
EagleScreenbrightness keys don't work in karmic in my laptop00:16
EagleScreenit is an Acer aspire 292000:16
EagleScreensuspend to RAM key neitherg00:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: for copyrights, would adding the new copyright holder (Riddell) and extending Sime's copyright date to 2007 be sufficient?00:18
EagleScreenthay work in Gnome, so KDE specific problem?00:18
spstarrEagleScreen: I didn't try suspend to disk/ram yet, I know if i switch GPU to AMD it will fail, the intel GPU should work00:18
EagleScreeni mean about keys (hotkeys)00:19
EagleScreenmy laptop suspend well my powerdevil applet00:19
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yuriyJontheEchidna: are all those cmake modules really needed in the source? shouldn't they be / aren't they global somewhere?02:17
JontheEchidnamm, probably02:17
JontheEchidnacmakelists.txt should not include that dir then, which is why I added it in the first place, hoping to fix things02:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: The killer was the license not being in there.   The other adjustments are good, but not essential02:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: So I guess that's a long winded yes.02:18
JontheEchidna*mm, probably not02:18
JontheEchidnayuriy: ok, since the licensing stuff is ok now I've uploaded. I'll remove the stuff in bzr for the next release though02:19
yuriywhat was wrong with licensing? i had a copyright file in there AFAIR02:20
JontheEchidnayuriy: packaging licensing02:20
JontheEchidnathe cmake modules weren't documented in debian/copyright02:20
JontheEchidnaan oversight on my part02:21
JontheEchidnaSo are we going to try to get this in kde svn as extragear?02:22
JontheEchidnaooh, needs a Messages.sh for translations support02:22
yuriyoh? there's something needed other than the i18n()s?02:23
JontheEchidnayeah, there's a Messages.sh script needed for generating the templates02:23
yuriyalso yeah that's the plan... or at least should import it into the branch in playground for now02:23
JontheEchidnai18n()s mark stuff for translation, this script generates the templates02:24
JontheEchidnashould be a 5 minute job, I should have checked for that before I uploaded...02:24
JontheEchidnaScottK: happen to know the record for amount of rejections in a day?02:24
JontheEchidnaI think that the MIR people will want translation support before they'll promote, so might as well reject it again02:25
ScottKJontheEchidna: Want me to reject it again?02:25
JontheEchidnathis should only be a 5 minute job02:26
JontheEchidnawell, have to testbuild stuff too, so that'll take longer02:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: Rejected.02:26
JontheEchidnaScottK: thanks02:26
* JontheEchidna steals g-p-m's messages.sh02:27
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JontheEchidnahmm, why won't this work02:31
JontheEchidnaah, ok. I got it02:40
* ScottK will be back in a bit.02:41
JontheEchidnaScottK: did you mean to change the topic in kde-devel?02:46
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha 5 testing needed: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
JontheEchidnaScottK: new userconfig in New, too03:23
JontheEchidnaI am wondering if we want to keep around the KDE3 version of KNetworkManager at all03:32
JontheEchidna- It is unmaintained, and probably doesn't work past wired connections with NM 0.803:32
JontheEchidna-If one was going to use an alternate NM frontend, they might as well go for nm-applet since they'd have to use a separate toolkit already, and nm-applet is better than the kde3 applet anyways03:33
ScottKI'd kill it03:34
* JontheEchidna wonders how much of a consensus/discussion that sort of decision requires03:35
JontheEchidnabtw, Debian has made the new KNetworkManager a binary package of plasma-widget-networkmanagement named network-manager-kde, so we'd have to kill the KDE3 one before we can next merge03:36
spstarrKDE 3 is dead anyway ;)03:36
spstarr(I'd like to think so!)03:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: You didn't add the license info to debian/copyright03:36
JontheEchidnaScottK: huu?03:37
JontheEchidnaoh, right. I removed the directory as it was unneeded03:37
ScottKThat's the debdiff03:37
JontheEchidnaoh, I forgot to undo the copyright changes03:38
JontheEchidnanot my day :(03:38
JontheEchidnaBack on the subject of NM, I'd imagine we dont' want to be shipping the silly placeholder NM plasma widget in the final release03:40
JontheEchidnaso it'd be good to separate the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package like debian so that we can seed the tray applet but not the placeholder widget03:41
JontheEchidnabut then, we gotta axe kde3 KNM. It looks like it's days are numbered03:41
ScottKWhat happens on upgrades?03:45
JontheEchidnafrom 3->4?03:45
JontheEchidnaall config lost, unfortunately :(03:46
JontheEchidnauserconfig back in New03:47
JontheEchidnamaybe we can hack up a KNM3->4 script for 10.04 (for LTS->LTS upgrades)?03:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.  Thank you for your contribution to Kubuntu.03:54
JontheEchidnayuriy, txwikinger_work: congrats guys, userconfig is really, finally in03:55
ScottKStill needs to get through binary New.....03:55
JontheEchidnaIt's a bit how awesomely pathetic it is that it took 3 men 2 years and 5 uploads to get userconfig kde4'd03:55
JontheEchidna*1 year03:56
JontheEchidnaOne year and 29 days04:01
spstarrreally nice seeing PolicyKit in KDE now04:07
spstarrit just merged into trunk04:07
ScottKThere it is.  Back in New again.04:08
JontheEchidnaAm I correct in assuming that this will need a new MIR?04:12
ScottKI think it's a safe bet.04:14
ScottKDo we need it in Main for Karmic?04:14
JontheEchidnathe goal is to replace kuser with it by default04:14
ScottKDefinitely a MIR then.04:17
JontheEchidnaSince it's: a) integrated with System Settings b) Easier to use c) doesn't have a toolbar with two icons that look like they jumped out of windows 3.1 :P04:17
* ScottK nods04:19
JontheEchidnaKAuth support for KDE 4.4 would be awesome, but that's probably a 10.04 goal04:20
JontheEchidnas/probably/most definitely04:20
* JontheEchidna is bad about using probably where a better word would be... better04:21
spstarrJontheEchidna: its already in k3b04:24
JontheEchidnaI was talking more about KAuth support in userconfig, should have been more specific04:25
JontheEchidnabut that's cool too :)04:25
spstarrJontheEchidna: i don't see why that can't happen :)04:40
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ScottKCome on folks.  We really need some ISO testing done ... http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all05:43
spstarrScottK: i tested alpha 4 ;p05:49
spstarron 2 boxes :)05:49
spstarri had no crashes05:49
ScottKspstarr: Great.  Please do the Alpha 5 ISOs now.05:49
spstarrother then a bad CD burn which caused the live install to barf :)05:49
spstarrScottK: i can do so in a VirtualBox sure05:49
spstarrwhat sort of testing needed?05:50
spstarri never tried the alternative CD05:50
* spstarr gets05:50
ScottKEach of those images has as set of tests.  They are mostly installation/boot tests.05:51
spstarrso that's where you get the daily builds from05:51
ScottKWe only do this testing for the milestone releases, but it's essentially the latest daily.05:51
spstarrother than PulseAudio crashing like mad05:51
ScottKYou can always find the latest dailies on cdimages.ubunt.com.05:52
spstarr[ 1363.030527] pulseaudio[3791] general protection ip:7f964d71ce70 sp:7fffbf737e10 error:0 in libc-2.10.1.so[7f964d6a7000+166000]05:52
ScottKShouldn't be any crashing pulseaudio here.05:52
spstarr[ 1385.323064] pulseaudio[3829]: segfault at 18 ip 00007f96399c3dcd sp 00007fffe19836a0 error 4 in libc-2.10.1.so[7f963994e000+166000]05:52
spstarroh it crashes alot for me with VirtualBox + KDE05:53
spstarri will log a bug with dump i need the debug symbols for pluseaudio though05:53
spstarrpulseaudio-dbg should do it05:53
spstarr[ 1620.868011] hda-intel: azx_get_response timeout, switching to polling mode: last cmd=0x017f090005:55
jussi01pulse is of the devil. are we shipping it? o.O05:56
spstarrnot by default05:56
spstarrbut i installed it cause I can't use ALSA in VirtualBox + KDE05:56
spstarrlock of /dev/dsp05:57
ScottKspstarr: I need to get tosleep, but any of those ISO tests you can get through would be a big help.05:57
ScottKPlease file bugs if you find issues.05:57
spstarr13 mins i'll have the ISO :)05:58
ScottKIf you don't have an ISO tracker account, I'll enter any test results you have after I wake up.05:58
spstarrim also working on plasma at the moment since i want to add Get New Hot Stuff to my plasmoid for KDE 4.405:58
ScottKHave a good night.05:59
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nareshovwas wondering how #kubuntu-devel became so small07:40
spstarrScottK: checking ISO integrity (amd64 Alternative CD)07:46
spstarrScottK: oh Alternative is text only?07:55
Blizzzi upgraded to karmic this night. seems ok, except for mysql which won't start. known issue? mysql logs are empty, in syslog appears this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/264225/ any idea?08:18
jussi01spstarr: yeah, thats the point of the alternative... :)08:44
Blizzzsolved. somehow mysql-server-5.x has not been updated during upgrade but removed, it seems. only the core package.08:44
spstarrjussi01: I was thinking it was GUI mode with expert vs debian installer :)08:45
spstarrbut it failed08:45
jussi01spstarr: ahh, its more for people with x issues etc imho08:45
spstarrfsck died with exit status 408:45
spstarrScottK: Using alternative CD, use LVM, default w/o encryption, go though install .. reboots... fsck fails08:46
spstarrScottK: /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.  (exit status 4)08:46
spstarrSuperblock time is in future (maybe VirtualBox's fault with time?)08:47
spstarrno other errors found08:47
* spstarr blames VirtualBox for this08:47
spstarrhaha same thing on reboot08:48
spstarrthat isn't good08:48
* spstarr adjusts some properties in vb08:49
spstarrwell, i got it to boot :)08:50
spstarrmay be false alarm (I had IO-APIC turned off since it can slow virtualization down, but maybe it broke timer) it boots08:51
spstarrScottK: 'Enable Strigi Desktop File Indexer'  -> Error: The name org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstrigiservice was not provided by any .service files <-- This doesn't work even in KDE trunk still, but its just broken period08:56
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spstarrKubuntu already has KDE PolicyKit supported, go to the k3bsetup option in systemsettings09:04
spstarryou will get a nice popup dialog if you change something "Privileges are required to update permissions of devices and programs"09:05
NightroseRiddell: have another look ;-) bugzilla has a thing called search sharing09:38
Riddellooh so it does09:41
Riddell"81 bugs found" beasties everywhere!09:42
Riddellno blockers though I see09:42
Nightroseyea no single bug is a blocker right now - just too many non-blockers atm09:43
ubuntuRiddell: ping me please11:28
davmor2ubntu: ping11:30
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serzholinoHi! KNetworkManager constantly crashes here in jaunty after upgrade from kde 4.3.0 to 4.3.112:08
serzholinoHere is the backtrace http://paste.ubuntu.com/264354/12:10
serzholinodrkoni says it may be useful12:11
serzholinoShoud i create bugreport?12:11
zoraelWith asoundconf being removed from alsa-utils "in anticipation of the new GNOME volume control + pulse being more useful, allowing users to more easily control which sound card is used", what will Kubuntu use to change default alsa device? systemsettings -> multimedia works for xine, but for stuff that speaks directly to ALSA there doesn't seem to be an equavilent outside of asoundconf or manually toiling with .conf files12:17
zoraelSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/37602412:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376024 in alsa-utils "alsa-utils missing asoundconf" [Undecided,Won't fix]12:17
zoraelenvironment-independent terminal tool(/script) removed in favor of GNOME-specific alternative ;/12:20
ghostcubewow asoundconf isnt this needed if i place an .asoundconf in my homefolder to map the devices to alsa or off alsa12:30
ghostcubeok then i definetly must use the debian sid packages again -_-12:30
zoraeltechnically you could modify the file manually; asoundconf just makes it easier12:30
ghostcubeahhh ok12:30
ghostcubebut isnt it a bit hard to wont fix this it wouldnt do any harm as i understand this correct12:32
ghostcubecause if he should extract asoundconf from jaunty this wont be more helpful12:33
Sputseele: just curious, what's KDE Usability's view point on the File menu? several apps are getting rid of it (replacing it by something that makes more sense), on the other hand users seem to expect a File menu on the top left somehow12:51
Sputfor Quassel, the naming doesn't make sense at all, and a menu called "Quassel" would be much better, probably12:51
NightroseSput: we had that for amarok but it made problems on osx iirc12:53
SputNightrose: my Amarok has an "Amarok" menu12:54
Sputinstead of "File"12:54
Sputit's about the only app I know of that does this though12:54
Nightrosehmmm Orville might have special cased it12:54
Sputyou can use menu hints for Mac12:54
Sputin Qt12:54
Sputif you use non-standard naming12:55
Riddellit's better than "Engage" :)12:55
Nightrosenoooooooo :D12:56
NightroseEngage was awesome ;-)12:56
Riddellkwwii: !12:57
RiddellNightrose: when seele saw that on Amarok she went into a corner to cry12:58
Nightrosesorry seele12:58
* Sput loved Engage13:01
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RiddellJontheEchidna: what did you do to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha5/Kubuntu ?13:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: messed it up pretty bad, that's what13:37
JontheEchidnathe page is still somewhere13:37
JontheEchidnabut then I was going to copy alpha4 over to alpha5 so that we didn't have to reupload attachements13:37
Riddellis that possible?13:38
JontheEchidnaI'm not even sure13:38
Riddell"A page with the name 'KarmicKoala/Alpha5/Kubuntu' already exists. Try a different name."13:39
Riddellno it doesn't13:39
JontheEchidnayeah, that's what I ran in to13:39
JontheEchidnaanyway, it's all back to the right page now13:40
JontheEchidnajust needs pics, plus documentation of features I missed13:40
nixternalRiddell: do you need some release notes?13:48
Riddellnixternal: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha5/Kubuntu needs updated14:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: how did you copy it in the end?14:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: edit Kubuntuold, crtl+c, make new page, crtl+v14:14
ScottKJontheEchidna: For the next userconfig upload: userconfig: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright14:14
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
JontheEchidnaMm, noted.14:15
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also shouldn't it depend on kdesudo?14:16
JontheEchidnatechnically System Settings should, since it calls kdesudo with our patch14:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: Accepted.  It's actually in now.14:17
nixternalRiddell: I have to head out for about 30 minutes, and I will be back, but I have to do a MOTU Council meeting first and then i can update if needed, is that cool?14:23
serzholinoKNetworkManager constantly crashes here in jaunty after upgrade from kde 4.3.0 to 4.3.114:31
serzholinoHere is the backtrace http://paste.ubuntu.com/264354/14:31
Riddellserzholino: I'll try and update knetworkmanager shortly, including for jaunty14:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: did you see yesterday's discussion irt KDE3 KNM?14:33
RiddellJontheEchidna: nope14:35
JontheEchidnaor earlier today, depending on your timezone I suppose14:35
serzholinoRiddell: thanks14:35
JontheEchidnahttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/09/03/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t03:32 <- that's where the discussion was at14:36
RiddellI do think we should scrap the KDE 3 version14:37
RiddellI'm not terribly keen on renaming the packaging for the 10th time though especially since this frontend is ment to be just temporary before the plasmoid gets redone14:37
davmor2Riddell: desktop is covered I need to come back to alternate though so could do with some help please :)14:38
yuriy_any reason not to kill the kde3 version?14:38
JontheEchidnaRiddell: we're not renaming the source package, just splitting out the tray applet to network-manager-kde in our current source package14:38
JontheEchidnathis way we can seed the tray applet for 9.10 without having the silly placeholder plasmoid installed14:39
Riddelleasier just to not install the files for the placeholder14:40
JontheEchidnathis is true14:41
JontheEchidnathat would also allow us to sync easier, since we wouldn't have to Replace: higher versions of the applet14:42
JontheEchidna^when we finally do sync with debian14:42
* maco stabbity kmail14:43
RiddellJontheEchidna: which would?14:44
JontheEchidnaRiddell: not installing the files in the first place, means we could sync easier14:44
JontheEchidnawhen we finally do sync14:45
JontheEchidnasync or merge, whatever it comes to14:45
Riddellok I'll do that now14:45
RiddellI'll also remove kde 3 version14:45
Riddellit'll still need a kconf update script to remove the plasmoid on upgrade though14:45
rgreeningYAY! buh-bye kde 314:45
* rgreening drop-kiks it out of the room14:46
Riddellall gone14:50
rgreening* wheee14:51
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JontheEchidnauserconfig MIR done: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MainInclusionReportUserconfig15:23
macohey any of you use dimap in kmail?15:24
yuriy_i do normally, but haven't used it since my laptop died a couple months ago15:26
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yuriyJontheEchidna: "nothing running as root"?15:27
JontheEchidnaoh, doh15:27
JontheEchidnagood catch15:28
macohow do you force kmail to redownload the list of folders?15:31
macoits only showing "inbox" on one account since it first downloaded the list when i wasnt on the vpn and thus got the wrong server. the only folder the two servers have in common is "inbox" so thats all its got. need to tell it to go pull the rest of the list of folders15:32
macoim getting sick of having to delete the account and reconfigure it every couple days15:32
yuriychecking mail on the account doesn't do it?15:33
JontheEchidnaAnybody wanna help me close 92 KNetworkManager-KDE3 bugs? http://paste.ubuntu.com/264442/15:37
JontheEchidnaThere are some plasmoid issues I've seen mixed in, so it's not going to exactly be a mindless invalidationfest15:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: I hear yuriy is doing a hug day for that15:38
JontheEchidnayuriy: here's a boilerplate response I cooked up then: http://paste.ubuntu.com/264442/15:39
JontheEchidnaoh, his email links to the plasma widget's source package15:40
JontheEchidnayuriy: might I suggest a switch of focus then?15:40
macoyuriy: nope it only checks mail on inbox it doesnt download the folder list15:40
JontheEchidnaoh, that bugday is today15:41
sikor_sxehello, is it possible to get plasma-scriptengine-kimono for jaunty (kde 4.3.1 installed)?15:41
Riddellsikor_sxe: does such a thing exist?15:43
sikor_sxeRiddell: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/356015:43
sikor_sxeand apt-get suggests it exists15:43
ScottKRiddell: I just punted the no longer existing knetworkmanager off the dvd seed.15:44
RiddellScottK: ta15:44
ScottKGot to make sure it stays dead.15:44
Riddellsikor_sxe: oh that's plasma-scriptengine-ruby15:45
rgreeningkwwii: man that icon in ubs-creator-kde is niiiiiice! :)15:45
sikor_sxeRiddell: no, i mean the c# bindings15:46
Riddellsikor_sxe: dunno where the source for that is, it's not in http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/scriptengines/15:47
sikor_sxeweird :/15:47
Riddellsikor_sxe: looks like it's in kdebindings15:47
Riddellwhich is different from every other scriptengine, tsk15:48
* yuriy didn't realize he was doing anything. i just forwarded the regular n-m hugday email because i thought people might want to participate in that15:48
JontheEchidnayuriy: ah, ok :)15:49
yuriyi mean, i'd be all for it, but I don't really have time15:49
macohrm also, ever since all the dimap folders on my machine just plain went missing every time i ok the kmail settings window it yells at me about those old directories not found, and i dont know why it still cares about them15:50
sikor_sxeRiddell: actually, there seems to be nothing in the kdebindings-kde4 deb15:51
Riddellsikor_sxe: that's just a meta package15:52
Riddelland the name should be changed by the looks of it15:52
sikor_sxeso, do you thing it is packaged somewhere in kubuntu?15:52
Riddellsikor_sxe: try libplasma2.0-cil ?15:53
Riddellthat should be it15:54
Riddellno idea if it works though15:54
spstarrScottK: ping15:59
ScottKspstarr: Pong.15:59
spstarrScottK: I didn't notice anything unusual so far15:59
ScottKspstarr: What type of install did you do?16:00
spstarrother then that fsck error, - which i think is due to VirtualBox timing  ScottK Alternative amd64 Kubuntu16:00
ScottKspstarr: Great.  Was it the full disk option or manual partitioning?16:01
spstarrScottK: went full disk option + LVM w/o encryption16:01
spstarrScottK: manual i tried then aborted, and then did the above option16:01
ScottKspstarr: I've marked it in the ISO tracker.  Thanks.  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/2973/6316:02
RiddellScottK, seele, nixternal, JontheEchidna, Nightrose, rgreening, agateau: how does next thursday evening suit for a meeting?16:03
spstarri can reinstall using manual if you like16:03
* spstarr fires up VM16:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: should be fine for me16:03
nixternalRiddell: works for me16:03
agateauRiddell: evening in which timezone?16:03
Riddellagateau: ours16:03
ScottKspstarr: It looks like manual has been done.  Pick one of the ones with no result yet: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/297316:04
Riddellsay 21UTC16:04
NightroseRiddell: should work16:04
agateauRiddell: fine with me16:04
rgreeningRiddell: good16:04
spstarrScottK: note I did not press F6 to enable "Expert mode" itself just the default expert alternative preseed setup16:04
jussi01Hrm, does anyone else lose Icons in open office when using the obsidian coast theme?16:04
ScottKRiddell: That's a bit of a complicated time for me.16:05
spstarrScottK: that shouldn't make a difference though other than more verbose option choices16:05
* ScottK nods16:05
RiddellScottK: I'm free any time after 19:30UTC16:05
* ScottK tries TZ math.16:06
seeleScottK: -4 i think?16:06
* ScottK is available for sure until 2000UTC16:06
ScottKseele: It is.16:06
seeleI'm only available after 19:30 because of class16:07
ScottK20 - 21 I need ~30 minutes to pick up one kid from school.16:07
ScottKI'm available after 0300 UTC.16:07
seelei can do before 18:0016:07
ScottKRiddell: Can you do it during the day your time?16:08
RiddellScottK: I can, I'm going out at 17:00UTC16:08
spstarrhmm, thats what it wants eh16:08
seeleRiddell: hot date? :)16:09
spstarrGuided partitioning:  Partition #1 EXT4 Primary,  Logical Partition #5 swap16:09
Riddellseele: yes, with my canoe club16:09
seelebah.. stinky sweaty men dont count16:09
seele... unless youre in to that sort of thing16:09
* seele oggles Riddell16:09
ScottKRiddell: I'm available after 1230UTC.16:10
ScottKseele: Can you make it anywhere between 1230 and 1700 UTC?16:10
seeleScottK: yep16:11
Riddellmaybe 1500UTC?16:11
spstarrScottK:  I'm not expecting this to fail since it is now already downloading bits :)16:11
ScottKnixternal, JontheEchidna, Nightrose, rgreening, agateau: How about you ^^^ next Thursday?16:12
ScottKFine with me.16:12
rgreeningThursdays are great - anytime16:12
seele1500 fine with me too16:12
Nightroseworksforme if it is not an endless meeting16:12
ScottK+1 for !endless meeting.16:12
rgreeningTuesday and Thursday - wife has Tango, so Im basically free all evening :)16:12
Riddellwe're usually pretty good at ending on time16:12
Riddellrgreening: 1500UTC isn't your evening16:13
spstarrScottK: trying with encrypted $HOME16:13
seelergreening: it's 11AM EST16:13
rgreeningIm at work, and the boss, so that works too16:13
spstarrScottK: any reason Debian installer does not check if your password for user is strong enough? (Anaconda's does this)16:13
JontheEchidnaScottK: sounds fine16:13
spstarrwould be useful to do for Ubuntu/Kubuntu Servers16:13
agateauI'm fine with 1500UTC16:13
spstarrScottK: same for Kubuntu's GUI installer16:14
ScottKspstarr: No idea.16:14
ScottKPlease file a bug.16:14
spstarrwishlist item16:14
ScottKAgainst debian-installer and ubiquity16:14
rgreeningon another note, usb-creator-kde with the new back-end (devicekit-disks) is coming along nicely. Less crashy/hoaky than using Hal. I'm realing liking the stability that devicekit brings16:15
* JontheEchidna wonders when we'll see a devicekit hal backend16:15
JontheEchidna*devicekit solid backend16:15
RiddellJontheEchidna: ervin seems to be putting it off16:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha 5 testing needed: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Feature Freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts | Meeting Thu 10th 1500UTC
spstarrodd, Ubiquity is supposed to say your password is 'weak' ?16:20
spstarri didnt see that16:20
spstarri will get the Kubuntu regular ISO in amoment16:21
Riddellmaybe you had a good password?16:21
spstarrnot even close lol :)16:21
spstarrbut the debian installer i know did not prompt me for weak password notice at all so i can confirm that one16:21
spstarrin alternative cd16:21
Riddellit did for me16:22
spstarrRiddell: alternative or regular?16:22
Riddellubiquity and d-i16:23
spstarrthen the password I used just cannot be that safe,  if i told you you'd say what!16:25
davmor2spstarr: did for me16:25
davmor2does your password have 8 letters?16:25
spstarr9 letters16:25
spstarrbut all letters and no numbers16:26
davmor2that's a pass16:26
spstarrand simple words joined [2]16:26
spstarrlike  helloworld16:26
davmor2it only checks the length16:26
spstarrdavmor2: *ouch*16:26
* spstarr clarifies his bug then16:26
davmor2spstarr: it does recommend what to use though16:26
spstarrdavmor2: lemme check that....16:27
kwwiirgreening: hehe, happy I finished it :)16:27
spstarrjust finished a alternative CD install w/ guided partitioning used16:27
davmor2spstarr: if it doesn't get on to shtylman cause it should :)16:28
spstarrScottK: I believe this is VirtualBox specific but fsck is failing on first boot up16:28
spstarrthe superblock time  only16:28
rgreeningkwwii: yeah. It is much appreciated16:28
spstarr'is in the future'16:28
ScottKagateau: Before we upload your "Ayatana mode" patches, I'd like to see sebas' technical questions on the code resolved.  Perhaps you could put it in a PPA in the meantime for people to try it out?16:29
davmor2no known bug16:29
spstarrScottK: running fsck manually, fixes it, then it boots up normally, odd16:29
agateauScottK: good idea16:29
* agateau brush up his PPA skills16:29
spstarrScottK: if you didn't see this with alternative then it likely is virtualization specific16:30
ScottKspstarr: I didn't test alternate.  Riddell: Did you?16:30
spstarrdavmor2: testing password dialog now in alternative...16:30
RiddellScottK: yes, in duplicate16:30
ScottKOK.  Thanks.16:31
ScottKdavmor2: Can you help spstarr get an account on the iso tracker?16:31
* ScottK doesn't recall how one does it.16:31
davmor2spstarr: go to iso.qa.ubuntu.com16:32
davmor2top right says login click on it that will take you to the login/sign up page iirc16:33
davmor2Yes just click on new account16:33
spstarrdavmor2: use my launchpad username or they aren't connected?16:34
spstarr'ShawnStarr' otherwise spstarr16:34
davmor2spstarr: they are currently no connected that I know to but I signed up a long time ago16:34
spstarri'll just use my standard name then16:35
spstarrok registered on site now at the password dialog16:36
spstarr"A good password will contain...."16:36
davmor2spstarr: once you have an account click on kubuntu then click on the iso your testing then on the partitioning method then whether it passes etc16:36
spstarr"You entered a password that consists of less than eight characters which is considered too weak..."16:37
spstarrso it does not check for type just for length16:37
ScottKI marked your encrypted test as done.16:37
davmor2spstarr: currently yes16:37
spstarrScottK: when you say test how much testing I need to go though the full test first no?16:38
ScottKRiddell: I can't do any netbook install testing for another several hours (I need it to actually work for something 1700 - 1800 UTC today, so I'm not messing with it).16:38
ScottKspstarr: We'd like to get as many of the tests done as possible.16:38
ScottKRiddell: I'm comfortable though that if one of the netbook install options works, they should all work ~as well ad desktop.16:39
spstarrlemme look at the full tests then16:39
ScottKI don't think lack of netbook install tests should hold things up.16:39
RiddellI tested netbook16:39
Riddelllooks good for me besides the stuff we know about16:39
Riddellnew network manager for testing http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.1~svn1017841-0ubuntu1_i386.deb16:39
spstarrhttp://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateExpert <-- doing it fully...16:40
spstarri am doing this one right now16:40
davmor2spstarr: if you're going to test on a regular basis if you go into my profile you can select to get mailed when there are tests.  You just nee to subscribe to the test you want to do then.16:41
spstarrdavmor2: more on demand :)16:44
spstarrany reason Swap is logical #5?16:47
Quintasanhmm anyone knows something about status of proprietary drives in Karmic?16:47
spstarr#1, #5, #6 when using /home16:47
spstarryou want swap as close to the beginning of disk sure16:48
spstarrthat is right then16:48
spstarrI usually would make it a primary vs logical normally in the old days16:49
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JontheEchidnapwned! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager16:56
rgreeningspstarr: /boot should be closest to beginning. ANd unless you seperate /boot from /, then / needs to be closest :)16:56
spstarrbug in webpage16:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: awooga!16:56
spstarrrgreening: boot yeah, but swap should be close too16:56
* JontheEchidna feels sorry for those subscribed to the kubuntu-bugs bugmail funnel16:56
spstarrScottK: found bug in http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateExpert16:57
ScottKspstarr: Please file the bug in LP or get the bug number if it's there already.16:57
rgreeningspstarr: swap is rarely used  any more, expect suspend. I rarely see my swap touched in my desktops (unless something runs away, in which case close or far aint helping)16:57
spstarrScottK: a missing step :)16:57
spstarrrgreening: i still get 80k of swap used sometimes ;)16:57
rgreeningscary hahaha16:58
spstarroh i can edit the page16:58
spstarrScottK: you'll see in a moment16:59
jkaryHello folks.... I was hoping someone would be available to help me with the training earlier this week from Ubuntu-Developers.  I was working on getting the plasma demo to work however I am running Jaunty and the deployment appears to be slightly different.17:00
spstarrScottK: partner repository option :)17:01
jussi01JontheEchidna: I can fix that for you if you like...17:04
JontheEchidnajussi01: fix what?17:05
Riddelljkary: using KDE 4.2 or 4.317:05
jussi01[18:56:10] <JontheEchidna> pwned! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager17:06
JontheEchidnaI'd just close it. :P KNM-kde3 is unmaintained.17:06
jussi01oh, its the kde3 one... ok then..ö17:06
* jussi01 wishes the kde4 one would get the mobile broadband list integrated so he doesnt have to download the gnome nm everytime...17:08
Riddellanyone on jaunty able to test knetworkmanager?17:08
jkaryRiddell: plasmapkg -v tells me Qt: 4.5.0 KDE: 4.2.2 Plasma Package Manager: 0.117:09
Riddelljkary: do you have plasma-python installed?17:10
Riddelljkary: sorry, python-plasma17:10
jkaryRiddell: Yes 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu217:34
jkaryRiddell:  The error I'm seeing is plasmainviewer(11219) /libplasma Plasma::CoronaPrivate::addContainment: loading of containment "null" failed.17:36
jkaryplasmoid(11219) KServiceFactory::findServiceByDesktopPath: "findServiceByDesktopPath:  not found"17:37
Riddelljkary: hmm, maybe it needs 4.317:39
nixternalRiddell: ok, what needs updating in the release notes?17:45
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I noticed that kde-l10n-ca didn't get updated to 4.3.117:48
nixternalI will brb17:49
RiddellJontheEchidna: that and -pl and -sr are sitting here for me to do17:51
Riddellhi Lure, I added kipi-plugins to the CD17:52
Riddellnixternal: ^^ for one17:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: kk, just making sure you knew17:52
Riddellnixternal: facebook and googlecalendar plasmoids now on17:52
Riddellscreenshow of message indicator with kopete maybe17:52
* JontheEchidna replaced openDesktop with googlecalendar on the release notes17:53
JontheEchidnafacebook still needs adding17:54
LureRiddell: thanks!17:55
* Lure needs to run to business dinner now17:56
* spstarr looks at his kdm login prompt18:01
JontheEchidnaalpha5 release hitting soon? The Ubuntu page seems to be up18:10
spstarrScottK:  Someone confirmed this as  areal bug18:15
spstarrbug #42324718:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's out.18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423247 in clock-setup "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42324718:17
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha 5 released | Feature Freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts | Meeting Thu 10th 1500UTC
spstarri thought it was virtualbox but it's not :)18:17
jkaryRiddell: Do you know if Jaunty has a source for kde4.3?18:23
JontheEchidnajkary: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.118:24
jkaryneversfelde:  THANKS!18:26
jkaryRiddell: I just upgraded to KDE 4.3... Now running plasmapkg -v reveals : Qt: 4.5.2, KDE: 4.3.1, Plasma Package Manager: 0.1  Still getting the same error.18:34
spstarrdavmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/42341518:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423415 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Ati driver issues when logging into desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:39
spstarrdavmor2: I have two r6xx's i could not trigger this on live CD18:39
spstarralthough I noticed it took longer to probe for video it eventually did load18:40
davmor2spstarr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/423415/comments/1018:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423415 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Ati driver issues when logging into desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:42
spstarri didnt see that18:44
spstarrthe video was small18:44
spstarri just ignored it since i was still able to install :)18:44
jkaryok... I fixed my problem.18:54
jkaryUpgrade to kde3.4 & You need to zip plasma-foo.plasmoid and then install plasmapkg -i plasma-foo.plasmoid18:56
jkarythanks for the help!18:56
jkaryoh and it looks like i needed the following in my metadata.desktop X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.119:01
ScottKRiddell: The video here is apparently working with Konqueror, but not Firefox on Karmic: http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2009/06/22/compiz-cube-video-tutorial-part-3/19:05
JontheEchidnaworks here in FF19:06
ScottKMust be a maco specific problem then.19:06
macoas usual19:07
macoi live on a rift where more bugs exist19:07
davmor2maco: I must live the other side of it19:08
* JontheEchidna much prefers the KWin effects settings dialog19:08
ghostcubeless telling unneded things in the vid would help19:10
ghostcubehmm i dont get whats so hard to set up the cube in ccsm19:12
ghostcubeand set all effects for it19:12
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nixternalI take it the release notes got done before I could mess with them..everything seems to be on there that you requested Riddell19:35
nixternalgot userconfig just in time....are there going to be more UI changes to it before next week? what is happening with KUser?19:40
nixternalJontheEchidna, Riddell ^^19:40
JontheEchidnaUI changes... dunno, yuriy's been doing all the dev stuff for the past few months19:46
JontheEchidnaOnce it gets promoted to main we plan to have it replace KUser19:47
JontheEchidnaNo major UI changes, I would imagine19:48
Blizzzerm, i have huge issues with my intel on karmic, but found no exisiting report, surprisingly, because with effects activated its totally unusable. window decorations flicker and repaint errors. having more than half a dozen windows on one screen, everything flickers, keyboard doesn't react (except on ctrl+alt+backspace) and mouse only on few things (e.g. button clicks don't work). normal when effects are turned off.19:55
yuriynixternal: no more UI changes planned for karmic. the UI now is mostly the same as the kde3 version20:04
Blizzzoops, sry, my fault, some x-edgers-ppa-packages left :( now i'm fully back to karmic and it looks ok at first sight20:12
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ScottKJontheEchidna: userconfig seems to work reasonably well.  It shows up under advanced/system here though.  I'd have expected it on the general config page, not advanced.20:34
JontheEchidnayuriy: know anything about ^^?20:35
nixternalyuriy: groovy, thanks20:37
yuriyScottK: I put it there (a) because it requires admin privileges to run and (b) because it's still not the most user friendly thing in the world - i think it's advanced in that it pretty much just exposes all the settings in /etc/group|passwd|shadow20:40
rgreening_Anyone know anything about testing translations and getting them to work with python?20:40
rgreening_I need someone to test usb-creator-kde and see if translations do anything and help me debug/fix to use the gtk supplied .mo files20:41
ScottKConsidering KUser is exposed directly in the menu and not even in systemsettings, I think hiding it in advanced is a going a bit far.20:41
Nightrosewohoooooooooooo http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-kde/2009-09/msg00006.html20:44
JontheEchidnaI think it would fit better in "computer administration" than "system"20:44
Nightrosepretty please someone get that into ubuntu20:44
Nightroseyou'd make my day20:44
Nightrosemonth maybe even20:45
yuriyseele: what do you think? my rationale: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Guidance/Userconfig20:45
yuriyNightrose: yes that would be amazing20:55
Nightrosehehe yea - we just need someone to package I guess20:56
JontheEchidnaThe integration appears to be a patch to firefox itself21:07
JontheEchidnadunno how keen the mozila team would be on that21:08
ScottKThey'd have to get mozilla corp buy off on it.21:09
JontheEchidnaubuntu mozilla team?21:10
ScottKThey = ubuntu-mozillateam, yes21:10
nixternalcheck that out ^^21:14
nixternalok, who is gonna go steal the patches? :)21:17
JontheEchidnai haz source rpm all extracted21:17
nixternalgotta love build.opensuse.org...stops you from having to do all of that :)21:17
JontheEchidnahuh, well that that was a waste of a 70 MB download21:18
a|wenhmm, skanlite in the archive is version 0.3-kde4.3.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 ... we either want to update or fix version?21:18
neversfeldea|wen: all extragear packages are *~ppa1 afair, Riddel said, that it is not a problem21:21
a|wenoh, really ... I find that kind of confusing; but it's probably okay then21:23
JontheEchidnawell, it's not good practice21:24
JontheEchidnabut it's not the end of the world either21:24
neversfeldemeh, amarok's lyrics script is broken again21:26
Nightroseneversfelde: fix is in git21:27
Nightrosedidn't make it in beta 1 though21:27
neversfeldeNightrose: I backported that script a few days ago, is there a new one?21:27
neversfeldeah ok21:27
Nightrosejep they changed url21:27
neversfeldecover download is broken, too. I guess it will not be easy to fix that for 2.121:30
Nightrosefixed in 2.2 though21:30
Nightrosewhich you want anyway ;-)21:30
neversfeldewill 2.2 be in karmic?21:31
Nightroseif we can tag it by 28th that's the plan21:31
Nightrosehoping FFE and all will work out21:31
neversfeldeok, then I will suspend work on fixing the cover downloads21:31
neversfeldeNightrose: thank you for the information21:32
neversfeldecan someone unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors-main from bug 40940721:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409407 in amarok "LyricWiki API no longer works" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40940721:41
ScottKneversfelde: Done21:42
neversfeldeScottK: thanks21:44
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ghostcubeso i finally fixed my network probs :) i took wicd as long as kde is borked22:23
skreechWhat's borjed?22:25
neversfeldenetworkmanager is working perfectly on 3 karmic installations here22:25
ScottKghostcube: Here too (on two)22:25
ghostcubejaunty here folks :D22:26
ScottKI got one working fine on Jaunty22:26
neversfeldeThere seem to be some problems with Atheros chipsets, I couldn't figure out, what the problem was. A reinstall helped to solve.22:26
ghostcubeborked is broken in nerdish afaik22:26
ghostcubeScottK: it cant handle my eth1 wired network22:26
ScottKActually 3 (1 wireless and 2 wired)22:26
neversfeldeI like wicd's curses frontend, we should think about shipping it as a fallback22:27
ScottKghostcube: Actually I think it's a politically derived term.22:27
neversfeldeanyway, too late now :)22:27
ghostcubeyeah wicd as a fallback would be cool22:27
neversfeldeghostcube: It cannot coexit with networkmanager, but it would be not bad to have it on the dvd22:28
ghostcubehmm ScottKno idea so far i first heard it in irc ;)22:28
ghostcubeyeah i know it removes NM but it is handy if you cant get NM to work but its in universe afaik in jaunty or ?22:29
ScottKAt least I never heard the term until after Robert Bork get rejected from the US Supreme Court.22:29
ghostcubeoh ok22:29
ghostcubei have an asusu mobo with attanasic (ex atheros) onboard22:30
ghostcubemaybe this is causing treouble22:30
skreechhaving a conflicted file inteh koffice beta install22:30
skreech kpresenter-kde4 conflicts over /usr/share/pixmaps/kpresenter.xpm with kpresenter-data22:31
neversfeldeskreech: I'll have a look at it22:31
neversfeldeskreech: would you copy the whole output to a pastebin?22:32
neversfeldeskreech: thank you22:35
skreechCan I override it in the meantime?22:40
neversfeldeskreech: I think so22:41
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Riddellnobody able to test knetworkmanager?23:43
neversfeldeRiddell: which package?23:48
neversfeldeand where it is?23:48
Riddellneversfelde: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.1~svn1017841-0ubuntu1_i386.deb23:50
Riddellfor karmic23:50
Riddelltmp/jaunty for jaunty23:50
neversfeldeRiddell: I can test it for karmic23:51
skreechRiddell: how would I override a shared file conflict in apt?23:52
Riddellskreech: dpkg --install --force-overwrite  foo.deb23:52
skreechah right dpkg :) I keep forgetting that23:53
neversfeldeskreech: is this still koffice 2.0.81?23:53
skreechneversfelde: It's the last release on the Kubuntu.org site23:57
skreechI'm trying to test tables and loading docs to submit bugs23:58
skreechKpresenter got stuck part way though :-)23:58
neversfeldeskreech: ok, it will be fixed with *~ppa423:58
skreechgrand :)23:59
neversfeldeRiddell: works good with wpa2, I'm going to search someone with jaunty, who can test it there23:59

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