
FLOZzHello all  _o/08:46
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FLOZzHello all  _o/22:21
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SnackWorkso, I've looked around a bit, but I haven't found a list of 'stuff that needs to be done' anywhere.  where should I start, if I wanna help out?23:03
MadsRHSnackWork: Good question :-) I guess there really is no right place to look. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ would be a place to start.23:19
SnackWorkyeah, that's the main resource I'd found23:19
SnackWorkI'd love it if there was, say, a bunch of icons that need re-working, with a list of what's left23:20
SnackWorksomething like that23:20
MadsRHSnackWork: If you are looking for a task to work on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore needs some help23:20
SnackWorkso people could pick one up, work on it, and submit for approval23:20
billybigriggerhey all23:21
MadsRHSnackWork: Gnome has something I would love to see for Ubuntu. This one: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/ArtRequests23:21
billybigriggerdid i miss the first drop?23:21
SnackWorkyeah, that's /exactly/ what I'm talking about, MadsRH23:21
MadsRHSnackWork: Lot's of stuff to work on :-)23:21
SnackWorkI used to do that sort of thing a lot, and loved it23:21
SnackWorkfeeling the itch again :)23:22
billybigriggeris anyone here from the gnome dev team?23:22
billybigriggerif not, who decided on removing SOME of the menu icons?23:22
MadsRHbillybigrigger: the design team (I think) - there's a bur report somewhere, perhaps a papercut?23:23
billybigriggerubuntu design or gnome design team?23:24
MadsRHbur report = bugreport23:24
billybigriggercan anyone else agree with me that it was a stupid decision the way "they" decided?23:24
billybigriggerApps has all icons BUT add/remove removed, Places has 1 here, 1 missing, 1 there 3 missing, and System has ALL removed23:24
MadsRHbillybigrigger: :-D23:25
billybigriggerit looks, well....like a gong show23:25
billybigriggerremove ALL icons from the root menus, and have the rest23:25
billybigriggeror something clean...i dunno, i wish things like this were left up to the end user23:25
billybigriggernot a design team :)23:25
billybigriggeranyway...did i miss something on the first drop of artwork?23:39

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