
sbalneavEvening all03:38
LaserJockhi sbalneav03:40
alkisgGood morning06:23
=== tester123 is now known as hehehe
nubae|workhey folks, Ive been tasked at work with finding a good local side http filter... u guys know of anything?10:59
asancheznubae|work, https://launchpad.net/gchildcare could be a good point11:15
asanchezbut I think its not functional nowadays11:15
mhall119|workdansguardian does local http filtering13:44
mhall119|workyou'll need to install a proxy13:44
mhall119|worklooks like some work is being done here too: https://launchpad.net/webcontentcontrol13:47
nubae|workmhall119|work, how would that work... I mean in this case that kids are all getting laptops, and when they are outside school their content needs to be filtered too15:08
nubae|workso could one install a local dansguardian for this purpose?15:09
sbalneavMorning all15:09
nubae|workhi sbalneav15:10
nubae|workdo u know of a good way to filter local content (ie, no server side proxy based filtering a la dansguardian?15:10
sbalneavWell, apart from the fact that I'm morally opposed to the idea of filtering, I'd say install dansguardian locally, and then set up transparent proxying.15:12
sbalneavOr are by local you referring to file:// urls?15:12
mhall119|worknubae|work: dansguardian and a proxy server would both be running on their laptops15:14
mhall119|workpoint system and FF proxy settings to the local proxy server port, hook the proxy in with dansguardian (tutorials on this available online), and you're good to go15:15
sbalneavUsually, if you don't want someone to get around the proxy, you have to use transparent proxying with iptables redirects.15:15
mhall119|workiptables is the best way to go15:15
mhall119|workyou can have iptables send traffic through the local proxy and dansguardian15:15
sbalneavOf course, if the kid's smart enough, they can set a forwarder on a non-standard port to an external proxy... :)15:17
mhall119|worknubae|work: http://linux.com/archive/feature/11373315:17
mhall119|worksbalneav: iptables can route all traffic through the transparent proxy15:17
nubae|worksbalneav, I've done this before but usually for a server side environment15:17
sbalneavmhall119|work: What, forward EVERY port not in use otherwise through the proxy?15:18
nubae|workmhall119|work, thanks, I'll give it a go15:18
nubae|worksbalneav, actually its just forward all traffic to port 8015:18
nubae|workand/or port 44315:18
nubae|workworks quite well15:18
nubae|workused that setup at the school I worked at15:18
sbalneavso what happens if the kid starts up an ssh forwarder from the local box to an external proxy on port 8080, say?15:19
nubae|workbut here at guadalinex... government is giving laptops to all the kids, and they dont wanna be caught by the press giving access to dangerous material when the kids go home15:19
nubae|worktraffic goes to port 8015:19
nubae|workiptables reroutes everything15:19
sbalneavNo, traffic does NOT always go to port 8015:19
nubae|workon the server15:19
nubae|worku force it to with iptables15:20
nubae|workbut this might not work locally15:20
mhall119|workssh port forwarding still goes through the kernel, yes?  so those packets still get trapped by iptables, yes?15:20
mhall119|workno on which?15:21
sbalneavYou're only forwarding port 8015:21
sbalneavWhat happens if the kid sets up a forwarder to, say, port 656615:21
nubae|worksorry.. totally explainedn it wrong... here is the rule: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $INTIF -s --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808015:21
nubae|workso everything from 80 goes to 8080 which is dansguardian15:21
nubae|workit wont work15:22
nubae|workif dansguardian is not running, no net access15:22
nubae|workso it must go through15:22
sbalneavssh -D 9999 my.home.box15:22
sbalneavset ff proxy to go to port 99915:23
mhall119|workiptables won't let the traffic through15:23
sbalneavHow so?  Traffic's not going over 8015:23
mhall119|workonly dansguardian packets are allowed out15:24
sbalneavit's going over 999915:24
mhall119|worksbalneav: you block all outbound traffic from the filtered user15:24
sbalneavah, well if you're going to do that, then fine.15:24
mhall119|workthe user can _only_ access the local dansguardian15:24
mhall119|workand _only_ dansguardian can access the rest of the internet15:24
sbalneavBut that's going to break other things you might want to do.15:24
mhall119|worksuch as?15:24
sbalneavVideoconferencing, f'rinstance15:25
nubae|workright thats what dansguardian does... well... usually linked to squid15:25
nubae|workwell u make a special rule for that15:25
nubae|worklike for port 44315:25
nubae|workand such15:25
sbalneavand if you're not running videoconferencing, then that's an open port15:25
sbalneavssh -D $VIDEOCONFERENCEPORT myexternalhost15:26
nubae|workright... but still since its not coming from port 8015:26
nubae|workdansguardian ignores it15:26
nubae|workas  webpage15:26
sbalneavdansguardian doesn't enter into it if they're running their own proxy via ssh15:26
mhall119|workbut iptables does enter into it15:26
sbalneavbut we just said: it's an open port15:27
nubae|workhere is a diagram: http://dansguardian.org/?page=dgflow15:27
mhall119|workyou can probably open it only for specific destinations15:27
mhall119|workso, you can videoconference with skype, but not my.home.box15:28
sbalneavSure.  And when skype changes their IP addresses on you, then you've got 20,000 laptops borked.15:29
nubae|workyeah its only vallid for the network u set in iptables I guess15:29
nubae|workah, no one said it was perfect :-)15:29
mhall119|workor require that videoconferencing go through the proxy just like web traffic15:29
nubae|workyeah thats whats done with 443 content15:29
nubae|worksend it through the filter15:29
sbalneavBut whatever.  Personally, I favour education, and a sound policy with clear consequences.  But carry on.  :)15:29
mhall119|workI agree15:29
nubae|worksbalneav, I agree wholeheartedly15:30
mhall119|workto a point15:30
nubae|workbut this is work...15:30
nubae|workI'm forced to do this15:30
mhall119|workmy 5 and 4 year old's computer has filtering, not because I don't trust them, but because I don't trust the internet15:30
sbalneavBest web filter I ever installed was the one I put in my kids mind. :)15:30
mhall119|workthey won't be browsing for porn, but that doesn't mean they won't run across it15:30
nubae|worksbalneav, mhall119|work 's view applies there though still15:30
nubae|workanyway, mhall119|work where did u see that doc...? on dansguardian's pages there is a link15:31
nubae|workbut its broken15:31
nubae|workoh wait, u pasted above15:31
nubae|worknever mind15:31
mhall119|workhttp://dansguardian.org/?page=documentation there's several other HOWTOs here too15:32
mhall119|workI'm going to work on improviding the dansguardian package for Qimo 2, so if have any ideas for making it easier/better let me know15:32
mhall119|workmight make a dansguardian-local-filter metapackage that depends on a proxy and does the configuration during install15:35
sbalneavnubae|work: Does work, BTW, have a good "introduction to the internet" course for the kids, that talks about the things they might encounter, along with a clear enunciation of the school's policy and outlining of the consequences, together with a brocure/manual for the parents that needs signing off?15:35
sbalneavMy school didn't :(15:35
nubae|workmhall119|work, u could add a section to linux-for-education.org for Qimo15:36
mhall119|worksbalneav: I'd love to see a school capabale of doing that accurately and honestly15:36
mhall119|worknubae|work: s/could/should/15:37
nubae|workmhall119|work, well, I have to document everything here at work, though it will be in Spanish :-)15:38
nubae|workmhall119|work, u're right.... you SHOULD add a section for qimo15:38
mhall119|workgoogle translates15:38
nubae|workeven if it includes just one course15:38
nubae|workmight entice others to add to it15:38
mhall119|worknubae|work: I've passed on your request to #ubuntu-us-fl, and my wife is going to pass it along to her English teacher friends15:39
sbalneavWell, and that's currently a problem.  I appreciate that the filtering's needed.  The problem comes in that no matter WHAT you do, they'll be a way around it.  You'll forget an iptables rule.  dansguardian will have a bug.  Something.  Then it blows up into a huge mess in the media, like it did in my division, because they didn't have the POLICY and EDUCATION bit in there, and were relying solely on the technology to do it right.  15:39
nubae|worksbalneav, thats a very good point... can u point me to that policy doc?15:40
* nubae|work tries to keep his ass covered15:40
sbalneavNo, that was the problem: they didn't HAVE one.15:40
mhall119|worknobody I know of HAS one15:40
nubae|workright, but u said u have one now that u showed to your kid, no?15:40
sbalneavHowever, there *are* some good docs out there.  We've got one at work.15:40
mhall119|workat least, not a good one15:40
sbalneavnubae|work: No, I laid out my *OWN* policy to my kids :)15:40
nubae|workmhall119|work, u should see the links are now fixed btw15:41
nubae|workno more pointing to nubae.selfip :p15:41
mhall119|workmy college's internet use policy states that _all_ downloads of music and video from the internet is illegal15:41
mhall119|worknubae|work: cool15:41
sbalneavmhall119|work: Even CC music?15:41
sbalneavi.e. jamendo, etc?15:41
mhall119|worksbalneav: those writing the policy were evidently unaware15:41
mhall119|workthat's the problem15:41
mhall119|workthe information is either not enough, or too generalized15:42
nubae|workwell, they probably figured... open source music doesnt exist15:42
nubae|worktherefore its all illegal since its all copyrighted15:42
mhall119|workI'm not sure they'd even recognize an Ubuntu torrent as legal15:42
sbalneavMight be interesting if edubuntu actually wrote *UP* some boilerplate policy's for schools to consider/modify for their own use.15:42
mhall119|worksbalneav: fabulous idea15:43
mhall119|worknow you just have to find someone with enough time to do it15:43
nubae|workthats like a teacher I overheard in a school once telling her students... now children.... what does this symbol mean (c) ?15:43
sbalneavAnd, interestingly enough, I work with lawyers who owe me favours.15:43
nubae|workit means dont touch... illlegal she said sternly15:43
nubae|workto which I couldn't resist interjecting15:43
sbalneavmhall119|work: Dude, I *never* suggest something should get done that I'm not willing to take on myself.15:43
sbalneavI'll have a look at it.15:44
nubae|workand she said defensively... I know... but they won't understand if I explain it another way15:44
nubae|workI was like...15:44
mhall119|worksbalneav: put up a wiki page and we can start with a list of topics to cover, and an outline15:44
mhall119|workprobably the best thing to start with is defining an audience, and what we want to convey to them15:45
mhall119|workie, do we want/need to discuss the licensing issues that make some content legal and others not15:45
mhall119|workor, do we just want to say they they are responsible for obtaining permission to download any content so that it is legal15:45
sbalneavFor a boilerplate, that would be best.15:46
mhall119|workokay, so wiki sections for Audience, Intent of Message, and then list topics to cover15:47
sbalneavA school may decide even if something's LEGAL to download (i.e. CC licenced music) they don't WANT the kid to do it, as it may fill up the hard disk, etc.15:47
mhall119|workfrom there we can pick which topics we want and start an outline15:47
mhall119|worksbalneav: I think any technical issues like that are best left to individual institutions15:47
sbalneavAnd we should note that in the boilerplate.15:48
mhall119|workthe network/computer admins are usually smart enough to define those at leastt15:48
sbalneavi.e. (in red) "Insert your schools' techinal policy on media here"15:48
mhall119|workIdeally, I'd like this to be something I can included with the computers I give away, which aren't necessarily associated with a school15:48
mhall119|workmany charities might like that15:49
sbalneavEven if we simply DEFINE the things they should THINK about in a policy, that'd be a help.  I.e. content filtering, consequences of bypassing controls, licensed media, installing non-school supplied programs, etc.15:49
nubae|workso what would u call that kind of document?15:50
sbalneavWell, a policy template, or a policy checklist, one supposes.15:50
mhall119|workEnd User Licensing Agreement15:53
nubae|workhehehe (lol)15:53
nubae|workbut would it be a Usage policy Agreement?15:54
mhall119|workthat's a sure fire way to make sure nobody ever reads it, or follows it15:54
nubae|workhehe... I can see it already... we're gonna get all parents to sign the UPA15:54
nubae|workwell, we can force parents to read the thing if they want their kids to use the computer on the net at home15:55
mhall119|worknot a bad idea, really, make the parents agree that they are ultimately responsible for their kid's activities15:55
nubae|workso... computer detects its on a nonschool network, up comes the policy15:55
nubae|workand it stays there for a reasonable amount of time, + scroll down they must to hit accept15:56
nubae|workeven force it to scroll down real slow15:56
mhall119|workwe already have a liability waiver we make parents sign when we give out computers15:56
nubae|workso like it scrolls slow enough that its more boring not to read it, than to wait15:56
nubae|worksorry, than to pay attention to it15:57
mhall119|worknah, just make it a precondition to giving them the computer in the first place15:57
mhall119|workthat's how I do it15:58
sbalneavThis sort of thing's important, IMHO, since a well written policy can/should cover off instances where the technology fails for one reason or another.15:58
mhall119|workYou don't want to take responsibility for what your kid does on this computer?  Fine, they don't get it15:58
sbalneavI'm working on revamping the handbook, wonder if it should be a section in that.15:58
nubae|workmhall119|work, try that with 750,000 netbooks ;-)16:00
* nubae|work works on Guadalinex-edu used by 3500+ schools16:00
nubae|workand we are currently giving, courtesy of our friendly government a laptop to every child in Andalucia (our autonomous region)16:01
nubae|workhence the filter stuff16:01
nubae|workbut I like the idea of a policy... it should indeed be there, at least so our asses are covered, should the parents/kids bypass whatever system is put in place for content filtering at home16:02
nubae|workin other words, the parents should be able to easily read it should they want to16:03
Ahmucknubae|work: ur doing filtering ?16:04
Ahmucki'm looking for a good filtering solution16:05
nubae|workAhmuck, right now I'm doing filtering yes16:05
nubae|workif I dont find a good filter, I'll pick up willowng (a discarded python project) and work on that16:06
nubae|workin other words, if the local dansguardian/squid method doesnt work16:06
Ahmuckdansguardian is a pay product iirc ?16:18
mhall119|workthey may offer a pay proxy service, but the software itself it free16:22
Ahmuckhi Svenstaro16:31
Ahmuckmhall119|work: so without the proxy service, how does that work ?16:31
nubae|workAhmuck, squid = proxy16:31
mhall119|workAhmuck: you run the proxy locally16:31
nubae|worksquid = free16:32
Ahmuckhrm, ok16:32
nubae|workor what mhall119|work said16:32
Ahmuckyes, but doesn't dansguardian offer a "black list" ?16:32
nubae|worksure, u can use tht16:32
nubae|workthat part is free16:32
SvenstaroI'm not sure what you guys are talking about but if you want to black list sites per topic automatically, I can recommend using opendns16:32
ograits free as well, dansguardian itself has a weird license that makes it undistributable though16:32
ograbut you can use it16:33
AhmuckSvenstaro: i'm using opendns and it'll never work for an edu system16:33
ograugh, opendns16:33
SvenstaroUh, whats wrong?16:33
Ahmuckwell, bing for one is not allowed16:33
SvenstaroThat is a good thing16:33
ograit breaks the dns protocol16:33
Ahmuckbut there are plenty of ways to work around it16:33
SvenstaroSo what else doesnt work?16:34
nubae|workalso... what happens to www.wellknowndomain.com/subfolder/offensivematerial?16:34
nubae|worku block all of wellknowndomain?16:34
SvenstaroI don't about the OpenDNS policy there16:34
SvenstaroIt's just a DNS service after all16:34
nubae|workwell, its a reason why its not a good solution... u cant block subfolders, or if u do, u end up blocking whole domains (imagine blocking all of yahoo, becuase there are offensive pages on it somewhere16:36
Ahmuckdeviantart is one of the blocked domains16:36
Ahmuckdeviantart has some good art, and some "off color" art as well16:36
Ahmuckphotos, etc.16:37
nubae|workyeah they have to make a tradeoff... a bad one16:37
nubae|workif it contains just a little bad stuff... block it16:37
nubae|workanyway... think the way to go is what mhall119|work posted Ahmuck:-16:38
Ahmuckgoogle images is another one16:38
Ahmuckwhich is why i think bing is blocked16:38
Ahmuckand if you've used bing, it's a resonable search enging16:38
nubae|workuntil either gchildcare or willowng is ready16:39
Ahmuckmhall119|work: endian firewall, ipcop, and smoothwall do transparent proxies and have blocking capabilites16:39
SvenstaroWhich option blocks deviantart?16:39
SvenstaroI don't mind Yahoo being blocked though16:39
mhall119|workAhmuck: I'll add them to my list16:39
Ahmuckopendns blocks deviantart16:39
SvenstaroNo, which option? Adult?16:39
mhall119|workAhmuck: do they do content-based filtering?16:39
Ahmuckyes, based on blacklists16:40
nubae|workbut blacklists of whole domains16:40
Ahmuckthey have squid built in16:40
Ahmuckso i put them between me and the inet16:40
mhall119|workAhmuck: dansguardian does content-inspection16:40
mhall119|workso www.wellknowndomain.com/subfolder/offensivematerial will be blocked16:40
nubae|worksquid built in? how does that work.. u need a local cache, not a remote one16:40
mhall119|workeven if all of www.wellknowndomain.com isn't16:40
Ahmucksquid is a part of ipcop upon installation16:41
nubae|workah ok16:41
nubae|workI misunderstood, thought u meant it was part of opendns16:41
SvenstaroCan you recommend copfilteR?16:42
SvenstaroI'm using IPcop anyway16:42
SvenstaroThought copfilter did virus stuff only16:43
Ahmuckif you have the processor and the memory16:43
Ahmuckcopfilter takes a lot of memory16:43
Ahmuckcause it's looking at everyting16:43
SvenstaroI know16:43
Ahmucku might consider endian.  these are already built in16:43
SvenstaroA 2ghz something with 2GB should be ok16:43
Ahmuckhowever, i was never able to get endian working16:44
SvenstaroWhat's endian?16:44
SvenstaroI really want to keep using IPCOP :)16:44
Ahmucka word of warning, i put it on an older machine and decided to purge it, ended up having to re-build my ipcop machine.  so you'll want to save a configuration to disk before you change to copfilter16:44
Ahmuckendian is a branch from ipcop16:44
Ahmucksmoothwall --> ipcop --> endian16:44
Ahmuckipcop is a branch off of smoothwall16:45
SvenstaroIs IPCop sucky now and I didn't notice or why did they branch it?16:46
SvenstaroUgh, endian has "commercial" written all over it. I don't mind commercial or proprietary stuff, but when it jumps into your face and tries to rip your eyeballs out, that's usually a bad sign.16:47
nubae|workshorewall rocks...16:48
nubae|workor rocked...16:48
nubae|worknow just use ufw16:49
mhall119|workuncomplicated firewall16:50
SvenstaroIsn't that a desktop firewall?16:50
sbalneavSo, if anyone's interested in some "do-it-yourself" work, as my "new" role as sabayon-upstream developer, I've been working on adding one of our most desired features: profile application by group.16:50
sbalneavSHould you be interested in following the action/hilarity/blundering, my git repo's at:16:51
Ahmucksysadmin day - one day is not enough !16:53
Ahmuckendian has all the "stuff" added in.  they started out as community and then branched the community to commercial/community16:54
nubae|workSvenstaro, what is a desktop firewall?16:55
Ahmucksmoothwall is the same, commercial/community16:55
SvenstaroSomethign that is not a server firewall, with GUI and stuff like that16:55
nubae|worksurely if it runs as a daemon there is no distinction16:55
nubae|workthen no16:55
Ahmuckipcop grew out of smoothwall's decision to take it commercial16:55
nubae|workbut it does have a gui for it if u want to use it16:55
nubae|workthere is no such thing as a desktop firewall though16:56
nubae|workthat would imply it only ran with a gui, and couldnt run in the background16:56
* nubae|work notes himself becoming nitpicky... :-)16:57
* ogra whacks nubae|work for being so german today :P16:57
ograufw is just a frontend to the kernels firewalling thats supposed to improve usability ...16:58
ograi.e.: ufw enable masquerading from eth0 to eth116:58
nubae|workisss veeery niiice16:59
ograwould at some point enable everything thats necessary to have masquerading between the two interfaces ... no hoops to jump thought no complicated syntax16:59
ograits not there yet, it does a lot already but not everything16:59
ogra(especially not masqeurading :P )17:00
ograwhat Svenstaro was pointing to was gufw ... which is the gui for ufw ...17:00
SvenstaroI see17:00
Ahmuckmasqeurading as in a different mac address ?17:00
ograbut that calls the ufw commands in the backend17:01
SvenstaroI usually do masquerading and interface forwarding by hand so that might come in handy17:01
ograright, gufw will have something like the "internet connection sharing" checkbox in windows at some point ...17:01
ograand the cmdline variant should be as easy17:02
Svenstaro"at some point"? It's extremely trivial to do17:02
ograits trivial to do it somehow ... the devs want to do it perfect ;)17:02
SvenstaroSet source and end interface and enable IP forward and that's it17:02
* nubae|work thought it already had that17:02
Ahmuckit does17:03
SvenstaroAnyhow, I wanted to ask, how is Edubuntu currently? I went away for a bit because I was both busy and I wanted to wait until you had sorted out the issues that somehow we couldn't agree on.17:03
ogranot in the way its supposed to be in the end, but yes, you can already enable masquerading easier than hacking in iptables rules17:03
ograedubuntu is just coming to life again lately after being unmaintained for quite some time ... LaserJock, stgrabe and highvoltage made some effort to get up the intrest again17:04
ograthough apparently nobody tested the images for todays alpha5 release17:05
highvoltageogra: that's because our seeds aren't right yet17:05
highvoltageogra: LaserJock tried to get them right in time but it didn't work out17:06
ograsad ... but there is always A617:06
highvoltageogra: it's going to be very tight17:06
nubae|workhmm.. shouldnt be loling....17:06
ograhighvoltage, well, its your first release after the reorganization ...17:07
highvoltageogra: I thought that the full install disc should have waited for karmic+1, but the overwhelming response was that edubuntu is useless as an add-on disc and that we should go for broke17:07
ograwell, up to you guys :)17:08
ograi think getting enough testers will be hard with DVD size ... but you'll see17:08
nubae|workoh wow, I didnt know it was going to be a distro again17:08
highvoltageogra: I think it would be really cool if we can pull it off. I trust LaserJock and he got the seeds close to being sorted out, I think we can make it for the 6th alpha.17:08
* nubae|work gets enthusiastic17:08
ograhighvoltage, well, you have to17:08
Ahmuckogra, there's been a lot of people involved17:09
highvoltageogra: it was hard getting testers with a 300MB iso even17:09
ograAhmuck, will they help testing regulary if they have to do a 6h download ?17:09
ograDVDs are quite different17:09
highvoltagewell even with my slow bandwidth rsync is fast17:10
ograeven the ubuntu DVDs are usually released later because they are so big17:10
Ahmucki don't mind testing17:10
highvoltageAhmuck: we'll take you up on that17:10
nubae|workor zsync17:10
ograheh :)17:10
nubae|workhey, me too...17:10
ogranubae|work, yeah, we switched everything to zsync in karmic17:10
nubae|workbtw... right now guadalinex is based on ubuntu...17:11
highvoltagenice, I like zsync17:11
ograit always was17:11
Ahmuckbut even so, i think you devalue the community by stating a select group of users are the reason edubuntu is coming alive again.17:11
nubae|workbut it could be based on edubuntu17:11
nubae|workogra, u talking to me?17:11
nubae|workwell it wasnt always no17:11
nubae|workit was based on debian first17:12
highvoltagenubae|work: at the last uds they said they would use straight edubuntu if we can solve their menu problems, which is kind of done17:12
ograhuh ?17:12
nubae|workserver version still is actually17:12
* ogra wonders what he did in sevilla the last years then 17:12
nubae|workyup... then it was based Guadalinex... which is not the same as guadalinex-edu17:12
nubae|workthis was in 200317:12
nubae|workfirst year only17:13
ograoh, 200317:13
ograindeed there was no ubuntu back then :)17:13
ograsince i was involved in edu in ubuntu i was always working with these guys ...17:13
ograi dont know about the time before my time17:13
ogragosh am i ignorant :P17:14
nubae|workanyway, guadalinex itself is pretty shitty17:14
nubae|workand guadalinex-edu is supposed to be based on it17:14
nubae|workbut its not17:14
nubae|workits based on ubuntu direct17:14
ograi know the problem17:14
ograbut they improved17:15
nubae|workyeah, politicians like to take pictures every once in a while with guadalinex17:15
ograit used to be the case that they took the released version and trew stuff and hacks on top17:15
nubae|workbut I think other than the discs they use in the pictures17:15
nubae|workits unused17:15
ograthey synced up their releases17:15
nubae|workproblem of any distro based on a distro17:15
nubae|workyep, smartest move ever17:16
ograso they can do their work in ubuntu instead of on top17:16
nubae|workalso, somehow it makes them upstream a little more17:16
nubae|workthough very little17:16
ograwell, that was part of my work to convince them ...17:16
nubae|workwell then u did a good job ;-)17:17
ogranow that you are there, move forward and get them to be upstream edubuntu ;)17:17
ograand everyone wins :)17:17
nubae|worknow we are contemplating switching server to ubuntu server17:17
nubae|workdebian server that is17:17
ograthe cloud stuff must be very intresting for a project like guadalinex17:17
nubae|workor just plain debian even17:17
nubae|workwell, deployment is a nightmare...17:18
nubae|workgadi's sbs might be a solution17:18
nubae|workwe'll see17:18
ograsbs ?17:18
nubae|workthe wireless usb stick that is kinda LTSP17:19
ograah, that, yeah17:19
ograhe showed me one two years ago17:19
ograthough it was still in development17:19
nubae|workit actually fits the profile here quite well, now that notebooks and wireless networks are the new trend17:19
nubae|workso yeah edubuntu becoming a distro again sounds interesting... if guadalinex-edu become an offspring... that would give it some real traction17:21
=== nubae_ is now known as Nubae
dgroosMinor miracle here: I successfully got CmapTools to initiate a graphical install in the chroot.23:05
dgroosactually, I'm in process and it is asking where to install it.23:06
dgroosWhere is a good place to install the folder containing all the files for the application when you are going to use it as a localapp?23:06
dgroosIn otherwords, in which directory in the chroot do you install applications when they will be localapps?23:07
dgroos"For the record..." it appears that the Firefox 3.5.2 folder is installed in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib (or from the chroot perspective: /usr/lib).  I'll try there.23:19

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