
davmor2Morning all08:37
davmor2This morning I will mostly be writing manual test for checkbox and testing wubi08:38
davmor2hello heno :)11:42
henohey davmor2! How's it going?11:42
davmor2Fine thanks I think wubi is still broken but at a different point now :)11:43
davmor2heno: how's your new role?11:44
henodavmor2: not bad, starting to get busy as well now :)11:45
davmor2cool :)11:45
* davmor2 -> Lunch13:06
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
davmor2cr3: dude morning14:24
cr3davmor2: yo mama, thanks for your cases.txt file!14:25
davmor2by the way what is the script for testing the display sizes auto magically I can add tests for pre- and post- s3/s4 then14:26
cr3davmor2: I'm not sure which one you mean, resolution_test?14:29
davmor2cr3: you may need to add requires: but I don't know what14:29
davmor2cr3: do you have access to the spreadsheet of tests?14:29
cr3davmor2: I was just going to ask you to send me the one you were sent by fader, that should be authoritative14:34
davmor2I made an ods version of it unless you want it comma seperated14:35
davmor2cr3: ^14:35
davmor2cr3: I sent you both versions14:37
cr3davmor2: cheers14:40
davmor2most of the top half is now covered by the tests I've thrown together plus existing and there are only 2/3-ish of the bottom half too :)14:41
cr3davmor2: wow, very pleased to hear that!14:44
davmor2cr3: lik I say though I've gone for the obvious ones first and then I've left all the ones that say in progress or whatever till fader come back :)  I just want to fill the wholes for now and then back fill the others when I know exactly what is happening with them :)14:46
cr3anyone happen to know of a tutorial or something to purge a package returning: Errors were encountered while processing: package_name14:51
cr3nevermind, --force-remove-reinstreq did it for me14:53
davmor2davmor3: ping15:53
davmor3oh adium themes15:53
davmor2liking adium :)15:54
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
mikefletcherHi.  The Disk Benchmark test on the lastest checkbox in 9.10 doesn't produce any usefull output.  All I see is the words "Is this ok?".  Is this a known problem?20:32

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