
cr3eeejay: hey dude, have you run the trunk of mago in karmic lately?00:38
aragood morning all!07:08
=== natureshadow1 is now known as natureshadow
davmor2fader_: Morning dude nice break?13:58
fader_davmor2: Not at all.  Schlepping boxes the whole time... I'm tired!13:58
fader_davmor2: Next time I'm calling you to come help move my furniture.13:59
davmor2? you moved then or something?13:59
davmor2fader_: No worries as long as you cover the return flight costs :)13:59
fader_davmor2: Yup, moved on Monday14:00
davmor2still in boston though yeah?14:01
fader_davmor2: More or less :)  Moved from north of Boston to east of Boston14:03
fader_One of those directions, anyway14:04
fader_I'd have trouble breathing if I moved too far east of Boston14:04
davmor2fader_: now let me help you out here N=up, E=right, S=down, W=left it's quite easy really ;)14:04
davmor2fader_: yeah but it would be great fun to pop the bubbles to find out what your saying :)14:05
fader_davmor2: In Boston they're all just consensual illusions.  It's not rare to be traveling due east on a road that's marked 'north'.  Or worse, to be on a road that is simultaneously marked as highway #xx north and highway #yy south14:06
davmor2fader_: that's nothing, we have an anticlockwise road that goes clockwise ;)14:09
fader_davmor2: That's just because you're driving on the wrong side of it ;)14:10
davmor2It's you lot driving on the wrong side only us and australia go it right :P14:11
smoserslangasek, is there a reason that server isos don't show up at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ ? also at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all only upgrade show up?15:41
davmor2smoser: there are a whole bunch of fixes being uploaded till there in there's basically nothing to test15:43
davmor2cr3: have you had a whole lot of failures on testing?15:44
cr3davmor2: I've only had three systems failing to install so far, another problem related to enabling ntp when installing and some mago stuff15:45
davmor2cr3: no issues post install?  I'm getting a failed fsck after every reboot15:46
cr3davmor2: yeah, I'm actually working on that exact problem right now, that's what I thought was related to "enabling ntp" above15:46
cr3davmor2: I disabled ntp and a couple systems just finished installing, same problem15:47
cr3s/and a/on a/15:47
davmor2cr3: no I think it is utc as the system clock that is causing the issue15:47
cr3davmor2: this thing: d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true15:48
davmor2if you run fsck you get Superblock last mount time (Wed Sep  2 16:18:53 2009, now = Wed Sep  2 15:31:31 2009) is in the future or something similar15:48
cr3davmor2: exactly, it's a time thing15:48
davmor2cr3: apparently it sounds like an old issue reoccurring :(15:49
smoserdavmor2, is there a way i can see the list of blocking items on server isos ?15:50
davmor2smoser: grub2 I think is the biggy on server15:50
smoserdavmor2, where do i see that list ?15:52
davmor2there isn't one15:53
davmor2smoser: it's from a bug15:53
smosersorry for being dense, is there a list of bugs that are blocking ? i was confused by "it's from a bug". what bug ?15:55
smoseri'm hoping to start testing UEC/Ec2 images, and want to know if there are bugs blocking the server iso release for testing (or any other release) that would also affect ec2/uec15:56
cr3davmor2: might you happen to know which bug might refer to the original occurence of this fsck problem?15:57
davmor2cr3: No idea cjwatson said it was probably :)15:58
davmor2cr3 try bug 42286916:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 422869 in e2fsprogs "fsck halts bootup when checked file has timestamp in the future from other Ubuntu installation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42286916:02
fader_Heh, just came over to see if anyone was experiencing fscks on first boot, but I don't think I have to ask after reading scrollback ;)16:06
fader_davmor2: Have you filed a new bug about this or are you waiting to hear from cjwatson?16:07
davmor2NO not filed a new one but there is an existing that is sounding amasingly similar :)16:08
fader_davmor2: I'll assume we don't need to file one since you've been talking with cjwatson about it16:16
davmor2fader_: and now Keybuk :)16:18
fader_davmor2: If they give you a definite on that bug number and/or ask you to file a new one, can you let me know?  I want to make sure to note it in the certification testing reports16:20
fader_(since I'm seeing it too)16:21
davmor2fader_: np's :)16:21
davmor2I've just asked keybuk if he wants me to add the info to the bug I listed above16:21
fader_davmor2: Thanks, bud.16:27
davmor2fader: new bug I'll get one together16:34
davmor2fader_: bug 42324716:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 423247 in ubuntu "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42324716:47
fader_davmor2: Awesome, thanks16:47
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fader_cr3: Is it possible that requirements of the form 'alsa.type==foo' have broken, maybe as a result of removing the dependency on hal?17:16
fader_I'm having a lot of tests getting skipped that shouldn't be17:16
cr3fader_: yep, I haven't found time to migrate those17:17
fader_cr3: Ah, okay.  Same story for the power management tests I take it?17:17
cr3fader_: you can change the alsa one to: device.category == 'AUDIO'17:18
fader_cr3: I'd rather not deviate too far from what's in the repositories, since I'm submitting results; I'll test this stuff manually outside of checkbox for now17:19
fader_I'll be retesting these things again so we can pick up those tests in checkbox next time17:19
cr3fader_: I've fixed checkbox (base), the changes will appear on the next update17:27
fader_cr3: Thanks.  I'll likely retest these for the next alpha or beta failing that.  I've just run cheese and sound recorder and sleep/hibernate in the meantime17:31
jcolladoHi ara17:32
arahey jcollado17:32
nagappanhi ara jcollado17:33
jcolladohi nagappan17:33
nagappanhi ara17:33
jcolladoAnybody waiting for mago meeting?17:34
nagappanara, there was a question from Willi Walker, will some one from g-d-t will be attending this year GNOME Boston conference ?17:34
nagappanjcollado, me in listening mode :)17:34
aranagappan, I am not :(17:34
nagappanara, ok17:34
nagappanara, both me and eeejay will not be attending too17:35
arajcollado, you can start with the first agenda item17:35
jcolladoI just saw there are some merge proposals (some of them approved by everybody)17:36
jcolladothat are still pending17:36
jcolladoSo I though it would be nice to discuss what to do about them17:36
jcolladojust not to forget that they're there17:37
jcolladoand avoid anybody feeling ignored17:37
aragood, thanks javier. I will try to review them next week. I am still trying to catch up after my holidays17:37
araI will try to comment them briefly this week17:38
araand more deeply next week17:38
jcolladoOk, if nobody is in a hurry, then it's fine to postpone this17:38
jcolladoSo unless anybody has a concern, we can move to the second item. Ok?17:39
jcolladoLet's review first item next week17:39
araOK, perfect17:39
jcolladoSecond item is that I wanted to know a little more about the packaging plans for mago17:40
jcolladoThis actually related to one of the merges, but I felt it's worth to talk about it separatedly17:41
jcolladoSo, first question is17:41
araOK. First thing. Mago is in karmic17:41
jcolladohow many packages?17:41
araonly one, with the library and the framework, not the tests17:41
jcolladoOk, I see17:42
araUbuntu development is already on Feature Freeze, so no new things can be added17:42
jcolladoAny plan to add the tests?17:42
arabesides, I don't think ubuntu archive is the right place to hold tests, as can change a lot17:42
araI think PPAs are a better place for those, what do you guys think?17:43
jcolladoThen the question is if that it's going to be uploaded to the PPA17:43
jcolladoI agree17:43
jcolladoAlso, it would be nice to have those packages for jaunty in the PPA17:43
jcolladoDo you agree?17:43
arawell, PPAs are Personal archives, any one can do anything17:43
arathey are not official17:43
araso if you want to add those to the PPA, go ahead17:44
araI think it can be useful17:44
jcolladoYes, but since the debian directory was removed from the source17:44
jcolladoit might be good to get it back17:44
jcolladoto reproduce the same package as in karmic, right?17:45
arawell, we can do other thing17:45
aralets maintain a branch only with the debian folder contents17:46
aranamed "packaging" or something17:46
arathen, if you want to build a package17:46
arayou can do:17:46
arabzr branch lp:mago17:46
arabzr nest lp:~mago-contributors/mago/packaging debian17:46
araand then build the package17:47
arathat's more flexible17:47
arabecause it allows to keep packaging from code separate17:47
jcolladoLooks good. I didn't know about bzr nest.17:47
jcolladoIs that subcommand part of any plugin?17:48
arayes, bzrbuilder: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/BzrBuilder17:48
jcolladoThanks for the link17:49
araas ubuntu development is moving towards bzr more and more, jwestby is providing some useful tools :)17:49
aranext great thing would be to keep daily ppas with the latest code of mago and the tests :)17:50
jcolladoYes, that would be cool17:50
jcolladoOk, then may I assume you'll create that packaging branch?17:51
arajcollado, ok, I'll put that as an action item to myself17:51
jcolladoI think that's all I wanted to comment for this meeting17:52
araOK, I have one small item left17:52
arait is just a quick reminder to new contributors to use the epydoc syntax on the new code17:52
arato be able to keep the API documentation up to date17:52
araI will try to find a better place other than people.canonical.com to upload the documentation17:53
jcolladoOk. I'll pay attention to that in the future17:53
araanything else? nagappan, eeejay?17:54
nagappanara, as I earlier requested in pvt chat :)17:54
lajjrsorry was on the floor was told by the wife about meeting..17:54
nagappanara, post the initial review request to g-d-t mailing list17:55
nagappanara, so others will be aware of this team work17:55
aragood point, nagappan17:55
araOK. I'll write down the notes of the meeting and will send them to the list17:56
arathanks all!17:56
nagappanara, cool, thanks17:56
lajjrthanks ara..17:56
lajjrsorry about missing the meeting.17:56
slangaseksmoser: sorry, as noted the images had not been posted because there were known problems with them (specifically related to eucalyptus) - I have the 20090902 build posted now, though I'm not sure whether this is final - has anyone done any testing of this image in the meantime, or were people waiting for it to be on the tracker?17:57
aralajjr, don't worry, lajjr, I'll send the notes17:57
davmor2slangasek: all the iso's need respining for cjwatson's fix to grub2 and others17:58
smoserslangasek, mathiaz has been testing it17:58
lajjrthank you I was on the floor to watch production project it was my wife thank god for wives.17:58
smoserslangasek, i was asking primarily to find if there was anything that would have affected the uec/ec2 images.17:58
lajjrBe Safe all I am on her computer lol..17:59
lajjrShe told me to go on my own.17:59
mathiazslangasek: more fixes will be needed for eucalyptus17:59
mathiazslangasek: I'm preparing the patches now - soren will probably upload a new package later18:00
slangasekmathiaz: ok; please keep me informed (you and soren) so I know when to post the new images to the tracker18:01
lajjrI also will be adding more image later today for the logo and the theme will be set arount it I have some done just have to pick an image I colored them the tango theme. I want to finish the others before you choose one of them.18:01
aralajjr, nice!18:02
lajjrOk I have to get back to work guys I will try to get an e-mail out you ara about a few items a cloak arond a computer and a few others I will email the list went I put them up really neat images for the logo.18:04
aralajjr, ok, thanks! and rock on!18:04
lajjrthanks and again Be Safe..18:05
sbeattiedavmor2: around? I'm going to mention alpha 5 testing in the meeting. You might get asked about current status, if you don't mind.18:09
davmor2no probs :D18:10
slangaseksmoser, mathiaz: server ISO respun; that at least picks up all the grub fixes and whatnot, and if we need another respin for eucalyptus fixes after, -server is cheap to respin :)18:31
plarswho's testing isos?21:43
plarsI've only seen reports from me and davmor2 on anything so far...21:44
pedro_I'm syncing the latest isos, will test again in a few minutes21:46
plarspedro_: I'm currently limited to testing UNR under virtualbox, and getting fsck failure at every boot due to last mount time being in the future21:50
plarspedro_: curious if that's a side effect of vbox, or if people are seeing that on real hardware21:50
davmor2plars: no it's an installer bug got to the bottom of it earlier21:52
davmor2plars: set UTC=no in /etc/default/rcS21:52
plarsdavmor2: I wondered if it wasn't... is there a bug on it already?21:54
davmor2plars: discovered as a side effect of another bug21:54
plarsI see it21:56

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