
Milan-BVKeybuk: hi14:43
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jMCgHi folks.23:31
jMCgWikipedia lists upstarts along with Solaris' SMF, so I was browsing through the feature list and the Wiki, and the bug tracker, but I couldn't find one core feature that SMF has, which I, so far, have failed to find on Linux:23:33
jMCgSMF can start a service as a certain user/group giving it a certain set of privileges.23:33
jMCgOn Linux this would translate to Capabilities, which is Linux' POSIX 1003.1e implementation of that same concept.23:34
ionDo you have a question? :-)23:35
jMCgIs anybody thinking about, or even actively planning to add such a feature to upstart?23:36
ionYou should ask Keybuk about that when he’s around.23:37
jMCgOn Solaris I can start a (shitty) Java Application Server as unprivileged user, and have it bind to port 80, which is seriously awesome. It would be even awesomer if I could do that on Linux.23:37
jMCgion: which timezone does he live in?23:38
ionIf that has not been planned for Upstart, you might very well be able to sell that idea. I would like such functionality for sure, but i’m not the authority on Upstart. :-)23:39
ionHe’s British.23:39
jMCghttps://launchpad.net/~upstart-devel < the only brit I see is scott.23:41
jMCgAnyways. Thank you for your time.23:42
jMCgI think I should devote mine now to sleep.23:42
ionIf you do a /whois on Keybuk you’ll notice he’s Scott. :-P23:45

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