
vocxwfiuewfew, no, a window pops up asking you what to do? But, what kind of malware? Windows malware doesn't work in Linux.00:00
JohnCorbeauwfiuewfew: it should scann the content of your CD and ask you what to do unles you disabled that00:00
HalitechGhotiPhud, maybe try disabling ipv600:00
jibadeehawfiuewfew, ubuntu asks you what you want to do with the cd00:00
LoCoBoi187check for device, play around with the program panv, its only me 4th day with ubuntu00:00
panvsame here..00:00
panvi was on debian before...00:00
sebsebseb!virus |  wfiuewfew00:00
ubottuwfiuewfew: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:00
panvbut i don't know why i moved to ubuntu...00:00
wfiuewfewThanks, I got a window that the cd has packages and I clicked "No" -- so there is no risk?00:01
LoCoBoi187panv i was on windows 7 before ;)00:01
panvwelcome to life00:01
sebsebsebwfiuewfew: packages?  you mean  Debs?  what kind of CD?00:02
LoCoBoi187life is hard, i want windows to hold my hand again00:02
Halitechwfiuewfew, even if it was a windows cd with windows exe files, it wouldn't do a thing to your system00:02
wfiuewfewsebsebseb: yes, debs. The cd is from a questionable source00:02
panvlol LoCoBoi18700:02
wolf1oohas anyone here tried atmosphir?00:03
losherwfiuewfew: a questionable source. Do say more...00:03
sebsebsebwfiuewfew: well  malicous debs shoudn't be installed00:03
Flannelwfiuewfew: No, that's not a problem.  Ubuntu detected that the CD you inserted had a repository on it, and asked if you wanted to enable that repositoriy00:03
wfiuewfewThanks, it was supposed to be a documents cd, so I was surprised to see the deb warning00:03
Polt{laptop}hello I have a problem on my januty system00:04
vocxwfiuewfew, and in general, I think it would be a pain to package malware for linux...00:04
Polt{laptop}I installed the group tab compiz plugin from GIT and now emerald is fighting with metacity00:04
MorikHello. I am using wine and jaunty. I used the wow downloader to install the game. The installation went fine. When I go to launch the game it starts downloading and updating the game. The download goes to 70% and then stops.00:05
Polt{laptop}they can't make up their mind on which one should be the main window decorator and my computer is friggin lying to me00:05
Polt{laptop}I know for a fact it supports compiz00:05
mmonlsdI connected my dreambox 500s on the ethernet card it sees internet (wich i share from wifi to ethernet) and connects successfully to server but as soon as I type in the dreambox ip in firefox it cant see it... :S anyone?00:05
Polt{laptop}I just had a wicked compiz setup00:05
Polt{laptop}and now this POS is not working00:05
Polt{laptop}what gives ????????00:05
vocx!enter | Polt{laptop}00:05
ubottuPolt{laptop}: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:05
Polt{laptop}you sure ok00:06
Gneammonlsd: start a webserver on the dreambox00:06
Polt{laptop}I don't care about that right now00:06
Polt{laptop}I wanna know about this problem00:06
Gnea!attitude | Polt{laptop}00:06
ubottuPolt{laptop}: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:06
GneaPolt{laptop}: sorry, you're going to care or you're not going to solve the problem.00:06
FlannelPolt{laptop}: Emerald is deprecated, you likely don't mean emerald (not that your question is any less valid, I just don't believe you're using emerald)00:06
mmonlsdGnea,  anymore infos plz00:06
* Polt{laptop} contemplates switching to Arch because of the response he's getting when he comes begging for help00:06
Polt{laptop}thanks alot Gnea00:06
LoCoBoi187panv: pm00:06
GneaPolt{laptop}: spamming the channel like that isn't a good way to get a good response.00:07
losherwfiuewfew: linux malware is pretty rare in fact. If your CD *did* contain malware it would be of some interest to the community. But I'm guessing it just has some reader software on it for the docs. Can you list the contents on http://paste.ubuntu.com ?00:07
Polt{laptop}I'm just PO'ed00:07
Polt{laptop}big time00:07
FlannelPolt{laptop}: You spreading out your question across six lines or so makes it extremely difficult to help you.  We can't help you unless you help us help you.00:07
GneaPolt{laptop}: well, you don't have the right to take it out on us.00:07
Polt{laptop}I would think that at least one of you guys would understand having dealt with linux before00:07
Polt{laptop}I'm not taking it out on you guys00:07
Polt{laptop}I'm just mad00:07
FlannelPolt{laptop}: You're being rude and unhelpful.  Please stop.00:07
GneaPolt{laptop}: yes, you are taking it out on us. Please, go chill out for a bit, then come back to the problem and try again.00:08
wfiuewfewSo if I did not allow the package manager to start I would be safe from any (unlikely) malware that the debs might contain? is that corrrect?00:08
losherPolt{laptop}: If you think Arch will give you better support, by all means switch back...00:08
Flannelwfiuewfew: The packages won't install themselves, simply adding knowledge of them to your package cache won't hurt00:08
Halitechsomedays I almost prefer the Debian view of telling people to RTFM00:08
lanzellothis this right? apps developers may make .rpm/.deb/etc to put on their site, but it's ubuntu/fedora/etc are the ones who's responsible to put and test apps packages in synaptic?00:09
Halitechlanzelloth, correct00:09
kermitin screen, what's this white on red number with a ! after it?00:09
kfizzIf I have an Ubuntu 9.04 ISO is there any way I can burn that ISO to a CD but also have a folder for a .deb file or two on the CD?00:09
Gneammonlsd: not sure, never ran linux on a dreamcast before... check to see if apache is running00:09
Polt{laptop}ok you are right I will stop using emerald just for you guys00:09
lanzellothHalitech, ok cool00:09
Polt{laptop}I'm never using that crapware again00:09
losherHalitech: sometimes we do, but we're *nicer* about it...00:09
GhotiPhudHalitech: I followed http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html to disable ipv6, but there was no improvement00:09
Flannellanzelloth: The app people who package them can put them in the repos, there's a procedure for getting stuff into Universe (it's pretty easy)00:09
Halitechlosher, some people need to be told bluntly though00:10
mmonlsdGnea, ok thanx very much, I'll experiment a little more, I hope I find a solution. Cheerios :D00:10
HalitechGhotiPhud, bummer,00:10
wfiuewfewlosher: thanks for the offer, I have looked into it and it seems the cd included evince. Thanks for the help00:10
Flannellanzelloth: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages00:10
=== drmrhorse is now known as DrMrHorse
vocxlanzelloth, it's more like people make C source code. Other people compile and package the executable. However that may not be accurate for everything since a lot of programs are not made in C.00:11
lanzellothFlannel, oh ok ic, so only main is being mantained by ubuntu00:11
Flannellanzelloth: no, "ubuntu" is a community.  Main and restricted are supported by canonical, with universe and multiverse being their community supported counterparts00:12
Flannel!components | lanzelloth00:12
ubottulanzelloth: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:12
losherkfizz: not easily. You could 'unpack' the iso, add files to it, then 'repack' it. But it's not straightforward to do so because you have to mess around a bit to make the new iso bootable...00:12
GhotiPhudHalitech: haha, is that your final answer?00:12
losherwfiuewfew: ok, that's pretty much what I expected it would turn out to be...00:13
HalitechGhotiPhud, still thinking, can I call a friend or ask the audience? 8]00:13
wfiuewfewAll, thanks again00:13
_jay_Hey all, I can't open a cd in jaunty that I burned on my macbook, it says I don't have permission, and I can't change the permissions00:13
Flannelkfizz: You'd have to remaster the CD to add those deb files (there's already a small repo on the CD, you'd just be adding to it), which is less than trivial, but easy enough if you want to00:14
sukuri_jay_: is the CD mounted?00:14
GhotiPhudHalitech: have you already used your 50/50?00:14
Gnea_jay_: are you part of the cdrom group?00:14
kfizzlosher, thanks, that's what I figured. I just want to use Ubuntu live and idk if there's enough RAM on the computer to hold the program I want to download.00:14
kfizzFlannel, what program would you suggest to do that?00:14
Gnea_jay_: yes to what? me or sukuri?00:14
HalitechGhotiPhud, yeah, that was the shot about disabling ipv600:14
_jay_there is an orange icon a box with an x next to the folder name00:14
Flannelkfizz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization00:14
m0r0nHow can I burn an ISO without Brasero?00:15
Flannelkfizz: The *latter* one is really what you're doing, since you're not fiddling with the casper image (the liveCD) unless you want to have that program pre-installed when you boot00:15
Gneam0r0n: k3b00:15
_jay_I assume by mounted you mean it shows up on the desktop00:15
lanzellothFlannel, that means the 'universe' we see will be somewhat different than say fedora's00:16
losherkfizz: I've downloaded apps into a running livecd before. Use df -h in a terminal to see if there's room. Unless it's huge and your RAM is tiny, it should work...00:16
_jay_"You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents"00:16
Gnea_jay_: never assume, it causes problems, not solves them.   open a terminal and type this:  df -h00:16
Halitechm0r0n, k3b, command line00:16
Flannellanzelloth: Er... they're entirely different.  Ubuntu takes care of Ubuntu's universe.  Fedora takes care of Fedoras.  While they may contain the same/similar programs, they're really entirely separate00:17
_jay_You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents00:17
_jay_/dev/sr0              530M  530M     0 100% /media/cdrom000:17
Gnea_jay_: and what is the output of this command:  id00:17
_jay_uid=1000(jay) gid=1000(jay) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),123(admin),124(sambashare),1000(jay)00:18
vocx_jay_, no need to spam00:18
vocx!paste | _jay_00:18
ubottu_jay_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic00:18
Gneavocx: he didn't spam.00:18
Gneavocx: that was one line, not several. pay attention.00:18
sukurivocx: he didn't spam, that was one line and he's going through the help of someone in the room00:19
lanzellothFlannel, right, that's what I meant. So if a university hosts both ubuntu and fedora repositories it has a lot of redundant applications in different forms of packages?00:19
vocxGnea, sukuri I don't mean spam literally, more like "a bit too much post"...00:19
Gnea_jay_: okay, if you type:  cd /media/cdrom0  and then  ls, do you get a listing or does it tell you 'permission denied'?00:19
_jay_I'll use the pastebin, np00:19
teolicyHi. I'm a seasoned Linux user, not very well versed in Ubuntu. I'd like to use RAID1 + encrypted loopback on a 9.04 host. Is lvm (for RAID1) + losetup (for encrypted loopback) the way to go, or should I use something else? I could find several guides on the matter, but most seem fairly old (8.04 and below). Thanks.00:20
=== petur is now known as peturIngi
aj_does anyone have any tips for getting openmoko to run on a palm tx?00:20
Flannellanzelloth: Correct, for that matter, if a university hosts Ubuntu and Debian repositories, there's a bunch of overlap (sometimes almost entirely identical) but they're kept entirely separate.00:20
Gneavocx: okay, when it's more than 2 lines in a row, it's considered spam. if it's just one or two lines at a time, like _jay_ was doing, it's NOT spam. got it?00:20
peturIngiHi, is there much diffrence between Ubuntu Server 8.10 and 9.04 ?00:20
_jakob_peturIngi: nýrri pakkar bara00:20
GneapeturIngi: yes.00:21
peturIngi_jakob_: takk00:21
webbiim connecting my motorola w375 but it does not appear as usb or anything00:21
vocxGnea, posted text seemed like output from the terminal. Unexperienced users routinely post a lot of that text. I was just being overly cautious.00:21
sukuripeturIngi: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90400:21
lanzellothFlannel, ok cool lol, I was just thinking about the big server room in my uni's math building. Thanks for the answers00:21
HalitechGhotiPhud, did you reboot after making the changes?00:21
Gneavocx: thanks, but there's no need, since it's unwise to give people the incorrect idea.00:22
losherlanzelloth: yes, and you typicall can't use fedora binaries on ubuntu or vice-versa. And if you think that's wasteful, take a look at www.distrowatch.com. There are over a 100 distros...00:22
sukuripeturIngi: er... nevermind, I though it would have a changelog in the "release notes"00:22
amitessomehow my terminal has remapped paste to e, anyone know how to remap back to ctrl+shift+v ??00:22
amiteslittle one got ahold of the keyboard for a minute00:22
joakoHow do I setup Ubuntu 9.04 so when a user w/o a homedir logs in it gets created?00:22
GhotiPhudHalitech: I did indeed... I know this was the result of an upgrade about 2 weeks ago00:22
_jay_and, when I double click the folder and close the permission denied box, the folder disappears from the file browser and I get the spinning circle icon in the browser window and the pointer00:22
amitesjoako: should do that by default00:22
Gnea!shortcut | amites00:22
ubottuamites: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts00:22
coolcatwhy am i not able to use ls via ssh, It issues: ls: illegal option -- - what command should I use instead?00:23
joakoamites: It does not, but user is defined in LDAP not locally00:23
losherpeturIngi: almost no important differences, except that 9.04 is less stable, in my opinion...00:23
HalitechGhotiPhud, what's it showing for ifconfig now?00:23
Gnea_jay_: did you try the ls?00:23
xiphosif I wanted to create a launcher to stop a service, something equivalent to "/etc/init.d/service stop" , what would I type as the command for the launcher?00:23
bilbogusSo, I just recently installed a copy of 8.04 LTS, but I've run into some serious issues with missing packages. (Network-manager, and either hal-device-manager or gnome-device-manager) Due to this, I have no way to connect to the internet, with my knowledge. Does anyone know why these packages would be missing?00:23
loshercoolcat: sounds like your command line is malformed. Care to share it?00:23
kfizzthanks Flannel and losher for your help00:23
Gnea_jay_: okay, if you type:  cd /media/cdrom0  and then  ls, do you get a listing or does it tell you 'permission denied'?00:24
amitesjoako: hmm.... when user is created locally it does, suppose a bash script would do it though I'm not sure how to implement00:24
vocx_jay_, you can also take a screen shot of your desktop, and post it on the net. That's better than describing everything literally.00:24
Gneavocx: not always.00:24
amitesubotto / gnea: it's not system wide, just in terminal00:24
joakoamites: What I was using with CentOS clients was a config that creates a homedir if it did not already exsist, I am looking for that same config for Ubuntu00:24
GhotiPhudHalitech: posted on my thread00:25
lanzellothlosher, I can't imagine the size of even a single distro repository. I'm gonna try installing everything in synaptic just to see how big00:25
Gneaamites: does it happen with a new terminal?00:25
coolcatlosher, Here is what I type: mzimbres@gate[29]:ls (new line)ls: illegal option -- - usage: (new line)ls [-ABCFGHILPRSTUWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...]00:25
amitesgnea: yes00:25
n8tuserxiphos-> look into update-rc.d00:25
HalitechGhotiPhud, can you give me the link again please00:25
_jay_no, not denied- the folder name comes up00:25
amitesgnea: nvrmind I found it, thank you00:25
Gneaamites: edit->keyboard shortcuts00:25
Gneaamites: ok00:25
mjnick I_&&_I00:26
Gnea_jay_: what foldername?00:26
loshercoolcat: doesn't look quite right. Try adding a space before the ls00:26
mjlol, sorry, good news came to the wrong place first00:26
mjironic, huh? ;p00:26
=== mj is now known as Guest22714
Gnea!ubuntu | Guest2271400:26
ubottuGuest22714: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:26
_jay_there is a folder full of pics on the cd00:27
coolcatlosher, Produces the same thing...00:27
Gnea_jay_: what returns from this command: grep cdrom0 /etc/fstab00:27
losherlanzelloth: that's pretty ambitious. What exact problem are you trying to solve, again?00:28
metalf8801I can't remember the command to download a file from a website can anyone help me?00:28
razonhi... does anyone know, how to install ume-launcher? couldn't find it on "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main"...00:28
loshercoolcat: what *exactly* are you typing, again?00:28
Gneametalf8801: move your mouse to the link, left click on it.00:29
coolcatlosher, I am typing just "ls"00:29
HalitechGhotiPhud, I dont know, everything looks good00:29
Halitechmetalf8801, from the command line?00:29
GhotiPhudHalitech: I'm sad to hear that00:29
bilbogusIs there any way to manually preform the tasks normally preformed by Device Manager?00:29
metalf8801I need to do it on Ubuntu server? so there's no gui I did it the other day but I can't remember now00:29
samitheberbermetalf8801: wget00:30
HalitechGhotiPhud, so am I, I'm not a guru so hopefully someone else will have an idea for you00:30
metalf8801yeah from the command line00:30
haydenHey all00:30
bilbogusFor some ungodly reason, my 8.04 LTS disc didn't install it.00:30
metalf8801thank you so much00:30
Halitechmetalf8801, would be wget <URLoffile>00:30
lanzellothlosher, I was just wondering how big the universe repos is. But now synaptic is frozen I'm worried if I kill it, it'll break whatever aptitude/synaptic uses to keep track of all the applications00:30
Gnea_jay_: okay, that looks right... wonder why it's telling you denied...00:30
metalf8801that been driving me nuts00:30
Gnea_jay_: can you pastebin the output of this:  ls -l /media/cdrom0/00:30
loshercoolcat: I thought you said you were using ssh?00:31
samitheberbermetalf8801: or if you don't know exact url, you could use for example lynx to browse and download00:31
^cheekyhi, again; i just mouted my ntfs(windows) partition in ubuntu and everything went well, but when i copied a files(starCraft saved games) to my linux box  it showed a padlock, why did this happen ?00:31
coolcatlosher, Yes I am : ssh mzimbres@gate...00:32
GhotiPhudHalitech: thank you very much00:32
Halitechlanzelloth, considering there are 5 dvds for each version and 3 main version of each release, its alot00:32
Gnea_jay_: ah, now it's apparant!  when the mac burned the disc, the incorrect permissions were set to the files. you will need to access them as root.00:32
PokerFacePenguin^cheeky: you dont have your permissions right00:32
Gnea_jay_: ... or reburn the disc with corrected permissions00:32
loshercoolcat: so the ssh runs and you are successfully logged in to the target system?00:32
_jay_how do I access as root?00:32
^cheekyPokerFacePenguin, so all i do is chown -r uname ?00:32
metalf8801samitheberber: thanks I'll try lynx to00:32
Halitech_jay_, gksudo nautilus00:32
^cheekyPokerFacePenguin, well to that dir/file >00:32
Gnea_jay_: what Halitech said00:33
vocxGnea, ha, you said pictures didn't work...00:33
MaGicMaXhow do i restart the computer from the terminal00:33
lanzellothHalitech, should I sudo killall synaptic ?00:33
coolcatlosher, Yes, exactly00:33
Gneavocx: not 'always'00:33
samitheberberMaGicMaX: sudo reboot00:33
Halitechlanzelloth, I wouldn't00:33
webbiMaGicMaX: reboot00:33
MaximumGarlicMaGicMaX: sudo restart00:33
Gneavocx: careful...00:33
MaximumGarlicOh, sorry.00:33
MaximumGarlicReboot it is.00:33
PokerFacePenguin^cheeky: yeah, just chown and chgrp00:33
Polterge|stomg this is making me so mad... look guys I really don't mean to be a jerk but I am greatly disappointed not only in emerald for being as depricated as it is but in human beings right now also for turning someone away who is clearly begging for help the only way he knows how instead of showing compassion00:33
MaGicMaXreboot or restart?00:33
MaximumGarlicI had a thinko.00:33
webbianybody could tell me why im pluggin my motorola w375 (usb) and it does not appear as any device ?00:33
loshercoolcat: and what kind of system are you logged into? It's os and version? And do you know what shell it's running?00:33
MaximumGarlicThinkographical error, that is.00:33
bilboguswebbi: Would that be a wireless card type-thing?00:34
HalitechGhotiPhud, sorry I couldn't hepl more00:34
Halitechwebbi, are you looking to access the pictures/etc or use it as a modem?00:34
Polterge|stI'm just being honest with you guys. I will never use emerald again and for some odd reason my nvidia drivers are not re-enabling when they worked perfectly fine before. I just uninstalled emerald and I am uninstalling its theme manager.00:34
MilitantPotatoPolterge|st: wha?00:34
webbibilbogus: it's a cellphone00:34
webbiHalitech: modem00:34
bilboguswebbi: What's the output for lspci?00:34
GneaPolterge|st: okay.00:35
webbibilbogus: that would say nothing, it's usb, lsusb recognize it00:35
^cheekyPokerFacePenguin, change group ?00:35
lanzellothHalitech, but why not? Woudln't apt-get update fix it?00:35
coolcatlosher, FreeBSD, csh00:35
bilboguswebbi: Wait...00:35
Slingshooterhow can i play avi files on 9.0400:35
PokerFacePenguin^cheeky: yes, according to how you want the perms on the file(s)00:35
GneaPolterge|st: if removing emerald solves the problem, then do it.00:35
loshercoolcat: try typing /bin/ls . Any better?00:35
Halitechlanzelloth, I'd give it some time first and then kill it, don't be impatient00:35
Halitech!multimedia | Slingshooter00:35
ubottuSlingshooter: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:35
webbiHalitech: is there anyway to use it as modem? i want to try that00:35
bilboguswebbi: Thanks a bunch, I just figured out why I'm having trouble with my USB wireless adapter.00:35
Polterge|stwell I do not know if it will solve the problem but some of the forums say it will00:35
webbibilbogus: haha np00:35
^cheekyPokerFacePenguin, ok ty00:35
Halitechwebbi, no idea but does it show up when you run lspci in the terminal?00:36
Polterge|stand aside from that metacity as ugly as it is, is way more stable00:36
GneaPolterge|st: you've already made your decision.00:36
webbiHalitech: in lspci no, but yes in lsusb00:36
coolcatlosher, I typed sh and got it to work, but there is no bash... I supposed I was in bash...00:36
Halitechwebbi, sorry, got too many things on my mind right now, good that it shows in lsusb00:36
loshercoolcat: so you're all set now?00:36
_jay_ok thanks guys, I will give her a shot tomorrow00:37
GneaPolterge|st: although, since you're removing it, I don't suppose you've tried to use it with a new user account...00:37
coolcatlosher, Yes, I think I am , thank you00:37
loshercoolcat: good00:37
Polterge|stI don't need to00:37
test34Is the Realtek wifi chipset 802.11b/g/n compatible with linux ?00:37
Polterge|steveryone says it is deprecated and it is not the user account... I know that much for sure00:37
GneaPolterge|st: what version of Ubuntu is it?00:37
bilboguswebbi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/MobilePhone I'm not sure that's a very good wiki page, but it might help.00:37
Esterivocx:  when i'm done upgrading to 8.04 can i continue to upgrade to the most recent stable version?00:38
miguelonnnnplease i'm stuck with this00:38
webbibilbogus: i will take a look00:38
Slingshooteri already have restricted formats installed00:38
vocxEsteri, yes, but first 8.10, then 9.04,00:38
LoCoBoi187hey my touch keys on the hp laptop works when i move the volume slider, but when i move the slider the picture shows the volume moving up and down but it does not change the volume, how can i fix this?00:38
GneaPolterge|st: interesting. emerald is nothing more than providing themes for compiz. what sort of problems has it been giving you?00:39
Esteriso then i'll be updating all night.00:39
Polterge|stwell it conflicts with metacity00:39
Polterge|stthey battle eachother00:39
miguelonnnni want to make a rescursively copy of a folders content, including hidden files and folders, but because cp -r recursively looks at any folder, when it reaches the .. hardlink, it will open it and copy the parent directory of what i'm trying to copy, how can i prevent this?00:39
webbibilbogus: it does not help00:39
GneaPolterge|st: I don't understand. metacity and compiz are mutually exclusive.00:39
bilbogusSo, I figure there's a problem if Ubuntu doesn't have lshw as a command?00:39
joakoI try to run "sudo init 3" on Ubuntu 9.04 but the machine stays on the desktop!?00:39
Polterge|stfirst one disables then the other disables and my machine lies to me pretty much telling me it cannot enable desktop effects yet I know for a fact it can and it is a brand new vid card so it wouldn't be that00:39
Halitechwebbi, according to here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedHardware it works but they don't mention how or with what software00:40
bilbogusI think my install disk isn't working right.00:40
webbiHalitech: hmmm00:40
GneaPolterge|st: so you've made a new user account and logged in with it to see if the same thing happens?00:40
vocxEsteri, I imagine this time of the year the servers are fast. Wait for October (new version) and you'll take forever to upgrade.00:40
Polterge|stto be honest I know that even if I did that I would have to migrate all of my settings back over00:41
Halitechwebbi, have you tried moto4lin?00:41
webbiHalitech: yes but it request me a device path, which i dont have00:41
Polterge|stand I'm not going to waste the time doing that over something that can be fixed probably with something as simple as uninstalling emerald00:41
GneaPolterge|st: that's not the point. the point is: where is the REAL problem? with the system or with the user account?00:41
Polterge|stit is most likely in the system00:41
LoCoBoi187hey my touch keys on the hp laptop works when i move the volume slider, but when i move the slider the picture shows the volume moving up and down but it does not change the volume, how can i fix this?00:41
GneaPolterge|st: then stop complaining, go uninstall it and be done with it. don't waste my time or anyone elses.00:41
rebgilHi I just did an upgrade from jaunty to karmic and now I get errors in update manager when trying to remove install pdns-recursor, I have tried remove --force=yes any other suggestions on how to remove pdns-recursor from my system?00:41
Halitechwebbi, it should tell you how to find it (been a while since I tried it)00:42
bilbogusI'm missing a ton of packages.00:42
Slingshooterhow do i play avi files?00:42
bilbogusThis is a problem.00:42
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:42
Halitech!multimedia | Slingshooter00:42
ubottuSlingshooter: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:42
jefinc!karmic | rebgil00:42
ubotturebgil: please see above00:42
Polterge|stwell not to be a jerk but I am sooooooo sorry I wasted you precious time when you are of course in a support channel and most likely supposed to be helping people... that is the reason you are here correct ?00:42
adamhi all can anyone help me with a problem with ubuntu server after installation00:42
Polterge|stI'm not picking on you00:42
GneaPolterge|st: if you're going to sit there and assume to know what you're doing, when clearly you do not, and then tell the people that try to help you that their help is wrong, then you have no place asking for help in the first place.00:42
rkviraniHi All, is there an alternative to GridMove for Linux?  I think there is something you can get for compiz but Im not sure00:42
Polterge|stI'm just stating the obvious00:42
Polterge|stnot trying to be rude00:43
rkviranialso How do I get the new Koala themes?\00:43
rebgiljefinc: Thanks I knew that I am playing with fire, but I was just wondering if there is another way to remove this 1 package00:43
GneaPolterge|st: but you are being a jerk, and you are being rude, so do yourself and everyone else a favor: DON'T.00:43
jefinc!patience | Polterge|st00:43
ubottuPolterge|st: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.00:43
Polterge|stI didn't tell you you were wasting my time Gena00:43
Halitech!attitude | Polterge|st00:43
ubottuPolterge|st: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:43
Polterge|stand I did not tell you that you did not know what you were doing00:43
jefincHalitech: that's the one I was looking for :)00:43
* Esteri giggles00:43
Polterge|stI've not insulted you or been rude00:43
GneaPolterge|st: this has gone on long enough.00:43
Polterge|stthank you though00:43
Polterge|styes it has00:43
FloodBot3Polterge|st: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:43
bilbogusSo, if apt-get thinks network-manager exists, but it's missing from everywhere else it should be, what's missing?00:44
jefincrebgil: #ubuntu+1 they'll be able to help you00:44
lanzellothbilbogus, isn't it networkmanager instead of network-manager?00:44
bilboguslanzelloth: Not in 8.04.00:45
adamcan anyone help with ubuntu server?00:45
Halitech!ask | adam00:45
ubottuadam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:45
Slingshooterhow do i play avi files00:45
Rockjwhy is it such a pain to install Google Earth under Ubuntu x64? :(00:45
adamHalitech thankyou00:46
bilboguslanzelloth: Although, looking at Synaptic, I seems to be missing some very important packages.00:46
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HalitechSlingshooter, I've posted you the link on multimedia at least twice, have you read it?00:46
abcminiuserHi all00:46
Slingshooteri have restricted formats installed00:46
Slingshooteri told you00:46
HalitechSlingshooter, it should have the info you need00:46
DinkyDoggGot a grub question for all of you... Tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 Server, using a separate /boot partition, with everything else on an encrypted RAID. When it's done, and I boot, I get Grub Error 17. I don't even get the grub menu or the Grub loading countdown. Most of the resources I've read suggest changing options from the Grub menu, but since I don't even get the grub menu, I can't do this. Any ideas, anyone?00:46
abcminiuserWondering if it's worth switching from ath5k to my card's NDIS drivers00:46
abcminiuserWould that improve performance and lower power usage, or would it be a net negative gain?00:47
vocxSlingshooter, avi is just a container for a video file. The important part is what codec it uses. Playing avi means nothing.00:47
adamive just installed ubuntu server 9.04 and the installation went fine, after it completes it needs to reboot, after the reboot it goes through bios and i dont see a grub loader and then i get a blank screen with a flashing cursor at the top left, it stays like this.... anyone help please00:47
RabbitbunnyWow. sounds like that's a recurring problem.00:48
bilbogusadam: Your install is probably corrupted, from what I know.00:49
Rockjanyone else using Google Earth here?00:49
ubuntu_Hey everyone...00:49
bilbogusadam: Off the top of my head, I'd try reinstalling.00:49
Rockjunder x64 platform?00:49
GneaRockj: what's your question?00:49
ubuntu_I installed ubuntu before, and have formatted since00:49
webbiHalitech: if i click in update list on moto4lin, it appear there, but it try to use /dev/acm0 and it does not exist00:49
Halitechadam, are you sure you had the server install? sounds more like a bad desktop install00:49
RockjGnea: I have mad issues with installing Google Earth00:49
ubuntu_I want to reinstall now, but the install process (Mainly partitioning) doesnt seem the same - any idea why???00:49
GneaRockj: such as?00:49
adambilbogus its not corrupt, ive tried re-installing it a couple of times00:49
Rockjit simply segfaults00:49
adamwhy do people ask stupid questions its the server install for definate00:50
Rockjand I also thought that there was a googleearth deb under multiverse repository. atleast some 4.x version00:50
Halitechwebbi, I havent tried to use moto4lin in ages and it didn't work for me either so I gave up00:50
GneaRockj: the installation or the binary?00:50
vallhalla81hi there all i am having trouble getting a usb dvb-t device from Tevion to work can any advise300:50
bilbogusadam: Your install disk might be corrupt.00:50
DinkyDoggGot a grub question for all of you... Tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 Server, using a separate /boot partition, with everything else on an encrypted RAID. When it's done, and I boot, I get Grub Error 17. I don't even get the grub menu or the Grub loading countdown. Most of the resources I've read suggest changing options from the Grub menu, but since I don't even get the grub menu, I can't do this. Any ideas, anyone?00:50
lanzellothCan someone explain how to use SVN to download something?00:50
RockjGnea: Ive tried both the binary manual install method, and googleearth-package00:51
adambilbogus its not belive me ive used it before on a server at work00:51
rkviraniHi All, is there an alternative to GridMove for Linux?  I think there is something you can get for compiz but Im not sure00:51
GneaRockj: does it segfault when you use the apt command, or when you type googleearth?00:51
Slingshootertotem does not ask for a codec00:51
bilbogusadam: Well, I'm fresh out of ideas.00:51
Rockjgoogleearth :/00:51
HalitechSlingshooter, try vlc00:51
Rockjthat's why Im wondering if anyone else had it working under x64..00:51
GneaRockj: no, it's in medibuntu00:51
Gnea!medibuntu | Rockj00:51
ubottuRockj: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:51
adamthe installation runs and completes without a hitch00:51
Slingshooteri think i did, but ill giv it a try00:51
RockjGnea: aha. Ill go add that reppository then.00:52
bilbogusadam: That doesn't mean it isn't missing some important files.00:52
Halitechadam, what type of machine are you installing on?00:52
nightrid3radam: nv-sata chip ? i've had problem installing server, desktop works fine00:52
bilbogusadam: It can't tell what got installed correctly while installing.00:52
bilbogusadam: I dunno, though.00:53
adamhalitech its a brand new system i build yesterday its intel dual core 3gz with 80gb sata drive for the os and a raided pair of 250gb disks for storage00:53
adam2 gb ram too00:53
TxRevHaving weird Google Earth Problems.  Install went fine, but I think a GE auto-update screwed everything up. The globe is fine at all zoom levels, but placemark info flashes on and off intermittently, and the drop-down menus do likewise. Any help would be much appreciated.00:54
vallhalla81hi there all i am having trouble getting a usb dvb-t device from Tevion to work can any advise00:54
bilbogusSo, now I have a question: Without network manager, how do I configure a connection like wlan0 for use with ifup and ifdown?00:54
LoCoBoi187my volume controller disappeared from the systray, how do i get it back?00:54
trident523bilbogus, you could install wcid.00:54
RockjGnea: nerdrage, it still segfaults even after using the medibuntu package. I guess there is something funky with current 5.x version available for download00:54
Rockjblame google, makes me hate them even more ^^;00:55
bilbogustrident: does that package come on the disc? I have no connection to the internet on it.00:55
GneaRockj: did you make sure to remove all previous versions of googleearth first? completely?00:55
vocx!please | LoCoBoi18700:55
ubottuLoCoBoi187: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:55
adamhaving googled a number of times there is a lot of talk about ati graphics cards causing the same issue, so it might be that, is there a way to boot the os using a default very basic graphics setting? like a test mode or something00:55
GneaLoCoBoi187: right-click on the panel, add to panel, then select the volume control00:55
Halitechadam, do you have a live cd you could boot and see if the partitions are set up correctly?00:56
RockjGnea: aye, --purge is a wonderfull option. Ill redo it just to make sure and do a couple of find's to make sure its all gone00:56
trident523bilbogus, Er, no. Why did you delete the network-manager?00:56
GneaRockj: ok00:56
bilbogustrident: My 8.04 LTS disk didn't install it.00:56
adamonly a live kubuntu cd00:56
Chakravantihow do i get permissions to delete files on a partition i've mounted?00:56
Halitechadam, that will work00:56
bilbogustrident: I have a feeling I'm gonna need to find a new disc and reinstall.00:56
adamhow can i check the partitions from a live cd?00:56
trident523bilbogus, if you can get to another ubuntu machine, Synaptic generates a download script which you can run to install it.00:56
Chakravantiubuntu is driving me nuts not letting me delete files00:56
Halitechadam, sudo fdisk -l00:56
trident523bilbogus, but it should install that, if it isn't there, I'd use a different disk.00:57
Gneaadam: use the e2fsck command00:57
Chakravantiwhats worse is that iactually said it delete 5.9GB of files and i still only have 1.9GB free00:57
Chakravantii'm about done with ubuntu00:57
bilbogustrident: How would I go about getting the package off a different Ubuntu system?00:57
adamwill that show the partitions for the actual disks or just the live session00:57
Chakravantistupid permissions out the wazoo00:57
nightrid3rChakravanti: empty trashcan ?00:57
LoCoBoi187thank you gnea00:57
Chakravantiit's empty00:57
bilbogustrident: Can I just put the package right onto a USB drive?00:57
adamgonna go try it now brb00:57
Halitechadam, should show all drives connected00:58
bilbogusAnd install off it in Synaptic on the broken system?00:58
Gneaadam: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda  will show you the partitions for the first hard disk on the system00:58
trident523bilbogus: You could, but you have to make sure that it dosen't depend on something (require another package you don't have.)00:58
Gneaadam: look at the output of the dmesg command to make sure you have the right argument00:58
HalitechChakravanti, what does df -h show?00:58
RockjGnea: still the same, I guess google doesnt like x64 for their google earth app :-|00:58
GneaLoCoBoi187: cheers00:58
bilbogustrident: Is there a way to generate a list of dependencies for a specific package?00:58
bilbogustrident: So I can just get them all?00:59
trident523bilbogus: You can do it in recent synaptics...00:59
GneaRockj: hrm, isn't there a way to run it with 32bit libs?00:59
nationmy audio works for everything but video players is there somthing i need ?00:59
trident523bilbogus: I can generate one for you though, if you want.00:59
bilbogustrident: I don't really have ready access to another disk, so this is my best bet.00:59
bilbogustrident: Thanks!00:59
nationalso is there a temp monitor or somthing system monitor with temp00:59
GneaRockj: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54406400:59
edektorsomebody wanna help me with some curl command?00:59
trident523bilbogus: You'll have to give me a few moments, on my slow computer.01:00
trident523bilbogus: The main problem is that you might install a package too new, because I run 9.04.01:00
RockjGnea: ia32* libs are installed. :-/01:00
bilbogustrident: That would be really helpful. Eh, I'll figure it out, just gimme the list.01:01
Rockjthese posts are also history from the stone age (2006) ... much have happen since then.01:01
ChakravantiHow do i get permissions to delete files?01:01
trident523bilbogus: You'll have to give me a few min.01:01
Chakravantii'm about to rm -rf ubuntu01:01
HalitechChakravanti, do you know where the files are that you want to delete?01:02
DigitalKiwirm -rf root doesn't work =D01:02
TxRevChakravanti: hit Alt - F2, type in  "gksudo nautilus", then you can delete whatever you want.01:02
DigitalKiwi(does the bot still ban you if you say / instead of root in that previous sentence?)01:02
ChakravantiTxRev: ty!01:02
GneaRockj: good point01:03
=== jocelyn is now known as Guest30842
TxRevChakravanti: n/p01:03
HalitechDigitalKiwi, try and find out for us ;)01:03
DigitalKiwi--no-preserve-root is the option you need01:03
DigitalKiwirm -rf /01:03
DigitalKiwirm -rf /*01:03
HalitechChakravanti, just be very very careful what you delete as you can royal mess up your system01:03
RockjGnea: I'll see if I can make a blog post later and do some more research later. I was just going to add some waypoints on google earth from where I have been jogging. grrr . Time to sleep now anyway :-)01:04
nationcan somone please help me with my post :)01:04
Guest30842$ sudo dpkg --configure -a01:04
Guest30842Paramétrage de lirc (0.8.4a-0ubuntu5) ...01:04
Guest30842 * Reloading kernel event manager...01:04
GneaRockj: it's too bad it's only segfaulting, and not anything else01:04
Guest30842je ne sais pas quoi faire avec ce message01:04
ChakravantiHalitech: i'm about to reinstall and ditch ubuntu anyway i only need ubuntu for a few more mionute to download a torrent for the new slackware 1301:04
bilbogustrident: I'm really sorry to waste your time, I found where dependencies are listed.01:04
GneaRockj: you should do some debugging and, yeah, make a bug report01:04
Chakravantiand everything im deleting is on the slack partition anyway01:04
bilbogustrident: Thanks a ton anyways.01:04
Chakravantiso it shoudlnt affect ubuntu anyway01:05
trident523bilbogus, I sent you a PM with the packagelist, I can't generate a script though. Sorry!01:05
DigitalKiwislackware is one step closer to arch!01:05
Gnea!debug | Rockj01:05
ubottuRockj: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures01:05
Chakravantii just need space to download the iso01:05
RockjGnea: Ill check that out.01:05
Chakravantii have linux relegated to a very small space on this syustem because it's not mine01:05
=== locke is now known as brebrebrebre
macogutsy's end-of-life right?01:06
ChakravantiThis isn't working01:06
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases01:06
DinkyDoggmaco, that'll be up to obama's Death Panels to decide :)01:06
TxRevOh. If it's on the slack partition, you'll have to repartition. cfdisk might work, but I haven't done much with it so I'm not sure. nautilus just gives you root access on the partition you're on AFAIK01:06
macoDinkyDogg: huh? you know that's made-up by liberty university, right?01:07
Gnea!politics | DinkyDogg01:07
ubottuDinkyDogg: Please take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!01:07
TxRev*@Chakravanti, that is.01:07
DinkyDogghaha okay01:07
DinkyDoggwas a joke01:07
Chakravantii got it01:07
Chakravantiit's deleting files now01:07
ChakravantiTxREv it's the old Slack12.2 partition i jacked up after improperly upgrading so i'm just wiping it and getting 1301:08
Iradieh__How do I burn Ubuntu on OS X?01:08
bilbogusAlright, so, once I have network-manager installed, how can I launch it. I can't seem to find it anywhere.01:09
claudio-tuxhow resolve this problem?01:09
Dr_WillisIradieh__:  find an iso burner tool for os-x01:09
claudio-tuxErro:O tempo da conexão se esgotou01:09
claudio-tuxErro:Falhou em recuperar a listagem de diretórios01:09
FloodBot3claudio-tux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
RockjGnea: heh, googleearth package of course doesnt have the -dbgsym ;-)01:09
macoclaudio-tux: uh you need to find someone that speaks  that language01:09
sin360I have this 2 gig thumb drive it has been working fine and now it's read only. I formatted and still the same read only.01:09
sin360Any ideas anyone01:09
macosin360: even root cant write?01:10
lanzellothsin360, did you mount it correctly?01:10
Dr_Willissin360:  if linux detecets some 'error' with the filesystem - it remounts it 'read only'01:10
RockjGnea: enough to use valgrind?01:10
sin360even if I format01:10
Dr_Willissin360:  fsck it, remount it.. watch 'dmesg' for error messages01:10
claudio-tuxmaco ok01:10
macobilbogus: its the networking icon in your panel. if its missing then either your notification area is missing, nm-applet isnt running, or you hit that bug where it disappears while nm-applet is still running01:11
macoclaudio-tux: well....or at least can read it :P01:11
imranCan someone help me install01:11
claudio-tuxhow to solve this problem01:11
imranI did it before but it's not doing the same thing now01:11
bilbogusmaco: How would I launch nm-applet?01:11
claudio-tux well....or at least can read it01:11
claudio-tuxErro:O tempo da conexão se esgotou01:12
claudio-tuxErro:Falhou em recuperar a listagem de diretórios01:12
claudio-tuxhow to solve this problem01:12
RockjGnea: mind guiding me quickly thru this? before I jump to bed?01:12
mom_what happens if you run sudo kill -9 1 ?01:12
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as TexJR
macoclaudio-tux: the issue is this is an english-only channel01:12
MaximumGarlicmom_: You kill init.01:12
macoclaudio-tux: so we dont know what your error says01:13
macoclaudio-tux: can you translate it?01:13
GneaRockj: do you know how to post a bug report?01:13
mom_MaximumGarlic, yes but what happens?  since everything is a child process of init?01:13
macobilbogus: check and see if its running "ps -ef | grep nm-applet"01:13
imranOk I'm getting 2 options to install01:13
MaximumGarlicmom_: Oh, sorry. Wrong question depth. I believe everything else dies. I'm not sure, though.01:13
MaximumGarlicI'd test, but, y'know. ;)01:13
imran1 take up whole hdd or 2 manual partition01:13
mom_MaximumGarlic, i would too :)01:13
macoMaximumGarlic: that sounds right. also your username sounds like yummy to cook with01:14
imranIs anyone even listening01:14
RockjGnea: no, not really. I just wish to be able to run the gdb and valgrind so I can attach the logs to either googleearth mailinglist or something "smart"01:14
RockjGnea: hopefully the devs can make out something smart of it. :-)01:14
MaximumGarlicmaco: Indeed, it is. I can testify as to this fact.01:14
Iradieh__Dr_Willis: Hmm like what? Anyway I found that hdutil withing the terminal works... or atleast it is writing for now, will notify if it works.01:14
GneaRockj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace01:14
lanzellothI'm wondering: what do you get from moving to more "hardcore" (for lack of better words) distros like gentoo, or slackware. It seems to me like the only thing you get is the ability to configure applications/kernel/etc more to your liking or to be more optimized for your system. But, can't the former be achieved using ubuntu? And if you have high end system because you do gaming, doesn't the latter become une01:14
sin360ok thanks I got it working01:14
Gnea!bug | Rockj01:14
ubottuRockj: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:14
bilbogusmaco: Grep just gets stuck when I try that.01:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:15
bilbogusmaco: I'm not getting any output from it.01:15
Gneaimran: who's offtopic?01:15
MaximumGarlicmom_:  Aw, shucks. I have an idle Linux machine here, I'm going to give it a try.01:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:16
Koenigsegg_Kan nån säga vad som är fel med den här interfaces-filen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262237/ ? Jag försöker följa http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-1089-sharing-internet-connection-using-bridge-mode01:16
macobilbogus: ok then try typing "nohup nm-applet &"01:16
mom_maco, hey maco, still going to olf?01:16
imranAnyone not talking technical01:16
macomom_: yes, im one of the speakers, remember?01:16
trident523lanzelloth: Want the latest unsupported kernal/drivers? New packages? Cool new junk that might not work? Or, coding and need something funky? Like that.01:16
mom_maco, on friday?01:16
MaximumGarlicmom_: That's... strange. I can't kill init. Not even with sig KILL.01:16
chetnickHi, i am having problem with VPN client connection routes. In the earlier versions of Ubuntu the VPN client was a bit different ... and had option to put for which networks to use VPN connection. Now all my traffic is routed through VPN network. Anyone knows which option in new VPN client would fix this? Thanks.01:16
Gnea!se | Koenigsegg_01:16
ubottuKoenigsegg_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se01:16
macomom_: im a saturday speaker but im helping setup on friday01:16
RockjGnea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262238/ , does this mean I have to fetch debugging package of libncurses, ld, bash and so on? all those libs?01:16
mom_MaximumGarlic, yes they probably had another idiot like me think of doing it01:17
bilbogusmaco: nonup command not found. :(01:17
mom_mom_, cool!  well, i should be there saturday01:17
Koenigsegg_Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this interfaces file, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262237/ ? I'm trying to follow http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-1089-sharing-internet-connection-using-bridge-mode01:17
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mom_so i guess you cant force quit init01:17
mom_well . . the power button01:17
AdolaHello, I need help with my Wifi, it's not that I can't make it work, I'm just unable to connect via the secured network.01:17
vigoIs there a driver or package for a D-Link DWL-G650 available anywhere?01:18
AdolaIt's a protected network requiring a username and password.01:18
MaximumGarlicmom_: Sounds likely. :) Too bad it doesn't work, it really should. I don't like exceptions.01:18
GneaRockj: hard to say. try the gdb method and see if the results are similar or not.01:18
RockjGnea: wiki says that I need to make sure I have the debugging packages installed with debug symbols :/01:19
HeatherI'm trying to figure out why Totem doesn't show me the brightness slider in display preferences. Can someone help me?01:20
bilbogusmaco: Is nonup something that should work in 8.04? I'm getting a command not found error.01:20
RockjGnea: Ill check into it later, it soon 2.30am and I need to wake up early to get at uni. So ill be heading to bed for now. *slaps google for stupid segfault*01:20
macobilbogus: nohup not nonup01:20
Dr_Willisbilbogus:  you mean 'noHub' ?01:20
Dr_Willisbilbogus:  you mean 'noHup' ?01:20
lanzellothtrident523, I guess, but still that's mostly again getting your hardware to run faster than using the generic stuff. Well, maybe not... it's just that I find it kinda annoying that if you tell someone you use ubuntu it won't be as cool as if you used slackware01:20
GneaRockj: ah, good luck01:20
Dr_Willistime to get a better font "_01:20
macobilbogus: er but dont capitalize like Dr_Willis did :P01:21
mom_its nohup i just saw it in a linux review video :)01:21
bilbogusmaco: Now I feel like an idiot. :)01:21
=== ubuntu__ is now known as imrannnnnn
=== imrannnnnn is now known as imrann
macobilbogus: it happens to everybody :)01:21
imrannI have installed ubuntu before01:21
imrannbut i have formatted since then01:21
bilbogusmaco: Oh dear... cannot run command "nm-applet": No such file or directory.01:22
bilbogusmaco: Am I looking at a reinstall here?01:22
dgnortonanyone here using eclipse 3.5 cdt?01:22
imrannand now when I try to do it, the only method showing up is to manually partition, and that will delete all my data.01:22
mom_im with /dev/null01:22
trident523lanzelloth: And? I'll take supported stuff over new junk every day.01:22
MaximumGarlicI'm want to make a new Linux kernel where you can spawn "Warewolf processes", that you can only kill with kill -s FIRE, or kill -s SILVER.01:22
DigitalKiwilanzelloth: the other distros don't get in the way as much as ubuntu does for when you know exactly what you want, it's easier to build a system how you want it than take away all the cruft ubuntu/fedora/etc devs want you to have and add what you want01:22
imrannIm looking for how to do the "Auto Partition" thing where it has a slider and you set how much space you want for windows and how much space for ubuntu... Any help?01:23
mom_maco, which level of the LPIC are you taking?01:23
vigoimrann: Look at GParted01:23
MaximumGarlicCurses. I have failed in my unfailing. Thank you for unfailing me, DigitalKiwi.01:23
DigitalKiwiyou are welcome01:24
vigo!gparted | imrann01:24
ubottuimrann: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:24
HeatherAnyone know why totem doesn't show the brightness slider for me in preferences?01:24
imrannvigo, I dont want to download extra software, i already tried EASUS Partition manager didnt work right01:24
DinkyDoggGot a grub question for all of you... Tried to install Ubuntu 9.04 Server, using a separate /boot partition, with everything else on an encrypted RAID. When it's done, and I boot, I get Grub Error 17. I don't even get the grub menu or the Grub loading countdown. Most of the resources I've read suggest changing options from the Grub menu, but since I don't even get the grub menu, I can't do this. Any ideas, anyone?01:24
DigitalKiwithat and it can be nice not having to wait 6 months to have the newest softwares ;)01:24
macomom_: 101:25
_tjhow to i make open ssh start when my pc starts01:25
Dr_WillisDinkyDogg:  you can get to the menu.lst via a live cd.  Check the grub homepage to see what error 17 means...01:25
mom_maco, wow i hope i dont have to be as smart as you to pass01:25
macomom_: i was going to take it last year01:25
macomom_: i overslept01:25
vigoimrann: I know thet GParted has a GUI, it really is not that large, you can load it on a floppy or USB and use it.01:26
mom_maco, ah ok well its in the afternoon i think01:26
bilbogusMaco: Is it bad if it sats nm-applet doesn't exist?01:26
mom_well 11am01:26
DinkyDoggDr_Willis, from what I've read, it means grub can't read from the partition... which is strange, considering i have a specific /boot partition (formatted to ext3). Also, the documentation I've read seems to imply that I should only get this error when I actually go to boot a partition. I can't even get that far - no Grub menu, and no loading countdown.01:26
macobilbogus: are you sure network-manager-gnome (i think thats the name) is installed?01:26
macomom_: 11am for the first test. i think it was 10am last year01:26
bilbogusmaco: apt-get says it is.01:26
macobilbogus: sudo aptitude reinstall?01:27
Dr_WillisDinkyDogg:  grub is just the kind of tool where ya got to check the docs and learn how it works..  Perhaps it  got installed to sda1 and not the mbr of 'sda' like it normally does.01:27
JooDoosudo apt-get remove window$01:27
mom_maco, ok well blink once with you left eye for A, twice with left eye for B. once with right eye for C, and twice with right eye for D01:28
DinkyDoggDr_Willis, i'll keep trying. Thanks.01:28
bilbogusmaco: and then try nohup again?01:28
imrannvigo, how is that any different from something such as easus partition manage01:29
nadardoes anyone here use tpb with ubuntu?01:29
bilbogusmaco: It's all still failing. I think I'm gonna try reinstalling.01:30
mom_i havent gotten to the second test material yet, maybe ill just do part I01:30
Ansticenadar: tpb?01:30
nadaranstice: the pirate bay01:30
mom_nadar, there is a torrent client installed01:31
Dr_Willisnadar:  whats a web site have to do with it? :)01:31
mom_nadar, by default01:31
nadarrighht but that isnt working for somereason01:31
Kittykistry Deluge01:31
Heatherthe color balance settings aren't available in totem for me. Anyone have any ideas why not?01:31
Dr_WillisTheres sevearl torrent clients you can use.  clarify whats not working?01:31
mom_nadar, are there enough seeders?01:32
nadarwhen i pick a file even though there are thousands of leechers and seeders i cant get anything01:32
LoCoBoi187my software index is broken, how do i fix it?01:32
nadarya i tried downloading the top file01:32
mom_nadar, check firewall settings01:32
Ansticenadar: Have you forwarded ports?01:32
jeffrey1Hi, I was wondering how I can play video's online in Mozilla Ubuntu when I need a MMS plug in?01:32
nadarmom_: where can i check firewall settings?01:32
mom_nadar, depends on your router01:33
JooDooHey everyone I'm having a really strange problem... cant unzip a .zip file... moment I'll paste the terminal output01:33
bilbogusjeffery1: You could run the whole rigamarole in wine. I kid, I kid. :P01:33
JooDoo$ unzip nexuiz-251.zip01:34
JooDooArchive:  nexuiz-251.zip01:34
JooDoo  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not01:34
JooDoo  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the01:34
JooDoo  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on01:34
FloodBot3JooDoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
JooDoo  the last disk(s) of this archive.01:34
HeatherNo one's had problems with the color balance sliders on the totem movie player going away?01:34
jeffrey1Is there any way to download the MMS plug in in Ubuntu?01:34
Ansticejeffrey1: MMS?01:35
bilbogusjeffery1: The general way to do Windows in a Linux setting would be Wine, but I can see how that would be impractical.01:35
bilbogusjeffery1: I don't know of a more specific way to do it, unfortunately.01:35
jeffrey1The requested plugins are:01:36
jeffrey1Microsoft Media Server (MMS) protocol source01:36
nadarmom_: it cant have anything to do with the router. i used to download torrents on windows and the router's settings havent changed since then01:36
jeffrey1How would I do wine?01:36
jeffrey1Haha, im not too experienced with this stuff... as you can tell01:36
zopiacis there a way to amplify multiple files at once? perhaps with a terminal command for audacity or something?01:36
bilbogusjeffery1: Do you have Wine installed?01:37
jeffrey1I dont think so, since I have never heard of it01:37
zopiacbecause i have 60+ songs that are a bit quiet, and they all needed to be boosted about the same amount01:37
Ansticenadar: Did you have a static i.p set in windows?01:37
jeffrey1do i get it in the applications window?01:37
tonyvvvi am trying to edit folders in my ipod touch through openssh but it says Permission Denied when i try to delete or add a folder. What should i do? ive edited in it before01:37
bilbogusjeffery1: go to terminal, and try "sudo apt-get install wine".01:38
Heatherzopiac: You want something like normalizing except you're going to want to manually adjust the volumes. Google 'ubuntu normalize'01:38
jeffrey1okay, ill give that a try01:38
bilbogusjeffery1: You're okay with downloading a large application?01:38
tonyvvvjeffery1: you have to add the Wine repository first01:38
nadaranstice: i guess? all i know is that bittorrent worked fine when i used windows01:38
jeffrey1yeah ,thats no problem01:38
HeatherThe video I'm trying to watch in the totem movie player is too dark and I want to increase the brightness but there's no brightness slider in the preferences menu like there's supposed to be. Anyone know why?01:38
RailHawkHi there.01:39
mechdaveMaGicMaX, I got it to compile :)01:39
RailHawkI have a problem that the forums haven't been able to resolve.01:39
MaGicMaXmechdave: great01:40
jeffrey1Bilbogus, where is termonal do i type that?01:40
zopiacHeather: thanks a lot :)01:40
RailHawkI have a usb Broadcom Bluetooth receiver, and I can't seem to get it to work in Jaunty.01:40
RailHawkAny ideas?01:40
Ansticenadar: Did you ever have to open ports in windows? If you did and you set it to the static i.p of your windows computer which has now possibly changed then that could be it. That's the only thing I can think of.01:40
HeatherI have a problem that so far no one here has been able to answer and I've been googling for a long time to no avail because it's a hard problem to google for01:40
mechdaveOk here is what you do... I shall paste it to pastebin01:40
MaGicMaXmechdave: ready when you are, if you want you can reply to my post with the directions if its easyer01:41
AnsticeHeather: What's the problem?01:41
tonyvvvjeffery1: go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal01:41
mechdavehttp://pastebin.com/f6d3285c7 <-- this is the Makefile01:41
Flynsarmy0 8 * * 1-4 amixer set 'Master' 95% > /dev/null <--- why does that not work? it works if i put a diff hour in like 22 etc01:41
squisherHi, is there a repo similar to debian's unstable. I'm running 9.0401:41
Flynsarmyin crontab01:41
HeatherAnstice: In the totem movie player I'm trying to watch a video but it's too dark so I go to the preferences menu and there's no brightness slider like there's supposed to be01:41
mechdaveMaGicMaX, http://pastebin.com/f11067fbb <-- this is the kernel code01:42
=== Esteri is now known as I-hop
mechdaveMaGicMaX, Now make a directory in your home directory called k10temp_module01:42
MaGicMaXmechdave: what do i do with that?01:42
mechdaveMaGicMaX, put both files inside the directory01:42
itai_michaelsonhi, i want to open an internet radio stream with VLC (the default is totem) , where is VLC's directory?01:43
nadaranstice: no as soon as i clicked open with BitTorrent it worked01:43
Blueyheather - I don't think totem has brightness controls - mine doesn't01:43
MaGicMaXmechdave: which files?01:43
mechdaveMaGicMaX, the two pastebin files01:43
HeatherBluey: Yes it does. Google it.01:43
jcarlos21bralguem sabe como faco pra inserir minha localizacao no site do ubuntu-br ??01:43
Blueyi just opened it - and it doesnt have that...01:43
Ansticenadar: That's odd. Which client were you using in Windows?01:43
HeatherBluey: I've had it in totem before countless times01:43
HeatherBluey: Then you're having the same problem I'm having01:44
Blueyhealther - let me look again....01:44
mechdaveMaGicMaX, Sending you the Makefile01:44
nadaranstice: Bittorrent01:44
wfiuewfewHi! how do I get md5sum for all files in a directory01:44
MaGicMaXmechdave: not starting..01:44
bilbogusmaco: It seems my install disc isn't complete. I guess nicking one off a friend wasn't a good idea.01:45
harbyhi, i have a small problem with flash in my ubuntu01:45
bilbogusmaco: Thanks for all your help.01:45
Cynaryconnect irc.freenode.net01:45
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
harbyi cant see youtube videos01:45
MaGicMaXmechdave: i have f11067fbb.txt and the other one i had k10temp.c those are the two your referring to?01:45
harbyi see the flash player but the video stucks01:45
harbyany help ?01:45
AnsticeHeather: Where were the controls situated?01:46
itai_michaelsonguys where are VLC binary files, i want to open something with VLC01:46
Blueyheather - nope no brightness control in my version of totem 2.26.101:46
HeatherAnstice: Supposed to be in Preferences - Display01:46
HeatherBluey: Maybe they removed them, in which case, I'm going to be angry01:46
mechdaveMaGicMaX, http://pastebin.com/f6d3285c7 <-- copy the contents of this paste and save it as Makefile01:46
zopiacHeather: well, actually it normalized the music 'down', so they are now even quieter :( used vorbisgain (since the files are oggs)01:46
bilbogusharby: Good streaming video playback has been a problem in Linux for a long time.01:47
AnsticeHeather: Under where it says Visual Effects?01:47
fonzihello guys01:47
BlueyHeather -- the removed a bunch of crap in amarok 2.X so I flopped back to 1.4  (like the equaliser)01:47
Heatherzopiac: I told you, you'd need to manually increase the volume01:47
zopiacas in singularly?01:47
HeatherAnstice: That's where it's supposed to be01:47
jeffrey1bilbogus, I downloaded wine, what do i do now?!01:48
harbybilbogus: the problem still exists?01:48
HeatherSo it looks like my only option right now is to increase the brightness for my whole desktop01:48
MaGicMaXmechdave: k i saved the other one too, what should i name that one?01:48
BlueyHeather- yeah that seems to be the case --01:48
mechdaveMaGicMaX, save the other as k10temp.c01:48
zopiacHeather: as in singularly change them each??01:48
bilbogusjeffery1: Open it up, and read the help files, they'll show you how to make it work.01:48
m0r0nAnyone get Listen working?01:48
bilbogusharby: Yep.01:48
jeffrey1Alright, thanks! I appreciate the help!!01:48
bilbogusjeffery1: Sure thing!01:49
hanasakiwhere does the PDF go and what filename for the PDF printer installed with jaunty?01:49
MaGicMaXmechdave: so replace it with the first one i had? i already had the k10temp.c from that site before01:49
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Heatherzopiac: No.01:50
b33m4nany back track users ?01:50
Dr_Willisb33m4n:  backtrack is not 'ubuntu'01:50
b33m4nback track 4 is01:50
Dr_Willisb33m4n:  its not 'ubuntu' it has its own support channel01:50
illikawnplease dont stop making ubuntu :D01:51
Major_QuacksIts based on, not is01:51
Dr_Willisbeing 'based on ubuntu' does not make it 'ubuntu'01:51
=== Guest31385 is now known as Onyx
mechdaveMaGicMaX, There is no change to the k10temp.c so you can use the original one if you wish01:51
fonzii think it's the right place to ask for help with ubuntu and my laptop, may anybody help me?01:51
b33m4nok well it is based on ubuntu now they done away with slack01:51
JohnRoveI keep getting an error with libaudio2 whenever i run package manager, anyone help?01:51
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harbybilbogus: and what you do? you just dont see videos in youtube?01:51
MaGicMaXmechdave: k i got em both inside the k10temp_module directory i created in home01:52
mechdaveMaGicMaX, Ok now have you got those two in the folder?01:52
bilbogusharby: The whole thing is just jittery and slow, even with all sorts of extra packages.01:52
MaGicMaXmech yep01:52
MaGicMaXmechdave: yep01:52
mpontillohanasaki: by default, it's in your home folder, with whatever name you specify in the "Print..." dialog01:52
hanasakihow can I print to PDF and set the filename for output and directory01:52
harbybilbogus: i cant even see the video01:52
mechdaveMaGicMaX, No worries, now you need to make sure you have build-essentilal and kernel-headers installed01:52
harbyand some flash headers01:52
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
hanasakimpontillo:  you mean "~"?01:53
mechdaveMaGicMaX, sudo apt-get install build-essential01:53
harbyi think that my ubuntu has problems with flash01:53
mpontillohanasaki: yes, for me there is a "name" and "save in folder" option when I select "Print to File". (for example, when I try to print in Firefox)01:53
MaGicMaXmechdave: done01:53
bilbogusharby: There are some firefox addons that'll fix that, just do a quick search.01:53
Dr_Willishanasaki:  ~ is a 'shortcut' for /home/username01:53
mpontillo(I was only using the term "home folder" since that is what it's called in the gnome "places" menu)01:54
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now the kernel headers is a little more tricky, you need to run uname -r01:54
mechdaveMaGicMaX, that will give you the running kernel version01:54
zopiachow do i amplify multiple music files (oggs) at once?01:54
mechdaveMaGicMaX, then you just do a sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-"results from uname -r"01:55
MaGicMaXmechdave: 2.6.28-15-generic01:55
luistcan anyone help me configure my wireless? its turned on but its not being detected01:55
CynaryAnyone here uses and is technically experienced with quake4 on linux?01:55
icarusno matter what I try I can not get DVDs to function01:55
mechdaveMaGicMaX, then you just do a sudo apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.28-15-generic01:55
illikawnCynary what about it?01:56
CynaryI installed it today, and it isn't working at all :S01:56
illikawnquake is lovely01:56
CynaryThe demo works perfectly.01:56
MaGicMaXmechdave: E: Couldn't find package kernel-headers-2.6.28-15-generic01:56
CynaryThe problem is that when it's lading the initial menu it goes into a black screen and it freezes there01:56
boss_mcMaGicMaX: if you install linux-headers, that will pull in the correct headers for your current kernel (and any later ones for rebuilding your modules/drivers/etc)01:56
illikawnCynary maybe im not adept but I do play it, my only problem was sound01:56
hanasakithe firefox print to file and type of PDF works.. there is a printer setup in the system that prints to cups:... for a pdf .. this is different and available to all of the linux system.. where does this file print?01:57
illikawnCynary sorry gtg01:57
bzaks1424is there a reason that the latest CUPS (v 1.3.9) on ubuntu 9.0.4 does not have HP PHotosmart D7200 listed?01:57
paissad-hphanasaki, look for ~/PDF01:57
hanasakifind: `PDF': No such file or directory01:58
zopiacCynary: downloading it right now to try it out :)01:58
icarusno matter what i try i can not get dvds to function can someone point me in the right direction?01:58
fonzidoes anybody knows why ubuntu 9.04 (to say the truth X) freezes random?01:58
Cynaryok thanks zopiac01:58
hanasakipaissad-hp: ?01:58
mechdaveMaGicMaX, try sudo apt-get install kernel-headers01:58
burntresistorim trying to configure wine 32bit on my amd64   and im getting this error  about 32-bit development libraries01:58
fonziis it a know iussue?01:58
zopiacCynary: did you use a .run file? if so, how did you install it?01:58
imranWTF iPod corrected there to Terence?!?01:59
=== TexJR is now known as BeautifulLiar
paissad-hphanasaki, when i use cups-pdf, the pdf file is created and stored into /home/user/PDF01:59
CynaryYou do have the original DVD, right?01:59
MaGicMaXmechdave: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262247/01:59
imranWrong chat sry01:59
CynaryI used the run file01:59
boss_mcMaGicMaX: install linux-headers01:59
Cynaryyou execute it, install it (the installation is fast and pretty straight forward)01:59
hanasakipaissad-hp:  there was a gnome popup notification that it "failed" hjow can I check the Queue?02:00
Cynarybut to play, you need to have some files that are on the quake4 DVD/CDs02:00
mechdaveMaGicMaX, Sorry mate, I got it wrong... it should be linux-headers02:00
MaGicMaXboss_mc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262247/02:00
mechdaveMaGicMaX, then you just do a sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic02:00
boss_mcMaGicMaX: as I said, that will automatically install the correct headers package02:00
zopiacCynary: ok, but did you sudo run it or just run02:00
MaGicMaXmechdave: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262248/02:00
Cynaryzopiac: I used sudo so I could put symlinks in the /usr/bin directory02:00
Cynaryzopiac: but if you don't care about symlinks there, you can do it without sudo02:01
Cynaryzopiac: just don't run it immeadiatly after the install (there's an option at the end). I read that some people were having problems with that, because of permissions, not sure why.02:01
boss_mcMaGicMaX: that used to work I'm sure, try linux-headers-`uname -r`02:01
MaGicMaXmechdave: i think it worked http://paste.ubuntu.com/262249/02:01
=== BlackKnight is now known as Wowbagger
mechdaveMaGicMaX, ok now go to your k10temp_module directory and open the Makefile with text editor02:02
itai_michaelsonhi, can anyone tell me where is the directory for VLC? , i would like to start a stream with VLC02:03
mechdaveMaGicMaX, make sure that there are TAB spaces before all: and clean:02:03
MaGicMaXboss_mc: `uname -r`?02:03
MaGicMaXmechdave: this is what it shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/262251/02:04
drygrainwhy cant i edit /etc/hosts02:04
ring0itai_michaelson: /usr/bin/vlc02:04
Cynaryzopiac: Just one question: which version of ubuntu are you using? and what graphics drivers? I'm currently using 9.04 jaunty with the latest beta drivers from nvidia (190.18).02:04
MaGicMaXmechdave: you want me to put a TAB before "all:" and "clean:" ?02:05
zopiacCynary: if im not mistaken i am running 9.04 with 180 drivers02:05
=== exodus_ms|afk is now known as exodus_ms
mechdaveMaGicMaX, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262252/02:05
itai_michaelsonring0, thanks02:05
mechdaveMaGicMaX, no.... just before each make, sorry I am feeling a little fuzzy today :(02:05
MaGicMaXmechdave: like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/262254/02:06
ring0itai_michaelson: which <applicationname> is quite useful02:06
mechdaveMaGicMaX, it only needs 1 tab space, otherwise the makefile will fail. delete all space before make and then hit TAB02:07
itai_michaelsonring0, great, thanks02:07
MaGicMaXmechdave: ok like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/262255/02:08
mechdaveMaGicMaX, yep02:08
mechdaveMaGicMaX, open up a terminal and cd to k10temp_module directory02:09
MaGicMaXmechdave: i thought u wanted ANOTHER tab in there lol02:09
Alpha Ubuntu keeps saying i dont have any free disk space even though Gparted says i have 7ish gigs left. Any tips? (plus, i installed from my hard drive if that changes anything)02:09
MaGicMaXmechdave: done02:09
mechdaveMaGicMaX, sorry, I am a little sick today and my brain isn't functioning correctly02:09
harrytransferring data from games.yahoo.com what is up with that?02:09
=== harry is now known as Guest36562
Guest36562I cant play yahoo games02:10
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now type make and paste the result02:10
Guest36562formerly harry02:10
zopiacCynary: this install quide talks about making directories for the files, did you do this? http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/4960002:10
Bubs|PermaAfkcan anyone help me out?02:10
MaGicMaXmechdave: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/262259/02:11
rodrigozopiac: when you finnish installing tell me if you experience any issues. thanks02:11
=== rodrigo is now known as Cynary
Bubs|PermaAfkcan anyone tell me how to mount W95 Ext'd (LBA)?02:11
Chun1Hi - is there any way to have ubuntu prompt for a password when I don't have permission to do something - like delete a file outside of ~ instead of just telling me it can't be done?02:11
zopiacCynary: did you get my last message?02:12
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now the exciting bit... sudo insmod k10temp.ko02:12
zopiacwith the link02:12
Guest36562Can someone tell me what I am missing... I want to play yahoo chess but all I get is a blank window that says    Transferring data from games.yahoo.com...    and nothing happens.. I cant use it     what am I missing??02:12
mechdaveMaGicMaX, that should insert the module into the running kernel02:12
MaGicMaXmechdave: done, no error02:12
Cynaryzopiac: no, xchat crashed for some reason, and I lost some messages02:12
zopiacCynary: this install quide talks about making directories for the files, did you do this? http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/4960002:12
HolyjoelyChun1: Open the terminal and type gksudo nautilus02:13
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now cat /proc/modules | grep k10temp02:13
mechdaveMaGicMaX, does the module come up?02:13
Chun1Holyjoely: I know how to do stuff as root - I would just prefer to be prompted for a password, I'd rather not have to open a terminal every time, or always use nautilus as root02:14
MaGicMaXmechdave: this line comes up "k10temp 10880 0 - Live 0xf7e15000"02:14
HolyjoelyChun1: Well, I have never thought of doing that but I'm sure there is a way02:14
Cynaryzopiac: I followed the guide from id software ... they say we can either copy the files before or after you install quake ... I tried both ways, didn't work.02:14
mechdaveMaGicMaX, WOOHOO it is inserted and running!!!02:14
zopiacCynary: as in doing both ways gives you the error you are experiencing now>02:15
mizeryI installed Kubuntu Jaunty on a system and after using KDE Desktop Sharing, two "Invitation - Desktop Sharing" windows appear on startup.  I'm not sure how to remove entries so it doesn't appear on startup.  Anyone have any suggestion?02:15
FAJHi I am trying to update a package from a .deb from the repoes, but every time I install it, and then look at the version, the old version is shown, even though I removed the old version... How can I install the new version?02:15
Cynaryzopiac: Ya. I don't even get to the menu where you can change settings, etc. it freezes almost immediatly02:15
MaGicMaXmechdave: i see a "temp1" active in the applet now :)02:16
MaGicMaXmechdave: i have a quad core though, should there be one for each core? or..02:16
Chun1Another question: is there any way to save the machine state (like hibernate) - so it restores next time I boot into ubuntu - in the meantime letting me boot into windows etc02:16
HolyjoelyChun1: The only thing I can recommend right now is to make a post on the forums or see if there is anyone else around that may be able to help you. I usually use the terminal for things that require root access anyway so I never ran into this problem.02:16
myk_robinsonI am connecting to an OpenVPN server using NetworkManager, and it works fine, I am able to see the remote network shares. However, while connected, I am unable to browse the internet. Help??02:16
mechdaveMaGicMaX, I think the temp should show up on each core02:16
Cynaryzopiac: however, on the id website, they said the installer alters all the game*.pk4 files ... and there's one in the DVD/CDs, so I'm not sure if we should use the file from the DVD or not (I assume it's the one from the DVD, and although right now I don't remember the exact result of using the one from the installer, I believe it didn't word)02:16
Chun1Holyjoely: yeah, I will do, thanks. I use the terminal most of the time too, just a timesaver I'd like to see really02:17
FAJChun1: there is an option to remember running programs in administration...02:17
MaGicMaXmechdave: huh? so there all combined into one?02:17
Guest36562Can someone tell me what software I may be missing??  I want to play yahoo chess and after logging on, I get the smaller rooms window with a grey advertising bar with a grey arrow in a circle, a white window and the bottom infor bar saying   transferring data from games.yahoo.com...      and thats all that happens for the longest now..02:17
Sarfarazhello i need help just installed Ubuntu trying to use BitTorrent Client Transmition but it's working too Slow My connection Speed is 1 MB and my torrent dowloading speed is nothing not working02:17
MaGicMaXmechdave: this is what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/262261/02:17
zopiacCynary: but have you tried both?02:17
HolyjoelyChun1: Yeah, perhaps you should suggest it, perhaps it would be added to Karmic. I can see a lot of people that will want something like this too, and it would be a benefit for most people.02:17
Cynaryzopiac: yes, I have02:18
=== bilbogus_ is now known as bilbogus
mechdaveMaGicMaX, what does the rest of sensors output?02:18
MaGicMaXmechdave: thats the entire output of "sensors" there02:18
MaGicMaXmechdave: should i try a restart?02:19
mechdaveMaGicMaX, you might need to set up sensors again02:19
MaGicMaXmechdave: sensors-detect ?02:19
mechdaveMaGicMaX, if you restart the module will not reload at the present time02:19
mechdaveMaGicMaX, yep, sensors-detect02:20
Cynaryzopiac: For me, the game crashes right before the instro videos, could it be perhaps because of them? If so, is there anyway to disable them, so I can test it?02:20
LoCoBoi187i instilled and then uninstalled ultimate theme pack and now i have a black cursor02:20
LoCoBoi187how do i change the cursor back to ubuntu default?02:20
MaGicMaXmechdave: i get the same thing as before :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/262262/02:21
Guest36562Can someone tell me what software I may be missing??  I want to play yahoo chess and after logging on, I get the smaller rooms window with a grey advertising bar with a grey arrow in a circle, a white window and the bottom infor bar saying   transferring data from games.yahoo.com...      and thats all that happens for the longest now..02:22
LoCoBoi187is anyone bloody here02:22
RHorseGuest36562 link?02:23
Guest36562there is no link02:23
Sarfarazhello i need help just installed Ubuntu trying to use BitTorrent Client Transmition but it's working too Slow My connection Speed is 1 MB and my torrent dowloading speed is nothing not working02:23
Guest36562its yahoo games02:23
celthunderGuest36562, java02:24
mechdaveMaGicMaX, looks like you only get an overall temp of all cores02:24
=== SudoKing is now known as HonkingKoala
Guest36562I downloaded it earlier today02:24
zopiacCynary: sorry, was AFK for a while. well, if you can find the videos, you might be able to move them somewhere else and/or replace them with blank files with the same names? it works for some games02:24
mechdaveMaGicMaX, if you want the module we just built to load on startup we have to install it02:24
amitesIs there any way to force installation of a 32 bit package on a 64 bit ubuntu install? This is for a server so need to do it through console02:24
hozomeanLoCoBoi187: system -> appearance -> customize theme -> pointers02:25
Guest36562I downloaded Open Jdk Runtime earlier02:25
MaGicMaXmechdave: k lets do it :)02:25
MaGicMaXmechdave: how do i know that temp is not my mobo temps though?02:26
HowardTheDuckhey all02:26
LoCoBoi187hozomean: it seems that my cursors have been deleted how do i change them?02:27
jeffrey1Hi! Can I use MS Office and MS Frontpage in Ubunutu, and also , what Linux program is most like frontpage in that you can build a website in a Word like setting (using tables, pictures and all that) and that the programmes translates it to html, and where the programme itself has a ftwp publisher02:27
thowlandamites: dpkg -i --force-architecture something.deb02:27
Guest36562Anyone else have a idea for me to checkout    I downloaded OpenJDKruntime earlier and still nothingCan someone tell me what software I may be missing??  I want to play yahoo chess and after logging on, I get the smaller rooms window with a grey advertising bar with a grey arrow in a circle, a white window and the bottom infor bar saying   transferring data from games.yahoo.com...      and thats all that happens for the longest now02:28
mechdaveMaGicMaX, ok, run this script --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/262264/02:28
thowlandamites: also google for getlibs, it can help you resolve dependencies02:28
amitesthowland: thank you02:28
MaGicMaXmechdave: how?02:28
thowlandamites: just be careful, it can lead to ... issues... especially if this is your production box02:28
mechdaveMaGicMaX, that will be your processor temp. I don't know if they wrote it to take temps of all cores or just an overall temp of the processor02:28
amitesthowland: to late =)02:29
RHorsejeffrey1 try linuxappfinder.com02:29
amitesthowland: having trouble with python-mysqldb02:29
SarfarazHello there any one tell me plz how to fix Transmition02:29
mechdaveMaGicMaX, copy and paste it into a file called install.sh in your k10temp_module directory02:29
amiteskeep getting wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3202:29
mostafa_hello there can anyone help me plz I don't have CDRom worked when I want to come to ubuntu after I press enter at grub screen it shows me 3 errors and when I am in ubuntu my CDRom doesn't work02:29
mechdaveMaGicMaX, then run sudo sh install.sh02:29
linuxSafaraz: what problems are you receiving with transmission?02:30
thowlandamites might be a mismatch between your mysql client library and python02:30
I-hopis there anyway to change the color of the terminal?02:30
LoCoBoi187somebody please help me my human theme is curropt02:30
SarfarazLinux: just installed Ubuntu trying to use BitTorrent Client Transmition but it's working too Slow My connection Speed is 1 MB and my torrent dowloading speed is nothing not working02:30
amitesthowland: pretty sure that's the issue, just a matter of getting it to match02:30
linuxSarfaraz: have you tried a heavily seeded torrent, such as the ubuntu torrent?02:31
|Slacker|i'm using netbook remix and it's not mounting my cell phone02:31
SarfarazLinux : yes i tried02:31
MaGicMaXmechdave: done02:31
LoCoBoi187somebody please help me my human theme is curropt, how do i fix it02:31
SarfarazLinux : seeds are almost 200002:31
linuxSarfaraz: are you behind a router, or a restrictive ISP, or firewall?02:32
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now do a cat /etc/modules | grep k10temp02:32
mechdaveMaGicMaX, see if it turns up in there02:32
SarfarazLinux : yes i am behind a Router im using WIMAX02:32
hozomeanLoCoBoi187: try going into synaptic and searching for ubuntu-artwork... right click and select "mark for reinstallation"02:33
MaGicMaXmechdave: nothing returned02:33
linuxSarfaraz: have you tried opening UPNP on your WIMAX router?02:33
Cynaryzopiac: the problem is I don't know where the videos might be; my best guess is on q4base, but I don't know which file. I tried looking on the web, but found nothing. If it helps, the last message on the console is : Async thread started02:33
MaGicMaXmechdave: btw, is there a short command to input your last command?02:33
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now do a cat /etc/modules02:33
SarfarazLinux : oh well... let me check :/02:33
zopiacCynary:  i think i found something out from that last post :)02:34
Guest36562Starring endlessly waiting for some kind knowledgeable person in the Ubuntu help page to assist him....    Can someone tell me what software I may be missing??  I want to play yahoo chess and after logging on, I get the smaller rooms window with a grey advertising bar with a grey arrow in a circle, a white window and the bottom infor bar saying   transferring data from games.yahoo.com...      and thats all that happens for the lon02:34
Guest36562gest now..02:34
dErFzwhen i set 'xset mouse 0 0' how can i keep that setting everytime i restart?02:34
LoCoBoi187somebody please help me my human theme is curropt02:34
RHorsedErFz put it in your start up file02:34
Cynaryzopiac: what did you find?02:34
mechdaveMaGicMaX, not really, we just piped the output of cat /etc/modules through grep02:34
SarfarazLinux : ahhh...Upnp Was Uncheckd ..i jst chkd it02:35
zopiacCynary: async may be audio sync, for syncing the audio to the video (or higher-quality play) and may be a video option (check the demo?) anyways, trying to load this might be crashing it02:35
linuxSarfaraz: try again and if that doesn't help your speeds i'll be here for a while longer to help think of things to fix02:35
MaGicMaXmechdave: ok this is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/262267/02:35
Cynaryzopiac: The strange thing is: the demo works flawlessly without problems in those videos :/02:36
SarfarazLinux :  many thanks dude ...02:36
zopiacCynary: then perhaps the audio sync wasnt implemented for the demo, or maybe im wrong02:36
linuxGuest36562: have you tried multiple browsers?02:36
Cynaryzopiac: I'll try searching on the web, thanks02:36
=== BeautifulLiar is now known as Seijaku
Guest36562I only have firefox on this rather newer install of Ubuntu02:37
dragonWhen i do `ls | less`, it loses the color. Is there a way of telling `less` not to remove the text color?02:37
leaf-sheepHello everybody. I messed up my cryptsetup (and lvm) boot process involving fstab and crypttab (and kernels?). I hope that somebody here experienced with grubs and crypttab and such would be kindly and assist me with my issue. I kept trying many things but I get same end-result. :<02:37
linuxanyknow know of any modprobe bugs in ubuntu 9.04 (CD from mail and download both seg fault) using compaq e50002:37
zopiacin any case, Cynary, iirc, the settings files for the quake engines are stored in .conf files (probably in a .folder in your home folder) and there should be an option for async in there. however, again, iirc, the quake configuration files re hard tp decipher, but you might be able to look online for help on that02:37
Dr_WillisGuest36562:  if it uses flash  - you may need to install flash. I normally install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' to get flash and java going.02:37
linuxGuest36562: try http://www.seamonkey-project.org (mozilla alternate browser to firefox)02:38
zopiacCynary: or at least all this is true for the open source Q2 engine used for various games, it might have changed, but i doubt it02:38
leaf-sheepdragon: white is a color, you know.02:38
zopiacor Q302:38
Guest36562Dr_Willis I saw something that said I couldn't install them.. How do I install the extras02:39
Cynaryzopiac: Yes, the quake4 files are in .quake4 ... you gave-me an idea now, I'll try copying the config files from the demo to the actual game.02:39
ozzloywhen i play vids on youtube, firefox locks up.  i've uninstalled and reinstalled the adobe flash plugin.  not sure what to do.  any suggestions?  amd64 ubuntu 9.0402:39
mechdaveMaGicMaX, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262268/02:39
Dr_WillisGuest36562:  i install them all the time.. perhaps tell the channel the exact eerror message.02:39
linuxGuest36562: also try http://www.adobe.com to download flash (yahoo uses lots of flash content)02:39
dragonleaf-sheep: Depends on how much physics you've studied. Was my question unclear?02:39
Dr_WillisIts better to use the repos to install flash and java. from what ive seen.02:39
Guest36562I have installed the opensourwe flash\02:39
linuxGuest36562: opensource flash is still in alpha02:40
zopiacCynary: however if the game doesnt crash in the demo, pehaps it doesnt have async, and therefore maybe it doesnt have the same setup of the .conf files and not work, but its certainly worth a shot02:40
MaGicMaXmechdave: k how do i edit that though, wheres the file?02:40
Dr_WillisGuest36562:  thats not the flash you wanted i imagine.02:40
mechdaveMaGicMaX, edit it with sudo gedit /etc/modules02:40
Guest36562I have macromedia flash plugin    GStreamer ffmpeg video plugin   Swfdec Flash player and VLC media player02:41
linuxanyknow know of any modprobe bugs in ubuntu 9.04 (CD from mail and download both seg fault) using compaq e50002:41
Walker_How to I add Ubuntu to the Fedora boot loader?02:41
Cynaryzopiac: This time it froze earlier xD, so it wasn't a solution, I'll try something I found online about changing the libraries used by the game to the system ones.02:41
linuxGuest36562: uninstall swfdec flash player, and try adobe flash player reinstall02:41
RHorseGuest36562 uninstall that flash and put the v10 Adobe .so in your plugin dir's for firefox.02:41
Walker_Ubuntu was my primary/sole OS, then I decided to partition 50 GB and install Fedora 11, and their boot loader only shows Fedora.02:41
leaf-sheepdragon: Your question was clear.  I looked it up. No you can't have colors as it seems.  Since you outpipe the content of ls (ls itself offer color) to less, only the content, not the cosmetics.02:41
Dr_WillisWalker_:  edit the  proper /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the proper information there.02:41
mechdaveMaGicMaX, you are doing very well for a newbie, you have just compiled and installed a kernel module, something I didn't do until a couple of years ago and I have been playing with Linux for 10 years :)02:42
=== `fork is now known as forrk
MaGicMaXmechdave: ok, before i save it, this is what it should look like? http://paste.ubuntu.com/262269/02:42
linuxRHorse: like minds think alike lol02:42
mechdaveMaGicMaX, correct mate02:42
MaGicMaXmechdave: ya, well.. im being told what to do so i cant take all the credit :P02:42
mostafa_hello there can anyone help me plz I don't have CDRom worked when I want to come to ubuntu after I press enter at grub screen it shows me 3 errors and when I am in ubuntu my CDRom doesn't work02:43
mechdaveMaGicMaX, now reboot and see what happens02:43
RHorselinux, ;)02:43
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dmps. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/154877102:43
linuxmostafa_: does your motherboard support USB booting?02:43
MaGicMaXmechdave: brb02:43
mechdaveMaGicMaX, after you reboot come back here and we will check to make sure the module is running02:43
SarfarazLinux :  any idea about Vuze i installed but when i click on it its not opening02:43
linuxSarfaraz: go to terminal, cd to the directory installed (from website is more updated than repositories), and try ./vuze or java -jar vuze*02:44
Guest36562I dont know what this means other than it is not supported for my box    Adobe Flash Plugin 10 cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.02:44
Guest36562Adobe Flash Plugin 10 is available in the third party software channel 'jaunty-partner'. To install it, please click on the checkbox to activate the software channel.02:44
Guest36562Canonical does not provide updates for Adobe Flash Plugin 10. Some updates may be provided by the third party vendor.02:44
FloodBot3Guest36562: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
SarfarazActually i am new for linux just want to move from windwos02:44
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: Expert in grub, cryptsetup, initramfs, kernel? ^.^02:44
RHorseGuest36562 do it from th Adobe site and save yourself some heartache. ;)02:45
mostafa_linux: I don't know it but I have bought a vaio laptop for about 2 monthes this is the model "VGN-FW390J"02:45
mostafa_linux: how could I know that?02:45
Walker_Okay, so I set the permissions, etc. and opened menu.lst02:45
linuxmostafa_: if the computer is >2005, it supports USB booting02:45
Walker_How do I go about adding Ubuntu to the list?02:45
c1rcuitcan someone help me with a dual boot. i am trying to install upon /dev/sda7. that partition recently had fedora on it. how do i select it properly in the partition manager?02:46
Walker_the first line for Fedora in menu.list is "title Fedora ("02:46
mostafa_linux: yeah it is for 2008 I think or better to say 200902:46
p34cehey im new to linux and im running ubuntu on me laptop but the mouse pad dosnt work it just goes crazy is there any way to fix this?02:46
Guest36562RHorse  Error: Wrong architecture 'i38602:46
linuxmostafa_: on another computer, boot ubuntu from the CD and insert the usb flash drive in the computer, and system -> admin -> install ubuntu on usb, then take the usb flash and put in the new computer and boot to ubuntu02:46
MaGicMaXmechdave: k well it still shows the temp1 in my applet :)02:46
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P02:46
RHorsep34ce check out gsynaptics app (in repos, I believe)02:47
Guest36562I am using Firefox   This package officially supports the following browsers:02:47
Guest36562Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3.x, SeaMonkey 1.1102:47
arooni-mobilei want to indicate each minute passing on my laptop so i do not become distracted at work.  is there a way to have the menubar flash after each minute?  or to have something else happen visually (but not distracting wise) to remind me time is passing?02:47
linuxGuest36562: did you go to adobe.com and find the x64 version of flash 10?02:47
mechdaveMaGicMaX, ok now lsmod | grep k10temp02:47
c1rcuitcan anyone help me?02:47
Walker_How do I find the name of the partition Ubuntu is installed on?02:47
Guest36562Dont see a x64 version02:48
RHorseGuest36562 go to the Adobe and dl the .gz file for Ubuntu.02:48
mostafa_linux: you think I can't boot to ubuntu?02:48
MaGicMaXmechdave: returned "k10temp                10880  0"02:48
prince_jammysWalker_: type 'mount' and see where '/' is mounted.02:48
mechdaveMaGicMaX, it is installed and running02:48
=== rodrigo is now known as fulgore2009
linuxmostafa_: you should be able to boot from a usb flash drive, do you have access to another computer to install ubuntu on your flash drive?02:48
mostafa_linux: I can boot but I don't have DVDRom support and it doesn't work for me02:48
leaf-sheeparooni-mobile: Write a script for that one. :P02:48
Guest36562I have it but dont know what to do with it02:48
Walker_Okay, I see a ton of information02:49
mostafa_linux: yeah I have02:49
prince_jammysWalker_: look at what device is mounted on '/02:49
MaGicMaXmechdave: great, now what if a new and official version comes out latter and i want that instead? do i just do sensors-detect and it should install the new one over this one?02:49
Guest36562RHorse  I downloaded it but dont know how to install it02:49
mechdaveMaGicMaX, well done, you have successfully compiled, installed and running your first kernel module02:49
mostafa_linux: you mean I boot with a live CD?02:49
linux!usb | mostafa_02:49
ubottumostafa_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:49
RHorseGuest36562 have you uninstalled the oss flash?02:49
WebcamWonderQuestion: virtualbox vs qemu?02:49
p34ceRhorse were abouts is it ?02:49
Walker_Is that right?02:49
prince_jammysWalker_: there you go.02:50
Guest36562I uninstalled the one you said to02:50
Walker_Hm, I guess I know something about Linux.02:50
MaGicMaXmechdave: also, can i delete that directory i made? if not, can i move it?02:50
Walker_Okay, so now that I've found that... what do I do?02:50
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P02:50
prince_jammysWalker_: /dev/sda3 on / type ext3 ... is what you would see.02:50
RHorsep34ce isn't it in the software repository?02:50
Walker_"/dev/sda3 on /boot type ext3"02:50
mechdaveMaGicMaX, if you want to get rid of k10temp, just delete the ko file from /lib/modules and remove the line we put in to /etc/modules and then run depmod -a again02:51
Guest36562RHorse  Yes I uninstalled the Swfdec Flash Pleyer02:51
prince_jammysWalker_: ah, you made a partition for /boot02:51
mechdaveMaGicMaX, you can completely remove the directory where we made it02:51
Walker_I did?02:51
linux!flash | Guest3656202:51
ubottuGuest36562: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:51
mostafa_linux: I should do this way 1: put ubuntu CD into the PC drive not laptop and boot it 2:make a usb . am I right?02:51
prince_jammysWalker_: somebody/thing did.02:51
Walker_Hm... what does it mean?02:52
Walker_Am I any closer to getting Ubuntu back onto the boot list? :(02:52
MaGicMaXmechdave: if a latter official version comes out latter do i need to worry about removing this one first, manually, or will it just put the new one on top of it magically :P02:52
linuxmostafa_: you are correct, then on the PC, go to system -> admin -> usb startup02:52
RHorseGuest36562 now what dir is the .gz file in?02:52
linuxmostafa_: and you can try the above URLs which i gave above02:52
linux!usb | mostafa_02:53
ubottumostafa_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:53
mechdaveMaGicMaX, when the temp is officially supported you will need to remove this module as the official one may have a different name02:53
Guest36562I went to the hyperlink and clicked install flash but it says it is already installed02:53
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P02:53
Guest36562RHorse  libflashplayer.so  is in the   / dir02:53
mostafa_linux: let me check bro thanx I inform you as soon as I've done that02:54
linuxGuest36562: try uninstalling using synaptic or applications -> add/remove and then retry URL02:54
linuxmostafa_: sounds good02:54
MaGicMaXmechdave: i cant just disable it from showing in my applet settings and enable the other? i have a 1TB HDD im not worried about a little bloat lol02:54
RHorseGuest36562 it's the latest version off of the Adobe site?02:55
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P02:55
SimSimmaHey,can some1 tell me which service/program automounts external hard drives in ubuntu?02:55
mechdaveMaGicMaX, what you can do is add it to the black list, but if you are not going to use it again I would just remove it. The reason we remove it is so that in case there is a conflict with the new module versus the one we made02:55
Walker_Can anyone help me add  Ubuntu to the GRUB bootloader?02:55
linuxGuest36562: make sure it matches your architecture, so if i386 doesn't work, its x6402:56
MaGicMaXmechdave: if its blacklisted it cant conflict?02:56
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P02:57
=== Niamor59 is now known as Niamor
linux!grub | Walker_02:58
ubottuWalker_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:58
=== PcN is now known as clawhammer
Guest36562I GOT IT !!  THANKS for all your help......02:59
mechdaveMaGicMaX, correct, you need to find the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and add the line blacklist k10temp to it02:59
Guest36562RHorse  THANKS for the help02:59
linuxGuest36562: np02:59
Walker_linux: I didn't install Windows02:59
Walker_I had Ubuntu, then I installed Fedora02:59
linuxWalker_: I have had little success, but I know a little about grub, have you looked at the /boot/grub/menu.lst file?03:00
MaGicMaXmechdave: k that sounds easyer if that will prevent conflicts03:00
Walker_I'm in it right now03:00
linux!woobuntu | hi03:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about woobuntu03:00
Walker_There is only one entry for Ubuntu03:00
woobuntui said "HI"03:00
RHorseGuest36417 glad it's working!03:00
fukuiHowdy. I'm trying to get xrandr and xorg to recognize VGA dpms. xorg.conf http://pastebin.ca/1548771 My eyes are toasted from 50hz refresh rates. :P03:00
linux!hi | woobuntu03:00
ubottuwoobuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:00
mechdaveMaGicMaX, yep it will stop the module being loaded03:00
woobuntuthank you03:00
woobuntufor my welcomeness03:00
linux!ask | woobuntu03:01
ubottuwoobuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:01
Walker_I also did sudo fdisk -l03:01
MaGicMaXmechdave: well, thanks alot for fixing this for me, i really appreciate it... im off for dinner, be back latter, thanks again03:01
Walker_But all I got was a bunch of "Linux" entries03:01
woobuntuGUYS how do i see the users list in this client?03:01
Walker_Albeit on different partitions... I have no idea which one has Ubuntu or Fedora03:01
mechdaveMaGicMaX, no worries mate, I have learned a lot today as well :) Glad to be of help03:01
Walker_That's it03:01
woobuntux-chat gnome: how do i see the users03:01
woobuntuthe list03:02
peepsi just reinstalled ubuntu on a new hard drive.  Is there a simple way to migrate my home partition from my old drive to this one?  I'd like to restore all my application configurations03:02
linuxWalker_: this might help: the menu.lst file has (hd0,partition number starting with 0) and root=/dev/hda[partition number starting with 1]03:02
amitesWhat is the command for zlib?  zlib give me command not found03:02
woobuntuthis is boring, people ignore my questions03:02
SeijakuSomeone help me real quick.03:02
linuxWalker_: then do a "find / -name initrd" then "find / -name vmlinuz" and link those in the next two lines of menu.lst03:02
Walker_I know03:02
SeijakuMy username on my Ubuntu OS Mini is MidsummerDawn.03:03
amitesI compiled zlib from source and it's not allow me to run it, what I try apt-get zlib1g it tells me it's already installed03:03
SeijakuI need to change that real quick.03:03
SeijakuWhere do I go?03:03
amitestried google?03:03
amitesubuntu change username?03:03
=== ubuntu is now known as imrann
linux!adduser | amites03:03
ubottuamites: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo03:03
th_woobuntu: click on the number of users under the server panel on the left03:04
Walker_linux: Do I replace anything in those lines?03:04
Walker_I have no idea what those do :p03:04
SeijakuThe place where midsummerdawn says in Users and Groups, it's locked.03:04
dayohow do i get the source code of quota03:04
linuxWalker_: replace the title, kernel with the path of kernel file, initrd with the initrd/initrd.img file loc, then boot after03:05
dayoand quotatool03:05
Walker_How do I find those?03:05
linuxWalker: "find / -name vmlinuz" and "find / -name initrd" in terminal (two commands)03:06
joshHow do I find out what version of ubuntu I'm running, it's a fully updated mythbuntu install03:06
linuxjosh: lsb_release -a03:06
ascheelCan someone tell me which package contains /usr/bin/shorten (if anybody here knows?)03:07
mostafa_linux: this link is enough to do what you said : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:07
linuxmostafa: it should be more detailed than my instructions (mine was an outline)03:08
SimSimmaHey,can some1 tell me which service/program automounts external hard drives in ubuntu???03:08
WebcamWonder!find shorten03:08
ubottuFound: libwww-shorten-perl03:08
AndorinaMSN froze on me. I'm trying to kill it and having zero luck. I don't see a name for it in the process list. How do I kill this program?03:08
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mostafa_linux: K just check this link is enough or not ?03:09
AndorinI know there's a terminal command for displaying a list of running processes, but it has never done a THING for me.  I have absolutely no idea how to use it.03:09
GoudaAnyone here familiar with Wine that can help me out?03:09
lstarnesAndorin: was it ps aux?03:09
Andorinlstarnes: Actually, it's just ps.03:09
Walker_linux: I ran both commands, but I got no output03:09
imrannI need help with gparted03:09
SimSimmawhat bout top?03:09
imrannCan anyone help03:09
dihiHey guys, if i use gparted to resize a partition (mac os HD, im on a macbook pro), will i lose the data on the partition i resize or not?03:09
linuxWalker_: you need those files before editing the menu.lst, someone else here might know where to get backups03:10
th_andorin: ps -eff | grep msn03:10
Walker_Whyyyyy does this have to be so difficult03:10
Andorinth_: Okay, I get a couple lines of output.03:10
linuxmostafa_: that page is terrible, let me find a better tutorial03:11
th_Andorin: look for the process id (first number)03:11
th_Andorin: then "kill <PID>"03:11
xiphos_how do I run a sh command from a launcher?03:12
th_Andorin: if that doesn't work, kill it dead with a "kill -9 <PID>"03:12
Andorinth_: That did it. Thank you!03:12
mostafa_linux: thnx buddy03:12
linuxmostafa_: are you in fedora now upgrading to ubuntu or in an older version of ubuntu?03:16
kevdogxiphos_: You mean the command line?03:16
LogicFani cannot get any app that is "docked" in the notification area (e.g. pidgin, xchat,) to come to focus while another window or app is in focus.  i have to first minimize everything, then click the app icon in the notification area.  ubuntu 9.04 64bit03:16
linuxmostafa_: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2008/10/make-liveusb.html works both in an older version of ubuntu and fedora03:17
linuxjosh: lsb_release -a03:17
joshonly 3 codecs included in the w64codecs package!03:17
joshlinux, saw that earlier, thanks.03:17
linuxjosh: try typing that in in terminal (applications -> accessories -> terminal)03:17
LogicFanit doesn't seem to matter whether or not i have the focused window maximized03:17
linuxjosh: np03:17
joshbut I followed the instructions for my version to "unlock" the w64codecs" package, and there's only three actual codecs included in the package?!?03:18
mostafa_linux: I am in 9.0403:18
linuxmostafa_: ok check this URL: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2008/10/make-liveusb.html03:18
linuxmostafa_: that screenshot is worth a thousand words03:19
mostafa_linux: thnx bro I check it out now03:19
jhouseAre there any special considerations for getting DSL working with ubuntu?  In the past, when I had DSL, I had to install special software with windows.03:20
SeijakuNone of you are helping.03:21
GoudaJhouse: What type of DSL do you have? Are you always on or PPPoE03:21
SeijakuI just need to change my username.03:21
linuxjhouse: are you refering to ATT?03:21
jhouseGouda, linux, it'd be with Verizon03:21
linuxjhouse: ATT requires a windows computer to register DSL, then after that, linux works fine, don't know about Verizon (most software is optional for DSl working though on Windows)03:21
mostafa_linux: no difference between ubuntu DVD or CD yep?03:21
GoudaJhouse: It depends on how the DSL is setup. I work for a DSL company.03:21
linuxmostafa_: i would recommend CD if you have a popular network card, if not DVD03:22
th_Seijaku: easiest thing to do is to set up a new account with the new user name03:22
joshSeijaku, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+change+username&l=103:22
GoudaJhouse: If your mode is configured to authenticate for you, you shouldn't have any issues but if you have to dial in you might have to setup something03:22
zebaztianwhat was gnome's dolphin?03:23
linux!dolphin | zebaztian03:23
ubottuzebaztian: To change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4). To change your default file manager, change the "inode/directory" and "inode/system_directory" filetypes.03:23
zebaztianfile manager!03:24
zebaztianthats it03:24
linuxzebaztian: gnome's dolphin is the equivalent of window's explorer.exe (it should now use nautalis though03:24
zebaztianwhats gnome file manager03:24
n-iCeWhat's the ext4 advantage?03:24
linux!ext4 | n-iCe03:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext403:24
mostafa_linux: and another thing no difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu CD?03:25
zebaztiani have kde 4.3 and gnome but i can only see dolphin03:25
uninvertedI can't start GDM (screen with nothing but cursor for a while then dies), and when I use startx, the mouse and keyboard don't work. I tried messing with my xorg.conf, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.03:25
jhouseGouda, what should I be looking for on their website?  The info at http://www22.verizon.com/Residential/HighSpeedInternet/SystemRequirements/SystemRequirements.htm appears useless.03:25
n-iCelinux you use ext4?03:25
linuxmostafa_: Ubuntu CD is GNOME graphical user interface and program set, as aposed to KDE (and kubuntu has its own irc channel #kubuntu)03:26
linuxn-iCe: yes03:26
Goudajhouse: when you boot into windows, do you have to launch the verizon application everytime to connect to the internet?03:26
DaZuninverted: ~/.xsession-errors ?03:26
ShapeShifter499before I do anything like more updates, I want to know, I just updated to karmic 9.10 for powepc now why are all the repo lines I have point to jaunty?03:26
n-iCelinux what's better, what can you tell me?03:26
linuxn-iCe: it supports bigger file systems and a new writing algorithm for better defrag on the fly03:26
jhouseGouda, I haven't bought it yet...03:26
mostafa_linux: K I just asked :D03:26
GoudaYou haven't bought what yet?03:26
linuxn-iCe: there maybe more features...anyone else know anymore03:26
n-iCelinux ok, but in a home pc, will be there differences?03:27
mostafa_linux: Because I have Ubuntu DVD and Kubuntu CD03:27
jhouseGoud, I'm not using DSL at the moment.  I'm using an always on cable modem, but it sucks...03:27
uninvertedDaZ: Hang on, it's huge, I'm putting it on pastebin03:27
linuxmostafa_: i would stick with the Ubuntu DVD then03:27
th_n-iCe: I think it's advantages in recovering from an outage03:27
GoudaWell if you get DSL, and you plan on running linux. I would suggest getting an always on DSL with static IP address03:28
th_n-iCe: so it's probably not a huge deal for a home box03:28
mostafa_linux: K03:28
cweilemHey everyone - any suggestions for setting up an e-mail server in Ubuntu (which app) and how to set it up to send and receive through Gmail?03:28
GoudaThis will allow you to run apache and host webpages on your machine, ftp, mail server, make remote desktop easier, etc03:28
dorkfaceHi all.  Is there a way to display and use applets on the desktop without using gnome-panel?03:29
GoudaCable is usually DHCP so each time you connect your IP MIGHT change. This is why static IP with DSL is the way to go03:29
=== MR is now known as Guest21244
DaZdorkface: define applets03:29
SlickT10any one had problems with thier macbook express card slot?03:29
uninvertedDaZ: I don't know how much is relevant. http://pastebin.com/decc7ee503:29
GoudaI am on DSL through Covad, and I have static IP and my login and pw for my dsl is inputted into the modem/router itself so all I have to do is configure lan and Im on the net03:29
DaZuninverted: do you have dbus and hal running?03:30
HillshumHow do I load a jnlp file03:30
dorkfaceDaZ: I want to be able to click on the "networkManager Applet" in a small designated area, without the use of gnome-panel03:30
GoudaDoes that answer your question Jhouse?03:30
jhouseGouda: About as well as I expected.  It does help me ask the right questions when I call them03:31
uninvertedDaZ: Right now? I'm on a livecd. Before? I don't think so; networking didn't work from the command line.03:31
jhouseThanks for the help gouda03:31
DaZuninverted: xorg needs hal to run03:31
NoelJB#join #nm03:31
dorkfaceDaZ:  I want to be able to uninstall gnome-panel, but still have access to the "NetworkManager Applet"03:32
ShapeShifter499anyone know??03:32
GoudaJhouse: Just make sure when you call them you are plan on running linux. That way they can probably send you a disk linux compatible03:32
uninvertedDaZ: How do I start hal as a daemon?03:32
h4fhi all03:32
GoudaAnytime dude03:32
DaZuninverted: /etc/init.d/hal start03:32
DaZi think03:32
uninvertedDaz: I'll try it in a chroot03:33
=== HonkingKoala is now known as SudoKing
DaZuninverted: chroot!=actually running system03:33
shammhi all03:34
shammwhat's new?03:34
linux!find jnlp | Hillshum03:34
ubottuHillshum: File jnlp found in ia32-sun-java6-bin, jruby1.1, kdelibs-data, libjdic-java, libnb-platform-devel-java (and 4 others)03:34
linuxHillshum: ensure you have those packages installed03:34
uninvertedDaZ: Absolutely, but I don't want to wait for the livecd to boot again :)03:34
Hillshumlinux: all?03:34
linuxHillshum: that would be a good start by installing all of them03:35
bobbob1016I was moving an ext4 fs that had /home, and it got interrupted.  I found my backup superblocks, but it still says I don't have them.  Can anyone help me successfully run fcsk on it?03:35
h4fwhere do I find ubuntu documentation. I mean in somewhere like /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand I have many files. I wand the description of them. I need the documentation of architecture and how the whole think works03:35
HillshumGuest21244: Fixing your caps lock key might help03:35
DaZGuest21244: try hacking with gimp03:35
DaZplease wait  54 minutes or click here to enjoy unlimited use of megavideo03:36
* DaZ rages03:36
ShapeShifter499before I do anything like more updates, I want to know, I just updated to karmic 9.10 for powepc now why are all the repo lines I have point to jaunty?03:36
uninvertedGuest21244: try ping
joshGuest1178, ssh, enter your username and password, and your'e in!03:36
linuxHillshum: i cannot find anything on that on the internet, i would recommend trying in terminal: java -jar *.jnlp03:36
bobbob1016josh: Wrong "guest" you meant 2124403:37
joshbobbob1016, there's so many.. it's like they're multiplying!03:37
DaZjosh: ssh is on by default ? :o03:37
uninvertedGuest21244: Guys, should we even be talking about in public? We could get arrested.03:37
ShapeShifter499Am I being ignored??03:38
DaZShapeShifter499: yes03:38
shammShapeShifter499: no, if nobody know the answer, they wouldn't answer.03:38
joshuninverted, I dont want feds t my door03:38
O__oShapeShifter499, yes i can not see your message03:38
h4fI need the documentation of architecture and how the whole think works. for Ex. what each script in /etc/acpi is responsible for etc03:38
izeazalhi all. im trying to download the wine 1.1.16 .deb and the site is down. does anyone else know where i can get that? http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html03:39
lstarnesShapeShifter499: you aren't being ignored, but you should be using #ubuntu+1 for questions about karmic03:39
ShapeShifter499I did not know of that channel03:39
lstarnesShapeShifter499: it has not been released yet, so this channel doesn't support it03:39
DaZizeazal: compile it yourself.03:39
h4f izeazal: try sudo apt-get install wine03:40
bobbob1016josh: I think it's safe to say we all had to ask how to get into the universal backdoor before....  so Guest21244 is going to figure it out, about the time we get a response from said guest (trying to be gender neutral)03:40
Guest21244can any one tell me how can i hack with ubuntu03:40
izeazalh4f: that would install the latest wine03:40
th_just don't tell guest21244 about ping -f -i0.01
shammGuest21244: get ax from store, and hack your computer.03:40
izeazalDaZ: that doesnt help but thanks. im looking for the .deb03:40
joshth_, oooh. I had to read for MONTHS to figure out about that.03:41
DaZhave fun03:41
bobbob1016th_: Or that he has to do applications->accessories->terminal before typing "ping -f -i0.01"03:41
th_and probably sudo in there too03:41
h4fizeazal: mostly latest. but than there is developer version . alfa beta etc versions from svn. They are on cutting edge . be ready for bugs in them03:41
coolcatGuest1178, buy Hacking from jon erickson, and you'll have a lot of code on how to hack with a ubuntu live cd03:41
genericI installed urxvt as my terminal instead of gnome-terminal, now when I open it from the menu in gnome it opens 2 instances of urxvt. Any ideas?03:42
h4fizeazal: from repositores it's the latest stable one03:42
h4f I need the documentation of architecture and how the whole think works. for Ex. what each script in /etc/acpi is responsible for etc03:42
izeazalh4f: i need 1.1.16 specifically03:42
uninvertedGuest21244: http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/unix-koans/script-kiddie.html03:42
izeazalh4f: i cant install photoshop without 1.1.1603:43
genericGuest1178: if you dont know C or how to program that book will be more of a challenge03:43
genericGuest1178: still an incredible read03:43
coolcatgeneric, Guest1178, for sure03:43
linuxizeazal: izeazal: wine repos are down now, try later to get them from there03:43
GoudaAnyone here familiar with WINE and Diablo 2?03:44
izeazallinux: thanks03:44
genericGouda: the wine website has alot of documentation03:44
uninvertedGouda: Not quite, but general wine advice; don't use the one in the repos, it's really really old.03:44
h4f izeazal: did you try installing photoshop with wine from repos ??03:45
h4f I need the documentation of architecture and how the whole think works. for Ex. what each script in /etc/acpi is responsible for etc03:45
genericGouda: even a rating board where they have rated the compatibility of many games03:45
shammGouda: If you know the answer, lemme know! :)03:45
linuxizeazal: you can compile from source temporarily though if you need it now: http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.0.1.tar.bz203:45
GoudaHmmm, I have everything installed, just get a critical error while initializing directdraw03:45
generich4f: you might want to google that, some how i doubt #ubuntu will know :/03:46
uninvertedGouda: This patch might help http://bugs2.winehq.org/attachment.cgi?id=1588303:46
* shamm seem to recall graphical web browser for console -- but forgot how it is called.03:47
mostafa_linux: I am doing your order plz be a little patient03:47
genericshamm: there is a fb patch for links03:47
shammlynx is textual-based web browser.03:47
DaZuninverted: how's chrooting? :f03:47
linuxshamm: w3m is installed on ubuntu by default (w3m http://www.ubuntu.com)03:47
shammthanks linux03:47
hdevalenceI'm having some problems with broken packages03:47
shammhmm-- w3m is textual -- lemme see03:48
uninvertedDaZ: Not well; reading as much as possible online efore reboot.03:48
h4f generic: hm wait. does /etc/acpi relates to ubuntu documentation or to kernel documentation ?03:48
generich4f: kernel03:48
EnflamedWTF 1301 OF YOU03:48
hdevalencelibaprutil1-dev requires libdb4.6-dev instead of libdb-dev and so the dependencies are broken03:48
linuxshamm: oh, its a TUI, sorry, you can also try dillo or dillo203:48
uninvertedshamm: methinks "Graphical browser for console" is an oxymoron03:49
DaZuninverted: there's /var/log/Xorg*.log03:49
generich4f: trying to find out how to turn it off03:49
h4fgeneric: I think its kernel right . so for the whole documentation of architecture I need to search in kernel03:49
h4f generic: ehe03:49
h4f generic: I want to try to understand how the whole think work03:49
shammuninverted: I've used that browser long time ago --03:49
NetEchoubuntu should soo have a generic livecd that does a web install so that you don't have to keep burning discs for every new release lol03:50
DaZNetEcho: use pendrives03:50
NetEchoDaZ unfortunatly whenever I do I can't complete the install03:50
generich4f: well you might want to look into to general acpi information before lokking in to linux's acpi03:51
DaZget arch03:51
NetEchocan't figure out why heh03:51
DaZno new releases and  working penrive image03:51
NetEchobut a web install would also help as far as having all the updates right away as well03:51
generich4f: I don't know how advanced you are so srry if that last statment annpoys you.03:51
h4f generic: yeap just wanted to say. no problem03:52
=== pshr_ is now known as register
=== register is now known as pshr_
generich4f: the folks in #kernel are really helpful if they happen to actually be talking ;)03:53
uninvertedDaZ: Here's `cat /var/log/Xorg*.log`: http://pastebin.com/d1062a67e03:53
pshr_register exodus shirishreddy89@gmail.com03:53
h4fgeneric: I am advanced but not that much talking to them. I am still in learning process. Its just time to me goo in more deep03:53
maxagazwhen i run epiphany in a terminal, I get a "Segmentation Fault" on hardy03:54
aj_444How do I download a .bin file?03:54
h4fgeneric: kernel.org is the main one right03:54
uninvertedaj_444: The same as any other file: right click, then 'Save As'.03:54
generich4f: that is the site of the linux kernel, theremay be docs there03:55
aj_444uninverted: xD I have it saved to the desktop... but I can't open it03:55
h4fgeneric: ok found them. thanks . you pointed me in right direction.03:55
uninvertedaj_444: Is it a program?03:55
aj_444uninverted: its google earth.03:55
mostafa_linux: I made the iso what should I do with stored in reserved extra space?03:56
uninvertedaj_444: Remove the '.bin' extension, and run 'chmod +x <name-of-file>' in a terminal (without the quotes, of course)03:56
MagilumCould anyone tell me what driver Ubuntu uses for broadcom cards in jaunty? I'm helping someone with a BCM4328 card.03:56
uninvertedaj_444: Then you should be able to run it03:56
aj_444uninverted: with the <> though?03:57
linuxmostafa_: you can put swap on it or use it for storage03:57
uninvertedaj_444: Replace everything between the <> with the name of the file03:57
uninvertedaj_444: and take out the <>03:58
mostafa_linux: if I check it for 128Mb sth bad happends?03:58
generich4f: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface < that will be of more help03:58
linuxmostafa_: don't understand the question?03:58
DaZuninverted: it's possible that it's not a hal issue :f03:58
pshr_can any one please link me to resource where i can find on how to configure Datacard USB internet in Ubuntu03:58
aj_444uninverted: "chmod: cannot access `GoogleEarthLinux': No such file or directory"03:59
ubottuaj_444: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:59
uninvertedDaZ: Yeah, I couldn't find anything like it online. It might have somthing to do with me mixing hardy and jaunty repos03:59
DaZuninverted: hardware detection depends on hal03:59
pshr_can any one please link me to resource where i can find on how to configure Datacard USB internet in Ubuntu ?04:00
mostafa_linux: under "stored in reserved extra space" it displays a bar to choose the space04:00
uninvertedDaZ: Is it about hardware detection? I'm not good at reading last-gasps.04:00
mostafa_linux: then if i choose 128Mb anything happens?04:00
linuxmostafa_: i think you should set at least 700 MB - 1 GB if you have it, 128 is probably near the min04:00
uninvertedaj_444: Are you in the same directory/folder as the file?04:01
DaZuninverted: mouse and keyboard are hardware :f04:01
h4f generic: yeap that's good. mostly why I want to goo more deep is because  I often do some changes in script here and there. and I need to know exactly what each of them is responsible for. Today I noticed that my shuttering governor is not responsible enough. I set it to ondemand. but with such application like firefox where you need activities just for 3/4 sec for scrolling or flash it fails to raise cpu frequency fast enough04:01
uninvertedDaZ: And GDM doesn't start at all.04:01
michta35wow a story04:01
DaZuninverted: any errors?04:01
mostafa_linux: K i'll solve it ;)04:01
uninvertedDaZ: It said something about processes dying, but gdm is annoyingly silent.04:02
h4f generic: so I did not know where to find description of each file in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ondemand04:02
aj_444uninverted: no.. Its on the desktop. I don't know how to change the terminal location though.04:02
h4factually up_threshold is responsible directly for what I said04:02
michta35what is the command to check what version ala 32 or 64 bit os is installed?04:03
DaZmichta35: uname04:03
uninvertedaj_444: You can change directories/folders in the terminal with the 'cd' command. You get get information on it with 'man cd' (man is short for manual).04:03
michta35thanks didnt know if it was same as my centOS server or not04:03
h4fmichta35: uname -a04:03
DaZuname -m04:03
h4f DaZ:  yeap better04:03
miguelonnnnplease 1 question, why can't i remove a . or .. hardlink at a folder? I know i'm not supposed to, i know i shouldn't to, but hey, i'm logged as root, it's a simple hardlink as any other, why system won't let me remove it?04:04
xmntmiguelonnnn, ?04:04
miguelonnnnhi xmnt04:04
xmntmiguelonnnn, hey04:04
uninvertedmiguelnonnn: To guard against typos. I wish it was configurable, though.04:05
aj_444uninverted: I switched it to the desktop.. now it doesn't even acknowledge that I'm trying to do something.04:05
linuxmichtas: miguelonnnn: try rm -f <file>04:05
michta35its 86x6404:05
xmntmiguelonnnn, you can't remove the . and .. those are references to the parent folder and the folder you're currently in04:05
uninvertedaj_444: What do you mean? Can you show me what the program writes on the screen?04:05
aj_444uninverted: "aj@aj-laptop:~/Desktop$ chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux naj@aj-laptop:~/Desktop$ "04:06
h4fmichta35: that means its 64 bit04:06
michta35ya I know04:06
michta35thanks for the help guys04:06
xmntmiguelonnnn, i think thats what you're talking about04:06
Flannelaj_444: Why not use the google earth in medibuntu?04:06
blue0488is there a way to install xubuntu on a usb drive with all the options of saving downloading etc but use it on a different pc than the one I install it on?04:06
p34cehow do u check your ignore list i might of accidently ignored some 104:06
aj_444Flannel: What do you mean? I'm... really new at this. (:04:06
miguelonnnnyeah i'm talking about that. I tried too with rm -f as somebody said but won't let me "." and ".." may not be removed04:07
WebcamWonderIs virtualbox better than qemu?04:07
cloakinghalkAnyone know how to switch my language to russian04:07
uninvertedaj_444: There isn't anything wrong; most programs (including chmod) don't write anything extra when things go fine. Now you can run the program.04:07
Flannelaj_444: Alright.  There's a third party repository called medibuntu which has a package for google earth, it's strongly recommended over installing it manually.04:07
michta35what are the main differences between regular ubuntu and xubuntu etc?04:07
miguelonnnnxmnt, , what do you mean by references? aren't them just hardlinks? files with the same inode as the actual /users/home/thefolder ?04:07
Flannelaj_444: As far as your command, "no news is good news"04:07
h4fWebcamWonder: most people say its better04:07
red__how do you edit yorr xorg in ubuntu 9.10? i cant find it04:07
uninvertedType './GoogleEarthLinux' without the quotes.04:07
WebcamWonderh4f: :)... thank you, that is all I needed :)04:08
h4fWebcamWonder:  it provides close to native speed of host IS04:08
Flannelmichta35: Ubuntu uses gnome, Kubuntu uses KDE, Xubuntu uses XFCE, except for the window manager and the programs that go alongwith it (the GUI ones) it's all the same04:08
NetworkManHow do I get firefox to run the installer on .DEB files?04:08
aj_444uninverted: Flannel, I'm clicked it, it gave an option to run in the terminal.. its installed. thanks guys.04:08
michta35ah ok just flavoring04:08
red__michta35, check out wikipedia for some good articles on xfce and gnome thats the big difference04:08
Flanneluninverted: No, there's no reason to install from the bin04:08
RHorsep34ce do you get my pm's?04:08
uninvertedaj_444: Happy to help :)04:08
Flannelaj_444: Unfortunately you likely won't ever be able to remove it cleanly now04:08
michta35I prefer shell I just use it on my laptop to ssh to my centOS boxes04:08
uninvertedFlannel: Well, he already has it...04:09
michta35gnome is good enough for the laptop then04:09
cloakinghalkAnyone know how to switch my language to russian04:09
aj_444Flannel:  I don't plan on removing it.04:09
Flanneluninverted: Yeah, but he won't get updates for it04:09
* RHorse calls out p34ce Hey, what happend?04:09
uninvertedFlannel, aj_444: But it is usually better to install from the repos04:09
red__how do you edit your xorg in ubuntu 9.10? I can't find it. It's not in /etc/X11/04:09
Flannelaj_444: right, but repositories mean you'll get updates for it, both bugfixes and updates when you upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.04:09
michta35what is the main repo for ubuntu04:09
DaZred__: it's automagic04:09
linuxsystem -> administration -> language support04:09
michta35im used to .rpm stuff04:09
michta35.deb is new to me04:09
uninvertedred__: It's called xorg.conf, and it is in /etc/X11 (or should be)04:09
xmntmiguelonnnn, I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about but if you mean the '. and ..' that appear when you ls -la from a directory then really no, they are not hardlinks04:10
red__uninverted, its not there anymore in 9'1004:10
Flannelmichta35: the main repos are the ones that are already enabled04:10
leaf-sheepHello everybody. I messed up my cryptsetup (and lvm) boot process involving fstab and crypttab (and kernels?). I hope that somebody here experienced with grubs and crypttab and such would be kindly and assist me with my issue. I kept trying many things but I get same end-result. :<04:10
linuxcloakinghalk: system -> administration -> language support04:10
michta35o, I don't have to install the key first?04:10
michta35wow ubuntu is like windows lol04:10
red__DaZ, what if i want to edit it? i wanted ot enable uxa for intel04:10
michta35used to server GUI's04:10
uninvertedred__: That's where the program will look, you can make a new one, or use dexconf.04:10
Flannelmichta35: The key is already installed when you install Ubuntu, regardless of whether you have a GUI or not04:10
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por ahora04:11
michta35right, in centOS it's not always the case04:11
michta35this is easy stuff then04:11
aj_444Flannel: is that bad?04:11
DaZred__: you're out of luck :F04:11
blue0488does anyone know if there is a way to install xubuntu on a usb drive with all the options of saving downloading etc but use it on a different pc than the one I install it on?04:11
Flannelmichta35: There's no reason to make it difficult :)04:11
pshr_i am trying to create a startup disk04:11
NetEchowhy is there talk of centos in #ubuntu? :o04:11
pshr_i am getting error04:11
michta35yea, for a desktop os04:11
* D3f0 is back.04:11
uninvertedblue0488: try unetbootin04:11
Flannelaj_444: It's not ideal04:11
michta35works ok so far on this older laptop04:11
aj_444Flannel: I'll keep that in mind04:11
pshr_unable to find partition number04:11
NetEchoanyway... anyone know of a factoid or web article for repairing grub when windows overwrites the boot sector?04:11
p34cehow do u wisper people04:12
Flannelmichta35: Even for a server, but we're getting offtopic04:12
=== cinson is now known as sinsun
michta35prefer stability of centOS still. Ubuntu not there yet for me04:12
pshr_I am trying to creat a startup disk in ubuntu i get error saying unable to determine partition number any help ?04:12
red__DaZ, thqat doesnt seem right04:12
miguelonnnnxmnt, sry04:12
miguelonnnni was searching on the web xmnt  i didnt read04:12
blue0488yeah I know but I want to install it to the usb drive like I am installing it from a cd04:12
uninvertedmichta: If you want stability, use an old version ;)04:12
xmntmiguelonnnn, n/p04:13
h4f NetEcho: Just install grub again from live cd and that's all04:13
leaf-sheepblue0488: Unetbootin sometimes worked for me.  I suppose if you have a working Ubuntu system, you could fire up USB Startup Disk Creator with persistent option.  Pure all Gnome and install xubuntu-desktop.04:13
michta35na, I prefer redhat/centOS rpm types :)04:13
DaZred__: you can generate it somehow04:13
michta35put ubuntu on the laptop to try it out as a desktop os04:13
miguelonnnnxmnt,  you say they aren't hardlinks? i read that long ago. I read that . and .. are hardlinks, so copying . is the same as copying /users/home/folder04:13
linuxpshr_: try installing gparted (sudo apt-get install gparted) and its GUI should determine the partition locations and numbers04:13
NetEchoh4f so boot up into the try ubuntu mode and go into command line and type grub?04:13
NetworkManhow do I setup firefox to launch the installer foor .DEB packages?04:13
uninvertedmichta35: There's a package called 'alien' that converts rpms to debs.04:13
miguelonnnnthen what they are? references? what are references? xmnt04:13
michta35is there a good how to ubuntu site or wiki like they have for centOS ?04:13
=== mohammed is now known as Guest55696
linuxNetworkMan: I don't understand your question, Firefox doesn't install debs, dpkg and apt-get do?04:14
MaGicMaX1mechdave: Thanks alot for the post, i hope it gets a sticky so it can help others too.04:14
NetEchomichta35 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/04:14
michta35ah ok same stuff thanks04:14
uninvertedmichta35: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/04:14
administrator_hi everyone //04:14
Guest55696hello i have a problem04:14
Guest55696can anybody help?04:14
h4fNetEcho: there should be restore or repair option somewhere.  and then other option like : 1 root shell , 2 reinstall grub. etc.  if I remember right04:14
xmntmiguelonnnn, a hardlink is the physical location of a file or dir ... so /home/user/folder   is a hardlink ... if your in the folder dir then . is a reference to the /home/user/folder (btw I'm not sure if reference is the correct term)04:14
NetEchoh4f kk I'll google if I have issues04:15
NetworkManok...then...here is the link that i want firefox to process:  apt://ubuntuone-client-gnome?refresh=yes04:15
uninvertedGuest55696: What's wrong?04:15
linux!ask | Guest5569604:15
ubottuGuest55696: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:15
sevolIs it possible to save streaming video in totem?04:15
Flannelmichta35: help.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com/community *not* wiki.ubuntu.com04:15
NetEchomichta35: generally if you type stuff in google then add + ubuntu you can find a lot of posts04:15
leaf-sheep!info apturl | NetworkMan04:15
ubottuNetworkMan: apturl (source: apturl): install packages using the apt protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3ubuntu1.1 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 228 kB04:15
administrator_can anyone tell me how to connect Hp scanjet 2710 to Ubuntu 904:15
h4fNetEcho: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12007904:16
miguelonnnnxmnt, look i read some weeks ago04:16
administrator_is it work when i connect it through usb cable or should install drivers04:16
=== Guest55696 is now known as Anxious
linuxwiki for ubuntu like centos: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty04:16
NetEchothanks h4f04:17
uninvertedAnxious: Maybe if you said what you needed, we could help04:17
AnxiousAnybody tried pidgin video?04:17
sevolDoes anyone know if it's possible to save/download streaming video in totem?04:18
h4f Anxious: pidgin video ? does it supports sound at first place ?04:18
linuxsevol: you should be able to use wireshark to save streaming video04:18
administrator_how to connect HP scan jet 2710 to ubuntu 904:18
h4f Anxious: any links you have . Cause I want it04:18
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:18
miguelonnnnxmnt,  that there are softlinks (ln -s) and hardlinks (ln). Hardlinks are files which point to the inode of the referencing file, so editing them will edit the file. They are like synchronised copies of the same file. While softlinks are what we see in windows, direct access icons pointing to a file.04:19
Anxiousthey released a new version of pidgin that supports video (gmail) but i cant get it to work04:19
h4fAnxious: what version of pidgin ?04:19
buntunewbI installed google desktop thinking it was the same thing as it was for windows. It isn't. How can I uninstall it?04:20
h4fAnxious: mine is 2.5.504:20
uninvertedDaZ: Any leads? I'm about to reboot and try it one more time.04:21
Anxious2.6.1, here check this http://pidgin.im/04:21
h4fbuntunewb: but how did you intsall it ?04:21
Anxious.deb package04:21
DaZuninverted: none04:21
buntunewbh4f: through their site.04:21
DaZuninverted: if something is going to freeze pass it's output to file04:21
uninvertedDaZ: It doesn't freeze, it just dies.04:22
h4fI will try it when will have more time04:22
DaZuninverted: iirc you told startx  goes unresponsive :f04:22
Brando753if i hade a server with 4 quadcore cpu's and 32 gb ram can i install ubuntu desktop version or do i have to install server edition?04:22
xmntno softlinks might be consider what you see in the nautilus or something, but generally i think of a softlink as more of a symbolic type link04:22
leaf-sheepBrando753: It's up to you.04:23
FlannelBrando753: You can install the desktop version04:23
DaZBrando753:  think desktop will work04:23
FlannelBrando753: You definately want to go 64bits though04:23
h4fbuntunewb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=488359 hope this helps04:23
leaf-sheepBrando753: Be sure to tell us your boot time. :)04:23
uninvertedDaZ: Kind of, I think the mouse just didn't work.04:24
h4f Brando753: not sure but should not be any problems with desktop version04:24
DaZuninverted: can you go back to the terminal? :f04:25
WebcamWonderFor virtualbox, if my Uubntu is 64 bit, would the OS in virtual box being 64 bit matter?04:25
h4f Brando753: yeap set concurent boot to see improvement  in speed04:25
uninvertedDaZ: Yes.04:25
veinorHow can I change my multimedia keys to control mpd?04:25
DaZso it can't be hal04:25
h4fWebcamWonder: it will work just fine04:26
veinorI'm using Keyboard Shortcuts, but it's not running the appropriate command when I press the keys.04:26
shashyi'm trying to get a zenity radio dialog to display a variable length list with the names in the list having spaces in them- can't seem to get the names to display with the spaces in tact. they end up one word per line. here is my code: http://pastebin.com/m5de1901704:26
linuxuninverted: shift+alt+F2 to terminal and shift+alt+f7 to get back to GUI FYI04:26
uninvertedDaZ: But I also don't have networking when in recovery mode.04:26
h4fWebcamWonder: but won't work the other way round I think but not sure04:26
michta35where are the server start/restart/status options found on ubuntu if not in /etc/init.d/04:26
WebcamWonderh4f: hmm... alrighty04:26
michta35for things like apache etc04:26
Brando753i remember asking before and people said ubuntu can used 100's of GB in ram if supplied?04:26
parveenksHello I have a VPS with Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 8) , my provider is not helping me with upgrade to the OS.04:27
parveenksThis is a bare servers and I do not have yum or apt-get on it .04:27
parveenkscan anyone help me in upgrading it to ubuntu04:27
=== Anxious is now known as AnxiousNut
=== shamm is now known as LinuxGold
parveenksHello I have a VPS with Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 8) , my provider is not helping me with upgrade to the OS. This is a bare servers and I do not have yum or apt-get on it . Can anyone help me in upgrading it to ubuntu.04:28
michta35what ftp comes default in 9.0404:28
AnxiousNutI HAVE A PROBLEM, I can Not sign in with my Gmail account in pidgin but can in other clients!!! plz help04:28
h4fBrando753: I myself wondering how ubuntu manages it04:28
linuxmichta35: sftp, ftp, scp04:28
xmntparveenks, does your vps provider have a distro mgmt console?04:28
sinsunMy audio is unfunction, although kernel and alsacof can find it, it just can't work. http://dpaste.com/87547/04:29
amitesare there any ways to add configure commands to a package install?04:29
parveenksxmnt, no I have a HSP control panel04:30
phaidonxHi. I would like to fix this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/333127 by upgrading my firefox 3.5.2 to 3.5.3: how do I do that?04:30
linuxamites: there are if you compile them from source04:30
AnxiousNutI can Not sign in with my Gmail account in pidgin but can in other clients!!! plz help04:30
uninvertedamites: If you know you to program, you could write a wrapper around apt.04:30
linuxAnxiousNut: check or uncheck the SSL option when signing in to gmail in pidgin04:31
uninvertedamites: Otherwise, just run them manually.04:31
amiteslinux: *grin* know much about installing mod_wsgi?? got a custom install of apache setup but can't get mod_wsgi to compile04:31
parveenksxmnt, no I have a HSP control panel04:31
amitesabout to revert to package manager04:31
linuxamites: what packages are you missing reportedly?04:31
phaidonxalso, how do I get rid of the 3.0 firefox (I set 3.5 as my default in the settings but xml files are still opened by 3.0)04:31
linuxphaidonx: you can "sudo dpkg --purge firefox" and then reinstall the newest version04:32
amitesnot sure, the list of python errors it gives me fills up terminal history so I can't see original...04:32
xmntparveenks, sorry can't help you out then ... check out linode or slicehost for vps tho ... it's really easy to switch distros04:32
AnxiousNutdoesnt work04:32
Walker__Can someone help me get Ubuntu back onto the boot list?04:32
amiteslinux: give me a moment, I'll setup a log04:32
linuxAnxiousNut: try another jabber server04:32
h4fhey does number of ram supported by OS depends of hardware ?04:33
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Walker__I had Ubuntu installed, then I installed Fedora... Fedora's grub doesn't show Ubuntu.04:33
linuxh4f: yes04:33
parveenksxmnt, yes but my provider is not facilitate change :(04:33
phaidonxLinux: wouldn't purge firefox make me lose all my addons/bookmarks etc ?04:33
Walker__I have Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala04:33
linuxphaidonx: yes04:33
h4f linux: so how much my 64 bit system supports &04:33
Walker__Updated just today so it should be the latest version.04:33
devDplease give the name of channels where the ubuntu developer week is starting.04:33
xmntparveenks, why switch from rhel for a server??  rhel is meant for that specific reason and is very stable04:33
=== dvz-_ is now known as dvz-
linuxh4f: if its 64 bit, it probably has enough ram04:34
phaidonxLinux: I don't want that ... I did install firefox-3.5 but for some reason it's not the latest 3.5.3 ... can't I just purge firefox-3.0 ?04:34
h4f linux: yeap but what's the maximum I can plug in &04:34
Walker__Can someone help me get Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala onto the GRUB boot list?04:34
Walker__Through chain loading or other means?04:34
parveenksThi is vary old version on RHEL i.e.304:34
linuxphaidonx: you can try in terminal "find / -name firefox-3" and remove the binary for just that one after found04:34
FlannelWalker__: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support, thanks04:34
leaf-sheepphaidonx: "For some reason..." Lol.  Not everything get updated right away. :)04:34
parveenksxmnt Thisis vary old version on RHEL i.e.304:34
h4f32 bit system max supports 16 GB ram right ?04:35
linuxphaidonx: or copy the 3.5 binary over the 3.0 :)04:35
AnxiousNutit doesnt work!!! but nevermind i guess i'll stick with empathy since it'll be preinstalled in karmic04:35
parveenksI would not mind if some one help me to upgrade it to fedora or cent-os even04:35
HillshumOkay, I have sun java installed, how do I get it to run a jnlp file forme?04:35
linuxAnxiousNut: try #ubuntu+1 for karmic support!04:35
parveenksxmnt I would not mind if some one help me to upgrade it to fedora or cent-os even04:36
xmntparveenks, why not do a distro upgrade .. or ask your provider if they'll let you move servers so you can upgrade you OS ... if it's old they would probably prefer you be on a newer OS anyways04:36
losherh4f: 4GB max for 32 bit I believe...04:36
FlanneldevD: #ubuntu-classroom04:36
linuxWalker__: try #ubuntu+1 for karmic support (this is 9.04 and below)04:36
parveenksxmnt The current os is all they have04:36
phaidonxlinux: I tried overwriting firefox by firefox-3.5 but it did work.. well, I better keep 3.0 for now since the 'fullscreen crash with flash' is still unresolved in
xmntparveenks, doing a distro switch on a remote server is not a good way to go about it ... you will most definately run into problems04:37
parveenksxmnt , I am new to linux. Can't we do something like put the copy of iso image on the server and then install it  from their04:37
parveenksxmnt there*04:38
phaidonxthanks anyway04:38
antonneeds help installing printer driver iP1980 on ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS 64bit..04:38
=== flaco is now known as flacom
Walker__Ugh every chat room I go to I ask the same question and everyone tells me to go to another one04:38
amiteslinux: missing python.h is that the python development install?04:38
xmntparveenks, there are ways to do it yes, but you will risk your data on the server as well as having to get your vps provider to restore your service if something goes awry04:38
antonthe printer is detected but cannot print..04:38
linuxamites: yes, that is; that is the header file for python (dev package)04:39
Walker__Went to #Fedora they told me to go to #grub.  No answer.  Went to #Ubuntu then got told to go to #Fedora, then told to go back to #Ubuntu, then #Ubuntu+104:39
FlannelWalker__: #ubuntu+1 is the correct place to go for Karmic support (Karmic isn't official yet, so we don't support it here)04:39
xmntparveenks, if you are new to linux esp. you should not be doing kernel upgrades and such04:39
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carpediem1Walker__: you should look at /boot/grub/menu.lst04:39
Walker__Flannel: I'm aware of that but my problem isn't a Karmic specific problem04:39
parveenksxmnt I am not able to do anything on the server with RHEL4 as YUM is not there I am not able to RPM compatible for this version and a very long queue of NOT's04:39
amiteslinux: thank you04:40
p34cehey RHorse same error msg04:40
linuxamites: np04:40
FlannelWalker__: On Karmic, I believe they're using GRUB2, so yes, it is.04:40
xmntparveenks, what vps provider is it ... they sound kind-of sucky04:40
ScuniziHow do I get thunderbird to use the same smtp server as the account that the email is being sent from.  (ie not the default smtp account) ??04:40
h4flosher: yeap right 2^32=4294967296=4 Gb so for 64 bit system2^64=18446744073709551616=MORETHANENOUGH04:40
parveenksxmnt , yes you are right04:40
carpediem1Walker__: you basically add one line to /boot/grub/menu.lst, then run "sudo update-grub"04:40
Walker__I'm in Fedora04:40
Walker__update-grub ain't workin04:40
p34ce@RHorse hello04:41
h4factually 64 bit system supports max of 16 GB ram right &04:41
RHorseyea p34ce!04:41
RHorsedid you try gsynaptics again?04:41
=== Wowbagger is now known as DeepThought
xmntparveenks, the best way to approach the situation is to do a data migration from 1 server to a second server w/ the new OS installed... then cut off the old server when your done04:41
carpediem1Walker__: sorry, I can't help you with Fedora.  You need to find the equivalent Fedora way of changing menu.lst04:41
DigitalKiwih4f: i thought it was way more than 16 gb04:42
darthanubisit is04:42
FlannelWalker__: You'll end up changing /boot/grub/grub.conf (or .cnf) but you should ask in #ubuntu+1 for how to chainload into GRUB2  (or otherwise integrate it)04:42
h4fso how does ubuntu can run with 32 GB of ram if 64 bit platform supports max of 16 GB04:42
linuxWalker__: Fedora's grub should still be in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:42
mumtazahhow to remove nginx in ubuntu jaunty?04:42
parveenksxmnt hmm let us see , but there must be a way to solve my purpose04:42
linuxmumtazah: assuming nginx is a package, in terminal, sudo apt-get remove nginx04:43
h4f DigitalKiwi: I am not sure about 16 GB04:43
DigitalKiwiThe emergence of the 64-bit architecture effectively increases the memory ceiling to 264 addresses, equivalent to approximately 17.2 billion gigabytes, 16.8 million terabytes, or 16 exabytes of RAM.04:43
DigitalKiwithats 2^6404:43
mumtazahit does not work04:43
=== Socket- is now known as Indonesian-
linuxmumtazah: try from a package manager, such as system -> administration -> synaptic04:44
h4f DigitalKiwi: ha ok, my conversion was wrong . nice nick name tought04:44
xmntparveenks, i'm not saying you can't do it ... but it's a difficult and time consuming task...04:44
shashyi'm trying to get a zenity radio dialog to display a variable length list with the names in the list having spaces in them- can't seem to get the names to display with the spaces in tact. they end up one word per line. here is my code: http://pastebin.com/m5de1901704:44
darthanubisMost 64-bit microprocessors on the market today have an artificial limit on the amount of memory they can address, because physical constraints make it impossible to support the full 16.8 million terabyte capacity. For example, the AMD64 architecture has a 52-bit limit on physical memory and currently only supports a 48-bit virtual address space04:44
xmntparveenks, I run about 30 different servers and I would NEVER do that on any one of them04:45
Walker__Haha... it looks like... I'm going to have to reinstall Ubuntu allllll over again.04:45
Walker__And format the entire hard drive.04:45
mumtazahi want to ask, why my wireless does not works?04:45
parveenksxmnt, please let me know how we can proceed with that. I am ready for the worse :)04:45
* Walker__ is angry04:45
darthanubisThe emergence of the 64-bit architecture effectively increases the memory ceiling to 264 addresses, equivalent to approximately 17.2 billion gigabytes, 16.8 million terabytes, or 16 exabytes of RAM.04:45
h4f DigitalKiwi: Now I am not warried about platform being limited in ram04:45
mumtazahbefore this it is okay. After i disable, it does not appear in network manager04:45
karexHI, what does the /etc/rc.local do?04:45
carpediem1Walker__: which OS is on the bootable partition?04:46
xmntparveenks, be warned this will probably NOT work:: http://www.goudkov.com/public/articles/changing_distro.jsp04:46
Walker__carpediem1: I would assume Fedora 1104:47
Walker__carpediam1: Since that is the only thing I can boot to. :p04:47
parveenksxmnt it should work for VPS too correct :(04:47
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carpediem1Walker__: okay don't give up and reinstall everything, you simply need to find out how Fedora's menu.lst should be edited.  If you look at it, you can probably add the proper item yourself.04:48
xmntparveenks, if it works at all yes - it won't matter if you're on a VPS or a dedicated server04:48
carpediem1Walker__: but FEdora probably also has a tool like Ubuntu does with update-grub04:48
karexHI, what is the function of /etc/rc.local?04:48
Walker__carpediem1: http://pastie.org/60007504:49
Walker__menu.list / grub.conf04:49
parveenksSo will go ahead with this, and in worse case I may have to recreate the VPS as I am least worried about the data04:49
linux!find rc.local | karex04:49
DigitalKiwikarex: it runs at startup04:49
ubottukarex: File rc.local found in initscripts, ipip, mimefilter, pcp, smartlist04:49
srartanyone here familiar with gpib?04:49
Walker__Also, the folks in Fedora didn't say I had to run any commands04:49
parveenksxmnt So will go ahead with this, and in worse case I may have to recreate the VPS as I am least worried about the data04:49
DigitalKiwiany commands you have in it get started04:49
Nerd42hi! :)04:49
linux!hi | Nerd4204:50
ubottuNerd42: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:50
karexlinux: as root?04:50
DigitalKiwii don't know what order it is loaded in ubuntu, likely last or near last iirc04:50
xmntparveenks, good luck!04:50
ian6I have a question about bug #343069 ... it's been broken since the jaunty alpha builds (so 5 months now), there was a proposed patch in the launchpad thread, and it's even been fixed upstream. How does that make it into ubuntu? Is there anything I can do to help it along?04:50
ian6(sorry, I asked that earlier and got no response)04:50
linuxkarex: what do you mean as root?04:50
carpediem1Walker__: so, what's the situation, when you choose karmic, it doesnt' boot?04:50
Walker__It says "Error: File Not Found"04:50
WebcamWonderian6: The package in the ubuntu repos need to be synced with upstream then04:50
carpediem1Walker__: are you sure hd0,0 is correct?04:50
Walker__That's what a guy in #Fedora told me to do :p04:51
parveenksxmnt how to find if swap partition is there04:51
DigitalKiwikarex: it gets ran as root04:51
Walker__I don't know what else I'd replace it with04:51
Nerd42hey i've got a computer with an AMD Duron processor that's 1.26 Ghz, 272 MB of RAM and a 20 GB hard drive that I'd like to put linux on so I can start learning how to use linux cause i don't know very much about it at all yet04:51
DigitalKiwirun? which is it04:51
ian6WebcamWonder: I'm trying to encourage that process, it doesn't show any signs of happening any time soon.04:51
Walker__How would I find which hd it's installed on?04:51
Nerd42Wouldn't Xubuntu be a better choice than Ubuntu for an old system like that?04:51
Nerd42or should I be using some other distro?04:51
carpediem1Walker__: it depends on which drive its installed on  hd0,0 means Karmic is on the primary master04:51
DigitalKiwixfce: gnome with more bugs04:51
xmntparveenks, it says in the article but you will have a swp partition04:51
WebcamWonderian6: avahi?04:51
linuxNerd42: Xubuntu is a good one to choose, or you could try the alternate version of ubuntu04:51
carpediem1Walker__: if you don't think that's the case, we need to figure out which drive it IS installed on.04:52
Walker__carpediem1: I installed Ubuntu first04:52
SerialKillerwhat does it mean if my wifi connection is cutting in and out04:52
Walker__carpediem1: Formatted the HD and installed Ubuntu so that it was the only OS there04:52
parveenksxmnt I am sorry if I am disturbing you so much, just let me know when you reach your limit and I will not bother you.  NO I am asking how to see if it is there in my VPS04:52
ian6WebcamWonder: no, the bug is with mt-daapd04:52
ian6WebcamWonder: it just involves (bad) avahi-related code.04:52
Walker__carpediem1: Then about a week later decided I wanted to try out Fedora... then this happens04:52
carpediem1Walker__: is there only one physical drive in this system?04:52
Nerd42linux, "the alternate version" ?? what's that?04:52
Walker__carpediem1: Yes04:52
carpediem1Walker__: okay, then 0,0 is probably right04:52
DigitalKiwiubuntu isn't that great of distribution for learning *linux* it's good for learning ubuntu, sure, but if you want to learn linux there are better choices04:52
linuxNerd42: its a text based installation of ubuntu that runs on computers with less than 256 MB of RAM04:52
WebcamWonderian6: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mt-daapd/+bug/343069/comments/2904:53
Walker__carpediem1: A guy in #Fedora told me that lines 21+ are wrong04:53
WebcamWonderian6: This says that the fixed package is already in karmic, so it has to be backported then04:53
Nerd42linux, so basically it's just a prompt ? or by "text based" do you mean something else?04:53
carpediem1Walker__: any errors when you try to boot Karmic?04:53
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:53
Guest35625i have absolutely no idea how to use ubuntu server, does anyone have any idea where i can get information about turning my old laptop into a server04:53
linuxNerd42: its text, but it has colors and is pretty easy to setup (ubuntu makes it pretty easy)04:53
Walker__carpediem1: Yes, I get taken to a black & white terminal screen with "Error: File Not Found"04:53
linux!alternate | Nerd4204:53
ubottuNerd42: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal04:53
FlannelNerd42: It asks you the same questions during the install, but uses text menus to do it, instead of fancy GUI stuff (you use the arrow keys, etc)04:53
carpediem1Walker__: then the location of the kernel is probably wrong.....04:54
WebcamWonderian6: So, once karmic is out, a backport bug needs to be filed04:54
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:54
Walker__carpediem1: How would I find the true location of the kernel then?04:54
xmntparveenks, n/p ... you probably won't get much support on #ubuntu regarding this, maybe you should check out centos or rhel irc to see if you can do an upgrade b4 you switch distros04:54
carpediem1Walker__: in Fedora, can you see the Ubuntu drive mounted?04:54
Nerd42oh i would want the alternate CD i guess04:54
ian6WebcamWonder: so you're saying the package will be permanently broken for the life of Jaunty?04:54
Walker__carpediem1: Yes, I mounted it04:54
ian6WebcamWonder: I don't mean to sound confrontational, but that's insane ;)04:54
Walker__carpediem1: /dev/sda304:54
Valeri4Народ, помогите!04:54
dave-ubuntu1im looking for what mode of operation, algorithm, hashing algorithm, and keysize the ubuntu juanty alternate install cd supports04:54
WebcamWonderian6: It would require to be backported to Jaunty04:54
DigitalKiwiian6: use a rolling release distro if you want upstream bug fixes to be immediately available04:55
carpediem1Walker__:  okay, then verify /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-8-generic exists on that drive04:55
arooni-mobile___so ubuntu jaunty booted up in read only; so i booted into live cd; then i ran fsck on all partitions; rebooted and it was still read only; so i made sure all my data was backed up (done).  next, i've run the seagate diagnostic tools on the drive.  short test says its fine and s.m.a.r.t. hasnt triggered yet.  should i run long test?  if long test is aok, is this drive worth using again?04:55
dave-ubuntu1(i have googled, and searched fourms)04:55
parveenksxmnt , just le me know how to find if swap partition is there on my vps or not as "df -h" is not showing any swap partition04:55
ian6DigitalKiwi: you're missing the point, the package *shipped* broken. It has never been functional in Jaunty. Surely it's reasonable to correct the problem.04:55
Nerd42linux, OK so basically you're saying that this is just the installer that it makes faster?04:55
linuxNerd42: and more reliable installation for newer linux users04:55
Nerd42oh ok04:56
ian6WebcamWonder: bug fixes in other packages don't wait for backports, what's the difference here?04:56
carpediem1Walker__: also, verify the same for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-8-generic04:56
DigitalKiwioh, that's even more dumb that they actually shipped it broken, fail04:56
Nerd42linux, well with those specs should i even be running xubuntu though?04:56
Nerd42... ubuntu04:56
ian6DigitalKiwi: no kidding, but like I said, I'm not trying to be confrontational. I just want it to work ;)04:56
FlannelNerd42: It'll run on a slower system (it can also install a system that has no GUI, so you can build up a sparse GUI)04:56
gartralhow do i start sun vbox after i install it in Jaunty?04:56
ian6... that's the other thing, the package version isn't bumped.04:56
ian6just the debian patch level.04:56
Walker__carpediem1: How would I check to see if those exist?04:56
carpediem1gartral: it's VirtualBox04:57
xmntparveenks, look in /etc/fstab04:57
linuxNerd42: Yes, it shouldn't be a problem, if it is, you can sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop to switch between the two upon login04:57
carpediem1gartral: case sensitive04:57
Nerd42well my problems not with getting the installer to run on my slow computer, it's that i want the operating system itself to not be slow04:57
carpediem1Walker__: you said the drive is mounted04:57
Nerd42linux, oh really? that's handy04:57
WebcamWonderian6: They do. Regular bugfixes aren't pushed out.. unless security fixes or something really broken... I am not exactly sure how severe this bug is, but if it is severe enough, it might be updated if someone takes up the responsibiliy04:57
carpediem1Walker__: can't you just browse to /boot on that drive and see04:57
Walker__carpediem1: Right, that was a stupid question. My bad :P04:57
haroelcabohi , I'd like to install gnu flex in my ubuntu 9.04, but I don't find it in synaptic, how can I proceed?04:57
Nerd42but that means i'll have to download and burn another disc. oh well :)04:58
Nerd42kk thanks for the tips bye! :)04:58
ian6WebcamWonder: race condition in the avahi code causes crash on startup. Always. I mean it's not a security issue, but it's severe enough that making the package available is more of a cruel joke than anything else.04:59
linuxharoelcabo: gnu makes things easy to compile if not in the repositories, try to find and download the source code, then tar -xvf <file> && cd <directory of downloaded untared file> && ./configure && make && sudo make install04:59
carpediem1Walker__: if the reference to both those files aren't perfect in grub's menu.lst, it won't run.04:59
haroelcabolinux: thanks, I'll try that04:59
DigitalKiwii could swear fedora had an automagic grub updater :/05:00
Walker__carpediem1: They both exist05:00
fulgore2009Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:00
Walker__I copied/pasted the file names into the menu.lst to replace what was there05:00
Siph0ndoes anyone know if there is a way to have more than 1 network in /etc/network/interfaces (for instance like my house and my parents house) and automatically connect to the one that it can find.... all without using any gui's.05:00
Walker__Although I don't think it changed anything05:00
=== nabeel is now known as Guest6030
fulgore2009can i used ubuntu with this graffic card?05:01
fulgore2009Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)05:01
fulgore2009i dont used this graffic with ubuntu05:01
Ben64fulgore2009: 99% sure yes it works fine05:01
fulgore2009i have a lot of problems05:01
Walker__carpediem1: menu.lst - http://pastie.org/60008105:01
KB1JWQIt'll work, fulgore200905:01
fulgore2009when a i see a youtube videos...the system down05:02
fulgore2009down when i donnt do it anything and then the computer activated the sreensaver05:02
Walker__carpediem1: I am going to reboot and see if it works now... if not, I will be back05:02
fulgore2009in this moment the system down05:03
fulgore2009what is the reason???05:03
KB1JWQfulgore2009: That's not a graphics issue, it's likely flash based05:03
carpediem1Walker__: wait05:03
carpediem1Walker__: now they don't match05:03
fulgore2009but i have a flash 1005:03
fulgore2009the ultimate edition05:03
carpediem1Walker__: are you sure that's right, your vmlinuz has -6 and your initrd has -805:04
fulgore2009i am new in this system05:04
fulgore2009i used for the last two week05:04
fulgore2009i need help05:05
fulgore2009to check my system05:05
sinsunThis is my alsa-info message: http://dpaste.com/87556/05:06
sinsunhelp me05:06
babu_Can anyone help me please? I am getting this error each time try to install any software from synaptic pkg manager or using apt-get:  ca-certificates-java: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1. I am using 9.04 Jaunty05:06
Walker_Okay, well there's a change05:07
linuxbabu_: try a terminal "sudo apt-get install -f"05:07
Walker_carpediem1: This time I don't get the "Error: File Not Found"05:07
babu_linux: ok05:07
carpediem1Walker_: are you sure you did it right....they didn't match in your pastebin paste05:07
Walker_carpediem1: I actually get to the first Ubuntu load screen, then when it gets only a little bit through, the screen turns off05:07
carpediem1Walker_:  you have -8 for one and -6 for the other05:07
linuxsinsun: did you try to install the oss2alsa package? (or vice versa) and pulse?05:08
Walker_carpediem1: Repost my link please05:08
carpediem1Walker_: http://pastie.org/60008105:08
carpediem1Walker_:  I think your initrd needs to be -6 too05:08
fulgore2009help me please05:08
Walker_carpediem1: Why not -8?05:08
linuxsinsun: you are using gentoo, did you try the #gentoo channel?05:09
carpediem1fulgore2009: you haven't asked a question05:09
babu_linux: that doesnt help..i got this error: http://pastebin.com/m166e408705:09
fulgore2009i need to help me to resolve a problem with youtube05:09
carpediem1Walker_: you changed the vmlinuz to -6.  Now, look at /boot for the Karmic drive, and see what the initrd file is05:09
carpediem1Walker_: because they usually match05:09
linuxbabu_: try a dpkg --purge ca-certificates-java && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:10
Walker_carpediem1: Changed05:10
babu_linux: ok05:10
carpediem1fulgore2009: please state your problem, or no one can help you05:10
Walker_carpediem1: Rebooting onnnne more time05:10
Walker_Be back if it doesn't work.05:10
fulgore2009when a i see a videos in youtube and i dont do it anything and then the computer activated the sreensaver05:10
fulgore2009the firefox down05:10
fulgore2009and i have to close a firefox05:11
linuxfulgore2009: what is your native language, i can recommend a language specific ubuntu channel?05:11
carpediem1fulgore2009: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin05:11
fulgore2009when i see a my cpu, it work a 90 or 85%05:11
dave-ubuntu1im looking for what mode of operation, algorithm, hashing algorithm, and keysize the ubuntu juanty alternate install cd supports05:12
linux!ask | ian__05:12
ubottuian__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:12
ian__but i was saying hello :'(05:12
linux!hi | ian__05:13
ubottuian__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:13
ian__i feel i need to say, thanks?05:13
GuidMorrowsorry, this CRAP router just had to freeze at the last second05:14
linuxGuidMorrow: please insert the brand of the router after the word CRAP, some routers when freezing can be accessed through HTTP instead of HTTPS05:15
GuidMorrowhow do I get help with dd-wrt? I'm trying to set up a router to connect to a router connected to the internet but it's not doing anything, even when it's set on client, ad-hoc,etc05:15
linuxGuidMorrow: #dd-wrt05:16
carpediem1um...not here?05:16
=== wizzer is now known as clintonster
=== carpediem1 is now known as carpediem
Walker_2(this is Walker_)05:16
Walker_2It works :D05:16
p34cehey is RHorse here05:16
carpediemWalker_2: great05:16
Walker_2I'm now safely in the GNOME environment of Ubuntu where I call home05:16
linuxp34ce: RHorse was here 3 hours ago05:16
petesteranybdy here manage to get ubuntu on their macbook pro?05:16
Walker_2Instead of the grassy jungles of Fedora, yet unexplored. :x05:16
p34ce3 hrs ago? i was tallking to him 20mins ago05:17
dave-ubuntu1m looking for what mode of operation, algorithm, hashing algorithm, and keysize the ubuntu juanty alternate install cd supports05:17
dave-ubuntu1m looking for what mode of operation, algorithm, hashing algorithm, and keysize the ubuntu juanty alternate install cd supports05:17
simplexiodave-ubuntu1: ? do you mean dmcrypt (hard disk crypting) in that case i think all those what linux kernel allready supports05:17
carpediemWalker_2: now you've learned your lesson.  Don't install Fedora unless you feel like being bent over.  May I recommend VirtualBox in the future.05:17
dave-ubuntu1simplexio: the encrypted LVM otion05:18
babu_linux: thanks05:18
babu_linux: that helps05:18
linuxbabu_: np05:18
linuxdave-ubuntu1: try #ubuntu-dev for the developers for that question05:18
Walker_2carpediem: Well what I learned is that the solution is very simple05:19
haroelcaboI'm trying to install wine, and I've provided some of the dependencies it required (flex,bison). Now it complains that the development files of X11 aren't available. I wonder how can I provide this dependency from within ubuntu. Would you please help me ?05:19
dave-ubuntu1i know the hardy installer only supported SHA256/AES256- in LRW mode i belive05:19
Walker_2carpediem: However I got an extremely complicated answer in #Fedora that made very little sense05:19
Walker_2My next venture will be into Windows 7, one can only imagine how difficult that will be to wrestle.05:19
ParagorHey guys, I downloaded Ubuntu just recently and im trying to launch world of warcraft on it. on the login screen the graphics start to "smeer" anyone know how to fix this issue?05:20
linuxharoelcabo: system --> administration --> synaptic --> search x11 in package name and download the x11-dev packages (all of them: long solution); anyone else here know a faster way?05:20
eXapidParagor: What are u using to run it?05:20
ingenioushaxQuestion: What is the command to DL files from the CMD line in a slackware version of linux?05:20
ParagorIm running the same way my brother is on his computer. His way works and mine doesnt.05:21
haroelcabolinux: strangely, such a package doesn't show up in synaptic's search list, which confuses me05:21
eXapidUninstall wine, Download PlayOnLinux (which is wine) but it has config files for games to make wine run them better05:22
dave-ubuntu1linux: any idea what kind of automagic the ubuntu alternate install does th get grub to prompt for the pass, and mount the crypted root fs?05:22
linuxharoelcabo: hmmm... that is odd, check the repositories05:22
haroelcabolinux: i'll do05:22
Archive_Lenalol lot's of geeks talking about linux ??05:22
ParagorIm so new to Ubuntu I wouldnt even know where to start in that process05:23
linuxdave-ubuntu1: no, i don't know the background of how that is passed, did the #ubuntu-dev devs awake?05:23
wolf23help please! how can i copy from dvd rom to hd  in terminal?05:23
eXapidI'll private message you Paragor and help you by hand05:23
kabI have a problem with php5-gd, I get this error, anyone know how to solve?, this is the error in apache error.log /usr/sbin/apache2: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/gd.so: undefined symbol: gdFontCacheShutdown05:23
dave-ubuntu1it says in the topic its not for support05:23
RHorsewolf23 find the mount point05:23
ParagorExapid join #brandon. Im not registered so I cant private message05:23
wolf23RHorse,  how? can u tell me plz05:23
ingenioushaxQuestion: What is the SlackWare equivalent to "apt-get install"?05:24
RHorsewolf23 type mount05:24
leaf-sheepdave-ubuntu1: Whatcha trying to do?05:24
dave-ubuntu1encrypt my disk...05:24
dave-ubuntu1it is done at the moment05:25
dave-ubuntu1the encrypted LVM is setup05:25
dave-ubuntu1and ubuntu is installed to it05:25
wolf23RHorse,  ok then05:25
dave-ubuntu1grub just wont recignize it05:25
dave-ubuntu1...wont boot05:25
leaf-sheepdave-ubuntu1: Why won't it recognize it?  You used alternative disk or were you following/trying something?05:26
linuxwolf23: sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso05:26
dave-ubuntu1flowing somthing05:26
=== xikteny is now known as xikteny_
leaf-sheepdave-ubuntu1: Link?05:27
dave-ubuntu1leaf-sheep: specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto05:27
linuxingenioushax: pkgtool05:27
dorkfaceIs there a command line equivalent of restarting X with "Ctrl+alt+backspace"?05:27
=== xikteny_ is now known as xikteny
linuxdorkface: top --> find process # --> kill <process #>05:28
wolf23linux,  thanx i am trying05:28
ingenioushaxLinux: So it would be something like "pkgtool <file>"?05:28
dave-ubuntu1leaf-sheep: also, i didnt use the default i used : sudo cryptsetup -y -h whirlpool --cipher aes-xts-plain --key-size 512 luksFormat /dev/sda505:28
dorkfacelinux: so I can restart X by killing the X process?05:28
carpediemdorkface: just do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:28
leaf-sheepdorkface: Maybe use tty2 and do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"05:28
dorkfacecarpediem: tyvm05:29
linuxingenioushax: the command is pkgtool, try a man pkgtool (since its not ubuntu, #slackware would be the right place to ask)05:29
ingenioushaxAlright, thank you.05:29
linuxdorkface: that would kill it, then you have terminal to type in startx to restart it05:29
linuxdorkface: or you can control what ctrl+alt+F? to put it with startx -- :?05:30
wolf23linux,  it just copy 631mb, and the entire size: 4 gb05:30
leaf-sheepdave-ubuntu1: I got the message first time.05:30
linuxwolf23: i'll keep looking, brb05:30
dave-ubuntu1any ideas05:30
linuxwolf23: sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso05:31
dave-ubuntu1i looked at my other sys... for the info05:31
linuxwolf23: sorry, now its a dvd your copying, not the cd05:31
wolf23linux,  dvd05:31
Administrator__dorkface, did it work?05:31
dave-ubuntu1seems like the isntaller does things not mentioned in that howto...also it seems dated at best05:31
linuxdave-ubuntu1: can you hex edit the initrd and vmlinux files? or any of the binary files ubuntu alt uses to boot from the iso?05:32
dorkfaceAdministrator__: Yes, it did, very much :)05:32
linuxwolf23: sudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso should work for dvds05:32
leaf-sheepdave-ubuntu1: Well; the nice thing about installer is that it's automated.  You did looked at #4 at the link you gave me.05:32
dorkfaceI went to tty and restarted the gdm init05:32
Administrator__dorkface, cool,05:32
dave-ubuntu1linux: wich files in specific?05:32
dave-ubuntu1leaf-sheep: the automated installer doesnt even dd urandom to your disk05:33
wolf23linux, i remember there is code to show in terminal the percent when copying?05:33
dave-ubuntu1i will brb pleas PRIVMSG me05:34
linuxwolf23: sorry, don't know that off the top of my head, i can research, one sec | dave-ubuntu1: don't know which file, i just had that as a suggestion (if you were out of ideas)05:34
losherwolf23: Sending a USR1 signal to a running ‘dd’  process  makes  it  print  I/O statistics to standard error and then resume copying. See man dd05:35
albnI want to use Apache 2 for developing stuff, but it seems the www directory has root permissions. I am sure it is like that for a reason. Should I make another directory for this purpose?05:35
wolf23losher,  how?05:36
simplexioalbn: use public_html05:36
albnOh there is a pubic_html?05:36
albnI'll have to look for it05:36
simplexioalbn: or make new configuration in  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ to point new www-root, if you dont want to change permissions in /var/www05:37
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest65578
losherwolf23: open another terminal. run ps ax to find the pid for dd. then do kill -USR1 <pid of dd>. More trouble than it's worth if you ask me...05:37
=== Guest65578 is now known as Out_Cold
simplexioalbn: if i recall right it enabled as default05:37
albnsimplexio: Oh ok. I'll have to learn how to configure the files05:38
albnand learn where are the directories are05:38
losherwolf23: why not just run ls -l dvd.iso and watch it grow?05:38
albnSee, I recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu, so I am learning to tie my shoes05:38
rsvpwolf23 et al. here's the pipe viewer http://www.catonmat.net/blog/unix-utilities-pipe-viewer/05:39
albngood thing I did not try Gentoo or something.05:39
DigitalKiwi3 community/pv 1.1.4-1 [installed]  A terminal-based tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline05:40
DigitalKiwialso "bar"05:40
DigitalKiwi1 community/bar 1.4-1  A script for showing progress bars.05:40
DigitalKiwiguess which one I use ;)05:40
bruenigpv is really heavy05:40
bruenignot really something you use for production05:41
bruenigjust a trivial thing to gawk at for lulz05:41
wolf23losher,  sorry dude, but i am newbie,i dont know much on ubuntu,i want anyone tell me what can i type and after done i go to sleep05:41
bruenig!grab wolf2305:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grab wolf2305:41
DigitalKiwiwrong channels05:42
bruenigDigitalKiwi confused me about the channel05:42
* albn looks for public_html05:42
DigitalKiwii'm tricksy05:42
losherwolf23: no problem. Just run ls -lh dvd.iso and watch it grow...05:42
bruenigspeak in the right channels DigitalKiwi05:42
wolf23losher,  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 631M 2009-08-31 00:04 dvd.iso05:43
wolf23bruenig,  thanx for grabbing :(05:43
redDEADresolvedoes anyone know how to move the NotifyOSD popups?05:44
losherwolf23: isn't that the same size as when you tried to copy it as a CD?05:44
wolf23losher,  no the dvd contain 4 gb not 631mb05:44
DigitalKiwirunning ls -lh dvd.iso again reports a larger size or same size?05:45
linuxwolf23: alternative method: mkdir dvd && cp /media/dvd*/* dvd/*05:45
wolf23bruenig,  yes i want the code in terminal, and let me go to sleep,coz the dvd is for my neighbor05:45
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dave-ubuntu-1linux: anything on what i asked ?05:46
dave-ubuntu-1i dont want someone pulling my ss# of my laptop05:46
wolf23linux,  cp: cannot stat `/media/dvd*/*': No such file or directory05:47
linuxdave-ubuntu-1: sorry, i don't know much about the programming side of ubuntu, you still might go into #ubuntu-dev and tell them #ubuntu had no answers for many hours05:47
linuxwolf23: replace that with the mount location of your dvd (probably under /media/ somewhere)05:47
losherwolf23: run isoinfo -d -i /dev/cdrom and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com05:47
UbiedoodieOK...iwconfig shows wlan0 now... so does ifconfig... I have disabled security on wireless router... ath5k is the driver and is in /etc/modules for startup.. I still cannot get wireless connection... any thoughts?05:48
linuxlosher: i think wolf23 is under time restraints05:48
losherdave-ubuntu-1: the best way to make sure of that is to never type your ss# into your laptop...05:48
sambagirlhi is anyone running openemm in ubuntu server?05:49
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sambagirlin ubuntu period?05:49
wolf23linux,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/262315/05:49
sambagirlis anyone running openemm?05:49
dave-ubuntu-1yes but secure FDE is another good solution....i ssh to my home pc as a proxy when using wifi to avoid phishing05:49
losherlinux: Great. A new game. Provide free support to a complete beginner while running against the clock. The fun never ends here, does it?05:49
uhokFor apt-build world, can I just skip the "package not found" error (I checked the man page)?05:49
pheonixhas anyone used gdb debugger05:50
linuxwolf23: that says there is a CD in your DVD drive05:50
wolf23linux,  yes05:50
ringoIs anybody here really good with iptables? I've got a tricky set of rules I'm trying to write and would like somebody to help me work through them05:50
dave-ubuntu-1also as far as cold-boot attacks go my RAM is superglued....good luck with that one :)05:50
linuxwolf23: so the file size should not exceed 700 mb, so the inital and second iso file is all good05:51
uhokGood luck upgrading dave-ubuntu-105:51
wolf23linux its a dvd? 4 gb full grabed05:51
dave-ubuntu-1when i upgrade from juanty to karmic will it detect my encrypted LVm config?05:52
losherwolf23: the correct dd command is: dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=2094400 conv=notrunc > dvd.iso05:52
linuxwolf23: in terminal, cd /media/ and cd to your dvd05:52
dave-ubuntu-1uhok: i can always make a LVM snapshot05:52
macolosher: why > and not of=?05:52
LucidGuyIs Karmic worth the hassle?05:52
uhokLucidGuy, no.05:52
macoLucidGuy: #ubuntu+105:52
macoLucidGuy: if you know what youre doing it works fine mostly05:53
dave-ubuntu-1juanty is only supported untill 201005:53
ringonobody can help me with iptables?05:53
Wisemanthere's nobody awake in LXDE, does anyone know LXDE at all?05:53
loshermaco: they should be equivalent, so no reason...05:53
RHorselosher his mount point is /dev/sr005:53
linuxwolf23: do a "sudo mkdir /dvdcopy && sudo cp -Rf * /dvdcopy/*" in your /media/dvd* directory05:53
macolosher: ok05:53
WisemanI can't get wireless working in it but in gnome it works fine05:53
dave-ubuntu-1so LucidGuy i recommend upgrading before then05:53
Ubiedoodieis there another channel that I should go to for wireless issues?05:53
dave-ubuntu-1and after a stable release is out05:53
losherRHorse: I stand corrected, thank you...05:54
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: i may be able to help05:54
RHorselosher I mean /dev/cdrom005:54
LucidGuyI just recently upgraded my system from Hardy to Jaunty and find my system is more unstable.  Do you guys think the cause is mainly due to the upgrade or Jaunty in general.05:54
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: what is the problem?05:54
linuxUbiedoodie: #ath5k05:54
LucidGuycorrection .. Intrepid to Jaunty05:54
losherRHorse: they often all point to the same place...05:54
UbiedoodieI have ath5k driver running and verified to be connected via lshw , iwconfig shows wlan0 is up and running and ifconfig confirms that...05:55
losherLucidGuy: I went back to 8.04 LTS after seeing what a mess 9.04 was...05:55
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: probably not.05:55
linuxUbiedoodie: i guess this is the right channel, not a great time to ask though (night for most users)05:56
dave-ubuntu-1LucidGuy: 9,04 has some serious wx-python issues05:56
UbiedoodieI have disabled security on my wireless router so as to make sure it is not a security issue05:56
Parsleyquestion: i have LiveCD on hd(0,2) and want to use it to install Ub on hd(0,0).  Tried it but installer thinks LiveCD/hd(0,2) is /cdrom and needs to unmount before install to hd(0,0).  How do I circumvent this?05:57
Ubiedoodiedave-ubuntu-1: I cannot get wireless to connect though05:57
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: what version of ubuntu are you rinning?05:57
BerzerkerParsley: you can't use the regular installer?05:57
LucidGuyInteresting .. so Im guessing you are all itching for kermic05:57
Ubiedoodie9.04 kernel 2.6.28-15-generic05:57
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: can you see wireless netowrks?05:57
Parsleyberzerker: no, dont have optical drive or floppy to boot from anywhere besides HDD05:57
RHorseuse sudo?05:57
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: if so can you connect to an unprotected one?05:58
BerzerkerParsley: no USB boot support?05:58
UbiedoodieI have made my network unprotected...05:58
wolf23linux,  linux> wolf23: in terminal, cd /media/ and cd to your dvd or <linux> wolf23: do a "sudo mkdir /dvdcopy && sudo cp -Rf * /dvdcopy/*" in your /media/dvd* directory ,which one05:58
losherLucidGuy: being new doesn't make a release stable. Being well tested does, so no, I'm dreading the fresh wave of 'help me, it doesn't work' from karmic...05:58
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: are you sure MAC filtering is also off?05:58
dave-ubuntu-1i find that a pointless security measure05:59
UbiedoodieI am not sure about MAC filtering... that will be on router or ubuntu?05:59
linuxwolf23: which directory has the files you want to copy, that one05:59
Qu4R0wmac filtering can beat macchanger??05:59
LucidGuylosher, would you agree that LTS versions are wise to stick too?05:59
cutdotcon_hey guise05:59
pshrhello, i tried to create a start up disk in ubuntu 9.04 i get an error saying unable to determine partition number :(05:59
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: in the router console05:59
aj_444How do I install and change the theme in ubuntu?05:59
kholerabbiHey. I want to set up a folder that can be shared between user profiles on a single computer, a folder everyone can write to. Any ideas?05:59
zigiNeed help making it so I can start up Ubuntu without monitor connected! Get error when i try!05:59
Ubiedoodieam checking that now06:00
LucidGuyaj_444,  right click on the desktop ..06:00
wolf23linux,  i want to copy from dvd rom to home06:00
Parsleyaj_444: system, pref, appearance06:00
Qu4R0waj_444: download theme and drag it06:00
linuxwolf23: do a "ls" and "cd" around /media/ until you find the folder in it with the dvd files06:00
Ubiedoodiedave-ubuntu-1: Wireless MAC Filter is disabled06:00
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: some X11 tweaks should work...ro disable X11 /gdm06:00
dave-ubuntu-1strange, can you connect to it with any other clients such as a cell phone or alt. laptop06:01
Pickledick_johnnhelp im having soudn issues06:01
pshrand one more thing if i create a usb startup disk can i copy the contents to another usb and use it as the startup disk too ?06:01
CaneToadanyone used Jaunty's pre-built drupal?  I find that installing it via apt-get creates a mysql database, but it is empty and then if you try to access drupal06:01
losherLucidGuy: if stability is your prime concern, absolutely go for LTS. If new features are your prime interest, then you want the latest build. You can't really have both...06:01
Parsleyhey guys, can you do a network install if you hook up host to client using just ethernet cable, no routers,servers,etc in between?06:01
zigidave-ubuntu-1: but doesn't disabling x11 /gdm make it so you dont have a GUI?06:01
CaneToad's browser you get errors06:01
pshrhello, i tried to create a start up disk in ubuntu 9.04 i get an error saying unable to determine partition number :(06:01
pshrand one more thing if i create a usb startup disk can i copy the contents to another usb and use it as the startup disk too ?06:01
frankwangHello! I am a beginner and try to build VLC player on my UBUNTU.06:01
Berzerkerfrankwang: sudo apt-get install vlc06:01
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CaneToadanyone used Jaunty's pre-built drupal?  I find that installing it via apt-get creates a mysql database, but it is empty and then if you try to access drupal's browser you get errors.  any ideas?06:01
aj_444Qu4R0w: what are some good sites to get the themes from?06:01
Pickledick_johnncan anybody help???06:01
pshrhello, i tried to create a start up disk in ubuntu 9.04 i get an error saying unable to determine partition number :(06:01
pshrand one more thing if i create a usb startup disk can i copy the contents to another usb and use it as the startup disk too ?06:01
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: yes, when you said no monitor i thought you were wanting to run a headless OS06:02
LucidGuylosher,  Being on a laptop its probably also wise to stick to newer versions due to the complexity of laptops.06:02
wolf23linux, /dev/sr006:02
Qu4R0waj_444: try eyecandy/devianart/gnome-look/or just googling " gnome theme download"06:02
Parsleypshr: try making a fresh usb liveCD using unetbootin, an easy to use app, (google for it)06:02
dave-ubuntu-1frankwang: sudo apt-get install vlc06:02
zigidave-ubuntu-1: well i want to be able to VNC into it. I have x11vnc set up so i can vns into session 0. So i want a machine without a monitor attached but still having a GUI to VNC into06:02
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frankwangBerzerker: vlc you mentioned is downloaded from vlc website with tar extension name, Do I need vai Git or PPA?06:03
LucidGuyaj_444,  Have you ever tried ubuntustudio-desktop? ....  Its got a nice them.06:03
linuxwolf23: that is a device, not a mounted folder06:03
dave-ubuntu-1frankwang: if yount to build from source first : sudo apt-get build-dep vlc06:03
Pickledick_johnnhelp pls!06:03
Pickledick_johnnMY sound06:03
pshrParsley, and can i copy the contents of the USB liveCD to another USB and use that as the same too ?06:03
dave-ubuntu-1frankwang: there also some repos with the latest version06:03
losherLucidGuy: I'm not sure I agree with your statement about laptops needing newer releases actually. It's something of a crapshoot with the latest hardware, frankly...06:04
linuxsudo dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/dvd_image.iso06:04
linuxwolf23: try that above06:04
Parsleypshr: yes assuming you copy everything and dont have anything else on the other one06:04
kevin01123Has the bug with the Intel Graphics card in Jaunty been fixed?06:04
LucidGuylosher,   crapshoot? .. What do mean?06:04
pshrThank you Parsley great help :)06:04
Wisemanhow do I go through and remove an alternate session?06:05
wolf23linux,  yes i try and it just copy 632mb06:05
dave-ubuntu-1Wiseman: what do you mean alternate session?06:05
Parsleyanyone good with network installs?06:05
zigidave-ubuntu-1: do you know how to do it?06:05
WisemanI have XLDE and gnome both on here06:05
Berzerkerfrankwang: all you need to do is type "sudo apt-get install vlc" into a terminal06:05
linuxwolf23: darn, i am out of ideas, try different /dev/dvd by cd /dev and ls -a06:06
dave-ubuntu-1Wiseman: another user logged in ? killall -u username06:06
Berzerkerfrankwang: and it will download it and install it.06:06
WisemanIf I wanted to remove xlde, how do I remove all of it?06:06
linuxwolf23: i have to go myself, try that see if that works06:06
Pickledick_johnnhelp pls!06:06
WisemanI don't know what packages the xlde installed and would be ok to remove06:06
Parsleywhats the problem pickledick?06:06
dave-ubuntu-1Wiseman: is it from the repos or comiled?06:06
Parsleydoesnt work?06:06
kevin01123Guys, has the driver been fixed for intel video cards in Ubuntu?06:06
Pickledick_johnnits imtel06:06
aj_444Qu4R0w: I downloaded a theme I like. Now what do I do?06:07
dave-ubuntu-1try removing the base package you installed it with06:07
GuidMorrow!help | Pickledick_johnn06:07
ubottuPickledick_johnn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:07
WisemanIn package manager, I click "complete removal" and it only selects a single package at a time.06:07
frankwangBerzerker: Thanks, let me try.06:07
dave-ubuntu-1it will say the pacakges are no longer needed06:07
wolf23linux,  it works with /dev/sr0, but just copy a little from dvd not all why?06:07
Pickledick_johnnGuidMorrow: i did not ask to ask a question, thats redundant.06:07
losherLucidGuy: often new hardware has to be reverse engineered because the specs are proprietary. That takes time, skill and inspiration, and since laptops use the most proprietary hardware, the newer your laptop, the more likely you are to have problems running Ubuntu on it because the drivers may not be ready yet...06:07
Qu4R0waj_444: appearance > drag that theme..06:07
Parsleypickleddick_johnn: have you played with the sound/volume manager already?06:07
zigiDoes anybody know how to make it so you can start Ubuntu up without a monitor attached but still have a GUI to VNC into?06:07
linuxwolf23: repeat06:08
LucidGuylosher,  With that said.... makes buying a nice new laptop toy not sooo tempting.06:08
linuxwolf23: please repeat that question06:08
bigdavejokerekiga dies every time it trys to start my webcam06:08
Wisemandave-ubuntu-1: doing a complete removal.06:08
losherwolf23: We've been over this half an hour ago. Because you have to tell dd how much to copy: dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=2094400 conv=notrunc > dvd.iso06:08
frankwangBerzerker, Terminal said can not find vlc core or package06:08
dave-ubuntu-1LucidGuy: try system76.com06:08
aj_444Qu4R0w: Thanks. :D06:08
linuxlosher: i have to go, can you please help wolf23?06:08
dave-ubuntu-1ful ubunt support06:09
dave-ubuntu-1full ubuntu support06:09
ParsleyIs anyone knowledgable in installation via network?06:09
Qu4R0waj_444: ok06:09
dave-ubuntu-1dell.com/ubuntu also has ubuntu supported laptops06:09
Wisemandave-ubuntu-1: didn't work.06:09
Berzerkerfrankwang: one second.06:09
linux!mini | Parsley06:09
ubottuParsley: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:09
Brando753ya Is anyone knowledgable in installation via network?06:09
RabbitbunnyParsley: PXE.06:09
zigiCan somebody help?!??!: Does anybody know how to make it so you can start Ubuntu up without a monitor attached but still have a GUI to VNC into?06:09
dave-ubuntu-1sudo apt-cache search shityouwantgone06:09
dave-ubuntu-1or use synaptic06:09
LucidGuydave-ubuntu-1, Ive seen them before.  How do they do it?  Do they build their own kernels or modules?06:09
Berzerkerfrankwang: what version of ubuntu are you running?06:10
frankwangBerzerker: Do I need download vlc and tar. Where?? All vlc I found is through Git or PPA.06:10
losherLucidGuy: smart shoppers research the model they're going to buy upfront. People post their experiences putting ubuntu on various models. Choosing one that people report works well with Ubuntu will save you hours of regret...06:10
Parsleyrabbitbunny: i found PXE guides but they need to know mac address for client; dunno how i can get that if i just have a simple ethernet cable between host and client06:10
Ubiedoodiedave-ubuntu-1: iwlist scanning does not even find network... is there something else that I should check to make sure my wireless is working or not?06:10
losherlinux: I have tried...06:10
dave-ubuntu-1LucidGuy: Im not sure...i think they try to use hardware that is already supported by ubuntu06:10
dethraydoes anyone know if sane supports the Epson Artisan 800 series for wireless network scanning?06:10
frankwangBerzerker: Ubuntu9.0.406:10
LucidGuylosher, makes sense.06:11
ronnieParsley: mac address isnt essential06:11
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: make sure your air card is on :)06:11
RabbitbunnyParsley: If I remember correctly, the mac address is in the hardware, I'd assume you could use a LiveCD to find it.06:11
zigiDoes anybody know how to run Ubuntu with a GUI without a monitor attached?06:11
Parsleyronnie: well when using tftp how does it know to reach client?06:11
LucidGuyWhen it comes to the major manufacturers .. who would you guys go with .. example .. DELL, HP, IBM .. etc.06:11
Berzerkerfrankwang: give me a sec.06:11
jlewisI could swear I was able to mount and see the files on my Zune under ubuntu 9.04 the other night...am I going nuts?06:11
losherLucidGuy: some models people report they never got working. Avoid those :-)06:11
RabbitbunnyParsley: it works the other way, the client finds the server.06:11
dave-ubuntu-1Ubiedoodie: also try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update ...after pluging in an Ethernet cablr06:11
dave-ubuntu-1udo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:12
Parsleyrabbitbunny: can it do that if it has nothing but bios on it?06:12
Brando753zigi, well i would first activate remote desktop in startup06:12
Brando753zigi: well i would first activate remote desktop in startup06:12
RabbitbunnyParsley: no, it boots a small image.06:12
ronnieParsley: tftp and dhcp are different thing06:12
zigiBrando753: I have x11vnc set up06:12
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: what is the point of running a GUI with no mon?06:12
zigiBrando753: to vnc into06:12
Wisemandave-ubuntu-1: so I'd have to mark each package individually then?06:13
zigidave-ubuntu-1: to vnc into06:13
Parsleyronnie: which do i need to install ubuntu onto a computer with no OS on it06:13
dave-ubuntu-1ubuntu *should* start without a monitor,,,06:13
pshrThanks again Parsley, do you suggest any precautions in order that the flash drive wont get corrupted ?06:13
Brando753zigi: what i once did was system prences remote dektop06:13
Berzerkerfrankwang: type in "pico /etc/apt/sources.list"06:13
ronnieParsley: if u wanna install os via PXE u have to prepare a server with dhcp and tftp service06:13
Brando753zigi: prefrences06:13
zigidave-ubuntu-1: what would that do?06:13
frankwangBerzerker : Can I make other's message disappearanced from Chat window? Too many other's messages makes me toublesome06:13
Parsleypshr: reformat it before you use unetbootin (it will wipe it clean)06:13
LucidGuyI would love to get a Dell Mini witch comes with Ubuntu preloaded.  http://configure.dell.com/dellstore/config.aspx?oc=ni10vu_f_1e&c=ca&l=en&s=dhs&cs=cadhs1&kc=laptop-inspiron-1006:13
zigibrando753: what would that do06:14
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: try disabling gdm and then starting it via ssh before your RDP session06:14
=== onchoe is now known as BoRiNx
Parsleyronnie: to make a computer a host/server, do I need anything besides an ethernet cable and the tftp software?06:14
Brando753zigi: and then check allow other user to view my desktop, allow other users to control my desktop06:14
zigidave-ubuntu-1: would i have to do that each time i want to VNC into it?06:14
copetis a linux festival in atlanta are you guys know somethig about it06:14
zigibrando753: why i have VNC set up already06:14
frankwangBerzerker: It's empty in this files.06:14
Brando753zigi: ubuntu has a built in vnc, you dont need to use VNC06:15
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: i dont know...probally on every reboot06:15
ronnieParsley: only have to make sure the configure file would be configured correctly06:15
LucidGuyalright Im done .. im out.06:15
zigibrando753: but i want to VNC before login so i have x11vnc set up06:15
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: you can boot it with a mon plugged in...then unplug it...and let it run06:15
Berzerkerfrankwang: check my private query.06:15
ronnieParsley: i mean the bootloader config file06:15
Berzerkerfrankwang: we can talk in there06:15
loshercopet: http://atlantalinuxfest.org06:15
zigidave-ubuntu-1: how do i do that06:16
pshrParsley, n00b here so can you just tell me what should i select in partition table06:16
Brando753zigi: once that is done on another ubuntu pc within the LAN or VPN you can go to applications, internet, remote dektop viewer06:16
pshrdefault to create an msdos partition table06:16
pshrwould that be cool ?06:16
Parsleyyes pshr06:16
Parsleypshr: you working from windows or ubuntu06:16
Brando753zigi: i belive ubuntu's built in vnc supports login one sec let me check06:16
dave-ubuntu-1zigi: plug the a monitor into the pc....boot it r reboot it...then unplug the mon06:16
zigidave-ubuntu-1: im confused, how would that fix it?06:17
copetthe linux festival is just about conferences or is also interaction with all linux community06:17
amitesAnyone know how to install a package with dependencies on an outdated package, I have already installed an updated version of the outdated package from source06:17
dave-ubuntu-1it wouldnt...its a workaround06:17
m0r0nHas anyone installed Listen and got  it to work?06:17
pshrParsley, ubuntu06:17
pshri get an error while partitioning stating06:18
Parsleypshr: then you can do it all from system>administration>partition editor06:18
pshr"See the details for more information.06:18
pshrIf you want support, you need to provide the saved details!06:18
pshrSee http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/tips/save_details.htm for more information."06:18
FloodBot3pshr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:18
dave-ubuntu-1amites: some other repos may have the version you seek06:18
Parsleypshr: first, unmount the usb device, either right click on it on the desktop and choose unmount, or do so in partition editor06:18
dave-ubuntu-1amites after building from src before insted of make install try sudo checkinstall06:19
amitesdave-ubuntu-1: nope trying to install tortoisehg which depends on mercurial 1.3.1 newest mercurial package is 1.0206:19
dave-ubuntu-1it will beuld and install a deb06:19
xiktenyamites: is the package you are trying to install a .deb06:19
pshryeah unmounted06:19
Parsleypshr: ok now find the usb in partition editor06:19
amitesxikteny: I would assume so06:19
dave-ubuntu-1amites i thought you built it from src06:20
xiktenyamites: if so i think you could use dpkg -i --force-depends-version package.deb06:20
Parsleypshr: look in the upper right, should give you a tab-drop-down, choose the USB06:20
amitesdave-ubuntu-1: checkinstall not found ??06:20
pshryeah found it Parsley06:20
xiktenymight not work though06:20
dave-ubuntu-1 --force-depends-version  can cause dep. hell06:20
Parsleypshr: now choose the existing partition, select it, then go up to "partition" tab and delete it06:20
amitesdave-ubuntu-1: I installed mercurial from source, tried installing tortoise hg from source but it's not integrating with gnome06:20
amiteserr nautilus06:20
pshrdone, now shall i create a new partition06:21
Parsleypshr: now choose the device tab and make partition table06:21
sayuriwhere do i go to get help with getting sound recording to work on an Acer Aspire One AOD250?06:21
pshryeah primary | secondary ?06:21
Parsleypshr: choose default (msdos mbr table)06:21
dave-ubuntu-1well... you may not have installed it to a place its llooking for it at06:21
dave-ubuntu-1look at the old deb to see where it puts its files06:21
pshrI have right clicked on the unallocated space06:21
pshrand chose new would that do ?06:21
amitesinstalled from a setup.py script06:22
Parsleypshr: ya06:22
dave-ubuntu-1ther ./configure --prefix /inst/dir06:22
pshrwhat shall i choose06:22
pshrprimary | extended06:22
Parsleypshr: make a new one, give it a name, choose format type (choose fat32) then click ok06:22
Parsleypshr: ya06:22
tristramhey can anyone tell me if there is a way i can just download a bunch of themes at once? :)06:22
amitessave-ubuntu-1: thank you, will see what I can do06:22
Parsleypshr: primary, fat3206:22
pshrshould i do it as primary ?06:22
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dave-ubuntu-1anyway um off to bed06:23
pshrmy partition editor closed abruptly Parsley06:23
Parsleypshr: thats not good :(06:23
dave-ubuntu-1pshr: doesnt mattter if you will nuke it with the install06:23
Parsleypshr: you're sure you're editing the USB, not your own hardrive right???06:23
dave-ubuntu-1pshr try sudo cfdisk06:24
pshryeah the usb06:24
Parsleypshr: sounds right06:24
Parsleypshr: did it ask you for your acct passwd when using partition editor?06:24
arooni-mobile___i want to set up raid1 on ubuntu jaunty across two identical seagate 320gb drives.  drive 1 went read only causing this in the first place.  drive 2 has the backup from /home/.  i've booted into the live cd for jaunty and installed mdadm.  what do i do next?06:24
Parsleypshr: it should06:24
Parsleypshr: ok...retry it then06:24
Parsleypshr: it shouldnt freak out if it's unmounted06:25
grozahello when i play open arena i cant find any servers!what can i do?06:25
dave-ubuntu-1arooni-mobile : sounds like more a hardware config problem06:25
albngot the public_html to work06:25
dave-ubuntu-1unless your using software RAID06:25
pshrOperations succesful thanks Parsley06:25
Ubiedoodiedave-ubuntu-1: I can only assume that it is on since it registers with iwconfig... I will try later, am getting tired and have about 10 hours just in this issue already... thanx for input..06:25
dave-ubuntu-1i reccoment using hardware RAID... more efficent06:25
pshrdave-ubuntu-1, can you tell me how to do it with cfdisk06:26
pshropened up the details about the partitions06:26
arooni-mobile___dave-ubuntu-1, its not a hardware config q; uz i'm using software RAID06:26
Parsleypshr: okay, now run unetbootin to put all the right stuff on the USB to make it a LiveCD06:26
dave-ubuntu-1pshr im off for the night06:26
Parsleypshr: well, first take the USB out and put it back in again so it mounts first06:26
grozahello when i play open arena i cant find any servers!what can i do?06:26
pshrit aint getting detected Parsley ?06:27
Parsleypshr: close partition editor first06:27
dave-ubuntu-1arooni-mobile___:  sorry cant help you there, switch to hardware RAID if u can ...like i said more efficent06:27
pshryeah i've closed it06:27
arooni-mobile___dave-ubuntu-1, by what order of magnitude06:27
Parsleypshr: and you did make a new partition right, not just delete it?06:27
pshri have created a primary fat3206:28
dave-ubuntu-1hardware does things much more efficentley than software...06:28
Parsleypshr: okay, should get detected and mounted after you close part ed and take it out, put it back in06:28
dave-ubuntu-1arooni-mobile___ contact your mobo manufacturer and see if it supports RAID06:28
pshrDid that too Parsley :(06:28
dave-ubuntu-1also hardware RAID is platform independent and transparent06:29
Parsleypshr: okay, try this: open up a terminal, you know how to do that?06:29
pshrshould i mont manually06:29
Parsleypshr: k, type ls /media06:29
dave-ubuntu-1not if your going to partition it or make a fs on it06:29
pshrParsley, can find cdrom and cdrom006:30
dave-ubuntu-1anyway im gone06:30
Parsleypshr: ya mount manually if you already know how06:30
pshrthanks dave-ubuntu-106:30
Parsleypshr: k try ls /mnt06:30
nealmcbon my hardy 64-bit system, firefox 3.0.13+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1  I'm running Adobe's recent flash 10:  flash   But firefox segmentation faults all the time, e.g. on time.com and elsewhere.  Any advice?06:30
nealmcbthis is with a default profile, etc.06:31
pshrmounted to /home/shirish/Desktop/pend06:31
dave-ubuntu-1nealmcb: adobe refuses to compile the 64 bit flashplugin06:31
pshrParsley, should i continue with unetbootin ?06:31
dave-ubuntu-1for linux06:31
Parsleynealmcb: http://xkcd.com/619/06:31
Parsleypshr: yes06:31
dave-ubuntu-1somthingpluginwrapper is all i remember06:32
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dave-ubuntu-1i gotta go...really this time....06:32
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arooni-mobile___is there anyway to setup raid 1 from the wizard UI?06:33
pshrParsley, how much time would it appx take ?06:33
nealmcbbuy, dave-ubuntu-1 ...    But adobe does have 64-bit flash:  http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2009/08/in_the_news.html06:33
Parsleypshr: uh...half hour or so for it to download the ubuntu liveCD andinstall it06:34
Parsleypshr: much quicker if you already have an ubuntu.iso image downloaded06:34
pshri have specified an ISO that i already have06:34
Parsleypshr: ok then dont do a distro, choose iso and select that06:34
techtronicis there a way to have ubuntu server email its daily sys log file - only for that day06:34
Scrapeis it just me or is kubuntu nowhere near as good as regular ubuntu with gnome?06:35
triniumhello please, what is date ubuntu developer week, i am of peruviam06:35
MindVirus2Hi. Is there a way to get a list of the last packages I installed?06:35
Parsleypshr: by any chance, when you said partition editor crashed, maybe you just accidently went to second screen instead?06:35
pshrits taking time to cross the 5% mark and all the files inside the pendrive folder are locked with root ownership06:36
pshrwould that effect06:36
Scrapemindvirus cant use the package manager and search for it?06:36
pshror do you want me do chown -R shirish pend06:36
Parsleypshr: well its slow at 5% because its copying over a 600MB file (squash something)06:36
pshryeah done Parsley06:36
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MindVirus2Scrape: please type the first few letters of my name and press tab so my client can highlight you.06:36
pshri dont need to change the permissions of the files06:36
pshror should i change06:37
pshrin any maner06:37
Parsleypshr: no06:37
pshrwould it effect ?06:37
FloodBot3pshr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:37
MindVirus2Scrape: I need to see a log of my previous APT operations.06:37
xiktenyMindVirus2: tail /var/log/dpkg.log06:37
MindVirus2xikteny: thank you.06:37
pshrOk Parsley asking me to reboot06:37
pshrwill check it out06:37
Parsleypshr: just exit06:37
RHorseMindVirus2 dpkg --get-selections will show all your installed pkgs06:37
Parsleypshr: unless you want to use the USB on this computer06:37
Scrapeapt-get? just open terminal and press up..06:37
pshrif that works, and one more thing can i copy additional files apart from what are on the disk06:37
MindVirus2RHorse: I need them organized by date.06:37
MindVirus2Scrape: ...06:37
pshrlike if i want to copymy personal data would it be OK ?06:38
MindVirus2Scrape: Some packages are installed automatically.06:38
Scrapeaahhh.. i see what your saying.. hrrmm06:38
MindVirus2Scrape: it's cool.06:38
Parsleypshr: yes if you keep it in a special folder06:38
MindVirus2Scrape: I got it. It's in /var/log/dpkg.log.06:38
pshrthanks Parsley06:38
Parsleypshr: dont put it right on top level directory of usb06:38
MindVirus2Scrape: also, please highlight -- I'm sure a lot of people appreciate it.06:38
arooni-mobile___i have two identical seagate 320 gb drives without hardware raid support.  is it better to : 1) use one drive as my main guy, and backup nightly via rdiff-backup?  or 2) do software raid for mdadm and backup files to s3 every so often?06:39
pshrParsley, any idea on how to manually unmount06:39
pshri cant find an option in the right click06:39
Parsleypshr: in terminal it's umount /where/it/is06:40
Parsleypshr: umount, not uNmount06:40
pshrsays device is busy06:40
Parsleypshr: close everything that's using it like part ed or unetbootin06:41
feynerare you inside the folder06:41
pshrclosed every thing ...06:41
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Parsleypshr: uh...restart computer, it'll have to unmount that way06:41
Parsleypshr: though just pulling it out isnt necessarily gonna corrupt it06:42
BlueyParsely - unless its ext206:42
Parsleyhis is fat3206:42
feynerwell if hes currently sitting in the directory in the terminal it wont umount, so try cd .. then umount06:42
Blueyhmm no idea --06:42
Parsleyya watch out for your terminal06:43
Parsleythere he went06:43
Parsleyadios pshr06:43
Blueyfat32 corrupts easily --06:43
Parsleyive been rough with my fat32 usb and never corrupted06:43
Blueyyou know I don't know if my usb drive is fat32 or ntfs - let me check06:44
grawityI prefer NTFS because it has hardlinks and symlinks and stuff06:44
Parsleyive also played rough with my 320gb back up external HDD and though she complains about premature pull-out, never lost anything06:45
Parsleywhich is NTFS i think06:45
Tech-deskneed help in squid06:45
RHorseParsley yes, i get complaints about that too. LOL06:45
Blueyit is fat32 --06:46
der_maikarooni-mobile___: use your 2nd hd to backup your 1st hd with rsync. (raid is recommended if you yave data that has to be backed up immediately)06:46
Blueyi have a fat32 parition -- windows sees only that - but the ubuntu I have on the flash drive, sees both windows and linux06:46
grawityWindows can only see FATx and NTFS, yeah06:47
Parsleyya windows doesnt bother looking at things that aint windows06:47
BlueyParley -- yes that's convenient actually06:47
grawityParsley: And why should it, if it doesn't support them?06:47
Parsleynot saying it's bad06:48
Blueythe one "good thing" about fat32 - almost everybody can read it...06:48
victamowerstreaming Internet radio using shoutcast .pls files has stopped working for me - using totem, VLC and audacious06:48
victamowerstreams that use .m3u files work06:48
victamowerI'm using Hardy06:48
Blueyhmm I only use m3u for local playlists - didn't know you could stream those06:49
victamowerI suspect a library problem06:49
Parsleyvictamower: have you tried multiple sites/streams? maybe the one thing youre trying, like last fm, is being zany06:49
victamowerParsley: yep06:50
victamowerfrom the command line I type: audacious 'http://stream.npr.org:8002/listen.pls'06:50
Parsleyvictamower: rebuild your gstreamer codecs maybe?06:50
Blueylet me bounce something off of you -- my friend's kid cruched his flash drive, while it was in the computer - now windows won't boot -- could that have blown the bios perhaps?06:50
Parsleybluey: is part of it still inside?06:51
Blueyi don't see how crunching a flash drive would have erased the hard dirve...06:51
victamowerParsley: apt-get install --reinstall gstreamer-plugin* ?06:51
Blueyohh good question....06:51
netskillsiihello need help installing a custom boot splash image on my distro....06:51
Parsleybluey: i'd imagine he did some damage to the usb port and thats sticking bios in some boot infinite loop06:51
grawityUSB 2.0 controllers are supposed to be fork-proof (even the spec says so), so...06:52
Parsleyvictamower: i think that works, there may be some fancier flag than --reinstall06:52
Tech-desksquid3...going into hit-only-mode for 5 minutes..06:52
grawityBluey: Does the BIOS itself work?06:52
Tech-deskand he stop work06:52
grawityBluey: As in, do the POST, let you access the setup, etc?06:52
Blueygravity - I just messaged him -- hope he's still up -- thanks06:52
LppUmmmm... I need some help with Xbuntu, can I ask here?06:53
LppMight take me awhile to type06:53
Parsleybluey: one way to tell is to extract the HDD and put it in another machine, see if it boots (if it does than ya the bios is having a problem)06:53
Blueythat's okay....06:53
arooni-mobile___i want to install jaunty via RAID1.  i have the live cd not the alternative.  i need to set up the array so that i have one drive and the other is MISSING (so i can copy the data later).  question: 1) Should i use the alternative cd instead?  2) if i can use the live cd; once i create the partitions and array via mdadm will the installer be able to see them to install to?06:53
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peepsaloti have ubuntu set to automatically log me in, but I want to try a different window manager.  the problem is if I try to log out to get to gdm, so I can switch it, it just instantly logs me back in, so I can't choose my WM06:54
BlueyParsley -- he's not technically astute - so trying to round up some help for him -- someone who could do just that06:54
pshrParsley, i have tried it on other system06:55
pshrit doesn't boot from the usb06:55
pshrwell i have set up the boot priority06:55
grawitypeepsalot: Then... disable auto-login, and instead enable timed login?06:55
pshrRemovable device first06:55
grawitypeepsalot: So that it would log you in after 4 seconds, for example.06:55
Parsleypshr: you sure the other system can boot from USB? some computers can read USB drives, but will not boot from them06:55
pshrit sure is showing in boot priority devices06:56
LppOkay, so I got Xbuntu working on an old computer. I found an Internet stick and it connected. So far so good. Here's where the problem arises. The network shows 46% activitty, but when I try to get onto Firefox it can't load anything, I have my Internet set to allow, but it still doesn't work! Suggestions please?06:56
BlueyParsley - true older machines have that problem - I have tried my "ubuntu2go" on several machines - so far so good06:56
peepsalotgrawity, ah, ok, i just found the preferences for the login screen.  I set it up that way during install, so I didn't know where to change it.06:56
grawityLpp: Try going to the terminal, and doing 'host google.com' for example06:56
grawityLpp: It might be some DNS problem.06:56
LppOkay, I'll try that tommorow06:57
Parsleypshr: hmm, try this one: delete everything off it like before, then use unetbootin, but first put on the distro "super grub" then do it again for your ISO06:57
LppAny way to connect it though?06:57
Blueyhey does grub2 work on 9.04?06:57
Parsleybluey: yes06:57
pshrsuper grub ?06:57
Parsleybluey: well, i just used it yesterday with a liveCD, not the actual install but should work06:57
Blueyi know it ships with 9.10 but wasn't sure if it would work with 9.0406:58
Parsleypshr: in unetbootin, choose "super grub" from drop down menu under "distributions"06:58
Parsleybluey: used it on 9.0406:58
Blueydo you know if they fixed the "launching cache cleaner" problem (caused by kde app running under gnome)06:58
BlueyNot fatal, but it is annoying....06:59
Parsleywhy not just switch to kde if you want their apps?06:59
Parsleyi like gnome06:59
LppSo how can I fix my problem with my Internet? I'm not very computer literrate...07:00
O__ohello what do i do if i want to be able to highlight characters with keyboard in emacs?07:00
BlueyParsley -- I tried running KDE4 -- my conclusion was that it appeared linux was broke....07:00
victamowercan someone running Hardy please try: sudo apt-get install audacious && audacious 'http://stream.npr.org:8002/listen.pls'07:00
umerHi Every one07:00
Parsleylpp: first you make the internets, then you enjoy them07:00
victamowerI think I have a corrupted library on my system07:00
DebolazParsley: KDE has better apps than gnome, but gnome has a better desktop.07:00
_Trinity_hi all07:00
umerI have question i am using psi and pidgin for google talk but both of them disconnect with out issuing any error .07:00
Blueynote to self -- never remove libqt4core07:01
Parsleyvictamower: try running update manager, maybe it picks something up?07:01
pshrParsley, what difference would it make using super grub ?07:01
_Trinity_did nautilus CD writer utility have the ability to burn bootable CDs back on Hoary?07:01
umeri wish there is something like google talk07:01
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Parsleypshr: it may boot where as using the LiveCD's native boot (grub 0.99 i think) will not07:02
xiktenyquestion... my /var/log/auth.log is constantly spammed with "gdm[3523]: pam_unix(gdm:auth): check pass; user unknown" followed by "gdm[3523]: pam_unix(gdm:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=" Anyone else seen this? Any idea what causes it?07:02
Parsleypshr: then again im betting if grub0.99 isnt booting, nothing will07:02
FMSMastertalkin of usb bootin?07:02
arooni-mobile___installing jaunty from scratch.  thoughts on ext3 versus ext4?07:02
LppParsely: ...So, if the Terminal doesn't work then what? I can't get Internet(Router is downstairs, I'm upstairs)07:02
pshrhmm, Parsley well i was trying to see whether it works on an already ubuntufied system07:02
victamowerParsley: no updates pending.. this morning my machine had locked up, and since then streaming .pls files hasn't work hence my suspecting a corrupted library07:03
* pshr thought thinks that it shouldn't make any difference 07:03
Parsleypshr: it should most definitely07:03
* pshr trying now07:03
umeris any one here face same kind of issue ... PSi and Pidgin won't work properly if you are using them as google talk07:04
FMSMasterI've got a question if I may.. How much space would take ubuntu installation on usb.. I'm not guetting it installed in 2 gb07:04
* Lpp thinks he should go figure out what DNS is =P07:04
Parsleyfmsmaster: less than 1 gig07:04
FMSMasterthanx! but it's not workin for me! :D07:04
Parsleyfmsmaster: whats the prob? not booting or not copying to usb?07:05
FMSMasterstoping copying!07:05
umerdf -h /media/USB-NAME07:05
eitriHi. I've just encountered a problem with synaptic package manager. It appered while I was trying to setup proxy served for my Uni. I have now set proxy back to default but I still get: Failed to fetch http://archive.mitra.net.np/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404 Not Found . And that from several packages. Anyone now what's happening?07:05
ParsleyFMSMaster: hmm, i'd say delete everything, reformat the bugger, try again07:06
FMSMasterI tried more then 2 times!07:06
grawitychaff: Probably archive.mitra.net.np didn't mirror those packages for some or other reason.07:06
ParsleyFMSMaster: actually reformatted?07:06
FMSMasterdoes this have anything to do with the fact that I'm installing from the complete DVD?07:06
eitrigrawity:  was that one to me? Anyway, I've tried three different servers, including main server07:07
ParsleyFMSMaster: it shouldnt, but maybe youre running out of harddrive space or cache07:07
ParsleyFMSMaster: so it'd have no temporary space to hold on to the files copied from DVD to USB07:07
ParsleyFMSMaster: try a diff format, like fat3207:08
FMSMasterit copies it to the hard drive?07:08
ParsleyFMSMaster: well, depends how much RAM youre using up07:08
ubottusongbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird07:08
FMSMaster2gb RAM!07:08
BlueyI have a bootable ubuntu -- fits in 4 gig07:08
ParsleyFMSMaster: probly not the problem, try a diff format like fat3207:09
ParsleyFMSMaster: i made a bootable ubuntu 9.04 on a 1gig yesterday07:09
FMSMasterthanx Parsley I'll this! ;) I've read somewhere that ext3 was the best choice..07:09
xiktenyumer: Do you get "Connection Refused" you try to connect to Google Talk with Pidgin?07:09
FMSMasterbut I'll try it! ;)07:09
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BlueyI use reiserfs07:09
umerxikteny Pidgin wont' connect07:09
LppOkay, can someone give me a SLIGHTLY dumbed down version of what is wrong? I want to connect to my network via usb Interneet, it connects, but won't load ANYTHING EG: Google FTP you name it, so what could be wrong, the router or the USB Stick?07:09
umerwon't connect07:09
BlueyI looked at ext4 - but chickened out...07:10
Blueyon the usb drive - I used ext2 -- since I didn't want journaling07:10
Blueyalso noatime07:10
Parsleylpp: maybe your ISP blocks that computer? like it has a whitelist of computers it will allow internet use per household?07:10
xiktenyumer: I sent you a PM... Can you see it? easier to talk in a separate window...07:10
umerok that07:11
umerthat's great07:11
Parsleylpp: with comcast, i can connect to my house connection, but it wont work unless i have my IP address on a whitelist07:11
LppI know my Router blocks computers, iPods etc. that doesn't have a registered MAC adress, but it's registered07:11
Parsleylpp: actually, i think the router/linksys does the whitelisting07:11
Parsleylpp: hmm07:11
Blueyi have a dlink router - and it's like 5-6 years old...07:12
burntresistori just complied wine 1.1.28 and the install didnt upgrade the wine stable version07:13
LppAnd besides, there is a unsecure connection beside me, but it won't let me connect to it. It just stays on the one I'm currently on...07:13
Blueylpp - can you ping the local ip address?07:13
LppDon't know how to do that, I know a teensy bit of Linux, buthow do I do that?07:14
Blueyokay talk you though it07:14
Blueypm okay?07:14
babyrobbeInputString or StringInput?07:16
Peddyis there a program that waits for keypresses, and gives the hex code or  location of the key? I want to know if a button on my keyboard is physically broken or not.07:18
umerPeddu write your own it's eassy07:19
grawityPeddy: 'xev', 'showkeys' (IIRC), some others07:19
xiktenyPeddy: xev07:19
arooni-mobile___can i install jaunty via ui to a raid1 array?07:19
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xiktenybeaten :)07:20
grawity'showkey' actually.07:20
Peddythanks grawity and xikteny07:20
jeff6780hey whats up everyone07:21
achilleshello alla, I'm trying to force redirect http to https but it's not working  , this is my config file, http://pastebin.com/m6bbe6b9a07:21
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grawityachilles: The rewrite rules you defined in the SSL VirtualHost only apply for connections that are already SSL.07:22
nice00is what07:22
jeff6780hey im new to ubuntu but im not able to install .deb it says i dont have the correct permissions07:22
grawitynice00: A Linux distribution.07:22
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grawityachilles: I think they should be in the VirtualHost that doesn't use SSL... meh, #httpd can help you more.07:23
achillesgrawity, sorry, I didn't get it, should I replace to general ?07:24
achillesgrawity, thank you07:25
grawityachilles: Yeah07:25
jeff6780im haveing problems installing .deb files in ubuntu it says i dont have permission07:26
grawityjeff6780: How are you installing them?07:26
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jeff6780is there another way of installing them07:27
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Blueybreak time for bluey07:28
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jeff6780im trying to find a way to install .deb packages in ubuntu because when i use gdeb it says i dont have permission07:30
lstarnesjeff6780: are you using gdeb from a terminal?07:31
grawitylstarnes: gdebi is a GUI app07:31
lstarnesjeff6780: if you're using gnome, press alt+f2 then enter gksudo gdebi-gtk07:33
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lstarnesjeff6780: you could also open a terminal and use sudo dpkg -i filename.deb07:34
mgmuscarihi all... i have my USB sound device (OSS) selected as the default for all playback, but everything is still playing back through my laptop's speakers... testing the output works fin07:35
mgmuscari*works fine07:36
mgmuscaridoes anybody have an idea how to get everything to play through the usb device?07:36
hukpofujlВсем привет07:37
optimus_phow can i download youtube video using curl?07:37
nice00 :)07:38
`brandon`hello, How do i get Net::IRC, all i remimber is something about perl and lib can you please help thank-you.07:41
grawity`brandon`: if I remember correctly -- sudo perl -mCPAN -eshell07:42
grawity`brandon`: And then 'install Net::IRC'07:42
lstarnes`brandon`: sudo apt-get install libperl-net-irc  or sudo cpan Net::IRC07:42
`brandon`mattwj2002L what are you doing?07:42
lstarnes`brandon`: most perl users recommend the use of POE::Component::IRC or POE::Component::IRC::State instead of Net::IRC due to Net::IRC being outdated07:43
mattwj2002trying to get the bot to get give info on songbird07:43
ubottusongbird is a web-browser based media player based on Mozilla. Information and installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird07:43
mattwj2002there we go07:43
lstarnes!fishing > mattwj200207:43
ubottumattwj2002, please see my private message07:43
`brandon`yeah the perl irc bot's i have use Net::IRC and i don't know how to use "POE::Component::IRC but how do i get that?07:44
hukpofujlany russian here????07:44
lstarnesxfiles: /join #ubuntu-cn07:45
grawity`brandon`: I just described how07:45
xfileslstarnes, thanks07:45
Myrtti!ru | hukpofujl07:45
ubottuhukpofujl: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:45
lstarnes`brandon`: its package name in ubuntu's repos is libpoe-component-irc-perl07:45
lstarnes`brandon`: you can also install it via CPAN07:45
rameshworguys.. i tried to recover ubuntu after MS install. i did { sudo grub  -> find /boot/grub/stage1 (returned (hd0,6) ) -> setup (hd0,6)  which gave me error..07:46
hukpofujlMyrtt: thanks07:46
xfileshelp /?07:47
rameshworgnea : ^^^^07:48
Vezirovics'alleluyya brotha07:50
jeff6780so to install from my usb drive i would enter  sudo dpkg -i /media/My Passport/aim_1.5.286-1_i386.deb07:52
grawityYou need to put that path in quotes, because it has spaces in it.07:52
jeff6780so  sudo dpkg -i "/media/My Passport/aim_1.5.286-1_i386.deb"07:53
grawityBut isn't that AIM for Linux kinda .... old?07:53
Vezirovicsbabyrobbe brotha ola07:54
Callum_Who uses AIM anyway, grawity? =P07:54
babyrobbeclass loading in php is somewhat br0ked07:54
grawityCallum_: jeff6780 does ^07:54
jeff6780yes i do07:55
grawityjeff6780: And why are you using such an old client, then?07:55
jeff6780its the only official one for linux07:55
grawityAt least it seems old on this page.07:55
grawityjeff6780: I suggest just using Pidgin or Empathy. While they're not official, they do get updated often (and so far work perfectly with AIM)07:56
Peddyis there a better Ubuntu support channel on a non-freenode network?07:58
grawityPeddy: ##linux?07:58
MyrttiPeddy: this is the official07:58
grawityPeddy: The one we're on is the only official Ubuntu channel though.07:58
MyrttiPeddy: in what way better?07:58
PeddyMyrtti, I don't know, this server seems pretty unstable or whatever (or is it just this channel)? I think this is called a netsplit, it's been going on for months...07:59
MyrttiPeddy: netsplits happen on all networks07:59
grawityFreenode is a little unstable at moments - but netsplits happen everywhere.07:59
PeddyOK - it's just, for the last month, every single time I've joined (almost daily) it's been like this. I remember maybe 2 years ago, it was fine.08:00
grawity"Like this" - what exactly do you mean?08:00
grawityThe ton of joins/parts/quits here isn't a netsplit or anything.08:01
Peddygrawity, netsplit. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but there are a lot of people reconnecting and timing out.08:01
grawityIt's just simply a LOT of Ubuntu noobies with poor connections.08:01
pepperphdits also 2 in the morning08:01
Peddygrawity, oh, right - excuse me then. Fail on my part :/08:01
grawityPeddy: If there was a netsplit, they: 1) would quit at once, 2) would have "irc.freenode.net some-other-server.freenode.net" as their quit message.08:02
`brandon`!songbird > brandon08:02
PeddyOK, thanks for the explanation.08:02
`brandon`brandon > songbird08:02
`brandon`!brandon > songbird08:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brandon08:02
grawity!songbird > `brandon`08:02
ubottu`brandon`, please see my private message08:02
=== MadMax is now known as Guest67885
elkyPeddy, there's 1200-1300 people here on regular basis now. 2 years ago it would have been more like 900-100008:02
grawity`brandon`: You forgot the ``s around your nick.08:03
`brandon`im brandon on other networks.08:03
`brandon`not use to `08:03
Peddyelky, OK, thanks :P It just seems a little odd that there's almost no people describing problems right now (I guess that's a good thing, though).08:04
khermansPeddy, ubuntu is perfect08:04
grawity07:04 UTC, everyone's probably asleep/at work/etc.08:04
elkyPeddy, things fluctuate over the day, too. for example, it's 5pm here in eastern australia, people are fleeing their computers for home.08:05
PurpleyCan someone help with tv-out?08:05
hienvhHello all.. I have a question I hope you guys can help me. I have downloaded Vbox PUEL, but when I load my XP in Vbox I cant mount the usb stick. I have already add the ubs and enable it, but in devices I can see the USB stick name, but i cant choose it.. Anyone know any solution for that problems? tnx08:05
khermansPurpley, nvidia or other card?08:05
PurpleyI have my TV set up to my 9800 GTX+ Nvidia GPU and have enabled the tv in NVIDIA X Server settings08:06
khermansPurpley, tc in or tv out?08:06
Purpleyit using a s-video cable08:06
Purpleybut nothing happens in my tv08:06
Purpleyplease someone help08:06
khermansPurpley, use the nvidia config too;08:06
khermansPurpley, nvidia-settings08:07
Purpleyoh come on08:08
khermansPurpley, works fine for me dude08:08
EbonhandHi all08:13
EbonhandI'm having hell's own trouble getting either of my two video cards working nicely, on either of 8.04lts or 9.0408:13
Ebonhandanyone able to lend a hand?08:13
khermansEbonhand, make/model of card?08:15
EbonhandI've got two, and tried both08:15
khermansEbonhand, what are they '?08:15
Ebonhandbit of info - I have an nvidia onboard, which I want to use with either a raedon 4650hd or an nvidia 8600gt08:15
khermansi would start with the nvidias08:16
khermansEbonhand, you may have more luck with nvidia troubleshooting08:16
khermansEbonhand, so you have 3 video interfaces, actually?08:16
Ebonhandclosest I've got to working was with the nvidias, yep. I drive 3 screens, can get the two on the 8600 working (vga/dvi) but getting the onboard to play nice at the same time is like jabbing myself in the face with a fork08:16
Dayofswordsgood for you i have a pc that was 1000 dollar when it came out, now worth less than a pack of gum08:16
hienvhhmm. no one here can answer my question o.O?08:17
EbonhandI can swap out the 8600gt for a raedon 4650 - not both at once08:17
khermanshienvh, ?08:17
hienvhkhermans, my question: Hello all.. I have a question I hope you guys can help me. I have downloaded Vbox PUEL, but when I load my XP in Vbox I cant mount the usb stick. I have already add the ubs and enable it, but in devices I can see the USB stick name, but i cant choose it.. Anyone know any solution for that problems? tnx08:17
khermansEbonhand, in dont understand -- do you have three cards total? 1 onboard nvidia + 1 other nvidia and +1 oher ati?08:17
Ebonhandmy pc also crashes/hangs when I try to log out, and need to hit the reset switch08:17
Ebonhandkhermans: 3 cards total, but only two in the machine at once.. onboard + either the nvidia or the ati08:18
khermanshienvh, i believe vbox only allows USB in the commercial version08:18
EbonhandI've had no real luck with either08:18
Purpleysorry khermans08:18
khermansEbonhand, put in the nvida card along with the onboard nviida08:18
Purpleyim really lagging08:18
Purpleyits a nvidia card08:18
khermansEbonhand, then run sudo nvidia-settings08:18
Purpleyand im not sure but i think it may just be the tv08:19
Purpleyits an old one08:19
Purpleyand the s-video port is for vhs08:19
jeff6780is there a ubuntu for dummies book i need it08:19
hienvhkhermans, the PUEL version is the commercial version, I have read in forums and they says this version allows USB08:19
khermansjeff6780, yess08:19
jeff6780where do i get it08:19
khermanshienvh, then if you have the commercial version i would open a ticket with the vendor08:19
Ebonhandkhermans: yep, done that. I can get it all up - closest I've gotten was twinview on the nvidia card and the onboard as a separate server, but switching over to use xinerama makes my machine not even get to a login screen, and I have to hand-edit the xorg.conf to turn it off using a live cd08:20
khermansjeff6780, amazon.com08:20
Ebonhandsame results on both 8.04lts or 9.0408:20
PurpleyERROR: Failed to find display device 0x00000002 on screen 1 (on GPU-0)08:20
Purpley       while parsing metamode:08:20
Purpley       'CRT-1: nvidia-auto-select @1024x768 +0+0'08:20
Purpleyi get the message when i run "sudo nvidia-settings"08:20
khermansEbonhand, what is yoru end goal?08:20
drygrainwhat chmos level should i set a file at to make it writeable from any user account?08:20
grawitydrygrain: chmod a+w file08:21
Ebonhandkhermans: run the three monitors like I do on windows - seamlessly08:21
Ebonhandrather than the 3rd monitor acting like a separate pc08:21
hienvhkhermans, hmm im not so sure how to do that. I have used Vbox before and didnt had this problems, but I will try to fix it, tnx08:21
khermansPurpley, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg08:21
drygrainthis file in question is on my apache server08:21
drygrainis it still a good idea to set chmod a+w08:21
hienvhkhermans, its a bit difficult for you to answer my question if you don't use it. :)08:21
grawitydrygrain: a+w will give write access to all accounts.08:21
RHorsekhermans what is the -phigh for?08:21
Purpleyxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration08:22
Purpley   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009083103215108:22
Purpleyi get that08:22
drygrainbut not any random client acessing the file on port 8008:22
khermansEbonhand, you want them to be three screens which you can sweep across right?08:22
grawitydrygrain: Over HTTP?08:22
khermansdrygrain, no08:22
Ebonhandkhermans,: yes08:22
drygrainthanks very much08:22
khermansRHorse, -p is for priority08:22
Purpleywhat do i do from there?08:22
grawitydrygrain: The httpd won't allow writing to anything unless you specifically set it up.08:22
khermansPurpley, now sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:23
Purpleykhermans, the application didnt even start08:23
Purpleynothing happens08:23
RHorsekhermans tnx08:25
v4vijayakumarHi, I have some problem with my update manager ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/262361/ ). anyone know why is this ?!08:25
khermansEbonhand, have you read this yet?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo08:25
khermansPurpley, what applicaiton?08:25
Ebonhandreading now, khermans - ty08:26
khermansv4vijayakumar, your depends are not installed08:26
khermansv4vijayakumar, sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade08:26
Purpleythe command08:26
khermansPurpley, the command reconfigured your xorg file08:27
khermansPurpley, then you need to restart GDM08:27
sayuriHow do I UNINSTALL uvcvideo?08:27
v4vijayakumarkhermans: thanks, I will try that08:27
khermanssayuri, sudo aptitude remove uvcvideo ??08:27
sayurisudo apt-get remove uvcvideo does not work08:27
khermanssayuri, how did you install it buddy?08:27
Purpleyi dont think it did08:28
Purpleyit gave me an error message08:28
sayuridownloaded from linuxtv, then ran the compile and install. its a kernal for the webcam interface08:28
sayurii want it gone now. not just modprobe -r uvcvideo, i want it GONE08:28
Myrttisayuri: good luck then, read the readme that came with the package you downloaded...08:28
khermansPurpley, i saw the output saying it did, so ...08:29
khermanssayuri, usually sudo make uninstall in the same directory you compiled then08:29
Ebonhandkhermans: I've pretty-much done that already to get the twinview working. it's the 3rd monitor that's the problem08:29
khermansPurpley, there was no error08:29
Purpleyoh i see my bad08:30
Blueyhey is the the colours channel?08:30
khermanssayuri, like i said -- usually 'sudo make uninstall'08:30
xfiles/join #ubuntu-cn08:30
sayuriit doesnt have an uninstall build targewt08:30
khermanssayuri, then just rm the .ko modules08:31
sayurihow, where are the .ko stuff08:31
khermanssayuri, you can profile the 'sudo make install' to see where it places all files08:31
khermansthen just do the reverse08:31
sayuritheres thousands of files08:32
khermanssayuri, may the source be with you ;-)08:32
khermanssayuri, i doubt thousands of files get copied into your kernel to load08:32
sayurii dont know how to do any of what you said08:32
khermanssayuri, when in doubt, less README08:32
sayurifirst i just wanted the camera to work08:32
sayuriand now i want it to not work08:32
khermanssayuri, what camera?08:32
v4vijayakumarkhermans: I just wanted to try kde. full-upgrade removes some packages from my system, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262363/08:32
sayuriuvcvideo lets the webcam work08:33
khermansv4vijayakumar, yes it may remove some, but only those that are not in use08:33
sayurimodprobe -r uvcvideo disables it only for the current session08:33
Blueyfast way - remove libqt4core  --08:33
khermansv4vijayakumar, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop is a meta package that might be better for you08:33
Bluey(not recommended -- it removes most of kde and several apps too!)08:34
sayuriif theres a way to disable the media/video0 or whatever interface it work work better08:34
khermanssayuri, you can add that command to /etc/rc.local if you like08:34
khermansthen it will never load on boot08:34
sayurireadme says nothing about uninstall08:34
khermanssayuri, then i would shoot them...08:34
khermanssayuri,  what webcam is it?08:34
sayuriits the crystal one in the Acer08:35
v4vijayakumarkhermans: thanks, I will try that08:35
sayuriif it was one of those classic usb ones i would just rip it out when im not using it08:35
sayuribut its built into the screen08:35
sayuriand id rather not have to put electrical tape on it08:35
khermanslike i said, use /etc/rc.local08:35
khermanssayuri, what version of ubutnu you running?08:36
sayuriand add the line before the exit0?08:36
khermanssayuri, uvcvideo drivers come already08:36
khermanssince 2.6.2608:36
sayurithey didnt for me08:36
sayuribut if they did there should be a way to remove them08:37
khermanssayuri, i told you already how to deactivate it yet you fail to listen08:37
sayurikhermans, i asked you a question of where to put the line08:37
khermanssayuri, use the blacklists or rc.local08:37
sayuribut you didnt listen08:37
sayurii asked you "before the exit0?"08:37
khermanssayuri, when asking questions -- always prepend the targets name08:38
khermanssayuri, in your question to me, you didnt ask me ... you asked the channel08:38
sayuriyou have to understand i dont know all the stuff behind linux or irc08:38
khermanssayuri, thats fine --08:39
khermanssayuri, see how when i prepend your name the colors light up?08:39
sayuribut yeah, just tell me, before or after exit0?08:39
khermanssayuri, if you use a normal client08:39
khermanssayuri, yes08:39
R0xCan anyone help with grub boot menu?08:39
sayuriim using xchat08:39
khermanssayuri, you can also add to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf08:40
sayurii tried doing that before and it didnt work08:40
khermansR0x, ya08:40
R0xI can't see it anymore, after installing windows08:40
khermanssayuri, you have to say "blacklist <modnamehere>08:40
khermansR0x, sudo grub --reinstall /dev/sda08:40
sayurikhermans : it would be blacklist uvcvideo?08:41
R0xwait I show u08:41
khermansR0x, sudo grub-install /dev/sda08:41
R0xbecause I did it and it showed an error08:41
khermanssayuri, yes, if in the blacklist file08:41
Purpleysigh genius you basically killed the gui08:41
sayurikhermans : blacklist.conf?08:41
khermanssayuri, ya08:41
R0xone moment08:42
khermanssayuri, echo 'blacklist uvcvideo | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf'08:42
khermanssayuri, echo 'blacklist uvcvideo' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf08:42
khermansPurpley, that was the point, to reset your settings so you could autodetect your cards and follow the howtos08:43
R0xgrub> setup (hd0)08:43
R0x Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes08:43
R0x Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes08:43
R0x Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes08:43
R0x Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"...  17 sectors are embedded.08:43
FloodBot3R0x: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
sayurikhermans : i added the line to the blacklist.conf and rebooting08:43
khermanssayuri, k08:44
khermansR0x, looks good08:44
R0xyes, but I don't have a grub menu on comp. startup08:45
edhurubehey I am new to ubuntu.. i deleted a folder by mistake and i can't restore it from recycle bin.. what should i do08:46
R0xmaybe because of menu.lst failed ?08:46
peterzedhurube: restore from backup?08:47
NickRivershmm... can't connect to grid republic... anyone heard anything about it being down?08:47
edhurubepeterz : from recycle bin.. I can see the folder in recycle bin but i donno how to bring it back08:47
peterzedhurube: oh, it is in the bin? then simply move the thing back to where it used to be08:48
peterzedhurube: drag'n'drop should work08:48
nightbreezhi guys08:48
sayurikhermans, the blacklist did not work, but the rc.local did08:48
nightbreezcan somone help me with a sound problem?08:49
sayurione last thing. every time my linux connects to the wireless it keeps asking me for the keyring password08:50
sayurihow do i make it so the wireless app doesnt make the keyring keep popping up08:50
nightbreezclick always accept08:50
sayurino button labeled that08:51
sayuriit just says enter keyring password08:51
nightbreezafter you enter it does it pop up options?08:51
sayuritheres no such thing when i go to keyring and such under the admin08:51
arquebussayuri- click on the wireless icon and go to vpn connections08:51
nightbreezhmm wheni was doing my wireless i right clicked the icon went to wireless and clicked add08:51
nightbreezin edit connections08:52
nightbreezis that what you did?08:52
khermanssayuri, yeah that is for your crypto safe08:53
khermanssayuri, i bet you have autologin, right?08:53
sayuri_yeah, it didnt stop it from asking keyring08:55
sayuri_it's the /usr/bin/nm-applet that makes the keyring prompt open08:55
sayuri_theres a Deny and OK button and place where i enter password but no always allow08:55
nightbreezwhat version you running?08:56
sayuri_ubuntu 9.04, this is unusual, usually this really annoying problem doesnt happen08:56
sayuri_all my other 9.04 installs didnt have my wireless applet pop the keyring open every time i boot08:56
nightbreezwhat type of wireless card usb or pci slot?08:56
sayuri_in my laptop08:56
=== theatro is now known as thea-afk
sayuri_i just want to make the KeyRing stop asking for password for /usr/bin/nm-applet08:57
=== _Julian-de is now known as Julian-de
nightbreezok so let me see if i follow08:58
nightbreezyou can connect to the internet just fine but you have to enter a pass everytime?08:58
sayuri_drives me insane08:58
nightbreezok try this08:58
nightbreezrightclick the internet icon in upper right hand of screen08:59
nightbreezgo to "edit connections08:59
nightbreezclick on wireless tab tell me what you have in there08:59
hahahan /leave08:59
sayuri_i have the network i connect to in there08:59
nightbreezok click on it and click edit09:00
sayuri_its got a password in it, so it keeps making the keyring pop up09:00
nightbreezafter that click security tab09:00
nightbreezdo you know what type of security your wan uses?09:01
sayuri_yeah i already entered that stuff in09:01
sayuri_thats not the problem09:01
sayuri_just tell me how i can get KeyRing to stop asking for a password for /usr/bin/nm-applet09:01
sayuri_its not the network password09:01
sayuri_its the effen Keyring passwordf09:01
sayuri_it uses the password for the wireless network fine09:02
nightbreezok i was just checking09:02
sayuri_it's the "enter password to unlock KeyRing" password09:02
sayuri_i already told you what the problem was09:02
sayuri_i just want to get KeyRing to shut up, its like Vista all over again09:02
nightbreezi have no clue man mine doeant have a pass on it09:03
quibbler!enter | sayuri_  & nightbreez09:03
ubottusayuri_  & nightbreez: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:03
asqbreaking news:  bears really do shit in the woods09:04
sayuri_i didnt use the enter key09:04
asqmore news at 1109:04
Open-SoftHi everybody I need some help installing Nvidia driver for Ubuntu can someone help me out09:04
NickRiversasq, yeah, but they use charmin now... i've seen it on tv :D09:05
Open-SoftHi can someone help me please09:05
NickRiversOpen-Soft, what's the problem?09:05
v4vijayakumar!nvidia | Open-Soft09:06
ubottuOpen-Soft: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:06
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Lakobosis any one in?09:07
ikoniaLakobos: man people09:07
Lakobosi have a question09:07
MindVirus2Hello. What does alacarte do to change menus?09:08
MindVirus2Specifically what files does it modify?09:08
Lakoboswhen i enabled autorun using gconf editor, it doesnt seem to work09:08
Lakobosi inserted my usb and cd with auto run files and they did no seem to run09:08
ikoniaLakobos: what sort of auto run files ?09:09
MindVirus2Anyone know?09:10
abhifx<Open-Soft> just start synaptic and download the binary09:10
ikoniaMindVirus2: the menu's are held within gconf I believe09:10
MindVirus2ikonia: thanks. I'll check it out.09:11
Lakobosautorun. inf and autorun.sh09:11
ikoniaLakobos: the .inf file won't do anything, make sure autorun.sh  has execute permissions09:12
Lakobosit has09:12
MindVirus2ikonia: where would it be?09:12
ikoniawhere would what be ?09:12
ikoniaLakobos: can you run it manually ?09:12
Lakobosi chmoded it to 77709:12
ikoniawhat does it do ?09:12
Lakobosmanually has no problem09:12
Lakobosit runs a java file in my usb thumbdrive09:13
ikoniaLakobos: ahhh does it need anything like JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH set09:13
Lakoboswhen i ran the file normally it works09:13
ikoniaLakobos: yes, but you may have that set - check your env09:13
babbioi guys...i have installed a program with aptitude command...i would like to view the source code of the command....how can i know where are the source code files????09:13
Lakobosthe script managed to execute the file09:14
ikoniababbio: check out the source09:14
ikoniaLakobos: yes, but check you your env - it's probably already set09:14
ikoniaLakobos: (it may not be though)09:14
Lakoboshow to i check?09:14
babbioikonia: but i dont know where is the source code09:14
piotrjak w grubie dodac windows mam go na sda2 a ubuntu na sda1 nikt mi nie chce dac rady proszę może ktoś sie zlituje09:14
ikoniababbio: you've downloaded/installed the package, but you need to download the source package09:15
ikoniapiotr: English please09:15
ikonia!pl > piotr09:15
ubottupiotr, please see my private message09:15
babbioand how can i do that?09:15
ikoniababbio: sudo apt-get source $package_name09:15
abhifx<babbio> u need to diwnload the source files09:15
babbioikonia thank you very much09:15
sayuriok i fixed it. there's a bug in the KeyRing. you have to delete and remake the connection, and then log out and back in.09:16
sayuriit doesnt work if you hit Restart09:16
MindVirus2ikonia: you don't know?09:16
ikoniaMindVirus2: don't know what ?09:16
MindVirus2ikonia: where would it be?09:16
sayurionly if you log out and in again does it let you auto unlock keyring09:16
ikoniaMindVirus2: where what would be ?09:16
MindVirus2ikonia: where the menu config is.09:16
ikoniaMindVirus2: it's within gnconf I think09:17
ikoniaMindVirus2: it also works from xml09:17
MindVirus2ikonia: I know. :) Where, would you know?09:17
MindVirus2What XML files?09:17
ikoniaMindVirus2: I think gconf points at xml files for the menu layout, it's been a while since I played with it09:17
ikoniaMindVirus2: look at XMLDG_DATA options (I'll check that variable in a moment)09:18
MindVirus2Trying to find it. :)09:18
Lakobosok my env is configured correctly09:18
GhostWolfyhey i have a problem.. im trying to burn some videos through brasero and im using normal blank dvd's when i add the files and click burn its not letting me click on burn09:18
Lakobosthe autorun still works if i manually click it09:19
MindVirus2Couldn't find anything.09:19
ikoniaMindVirus2: gonf is massive you can't have looked in that time09:19
grawityikonia: by the way, at least GNOME with Nautilus does use autorun.inf (for the icon)09:19
MindVirus2ikonia: search.09:19
MindVirus2ikonia: I am on an SSD. :)09:20
ikoniagrawity: ahhh for the icon, but it won't do anything for auto run09:20
ikoniaMindVirus2: but you don't know what you're searching for09:20
GhostWolfydoes anyone know why i can't burn videos with brasero??09:20
GhostWolfyim using ubuntu 9.0409:20
MindVirus2ikonia: I searched for "xml" and "XML" in both the key name and data.09:20
ikoniaMindVirus2: the option is nothing to do with xml09:20
MindVirus2I figured there would be a .xml for an XML fille.09:21
ikoniaMindVirus2: no09:21
Lakobostried changing to .autorun still doesnt seem to work09:21
MindVirus2I see. Apologies then. What should I try to find, then?09:21
derwinis there a reverse of "backport" like "forwardport" where you build an older version of a package (f/e libusb-0.1-4 -12 one for intrepid) w/ jaunty, which has -13 ?09:22
MindVirus2derwin: "backport" means that packages from +1 are included, right?09:23
derwinMindVirus2: right, I am looking for packages from -109:23
ikoniaderwin: no such thing09:23
MindVirus2derwin: Couldn't help you; I never knew, though.09:24
derwinikonia: I am, again, deb/ubuntu novice.. is it similar to rpm with spec file and etc, could I just get the "spec" from the previous ver and "hack" it for the +1 ?09:24
MindVirus2ikonia: I see. Apologies then. What should I try to find, in that case?09:24
ikoniaderwin: yeah, not to dis-similar09:24
ikoniaMindVirus2: I don't know - I don't know all the options in gconf from memoery09:24
ikoniaMindVirus2: as I recall the environment variable was XDG_DATA_DIR09:25
GhostWolfythis is not good, asked a question and no one has helped me..09:25
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MindVirus2ikonia: OK. :D Thanks.09:25
grawityderwin: Maybe http://packages.ubuntu.com/ will be useful for you09:25
LakobosIkonia: i tries changing to the 3 types of autorun and it cant seem to work09:25
ikoniaLakobos: make sure you use absoulte paths and your env is set in the script09:26
MindVirus2ikonia: the environment variable is XDG_DATA_DIRS; but there aren't any specific dirs.09:26
ikoniaLakobos: the gnome-shell has a very limited default environmkent09:26
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derwingrawity: I already searched there and in google, thx?09:26
Lakobosthe jar file is in the root of my usb09:27
ikoniaMindVirus2: yes, but I can't remember them off the top of my head, use alacarte that's what it's there for09:27
Lakobosso my script is09:27
Lakobosjava -jar xxx.jar09:27
Myrtti!away > theatro09:27
ikoniaLakobos: so set the path and environment properly then09:27
ubottutheatro, please see my private message09:27
Lakobosthe path has no problem09:27
MindVirus2ikonia: alacarte messes up.09:27
ikoniaMindVirus2: it was XDG_CONFIG_DIRS09:28
grawityThe menu items are stored in /usr/share/applications/ and alacarte puts new versions to ~/.local/usr/share/applications/09:29
MindVirus2Sick!  Thanks.09:29
ikoniagrawity: perfect, thank you09:29
MindVirus2I am sorry to bother you so much ikonia.09:29
MindVirus2I hope you understand.09:29
MindVirus2grawity: it's .local/share/applications/ BTW.09:29
grawityAh, yeah09:30
grawityAnyway, the ~/.local/ ones will override system-wide ones (that's how alacarte can edit menus without root privs)09:30
MindVirus2Right, that's what I thought.09:30
MindVirus2I knew alacarte did some sneaky stuff.09:31
derwinall : for future reference, downgrading some packages works just fine - dpkg - warning: downgrading libusb-0.1-4 from 2:0.1.12-13 to 2:0.1.12-12.09:32
LakobosIkonia: What environment nad path should i set? the java file or java?09:32
ikoniaLakobos: depends what your java application needs, path to java is good, classpath or java_home may also be needed, look at what your shell has go=t09:33
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Lakobosi tierd excuting a script to run the autorun script and it works, so does it means that the path is ok?09:34
SkyNetMastergood day geeks, could you suggest a link for starting using linux with command line for tottaly newbie?09:35
panvplease, i am trying to burn audio CD using gnomebaker... i keep getting the following error. The plugin to handle a file of type audio/ogg is not installed.09:35
ikoniaLakobos: no - that means YOUR shell is ok09:36
MindVirus2I want to install the recommends to a package, but not all of them. How do I pick which ones not to include?09:37
grawityMindVirus2: Install them manually?09:37
MindVirus2grawity: it's a long list and I would rather not have them set to manually installed.09:38
MyrttiMindVirus2: doing cherrypicking of packages means - you are cherrypicking packages09:38
MindVirus2Myrtti: right...?09:38
quibblerSkyNetMaster-> start here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:39
MyrttiMindVirus2: "install them manually".09:39
SkyNetMastergrawity, thank you09:40
SkyNetMasterquibbler, thanks :) I was starting to get annoind with this new collegue :)09:40
MindVirus2Myrtti: :) OK.09:41
panvplease, i am trying to burn audio CD using gnomebaker... i keep getting the following error. The plugin to handle a file of type audio/ogg is not installed. please how do i install this plugin ???09:42
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:44
Dayofswordspanv, you need ogg it seems =p09:44
grawitypanv: Try installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-good09:45
ActionParsnip1ogg ftw09:45
grawityActionParsnip1: It will be ftw as soon as my SonyEricsson starts supporting it.09:45
Dayofswordsthat an mp3 player?09:45
ActionParsnip1grawity: my cowon iaudio laps it up09:46
LakobosIkonia: i set the full path of the java in the autorun script but it still dows not work09:46
panvi guess so Dayofswords09:46
grawityDayofswords: That a mobile phone09:46
panvit is installed grawity09:47
panvyet... i cannot burn ogg.09:47
ActionParsnip1panv: what app are you burning with?09:47
ActionParsnip1panv: sudo apt-get install mpg32109:48
ActionParsnip1!info mpg32109:48
ubottumpg321 (source: mpg321): mpg123 clone that doesn't use floating point. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 35 kB, installed size 132 kB09:48
ActionParsnip1panv: that according to http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-62902.html09:49
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panvActionParsnip1, i believe this is for mp3.. not ogg... lemmme try ti09:49
ActionParsnip1panv: have you install ubuntu-restricted-etras09:49
panvi will check that too...09:50
panvit's a fresh installation09:50
panvstill solving some problems..09:50
ActionParsnip1panv: install that package, it installs a lot of useful goodies09:51
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GuidMorrownot sure how it happened, but when I left this machine idle with audacious running the machine kernel panic'd09:51
panvi am installing it ActionParsnip109:51
AnxiousNuthello, anybody heard of Ubuntu developer week?09:52
GuidMorrowwhat happens in a kernel panic?09:52
rodimusyour nuts shrink09:52
AnxiousNuthello, anybody heard of Ubuntu developer week? im new to irc and i'd like to join09:53
ActionParsnip1!ot | AnxiousNut09:54
ubottuAnxiousNut: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:54
Lakobosany one has auto run problems?09:54
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: why the 'lol'?09:54
GuidMorrowauto run is for windows09:54
AnxiousNutk thanx09:54
Malekowhen we save rules in firestarter, does it actually save and convert those rules into iptables standard rules?09:54
Lakobosi mean autorunning a windows script09:54
Lakobossi mean bash09:55
Malekoany idea?09:55
grawityGuidMorrow: And for GNOME.09:55
GuidMorrowwhat are you saying?!09:55
Malekothere must be someone that is good with firewall stuff in here09:55
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: can yo ease up on the enter, key. not only do you sound out of breath but you are scrolling the channel09:55
Lakobosok sorry my typing is bad09:55
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: you can add it to the startup items using: System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab09:56
GuidMorrowso I had left my system idle, and when I came back all I saw was a blank screen with a blinking cursor on it, did it kernel panic09:57
MindVirus2Hello. Is kexec enabled in .28 or .31?09:57
grawityGuidMorrow: Try Ctrl-alt-F1 a few times.09:57
Malekowhen we save rules in firestarter, does it actually save and convert those rules into iptables standard rules?09:57
GuidMorrowis there a log to verify that stuff09:57
Lakobosi mean i need gnome to run a script in my usb when i plug it in09:57
MindVirus2GuidMorrow: a kernel panic is a different thing.09:57
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: install openssh-server   when the screen goes, ssh in to the system and run: dmesg09:57
Lakobosand i cant find the sessions under preferences09:58
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: its in those menus. I dont have my desktop viiable, but you will see startup items in those menus09:59
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: it may be under administration09:59
Lakobosok found it10:00
Lakobosso i just need to add the path of the script in my usb, so when i plug it it in it will run?10:01
Swotje tu nekdo cech10:02
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: yeah, it will thenrun when the gnome session starts10:02
Lakobosif i remove my usb and plug it in again will gnome still run the script in my usb?10:03
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: no, it will only try to run it when you first logon10:04
Swothello, please, anybody can explain me this ? http://www.trinitycore.info/w/Linux_Build_HOWTO#Configuration_of_Trinity_Core ? My english not very well10:04
GuidMorrowWHAT THE beeep10:04
Lakobosbut i need to excute the script in my usb whenver it is plugged in10:04
GuidMorrow!dangerous | grawity10:04
ubottugrawity: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!10:04
ysouynothere is no mplayer in add/remove applications of ubuntu, how can i get one10:04
ActionParsnip1ysouyno: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mplayer10:05
lstarnesGuidMorrow: ctrl+alt+f1 switches you to tty110:05
grawityGuidMorrow: What the beeping hell?10:05
GuidMorrowwhat does that one10:05
lstarnesGuidMorrow: you can switch back to X with ctrl+alt+f710:05
ysouynoi'll try thx10:05
ActionParsnip1Lakobos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120241310:06
GuidMorrowwell as soon as I pressed it I thought I engineered a kernel panic10:06
MyrttiGuidMorrow: whut?10:06
GuidMorrowwhat is "X" anyway10:07
lstarnesGuidMorrow: the windowing system10:08
lstarnesGuidMorrow: it manages the graphical display10:08
Lakobosok thanks i'll go take a look10:09
ChanibaLHi, having a problem with my wifi, cannot set it with the console utils but can through the gnome applet. The console utils throw errors for set mode (8b06), set encode (8b2a). Using the gnome applet is not the solution.10:09
GuidMorrowwell, how do you get back into the gui10:09
ActionParsnip1!X | GuidMorrow10:09
ubottuGuidMorrow: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:09
lstarnesGuidMorrow: it's also known as X11.  ubuntu uses Xorg as its X server10:09
lstarnesGuidMorrow: ctrl+alt+f710:09
grawityGuidMorrow: X is usually running on Ctrl-Alt-F7, the seventh console.10:09
sheetal_286hi every one10:10
Morteza_KHi everyone,after an update 'Broadcom STA wireless Driver' is gone from 'Hardware Drivers'!anyone know why ?and how to fix it?10:10
* grawity downgrades sheetal_286 to sheetal_808610:10
ChanibaLAny ideas what to do with this? Googled a few things (like set mode to managed or speed to auto) and it didn't work, network card is atheros ar242x (hp g60-458 laptop)10:10
GuidMorrowis GNOME and X the same thing10:10
grawityGuidMorrow: GNOME is the desktop environment. It uses X to draw the panels, icons and so on.10:11
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: no, X is the base and gnome runs ontop of that10:11
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ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: then the window manager runs on top of that, metacity is defualt or you can run compiz for example10:11
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity10:12
ActionParsnip1!info metacity10:12
ubottumetacity (source: metacity): A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.25.144-0ubuntu2.1 (jaunty), package size 248 kB, installed size 680 kB10:12
grawityMetacity and Compiz are window managers: they draw the borders around windows, let you move a window around, and so on.10:12
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: kubuntu uses kde as the desktop and kwin as the window manager10:12
mattycozehey ppl; how do I totally format the HD ready for a fresh XP install (i'm in ubunut atm and just can't figure out another way of making a dualboot pc unless i clean install XP first!)10:12
GuidMorrowlol windows user10:12
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: the XP CD can do that10:12
Wolkeanyone an linux programm to watch ebay?10:12
grawitymattycoze: Boot from the XP install CD, use it to delete all partitions.10:13
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: if you want to TOTALLY format it then XP cd do that10:13
mattycozeActionParsnip1 actually it doesn't recognise my HD10:13
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: if you want to dual boot without losingthe current system/s you can resize the partitions10:13
mattycozeActionParsnip1 I've already done this.10:13
mattycozeand formatted it as NTFS10:13
mattycoze(using gparted with the liveCD10:13
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: then you will most likely have SATA HDDs and will need either a floppy with the driver on or to remaster your XP CD with the driver10:14
ChanibaLanyone with the wifi issue?10:14
GuidMorrowwhat kind of program enables all kind of effects like rotating to another workspace like a cube10:14
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: XP CDs dont have muc in the way of SATA drivers so you will need to give the installer the driver10:14
grawityGuidMorrow: Compiz.10:14
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mattycozeActionParsnip ahh fair enough; yeah I figured this might have something to do with it, but the problem is it's a laptop :p10:14
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz10:14
GuidMorrowjust how does that work10:14
mattycozeActioParsnip1 is there a way I can put the driver on a USB?10:15
chordoggGuidMorrow: i think you wanna install the compiz-settings-manager package10:15
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: each app window is used as a texture and manipulated as such so you can have lots of effects on them10:15
chordoggGuidMorrow: sorry, compizconfig-settings-manager10:15
grawitymattycoze: I doubt XP can use USB mass storage devices for that... you might try.10:15
ActionParsnip1mattycoze: then try a usb fdd or remaster the cd10:15
chordoggGuidMorrow: you can enable a lot of cool Compiz effects with that program that are hidden in Ubuntu10:15
ActionParsnip1chordogg: 'cool' is questionable10:16
grawityGuidMorrow: Compiz is a window manager, it is responsible for putting windows on your screen (and doing all the effects). CompizConfig-settings-manager is a program that allows editing Compiz settings and enabling effects.10:16
grawityActionParsnip1: Some of them are cool.10:16
GuidMorrowrestart required?10:16
grawityGuidMorrow: No.10:16
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: no, you dont ever have to restart unless you install a new kernel10:16
c1rcuitwhy is it that whenever i try to sudo apt-get something it says the package is not found?10:17
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: linux is designed to not be rebooted, unlike microsoft OSs that need a reboot after you move the mouse10:17
mattycozeActionParsnip1 grawity how does one remaster the CD?10:17
c1rcuitis there someway package manager could be blocked10:17
grawityActionParsnip1: Or a new driver. (Restarting X didn't work for nvidia)10:17
ActionParsnip1c1rcuit: sudo apt-get update    first10:17
grawitymattycoze: I think for XP, there's "nLite" or something10:17
ActionParsnip1grawity: works here...10:17
grawityc1rcuit: try sudo apt-get update10:17
ActionParsnip1c1rcuit: if you have synaptic open then apt-get et al will fail as you have locked the packages10:17
mattycozegrawity okay then i'll look into that.10:18
grawityActionParsnip1: But it won't say "package not found" when synaptic's running10:18
c1rcuitim updating now10:18
ActionParsnip1grawity: i'm covering all bases10:18
ActionParsnip1c1rcuit: that will lock the packages too10:18
c1rcuitim going to update and then try installign once again10:18
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ActionParsnip1mattycoze: for windows support ask in ##windows or #uuntu-offtopic as its offtopic here10:19
ActionParsnip1#ubuntu-offtopic  sorry10:19
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MyrttiActionParsnip1: #ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel... ;-)10:23
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ActionParsnip1Myrtti: they may hel pthough :D10:24
MyrttiActionParsnip1: more likely they wont.10:25
chordoggOut of curiousity, what is the significance of two pounds (##) in front of a channel name?10:25
grawitychordogg: It's just a part of Freenode channel naming rules.10:25
lstarneschordogg: see http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#channelnaming10:25
grawitychordogg: The primary namespace - single # - is reserved for officially registered projects.10:25
lstarneschordogg: #freenode is the most appropriate place for questions about freenode10:25
chordoggthanks grawity,lstarnes10:26
_Fauchi95_Hello! How can I submit a update of a package?10:26
_Fauchi95_If I had fix a problem10:27
ActionParsnip1_Fauchi95_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages10:27
newhavenpatriothey everyone :)10:28
_Fauchi95_ActionParsnip1, If I just update a package, too?10:28
ActionParsnip1_Fauchi95_: possibly. ive never done it tbh10:28
administrator__what is the equal application to RUN in windows10:29
grawityadministrator__: either Alt-F2, or Accessories -> Terminal10:29
_Fauchi95_ActionParsnip1, thanks. I've seen in the Ubuntu Developer Week this is a subject, too10:29
Lakobossorry i dc'ed so can i just use gnome to run my scripts in the usb?10:30
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greyhati want to disable the asking for passwords on wake up10:31
lostabeerhmm.. i wonder if small isv's will need cloud services10:32
administrator__grawity but Alt + f2 appears run prompt but when i type network address like \\dc\c$ its not work10:32
grawityadministrator__: First, Alt-F2 only opens programs.10:32
grawityadministrator__: Second, Linux uses / as the path separator -- not \10:32
grawityadministrator__: And third, try run'ing xdg-open smb://dc/c\$10:32
GuidMorrowbleah! I was hoping I'd have a rotating cube on my screen, not a partial 4-sided cube10:34
GuidMorrowmaybe my screen is too wide?10:34
grawitysubsystem request failed on channel 010:35
grawitypaste fail10:35
GuidMorrowruns up CPU time too, do I need this much graphics10:35
greyhatDisabling the asking for password when waking up from standby?10:36
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: how do you mean partial cube?10:37
dr4gHow can i see if i have a JDK installed on my system ?10:38
GuidMorrowthere is no top or bottom10:38
ActionParsnip1GuidMorrow: in ccsm you can enable cube caps10:38
ibanein order to disable the touchpad in lenovo x301 Ubuntu 9.0410:38
ActionParsnip1dr4g: spkg -l | grep -i jdk10:39
ActionParsnip1oops   dpkg10:39
dr4ggreat thanks so dpkg -l shows all my loaded packages ?10:40
dr4ginstalled *10:40
dr4gand then we just grep it for the stuff we want ?10:40
ActionParsnip1dr4g: yes thats why we implement grep10:40
dr4gI'm trying to do this guys: Download one of the bundles to disk, set JAVA_HOME to the JDK you have installed on your system.10:41
dr4gIs there a JAVA_HOME variable on my bash stuff somewhere ?10:41
ActionParsnip1dr4g: you can see its value using: echo $JAVA_HOME10:42
ActionParsnip1!java | dr4g10:42
ubottudr4g: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:42
dr4gok. Doing sudo update-java-alternatives -l ......gives me...... java-6-openjdk 1061 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk10:44
mmo|Anyone know what I can do on a Zyxel P2602-HW router to modify port forwarding over telnet. My problem is that I cant access the router using the webinterface anymore...I know this is not very ubuntu related, but anyone where else I might ask the question?10:45
Dereckmmo|: reboot router, or reset it to defs (see manual how)10:45
mmo|Dereck: thanks, but I have some configuration set up that I would prefer not to erease. It must be possible to modify port forwarding options over telnet. My problem is that I accidently set up a port forwarding on port 80 so thats why I cant access the web interface. All I need to do is remove this forward.10:47
marko_is there a file where ubuntu stores network configuration?10:49
marko_i.e actual ip and netmask10:49
Dereckmmo|: telnet <router addr> and rtfm)10:49
grawitymarko_: Ubuntu uses NetworkManager, which (I think) uses gconf10:49
grawity!rtfm | Dereck10:49
ubottuDereck: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:49
lstarnesgrawity: none of its dependencies include gconf10:50
lstarnesgrawity: it does use dbus though10:50
lstarnesgrawity: and hal10:50
Q-FUNKhowdy! seeing as we don't use /etc/inittab on Ubuntu, where do I add extra terminals I expect to spawn when I'm booting?10:51
mmo|Dereck: he. Well thanks. I have telneted into the router. My problem is I dont know the commands...10:51
grawitymmo|: Try using the HTTP interface instead?10:51
grawitymmo|: If it has one.10:51
marko_is there a file in /etc i don t know where the actual net conf is stored?10:52
grawityQ-FUNK: I think Upstart uses /etc/event.d/10:52
lstarnesmarko_: check in /etc/network/10:52
mmo|grawity: my problem is that I cant access the http interface after setting up a port forward on port 80! :-)10:53
Dereckmmo|: see manual for it.. or reset router - it may be easier in your situation10:53
mariuscan somebody please help me with virtualbox?10:54
perscitusAnyone know how to fix my video issue ... No video is shown in any video files. Audio works. And no, it's not codec issue. it happens in any player, include videolan with builtin codecs.10:54
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vallhalla81hi there all i am having trouble getting my dvb-t device from Tevion to work i have googled for the last 2 days to no luck can any advise?10:54
Guest56979i am trying to get usb working in virtulabox but when mounting usb device virtualbox crashes. please help10:55
gajopis there a program that can display network traffic, in terms of which program is sending /receiving which amount of data, something similar to htop for process monitoring?10:55
nnullwhich version of vbox Guest56979 ?10:55
mmo|Dereck: yeah maybe I have to...10:55
nnullI had a similar problem i never solved, being able to boot from a usb device10:55
perscitusAnyone know how to fix my video issue ... No video is shown in any video files. Audio works. And no, it's not codec issue. it happens in any player, include videolan with builtin codecs.10:56
Guest56979nnull: 3.04 the latest10:56
nnullGuest56979→ Yeah same..10:56
homyHow can I create a text file with the contents of a directory, like "bla.txt\nfolder/file1.txt\nfolder/file2.txt"? With ls?10:56
nnullGuest56979→ Be interested to know if you find an answer to this Guest5697910:57
Guest56979nnull: :) i guess it'a a bug10:57
perscitusCan someone help?10:58
paradonhomy: find . -type f >list.txt10:58
perscitusAnyone know how to fix my video issue ... No video is shown in any video files. Audio works. And no, it's not codec issue. it happens in any player, include videolan with builtin codecs.10:59
Xtevenhi, can anyone tell me if JeOS (minimal server install) is available on the ubuntu server 9.04 i386 iso ? because when I press F4, it only has "Normal" mode10:59
homyparadon: thanks10:59
smn_Hey guys and chicks :) I got a ASUS laptop and having some trouble making the > key to acctually print the > sybol when writing. the preferences of layout dont manage to include the symbol. Any way to assign the key the right symbol in ubuntu? like the windows has that keymap tihngy?11:00
Guest56979nnull: do you know if i can use a device (PCI E) through virtualbox?11:00
perscitusAnyone know how to fix my video issue ... No video is shown in any video files. Audio works. And no, it's not codec issue. it happens in any player, include videolan with builtin codecs.11:00
Guest56979nnull: it's really frustrating, i have 2 tv tuners and none of them are working in ubuntu11:01
Xtevenhmm ok, seems I nened the alternate iso11:01
smn_perscitus you enabled the vieop driver? in admin - hardrive drivers? menu11:02
nnullGuest56979→ You can run into problems trying to run special hardware (eg cap cards) in virtualization :(11:02
perscitussmn_.->  That doesnt apply here. since i use drivers directly from driver owner.11:02
=== Aegil_ is now known as Aegil
nnullGuest56979→ Maybe you want to try another VM, KM , vmware, xen etc11:04
smn_perscitus i think you still need to enable the graphic card trough the ubuntu admin thing11:04
perscitussmn_.->  Nope. thats just to install drivers.11:04
smn_perscitus cant help you more then :)11:05
nnullGuest56979→ VMware has good support for those sorts of things, and you can boot from a usb im quite sure.11:05
nnullProbably can in vbox too, just don't know how heh ;)11:05
=== odder_ is now known as odder
smn_Hey guys and chicks :) I got a ASUS laptop and having some trouble making the > key to acctually print the > sybol when writing. the preferences of layout dont manage to include the symbol. Any way to assign the key the right symbol in ubuntu? like the windows has that keymap tihngy?11:05
perscitussmn_.-> Stupid Glonal menu gnome screwed up my video viewing ability11:05
Guest56979nnull: ok, i'll try vmware. is there a free edition?11:06
perscitusLooks like i have to reinstall ubuntu again due to buggy OSS software if no one can help11:06
nnullGuest56979→ Yeah there is afaik, haven't used it myself, use kvm / xen more11:07
tPl0chhi, I have a problem with samba in ubuntu 9.04. Normally mounting Windows shares in 8.04 was absolutely no problem and worked out of the box. Now I get an error that there is no response from the server (which is defo running). Anybody knows this problem?11:07
nnullGuest56979→ #vbox , #vmware11:07
hydraAnyone got any tip on reseting vlc settings, change to a skin that crached. reinstalling all components of vlc dont work11:07
erUSULperscitus: are you using desktop effects ?11:07
perscituserUSUL.->  yes.11:07
homyhow can I merge two folders on the command line?11:08
erUSULperscitus: and the problem persist if you disable them ?11:08
tPl0chhomy: mv folder1/* folder2/11:08
erUSULhomy: merge ? using grsync (a gui to rsync)11:09
perscituserUSUL.->  uh... perhaps global menu screwed with compiz in some way11:09
erUSULperscitus: global menu ?11:10
perscituserUSUL.->  It happened after i installed it11:10
udemonsis there a channel for hardware discussions?11:10
amerineseanyone have problems with SCIM, the multi-language input method, unable to start when Pidgin is running?  Actually Pidgin crashes it if it already is running11:11
erUSULudemons: #hardware11:11
smn_Hey guys and chicks :) I got a ASUS laptop and having some trouble making the > key to acctually print the > sybol when writing. the preferences of layout dont manage to include the symbol. Any way to assign the key the right symbol in ubuntu? like the windows has that keymap tihngy?11:13
* GuidMorrow gives himself a kernel panic11:16
_WildBill_Does anyone know what causes this on shutdown or reboot? http://imagebin.org/6183211:16
commander_guys i want firfox 3.5 but i don't want it be shiretoko or saying it11:16
grawitycommander_: http://ubuntuzilla.sf.net/ then.11:17
GuidMorrowwhat's that? it looks like a blue screen11:17
induscommander_: well,thats what it will be called11:17
induscommander_: of course you can edit in menu and rename it'11:17
induscommander_: right click on menu>edit menus>then properties11:18
induscommander_: but it will still say shiretoko when browser starts11:18
_WildBill_I think its the video drivers freaking out.  It happens right before the machine powers down. All the services and whatnot are stopped already11:18
induscommander_: that is in the code11:18
panvplease, i still cannot burn ogg files...11:19
panvif i burn using gnomebaker...11:19
panvit says audio/ogg plugin missing11:19
grawityAnd you still haven't tried Google, I guess :|11:19
panvi did..11:20
panvi just can't figure out which package i have to install11:20
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NarbeHhow can i start Remote Desktop via SSH ?11:22
Kitr88http://www.justin.tv/moviefreak88 <--- HQ MindBlowing Movies (Stream)11:22
panvgrawity, .. am converting my ogg files to mp3...11:22
panvbut i hate to do workarounds..11:22
NarbeHi just want to enable11:22
NarbeHhow can i enable Remote Desktop via SSH ?11:23
homyCan you make a checksum of directories? With md5sum you can only make checksums of files.11:24
Guest52301Hello all. I am having an issue xampp on ubuntu.  Hope someone can help.  I have xampp installed.  I can view it in the browser at http://localhost/xampp.  but when i try to enter the phpmyadmin section I get the following error. Wrong permissions on configuration file, should not be world writable!  Any help would be great. thanks11:25
NarbeHGot it. it's rdesktop :) thq11:27
panvgrawity, it has worked with mp311:27
metatagglexr, hi11:28
lexrit is pretty quiet here :)11:29
zebaztianhow do you kill an app from the terminal without the pid?11:29
grawityzebaztian: 1) Get the pid.11:29
erUSULGuest52301:  Wrong permissions <<< fix those permissions. is all the help i can offer for an unsupported third party app11:29
erUSULzebaztian: killall appname ?11:30
muellizebaztian: pkill $appname11:30
grawityerUSUL: We should have http://xkcd.com/627/ in topic11:30
zebaztianmueli, with the $ sign?11:30
grawityzebaztian: No11:30
muellizebaztian: to get the PID, I use ps aux | grep $name or pgrep.11:30
Guest52301erUSUL thanks will try that11:31
muellizebaztian: nope. I'm sorry. That $ sign was supposed to indicate a variable for you to fill out ;-) ...11:31
Slurpeewhat is pgrep ?11:31
muelliSlurpee: a program grepping for processes and returning the PID :P11:31
zebaztianmueli, so if it's firefox it's ps aux | grep firefox pgrep ?11:31
Slurpeek, never saw it.11:31
Slurpeeps aux | grep firefox11:31
grawityzebaztian: No, it's either 1) ps aux | grep firefox11:32
Slurpeekill -9 #11:32
grawityzebaztian: Or 2) pgrep firefox11:32
erUSULgrawity: very true X'D11:32
muellizebaztian: no. I'd do a ps aux | grep firefox11:32
muellizebaztian: but I never use the PID. I usually kill with "pkill" and give just the programs name.11:32
muellizebaztian: like pkill firefox11:32
zebaztianps aux | grep firefox vs. pgrep firefox11:32
zebaztianwhat's the dif11:32
erUSULzebaztian: keystrokes11:33
smn_Hey guys and chicks :) I got a ASUS laptop and having some trouble making the > key to acctually print the > sybol when writing. the preferences of layout dont manage to include the symbol. Any way to assign the key the right symbol in ubuntu? like the windows has that keymap tihngy?11:33
muellizebaztian: pgrep works with a stupid regular expresssion and not able to return multiple PIDs. Imagine you have multiple users logged on and multiple firefoxes running. You just want to kill *yours* but not the other firefoxes. I then use ps aux | grep  to find *my* firefox process.11:33
zebaztianerUSUL, how do you mean keystrokes?11:33
grawityzebaztian: pgrep firefox is shorter11:34
erUSULzebaztian: less keys to type. pgrep is 5 keys ps aux | grep is 10 keys to press ;P11:34
muellismn_: hm. sounds weird. The hard way would be use xmodmap, but I'd try to find out why ">" isn't printed in first place. You might want to use xev to further debug that11:34
lexrif it does exacty the same thing, go 4 the shorter one11:35
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muellierUSUL, grawity, lexr: It does not do the same thing. But it might work good enough in the most cases.11:35
zebaztiani have a problem11:36
zebaztianwhen i try to play a movie, an avi file11:36
zebaztianon dragon player or vlc11:36
zebaztianafter a while it gets stuck11:36
zebaztianand there's nothing i can do but reboot11:37
muelli!enter | zebaztian11:37
ubottuzebaztian: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:37
zebaztianwhat's the problem with that?11:37
lexrzebaztian, are you in kde?11:37
zebaztiani am in both kde and gnome, i switch every log time11:37
razonhi! after I had installed the netbookremix for jaunty, each new windows (for example firefox) opens in background, but I can use the newly opened windows (I can write in the google search field for example, but I can't see the firefox windows).11:37
zebaztianbut it happens in both, when i play with movie player totem or vlc or dragon player11:37
zebaztianafter a while it gets stuck the video11:37
zebaztianand then everything gets stucked11:37
lexrwhat gpu?11:38
lexryour graphics card11:38
lexrmaybe it is the drivers11:38
zebaztianso if i have the pid i can also use pkill and the pid?11:39
zebaztianlexr, how can i check what type of graphics card i have?11:39
muellizebaztian: nope. use "kill" to kill a pid.11:39
lexrtype lspci in terminal and look vor your card11:40
Radtoozebaztian: "hwinfo" / "lshw" / "lspci" are all good to display this.11:40
smn_muelli i googled the wev and xmodmap and it looks like chineese for me. im not an advanced user of ubuntu nor linux11:40
lexror that :)11:40
muellizebaztian: you can watch your /var/log/Xorg.0 to see what driver has been loaded. Or grep through "dmesg"  output to determine what the kernel has seen.11:40
smn_muelli any "easy11:40
lexrRadtoo, is more advanced user than me :)11:40
smn_muelli any "easyW way to assign a key a character?11:40
BodsdaHi, I am running 9.04 and I just tried to create a guest account with the name guest. A pop up appeared and said that an account called guest already exists.. I have never made this account and it does not apear in the user account list. How can I enable this account?11:41
muellismn_: hm. good question. If gnome-keyboard-properties doesn't offer a way, than I guess there is no "easy" way :-/11:41
razonhi! after I had installed the netbookremix for jaunty, each new windows (for example firefox) opens in background, but I can use the newly opened windows (I can write in the google search field for example, but I can't see the firefox windows).11:42
muellizebaztian: you can use lspci | grep VGA as well :)11:42
Radtoolexr: dunno, but you certainly weren't wrong either :P11:42
slugBodsda:   I dnt know but as a guess you could try sudo su guest      then passwd11:43
Morteza_Khi,after an update 'Broadcom STA wireless driver' disappeared from 'Hardware Drivers',anyone can help me?11:43
muellislug: that kills kittens :P sudo passwd guest works as well.11:43
zebaztianmuesli: http://pastebin.ca/154906611:43
Bodsdaslug: good point, cheers11:44
slugmuelli:  cheers,11:44
zebaztianmuesli, http://pastebin.ca/154906811:44
Alex-IT1hallo! sorry for my english! i've a problem to start teamviewer on wine11:46
iwobblesis it wrong to run kde apps in gnome ? they mostly seem to work fine in 9.04 ubuntu i dont understand the difference eh,,kde/gnome etc etc,,it all seems to work with a little work lol,,whats with dependencies for goodness sakes ?11:46
muelliiwobbles: nope. no problem11:46
iwobblesgood oh11:46
grawityGNOME apps usually use GTK+ for drawing all the buttons and controls.11:46
grawityKDE apps use Qt.11:46
grawityThat's pretty much the only difference you'll encounter.11:46
Morteza_Khi,after an update 'Broadcom STA wireless driver' disappeared from 'Hardware Drivers',anyone can help me?11:47
iwobblesahhh so thats the button issue ive been having in some apps lol11:47
zebaztianmuesli, how do i solve the problem?11:47
Vendredibandes de cons11:47
zebaztianmuesli, also, when i log onto youtube on konqueror, i get no image/video just sound, unlike firefox11:51
homyIs it possible to create a checksum of a whole directory instead of all its single files?11:51
homyI tried md5sum, but it won't create a checksum of directories.11:51
muellihm homy. What would be the usecase?11:52
Morteza_Khi,after an update 'Broadcom STA wireless driver' disappeared from 'Hardware Drivers',anyone can help me?11:52
muelliI mean it's not that trivial. Do you only check file contents? Or including filenames? Or with attributes? Probably with extended attributes?11:52
muelliMorteza_K: downgrade your driver and file a bug...11:52
homymuelli: I have a folder that I would like to burn on dvd as backup. And it would make sense to have a checksum of the folder. To simplify things, and allow easiest access, I don't want to tar everything.11:53
muellihomy: hm. I'm not aware of any program taking checksums of folders. But I know that brasero, for example, does take checksums and verifies it's burned CD.11:54
administrator__if there is an appllication like TASK MANAGER11:55
muelliadministrator__: yes11:55
administrator__what is it11:55
muelliadministrator__: gnome-system-monitor11:55
administrator__where can i find it11:55
muelliadministrator__: *shrug* I'd type it into a terminal. But you can use Alt+F2 as wel11:55
zebaztianmueli, how do i solve the problem?11:56
zebaztianmueli, http://pastebin.ca/154906811:56
muelliadministrator__: I find it unter Applications -> System -> System MOnitor... simple...11:56
simplexiohomy: somethng like this 'find ./|xargs md5sum >> /tmp/sum'11:56
zebaztianmueli: http://pastebin.ca/154906611:56
Tr1n_adminstistrator:  System->Preferences->System Monitor11:56
simplexiohomy: then 'find ./|xargs md5sum -t /tmp/md5sum'11:57
administrator__there is no system tab under applications11:57
Tr1n_administrator:  System>Administation>System Monitor11:57
wazzagadministrator__: system admin11:57
Ebonhandanyone know why ati ccc won't let me set up multiview?11:57
simplexiohomy: that is partial answer to problem. it seems that it dosent work right with my Maildir11:57
ibanein order to disable the touchpad in Lenovo x301 Ubuntu 9.04, what should be modified?11:57
homysimplexio: so there is no direct way of creating a checksum of a directory? It doesn't necessarily need to be md5, sha or something else is also ok.11:58
muelliibane: good question. I'd look for a suspicious looking file in /proc/ibm :) or somewhere buried in /sys/. Maybe the Thinkwiki has some tips.11:59
simplexiohomy: none that i know.. need to make md5sum from all files in path and then test11:59
homyok, thanks11:59
slughomy:  tar it up,  or use diff12:00
simplexiohomy: actually that works .. execpt when checking that all files are ok use 'md5sum -c md5sum.file |grep -vi 'OK$'12:01
smn_muelli can you try to point me in the correct direcction to find out of my charmapping problem? ive seen troguh the xev and xmodmap sites you gave me, but i have no clue on how to implement it.12:01
KYOhello, everyone. my sound card can not be distinguished after updating today.12:01
simplexiohomy: i think yyou get information if some file is missing too12:01
* XFA 12:01
seemawnwie krieg ichs hin, dass jeder user oder host auf meinen laufenden x-server kann?12:02
seemawnxwrapper-config steht schon auf anybody12:03
ubottuseemawn: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:03
seemawnTrijntje, sry I forgot that12:03
VizirovicsAllah akhbar brotha'z12:03
VizirovicsI am hungarian, not a tourist12:04
Trijntjeseemawn: no problem, just trying to help ;)12:04
VizirovicsTrijntje brotha ola12:04
VizirovicsHozsanna neked ogorek2 teso12:04
homysimplexio: its about 1200 files in a directory structure that would need to be checksumed12:04
homyIsn't that too much?12:04
seemawnHow can I confiture X that anybody can connect applications to the running x-server?12:04
seemawnI mean, sth like xhost + as standard-setting12:04
seemawnxwrapper-config is set to anybody12:05
legend2440ibane open system>preferences>mouse  is there a option there to uncheck touchpad?12:05
MyrttiVizirovics: do you have ubuntu support related questions?12:05
VizirovicsMyrtti brotha yes, I have!12:06
MyrttiVizirovics: do ask then12:06
VizirovicsMyrtti: Okay. My question the following: Where is the hungarian ubuntu support channel?12:07
Myrtti!hu | Vizirovics12:07
ubottuVizirovics: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál12:07
VizirovicsNo, ubuntu-hu does not working correctly, because on this channel some fool bycicle fan guy...12:08
Vizirovicsplease check the topic of #ubuntu-hu12:08
MyrttiVizirovics: I don't see you on the channel?12:09
VizirovicsNo, I no on that channel12:10
bazhangVizirovics, please take chat elsewhere12:11
Vizirovicsbazhang brotha why?12:11
gnomefreakVizirovics: this is a support channel please read topic for more info12:11
bazhangVizirovics, here is ubuntu support only; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat12:12
VizirovicsI would like some support on hungarian language, because that chnnel not trusted!12:12
gnomefreakVizirovics: type /j #ubuntu-hu12:13
VizirovicsI have banned, please understand me brotha12:13
VizirovicsI am da tukskillah12:13
IdleOneVizirovics: what do you need help with in ubuntu?12:13
VizirovicsI wull use the slackware12:14
IdleOneok then12:14
Vizirovicsmost better than ubuntu12:14
IdleOnehave a nice day12:14
Vizirovicssame to you brotha12:14
koni have white pages randomly when i access webpages on my local webserver. when i refresh the page it works, sometimes after the first time, sometimes not. how would i go about finding the cause to this?12:17
Aegilkon: have you had a look through the apache logs?12:18
konAegil, the only odd thing i've seen is "Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) (internal dummy connection)" in the logs12:20
konthat i have never seen before12:20
grawityThose are used for mod_rewrite, I think.12:21
konahh ok12:21
=== Ph`AFK is now known as Ph`
artificialexithey all, i seem to have lost smart tab completion and colours in the terminal? any ideas?12:21
konartificialexit, do you use bash 4?12:21
hellohihii'm trying to configure synaptic to use a proxy server for downloading packages on my college wifi. the problem is that when i use the command "export http_proxy=http://username:password@address:port/" it doesnt work because my password (which i cannot change) contains the character '@'. please suggest something12:22
grawityartificialexit: You might have accidentially switched your shell from bash to sh.12:22
grawityartificialexit: Try 'exec bash'12:22
artificialexithow do i know if i use bash 4?12:22
grawityartificialexit: Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V will show you the version (if it's bash)12:22
artificialexitexec bash didnt do anything either12:22
chrisleesHi, I'm just running Update Manager to upgrade to Jaunty; the process seems to have stalled at "Preparing libthai0" - what can I do?12:23
grawityBut I'm using bash4 on Arch, it works just fine12:23
ftwwwhow up resolution x11 desctop under virtualbox7 anybody help plz ;)12:23
grawityartificialexit: Press Ctrl-X Ctrl-V, does it say anything?12:23
koni thought maybe the updated has fucked up something12:23
konah ok12:23
aalcazarhellohihi: Have you tried to scape that character?12:23
grawityartificialexit: So it's still bash. Try 'source ~/.profile' and see if that brings prompt back.12:23
grawityartificialexit: And 'source ~/.bashrc' too.12:23
artificialexitah i think i know what happened12:24
bazhangkon, watch the language please12:24
artificialexiti accidently ran rm -rf /home the other day thinking i was in a ssh server on another server12:24
artificialexitsome of the . files are missing12:25
x33amaybe you deleted your .bashrc12:25
Aegilkon: does it spend a long time loading before it gives you the white pages? or is it like instant?12:25
konAegil, instantly12:25
artificialexityea i restored most of the stuff but .bashrc and .profile is gone anyway to get it back?12:25
grawityartificialexit: sudo cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /etc/skel/.profile ~; sudo chown $USER ~/.bashrc ~/.profile12:26
grawityartificialexit: /etc/skel contains the "skeleton" profile, the same all new users get - so copy and chown.12:26
ug_tinkeranyone here got a Intuos4 working.. in buntu12:26
artificialexitgrawity: thanks heaps worked a treat12:27
chrisleesAnyone know how to recover from a stalled update?12:28
vigoI was attempting to set up a wireless connection, the D-Link 530 could not connect, it did on 8,04 with XP dual boot, but I suggested that Ubuntu be the only OS , is this a MadWifi setup or a ndiswrapper configuration , I have no idea how to do either. Any links would help so that I can e.mail them to self and pull up on the other one that does work with a hardline.12:28
Aegilkon: is it on all browsers or a specific one? Also, is it static pages or php? does the error_log show anything, and have you checked the syslog / tried restarting apache12:30
x33acan anyone recommend a feature rich, but fast terminal emulator. i love gnome-terminal, but it's a bit slow to start.12:30
grawityx33a: xterm, urxvt, xfce4-terminal, konsole (this one's from KDE)12:30
grawityx33a: Or just keep it always open.12:31
grawityAnd Ctrl-Shift-N for new windows.12:31
muellix33a: *shrug* nobody cares about startup times these days. With one open gnome-terminal you're done for the rest of your session. And due to suspend/hibernate a sessions lasts a couple of days or even weeks.12:31
x33ai have multiple terminals opened, though i have a hot key ctrl+`12:31
vigochrislees: I think stopping and starting could fetch or re-ping the FTP server, depends on a few things though, sometimes is just a failed to fetch , server error, that is a re-set Router or reboot thing, sorta.12:32
grawitymuelli: 1) I do, 256 MB RAM 2) suspend/hibernate doesn't work on my laptop12:32
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x33ai have heard some good things urxvt, any one likes it here?12:32
muelliyeah grawity. too bad. But I doubt you can run a modern GNOME desktop anyway.12:33
grawitymuelli: I can.12:33
vigox33a: VIM! or nano. there are many.12:33
grawitymuelli: Even with Compiz, for that matter. (I'm using Metacity on Arch Linux though)12:33
konAegil, it seems like it's a browser issue... thanks for your ideas, i probably wouldn't have checked in another browser for a while12:33
chrisleesvigo: It has retrieved all packages and has stalled when unpacking one of them12:34
muelligrawity: respect :)12:34
chrisleesvigo: I tried pressing Control-C but nothing happened12:34
vigochrislees: Purge the broken ones then fetch them again, wget or use Update manager, did you try that?12:35
chrisleesvigo: It's in the middle of a dist-upgrade in Update Manager12:35
chrisleesI'll try killing UM and starting it again12:36
grawitychrislees: Open Terminal, sudo -s, kill update manager, run apt-get dist-upgrade12:36
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Aegilkon: okay, cool. N12:36
vigochrislees: ahh, seems like a purge or fix , look at dh scripts, I had it bookmarked at sometime, google Debian Helper there is a Canonical page on that.12:37
chrisleesgrawity: Unable to lock the administration directory, is another process using it?12:37
Aegilkon: so its working fine in an alternative browser? fair enough, which were you using that was giving the errors12:37
grawitychrislees: Kill all instances of apt-get and dpkg too.12:37
x33atry pkill instead of kill12:38
chrisleesgrawity: I've killed dpkg (didn't have an apt-get instance running) but it's still appearing in ps aux as:12:38
konAegil, yep haven't experienced any white pages yet in another browser. the browser causing this was firefox, but using some addons.12:39
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chrisleesWhere's the dpkg lock file, is it safe to remove it and then try the dist-upgrade again?12:41
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ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.12:43
erUSUL!search dpkg12:43
ubottuFound: debconf, xconfig, apt, dpkg fix crash, debootstrap, aptlock, dpkg crash fix, adept-crash-fix, dpkg12:43
erUSUL!aptlock | chrislees12:43
ubottuchrislees: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:43
poetI just formated by external HD, but it seems that only root can write to it, any idea how to fix this?12:43
mnainespoet: CHMOD 664 (path to external drive)12:44
chrisleeserUSUL: Thanks, but it's still locked.12:45
ikoniapoet: what file system did you put on it12:45
chrisleesI think dpkg is a zombie12:45
poetikonia: ext312:45
ikoniapoet: use gksudo nautilus to set/change permissions if you are not confident on the command line12:46
lantiziaHey can I run something to watch what a program downloads over http?12:46
poetwell I did chmod and now it wont mount anymore, weird12:46
Myrttilantizia: iftop12:46
chrislees!dpkg fix crash12:46
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »12:46
lantiziaMyrtti, that doesn't seem to give me the path it's downloading from12:48
vigochrislees: erUSUL posted it well, here is a MAN page on it: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man1/dpkg.1.html12:49
=== feisar is now known as Guest96704
Guest96704Hi, I can not find the 'view' > 'Data sources' option in the Ubuntu version of openoffice. Anyone tell me where it is?12:50
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chrisleesI can't find anything regarding it in the man page for dpkg12:52
Guest96704chrislees: was that to me?12:52
chrisleesGuest96704: No sorry12:53
Guest96704chrislees: s'ok12:53
slugchrislees:   whats the problem?12:54
chrisleesThanks to vigo, erUSUL and others; I removed the dpkg lock file and it configured some more packages12:54
chrisleesslug: Dpkg became a zombie during a dist-upgrade, I removed the lock file and now I've got unmet dependencies12:56
vigochrislees: Always remember a backup of a stable system or the stable system is a good practice to follow before something goes wrong or gets jumbled up.12:58
RealKillazhi maybe not he correct place., but I dont where to ask this. Please advise which channel to go.12:58
mnainesRealKillaz: What's your question?12:59
chrisleesvigo: That sounds like the sort of advice that I would give, at times when I'm not messing around with my system without an OS backup12:59
RealKillazI want to know what the maximum ports (same port) you can open on a machine12:59
RealKillazfor example port 700112:59
grawityRealKillaz: A TCP port must be in the range of 1 - 6553513:00
RealKillazgrawity: that is not my questionb13:00
RealKillazone more time my question is how many connection can I open to a specific port  for example 700113:01
notwistRealKillaz: one program can use it anyway, dont think connections is limite13:01
grawityThat's not what you asked first -- but I don't think there is a limit for incoming connections.13:01
notwistRealKillaz: torrent programs for example have plenty of connections on only one port13:01
vigochrislees: a backup is always good advice, lawd knows I have messed some boxes up bad! THat is just advice or suggestion that I am unable to find a better solution for.13:01
RealKillaznotwist: well last time a certain application crashed and we think its due to alot of incoming connection on this port13:03
RealKillaznotwist: but can't proof this actually13:03
mnainesRealKillaz: Is it a server?13:03
HalitechRealKillaz, I think it would depend on the app accepting the incoming connections, Apache is designed to accept probably millions but others may only accept 113:04
RealKillaznotwist: there is not theoretical max on the amount of connection on a certian port?13:04
RealKillazmnaines: yup13:04
vigoRealKillaz: Log files should show it, and should also show what the error or good working order is.13:05
mnainesRealKillaz: Then you have a limit...Either a limit in bandwidth or a limit in the number of connections.  I know with most Windows server operating systems, they default to 10 connections and you need a license for each connection13:05
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RealKillazmnaines: ohh wait it's an application it's called jetty. it can be used as an embede web container/server13:06
chrisleesPhew the update is working again, libthai0 was waiting on a package to be manually configured13:06
RealKillazmaybe I should ask on the jetty forum13:06
mnainesRealKillaz: So its like Apache?13:06
RealKillazmnaines: well it's more for j2ee applications13:07
legend2440RealKillaz: or in channel  #jetty13:08
mnaineslegend2440: I just went in there...There's only about 10 users, and it doesn't appear to be very active13:08
RealKillazlegend2440: yup just did that13:08
ikoniaRealKillaz: http://www.mortbay.org/jetty/13:10
ikoniaRealKillaz: support resources on there13:10
ikoniaincluding the comercial support options13:10
vigoRealKillaz: Did you try the Yahoo groups?13:11
grozahello when i search for servers in open arena i find only one server i tried to change filters but in vane .what can i do?13:11
ikoniagroza: maybe only one server is active that is compatible with your client version13:12
vigoRealKillaz: I found this link: http://marc.info/?l=jboss-cvs-commits&m=104133636031279&w=213:12
Dr_Willisgroza:  :) not exactly an answer.. but 'QuakeLive' now works in linux. :)   If ya like that sort of game13:12
grozaikonia:and what should i do?13:12
ikoniagroza: contact the package mainterin or the server mainterins13:12
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ikoniamaintainers sorry13:12
Dr_Willisgroza:  be sure you are not searching the 'local lan' for games  perhaps.13:12
grozadr_willis:i am searching the internet not the lan13:13
vigoDr_Willis: I lub Quake-like games, MMORPG stuff?13:13
mnainesgroza: Do you have the most recent version of the game?13:13
grozadr_willis:could you give me a link please?13:13
grozamnaines:i dont know13:13
Dr_Willisproberly quakelive.com just a guess13:14
grozamnaines:there is an update or something?13:14
mnainesgroza: Tremulous is one of my favorites, and can be found through Synaptic13:14
grozamnaines:i downloaded it from synaptic it should get the last version itself13:14
ikoniagroza: that will be the latest ubuntu packaged version13:14
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grozathanks to all13:15
JohannesSM64is there a non-bloated msn client for linux?13:17
HalitechJohannesSM64, emesene is nice13:17
AegilHi, I'm trying to cut down a command I run "find /var/qmail/queue/ -type f -exec grep -l [someone@somewhere.com] {} \;"  the [someone@somewhere.com is variable everytime, does anyone know a way I could automate it so I could just name a script eg script user@domain.com so it would input that value inplace of [someone@somewhere.com] and run it?13:18
ikoniaJohannesSM64: amsn is fine13:18
pascal_JohannesSm64: Pidgin13:18
wazzagJohannesSM64: pidgin13:18
JohannesSM64all these 3 have bloat like dancing smileys, winks and nudges13:18
ikoniaJohannesSM64: ok, bittlebee13:18
pascal_pidgin hasn't dancing smylies13:18
ikoniaJohannesSM64: that's a text based client13:19
AegilI've automated most stuff so far using alias's but Im not sure the best way for automating something I need to pass a value to in the middle of it.13:19
WalexAegil: that is going to be quite slow too. Anyhow it is pretty easy to turn that into a script. There are many shell scripting tutorials and the first few pages of any will show you how to do what you want.13:19
Dr_WillisAegil:  time to read some bash scripting guides.. making  a script that takes an 'argument' is rather basic stuff.13:21
Dr_WillisAegil:  the 'advanced bash scripting guide' is a must read.13:21
smokebadgerhi im new to ubuntu , im trying to edid the gpodder config file  to a different drive can anyone help13:21
smokebadgeri need it on the drive /StorageXU/Podcasts13:21
smokebadgerbut i think i have the drive allocation wrong13:22
Halitechsmokebadger, do you want the actual config file there or is that where you want the podcasts to download to?13:22
smokebadgerthe drive is named StorageXU , the directory podcasts and i want the podcasts to dl there so i can access them from any of my OS13:23
AegilWalex: Okay, I'll take a look for some thanks.13:23
AegilDr_Willis: I'll go have a read of it, thanks for the pointer13:23
Halitechsmokebadger, where is StorageXU mounted?13:23
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  you could just make a link from where they are going to.. to that location you want. :) via use of 'ln -s'13:23
smokebadgerim not sure its a partition of the ubuntu /xppro drive13:24
smokebadgerim really new to all this sorry hehe13:24
smokebadgerits just in places as StorageXU13:25
Halitechsmokebadger, you need to know the mount point in order to point to the correct location13:25
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  its very likely thes some easier way to config that  then messing with its config files. Program has no gui/settings menus?13:26
KaiForcemy IBM ThinkCentre with integrated Intel graphics card is using the Vesa driver in xorg.conf - what is the process for switching to an Intel driver?13:26
smokebadgeryes but they dont work the faq tells you to edit the config file13:26
=== optimus_ is now known as optimus_p
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.13:26
smokebadgeris there a way i can list the drives in terminal13:27
optimus_pmachine is restarting?? any help?13:27
pascal_Kaiforce : try sudo jockey-gtk13:27
grawitysmokebadger: sudo blkid13:27
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* Zappo left the room (quit: Quit: ).13:28
* grawity left the room too.13:28
KaiForcepascal - thanks wilco13:28
* pascal_ takes Zappo and grawity back into the room13:28
smokebadgerits /dev/sda2  so i would change the config to /dev/sda2/Podcasts?13:28
* grawity ports pascal_ to C13:29
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Dr_Willissmokebadger:  no /dev/sda2 is the DEVICE name. not its mountpoint13:29
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  check 'mount' command to see where its mounted to13:29
pascal_C ?13:29
KaiForcepascal:  merely states "no proprietary drivers in use on this system." when i run sudo jockey-gtk13:29
IdleOneoptimus_p: machine is restarting?? any help? is like me saying my car wont start, any help?13:30
smokebadgerim trying to do a search for it =/13:30
TheStarLionhave a slight problem... ethernet interface has mysteriously stopped connecting to the router by cable. router is unchanged, cable connection unchanged, Ubuntu *says* it's connected, but conky's logging keeps says eth1: link up over and over, and no network or internet connection will work13:31
joaopintoTheStarLion, from the terminal type: ifconfig eth113:31
joaopintoassuming that is the expected device name13:32
TheStarLionjoaopinto: it is, what am I looking for in the results from it?13:32
grozahello ,when i play virus killer i have no sound why?13:32
smokebadgerthe list is /dev/sda2: UUID="6ED02F796BB3A8B5" LABEL="StorageXU" TYPE="ntfs"13:32
poetis it the default for external HDs to get mounted so only root can read them?13:32
joaopintoI assume you use dhcp, check if you got an IP setup on the interface, and it's up13:33
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  yes. /dev/sda2 is the device name. IT is most likely mounted to /media/StorageXU   check with the 'mount command' or just Look in the /media/ directory13:33
Dr_Willispoet:  depends on the filesystem and if you are taling about  the 'automounting' feature or not.13:33
TheStarLionjoaopinto: there's the rub - it says it's connected, with an IP address, but network and internet still aren't working13:33
poetyeah I'd like my external hd just to automount and appear in nautilus13:34
grozahello ,when i play virus killer i have no sound why?13:34
joaopintoTheStarLion, can you ping your router ?13:34
poetbut it does appear it gets automounded in /media/ just with root13:34
kockacukibreaking news: new distro: ubuntu vatican edition built in gratis pray-editor13:34
joaopinto!ot | kockacuki13:34
ubottukockacuki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:34
TheStarLionjoaopinto: no, well, can, but none of the pings return13:34
smokebadgeryes it appears to me /media , soo the command would be /media/StorageXU/Podcasts ?13:34
Dr_Willispoet:    if its ntfs/vfat - install/run the ntfs-config tool.  You never said what filesytem it is.13:34
poetsorry, it is ext313:34
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  the 'path' to the filesystem is /media/StorageXU13:35
grozahello ,when i play virus killer i have no sound why?13:35
Dr_Willispoet:  with ext2/3/4 you MUST be sure your file ownership/permissions are correct.13:35
joaopintoTheStarLion, check /var/log/dmesg for errors that could be related to the networking setup13:35
nibbler_TheStarLion: do you know for sure that the router is fine? used differnt network port, have another pc in the net that *can* ping the router?13:35
smokebadgerahh thank you , i come from the fat lazy windows drive system 9)13:35
kockacukiubotti mi a repedt fasz van?13:35
Dr_Willispoet:  and you may want to put a entry for  the filesystem  in /etc/fstab13:35
kockacukiubottu mi a repedt fasz van?13:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:35
IdleOne!english | kockacuki13:35
ubottukockacuki: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:35
TheStarLionnibbler_: Yes, because this laptop is connected to it the same way as the desktop pc with the issue13:35
poetDr_Willis: where should I check for that?13:35
poetwhat determines what permission the disk is mounted at13:36
Dr_Willispoet:  ls -al, same as you would for a internal drive. :)13:36
Dr_Willispoet:  for ext2/3/4 the filesystem rembers.. for ntfs/vfat its a mount option13:36
grozahello ,when i play virus killer i have no sound why?13:36
Dr_Willispoet:  thats a Big Differance btween how ntfs and linux native filesystems work13:36
Halitech!patience | groza13:36
ubottugroza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:36
smokebadgerand its working , thank you all very very much13:37
Dr_Willissmokebadger:  that directory/path wont be avail untill you login and access it - if you reboot.. Most likely13:37
nibbler_TheStarLion: did you change cable/switchport?13:37
grozaHalitech:my questions gets out of the windows and like that nobody can see it , thats why i keep repeat it13:37
Dr_Willisgroza:  not everyone has a short history buffer on screen...13:37
Dr_Willissome of us can see  quite a few lines. :)13:38
TheStarLionnibbler_: yes, tried both cables available, and all four ports on the router, all work perfectly on the laptop, just not the desktop pc13:38
IdleOnegroza: but in a channel like this your question will scroll away very quickly. please wait 10 minutes before repeating.13:38
smokebadgerIts stopped throwing up the error and it appears to be downloading , i just hope its in the right place hehe13:38
poetDr_Willis: do I just need to modify the /media/disk permissions how I want?13:38
poetand it will be the same after I restart13:38
Dr_Willispoet:  its  ext2/3/4 you modify them   with chown, and chmod13:38
poetyeah I made it part of the disk group and added myself to it13:39
s0u][ighthi guys, what's the X log out command?13:39
poetand then did chmod 77513:39
IdleOnegroza: try searching the forums for that game for help also13:39
TheStarLionjoaopinto: the dmesg log doesn't seem to say anything out of the ordinary about the network setup, nothing that wasn't there a few days ago13:39
Dr_Willispoet:  the files themeslefs can have their own permissions. and owner. the owner may be the issue. I nust chown everything to be owned by my one user. :)13:39
grozaIdleOne:i tried but all i get is sound problems with other apps13:39
poetDr_Willis: ok, that might be simplier.  thanks for the help :-)13:40
Dr_Willispoet:  and if you move that drive from one linux box to another.. you can have ownership issues13:40
poetgood point13:40
Dr_Willispoet:  thats why i add the users to every linux box i make in teh same order. :0 that way their UID's are the same13:40
poetalmost seams more convenient just to format it as windows haha13:40
poetnfs rather13:40
Dr_Willispoet:  depends on your needs.13:41
Dr_Willisntfs/vfat may show everything as executable.. which is an annoyance13:41
Dr_Willisand ext4 can be MUCh faster13:41
legend2440s0u][ight: do you mean   sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  ?13:41
linxehDr_Willis: why not install NIS or similar?13:41
s0u][ightlegend2440, a better thing: how do I enable ctrl-alt-backspace?13:42
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:42
linxehDr_Willis: or just create users with the command line tools, where you can specify the uid etc13:42
s0u][ightlegend2440, thanks13:42
yayohow can I add spanish accent support in ubuntu13:43
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notwistyayo: google "how to change language ubuntu"13:44
sebsebsebyayo: system > administration > langauge support13:44
Dr_Willislinxeh:  my  whole network has 3 users. :)  easire that i rember to add me, the wife, then the kids.. in that order. :)13:44
Crashbityayo: google "como cambiar idioma ubuntu"13:45
linxehthat isnt always foolproof, but ok :)13:45
yayoI don't want to change the language13:45
yayothe language is ok13:45
linxehyou should learn the "useradd" command I think :)13:45
yayoI want to be able to type a with an accent13:45
Crashbityayo: "tilde" ?13:46
bnovci have a linux device plugged into my linux desktop via usb. the device shows usb0 but the desktop does not. anyone know what steps i'd take to get it show on the desktop?13:46
yayoit's lie13:46
=== scrotus is now known as ventti
yayobut the ´13:46
Crashbityayo: àí13:46
yayogoes above the a13:46
yayoyea like the i13:47
yayohow do you add that13:47
Serendippoà , azerty ftw :)13:47
pascal_ê è é  < ?13:47
yayoI can't put that13:48
Crashbityayo: you can set the language locales13:48
pascal_i've sund dead keys on13:48
yayohow do I do that13:48
pascal_let me see.....13:48
Serendippoyayo, can't you form the ' or ` with alt gr? look at your keyboard.13:49
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N_i'm a beginner on ubuntu13:50
Serendippoyayo, sry then, i have azerty & don't know the qwerty layout & possibilities. overhere it's next to the m.13:50
pascal_yayo : sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup13:51
pascal_then choose deadkeys13:51
N_please how can i configure when i download a package?13:51
pascal_N_ i didn't understand your question ._.13:52
IdleOneN_: System > administration > Update Manager, then click on settings at bottm of the window13:52
milligan_I'm missing this file, liba52-0.7.4.so . How can I figure out what package to install to get it ?13:53
nisshh@milligan: google search the file name13:54
OzzahHi, can anyone help me compile hugin's align_image_stack? I'm using a guide, but my cmake command is spitting out weird errors that don't sound like dependency issues13:55
N_example, i can't know how configure the flash player on firefox to watch movies from youtube13:55
yayopascal_: it's not the console13:55
yayoin gnome programs13:56
IdleOne!flash | N_13:56
ubottuN_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:56
yayoI can't put the tilde13:56
N_only write !flash on terminal?13:56
N_i'll try13:56
IdleOneN_: read everything ubottu said13:57
IdleOne!hello | suresh_tech13:57
ubottusuresh_tech: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:57
suresh_techhii aaa13:57
N_what is bash?13:57
IdleOneN_: read everything ubottu said13:57
moos3can anyone help me with a open client configuration issue13:59
moos3for some reason i can't get my openvpn client to connect14:00
moos3i'm getting the following output http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=786683214:00
Ozzahdoes anybody know how to install Hugin's "align_image_stack" ???14:02
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
Crashbityayo: the locale command returns the locales you are using14:04
nibbler_moos3: Sat Aug 29 15:41:49 2009 script failed: could not execute external program  <-- i'd say your scripts are not complete, maybe add path to sleep, ifconfig etc.... something cant be found, or maybe they need to exit 114:04
cRTrn13hey all14:04
cRTrn13does anyone know how I can sniff my SATA traffic?14:04
cRTrn13am tring to look at a firmware upgrade and how it's working on my drive14:04
amcsihow do I load the User Panel?14:04
cRTrn13and would like to see the communication between OS and drive...14:05
minimecamcsi: gnome-panel ?14:05
cRTrn13any ideas?14:05
nibbler_cRTrn13: no idea on that... but maybe sniffing some iscsi traffic would be helpful enough?14:06
cRTrn13nibbler: any ideas how I could do that??14:06
nibbler_cRTrn13: setup iscsi and sniff your network with tcpdump, wireshark etc14:07
amcsito be more precise, the part of the gnome panel that lets me log out and stuff14:07
amcsion the very top-right side of Ubuntu 914:07
IdleOneamcsi: right click on the panel and then Add to panel14:08
amcsiI mean the drop-down menu14:08
amcsithat shows my username, and an icon showing whether I'm away14:09
cRTrn13nibbler: not running an iscsi deamon... I dont think it'll help - I have local communication with a local drive..14:09
Crashbityayo: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/utf-8.xml14:09
grawity_amcsi: fast user switch applet, if I recall correctly.14:09
moos3does anyone know how to make a tap0 from the command line14:10
=== grawity_ is now known as grawity
frank32سلام عليكم..14:12
frank32oh << HI14:12
pascal_:D hi14:12
robAnyone noticed that in 9.04 flash video in fullscreen is really slow / taxing?14:13
frank32okay,, new prblem with linux14:13
FloodBot3Gnuget`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
pascal_holy shit ?14:13
frank32stop damn14:13
amcsiyes, grawity_14:13
FloodBot3Gnuget`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
frank32I have new problem with linux14:13
frank32can you help me14:13
pascal_wich problem =)14:14
amcsiI think...14:14
FloodBot3Gnuget`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
IdleOnepascal_: what the language please14:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:14
FloodBot3Gnuget`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
frank32yeah,, F4L... mean flash for linux14:14
ikoniatoo slow14:14
frank32how to install it14:14
hattoricaca1pascal_ yes this is a catholic chan14:14
ikoniahattoricaca1: no it's not14:15
ikoniapascal_: ignore that - this channel is for ubuntu support14:15
elkyikonia, i can't help it if I'm more awesome than you.14:15
pascal_what did i say ? ?14:15
ikoniapascal_: nothing14:15
pascal_i never said anything OT14:15
ikoniapascal_: don't worry about it14:15
frank32f*** some one listen to me :@14:16
IdleOnepascal_: this is a family friendly channel and you used language that is not family friendly14:16
pascal_hö ?14:16
* Gnea looks oddly at hattoricaca1 14:16
ikoniafrank32: stop the language and someone may help you14:16
N_where can i find a list of opnesources softwares to connect on irc?14:16
pascal_Idle0ne: what did i wrong T_T14:16
Gnea!flash | frank3214:16
ubottufrank32: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:16
IdleOne!irc | N_14:16
ubottuN_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:16
ikoniaN_: open synaptic and search for irc - you'll get a list of available irc clients14:16
frank32nooooo not pleyer14:16
janhousecan I somehow hide menu bar in nautilus?14:16
robAnyone noticed that in 9.04 flash video in fullscreen is really slow / taxing? I had no problems with my previous install14:16
janhouseit is useless most of the timwe14:17
frank32not flash player14:17
pascal_Idle0ne: what did i wrong T_T14:17
grawityN_: Xchat and irssi are the most popular ones.14:17
ikoniafrank32: what do you want then14:17
Gneafrank32: then please, explain your problem.14:17
ikoniapascal_: I'll speak to you in pm14:17
IdleOneikonia: thank you14:17
frank32no English    bad in english14:17
frank32my problem14:17
IdleOnefrank32: what language you speak?14:18
frank32this one14:18
Gneafrank32: that's not a problem, it's a URL.14:18
frank32yeah see it14:18
frank32that program14:18
frank32how to install it14:18
Gnea!enter | frank3214:18
ubottufrank32: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:18
IdleOnefrank32: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:18
frank32I'm going there14:19
Gneafrank32: you download it, open it like you would any .tar.bz2 file, then read the README and INSTALL files14:19
sergiumihai<frank32> download the program and read readme to find how to install it14:19
frank32i DO ,, BUT IT NOT INSTA;;14:20
sergiumihaiit seems it is an win32 application14:20
Gneafrank32: we will not tolerate yelling via caps14:20
sergiumihai<frank32> yeah, there isn't14:21
ActiVisionI can't play mp3's in Rythembox or VLC14:21
Gnea!caps | frank3214:21
ubottufrank32: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:21
Gneafrank32: if you cannot control yourself, then you become a problem.14:21
KarmicActiVision: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu14:21
frank32i'M COOL14:21
Gneafrank32: then please, release your caps lock key to the lowercase side.14:22
pascal_Activision: did you downloaded mp3 plugin ?14:22
frank32like this??14:22
IdleOneGnea: I believe it is a language barrier. #ubuntu-arabic would be better suited to handle this14:22
murlidharhow do i install java-plugin for firefox ???14:22
GneaIdleOne: I'm inclined to agree.14:22
IdleOne!java | murlidhar14:22
ubottumurlidhar: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:22
erUSULmurlidhar: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin14:23
frank32Like this ?14:23
murlidharerUSUL: ty14:23
sickedguys is there someone of you who coul dhelp me with a hardware choice? i have to assemble a pc on my own but i don't know what to buy for it14:23
Gneafrank32: yeah. please just ask in #ubuntu-arabic, you're right, your english is not suited for this channel.14:23
ActiVisionI'll read those pages then14:23
pascal_Activision: open Video-player , then choose the mp3 file , usually it will ask to download the mp3 plugin14:23
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ActiVisionVideo player? You mean VLC?14:23
Rad059Hi all, look, a few months ago i was working on a desktop machine with ubuntu8.10, i'm a web designer and i have images and config files on ubuntu, but due a movility issues i've purchased a laptop hp compaq presario cq50 with windows XP, i removed the IDE HD from the desktop and i sold it because i don't need a desktop anymore, the problem is that i need my files from my old ubuntu HD, i got an enclosure media, but i can't find a program that reads the entir14:24
erUSULActiVision: just install ubuntu-restricted-extras that will "fix" most multimedia isuues14:24
erUSUL!ext3 | Rad05914:24
ubottuRad059: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org14:24
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pascal_Acitvision: Alt + F2  -> totem14:25
ActiVisioncant talk14:26
pascal_talk ?14:26
Rad059erUSUL: This may be useful if you have installed both Windows and Linux as a dual boot environment on your computer.14:27
ActiVisionno time now sorry14:28
pascal_ActiVision: ok :)14:28
Rad059i have aide HD with an enclosure (usb mode)14:28
maximehi all14:28
erUSULRad059: ? is a driver to access linux partitions from windows; exactly what you want to do14:28
Rad059yeah but it only works if you have a dual system on your machine14:29
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maximesomeone know how i can connect me to a dedibox in xubuntu ?14:29
erUSULRad059: it soes not matter how the partitions are accessed usb; scsi; ide or sata14:29
erUSULRad059: yeah but it only works if you have a dual system on your machine <<<< not true14:29
IdleOneRad059: you dont need to dual boot to access ntfs14:29
erUSULRad059: but hey! you seem to konw better; why you ask then?14:30
ActiVisionOk I installed it but can't test in now so I'll be back if it's not working14:31
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ActiVisionMaybe I can test it14:31
Guest13378please help: em28xx is for analog, analog+digital, digital tuner?14:31
yayoI did it14:31
yayoit was a matter of changing the keyboard14:31
yayono locale14:31
N_i install the package and don't wor...   o_o14:32
IdleOneN_: what package did you install? What does not work?14:32
N_i still can't seeing movies from youtube14:33
ActiVisionNo still not working, should i restart?14:33
Rad059erUSUL, i've tested some programs already, with no solution, i was thinking that i was wrong on proccedure, so thats wy i loggin here, to see if exist another possibilities..14:34
N_the terminal call me dunkie, said in my language something like, if dunkie terminal, you cannot do it   o_o14:34
erUSULRad059: the other option is to copy the files from a linux liveCD.14:34
Rad059i have my live cd14:35
Rad059i try to read the usb media14:35
IdleOneN_: what language?14:35
Rad059but i can't hehe...14:35
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:35
grawityN_: What exactly did it say14:35
Rad059probably, i need to mount the usb media partition or some..14:36
kiCan anyone tell me how to go to dpkg command?14:36
N_i'll go to ubuntu-br14:36
Rad059can u tellme erUSUL on pm ?14:36
N_thanks for the help14:36
erUSULRad059: #ubuntu-es14:36
grawityki: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal14:36
kioh thanks =D14:36
ActiVisionAudio is looping in VLC now14:38
ActiVisionNo more time goodbye14:38
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=== marius is now known as _marius
undercoverAnyone know where there's a complete guide for 8.04 ldap login client setup? I can only find partials and fixes14:42
_mariusi need help with winfast tb usb II deluxe14:43
_mariusi need help with winfast tb usb II deluxe tv tuner in jaunty14:43
Halitech_marius, does it show up in lsusb?14:43
Halitech_marius, have you tried tvtime?14:44
_mariusHalitech: yes14:44
_mariusHalitech: yes, i tryed tvtime. i also got image from svideo14:44
Halitech_marius, are you getting errors or just no video when trying to scan for channels?14:45
_mariusHalitech: i guess the problem is that i don't know witch value to choose for modprobe em28xx card=xx tuner=xx14:45
thinkertinkerhi my friend configured his laptop to conect internet via a proxy network(in a wi-fi network)but now he has direct connection..his Apt is not working ..PLease tell which .conf file was edited to set proxy for network..14:45
stercorWhat do I need to do to get .mp3 support in abcde and Grip?14:45
VizirovicsSchalom aleichem14:45
_mariusHalitech: just no image while scanning14:45
Vizirovicsubuntu equals with linuks for woman?14:46
erUSULstercor: install the lame cli encoder14:46
erUSUL!info lame14:46
ubottulame (source: lame): LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98-0.0 (jaunty), package size 213 kB, installed size 596 kB14:46
_mariusHalitech: i got image at a moment with xawtv but if i was trying to resise it crashed14:46
Vndmtrx!info ssh14:46
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB14:46
stercorWhat's the package name?14:46
Vizirovicsubottu csssh14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about csssh14:47
erUSULstercor: lame.14:47
Vizirovicsmagyarul : kuss14:47
leiraHi, Everyone. it seems I got my ext3 usb drive corrupted. I try to ls the files, got lots of files shows "No such file or directory"14:47
erUSULleira: have you fsck it ?14:47
felixhow to install an anti virus in ubuntu to scann windows, i tried with wine but doesnt work, any ideas please?14:47
leiraI used to detach this drive and attach to my nas, and found lots of14:47
erUSUL!va | felix14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about va14:47
erUSUL!av | felix14:47
ubottufelix: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:47
leiraand found lots of "no such file or directory" there14:48
Halitech_marius, never was good at figuring that out, I had to play with mine a lot and finally got rid of it14:48
erUSUL!info clamtk | felix14:48
ubottufelix: clamtk (source: clamtk): graphical front-end for ClamAV. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.08-1 (jaunty), package size 98 kB, installed size 592 kB14:48
felixthank ubottu14:48
leiraerUSUL: yes, I tried, and it ran well, no any errors reported14:48
erUSULleira: :114:48
_mariusHalitech: i also bought another one but that is also not working. it's really frustrating14:48
leiraI the reattach this drive back to my PC, then moved these files to another directory, the go to my NAS, and moved these files back to the original directory14:49
Halitech_marius, tvtuning seems to be an area where we are lagging compared to windows, least in my experience :(14:49
thinkertinkerhi my friend configured his laptop to conect internet via a proxy network(in a wi-fi network)but now he has direct connection..his Apt is not working ..PLease tell which .conf file was edited to set proxy for network..14:49
leirait seemed work well, but this time I found there were still lots files "no such file or directory" even with just ls14:50
_mariusHalitech: i also tried to install windows in virtualbox and use it there but is also not working14:50
GREENTOADCan anyone help me out with Linux permissions?14:50
GREENTOADI'm running a Linux LAMP stack14:50
GREENTOADwith Samba14:50
leirathe I reattached back to PC, worse, My PC found lots of files "no such file or directory" too!14:50
leiraand most of them are the same on NAS14:51
Halitech_marius, I know there is something about the address that shows in lsusb that you use to determine the address for modprobe but I don't know how to figure it out14:51
leirait means I couldn'14:51
leirait means I couldn't use the old trick now~14:51
felixubottu , yes i know but is not for linux is for windows partitions14:51
GREENTOADI changed the user/group of /var/www to www-data14:51
leiraerUSUL: what do u mean?14:51
erUSULthinkertinker: System>Preferences>Network Proxy ? System>Preferences>Network configuration ?14:51
GREENTOADnow I can't access my Samba share14:51
GREENTOADI changed the user/group of /var/www to www-data, now I can't access my Samba shares through my windows clients, I can SEE them but I can't open them. Permission denied :(14:51
erUSULleira: that if fsck is not showing errors i dunno what it may be the problem. without symptons is difficult to diagnose a problem ....14:52
leiraerUSUL: yes, I know, but is there any direction I can go14:52
_mariusi need help with winfast tb usb II deluxe tv tuner in jaunty14:52
thinkertinkerhow to configure proxy settings for internet?using terminal??14:52
leiraor, is there any stronger fsck arguments I can use?14:53
erUSULleira: reformat ?14:53
_mariusanyone got it working?14:53
GREENTOADI changed the user/group of /var/www to www-data, now I can't access my Samba shares through my windows clients, I can SEE them but I can't open them. Permission denied :( Anyone have a clue how to fix this?14:53
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leiraerUSUL: WOW, well I did have a nother copy on another USB drive, which i was saving for another use, but to copy so many files will take a whole night14:53
leiraerUSUL: and the problems is not all the files have this issue, only some of them~14:54
leiraand when I df, it obviously all these files consuming the disk~14:54
erUSULleira: maybe the disk is (physically) damaged on that particular place ? used the -c to fsck to mark badblocks ?14:55
leirathey are there, just can't be read~14:55
leiragood, I will give it a try~14:55
erUSULleira: man e2fsck14:55
erUSUL!hi | Kottizen14:56
ubottuKottizen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:56
leiraerUSUL:  how about -D?14:56
Rad059gracias a todos/tnks to all14:56
KottizenerUSUL: thanks14:56
GREENTOADI changed the user/group of /var/www to www-data, now I can't access my Samba shares through my windows clients, I can SEE them but I can't open them. Permission denied :( Anyone have a clue how to fix this?14:56
thinkertinkererUSUL but he has configured them by editing some .conf file doesn't remember which..his firefox is connected but not other applications14:56
B_Lixhi everyone14:56
=== sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy
pascal_Greentoad : sudo ^^14:57
GREENTOADSudo what?14:57
GREENTOADI issued a sudo chmod 77514:57
GREENTOADI issued a sudo chmod 775 -R /var/www14:57
GREENTOADbut still no result.14:57
erUSULthinkertinker: ahhh ok then it should be /etc/apt/apt.conf or something in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*14:57
GREENTOADI issued a chwon and chgrp to www-data14:58
plovshi guys! i forgot the name of an app that you can use to stitch 3 screenshots together at a slight angle and with a dropshadow14:58
Tr1n_GREENTOAD:  you chown'd /var/www?14:58
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GREENTOADbad call?14:58
GREENTOADthis is my first LAMP server..14:58
Tr1n_GREENTOAD: yeah...14:59
GREENTOADWell, what should the default user be14:59
geniiGREENTOAD: Why are your samba shares in /var/www ?14:59
GREENTOADbecause our web developer accesses it remotely14:59
_mariusi need help with winfast tb usb II deluxe tv tuner in jaunty. anyone got it working?14:59
erUSULleira: is a option not to fix but to optimize things. i would use it at some other time in the fuure when the partition is trouble free14:59
GREENTOADI have two samba shares, one in /var/sambashare (that I created) and one in /var/www14:59
aubre_why doesn't your web developer use SCP15:00
GREENTOADI don't know, its just easier this way15:00
geniiGREENTOAD: You should put an option then to the smb.conf file to map users to www-data15:00
GREENTOADthats a good idea15:00
Kottizenhi Cuppa15:00
GREENTOADbut www-data is just apache215:00
GREENTOADtheo nly people who access this server from the inside is from my private network15:00
thinkertinkererUSUL we had to authenticate via a wi fi network so he added his username and password too in that file.. any new guesses??15:01
GREENTOADthen can't people from the outside acess my samba shares?15:01
GREENTOADwww-data is an Apache2 user.15:01
CuppaI've been having trouble getting my system to recognise USB, and can't find anything useful on google.. could anyone tell me where to look please?15:01
G_A_CGREENTOAD: you could also edit your samba configuration to only accept connections from your private LAN addresses15:02
GREENTOADah I see15:02
GREENTOADDo you have any tips or a URL i can reference from?15:02
GREENTOADI've only edited my smb.conf file to add and remove shares15:02
amcsithe fast user switcher applet has been moved outside of the right area of the upper panel in GNOME. How do I move it back to the right of the clock?15:02
G_A_CI forget how it works, you can either limit it by interface (if you have separate inside/outside network cards) or only allow certain IPs if you are using only one network card15:02
erUSULthinkertinker: ... wpa_supplicant.conf ? /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf ? dunno...15:03
hahahanCuppa: What kind of usb device?15:03
GREENTOADI can limit it by IP's15:03
dwatkinsIP's what?15:03
G_A_CGREENTOAD: I believe "host allow =" or similar would work15:03
GREENTOADah Thanks G_A_C15:03
G_A_Cin the [global] part of your samba config15:03
GREENTOADso would this fix the permission denied problem?15:03
G_A_Ctry "man smb.conf" or something though to check, I haven't used samba in a good while15:03
GREENTOADshould I change tyhe owner of /var/www15:03
GREENTOADback to the user15:03
GREENTOADbecause right now www-data owns /var/www15:04
G_A_Cno, but that would make sure that no one from outside your network would be able to access the Samba share15:04
GREENTOADits the only way I got around the fopen() function permission problem15:04
bunnyhow do i make an extended partition from the partitioner in the server-edition installer?15:04
adantehi guys, what is the easiest, most no nonsense way of getting a WORKING version of flash on my system which will play flash smoothly and  without using 100% of my e8400 cpu?15:04
bunnythere doesn't seem to be any menu items for it15:04
bunnyadante: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:05
erUSULbunny: maybe there is one already on the disk ?15:05
adantebunny: ok i have that version and it uses 100% cpu and doesn't play flash smoothly - i should note this system can play h264 and opengl games without problems so i'm fairly sure this is not a x specific problem15:06
bunnyerUSUL: no, this is after creating a fresh partition table15:06
erUSULbunny: it should be partiton new (if there is unallocatd space of course)15:06
GREENTOADOK well thanks15:06
bunnyperhaps its a bug?15:06
jt1234I have 2 screens.  I need to be able to control which screen a program appears on with the DISPLAY variable (launching from command line).  This isn't working - I think due to desktop spanning.  How can I turn spanning off?15:07
CuppaOr if anyone knows how to get the system to recognise USB?15:07
bunnyerUSUL: it's a 40 GB HDD, with nothing on it15:07
erUSULbunny: Partition>New (Crtl + N)15:07
grawityjt1234: If those 2 screens share a single X.org session, then they will share a single DISPLAY too, I think.15:07
hahahanCuppa: What kind of usb device?15:08
[t0rc]I need suggestions for excellent, lightweight, code editing applications (like Geany or something similar with syntax highlighting but like Eclipse)15:08
bunnyerUSUL: this is from a livedisc of ubuntu-8.04.3-server-i386.iso15:08
erUSUL[t0rc]: like eclipse in what regard ?15:09
bunnyerUSUL: I select "English", "install ubuntu server", then go through all the steps until I get to partitioning15:09
erUSULbunny: ahh ok so is the partitioner that shows up during install15:09
bunnyerUSUL: yeah, exactly15:09
[t0rc]erUSUL, my apologies - not like eclipse (no "intellisense", etc.)15:09
richm4nCreating a bootable USB key but ubunut.com downloads .img file not .iso. Can you help me?15:10
[t0rc]sounds like he should wipe the drive with something else before trying the install eh?15:10
bunnyerUSUL: I actually /create a new partition table/ by selecting the device itself and pressing [enter]15:10
erUSUL[t0rc]: any editor for linux has syntax higlight even nano gedit scite there is allways vim an emacs15:10
[t0rc]richm4n, use ubuntu.com instead of ubunut.com  :P     The site has always let me download a *.iso. Try a different mirror perhaps?15:11
bunnyerUSUL: that works just fine, but then when I go to select the unpartitioned space to create a new partition in it and choose "logical", it just creates a regular primary partition15:11
erUSULrichm4n: maybe is an image you can directly dd to the usb15:11
bunnyi feel like its got to be a bug15:11
akrovatishey ubuntu world15:12
akrovatisi am from greece15:12
richm4nt0rc:  thanks. Yeh, I meant ubuntu. I picked the canonical mirror. Jus try anothr.15:12
erUSULrichm4n: sudo dd if=file.img of=/dev/sdx15:12
deany!img | richm4n15:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img15:12
akrovatisand i am searching for greek servers15:12
deanyteah, what erUSUL said.15:12
akrovatishow can i find them?15:12
erUSULbunny: could be; just partition the disk with gparted before doing the install. then during install just enter the desired mount points15:13
deanyrichm4n, the img is netbook remix btw15:13
baldjoin #seam15:13
bunnyerUSUL: the problem is, the machine seems to be incompatible with X15:13
rain_is there any system wide equalizer for ubuntu 9.04?15:13
mnainesakrovatis: Try #ubuntu-gr15:13
richm4nerUSUL: thx. I'll look up dd!15:14
zkis it possible to upgrade from LTS to LTS?15:14
erUSULbunny: use parted from cli (or cfdisk or fdisk ...)15:14
erUSULzk: yes; is a feature that should work 6.06 --> 8.0415:14
mnaines!gr | akrovatis15:14
ubottuakrovatis: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:14
akrovatis<mnaines> just write this in server window?15:14
erUSULrain_: no15:14
zkerUSUL, nice thanks!15:15
g0tchais there a way to update from 7.10 to the latest version without losing my websites and dns server configuration and so on?15:15
bunnyerUSUL: parted is the one with like a shell-interface, right?15:15
pranavIs there a way ignoring "character-case" in find command ?15:15
rain_then windows xp > ubuntu15:15
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erUSULbunny: yes15:15
pranavhow ?15:16
bunnyerUSUL: okay, i think i know how to use that15:16
akrovatisthank you very much15:16
pranavsomeone plz .. Is there a way ignoring "character-case" in find command ?15:16
bunnyerUSUL: actually, now that i think about it, i think i've thought of and /tried/ it15:16
grawitypranav: use -iname15:16
erUSULbunny: cfdisk is curses so should be pretty straightforward too15:16
grawitypranav: and read the freaking manual15:16
bunnyerUSUL: ahh, cool15:16
MaGicMaX1hey guys, im trying to enable DRI (Direct Rendering) on my ATI 4870 video card, anyone know how?15:16
bunnynow are both of those accessible from loading up the livedisc -> rescue a broken system -> [esc] -> "execute a shell"?15:17
pranavThanks grawity15:17
richm4ndeany: thx. I have an Acer ASPIRE one that's refusing to access the hard drive. I was trying to download the netbook remix to fix it but I'll try the standard so that it is an ISO file.15:17
=== Guest9841 is now known as NorwayGeek
deanyrichm4n, youll need to use usb-creator or unetbootin then to make usb15:18
bunnyerUSUL: sorry, i'm repeating this in case you missed it the first time due to the lack of me mentioning your nick within the message.15:18
bunnyerUSUL: now, are both of those accessible from loading up the livedisc -> rescue a broken system -> [esc] -> "execute a shell"?15:18
richm4ndeany: s'ok, I'm happy with Desktop edition. I can always convert to netbook using Synaptic. It's coming down now. Brill. Thanks!15:19
erUSULg0tcha: upgrade shouldn't loose configurations... but a backup of the conf files is not hard either. user data (websites) is not affected15:19
erUSULbunny: the livecd does not boot for you ? or are you using alternatecd ?15:20
bunnyno, i'm using ubuntu-8.04.3-server-i386.iso15:20
bunnythe regular desktop livedisc stops when it gets to a plain orange background, but i think that's an issue for another day15:20
erUSULbunny: ah; never used it myself... then fire up a shell15:21
bunnyerUSUL: never used /what/?15:21
erUSULbunny: the server cd15:21
bunnyerUSUL: oh, i see15:21
ysouynohow mplayer play .rmvb files15:21
MaGicMaX1hey guys, im trying to enable DRI (Direct Rendering) on my ATI 4870 video card, anyone know how?15:22
bunnyerUSUL: well, the way it works is it walks you through different modules, each with curses interfaces, and they all flow into eachother seamlessly15:22
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:22
Halitechbunny, just to confirm, you do know that the server cd does not have a gui installed on it15:22
erUSULbunny: yes like the alternatecd15:22
bunnyerUSUL: but on each one, they have an option to "go back", which leads you to a menu from which you can pick a module out of the standard sequence15:23
OzzahHi, if I create a bash script with a launcher, and I drag a file, like file.txt onto the launcher, then it will launch my script with the full path to the dragged file as the argument. If I drag 2 files, then it will launch 2 instances of the script, each with one of the files as the argument. Is there any way to make it launch 1 instance with both files as 2 arguments?15:23
bunnyerUSUL: one of which is to "execute a shell"15:24
tipocomicohi need some help sync'ng HTC Prophet and evolution15:24
bunnyerUSUL: yeah, thanks, I am fully aware of this.  its fine, since i am actually using this for a server15:24
erUSULbunny: ok; execute the shell and see if you can use cfdisk on your disks from it15:24
jamierosshi guys15:24
bunnyerUSUL: okay, you think it will be available?15:25
erUSULbunny: it should be15:25
jamierosswould anyone be able to help me with a little problem i've been having?15:25
bunnyerUSUL: okay, thanks!15:25
erUSULbunny: no problem15:25
bunnyerUSUL: is there any place for me to file a bug w/o having to register or something?15:25
murielgodoiHi all, is there a way to auto autenticate proxy server for a firefox user using a ldap network?15:26
grawitymurielgodoi: Firefox supports Kerberos (HTTP Negotiate) over HTTP, might be useful15:26
erUSUL!bugs | bunny15:26
ubottubunny: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:26
ysouynomy mplayer play rmvb files have sound but no video, what should i do?15:27
bunnyerUSUL: actually, i think it is a slightly limited environment, upon entering into the shell it shows you a little warning about how you can run "help" to see what unix util's are available to you, and how the editor that's available to you is nano, which is really simple and easy to figure out...15:27
x1250could anyone please pastebin a ~/.bashrc ? I'm not on my Ubuntu box right now, and I need one :(15:27
MaGicMaX1I have a new ATI driver from AMD's site i would like to install, but it says i need to uninstall the old driver first, how do i do that?15:28
erUSULx1250: http://pastebin.com/f27a36d55 <<< /etc/skel/.bashrc15:28
=== NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away
bruenigthat is a silly here document15:28
grawityx1250: http://sprunge.us/MUEX - Arch Linux though.15:28
x1250thanks erUSUL :-), and grawity. I'm on arch too.15:28
grawityerUSUL: didn't you mean < ?15:28
erUSULgrawity: XD15:29
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: Its probably better if you use the envyng utility to download and install the latest drivers15:29
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: ok thats in the repos?15:29
bunnyerUSUL: still think it'll be available?15:29
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: yes it is, $ sudo aptitude install envyng-gtk15:30
murielgodoigrawity: sounds interesting.. I will take a better llok now.. .thanks15:30
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver15:30
erUSULbunny: i do think you will be able to use fdisk at least. not the easiest but it would do the job15:30
murielgodoigrawity: s/llok/look15:30
erUSULbunny: is a blank disk so a mistake is not data loose you just start over15:31
brutus_how do I make emacs set the tab width to 4, inserting spaces and not tabs?15:31
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: ok its installed15:31
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: Or the you can use the Hardware Drivers in System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers15:31
bunnyerUSUL: yeah, i'm aware of that, although the time does start to add up after a few times of "starting over"15:32
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: im already using the proprietary driver in hardware drivers, but im having issues with it15:32
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: ermm... alright, now run $ sudo envyng -t For some reason since intrepid, AFAIK the GUI has some problems15:32
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: this might solve those then, which release of ubuntu are you using ?15:32
erUSULbrutus_: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmartTabs15:32
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: 9.04 i38615:33
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: after you have started up envyng you will get a text based interface, which isnt really different or difficult from the GUI, just choose the correct option15:33
shriniraji: hi15:33
rajihi sini15:34
rajihow many members yar15:34
shriniraji: welcome to ubuntu irc15:34
rajithank u15:34
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: you will not need to uninstall the driver, it will do that for you, just select the number for installing the Ati driver and proceed15:34
shriniraji: this is how we give support to ubuntu15:34
rajioh i c15:34
shriniraji: type the name before typing somehting15:34
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: oops, i already uninstalled :(15:35
shriniraji: you can any question here15:35
shriniraji: we give answer15:35
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: its asking me if i want to restart, can i just say no, then select install ATI driver now?15:35
rajithis is ur work ah15:35
shriniraji: you can't see any ohter support like this under sun15:35
Halitechraji, no, we are all volunteers15:35
epaphusIs googlearth compatible with UBuntu?15:35
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: ok... but you might be asked to restart, you can skip this and... yes dont restart, install the Ati driver15:35
erUSULepaphus: yes. medibuntu has it15:35
erUSUL!medibutnu | epaphus15:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about medibutnu15:35
erUSUL!medibuntu | epaphus15:36
ubottuepaphus: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:36
pranavDoes someone knows a good audio player for console15:36
pranavDoes someone knows a good audio player for terminal ? (Actually I am a newbie )15:36
gotunandanpranav: you mean with the complex options and features or just to play a audio file ?15:37
pranavWHere I can play playlist too15:37
llutzpranav: mplayer, mpg12315:37
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: its installing version 8.6 but i think on AMDs site theres version 9.8 :P15:37
Halitechpranav, moc15:37
shriniraji: i am leaving15:37
pranavand many diff. extensions files15:37
happyaronpranav: http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/12490715:37
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: it will give a list of possible drivers to install, you can install the recommended one15:37
pranavThanks guys I will try them all15:37
shriniraji: see you in #ubuntu-classroom15:37
rajihey whts the difference between ubuntu class room & linux basement room?15:38
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: ya, only one was in the list :P i have a feeling it was the same one, should i restart now?15:38
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: hmm.. well the latest version is not always the best, it can have problems... if this newer version is stable.. it will be updated15:38
rajiy there are more members here & less members there15:38
gwallaceHello everyone.  I have a question about the Intel 915GM on board video in a Dell Latitude D610.  I have managed to get Ubuntu to recognize the chip set and to allow me to edit some settings in the Display settings; but I can't get my resolution any better than 1024 x 768.  Any ideas.15:38
HalitechMaGicMaX1, depending on your card it may be the only one supported15:38
MaGicMaX1gotunandan: ok restarting15:38
albackeris the problem of ubuntu and ATI graphic card solved?15:38
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: hmm... yes i suppose so, actually I have never used an ATi card so not too sure, I've used envyng with Nvidia cards with no problem15:39
Halitechalbacker, depends on what you mean by solved and for what card(s)15:39
MaGicMaX1albacker: restarting now after updating driver15:39
albackerHalitech: well the new version had not support of ati radeon x300.. it's been a whie since i'm not using ubuntu (and that's the only reason why). so i needed linux now, and was asking myself if instalinng ubuntu would be a good idea.15:40
albackerHalitech: i remember that the new version was a real pain, since i couldn't get my card working,everything as running slow as hell.15:40
Halitechalbacker, latest ati driver is 9.3 which doesn't work in 9.04 but works fine in any previous supported version15:41
ramviHow do I have apt-get update refresh the archive cache? update runs through the repos as if there aren't any changes, but there are. I get Size mismatch15:41
MaGicMaXgotunandan: ok, how do i check its installed right?15:42
albackerHalitech: well what's a solution for this? should i install a previous ubuntu version, or is there a hack for this. and do you think i can find another version that has working-drivers for ati ?15:42
albackers/version/distro : Halitech15:42
Halitechalbacker, and its not an Ubuntu "issue" its between xorg and ati as both made changes (ati dropped support for alot of cards)15:42
albackerHalitech: i know, im not blaming ubuntu. just that i only ave this laptop with ati card. I cant do much.15:43
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: $ apt-cache policy fglrx | grep Installed15:43
Halitechalbacker, I use Debian Lenny with an x1200 and it works fine and 8.04 or 8.10 should work fine15:43
albackerHalitech: they droped support just because x300 is considered as an old card i think.15:43
HavoxI just reimaged my laptop (Jaunty) to fix a couple problems and now I can't get my bluetooth keyboard and mouse to connect. I've installed blueman and tried everything I could find via the forums and google.  When I hit the connect buttons on the keyboard and mouse then search for devices, it just never finds anything.How can I completely remove and then reinstall bluetooth? Am I barking up the right tree on this?15:43
MaGicMaXgotunandan: "W: Unable to locate package fglrx"15:43
Halitechalbacker, I'm in the same boat as my x1200 is not supported either in Testing or 9.04 either15:44
Halitechalbacker, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
albackerHalitech: i see. well, it looks like installing an older ubuntu version is the only way to 'escape' this.15:45
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: well I am not too sure about the package name for the ATi driver.. let me just check15:45
Halitechalbacker, I would go with 8.04 just due to the fact that its supported longer then 8.10 is15:45
albackerHalitech: what's the name of 8.04 ?15:45
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.15:46
MaGicMaXgotunandan: its called "FGLRX" according to Hardware Drivers15:46
albackerHalitech: and also, does the use of 8.04  prevent me from using newer version of applications15:46
RHorseit's rock solid15:46
Halitechalbacker, you can use backports to get newer software if you need it, or compile yourself15:46
albackerHalitech: i see. well thanks a lot for your time. Bye15:46
Halitechalbacker, welcome and good luck15:47
Thunderstormjungs kann ich snapshot backups eigentlich von ubuntu au einspielen15:47
Thunderstormvia live cd?15:47
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:47
MaGicMaXgotunandan: in Device Manager its "fglrx_pci"15:47
Wipsterhey all, I have bit of a problem with printing - I am running an i990 and have previously been able to print with some drivers from japan canon, however recently I have been unable to print from firefox with cups giving the error "usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonbj failed", open office and thunderbird seem to print without any problems. And I can print over the network from other machines without any issues.15:47
=== NorwayGeek|Away is now known as NorwayGeek
richm4nhi. can u help again? When I insert my USB key it always mounts as a read only file system. Why?15:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:47
FloodBot3Vndmtrx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
grawityrichm4n: What filesystem is it using?15:48
Thunderstormgood early evenning:15:48
RHorserichman try umask=015:48
Thunderstormcan i reset backup with snapshot under ubuntu?15:48
richm4ngrawity: I presume it's FAT3215:48
grawityRHorse: That doesn't change the filesystem's readwritability.15:48
=== NoCode_ is now known as NoCode
ownerhaving installed ubuntu in xp, is there a way i can hide the /host/ directory from root? I'd like to protect my partition as much as possible, as this is a testing image-drive...15:49
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: $ apt-cache policy xorg-driver-fglrx | grep Installed15:49
binyassin_j/ #lkinuxac15:49
MaGicMaXgotunandan: " Installed: 2:8.600-0ubuntu2"15:49
binyassin_j/ #linuxac15:49
=== dragonrigs is now known as aaron11
MaGicMaXgotunandan: ok, now my issue is not solved though, basically im trying to enable DRI, this is what i get now.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/262558/15:50
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: try this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI The first bit gives you instructions for Ubuntu 9.0415:50
bunnypranav: see cmus too...15:51
bunny :)15:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cmus15:51
mnainesIs 1GB of used RAM normal for 64-bit Ubuntu 9.04?15:51
pranavbunny: On my list bunny :) thnks !15:52
gotunandanmnaines: heavy RAM usage is ok, depending on which applications you have open15:52
richm4nwhen I insert the USB key it mounts automatically as read only. How does the mount work? These automounts aren't controlled through /etc/fstab15:52
mnainesgotunandan: Normally, the RAM use is between 400MB and 800MB, with the heaviest processes being Pidgin and Nautilus15:52
=== wakeupscreamin is now known as wakeupscreaming
gwallaceHello everyone.  I have a question about the Intel 915GM on board video in a Dell Latitude D610.  I have managed to get Ubuntu to recognize the chip set and to allow me to edit the Display settings; but I can't get my resolution any better than 1024 x 768.  Any ideas.15:53
richm4nI don't mind formatting the USB key to start again. Does anyone know the command?15:53
bumbblebee shifted from widows to ubuntu, my sound output is not good as was in windows, any help??15:53
bunnypranav: i've heard good things about it15:53
gotunandangwallace: are you running !9.04 ?15:53
gwallacemanines: depending on what you have running.  That is close to normal.  I have 64 bit installed at work and generally have 8 or so programs running and average between 400 -800 used15:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 90415:53
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu.  Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents15:54
gwallacegotunandan: Yes I am15:54
murielgodoigrawity: I now I can autenticate, but requesting the login and pass. Is there a way to auto get the current login considering that ubuntu is already using ldap for general login?15:54
bunnyI think the '!' needs to be at the beginning of the entire message, gotunandan15:54
grawitymurielgodoi: Only if you are using Kerberos for authentication (not pure LDAP)15:54
pranavbunny: like ?15:55
mnainesgwallace: I usually just run instant messengers and chat alongside a web browser or word processor...Usually no more than four light-use applications open at any given time, though I sometimes play Warzone210015:55
ownerrunning jaunty in an image-file, is there a way i can hide the /host/ (actual filesystem containing the image-file) directory from root?15:55
gotunandangwallace: well, I tried the following settings on a couple of Intel graphics powered machines http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058215:55
bunnypranav: just that someone I know whom uses it likes it15:55
gwallacegotunandan: I'll give that a shot and see if it helps.15:55
stlsainthow do you get into a cd-rom from terminal?15:55
bunnyi think it was just the overall design of the software15:56
RHorserichm4n have you studied the man page for mount already?15:56
bunnystlsaint: cd /media/cdrom15:56
stlsaintthought i tried that and got nowhere...ill will try again...15:56
gwallacemanines: It could be a hung or zombie process that is eating up the memory as well.  Run top from the terminal and then shift+p to find out.15:56
stlsaintdo you have to mount the cd rom first?15:56
bunnystlsaint: i think that's it, but i'm sure that this will work:  run "mount", not as root15:56
cheezespreadstlsaint: depends on where you have mounted teh cdrom15:56
MaGicMaXgotunandan: ok im gonna build my own deb with the driver from the ATI site, but should i uninstall and restart first?15:57
gotunandanmnaines: Its fairly normal, I am currently running Firefox, Pidgin and have 1.5 GB used, the thing is that in RAM, caching takes place, so that say you close firefox, it would not take more time to start it up again15:57
bunnystlsaint: actually, make that "mount|grep cd"15:57
bunnystlsaint: that should tell you where the device is mounted, if anywhere15:57
bunnyif it isn't, then you'll need to mount it15:58
francis_how do i install k3b? apt-get install k3b tells me that no such packege....15:58
=== trothigar is now known as fhoward
gotunandanMaGicMaX: brave enough to try that ? Did you try the first step mentioned there running those commands related to the restricted modules to enable the driver15:58
bunnysudo mkdir /media/my-cdrom-mountpoint; sudo mount /dev/cdrom0 "!$"15:58
bunnythat should do the trick, stlsaint15:58
RHorsefrancis_ have you done a apt-get update recently?15:59
=== fhoward is now known as trewa
bunnystlsaint: how's it working out for you?15:59
gwallacemanines: Even the newer version of Firefox can eat away at some ram.  Also if npviewer.bin is running, it is a RAM hog sometimes.15:59
stlsaintwell the mount gave me the info needed and i mounted it with mount /media/cdrom015:59
=== trewa is now known as troth
BoumBoumje vais vous poursuivre à ottawa15:59
francis_RHorse: will do and let you know15:59
mnainesgwallace: So far, the only RAM hogs seem to be pidgin and compbiz15:59
stlsaintso now how do i copy the contents to a dir on my desktop15:59
BoumBoumtous vous allez payer pour votre tentative de cover-up15:59
pranavhow do I stop playing mocp in the way thats meant for it ?15:59
=== troth is now known as trothigar
BoumBoumsales menteurs abuseurs15:59
xmnti'm getting error message '1 of your harddisks is failing' ... I'm in the process of moving my data over to my 2nd drive.  once done what should I do to test/possibly repair the first drive?16:00
theatro!fr | BoumBoum16:00
ubottuBoumBoum: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:00
bunnystlsaint: well, if you'd like to make an image, i'd look into the manpage for dd16:00
BoumBoumlafond tu vas m,avoir dans le cul jusqu'à ce que j,aie ta tete de folle16:00
MaGicMaXgotunandan: umm no, where?16:00
avinashevery body16:00
bunny!fr | BoumBoum16:00
ubottuBoumBoum: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:00
ownerrunning jaunty in an image-file, is there a way i can hide the /host/ (actual filesystem containing the image-file) directory from root?16:00
BoumBoumtiens le pour acquis.16:00
BoumBoummais toi ca bien fort dans la tete16:01
stlsaintnow not a image...just copy files from cd to dir on desktop16:01
avinashwat the language r utlking16:01
mnainesavinash: It is supposed to be English in here16:01
bunnystlsaint: something along the lines of dd if=/dev/your-cdrom-device,-most-likely-cdrom0 of=~/Desktop/my-image.iso16:01
bunnystlsaint: in that case, just use cp16:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp16:02
hybabybahallo low16:02
LMJadmin, please ban BoumBoum, i'm french & and I tell he's insulting everybody here16:02
hybabybawhat are you doing man?16:02
BoumBoumsales merdeux16:02
hybabybaare you stupid ???16:02
xmnti'm getting error message '1 of your harddisks is failing' ... I'm in the process of moving my data over to my 2nd drive.  once done what should I do to test/possibly repair the first drive?16:02
theatroLMJ, is correct16:02
GuidMorrowwhat does this mean? a light on my ethernet port is flashing but I haven't been doing anything through it16:02
hybabybaÂÛ ÍÈÕÓß ÄÀËÁÀÅÁÛ16:02
stlsaintbunny, k...will do16:02
bunnystlsaint: try man cp, basically it stands for "CoPy", the use is "cp <original source file> <new copy of file's destination directory>"16:03
grawityGuidMorrow: You're chatting on IRC, probably.16:03
leiraerUSUL: hey! I fixed the issue by fsck.ext3 -p !  Thank you very much!16:03
hybabybaolo JYITE16:03
GuidMorrowI have transmission running but a torrent is "idle"16:03
erUSULleira: no problem16:03
bunnystlsaint: it sounds like you're really missing out on the joy's of the cli16:03
ftabhybabyba, english please16:03
hybabybaskushte mrazu16:03
hybabybaya vam olo otkry4y16:03
MaGicMaXgotunandan: i think this one went through http://paste.ubuntu.com/262570/ but the 2nd command didnt http://paste.ubuntu.com/262571/16:03
TLFmay I ask, If I install ubuntu and I use migration assistant to help me using the files I have in another partition16:03
TLFdo this files get deleted?16:03
thowlandguidmorrow: any traffic will light up the ethernet lights, including broadcast and ARP16:03
stlsainti hit something on my keyboard while typing and now every key i hit makes a beeping sound and its really annoying16:04
bunnystlsaint: see linuxcommand.org16:04
GuidMorrowthis has nothing to do with my wireless client16:04
hybabybafuck you16:04
ftabhybabyba, if you keep abusing IRC you are going to be in notice by one of ops16:04
hybabybakakoi nahyu inglush16:04
thowlandguidmorrow: I strongly recommend playing with wireshark- it's amazing how much stuff is flying by16:04
gotunandanMaGicMaX: Install from Ubuntu repositories (easier) Instructions for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI16:04
ftabso please be careful :)16:04
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:04
bunnystlsaint: sorry, idk how to fix that16:04
stlsaintbunny, well im slowly learning cmds to use with day today ops16:04
GuidMorrowthowland: what's wireshark16:04
ftab!language | hybabyba16:04
ubottuhybabyba: please see above16:04
bunnystlsaint: actually, try "reset"16:04
MaGicMaXgotunandan: i did that, check my paste16:04
thowlandguidmorrow: ethernet sniffer, shows the traffic on the wire. It's in the repositories. Play with it16:05
GuidMorrow!find wireshark16:05
ubottuFound: wireshark, wireshark-common, wireshark-dev16:05
MaGicMaXgotunandan: i think this one went through http://paste.ubuntu.com/262570/ but the 2nd command didnt http://paste.ubuntu.com/262571/16:05
bunnystlsaint: also, LEARN VIM!!!16:05
jibadeehawhich is the most stable: desklets or screenlets?16:05
grawitybunny: Why?16:05
ftabthowland, or you can tru EtherApe16:05
LMJgonna leave for a while (vacation) and i would like to have something similar to "Microsoft Autoroute" on my laptop (no internet connection there), anyone knows something similar ?16:05
bunnygrawity: because, its the most amazing editor EVAR!!?16:06
stlsaintbunny, reset? also yea i just made a vm of crunchbang which comes with VIM16:06
bunnywhy else?16:06
thowlandftab: I thought they changed ether ape to wireshark, didn't they? fork or something16:06
codeshahHey guys, trying to install msttcorefonts, Package ubuntu-restricted-extras is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:06
TLFmay I ask, If I install ubuntu and I use migration assistant to help me using the files I have in another partition do this files get deleted?16:06
=== erth64net is now known as erth
richm4nRHorse: Thanks again. I've mounted rw and deleted all the files  but what I really want is rw access by default for normal users - not just root. Any ideas?16:06
bunnystlsaint: sudo apt-get install vim-gnome16:06
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: ok, you can try that,16:06
ftabthowland, but in repo it's still called Ether Ape so not sure16:06
=== iAlex is now known as Guest99417
bunny!find vim-gnome | stlsaint16:06
ubottustlsaint: Found: vim-gnome16:06
thowlandftab: either way, it's a great education16:06
firestormHowdy. Any reason why ext4 doesn't accept the uid=<blah> fs mount option?16:07
=== Guest99417 is now known as NorwayGeek
bunny!find vim-doc | stlsaint16:07
ubottustlsaint: Found: vim-doc, jvim-doc16:07
stlsaintubottu found vim16:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about found vim16:07
gotunandanMaGicMaX1: i mean following the steps to download the latest driver from Ati 's website16:07
RHorserichm4n try umask=0 option16:07
BellinXFeloncan someone help me install a tar.gz from the source tree?16:07
BellinXFeloni have never done it before16:07
ftabBellinXFelon, do you want to uncompress?16:08
gotunandanBellinXFelon: tar -xzf filename.tar.gz16:08
BellinXFelonftab, i have already extracted16:08
stlsaintthis beep is getting really annoying16:08
gotunandanBellinXFelon: cd directory_name/16:08
ftabBellinXFelon, then what you want to do with that compile/\16:08
HalitechBellinXFelon, have you install build-essential yet?16:09
bunny!vim is vim is the most amazing text editor ever!  if you have not yet learned it, learn it!! either run vimtutor, or go to -> http://vi-improved.org/tutorial.php to whet your interest16:09
BellinXFelonftab, yes compile from source...i have the readme i can pastebin it i just dont understand it16:09
gotunandanBellinXFelon: ./configure; make; sudo make install , btw which s/w are you trying to install16:09
stlsaintbunny, what makes it better than say nano or gedit16:09
ftabBellinXFelon, sue pastebin16:09
gotunandanBellinXFelon: yes, you will need to $ sudo aptitude install build-essential16:09
BellinXFelongotunandan, its nicotine +16:09
ftabor try what gotunandan is referring to16:09
arand!compile > BellinXFelon16:10
ubottuBellinXFelon, please see my private message16:10
arandBellinXFelon: Does that help?16:10
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:10
twobitspritestlsaint: http://buruonbrails.blogspot.com/2009/06/top-5-reasons-why-vim-is-best-text.html16:10
MaGicMaXgotunandan: i tried the easier way... i think i need to install from ati..16:11
stlsaintdoes anybody know why every key i type would cause a beeping sound16:11
FandekaspI have problems on mysql server installation : check the error here http://pastebin.com/m28e353ee . Could someone help me to find the good way to install it properly ? thank you in advance16:11
stlsainttwobitsprite, will check out16:11
HalitechMaGicMaX, what video card do  you have?16:11
BellinXFelongotunandan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/262575/16:11
bunnystlsaint: well, its REALLY efficient once you learn all the functions that are relevant to what you use text editors for the most16:11
MaGicMaXHalitech: HD4870 1GB16:11
arandPlease don't start an editor war in here.16:11
gotunandanMaGicMaX: best of luck, hope it works :)16:11
richm4nRHorse: Where would I use that?16:11
twobitspritearand: I was just answering his question :)16:12
bunnystlsaint: the only caveat is that you reach a point of diminishing returns, you need to know when to be happy with the amount of features you know how to use, and stop expending time on learning new ones16:12
HalitechMaGicMaX, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
MaGicMaXgotunandan: i would rather not do it but im not sure if theres anyother way to enable DRI16:12
bunnystlsaint: that way, it actually does save you time16:12
xmnti'm getting error message '1 of your harddisks is failing' ... I'm in the process of moving my data over to my 2nd drive.  once done what should I do to test/possibly repair the first drive?16:12
Halitechxmnt, ubcd16:13
gotunandanBellinXFelon: according to your pastebin, the first few lines tell you how to set it up16:13
MaGicMaXHalitech: ya i have that, but for some reason it wont build the deb when i run the command16:13
thowlandxmnt: honestly, i wouldn't. Much better idea to trash it unless it's got sentimental value.16:13
HalitechMaGicMaX, it doesn't build a deb, its running a script16:13
Halitechxmnt, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/16:13
hozomean_xmnt: check for warranty first though16:13
prenticeanyone need some help?16:14
xmntHalitech, thowland : I probably will trash it ... it's only got like 2 years uptime and i think seagate has a 3 or 5 yr. warranty ... thanks for the tip16:15
arooni-mobile___hey folks; while installing jaunty on my computer onto a raid 1 array i set up via mdadm (when i booted to the live cd) everything worked great until the step: "Select and install software"  .. here i see "installation step failed".  any ideas on what to do next?16:15
macoarooni-mobile___: live cd doesnt support raid. use alternate16:16
BoumBoummangez de la marde16:16
jamierosshi, is there anyone here who would be able to give me some advice?16:16
BoumBoumcrisse de manipulateurs16:16
ftabjamieross, please don't ask to ask just ask :-)16:17
BoumBoumeinstein mon cul16:17
bumbblebeeis it that windows == good sound output??16:17
prenticewhat he said ^^16:17
prenticejamieross, Fire away16:17
=== Thoben is now known as Thoben^Away
encolpeI'm trying to use jabber over SSL with plaintext authentication and whatever the client i'm testing it refuses to use the plaintext authentication and try to use authentication with sasl16:17
Halitechbumbblebee, I have better sound now then I ever did in windows16:18
ftabNimbus, hello16:18
bumbblebeeHalitech, then why is it messing up with me16:18
jamierosshaha, thanks ftab, basically, I'm pretty new to ubuntu, and programming etc in general, but I'm desperate to get a foothold, so I was wondering where the best resources are for learning to write code etc, with a view to maybe, if I'm ever good enough, becoming an Ubuntu dev, or something to that effect16:18
Nimbusok speak english only ?16:18
Myrtti!english | Nimbus16:18
ubottuNimbus: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:18
ftabjamieross, what language you would want to develop in ?16:19
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encolpeNimbus: try ubuntu-fr16:19
arooni-mobile___maco, i'm installing via alternate cd16:19
jamierossthats the think ftab, I'm more or less completely new, so what would you suggest for learning the basics?16:19
Halitechbumbblebee, I'm lucky?16:20
ftabjamieross, are you new to programming ?16:20
MyrttiBoumBoum: use English.16:20
jamierosspretty much ftab, I've played with ruby a little bit but thats about it16:20
Nimbusyou have eepc ?16:20
bumbblebeeHalitech, what drivers u have set, ALSA is it?16:21
hybabybaits a russian > 3T0 K@H@/l E6@HblX D@/l6@E60B16:21
Halitechbumbblebee, yes with a SB Live 128 card16:21
zebaztiancan i communicate with windows skype users through linux skype?16:21
binyassin_pls i want  to download pkg16:21
ftabjamieross, Ubuntu supports almost all of the development language that might available and if you are new to programming then first decide what would you want to build, and then go for a language,16:21
Myrttibinyassin_: which package16:21
sipiorzebaztian: sure. wouldn't be very useful, otherwise :-)16:22
binyassin_pkg has more progs16:22
Myrttibinyassin_: what?16:22
Myrttibinyassin_: explain16:22
zebaztianhow can i download skype from the repos? i get invalid operation when i try to apt-get ?16:22
Halitech!skype | zebaztian16:22
ubottuzebaztian: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:22
jamierossok ftab, so say I decided ive decided on what I'm wanting to build, would I just for example come here to find out what the best language for that specific purpose would be?16:22
binyassin_ i look for pacage has more apps to use in my ubuntu like multimedia and tools and more16:23
Myrttihybabyba: use ENGLISH.16:23
PavWhat lightweight app would you suggest for playing internet radio streams, when Rhythmbox is too heavy? I'm thinking panel icon, if possible16:23
arooni-mobile___hey folks; while installing jaunty on my computer onto a raid 1 array i set up via mdadm (when i booted to the live cd).  then i booted the alternate cd. everything worked great until the step: "Select and install software"  .. here i see "installation step failed".  any ideas on what to do next?16:23
hybabybayou use english16:23
hybabybafuck off16:23
Wolkedo somebody know a programm to watch ebay16:23
kevdogany plans for ubuntu to add the lzma file compression/decompression utilities lzma, lzip, or xz to its repositories.  I read that Slackware is now distributing files from its repository in .txz format16:23
ftabjamieross, #ubuntu is for general purpose ubuntu usage for programming you can try other channels for example for python #python for c++ #c++ for php #php16:24
Bllasaeis there some sort of power challenge here?16:24
jamierossok ftab, are those just on the FreeNode network?16:24
grawityBllasae: This channel just seems to be a popular target for kiddies :|16:24
richm4nI'm defeated. I just wanted to create a USB boot disk. I can't even mount the key effectively16:24
Bllasaegrawity: I see16:25
ftabjamieross, yes they all are on Freenode16:25
grawityBllasae: Ubuntu includes Xchat, and Xchat is configured to autoconnect to this place :\16:25
jamierossthanks for the pointers ftab, people like you are what I'm loving about ubuntu16:25
Bllasaegrawity: well, who made that mistake?16:25
ftabjamieross, thanks and you are welcome and btw I am also active on #python, #c++ and #php ;)16:25
jamierossthank you, no doubt I'll be on there once I've done some research16:26
MyrttiLappy: hello16:26
LappyIs Bluey here?16:27
=== am4zin is now known as amazin
grawityLappy: /whois Bluey will tell you16:27
WolkeCan someone tell me a programm to watch the site ebay pleas16:27
MaGicMaXgotunandan: k i got the new driver installed, but DRI is still not enabled :(16:27
Lappygarwity: this app doesn't do that >_>16:27
gotunandanMaGicMaX: hmmm, there must be some problem with the driver, not really sure, i dont have any idea about ati drivers really16:28
FandekaspI have problems on mysql server installation : check the error here http://pastebin.com/m28e353ee . Could someone help me to find the good way to install it properly ? thank you in advance16:28
MaGicMaXgotunandan: DRI should be enabled by default? or is it normal to have to fool around to enable it?16:29
LappyAnyways. Bluey told me to get Internet on my PC I should debug first. So I Pinged my main computer and router. Sadly I get No response, but it says I'm connected to the Network. I'm using Xbuntu by the way...16:29
gotunandanMaGicMaX: again, not really sure, since I've never had a Ati card, but for an Intel card it is enabled16:29
ftabFandekasp, the error is not english more people would have helped if it was in english16:29
Q-FUNKhowdy!  I'd like to know, how do we add getty tty* on Ubuntu?  we don't use /etc/inittab because of upstrat, so what would be the correct place to add them?16:30
sidpHi does anyone know of any useful third party ubuntu software repositories?16:30
serpuseful for what?16:30
Fandekaspftab, excuse me... effectively, it will be difficult, but I didn't find someone who could help me on ubuntu-fr channel ... Could you check this with me in private ? I'll translate sentences to you16:31
sidpsome good software!16:31
Myrttisidp: be more precise16:31
sidpMyrtti: didn't have any particular requirements, just looking for software to download16:31
Myrttisidp: there aren't any catch-all repositories that can be endorsed16:31
sipiorQ-FUNK: have a look in /etc/event.d. you can just copy the tty files that already exist.16:31
Myrttisidp: have you looked through synaptic already?16:31
sidpMyrtti: hmmmm!16:31
sidpMyrtti: yup!16:32
Q-FUNKsipior: did that.  still no tty where I expect it :(16:32
ftabFandekasp, let's see :-)16:32
sidpMyrtti: was just curious to know if there are any other which have softwares to offer, not looking for anything in particular16:32
sipiorQ-FUNK: you don't have a /etc/event.d/tty1 and friends?16:32
Myrttisidp: those are pretty much the ones that can be recommended by us. Using most of the rest are on your own discretion as the community will not provide support to most software installed from third-party repos16:33
Q-FUNKsipior: yes, but copying one of those, calling it tty9 and changing the content to tty9 didn't result in one extra tty coming up.16:33
sidpMyrtti: thanks!16:33
rdzhi all. i am trying to use the jack the ripper software from the 'jack' package. it crashes. crash report see here: http://www.pastebin.ca/1549285  does this program work for anyone?16:34
olvapi write ' $this->RequestHandler->setContent('XML');' in the before filter. how do i use it now? index.php/user.xml ?16:34
Wipsterhi I'm getting a bit closer to my problem here, firefox seems to be sending slightly different commands to cups such as MediaType=plain number-up=1 and using a capital A in PageSize=A4, as opposed to openoffice, this is possibly what is causing the filter to crash is there a way to modify these values in firefox to test it?16:34
sipiorQ-FUNK: modify ACTIVE_CONSOLES in /etc/default/console-setup16:34
Q-FUNKsipior: so I'm wondering if new files in /etc/event.d need to be enabled somewhere else.16:34
sipiorQ-FUNK: (else the other files won't be run)16:35
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek starting in 25 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:35
sayurihello? the ethernet in my acer aspire aod250 isnt working. it uses the Atheros gigabit ethernet16:35
sidpMyrtti: is launchpad of any use as far as third party softwares are concerned?16:35
Q-FUNKsipior: and then relaunch which startup file?16:35
Myrttisidp: no guarantees16:36
Q-FUNKsipior: or sorry, which init.d script?16:36
Myrttisidp: software installed from team PPA's are supported by themselves. you might find something good, but also something bad.16:36
mycomputerhow can i give software to others16:37
Q-FUNKsipior: if it's console-setup, that didn't enable the new tty either.16:37
Q-FUNKsipior: and I already defined tty as 1-9 there16:37
sipiorQ-FUNK: it's not. reboot for a proper test.16:37
renateHey ppl. Are there any cool PulseAudio plugins which can filter the output?16:37
Slartmycomputer: how do you mean? you've written some software and want to distribute it?16:37
olvapi write ' $this->RequestHandler->setContent('XML');' in the before filter. how do i use it now? index.php/user.xml ?16:37
renateSomething like an equalizer for example.16:38
Q-FUNKsipior: can't that be activated live by restarting some script?16:38
Slartrenate: I saw something like that .. but it was a year ago or something like that.. and it wasn't a simple plugin.. it might have improved though16:38
mycomputerslart  : i want to give vlc player to another user how should i give16:38
ice_creamhi, did you guys mess w/ firefox tabs in latest "shiretoko" ?  i cant drag and drop tabs, or scroll and cause them to cycle16:38
xmntrenate, check out ubuntustudio channel .. they can help you more w/ audio type stuff16:38
sipiorQ-FUNK: probably. i like to make sure my changes survive a reboot, as a sort of useful paranoia.16:38
Myrttiolvap: your question is without context and not exactly Ubuntu support16:39
olvapoh, sorry16:39
Q-FUNKsipior: I'd like to test first, before rebooting.  just reloading all the tabs in Firefox takes about 30 minutes.  if there's any way I can avoid rebooting, I'd rather do that16:39
olvapMyrtti: wrong channel16:39
GuidMorrowwth? how do I use wireshark to catch packets?!16:39
sipiorQ-FUNK: do what you like :-)16:39
Halitechice_cream, sudo apt-get install vlc16:40
Q-FUNKsipior: hence why I'm asking how to tell upstrat to reload its event.d scripts16:40
sipiorQ-FUNK: actually, try "initctl reload" see if that works.16:40
mycomputerhow can i give software to others16:40
=== Thoben^Away is now known as Thoben
sipiorQ-FUNK: also, for future reference: http://upstart.ubuntu.com16:41
Slartmycomputer: why not tell them to download vlc from their website? or they are running linux too?16:41
pranavhow to change the % of memory displayed while doing ps aux to actually kB ?16:41
mycomputerslart: they did not have net connection i have to give player how ?16:41
arooni-mobile___if i want to move all my files from one backup drive to the other would i use rsync like this:  rsync -azvv /frompath/ /topath/  ?  am i leaving anything out?16:41
pranavhow to change the % of memory displayed while doing "ps aux" to actually kB ?16:42
Halitechmycomputer, what do you mean by give software to others?16:42
sipiorpranav: "man ps"16:43
h3liixhe means share it16:43
=== kaie is now known as Guest90887
WolkeCan someone tell me a programm to watch the site ebay? please16:43
ice_creamdo i need tab mix plus, or?16:43
Halitechmycomputer, download the deb file and put it on a thumbdrive16:43
Q-FUNKsipior: ah, good one.  thanks!16:44
buchAnyone that is familiar with a program that allows you to run dual monitor just over the network with ubuntu on both machines?16:44
sipiorQ-FUNK: yep, no trouble16:44
MyrttiWolke: there just might not be any16:45
xmntbuch, synergy might help ... i don't know if it's dual monitors tho16:45
arooni-mobile___so i formatted the replacement drive to ext3.. but when i tried to mount the partition i got the error "/mnt/sdb1 is not a block device" .. any idea on what next?16:45
=== hey` is now known as grumete
sipiorarooni-mobile: make sure you're supplying "/dev/sdb1" to the mount command16:46
buchxmnt: Thanks ill check it out16:46
arooni-mobile___sipior, this was my mount commnad:  sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/new_sdb116:46
=== rene is now known as Guest91847
arooni-mobilenevermind got it16:47
brynjarhcan I mass change filename extensions in the command line?16:48
aasp76Hi guys!16:48
=== aksci is now known as thedancingdeer
aasp76I have some problems with my audio config16:49
brynjarhsomething like mv ./*.m4v ./*.mp416:49
grawitybrynjarh: Yes - I think 'rename' tool can do that.16:49
thedancingdeercan anyone recommend a very quick guide to latex???16:49
brynjarhgrawity: alrighty, thanks16:50
grawitybrynjarh: Or... find . -name "*.m4v" -exec mv -i "{}" "$(echo "{}" | sed 's/m4v$/mp4/')" \;16:50
thowlandwolke: try one of the crappy windows ones under wine16:51
=== Anxious is now known as AnxiousNut
aasp76I have a Thinkpad T60 from IBM with Ubuntu 9.0416:52
aasp76the sound is not working16:52
ArchCursedWhat's planned for the next release version of Ubuntu? :)16:53
Halitech!9.10 | ArchCursed16:53
ubottuArchCursed: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:53
Halitechaasp76, does aplay -l give any results?16:58
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
brandonzHi all... I'm using Ubuntu jaunty and want to gain access to python-django 1.1 which is in karmic. Is there some PPA that I might be able to find that will allow me to install python-django 1.1 into my system? How do I find these sorts of things beyond just googling ?17:01
=== dragonrigs is now known as aaron11
hozomean__brandonz: iirc, you can easily install django without using the .deb and have it fully useable17:02
hozomean__brandonz: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/install/#installing-official-release17:03
pranavhow to change the % of memory displayed while doing "ps aux" to actually kB ?17:04
brandonzhozomean__:  interesting... i just wanted to avoid tainting my system by installing software outside the package manager... maybe i'll go look for a PPA that has something like django nightly builds.17:04
hozomean__brandonz: since django is just a bunch of python scripts, as long as you have decent idea of where everything is, its not hard to update/remove if you need to17:06
adalalneed help here with java... i'm running sip-communicator, but netstat shows that a java process with tcp6 and udp6 starts up instead of tcp or udp.. which i think is stopping the program from communicating17:07
brandonzhozomean__: thanks for the help...17:08
adalalany help?17:09
pranav<AnxiousNut> Did you mean ps aux -m17:10
sudayawhat is the equivalent of fpaste in ubuntu17:11
AnxiousNutno srry i thought this was another channel17:11
adalalany help with tcp6 and udp6?17:11
a1551818Is ubuntu supposed to automatically detect and configure my ATI graphics card? In X11.conf it just has everything as generic....17:12
Halitecha1551818, what card?17:12
devkhadkai have problem booting ubuntu after fedora is installed17:12
a155181801:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 5B64 [FireGL V3100 (PCIE)] (rev 80)17:12
a155181801:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 5B64 [FireGL V3100 (PCIE)] (Secondary) (rev 8017:12
adalali have a problem with tcp6 and udp6... any help?17:12
a1551818That's from lspci17:13
devkhadkai have used the /boot partition of ubuntu for fedora and i couldnot now boot ubuntu from fedora how can i do that17:13
sudayahow can i use fpaste in ubuntu17:13
Halitecha1551818, are you using 9.04?17:13
a1551818Jaunty, yes.17:13
adalalguys, i need help with tcp6 and udp6 on jaunty!!!!17:14
Halitecha1551818, probably the best you will get, ati dropped support for that card and only works up to Xorg 7.3 http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/fire/Legacy/Pages/fire_linux.aspx?type=2.4.3&product=
guntbert!repeat | adalal17:15
ubottuadalal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:15
lstarnesadalal: what help do you need, exactly?17:15
adalallstarnes: im running sip-communicator.. with ports set... and my ports forwarded properly.. but when i look up under netstat... the process runs as a java (which is fine) but opens tcp6 and udp6 ports instead of tcp and udp17:16
a1551818Halitech, looks like I'll be developing on windows then17:16
lstarnesadalal: is it supposed to be connecting to something that uses regular ipv4 tcp/udp?17:17
Supersaiyan_IV!q | adalal17:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about q17:17
kevdogany plans for ubuntu to add the lzma file compression/decompression utilities lzma, lzip, or xz to its repositories.  I read that Slackware is now distributing files from its repository in .txz format17:17
Halitecha1551818, you could always go back to 8.04 or 8.1017:17
adalallstarnes: yeah.. i would assume so, i have it on my windows box and uses ipv417:17
Myrttikevdog: a bit wrong channel, perhaps #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu would be better?17:18
adalallstarnes: i looked up my ifconfig -a... and my computer does report having a ipv6 address although my router isn't ipv6 capable17:18
bankixGood afternoon, folks.17:18
=== Mr_Kaizer|Dinner is now known as Mr_Kaizer
Myrttikevdog: besides, lzma *is* in the repositories, IIRC17:19
buchanyone know a way or if its even posible to get the mousepad to work like in mac os - two fingers makes you do vertical scroll?17:19
lstarnesadalal: by default, most interfaces are given a local-only ipv6 address17:19
Myrtti!info lzma | kevdog17:19
ubottukevdog: lzma (source: lzma): Compression method of 7z format in 7-Zip program. In component main, is required. Version 4.43-14ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 168 kB17:19
kevdogMyritti: I didn't want the 7zip variant17:19
bankixI'm looking for a kernel boot parameter (to enter on the grub boot line) to force Jaunty to use the framebuffer xorg driver.17:19
lstarnesadalal: there may be a setting in the program to use ipv4 instead of ipv617:19
buchanyone know a way or if its even posible to get the mousepad to work like in mac os - two fingers makes you do vertical scroll?17:19
kevdogMyritti: from what Ive read 7zip doesn't play well with permissions17:20
th0rbuch: gsynaptic?17:20
adalallstarnes: right, i'll try looking into the properties file i suppose17:20
RHorsebuch I know that Dell makes a mp with a special subarea that does this, but don't know of any driver tweak17:20
hozomean__buch: i think only if you have an apple... afaik the trackpad itself has to support multitouch gestures17:21
th0rbuch: that should be gsynaptics17:21
=== kb is now known as Guest7060
ftabhow can dpkg be reset as it seems to be hanging on only one package ?17:21
jpb0104on a multi user machine: when i click my username in the upper right hand corner i see a list of users on the machine. when i click a different user name (which i assume is switching session's user) my screen goes black and i cannot get anything back with out a hard reset.  any ideas or similar experiences?17:21
=== bambam is now known as Guest62640
ftabgrawity are you there and can help me with the above issue please ?17:22
RHorseftab man dpkg17:22
buchhozomean: You might be right17:24
jamiejackson1Aug 31 11:49:59 mercury kernel: [ 7328.857011] hda_intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to polling mode: last cmd=0x005f000a <-- after this message in the syslog, my screen froze, but the mouse pointer continued to be functional (i could move it around the screen, but it was ineffectual). i had to do a hard reset. any clue what this is about?17:24
bankixftab: What do you mean with "hanging"17:24
ownerwhen compiling from source, does an 'import' directory get picked up automatically, or do i need to point gcc towards the files in it?17:25
MakavelHi guys, I am running xubuntu and i am wondering what is the difference between gnome-desktop and ubuntu-desktop17:25
ownerMakavel: ubuntu-desktop is customized gnome-desktop17:26
adalallstarnes: could it be because of java? because I dont see any such settings17:26
Makavelowner: customized in what way exactly?17:27
_markus__I'm using FF3.5 full page zoom, e.g. 150%, and zoomed images just look awful, pixelated, nothing compared to the same on Windows. Is there a way to fix this? I'm on 9.04 .. or wait, no, 9.10 actually17:28
kazagistarris it possible to set up my wireless card as a server instead of a client? I want to have eth0 connect to the internet, and my wireless to bridge to a NAT LAN17:28
adalalkazagistarr: look up hostap17:30
pranavMakavel: gnome is a type of ubuntu desktop environment like kde or xfce.17:30
kazagistarradalal: so I will need a specific driver and hardware?17:31
adalalkazagistarr: im not all that familiar with the program17:33
adalalkazagistarr: u'd be best off looking it up on ubuntuforums, there are threads on it there17:33
adalalor the hostap package17:33
jetienne__q. how to ask questino on #ubuntu-classroom ?17:33
adalaljust ask..17:34
Geepjetienne__: also see #ubuntu-classroom-chat17:34
jetienne__Geep: thanks17:34
shamshey all17:35
shamshow r u ppl17:35
hahahankazagistarr: It is possible but not easy, as far as I know you need a driver supporting rawtx since  mode master is not supoorted in linux drivers17:35
Makavelpranav: I know it is a type of ubutu desktop, I am just confused what is different between gnome-desktop and ubuntu-desktop. Why the dinstinction if gnome is a type of ubuntu desktop?17:36
shamsthat's my first time for me use ubuntu17:36
shamsit's nice OS17:36
th0rkazagistarr: if all you want to do is use the ubuntu box as a gateway for a home LAN that is all done in iptables, the default wifi driver will work fine17:37
hozomean__Makavel: ubuntu-desktop is gnome-desktop with added ubuntu customizations, thats all17:37
jackdamielssmbdy played with irssi?17:38
meathomeshams: probably the best distro17:38
hahahanth0r: Did you test that?17:38
shamshow i can see all users names in this caht ?17:38
shamschat ?17:38
lhamil64hi everyone17:38
shamscan some one tell me ?17:38
shamshi lhami17:38
meathomeshams: what cliet you using?17:39
lhamil64can anyone tell me how i could somehow force quit a screensaver or something? i came back to my Ubuntu machine and tried to resume from the screensaver but now its completely locked up17:39
kazagistarrth0r: I want it to run a WLAN, and I hear that this is more difficult then just a wired ethernet LAN17:39
lhamil64i know i can just do a hard shut down but i would prefer not to lol17:39
th0rhahahan: I have run a gateway using wifi before. If he wants to run an Ad-Hoc wifi network, that is another issue, but if he just wants to use the ubuntu box as the gateway for a LAN...iptables is all he needs17:39
shamsmeathome i don't know what u mean but i'm use ubuntu 8.10 Disktop ver17:40
MrCraighi all - I need some help here - anyone familiar with eeubuntu?  I'm getting dropped out to BusyBox? during boot (trying to install) - this time no error but previously it said something about is the root= kernel param correct and did it wait long enough for the device?  unusual case I know installing to an eeepc from SD card but any ideas/help appreciated (else the asus thingy is a brick)17:40
meathomethe irc software, I am using Pidgin, does not tell me your client sry, others do17:40
jackdamielswhat is comman in irc to see all channel17:41
yitz_Does the base install come with some sort of sysv/init script control program that can be used to control the init scripts?17:41
shamsanother thing17:41
Uqbarjackdamiels: /msg ALIS help17:41
hahahanth0r: No experience with ad-hoc networks, good to hear it worked.17:41
shamshow i can change my chanel17:41
sumanhi guys, i removed ruby 1.8.7 from my ubuntu 8.1017:41
yitz_shams: /join #channel17:41
shamsi want room list17:41
meathometype /list17:41
sumanwhich i had just upgraded over the weeked, and now i having issues installing ruby 1.8.617:42
yitz_shams: /msg ALIS help   -> for a list of rooms17:42
combois any portugese in here ?17:42
meathomeor if you know the channel just type /join #nameofchannel17:42
shamsaha thanks17:42
lhamil64wow i guess nobody knows how to fix it then... ive asked in three different irc rooms and haven't gotten a response from anyone lol17:42
shamsi see17:42
shamsnice evry thing here by tayping17:42
th0rkazagistarr: what do you mean by 'run a WLAN'? If you are using a wifi hub to connect the LAN together than the rest can be done using the default wifi driver. If you want to run an Ad-hoc network, where there is no hub, then that is another sotry17:42
kazagistarryitz_: you mean like "service"?17:43
meathomeshams: some clients are very user friendly17:43
meathomexchay is cool17:43
yitz_kazagistarr: Sure. Though I don't have any executable 'service' in my path17:43
meathomexchat even17:43
yitz_irssi is awesome17:43
lhamil64is there any way i can like see what i was doing before the screensaver was on?17:43
pranavpenguin42, I want "top" to display amount of memory consumed for each processes rather than % which is the default option17:43
yitz_kazagistarr: I got a services-admin but it doesn't look like the right thing17:43
Halitechlhamil64, if you can't get a terminal to respond then hard to kill a program ... if you have ssh-server installed and a spare computer you could try sshing into it and killing it17:43
meathomehe would be a bit lost with that just as me17:44
hozomean__lhamil64: if you can get to a terminal (try ctrl-alt-f1) you can run killall xscreensaver or some such thing17:44
lhamil64dang.. ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work...17:44
th0rhahahan: I think you guys are confusing a NAT LAN and an ad-hoc network17:44
pranavIs there some channel for newbies where we can ask basic questions ?17:44
hahahanth0r : yip.17:45
Halitechpranav, you're in it17:45
kazagistarryitz_: "sudo service gdm status" works fine here... I'm pretty sure it is default17:45
hahahanth0r: ad-hoc is two machines connected over wlan, is that right.17:46
meathomehttp://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html  for basic irc stuff17:46
ubuntufreakI am not able to access the launchpad site using firefox in Ubuntu 9.04 ?17:46
pranavHalitech, thnks17:46
th0rhahahan: more or less, yes.17:46
yitz_kazagistarr: bash: service: command not found17:46
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:47
hahahanth0r: more machines connected to one box, isn't ad-hoc, right/17:47
yitz_Will just install sysv-rc-conf17:47
th0rhahahan: ad-hoc is where two or more wifi equipped computers recognize each other and establish a network on their own...with no direction as to addressing or anything else. They can communicate with each other, but there is no outside connection17:47
gavimobilefolks, i have some windows files which are unaccessable with windows, but i can see with linux, how can i change the file permision in order to access with windows17:47
lhamil64thanks for the suggestions everyone, i had to do a hard shutdown though.. im changing my screensaver to blank now :P17:47
aaron11is there a linux app that will let you convert videos to mp3s17:48
kazagistarrth0r: I would like to be able to come into my room, open my laptop, and log into a wireless network that connects me to the internet, and all I have is a eeebox with a ethernet cable to the internet and wireless card17:48
yitz_aaron11: ie extract the audio? mplayer will as will vlc17:48
lhamil64um.. when i restarted it came up with a really weird screen17:48
hahahanth0r: Oke, setup ad-hoc first and let Iptables do the Nat.17:48
gavimobilehas anyone done this before17:48
aaron11yitz_ what?17:48
lhamil64like kind of my screensaver and the background of my login screen with lines going across it17:49
kazagistarrth0r: that all cad be done via iptables?17:49
lhamil64going into recovery mode...17:49
th0rkazagistarr: your laptop is something other than the eeebox?17:49
yitz_aaron11: Oh. I was thinking mp3 as in pure audio. mencoder and ffmpeg will convert videos from one format to another as will vlc17:49
kazagistarrth0r: yes17:49
Tr1n_gavimobile:  the command chmod changes file permissions.  type man chmod17:50
kazagistarreeebox is actually a desktop based on the netbook arch17:50
aaron11yitz_ do you know how to convert video files example flv to mp3? read this question carefully17:51
th0rkazagistarr: you should be able to define the ip address for the eeebox, define another local address for the laptop and use the eeebox as the gateway, then set up nat in iptables on the eeebox17:51
gavimobileTr1n_ yea i know. i changed all my folder with subfolders to chmod 777 -R17:51
prenticehey anyone need help?17:51
meathomegavimobile: you trying to hack into someones files lol17:51
gavimobileand then i copied all the 777 files and folders to a new folder i created on the ntfs partition in linux and pasted all my files in there17:52
kazagistarrth0r: alright, thanks, I will go and brush up on my iptables-foo17:52
gavimobilebut in windows i still get file access denied17:52
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meathomegavimobile:  make sure your admin in windows17:52
gavimobileive done this before but i think im forgeting something17:52
yitz_aaron11: Using ffmpeg, vlc or mencoder17:52
gavimobilemeathome does it matter if its a full account?17:52
vasseri have a tv card on my system and i would like to find out how to run VLC in order to view it, I already got to the point where i can SEE the image, but no sound17:53
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vasserhow can i find out which "adev" i put on the command line ?17:53
gavimobilemeaning does it need to be admin or can it be a computer admin17:53
lhamil64yay! it works now after doing stuff in the recovery mode17:53
lhamil64well that was a pain rofl17:54
vasser/dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 does not work17:54
Psi-JackWhat's the website to see package information, dependancies, recommends, etc via web interface?17:54
meathomegavimobile:  if you not admin it will not allow access, just like root things17:54
gavimobilemeathome ill give it a try17:54
meathomeyeah it might help17:54
Psi-JackOkay, nevermind, better question. How do I search for a specific package on a specific version of ubuntu on packages.ubuntu.com?17:54
sumanhow do i uninstall ruby that i installed from source17:55
masqueradeif a program outputs this, could it affect the outcome of what it currently does? (redsn0w:3946): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_progress_set_percentage: assertion `percentage >= 0 && percentage <= 1.0' failed17:55
blackxoredsuman, make uninstall??17:55
aaron11yitz_ will they convert flv to mp317:55
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yitz_aaron11: Yes17:55
blackxoredsuman, or clean /usr/local ???17:55
* yitz_ feels this is getting repetitive17:55
RHorsesuman next time use checkinstall17:56
meathomeaptitude purge *program* might be better17:56
sumanblackxored: make uninstall does not work17:57
meathomeaptitude purge ******17:57
gavimobilemeathome one folder worked,  but sub folders didnt17:57
gavimobilechmod 777 /folder/name/ -R17:57
meathomestick at it, try right clicking and see if you can do things there as admin17:57
gavimobilei need to go back in to linux, run that command17:57
ownerMakavel: declare an extra function. my question is: does the compiler pick up the directory itself, or do i need to modify the makefile?17:57
reggieP123hey folks17:58
gavimobilemeathome k17:58
Jason86i have a winrar folder with files in it, when i extract the files nothin appears in the extracted folder17:58
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reggieP123have a question regarding wifi issues with jaunty using intel pro/wireless 5100 shiloh17:58
sumanaptitude purge ruby doesnot uninstall ruby either.....17:58
NETabusehey, am i on?17:58
Jason86how would i go about fixin this problem?17:58
sumani can still do ruby -v and get the version number17:58
blackxoredsuman, which ruby you installeD?17:58
sumani am on 8.1017:58
meathomeJason86: try another download, might be corrupted17:59
sumani have 1.8.617:59
reggieP123I tried Karmic with same laptop and issues are gone no longer there how can I transfer karmic's driver or even kernel to jaunty is that even possible17:59
gavimobilemeathome no options, this is win xp pro17:59
gavimobileim gona go back in to linux17:59
Jason86its not corrupted though17:59
sumani had 1.8.7 but that broke some code so i removed it and install 1.8.6 from source17:59
Jason86i see all the files in the winrar folder, its just when i go to look into the extracted folder, i see nothin inside of it17:59
meathomegavimobile: try copying the file to Ubuntu18:00
reggieP123does anyone know the answer to the intermittent wifi issue with jaunty???18:00
Jason86i'm usin unrar18:00
meathomeJason86: whats the file?18:00
meathomewhat are you trying to unrar18:01
sumanblackxored: any pointers on how i should go about it18:01
coolcatIs it possible to save the entire contents of a web page to use it as a template? I am saveing the source to it , but it is getting deformed because files are not being saved.18:01
detrixHello everyone.  I was just wondering if ubuntu 9.04 no longer supports the ATI Radeon 9000 video card?18:01
blackxoredsuman, from where did you have 1.8.7, I program in ruby, it broke at first, but after some time, it worked fine, all my code18:02
sumanblackxored: i want 1.8.6 patch level 287 running in my machine, damn i hate the upgrade to 8.1018:02
meathomecoolcat: save as usually does it18:02
sumanblackxored: when i upgraded ubuntu 8.04 to 8.1018:02
blackxoredsuman, right18:02
blackxoredand you're running now??? aka ruby -v18:02
sumani knew it was not going to be smooth18:02
sumani have 1.8.618:02
sumani removed 1.8.7 and installed it from source18:03
blackxoredso you're now trying to remove 1.8.6, why?18:03
sumanblackxored:  does this look familiar to you ? http://www.pastie.org/60059418:03
blackxoredsuman, it's not finding rubygems18:04
coolcatmeathome, don't know I complicate things, thanks18:04
blackxoredsuman, it's a rails project?18:04
sumanwhich ruby => usr/local/bin/ruby18:04
sumanwhich gem => usr/local/bin/gem18:04
pranavI often use "sudo" in Terminal tabs & TTY but whats the difference between "su", "sudo" and "chroot" ?18:04
sumanblackxored: yeah it is18:04
blackxoredsuman, paste "gem environment"18:05
blackxoredand gem list -l18:05
tyler_dhow do I merge folder? would cp -r old_folder new_folder work?18:05
tyler_d^english fail18:05
grawitypranav: 'su' changes into an user, when you enter that user's password. (Usually the user is 'root')18:05
blackxoredtyler_d, cp -ur18:05
meathomepranav: try a search on the forums, loads of stuff there I bet18:05
sumanblackxored: http://www.pastie.org/60060918:05
tyler_dblackxored: ty18:05
grawitypranav: 'sudo' runs a single command as root, when you enter your own password. ('sudo -s' can give a shell like su.)18:05
brynjarhmaybe not the right place but: are there any phones out there using linux+gtk?18:06
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pranavgrawity, and chroot >18:06
sumanblackxored: it is pointing to ruby version 1.8.718:06
blackxoredsuman, exactly18:06
blackxoredsuman, that's why it doesn't get loaded18:06
grawitypranav: chroot does a completely different thing - it changes the path of /18:06
sumanblackxored: i did remove 1.8.718:07
ltcabralwhat command can i list all of my groups?18:07
funkycat90210I have a file that is 5GB, what is the fastest ways to retrieve about 1000 lines somewhere around the middle, I know the line numbers I need.18:07
blackxoredsuman, but if you installed from source, I assume /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 isn't right18:07
blackxoredplease install rubygems from source18:07
eXapidgrawity:  is -s for the entire session?18:07
blackxoredit's not included with ruby 1.818:07
pranavgrawity, whats the use changing its path ?18:07
AJC_Z0After removing firefox-3.5 packages, then installing firefox-3.5 (which installed firefox, firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, gnome and Ununtu brand packages) and switching /usr/bin/firefox to firefox-3.5, everything appears to work as before except that Firefox seems to ignore the "Use system proxy setting" but works fine with manual configuration. Clues?18:08
sumanblackxored: which ruby gives /usr/local/bin/ruby18:08
blackxoredsuman, I know18:08
grawityeXapid: -s is probably for "shell", and -i is "initial login"18:08
meathomeI just installed Opera, sweet18:08
blackxoredsuman, install rubygems from source18:08
blackxoredsuman, would be the cleanest way18:08
blackxoredsuman, easiest to make justice18:08
pranavgrawity, Actually how to delete a non empty directory in 1 command ?18:08
grawitypranav: rm -rf :)18:09
Jason86i'm having an issue with Azureus
Halitechltcabral, groups18:09
sumanblackxored:  alrite let me try that18:09
sumanblackxored: thanks18:09
ltcabralHalitech: thanks :)18:09
pranavgrawity, :) thanks a lot18:09
spasysheepmy system refuses to recognise the on-board sound chip on my gigabyte GA-M16PM-S2 motherboard. any ideas?18:09
blackxoredsuman, I know you could tweak the conf, but since it's probably all wrong, it's better to start from scratch18:10
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Jason86Azureus isn't updating18:10
blackxoredyou could save your cache dir if you want to save some download time18:10
meathomeJason86: try another that aint java18:10
blackxoredJason86, which version??/18:10
Jason86i have 311018:11
meathomeTransmission is cool18:11
sumanblackxored: i just did sudo apt-get remove rubygems and after that when i do gem -v it still show 1.3.518:11
shadowhywindhay all, I am trying to setup a network printer via cups. I get to the steps of adding cupsys user to shadows, however the user cupsys does not exist, any ideas?18:11
Jason86everytime i start up azureus the same update to appears18:11
sumandamn this is one hell of a weird thing18:11
HalitechJason86, launch it as sudo so it will have write permissions to the directory ... ALT + F2 gksudo azurues18:12
Jason86after the update is complete i click on "RESTART NOW" and it asks me to update to again18:12
blackxoredJason86, azureus is in unstable18:13
blackxoredI don't know why they haven't sync18:13
blackxoredor merged18:13
Jason86is that the reason it isn't lettin me update from
blackxoredJason86, dunno18:14
meathomecould well be, try it18:14
blackxoredalso you're updating to beta, right?18:14
blackxoredsuman, get rubygems from the page and install it18:14
blackxoredand put gem environment to see18:14
Jason86it would have to be the stable version18:14
cousin_marioanyone using opera?18:15
Jason86because it keeps poppin up askin me to update my current release18:15
meathomesuman: did you try sudo aptitude purge rubygems?  sry but a DEbian user hear18:15
HalitechJason86, did you try running it as sudo so it has write permissions to the folder to update?18:15
sumanmeathome: i did..18:15
cousin_marioJason86: I'm having a seemingly serious problem with it and I'd like to see if someone else can reproduce it18:15
meathomedid it run?18:15
sumanblackxored: i am doing that.. thanks18:15
Jason86doin it no@meathome18:16
sumanmeathome: it did delete thanks18:16
cousin_marioJason86: could you try opening a certain site?18:16
meathomethen you need to refresh something I belief18:16
cousin_marioon opera?18:16
meathomeI forget18:16
Jason86what site18:16
blackxoredJason86, sorry, i missed release18:16
meathomesry for bad spelling18:16
cousin_marioJason86: http://www.tim.it but be careful, it kills X11 here18:16
blackxoredJason86, do you have some logs to take a look at18:17
resnowhen i do "grep -r some thing <location>" will grep search for the "some thing" or does it only pick one string?18:17
blackxoredin debian I've disabled updates18:17
Jason86where would i find the logs@blackxored18:17
Jason86<<new to linux18:17
blackxoredJason86, ~/.azureus/logs18:18
meathomeI have used linux since SuSE 6.3 and still a noob lol18:18
Halitechcousin_mario, works fine here on Debian with Opera and FF18:18
cousin_marioHalitech: ok...what version of opera and debian?18:19
spasysheepmy system refuses to recognise the on-board sound chip on my gigabyte GA-M16PM-S2 motherboard. any ideas?18:19
furythorHello, does 9.04 suppor Nvidia MCP 570 chipset or where i could get .deb package for those drivers ?18:19
dualIs it possible to use xml files generated by wxGlade for wxPython the same way you can with Glade and GTK?18:19
Jason86what should i be  lookin for @cousin_mario18:20
BesogonMy computer is connecte to router that, in it turn, is connected to adsl-modem. So, If I were enabled hostname on eth0 (not lo), would I have a troubles with internet? Or hostname it is only internet name, that should be registered in any way?18:20
Halitechcousin_mario, debian lenny and opera 9.6418:20
cousin_marioJason86: nothing, just opening that site crashes everything here18:20
meathomesuman:  you could try the purge again and then install force command18:20
cousin_marioHalitech: 64 bit?18:20
Halitechcousin_mario, yes18:20
sumanmeathome: it seemed to work18:20
cousin_marioHalitech: thanks18:20
Jason86its workin on my end18:20
Halitechcousin_mario, np18:20
sumanblackxored: meathome:  oh yeah it worked... http://www.pastie.org/60060918:20
cousin_marioJason86: thanks18:20
cousin_mariothen it must be something on my install18:20
sumanbut where are my gems??? :(18:20
blackxoredsuman, said it will be not the cleanest one, but will work18:21
blackxoredsuman, your gems are now in /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.818:21
blackxoredso you can install again18:21
blackxoredor copy the cache file from /usr/lib/ruby18:21
sumanblackxored: alrite..  can i remove the earlier ones??18:21
meathomesuman:  did it, thers a surprise :)18:22
blackxoredsuman, after you have finished, you could purge /usr/lib/ruby/gems18:22
blackxoredJason86, so???/18:22
sumanmeathome: oh yeah!!18:22
cdavisDoes anyone have a pcmcia serial adapter you can share the model and manufacturer of? I want to make sure I get one that works with Ubuntu18:22
sumanblackxored:  how doi copy the cahce file from /usr/lib/ruby18:22
unjso to copy a directory from a remote computer through ssh, you run  scp -r user@ /home/currentcomp/Desktop?18:22
meathomeI had a problem like yours with that red5 stuff18:23
linuxninjacdavis: Use a USB serial adapter.18:23
spreeJaunty jackalope ubuntu desktop with gnome, I wish to stop the monitor from turning off when i am watching movies, etc. I wouldn't mind the monitor shutting off after maybe 4 hours of inactivity but I went to System -> Preferences -> Screensaver and I have Activate Screensaver When Computer Is Idle is unchecked, yet it still does it. Help!18:23
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/18:23
blackxoredcd ~ && mkdir gems && cd gems && cp /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/*.gem . && sudo gem install *.gem18:23
blackxoredsuman, ^18:23
cdavislinuxninja: I have had problems with USB serial adapters before. I was hoping to avoid any non-plug and play device18:24
furythorHello, does 9.04 suppor Nvidia MCP 570 chipset or where i could get .deb package for those drivers ?18:24
xmntspree, check your power settings18:24
spreexmnt, Where18:24
NickRiversspree, you have to adujt your power preferences and set it to not power down your monitor18:24
xmntsystem >> preferences >> power management18:24
Jason86i'm not findin the logs18:24
sumanblackxored: thanks18:25
xmntspree, system >> preferences >> power management18:25
blackxoredsuman, you welcome18:25
spreexmnt, It's already set to Never18:25
blackxoredJason86, then go to help -> Generate....18:25
spreexmnt, the setting must be somewhere else18:25
spreexmnt, unless i need to be root or something18:25
xmntspree, that's the only power setting that I'm aware of... it works fine for me but maybe you have an application that is bypassing that setting18:26
NickRiversspree, are you running the 'blank' screensaver by chance?18:26
spreeAnyone else know what could be causing my monitor to turn off in the middle of movies? We've checked Screensaver and we've checked Power Settings, it should not be happening18:26
Jason86then what.....?@blackxored18:27
unjanyone here familiar with ssh?18:27
unjor scp?18:27
xmntspree, I'm not on jaunty anymore but I believe there was a setting to increase the time until a screensaver started up .. maybe try that18:27
spreeNickRivers, Yes, but i have the "activate screensaver when computer is idle" set off18:27
michta35what's the ssh q18:27
hozomean__unj: whats your question?18:27
meathomeunj:  a bit I use it to admin a bit but no experet18:27
unjI am not sure how to copy a directory through ssh from one comp to another, I successfully logged in through a port but within my lan cannot copy files...probably just my syntax18:28
Jason86is anyone here using azureus
spreeNickRivers, Did you have something for me in regard to the Blank Screen setting?18:28
meathomewhy not download and upload?18:28
grawityunj: On the _local_ machine, use scp -r directory other.computers.address:18:29
Dulakunj: scp -r /path/to/directory username@server:/path/to/new/directory18:29
xmntunj, scp location name@otherserver:/dir/to/put18:29
linuxninjacdavis: What are you trying to do? I use usb serial cable for cisco devices. works fine for me18:29
linuxninjaspree: Interesting... Hmm... Have you looked at power settings.18:29
linuxninjaspree: System--->Preferences-->Power Management18:30
awaadI have the following error while trying to install eclipse on ubuntu 9.04      http://pastebin.com/m7bd6f58f18:30
spreelinuxninja, As i stated just a moment ago, it is set to Never18:30
awaadCan any one help ??!!18:30
jetsaredim1can someone tell me the name of the package that provides the default java install on ubuntu 9.04?18:30
mrh0057jetsaredim1: openjdk18:31
deanyjetsaredim1, sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin18:31
jetsaredim1mrh0057: and the way to replace that with sun would be to install sun-java6-bin?18:31
theatroawaad, try to run it as user mohammed with gksudo ./eclipse18:31
linuxninjaspree: There's another setting in there18:31
mrh0057jetsaredim1: you need to remove openjdk then install sun-java-x18:32
deanyjetsaredim1, forget the command but there is a dpkg command to set java.  config alternatives18:32
unjYeh..that is what I though18:32
deanygoogle it18:32
NN34make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'.  Stop.18:32
spreelinuxninja, Display and Actions are both set on the slider to Never already.18:32
spreelinuxninja, there is no other setting18:32
linuxninjaspree: Never mind. I was looking at "put computer to sleep" and also "put_display to sleep"18:32
NN34make problem18:33
spreeNickRivers, Did you have something for me in regard to the Blank Screen setting? Power Settings is fine. Screensaver settings is fine.18:33
zxhello. is it possible to have full disk encryption with ubuntu while installing it? should i download the alternate cd perhaps?18:33
gavimobilemeathome im still unscuessful with this ntfs ubuntu problem.. can u try to give me a hand again18:33
ubuntufreakI have created certain rules in the Evolution and now how can i scan the messages in the inbox so that it can be moved to the respective folders ?18:34
NN34i want install kernel source on ubuntu 8.418:34
cdavislinuxninja: I am trying to connect to a 2800 series. Is the device typically /dev/ttyUSB0 ?18:34
spreeNothing normal is working to turn off the screen saver18:35
cdavislinuxninja: I got it, thanks18:35
commander_hey how can i make my firefox page fill the screen w/Cairo dock18:35
meathomegavimobile: what exactly are you trying to access?18:35
furythorQuestion, is Nvidia MCP 570 Supported properly in Ubuntu ?18:35
linuxninjacdavis: Yup! That's it. I think it depends on how many USB devices you have plugged in18:35
stevehajnal_I am trying to access a government of canada website and I keep getting a "Java must be enabled error".  I installed java jre 6.0 but I still get the error.  Any ideas of what to try next?18:35
furythorI am trying 9.04 now18:36
gavimobilemeathome i just did a reinstall of winxp and after the reinstall i wasnt able to access the old administrator folder with my docs inside18:36
cemcI have 2 computers with ubuntu, and I'm connecting from one to the other through xdmcp. sound is not working tho18:36
meathomestevehajnal_: try installing restricted modules, the install Opera and try again18:36
Steffanxhttp://www.naffets.nl/share/screen.png is that a bug in gedit?18:36
spreeNothing normal is working to turn off the screen saver18:37
stevehajnalmeathome: restricted modules?18:37
gavimobilemeathome since then ive been trying to chmod 777 to my ntfs partiton from an ubuntu live cd, but no luck in windows administrator ser18:37
meathomegavimobile: teach you to back stuff up then wont it :p18:37
Steffanxwhen i try to save something with gedit on my desktop, and that file exists it gives me a random filename18:37
Jason86what broswer are currently usin?@stevehajnal18:37
grawitygavimobile: You can't "chmod" NTFS partitions.18:37
gavimobilegavimobile yup18:37
stevehajnalJason86: Firefox18:37
resnowhen i do "grep -r some thing <location>" will grep search for the "some thing" or does it only pick one string?18:37
gavimobileso does anyone have a solution by any chance?18:38
gavimobileor did these files get completly destroyes18:38
spreezero-cool, d1d y3w h4x0r th3 g1b50n18:38
Jason86are currently usin noscript with firefox@stevehajnal18:38
grawityresno: Unless you put "some thing" in quotes, it will search for 'some' in a file named 'thing'18:38
meathomegavimobile: keep at it18:38
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meathometry the MS forums too18:38
VickiWongcan anyone help me? trying to copy files betweent wo local ubuntu machines (tried FTP and Samba) The transfer starts fine but then gradually slows until it stops altogether18:38
stevehajnalJason86: no.  I have allow java turned on18:38
deanystevehajnal, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin18:38
VickiWongthen it reconnects at a slow speed, then continues to stop start but never going over 20 KB/s (to begin with it goes around 1000+KN's)18:39
gavimobilemeathome keep at what?18:39
meathometrying to solve the problem18:39
gavimobilemeathome yes, but do u have a solution which might save me some time?18:39
meathomehere we go18:40
pranavhow to get short description of packages using "apt-get" ?18:40
meathomegavimobile: important files,18:40
grawitypranav: apt-cache search18:40
grawitypranav: or apt-cache info, for longer descriptions.18:40
pranavgrawity, thanks again18:41
pranavgrawity, I knew the search one18:41
meathomeI lost some photos recently, first time I did that in years, gutted, gone forever18:41
solenopsisgavimobile: I recently re-installed XP on a PC. After the base install (XP SP1) I was not able to access a second hdd which is NTFS formatted. It was previously accessible. I continued to apply the patches to XP. When I installed SP3, I was then able to access that second drive again. No Linux was involved though!18:43
blackxoredJason86, paste them somewhere18:43
mikebeechami wonder if anyone has heard of an application called 'Pyro' on the Mac...if so would there be a linux alternative?18:44
meathomegavimobile: there you go, make sure xp is fully updated18:44
gavimobilesolenopsis i will give that a try18:44
gavimobilethanks for the advice18:44
meathomesounds good to me18:44
zxIs it possible to encrypt just the home directory with ubuntu during the install?18:44
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prenticemikebeecham, http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyro/files/Pyro/3.9.1/Pyro-3.9.1.tar.gz/download18:45
solenopsisgavimobile: You're welcome. Hope it works out.18:45
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prenticemikebeecham, just chmod and your done18:45
mikebeechamprentice: thanks for link...what is chmod?18:45
prenticemikebeecham, hold on18:46
mikebeechamok mate18:46
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meathomemikebeecham:  setting permission on files, foolders etc18:46
bastidraZor!chmod | mikebeecham18:46
ubottumikebeecham: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:46
meathomefolders even18:46
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meathomelife is too short to learn linux :)18:47
johnnycbadHey, just installed Virtualbox (not OSE, 2.2) and can't find it in the menu or execute it via terminal?18:48
DulakI don't know about that, I went from knowing nothing about linux to running 50+ servers in under 6 months.  Back when docs were harder to find too, even.18:48
Slartjohnnycbad: afaik it should turn up in the system menu18:49
Slartjohnnycbad: but you should be able to run it from a terminal.. try running VirtualBox in a terminal.. (caps is needed)18:49
johnnycbadSlart: Ah really, never knew that, no wonder I found it hard to find in synaptic before18:50
meathomeyeah but I am not smart like you18:50
commander_I NEED HELP18:50
RealKillazI'm running netstat and I'm seeing a stream connected using the folder /tmp/orbit-smartes/linc18:50
RealKillazwhat is this orbit thing?18:51
Slartcommander_: it's under the tab key.. it has the letters "Caps lock" on it18:51
darkfrogHey guys, I'm trying to create an fstab entry to connect to an NFS share.  I have it working, but only root can access the share...what do I need to add to the fstab entry to give normal users access to the share as well?  (they are getting "cannot open directory ... Permission denied"18:51
pranavgrawity, How to update the apt-cache from the internet so that new packages come to the list ?18:51
Slartjohnnycbad: oh.. I'm not sure if the synaptic search box is case sensitive.. but when running stuff from the terminal you need to use the right case.. (which in most cases are lower case)18:51
grawitypranav: sudo apt-get update18:51
Dulakmeathome: I think it's more about motivation than actual smarts,  if it required you to be really smart this channel wouldn't be necessary.18:52
RHorseRealKillaz you will find all you need to know by googling it. it's a internet card or something.18:52
zaggynlhow do I check which version of ubuntu I'm running18:52
diamantinoplease help me18:52
Slartzaggynl: lsb_release -a18:52
pranavE: Invalid operation update18:52
grawitypranav: apt-get update, not apt-cache18:52
johnnycbadSlart: Sweet man, I'm all good now, thank you very much :)18:52
meathomesudo apt-get upgrade to to upgrade anything, if its like my debiab etch server18:52
zaggynland how do I know if it's 32 or 64 bit18:53
diamantinoi have asus lan nx1101 how i can install drivers for it?18:53
Slartzaggynl: I think you can go to the system menu, about Ubuntu too18:53
commander_Slart wth u mean? u didn't have my first question18:53
meathomeafter you have updated of course18:53
Slartzaggynl: uname -a .. check the last couple of letters.. x86_64 means 64bit if I recall correctly18:53
WolkeCan somebody help me?! I need a free data recovery programm for ubuntu18:53
KB1JWQWolke: testdisk18:54
pranavgrawity, How did you know I typed wrong .... ?18:54
KB1JWQWolke: But I'd sure not run that machine until you have your data back.18:54
KB1JWQddrescue is also useful18:54
Slartcommander_: nope.. but you're writing stuff in all caps.. which makes it harder to read and possibly considered shouting18:54
zaggynli686, thanks18:54
RealKillazRHorse: well I always check google before I ask here, because before I get the answer ppl will alywas say " you will find all you need to know by googling it". So sorry if I'm asking something that I googled and couldnt find, but still it is on google18:54
Slartcommander_: but go ahead and ask your question..18:54
meathome486 here :)18:54
* zaggynl cancels installation and gets 64bit18:54
Slartjohnnycbad: you're welcome18:54
meathome16mb ram18:54
commander_i ad asked q question 15 minutes ago n no one answered18:55
zaggynlwelcome to IRC commander_18:55
meathomecommander_: what was it18:55
johnnycbadzaggynl: lol so true!18:55
meathomepeople were prolly busy with something interesting18:55
Slartcommander_: sometimes people just don't know..or the question lacks information.. for example .. asking "My scanner doesn't work" will possibly make people ignore you while asking "I'm using ubuntu 8.10 and my HP scanjet 5100 doesn't show up when I run xsane" might get you an answer18:56
awaadtheatro : it worked but as a portable programme18:56
commander_ok i have cairo dock and getting global menu but soemtihfirefox browser from covering the enitre screen it just stops a quarter at the bottoming stops my18:56
diamantinowhat is this - /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-server/build: No such file or directory18:56
KB1JWQ!pm | Wolke18:56
ubottuWolke: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:56
RHorseRealKillaz have you visited Orbit in the past?18:56
diamantinohow i can start - make all?18:56
awaadI want to install eclipse on ubuntu 9.04, but I don't know how18:56
zaggynlwhy is the 64bit image called amd64, I have intel lol18:56
grawityzaggynl: 'amd64' is what x86_64 architecture used to be called.18:57
meathomecommander_: thats why no one answered you18:57
zaggynlI guess it'll work anyway18:57
grawityzaggynl: Intel used to have its own ia64, which wasn't really successful...18:57
RealKillazRHorse: I'm thinking what this could be....18:57
Slartcommander_: not really sure about how cairo-dock handles it.. but the awn dock has a setting for allowing full screen apps to cover it18:57
sabinahello! can someone help me get some sound on my acer spire 8930?18:57
grawityzaggynl: So now, amd64 is just called that.18:57
diamantinooh please anybody help me to install lan drivers on my ubuntu18:57
RealKillazRHorse: today my admistrator manager told me that I have an application using snmp scanning the network18:58
WolkeKB1JWQ: What do you mean by not run that machine until I have my data back18:58
_Fauchi95_Hello! I have seen, that a apostrophe in a description of a package is wrong. sould I fix this to karmic, karmic-updates or should I do nothing?18:58
meathomesabina: search the forums for info would be a great start if no one here can help18:58
Slartzaggynl: I think intel licensed the 64 bit stuff from amd.. google for it.. I think it's a long story18:58
KB1JWQWolke: If you run your OS on a drive that you've deleted data from, you'll overwrite the data.  Use a live CD to recover it.18:58
awaadI want to install eclipse on ubuntu 9.04, but I don't know how18:58
henkeis it possible to assemble a raid array from disk images?18:59
sabinameathome: already tried everything i can find18:59
WolkeKB1JWQ: Oh yeah I know its on an other hd18:59
Dulakanyone know if you can set a delay time on autologin?  It automatically logs in as my autologin user, but there is no delay, so if I want to login as another user I have to let it login, then logout and relogin using the other user18:59
RHorseRealKillaz does it happen even when browser is not running?18:59
FurythorI need to get my Nvidia MCP 570 sounds to work, currently device does not appear at all in sound settings, rather there is some "null device"18:59
meathomediamantino: try the forums, loads of stuuf there18:59
SlartDulak: didn't there use to be a delay setting somewhere?? let me check19:00
clintonphow do i open my server, can ping server, cannot remote ssh or open website19:01
SlartDulak: have you checked the "Timed Login" option in system, administration, Login Window?19:01
RealKillazwell I don't know...19:01
SlartDulak: I'm not really sure how it works, I've never used it myself, but it sounds promising19:01
RealKillazRHorse: that is what I'm trying to figure out19:01
awaadcan you help me to install eclipse on ubuntu 9.04 ?19:01
etyrnalis there a way to ad a user to the sudoers list in a way tht they can only execute one single command?  e.g.  when i'm not home, i'd like to be able to create a cli login that would allow one of my kids to lohin and issue a s shutdown -h now  or a sudo shutdown -r now  or a sudo reboot19:01
etyrnal(machine has not gui)19:01
DulakSLart: I'll play with it, but the weird part is once I've logged out, there is a 10 second delay that bumps to 30 seconds when I start typing a username, but that delay doesn't ever happen on boot19:02
meathomedid Sabina leave,19:02
williamwhohow can I enable runlevel 5 in Ubuntu? (upstart difference I think). trying to autostart xdm.19:02
Slartetyrnal: check the sudoers file.. currently the admin user can execute ALL commands.. but you can set it to work only on selected commands19:02
ikoniawilliamwho: ubuntu's full multi user mode is run level 219:02
Slartetyrnal: man sudo might have more info on the specific syntax19:02
etyrnalSlart, thanks19:02
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.19:02
gavimobilei did it witout sp319:02
meathometell us then19:02
williamwhoikonia: and what is the blessed way to autostart xdm?19:02
thahaussCan someone please help me?  I'm using a Soundblaster with ALSA and upon reboot I dont have sound anymore (I tried rebooting again still no sound).  I really dont want to have to reinstall ubuntu, when i type 'lspci' the card still shows up.19:03
ikoniawilliamwho: it's enabled by default19:03
meathomeif its good, put it on the forum19:03
SlartDulak: oh.. odd.. well, give the Timed Login a try.. see if that changes stuff19:03
Jason86blackxored: i think i'm going to try a different torrent program19:03
meathomeI tild you to right click19:03
spasysheepmy system refuses to recognise the on-board sound chip on my gigabyte GA-M16PM-S2 motherboard. any ideas?19:04
blackxoredJason86, it's up to you19:04
blackxoredJason86, IMHO vuze is one of the best ones out there19:04
stercor1Where are fonts stored?19:05
Jason86blackxored: the update pop-up is givin me a headache19:05
Ritzeriskanyone know the backtrack channel19:05
grawitystercor1: /usr/share/fonts/19:05
grawitystercor1: But you can put yours in ~/.fonts/ too.19:05
stercor1grawity: Thanks!19:05
blackxoredJason86, where's your plugin home? do you have access to it19:06
DASPRiDwhich packages in intrepid contains the program udevinfo?19:07
Jason86i found the logs, i had to choose "show hidden files"19:07
solenopsisgavimobile: Nice one19:10
dt84hi. i made a font using fontforge, including english & hebrew (0590-05EA) letters, generated it to a ttf file, but in openoffice when trying to write in hebrew - no letters in this font. but when adding a special character (insert > special character, using my font) - i can see and add the hebrew letters. what's the problem?19:11
grawitydt84: Does it work on, for example, gedit?19:11
ShapeShifter499I backed up my firefox folders in /home/user/.mozilla now I reinstalled my whole system, how to I reinstall  my backup?19:11
dt84grawity: checking19:12
grawitydt84: Actually, does it work anywhere else besides OOo?19:12
scuniziI stopped a job.. how do I get back to it?  &<job #)?19:12
Slartscunizi: %119:12
scuniziThanks Slart19:12
varunthackeris there an idea of a campus ambassador in colleges promoting ubuntu?19:13
dt84grawity: yes, it's working great on gedit19:13
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Slartscunizi: that command is hidden deep in "man bash" =)19:13
SlartDASPRiD: try installing apt-file  then run apt-file search udevinfo19:14
SlartDASPRiD: don't forget to run apt-file update first19:14
mattfredI just got a new blu-ray drive for my computer and I want to switch the face plate19:14
mattfredits not coming off very easily19:14
mattfreddo i Just pull hard?19:14
Slartmattfred: #ubuntu... for ubuntu support.. try ##hardware or #hardware19:15
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varunthackeris there an idea of a campus ambassador in colleges promoting ubuntu?19:15
RHorseSlart don't you mean apt-get?19:15
SlartRHorse: nope.. apt-file19:16
ikoniavarunthacker: not that I'm aware of, it may be better to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-marketing19:16
Slart!info apt-file19:16
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0 (jaunty), package size 25 kB, installed size 172 kB19:16
zopiacafter about 5 minutes of playing Quake 4, it suddenly goes to windowed mode and i cant do anything, not even alt-tab. i have to ctrl-alt-backspace19:16
zopiacdoes anyone know how to fix this?19:16
SlartRHorse: apt-get/apt-cache doesn't search for files inside packages afaik19:16
RHorseahh, ok. <sri!>19:16
DASPRiDSlart, nevermind, found it out, udevinfo is udevadm now :)19:17
SlartDASPRiD: ah =)19:17
dt84grawity: is it an OOo bug, or something i need to change in OOo's preferences?19:18
Vndmtrx!info aptitude19:18
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager. In component main, is important. Version (jaunty), package size 1473 kB, installed size 9676 kB19:18
grawitydt84: I have no idea :\19:18
IonutBwhat's the name of the application that shows informations about proc, ram, hdd on desktop ? ( like a gadget )19:19
slon2000ruhallo people19:19
IonutBhi slon2000ru19:19
dt84grawity: ok. thanks anyway19:19
draHi! Is the jackd dependency on QT Ubuntu-specific? I really, really want jackd, and I really, really don't want QT.19:19
IonutBprintscreen here : http://i30.tinypic.com/sb5xjn.jpg19:19
slon2000ruplease help me to install driver on ubuntu after #make all ican read only - no such file or directory, but that libe directory i have on my hdd19:19
ncb000gtIs there any reason that files listed with dpkg-deb --contents <package> would not be installed properly when using sudo dpkg -i <package>?19:20
SavagoHello there.19:20
SavagoI just installed karmic alpha 4 in a macbook, running in x86-64 mode smoothly. :-)19:21
boss_mcIonutB: conky?19:21
SavagoJust wonder how I could change the default desktop in GDM?19:21
IonutBboss_mc, thanks.19:21
gwildorSavago, choose the new one, log on, then choose make default.19:22
MK13does anyone have experience with getting the EasyCap USB capture card working in Ubuntu?19:22
RHorseSavago you could disable effects in setup to revert to plain GDM or you could install an alternate WM like fluxbox or xfce to go along with GDM.19:22
Savagogwildor, in previous gdm it just worked like this, but I'm afraid in karmic it is somewhat different.19:23
RonaBlaze.server -m irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:23
FloodBot3RonaBlaze: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
jetoledoes anyone know when I can expect the ubuntu key server keyserver.ubuntu.com to be back up?19:24
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SavagoRHorse, looks promising. Which file should I edit?19:24
wacomaltHey, I am wondering if I use the typical method to put the live ubuntu CD onto a flash drive. will this be the same as actually INSTALLING to a flash drive? I want to use the flahs drive linux as my main OS19:24
xFluxanyone know of any menuing systems that can show limited information without logging in?  Similiar to VMWare ESX...just on Ubuntu19:25
wacomaltif I put the live ubuntu Cd on my flash drive, will it be read only? or will I be able to actually install programs and stuff on it?19:26
ThingymebobAnyone know anything about gEda & gSchem19:26
pranavHas fluxbox team stopped giving updates ?19:26
jetolexFlux: I run quite a few esx servers and yet I have no idea what you are talking about, typically an admin installs it in the data center and never sits in front of the console again19:26
=== wacomalt is now known as WACOMalt
Hello                               19:26
Hello                               19:26
Hello                               19:26
Hello                               19:26
Hello                               19:26
FloodBot3Hello: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
xFluxjetole:  The main menuing system....It starts when bootstrap is finished, and you can run manitenance commands, etc19:26
jetoleWACOMalt: won't work like that, you need to download the USB disk creator from apt-get19:27
xFluxyou never have to login...its part of the vsphere download19:27
WACOMaltjetole: is there a tutorial on setting it up this way? I dont have linux yet to be able to do apt-get19:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:27
jetolexFlux: I'll take your word for it. My point is like myself, most people whom run ESX never need to be at the console ever again19:27
xFluxjetole:  Im doing it for my noob admins....It should be simple for them to install/check things that way :)19:28
jetoleWACOMalt: I don't know. Google it. I know once you have the USB disk creator it will allow you to use the free space on your disk as the Documents dir19:28
jetolexFlux: good luck19:28
wildc4rd_evening all19:28
xFluxthanks jetole lol19:29
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mykolHELP, I'm trying to find my MAC address! Any ideas?19:29
grawitymykol: ifconfig19:29
Hello                                                                                            19:29
Hello                                                                                            19:29
Hello                                                                                            19:29
Hello                                                                                            19:29
WACOMaltso, would I use the usb disk creater once I boot from the live flash drive and it will enable writing? or is this somethign that ahs to be done form an actual install?19:29
FloodBot3Hello: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
shrini__need help on irc19:29
jetolexFlux: I have my own issues at the moment which in this case is that the ubuntu key server is down which is fucking up anyone wanting to download an app from ppa.launchpad.net19:29
mykolgrawity, lol you again, where do i type that? If it's in the terminal it's telling me command not found19:29
IonutBboss_mc, do you know where can i find the .conkyrc file ? ( i tried cat /home/myuser/.conkyrc )19:30
shrini__how to hide join/quit/part messages?19:30
grawitymykol: /sbin/ifconfig maybe?19:30
erUSUL!ask | shrini__19:30
ubottushrini__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:30
grawityshrini__: Depends on your IRC client.19:30
grawityerUSUL: He did ask.19:30
thahaussCan someone please help me?  I'm using a Soundblaster with ALSA and upon reboot I dont have sound anymore (I tried rebooting again still no sound).  I really dont want to have to reinstall ubuntu, when i type 'lspci' the card still shows up. and I followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting19:30
mykolgrawity, No such file or folder19:30
erUSULgrawity: yep i saw now; oops19:30
shrini__i use quassel/pigdin/irrsi19:30
jetoleWACOMalt: boot off the CD, you can make changes to the CD once you boot although they are stored in ram but from there you can install the USB disk creator and build the usb boot drive from there19:30
erUSUL!quietirssi | shrini__19:31
ubottushrini__: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS19:31
grawitymykol: Do you have the net-tools package installed?19:31
mykolgrawity, not sure bro...19:31
shrini__ /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS19:31
grawitymykol: then install it, sudo apt-get install net-tools19:32
shrini__ubottu: #ubuntu-classroom Cannot send to channel  getiing this error19:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:32
mykolReading package lists... Done19:32
mykolBuilding dependency tree19:32
mykolReading state information... Done19:32
mykolnet-tools is already the newest version.19:32
mykolThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:19:32
mykol  linux-headers-2.6.28-11 linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic19:32
FloodBot3mykol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:32
mykolgrawity, it said it's already the newest version19:33
WACOMalthttp://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=1873 will this guide work to install to a flash drive? or will I still not have write access?19:35
sat123ewrhow to get good themes for ubuntu19:36
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:36
pagixWACOMalt,  if you want persistent changes  use    http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/19:36
coolcatWhat is the motivation of a company on not provide suppot for linux in there software. I used to use bearshare when I used to use windows, but now on linux it is impossible.19:36
zaggynlmotivation? costs? market share?19:36
sat123ewrhow to install compiz themes19:36
grawitysat123ewr: Compiz doesn't have any themes that I know of.19:37
eXapidcoolcat, find a alternative program, simple19:37
erUSULcoolcat: low market share of linux. means fewer customers means not worth the effort of porting/mantaining the program to/on two platforms19:37
eXapidomfg its zaggy wtf you doing here19:37
eXapidyour from pp yeah?19:37
mykolsat123ewr, Google: Best Ubuntu themes19:37
philcamlinhey guys19:37
sat123ewr how to install emerald themes19:37
grawitycoolcat: BearShare uses "DRMed WMA", Wikipedia says, and you know what most Linux users think about DRM...19:37
coolcateXapid, I didn't ask about alternative.19:37
eXapidwell sucks to be you then19:38
eXapidyou from pp?19:38
coolcateXapid, I am aware of alternatives19:38
Hydridhow to link a folder (in vsftpd deafault folder [ftp]?) that i have in another disk in another folder so my users can see and download the files? Cause i am not in the mood to transfer 100 gb and more!19:38
zaggynlI am the same zaggynl on purepwnage19:38
zen_so i'm having this strange issue in ubuntu where everytime I start up, and log in to ubuntu, it searches for a wireless network for awhile, and it seem that while its doing this i have a 50/50 chance that the computer freezes before it finds a connection19:38
eXapid<--- DeathKnight19:38
eXapidhow you doing buddy19:39
zaggynlfed up with arch19:39
zaggynlset mode +lazy and went for 'buntu19:39
eXapidyeah understand that XD19:39
erUSULHydrid: man ln hint ln -s target linkname19:39
sat123ewri have installed an emerald theme but it only changes the titlebar and window decorations how can i change theme for whole system19:39
erUSUL!emerald | sat123ewr19:39
ubottusat123ewr: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.19:39
erUSULsat123ewr: you need to change the gtk theme two and the icon theme and fonts etc...19:40
erUSULsat123ewr: system>Preferences>appearance19:40
HydriderUSUL: i will only change in what you wrote me the linkname e.g videos19:40
chocotuarhas anyone ever had to cross-compile with the X11 libraries? I can't seem to get the cross-compiler g++ to recognize any libX11.so file19:40
HelloHey guys19:41
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello19:41
Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello19:41
kaoukycomment changer firefox 3.1 en 3.519:41
Slart!fr | kaouky19:42
ubottukaouky: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:42
WACOMaltwhy doesn't irc_conf_mode work to hide join/part messages?19:42
Helloserver irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:42
kricHi i have a problem with keyserver.ubuntu.com. Does enyone know why it's unavaliable ?19:42
sat123ewrhow can i get good themes having transperancy effects19:42
kaoukymerci pour le renseignement19:42
erUSUL!themes > sat123ewr19:42
ubottusat123ewr, please see my private message19:42
Slartkaouky: you're welcome19:42
Helloserver irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:43
erUSULHello: stop19:43
SlartHello: try adding a / before the server command19:43
HydriderUSUL: i will only change in what you wrote19:43
erUSULHydrid: and the target. see the man page19:43
HydriderUSUL: i will only change in what you wrote me the linkname e.g videos19:43
stercor1In which package is 'metafont'?19:43
Hellohelp why doesn't it work19:43
Helloi cannot connect19:44
erUSUL!find metafont19:44
ubottuFile metafont found in feynmf, kde-icons-crystalproject, kde-icons-mono, kde-icons-noia, kdeartwork-theme-icon (and 5 others)19:44
erUSULHello: /server irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:44
sat123ewrhow can i add dock i have downloaded cairo-dock19:44
trothigarsat123ewr, you can install it using add/remove programs or synaptic19:44
Hellobut without the server -m irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:44
Helloi won't be able to connect19:44
Helloit'll make me leave here19:45
trothigarsat123ewr, or using the command sudo apt-get install cairo-dock19:45
Hellowithout the -m irc.xerologic.net19:45
grawityHello: then add -m if you need19:45
erUSULHello: you have to put a /19:45
slichyHello, you have to use -m19:45
trothigarsat123ewr, no need to download it seperatly19:45
Hellookay so its /server -m irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:45
slichyyou'll connect to two networks19:45
stercor1erUSUL: Er...thanks!19:46
Hellohow come my irc when i put the /server -m irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic it reconnects me here?19:46
Helloim using mIRC19:46
slichywhat does it say?19:46
erUSULstercor1: no problem19:46
bogorI want to know what is wrong with this cmd. gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys 21778E4719:46
Hello* Connecting to irc.freenode.net (6667)19:46
Hello-irc.freenode.net- *** Looking up your hostname...19:46
Hello-irc.freenode.net- *** Checking ident19:46
FloodBot3Hello: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
bogorI am getting the following error19:46
sat123ewri have installed it using apt but i cant config it19:47
slichyBecause this is the network you're already in19:47
grawitybogor: keyserver.ubuntu.com is probably down.19:47
Hellobut it should connect me to another19:47
Helloit should be -m19:47
IntelAtiÏðèâåò! Ðóññêèå åñòü?19:47
grawitybogor: Use pool.sks-keyservers.net19:47
bogorgpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys 21778E4719:47
bogorgpg: sending key 21778E47 to hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com19:47
bogorgpgkeys: HTTP post error 7: couldn't connect to host19:47
bogorgpg: keyserver internal error19:47
bogorgpg: keyserver send failed: keyserver error19:47
FloodBot3bogor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
Slart!ru | IntelAti19:47
ubottuIntelAti: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:47
slichy(8:47pm) <slichy> Because this is the network you're already in19:47
genericdoes ubuntu start mpd on iots own?19:48
Hellowhat does -m do then?19:48
Helloi thought its to open up another window19:48
bogorIs the keyserver down ?19:48
grawityslichy: But the command says irc.xerologic.net19:48
SlartIntelAti: you're welcome19:48
slichy(8:46pm) <slichy> you'll connect to two networks19:48
grawity21:47 <grawity> bogor: keyserver.ubuntu.com is probably down.19:48
boss_mcgeneric: by default, yes19:48
grawity21:47 <grawity> bogor: Use pool.sks-keyservers.net19:48
sia-eXtremecan anyone help me with adding acm to javac libraries ?19:48
om26eris there a way to connect to the wireless internet without connection manager19:48
genericsome how its starting by itself and this is causing problems how can i turn it off?19:48
bogorThanks grawity19:48
om26erfrom any config file?19:48
boss_mcgeneric: make sure /etc/rc2.d/SXXmpd exists (where XX is a number, maybe 30)19:48
slichygrawity irc.xerologic.net ain't a command, thats a network.19:49
Hellocan someone help me19:49
grawityslichy: I know, right19:49
grawityslichy: <Hello?> okay so its /server -m irc.xerologic.net -j #xerologic19:49
slichyI said "yeah"19:49
nithey pple i want to reconfigure my mouse buttons ....can smone point out the right channel to go to?19:49
grawityslichy: And that doesn't seem to point to Freenode.19:49
slichyWhy did he paste connection info to this network then?19:50
boss_mcgeneric: in that case, you can remove the start entries in /etc/rcX.d/ (where X = 2, 3, 4, 5)19:50
Helloi typed that19:50
genericboss_mc: ok i found it, do i remove it?19:50
javaTNHi everyone!19:50
Helloand it connected me back here19:50
bogorGrawity , It worked19:50
Helloits a problem with my irc19:50
FloodBot3Hello: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
grawityslichy: Because he wants help, because that command does not conenct to where he wants.19:50
sia-eXtremeanyone java developer here ?19:50
boss_mcgeneric: you can remove them manually or using update-rc19:50
grawitybogor: Try Options -> Servers -> New server window19:50
slichyYeah because that network connects here?19:50
Helloit doesn't19:51
bogorgrawity, where can i find the Options19:51
javaTNCan someone help me out with my apache2 000-enabled file?19:51
slichyalt + O19:51
grawityslichy: That is _exactly_ the problem.19:51
genericboss_mc: o.0 so the ubuntu team creats these elaborate scripts for all these applications?19:51
grawityslichy: irc.xerologic.net is a completely separate network, but for some reason his command connects to freenode even if he specifies xerologic.19:52
boss_mcgeneric: only for the processes that are run as services (like mpd, apache, samba etc)19:52
boss_mcgeneric: not for processes run by the user him/her sefl19:52
Y-Townwhat is the best way and easiest to update bios on a dell using 9.04?19:52
sat123ewrplz help me19:53
genericboss_mc: well yeah i knew that, but still all they have done is made it more difficult imo :/19:53
bogorgrawity , what is it regarding Opions-->servers --> new server window ?19:53
SlartY-Town: from what I've tried.. installing windows and doing the bios update from there.. I tried using freedos once but I never succeded..  this wasn't a DELL machine though.. not sure if they support linux bios flashing19:53
grawitybogor: Eh, ignore that - it was supposed to go to Hello, not you.19:54
bogorgrawity thanks19:54
boss_mcgeneric: sudo update-rc mpd remove would remove all the links but would also remove the kill links so you wouldn't get clean shutdowns19:54
Y-TownSlart: thanks   kinda a pain uhh19:55
SerialKillerHey guys is there any word on the next release of ubuntu??19:55
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:55
VickiWongI was wandering if anyone could help : When transfering files between two local Ubuntu machines using either Samba or FTP, transfers start around 1009KB/s but then slow down to 0, disconnect, and then continues to reconnect/disconnect around 20KN/s19:55
genericboss_mc: i dont have that package?19:55
grawitySerialKiller: 9.10 will come on year 2009 month 10, like its version number says.19:55
boss_mcgeneric: update-rc.d sorry19:55
genericboss_mc: besides im not worried about my system crashing from an unclean mpd log19:55
SlartY-Town: yes.. it's very annoying that manufacturers concentrate so much on windows when it comes to BIOS upgrades..19:56
genericanyone know how to disable the system beed in ubuntu?19:57
ikoniageneric: system breed ?19:57
genericor what module it is that controls it19:57
Slartgeneric: go to system, preferences, sound.. on one of the tabs there is a "Use alert sound" checkbox.. try unchecking it19:57
genericopps system beep19:57
ikoniageneric: what is a system beed19:57
ikoniaahh the beep19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep19:57
ikoniathere is a factoid for that19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bell19:57
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
* erUSUL :)19:58
genericno i just need the nam of the module19:58
Slartgeneric: pc_spkr or something like that19:58
genericI can handel the rest my self19:58
genericah ok thanks19:58
Slartgeneric: it might be pcspkr as well..19:58
ikoniageneric: pcspkr19:58
ikoniaSlart: superb memory19:58
badseriiHi! I did a mv /var/log/messages /var/log/messages.1 and now rsyslogd writes to the new file. Why is that? Thank you in advance.19:59
Slartikonia: ask my wife what she thinks of my memory.. she's not as impressed =)19:59
fbianconibadserii: the file was still open19:59
nithey pple i want to reconfigure my mouse buttons ....can smone point out the right channel to go to?19:59
fbianconithe inode didn't change20:00
badseriifbianconi: thank you very much!!!20:00
=== _Brandt_ is now known as mbrandt
erUSULSlart: clearly is selective memory. happens to me aswell ;P20:01
SlarterUSUL: indeed =)20:01
mattishgood evening all :)20:02
nicklas_hey, the built in compiz manager in kubuntu works out of the box, or i have to install some plugin to get effects working?20:02
VickiWongI was wandering if anyone could help : When transfering files between two local Ubuntu machines using either Samba or FTP, transfers start around 1009KB/s but then slow down to 0, disconnect, and then continues to reconnect/disconnect around 20KN/s until i restart both machines. Tried with 2 different rouetrs.20:03
mattishIm having real issues streaming audio with darkice/ubuntu - its very glitchy to listen too, i thought at first it was cpu load so tried a faster laptop now with same issue :(20:03
mattishanyone here use a cm106 based usb soundcard without issue ?20:05
kazagistarrwhat is a good way to learn iptables? do I just have to slog through and memorize all of it?20:06
erUSULkazagistarr: no; do not learn it just use something like shorewall or firehol or even ufw.20:07
OrganizedGanz kurze Frage, es gab doch mal ein Programm wie VMware/Virtual PC, kostenlos für Linux20:07
OrganizedWie heißt das20:07
erUSUL!de | Organized20:07
ubottuOrganized: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:07
llutzOrganized: virtualbox, mehr in #ubuntu-de20:07
OrganizedOops, sorry, wrong channel20:08
mattishkazagistarr, best bet is to just look through some sample firewall scripts and lookup the params as you go20:08
Organizedi thought i am in .de20:08
kazagistarrerUSUL: do any of those have COMPLETE feature sets of iptables?20:08
erUSULkazagistarr: they are frontends to iptables20:08
xim_is there any setting that defines the width of the area on the edge of windows where you get the resize icon?  it seems way harder than usual to find that stupid little icon to resize things like its only 1 pixel wide20:09
kazagistarrI actually just want to set up an ip-masq network on my wireless, because I am only allowed to attach 1 PC to the ethernet20:09
kazagistarrI tried firestarter and the ubuntu network manager, and neither could figure it out20:10
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kazagistarror rather, I could not figure it out in either20:10
Glaxyhey guys, so my SSH sessions keep stalling if I'm idle on them for ~7 hours or so.  I then have to close my terminal window and reconnect to whatever server I was previously connected to.  I'm positive the reason is because of some server-side setting, however, I'm not sure what to do.  It only happen if the connection is idle...so if I have tail -f access.log it will not disconnect as information will be coming in, however if th20:11
Glaxy..and how to fix it :)20:11
kamil-adminPoland ?20:12
Myrtti!pl | kamil-admin20:12
ubottukamil-admin: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:12
MrCraigGlaxy, I know nothing of server side settings for SSH really but I was having the same symptoms because of client side using putty from windows - it's a putty setting - might be worth re-checking if you're using the same client.20:13
Glaxyyea it's an ubuntu client and ubutnu server20:13
Glaxyit does not happen with other servers20:13
Glaxyso I know it's the server20:13
=== Someone67` is now known as Someone67
hozomean__Glaxy: look at man ssh_config20:14
hozomean__search for "Alive"20:14
Andrilhello all20:18
=== hozomean__ is now known as hozomean
shawn_Hi all. I have a software raid question. I have 3 hard drives and want to set up raid 5 with mdadm post install. I keep getting an error that sda1 is busy. I am assuming I get the error because that is the drive that ubuntu is installed on. My question is, do I actually need another hard drive to put the o/s on and then create the raid on the remaining 3? And if that is the case doesn't that leave the o/s vulnerable?20:21
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=== Tommy_EEE is now known as Tommy_Eee
tsrkDo any of you have a lenovo S10 netbook?20:21
iceroot!anyone | tsrk20:21
ubottutsrk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:21
hozomeanshawn_: you want your ubuntu partition to be part of the raid?20:21
VickiWongI was wandering if anyone could help : When transfering files between two local Ubuntu machines using either Samba or FTP, transfers start around 1009KB/s but then slow down to 0, disconnect, and then continues to reconnect/disconnect around 20KN/s until i restart both machines. Tried with 2 different routers.20:22
=== NN34 is now known as ard3
tsrkiceroot, because there's no point asking if nobody can answer20:22
shawn_or do I have the wrong idea?20:23
shawn_I thought the raid should encompass the o/s and data. Or is the the wrong impression?20:23
iceroottsrk: just ask your real question like (how to run hardware xy with ubuntu [version]. its not detecting, its not working correclty or something like that. because the same hardware is often used in different notebooks20:23
hozomeanshawn_: there are a few ifferent ways you can do it, but its a little more complicated if you're starting with data on the drive20:24
tsrkiceroot, alright20:24
hozomeanshawn_: is sda1 the size you want the whole raid to be?20:24
SockPantsi just repartitioned a bit, and now GRUB gives error 2220:25
SockPantsi've gotten to rescue mode on the ubuntu CD20:25
tsrkWhen my lenovo s10 comes out of suspend, I get an IRQ error (I think it's for the hard drive, it mentions ATA). Then everything goes unbearably slow. I also think it's because of the hard drive because it doesn't happen on a live install running off a flash drive. Is this normal?20:25
SockPantsand i can now choose between opening a shell on the harddrive or opening one on teh install system20:25
SockPantsbut i have no idea what kind of commands to run to fix grub20:26
shawn_or I should say it is the same size as the others and would make up 1/2 of the size of the riad20:26
zenlunaticSockPants: chroot20:26
shawn_I have 3 500 gb drives, and was going for 1 TB of redundant storage20:26
hozomeanshawn_: so what you need to do is create the raid20:26
hozomeanshawn_: but explicitely tell it that one disk is missing20:26
SockPants'chroot' will fix grub?20:27
zenlunaticSockPants: grub-install20:27
hozomeanshawn_: once the raid device is created, then you can copy all the data over from the existing device20:27
tonnosomeone here use emesene? why my emesene log out every 20seg?20:27
zenlunaticSockPants: chroot stands for change root20:27
Max007Hi I have a problem with my bluetooth mouse. I connect it using "hidd --search" but every time my computer reboots, go to sleep or even start the screensaver I have to reconnect it. Is there a way to make it permanent ? I searched ubuntu forums but everything I try doesn't work...20:27
hozomeanshawn_: reboot with the raid device as your boot device20:27
draHi! Is the jackd dependency on QT Ubuntu-specific? I really, really want jackd, and I really, really don't want QT.20:27
hozomeanshawn_: and then reformat sda1 and add it to the raid20:28
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
strangerHi, anyone knows where can I find shockwave player 10 for win 64 bit20:28
SockPantsthere's all kinds of errors with grub-install20:28
strangernot WIN20:28
hozomeanshawn_: or just reinstall and create the raid device during install20:28
FloodBot3stranger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
SockPantsall i did was remove 1 data partition and resize another20:28
tonnosomeone here use emesene? why my emesene log out every 20seg?20:28
shawn_so I would need a 4th hard drive to do raid 5 then? Or would it allow me to do a raid 5 with only 2 hard drives identified?20:28
strangerFloodBot1: sure, sorry :-D20:29
erUSULdra: jackd does not depend on qt afaics. ubuntu by default installs recomended software too20:29
shawn_if I exclude sda to be included at a later time20:29
pm_41i need help mounting a UDF ISO in Ubuntu 9.0420:29
strangerAny idea about shockwave player 64bit for firefox ?20:29
Myrttistranger: there is no such thing.20:29
tapasi used the restricted driver thing to activate the nvidia drivers20:29
erUSULdra: install with -R option « sudo aptitude install -R jackd »20:30
tapasbut it just returns without an error and then stikll hasn't activated anything20:30
Myrttistranger: no shockwave.20:30
zenlunatic SockPants did you partprobe?20:30
_markus__My system sound volume is too low, everything turned to max and still not loud enough. I tried System/Preferences/Sound. Is there an amplifier somewhere?20:30
pm_41how do you mount a UDF iso?20:30
tapasah i give up20:30
SockPantszenlunatic: how?20:30
tapasthe guy who gets the machine can fumble around with that20:30
amcsiubuntu doesn't do anything with my usb devices today for some reason. What can I do?20:30
hozomeanshawn_: you should be able to specify missing drives... as long as you have enough for the full size of the raid volume you want (not counting sda)20:30
SockPantszenlunatic: what should it return20:31
pm_41anyone know how to mount a UDF ISO?20:31
draerUSUL, what does -R stand for, or where is it documented? (Not the apt-get manpage.)20:31
Slartpm_41: the regular mount -o loop command doesn't work?20:31
erUSULdra: aptitude20:31
draerUSUL, my bad. You meant aptitude.20:31
slon2000rupeople please help me who knew how i can create driver via #make all, cose it dont work on my server20:31
Slart!mountiso | pm_4120:31
ubottupm_41: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:31
zenlunaticSockPants: forget... nothing i think20:31
SockPantszenlunatic: i've done that now20:32
Slartstranger: not sure there is one..20:32
pm_41Slart: ubottu: This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system20:32
pm_41that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.20:32
pm_41that's what I get20:32
zenlunaticSockPants: try grub install20:32
SockPantszenlunatic: still the same20:32
Slartstranger: but I haven't looked everywhere.. and it's been a while since I looked.. something might have popped up20:32
SockPantserror: out of disk (x2)20:32
zenlunaticSockPants: paste the errors20:32
resnoIf I am trying to grep for a certain file type, you do directory/*.fileextention right?20:32
strangerSlart, Myrtti : I have it on my firefox right now !!!     Shockwave Flash 9.0 r99920:32
erUSULpm_41: sudo mount -t udf -o loop file.iso /mount/point/20:33
_markus__resno: yup20:33
SockPantsgrub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sda6. Check your device.pm.20:33
slon2000ruoh so nobody knew how install driver in ubuntu?20:33
SockPants[: 494: =: unexpected operator20:33
Slartstranger: oh.. isn't that the flash plugin? or..20:33
SockPantsthe file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly20:33
Myrttistranger: that's flash...20:33
erUSULslon2000ru: what error you get ? you may not have the kernel headers installed or the build tools20:33
strangerSlart, exactly ... It is a flash plugin for firefox ... I need version 1020:33
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zenlunaticSockPants: can you post fdisk -l20:34
Myrttistranger: you said you needed _shockwave_20:34
Myrttistranger: there is no _shockwave_ for linux20:34
zefyxoh god.20:34
zefyxsomeone help20:34
strangerMyrtti, my bad ;-) sorry20:34
Slartstranger: ahh.. I think the shockwave player is a different beast.. at least according to Adobe20:34
SockPantszenlunatic: Unable to seek on /dev/sda20:34
slon2000rui made #make all and there is - no such file or directory20:34
Slart1flash | stranger20:34
pm_41erUSUL: "/mount/point/ does not exist" - that's what I get with that command20:34
Slart!flash | stranger20:34
ubottustranger: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:34
slon2000rubut there is this directory20:34
Slartstranger: see if anything there helps you20:35
slon2000ruit /lib/cerrnel20:35
zenlunaticSockPants: you did umount the partitions before you resized them or whatever, right?20:35
erUSULpm_41: you have to put an existing directory where you want the files to appear20:35
SockPantszenlunatic: i booted from a bootcd and started a partition tool20:35
strangerubottu, Slart gonno do that20:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
slon2000ruhow i can install build tools?20:35
Glaxyhow can I dump the current config of sshd ?20:35
grawityGlaxy: You can only check /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:35
erUSULpm_41: for example « sudo mkdir /media/udf_disk » then sudo mount -t udf -o loop file.iso /media/udf_disk20:36
SnZ`Hello, anybody can help with acpi in Asus A6km?20:36
pm_41erUSUL: oh20:36
erUSULslon2000ru: install buld-essential20:36
amcsiubuntu doesn't do anything with my usb devices today for some reason. What can I do?20:36
zefyxi accidently booted into my OS after clearing my CMOS(mobo was being finicky). My OS booted with my drives in IDE & ruined my 4xRAID5. I was asked to format 2 of the drives, which I declined. Now, my 4xRAID5 array is showing as 2 disks in the array & two disk's uninitalized. Am I fucked?20:36
MindVirus1I want to automatically add keys for the PPAs I add to sources.list. Does this behavior exist? Is this a bad idea?20:36
slon2000ruik senku20:36
resnoi am doing: grep -r "search term" /location/*.py and i dont get the result, what parameters will help me find it?20:37
pm_41erUSUL: YES!!! It worked! now is this read-only or can I write files to the ISO image?20:37
Slartresno: try adding an -i for case insensitive matching20:37
SockPantszenlunatic: all i can imagine is that all the drives moved up one because i took one out. so the /boot partition on sda5 should now be sda4, and / on sda6 would now be sda520:37
erUSULpm_41: read only afaik20:38
MainrI'm trying to use preseeding for auto installs but I get the follow error- any ideas? http://imagebin.org/6189220:38
pm_41erUSUL: got anything with read/write?20:38
draerUSUL, thanks for the hint. The corresponding option for apt-get is --no-install-recommends.20:38
erUSULdra: ok; no problem20:38
strangerSlart, well nope, I installed again, but nope ...20:38
zenlunaticSockPants:  think fstab will tell you20:39
Slartstranger: well.. the v.10 version of flash is still in beta afaik.. that's probably why there isn't a package for it20:39
strangerSlart, Actually my problem is with the flash uploader of Wordpress, I miss one button there (SELECT FILES), It works perfect on WIndows but not at least on my Ubuntu20:39
zefyxi accidently booted into my OS after clearing my CMOS(mobo was being finicky). My OS booted with my drives in IDE & ruined my 4xRAID5. I was asked to format 2 of the drives, which I declined. Now, my 4xRAID5 array is showing as 2 disks in the array & two disk's uninitalized. Am I fucked?20:40
strangerAnyone here use Wordpress and of course I mean using Flash uploader of it without any problem ?20:40
Mean_Adminthere are a lot of backup apps offered by Synaptic, which one should I take if I'm dealing with a headless server and backing up (incrementally, preferably) a directory with sub-dirs and pictures ?20:41
Slartstranger: can't really help with that.. don't use wordpress, sorry20:41
strangerSlart, No problem dude, thanks for your help :-)20:41
rednammocHey guys. i have some problems moving a directory into /opt/20:41
rednammocmv: cannot stat filename: Permission denied20:41
rednammocI dont know wheres the problem, because i executed the command with sudo20:41
mattishIm having problems with lame output being very garbled, I have tried two different machines one with alot more cpu power and its still the same20:41
Slartrednammoc: what was the command?20:41
SockPantsthere should really be some easy to use grub fixer20:42
rednammocSlart: sudo mv Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1.zip /opt/20:42
zenlunaticSockPants: i tend not to resize stuff20:42
MainrSockPants checkout Super Grub Disk20:42
Slartrednammoc: and the file exists? no typos?20:42
Slartrednammoc: try using TAB to autocomplete..20:42
rednammocSlart: nope. it exists. i used autocomplete20:43
Slartrednammoc: try copying it then.. then deal with the original file20:43
zenlunaticSockPants: sorry ive exhausted my troubleshooting and i need to eat lunch20:43
rednammocSlart: i also unzipped it and tried to move the created folder. but it failed too20:43
zenlunaticSockPants: good luck20:43
rednammocSlart: copying outputs the same error20:43
rednammocSlart: cp: cannot stat `Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1.zip': Permission denied20:44
Slartrednammoc: what is the permissions on the zip file? ls -l20:44
DareDevil0Hi you there, is there any software that let you download a complete website?20:44
rednammocSlart: -rwxrwxr-x 1 rednammoc rednammoc 114489566 2009-08-31 21:27 Aptana_Studio_Setup_Linux_x86_1.5.1.zip20:44
foreverubuntuIs there a PowerPC dvd available for jaunty or karmic?20:45
SlartDareDevil0: wget is nice20:45
slon2000ruoh there is no build tools in ubuntu20:45
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ20:45
PizikWhen I login to Ubuntu 8.10 my network connection grinds away, think it is APT-Cache doing it, anyone any idea how to stop it?20:45
Pizik*Internet connection20:45
slon2000ruplease help me where i can got build-essetcial20:45
Slartslon2000ru: no build tools? you mean compiling? gcc and such are available20:45
Slartslon2000ru: sudo apt-get install build-essential   should work20:46
slon2000rubut how i can install it?20:46
slon2000rusenk u20:46
Slartrednammoc: very strange.. can't really imagine why you're not allowed to read that file..20:46
DareDevil0Slart, thanks20:46
tulpeHi *, i need a quick info regarding the (new(?)) behavior of copy-paste in 9.04 _Jaunty: how can i get the middle mouse copy-paste funtion back in all apps?20:46
MK13what software can be used to make a 1:1 iso of a dvd?20:47
Slartrednammoc: the original file.. is it on a local file system? or on a nfs mount or similar?20:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdrip20:48
ubottuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar20:48
VickiWongWhen transfering files between two local Ubuntu machines using either Samba or FTP, transfers start around 1009KB/s but then slow down to 0, disconnect, and then continues to reconnect/disconnect around 20KN/s until i restart both machines. Tried with 2 different routers.20:48
izeazalanyone here can help with conky? im in their channel but noone seems to be there.  i used the conky config here and cant get my cpu temps and some things overlap http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=30209&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=15#p184817 . ethernet doesnt seem to be working either. any ideas?20:48
SlartMK13: I think dd might work.. there are some tools for ripping dvd's also but they won't make a 1:1 image20:48
SlartVickiWong: same behaviour with ftp as samba?20:49
VickiWongSlart: yep20:49
MindVirus1I want to automatically add keys for the PPAs I add to sources.list. Does this behavior exist? Is this a bad idea?20:49
Slartrednammoc: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/cannot-stat-permission-denied.-why-632515/20:49
VickiWongstarts otu as normal but then drops off and cycles disconnect/(slow)reconnect20:49
SlartVickiWong: odd.. no error messages? nothing in the logs on either machine?20:50
Phlogiso I ask my questions here about the classroom?20:50
MK13Slart, would dd work if on protected DVDs?20:50
rednammocSlart: I moved the file into another directory and tried to mv it from there to opt and it succeed20:50
thiagocrepaldiis there any automatic way of AUTOMATICALLY set group as the same of it's parents when creating files/directories ?20:50
slon2000ruoh i install build-essential20:50
slon2000rustill dont wok my #make all20:51
rednammocSlart: my download-directory is encfs-encrypted.20:51
VickiWongSlart: not that I can see, it will reconnect after a while at around 20KN/s, drop back to 0 rinse and repeat, if i leave it it will eventually get through the transfers20:51
SlartMK13: I'm not really sure.. but a plain dd should work.. perhaps you'll end up with a protected image when you're done though20:51
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sketchydwheres a good place to ask for help designing a database schema?20:51
rednammocSlart: probably there was some sort of issue20:51
Slartrednammoc: ahh.. that might the problem..20:51
slon2000ruoh please people help me to use #make all20:51
rednammocSlart: thx after all :D20:51
SlartVickiWong: it almost sounds like some kind of networking issue.. decreasing tcp windows/mtu or whatever..20:52
Slartrednammoc: hehe.. nice that you worked it out, you're welcome20:52
Slartslon2000ru: pastebin the output you get when running the command20:52
Slart!pastebin | slon2000ru20:52
ubottuslon2000ru: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:52
NemesisDanyone know of a remote desktop viewer like teamviewer that works well under linux/wine to control windows machines? (can't use RDP, can't use teamviewer)20:52
SlartNemesisD: vnc?20:53
NemesisDSlart: vnc is horribly slow20:53
AddictsAnyone know a good reference for the comptia Linux+ cert?20:53
SlartNemesisD: I'm not sure what teamviewer is though.. but vnc is an ok remote desktop app20:53
VickiWongSlart: any idea how i could perhaps track down the issue? perhaps a log file of some sort20:53
Slart!freenx | NemesisD20:53
ubottuNemesisD: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:53
NemesisDi use nomachine NX on my linux boxes but i wasn't aware nx had a linux server20:53
SlartVickiWong: not really sure where to look for that.. the logs is one place..20:54
deanyI just tried to use my friends pc via the remote desktop (vino) server, its rubbish.  screen doesnt update hardly, and its so slow.20:54
SlartVickiWong: the syslog, kern.log .. if it's serious it should end up there.. don't think there are any more network specific logs out there20:55
VickiWongSlart: thanks it gives me a place to start looking :)20:55
SlartVickiWong: hope you find out what it is..20:55
slon2000ruok senk u i must reenter the channel20:55
NemesisDSlart: no freenx server for windows20:56
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:56
zaggynlany way to get windows like hotkeys in ubuntu? (like windows key + d to show desktop and back)20:57
Jeruvyzaggynl: you can using hotkeys, I think it's called the special key :)20:58
stranger_hi everybody20:58
mzuverinkkompozer crashes seconds after starting up, fix or ideas?20:58
SlartNemesisD: hmm.. seems you're right.. I can't find a freenx or nx server for windows.. well.. then I don't really know what to try20:58
zaggynl"the special key" ?20:58
slon2000ru!pastebin | slon2000ru20:59
ubottuslon2000ru, please see my private message20:59
mzuverinkkomposer segfaults21:00
Slartzaggynl: try using compiz.. it has some keuboard shortcuts21:01
Slingshooterhow to i burn an iso to a usb drive21:01
Slingshooterto make it bootable21:01
Sky[x]anyone here use USB wireless TP-Link TL-WN620G on ubuntu ?21:01
Mean_Adminanyone know of a backup utility that emails when checksum fails ?21:02
eXapidSlingshooter:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:02
eXapidSky: use ndiswrapper21:02
myk_robinsonhey. I added the new PPA repositories to Kubuntu, but cannot seem to figure out how to install KDE 4.3. What am i missing?21:02
MadsRHHi. Is there a terminal command that will display which version of Wine I've got installed?21:02
eXapidmyk_ sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade21:03
user____hi!! I noobishly deleted some seamokey direktories manually and since then I cannot use apt-get anymore. Always tries to remove the three seamokey pacages and its post deletetion script aborts with erorr message 1 or 127, so I cannot installnew packages. Can anybody help me??21:03
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:03
myk_robinsoneXapid: did that, but it shows no upgradable packages available21:03
Mean_Adminmyk_robinson: also something like sudo apt-get kde-desktop21:03
resnoMadsRH: not sure but you can check it by going to confiugre then about21:03
myk_robinsonMadsRH: wine --version21:03
andresmhhow do I disable PulseAudio, I tried this and failed: http://pastebin.com/d364b073d21:04
MadsRHmyk_robinson: thanks :-)21:04
eocyte_hello, i use ubuntu on notebook, but I installed today xfce and I have got this problem. "Fn" hotkey for sound stopped working in xfce but in gnome it is working. Where is the problem?21:04
slon2000ru_oh its write21:04
Slingshooterwhen i try it with usb startup crator i get an error "sudo apt-get install usb-creator"21:05
zaggynlctrl+alt+backspace no longer works?21:06
Slingshooterthis is not a desktop install cd and thus cannot be used by this application21:06
slon2000ru_oh please help me how i can resolve my problem, when i made #make all i got this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/262696/21:06
DamianzHi, after upting Jaunty I am getting the following errors http://pastebin.com/d649d170d this has broken quite a few programs and prevents me from performing any furthur updates. Any advice?21:07
Mean_AdminI asked to archive a dir and  it's been idling on a file for over a minute now   [sender] make_file(004 Card Drump/101KC613/101_0087.JPG,*,2)21:07
user____then I thought it's maybe because of the missing directories cannot be removed and that gives error, so I thought about reinstalling it, where all these directories should be created agin, but then running 'seamonkey' in terminal simply doesn't open anything21:08
Mean_Adminwhat am I to make of this ?21:08
Vincemanhow do I get the source code of the repos programs?21:09
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fbianconiVinceman: I guess from the deb-src repos; copy the line in sources.list and change deb for deb-src21:12
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=== petur is now known as peturIngi
peturIngiHi im installing VirtualBox on Ubuntu 9 server... for it to work i also must install the kernel header files.. i do all this via apt-get .... will virtualbox stop working once the system updates its kernel?21:13
slon2000ru_oh so i never install drivers for my lan card :(((((21:14
fbianconiVinceman: then you can use afaik apt-get source <pkg-name-here>21:14
ejvpeturIngi: you'll need to run the configuration program again21:15
bluesscreampeturlngi:It will be automatic updated by dkms21:15
zaggynlhttp://pastebin.com/m4bcb3a24 anyone here got foobar2000 working with wine?21:16
hattmakarNhello everyone, someone who would mind helping me with a failed install of ubuntu on my laptop?21:16
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ejvim pretty sure vbox operates like vmware in that regard, where a kernel update requires reconfiguration....21:16
mzuverinkin apace2 what is the command to enable userdir from the the users public_html?21:16
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mzuverinkWhat is the command to enable userdir in apache2?21:18
fbianconihattmakarN: just describe your problem21:18
ale_im having a problem with my linux can someone lend me a hand?21:18
KB1JWQale_: What's your issue?21:18
larry101why can't i see my camera or get video on skype thanks in advance for your help21:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:18
ale_looks like my taskbar is missing21:18
ale_maybe i deactivated it accidentally21:19
ale_and i dont know how to put it back21:20
ejvmzuverink: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/howto/public_html.html21:20
hattmakarNI installed 9.04 without any problems, and rebooted. Then my keyboard and touch pad didn't respond. And I can't boot from the USB I made.21:20
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larry101can someone help me i can't  see my camera on the cmputer21:21
fbianconiale_: open execute dialog (Alt-F2) and execute "killall gnome-panel"21:21
ale_mmm ok21:21
ale_i will try and tell you21:21
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hattmakarNanyone has an idea of what my problem might be? :/21:23
ale_nothing seems to happen, i still have my desk with only icons21:23
ale_and no taskbar at all21:23
fbianconi ale_: ok now execute 'gnome-panel'21:24
d_bI'm looking for a VoIP solution. I'd prefer something free instead of Skype, and I'll be using it to talk to a windows user. Is there a jabber client with mature Jingle support out there? Is Ekiga a better idea? Or something else?21:24
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ale_nothing happens fbianconi21:25
ale_hablas español fbianconi?21:27
ale_o alguien que hable español21:27
trismd_b: I read that pidgin recently added jabber/google talk video and voice support, might want to check that out21:27
idleone_!es | ale_21:27
ubottuale_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:27
PizikWhen I login to Ubuntu 8.10 my internet connection grinds away, I think it is APT-Cache doing it, anyone any idea how to stop it?21:27
ale_a bueno21:27
ale_i can talk english so no problem21:28
trismd_b: haven't tried it yet myself, not in the repos yet and I'm lazy21:28
behappyHello why lynx don't accept rewrite redirection ?21:28
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)21:28
trismbehappy: may want to try elinks instead, it seems to do redirects fine21:30
d_btrism: hm, I'm googling but all I can find is complaints about it not being a feature :)21:31
trismd_b: it was apparently added in 2.621:31
ramviI'm having an kernel on livecd (on usb) problem. I'm not able to boot and I'm not getting enough text on the screen to debug. Is it possible to have ubuntu push the log on the memory stick?21:31
trismd_b: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/09/08/19/2128210/Pidgin-Adds-Google-Talk-Voice-and-Video-Support-and-a-Vulnerability21:35
=== taube is now known as Taube
arandramvi: you could use a vga=xxx kernel flag to get a larger scrollback?21:36
ramviarand: I only get 800x600 and 640x... option, and the screen goes black with 80021:36
Vincemanhow long does it usually take to untar tarballs?21:36
jezI'm having severe DNS problems in Ubuntu21:37
hattmakarNsomeone know why my keyboard and touchpad doesn't respond after installing 9.04 on my laptop? :/21:37
jezfor some reason suddenly my DNS is resolving only a few hostnames21:37
thepunkificationalguien habla español?21:37
jezany idea how i can diagnose WTF the problem is?21:37
ramviVinceman: depends on the size. Most tarballs only take 10 sec21:37
trismVinceman: depends on the size of the archive and the speed of your computer21:37
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SlartVinceman: <---------> this long.. (not to scale)21:37
d_btrism: thanks21:37
SlartVinceman: I would say it's comparable to unzipping or unraring in other os's21:38
extorAnyone here using the tyan 3289 IPMI cards?21:38
boss_mcjez: try dig <hostname you can't resolve>21:39
fbianconiVinceman: in my machine like 10 sec every 100MB (if not gzipped)21:39
Guest44340alguien en español21:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:39
boss_mcVinceman: if it's just a .tar (not a .tar.gz/.tar.bz) then it should be as fast as copying the file21:40
jezboss_mc: hmm, status: SERVFAIL is in there21:40
VincemanI did -x instead of -xvvf21:40
boss_mcVinceman: you need -xf (f is file name)21:40
boss_mcVinceman: sa it is, it's waiting for the file in stdin21:40
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boss_mcjez: can you pastebin the output?21:41
jezboss_mc: paste.ubuntu.com/26272521:43
boss_mcjez: try dig ns1.google.com <hostname>21:45
=== Taube is now known as taube
teeheehey i am using deluge and i have opened ports in my router but dont work with ubuntu, i was wondering if i had to do anything with iptables i have firestarter but i turned that off21:46
jezboss_mc: paste.ubuntu.com/26272721:46
boss_mcjez: or dig <hostname>21:46
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=== Zeph is now known as Guest75651
Guest75651Hi all.21:47
nannesHi Guest7565121:48
boss_mcjez: that's weird... it finds the other nameserver but then still fails to get the ip address, (it works for me)21:48
Guest75651I'm running an HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop with a Realtek ALC268 soundcard.21:48
Guest75651My sound won't work now, but it did before.21:48
Guest75651I'm running Jaunty.21:48
Guest75651Any help?21:48
nannesGuest75651: switch nick command ----> /nick MYNICK21:48
joooequestion: is there a way to make gnome run a specific command when a specific device is plugged in? i want to do a rsync every time my external drive is plugged in, and udev doesn't seem to be suitable for this...21:48
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jezboss_mc: any ideas?...21:49
JROOkay, any help? Sound was fine before, now it died.21:49
boss_mcjez: you've not got weird firewall settings up?21:50
boss_mc!pulse| this might help.... JRO21:50
ubottuthis might help.... JRO: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions21:50
boss_mcJRO actually, that's well outof date, I wrote a new factoid but it's been rejected/delayed...21:50
jezboss_mc: ahh.. I had Firestarter running... and when i turned it off it works21:50
teehee hey i am using deluge and i have opened ports in my router but dont work with ubuntu, i was wondering if i had to do anything with iptables i have firestarter but i turned that off21:51
boss_mcjez: its possibly blocking outgoing requests? or incoming replies?21:51
mycomputerany software to connedct internet automatically21:51
JROI don't understand what happened, though. ALSA worked fine with my hardware, now it doesn't.21:51
jezit's not meant to be blocking anything, i used it to allow ICS from the linux box21:51
hattmakarNHey I installed 9.04 without any problems, and rebooted. Then my keyboard and touch pad didn't respond. And I can't boot from the USB I made. any thoughts?21:52
boss_mcjez: the default settings for firestarter are block all (I mean ALL)21:52
boss_mchattmakarN: corrupt usb image21:52
ari5avI'm looking for a text editor that deals well with RTL and LTR text.  vim is my primary choice, but it doesn't like intertwined LTR and RTL.  emacs also doesn't work.  I need, basically, to have an editor that I can use for xml, but with hebrew-language data21:53
mycomputerany software to connect internet automatically21:53
hattmakarNbut, its the same one i used to install, and I redid the USB thing, then tried to boot, but didnt work at all, just boots directly to the login screen21:53
idleone_mycomputer: connect how?21:54
ari5avhattmakarN: you installed from a cd?21:54
cachedwhy is ubuntu updater telling me i need to install ubuntu-desktop if i installed ubuntu with gnome from the start and never removed it?21:54
cached(install, not update)21:54
=== erwan_ is now known as roanito
idleone_cached: perhaps some other package removed it somehow21:55
cachedidleone_: gnome is still working21:55
hattmakarNno, didn't have any free cd's so i loaded up a USB stick, have done that many times before, bu this is the first time it has caused me any trouble :/21:55
mycomputeridleone: if net connection is disconnected it should connect automatically21:55
dalton_french ?21:55
ikonia!fr > dalton_21:55
ubottudalton_, please see my private message21:55
ikonia!language > dalton_21:55
idleone_cached: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, it doesn't actually install anything ( just a list of packages needed ) removing it is safe but can cause issues when upgrading to new version of ubuntu21:56
=== Jkessler[work] is now known as Jkessler
idleone_cached: go ahead and install it and no worries :)21:56
cachedidleone_: ah21:56
cachedidleone_: thanks21:56
ari5avstill looking for an RTL-friendly text editor.  anyone?21:57
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
mycomputerany software to connect internet automatically when it is disconnected?21:58
gronlundI'm wondering what to do with my 1.4 ghz laptop, I find ubuntu abit heavy, is there anyway to cut down on resource use?21:59
IdleOne!xubuntu | gronlund21:59
ubottugronlund: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:59
ari5avgronlund: xubuntu21:59
ari5avedit: beaten21:59
guntbertmycomputer: please explain your problem21:59
ParagorIs there a way to check what my graphics card is in Ubuntu like in windows?21:59
micr0xhello folks22:00
micr0xWhat's a fast flv to mp4 converter?22:00
ParagorI have an Intel intergrated that im trying to update the graphics for. anyone know how I would figure out exactly what it is?22:00
ari5avParagor: lspci22:00
ari5avand to see what drivers are loaded, chech lsmod22:01
ari5avyou may need to be root for it22:01
ari5avstill looking for an RTL-friendly text editor.  anyone?22:01
mycomputerguntbert: if i put download and sleep net is disconneted and not downloading i need a software to reconnect it automatically22:01
ari5avmycomputer: system -> administration -> power management22:01
Slartari5av: isn't gedit RTL friendly?22:02
ActionParsnipyo yo yo22:02
teeheewhy do ports always show closed even if i forward them to the right ip22:02
ari5avSlart: sadly, no.  hebrew text shows up as LTR, which looks backwards to me :D22:02
thiebaudeActionParsnip, haven't heard that in a while22:02
ActionParsnipthiebaude: heard what?22:02
Vincemanwhat's the difference between suspend and hibernate?22:02
thiebaudeActionParsnip, yo yo yo22:02
ari5avsuspend switches you to low-power mode22:03
Slartari5av: hmm.. you've tried scite? Editra? Mousepad?22:03
Vegancheesesteaki was looking for a recommendation...im planning on running 8.04LTS server...i would like a raid mirror solution.  does it support nvidia raid or should i look to linux software raid or another solution? Thanks.22:03
ari5avhibernate writes your memory to hdd and powers off22:03
mrchrisadamshi guys, I'm trying to help someone remotely who's using ubuntu netbook remix -22:03
guntbertmycomputer: network manager usually reconnects - but if you hibernate/ssupend your computer it cannot download anything22:03
ari5avSlart: scite's an interesting idea, I'll check it out22:03
ActionParsnipVegancheesesteak: check the hcl, i believe it will be fine22:03
Vincemanari5av you mean if I turn on my PC it'll be exactly the same as it was?22:03
mycomputerari5av: for wjat22:03
ari5avand those others as well, they have source highlighting?22:03
mycomputerari5av: for what?22:03
ari5avVinceman: assuming no unforseen circumstances22:03
VegancheesesteakActionParsnip: hcl is the linux software raid?22:04
ActionParsnip!hcl| Vegancheesesteak22:04
lucas__i took an error from seahorse agent22:04
ubottuVegancheesesteak: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:04
lucas__when i click report program22:04
teehee   why do ports always show closed even if i forward them to the right ip22:04
lucas__i took that message The problem cannot be reported:22:04
lucas__The program crashed on an assertion failure, but the message could not be retrieved. Apport does not support reporting these crashes22:04
Slartari5av: Editra has.. not sure about mousepad.. I think mousepad is the gedit alternative in xfce so it might be a bit on the simple side22:04
mycomputerguntbert: if we use torrentz it will automatically downloads22:04
guntbertmycomputer: but not in hibernation/suspend22:05
ActionParsnipteehee: i can test if you like?22:05
nannesBooting from USB ------> ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)22:05
nannesany idea?22:05
teeheewhat do u mean test22:05
DavishowComo usa isso?22:05
VegancheesesteakActionParsnip: it does not seem to recognize the raid array22:05
=== christian is now known as Guest86454
ActionParsnipteehee: i can attemot to connect to the port22:06
mycomputerguntbert: that means i cant understand22:06
IdleOne!es | Davishow22:06
teeheeok how22:06
ari5avDavishow: ¿español?22:06
ubottuDavishow: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:06
ActionParsnip!raid | Vegancheesesteak22:06
ubottuVegancheesesteak: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:06
ActionParsnipteehee: well i'll need the port number you are using22:06
ari5avIdleOne: I think it might be italian.22:06
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
Davishowes español22:07
zefyxHi, I have two MX records listed for my DNS control panel. However, when I lookup my MX record only one shows up. Is this normal? Both have the same priority.22:07
MoosEsooMhi everybody22:07
sebsebseb!es |  Davishow22:07
ubottuDavishow: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:07
VegancheesesteakActionParsnip: thank you22:07
IdleOneDavishow: entonces /join #ubuntu-es22:07
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
joooequestion: is there a way to make gnome run a specific command when a specific device is plugged in? i want to do a rsync every time my external drive is plugged in, and udev doesn't seem to be suitable for this....22:07
MoosEsooManybody else in here with openopenoffice crashing after today updates? (openoffice 3.01 / intrepid)22:07
ActionParsnipteehee: im getting no connection22:07
teeheealright what about 993522:08
teeheeor 6881-688922:08
teeheeor how do u test it22:08
chris|joooe, why not?22:08
zefyxHi, I have two MX records listed for my DNS control panel. However, when I lookup my MX record only one shows up. Is this normal? Both have the same priority.22:08
lucas__i have acer crystal web cam22:08
lucas__i have acer aspire 5720g22:08
lucas__how can i meet my web cam to system22:09
ActionParsnipteehee: i'm telnetting. yuo can connect to any listening port with telnet. its a great way to test services22:09
ari5avSlart: scite doesn't have RTL support at all, sadly :(22:09
OFNhi. when i transfer files from windows 7 to ubuntu 9.04 via network the copied files get tagged as they are owned by root. is there anyway i can automatically make them mine?22:09
teeheetelnet? that s a new term22:09
ActionParsniplucas__: if you run: lsusb   you will get an 8 didgit ID which you can websearch for22:09
nannesBooting from USB ------> ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)22:09
nannesany idea?22:09
ari5avOFN: chown yourname:yourname <files>22:10
IdleOneteehee: telnet is a very old term22:10
ActionParsnipteehee: it probably older than you are22:10
joooechris: i made a script for it, and it just didn't work... the script is defenitely run when the device is plugged in, and i also tested the command, but it doesn't work...22:10
ubottutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh22:10
Slartari5av: oh.. to bad.. I couldn't really find anything in Editra either.. but I don't have any RTL languages enabled in my ubuntu so I'm not sure if something pops up if you have rtl22:10
mrchrisadamshi guys - whats the simplest way to boot a eee pc on jaunty netbook remix in safemode?22:10
joooechris: the command is correct22:10
mrchrisadamsI'm trying to troubleshoot for someone22:10
ari5avI just have gnome set up to type in hebrew when I hit a certain key combination22:10
lucas__ActionParsnip,  Bus 002 Device 003: ID 5986:0102 Acer, Inc Crystal Eye Webcam22:10
teeheewait is telnet not safe or just a legal issue22:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:10
dave43rg4gif there are any chsarp / web developers here, consider the following post http://go-mono.com/forums/#nabble-td2523039122:10
ActionParsnipteehee: on port 6882 im told the connection was refused22:10
ari5avI wonder if there's anything kde can give me...22:11
ActionParsniplucas__: ok there is your info, go websearching22:11
MrUnagiis it possible to have multipple displays, but the secondary display is remote over the network?22:11
OFNari5av, thanks. don't know what chown does, but i'll give it a try22:11
ari5avOFN: it changes the owner of the file(s)22:11
Slartteehee: not safe as in passwords sent in cleartext... I think22:11
ari5avfor more information, open a terminal and type man chown22:11
ari5avwhich sounds weird, but it's the manual page on it22:11
ActionParsnipSlart: yep but it can connect to ny port so is dead handy22:12
teeheeohh that explains a lot it worked a while ago now it doesnt but whats the difference between ssh and telnet22:12
SlartActionParsnip: yes.. great for troubleshooting mail servers and whatnot... just not for.. well.. telnet =)22:12
joooequestion: is there a way to make gnome run a specific command when a specific device is plugged in? i want to do a rsync every time my external drive is plugged in, and udev doesn't seem to be suitable for this.... any ideas?22:12
ActionParsnipteehee: ssh uses key pairs to provide encyption22:12
ActionParsnipSlart: exactly, we use it to test citrix servers and web servers22:13
teeheeoh just security kind of22:13
alumno01i have a problem with printing in openoffice writer22:13
Slartjoooe: I'm a bit surprised that udev isn't suitable.. that's what I would have tried22:13
nannesBooting from USB drive ------> ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)22:13
nannesany idea?22:13
nannesBooting from USB ------> ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)22:13
nannesany idea?22:13
ari5avstill looking for an RTL-friendly text editor (not vim, emacs, or scite).  anyone?22:13
teeheebut how can i find out what ports to use22:13
nannesops sorry I posted 2 times22:13
alumno01the upper margin configuration doesnt take effect22:13
ActionParsnipteehee: plus ssh gives a whole lot of extras than just a text input to a remote system22:13
teeheecool, i do learn everyday huh22:14
ActionParsnipteehee: netstat -a22:14
ActionParsnipari5av: leafpad maybe22:14
teeheewait what does that mean22:14
IdleOne!ops | jtrenchard ( quit message )22:14
ubottujtrenchard ( quit message ): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:14
ActionParsnipteehee: its a terminal command22:14
ActionParsnip!info leafpad | ari5av22:15
ubottuari5av: leafpad (source: leafpad): GTK+ based simple text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.13-1 (jaunty), package size 89 kB, installed size 668 kB22:15
jtrenchardi am a cunt22:15
ari5avsiiiick, nice, thanks22:15
ari5av!language | jtrenchard22:15
ubottujtrenchard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:15
teeheedo i use the numbers it says after my ip22:15
ActionParsnipi bet s/he's single22:15
IdleOnethank you Myrtti22:15
OFNari5av, do i have to type that every time i transfer files? i have mapped a folder named "import" on my ubuntu-pc which is for torrents. i want utorrent to auto-load the files from that directory, but it won't do that as long as the files are owned by root...22:15
mikunos1hi guys22:16
ActionParsnipteehee: the numbers after the colon are the port numbers22:16
joooeSlart: i did the following: i added a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d to run a shellscript which calls rsync when the device is plugged in. the shell script works when called normally, and the rule also works... but not with rsync...22:16
teeheeokey dokey makes sense i ll try it out22:16
mikunos1I have found some difficulties to install Ubuntu on a asus laptop22:16
ari5avOFN: there's a recursive option.  chown -R ofn:ofn <files>  <--- assuming your username is ofn22:16
mikunos1I get this error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28539222:16
ari5avyay leafpad does it!22:16
mikunos1does anybody help me?22:16
ActionParsnipari5av: leafpad is awesome, small and damn fast22:17
ActionParsnip!ask | mikunos122:17
ari5avActionParsnip: just missing syntax highlighting, but who cares22:17
ubottumikunos1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:17
ari5avyayayay thxu :D22:17
ActionParsnipari5av: thats why its faster for one22:17
OFNari5av, okay, thanks22:17
Slartjoooe: oh.. no error message? or it just doesn't run?22:18
mikunos1I need to install Ubuntu on a ASUS laptop but I get this error:  ata1:Softreset failed (device not ready)22:18
ari5avOFN: learn to love the manpages too.  I learn twice as much from RTFMing as I do from asking around, it's amazing22:18
ActionParsnipmikunos1: is trhat when you boot the CD?#22:18
joooei don't know how to get the output... (my bad)22:18
ari5avmost commands have man pages, just type man <command>22:18
mikunos1ActionParsnip when I start a usb installation22:18
Slartjoooe: well.. I would look in /var/log/syslog22:18
ActionParsnipmikunos1: did you md5 check the file you downloaded?22:19
Slartjoooe: you can run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and then unplug and plug in the hard drive22:19
mikunos1ActionParsnip yes of course22:19
ActionParsnipmikunos1: you'd be suprised22:19
joooeSlart: ok...22:19
ActionParsnipmikunos1: many users dont then are astounded when their install fails22:19
ActionParsnipmikunos1: ok have you tried some boot options?22:20
jdrhello how do i get libdbus-glib onto my machine?22:20
ActionParsnip!info libdbus-glib22:20
ubottuPackage libdbus-glib does not exist in jaunty22:20
mikunos1what have I do?22:21
ActionParsnipjdr: apt-cache search libdbus22:21
alumno01Hi, when i print with open office writer the upper margin configuration doesnt take effect and the document prints with upper margin 022:21
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | mikunos122:21
ubottumikunos1: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:21
Slart!info libdbus-glib-1-222:21
ubottulibdbus-glib-1-2 (source: dbus-glib): simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-based shared library). In component main, is optional. Version 0.80-3 (jaunty), package size 68 kB, installed size 200 kB22:21
IdleOneActionParsnip: libdbus-glib-1-222:21
wildmadsciProblem: Multiple logged in users causes problem, slows.22:21
wildmadsciI have used and installed Ubuntu numerous times, but recently I installed it on my family's home computer. It appears that when multiple users are logged on, even if they are not running any processes, the computer occasionally slows to a crawl. Switching users also is buggy, either taking a long time, or hangs on a black screen, or apparently (according to my sister) the desktop background for half the screen.22:21
wildmadsciDoes anyone have any ideas why this is so?22:21
FloodBot3wildmadsci: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
OFNari5av, sure, but i'm not too familiar with the commands in ubuntu as i is the noob :-)22:22
ActionParsnipwildmadsci: if they do not log off but only switch user, the processes are still running22:22
mikunos1ActionParsnip the problem is that it doesn't start22:22
ari5avoh that's all right, you learn by doing22:22
mikunos1I cannot see the main menu22:22
wildmadsciI mean simply that they have nothing up, as in not really running any programs22:23
ActionParsnipmikunos1: so you dont get the language selector and the option to install ubuntu22:23
ari5avI wrote a bash one-liner this morning that would still have me sitting there typing out commands if I hadn't done it22:23
alumno01Hi, when i print with open office writer the upper margin configuration doesnt take effect and the document prints with upper margin 022:23
mikunos1ActionParsnip yes I don't22:23
ari5avon a related note, I hate perforce.22:23
ActionParsnipmikunos1: i'd fsck the stick and/or recopy the data to it22:23
ActionParsnipwildmadsci: how much ram does the system have?22:23
wildmadsciit's an old computer, 256MB22:24
mikunos1ActionParsnip do u think that the problem is located on the USB pen drive?22:24
=== Guaguasi[work] is now known as Guaguasi|work
ActionParsnipmikunos1: yes as its not booting right. You cant even run the memory test as it wont boot22:24
ActionParsnipmikunos1: could try disabling device s in bios too22:24
mikunos1ActionParsnip but the same pen drive works in another PC22:25
mikunos1yes done too22:25
ActionParsnipwildmadsci: i wouldnt use switch user with tat amount of ram as you have just enough to run ubuntu properly22:25
SealedWithAKissI have a problem, with nautilus. It isn't working. http://pastebin.ca/154966322:25
=== Julian-de is now known as _Julian-de
mikunos1If I disable other devices I get the following error: Reboot and select proper Boot device22:26
wildmadsciI see. Thank you ActionParsnip.22:26
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: you dont run nautilus with sudo22:26
mikunos1ActionParsnip why it works well in another laptop22:26
mmonlsd_Julian-de,  von wo?22:26
mikunos1and not in the ASUS laptop22:26
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: use gksudo, sudo is NOT for GUI apps22:26
wildmadsciHowever, Windows XP ran decently well under the same conditions, I just thought perhaps Ubuntu would perform better, ah well22:26
ActionParsnipmikunos1: maybe its some hardware making it bork then if it works in other systems it is ok22:27
=== _Julian-de is now known as Julian-de
jdrActionParsnip, got it thanks a lot22:27
joooeSlart: nothing to see in syslog...22:27
mikunos1yes maybe22:27
mikunos1so what do I have to do?22:28
mikunos1sorry my english is really bad22:28
ActionParsnipmikunos1: access the bios and disable unnecessary hardware22:28
mikunos1already done22:28
EinherjerLearning Ubuntu is difficult, is there any site were i can read and learn the basics, you know installing stuff, commands in the terminal and stuff?22:28
teeheehow come after it shows a few ports and stuff then goes to a huge list of stuff with ports and stuff but no ip address or semi colons22:28
ActionParsnipEinherjer: jsu websearch what you need to know when you need to know it22:29
Slartjoooe: hmm.. what happens if you just put a "echo It worked > /tmp/testfile" in the udev script? the file gets created?22:29
MrUnagianyone know of a way to have multiple displays, but the secondary being a remote display over the network?22:29
IdleOne!wiki > Einherjer22:29
ubottuEinherjer, please see my private message22:29
alumno01Hi, when i print with open office writer the upper margin configuration doesnt take effect and the document prints with upper margin 022:29
thiebaudeEinherjer, search for ubuntu pocket guide22:29
teeheeActionParsnip: how come after it shows a few ports and stuff then goes to a huge list of stuff with ports and stuff but no ip address or semi colons22:30
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: you'd set up a dualhead system then use some technology to show the desktop of the other system. Why do you need the full desktop of the remote system?22:30
ActionParsnipteehee: not sure22:30
mikunos1ActionParsnip the  softreset failed error persist22:31
teeheei there any other way22:31
mikunos1how can I solve this problem?22:31
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: you will find 99% of the time it is extremely surplus and what is being performed can be done with a more graceful solution22:31
MrUnagii dont need a full desktop per se, id like to set it up so that my old laptop server can display a secondary display to this laptop, so that i can put images on it from over the network22:31
ActionParsnipmikunos1: have you read any guides regarding ubuntu and yuo make/model?22:31
mikunos1in a website I have read that I can disable the ata module22:32
mikunos1not yet22:32
joooeSlart: it worked.22:32
teeheewhats port triggering do i have to adjust that too22:32
squidlyhow do I check to see what version of a package is installed?22:32
MrUnagiActionParsnip: any ideas?22:32
bastidraZorsquidly: apt-cache policy packagename22:32
squidlybastidraZor: ty22:32
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: so like a slideshow on the remote systems display?22:32
Resistolanyone here know how to setup uvnc with sc?22:32
MrUnaginot really......a live secondary display to this pc22:32
Slartjoooe: ok.. so the script is indeed run.. do you know if it's run as root? or as some kind of special user? who owns that testfile?22:33
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: but for what end? Is it for presentations or for media playing?22:33
joooeSlart: the testfile is owned by root22:33
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: most apps have web interfaces or can be easily configured using ssh or even x forwarding22:34
Slartjoooe: does your script work when it's run as root?22:34
ActionParsnipMrUnagi: a full desktop is very rarely necessary22:34
joooeSlart: i'll try it22:34
SealedWithAKissWhen I try to move a folder from /Desktop/ to /usr/share/amsn/skins I get a permission denied error, how come?22:34
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, thanks for your last answer.22:34
EinherjerI downloaded the Ubuntu pocket book PDF, it appeard in my downlad list, but not anywere else, not on the desktop. Were do i find it?22:35
SealedWithAKissActionParsnip, regarding nautilus.22:35
guntbertSealedWithAKiss: ordinary users don't have write permissions beneath /usr22:35
thiebaudeEinherjer, where did you save it to?22:35
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
tiseptiwhat is the best channel to for questions on making .deb packages?22:35
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: same with all apps that use X, sudo is not for gui apps and you WILL brewak file ownerships by using sudo22:36
EinherjerI just clicked save as i ordniarily do22:36
EinherjerNormaly it appears on my desktop22:36
EinherjerNot after i resently uppgraded thought22:36
ActionParsnipSealedWithAKiss: you can use sudo cp ~/Desktop/<whatever> /usr/share/amsn/skins/ too22:36
thiebaudeEinherjer, you using firefox?22:37
guntbertSealedWithAKiss: so try (in terminal) sudo mv Desktop/<folder> /usr/share/amsn/skins22:37
teeheecan i use ssh to connect to a port or something22:37
EinherjerYes, im using firefox22:37
brynjarhfor some reason g++3.4 isn't in the jaunty repositories, is it available from somewhere else?22:37
ActionParsnip!info gcc22:37
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.78ubuntu1)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB22:37
ActionParsnip!info g++22:37
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.78ubuntu1)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB22:37
thiebaudeEinherjer, go into the firefox settings and see if you have save to the desktop22:37
joooeSlart: the script obviously doesn't run as root22:38
guntbertEinherjer: open (in FF) the downloads page, right click on the file name and select "open containig folder"22:38
ActionParsnipbrynjarh: if its a diffent version you can add a PPA with the different version in and install from that22:38
hugo1Hi I'm known on the forums as terabyte122:38
EinherjerI tried, it directed me to the desktop, but it wasn't there22:39
Slartjoooe: ok.. any suspicion why? you're not using relative links to your home folder?22:39
thiebaudeEinherjer, i would save it to Home22:39
brynjarhActionParsnip: how do I get the right PPA repository? or any PPA repository for that matter.22:39
ActionParsnipbrynjarh: you can webseartch or use: http://ppa-search.appspot.com/22:40
joooeSlart: rsync: readlink_stat("/home/joe/.gvfs") failed: Permission denied (13) - I think that's the problem22:40
EinherjerI changed it so that it now downloads to home, and there it appears :D22:40
thiebaudeEinherjer, cool22:40
ActionParsnipEinherjer: i think it defaulting to Desktop is horrible22:40
joooeSlart: in the scrip i just use a normal rsync... what should i change?22:40
Slartjoooe: yup.. I agree.. not really sure what to do about it though.. you might of course start the script using sudo -u joooo yourscript22:40
LappyIs Bluey22:41
Slartjoooe: I don't think it will require a password since you're running as root already22:41
joooeSlart: i'll try it22:41
thiebaudeActionParsnip, i agree, i couldn't imagine saving everything to the desktp22:41
ActionParsnipthiebaude: specially as there is a ~/Downloads folder22:42
thiebaudeoh, yea22:42
hugo1there's a lot going on here22:45
detrixHello everyone.  I have an ATI Radeon 9000 video card.   fglrx does not work with it.  is there another driver for it so it can do openGL DRI?22:46
hugo1no. i'm on Nvidia22:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:47
hugo1its ok its 77022:47
joooeSlart: now i get this: program '/home/joeDokumente/backup.sh' failed22:47
ActionParsnip!ati | detrix22:48
ubottudetrix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:48
hugo1Many greets!22:48
MFKHello all, I'm trying to set up a ubuntu box as a Quake 3 Dedicated server but I cannot figure out how to get the point release installed. Can anyone give me some guidance?22:48
Slartjoooe: did you run it as "sudo -u joe /home/joeDokumente/backup.sh" ? or "sudo -u joe sh /home/joeDokumente/backup.sh" ?22:48
ResistolIs teamviewer the only free screen sharing app out there that is:  Unlimited free use, no router/ip setup needed, and no installation needed for helpdesk client?  I keep finding others that have 100 hour limits, or that require configuring/installing on the client side (awful idea)22:49
Slartjoooe: the difference is the "sh"22:49
joooeSlart: without sh22:49
Slartjoooe: try with the sh22:49
JohnCorbeauResistol: you could try yuuguu22:50
hugo1every1 so busy - how do I learn anything here? I'm trying to pick up Ubuntu knowledge...22:51
ResistolJohnCorbeau, yuuguu's site says they have a 100minute limit22:51
Resistolunless the client signs up for it too...22:51
ActionParsnipjoooe: if you chmod +x the file it will be seen as a binary, so you can omit sh22:51
JohnCorbeauResistol: Hm ok, t's been a while since I used it22:51
joooeActionParsnip: thanks, i forgot22:51
sebsebsebhugo1: What do you want to do in Ubuntu?22:52
FlugHaffenIm having some trouble with my ubuntu 9.04 install.  Grub goes to CLI and I dont know how to boot from there22:52
hugo1i'll come back when its less busy i think22:52
MFKHello all, I'm trying to set up a ubuntu box as a Quake 3 Dedicated server but I cannot figure out how to get the point release installed. Can anyone give me some guidance?22:52
sebsebseb!guide | hugo122:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about guide22:52
sebsebsebhugo1: Ubuntu Pocket Guide22:52
hugo1oh ok22:52
un|matrixhi, is there an audio editor like Audacity that doesn't suck?22:53
simcop2388ok i've got a strange problem, just installed ubuntu onto a 160gb (142gb according to df) drive, there's 132gb free, apt errored out during the install of "tango-icon-theme" complaining that there is no free space, i can't figure out why22:53
hugo1I got the ubuntu book and Linux format and well i read the forums on ubuntu a lot22:53
guntberthugo1: not to discourage you, but I've never seen less that 1300 people in here :-)22:53
moochmMFK: did you google linux point release for quake322:53
sebsebsebun|matrix: I don't use audacity personally, but it's meant to be really good.22:54
FlugHaffenIm having some trouble with my ubuntu 9.04 install.  Grub goes to CLI and I dont know how to boot from there22:54
MFKmooch: I did, and i've followed a couple of guys, but have been unable to get it to work22:54
sebsebsebhugo1: there may be a lot of people in here, but  I haven't seen everyone in here,  chat in here22:54
hugo1thanks gunntbert goot day to you22:54
un|matrixsebsebseb: it's counterproductive... it annoys you with pointless things like sample rates and you have to open another instance of audacity just to downsample the rate... etc22:54
moochmMFK: mine is running but I'm trying to remember how I did it...22:55
hugo1lol sebsebseb22:55
guntberthugo1: have fun with linux :-)22:55
moochmMFK: where did you d/l the server package22:56
xim_somehow my gtk-windows-decorator is set so that the area i can click around the border of a window to resize that window is only 1 pixel wide.  how can I change this? its really difficult to find and use22:56
chris-dowlei enabled file sharing on a folder, is it getting shared through NFS or SMB?22:56
MFKmoochm: I only downloaded the point release from Quake Unity, I thought that was all i needed22:56
ActionParsnipchris-dowle: i'd imagine samba22:57
hugo1I do. I've been with SUSE since 6.1 then moved to Dapper Drake with Ubuntu and been with Ubuntu since22:57
paneo1Hi. I have installed Ubuntu in a computer. When I go to using internet, the connection is very slow.22:57
stlsaintbad isp maybe paneo1???22:57
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stlsaintdoubt its ubuntu...what driver for nic you using?22:58
thiebaudepaneo1, you test your internet speed?22:58
FlugHaffenIm having some trouble with my ubuntu 9.04 install.  Grub goes to CLI and I dont know how to boot from there22:58
ActionParsnipFlugHaffen: did you install the server version>22:58
Raydiationhi i just removed my damaged xp disk and built in a new disk with a fresh xp install. i tried to get grub back by booting into a live cd and using chroot and grub-install /dev/sda && update-grub, but everytime i reboot i get grub error 1722:59
moochmMFK: what error are you seeing22:59
ActionParsnip!vnc > ActionParsnip22:59
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message22:59
Raydiationbooting from sdb works, but sda fails22:59
Raydiationproblem is that i cant change that in the bios22:59
FlugHaffenActionParsnip, no22:59
paneo1stlsaint: No22:59
paneo1stlsaint: Because I can use the same DSL modem in another computer with Ubuntu.22:59
thiebaude!grub > Raydiation22:59
ubottuRaydiation, please see my private message22:59
hugo1I loaded up Xchat and came here and #Fullcirclemagazine - which is cool23:00
ActionParsnipFlugHaffen: ok good so far, did you md5 check the iso you downloaded?23:00
thiebaudeRaydiation, did you try that?23:00
FlugHaffenActionPArsnip, no23:00
stlsaintpaneo1, is this system that is slow and older model...and once again what are your drivers for modem?23:00
Raydiationthiebaude: i used a different one from the german wiki, but ill try that one23:00
Gnome64FlugHaffen : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes/23:00
ActionParsnipFlugHaffen: go md5 check the iso, you have no idea that the iso  you downloaded is good and complete23:00
thiebaudeRaydiation, no problem23:01
MFKmoochm:after using the sh command to open the file it replies error cannot open23:01
sebsebsebhugo1: Have you browsed Synaptic to get an idea, of what kind of programs you can easilly install in Ubuntu?   that's a start23:01
hugo1ok bye all off to bed soon the - UK is wet and windy tonight!23:01
thiebaudehugo1, yea rainy here too23:01
Gnome64Let it rain! hugo1 !23:02
hugo1yes its great for the 4000 or so I want to load duh123:02
moochmMFK: try chmod a+x <name of point release file>, then ./<name of point release file>23:02
Raydiationthiebaude: do i need to mount /dev/sda1 on which xp is installed to install grub on it?23:02
Free-LancerHow can i set wget to download a link only if the extension is .txt23:02
Gnome64MFK: You need to be in the directory of the file you want to run!23:02
thiebaudeRaydiation, im not sure23:02
hugo1I'll be back tomorrow - thanks everyone!23:02
sebsebsebhugo1: the whole of the UK does not have the same weather :D23:02
paneo1stlsaint: I think it's something with 509x23:02
hugo1but in Northumberland its wet23:03
ActionParsniphugo1: wet in leeds too23:03
MFKgnome: I'm such a newb to linux, how do i make sure i'm in that direcory?23:03
JohnCorbeauFree-Lancer: there an option for it, just rtfm  "man wget"23:03
eeguyne1 familiar with xubuntu and ldap willing to take a crack at this, I would *greatly* appreciate it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262749/23:03
thiebaudecloudy in manchester23:03
hugo1I like leeds23:03
sebsebsebthiebaude: your from USA23:03
hugo1and Manchester - days at the Twisted wheel23:03
ActionParsniphugo1: jut had the huge carnival today :)23:03
thiebaudeyea, i know, jk23:03
wamHi, how can I find a process which causes a *lot* iowait? is there something like a iotop?23:04
moochmMFK: try 'pwd'23:04
paneo1stlsaint: I can connect me to internet, but when I make ping "google.com" the response is very slow.23:04
Free-LancerIn Salford its a tad on the wet side also23:04
hugo1Notting hill?23:04
Gnome64MFK: well, just copy the file to desktop and after that open a terminal and use the cd(change directory command) cd Desktop , after that run what the other guy said23:04
thiebaudeofftopic, but thinking of manu beating arsenal23:04
dememtorhy i cant create folders in a partion  i edit fstab i add some line but nothing:((23:05
hugo1if we had the motu playing for Newcastle we would win the cup23:05
lucasarghey guys, im trying to install ubuntu from a pendrive to a netbook, ive setup my bios to boot from the usb but it doesnt do it, in my other computer i can boot from the pen ive created, any ideas whats wrong?23:05
Gnome64MFK: You should really read the Ubuntu documentation, otherwise it's unlikely to know how to deal with this OS the proper way.23:05
mycomputerany software to reconnect to internet23:06
sebsebseb!ot |  hugo123:06
ubottuhugo1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:06
ActionParsniplucasarg: make sure the system is set to boot from usb properly23:06
hugo1that was a bot23:07
stlsaintpaneo1, are you using proprietary drivers23:07
thiebaudebye guys see ya lata23:07
sebsebseb!bot |  hugo123:07
ubottuhugo1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:07
angrycattyany1 knows how to install Mumble Server on Ubuntu 9.04 ?23:07
xiphosI have a launcher that I have created, and put in a bash command; bash -c "command". How do I make that command run as root?23:07
hugo1bye away myself in a min23:07
mycomputerany software to reconnect to internet23:07
sebsebsebangrycatty: what's that?23:07
Gnome64angrycatty: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/Installing_Mumble23:07
sebsebsebmycomputer: well your on the Internet right now aren't you?23:08
paneo1stlsaint: I haven't installed drivers.23:08
sebsebseb!details |  mycomputer23:08
ubottumycomputer: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:08
angrycattyMumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming23:08
hugo1Bye all that spoke to me cool channel!23:08
angrycattybye hugo123:08
sebsebsebangrycatty: so it's only made for Windows?23:08
mycomputerseseseb: i have often disconnect from internet i need software to reconnect itself23:08
angrycattyno, OSX and Linux too23:08
sebsebsebangrycatty: so install it in Ubuntu?23:09
sebsebsebmycomputer: ok well I don't know23:09
mycomputersebsebseb: thans23:09
SlickT10Anyone had trouble with the express card slot giving cards an irq of zero23:10
mycomputerubottu: i often disconnected from internet any software for reconnect itself23:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:10
sebsebseb!bot |  mycomputer23:10
ubottumycomputer: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:10
Raydiationhm, im getting grub error 17 when trying to boot23:11
Raydiationwhat am i doning wrong?=23:11
MFKGnome: since I still can't get this to work, it must be a sign that i should read the documentation you mentioned23:11
sebsebseb!grub |  Raydiation23:11
ubottuRaydiation: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:11
Raydiationsebsebseb: yep, doesnt help23:11
Raydiationi mount my ubuntu root partition (sdb) and install grub on sda23:12
sebsebsebRaydiation: did you google Grub error 17?23:12
FlugHaffenActionParsnip, md5 checks out23:12
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FlugHaffencan anybody help me?  I can't boot my fresh 9.04 install.  I keep getting sent to the grub CLI23:14
sebsebseb!gub |  FlugHaffen23:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gub23:15
stlsaintpaneo1, system>admin>hardware drivers23:15
sebsebseb!grub |  FlugHaffen23:15
ubottuFlugHaffen: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:15
lostabeercan ubuntu install rpm files?23:15
Cpudan80Follow the restore grub part FlugHaffen23:15
sebsebseb!alien |  lostabeer23:15
ubottulostabeer: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)23:15
Cpudan80FlugHaffen: Strange that GRUB went nutty after the initial install -- what's your setup?23:16
lostabeeroh ok thanks23:16
sebsebsebFlugHaffen: well it might not exactly have a solution, but  re installing Grub could possibily help23:16
sebsebseblostabeer: most Linux programs you can also  get from source23:16
sebsebseblostabeer: what do you want to install?23:16
lostabeersun java23:17
FlugHaffenCpudan, i had 9.04 a while back and it worked just fine.  I dont know what happened23:17
paneo1stlsaint: "Hardware drivers" show nothing23:17
sebsebseblostabeer: you don't need a RPM for that, since you can install it from the Ubuntu repo23:17
Cpudan80FlugHaffen: hrm... odd23:17
FlugHaffenCpudan80, the only difference is a different .iso but it checked out23:17
lostabeeroh ok thanks sebsebseb23:17
sebsebseblostabeer: ok no probs23:18
LappyThank you everyone for helping me with Ubuntu. especially Bluey who helped me debug my Internet!23:18
eeguyif anyone can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.. I'm at my wits end. This is formatted better, sorry for the last one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/262759/   Thanks in advance23:20
PizikIs there no way to stop the launcher icons on the gnome panel moving when you change resolutions for a game?23:20
Q-FUNKhi! I'd need help debuging an /etc/inittab recipe that works on Debian, but fails once converted to an upstarts /etc/events.d/ recipe.  could anyone help me?23:21
stlsaintpaneo1, sounds like either isp or old system23:21
paneo1stlsaint: Yes23:22
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chris-dowlehow do i burn .img files in ubuntu23:27
FlugHaffeni tried reinstalling grub but i dont think it worked.  I got a strange response.23:27
AndorinI'm starting to learn C++ and according to the book I'm consulting, I need a compiler. Does Ubuntu come with one by default, and if so, how do I access it? (Or do I just use Text Editor to write code and ./configure and make to compile?)23:28
sukuriI'm trying to install simplescaler and am having some issues doing it. Is there anyone here using Ubuntu 9.04 x64 edition that has simplescalar and would be willing to help me?23:28
FlugHaffencan someone take a look at this? http://pastebin.com/m6f7dd7523:29
xyloxAndorin, install build-essential package and geany is one ide tha i would recommend23:29
TheFlyHey guys, I'm trying to use ethtools to set my eth0 to 10mbps half-duplex, ive issued (sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 10 duplex half) but it doesnt seem to take...23:30
Andorinxylox: Thanks.23:30
sebsebsebchris-dowle: I think you might need to convert them to ISO first23:30
Andorinxylox: Does geany support the ANSI standard?23:33
rayneIs there a plugin for Rhythm box that allows it to identify untagged music?23:34
xyloxAndorin, it supports c and c++, if that's what you mean23:35
rayneIs there a plugin for Rhythm box that allows it to identify unidentified music?23:36
PunkxSomeone please tell me know if I can boot the live cd for PXE? able to install the Ubuntu 8.04 alternate23:36
tiseptiif i have a local .deb package that i want to install with gdebi can i put its dependencies in the same folder (or otherwise specify where dependencies should be gotten in a place that is not online)23:36
Guest522hi, does anybody have a home webserver here?23:36
helpeeGuest522: just ask your question bro23:37
GoudaHola! ¿como estas hoy?23:37
helpeetisepti: use dpkg in a terminal23:37
scunizitisepti: if it's a deb then the package manager should recognize what dependancies are needed and download them at the same time as the install.23:37
Guest522ok, well ive just put ubuntu on a home tower, i have just worked out how to login to my netgear router, and was wondering about port forwarding23:37
haciamuchoquenoehi. I have a little question about fixed ip. Well I have conf ip fixed ( but I want change only the servers of resolv dns and don't change the ip?23:37
Guest522do i port forwad the server ip, in the http:23:38
scuniziGuest522: what about it?23:38
aylusarnAndorin: gcc.gnu.org is the GNU Compiler Collection homepage, pretty sure it supports ANSI standard23:38
GoudaYou have to open ports up in your iptables file23:38
scuniziGuest522: ah.. you're running a http server?23:38
haciamuchoquenoeand fixed ip set with networkmanager gnome23:38
Guest522a home webserver23:38
Guest522to run a few websites from23:38
helpeeGuest522: you need to state what you want to do...23:38
DulakGuest522: your ISP doesn't block port 80 inbound on your network?23:39
scuniziGuest522: yep.. same thing.. be aware that most ISP's block port 80 on home internet service.. you might need to use something like DynDNS.com23:39
Guest522need to forward the port from the machine to my router23:39
Guest522and not 100% how to23:39
helpeeGuest522: you need to configure that in your router.  portforward.com23:39
scuniziGuest522: works the other way around.. you need to forward port 80 to your webserver23:39
SerialKillerwhat is a good mmo fps for jaunty??23:39
Guest522either way im not 100% sure how to do it23:40
Guest522im loged into my router now, what exactly do i need to do?23:40
helpeeGuest522: read the site I gave you23:40
scuniziGuest522: is your server getting it's IP automatically from your router? if so you'll need to make it static23:40
EtuHey dudes :)23:40
FlugHaffenim even having problems with the autosupergrub disk23:40
lostabeeri guys can i have both openjdk and sun java6 jdk installed together?23:40
helpeeFlugHaffen: just ask your question...23:40
Guest522i can make it a static ip adress23:40
Guest522ive worked that bit out23:40
helpeelostabeer: yeah23:40
scunizilostabeer: you can but look bor problems23:40
lostabeerooo okok~23:41
Inuyasha10121Hey, I was wondering if someone could help me properly partition my drive.  I need to know what the / extension is for swap23:41
helpeelostabeer: you shouldn't have problems...23:41
EtuI run ubuntu and conkeror, and I try to configure my conkeror in the .conkerorrc file, but it does not works...23:41
helpee!multijava | lostabeer23:41
ubottulostabeer: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives23:41
Guest522could i pm somebody that could help me? im getting confussed in this room23:41
scuniziGuest522: then in the router, typically in the "Game" section is where you forward tcp/ip port 80 to the ip of your server23:41
helpee!pm | Guest52223:41
ubottuGuest522: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:41
FlugHaffenhelpee, i installed 9.04.  grub sends me to a CLI and i cant boot.  I tried reinstalling grub and got some errors.  I tried autosupergrub and it didnt work23:41
helpeeGuest522: did you visit portforward.com yet?  This isn't an ubuntu issue.  It's a configuration setting on your router.23:41
Guest522ive tryed protforward23:42
SerialKillerdoes anyone play mmo's ??23:42
Guest522and got even more confussed23:42
helpee!doesn't work | FlugHaffen23:42
ubottuFlugHaffen: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:42
tiseptiscunizi: i need to do this on an offline system - thus i will need to have all dependencies downloaded ahead of time; i know some can be found on the install disk - but how do i provide the ones that are not23:42
helpeeGuest522: well it's in english.  Sit down and read it.  Or read your router's documentation.23:42
rayneIs there a plugin or a way for Rhythmbox to allow it to identify untagged music?23:42
hou5tonAny ideas as to why sometimes when I boot up, the sound works, and other times, like now, it doesn't?23:42
helpeetisepti: use dpkg like I said23:42
GoudaI was about to say the same thing helpee.23:42
Guest522i tryed to read it23:42
Guest522i got into my netgear vertion23:43
Guest522and http23:43
FlugHaffenhelpee, let me bring up the specific error i get from auto super grub23:43
Guest522and doesnt really say much from there23:43
GoudaGoogle is your friend23:43
tiseptihelpee: how do i provide the dependencies for dpkg ?23:43
helpeetisepti: dpkg -i foo.deb dep1.deb dep2.deb ...23:43
scunizitisepti: there is a way for the package manager to tell you what dependancies you need without installing them.  Download from a different computer and place them in the same location that "Apt" typically puts downloads.. sorry I don't know much more.23:43
helpeeGuest522: you want to run a server yet you don't want to read documentation :/23:44
scunizi!aptoncd | tisepti23:44
ubottutisepti: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline23:44
Guest522i chucked the router docs away =( ?23:44
helpeeGuest522: have you heard of google?23:44
bkevanhelpee: What's this google thing you speak of23:45
Guest522ive tryed on on a manual on portforward.com23:45
DulakIt's a lotta zeroes23:45
Guest522but, im stuck on Server IP Address23:45
Guest522would this be the machine ip23:45
scuniziwhen you go there it says "Bing"!23:45
Guest522or the router ip?23:45
helpeebkevan: I found a link to google once on yahoo but was too scared to click, not sure!23:45
scuniziGuest522: server23:45
bkevanhelpee: Yeah.. might not be safe.. jk23:46
DulakHey let me google that on bing, sounds handy.23:46
Guest522server... machine u mean23:46
FlugHaffenhelpee, wanna take a look? http://pastebin.com/mcae0d8123:46
Guest522and this wold be23:46
Guest522Your IP Address is
GoudaIt sounds to me like someone is way in over their head and need to go learn some basics of networking and terminology before tackling a task like setting up a webserver23:46
scuniziGuest522: nope.. that's not it.. should be something like 192.168.0.xxx23:47
helpeeFlugHaffen: not sure.  Have you tried using the grub prompt to install grub manually?  Also try #grub to figure out what the errors mean23:47
Guest522i try that23:47
Guest522and get this error Server IP address cannot be router's LAN IP address.23:47
FlugHaffenhelpee, i did try the grub prompt but ill try in the grub channel thanks23:47
scunizithen you entered the wrong address Guest52223:47
Guest522but, i login to the router via
Guest522so thats gotta be the ip23:48
=== Cass67 is now known as Cass
scuniziGuest522: nope.. that's the routers address.. your machine is in the same range but the last number is different.23:49
Guest5221 Web Server 80 80
Guest522so thats right23:49
Guest522i managed to get that bit23:49
rymo_I found the http://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromLinux/RedHatEnterpriseLinuxAndFedora page today -23:49
rymo_I think "apt-cache search" is a better equivalent to "yum search" than the given "apt-cache show" -- I'm tempted to make a wiki edit right now but figured I should check with an apt-cache expert first?23:49
scuniziGuest522: might be.. where did you get that info?23:49
wasutton3hey i am trying to get my apache to link up to my cups server and i dont get the same graphics that i do in localhost:631, my httpd file is here http://pastebin.com/m11a67e7523:49
joker_Anyone eard of a way t synchronise icecast streams? I have multiple clients pluggued trough my house and I'd like them to be synchronised. Right now, each one plays slightly out of sinc (bout a second or two) and I'd like every room to play in sync.23:50
un|matrixis there an audio editor for linux that doesn't suck? (you can't say audacity)23:50
joker_un|matrix: audacity?23:50
scunizijoker_: don't the machines cache some of the stream a little.. if so it'll be a nightmare to sync them23:51
un|matrixjoker_: no because it sucks23:51
Guest522scunizi: clicked start, rightclicked on wireless network conections, status then clicked support23:51
joker_scunizi: yeah, I guess the problem resides in buffering but there's got to be a way to sync that?23:51
FlugHaffenthink the grub channel is empty23:51
joker_un|matrix: yeah well, thats what I use... Works pretty much well for what I need23:51
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:52
scuniziGuest522: if that was done on the server machine then it sounds right.23:52
scunizijoker_: beyond me23:52
rymo_yum search == apt-cache search != apt-cache show ... anybody disagree?23:52
un|matrixjoker_: how do you glue together two tracks that have different sample rates then?23:52
Guest522so nowok23:52
Guest522ok, so now thats me done?23:53
scuniziGuest522: are you trying to get to the server from inside your lan?23:53
Guest522but, i want other people to be able to access my server23:53
scuniziGuest522:  then just open a browser and type the ip address.. like
GoudaScunizi. That won't test whether people on the outside can access it23:54
GoudaHe needs to put in his public ip address with port 80 to see if people on the outside can access it23:54
ozone89knock knock23:54
scuniziGouda: of course not.. he's setting up port forwarding and then trying to test access from inside the lan.. not going to work that way.. you're right though.. he's over his head23:54
GoudaPretty much23:55
Guest522192.168.1.2:80 doesnt do anything23:55
Guest522except try and load23:55
scuniziGuest522: try
Goudahave you even setup apache yet guest?23:55
arandFlugHaffen: the e2fs_stage1_5 file are in the /boot/grub/ directory on my jaunty install, do you know if grub is installed correctly on the filesystem itself?23:55
Guest522i used ubuntu23:56
Guest522doesnt that work23:56
Guest522im using mylaptop23:56
Guest522but i want to connect to my desktop23:56
ozone89may anybody help me?23:56
scuniziGouda: GOOD QUESTION!  wish I had thought of that23:56
Guest522how would people from the outside world be able to connect?23:56
FlugHaffenarand, i dont know if it is installed correctly.  I tried reinstalling it and it seemed not to work23:56
GoudaWow ok...you are way in over your head guest522. If you are using your machine to host a webpage, you need to setup Apache first. if you didnt know what that was then you need to go do some research and reading on how to setup a webserver before coming in here23:56
arquebusozone89- with what?23:57
Guest522i installed cpane;23:57
Guest522and it does it for me23:57
mechdaveozone89, Just ask your question, if we know the answer we will reply :)23:57
FloodBot3Guest522: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
scunizithat's not a web server23:57
arandFlugHaffen: so you aren't able to boot into the system where grub are supposed to be installed?23:57
joker_un|matrix: sry, I was afk for a minute there. As for your question, I copy paste and it works fine irrc?23:57
ozone89arquebus: with setting up a dual head on a t30...23:57
un|matrixjoker_: well yeah it screws up the speed that way23:58
FlugHaffenarand, when i try to boot into the system grub sends me to a CLI and i dont know how to boot from there23:58
arquebusozone89-dual head?23:58
joker_un|matrix: what if you open the two, resample one of them and copy#paste23:58
ozone89arquebus: yup, I have a radeon 7500 mobility23:58
un|matrixjoker_: won't let me open 2 instances23:58
Guest522so, basicaly im on my own23:59
GoudaGuest522. You are way in over your capability of setting up a webserver. I think you need to go do lots of reading or pay someone to set it up for you23:59
joker_un|matrix: can't you open 2 tracks in one audacity instance?23:59
arandFlugHaffen: try this command from that command line: find /boot/grub/stage123:59
un|matrixjoker_: also i don't know how to resample it... it's so damn anti-intuitive23:59
arquebusozone89- dont know anything about it23:59
ozone89arquebus: it just clones my screen, but I'd like a spanned desktop with different resolutions23:59
ozone89arquebus: oh, thanks anyway23:59

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