Can someone help me get Ubuntu 9.10 onto Fedora 11's boot list?04:35
Walker__Onto the GRUB boot list04:36
AnxiousNutcurrently it alpha 4 right?04:40
hggdhstill, yes04:41
Walker__Can someone help me get Ubuntu onto the GRUB boot list?04:42
leaf-sheepNo. Clearly you have something more important than Ubuntu to tender to... like your illness. (Because you coughed).05:01
bjsniderwhy didn't fedora pick it up automatically?05:32
MindVirus2Hello. Does anyone have problems getting their iPod recognized?06:16
stlsainton what system06:22
stlsaintMindVirus2, ?06:22
MindVirus2On Karmic, duh. :)06:23
MindVirus2My iPod is recognized as a USB device.06:23
MindVirus2Instead of as a media player.06:23
stlsaintdo you have pics on it06:24
stlsaintand what kind of ipod are we talking06:24
MindVirus2stlsaint: I'm sorry; I am not paying attention to my client. Could you please highlight? Sorry, again.06:26
MindVirus2I have an iPod Nano 4G 16GB.06:26
MindVirus2No pictures AFAIK.06:26
stlsainti know amarok is ipod compatible...what program are you using...06:28
MindVirus2stlsaint: it's not a program. On my desktop it is shown as a USB device.06:28
MindVirus2Rhythmbox has no problem reading it anyways.06:28
stlsaintdo you have ibgpod/GTKpod installed06:31
MindVirus2stlsaint: I do.06:32
stlsaintsorry not familar with nano's whats the generation you have06:33
stlsaintis libgpod updated06:38
MindVirus2stlsaint: I keep my packages up-to-date daily.06:40
stlsainttype libgpod into repos and see what you have installed...there are a few there that dont come installed by default that you may need to install06:40
MindVirus2stlsaint: this changed as soon as I got alpha of karmic.06:40
stlsaintalso have you changed the way amarok or banshee or whatever program you use "see's" the ipod06:41
stlsaintok which program do you want to use...banshee or amarok06:44
MindVirus2Quite a variety you got there.06:45
stlsaintyea well these two are your best bets06:45
MindVirus2No. They're not.06:45
MindVirus2Actually, Banshee failed to read my iPod. Rhythmbox does not.06:46
MindVirus2(Does not fail, that is.)06:46
MindVirus2Rhythmbox is lighter and faster than Banshee, as well as better-supported.06:46
stlsaintthats y i ask if you changed the ipod options within banshee so that it can read and if you had all ipod libs up to date06:46
MindVirus2I don't use Banshee.06:47
MindVirus2I can listen to my music fine.06:47
MindVirus2Ubuntu fails to recognize it as an iPod.06:47
MindVirus2Not my music player.06:47
MindVirus2It won't auto-load Rhythmbox for me and instead opens it as if it was a USB drive.06:48
stlsaintoh ok...well ubuntu isnt going to read it as a ipod...thats what rythmbox is there for06:48
peepsalotevery time i go to shutdown or restart, I get a message that programs are still running, and it shows nautilus four times, "deleting files" x3, and one "copying files".  any ideas what is causing this?06:48
MindVirus2stlsaint: Dude, do you know what you're saying?06:49
MindVirus2I'm sorry, I don't mean to be a dick.06:49
stlsaintwell you didnt give me exactly what the problem was till now...this whole time i thought you was unable to function with the ipod period...not that ubuntu mounted it as a usb device06:49
MindVirus2When you plug a media player into your computer, in Ubuntu, an icon appears on your desktop telling you that the media has been auto-mounted.06:50
MindVirus2stlsaint: I feel that I've been fairly verbose.06:50
stlsaintyes i know i too do this06:50
stlsaintyes you have with your last explanation...06:50
MindVirus2stlsaint: Good. When you look at it, it shows an icon verifying that it is a media player.06:50
MindVirus2When you plug a USB drive, it shows a USB drive.06:50
MindVirus2Ubuntu shows me that my iPod is a USB drive.06:50
MindVirus2So it treats it like one, instead of as a media player.06:50
MindVirus2So it doesn't automatically open Rhythmbox.06:51
stlsaintlet me hook mine up to karmic and see as i usually use jaunty...so we can be on the same page...06:51
stlsaintplus i use karmic in a vm so it might be slightly different06:52
kazagistarrebox packages are really out of sync06:53
stlsaintMindVirus2, ok i have a ipod touch and it mounts as a camera...06:55
MindVirus2stlsaint: we're on the same page then.06:55
kazagistarroh, and Empathy is really bad compared to pidgin06:56
stlsaintkazagistarr, yes pidgin is better IMO06:56
kazagistarris there some way to read the channel message in Empathy?06:57
stlsaintMindVirus2, did it only do this in karmic06:57
MindVirus2stlsaint: yes.06:57
stlsaintkazagistarr, sorry not a empathy user06:57
MindVirus2kazagistarr, stlsaint: Nobody cares. They're going to use it anyways. I agree with you two though.06:57
MindVirus2Empathy is the default client in Karmic.06:58
kazagistarrcould you send me the topic really quick, at least :P?06:58
MindVirus2(01:59:22 AM) current topic is: Welcome to the Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) discussion channel | Karmic is NOT RELEASED and may break your system - LVM users should avoid 2.6.31-7.27-generic (#418514, fixed in -8.28-) | Schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule | Please join #ubuntu for all other support questions | Alpha 4 Released: www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4 | 100 Papercuts: http://u.nu/9gvu06:59
stlsaintgood ol cut and paste07:00
MindVirus2Amazing that Empathy doesn't have it built-in.07:01
stlsaintMindVirus2, ok if you right click the desktop icon you can change the icon for it if you have a custom to choose from07:02
MindVirus2I don't want to change the icon.07:02
MindVirus2I want Ubuntu to open Rhythmbox automatically, like I have it set.07:02
MindVirus2I told Ubuntu to autoload Rhythmbox for any media player.07:02
stlsaintand when you plug it up and karmic as you what to do you can have it auto mount to rythmbox07:02
stlsainti just did it...but with banshee07:03
stlsaintjust select other program>rythmbox>add> and select the check box to do this automatically07:03
stlsaintkazagistarr, you said ebox packages are out of sync...care to explain what you mean by ebox out of sync?07:04
MindVirus2stlsaint: No.07:05
MindVirus2I cannot.07:05
MindVirus2Because Ubuntu loads it as a USB drive.07:05
stlsaintwhen you connect it for the first time you dont get a box asking you to open with a program07:05
aboSamoordoes anyone knows what is supposed to happen with bug 419264 ?07:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419264 in xorg-server "Uses 100% CPU with latest mesa/libdrm update" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41926407:06
MindVirus2Why does ubuntu-desktop depend on cups?07:06
aboSamoorthe upstream released th fix, but not yet in compiz07:06
MindVirus2It should most certainly not.07:07
stlsaintwell i must be honest im not sure what the issue is at this point...you said you had all libs/gtk updated and installed then im at a loss right now07:07
MindVirus2stlsaint: welcome to the club.07:07
MindVirus2Nice to have some company.07:08
kazagistarrMindVirus2: ubuntu desktop depends on everything a default ubuntu system should ship with, right?07:08
aboSamoorit is targeted to alpha-6 ! should I wait till 17/9 ?07:08
kazagistarrI mean, printers are a good thing to have for most people07:08
MindVirus2kazagistarr: no; a default Ubuntu system ships with ubuntu-desktop recommends as well as depends.07:08
MindVirus2cups should be under recommends.07:08
kazagistarrah, right, I see07:09
MindVirus2depends should only be for things that Ubuntu depends on.07:09
MindVirus2Now I'm stuck with this fucking cups daemon.07:09
MindVirus2Which I don't even need.07:09
MindVirus2I hate it when my system has cruft.07:09
stlsaintMindVirus2, you have given me something to trouble shoot...my ipod touch is not read by karmic...i must further figure this out07:13
MindVirus2stlsaint: tell me if you find anything. I'm too lazy to have any initiative.07:13
stlsaintalright...i last heard the touch was having little to no support...guess ill find out for sure now07:14
stlsaintnight all07:25
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peepsalotmy fonts are displaying all weird.  some of the letters look to be tinted purple and it's starting to hurt my eyes.07:29
peepsaloti found out I had subpixel smoothing turned on, that stuff drives me bonkers.  don't know how anyone could possibly stand that.  all your letters showing in crazy hues07:56
hifiI always disable the new font rendering on ubuntu07:57
hifiit's just killing my eyes, I need sharp fonts07:57
peepsalotI ended up doing "Grayscale smoothing" and "Full hinting", and it looks so much better.08:04
peepsalothifi do you know how hinting works?  vs smoothing?08:04
nzmmi like ubuntu fonts ... my 0.0208:20
hifipeepsalot: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/ubuntu-fonts/ I use this08:21
dpic_what's IBus?08:30
MindVirus2dpic_: apt-cache show ibus08:33
edoceoanyone know how often new stuff is pushed to the Karmic repos?09:52
richardcavelledoceo: every day09:57
edoceomultiple times per day?09:58
richardcavellyes, sometimes09:58
edoceoIt seems there's some things in the AM (for me) and some later, still some later as well.09:58
edoceocan't wait for new audio-manager in xfce!  Thanks!09:58
nhasianhey guys, i must have about 30 packages held back, is it safe to do a dist-upgrade?  i'm concerned about the nvidia and kernel stuff.  dont want it to bork my system :)10:03
AlanBellI am having complaints from the kids that their karmic box locks up after just a few minutes on the web playing flash based games10:17
AlanBellI can still ssh to it and restart it10:18
AlanBellthe mouse moves, but X does not otherwise respond, cant move windows or see any movement10:18
AlanBellanyone else seeing this?10:18
nhasianAlanBell, i have not experienced that10:30
nhasianAlanBell, is it 32bit or 64bit?10:31
AlanBell32 bit10:34
nhasianhow much ram?10:34
AlanBelljust trying to reproduce it myself10:38
nhasiani think thats the issue10:38
AlanBelloh, actually it has a gig10:39
nhasianah okay, thats better.10:39
nhasianfirefox can eat up 300 or 500 megs of ram easily10:39
AlanBellit is an old P4 1.810:39
MindVirus1I'm not getting any sound.10:39
jmlI've just plugged my new ipod into my laptop and opened up banshee. it doesn't seem to show up at all10:41
jmlhow can I find out what's going on?10:42
MindVirus1jml: I have the same problem.10:43
MindVirus1jml: Ubuntu isn't recognizing your iPod as an iPod; it just sees it as a USB drive.10:43
MindVirus1Banshee won't play from USB drives.10:43
jmlI see.10:43
jmlMindVirus1, do you know of a bug report I can look at?10:43
MindVirus1jml: this is all speculation, BTW. Take a look at your desktop and tell me what icon your iPod uses.10:44
jmlMindVirus1, it's a drive icon.10:44
MindVirus1As opposed to an iPod icon, yes?10:44
MindVirus1jml: ^^10:45
jmlMindVirus1, yes.10:45
MindVirus1jml: We have the exact same problem.10:45
MindVirus1My firm belief (though I could be mistaken (but I'm not)) is that Ubuntu fails to recognize your iPod as an iPod. I don't have any bug reports, but if you find one or make one, link me.10:46
MindVirus1jml: if you'll notice, any autorun behavior you configured Ubuntu to perform when you insert a media player does not work; instead, it behaves like a USB drive.10:47
AlanBellI can't reproduce the lockup10:47
AlanBellbut my kids can10:47
nhasianprobably the crappy flash games hehe10:47
AlanBellI think it must be a site specific issue with moshimonsters.com10:47
jmlhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/podsleuth/+bug/382941 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/podsleuth/+bug/139226 seem promising10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382941 in podsleuth "iPod not recognized by podsleuth" [High,Confirmed]10:47
MindVirus1jml: excellent.10:48
AlanBellI can play bbc iplayer for 10 minutes no problem10:48
MindVirus1No sound. Can I get some help?10:50
MindVirus1Muted. :X10:51
AlanBellwow, hand it over to a kid for 30 seconds and she produces a full corrupt screen X crash10:51
AlanBellI can kill firefox remotely10:53
AlanBelland when I kill X remotely my ssh session dies10:54
DavieyAlanBell: how did you kill X, sudo reboot? :)10:58
nekoeh doing an upgrade from jaunty now...10:58
AlanBellDaviey: nope, ssh in, ps|grep X then kill the pid10:59
nekojust did a fresh install; only did dist-upgrade after enabling all sources, and added like 8 small packages - htop nmap etc10:59
* neko prays to GNU/Linux godz10:59
jussi01Does the microblogging app on the plasma desktop do twitter? if so, does anyone know how to set it up?11:00
DavieyAlanBell: that is weird.. is ssh avaliable afterwards?11:05
DavieyAlanBell: does it do the same if you /etc/init.d/gdm restart?11:06
AlanBellssh isn't available afterwards11:07
AlanBelland gdm restart does the same11:07
AlanBelland it can't be reproduced without the assistance of an 8 year old11:07
DavieyAlanBell: i wonder if "sudo dhclient3" makes ssh work again.. but i wonder if you can get the 8 year old to run this :)11:08
AlanBellDaviey: can't do anything with the local machine apart from move the mouse11:11
AlanBellcan't do ctrl+alt+F111:12
neko use the special key combos to restart11:12
nekosysreset or w/e11:13
DavieyAlanBell: ah11:13
Davieysounds like it is in a really bad way11:13
AlanBellI used the big red switch11:13
nekomm wants to remove a few... ::worries:: ::does it::11:21
virtualdanyone seen tracker constantly use >75%, mostly >95% cpu?11:36
alankilayeah, tracker... I have seen it spend a lot of CPU actually. Since it never worked (constantly churned the disk, but never found a single document when I tried to search anything with it) I uninstalled it myself. That was a good 6 months ago, though, but it sounds typical to me.11:52
virtualdit used to work for me11:53
alankilatrackerd has been removed from ubuntu-desktop anyways, so you don't get it on fresh installs I guess11:55
virtualdheh, apport-gtk crashed when i tried ubuntu-bug `pidof trackerd`11:55
virtualdi didn't know that11:56
alankilaand when apport crashes, maybe it tries to report a crash against itself and crashes and ...11:56
virtualdit seems to work collecting info about itself crashing11:56
* alankila hates apport: it takes like a minute to start and makes a bad, annoying experience worse: instead of just a software crashing there's intense disk churning to make the recovery even more sluggish.11:57
virtuald"You have some obsolete package versions installed"---11:57
kklimondaalankila: not really - it's supposed to help developers fix bugs. that's what you sign for using development releases.11:58
alankilausually after finishing a day's work I find 2-3 apport windows underneath the other windows, mostly about dead flash players. Hah.11:58
alankilakklimonda: right, but the tool could be more prompt about doing its thing.11:59
alankilathe problems are most likely directly related to being written in python. Python is the new Java. It's slow to start and resource hungry. Nobody complains about this, for some reason, though.12:01
kklimondaalankila: I think that the current infrastructure makes it hard to display a neat dialog12:01
kklimondaalankila: not really, it's just that when a big application crashes it takes a while to dump all that memory to disk. And I don't think it can be made more verbose as it's done by kernel12:04
alankilaseriously? But it takes like 1 second to write 80 MB to disk according to measurements?12:04
virtualdalankila: i don't get why they want interpreters in the base system12:04
alankilawell as a programmer I can answer that... C is irritating to program with.12:05
alankilait shifts focus too much from writing interesting stuff with the application to whipping up some kind of infrastructure capable of supporting the application.12:06
kklimondaalankila: it's also prepared to be send to launchpad (i.e. uuencoded or whatever has to be done to make data suitable for http post)12:06
alankilakklimonda: that's likely only done when you actually have to do it, I'd hope.12:07
alankilauuencoding is a great way to balloon a file by 25 % and thus make everything related to handling it that much slower.12:07
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kklimondaalankila: all crashes in /var/crash are already in a form that can be send - core files are encoded using base64, all additional info is added12:08
alankilaanyway, the files under my /var/crash aren't actually large, all less than 300k... so the volume of data isn't the cause why it takes a long time for the apport dialog to pop up after a crash happens here.12:13
minimecHi. Does anyone of you have some experience using the new ATI kms mode/driver in karmic? Is kms activated now in the i386 generic kernel?12:16
virtualdalso, wtf is the scheduler so broken and makes my system so unresponsive so i can't do anything, not even type (it eats my text) when one program uses 100% cpu and i run apt or something other cpu-intensive at the same time. this is on a c2d cpu12:17
alankilavirtuald: I suspect it's about your harddisk, not the CPU. The problem is due to paging, I think: when you try to type stuff and the application needs a page from disk to do it, it will pause until it has it12:18
alankilaand if there's some disk load already then the request will queue for some time12:18
virtualdi think it has to do with io scheduling12:19
virtualdheh when i installed this system the installer gave me a 6GB swap12:20
alankilahm. What, how much memory do you have then?12:20
virtualdthough it was a while ago i installed12:20
alankilayeah, well, 6 GB is emphatically useless.12:21
alankilaby the time more than about 50 % of physical RAM is swapped, the system is completely useless.12:21
alankilathere may be some server systems that during long time can manage to swap more than a desktop, I guess...12:22
alankilathere used to be an ancient rule that said that when you make swap for linux you are supposed to allocate 2x the amount of swap than you have physical ram12:24
alankilathis was because the old linux vm was unable to utilize swaps smaller than the system ram size. I think this was around 2.0 era12:24
penguin42alankila: It's not the amount of swap you use that makes the machine useless - it's how much you try and use at once12:26
alankilapenguin42: yes, well, let's just say that this kind of argument is subject to average behavior.12:27
virtualdi probably shold tune some vm sysctls but that's not for human beings12:28
cumulus007Hi, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 and mysql won't start anymore, it exits with: [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.12:29
alankilabut the fact remains that by my experience the typical swap sizes are actually harmful to desktop experience.12:29
alankilaWhen you have a runaway process, your interest is with having the OOM killer step in and destroy the task. But if you now have copious amounts of swap, you instead have a period of disk trashing -- and it's the longer the more swap you have -- and only then will the task finally be killed12:29
penguin42yeh if you have a runaway process it can mean everything gets swapped out - however you can do both if you were to set a ulimit to limit the maximum process size12:30
cumulus007never mind, got it12:30
alankilayes, but sadly there are no limits by default. You have to know to set them. I argue that the default should be to have quite little swap -- I'd say it's around that 50 % mark because in practice I have not seen things work past that point -- and that's it.12:31
DKcrosshello people12:31
DKcrossi need your help:\12:32
BluesKajHi all12:33
alankilaI experimented with setting ulimits earlier but I discovered that processes like wine allocate 4 GB of RAM or something like it and always run foul of the ulimit, because it's about virtual, not resident size. And resident size is too dirty a metric for the kernel folks to agree to use. :-/ So there is no one ulimit value that makes sense to all processes.12:33
penguin42yeh it's a hard juggle12:33
DKcrosssplashy error connection refused12:35
alankilaanyway, to finish with, I have now removed all disk-based swaps and rely entirely on compcache.12:37
alankilaIt works very well. OOM situations get handled in less than 30 seconds, and yet you have some swap to deal with increased memory consumption. And above all: very little disk trashing occurs.12:40
BluesKajI noticed the kopete icon no longer remains in the taskbar as in previous kubuntus , but it's still runs if not killed by the system monitor or some other means ... merely a heads up to those who need as much cpu headroom and memory as possible.12:40
billybigriggermorning all13:05
Dr_WillisHmm.. when copying large files (5+GB) from one place to another . the system  hangs for large periods of time (5-10 sec) where i can move the mouse..  and  thats it.. it rembers the clicks and so forth..but the menus and other things dont take effect till a few seconds later.13:31
Dr_WillisAnyone noticed this?  (doing updates/upgrade right now, to see if thers any new updates I dident notice this last night)13:32
BluesKajDr_Willis, another case of powernowd not working properly perhaps , cpu scaling isn't stepping upwards in frq when required by the load...that was my experience ,so I removed powernowd . I'm on a desktop , a laptop on the otherhand may need tha powenowd app for battery saving13:38
Dr_WillisI just saw a kernel update wheni updated..   Desktop box here also..13:42
gnomefreakDr_Willis: 2.6.31-8-generic #28-Ubuntu is the latest for me13:44
Dr_Willisyep thats the one it just added13:45
Dr_Willisand i was able to change the grub2 menu 'resolution'   someone was asking about that in here yesterday13:46
Dr_Willisin /etc/default/grub i  got the 2 lines.13:47
Dr_Willisbrb  - rebooting13:48
jaysonsantosHello I'm receving some crashes in openjdk and when apport try to send the error log (which is > =150 MB) to launchpad it sends to me a http error 500, is that error tracked by you ?14:08
* penguin42 thinks there is a #launchpad ?14:12
IdleOnejaysonsantos: 500 is a server error. try again later, maybe it will be fixed14:13
penguin42jaysonsantos: I believe you can also raise a bug on launchpad itself14:13
Dr_WillisOk.. new kernel.. lets see if it still does it...14:13
jaysonsantosIdleOne penguin42 I tried two times. Two weeks ago and last week14:14
penguin42jaysonsantos: OK then I would file a bug on launchpad itself14:14
penguin42although I'm wondering if apport should have a limit somewhere on the size of crash it sends - I'm not sure which side is supposed to deal with huge logs/cores14:16
Dr_WillisHmm.  The new kernel seems (or other updates) seems to have fixed my 'lag' bug14:16
Dr_WillisHmm.. My drive speed in MB/s seems faster now also.14:18
penguin42How's it connected?14:19
Dr_Willisyes all disks sata that i am testing14:19
Dr_WillisI just noticed a big 'lag' when copying a large 5+gb file from one HD to a different one..   the latest batch of updates from this morning seems to have fixed it.14:20
* penguin42 doesn't see a kernel update in the current set of updates14:21
Dr_Willisdoh it came back...14:21
penguin42hmm I wonder what this version of the update tool is supposed to do better14:21
Dr_WillisHmm.. somthing is making it hang.. lets try the filecopy again14:22
penguin42Dr_Willis: Do you see any errors in your dmesg?14:22
Dr_Willisno dmesg errors...14:24
Dr_Williscpu skyrockets to 100+ for 10+ sec at a time14:25
gnu-dio1So, I just updated my Karmic to the current version, and now my sound is broken. I have no idea what update did it, there were quite a few, I hadn't updated in over a week...14:25
penguin42Dr_Willis: Weird; what does top show it's in?14:25
gnu-dio1Any ideas where I should look to get sound running again?14:26
Karmicgnu-dio1: This is a common bug. I have the similar problem even with the module and ALSA working properly. I had to switch to Analog output instead of digital to make it working.14:26
KarmicThere are some topics on the forum related to sound not working after upgrading to Karmic Koala Alpha414:27
gnu-dio1I am already analog. Tried several of the other output settings, but no change14:27
gnu-dio1Ok, I'll look forum, I hadn't yet.14:27
KarmicFor me it's working fine with Analog output.14:27
Karmicusing snd-hda-intel module and ALSA14:27
Dr_WillisHmm. N Top is not giving any clues.. by the time top updates.. the  delay is gone.14:27
Dr_Willis CPU graph applet is showing 100% load for a time of the hang.14:28
Dr_Williswonder if it may be a kde issue.. installing ubuntu-desktop now.14:28
penguin42Dr_Willis: Leave a vmstat 1    running in a window and see what happens around the time of the hang14:29
Dr_Willisok trying it again. at elast its repeatable...14:30
Dr_Willisi try ti type.. and it pauses.. then all opf a sudden appears :)14:30
Dr_Willislike just now14:30
* penguin42 has seen similar behaviours on large copies before14:31
penguin42Dr_Willis: Bit of a tangential - do you have ff running?14:31
Dr_WillisI do NOT have Ff running :) for a change.. heh14:31
gnu-dio1Yeah, my audio was working fine with all the karmic defaults an hour ago before running the updates. (about a week or so's worth)14:31
penguin42hmm ok, it's not it's nasty behaviour then14:31
Dr_WillisI dont recall this issue with like lots of 300+mb files...14:31
penguin42Dr_Willis: 32 or 64bit?14:32
Dr_Willisbut i was moving some virtualbox disk image files just now and saw it happening14:32
jaysonsantosIdleOne penguin42 Thank you I will fill a bug14:32
penguin42Dr_Willis: What hardware?14:32
Dr_Willisamd64 3000 dual core..  Sata drives... lets see... 3gb ram14:33
Dr_Willisit seems to be 'better' now with the new kerle .. but its still very noticeable14:33
penguin42you'd think it would be OK with that wouldn't you- I'd seen similar behaviour ~2 years ago on RHEL when moving multi GB files14:33
Dr_WillisDefinatly  differtn now then on the 9,04 setup on same machine14:34
penguin42Dr_Willis: I think if things are screwed up you can get situations where you get a few GB of memory that's dirty data to be written and then something goes 'Oh shit, I'd better get this written' then you get a big pause while it all slurps out14:35
Dr_Willisactually it seems to be working better.. now that i have a 2nd shell running apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:35
Dr_Willis:) like its keeping things awake...14:35
Karmicgnu-dio1: Karmic is in development period, bugs should be expected. Unstable means it's just for testing purposes so you ought not to use it for production purposes.14:36
Dr_Williscpus are not spikeing to 100% like it was.14:36
penguin42Dr_Willis: Actually, are you sure it's CPU and not load?14:36
Dr_Williswelli dont see a load meter on kubuntu widgits :)  i just got a cpu graph going.14:37
gnu-dio1Of course, this is my play machine, karmic. But I do use it all the time and would like to keep running it, thanks.14:37
Dr_Willishtop earlier wassent showing any thing weird either14:37
Dr_Willisproblem seems to vanished now..  weird.14:37
Dr_Willisit just did it there.. and load was 3.514:39
Dr_WillisHmm.. bed time for me.. will have to reserach it more later.. night all14:40
penguin42Dr_Willis: There's a new tool in the 2.6.31 tool called perf that can be used for finding time and stats inside the kernel if it's stuck using CPU in kernel; I haven't quite got my head around it yet; and it doesn't seem to be packaged - it's in the kernel source14:40
Karmicgnu-dio1: September 3 will be the next phase of the development cycle, when Alpha5 will be out! If you can't troubleshoot the sound problem yourself then you should wait for the fixes to be released.14:40
Dr_Willisheh - proberly over my head.14:40
Dr_Willistake care all.14:41
gnu-dio1Wow, so condescending, karmic. I guess even ubuntu isn't free from that.14:42
penguin42gnu-dio1: It's worth checking for a launchpad bug for your hardware - and there's a wiki page somewhere about the stuff to include on sound bugreports14:45
IdleOnegnu-dio1: it may have sounded harsh but the fact is that karmic is Alpha ( not for regular users ) So it is assumed that if you are running Alpha you know a little about trouble shooting problems.14:45
penguin42IdleOne: Although lets face it, how many of us can do anything useful when the sound goes into a sulk14:45
gnu-dio1I agree, but he assumed I knew nothing, the exact opposite of that14:45
IdleOnepenguin42: very few14:45
KarmicI have assumed nothing. I just affirmed that you are not able. Wait.14:46
gnu-dio1Like I had no Idea Karmic was alpha, for example14:46
Karmic*have not14:46
IdleOnegnu-dio1: he did say IF you cant troubleshoot14:46
IdleOneno assumption there that I see14:46
Karmicyep IdleOne  got it :) + IF14:47
IdleOnegnu-dio1: remember your dealing with devs and Alpha testers. these folks are moody to start with hehe14:47
gnu-dio1Obviously, trying to save a few minutes of my time by seeing if it was a common problem with the latest patches and had an easy solution was a waste of everyone's time.14:48
penguin42gnu-dio1: I've seen others in here with similar probs14:52
robin0800to see a funny? bug? plug in a usb stick right click desktop icon choose properties and change icon watch what happens when you hit OK wait it does eventually work14:53
gnu-dio1I think clearly my mistake was coming here first, instead of after exhausting every other option.14:53
shadeslayermy fonts look really bad in some apps,after i chagned them,but when i changed them back to the default the still look bad.... what do i do?14:53
shadeslayersome apps look fine though....14:54
penguin42gnu-dio1: No, feel free to come here and ask14:54
shadeslayerwhats the command to update all the apps to use the new fonts?14:58
BluesKajgnu-dio1, one thing , we're all running the alpha here on different hardware and setups so there are a lot of problems unique to each user , common ones aren't so commaon14:58
shadeslayerugh....my fonts look horrible15:04
hggdhgnu-dio1, please do not be put off. We need all help we can get15:13
shadeslayerwhats the problem?15:14
shadeslayeri need help with : http://imagebin.ca/view/jKwPtv.html15:42
shadeslayerlook at the fonts in the system settings window and the kpackagekit window15:42
edgyHi, I can log to kubuntu, but ubuntu just hangs after passing the login screen. any one else?15:57
penguin42edgy: No, it's fine for me16:00
gotunandanedgy: what do you mean by "hangs", can you shift to a non graphical mode ctrl+alt+F1 ?16:02
edgygotunandan: no16:02
shadeslayerum,my bluetooth device isnt showing up16:02
nemoKarmic appears to have an invalid evolution-mapi package16:02
edgygotunandan: just the mouse stuck and can do nothing16:02
nemoseems to need 0.27 instead of 0.2616:02
penguin42edgy: Sounds like X crashed16:03
nemoanyone happen to know  where I might search for any such build?16:03
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 25 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:35
shadeslayerhi i need help with my bluetooth device.. it was working till yesterday and now it doesnt work at all16:37
penguin42bah I'm working most of this week, still I'll drop buy for some of those16:37
andresmhmy mousepad scrolling stopped working16:40
andresmhhow can I re-enable it?16:40
penguin42andresmh: Try system->preferences->touchpad ?16:40
andresmhdo you mean system > preferences > mouse?16:41
andresmhi don't have a "touchpad" preference penguin42, and the mouse does not have anything about scrolling16:42
penguin42andresmh: Try installing the gsynaptics package16:43
shadeslayerwow..... apparently if you shutdown the bluetooth adapter from windows,the kernel wont recognise it 0.o16:44
andresmhinteresting that my mouse scrolling stopped working after the last update16:44
andresmhi'll try gsynaptics penguin4216:44
andresmhpenguin42, I got GSynaptics couldn't initialize.You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or XF86Config to use GSynaptics16:46
penguin42andresmh: Hm it used to do that to me as well but recently started working for me without that16:47
mac_vandresmh: gsynaptics is being depricated17:33
mac_vandresmh: use gpointing-device-settings17:33
andresmhmac_v, thanks! i tried that one just now17:34
andresmhbut i couldn't reenable the scrolling17:34
mac_vandersk: hm , try reenabling  from gconf , there have been some problems lately where the setting dont get stored in the gconf,17:35
andresmh mac_v, gconf?17:35
andresmhi don't seem to have that one17:36
mac_vandresmh: $gconf-editor17:36
andresmhmac_v, aha!17:36
andresmhmac_v, umm, i went to system and I don't see anything about mouse17:37
mac_vandresmh: /desktop/gnome/peripherals17:37
andresmhmac_v, /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/pad_horiz_scroll is set to "true"17:38
andresmhthe same with vertical17:38
mac_vandresmh: yes, unset it then again set it to true... there have been some problems there17:38
andresmhdo i need to restart X?17:39
mac_vshouldnt have to17:39
mac_vandresmh: did you try to set to false and then again setting it to true?17:40
andresmhyes mac_v17:40
andresmhit's a checkbox17:40
andresmhi unchecked it and checked it again17:40
mac_vyeah , check.uncheck ;)17:40
andresmhi did that multiple times actually :)17:40
mac_vhmm , I'm stumped , its works for me ;p17:41
andresmhthis last Xorg/Compiz updates messed up a lot of things for me. I wish it could be possible to revert updates.17:41
mac_vandresmh: enable /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/pad_horiz_scroll17:42
mac_vandresmh: enable /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/horiz_scroll_enabled17:42
mac_vit should work17:42
andresmhmac_v, nope :(17:44
NoelJBandresmh, you can find out the old version(s) from dpkg.log, and tell apt-get to install specific version(s).17:44
NoelJBandresmh, but you really should report the regressions ASAP.17:44
andresmhNoelJB, that works for some packages but not for all. I have reported tons of regressions  :)17:44
NoelJBandresmh, :-)17:44
mac_vyeah ^ , if its not working , its a bug17:44
andresmhOften times one of the challenges is to know where to report the regression.17:45
andresmhXorg, Compiz, or some other package I don't even know exists.17:45
mac_vandresmh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage17:46
mac_v^that helps sometimes ;)17:46
NoelJBandresmh, amen to that.  udev, modemmanager, network-manager, ... (dealing with that ATM).17:46
andresmhalso sometimes I feel like the bugs stay on launchpad without anyone noticing them17:47
mac_vhehe , ;) especially since we are atm transitioning a lot of packages17:47
NoelJBandresmh, I agree.17:47
andresmhI was also considering subscribing to an Xorg PPA from upstream17:48
andresmhdo you know which one would that be?17:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about edgers17:49
penguin42Does anyone know if I move my .gnupg/secring.pgp onto an encrypted LUKS disk it'll be OK? Or will I have problems starting stadnrd logins and things that use keyrings?17:49
NoelJBandresmh, upstream for Xorg?17:49
reggieP123hey folks17:49
andresmhyes No1Viking17:50
andresmhyes NoelJB17:50
reggieP123is there a way to add the same wifi support from Karmic to Jaunty17:50
reggieP123seems as though the intermittent wifi performance on Ubuntu has been fixed in Karmic17:51
NoelJBandresmh, https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa but PLEASE read the description carefully.17:51
rippsAny word if the new ALSA is going to get into Karmic? or is too late?17:51
NoelJBandresmh, see also: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates17:52
NoelJBbut I suspect that X-Edgers is what you are looking for.17:52
NoelJBripps, which ALSA do you want?17:54
mac_vandresmh: the edgers stuff is a little stable , i you try upstream stuff , it will be highly volatile17:54
reggieP123does anyone know how to transfer or perhaps use the kernel or driver from karmic to jaunty?17:56
rippsNoelJB: alsa 1.0.21 was released today, and I think Karmic is using 1.0.20. Are they going to update, or is going to be left alone due to feature freeze17:56
reggieP123I need t do it to resolve the wifi issue17:56
billybigriggerripps_: alsa 1.0.21 could cause more bugs than it's worth18:05
andresmh what is the difference between what I get from the karmic PPA's vs https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates ?18:20
billybigriggeranyone know of a decent console bittorrent client?18:24
naliothbillybigrigger: rtorrent18:26
billybigriggerjust found that :P18:27
eurythmiawhat package should I use to enable laptop Fn key support? I have laptop-mode installed and enabled (being run), but I still can't adjust the brightness of my monitor18:31
penguin42eurythmia: Maybe hotkey-setup ?18:41
eurythmiapenguin42, I'll check it out.18:41
eurythmiapenguin42, also: the removal of libglib2.0-0 removed everything (kernel included) ... I did find out I was able to run "aptitude show ubuntu-desktop" and then grab the list of files from there, and remove them, but then I had funkiness with my kdm setup ... so, I finally broke down and just used a server-install as a base for everything else.18:43
penguin42eurythmia: Oh erm, it removed the kernel? Ahem sorry for that! the gtk and x11-common should have got rid of most of them though18:43
* penguin42 wonders wtf the kernel depends on libglib18:43
eurythmiapenguin42, ah, it's no problem. It's just a good thing that I'm patient, and already exposed to linux ;)18:47
billybigriggerrtorrent sucks, i can't seem to get er working18:54
TheSteve0I am getting crashes when trying to open keyboard bindings19:00
penguin42TheSteve0: Known bug, it's either fixed or just about to be fixed19:00
TheSteve0penguin42: thx19:01
TheSteve0how do people usually give feedback here?19:01
TheSteve0I am a newb to the channel - used ubuntu for over a yr and CentOS before that and RedHat before that19:01
TheSteve0so I am fairly good with *nix and wanted to help with testing Karmic (love it so far)19:02
penguin42TheSteve0: Bugs go into launchpad19:02
TheSteve0alright - then what do we do here?19:03
nanomadtry to confirm that sth is a bug19:03
TheSteve0nanomad: gotcha - sounds good19:03
TheSteve0so come here first, then if we confirm put it into launchpad19:04
nanomadTheSteve0, kinda. The reverse might happen also19:04
penguin42TheSteve0: There are also lots of other #ubuntu-blah channels19:04
TheSteve0penguin42: yeah, I asked in ubuntu-dev and they said come here19:06
RainCTOhh, the upgrade to Karmic worked :)19:06
RainCTWe've got a pretty weird gdm now.. :P19:06
penguin42here's good for support and first line support for karmic, there are some others if you want to get further into fighting bugs19:06
nanomadTheSteve0, yes, ubunut-dev is for Karmic development only19:06
TheSteve0yeah I am running Karmic19:07
TheSteve0alright well thanx19:08
RainCToh, and software-store looks better than I thought :)19:09
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cdE|Woozyrobin0800, have you filed a bug?19:10
ShapeShifter499I backed up my firefox folders in /home/user/.mozilla now I reinstalled my whole system, how to I reinstall  my backup?19:13
penguin42just plop the .mozilla directory back into your home directory19:14
ShapeShifter499its not working19:15
shadeslayerdid anyone receive kernel upgrades?19:16
ShapeShifter499what do I do??19:16
nanomadshadeslayer, mhh, let me check19:17
penguin42according to Chromium one of my tabs is taking -37846112K19:17
penguin42no wonder it feels so fast19:17
shadeslayernanomad: i thought i saw something about a kernel upgrade in kpackagekit,but it upgraded so quickly....19:17
TheSteve0ShapeShifter499: I bet it has to do with salting the profile names19:18
TheSteve0don't drop the whole ./mozilla19:18
nanomadshadeslayer, nothing here...19:18
shadeslayernanomad: ok,thanks ;)19:18
TheSteve0find the salted name in the backup and then put that it's contents in the new salted profile name19:19
ShapeShifter499what do I do than?19:19
shadeslayerthey should start a blog where they put up new updates about the standard packages19:19
TheSteve0by salted i mean something that looks like fh46thes under profiles19:19
nanomadshadeslayer, there is the mailing list19:19
TheSteve0ShapeShifter499: it is under .mozilla/firefox19:20
ShapeShifter499yea got it19:20
shadeslayernanomad:the ubuntu-devel and kubuntu-devel ? im already on them19:20
TheSteve0ShapeShifter499: I would delete what is there now and let FF create a new one19:21
TheSteve0then recopy your backup stuff in19:21
nanomadShapeShifter499, see: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Import_bookmarks19:21
TheSteve0nanomad: but I think he wants his entire setting not just his bookmarks19:21
nanomadShapeShifter499, see also: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Transferring_data_to_a_new_profile_-_Firefox19:21
ShapeShifter499ahh ok19:21
nanomadshadeslayer, i was referring to: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Karmic-changes19:23
shadeslayernanomad: ah... thanks ;)19:24
nanomadshadeslayer, actually there is a [ubuntu/karmic] linux 2.6.31-9.29 (Accepted)19:26
shadeslayernanomad: ahh..19:27
ShapeShifter499tnx the backup idea worked19:28
nanomadShapeShifter499, thats the way it should be done. Next time try using something like Xmarks, it makes everything easier19:29
ShapeShifter499I just erased all of the files within ./mozilla than let firefox create a new set of files than I droped my backup into the new ./mozilla19:29
ShapeShifter499I know about xmarks, I have a account, but this was on my moms computer, don't want to mix up my bookmarks and my mom's19:30
nanomadShapeShifter499, (totally OT) you can use xmarks profiles to keep everything separated.19:34
ShapeShifter499oh? sorry haven't been using xmarks that long19:34
ShapeShifter499I'll google that19:35
ShapeShifter499tnx for the help19:35
nanomadShapeShifter499, np19:36
shadeslayeris it possible to have a different taskbar for each activity?19:38
ShapeShifter499well I'm going to go19:43
SerialKillerhey guys i was wondering if there were any previews of karmic??19:57
KarmicSerialKiller: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/UsingDevelopmentReleases && http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha419:57
SerialKillerhas any tried karmic yet??20:00
SerialKillerwhat do you think??20:00
SerialKilleranything different??20:01
KarmicSerialKiller: GO to the links I gave you and you'll see for yourself, or if test it out by different methods specified there.20:02
SerialKilleri am going to run a vm and look at it20:02
SerialKillerjsut looking for impressions20:03
aemyrIs it safe to update to karmic?20:09
aemyrIs it safe to update to karmic?20:09
SerialKillernot yet20:10
aemyrOkay Thanks :)20:10
SerialKillerso far nothing different lol20:18
TwigaathyFirefox is being a bit crash-happy today... anybody else noticing badness?20:26
alteregoainstall opera20:26
alteregoafirefox 32bit runs faster on wine then the native 64bit ff20:27
SudoKinghi, i don't seem to find any instructions for upgrading Kubuntu from 9.04? Could anyone point me to some? thanks :)20:34
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:35
billybigriggerSudoKing: no thats all wrong20:35
billybigriggerSudoKing: hold on20:35
billybigriggerhttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha4 should do it :P20:36
RichardWolfVII have a question regarding repos, how useful is using a source repo?20:37
RichardWolfVII mean, for a regular user that rarely compiles20:38
SudoKingbillybigrigger: thanks, had looked at that, but now realise I didn't have the update-manager package :)20:38
billybigriggerSudoKing: hehe might need that eh?20:41
SudoKingI don't know... in my opinion, Kubuntu should have an equivalent installer20:42
SudoKingthis app looks GNOMEish20:42
billybigriggerit is :P20:49
RagnarokAngel1Alright, I'm having a weird error after I updated my system20:55
andresmhhow do I disable PulseAudio, I tried this and failed: http://pastebin.com/d364b073d21:01
foreverubuntudoes Alt + F2 update-manager -d update to latest alpha or daily builds?21:02
billybigriggerbut there's a new method in the release notes as of alpha421:02
billybigriggertheres the update-manager -d or you can do it from a console if you wish21:03
billybigriggerbut whatever method you choose, will update you to the latest daily builds21:03
foreverubuntuok. that would explain the 53 updates today, I think.21:04
=== SudoKing_ is now known as SudoKing
BUGabundoboas noites21:22
BUGabundo/me waves21:22
arandhello BUGabundo, whats up?21:23
RainCTwow, the notifications in the middle are awful. I don't even notice them :P21:24
billybigriggerRainCT: been like that for a few days now21:26
BUGabundoarand: not much21:26
BUGabundowaiting for a forum confirmation email :(21:26
RainCTbillybigrigger: yeah, the was a thread on ubuntu-devel@ about that21:26
RichardWolfVII wonder if devs do actually use their packages sometimes21:27
arandBUGabundo: yay, only in digital land do you stare at the mailbox untill the postmanman arrives ;)21:27
BUGabundotweet.im forum21:28
BUGabundodarn thing is broken21:28
* arand is hunting down the symlink bug to see if it's ubuntu-specific or not (vbox-frenzy)21:29
RainCTwhat has happened to the GDM configuration tool?21:30
billybigriggergone with gdm 2.2721:31
foreverubuntuIs System/Preferences/Appearance opening for any of you/21:31
RainCTforeverubuntu: yeah, works here21:31
billybigriggerwon't lie, i'm not booted into ubuntu21:31
foreverubuntuI think it's broken in PowerPC Karmic.21:32
RainCToh nice, now there's an option to disable bluetooth :)21:33
BUGabundoforeverubuntu: it is, but very slowly21:34
BUGabundoand even worse to close21:34
foreverubuntuBUGabundo What?21:35
BUGabundoappearance foreverubuntu21:35
RainCTIs gnome-keybinding-properties segfaulting for you too?21:36
thekorn_RainCT, yes21:38
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== xray7224_ is now known as xray7224
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
=== linux1_ is now known as linux1
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
billybigriggerquite today22:07
billybigriggermust not be too much breakage :)22:07
billybigriggerdid anyone notice any new artwork for the first drop?22:08
TwigaathyI doubt I have the correct packages installed to notice :(22:08
RichardWolfVIthe only remotely new I notice in appearance is GDM22:09
TwigaathyI think that had the debian logo when I last checked!22:10
* BUGabundo is doing updates to satisfy billybigrigger need for breakgage22:11
IdleOneit's officail any breakage from this point on is billybig1igger's fault22:13
BUGabundoNeed to get 94.7MB of archives. After unpacking 5308kB will be used.22:13
BUGabundoat 2G speeds22:13
BUGabundoblasted you billybigrigger22:13
* BUGabundo offers a gun to billybigrigger to kill all clones!22:13
BUGabundoBug #42224722:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422247 in ubuntu "Sound problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42224722:14
BluesKajheh, windows vista sp2 "upgrade"  fails to install on my dual boot laptop cuz the bcd bootloader has been modded , grub is to blame :)22:14
BluesKajbillybigrigger, from most reports the Vista SP2 upgrade is failing on all dual core and 64bit pcs22:24
RichardWolfVIAppearance is sgfaulting for me, too22:27
billybigriggerBluesKaj: hehe thats what you get i guess22:30
BUGabundoppa for the beta xorg driver? anyone knows?22:31
BUGabundox-squaters something ?22:32
* BUGabundo pokes cwillu with a veryyyyy long stick22:32
billybigriggerdriver for what device?22:33
alteregoaa driver for a BMW m322:33
RichardWolfVIBUGabundo; Search for Xorg Edgers in Launchpad22:36
BUGabundogot it, thanks22:36
alteregoatoday i had 60mb updates22:37
bjsniderBluesKaj, isn't that a typical microsoft "upgrade"?23:01
* billybigrigger compiles firefox....again....23:13
billybigriggeri've here here all freakin' day trying to get it23:14
BUGabundobillybig what are you after?23:14
alankilagrr, someone should really attack this constant proliferation of language runtimes required to run the desktop. Now it wants to install Erlang? Madness. When will it end.23:15
billybigriggerBUGabundo: been playing with my "other" system :)23:16
billybigriggerLFS completey built from scratch23:16
BUGabundoahh lol23:16
billybigriggerwhat a PITA sometimes :) like today when i can't get FF compiled23:16
BUGabundoalankila: when it requires win.com23:16
billybigriggerbecause of libpng23:16
billybigriggerhey what fonts are you guys using?23:17
billybigriggeri miss ubuntu's font rendering23:17
billybigriggerdefault xorg/xserver fonts suck23:17
eurythmia_I recently installed karmic on my laptop ... it looks like there's been some grief going around with Intel video cards and the backlight. I appear to have run into the same problem. My particular incantation of the issue, though, is that the backlight is too dim. I wonder if somebody has figured out how to fix this, even if it's a "pick a setting you like and leave it that way until the cows come home," because I can hardly see my screen dur23:52
NarethAlt+tab seems to crash my session, it hangs, but still responds to capslock and alt+f5 and such23:56
NarethLet's see if it crashes now.23:57
RichardWolfVINareth: That issue is confirmed as a Kernel issue23:58
RichardWolfVIthe only workaround ATM is downgrading mesa to 7.523:59

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