
dieselmachinedo i run that from the root of the source directory? Don't I need to do ./configure, or make or something?00:00
cjwatsondebuild -b (etc.) runs debian/rules build as one of its steps, which does ...00:00
dieselmachineI do not have that package currently installed, and apt-get hasn't heard of it. What package do I need inorder to get access to debuild?00:01
dieselmachineoh, disregard, it provided the answer in the error message00:02
dieselmachineSorry for the uninformed question00:02
ionI tend to dpkg --unpack the resulting binaries and then apt-get -f install.00:06
dieselmachinewhat does the -f parameter do?00:07
ionman apt-get00:08
dieselmachineHow helpful00:09
dieselmachinels -al00:10
dieselmachinewhere does debuild dump the binaries?00:12
dieselmachinea straight answer instead of linking me to a page with the answer would be great00:13
dieselmachineawesome, thanks00:13
sorencjwatson: Ah, right. Good catch. Thanks for the review!00:30
mathiazslangasek: could you add another test case for UEC images (last section from http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/System/CloudImages)?00:32
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rndm_karmic alpha 3 seems busted on modern imacs, there's no fb device in /dev. the live-cd doesn't go to anything graphical. It sounds like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/40457701:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404577 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "Xorg does not load in karmic using Zotac ion board A series" [Undecided,New]01:04
TheMusorndm_: How modern is modern?01:05
rndm_TheMuso: has 9400m. the current production model i believe01:06
rndm_i tested against the daily livecd actually, so newer than alpha 301:08
TheMusorndm_: ah ok01:09
rndm_it's model #A1224, the current 20inch if that means anything to you01:10
rndm_if someone more experienced with development in this area would like to guide me on what may be relevant i'll file a report01:15
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dave-ubuntu1ive been looking for an answer to this question for days02:25
dave-ubuntu1i have tried #ubuntu for many hours also02:26
ScottKmathiaz: They just needed a retry.  The failed to upload ones were ones that finished building (in Multiverse) before Soyuz noticed they'd moved.  I retried several of them, but I doubt I got them all.02:37
cjwatsondave-ubuntu1: I'll answer on Launchpad02:46
virtualddave-ubuntu1: i think it uses LUKS default options, see man 8 cryptsetup02:49
cjwatsonvirtuald: I have given an answer in LP based on what the code does02:51
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lamontKeybuk: bug 393656 - thoughts?03:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393656 in postfix "postfix fails on boot with "fatal: could not find any active network interfaces"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39365603:21
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MindVirus1Hello. I have some suggestions, if anyone cares.04:03
MindVirus1Don't know if anyone's listening. Here are my ideas.04:11
MindVirus1Since I'm running a netbook and don't like netbook-remix, I keep my panel on the right side of the screen.04:12
MindVirus1The window picker applet won't render text vertically though, like the Clock applet does.04:12
MindVirus1I recommend that it should, instead of showing "..".04:12
cjwatsonMindVirus1: suggestions on IRC are likely to be lost, as chances are that the right people aren't paying attention, or can't fix things *right now*; it's much better to file bugs, or for ideas that aren't well-enough-formed for bugs you can use brainstorm.ubuntu.com04:13
MindVirus1OK. :)04:13
MindVirus1I don't mean to bother you guys. Does anyone have access to ubottu?05:39
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.06:33
MindVirus1Should say "deprecated" instead of "depreciated". That is all.06:34
dholbachgood morning06:43
dholbachmorning pitti06:43
dholbachpitti: I just sponsored a tangerine-icon-theme change and used the same build system you used in human-icon-theme :)06:44
dholbachgreat work :)06:44
pittiGood morning07:15
pittidholbach: \o/07:15
StevenKMorning pitti07:15
pittiplain make FTW :)07:15
dholbachpitti: you know... I was young, didn't know any better and needed the money07:16
kagoubryce, I have subscribed you to bug #421225 . Hoping that you can detect if it's a Xorg bug.07:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421225 in xsplash "Xsplash freeze the system" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42122507:31
kagoubryce, sorry if it's not the right way to do that. Regards07:31
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tkamppeterpitti, hi08:06
pittihi tkamppeter08:09
slangasekmathiaz: so the first two test cases only apply to EC2, and the third only applies to UEC, right?08:11
tkamppeterpitti, the FTBFS of CUPS got fixed upstream, so we can get a fixed CUPS into alpha 5.08:13
tkamppeterpitti, yesterday I have applied the upstream patch for the USB backend hang.08:14
StevenKArneGoetje: Does ibus really need a .desktop entry under /usr/share/applications? It's being picked up by netbook-launcher and put into an "Other" category08:17
StevenKArneGoetje: (care of bug 420282)08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420282 in ibus "ibus is in "other" category in the menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42028208:17
tkamppeterpitti, one other thing of yesterday: I tested the suggested udev rule and it did not work for me. I had uploaded udevadm output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262600/.08:17
pittitkamppeter: thanks; I saw the poppler API fix, I'll apply that as well08:18
mdkecjwatson: ok, well I've fixed it on help.u.c in all versions but I don't think it's necessarily essential to keep the packages in line with that. I'll reject the other bugs tasks and we'll regard it as fixed08:19
pittitkamppeter: sorry, did you say something after my "you need /devices.."? DSL reconnect..08:26
tkamppeterpitti, one other thing of yesterday: I tested the suggested udev rule and it did not work for me. I had uploaded udevadm output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262600/.08:30
pittitkamppeter: I still got that08:31
pittipitti| tkamppeter: thanks; I saw the poppler API fix, I'll08:31
pitti       apply that as well08:31
pittipitti| tkamppeter: ah, I see what's wrong08:31
pittipitti| tkamppeter: you ran udevadm info on the interface,08:31
pitti       not on the device08:31
pittipitti| tkamppeter: you need /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.08:31
pitti       1/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4.3/3- for the device08:31
pitti       (the one with DEVNAME=/dev/bus/usb/003/016)08:31
seb128jdstrand, pitti: you might want to have a look to bug #41450608:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414506 in gdm-guest-session "broken AppArmor profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41450608:37
seb128jdstrand, pitti: you might want to have a look to bug #41450608:37
pittiseb128: the entire guest session is broken anyway..08:38
pittistill on my TODO list08:38
seb128pitti, ok thanks08:38
pittiseb128: oh, that; I alrady discussed that with Martin-Eric08:39
seb128pitti, speaking of guest-session somebody mentioned yesterday that only a  +x is to change or something08:39
seb128I think that was dbarth08:39
pittibug updated08:40
pittitkamppeter: meh, with the pdftopdf fix, it doesn't build any more with poppler 0.10 in Debian; so more magic dpatching required..08:40
tkamppeterpitti, for the Alpha 5 we can use a "magic" dpatch, but later we need conditional compiling with switch in ./configure, as the filters are upstream code and they should work with all incarnations of the daily changing API of Poppler.08:49
tkamppeterpitti, new udevadm test: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262959/08:51
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload bluez to get bug 418465 fixed for Alpha 5? superm1 will still be sleeping when Alpha 5 freeze happens.09:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418465 in bluez "bluetooth CUPS backend should output device listings immediately when it discovers the devices (in discovery mode)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41846509:10
ArneGoetjeStevenK: no, it doesn't. As long as the settings are accessable from the System/Preferences Menu, other entries are not needed.09:17
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al-maisanI have a Samsung Q45 laptop running karmic and the screen brightness control keys don't work at all (no reaction when pressed); can somebody please explain how to fix this or point me to existing documentation?09:55
AnAntHello, can someone merge console-setup from Debian, since it would close LP 39029210:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390292 in console-setup "undefined kernel key code ( in karmic a2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39029210:03
Trewasal-maisan: probably same bug 409889, it mentions a workaround10:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409889 in linux "NC10 fails to up and down the brightness" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40988910:06
al-maisanTrewas: thanks for the pointer!10:06
* al-maisan takes a look.10:06
jjardonhello, someone can take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/418401 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/418981 ? I think they are important to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy10:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418401 in gnome-bluetooth "gnome-bluetooth doesn't depend on HAL" [Undecided,New]10:18
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al-maisanTrewas: the workaround described in the bug did work. Thank you very much!10:24
pittitkamppeter: no, the patched filter was in debian/local/10:46
pittitkamppeter: (pdftopdf)10:46
pittitkamppeter: bluez> looking10:46
pittitkamppeter: hm, what's the exact rule you have now?10:48
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ojwbmvo: the xapian-core build failed on most platforms, due to running out of fds in the tests10:55
pittitkamppeter: new cups uploaded to experimental and karmic10:57
tkamppeterpitti, have you seen my last comments here?10:58
tkamppeterpitti, have you checked my new  udevadm test: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/262959/?10:59
pittitkamppeter: pitti| tkamppeter: hm, what's the exact rule you have now?10:59
mvoojwb: heh :) impressive - is that a buildd configuration problem? should I talk to the buildd admins aobut it?11:05
tkamppeterpitti: /lib/udev/rules.d/70-cups.rules:11:11
tkamppeterpitti: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ATTR{bInterfaceClass}=="07", ATTR{bInterfaceSubClass}=="01", GROUP="lp", MODE="660"11:11
pittitkamppeter: and can you please check /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4.3/3-
pittitkamppeter: and can you please check /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4.3/3- ? is that really "07"?11:12
pittitkamppeter: and likewise for bInterfaceSubClass ?11:13
tkamppeterpitti, debian/local/filters stuff is upstream at http://www.openprinting.org/download/printing/pdf-printing/ and also at http://opfc.sf.jp/.11:13
ojwbmvo: sorry, the phone rang!11:27
ojwbmvo: i'm not sure what the cause is, but one of the debian alpha buildds does it too (and another doesn't)11:28
ojwbi guess sbuild sometimes has more fds open itself or something like that?11:28
ojwbif you fancy fixing it, just kill the ulimit as the patch does, but globally11:29
* ojwb can file a bug if that's better11:29
tkamppeterpitti: cat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4.3/3-
tkamppeterpitti: 0111:32
tkamppeterpitti: cat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.1/usb3/3-1/3-1.4/3-1.4.3/3-
tkamppeterpitti: 0711:32
pittitkamppeter: ah, that woudl be it; that's again the interface, not the device11:32
pittiso I see why that rule doesn't work11:32
pittitkamppeter: hang on11:33
pittitkamppeter: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/420015/comments/5311:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420015 in cups "usblp Kernel module needs to be removed and /dev/bus/usb/*/* made accessible for USB printers to work with CUPS 1.4.x" [High,Fix released]11:35
cjwatsonAnAnt: I don't think it's a good idea to merge console-setup (and please leave that kind of decision up to the installer team). I'll backport the fix11:36
cjwatsonif only because it will stop people thinking it causes other random bugs11:37
AnAntcjwatson: actually, I do have a problem with console-setup LP 41694911:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416949 in console-setup "Keyboard layout toggle does not work anymore in karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41694911:38
tkamppeterpitti, that's it, it works now. Thanks.11:38
AnAntcjwatson: and indeed, I thought that maybe 390292 is related to it11:39
tkamppeterpitti, can you ap[ply the rule to the appropriate package to get it fixed in Alpha 5?11:39
pittitkamppeter: not necessary for alpha-5, since the usb backend runs as root, it should work now; I'll just commit it11:39
pitti... to udev upstream11:39
pittiand once it's in, revert the "root backend" change11:39
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.11:39
AnAntcjwatson: I even thought of trying Debian's console-setup on karmic after I found a hard time trying to merge Ubuntu's changes11:42
AnAntcjwatson: do think that's a good idea, just to see if my problem goes ?11:43
cjwatsonAnAnt: terrible idea, I think :)11:45
cjwatsonAnAnt: I'm not merging it because it's really complex and will require other installer changes11:45
AnAntyes, it is complex indeed11:45
cjwatsonanyway, I'll backport the change and you can see11:46
mvoojwb: a bug would be prefered, fortunately it build on i386 and amd64 so at least the "big" arches are good :)11:47
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for uploading bluiez.11:47
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jjardonpitti, about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy11:52
jjardonCould you take a look at t https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/418401 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/418981 ?11:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418401 in gnome-bluetooth "gnome-bluetooth doesn't depend on HAL" [Undecided,New]11:53
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ojwbmvo: LP#42249312:11
ojwbhope it's coherent, I have a cold atm12:11
pgranerpitti: have a min to discuss the dvb firmware stuff?12:14
pittijjardon: looking, will comment in the bugs12:17
pittipgraner: hey12:17
jjardonpitti, great, thanks!12:17
pgranerpitti: after talking with mdz he feels it would be better to move the questionable firmware into a package than can be put in multiverse and have jockey pull from that. Thoughts?12:18
pgranerpitti: the main rationale is that the firmware files keep changing URLs quite often and having them in a package ensures things "just work"12:19
pittipgraner: if the problem is just non-freeness, that sounds great, and much easier than URL fishing12:21
pittipgraner: however, if some of the firmware lacks a license completely, or explicitly forbids redistribution (like b43), this won't work either12:21
pgranerpitti: lack of license is the issue and mdz felt that it was ok to do it that way.12:22
pittino, we can't, sorry12:22
pittiwe cannot redistribute stuff without a license12:22
pgranerpitti: if thats the case then we will have to remove it and regress the dvb users12:23
pgranerpitti: I suggest we talk to mdz when he comes online in a few hours12:23
pittipgraner: otherwise we could just leave it in restricted as it is now, and we wouldn't need to go through all this dance12:27
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pgranerpitti: its in the linux-fw package not in restricted12:28
pittiok, but at least we could move l-firmware to restricted if needed, and still install it by default12:29
pittibut without permission to redistribute we can't stick it into the archive at all12:29
pgranerpitti: ok, I'm not sure whats best but we have to do something. I sent an email to mdz & you we can hash it out there. mdz is in the US and I'm in Taiwan and tz's will kills us on IRC12:30
Mezso, seems that gnome is a bit broken right now.12:32
MezI think I may have upgraded half way through a transition12:33
davmor2Mez: sounds about right :)12:34
Mezdavmor2: not fun ... gnome-panel-data installed, gnome-panel not.12:36
* Mez steals the deb from LP and reboots X12:36
pittijjardon: bugs and Halsectomy page updated, thanks12:37
jjardonpitti, Can I rename https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth/+bug/418401 to "Upgrade gnome-bluetooth to drop libhal dependency" ?13:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418401 in gnome-bluetooth "port killswitch handling from hal to udev" [Undecided,Triaged]13:09
NCommanderstgraber, ping, if you have a moment, I'd like to talk to you on adding armel+dove images to the ISO tracker13:26
ograNCommander, slangasek can do that as well, but there is a prob in pointing the download location to ports iirc13:27
NCommanderogra, ugh, what's the problem?13:27
ograi dont remember off the top of my head and the tracker is empty atm13:28
ograit was either a prob with .img files or a prob pointing to the right image location13:29
NCommanderogra, doesn't sound like a show stopper ... */2 cents*13:30
ograit isnt13:30
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pittijjardon: sure, go ahead14:03
blackxoredh3ll0 x 4all14:07
directhexcjwatson, if you're still in a mouseemu bug-squashing mood, #362500 appears to be a real bug along similar lines14:15
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cjwatsondirecthex: probably not just at the moment ...14:34
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jjardonpitti, done14:38
jjardonalso upstream buf filled for GDM: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59378714:39
ubottuGnome bug 593787 in general "drop HAL code from gdm" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:39
* pitti chuckles at http://xkcd.com/619/14:40
pittijjardon: thanks!14:41
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dayanandasaraswaHello all, I want to know all about ext2 filesystem. I want to know its superblock structure and where all the information is stored..Where can I get all these?14:54
cjwatsondayanandasaraswa: the kernel source - include/linux/ext2_fs.h, include/linux/ext2_fs_sb.h, fs/ext2/14:56
cjwatsonand Documentation/filesystems/ext2.txt of course14:57
jdstrandseb128: re bug #414506> yeah, pitti is right. it also happens to be a dupe of bug #412551 (marked as such)14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414506 in apparmor "broken AppArmor profile (dup-of: 412551)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41450614:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412551 in apparmor "apparmor_parser cannot create cache files on non-karmic kernels" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41255114:57
dayanandasaraswacjwatson: Oh thank you..I'll take a look at them..:D14:57
seb128jdstrand, ok thanks14:57
dayanandasaraswaI'm actually in need of copying the whole ext2 filesystem's datastructures. Will e2image do that reliably? I actually want a replica of my HDD's filesystem's datastructures so that I can examine them separately for my project..14:58
cjwatsonhave you read the documentation? :-)14:59
dayanandasaraswacjwatson: No, I have not :{15:00
dayanandasaraswacjwatson: I'm just now going to do that..But wanted to know the tools before hand :D15:00
cjwatsone2image is probably the right tool15:00
dayanandasaraswacjwatson: Thank you so much :D15:01
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mathiazslangasek: yes - two test cases are for EC2 and one for UEC15:08
mathiazslangasek: thanks for setting things up on the tracker15:09
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robbiewcjwatson: with evand on vacation, do we have anyone else familiar with usbcreator?  bug 422071 is a pain in the @$$15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422071 in usb-creator "usb-creator throwing exception, not starting" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42207115:10
cjwatsonrobbiew: nobody really directly, although I should think anyone familiar with Python could sort it out15:11
robbiewcjwatson: not a big deai...can wait15:12
robbiewhe's back tomorrow15:12
teknicosuperm1, hi, may I ask you something about a malfunctioning fglrx driver?15:13
superm1teknico, AMD hasn't published a supported driver for karmic yet AFAIK15:13
teknicosuperm1, oh, it's curious, the latest Catalyst also builds deb packages for karmic15:14
teknicobut it doesn't work, so I guess you're right :-)15:14
superm1teknico, the packaging is ready to go, they just need the appropriate code changes15:14
teknicosuperm1, thanks, how will I know when it's ready?15:15
superm1teknico, it will be uploaded to karmic when it's ready15:15
seb128robbiew, I can fix that I know what the issue is15:16
teknicosuperm1, right, which reminds me that version 2:8.632-0ubuntu1 is already in restricted (and not working either)15:16
robbiewseb128: cool...thanks a lot15:17
seb128you're welcome15:17
teknicoI'll wait for a new version15:17
cjwatsonrobbiew: fixed in bzr15:20
cjwatsonseb128: oh, sorry, beat you to it :)15:20
cjwatsonI didn't look back at this channel in the meantime ...15:20
robbiewthanks all15:20
seb128cjwatson, no problem, thanks15:21
* robbiew thinks about throwing random bug numbers into the channel to see how quickly they get fixed :P15:21
cjwatsonhmm, question is should I try to upload something for a515:22
cjwatsonI'm not sure of the state of the rest of the bits in bzr15:22
cjwatsonI think I'd rather that wait for evand to return15:22
sgallaghmathiaz: ping, rather15:22
robbiewcjwatson: sounds fine to me15:22
mathiazsgallagh: hi15:22
cjwatsonrobbiew: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~usb-creator-hackers/usb-creator/trunk/revision/142 if you just want to get the fix locally15:23
seb128cjwatson, I would upload a version based on the karmic one with only this change15:23
seb128that's what I did with update-manager yesterday15:23
sgallaghmathiaz: I wanted to let you know, we found, fixed and pushed a real change for that startup problem you were seeing (I gave you the band-aid patch for your beta release)15:23
cjwatsonseb128: mm, might be best, will do15:23
mathiazsgallagh: right - I saw the commit15:23
seb128cjwatson, thanks15:23
mathiazsgallagh: thanks for working on this. I'll push a new package.15:24
sgallaghmathiaz: Ok, just wanted you in the loop.15:24
mathiazsgallagh: thanks15:24
sgallaghmathiaz: Well, I'm still investigating the provider=legacy problem that's hanging the SSSD on ubuntu15:24
ScottKcjwatson: If your considering a usb-creator upload, rgreening has some usb-creator-kde changes too.15:24
ScottKHe was waiting for evand to get back.15:24
sgallaghmathiaz: So you may want to wait until that's in before rolling a new package (though I don't know Ubuntu's process)15:24
ScottKIt's (I understand it) broken now, so there's no downside risk to updating.15:25
cjwatsonScottK: I'm not qualified to review them15:25
mathiazsgallagh: that's fine. we can fix bugs in different uploads15:25
rgreeningScottK, cjwatson: My changes have been uploaded to bzr branch. Just need to release 0.2.4 from bzr15:25
cjwatsonScottK: and there's other stuff in bzr too so it's rather a mess15:25
cjwatsonsigh, ok, I'll attempt to review the lot :P15:25
ScottKcjwatson: Your call of course, but rgreening did the KDE port to start with, so I'd expect it's reasonable.15:25
cjwatsonthere's more than just his changes15:26
cjwatsonand I don't know if Evan's changes are pending some other dependency or something15:26
* ScottK steps back and lets the guy who's doing the work decide.15:26
rgreeningcjwatson: my changes make usb-creator-kde work again (mostly). There are some unimplemented bits in the backend evand wrote which cause FOrmat, and .iso images to not work, so I addressed in usb-creator-kde by temporarily disabling those buttons. CD-ROM install works.15:27
rgreeningwhich is better than it is currently.15:27
rgreeningalso, I don't think the usb-creator-gtk works in either case (current or trunk), at least in my testing.15:28
rgreeningcjwatson: I get "An unhandled exception occurred:15:28
rgreeningDuplicate object id 'alignment3' on line 630 (previously on line 287)"15:28
cjwatsonyes, I just fixed that in bzr, that's where we came in :)15:29
rgreeningok cool. then we should be able ot release.15:29
rgreeningI've been testing from trunk on the kde one.15:29
rgreeningcjwatson: I can confirm gtk version works now and did not impact kde version locally with the updated bzr.15:32
cjwatsonrgreening: cool, that saves me some testing time, thanks :)15:34
rgreeningIm here to serve cjwatson :P15:34
cjwatsonok, uploading15:35
Keybukcjwatson: thought of the day: the PPA system should allow you to upload to UNRELEASED15:41
cjwatsoncr3: what are all these checkbox-generated reports landing on kbd? seems to be something to do with chvt failing, but it seems astonishingly unlikely that the problem is actually in the chvt program itself15:44
cr3cjwatson: kbd?15:45
cr3cjwatson: I see the problem, which package should it land against?15:51
seb128cody-somerville, urg, you want to get the old gdm back in karmic?15:53
cody-somervilleseb128, Yes, as discussed.15:53
seb128discussed when where?15:53
cody-somervilleseb128, here and several weeks ago15:54
seb128I don't think it's a good idea, it's going to create configuration handling issues for user switching between version15:54
seb128and it means we will have to reopen and reassign bugs and maintain old buggy code15:55
cody-somervilleI don't like this anymore then you do. However, gdm has taken a different direction that doesn't make it suitable as desktop agnostic display manager.15:56
seb128what about trying to pick one of the other available?15:57
seb128ie xdm15:57
cody-somervilleNone of them are suitable15:57
seb128rather than pushing an unmaintained version of gdm back there15:57
cody-somervilleThose other options aren't maintained either15:57
seb128why not?15:57
cody-somervilleseb128, numerous security issues15:57
seb128who is going to assure the security of the old gdm codebase?15:58
seb128is that something you discussed with the security team already?15:58
cody-somervilleseb128, The Xubuntu team will take responsibility for maintaining the package15:58
seb128that's going to be costy15:58
cody-somervilleseb128, We're hoping to have the new gdm working for karmic+115:59
seb128will you also be responsible for fixing issues due to switch between versions in both sides?15:59
cody-somervilleseb128, We'll try our best to resolve any critical issues that presents.15:59
cody-somervilleseb128, I've tried it out myself and I didn't run into too any trouble15:59
seb128what is not suitable in the new gdm?16:00
seb128the option taken there seems far to be optimal16:00
seb128I would rather spend efforts fixing the new ones than trying to bring both version together16:00
cody-somervilleseb128, The issue isn't bugs, the issue is that they've decided to depend on other gnome components16:01
seb128how do you plan to fix that in karmic+1?16:01
cody-somervilleseb128, I'm hoping to use our relationship with Xfce to have changes made to different Xfce components that will enable us to be able to drop them in place of the gnome ones.16:02
mr_pouit(so there is no plan)16:02
seb128hum, I think trying to bring previous gdm in karmic is not a good move16:02
seb128but shrug16:03
seb128if other people are fine with that16:03
seb128pitti, ^ opinion on that?16:03
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pittiseb128: hm, cody-somerville's choice in the end; if there's no other option, xubuntu doesn't have much choice, I guess16:06
pittihowever, I'm interested in the particular reasons16:06
pittithe alternative dependencies and components weren't enough? what was missing?16:06
superm1yeah, what particularly?  for the mythbuntu case, it appears to not be pulling in exorbitant amounts of gnome now, and working fine16:07
cjwatsoncr3: problems changing tty are usually kernel bugs, AIUI16:10
cody-somervilleTheres no way to set a system wide default session16:10
cr3cjwatson: I'll make the necessary changes, thanks16:10
cody-somervillePeople would login to xterm instead of xfce4 by default16:10
superm1oh, we're cheating with that for now, but i agree that's a problem16:10
superm1for mythbuntu, we're providing a gnome.desktop in mythbuntu-default-settings16:11
ScottKMaybe cody-somerville could use your cheat this cycle?16:11
pitticody-somerville: that doesn't seem excessively hard to add, though16:11
pittiit could use "default.desktop" if present, and prefer that16:12
superm1there is a bug filed for that, bug 40329116:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403291 in mythbuntu-default-settings "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329116:13
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cody-somervilleHow about we accept gdm-2.20 and I'll continue to work out the kinks with the new gdm. If I'm satisfied by beta, we can remove gdm-216:15
cody-somervilleThis is just a backup plan16:15
superm1isn't the autologin code in ubiquity (user-setup ?) already transitioned to the new gdm?16:16
pittisuperm1: yes, it is16:16
pitticody-somerville: was there any other blocker?16:16
pitticody-somerville: sorting out the configuration issues seems to be more work to me than to teach gdm about a preferred session16:17
cody-somervillepitti, I found that the busy cursor was always present16:17
pittiI don't mind having gdm-2 in universe, but I feel it'd create more problems than it solves16:17
cody-somervillepitti, and I need to take care of theming as right now it looks like crap16:17
pittiright, we share _that_ problem :)16:17
cody-somervillewhich one? the busy cursor or the theming?16:18
* cody-somerville goes to eat lunch.16:19
pitticody-somerville: the theming; I don't see a busy cursor here16:23
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week starting in 19 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom16:42
kirklandliw: ping16:49
kirklandliw: you asked once about changing the screen size of a kvm vnc window16:50
kirklandliw: in karmic, you now have 2 options16:50
kirklandliw: the window itself is dynamically resizable, doing the scaling/stretching of the bitmaps of the virtualized system16:50
kirklandliw: also, bryce committed a couple of fixes (hacks) to the xserver that should allow more different actual screen resolutions16:51
kirklandliw: enjoy ;-)16:51
RainCTseb128: Any plans to update gnome-shell & co?17:03
seb128RainCT, it's on my list but I just came back from vac yesterday17:04
seb128and I had other things I wanted to get on the coming alpha17:04
seb128RainCT, you can do it if you want or I will do it later this week17:05
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RainCTseb128: Okay, I may take a look at it. I'm also wondering whether seed will be in Karmic (or rather, if there's any reasons why it isn't in Karmic and it can get a FFe)?17:06
seb128RainCT, I would just say ETOOMUCHTODO17:07
seb128RainCT, but it's in debian now I will sync it17:07
RainCTseb128: Oh, right - Cool! There's also an updated gobject-introspection there.17:09
seb128RainCT, will look into that too17:10
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fbondWhat are the ballpark odds that Ubuntu will switch to connman from NetworkManager?17:56
pittifbond: for karmic? 017:57
pittifbond: (feature freeze)17:57
fbondpitti: No, not for karmic, for karmic+1, karmic+2, etc...17:59
fbondMostly trying to get a sense for the developer sentiment.18:00
pittifbond: I think it's safe to say that it won't happen for karmic+1, since it's LTS and we won't change infrastructure much; beyond that, nothing is decided yet18:00
pittifbond: asac might have a qualified feeling, though18:00
fbondpitti: Okay, thanks.18:00
fbondasac: thoughts on ConnMan?18:00
asacfbond: well. so far there is not even a UI ... except for netbooks.18:02
asacconnman is really young projects. so i would lean towards saying it wont be ready for serious karmic+1 consideration18:03
asacbut you never know18:03
asacwe keep our eyes open18:03
fbondasac: Hm, I thought there was a connman-gnome project.  That is for netbooks only?18:03
pittiYokoZar: hey!18:03
pittiYokoZar: we were wondering about the status of desktop-karmic-wine-integration; is that still likely to hit karmic (with some FF), or should we call it postponed for Karmic+1?18:04
asacfbond: thats abandoned upstream atm18:06
asacfbond: we even have the package, but its not developed upstream for the time being.18:06
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mvoapachelogger: many thanks for the apturl kde frontend, I'm uploading now18:06
* asac dances18:07
asacso i can now depend on apturl without pulling in gnome?18:08
asacmvo: ?18:08
mvoasac: apturl-kde18:08
asacRiddell: will you install that by default?18:08
mvoasac: or how do you mean? you can depend on apturl | apturl-kde18:08
asacotherwise i cannot say "apturl | apturl-kde"18:08
asacwhich would pull in apturl still18:08
asacmvo: if apturl-kde isnt installed by default it would be better to put it into the same package i guess ... and make that to only depend on stuff thats already there18:09
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asacbut i guess it should just be seeded18:09
mvoasac: yeah, having it in a single package is not very elegant18:10
sgallaghmathiaz: ping18:17
apacheloggerasac: yeah, should be seeded, especially since it integrates with konqueror anyway18:18
apachelogger+ it doesn't introduce any new deps18:18
sebnerapachelogger: first is has to build though :P18:19
asacapachelogger: ok. will you take care of the seeding?18:19
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asacor rather Riddell ?18:19
apacheloggercan do18:19
asacanyway. let me know when thats done so i can adjust the depends of ubufox18:19
Riddellone of us will18:20
asacdo apturl and apturl-kde conflict?18:20
asacor are you parsing some env to call the right backend if both are installed?18:20
apacheloggerRiddell: first you need to poke apturl-* through binary new anyway :P18:20
sgallaghmathiaz: What configure flags do you use for SSSD when packaging?18:20
apacheloggerasac: apturl binary in apturl-common package looks for KDE_FULL_SESSION and starts -kde if that is set18:21
apacheloggerif someone wants to enforce a certain frontend they might call apturl-kde or apturl-gtk directly18:21
asacapachelogger: good. i assume it falls back to any (if available) if the right desktop variant is not installed?18:21
apacheloggerasac: if desktop is not proofen to be KDE it will use -gtk if it is installed, otherwise it starts whining18:23
apacheloggerI suppose that could be made if ENVAR;elif -x -gtk; elif -x -kde; else; fi ... that way it would also try -kde if desktop is not kde which might make sense after all :)18:24
asacyeah. i think we should try all combinations if there is no match18:24
asacorder probably doesnt really matter18:24
mathiazsgallagh: hi - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30797006/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.sssd_0.5.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz18:26
mathiazsgallagh: ^^ this is the build log - you should be able to find the configure flags in there18:27
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: karmic alpha-4 released | Archive: main frozen for alpha-5, FeatureFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
sgallaghmathiaz: Great, thanks. I just wanted to set up a script in my VM environment to build it equivalently to how you would18:27
mathiazRiddell: hey - are you planning to process the NEW source queue today?18:29
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Riddellmathiaz: yes, any requests?18:32
mathiazRiddell: sssd would be interesting to process18:32
ograpitti, kees, congrats for joining the TB !!!!18:34
sgallaghmathiaz: What does "processing" entail?18:36
keesogra: thanks!  :)18:36
mathiazsgallagh: review the source package and accept in the karmic archive18:37
strider_hi everyone18:37
sgallaghmathiaz: Ok, any issues you come up against, please log a bug.18:37
mathiazsgallagh: sure18:38
strider_what's the best way to keep track of what is being done in the development of Ubuntu ?18:38
sgallaghstrider_: Become a developer :)18:39
strider_well i am a developer, you mean an official Ubuntu developer ?18:39
sgallaghstrider_: It was something of a joke. I meant that if you were a developer, then you can keep track of yourself :-P18:40
slangasekmvo: I don't see any reason bug #353534 should be a blocker for alpha-5 - is it in progress currently?18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353534 in linux "dapper->hardy->intrepid upgrade path leaves user with unmaintained kernel" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35353418:43
strider_actually, i'm thinking about building a web platform to ease collaboration between developers , but I wanted to know how the things worked at the present moment. I'm missing a piece of the puzzle I guess18:45
sgallaghstrider_: What sort of a platform?18:48
sgallaghstrider_: Something like Fedora Community?18:48
strider_let's take a simple example, I just updated karmic, and  i saw that empathy was removed from the system, i was wondering "where does that come from ? who made that decision ? where can i find it on the web"18:48
sgallaghstrider_: Yes please :)18:49
strider_well, something based on Google wave, so there's no equivalent at the moment ;)18:49
strider_Fedora community looks interesting18:52
jcastrostrider_: we call it launchpad. :D18:54
strider_Launchpad is a great tool, but when interaction between developers is concerned there is obviously something missing19:00
mvoslangasek: no need to block - it was my target date, but we can move that to a619:00
ograseb128, do you plan more uploads during the freeze ?19:09
robbiew-afkslangasek: Ubuntu Repository of Software...UR Software for short19:12
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* robbiew never left19:12
sgallaghHow does one install the debuginfo for an ubuntu package to debug it?19:13
ograthere is a wikipage about that19:13
pittiogra: thanks!19:19
LutinCompiling /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ubuntutools/requestsync/lp.py ...19:22
Lutin  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/ubuntutools/requestsync/lp.py", line 2519:22
Lutin    from ..lp.udtexceptions import *19:22
LutinSyntaxError: 'import *' not allowed with 'from .'19:22
Lutingeser: when upgrading ubuntu-dev-tools ^19:22
pittithat might be a 2.6ism19:25
pittitkamppeter: bug 419834 -- nice!19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419834 in hplip "Needs porting to policykit-1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41983419:28
slangasekbwuh, who switched ubuntu-dev-tools from python-central to python-support?19:28
slangasekDktrKranz: what does python-support have to do with "easing initial import into Debian"?19:29
DktrKranzslangasek: there are plans to migrate almost every package to pysupport19:30
slangasekwhose plans?19:31
DktrKranzsome discussions in debian-python19:31
slangasekthere's a group of python package maintainers who think python-support is great and eschew python-central.  Just because they have plans doesn't make them relevant.19:32
seb128ogra: yes, why?19:32
DktrKranzeven if pycentral will be dropped one day?19:33
seb128ogra: do you plan to ask other meaningless questions?19:33
slangasekDktrKranz: who is dropping pycentral?19:33
slangasekthe maintainer isn't dropping it, so long as python-support's maintainer fails to address its known problems19:34
rndm_so /dev/fb0 isnt being created on aluminum 20inch imacs. the current livecd doesnt make it into x19:34
slangasekrecent discussion on debian-python consists of "we should have a single tool; neither python-support nor python-central is it"19:35
ograseb128, well, the armel buildds are 100% busy with kde stuff that was coming in yesterday, and i'd like to make A5 with arm given that we couldnt make A4 already and i'd like to match my deliverables at some point19:35
seb128ogra: I did read the freeze email after this upload and I don't plan to break CD builds no19:36
ograthanks a lot19:37
ogra(i dont mean to attck you or something with these questions, i just want to be prepared what to expect)19:37
DktrKranzthere are indeed open issues for both tools19:37
rndm_not sure what to file a bug report against. installing from alternate and then installing the nvidia drivers works as a work around but you have to manually supply an xorg.conf to get around x barfing over no fb dev19:38
DktrKranzMany sponsors will prefer pysupport over pycentral because the latter is known to have some more problems19:39
seb128ogra: I usually try to not disturb things too much but to not block work or changes too much either19:39
ograseb128, yeah, i know and i know you enough to know that :)19:39
DktrKranzand *I* (this won't mean *all*) think (based on practice) pysupport behaves well.19:40
slangasekArneGoetje, pitti: what are these language-pack-gnome-* packages that have been lingering in the uninstallable list, with no corresponding language-pack-*?  (ig,ks,pap,sa,shs,tk)19:41
pittislangasek: ah, I bet langpack-o-matic doesn't create empty language-pack-*; however, -gnome isn't actually supposed to have a hard depends: on the common langpack19:43
slangasekDktrKranz: it behaves in ways that work most of the time, are pathological some of the time, and the maintainer has shown himself unwilling to address those cases.19:44
slangasekpitti: well, even a Recommends: would show up on the report, we want Recommends to be fulfilled as well :)19:44
pittislangasek: seems we need to teach langpack-o-matic to create empty common langpacks then, or drop the depends19:45
slangasekDktrKranz: anyway, maybe you'll find sponsors into Debian more easily that way, but I won't be one of them <shrug>19:45
DktrKranzslangasek: I always found joss very collaborative, but that's probably just me. Are there issues with that change? If so, I will invest time fixing my mistakes.19:51
pittislangasek: bug 42276019:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422760 in langpack-o-matic "always generate common langpack" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42276019:55
slangasekDktrKranz: I don't see any technical problems with it, I just noticed the change when looking at the install-time bug mentioned above19:58
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slangasekDktrKranz: I'm just generally dismayed by the convergence on an imperfect tool that doesn't seem to be getting any better19:58
slangasekpitti: cheers19:59
DktrKranzslangasek: I was just trying to improve things (at least from my POV). If that will turn to be a bad decision, I will fix my errors. By the way, thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)20:09
slangasekDktrKranz: well, now that we've had this conversation I understand your reason for the change; it doesn't make me happy, but I can't claim that it's wrong ;)20:15
slangasekDktrKranz: fwiw, in a sense ubuntu-dev-tools is now still blocked on "solving" the python politics in Debian anyway20:16
slangasekbecause requestsync now uses python 2.6-specific syntax, and python 2.6 being the default in Debian depends on resolving certain compatibility issues20:16
slangasek(you're welcome to fix the 2.6-specific syntax problem, if you prefer, but in the meantime I'm making the package installable again :)20:18
pittittx: euca needs a Java Excel API? interesting...20:22
tkamppeterpitti: HP is really the best printer manufacturer in terms of supporting Linux.20:25
pittitkamppeter: :)20:26
pittiit actually seems that we can ship Karmic without any old PK stuff except for hal (which we don't even use any more)20:26
pittithe only reason why we still need the old PK is because KDE still uses hal to mount internal drives20:26
pittibut well, we'll settle that in karmic+1, I hope20:27
slangasekmathiaz: you merged squid three weeks ago, but haven't been bothered that it's been uninstallable since? :-)20:32
ttxpitti: not really. It needs drools, and drools provides some statistics thing that can output Excel, I suppose. But Euca doesn't make use of that specific drool feature20:47
pittittx: it's just funny how it manages to pull in so much stuff it doesn't need20:47
ttxpitti: it's the miracle of java libraries build dependencies. Multiplication of packages.20:48
ttx<insert biblic reference here>20:49
YokoZarpitti: If I work like crazy this week, I think it can go in20:57
YokoZarThe actual Wine 1.2 release won't be until Karmic +1 though, so I need to tweak all the dialogs and handle the dual-install case and such (since we need to ship both wine 1.0 and the latest beta, the "wine1.2" package)20:58
mathiazslangasek: where did you notice the squid package was uninstallable?21:09
slangasekmathiaz: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/karmic_probs.html21:09
slangasekmathiaz: squid-langpack is a new source package that hasn't been synced; I'm doing that now21:10
mathiazslangasek: ok - thanks for taking care of this.21:10
slangasekor at least, I'm trying to do that, if it ever bothers to show up in the queue :)21:11
ttxpitti, about bug 422788: my understanding was that we should fix the packages so that they don't use the deprecated java-*-compat-* virtuals but properly depend on the new *-jdk stuff instead. That is, if something only builds with gcj, it should build-dep on gcj-jdk. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/LibraryPackaging21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422788 in libjamon-java "need default-jdk migration" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42278821:16
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pittittx: hm, I'm afraid I don't know that; doko?21:17
pittihm, -ENODOKO21:17
ttxpitti: I don't think we *need* to migrate all gcj-jdk stuff to build with openjdk for this release21:17
pittiI thought doko was trying to get rid of gcj21:17
ttxpitti: I can try, obviously, but I wouldn't make that a blocker21:17
pittibut ICBW21:17
ttxpitti: in karmic+1, methink21:18
pittittx: so if you think gcj is correct, leave it like it is now, make a comment on the bug, and WONTFIX the karmic task21:18
pitti(main task shuold still be kept open, I think)21:18
jonobryce, have you had any reports of current Karmic crashing when alt-tabbing with compiz switched on?21:22
brycejono, yes21:22
brycejono, not crashing so much as locking up21:22
jonobryce, yeah, it locked my machine, I had to perform a hard reset21:22
jonoand now I can't switch compiz back on21:22
jonocool, just wanted to check if you were aware21:22
brycejono, I have a fix, one sec21:23
jonobryce, no rush, I can run without compiz until the fix is in21:23
brycejono, install this:  http://people.canonical.com/~ogasawara/lp419264/21:23
jonothanks bryce :)21:24
ogasawarabryce: fyi looks like this patch also got merged upstream21:24
brycejono, as a workaround when it locks up, do ctrl-alt-f1 and then kill the compiz process and you can recover your session21:24
bryceogasawara, excellent news21:24
ogasawarabryce: tim just pulled my backport but we'll only need to carry it shortly until the next upstream rebase21:24
bryceogasawara, thanks again for quick work with that patch :-)21:25
jonothanks bryce, ogasawara :)21:25
ogasawarabryce: no worries, it's easy when they're already on their way upstream21:25
sivanganybody remember what's simon law's nick ?21:33
slangasekseb128: empathy's .pc file references telepathy-glib, but the -dev package doesn't depend on it; this breaks rebuilding desktop-data-model - should I just commit a fix to bzr and let you pick it up for next upload?21:36
slangasekno, wait, this branch is ~ubuntu-desktop, I guess I can't commit there... and the branch isn't up to date anyway21:37
seb128slangasek, you can commit there21:38
slangasekoh, ok21:38
geserLutin: bah, another error :( I guess pitti is right, relative imports are a 2.6ism21:38
slangasekseb128: still, the branch doesn't seem to be up-to-date with the archive?21:38
seb128slangasek, let me push my changes21:38
slangasekseb128: ok21:38
slangasekseb128: thanks :)21:39
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taavikkowhat controls usb devices in *.31 kernels*? in jaunty one could "rmmod uhci" and reload to gain function21:39
seb128slangasek, changes pushed to bzr now21:42
mkoehlerhey guys, I've got a quick question for ya'll.  I'm looking to work on making some patches for some bugs on launchpad, but I'm not sure exactly which ones to go after.21:47
mkoehlerI was looking at a few programs (e.g. nautilus), but a lot of the bugs are marked as upstream bugs21:47
mkoehlerI was just wondering when something should be marked as an upstream bug (I've read the wiki a couple of times) and if there's a good project to work on21:48
ulaasmkoehler, add quick view to nautilus21:50
mkoehleris that related to a bug (wishlist or otherwise) that I can look at?21:50
ulaasmkoehler, nope. but i think your name will be remembered if you make it work :)21:51
seb128mkoehler, ubuntu doesn't write most of the softwares it distribute21:51
johanbrmkoehler, I guess the "papercut" bugs would be a good place to start21:51
seb128bugs in the upstream code are upstream issue21:51
mkoehleris there any way to just see those in launchpad21:52
ulaasgnome-shell !!!! yay21:57
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KamusinI sent an email about next ubuntu hugday (is waiting for moderation), can anyone take a look  please :)22:28
Kamusin(this email was sent to ubuntu devel list!, I forgot say that heeh)22:32
slangasekmathiaz: oh; turns out squid-langpack was already in, but had been left in universe, heh that's why it didn't hit the queue22:34
lifelessslangasek: haha22:54
cody-somervilleDoes anyone know how to use python apt to get information about a specific version of a package?23:08
lifelesscody-somerville: yes23:09
slangaseklifeless: "haha" on squid?23:09
lifelessslangasek: yes23:09
lifelessslangasek: not in a hostile fashion :)23:09
lifelesscody-somerville: what do you need to do vis a vis package data?23:09
cody-somervillelifeless, err.... say again? :)23:11
arpuanyone know an ubuntu ppa kernel with this Patch ? http://bugzilla.kernel.org/attachment.cgi?id=2218023:11
lifelesscody-somerville: 08:08 < cody-somerville> Does anyone know how to use python apt to get information about a specific version of23:11
lifeless                         a package?23:11
cjwatsonif the problem is comprehension23:12
cody-somervillelifeless, I just want to grab the file path23:15
lifelessof the deb ? in the repo ?23:15
cody-somervillelifeless, yes23:16
lifelesscjwatson: thanks :)23:16
lifelessgimme a sec, just grabbing the code conflict checker uses23:17
lifelesscody-somerville: do you want to be using the local packages cache for metadata; the code I have handy reads packages.gz and goes from there23:21
cody-somervillelifeless, I generate an "apt tree" and instruct python-apt to use that.23:22
lifeless291 23:22
lifeless                sections = parser.Section23:22
lifeless292 23:22
lifeless                info = self._extract_package_identity(sections)23:22
lifeless293 23:22
lifeless                url = mirror + sections['filename']23:22
lifelessbah, loggerhead fail.23:22
lifelessanyhow, thats how I'm doing it at the moment23:22
lifelessthats inside a loop on the parser23:23
lifeless            parser = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(local_file)23:23
lifeless290 23:23
lifeless            while parser.Step() == 1:23:23
lifelessyou may be using a higher level, in which case this will be possibly useless :(23:23
cjwatsonif you have an apt.Cache object, then cache[pkgname].candidate.filename23:24
cjwatson>>> import apt23:27
cjwatson>>> cache = apt.Cache()23:27
cjwatson>>> cache['man-db'].candidate.filename23:27
cody-somervillecjwatson, Thats what I'm doing but there are multiple versions of the package available.23:28
cody-somervillecjwatson, so I want to get the filename of the older version23:29
cjwatson>>> cache['man-db'].versions23:29
cjwatson<VersionList: ['2.5.6-1', '2.5.5-3']>23:30
cjwatsonthough only as of python-apt 0.7.9, I forget what one did before that23:30
mathiazcjwatson: while trying to install uec node, there is a prompt for the username and password23:31
mathiazcjwatson: would it make sense to preseed that as well?23:31
mathiazcjwatson: in order to get the most automated installation experience?23:31
cjwatsonmathiaz: it should already be preseeded to the same as was provided when installing the cloud controller23:32
cjwatsonmathiaz: modulo the node preseeding stuff actually working, of course23:32
cjwatsonmathiaz: see if http://CLUSTER-IP/node-preseed works23:33
mathiazcjwatson: hm - passwd/user-password-crypted is preseeded23:43
mathiazcjwatson: is the username automatically chosen?23:43
cjwatsonthe username should be preseeded too23:45
cjwatsonquestion d-i passwd/user-fullname string23:45
cjwatsonquestion d-i passwd/username string23:45
mathiazcjwatson: neither in cloud.seed nor in node-preseed.conf23:47
mathiazcjwatson: node-preseed.conf has passwd/user-password-crypted and preseed/late_command commented out23:47
cjwatsonmathiaz: what does passwd/username look like in /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat?23:49
mathiazcjwatson: it says that the value is set to ubuntu23:51
mathiazcjwatson: we had to enter it manually though23:51
mathiazcjwatson: I'll double check that we're prompted for username23:51
mathiazcjwatson: the main bug we're run into is bug 42287623:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422876 in eucalyptus "avahi cluster detection is run before networking is brought up during installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42287623:52
cjwatsonmathiaz: I just fixed that in bzr23:57
mathiazcjwatson: great - thanks23:57
cjwatsonmathiaz: the main *main* bug is that eucalyptus-cloud doesn't start on a fresh install23:57
mathiazcjwatson: right - this is being worked on23:57
cjwatsonI'm completely blocked on that at this point23:58
cjwatsonmore or less, anyway23:58
cjwatsonmathiaz: ah, I see the problem with preseed file generation, fixing23:59

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