
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
andvhi gnomefreak :)11:15
andvgnomefreak, do you know when asac will be back?11:15
gnomefreakandv: hi11:16
gnomefreakandv: tomowwor last i heard11:16
andvok great11:16
gnomefreakseptember 1st11:16
andvyep, tomorrow then11:16
gnomefreakfta: is crhomuim really that big  of a package?11:29
gnomefreaksorry for typo its still too early11:29
bdrung_asac: welcome back15:21
asacanything i missed?15:32
asacanything i should know before start reading my mailbox gigante.15:32
gnomefreakasac: welcome back15:32
asachi gnomefreak15:32
gnomefreakonly 3 hours to do email. brb smoke15:42
fta2asac, the v8 builds are useless, nothing is using the 1.2 branch16:24
asacsure. i can bump them to latest or whatever.16:26
asacwhat would you suggest?16:26
fta2btw, i had to drop system sqlite16:27
asacfor c or f?16:27
asacbecause they patched it or running something to bleeding for us now?16:28
fta2they patched it16:30
fta2trivial but enough to break the system lib16:37
fta2asac, i also stopped the backports of gwibber daily16:43
asacfta2: backports < jaunty or <=jaunty ?16:52
asacis it brokenb ecause of webklit?16:52
fta2 /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk:185: *** invalid setting for XS-Python-Version.  Stop.16:53
fta2gasp, i broke the bot16:55
asacso gwibber needs new python now? or just hardcoded version for karmic in branch?16:59
fta2Ken and jcastro told me it's ok to stop17:00
fta2i didn't investigate further17:00
fta2feel free17:00
fta2bot fixed, hopefully17:02
fta2asac, your nmt also has some issues17:06
fta2the applet pkg needs a bt dep iirc17:07
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asacfta2: yes. bittorrent and also a change of polkit (like what i had for nm)17:10
asacawe is working on the breakage -finally17:10
asacotherwise i will finish that up tomorrow17:10
asacalso thx for including a sensible mail title now in logs17:10
fta2asac, bittorrent? lol, no bluetooth17:11
fta2asac, the title is just part of my new idea for the logs, i committed phase 1 yesterday17:13
fta2ripps, ^^17:13
fta2(and some fixes today)17:14
rippsfta2: yeah, I noticed. New email option17:14
fta2ripps, you need r12117:14
rippsI'm updating my repo dirs now17:15
fta2maybe you should subscribe to the branch on lp and ask for email notifications17:15
rippsI have a dozens of repos that I update daily and I have a script that automatically scans them for upstream changes.17:17
fta2ripps, do you use that with my bot or instead of my bot?17:21
rippsWell, I keep my bot in a seperate directory and I manually sync changes between my repo dir and my version of the bot, just so I can learn a little about what was changed17:22
rippsI use meld, very useful for automatically sync changes between 2 dirs, but still having some control over it17:23
fta2ripps, oh, so you have a fork?17:23
rippsnot really, just some stuff in my daily.sh, but pretty much 99% of it is identical to yours17:24
fta2ripps, hm, would you mind sharing? so i can see if it's generic enough to be merged, or if i should add some hooks to allow you do what you need without patching17:25
fta2i have to run, be back in ~1h. feel free to talk to fta ;)17:29
andvhello asac!!18:20
andvwelcome back!18:21
andvasac, you forgot to push all-in-one before going to holidays18:21
andvyou pushed mozilla-devscripts only :)18:21
asachi. yeah. it didnt make the cut unfortunately ... will happen today or tomorrow morning (most likely) ... i am already on my way out again for dinner et al18:26
andvasac, please remember to add DM tag18:29
andvasac, if you want I can do it myself on the branch18:30
andvasac, I've added it ;)18:43
andvasac, and gave a release commit18:43
RainCTI've just upgraded to Karmic, and the "Keep 3.5 settings" option doesn't work (it just scared me to hell! :D)18:45
andvit worked for me18:45
RainCTIt created a new profile and my Shiretoko stuff ended up in ~/.mozilla/firefox.3.0-replaced/firefox18:46
andvI would suggest you to open a bug and asac will have a look at it18:46
andvanyway it worked fine for me18:47
andvsome days ago I upgraded18:47
RainCT(in case it matters, I had Shiretoko open during the update, once it completed I attempted to open a link from another app and I got the dialog where I checked "keep 3.5" - nothing happened. Now I've closed Shiretoko, opened Firefox, got asked again -clicked on "keep 3.5 settings" again- and got the explained result)18:48
andvit's seems not a bug then18:49
andvyou just kept it opened during an update18:49
andvwhich is a bit not safe18:49
andvI had it working coz my firefox was closed during the update18:49
RainCTWell, it should be made safe then, shouldn't it? :)18:49
andvkeeping it open and having the 'keep' stuff working?18:49
andvduring an update?18:50
RainCTBut hey, nevermind if nobody else complains - Just thought I'd mention it :)18:50
andvusually firefox after installing any kind of update (addons / lang packs / whatever) it requires to be restarted18:50
asacRainCT: one quick comment. we have a bug open for that18:50
asacand i think we need to somehow address that better18:50
asacnot exactly sure how though18:51
andvasac, I think it's normal to restart an application after an update18:51
andvor not?18:51
asacits unacceptable that it does the wrong thing if the user has it open during update18:51
asacyes. but we dont force a restart ... we just give user the hint to trestart it18:51
asacwith a button so they can do that easily18:51
andvit's not forced but suggested18:51
asacobvious solution i suggested in the bug is that the script probes whether there is a remote firefox running18:52
asacand if it is, dont do the migration18:52
asaconly when its a "real" start18:52
asaci think there were a few corner cases tricky with that18:52
asacbut in general thats the way to go18:52
asac(however, the bug most likely existed in firefox 3.0 transition too - not saying we shouldnt fix it of course)18:52
asaccorner cases -> mostly "multi profile" cases18:53
asacok out for dinner18:53
RainCT(I didn't get a "restart required" bubble either, btw)18:53
RainCTasac: ok, enjoy your meal :)18:53
ftagasp, my pc crashed during the day19:13
ftawhen did i disappear?19:14
fta15:28:59 <--     fta has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))19:31
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ftaasac, did you send your dch patch for integration in u or d?20:30
jcastrofta or asac: can one of you sponsor gwibber so we can get 2.0 in pls?20:38
ftajcastro, is it considered stable enough?20:38
ftajcastro, i just have an empty window in my laptop20:39
jcastroit's not going into main though is what I was told20:39
jcastrohmm, let me find vandine20:39
kenvandinefta, empty window?20:41
kenvandinefta, seems more stable to me20:41
ftai meant, no dent at all, in any tab/stream/whatever20:41
kenvandinehave you tried running the daemon and the client in a terminal?20:42
kenvandineget some output20:42
fta..and many features regressed compared to 1.2.*, themes, auto ":" after nicks, avatars no longer cached, etc.20:43
kenvandinethemes are broken... yes20:43
kenvandineavatar caching has never worked well...20:43
ftathat's why i asked if it was considered stable enough (for me, it isn't, but if others think it's ok, i'm fine)20:44
kenvandineit is "feature complete" for karmic20:44
kenvandinebut there are known bugs for sure...20:44
kenvandineit is definately less "crashy" than the 1.2 series20:44
fta2.0 already crashed 3 times for me, while 1.2 didn't since asac patched it, not even once20:48
ftanothing enlightening in the terminals20:49
kenvandinei haven't had any crashes20:52
kenvandineso no output?20:53
kenvandineand what revision are you running?20:53
kenvandineok.. i have 39320:57
* kenvandine pulls20:57
kenvandineoh... what happens when you hit the refresh button?20:58
kenvandinei wonder if it never auto refreshes on startup20:59
ftahm, i see some dents now21:00
ftai didn't even hit refresh (i couldn't find it)21:01
ftathe 1st "Loading Complete" appeared several minute after the launch21:04
kenvandineit needs to call refresh once on startup21:04
kenvandinei think it waits until the configured interval to refresh21:05
kenvandinehey aquarius21:06
aquariushey kenvandine21:07
kenvandinefta, so can you get it uploaded?21:10
kenvandinethat is stuff we will get fixed as bug fixes21:10
kenvandinenot features :)21:10
ftaok, which branch is it? i don't remember21:11
kenvandinebug 42003421:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420034 in gwibber "Update to 2.0.0 snapshot" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42003421:11
kenvandine lp:~gwibber-team/gwibber/packaging21:11
kenvandinefta, thx!21:12
ftakenvandine, hm, I will just bump it to 396, no other change, 393 was spitting too many errors via apport21:19
BUGabundoboas noites21:22
BUGabundo/me waves21:22
kenvandinefta, sure21:28
BUGabundofta: asac: wasn't I clear on my request???21:28
ftakenvandine, done21:35
ftaBUGabundo, apparently not21:35
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
kenvandinefta, awesome21:41
BUGabundofta: well I remember asac opening bugs, and have written a blog post I think21:41
BUGabundoon how web designers should not filter Firefox for it string21:42
BUGabundobut the proper agent21:42
BUGabundoor else stuff like shireoko or abrowser will not get caught21:42
ftai have the same problem with chromium21:43
ftaupstream hardcoded Chrome, i wanted to change it to Chromium, they said it's a bad idea21:44
BUGabundoyeah but at work21:44
ftai then changed it to mention both Chrome and Chromium, they said it's too long21:44
BUGabundoI noticed today on their css lots of Firefox agent hardcoded21:44
BUGabundoand I wanted proof that that was *wrong*21:44
BUGabundojust showing them abrowser was enough21:45
BUGabundohey micahg21:45
ftai have no solution for that21:45
micahghi BUGabundo21:45
BUGabundobut I'm sure I read something from asac on that21:45
BUGabundomicahg: do you know?21:45
BUGabundo well I remember asac opening bugs, and have written a blog post I think21:46
BUGabundo(09:42:21 PM) freenode: on how web designers should not filter Firefox for it string21:46
BUGabundo(09:42:28 PM) freenode: but the proper agent21:46
BUGabundo(09:42:45 PM) freenode: or else stuff like shireoko or abrowser will not get caught21:46
ftawhen we change the branding in firefox, it also changes the user agent, that is an upstream choice to tie the two together21:46
micahgsorry, i missed the Q21:46
micahgis asac around?21:46
ftaso it's expected to break web site hardcoding stuff for firefox21:47
micahgwell, depending on what it checks for it can break sites21:48
micahgbug 39721121:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397211 in firefox-3.5 "Shiretoko user agent string breaks compatibilty with major websites" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39721121:50

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