
Flannel!away > D3f004:11
topyli!away > PhreazZ06:31
elkythat peddy guy in #u has his realname as "steve jobs"... combine that with the things he's saying...08:06
Tm_pHi kids09:16
Tm_pI spent last night in er, now in regular hospital bed09:18
ikoniaoh wow, what happened ?09:19
Tm_pHurt my back09:19
ikoniarubbish, hope all is well09:21
Tm_pPlayed with my kid09:21
ikoniaare you ok now09:21
Tm_pAll well, just pain09:21
ikoniamanagable with drugs I assume09:23
Tm_pBarely, weird that09:24
Tm_pOnly reason to still be here is pain09:26
ikoniamany peoples reason09:27
Tm_pFood now, gone09:29
MyrttiVizirovics might be a problem12:05
gnomefreakMyrtti: by the looks of it you may be right12:10
Myrttibazhang: if you tell him to take it elsewhere, tell him where to take it to12:11
gnomefreakhe isnt going to go to -ot (just a guess)12:12
bazhangtime to learn Hungarian12:13
Myrttihe should go to #ubuntu-irc anyway12:13
Myrttiwhich is the correct channel for loco channel issues12:13
bazhangoh nice PM spam from him12:13
ikoniawgat a surprise he's banned12:13
gnomefreakah that explains alot12:14
bazhangongazekir or the like (forgot exact nick)12:14
gnomefreakhe will be back12:15
ikoniaof course12:15
ubotturob called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:14
ikoniaelky: you are too awesome14:18
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: java is To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. For the FireFox plugin install sun-java6-plugin14:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu, felix said: ubottu , yes i know but is not for linux is for windows partitions14:51
geniiI like how some of them get argumentative with poor ubottu14:55
nikowarning on Vendredi, keep an eye on him15:13
Mamarokoh, Fujisan ban-evading again?15:45
naliothbeing fujisan, as usual15:49
mnainesCan we get an op to the Ubuntu support channel?  There is a French user in that channel insulting the English-speaking users.  Another French user in the channel who speaks English complained about it16:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu, bunny said: !vim is vim is the most amazing text editor ever!  if you have not yet learned it, learn it!! either run vimtutor, or go to -> http://vi-improved.org/tutorial.php to whet your interest16:09
Myrttisomeone should tell him about the trigger16:16
Myrtti!away > Thoben^Away16:18
Myrtti!english > BoumBoum16:19
Myrtti!away | NorwayGeek|away16:19
ubottuNorwayGeek|away: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:19
Myrtti!away > NorwayGeek|away16:20
ubottuIn #kubuntu, aditza said: ubottu if linux is epic fail16:29
ubottuDragnslcr called the ops in #kubuntu ()16:30
jussi01maco: finally got to put those powahs to good use eh?16:34
macojussi01: i tried to kick before op'ing myself. doh.16:35
jussi01maco: are you not using my aliases?16:36
macoi just did things out of order16:36
macoi did /kick and then it didnt work so then i did /cs op and THEN did /kick and then it worked16:37
ryanakcajussi01: D'you have any aliases for irssi?16:37
jussi01ryanakca: /join #dib5sn - in topic16:37
andresmujicahi ops!, is possible for one of you guys to help during the UDW updating the topic for each session at #ubuntu-classroom ?19:22
ikoniaandresmujica: sure19:22
ikoniawhat's up19:22
andresmujicaikonia: thks!!  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek   at this time $quickly fun -- rickspencer3 and didrocks19:23
ikonia4th of Sep - noted, I'll ask some of the others too when they wake up19:23
andresmujicathanks a lot ikonia19:26
ikonianot at all, it may not hurt to ask again in a few days as a reminder, but I've noted it down personally19:26
andresmujicahmm, ikonia but the UDW is from aug 31 up to sept 4... not only the 4th... :)19:29
ikoniaandresmujica: oooh, I see19:29
ikoniaI miss-read, I thought the sessions startd on the 4th19:29
ikoniaahhh I see the dates now19:30
ikoniaI can commit to the 2nd onwards, but I can't do the 1st19:30
ikoniamaybe early 1st, not late on though19:30
ikoniaI'm sure of the other guys/gals in here will help out though19:31
ikoniaalso speak to people like popey who's not in the channel, he puts in a lot of effort in the classroom19:32
andresmujicaperfect!.. ok i'll look him too19:32
ikoniaI'm just seeing if he's active now19:32
ikoniadoesn't look like he is19:33
naliothandresmujica: anyone with an Ubuntu cloak can operate #ubuntu-classroom19:39
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (jtrenchard ( quit message ))22:14

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