
cjwatsonmathiaz: r48800:01
mathiazcjwatson: great - thanks00:02
Guest14892what are the key differences btween karmic and jaunty ps iM A LINUX NOOB00:11
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Turlapturl package is broken01:38
Turl error creating directory `./usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/AptUrl/gtk': No such file or directory01:38
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dholbachgood morning05:42
dholbachvorian: bug 386428 is assigned to you, when will you take care of it?05:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386428 in xom "Please merge xom_1.2.1-1 (universe) from debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38642805:43
StevenKArneGoetje: I'd like to change the ibus.desktop to also have NoDisplay=true to hide it in the Applications menu. I've confirmed with both desktop and UNR that the preferences under System->Preferences is a seperate .desktop file. What do you think?06:09
ArneGoetjeStevenK: IMHO the System->Preferences entry is sufficient, so we don't need any other .desktop file. IMHO it should be removed by upstream.06:58
StevenKArneGoetje: That sounds fine too. Shall we patch it out first ourselves?06:59
ArneGoetjeStevenK: let's get the package maintainer's opinion first... I'll comment on the bug07:01
StevenKArneGoetje: Sounds good07:02
porthoseare alpha5 iso images available?07:05
pittiGood morning07:09
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
tkamppeterpitti, good morning07:14
tkamppeterpitti, one additional thing about CUPS:07:15
pittihi tkamppeter07:15
pittigood morning07:15
tkamppeterInstalling it, adds a blacklist against the usblp module, but if a user updates and the module is loaded, the module keeps dangling around blocking the printers.07:16
tkamppeterpitti, Perhaps we should do "rmmod usblp" in postinst.07:16
pittirmmod is evil, bad, and wrong07:17
pittiand it might even fail07:17
pittibut perhaps I was missing an update-initramfs call07:17
pittito make the blacklist go into the initramfs, too; otherwise there's a chance that it gets loaded there07:17
tkamppeterpitti: Can modprobe more safely remove modules?07:18
pittitkamppeter: no, modules can't guaranteed to be removable07:18
pittisomething can still use the device, then it will just fail07:18
pittibut in the worst case it causes kernel panics and all that07:18
pittitkamppeter: but after a jaunty->karmic upgrade you have to reboot anyway07:19
tkamppeterpitti: Should we perhaps set this special bit which is also set on kernel updates and shows the user a pop-up telling him that he needs to reboot?07:28
pittitkamppeter: we can do that, yes; the postinst can check if upgrading from 1.3.x, and check if /usr/share/update-notifier/notify-reboot-required exists, and call that07:30
pittimeh, compiz' focus handling sucks07:36
ogracan someone rescore empathy on armel ?08:09
pittiogra: done08:18
ograpitti, could you bump oo.o too ?08:20
pittiogra: done08:21
ograthanks again :)08:21
pittiexcept... lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable08:21
pittiogra: web UI times out, too; sorry08:22
pitticrank faster?08:23
ograthere is only so much lever i can apply08:24
ograoo.o takes at least 36h08:25
ogracjwatson, did you bump dove to -203 ABI too (your changelog entry doesnt say so)08:34
cjwatsonogra: no08:42
tkamppeter_pitti, your AppArmor fixes on CUPS do not work, the usb backend only works with "sudo aa-complain cupsd".08:55
pittitkamppeter_: please reopen the bug and attach dmesg after a failed attempt08:56
pittiI'm off for some two hours for some errands08:56
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YokoZarArneGoetje: Can I ask for your opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine1.2/+bug/412195 please?09:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412195 in wine1.2 "ttf-tahoma-replacement makes some web-sites look ugly" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:11
ogracjwatson, dove bump comitted and pushed in platform seed and d-i ... in case you do another upload, please include it (doesnt look good for armel anyway since OO.o failed and is just being retried)09:12
ogracjwatson, thanks :)09:23
ArneGoetjeYokoZar: I will test the font myself and give you feedback09:40
YokoZarArneGoetje: Thanks.  I'm hoping it's something I can just fix with an upstream patch09:40
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smbpitti, Would you have time to have a quick look at bug 399877? Could that be a side effect of moving away from hal? To me it looks as there is a nautilus/banshee/whatever problem with the fact that the first partition of that device seems to be unusable but the second contains data.10:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399877 in linux "Unable to mount 80GB iPod with nautilus" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39987710:25
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t0bi1hey guys, i disabled nautilus at startup in jaunty, but after the karmic-update its back again...i checked gnome-session-properties, but it aint there...where does it get started and how can i disable it?11:39
seb128t0bi1, /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list11:40
seb128in gconf-editor11:40
seb128you're welcome11:40
iulianpitti: Hi.  It seems that libyaml-perl is in dependency wait state due to libtest-cpan-meta-perl being in Universe.  I was thinking of writing a MIR for it but I noticed that libyaml-perl has 3 other dependencies in Universe.11:56
iulianpitti: These dependencies were added because some tests failed.11:57
iulianpitti: I'm not sure what to do.  Is a MIR needed for all dependencies?11:57
pittijuanje: at least a main inclusion request bug; for simple perl libs we don't need a full-fledged MIR wiki page, but we still need to review the pacakges12:05
pittismb: I'll have a look12:05
tkamppeterpitti, I have fixed the remaining AppArmor problem of bug 420015 now.12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420015 in udev "usblp Kernel module needs to be removed and /dev/bus/usb/*/* made accessible for USB printers to work with CUPS 1.4.x" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42001512:11
pittitkamppeter: oh, nice; saw your dmesg mail, but didn't read it yet12:12
tkamppeterpitti: Still remaining problem is that the infinite loop of the usb backend (bug 420797) is still there.12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420797 in cups "CUPS 1.4.0, USB backend hangs" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42079712:12
iulianpitti: I suppose that message was for me, right?12:12
pittiiulian: oops, sorry12:13
pittimeh, the apport retracers fail due to a wadllib exceptions12:13
pitti  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wadllib/application.py", line 809, in bind12:13
pitti    value = validated_values[param.name]12:13
pittiKeyError: 'content_type'12:13
pittidid anyone happen to see this?12:13
tkamppeterpitti, I trying to build CUPS, but the test suite prevents it:12:20
tkamppeterFAIL: 1 warning messages, expected 0.12:20
tkamppeterW [02/Sep/2009:13:17:43.805950 +0200] [CGI] Unhandled message: interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable, path=/, member=Introspect12:20
pittiright, I saw that as well yestercay12:20
pittiit still built fine on the buildds, but I guess something changed in between12:20
pittijames_w: would it be possible to suppress creating bzr brnaches for packages which have a Vcs-Bzr:?12:23
pittijames_w: now people keep getting confused and send me merge requests against e.g. lp:ubuntu/apport/karmic12:23
james_wtechnically, sure12:23
pittibut they are totally useless, since they are unmergeable12:23
james_wwe don't want to do it wholesale12:23
james_wwe will fix it for cases like that and just use your branch12:23
pittibut if a package already is maintained in bzr, anyone who uses the auto-import can just wreak more havoc?12:23
james_wI'm waiting on some fixes to make that possible though12:23
james_wyes, and I'm keen to fix it12:24
pittiok, thanks12:24
james_wit was easier to just not special case anything to start and then fix up these cases later12:24
james_wunfortunately we're still waiting on external changes though12:24
pittiok, I see12:24
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gesercould someone please give-back: ibus-anthy liblauncher liblouis. They failed to upload on ia64 and once sparc as the upload happened when the source got promoted to main. Thanks12:45
iulianpitti: Hmm, there are loads of packages that need to be promoted.  If we only promote yaml's deps, those dependencies will go in depwait state.  Is there an easy way to find all packages that need to be promoted? apt-cache + grep is not useful.12:45
pittiiulian: in fact there is: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt12:47
cjwatson_geser: done12:47
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geseriulian: you could try to simulate a install of each package in a pbuilder (or any other clean environment), filter out the needed packages and check for them the component12:51
tkamppeterpitti, the CUPS upstream fix for bug 420797 has no effect. Seems that Mike has done a wild guess without testing.12:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420797 in cups "CUPS 1.4.0, USB backend hangs" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42079712:55
geserasac: is it a mistake that both xulrunner-1.9 and xulrunner-1.9.1 try to build a xulrunner-dev package? this caused a failed to upload error for xulrunner-1.9 on powerpc13:01
asacgeser: yes. xulrunner-1.9 is probably quite outdated?13:02
asaccould be that i forgot to remove it ;)13:02
asaclet me check13:02
iuliangeser: Good idea.  That ought to be much easier.13:07
geseriulian: try something like that: for i in `apt-get -s install libtest-yaml-meta-perl | grep ^Inst | cut -d" " -f2`; do apt-cache madison $i | grep universe; done13:09
lifelesswhere has runlevel and telinit gone ?13:25
lifelessor perhaps a better question, can someone tell me what package they are in, on your running karmic ?13:26
pitti$ dpkg -S /sbin/runlevel13:27
pittiupstart: /sbin/runlevel13:27
pittilifeless: ^13:27
pitti(same for telinit)13:27
lifelessmy upstart didn'tupgrade13:27
lifelessbecause of upstart-logd13:27
lifelessso I'll be making a boot disk for my laptop tomorrow13:28
lifelessis it worth filing a bug? if there were some way to say 'gotta have upstart > X || <old thing'13:29
asacgeser: fixed in xulrunner-1.9.head branch for .1413:32
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EagleScreenhow can I change the text editor used by dch?13:37
loolSorry what's the magic for calling cpp so that it dumps all macros it knows about?13:50
loolAh -dM13:52
loolFound it in the man page, like last time </slap>13:52
soreauI am writing a script that installs some trivial components (extra compiz plugins in this case) and needs certain dependencies. I would like to have the dependencies in the script checking if they're installed before running apt-get install blah blah. Is there an easy way to check if a package is already installed via bash script?14:15
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soreauI was thinking about grepping dpkg -l but that seems a bit cumbersome14:17
loolcjwatson: Would love if you could apply the minor fix I just pushed to lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/console-setup/ubuntu in Debian if it's not there already (s/dpkg --print-installation-architecture/dpkg --print-architecture/)14:29
cjwatsonlool: already done in console-setup 1.3714:31
loolk that's what I guess thanks14:31
Chipzzsoreau: dpkg --get-selections14:39
soreauChipzz: What's the difference between 'install' and 'deinstall' there?14:41
soreauThat is a very nice looking list though ;)14:43
ScottKsoreau: A more elegant way to solve the problem would be to put your script into a Debian package and have that package depend on the packages that need to be installed.14:44
soreauScottK: If that were the case, I would just make a deb package compiz-plugins-experimental. The reason for the script is that it should work on other distros too provided the dependencies are installed for that system14:45
ScottKThen a dpkg solution won't work either.14:46
soreauI'm just tailoring it to fit ubuntu since it's the most popular and more noobs use it14:46
cjwatsonsoreau: it wouldn't be all that much less efficient to just 'apt-get install' them unconditionally, and probably easier14:52
cjwatsonanyway, dpkg --get-selections is wrong; that lists desired states, not current states14:52
soreaucjwatson: That's what it does currently14:52
soreauand that's how I'm thinking of keeping it, just tinkering with the script and will write a how-to on the forums14:53
cjwatsonyou probably want something more like the third column of:  dpkg-query -W -f '${Status}\n' $packages14:53
soreaucjwatson: ok14:53
soreauThanks for all your help guys, gotta go to work14:53
cjwatsonyou could use 'apt-get --no-upgrade install', even14:53
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tkamppeterpitti, I have found a fix for bug 420797 now. Can you upload CUPS, bug is probably severe enough to let the fix go into Alpha 5.15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420797 in cups "CUPS 1.4.0, USB backend hangs" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42079715:42
pittitkamppeter: yay you15:47
pittitkamppeter: it might not make alpha-5, since the candidate images are already built, but of course people can dist-upgrade after installation, so we should still get it uploaded15:49
cjwatsonwe're going to need a respin15:49
cjwatsonreally needed to sort out a grub issue15:50
pittiok, uploading right away then15:50
cjwatsonKeybuk: did you say you'd run into fsck failing due to timestamp skew again?15:50
pittitkamppeter: did you commit the fix? bzr pull gives nothing new15:54
pittitkamppeter: forgot to push? in the bug you said you committed15:55
tkamppeterpitti, now it is pushed.15:59
pittitkamppeter: hm, now I get a "bzr: ERROR: mismatched lock context and write group. None, <bzrlib.transactions.WriteTransaction object at 0xa118dac>"15:59
pittitkamppeter: ah, works now15:59
Keybukcjwatson: a couple of people have reported it16:06
Keybukbut so far the reasons have been explainable by other problems16:06
cjwatsoncr3: meet Keybuk16:06
cjwatsonI've noticed it myself, though only once and it didn't happen next time; I wonder if it's something to do with unreliable NTP sync16:07
Keybukthe two I've seen were16:07
Keybuk- installing over top of Windows, UTC=yes but hardware clock was in localtime16:07
KeybukLive CD doesn't "save back" the time16:07
Keybukso the first boot, you have the wrong time (double timezone)16:07
Keybukthen NTP fixes that16:07
Keybukthen you shutdown and save the hwclock16:08
Keybukand then the second boot, your mount time is in the future16:08
Keybuk(and after that, it's fine)16:08
pittitkamppeter: uploaded16:08
davmor2Keybuk: I'm having issues on every first reboot16:08
Keybukthe second is Scott Ritchie, who dual boots between jaunty and karmic, and one is UTC=no and the other is UTC=yes which is clearly not going to work ;)16:08
Keybukdavmor2: first reboot after what?16:08
cjwatsonFWIW I've seen it on a server install in kvm with a blank disk16:09
cjwatsonwhich is about the simplest scenario imaginable16:10
cjwatsonunfortunately, as I say, it didn't happen the next time when I was trying to look at it16:10
Keybukyeah that's the problem16:10
davmor2Keybuk: install16:11
Keybuka couple of people have hit it16:11
Keybukthen "fixed" it and carried on16:11
Keybukto debug, I need them to stop at the fsck prompt and reach for help16:11
Keybuksince that's the only time we can see the disparity between the hardware and system clocks ;)16:11
cjwatsonfsck didn't prompt in the case I saw - it just exited 116:11
Keybukright, it'll say on the screen what the difference between the timezones is though16:11
davmor2Keybuk: tell me what you need and give me 20 minutes16:11
gnarlNot sure this was somehow involved in my other issue but it seems apturl_0.4.0ubuntu3 ist not installable on my system16:12
Keybukdavmor2: do an install, and the reboot, and it should fail to boot16:12
Keybukwith fsck outputting information16:12
Keybukneed the info fsck outputs16:12
Keybukand "hwclock --debug --show", "grep UTC /etc/default/rcS" and "date"16:12
davmor2Superblock last mount time (Wed Sep  2 16:18:53 2009, now = Wed Sep  2 15:31:31 2009) is in the future this info or all of it?16:12
mathiazcjwatson: hi - I'm testing the new daily -server iso.16:13
mathiazcjwatson: it seems that the node-preseed file is not generated correclty16:13
cjwatsonmathiaz: ok, details?16:13
mathiazcjwatson: /etc/eucalyptus/node-preseed.cfg doesn't exist at all once the system is installed16:14
davmor2Keybuk: right re-installing now the line above was from my last install16:14
mathiazcjwatson: /etc/eucalyptus/node-preseed.conf to be correct16:14
cjwatsonmathiaz: can I see logs?16:15
mathiazcjwatson: sure - one moment16:15
sistpoty|workKeybuk: imho fsck shouldn't panic in this situation, would that be a solution?16:16
mathiazcjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/euca-cc-install.log.tgz16:17
cjwatsonmathiaz: what does euca-cc.preseed contain?16:18
davmor2keybuk: do you want all the info dropping in bug 422869?16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422869 in e2fsprogs "fsck halts bootup when checked file has timestamp in the future from other Ubuntu installation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42286916:19
mathiazcjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/euca-cc.preseed16:19
cjwatsonmathiaz: you aren't installing eucalyptus-udeb16:24
cjwatson-ianna/choose_modulesstring modules16:24
cjwatsond-i anna/choose_modules string modules16:24
cjwatsonthat should be:16:24
cjwatsond-i anna/choose_modules string eucalyptus-udeb16:24
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NCommanderStupid question, but if I do apt-get dist-upgrade in the live environment, then install, do those updates translate across?16:24
mathiazcjwatson: oh right - paste failure16:24
mathiazcjwatson: I'll try again16:25
cjwatsonNCommander: no16:25
NCommanderThat's what I thought :-/16:25
mathiazcjwatson: with the corrected line in the preseed16:25
macoNCommander: use net install. then youre always up to date ;)16:25
NCommandermaco, I need to use live images in this case16:25
macooh boo16:25
Keybuksistpoty|work: disagree16:26
Keybukdavmor2: interesting that your software and hardware clocks are not out by a timezone multiple16:27
davmor2Keybuk:  but it is from utc to timezone16:27
Keybuk<davmor2> Superblock last mount time (Wed Sep  2 16:18:53 2009, now = Wed Sep  2 15:31:31 2009) is in the future this info or all of it?16:28
Keybukoh, sorry16:28
cjwatsonthat isn't software and hardware clocks, is it? it's time when filesystem was last touched (software) to current time (hardware)16:28
cjwatsonor possibly vice versa software/hardware, I forget16:28
Keybukright you took 13 minutes to reboot16:28
Keybukused to seeing those numbers closer together16:28
davmor2Keybuk: I was running more than one install :)16:29
davmor2Keybuk: do you want us to use that bug or would you like us to open a new one for this?16:30
Keybukopen a new one16:32
Keybukscott ritchie's bug is very clear and obvious16:32
Keybukand is his own config error16:32
sbeattieKeybuk: I'm seeing it guests on karmic's virtualbox, where it's taking the host's setting (in PDT -0700) and exporting it to guest as utc (-0000) which means on reboot it thinks the current hardware time is nearly 7 hours earlier than the superblock last modified time.16:34
sbeattieThis results in being dropped to a shell to manually fsck.16:35
Keybuksbeattie: that should be ok though surely16:37
Keybukassuming the install has UTC=yes16:37
kirklandbryce: i think you added Ubuntu to the spell-check database in Karmic, one of the paper cuts, right?16:41
kirklandbryce: i was hoping to add virtualization16:41
sbeattieUTC is set to yes. The dropping to a shell for a manual fsck happens on every cold boot.16:41
kirklandbryce: can you give a pointer?16:41
Keybuksbeattie: what is the exact fsck message when it happened?16:42
davmor2Keybuk:  bug 42324716:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423247 in ubuntu "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42324716:45
davmor2keybuk: is that everything you need or is there anythind else?16:46
davmor2anything even16:46
Keybukdon't know, please leave it at that root prompt for a moment16:46
Keybukyou haven't pasted all the hwclock output16:47
Keybukmore specifically, you haven't pasted THE MOST IMPORTANT BIT! :D16:47
davmor2keybuk: no probs16:47
davmor2I'll add the rest16:47
Keybukinteresting that your "last mount time" is an hour in the future16:48
Keybukthe real, genuine future16:48
Keybukyour hardware clock looks like it has the right value (15:40ish UTC)16:48
KeybukUTC=yes matches that16:48
Keybukyour timezone file looks like it has the right value (16:40ish BST)16:49
Keybukand your resulting system clock is right (16:40ish UTC)16:49
Keybukwhat's _wrong_ is that your filesystem was unmounted at 17:30 BST16:49
Keybukwhich is an hour from now16:49
Keybukunless Wolverhampton is being dragged into a space time vortex?16:49
Keybuklet's try something else16:51
Keybukcan you do the install again16:51
Keybuk(wiping it)16:51
sbeattieKeybuk: here's the fsck message I see in a vbox guest: http://www.nxnw.org/~steve/tmp/fsck-on-boot.png16:51
Keybukbut don't reboot, open a terminal instead16:51
Keybuksbeattie: again, output of "hwclock --debug --show", "grep UTC /etc/default/rcS" and "date" plz16:51
sbeattieKeybuk: yep, one sec16:52
davmor2Keybuk: added16:52
Keybukdavmor2: thanks - I think this is a problem somewhere in the installer16:52
Keybukdavmor2: this is your *first* reboot, right?16:52
Keybukyou've not rebooted the real system yet?16:53
cjwatsonI'm happy to help if it is, but will need advice16:53
Keybukcjwatson: well, the filesystem was unmounted in an hour's time16:53
Keybukand the hardware and system clock are otherwise correct16:53
Keybukso that suggests to me (assuming this is the first boot of the installed system) that the system clock was wrong during the installer session16:53
Keybuk(live I guess)16:53
cjwatsonlog-output -t clock-setup chroot /target hwclock --systohc --debug &16:54
davmor2Keybuk:  On this box this was first reboot from the installed system16:54
cjwatsonin clock-setup's finish-install script16:54
cjwatsonI wonder if that's at all related16:54
davmor2Keybuk:  normally it is the first reboot after installation though16:54
Keybukshouldn't think so16:54
sbeattieKeybuk: http://www.nxnw.org/~steve/tmp/hwclock-info.png16:55
Keybukdavmor2: ok, so we need to go through an install16:55
Keybukand keep checking the hardware and system clocks as we go through each step16:55
Keybuksee if there's some point it goes wrong16:55
* cjwatson places a small bet on it being in finish-install16:55
davmor2Keybuk: would this be easier from an alternate cd in expert mode?16:55
Keybuksbeattie: fresh install as well?16:55
cjwatsonthough if it's not there, it'll be in clock-setup when it calls rdate16:56
Keybukdavmor2: and alternate install is an entirely different installer ;-)16:56
cjwatsondavmor2: have you already reproduced it with an alternate CD?16:56
cjwatsonthe alternate and desktop installers do have the bits of code I consider most likely to be causing this problem in common16:56
cjwatsonbut that's an estimate ...16:56
davmor2just checking with kirkland about his16:57
cr3I can kick off an alternate install if anyone likes16:57
sbeattieKeybuk: roughly; like I said it happens every cold boot (ubuntu-server install from 24 hours ago).16:57
Keybukcjwatson: oddly, the hardware clock looks *right* though16:57
Keybuksbeattie: weird, because again, your hardware and system clock are right16:58
cjwatsonpresumably the unmount time will be set from the system clock16:58
cjwatsonso if the system clock is wrong, and the hardware clock isn't set (properly) from it on shutdown16:58
Keybukit's very odd that your hardware clock thinks it's 8am ;)16:58
Keybukcjwatson: that's true16:58
Keybuksbeattie: it's obvious what your problem is16:59
Keybuksbeattie: your hardware clock says 8am, which is PDT not UTC16:59
Keybukbut your system has UTC=yes16:59
Keybukso the system clock is set 7 hours wound back from that16:59
Keybukthen you boot16:59
KeybukNTP runs16:59
Keybukand resets your system clock forwards16:59
Keybukand then you unmount on shutdown17:00
Keybukwith a "future" time17:00
Keybukyour "hardware clock" would normally be saved (at least mucking up the clock)17:00
Keybukbut since it's a virtual machine... that's discarded17:00
Keybukso you hit it every boot17:00
Keybuksbeattie: change UTC=yes to UTC=no17:00
davmor2cr3: are any of your issues on alternate?17:01
sbeattieKeybuk: right; but note this only happens on karmic, do to (apparently?) more strict checking by fsck, jaunty and earlier guests don't hit it on boot.17:01
cr3davmor2: I haven't noticed, I'm preparing an installation now17:01
Keybuksbeattie: not so much17:01
Keybukfsck upstream had slipped in a hack for Ubuntu to not fail on clock errors17:01
KeybukI undid that hack17:02
sbeattieKeybuk: oh, hah.17:02
* sbeattie wanders off to file a bug against virtualbox, for not exporting the actual UTC to the guest.17:03
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week in #ubuntu-classroom - NOW! :-)17:04
kirklanddavmor2: what was you question for me?  is this happening on server install?  yes, absolutely.17:04
davmor2cool so it should happen on alternate too :)17:04
jjardonpitti, I've added some comments about gnome-power-manager in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy; maybe they are of your interest17:04
davmor2Keybuk: I'll run an expert install and save it all to a file it should all > to a txt file shouldn't it17:05
mathiazjdstrand: hey - does bug 423246 make sense?17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423246 in openldap "slapd should have a ufw profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42324617:12
LaserJockslangasek: if I do some work on the Edubuntu seeds is that going to mess up Alpha 5 release management at all?17:13
jdstrandmathiaz: it does in general to me, we do for several other services17:13
mathiazjdstrand: great - thanks17:13
jdstrandmathiaz: I peeked at the debdiff, but haven't really gone over it. conceptually, I like it though :)17:14
cjwatsonLaserJock: if in any doubt, wait; it's certainly possible17:20
LaserJockcjwatson: yeah, I'd rather not hold up progress trying to get the Edubuntu DVD seeds worked out. I can wait a couple days17:21
cjwatsoncommit to a branch ...17:22
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ograyippie, my notifications are back where they belong :)17:23
ebroderAnybody from ubuntu-sru around who could look at bug #330766?17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330766 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio hangs, prevents login, home as ntfs" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33076617:29
pittijjardon: thanks for your help with that17:34
jjardonpitti, :) . I've added some upstream bugs too17:34
davmor2right running from live cd it's too much of a headache from alt :(17:36
brycekirkland, yep, snag the aspell-en and hunspell packages, and append your word(s) to the extrawords.txt files in each18:12
brycekirkland, whoops, should be hunspell-en-us18:13
hyperairdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/apturl_0.4.0ubuntu3_all.deb (--unpack): error creating directory `./usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/AptUrl/gtk': No such file or directory18:20
hyperairis anyone getting that?18:20
james_whyperair: check the bug reports18:21
hyperairhmm three of the same bug eh18:22
ografis was uploaded 1h ago18:22
davmor2Keybuk: Right I've added clock.txt to the bug it list when I took the info.  I went for key points I could think of through the install and then post install until the fsck issue.18:38
Keybukwhat was the bug# ?18:39
davmor2Keybuk: bug 42324718:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423247 in ubuntu "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42324718:40
davmor2Keybuk: hope it makes sense18:41
davmor2Keybuk: On a plus note you know it's reproduce-able :)18:42
KeybukWed 02 Sep 2009 06:18:42 PM UTC  -0.935498 seconds18:45
KeybukWed Sep  2 17:21:36 UTC 200918:45
Keybukthat's very odd18:46
Keybukdavmor2: did the install take 10 minutes or 1h10m ?18:47
davmor2probably 10 minutes give or take18:47
Keybukso the hardware clock is being set during the install18:47
Keybukand being set an hour forward18:48
Trewasbtw I hit that fsck ~bug today after upgrading a karmic installation in virtualbox (a couple of days worth of updates)... but I didn't take notice of any details18:48
KeybukTrewas: thanks for your help ;-)18:48
davmor2Keybuk: so this happens not always on first reboot but certainly on second reboot.  That is a reboot from the installed system.  rather than the one that spits out the cd if you get me :)18:49
Keybukdavmor2: yeah18:54
Keybukis definitely an installer bug18:54
Keybukit's storing local time in the hwclock, not UTC18:54
davmor2Keybuk: Glad my log was useful then18:55
Keybukdavmor2: OOI grep GMT /etc/default/rcS18:56
davmor2Keybuk: Nothing shows up18:57
Keybukok, just checking18:57
torkelKeybuk: is that something that will affect upgraded systems too? Because I have seen it on my laptop which is upgraded from jaunty to karmic?18:58
Keybukno, shouldn't think so18:59
torkelchanging to UTC=yes seems to have fixed it though18:59
loolKeybuk: Not sure what you said to Cody Russell on xsplash; I think you suggested using system wide config files for the list of apps to wait for, but that doesn't work to wait for different components when multiple environments are installed and user-selected on the gdm screen19:02
loolKeybuk: Did you take that into account and decided it was not worth supporting, or did I miss how it would be supportable?19:03
loolKeybuk: #41871619:04
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* ccheney is signing the contract on his new home today, buying a new house is scary, heh20:20
sorencjwatson: I'm working on making the eucalyptus configuration not a conffile. I'm not sure how to handle this on upgrades. Can you offer some advice on that?20:34
sorenmathiaz: I've merged your two Eucalyptus branches. Can you mark them as merged, please?20:49
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davmor2bryce: are you about?20:53
brycedavmor2, need something?20:54
davmor2I'm just tracking down the bug number20:55
davmor2bryce: bug 421225 I'm about to try an install from the latest iso is there anything that you need info wise?21:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421225 in xorg-server "Xorg freeze" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42122521:00
brycedavmor2, apport-collect <bug-num> and steps to reproduce,21:03
brycedavmor2, you're seeing this on -ati?21:04
davmor2but I haven't tried out todays images yet only yesterdays21:04
bryceyeah there's a new -ati uploaded yesterday which would be worth doublechecking21:05
davmor2bryce: right np's I let you know :)21:05
davmor2bryce: same thing as yesterday.  I knocked splash off the kernel line so at least I can now access the terminal21:14
mathiazsoren: they've already been marked as merged.21:18
slangaseksmoser: do we have candidate EC2 AMIs for alpha5 yet that I can link from the tracker?21:21
sorenmathiaz: Sort of :)21:22
sorenmathiaz: They're marked as Merged, but their status is still development (presumably because they were merged into a branch that is not the trunk).21:22
mathiazsoren: ok - fixing this as well then21:22
mathiazsoren: the merge proposal was marked as merged21:23
smoserslangasek, just now, yes.21:24
slangaseksmoser: ok, cool - what are the AMIs?21:24
smoserus-east-1.x86_64.karmic.ami: ami-99df3ff021:25
smoserslangasek,  but those aren't public at the moment21:25
slangaseksmoser: should they be made public for testing?21:25
smoseryes, except21:26
smoserthe name21:26
smoserami-99df3ff0   ubuntu-alphas-us/karmic-x86_64-alpha5.manifest.xml21:26
smoserthats how i bundled/registered it21:26
smoserwhat do you think? should i re-register under a different name?21:27
smoseror is it ok that it says 'alpha5'21:27
smoserslangasek, ^^21:28
slangaseksmoser: that doesn't seem critical IMHO21:28
smoserok. then i'll flip them to public21:28
slangaseksmoser: sounds good21:31
davmor2bryce: bug 421225 apport-collect wasn't all that  good :(  I've added my lspic-vvnn Xorg.0.log and syslog anything else I can do for you?21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421225 in xorg-server "Xorg freeze" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42122521:38
brycedavmor2, oh xsplash must not have apport hooks21:40
smoserslangasek, those are public21:40
mathiazcjwatson: hey - while going through the generated preseed for the node installation, all of the questions asked during the cluster controller installation are included but commented out in the generated preseed file21:40
mathiazcjwatson: it looks like a logic problem in the question function from eucalyptus-udeb.finish-install21:41
mathiazcjwatson: the answers are correct though21:41
davmor2bryce: the end of the syslog file is interesting21:42
brycedavmor2, add your gdm log files too21:42
brycedavmor2, RT kernel?21:43
davmor2bryce: gnome-session timing out21:45
bryceno, what's the RT business there?21:45
davmor2bryce: No idea default ubuntu iso21:45
davmor220090902.1 or .221:46
brycedavmor2, can you explain how you're determining that you're getting the same bug as #421225 ?21:46
bryce(X freeze problems can arise from a variety of different root causes, but all look the same at first glance)21:46
slangaseksmoser: cheers21:47
slangaseksmoser: are European AMIs also in progress?21:47
davmor2bryce: It looked the same bug when it was reported.  I can report a separate one if you want21:48
smoserslangasek, i'm gonna sniff these really quick21:48
smoserthen i'll migrate21:48
brycedavmor2, yeah thanks, let's do that21:48
brycebetter to have a dupe than to have two bugs and get only one fix21:48
davmor2bryce: no probs I'm having issues copying the gdm logs21:49
davmor2bryce: Okay I got it :)21:50
cjwatsonsoren: it gets complicated - the "Config file handling" section of debconf-devel(7) might help21:54
cjwatsonmathiaz: hmm, I thought I'd fixed that - logs again?21:54
mathiazcjwatson: sure - just one moment21:54
cjwatsonKeybuk: what do you think about http://paste.ubuntu.com/264016/ ?21:55
davmor2bryce: any preference on package I file against?21:55
brycedavmor2, just file against xorg21:55
bryceI've got scripts that will move the bug to the appropriate place :-)21:56
taavikko#422989 should be dublicate of #419126 ?21:58
mathiazcjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~etienne/euca-cc-install.tar.gz21:59
cjwatsongar, no visible errors22:00
cjwatsonmathiaz: can I get node-preseed.conf too?22:00
davmor2bryce: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/42341522:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423415 in xorg "Ati driver issues when logging into desktop" [Undecided,New]22:01
brycedavmor2, thanks22:04
davmor2bryce: anything else before I move the cd onto another machine so I can continue to test.  Ps had no issues testing on that box last week just thought of  that22:05
mathiazcjwatson: http://people.canonical.com/~etienne/node-preseed.conf22:06
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brycedavmor2, dmesg please?22:10
davmor2bryce: np's22:12
brycedavmor2, also your gdm0.log appears to be an Xorg.0.log - can you check that you've attached /var/log/gdm/:0.log and maybe :0.log.122:12
cjwatsonmathiaz: hmm22:15
davmor2bryce: that is the right one.  It took me a while to figure out how to copy it.  In the end I did cat :0.log > /mnt/drive/...22:17
brycedavmor2, hmmmm that is sounding wrong22:18
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davmor2bryce: you are on about the logs that are in /var/log/gdm right?22:19
cjwatsonmathiaz: don't wait for me, but I'm trying to work this out - I'll need to attempt to reproduce it locally22:19
mathiazcjwatson: right - not critical for alpha522:19
brycedavmor2, that's right22:19
mathiazcjwatson: should I file a bug in LP?22:19
cjwatsonmathiaz: yes please22:19
mathiazcjwatson: ok22:19
davmor2bryce: figured out why I couldn't copy it cp didn't like the : at the begining22:22
bryceah yeah gotta escape that22:23
bryceit's a shame gnome includes that in the filename22:23
bryceguess they're just reusing $DISPLAY for it tho22:23
davmor2bryce: right added 0.log which is a direct cp of :0.log and dmesg22:24
mathiazcjwatson: bug 42342422:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423424 in eucalyptus "Generated node preseed file has commented out answers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42342422:25
brycedavmor2, okay thanks.  I don't think we have a good error message yet, but am not sure where to look next.  I'll send the bug upstream and maybe they can give guidance22:26
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davmor2bryce: no worries just ping me if you need me for anything22:27
slangaseksmoser: European AMIs?22:43
smoserslangasek, give me 2 minutes22:45
ionThat would be me killing ssh, thinking 0) the us keyboard layout is active and 1) the connection is dead.22:50
ograwhat is it though ? my font is so small22:53
ogradoes it mean "half a dot" ?22:53
mathiazcjwatson: what's the state of the node acknowledgement process on the cluster controller?22:54
mathiazcjwatson: is there a command that needs to be run to register/accept the nodes on the cluster controller?22:55
ionYeah, the `~ key is §½ in the (awful) fi layout.22:55
cjwatsonI haven't written that bit yet22:55
mathiazcjwatson: ok - cool.22:55
cjwatsonif somebody would like to do it, it shouldn't be hard22:55
sorenion: Danish as well.22:55
cjwatsoneuca_conf --discover-nodes was the agreement, I think22:55
cjwatsonit'd basically be a wrapper around avahi-browse22:55
cjwatsonmathiaz: I just had a brainwave about the preseeding thing - you're preseeding the cluster installation, right?22:56
mathiazcjwatson: hm - not in this use case22:56
cjwatsonoh, ok22:56
cjwatsonscratch that brainwave then22:56
mathiazcjwatson: ie the last installer logs I send you22:56
mathiazcjwatson: it's true that I have other installations that I preseed - however this time around it was an install from the iso on plain hardware22:57
cjwatsonI've traced it back as far as the seen flag simply not being set in questions.dat22:57
cjwatsonat least not for all but a very few questions22:57
mathiazcjwatson: one question that was asked was the timezone22:59
mathiazcjwatson: the node-preseed generated file has the correct answer (Us/Central)22:59
cjwatsonright, the value is correct but it doesn't have the flags set properly23:00
* mathiaz nods23:00
cjwatsonflags are set for the questions that were preseeded, but not for those asked interactively23:00
cjwatsonwhich implies a cdebconf bug23:00
davmor2bryce: it only effect ubuntu and maybe xubuntu kubuntu is working fine on that ati box23:01
smoserslangasek, i'll get those to you, but its going to be a while23:03
slangaseksmoser: ok.  how's testing on the US ones, in the meantime?23:05
davmor2bryce: it appears that there was an issue with the livefs so is the older ati driver23:05
smoserwell, so far fine other than bug 41930623:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419306 in python-boto "boto.utils.get_instance_userdata() hangs for a long time if no userdata is provided" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41930623:06
smoserwhich we think we have to just document as known issue for this release.23:07
cjwatsonoh, wait, cdebconf deliberately doesn't save the seen flag in d-i. argh. I'd forgotten about that.23:09
mathiazttx_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/264075/23:51
slangasekmathiaz: ubuntu-server build is up23:55
kirklandslangasek: we're already rsync'ing23:58
kirklandslangasek: ;-)23:58
slangasekkirkland: good, good23:59

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