[00:00] * BUGabundo got gnome-disk today, and hates it already [00:00] BUGabundo, that defeats the whole purpose of a dock though [00:00] :) [00:00] some how I lost ubuntu-desktop seed again [00:00] billybigrigger: I hate mice [00:00] so why would I want a dock? [00:01] vigo, if you just installed karmic then you need to run either update manager, or sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade from a terminal [00:01] BUGabundo, good point [00:01] BUGabundo, but alt-f2 will also launch your apps, so having gnome-do running is eating your resources :P [00:01] not the same [00:01] DO works per tesk (if the app is well made) [00:02] Ok, let ,me play around with it a bit, first I backup or just run with it since it is Alpha? [00:02] Run starts per app name [00:02] super-spacebar or alt-f2 [00:02] they are the same :P [00:02] not true [00:02] vigo, ? [00:02] vigo, play around all you want [00:02] billybigrigger: DO (or any other launcher) will allow you to state what u want to do [00:02] no need to know the app [00:02] you can just type "internet" [00:02] or email [00:02] or log out [00:02] vigo, but if you just installed from the alpha 5 cd, which was JUST released today, you won't have much to update :) [00:02] volume up [00:03] Should I backup the fresh Upgrade before I try to fix these errors? [00:03] what errors? [00:03] hehe this is the first mention of any errors [00:03] oh, bad disk sectors? [00:03] ignore them, i think every single karmic user has bad disk sectors according to gnome-disk [00:03] billybigrigger: I grabbed the Alpha 2 I think, [00:04] ewwww [00:04] what was the .iso labeled? [00:04] afaik A2 didn't have gnome-disk, that is just recent [00:04] I did the Dist Upgrade from Sources [00:04] you did WHAT??? [00:05] hehe [00:05] I did download the Alpha2, then went with straight online upgrade [00:05] why didn't you download alpha 5? [00:05] alpha2 is like 6 months old my friend [00:05] well not that old but :) [00:05] the problem with the low voice recording using the external mic is solved with fixing the volume slider in pulseaudio using pavucontrol, if anyone face the same problem [00:06] I was trying to do it like any googler would have seen it. [00:06] http://www.ubuntu.com/testing [00:06] Let me check Terminal and see which one this is,,, [00:07] * billybigrigger giggles [00:07] !daily | vigo [00:07] vigo: Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [00:08] vigo, $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [00:08] Thank you [00:08] can i ask what kind of net connection you are on? [00:08] pff [00:08] aptitude safe-upgrade FTW [00:08] :P [00:09] all fixed, I think [00:10] what did you fix? [00:11] I forgot about the update && upgrade. worked fine [00:11] Does anyone else have the problem with media players showing blue colors? [00:12] vigo, ? [00:13] can someone tell me why file sharing packages has not yet integrated, why i must download them? every operating system has file sharing integrated [00:13] you updated from alpha 2 to alpha 5 in 2 minutes? [00:13] what hardware and net connection do you have :) [00:13] billybigrigger: Almost T-3 [00:14] how many MB of packages did you need to fetch, unpack, and install? :P [00:14] Still working on that, reading logs now [00:14] billybigrigger, bell just increased my dsl speed to750kbs realspeed from550kbs without any notification.I think it's eastlink is offering 1500kbs if you take their cable bundle, They have their own Fios network here. [00:15] eastlink, never heard of them [00:15] only have shaw and telus for decent internet here [00:16] shaw gave calgary a nice boost in bandwith, for free [00:16] from 10Mbps to 15Mbps no extra charge :P [00:16] nova scotia outfit...well managed and financed [00:16] hehe [00:16] Am I the only one that get blue videos in karmic? [00:16] it's cause newfies.....ahhh i won't go there [00:17] what kind of video? [00:17] digital [00:17] any video, in vlc and totem [00:17] what are you using to view the videos? [00:17] what TYPE of video? [00:17] can you play .ogg? [00:17] haven't tried. xvid so far [00:19] open vlc [00:19] roffe_: nvidia? [00:19] yes [00:19] grrr [00:19] HUE broken again? [00:19] * BUGabundo goes testing [00:19] Flash-videos work [00:19] try changing your video output in vlc [00:19] Preferences/Video/Output [00:20] try XVideo extension video output [00:20] works for me [00:20] billybigrigger: not there [00:20] roffe_: open nvidia settigns [00:20] and fix HUE [00:21] XVideo didn't do it for me, I'll try BUGabundo's tip [00:22] all is good here [00:22] does pidgin irc offer any way to filter out msgs from certain people? that would be really useful.. [00:22] XVideo actually did fix it, it just took some time [00:23] Are you guys ubuntu-developers? [00:23] .ogg works in browser [00:23] roffe_, negative [00:24] vigo, firefox? [00:24] firefox now supports open video formats [00:24] out of the box [00:24] can someone tell me why file sharing packages has not yet integrated, why i must download them? every operating system has file sharing? [00:24] roffe_: no i believe most are just folks who are testing & can sit on irc [00:24] billybigrigger: Yes, is choppy, but is trying [00:24] itswhatev: install the /ignore pluging [00:25] itswhatev, sounds reasonable [00:25] billybigrigger, Does firefox support x264 out of the box? [00:26] roffe_, negative [00:26] uffo: File Sharing stuff opens up ports, I think that is why it is a choice rather than auto install. [00:26] need a vlc, or mplayer firefox plugin for that [00:26] that's too bad [00:27] roffe_, mozilla-plugin-vlc [00:27] if vlc is your choice :) [00:27] most certainly :) [00:27] but they won't be embedded into webpages, like .ogg [00:29] vigo: but atleast it should on cd for offline computers [00:29] the low voice recording problem returned back :( [00:31] uffo: That could open up a can of worms if the Offline box ever went Live, I am just guessing here. I am still learning all this stuff, again. [00:32] If I want a more permanent fix, where do i fix the HUE in nvidia-settings? [00:34] DEVELOPERS tell me why file sharing packages has not yet integrated, why i must download them? every operating system has file sharing option Mac Win ? [00:34] uffo: STOP asking [00:35] email the devel-discuss ML [00:35] open a topic on the forums [00:35] no one here replied to you until now for a reason === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG [00:36] BUGabundo: it is must have question, how long it goes when ubuntu integrates so move on === Lars_G is now known as Lars_G_zombie === Lars_G_zombie is now known as Lars_G [00:37] uffo: Ubuntu comes by default with filesharing installed. It's called NFS. [00:38] Who was asking about HUE? [00:38] genii: and still when i on on offline computer i cannot enable sharing folder, BUT it should work [00:40] vigo: me [00:40] BUGabundo: I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1030496.html is from 2009 [00:41] can anyone help me with pulseaudio ? [00:41] pressing file sharing option on offline do not work even on 9.10 alpha 5, HOW long it takes when this works on offline lan pc-s [00:42] aboSamoor: shoot [00:42] uffo you are ranting. Please stop [00:43] hggdh: i do not know what that means but i just require answers [00:43] BUGabundo: I am trying to use skype and suddenly the mic volume goes low. Using pavucontrol I see that them mic is recording but the variation in sound is very low even the mic slider is put to max [00:44] uffo, it means you are starting to be inconvenient. This is not the channel for your question. Please open a bug requesting it, or email ubuntu-devel-discuss asking for it. [00:45] vigo: my prob was fixed with newer drivers, where nvidia fixed it [00:45] aboSamoor: turn off skype AUTOmatic volume control [00:45] hggdh: i opened several times bug request and feature but nothing [00:46] BUGabundo: Neato, is this info or data on Freenode yet? [00:46] ah? [00:46] BUGabundo: it is not turned on [00:46] uffo I am sorry. Still this is not the channel for you to request it, or request an explanation for why it is not (yet) done. [00:47] hggdh: someone should call to Shuttleworth thats the only thing that helps [00:47] uffo, again I ask you to stop ranting [00:48] So, I'm getting the impression someone broke voice and video in empathy [00:49] DEVELOPERS tell me why file sharing packages has not yet integrated, why i must download them? every operating system has file sharing option Mac Win ? in future even ReactOS will do that [00:49] Yay, the troll left [00:49] The two Add/Remove things are redundant? [00:50] Why do I get the feeling i'm missing a dependency for voice/video [00:50] Hey, is Empathy better this time around in the Koala? [00:51] no. [00:51] lame [00:51] >:-( [00:52] voice and video is broken for me [00:52] so [00:52] there's no point to choosing empathy [00:52] even more lame, [00:52] and [00:52] I think they removed the required packages from the repos [00:52] because all the farsight stuff is GONE [00:52] huh [00:53] so are they still going with empathy then? [00:53] yes [00:53] so why is farsight removed then? [00:54] for telepathy [00:54] telepathy depends on farsight -- at least their PPA does [00:54] They should at least have some good looking icon, instead of a green triangle and a red circle, it looks really ugly [00:54] are you guys trying to use voice/video with windows? [00:54] um with anything [00:54] afaik voice/video only works with non-windows clients at the moment [00:54] couldn't do it empathy to empathy [00:54] so [00:54] ridiculously frustrating [00:55] oh well it's easy to install what I want [00:55] Well, I start getting the calls [00:55] and then they drop off instantly [00:56] and whoever is on the other end [00:56] invariably tells me that they are getting an error [00:56] I just hope the people making decision understand that working correctly is better than bleeding edge [00:57] bleh, empathy isn't even bleeding edge [00:57] pidgin put in voice and video [00:57] so what's the difference now?! [00:57] try #telepathy for answers guys [00:57] i don't use voice/video i can't help [00:57] k [00:57] I just don't understand why they removed farsight from the ubuntu repos [00:58] libgstfarsight0.10-0 ? [00:59] all of it [00:59] as far as I know [01:00] Thanks ya'll I'm going to install the latest alpha [01:00] wait now that one says it's installed [01:07] Oh, looks like they've put in the installer-slides nice-O \o/ [01:09] Hmm, how would you in general interpret "Relive your memories..." [01:11] hello [01:12] does anyone know how to permanently change the txqueuelen? [01:14] I was referred here for this issue: http://pastebin.com/m6b72c12a [01:15] it seems like it should be in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Auth\ eth0 but i dont know how to modify it [01:15] If someone could help me understand why my build won't work it would much appreciated. [01:20] Quasar1048, I am not sure why you were sent here. This is the Ubuntu 9.10 channel, but your sources.list show you are running a mix of 9.04 and 8.10... [01:21] its 9.04... and I didn't know that. Is Karmic beta, then? [01:21] It was alpha last time I looked [01:21] and -- to boot -- you are trying to build current (karmic) konversation [01:22] it is currently karmic alpha 5 [01:22] Quasar1048: 9.04 is jaunty [01:23] Quasar1048: maybe try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" [01:23] I know- I was talking about 9.10 [01:23] and Ill try that [01:24] well, it didnt give an error... [01:25] sudo apt-get install kdelib5-dev gave a new error this time [01:26] http://pastebin.com/m6f499c8 [01:26] * genii ponders a ksplice dist-upgrade [01:27] like 48 of your sources.list is bad [01:27] s/like/line/ [01:29] I was told that earlier... [01:30] what do I do to fix it? [01:30] so it still holds true :-) [01:30] and I dont know why it got that bad, I havent messed with it [01:30] Quasar1048, with all due respect, you have to correct it [01:30] it was working fine... [01:30] pastebin the beast [01:30] Quasar1048: I think that would be the intrepid lines, try commenting them out [01:31] the partner repos that is [01:31] remove the comments? [01:31] Or you could probably remove them from "software sources" [01:31] liek it says? [01:32] Quasar1048: no, prepend the with "# " so that they are ignored, if you look there are several other repos thats commented out similarly. [01:32] *prepend the entry... [01:33] I thought linux skipped hash comments? [01:33] but.. yeah... not that you mention it, I have noticed that [01:33] now* [01:34] Does random song selection work for anyone in karmic's Amarok? [01:34] ie shuffle [01:34] Quasar1048: that's what I mean, the "partner" repositories *should* have a # before them so that they are ignored, since it seems like those are the ones it complains about. [01:35] oh... gotcha. lol, sorry. [01:36] Like I said easiest way is probably to go through software sources and "third-party..." if the partner repos are there just untick them. [01:37] I put a # beside them. [01:37] I am interested to know how you can tell the Intrepid ones were at fault? [01:38] Quasar1048: I read your sources.list and noted that line 48 was about there ;) [01:38] does anyone else have issues with compiz randomly freezing? [01:39] "malformed line 48" [01:39] I missed that, lol... clearly I need sleep [01:39] every 10 minutes or so I have to drop to a tty and kill compiz.real and then start compiz again [01:39] Quasar1048, pastebin your sources.list [01:39] hggdh: already did ^ [01:40] line 48 is jaunty-security... [01:40] and yeah, I did, above.. [01:40] http://pastebin.com/m6b72c12a [01:40] scroll down... [01:40] Quasar1048: oh... hmm, and I might be to tired to count... [01:41] Quasar1048, pastebin *ONLY* your sources.list [01:41] alright [01:41] Oh, yea, ah, I might be correct then after all... [01:41] is it me or have we been putting of the use of sources.list.d for a while now? [01:42] http://pastebin.com/m52571651 [01:42] I took out what i added a minute ago to give you a fresh look [01:42] (the #) [01:42] sigh [01:43] uh-oh... [01:43] sighs usually not good... [01:45] i think that "...security.ubuntu.com..." should be "...archive.ubuntu.com..." [01:45] I can try it and see what happens [01:45] Quasar1048, two comments here: (1) comment out lines 16, 17, 38, 39, 46, and 47; [01:46] oh, and 28 and 29 [01:46] and it is security.ubuntu.com [01:47] Quasar1048, comment (2): this is the Ubuntu 9.10 channel. Your issue is on Jaunty (9.04) [01:47] hmm, for my jaunty I have "archive"... [01:47] then it may be this. For Karmic it is security [01:47] comment out line 48 also [01:48] Lars_G, that's a good question [01:48] okay, commented out. If that doesnt work, then try changing security.ubuntu.com? [01:49] hggdh: and I know its 9.04 issue... but the guys over there sent me over here as a last resort I guess. [01:49] lol [01:50] maybe I should save myself the trouble.. I can always VM Karmic [01:50] but the idea of having to use a VM to irc is less than ideal.. [01:54] hmm.. okay... got a new error:http://pastebin.com/m2bfaeb2 [01:54] I think a few of those repos need to be unhashed [01:56] no repo from Intrepid should be unhashed [01:56] your kdelibs5-dev is old [01:56] (compared with the kdelibs5) === yoasif_ is now known as yoasif [01:57] which means there are some unmet dependencies [01:58] but whenever i try to install any it gives me similar erros [01:58] errors* [01:59] like libasound2, for instance... [01:59] which intrepid one should be unhashed? [02:00] none [02:00] you are either running Jaunty, or you are running Intrepid. Make up your mind [02:00] oh.. misread what you typed.. [02:01] Quasar1048, OK. pastebin your current sources.list [02:01] I just hashed what you told me to hash [02:01] no need for the attitude. Not like Im not trying [02:01] I know. I want to be sure I did not forget anything [02:02] and it is not personal, I just want to use the current version [02:02] http://pastebin.com/m1aab1eaf [02:02] with the # you listed earlier... [02:02] hggdh: I understand, I do too.. if there are old repos, then yes, I wish to not use them [02:03] I've never messed with them because they've never caused an issue- until now. [02:03] yes, my error -- gave you wrong ones to hash out. Hold on [02:04] unhash 16 and 17 [02:05] am i blind or is there no more way of changing number of virtual desktops? [02:05] 28 and 29 You only had all repos for the deb-src [02:05] billybigrigger, right now it does not seem to be working [02:05] so no compiz rotating cube :( [02:06] Quasar1048, after unhashing the lines, please update the repos, and let's try again [02:07] billybigrigger: nah, currently just greyed out... how's ccsm? (I no use compiz) [02:07] i have the option [02:07] scim seems to be broken [02:07] but no point in using cube/rotation cube with on 2 desktops [02:07] in my koala [02:08] 2 faces don't make a cube hehe [02:09] E: Couldn't find package update [02:09] Quasar1048: sudo apt-get update , NOT sudo apt-get install update [02:10] ah.. yeah.. that would explian it. lol [02:12] it said not all could be updated, so its running a partial upgrade [02:12] so.. uh.. well see what happens. Might take a few minutes... dont have the best connection [02:13] Quasar1048, this might explain the issue. Let's hope apt-get update cleans up the mess [02:13] I'm hoping so... it seems like my repos broke once before and this type of upgrade fixed it. [02:13] or not broke.. I just had dep. issues... [02:14] you will still have to find out where the security updates for Jaunty live [02:14] I think that bit is right... because i updated security earlier today [02:14] but now that I've been tampering with it... [02:19] 12 minutes left... *sigh* why the DSL guys wont come out here is beyond me... [02:19] heh. Good luck [02:20] if it would stay above 100 kbps it wouldnt be too bad... [02:20] but it fluctuates [02:23] You should try hotel wireless connections... they suck. Always. [02:24] Oh, been there... lol. I can get Wifi with my lappy, but not at my house... [02:26] scim [02:28] few more seconds until upgrade is done- then installation-then cleanup, which is what it needs most... [02:31] cleaning up.. [02:31] okay, its asking me what I want to do with menu.lst [02:31] gives me a drop down box with options. [02:32] what menu.lst? [02:33] not sure... it just popped up after cleaning up... [02:33] I'll provide a SS [02:33] Quasar1048: that's the boot menu... how do you currently boot the computer? [02:34] GRUB [02:34] grub 1 or grub2 :) [02:34] Quasar1048: and any special options there? [02:34] probably 1... [02:35] lolz my gstreamer (maybe pulseaudio) is NOT working can somebody help?? [02:35] Btw, everyone are missing icons currently in KK? [02:35] If you mean by the gnome applications menu.. yes there were some icons missing. [02:35] arand: Yes, I dual boot XP [02:37] crap... I selected "show differences between the two" and it closed out [02:37] upgrade complete... [02:37] really hope that didnt mess anything yup [02:37] Quasar1048: Probably no problem [02:38] hope not... well... I guess I'd better restart to let things settle. I probably won't be back on tonight... but I'll try it out as is and see what happens. Be back tomorrow if any more issues arise. [02:38] anyone tried vnc sessions in karmic? [02:38] Thanks for the help everyone. [02:39] I'm going to log this in case none of you are one tomorrow [02:39] when i connect through tightvnc in windows, i get my desktop, and i see the mouse, and i can click around but it doesn't update the screen [02:39] although i'm staring at the host and it all works in the host...no other network bandwidth is being used...i wonder if this is an incompatibility or something... [02:41] i'm upgrading my koala [02:41] anyone else got broken scim in koala [02:43] billybigrigger: ive herad of similer issues with the older releases.. but never payed attation to them. [02:43] billybigrigger: try some differnt vnc viewer apps perhaps. [02:49] how can i made more rows in shell? [02:50] i want 160x50 not 80x25 [02:51] alteregoa, you mean out of X? [02:51] yeah in a ssh session or something [02:51] on the VT1..6: you should load the uvesafb module [02:52] ok [02:53] you can use ssh in X too, you know :) [02:53] yeah im on a ssh session from a windows pc [02:55] then it does not matter, alteregoa [02:55] hmmm [02:56] tight or ultra vnc both show the same problems [02:56] all you need is a nice Windows SSH client [02:56] like PuTTY [02:56] uvesafb will not give you anything in this case [02:56] mouse, and keyboard works, screen updates are non-existant in vnc session [02:56] sessions [02:56] i run cygwin [02:57] i hpe someone is trying to made a framebuff for gnome instead vnc [02:57] billybigrigger: I don't think vnc really works with a compositing manager [02:57] OK. You want to run rxvt, instead of the standard bash shell [02:57] crdlb, hehe good point [02:57] the standard bash shell on cygwin runs under cmd.exe, and is very limited [02:58] hehe there we go [02:58] works a little better with compiz disabled [02:58] alteregoa, you can also right-click on the left-hand corner of the window, and select properties. There you can change the number of lines and columns [02:58] * hggdh used cygwin for a long time [02:59] too bad gnome-do doesn't work over vnc :( [03:00] yeah putty is ok [03:01] thats why i need a higher res, for midnight commander [03:02] why samba always create new files with nobody as user? [03:03] everytime i have ot chown it manualy [03:05] samba ucf? united cracking force? [03:09] danceing league :) [03:09] samba shares have their oen options as to how/what permissions to use - i recall. [03:12] now i made a cronjob every day it chowns it, whatever [03:15] ok i suppose i should file a bug about scim not working [03:16] i never even use scim to check/test/verify [03:20] do i just do it on launchpad? [03:22] wastrel, easier to 'ubuntu-bug scim' from a terminal [03:22] yay [03:22] dtchen: oh yeah, it seems the pulseaudio surround hotplug thingy is still broken, actually. === spOO` is now known as spO [03:42] DanaG: it's related to the udev issue we're debugging [03:42] in the short-term, i'll just hack around it in the config [03:50] Right now, I just plug the thing in, and then kill PA and let it restart. [03:52] huh. [03:53] can you get me udevd and dbus debugging output when you insert it? === Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth [03:56] !schedeule [03:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about schedeule [03:56] !schedule [03:56] A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule [04:03] Hmm, every time I try to run udev with debugging, I get things like missing /dev/tty1. === spOO` is now known as spO [04:15] I get a log in screen after seeing the splash screen is this normal, I am running it from live CD [04:15] I saw that when i used the 'install ubuntu' option [04:15] got to a login screen.. it did not auti-start the installer like it should of. [04:16] so i rebooted and was sure to select === wander is now known as Suave [04:16] try ubuntu without affecting the machine (or whatever the first option is) [04:21] I picked the first option that happening? [04:36] hello everybody === Suave is now known as Machiavelli [04:53] can anyone give me link to 64bit karmic koala? [04:54] http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha5 [04:55] billybigrigger: how's the support for multitouch tablet in alpha 5? [04:55] ask someone with a tablet :) [04:55] kb/mouse for this cowboy [04:56] kb/mouse? [04:56] i just use a keyboard and mouse [04:56] hahahahaha [04:56] nothing fancy like a tablet [04:57] i am excited to test this alpha5 on my tablet muwahahahahhaa i hope 2.6.31 works well [04:57] billybigrigger: can we swtich from unstable to stable? [04:57] switch* [04:58] if you want to reinstall from a cd yeah [04:58] woOt [04:58] you can't downgrade, well you can but good luck finding help when something goes wrong [04:58] no i mean from net [04:58] and something will go wrong [04:58] can't we automagically upgrade to stable release when it gets released in future? [04:59] yeah i thought you meant from 9.10 back to 9.04 [04:59] i misread [04:59] well, just misunderstood [04:59] na i am forward thinker hehe [05:00] will there be lotta packages to upgrade billybigrigger? [05:00] or only few [05:00] when? [05:00] when karmic gets released [05:00] not if you do daily updates [05:01] wow that's nice :) [05:01] if you wait from today until release, then yeah, tons of updates [05:03] when was alpha 5 released? [05:06] today :) [05:06] 'when it was done' [05:08] are you really a doc Dr_Willis ? [05:10] I think he's a D.F.A [05:13] lol bruce willis [05:16] crdlb: do you know anything about the multitouch support in karmic alpha 5 [05:16] ?? [05:17] nope [05:19] do you think its good /dev/md0 /media/datas ext3 errors=remount-ro,relatime 0 0 [05:19] or should i use UUID? [05:33] * Dr_Willis is a Dr of Love [05:33] * Dr_Willis watches cartoons [05:37] hello [05:38] Hiddly Hoo [05:39] I was wondering if anyone could help me with a 'pci 0000:01:0a.0: BAR 6: address space collision on of device [0xff600000-0xff6fffff]' [05:39] When I boot up that error is in the kernel output which I was able to copy it from dmesg [05:41] I can do a pastebin, and dump the dmesg output if that helps... I did try passing the arguments in the grub file for grub2 to disable acpi and acpi for pci to no avail. [05:47] i burned karmic alpha5 on dvd, and booted it in my shiny new tablet pc and *bAm* screen started flickering again and again what should i do? [05:50] i watch heatcliff [05:50] the cattilac cat :) [05:50] pci 0000:01:0a.0: BAR 6: address space collision on of device [0xff600000-0xff6fffff] [05:50] kinda sucks. [05:50] http://pastebin.org/14885 [05:51] line 428 [05:51] I mean 248 excuse me [05:58] hello friends! [05:58] hi. [05:58] blubaustin, hello friend:p [05:59] is this room dead or what? I have an issue with karmic and no responses. [05:59] =( [05:59] blubaustin, :o [05:59] what is the bug? [06:00] a kernel collison and the kernel not accepting kernel arguements to turn acpi and etc off to fix it [06:00] http://pastebin.org/14885 [06:00] line 248 [06:01] :o [06:01] but you pc dont start? [06:01] I cait starts. [06:02] cant? [06:02] it starts* [06:02] just a unstable...a tad. [06:02] sorry for my english:$ [06:02] jaja:D [06:02] unstable* [06:02] tired and sick sorry. [06:03] ) [06:03] should I pastebin my grub config file [06:03] its grub2 as a warning to you [06:04] :o [06:05] ok [06:05] i have bugs with the start of ubuntu [06:05] bar 6. [06:06] ya which makes some of the RAM not usable, and certain PCI devices not allocated in RAM correctly. [06:06] I want to disable ACPI completly by a kernel argument other than grub2 isn't listening to the configurations that I edit in the grub file. and yes I do, perform the update-grub command afterwards. [06:07] :o [06:07] blubaustin, address space is not ram. I might be mistaken, but I don't see how that error means you're not using all memory [06:08] hmm, I have a different issue: BAR 6: no parent found for device (some string). [06:08] (some string) means I don't remember exactly what it said. [06:08] blubaustin, re: grub2, the settings are in a different place now (which you've gathered) [06:08] blubaustin, /etc/default/grub [06:08] yes I know [06:09] DanaG, me tto [06:09] too" [06:09] "/etc/default/grub" [06:09] correct? [06:10] well and its spitting on mem addresses and I dont understand why its loading the Intergrated graphic card driver when I'm using a agp ati 9200 SE [06:10] and I'm unable to play nexuiz in karmic but in debian I can play them. [06:10] DanaG, what computer do you have? [06:10] i have a netbook , acer aspire one [06:11] is there a tool to copy just links in batch? [06:11] geforce go 7300? [06:11] I have an HP EliteBook laptop. [06:11] :o [06:11] what a lame name elitebook [06:11] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/392039 [06:11] Launchpad bug 392039 in fglrx-installer "initramfs scripts hard-coded to load i915; blocks loading fglrx" [Undecided,Confirmed] [06:12] Actually, it's a better name than MackBook (yes, I know it's really just Mac). [06:12] can i copy hardlinks instead of files with cp? [06:12] And it's a pretty badass laptop -- I have the 15" one. [06:12] ugh, since when does pastebin.org serve pop-under adverts? [06:12] a hardlink is identical to the actual file alteregoa [06:12] following scenario [06:13] alteregoa: and i think there is a option to cp to 'create hardlinks' [06:13] pentium 1.0ghz 256mb ram, ati 9200 SE 64MB, 40GB ATA [06:13] Or use the proper ln command instead of cp [06:13] i got a folder with 4tb movies and another 8tb with movies inside, i want hardlink those two together in a directory [06:13] so i don't have to swap btw Movies1 and Movies2 [06:13] alteregoa: theres no need to use hardlinks for that i imagine. [06:14] cp --link [06:14] I guess since nobody knows I am compiling a custom kernel [06:14] alteregoa, so that all the files show up in the same directory? [06:14] --symbolic-link [06:14] ok a symlink [06:14] and I still cant figure out how to make grub2 show a menu to select different kernels and manaully edit kernel arguements. [06:14] >_< [06:14] im guessing --link -> hard link.. --symbolic-link -> soft link [06:14] I dont see why you would need hard links. [06:15] do symlinks work over samba? [06:15] believe so [06:15] alteregoa: now you are geting into a deeper area.. what filesystme are these files on? [06:15] ext4 [06:15] symlinks 'can' work over samba. [06:15] they can also get broken if not carefull [06:15] its readonly over samba [06:15] hard links can not go across fileysstems. [06:16] You could just link movies1 and movies 2, to some location in a subdir. then share the subdir. [06:16] subdir share (containng the 2 links) [06:17] yeah i have that [06:17] i got a movie per folder [06:17] so i can link the whole folder using * [06:18] i think? [06:18] try it and see.. You want to make a directory of 'links' that point to /subdir/Movie.avi basically? === yoasif is now known as adss === adss is now known as yoasif [06:20] yo, check out /etc/default/grub [06:22] DanaG: ok.. why? :) [06:22] er, I meant for whoever was asking about grub2. [06:22] =þ [06:22] heh heh.. [06:22] Grub2-kung-fu! [06:23] brb.. [06:27] i just installed alpha5 on harddrive "side-by-side" to my windows and now GRUB is not showing my windows partition which is on /dev/sda1 what should i do? [06:44] ok i did update grub and everything is fine [06:44] my screen is flickering what should i do?? i have ati radeon 3200 [06:50] ok minor bug i added display-properties from preference to the panel and now i cant remove it with a right click [06:57] hi Dr_Willis [07:08] Howdies [07:08] Greetings [07:09] ok i am using tx2z tablet and the screen flickers and i can't log in ctlr alt f1 f2 etc doens't work [07:09] Let me look at the pages. [07:10] Wait, is Xorg.confg set correctly? [07:10] there is no xorg.conf voer there [07:10] over* [07:10] Ok, let me look some more [07:11] hey can someone do me a favor and send me a copy of their ConfigParser.py and pythoncentral files from their Karmic install ? [07:11] I need to replace the ones I have because they are messed up [07:11] I think .. [07:11] just to be safe this would default them back to the versions that are supposed to come with karmic [07:11] Bigshot_: GUI or TUI? [07:12] what that? [07:12] what's [07:12] tui? [07:12] pastebinit /usr/lib/python2.6/ConfigParser.py [07:12] terminal [07:12] yes [07:12] Bigshot_: ok [07:13] vigo laptop has ati radeon 3200 card [07:14] Dr_Willis that did not work for me [07:14] command not found crashed [07:14] Bigshot_: Okees, that helps a bit [07:15] thats the command one would use to pastebin the file for you to see... [07:15] i am waiting for pastebinit to install..... [07:15] I cannot install anything [07:15] pastebinit /usr/lib/python2.6/ConfigParser.py [07:15] that is another problem [07:15] http://pastebin.com/f6314ca07 [07:15] check that url [07:15] theres also a /usr/lib/python2.6/ConfigParser.pyc [07:16] Bigshot_: This is from the forums, I think is relevant> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1081529 [07:16] thats a compiled version of the .py file You may need to delete that.. (or may not) [07:16] * Dr_Willis dosent see why ConfigParser.py would affect apt-get installing of things.. [07:17] vigo ubuntu 9.04 works fine on my tablet but not 9.10 alpha 5. [07:17] because apturl is messed up because of me previously trying to force install the original apurl package when someone else had messed up the install path [07:17] * Polt{laptop} looks around clears his throat *ahem* [07:17] anyway that was on the dev end [07:17] and they did fix it [07:17] however ... [07:18] unfortunately by the time they had fixed it I had already forced it to install without giving me the filepath error [07:18] and then it had messed up the config parser [07:18] Bigshot_: Then that should be reported to the Launchpad, I think. [07:18] I am working on that [07:18] vigo: i already intalled 9.10 on my laptop [07:18] I am having a collection of problems from this [07:19] only thing is that i don't see gdm [07:19] if I could just resolve this and the pythoncentral problems and remove the old apturl ... [07:19] Bigshot_: Did you make a backup or do you care about the data on it? [07:19] I could do what needs to be done and reconfigure every package if this fixes it [07:19] no data vigo i dont' care [07:20] i don't see gdm so i can't login [07:20] Bigshot_: you are speaking my lingo, but I do backup junk [07:21] vigo maybe if i start with vesa it might work huh? [07:21] hello people [07:21] i dont like the splash [07:21] of ubuntu [07:21] when start [07:21] disable it then. :) [07:21] Bigshot_: I recall from PC-BSD that did work, so try Vesa [07:21] where is xorg.conf in alpha 5? [07:22] xorg.conf -> /etc/X11/ [07:22] Dr_Willis: i checked it's not there [07:22] ok one other thing Dr_Willis [07:22] You dont really need one X auto configures for the most part. [07:22] can you get me a copy of pythoncentral now [07:22] that file rather [07:23] Dr_Willis, how? [07:23] Dr_Willis: X is not able to autoconfigure it tries and tries but it fails [07:23] there is no pythoncentral file that i can locate. [07:23] and so no gdm is seen [07:23] hold on I will find it on mine [07:23] DKcross: edit /etc/default/grub file GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nosplash" [07:23] how can disable the splash? [07:24] no.. the splash of gnome no from grub [07:24] I'm sorry it is /usr/bin/pycentral [07:24] I had the wrong spelling [07:24] I saw an update for that, but the update said it is not wise or whatever to do. some python thing. [07:24] Dr_Willis, [07:24] pastebinit /usr/bin/pycentral [07:25] http://pastebin.com/fedb16b0 [07:25] DKcross: ? [07:25] Dr_Willis: can you tell me how to auto create xorg.conf ? [07:25] I got one here. that it made.. [07:25] but that may be cause i ran the nvidia-settings tools to tweak my 2 monitors [07:25] Dr_Willis, disable the splash of gnome no , splash from grub [07:25] Dr_Willis: We can place that pastebin package in now? [07:25] DKcross: grub splash is handled by the /etc/default/grub file for grub2 [07:26] gnome's splash is a user controlled setting in the settings menus [07:26] :| no man no.. [07:26] ding dong.. [07:27] :( [07:27] clarify what you mean then.... [07:28] Dr_Willis, the session splash, its a word Ubuntu with a ligth down [07:28] DKcross: thats the gnome splash.. its a user controlled setting [07:28] check your config menus [07:28] where? [07:29] no idea. explore your theme settings perhaps. [07:29] isnt the theme [07:29] ive seen them changeable, themeable befor.. could be some extra tool is needed to tweak it. [07:30] !splash [07:30] To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. [07:30] ok [07:30] The program 'gnome-splashscreen-manager' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [07:30] sudo apt-get install gnome-splashscreen-manager [07:31] ok [07:32] the program say.. you dont have splash:S [07:32] Dr_Willis: i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but didn't worke [07:32] ok now that I have those files migrated I will try my luck with apturl again [07:33] I think the mistake I made before was that I asked someone for the files and they sent me the files from 9.04 [07:33] and since it is a diff version that seems like not such a good idea [07:34] Bigshot_: i dont think that command has worked for some time I dont recall using it in ages. [07:34] I'm sure Dr_Willis has those files they way they should look [07:34] that is why I wanted stock copies [07:34] in case mine had been corrupted [07:34] because I was getting errors from the last ones [07:34] I just update/upgreaded about an hr ago :) [07:34] where is my Xorg.conf then/ what other file should i use? [07:34] Bigshot_: use for what exactly? ive mised the original problem [07:35] Dr_Willis: when it loads it tries to start X server and it just flickers [07:35] ok [07:35] clarify what 'flickers' means [07:35] I may have fixed it [07:35] it is unable to start GDM [07:35] although I need to delete this one folder [07:35] i see that ubuntu and water theme then black then again ubuntu water theme again black [07:36] the errors I had before did not show up this time which is a good sign [07:36] !logs [07:36] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [07:36] it proceeded to install and configure the packages [07:36] ubuntu and water theme? Hmm.. [07:36] heh [07:37] if this works I will be forever grateful to Dr_Willis [07:37] you got my point Dr_Willis ? [07:37] hehe [07:37] I tried installing sidux in vmware and it is ok but it is not Ubuntu [07:37] sounds like X is starting/crashing.. your use of the term flickers is missleading. [07:37] Ubuntu definitely has its advantages [07:37] its also a good idea to state your video card. [07:38] ati 3200 radeon [07:38] i already mentioned it [07:39] any person know about the gnome splash that have ubuntu [07:39] after new gdm, when is starting [07:39] Dr_Willis: will you be of any help or you are clueless? [07:40] Bigshot_: given the amount of info youve given.. 'x crashes, i have an ati video card' You are not going to get any magical answers. [07:40] I gave up on ati cards years ago also. [07:40] then more do you want [07:40] it is installing and configuring my updates now [07:40] yay!!!! [07:40] :D [07:40] I dont even know if that ati card is supported by the ati driver. or the fglrx drivers any more [07:41] it works on 9.04 Dr_Willis [07:41] * Polt{laptop} is very happy about that [07:41] so it should in 9.10 [07:41] radeonhd ftw Dr_Willis :D [07:41] but using what driver.. Your logic is not quite 'accurate' theres a great manu changes made to the ati drivers in recent months. [07:41] a great many ati cards broke in 9.04 [07:42] how can i use vesa then Dr_Willis [07:42] there's no xorg.conf [07:42] grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log [07:42] MIGHT show what driver its trying to use. [07:44] it is loading ati_drv, radeon_drv, vesa_drv,fbdev_drv and then unloading vesa_drv, fbdev_drv [07:45] looks like its trying all 3 and failing.. perhaps. [07:45] aiglx : enabled glx_texture form pixmap with driver support [07:46] so any dice? [07:48] Dr_Willis: ? [07:49] now I am getting some apparmor profile error messages but other than that ... [07:49] at least updates are installing now [07:49] and configuring [07:49] and I would imagine apparmor can be reconfigured [07:49] Bigshot_: could you pls repeat the problem? i'm using ATI too , but couldnt understand what you have mentioned above [07:49] really I am going to reconfigure every package on the system [07:50] mac_v: X server is trying to start but goes blank, and it gets stuck in one stage [07:51] it's like changing tv channels [07:51] Bigshot_: bug 410058 ? [07:51] Launchpad bug 410058 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Black screen with radeon KMS" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/410058 [07:52] cant find much info on it at the koala bug stuff.. i could be looking in the wrong area. Perhaps a check of the ubuntu forums may be more helpfull Bigshot_ it sounds like a 'deeper' issue then just a X miss config [07:55] mac_v: it's a little similar - boot process goes fine, i see mouse cursor, then i see ubuntu logo then black screen then again ubuntu logo and then black.. [07:56] Bigshot_: if its not the bug , try the xedgers ppa > https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa that might help , also #ubuntu-x is a better place for such problems [07:57] Bigshot_: oops wrong ppa , wait! === spOO` is now known as spO [08:00] ok finally apturl uninstalled for me [08:00] now I can follow the directions on the bug report [08:00] and fix this [08:00] i hate this screen! http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu910alpha5-large_001.jpg [08:01] Bigshot_: nope thats the one... ;) it has been renamed a bit lately , i'm actually using that ppa , its quite stable [08:02] heh - the splash config tool dosent tweak it any more [08:02] wonder if the gconf setting is still there [08:02] Dr_Willis: where is it? splash config tool? [08:02] !splash [08:02] To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. [08:03] mac_v: i mentioned it earlier.. lets see if i can find it [08:03] xsplash or usplash? [08:03] dont exists! [08:03] !info gnome-splashscreen-manager [08:03] gnome-splashscreen-manager (source: gnome-art): manage your GNOME splash screen images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-12 (karmic), package size 15 kB, installed size 152 kB [08:03] mac_v: i need internet for that do you know how to start wlan0 ? [08:03] gnome-splashscreen-manager does exist.. it just dosent work. [08:03] Dr_Willis, no, this program say, you dont have splash in your system [08:04] thats diffrent from 'dont exist' [08:04] :S [08:04] Bigshot_: hmm... not sure :( [08:04] do you like this splash http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu910alpha5-large_001.jpg? [08:04] its shown then gone so fast i dont really care DKcross [08:04] I did try toggling it via gconf-editor just now.. lets see if that worked.. BRB [08:04] DKcross: that is not the final splash [08:04] for me its more slow:s [08:05] mac_v, i know [08:06] ? [08:06] gconf edit dident chagne it either [08:06] :o [08:07] You could try it yourself and see [08:07] then...? [08:07] what comand? [08:07] !splasy [08:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about splasy [08:07] !splash [08:07] To change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. [08:07] 'change the gconf key....... [08:07] the new gdm is the problem, i know [08:07] :) [08:08] Dr_Willis: the splash is now xsplash , and the image is hardcoded [08:08] let me get you the [08:08] mac_v: if you say so... but i looked yesterday and xsplash was not installed on this box [08:08] !info xsplash [08:08] xsplash (source: xsplash): X based bootsplash. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 33 kB, installed size 172 kB [08:09] I think that factoid is wrong now.. looks liek that May be part of ubuntu-desktop meta package [08:09] * Dr_Willis removes xsplash to see what happens [08:09] brb [08:10] can anyone tell me the command to reconfigure every package on the system ? [08:10] or rather... to download every package and reconfigure them ? [08:10] !dpkg [08:10] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [08:10] !man dpkg [08:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about man dpkg [08:10] !man [08:10] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ [08:10] ok yes but it didn't say anything about reconfiguring them [08:11] yep xsplash gone = its gone. [08:11] but now gDM is on the wrong monitor.. at login.. heh [08:11] figure that out. [08:11] Dr_Willis, ,then i need remove the package? [08:11] that logically follows. :) [08:13] :\ Sorry for my english dear friends:$ [08:13] :) [08:16] Xsplash gets called in /etc/gdm/Init/Default and /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default. It seems [08:16] modify xsplash -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1256105 [08:17] ok:) [08:17] thanks [08:19] when this gets released... #ubuntu will be soooooooooo chaotic [08:19] :) [08:22] will it work ext4 on system disk? [08:22] karmic is more slow:( [08:22] yes it is for now [08:22] it is alpha though [08:22] will what work alteregoa ? [08:22] that is one thing about it [08:22] I find karmic quite quite speedy here [08:22] i don't notice any slowdown with my corei7 at 4ghz [08:22] boots in like under 20 sec.. I havent timed it with the latest updates [08:23] if i change from ext3 to ext4 in fstab? [08:23] Dr_Willis, for me its more slow:( [08:23] I restarted Karmic to see if now that I fixed the last problems ... maybe I won't have the errors I had before [08:23] it just hates yoi. :) [08:23] that and next I need to purge compiz and reinstall it [08:23] ah i disabled this crapbiz [08:24] hehe [08:25] well it can be decent but a word of advice [08:25] use stable branch [08:25] and you can install the nonsupported plugins but do it from repos [08:25] if you do it from GIT do it at your own risk [08:28] we all know the CUBE makes us more productive [08:29] hehehe [08:29] well you know ... surprisingly ccsm was crashing my system before I replaced those files and reconfigured everything [08:29] now it seems to be working fine [08:31] besides adding user to video group, anyone know how to get links2 working in directfb for non-root user? [08:31] yeah esktop cube makes us extremely productive [08:31] I thought framebuffer was blacklisted by default for most cards from what i saw in 9.10 [08:32] i hope the future is bright [08:32] I dunno I may not have to remove compiz or its plugins [08:32] I will just have to wait and see [08:32] Dr_Willis, well sudo links2 -g works perfectly (starts up on VT8). [08:33] its not working at all here. [08:33] i wonder if its using the vesa/sdl stuff instead of the framebuffer? [08:34] did you add a vga= line to grub? [08:34] nope. :) [08:34] I changed the res of my grub screen here and thats about it [08:35] I think that initializes the fb. But I could be wrong [08:35] I normally disable the framebuffer on all the disrtos i use. [08:35] It just has too many issues. [08:36] It's working nice here, even switching to and from X. [08:36] my issue is with mouse and I guess ttys [08:37] install gpm ? [08:37] yup. [08:38] in root even the mouse wheel works, unpriv user is messed up. [08:39] hey guys [08:39] is there a way i can remove openoffice on a clean install of karmic or would i have to uninstall all of kde and just install the kde-base package and rebuild it up from there? [08:39] hum, hum - a fresh alpha5 seems to freeze X when doing alt-tab - fun stuff :-) [08:41] dont use alt-tab then! :) [08:42] eagles0513875, give it a try in synaptic, IIRC you'll have to leave some stuff that language packages are dependant on. [08:43] Dr_Willis, seems like the sane solution, but somehow my fingers are faster that my brain :-) [08:43] durt: im on kubuntu aka kde [08:43] olegb: sounds like a compiuz issue perhaps? [08:43] eagles0513875, most of OO.o should remove just fine. [08:44] durt: i specified openoffice.org pacakge and it removed nothing [08:44] Dr_Willis, yes, compiz uses all the CPU after alt-tab. So, its an easy workaround just to disable compiz [08:45] durt: your telling me i have to go one oo program at a time? [08:45] eagles0513875, that was probably just a meta package [08:45] humm ok [08:54] well that is sneaky [08:54] durt: :) figured it out its openoffice.org-kde package [09:05] how do i enable broadcom 4322 in alpha 5? === slacker_nl is now known as slacker_be [09:10] Bigshot_: hold on i can help ya with this but on my macbook pro which im duel booting it found it outa the box for me [09:11] Bigshot_: under applications click on system and click on hardware drivers that will search ur machine for missing drivers [09:11] how come 9.04 detects broadcom and not 9.10? [09:11] i did eagles0513875 it says none detected [09:12] Bigshot_: humm actually u reminded me im on 9.04 sry [09:12] Bigshot_: you have given me some food for thought today lol [09:12] anybody can tell me why my puter is not detecting proprietary drivers?? [09:13] Bigshot_: did you open up the hardware drives program [09:13] nope [09:13] where is it? [09:13] under system [09:13] that will detect any missing drivers and give you options for you to install [09:13] YES i already told you [09:13] i did do that [09:13] ahhh ok sry [09:13] k sry [09:14] man this alpha is going back or what [09:14] no drivers [09:14] do you want the open source driver that is in the repos [09:15] i dont recommend the proprietary one as i have had issues with it [09:15] how do i get this thing working [09:15] is my aim [09:15] i've got no internet on other pc [09:15] well try this open source driver a reboot will be required [09:16] sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter [09:16] thats the driver i use all the time for my broadcom wifi cards [09:16] i need other files along with it right? [09:16] no [09:16] that one package should get ur wifi going [09:17] couldn't find package b43-fwcuter [09:17] couldn't find package b43-fwcutter [09:19] O_o [09:19] heheheh [09:19] strange im seeing it [09:19] wtf [09:19] 'cause u've got internet man [09:19] not me [09:20] i thought u were wired to the internet with the machine in question [09:20] i don't have internet on that machine [09:20] i am on another puter [09:20] gotcha [09:20] so wat to do now [09:20] Bigshot_: i do have one idea but would involve pilfering the ethernet cable from the current machine and plug it into the machine in question [09:21] i only got wireless [09:21] no wires [09:21] humm [09:23] ok now I have another problem I would like to fix [09:23] in gnome panel ... I have 12 desktops and when I upgraded it actually broke the desktop switcher applet [09:23] Bigshot_: is the machine you are on also a linux machine [09:23] nope [09:23] it is up there in the panel still but it will not let me customize desktop numbers [09:23] it has a down arrow [09:24] and both workspace switcher boxes in that applet show 0 when I click on preferences [09:26] Bigshot_: give this a shot http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download#Directly_downloading_the_tarball read through that and download to a usb flash drive and transfer it that way and install [09:26] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1236299&highlight=karmic+broadcom [09:27] now you got me tempted to test this out and upgrade to karmic O_O [09:27] on my macbook and see if i have the same issue [09:30] Bigshot_: sry im not much help :( ill get round to upgrading to alpha 5 after i get back from the bank [09:30] k [09:30] you got me curious about this after seeing the ubuntu forum post u linked me [09:31] can anyone tell me how to get fresh settings on my workspace switcher and make it so that the up arrow works again in the preferences box ? [09:32] the up arrows are disabled in the preferences box of the workspace switcher applet [10:04] trying to use the Kubuntu Karmic netbook remix created via unetbootin; just can get the live usb (ie see no option to install); am I doing something seriously wrong? [10:10] ok ... I am looking for a fix for this bug [10:10] http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg328917.html === Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch [10:10] and also I am looking for a fix for pulse audio [10:10] my sound is disabled [10:23] Polterge|st: i kinda have the same issue [10:24] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/412918 [10:24] Launchpad bug 412918 in pulseaudio "KARMIC: headphones output not working" [Undecided,Fix released] [10:24] that is what I found so far [10:25] and I added those ppas [10:25] so now I am downloading the updates from the audio-dev team [10:25] you're doing better than me [10:25] apt-check.py crashed on me a moment ago [10:26] I might get someone to pastebin theirs or something from karmic and replace my own [10:26] that might fix that problem [10:26] could be a leftover file from the previous install [10:26] and maybe an incompatibility problem [10:27] Polterge|st: mines worse i think theres a couple of things the pulse audio server which allows you to connect for about .05 of a second and the weird one which is using audio in as audio out [10:29] I think i may need to revert to jaunty , i've been banging away at bugs on this system for over a week [10:30] its crazy log in locally cant load alsamixergui but ssh in no problem [10:30] i think its got no idea what the default audio device is [10:31] alsamixer fails alsamixer -c 0 works ... [10:39] Hi, I'm using USB Creator KDE on Kubuntu 9.10. The "Other" button is disabled, so I can't select an ISO file [10:42] is 150MB/s good for software raid5? [10:48] has anyone else dealt with this or found a fix for it yet ? [10:48] http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg328917.html [10:52] turns out the version of netbook-remix was significantly older; get the slimmed down (689MB) version now [11:07] ?noatime [11:20] the only two real bugs I am having right now in Karmic are the sound not working and also the workspace switcher bug where the columns and rows are stuck at 0 [11:20] other than that compiz is allowing me to still keep my setup the way I had it with 6 desktops for my compiz cube but I cannot adjust the workspace switcher columns or rows [11:20] this happened when upgrading Gnome from Jaunty to Karmic [11:21] also ... I know for a fact that the source code is out with libeel and nautilus for a workaround that allows the wallpaper plugin to work with nautilus [11:22] they should release a compiled version of nautilus with that in it already [11:22] I do not know why Ubuntu has not done this yet for Karmic [11:22] Open SuSE already has this done [11:22] pretty much [11:23] all it requires is uninstalling nautilus and downloading the source code for libeel, nautilus, and I think building the wallpaper plugin also and then compiling nautilus with support for that builtin [11:23] that ... and ... since installing the new kernel I cannot disable nautilus to drawing the desktop because it sends nautilus into an infinite loop of trying to open [11:24] someone told me it had to do with installing a new kernel but anyhow, those are major annoyances I think alot of people will be complaining about so far the biggest ones I can think of [11:24] everything else is working alright for me now except those things [11:25] I did have a problem with apt-check.py timing out earlier but I was guessing it might be from an older version of apt-check.py still being in the system [11:25] if anyone in here has the version that came with Karmic I would greatly appreciate it if they would pastebin it [11:27] Polt{laptop}, I have a karmic installation, if you could give me the path to the file...? [11:28] alright let me check [11:28] Hi. Which IM client does karmic have now? Because while upgrading from alpha 4, empathy was removed, and now I don't have anyone... [11:29] empathy is still installed by default [11:29] alkisg1, hm I kept empathy during upgrade,alpha-5 advertises empathy on its about-me page [11:29] Urm, ok, I guess I'll reinstall it them (I *didn't* remove it manually :)) [11:29] alkisg1, apt-get wanted to remove empathy for me though so I used aptitude [11:29] Thanks [11:29] alkisg1: does apt-cache policy empathy show that it is installed? [11:29] trothigar: a ok, I said "yes" because I thought it would install pidgin later on or something [11:30] gnomefreak: no, it's removed [11:31] can someone file a bug on that. [11:32] ok trothigar I think it is /usr/lib//update-notifier/apt-check.py [11:32] I have an extra / in there [11:32] type-o [11:36] trothigar check /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt_check.py [11:36] I am pretty sure that is the correct path [11:52] Polt{laptop}, 2 secs [11:53] alright I am not having problems with it now [11:53] I will save this as a backup [11:53] a moment ago it failed / crashed on me [11:53] and now it is working fine and the update manager update was in the list of updates so maybe it is fixed ow [11:53] now* [11:55] Polt{laptop}, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5e64f225 [11:58] thank you trothigar [11:58] this will serve as a backup in case the apt_check.py file I have stops working or in case it gets messed up [12:03] i have to talk with latka gravas [12:11] whom ever it was that asked about empathy install. in Alpha 6 we are reverting empathy to pidgin [12:12] ok another new issue [12:12] I tried to install grub2 and it found the new kernel that was installed but will not boot from that kernel [12:12] grub2 doesn't work on my monitor anyway [12:13] I will just keep it installed until I swap this hard drive into a bigger machine so that I can use it on that [12:13] since grub2 will not work on the current machine [12:13] I used the chainloader though which was a good idea [12:13] gnomefreak: what happened with empathy? [12:14] danbhfive: not sure i was reading a wiki on it [12:15] hmm, to bad. The video chat was an exciting promise [12:15] Polt{laptop}: best place for all your problems are bug report [12:15] danbhfive: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus [12:15] thanks! [12:16] danbhfive: more info can be found https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-messaging-and-communication-selection [12:16] I do not know if apport works for me yet [12:18] Polt{laptop}: you do not need apport to file bugs however try ubuntu-bugs $packagename [12:18] ah [12:18] can I issue that command at the terminal ? [12:18] Polt{laptop}: yes [12:20] Hmm. [12:20] Anyone notice gdmsetup has gone from having a decnt set of options to like.. err.. Nothing? :) [12:20] cant even find the proper way to set the GDM themes now. [12:21] Dr_Willis: system>preferences>apperence [12:22] you are right Dr_Willis [12:24] oh gdm (login?) [12:24] is anyone having problems with cookies not saving in Firefox? [12:24] Yes - the login screen manager tool (for gdm) used to be quite good.. and full featured.. [12:24] eternal_p: a few people are. i think i saw a bug on it already [12:25] seems theres been some changes to gdm. I cant find the normal setitngs that it used to use [12:25] gnomefreak: do you know the launchpad id link? [12:25] how can i upgrade grub? [12:25] Just installed some gdm themes.. and cant find were to enable them :) [12:25] i dont even get the gdm screen all i get is a little login dialog when gnome loads [12:25] it still displaying grub 1.5 on startup [12:25] !grub2 [12:25] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 [12:25] eternal_p: off hand no. may want to ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam [12:26] alteregoa: read the link above it explains how to change 1 to 2 [12:27] ty [12:27] also...any idea how to install VMWare Workstation 6.5? [12:27] seems to hang on configure [12:30] gnomefreak: thats the default gdm theme i think [12:31] I just installed several more gdm thems and cant figure out where to enable them [12:31] grub-install (GNU GRUB 1.97~beta1) [12:31] so grub is installed? [12:31] i typing grub-install -v [12:32] apt-get install grub2 then came a strange menu i pressed ok [12:33] ok i hope it works [12:34] it may need to be configured for your system. [12:34] hope ya got a live cd handy. [12:37] it works [12:37] the menu automaticly did this stuff for me [12:37] im suprised. :) [12:38] whatever i have to boot ext4 from / [12:39] I think the grub in 9.04 could handle ext4 / and /boot but now ya get to learn grub2! :0 [12:44] question how can i fsck now? [12:44] e2fsck -fpDC0 /dev/sdb1 [12:45] i see a warning about mounted volume or something [12:47] You want to unmount filesystems befor you fsck them [12:47] I will setup grub2 later on [12:47] !fsck [12:47] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [12:47] I have it installed but I won't upgrade to it until later on [12:49] a good way to go is make a live DVD or live CD if you cannot boot from DVD and then use e2fsck from the live boot [12:49] that way your partitions are unmounted [12:50] the same advice is given when you upgrade to ext4 from ext3 if you choose to go that route like I did [12:51] I still have no audio [12:51] how can i add a fsck with the option -fpC0 at startup? [12:51] I would say boot a live cd and do it from there. [12:52] alteregoa: do you want to do it once or always? [12:52] only once [12:53] I dont even know what the -fpC0 options do [12:53] I had audio for a moment [12:53] my mic was working [12:53] I was watching the monitor levels [12:53] boot with init=/bin/bash in grub, that'll drop you to shell immediately after boot. [12:53] Why does Karmic's eclipse-platform have openjdk-6-jre as a direct dependency instead of the java-runtime virtual packages it had in Jaunty? [12:53] though, it's probably better to just unmount the volume blocking it if you can [12:54] Eclipse can't be installed without pulling OpenJDK now, and I already have Sun's installed [12:54] i do not have this entry in grub i think mike [12:54] i add it now [12:54] nonono [12:54] you do it run-time when booting, don't change the config file [12:54] press esc and then edit it in the grub boot screen [12:55] or... you could create a new menu item that does just this [12:57] ok thanks it works === repete is now known as rep-eat [13:01] hm, testing koala [13:01] Thats a good idea. :) [13:02] empathy is really buggy [13:02] cant even setup an normal irc with it [13:02] yeah I tried to use it awhile back [13:02] it was buggy back then and I do not imagine much has changed [13:02] i think koala should have gaim back what do you think [13:02] pidgin was supposed to get a fork for -vv [13:02] I was trying Quassle (sp?) on kubuntu the other day... its neat.. has some real cool features.. but a bit buggy [13:03] pidgin [13:03] i mean.. [13:03] I don't see why the pidgin dev team do not let someone take over their project [13:03] anyone good with audio I finally seem to have line out working as line out but line in is also working as an output [13:03] ah i see [13:03] did not know pidgingot forked [13:03] they should let someone take over their project and they should get the fork for video and voice in pidgin already [13:03] ubuntu1 well it was going to be a fork I think [13:03] and then they decided not to or something [13:04] I spoke to the dev team personally though and they said that -vv was planned to be compiled in [13:04] in future releases anyway [13:04] I don't know why it hasn't been done yet though [13:04] now if empathy was good it would be okey, but its really not an upgrade [13:07] i see its empathy , maybe its an buggy version [13:07] and we need an fixed one === _PLaYSTatiON is now known as PLaYSTatiON [13:10] maybe its in the updates [13:10] personally and this is just my opinion but I like pidgin and if it had voice / video I think more people would accept it [13:10] * Dr_Willis avoides such things. :) [13:11] true [13:11] empathy could be alright I guess and I am all in favor of developing things to make them better... however pidgin as we know is much more stable and I'm sure they are not far off from getting the voice / video going or compiled in [13:11] just a thought [13:11] should empathy have video voice [13:11] well. i did set up skype on the pc upstairs and downstairs so the grandkids could chat at each other and grandma.. [13:11] cool [13:11] yeah skype works wonderfully for me [13:11] actualy [13:11] hey Dr_Willis how goes it [13:11] well that is to say ... when audio works on this machine [13:11] currently audio is buggy [13:12] I will have to reboot to get it working again probably because now when I click on sound preferences it says "waiting for sound system to respond" [13:12] I had my mic working for a moment [13:13] it gives me gvfs errors [13:13] in terminal if I use "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart " [13:13] or if I use "alsa force-reload" [13:14] any way, its broken, empathy does not save account settings on koala in this build [13:15] i guess its a bug [13:15] in the last build of it I could never get it to connect out to do audio with xmpp [13:15] like gtalk for instance [13:38] hey guys i keep getting dropped to command line on alpha 5 on my macbook pro that im duel booting with osx im trying to login to the how can i install karmic from the command line [13:39] The live cd is droppingyou to the command line you mean to say? [13:40] eagles0513875: have checked the md5 on the ISO and the cd? [13:41] its all good [13:41] im trying out some different combos like turning acpi off and all that [13:41] user error ;) [13:41] eagles0513875: does selecting install from grub work? [13:42] * gnomefreak has script to update and check ISO md5 [13:42] hold on [13:43] this is off a live cd which im booting [13:43] eagles0513875: md5sums match? [13:43] eagles0513875: yeah,theres a install option on the grub on the live cd itself [13:43] ya [13:43] shadeslayer: how do i get to it [13:44] im wondering if i need to reformat the bootcamp partition before installing karmic granted there is jaunty on there already [13:44] eagles0513875: just reboot with : sudo reboot -h NOW and select install in the grub menu [13:44] grub? ther eis a install screen on it [13:44] gnomefreak: im wondering the same thing [13:44] what does the envelope plasmoid in the lower right corner in kubuntu karmic do? [13:44] eagles0513875: you never get to desktop? [13:44] no gnomefreak it drops me down to tty1 [13:44] * gnomefreak wonders if video card/drivers [13:45] its an nvidia and on jaunty i had no problems and was able to get to the desktop and all [13:45] eagles0513875: that is fine than [13:45] try the alternate installer [13:46] hint: cant drop you to TTY# [13:46] well it does it tries to load x then goes back to loading network manager [13:46] and asking me for a login and password which there is none [13:46] or is there [13:46] it maybe a bug in latest build [13:46] question is is finding someone else with a mac to test this build [13:46] there isnt unless things changed in a5 [13:47] * gnomefreak dreams of owning another mac [13:47] I got an imac DV that makes a good DoorStop [13:47] eagles0513875: do you have an older image than a5 [13:47] eagles0513875: there is a install option on the cd... just below safe boot [13:47] no got it from the site earlier today [13:48] shadeslayer: hes not getting there from what i can tell [13:48] this is even better i hit the power button it doesnt it doesnt even start shutting down [13:48] j/w [13:48] eagles0513875: try : sudo reboot -h NOW [13:49] i have to login and give pass [13:49] eagles0513875: ubuntu [13:49] kubuntu [13:50] trying in safe graphics mode [13:50] eagles0513875: no the login is ubuntu and pass is ubuntu [13:50] oh [13:50] where did u find that out [13:51] eagles0513875: it was a common problem for some people :) [13:51] j/w off topic of what im having issues with is there anythign special i need to do to install kubuntu to an external usb disk [13:51] not flash drive but hard disk [13:52] eagles0513875: not necessary,the iso might be at fault,or the disk might be bad,numerous things apart from that [13:52] humm ya [13:52] even safe graphics mode [13:52] eagles0513875: not working? [13:52] nope pass and username arent working unless [13:53] still not working with k/ubuntu [13:53] how can software break your system [13:53] :\ [13:53] im out of ideas to boot the cd then [13:54] humm :( [13:54] eagles0513875: the monitor is connected with hdmi? [13:54] its a laptop [13:54] ah [13:54] macbook pro [13:55] have problems here with nvidia and hdmi under karmic [13:55] oh really now [13:55] this nvidia card is made specifically for mac's [13:55] 9500m 256mb card [13:55] if i connect my display with dvi or vga it works with karmic [13:56] whats funny i dunno whats changed from jaunty to karmic [13:56] but i have a hunch its an issue with x somewher [13:56] after install and put the nvidia-drivers on the hdmi works [13:56] wish i had a way to view dmesg [13:57] username is ubuntu [13:57] password is empty [13:59] im in [13:59] thanks catweazle [13:59] sudo su brings you to root [13:59] damn it damn it damn it [13:59] i tried start x and it seems like its not detecting my monitor [13:59] !sudo [13:59] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [14:00] dont use sudo su.. use 'sudo -s' or 'sudo -i' :) [14:00] i know dr0pknutz [14:00] i think the output is wrong [14:00] whoops mistype [14:00] output of what [14:00] for me it should go to the hdmi but it goes to dvi [14:01] hope it uses not your external output [14:02] how can i determine that catweazle [14:02] can you copy the /var/log/Xorg.0.log to the hd? [14:04] cant :( [14:05] hey folks [14:05] hey BluesKaj :( [14:05] getting a headache trying to fix this problem [14:06] hi eagles0513875 ...porblem ? [14:06] ya with a5 [14:06] :( [14:06] problem with x and not an easy one for that matter [14:06] !x [14:06] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [14:06] !info x [14:06] Package x does not exist in karmic [14:06] O_O [14:06] !X [14:07] !info X [14:07] Package X does not exist in karmic [14:07] that is true ... I must agree with what was said a moment ago [14:07] sudo su dumping to root doesn't seem too safe [14:07] bots broken [14:07] if you have a guest account on the machine anyway [14:07] i know about sudo -s or 0i [14:08] sudo -i is what i use [14:08] same here [14:08] notice the dpkg Xorg.conf command is no longer applicable [14:09] BluesKaj: any idea why on my macbook pro my monitor isnt picked up then jaunty picks it up just fine [14:09] !info xorg [14:09] xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4+3ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB [14:09] macs are proprietary , apple wants you to use their monitor , that you must buy from them [14:10] * Polt{laptop} coughs *ahem* hackintosh [14:10] * Polt{laptop} looks around wondering where that strange noise came from [14:10] BluesKaj: this is a macbook pro laptop [14:10] heheh Polt{laptop} [14:10] im duel booting with boot camp so its not hackintosh [14:10] and jaunty works just fine [14:10] yeah hehe [14:11] Jaunty is pretty stable [14:11] question is what version of x is in jaunty and what is in karmic [14:11] * Polt{laptop} no doubt they are hackable but it's shame and a pita just the same [14:11] ya like this [14:11] the only option which wont be too good for testing purposes is upgrading [14:12] I can't wait until Karmic is stable and final release [14:12] I resolved most of the problems on mine except my audio sound system not responding now [14:12] it started to earlier [14:12] and I think the gnome panel has an issue or two [14:12] another 5 - 6 wks or so [14:12] there is this area in the gnome panel that is weird looking [14:12] isnt it due out around the time of the win 7 release [14:12] as if a notifier should be there or something but it is instead like a doubled icon [14:12] and I can't remove it [14:13] and clicking on it does nothing [14:13] it isn't hurting anything but ... [14:13] I know it shouldn't be that way [14:13] Polt{laptop}: easiest way to get it fixed is to file a bug [14:13] how do I file a bug about gnome panel doing that [14:13] I don't know exactly which package [14:13] I haven't tried gnome on karmic , maybe I should make another partition [14:14] karmic's gnome seems buggy to me [14:14] although I read about it before installing and it said it is a hack version for dev purposes [14:14] so that might be why [14:14] gnome on jaunty wasn't my taste [14:14] it wasn't full featured enough really [14:14] BluesKaj: vbox [14:15] i have karmic on vbox on vista [14:15] I am looking forward to Open SuSE's development of Gnome because alot of those same people that worked on the KDE enhancements for Open SuSE are starting to do dev work on Gnome now and bringing it to Gnome [14:15] it means that many of the same features will start showing up in Gnome pretty soon and Gnome will be getting some much needed improvements [14:15] * shadeslayer thinks suse has too many options to choose from.... [14:15] If Open SuSE does it I am sure other distros will start borrowing alot of those enhancements [14:16] Polt{laptop}: what enchancements in KDE? [14:16] well for instance ... KDE has builtin compositing [14:16] and a few other UI tweaks [14:16] Polt{laptop}: um... so does kubuntu.... [14:16] whereas Gnome has a print manager [14:16] shadeslayer kubuntu is KDE [14:17] metacity has composting too!!!! [14:17] it just sucks mostly [14:17] Polt{laptop}, the wat things are going with the media apps (which is my area of interest) , the medibuntu repository has become barren . It no longer stores the kind of bleeding media apps and vehicles we're used to seeing from them , svn and other sources are now more acceptable to me. [14:17] yeah but yes yes and yes mphill [14:17] Polt{laptop}: um thats what im asking.... what tweaks are there in suse KDE that kubuntu doesnt have [14:17] ok gues no support for me [14:17] lol [14:17] anyone on jaunty atm [14:18] shadeslayer the best way to find out the difference between Open SuSE's KDE and Kubuntu is to try both of them [14:18] and compare [14:18] I tried Open SuSe in vmware and could see it was pretty full featured although it might use a newer KDE [14:18] eagles0513875, I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to do [14:18] and I hear the KDE 4.x series has some nice features that the 3.x series did not [14:18] brb phone [14:19] BluesKaj: i want to install kubuntu karmic alpha 5 onto my macbook pro as duel boot i already have jaunty installed i would like to install karmic instead so i can test out something i saw on the forums [14:20] what I noticed mainly about Open SuSE was that it was pretty streamlined and almost offers too many UI tweaks in the desktop settings area but not that I am complaining. This just might confuse someone new to linux [14:20] I have not tried Kubuntu [14:20] I'm strictly a Ubuntu guy [14:20] eagles0513875, just do a dist-upgrade from jaunty with aptitude [14:20] not that I wouldn't try Kubuntu but I am more used to Ubuntu [14:20] and for some reason Kubuntu never gets as high of ratings from people [14:21] eagles0513875, BluesKaj why not use the Ubuntu update manager? [14:21] every time I read about it I see some type of complaint about certain apps [14:21] i was told by someone for testing purposes that its best to do a clean install BluesKaj [14:21] eagles0513875 I've heard the same thing [14:21] eagles0513875, try running $ sudo update-manager -d [14:21] I prefer kde cuz I must confess it's more fasmiliar looking , being an old windows guy [14:21] to be honest I just upgrade because I have things I can't back up and I don't have any other option [14:22] BluesKaj: i totally agree.... [14:22] BluesKaj there is nothing wrong with that [14:22] it is all preference [14:22] I'm all about functionality really [14:22] that is my main thing [14:22] eagles0513875: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha5 [14:22] Gnome also can look as Windows [14:22] performance meets functionality meets eye candy [14:22] EagleScreen: i know about that but i have heard from people its best for testing to do a clean install [14:22] yeah sure eagles0513875 [14:22] it's always going to be *best*, but will it work if you don't? yes [14:22] what I like about gnome is that it can look like OSX if you tweak it right or like windows [14:23] hehe [14:23] KDE probably can too though [14:23] Polt, I don't know if that's a good thing :-P [14:23] lol [14:23] I like the way it can be changed to look like anything, but yeah :-P [14:23] kde looks alot like win already [14:23] really it does [14:23] that's what they're going for [14:23] I told my friend to try a a KDE based distro awhile back and he was quite pleased with it [14:24] gnome the lay out of stuff and where things are confuses the living (censored) outa me [14:24] I think it's the reverse , windows is trying real j=hard to look like compiz on kde :) [14:24] they're trying to port KDE over to windows as a different frontend for windows users [14:24] hehe [14:24] so if it looks almost the same, people won't have a hard time switching [14:24] ya i have tried that alot of stuff still quite buggy [14:26] pulseaudio is still broken on my setup , i missed dtchen yesterday [14:26] BluesKaj: win 7 = looks like osx [14:27] my sound quality is actually better without it [14:27] yea - just like it.. buttons and fonts and text.. and a mouse pointer... [14:27] :) [14:27] I have W7 , like OSX?? not to me [14:27] anyone know how to resolve apache randomly segfaulting with libapache2-mod-php5 [14:30] Hello, I am having trouble getting live cd going, it goes to a unbuntu login prompt? how every it works fine upgrading from 9.04 but that does not give a clean install [14:31] i heard of some others with similer issues Spirits-Sight [14:31] username is 'ubuntu' password is blank. [14:31] that all I need to do [14:33] thanks Dr_Willis will try now [14:33] BluesKaj: there are bits of osx in win 7 [14:34] the bottom bar for instance when u have programs open is like the icon bar on osx [14:34] i think it is a bit better than osx's version [14:34] i find the os-x dock rather.. annoying [14:35] i agree but was avoiding saying that [14:35] eagles0513875, I'm sure there are bits of linux too but they still insist on using the dumb DLL system ...to me that's the root of their probs [14:36] i am not sure i'd count dll as the highest problem in windows [14:36] msft if they keep raising prices people will go linux and or osx [14:36] i'd consider the design decisions with the kernel/gui and the filesystem and UAC to be the biggest problems [14:36] the OT cops will be here soon :) [14:36] BluesKaj: never left [14:37] hehe [14:37] * Pici looks around [14:37] * gnomefreak watching while i wait for build to fail [14:37] i mean uhh... that 9.10... i had a problem.. fixed now... [14:38] hehe... [14:38] for some reason 2.6.31 kernel isn't booting up on my system [14:39] it isntalled via updates but it doesn't boot through grub or anything [14:39] its like everything is broken [14:39] well it is alpha but ... [14:39] Polt{laptop}: did you dist-upgrade or do a fresh install? [14:39] dist-upgrade [14:40] i'm not sure if they are trying to upgrade grub to grub2 at this point [14:40] I mean alot of things do work for me [14:40] I installed grub2 chainloader [14:40] from repos [14:40] I am not upgrading from legacy though until I can get grub2 to work [14:41] i wish open office wasnt installed by default [14:42] Grub will not be automatically upgraded to grub2 on an upgrade install. [14:42] eagles0513875: why? [14:42] yes I know that [14:42] that is why I said a moment ago [14:42] I installed the chainloader [14:42] Polt{laptop}: It was a clarification for everyone else. [14:42] oh [14:42] hehe [14:42] i dunno y i feel like it inpacts performance as a whole for the desktop environment [14:42] I didn't know if you were getting onto me [14:42] lol [14:43] performance wise i would take koffice any day since it saves in the same format as oo [14:45] the sound system is doing weird stuff [14:45] the sound applet in the gnome panel is appearing and then disappearing [14:45] and it keeps saying "waiting for sound system to respond" [14:46] I opened up the sound preferences but output volume is greyed out [14:46] I am wondering if there is some type of loop or something going on [14:46] like a crash [14:50] yeah this clearly seems like a bug to me and I don't know the package name [14:53] omg this is buggy [14:53] now it just disabled compiz rofl [14:53] I might just wait a few days and come back to this and see if there are updates === jacob_ is now known as jacob [14:54] sound is obviously on a runaway loop [14:55] it keeps trying to load it and failing [14:55] yea thers some sound quirks i see [14:56] check your audio settings , namely pulseaudio [14:56] BluesKaj that is what I am attemping to do [14:57] dunno where one looks in gnome [14:57] BluesKaj how would I go about checking pulseaudio's settings [14:57] in Gnome I goto sound preferences [14:57] and when I do it keeps crashing the sound preferences [14:57] this box pops up that says "waiting for sound system to respond" [14:58] and then it keeps doing that [14:58] it will find it [14:58] and then it shows the device [14:58] and then it crashes [14:58] over and over [14:58] indefinitely [14:58] can you move it up and down in "preferences", if your soundcard is listed give it priority [14:58] yes [14:58] and I was actually talking into the mic earlier and watching the monitor levels move [14:58] and then it started this stuff [14:58] that is what brought it all on [14:59] it has been crashing since [14:59] compiz crashed but I think I know the culprit there [14:59] it is the tab plugin [14:59] onboard or pci soundcard ? [14:59] onboard [15:00] the group / tab plugin is btw one of my favorite compiz plugins but it crashes compiz [15:00] anyway though [15:00] ok I restarted Gnome [15:01] I am watching Gnome trying to load up the audio applet [15:01] Polt{laptop}, I dumped pulseaudio in favour of the kernel module , even tho it's listed pulseaudio is disabled and my sound is much cleaner , but I use vlc exclusively for all media [15:01] really you know pulseaudio is intended for systems with multiple audio cards [15:01] I dunno why it comes stock [15:01] it shouldn't [15:02] as most systems only have one audio chipset [15:02] and all they need is support for one [15:02] keeping things simple in alphas seems to work for my setup [15:02] not unless you are doing studio work with a big sound system or something [15:02] BluesKaj that is probably a wise idea [15:03] oh and it re-enabled compiz for me [15:03] that is a GOOD thing [15:03] I was waiting for them to come up with something that would do that [15:03] !flood | Polt{laptop} [15:03] Polt{laptop}: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [15:04] I do have a big sound system, but it's in the tv room ...I can send media thru our lan to the tivo which acts a media server [15:04] darthanubis !attitude [15:05] !attitude | darthanubis [15:05] darthanubis: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [15:06] The attitude is that I was trying to inform you , since you are ignorant to the fact, that in IRC channels you don't use the ENTER key as a form a punctuation. Your welcome. [15:06] I'm not ignorant thank you very much [15:06] I'm well aware but was having a conversation [15:06] no help is needed with a 2 party conversation [15:06] easy guys [15:06] no offense but it was an A B conversation [15:07] Polt{laptop}: easy m8 [15:07] oddly the older karmic kubuntu works fine as a live usb (using unetbootin) with eeepc; the ubuntu remix version does not even reach busybox. Wonder if its an issue with corrupt iso [15:07] wow , it only took 2 lines to get darthanubis going on his negativity trip today...must be a record [15:07] heh [15:08] well you know one thing I am happy about is that I managed to somehow fix the messed up area in my gnome panel by moving around the applets but I think it had something to do with the sound applet [15:09] well that and RutilT [15:09] it seems to be responsible [15:10] bazhang: today's alpha 5 release seems like it doesnt like macbooks and doesnt find my monitor :( [15:10] smees like its a bug in x but cant be too sure [15:10] I have had very few issues with Pulse audio [15:10] :) [15:10] same with me on my macbook whcih im duel booted with osx [15:10] pulseaudio was very stable for me in Jaunty [15:10] eagles0513875, okay; I am using the netbook remix iso though [15:11] strange im downloading the alternate installer iso see if that fixes the issue which it should [15:11] Dr_Willis: do you use KDE? [15:11] i was tryibng out kubuntu earliuer this week.. using Ubuntu now. [15:11] think i need to reboot as this download is taking ages [15:11] * shadeslayer wishes there was no feature freeze.... [15:14] Dr_Willis: I asked to see if your pulseaudio was flaw less with kubuntu as opposed to ubuntu [15:14] I had no sound issues on kubuntu either.. but I was thinking Kubuntu/kde did not use pulse audio [15:14] it does not, hence my question [15:14] I"m not real sure but pulseaudio seems to work better for onboard sound , the kernel module seems fine with pci sound as long as the driver is available , which it is for most newer hardware [15:15] The only sound 'quirk' i got now is every so often i hear a pop/ka-thunk like the sound card is 'reactivating' or somthing. [15:15] I have flawless PA and Phonon working together on 9.04, but 9.10 I could only play one source of audio at a time [15:15] was playing with pipeing the sound out a different PC last week. :) [15:16] And could find no help on the sublect from either forums, ubuntu/kubuntu/ none of the IRC channels etc. [15:16] Dr_Willis: yeah, I accidentally did that as well [15:16] Dr_Willis, disabling onboard sound in the BIOS works in windows and I'm thinking it may be so in linux now as well [15:17] disabling onboard in favour of the pci card [15:17] Yea i only have onboard sound on this thing [15:17] ok [15:18] i cant fit my other sound cards in this thing if i wanted to :) too many other cards.. too few slots [15:18] I have not bought a separate sound card since the sblive days [15:18] yea i was using audigy 2zs on the last 4 machines ive had.. same card :) [15:19] When possible I still opt for a bare-bones type mb with least onboard stuff. Then you can mix and match what you prefer and if something breaks, it's modular [15:20] finding mbs that dont have sound.. can be a little hard at times these dyas :) [15:20] some onboards are actually quite good [15:21] nvidia does nicely on wifes vista pc [15:21] 00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2) [15:22] I do like the nvidia chipsets [15:24] hello dear friends [15:24] hello [15:25] splashy works in karmic koala for yours? [15:28] ? [15:29] DKcross, are you sure do you mean splashy or usplash? [15:29] xsplash? [15:29] no, splashy [15:29] !info splashy [15:29] splashy (source: splashy): A complete user-space boot splash system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.13-5ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1153 kB, installed size 1796 kB [15:29] i didn't test [15:29] :D Dr_Willis i remove xsplash:D [15:29] i disab;e them all [15:32] so how does splashy work? [15:33] * Dr_Willis makes an XXXsplash [15:33] :) [15:34] heh... [15:34] * shadeslayer wonders if that showed up on the ops as an highlight [15:34] splashy wont install, o well [15:34] splashy ? [15:38] !info splashy [15:38] splashy (source: splashy): A complete user-space boot splash system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.13-5ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1153 kB, installed size 1796 kB [15:39] bazhang, [15:39] DKcross, yes [15:39] what about this? [15:47] anyone able give me a quick howto on howto force an installation of w32codecs on amd64 architecture? :) [15:48] Hmm..medibuntu had 32 and 64bit versions of that packages [15:48] yeah still do [15:48] I think it was called w64codecs? :) [15:48] but i can only install the 64 bit version [15:48] which does not support the vmp v3.0 format [15:48] i need the w32 for that [15:48] and i've read you can force the w32codecs and 32bit dependancies to be installed [15:49] never heard of vmp sorry, Not sure why the codec packs would metter. [15:49] i just dont know how :\ [15:49] it will [15:49] .. [15:49] You could extract teh files from the .deb and put them where they belong., [15:49] you never heard of windows media player format ? [15:49] .. [15:49] most work fine with w64 [15:49] the v3.0 does not [15:49] wmv? [15:49] wma [15:49] I can't log in graphically anymore after having done a dist-upgrade to get alpha 5; mv .kde .kde-backup did not solve it. What else can I try? [15:49] vmp never heard of it [15:49] wma is audio iirc [15:49] wmp is the name of all wm? codecs [15:50] windows media player codecs [15:50] i rarely have things in wma formats [15:50] Monika-K: harddisk full? [15:50] yeah and i get pictire on the wmw in question [15:50] me too rarly [15:50] but neither of this is helping [15:50] i allready know i have a wierd format and what codecs i need :) [15:50] extract the files from the .deb or checkl the apt-get manuals i guess. [15:50] sorry, dont use drm [15:50] i just dont know how to install them [15:50] then I couldn't log in on the console, either, could I? And I think it's not full, / and /home are on separate partitions and it would have to be /home that's full, right? [15:51] What was the command to check the harddisk usage, something like du or dh? [15:51] df -h [15:52] the command "du" shows usage in the current (or specified) directory and subdirectories [15:52] technot, there used to be an app ia32 for w32codecs , if you type it in your package manager you may get the new version to come up , which prolly has a different name tho [15:52] hm, / is full [15:52] BluesKaj: thanks i'll check it [15:53] hm yeah i got that pack allready [15:53] ia32-libs:p [15:53] ooh [15:53] i found [15:53] Monika-K: run apt-get clean [15:53] ia32-apt-get :)) [15:54] !grub [15:54] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [15:54] zniavre_: are you sure you didnt mean !grub2 [15:54] :o) [15:55] you are right thank you [15:55] !grub2 [15:55] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 [15:55] np [15:55] Monika-K: You probably can play most multimedia types without the w32codecs, but if you really need them, try the medibuntu repository. ... [15:55] ah great, apt-get clean freed 2 GiB, no let's see for the graphical login [15:56] robin0800: if that was targeted at me.. i allready know what i need and which codecs i have and not and what works and not. i have a specific question. how do you force the w32codecs pack to be installed on amd64 [15:57] for even talking about the w32codecs packs i would HAVE to allready have the mediabuntu repos wouldn't i :p [15:57] the repo howto explains you can do it. just not how :) [15:58] audacity is totally busted in karmic luckily lenny seems to be useable [15:59] hehe i use rythmplayers in karmic with great sucess [15:59] however, pulseaudio is a peace of crap [15:59] lol [15:59] technot: you could try aptitude -f [15:59] technot: simple wau install mythbuntu-controlcentre then choose the wincodec options [16:00] apt-get/aptitude will not even find the w32codec pack. only the w64codecs :\ [16:00] pulse audio is off my karmic box i finally got working sound :) [16:00] so the -f doesn't work :\ [16:00] technot: get mythbuntu-controlcentre and it will get the codecs for you [16:01] technot: you could add mythbuntu to your souces first [16:01] i have [16:01] or i would not find w64codecs .. [16:01] jeez [16:01] did you run update after adding repos? [16:01] ... ofc.. i have installed other stuff from the repos [16:01] mythbuntu-control hmm bum it might not work [16:02] why you guys treating me like a newb :p [16:02] technot: because we dont know how much you know [16:02] sorry rather silly of me it would give me ffmpeg and libdecss but not win32 [16:02] it's not my fault the w64codecs pack does not support wma9 :\ === aubre is now known as aubre_afk [16:03] technot to be honest your lucky to have any audio working with karmic [16:03] i've been using ubuntu for 3-4 years, and gentoo some years before that, and started with slackware in 98. give me a tad bit credit :) [16:03] the only real disadvantage I am facing right now in Karmic is sound not working [16:04] hehe pulseaudio only crashes here when i start a program that tries to use audio through alsa at the same time that fx rythmbox is playing music [16:04] sound works fine for me in karmic [16:04] i finally got sound working when i deleted pulse packages [16:04] if I could get this to not keep crashing over and over endlessly then my system would be ok for now [16:04] and if it crashes all i need to do is kill the program that tried to take controll over sound [16:04] and sound will work again :p [16:04] I can deal with waiting on the dev people to fix the workspace switcher being stuck at 0 in columns and rows in gnome panel [16:04] karmic even got proper gain on my sound now [16:05] used to be a bit low sound [16:05] compared to windows [16:05] I imagine karmic will have some vast improvements when it is all working right [16:05] anyone having trouble pausing and playing youtube videos? [16:05] it is just that some things still have a few quirks [16:05] Hello. Is anyone else able to access their samba network? [16:05] it's working quite good here :) hehe [16:05] I played Quake Live yesterday in Openbox on karmic [16:05] hehe [16:05] yeah my samba works fine :) [16:05] audio was working in Quake Live via flash plugin [16:05] Polt{laptop}: nice does it work good ? [16:05] Polt{laptop}: i use open also [16:05] openbox [16:05] it was working decently [16:05] cool [16:05] * shadeslayer wonder how breakages happen *after* a feature freeze :P [16:06] the only problem I was having was occasional sound buffer underruns in Quake Live's audio [16:06] thanks everyone, I was able to log in graphically again ... only had to reconfigure my two screens afterwards [16:06] pulse crashes and restarts and crashes and restarts the volume ctrl icon on my top panel flashes away like an indicator ... disapeared all together now i got rid of pulse but things are working [16:06] in the QL terminal it was showing that [16:06] s/wonder/wonders [16:06] audacity can't record more than a second either [16:06] blackest_knight that is exactly what is happening to me [16:07] never liked audacity :-o [16:07] i've got the lenny version in now and thats working well [16:07] technot: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188974 [16:07] theres not really anything else is there... [16:08] i'll try, could work, but that howto is from 2006 :p === rep-eat is now known as repete [16:08] things may have changed quite a lot [16:08] and i dunnu about installing a pack this dude made 3-4 years ago [16:08] :p [16:09] you could do worse, its took me a week to get my karmic box into a working state [16:09] hehe [16:09] So, can anyone tell me how to get my samba share working then? [16:09] It's recognized just no files are showing. [16:09] what seems to be your problem [16:09] have you shared something ? [16:09] :o [16:09] technot, no it's sharing from my Mac. [16:09] via Samba, works fine in Ubuntu 9.04, Windows, etc. [16:10] should work in karmic as well. the samba package is the same :-) [16:10] it's not. no files are showing. [16:10] :\ [16:10] you could use sshfs if its between linux systems its the easiest way [16:10] I'm not. [16:10] have you checked your log files? [16:10] in /var/log/samba ? [16:10] checking.. [16:11] technot, none in that directory. [16:11] wow [16:11] do you have the samba package installed ? [16:11] :o [16:11] let me check. [16:11] technot, No. I just installed off the Alpha 5 cd. [16:11] please tell me you are kidding [16:11] :P [16:11] ah good reason [16:11] then there's your problem right there mate [16:11] :P [16:11] I was assuming it'd be automatically installed. ~_~ [16:12] never assume :-D [16:12] * gnomefreak not sure how to get samba working let alone if not installed [16:12] assumptions are the root of all evils:p [16:12] for anyone experiencing the bug where the columns and rows in workspace switcher are stuck at 0 here is a bug report and a sort of temporary workaround [16:12] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/423493 [16:12] Launchpad bug 423493 in gnome-panel "workspace switcher stuck at 0 rows, 0 columns" [Low,Confirmed] [16:12] wonder why they'd remove it [16:12] I really do wish they would fix the workspace switcher though [16:12] I mean you can use it but ... [16:12] its still in repos AFAIK [16:12] the settings for it do not work [16:12] yeah i've wonder many times why some packs all of a suddon gets uninstalled when you upgrade or dist-upgrade [16:12] maybe its broken like a lot of karmic [16:13] but i just write down the name of the packs i see getting uninstalled that i want, and reinstall them :p [16:13] technot: due to conflicting packages wrong repos ect... [16:13] ah [16:13] technot, it's still not showing anything. =/ [16:13] aptitude is bad for that you tell it to install vlc and it says its going to remove like 300 meg of packages [16:13] try starting samba with /etc/init.d/samba start [16:14] Nothing. :< [16:14] probably starts at boot time [16:14] nothing ? [16:14] Nothing. [16:14] Once again, the neptune network is showing. it's just not showing any files [16:14] the file doesn't exist ? [16:14] oh [16:15] and now, what does the log files say ? [16:15] :p [16:15] my counter is counting up instead of down :( [16:15] One of the new features in karmic alpha 5 is indicator display, it should support kopete, kontact and quassel. It works fine with kopete but quassel doesn't appear in te indecator. Is there another setting required, or is this just a bug? [16:15] well here's what i got when installing samba: Unable to create directory /var/run/samba for file mutex.tdb. Error was No such file or directory [16:15] will that be a problem? [16:15] you can try to make the directory [16:16] and make it writeable to the samba user [16:16] it says file exists. :S [16:16] mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/run/samba': File exists [16:16] then make the directory writable to the samba user [16:16] Arv3n: tell it to make up its mind [16:16] Nevermind, it's a directory. [16:16] .. [16:16] it didnt say ./var/run/.... [16:16] True, I missed that. [16:17] that . broke a package yesterday [16:17] hehe [16:17] hold on im checking the logs. [16:17] k [16:17] broke a few === kklimonda is now known as kklimonda|G1 [16:17] technot, strangest thing is this: smbd_open_once_socket: open_socket_in: Address already in use === kklimonda|G1 is now known as kklimonda [16:18] but it did that in Jaunty to and i just restarted nautilus and it worked. [16:18] *too [16:18] try this [16:18] lucky for me i found the bugreport and someone had uploaded a fixed version a few hours earlier one apt-get update later it was fixed [16:18] /etc/init.d/samba stop; killall -9 smbd; killall -9 nmbd; /etc/init.d/samba start [16:19] technot, it said no process found when trying to stop/start smbd/nmbd [16:19] er, i mean kill. [16:20] and, still nothing. [16:20] than just try start maybe it will help [16:23] I seldom see the bus .... i kinda wish i hadnt got audacity working [16:23] i've got 30 hours or so of language tapes to digitise [16:26] this may seem kind of silly to ask but could it possibly be because I am not booting from 2.6.31-9 kernel that maybe pulseaudio is behaving the way it is [16:26] ? [16:27] Polt{laptop}: it might be, since dtchen was talking about a kernel patch some time ago (but I did not follow up) [16:27] its very possible [16:27] I am curious because I have that kernel but I just installed the initramfs-tools package update [16:27] I wasn't booting from 2.6.31-9 because it would freeze the computer at boot [16:27] and as for grub2 it gets no further than me clicking on it and it going to a black screen [16:28] I dunno if that is because of my psu not being big enough for my vid card in this machine or if it is related to the way grub2 is loading [16:28] although it doesn't load any of the kernels [16:28] hence I resort to using the legacy grub [16:30] Polt{laptop}: sounds like you didnt follow directions from the !grub2 page :) [16:30] I did [16:30] actually [16:30] to the letter [16:30] but I will check it again [16:30] maybe I missed something [16:30] i did and all my kernels boot [16:30] !grub2 [16:30] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 [16:34] Polt{laptop}: please stop flooding [16:34] Polt{laptop}: we asked you to stop hitting as much and put it on one post [16:35] shadeslayer nobody is flooding [16:35] Polt{laptop}: you are [16:35] Polt{laptop}: yes you are [16:35] how can I do that when I am afk ? [16:35] i updated to grub2 without any problem [16:35] I was reading about grub2 and in that time I was not typing anything here [16:35] Polt{laptop}: just before you said !grub2 [16:36] please guys don't patronize me for asking questions [16:36] I'm only trying to solve some problems [16:36] burp [16:36] yeah houston we got a problem [16:36] Polt{laptop}: we are not we asked you to stop hitting enter so often and use on line [16:36] Polt{laptop}: we are not patronizing you,were asking politely to stop using the carriage return [16:37] is there a way to clean up those 28x kernels? [16:37] well the problem is that if I do not hit enter sooner the topic gets changed to something else and diverted before I can ask the question and then I get treated like an idiot that wasn't paying attention when it is in fact not my responsibility to read the entire chat buffer [16:37] see thats beter [16:37] i only want the 31 kernel and no older crap [16:37] definitely [16:37] s/beter/better [16:37] I can type longer sentences but there is no reason to subject myself to that. Sometimes my sentences are longer and sometimes shorter [16:38] alteregoa: read the info from !grub2 [16:38] Polt{laptop}: no it does not,if someone knows the answer he will answer,long sentences or short [16:38] Polt{laptop}: heres a suggestion: do it in one post. [16:39] !grub2 > alteregoa [16:39] alteregoa, please see my private message [16:39] anyway to get on with what I was going to say and move onto more "meaningful" conversation how would I use " sudo grub-install" if my menu.lst is installed at /dev/sda ? [16:41] !empaty > alteregoa [16:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about empaty [16:41] alteregoa: you spelled it wrong and please use /msg ubottu empathy [16:41] !makinglove > alteregoa [16:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about makinglove [16:42] Polt{laptop}: did you see the following [16:42] On my test system it displayed (hd0) /dev/sda but this might differ on your system. [16:42] alteregoa: stop that [16:44] Ubuntu Developer Week - last day, starting in 16 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek [16:44] dholbach: thanks [16:45] gnomefreak I seen that and that is what mine is [16:45] :) [16:46] Polt{laptop}: than why did you ask the above question you would simply follow directions [16:46] dholbach: what no quilt fun [16:46] do I just copy that and paste it after "sudo grub-install" in the terminal ? maybe I am overcomplicating this but ... [16:46] Polt{laptop}: just use the command sudo grub-install [16:47] I did and it gives me a list of options [16:47] i missed the topic i wanted. maybe encore [16:49] Polt{laptop}: what is it giving you? [16:50] well never mind now I already ran sudo grub-install /dev/sda [16:50] it reported no errors [16:51] grub2 is installed as a chainloader however I have not upgraded from legacy as I am afraid it will make the system unbootable because of some issues I have with my monitor === lupine_86 is now known as lupine_85 [16:55] and that messed it up ......... [16:55] * Polt{laptop} shakes his head in disdain [16:57] does someone has buggy sound on alpha ? [16:58] CyberCr33p: a few people are (im not) [16:58] I listen a mp3 [16:58] and every few seconds the sound "hang" [16:59] and after half second it continues again [16:59] is it the same problem other people have? [16:59] I ran one test ... I booted from grub on the intel chipset on this machine and it boots into that but as I said before it will not boot into any OS on this machine via the nvidia chipset with certain graphical modes and I am afraid grub2 behaves that way [16:59] dont know i just saw people talking about it [16:59] and so did the old windows environment [17:01] I could be wrong but ... I know grub version shows up as 1.97 ... is this correct for the update ? [17:02] yes [17:02] * gnomefreak watching another channel for a while [17:03] gnomefreak so the grub2 should be version 1.97 ? [17:03] yes [17:03] Hi, my GRUB 2 install is broken. I install grup-pc from my Ubuntu 8.04 installation, but it only list Hardy and not Karmic. What can I do to fix what ? Thanks [17:04] !grub2 > Aold [17:04] Aold, please see my private message [17:06] I know that... [17:08] alteregoa: did you just install grub or did you upgrade to karmic? [17:08] oops [17:08] Aold: ^^^ [17:10] Anyone have advice for gathering useful information on this bug? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/362875 [17:10] Launchpad bug 362875 in linux-firmware "rt2x00usb_vendor_request: Error - Vendor Request 0x07 failed for offset 0x308c with error -71." [Undecided,New] [17:10] To turn timer-based scheduling off, replace the line [17:10] load-module module-hal-detect [17:10] in /etc/pulse/default.pa by [17:10] load-module module-hal-detect tsched=0 [17:10] I fix it by doing this [17:12] crashsystems: you are in wrong channel to ask about that bug [17:12] why is that? [17:12] and what would be the right channel? [17:13] CyberCr33p what does turning off the timer based scheduling do ? [17:13] no idea [17:14] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/301755 [17:14] Launchpad bug 301755 in pulseaudio "Crackling noise after update to pulseaudio" [High,Fix committed] [17:14] gnomefreak: I have installed Kubuntu 9.10 before the alpha 5. I choose to install GRUB 2 over my current GRUB Legacy in order to boot on my first disk. After an update, when I have rebooted the GRUB menu have disappeared and I haven't choice: I need to boot to Hardy. To fix this, I try to install grub-pc from Hardy. I'm here. (sorry for my english). [17:15] the login screen in karmic is fugly. Is there a way to change it to something much better for the eyes? [17:16] Aold: IIRC grub boot screen was disabled by default [17:17] knix_, gnome or kde ? [17:17] BluesKaj: gnome [17:17] gnomefreak: What is IIRC ? [17:17] gnomefreak: why do you say this is the wrong channel to ask about that bug, and which channel do you think would be appropriate? [17:18] IIRC = if I remember correctly [17:19] knix_: thanks [17:20] this line fix it [17:20] Aold: spam esc [17:20] but now I can't open the volume control [17:20] and you'll get the grub screen === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [17:23] Ian_Corne: Before to reinstall GRUB 2, I try hit ESCAPE, but the menu doesn't appear... [17:24] I havent figured out where to change the GDM theme yet either... [17:25] If I run a video in vlc it stutters quite a lot, particularly in the beginning [17:25] Dr_Willis: aint it fugly? [17:25] knix_: it works.. does all it needs. but i had a XXX gdm theme i liked. :P [17:25] Ian_Corne: And now, GRUB doesn't want to list my Karmic install, so I can't access to it to fix that... :( [17:26] is there any way I can revert back to my old grub ? [17:26] I try to boot with this one but the system hangs or just reboots [17:26] splashy doesnt wokrs! in karmic koala:( [17:27] DKcross: fails on the install correct? [17:29] I installed grub and it will boot from my intel i810 onboard chipset but my nvidia chipset is like a reverse polarity or something and I have to hit the power button twice for the machine to power on with that vid card and to boot into an OS and linux is the only OS it boots into [17:30] Dr_Willis: so do you know a way to change it? [17:30] have they added a system>admin>login window gui to karmic yet? a few months ago someone said there was'nt one and that if you wanted auto login you had to choose it at time of install [17:30] legend2440: yes, it's there [17:30] yeah [17:30] knix_: THANKS [17:31] it's system>admin>login screen [17:31] but it doesnt offer much [17:31] Options: Show the screen for choosing who will log in or log in as ______ automatically / Allow ____ seconds for anyone else to log in first [17:31] knix_: but you can enable auto login there right? [17:31] yea [17:31] ya [17:31] ok thanks [17:32] mkoehler: do you know how to change the gdm login screen? [17:34] knix_: no, I haven't done that in a while [17:34] nevermind, I found this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1241293 [17:34] I should probably change it though, I'm not a huge fan of the new gdm screen [17:36] mkoehler: me neither, it's fugly as all h3ll [17:37] haha [17:42] Polt{laptop}, [17:42] gnomefreak, [17:43] I finally install vlc-pulse [17:43] and change the vlc configuration to use pulse instead of alsa [17:43] and it's ok now [17:51] Why are there still no translations for firefox-3.5 in the language packs? [17:52] I am about to enable jackd and I just finished enabling timidity [17:52] I am wondering about grub2 working on this nvidia card [17:53] hmmm Grub2 works on my 8800gtsxxx [17:55] I have an 8400 gs on this system but it seems to not boot [17:56] and I now have this message when things are starting up "bar 6 address space collision" [17:57] it boots into the new kernel via the intel chipset that is onboard but it gives me that space collision message beforehand [17:58] the problem is that I cannot boot into X with my i810 and I don't know how to configure my wifi connection via the terminal or re-setup X ... has been a long time since I have had to do that on this machine [17:59] in order for me to continue updating things that will be required [18:02] oh well ... I taught myself how to reconfig X now but I can't hotplug on this machine [18:03] if I could hotplug I would not have to boot this machine all weird and that might save me a few problems when trying to boot but for now I can only boot via the live DVD / CD and my system doesn't boot from DVD's [18:17] Does anyone know if there is a fix for bug 424425? Or should I just wait for them to fix it in the repos? [18:17] Launchpad bug 424425 in grub2 "package grub-common 1.97~beta1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/grub-set-default', which is also in package grub" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/424425 [18:21] What exactly does "fix released" mean, anyway? === mac__v is now known as mac_v [18:22] keith_: is that a trick question ? ;p [18:23] lol, well... I'm still having the problem when I try to upgrade, so it doesn't seem released enough. [18:23] a fix has been found and submitted? [18:23] ive not tried to update from grub1 to grub2 [18:23] Dr_Willis: nope , it means released [18:24] keith_: which package? [18:24] Dr_Willis, The issue is that they aren't automatically upgrading grub-legacy [18:25] I recall seeing that mentioned in the forum/things.. :) they couldent do it safely... [18:25] mac_v, I'm referring to bug 424425 [18:25] Launchpad bug 424425 in grub2 "package grub-common 1.97~beta1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/grub-set-default', which is also in package grub" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/424425 [18:26] There are no issues if you install 9.10, but systems that upgraded from 9.04 fail on today's updates. [18:26] keith_: see the latest comments ;p [18:26] I never do upgrades... [18:26] Dr_Willis, I thought I would give it a try. [18:26] keith_: it might just be ... you havent received the latest packages[check version] [18:27] I normally do a upgrade.. report any bugs.. then do a clean install... :) [18:27] us.archive.ubuntu.com only has up to 1.97~beta1-1ubuntu3 [18:28] ah... it's ubuntu4 that has the fix? [18:28] Yes. [18:29] So, if I try later... it should magically work? [18:30] yup [18:39] hey folks is there a way to extract kernel from karmic to transfer to Jaunty ?? [18:40] or am I stuck with what I have [18:40] and the reason I ask is because karmic seems to resolve a ton of issues I have been experiencing with Jaunty for one intermittent wifi performance is fixed , sound with my intel HDA digital sound device is fixed [18:41] so any help with this would be appreciated [18:41] kinda scared to just jump on the Alpha 5 bandwagon although it seems stable as hell [18:42] reggieP123: oh. why would you want to do that? [18:42] reggieP123: but. is pretty easy. there's a nice pinning writeup [18:42] I switched to karmic kernel in jaunty due to that major foulup in the sauce patches that screwed up ext4 [18:43] ahh cool I want ot do it to fix my current issues with sound and wifi performance [18:43] reggieP123: you can also do a mainline kernel [18:43] do yo uhave the link on how and where I can do that [18:44] http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ [18:44] can just use that. [18:44] looking up the nice pinning writeup though [18:45] nice thank you very much hopefuly this will give me some peace [18:45] hm [18:45] http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20090603.191957.2467efd9.ja.html - this is NOT the one I used last time [18:45] this guy did a more complicated pin [18:45] um. let me fire up my laptop - maybe it is in my firefox history :) [18:46] ok cool what kind of laptop do you have nemo [18:46] but. yeah. just installing the .deb works [18:46] cheapo dell from workplace w/ sucky sound card [18:46] and intel graphics [18:47] nemo you sound like you have something similar going on to what I have [18:47] ahh ok I am using an hp dv7 with nvidia graphics and intel hda sound [18:47] Polt{laptop}: I've been following the bugs on sound in karmic [18:47] I am trying to get my setup to boot into X with this i810 chipset and it will not [18:47] Polt{laptop}: oh. that was moderately annoying [18:47] well no issues with sound running karmic issues is with Jaunty and old kernel I believe [18:48] but it booted ok off of CD when I set no acpi / apic and checked off free software only [18:48] and for some reason my Acer x193w monitor does not want to boot with my nvidia chipset [18:48] it just reboots [18:48] Polt{laptop}: and then it worked ok from then on [18:48] any can run splashy in karmic? [18:48] and to top things off my audio doesn't work either [18:48] Polt{laptop}: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/400682 [18:48] DKcross it won't load the splash screen for the nvidia but does for the i810 chipset [18:48] Launchpad bug 400682 in linux "[Karmic stac927x regression] No sound after upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [Medium,Triaged] [18:49] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/411574 [18:49] Launchpad bug 411574 in pulseaudio "[karmic] No sound on Intel 82801H HD Audio" [Medium,Confirmed] [18:49] :o [18:49] Polt{laptop}: I'm hoping one of those bugs is also mine [18:49] hey nemo I was just reading the pinnup would I need ot add karmic source list ? [18:49] since the specs match my sucky system [18:49] reggieP123: well. just the one karmic line [18:49] really ? [18:50] Package: * [18:50] Pin: release a=karmic [18:50] Pin-Priority: 50 [18:50] reggieP123: that was the pin I used btw [18:50] deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main restricted [18:50] that would not screw up anything else on my system would it ? :( [18:50] and that in sources.list [18:50] reggieP123: I think if you just add those. that should be all you need [18:50] then just install the kernel version you want [18:50] sory just a win admin trying to learn Linux === skyjumpe1 is now known as skyjumper [18:52] reggieP123: just try that simple pin first [18:52] my scim bug hasn't been fixed yet even though i reported it yesterday [18:52] those 3 lines, then the deb line in your sources.list [18:52] wastrel: kind of impatient aren't you :) [18:52] i did my part! [18:54] ok I switched it to the intel driver [18:54] I got that working for now [18:54] since my nvidia driver will not work [18:54] Polt{laptop}: mm. interesting. dunno. my one machine w/ nvidia card works fine in karmic [18:54] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE] (rev a1) [18:55] thank you nemo [18:55] will definitely try [18:55] and my audio worked [18:55] :D [18:55] I just commented out my nvidia section in xorg.conf and replaced it with intel since that is all that is working on this machine for the time being [18:56] how do i mount my blackberry via bluetooth in KDE? [18:56] Polt{laptop}: 185.18.36 [18:56] I have it [18:56] Polt{laptop}: is my nvidia driver - what's yours? [18:56] ok [18:56] it isn't the driver [18:56] it is the computer [18:57] i want to just copy and paste the files into my blackberry 9500 [18:57] this is a shame that I cannot revert back to my old grub [18:58] http://linuxappfinder.com/blog/transferring_files_over_bluetooth_using_a_blackberry_curve_pearl_8800 [18:58] * nemo JFGI'd [18:58] Polt{laptop}: you switched to grub2 ? [18:58] with that at least I could boot with the nvidia [18:58] yes nemo [18:59] nemo: i want to mount the device [19:00] shadeslayer: mount it. not just use a client [19:00] shadeslayer: using fuse I suppose? [19:02] shadeslayer: it appears there is a fuse project for bluetooth [19:02] nemo: i have no idea of the underlying framework.... i want to use it as a partition./// [19:02] http://simbot.wordpress.com/2006/06/04/bluetooth-fuse-obexfs-under-debian/ [19:02] shadeslayer: well. obviously it wouldn't be a *partition* [19:02] that's a completely different concept :-p [19:02] but w/ fuse you can even use gmail as a filesystem ;) [19:02] you know ... I did have this svideo adapter that plugged into a monitor port ... I could have used that to route my nvidia back to my intel chipset's display port to get the nvidia to force boot maybe [19:02] I need to find that [19:02] nemo: of course.... i meant a partition is the best way i can describe what i want to do [19:03] http://dev.zuckschwerdt.org/openobex/wiki/ObexFs [19:03] Polt{laptop}: seems like a lot of trouble for something that should be working fine :) [19:04] hey nemo what would happen if I didnt do the pinning part of it and just installed the deb file [19:04] would it screw things up [19:06] nemo you are right it is alot of trouble [19:06] really you know the best solution would be for me to just get a new tower [19:07] reggieP123: that should work just fine too [19:07] I should call my dad and see if he has any spares since he comes across them from time to time [19:07] reggieP123: I did that for a few months before I decided to pin it [19:07] reggieP123: installing the .deb just means you have to do updates yourself. [19:07] my video card is a 512 mb card and works great in linux except this tower I have is only 1.2 ghz [19:07] and 512 mb of ram [19:07] wow [19:07] Polt{laptop}: upgrade that sucker already [19:08] my 10 year old server has a gig of ram [19:08] it does not want to boot into linux with the 512 mb vid card [19:08] hehe [19:08] nemo: apparently [19:08] !info obexfs | nemo [19:08] heck. it has a 1.4ghz processor I paid $25 for 10y ago [19:08] nemo: obexfs (source: obexfs): mount filesystem of ObexFTP capable devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-1 (karmic), package size 15 kB, installed size 92 kB [19:08] ... and? [19:08] and unfortunately the i810 chipset is like 1 mb of onboard vid ram rofl [19:09] it is sad I know [19:09] can I install and then pin later? [19:09] or it doesnt work that way? [19:10] also something else I should say ... my sound worked when I booted into X under root but not for my default user account === myers is now known as StevenMyers [19:11] in theory if sound works under root it should work for the default user also ... this must be a config file problem or a permissions problem. Can anyone help me fix this ? [19:16] Hey everyone, any news on Alpha 5 getting out of testing for Karmic? [19:16] hety nemo still there would I also need to install the kernel headers for the kernel that I pick? [19:19] is there a grub-legacy package ? [19:19] good evening [19:20] I still have my old menu.lst file [19:20] nemo still there [19:20] ? [19:21] @Polt: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ [19:21] You can search the package database to find this. Bookmark this page as it's a very reliable resource. [19:24] ok so basically what I want to do is install grub from a jaunty repository [19:24] since I want to revert back to what I had in jaunty [19:25] and I want to do apt-get remove grub2 [19:27] If you have Jaunty installed you can install the new grub and remove the old grub2. To remove the grub2 you will need to execute apt-get autoremove (grub package) [19:28] Then follow with the new grub install if you have Jaunty running. [19:32] [19:35] if I add karmic souces to the source list and run an upgrade from synaptic will everything change on Jaunty technically [19:36] StevenMyers I upgraded my jaunty to karmic [19:36] I perhaps want to get that package from Jaunty and remove grub2 and reinstall the old grub [19:36] @Reggie: you do have an option to keep some Jaunty packages during the upgrade to Karmic. [19:37] So technically there will still be Jaunty running, but should not conflict with Karmic for any reason. [19:37] first I will try to reboot one more time but if this doesn't work and if I get an error again I will definitely try to revert back to the old grub since this system apparently cannot handle grub2 [19:37] ok cool thanx [19:37] im downloading karmic alfa 5 rite now [19:38] Polt{laptop}: if you were doing a fresh install.. you could always add the option "grub-legacy=true" [19:39] Got me beat to that nate, was about to pass that to him. (Stupid Pizza) [19:39] will my broadcom wifi work in the kubuntu karmic alfa 5 realese [19:40] I just basically want to get grub-legacy back [19:40] @Brian: I do not see why it shouldn't. Karmic has wifi compatibility and shouldn't be to unstable to run. Have eth0 ready and installed just incase. [19:40] Brian__: my wifi is a BCM4312, no problems here [19:40] cool [19:40] thanks [19:41] when i did the alfa 4 it didnt work [19:41] Have you checked the log changes for 5? [19:41] If not: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha5 [19:43] Report the bugs to launchpad.net if you can. The bug report tool is also a fail in some cases to report issues. IF this does happen use launchpad. [19:43] also with grub2 I get this bar6 address collision message [19:43] never had that with grub-legacy [19:44] @Polt: this bug has been already reported. Should be corrected sometime soon. [19:45] If you would like to see the report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/424142 [19:45] Launchpad bug 424142 in ubuntu "Address Collision" [Undecided,New] [19:45] ok cool [19:46] one other thing now ... StevenMyers my sound works in root but doesn't work in the default account in Gnome [19:46] anyone using scim in koala? [19:46] do you have any idea of how I can fix sound ? [19:46] mine is crashing on launch [19:46] that is the problem I am having [19:47] it crashes over and over and over in my default account [19:47] i find it strange how everyone has sound issues.. and i havent had any.. im using cmi8738 and creative xfi, and both machines are perfect [19:47] I logged into root by accident a moment ago and the sound was playing when I logged in [19:47] What distro version do you run Polt? [19:48] 9.10 [19:48] Ah [19:49] One sec Polt. [19:50] What driver do you have for your sound? Ex: NVidia etc [19:51] ubuntu karmic sucks [19:51] lucas__: better than jaunty [19:51] Because the alsa-driver is having backend sound for default accounts based on the sound driver you have installed [19:51] why [19:52] @nate: it will be when/if they enable the menu icons. [19:52] okey [19:52] lucas__: i find that jaunty is sluggish compared to karmic.. there are some issues still with karmic.. but it will be more polished once completed [19:52] but [19:52] This has come back a "We are not sure if it will again" [19:52] StevenMyers: what do you mean menu icons? [19:52] StevenMyers I have onboard intel sound [19:52] i dont write a data to cd [19:52] i810 [19:52] cd is blank [19:52] i used brasero [19:53] aqnd brasero gives an error [19:53] @nate: gnome-panel menu drop down lists [19:53] cd is blank [19:53] @Polt: ok thanks, just another sec [19:54] @Polt: Reinstall the alsa-driver and reboot. [19:54] can i say ubuntu karmic = debian sid [19:54] @lucas: it is debian based ;-) [19:54] Polt(laptop): ALSA? [19:55] yeah but debian has three release [19:55] StevenMyers: System -> Preferences -> Appearance.. then under the interface tab, check the box "Show icons in menus" [19:55] lenny squeeze anbd sid [19:55] StevenMyers how do I reinstall it ? [19:55] i want to go nack jaunty [19:55] @nate: I will take a look, thanks. [19:55] StevenMyers do I just do dpkg-reconfigure ? [19:55] @Polt: Not at all. Just search in synaptic and find alsa-driver and do a "Complete Removal" then reboot and re-install the same way you removed. [19:56] how can i go back to jaunty [19:56] is there a way [19:57] Thank you StevenMyers. [19:57] @polt: alsa-based [19:57] yw vigo [19:57] StevenMyers: try it yet? [19:58] Why doesn't my /tmp clear when I reboot? [19:58] why karmic mount ipod touch as digital cam and imeediately break mounting ipod touch [19:58] @nate: I am going to run Karmic again as a full install upgrade leaving the Jaunty files still folded inside and give it a shot. If the options you gave do work that is great but by default they are left out for some reason. [19:58] Sad source of change they chose for this release. [19:59] yeah.. i noticed that on my uncles computer that i upgraded from jaunty.. i did a fresh install on another computer, and it enabled the icons [19:59] its an upgrade bug i think [19:59] has to be :-/ [19:59] im 99% positive [19:59] * StevenMyers is going to upgrade right now for testing [20:00] now i write a cd and process continues [20:01] process will finish and cd will be empty despite all process [20:01] Weird, the karmic release is not available even if normal release is selected. [20:01] i see the yellow light on the cdrom [20:01] im downloading karmic rite now [20:01] StevenMyers, Karmic hasn't been released yet. [20:02] no [20:02] alfa 5 [20:02] update-manager -d [20:02] provides karmic [20:02] I did a backup, but the install 'saved' the packages that were placed in from 9.04, all the configs were lost, the backup solved that. [20:02] StevenMyers: because its still in alpha [20:02] Thank you lucas lol forgot the command [20:02] Yes I know it was my fault on word use [20:02] ty for the correct :-p [20:02] StevenMyers, =D [20:02] :D [20:02] Brian__: alpha, not alfa [20:02] hehe [20:02] but i dont suggest to install karmic [20:03] this place souns like twitter... i;m combing my hair downloading stuff [20:03] im lazy [20:03] it is too buggy [20:03] hmm [20:03] nate: shoot me that option again so I can save it. (Show Icons) [20:03] I'm using it... not too buggy imo [20:03] i open nautilus and select edit -Z> preferences [20:03] @keith: it's not if you save the packages from the recent upgrade with Karmic [20:04] then restart nautilus then produce a bug [20:04] puhahaha [20:04] @lucas: ty [20:04] Seems to be smooth here, I am pushing it hard and have yet to fail, or panic. [20:04] yesterday [20:04] i am listening song [20:04] StevenMyers, the @ doesn't work on irc [20:04] and suddenly produce a bug on pulse audio [20:04] what does it pull up with? [20:05] StevenMyers: its under "System -> Preferences -> Appearance.. then under the interface tab, check the box "Show icons in menus" [20:05] the funny thing i click report a problem [20:05] StevenMyers: you have to type their name, and put a : after it [20:05] then ubuntu said it cannot be reported [20:05] :d: [20:05] :-p that sucks [20:05] natewiebe13, doesn't have to be a : [20:05] nope, just the nick is enuff [20:05] pls upgrade blah blah package [20:05] keith, true, but im used to the colon [20:05] but there is no upgrade [20:05] :X [20:05] sometimes [20:06] keith_: helps seperate better [20:06] natewiebe13, xchat-gnome does a comma automatically [20:06] brb wife is complaining. [20:06] keith_: okay.. im using pidgin, which doesnt [20:06] natewiebe13, I should give that a try... seems to be popular for irc [20:07] xchat does too [20:07] i like the : [20:07] natewiebe13, emesene is better [20:07] lucas__, well, there are a lot of "popular" choices. lol [20:07] keith_: i use it because im also on msn, emesene reminds me of kde [20:07] brb time for a late-lunch [20:07] keith_, none of them is perfec [20:07] t [20:07] lucas__: emesene reminds me of kde [20:08] hmm [20:08] dont like kde, its too "plasticy" [20:08] lucas__, I used irssi a couple days ago when I had no X. Worked well. [20:08] yeah i dont like kde [20:08] actually i like icevm [20:08] icewm [20:08] wmake fluxbox wmake [20:08] r [20:08] I like things about KDE... I usually try it for a day after every release, determined to give it a fair try... and hours later I'm back to gnome. [20:09] keith_: ive done the same thing [20:09] muahuah [20:09] i gave up kde before 3 years [20:10] but kde has some good software like k3b, konqueror [20:10] There are just a lot of little things I like about gnome more. Hard to say why though. [20:10] I hate Konqueror with a passion. [20:11] what is passion ? [20:11] k3b is good though [20:11] lucas__, what do you mean? [20:11] keith_: i know what you mean.. i feel that gnome is more natural feeling [20:11] lucas__, passion means I have strong feelings toward it. [20:11] sorry [20:11] my english is not so good [20:12] lucas__, in this case, not good feelings. lol [20:13] keith_, you said k3b is good i think it is good [20:13] but [20:13] i wrote a data to cd and program wrote data to cd it is about 9 mins [20:13] I just did an update, having installed Alpha 4 some time back, and my fonts got smaller and my icons got bigger :) wierd. [20:13] then i look the cd cd is still empty how can it be [20:14] lucas__, well, I haven't used it much... I tend to use brasero. I liked it when I tried it though. Try ejecting the disc and re-inserting it. See if any data shows up. [20:14] keith_, lucas__: i use nero *linux version*, there are debs, and it is available through torrents [20:14] natewiebe13, legally? [20:14] keith_, brasero gives an error [20:14] keith_, i guess it is legal [20:15] because nero prodduce for open source 2 years before i guess [20:15] no.. you can buy it from nero's site.. i USED nero because of gapless audio discs (brasero didnt support it at the time), but now i use brasero because of gapless cds [20:15] natewiebe13, gapless?d [20:15] no = it wasnt legal [20:15] keith_: no pauses between tracks [20:16] natewiebe13, I see. I don't usually burn audio discs [20:16] gramofile will do that [20:16] i do frequently.. im not a fan of using my originals.. i burn backups [20:16] Where is Alpha 5 at or how do I upgrade to it. or can I upgrade to it in terminal? [20:17] That's also quite odd. Firefox is telling me I have two new addons - Firefox (en) 3.0.7 (not compatible with FIrefox 3.5.2) and Xulrunner (en) (not compatible with firefox 3.5.2) [20:17] BlueKaj: so does brasero [20:17] VSpike: i had that too.. now it works for me [20:17] vigo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/alpha-5/ [20:17] vigo: what are you running at the moment? [20:17] natewiebe13: did you just ignore it or what? Did you report the bug? [20:17] vigo: sudo update-manager -d to upgrade as well [20:17] keith_: Thank you [20:18] VSpike: I think it is 3 [20:18] VSpike: nvm.. its still not compatible.. [20:18] firefox-3.0 is fine, firefox-3.5 has the compatibility issues [20:18] brasero is gnome, gramofile is cli, so itworks on any linux OS [20:18] simple and easy to use as well [20:19] BluesKaj: true.. but im guessing most people here are using gnome.. [20:19] lotsa kde users out there [20:19] I thought 3.5 was the default now? [20:20] VSpike: 3.5.2 is beta im prutty sure [20:20] beta is in.. still begin tested with ubuntu [20:20] *as in [20:21] http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/i386/nrg2iso/download [20:21] ok StevenMyers I tried to uninstall alsa completely ... did it, reinstalled it, rebooted... sound still keeps crashing in gnome panel [20:21] and I have this message that says "waiting on sound system to respond" [20:22] I had 3.5 installed under 9.04, and I'd removed 3.0. It looks like the upgrade put 3.0 back and they are clashing [20:25] I was trying to reach my samba network, but it didn't work. Bug in alpha? [20:25] Polt{laptop}, alsa-utils ? [20:26] roffe: works for me still [20:26] roffe, install smbclient [20:27] BluesKaj, it's already installed [20:28] well problem solved need to use the alternate cd [20:28] question is will it work after install [20:29] when I boot my karmic system, after grub I see the ubuntu splash with the cylon/knight rider progress indicator... then I jump into text mode and see information about services starting scrolling by .. then I jump into the new look X/GDM greeter progress bar [20:29] actually I've tried messing with that [20:29] there is something else I found though [20:29] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=411038 [20:29] Is that normal? I'm suprised I get the text mode in there, and I thought usplash was going altogether and it was meant to go into X straight away [20:29] that might help some people [20:30] VSpike: are you using DVI or VGA for display? [20:31] natewiebe13: no [20:31] natewiebe13: laptop [20:32] VSpike: for me.. when i have used DVI in alpha releases, id always get text mode until the final release came out.. and if i used vga.. i wouldnt.. very strange, but thats how it works for me [20:32] roffe, i'm using smb4k after many yrs of avoiding it but now it works great and bugs seem fixed [20:33] my grub kernel line has "ro quiet splash" at the end [20:33] VSpike: as far as usplash, the way i understand it, is that it wont get fully removed until artwork is completed.. may get taken out drop 2, but my guess is artwork deadline [20:33] natewiebe13: is it normal to get the text mode part between usplash and X? [20:34] roffe: are you trying to access your smb from smbclient, or from something else (e.g. gnome/nautilus/smbnetfs) [20:35] * StevenMyers is still upgrading to Karmic Alpha 5 (5 mins left) [20:35] VSpike: where the bar would go back and forth, then text mode, or would it actually load completely then go into text mode? [20:35] this is just so weird [20:35] this has to be a user account problem [20:35] audio is working perfectly in root [20:36] natewiebe13: I get the bar for a while, then scrolling text (like old fashioned boot), then X starts [20:36] Polt: That sounds like the way to a solution.... [20:37] VSpike: yes, but is the bar going back and forth (like ping pong), or is it a progress bar? [20:37] ping pong one [20:38] BluesKaj, Thanks, I'll try it out [20:38] natewiebe13: gonna have to reboot and check it out now :) [20:38] VSpike: so yeah.. if i was running DVI, i would get the exact same result as what you have.. i would say its normal [20:38] VSpike, I'm trying to access my hdd from my xbox1, it usually just works, but now that I've switched to karmic it says it can't find the network [20:41] Polt(laptop): You think a chroot or chmod could set that at boot? [20:41] that is what I am wondering [20:42] natewiebe13: wierd. Why should the monitor connector make a difference? [20:42] Polt(laptop): Is why I said a possible solution, let me look some more, but that sounds like the fix... [20:42] I actually went into /etc/group and changed the line where it says "audio:x:29:pulse,username" [20:43] to say "audio:x:29:root,username" [20:43] audio works in root either way [20:43] it won't work in the default account though [20:43] I think it could be a memory block error [20:44] VSpike: beats me.. but DVI also disables my wifi.. but both these problems are fixed on final releases.. they only occur during alpha/beta versions [20:45] Polt(laptop): Does it work on a lower group with a sudo? [20:45] that is what I want to find out [20:45] Gah.. why did the Reboot/Shutdown stuff move from System menu nack to the user switcher menu? I'd just trained myself to look in the other place! [20:46] Polt(laptop): Add User. There is a GUI for that, would be a neat test. [20:47] ;how do you guys like the opendesktop social desktop stuff [20:47] i mean do you guys like [20:48] Brian__: It has its place, I do not use that stuff , I guess I am anti social,,,)-; [20:49] social desktop stuff? [20:49] i feel ya on that [20:49] but we are in a irc chat room so we cant be that anti social [20:50] if anything we asre more social than non computer users [20:50] Anti Social Networking, ermm I don't facebooktwitter or whatevewr [20:50] !ot | Brian__ [20:50] or non kde 4.3 users [20:50] the social networking stuff has it's place..but not here IMO [20:50] should i say [20:50] Brian__: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu. Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support. Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic. [20:51] vigo I wonder if doing "sudo chmod 666 /dev/dsp" would maybe fix this ? [20:51] it is either that or it is a memory block error [20:51] I think maybe that is all it can be ... [20:51] either an FS error [20:51] or a memory block error [20:52] Poll(laptop): That is what I was thinking, is worth a test, but as always, that is what backups are for. [20:52] either the pulse audio applet is crashing because it is trying to handle a chunk of memory that is too big for it to handle [20:52] or it was changed during the upgrade [20:52] possibly it was a different permission before [20:53] Polt(laptop): I just read about that on a 9.04 Launchpad page, the solution used there was a git like wget [20:54] what did it say exactly ? [20:54] Poll(laptop): Let me pull it back up. [20:55] I might try the chmod thing real fast and see if it helps [20:56] it may or may not but I know for sure that audio works in root [20:59] it is still crashing [20:59] I tried both things [20:59] the next option is to logout of X and log back in again and see if it helps [21:00] Polt(laptop) This may be it, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/80681 [21:02] That is not the chroot or chmod thing, it is the CVS or git for 9.04 on a Dell Studio, still looking,,,,, [21:05] Polt(laptop): The responce from chinmaya explains it a bit also. === vigo is now known as whoeveriwannabe === whoeveriwannabe is now known as vigo [21:08] heya [21:09] BUGabundo: evening [21:10] hey VSpike. and welcome to the # [21:13] hey BUGabundo..ready for the onslaught of pulseaudio questions ? :) [21:13] sure [21:13] always [21:13] throw them my way [21:13] Is the "guest session" option broken for anyone else or just me? [21:13] they've been here all day [21:14] For me, it just starts screensaver and locks [21:14] ok so i just got karmic kde installed and under network managment the wireless tab cant be clicked on [21:14] VSpike: its not even ported to karmic [21:14] BUGabundo: ah. Well, that explains it then [21:14] yep [21:14] someone should put that on release notes [21:15] VSpike: would you mind opening a bug against ubuntu-docs ? [21:15] * VSpike was just going to read the release notes to see if that was a subtle adminishment [21:16] eclipse-platform-sdk-common depends on eclipse-platform-sdk (>= 3.5-0yogarine3); however: Package eclipse-platform-sdk is not configured yet. [21:17] eclipse-platform-sdk depends on eclipse-platform-sdk-common (>= 3.5-0yogarine3); however: Package eclipse-platform-sdk-common is not configured yet. [21:17] AGH [21:18] BUGabundo: silly question, but where are they release notes? Unless you mean http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha5#Known%20issues [21:19] nemo: either build failure or aint build yet [21:19] check the queue please and report back. thanks [21:19] VSpike: that's *one* place [21:19] there's also technical overview wiki [21:19] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview [21:19] BUGabundo: naw. I'm trying to manually install [21:19] https://launchpad.net/~yogarine/+archive/eclipse [21:19] Rebooting from Karmic upgrade [21:20] because the actual packages in karmic don't really work. at all. [21:20] BUGabundo: looks like passing both simultaneously to dpkg -i works... [21:20] nemo: are those for karmic? [21:20] nemo: right circular depencie [21:20] happens a lot [21:20] let the packager know about it, please [21:22] why do I have to authenticate every time I mount a drive? [21:23] roffe_: at some point you told it not to hold on to the key? [21:23] oh wait [21:23] mount [21:23] huh. that is odd. [21:23] WFM :) [21:23] * BUGabundo checks for updates [21:23] roffe_: say. do you by any chance have hardcoded entries in fstab? [21:24] roffe_: bug on udev [21:24] nemo: it's a known bug [21:24] nemo, I think that may be the case [21:24] I've been getting the same since alpha2 [21:24] Ah, ok [21:26] anyone using SCIM in koala [21:26] mine is crashing [21:28] ok I am getting audio to work in root [21:28] this is my first experiment [21:29] running as root is _bad_ [21:30] I am playing a sample mp3 in root and it is work [21:30] yes I know BUGabundo but this is a MUST [21:30] and I'm not on this machine in root [21:30] it is a separate machine [21:30] scim is important, sound is not important [21:30] roffe_: I had hardcoded fstab entries, and I'd get that, since the automatic mounting wouldn't occur [21:30] SCIM anyone? [21:30] roffe_: sooo, I removed them, and hey presto, all better. [21:30] it is a MUST because it won't run in default user account [21:30] hey look don't give me attitude about this. I'm trying to find a solution to a problem not get a lecture [21:31] I'm doing a simple experiment [21:31] now judgement is needed on anyone's part [21:31] it is purely subjective [21:31] no* [21:31] and plz excuse my typeos I've been up for awhile [21:31] Polt{laptop}: calm down [21:32] just j/k [21:32] did u try to rename your ~/.pulse settings? [21:32] I am sorry BUGabundo I just get tired of people looking down on me. I'm not trying to pick on you man [21:32] I get defensive sometimes [21:32] heh [21:32] I will try renaming my .pulse settings [21:35] BUGabundo are you referring to the folder ? [21:35] I am guessing so because of the ~ [21:37] something I noticed earlier is that I had changed pulse to not use audio in my /etc/group file and instead had root in pulse's place so that ALSA would be used as default instead of pulse accessing audio [21:37] it seemed smoother [21:38] but you know I think your idea fixed audio BUGabundo [21:38] :D [21:38] Polt{laptop}: just to be sure [21:38] so everyone that is the fix [21:38] $ killall -9 pulseaudio [21:39] and then open pavucontrol [21:39] and monitor it [21:41] sounds are working in the default account now [21:41] YAY [21:41] see? [21:41] I am trying to play some mp3's to test audio quality [21:41] NO NEED to run as root [21:42] I did get a stream error a moment ago in totem [21:42] ok here is the error I get === ia__ is now known as iaz [21:43] "pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated" === iaz is now known as ia [21:43] yeah [21:43] that tends to happen :( [21:43] it isn't playing audio through totem [21:43] I might try mplayer [21:43] Polt{laptop}: are you running karmic? [21:43] yes [21:43] fully updated, and most recent kernel? [21:43] yes [21:43] ok [21:44] that's should be fixed [21:44] actually I have xmms too [21:44] what sound card? [21:44] I can try xmms [21:44] I have an onboard sound / video [21:44] i810 controller [21:44] humm [21:44] care to try audio team PPA? [21:44] ok xmms is playing the music beautifully [21:44] :> [21:45] this must be a totem problem [21:45] something dealing with the interaction between pulse and totem [21:45] then agian ... [21:45] I played a song in root with totem [21:45] and it worked fine [21:46] Polt{laptop}: maybe PA was still restarting [21:48] hmm [21:48] I tried it again and it gave me the same error [21:48] will i be able to do http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt on a "liv3e CD" alpha 5? [21:48] just to do a comparison test on totem and xmms [21:49] are needed packages included in alpha 5 to make a driver? [21:51] I am now going to test vlc [21:51] Bigshot_ kernel modules include hardware drivers , you just enable the right ones [21:51] how i have 4322 broadcom [21:52] b43 and ssb don't allow to load the right driver [21:52] i tried blacklist but doesn't work [21:52] wifi ? [21:52] yes [21:52] give me a good splash screen [21:53] i add 795 to vga it smells like teen spirit [21:54] hmmm I tried to do some other audio stuff [21:54] vlc isn't working [21:55] xmms works well totem gives the pa error [21:55] BluesKaj: you there? [21:55] and vlc is not working for me at all [21:55] Polt{laptop}: do you have vlc-pulse package? [21:55] yes [21:55] well there was one installed [21:56] I don't think it was uninstalled actually [21:56] I can re-check though [21:56] that and I am going to test moovida too [21:56] Bigshot_, the network manager seems to be troublesome on karmic , Im using wicd [21:57] !info wicd [21:57] wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2484 kB [21:57] will installing that package fix the thing? [21:57] dunno about your driver , it might [21:57] i don't have internet access on that computer how should i fix that? [21:58] download in usb will do? [21:58] well I just checked and vlc-pulse is infact installed [21:59] there is still an error with pulse perhaps [22:00] anyone here knows how to configure an Android to work as a Modem ? [22:00] I have to figure out why root plays pulse audio stuff perfectly but default account does not [22:00] asac says I need to set it *like* a modem [22:00] Bigshot_, for more info www.wicd.net [22:00] no idea on how to do that [22:00] Polt(laptop): Fix or purge old then makeinstall? [22:01] vigo are you meaning to purge the old pulseaudio ? [22:01] and then reinstall it ? [22:01] I actually thought about doing that [22:01] BluesKaj: should i download the newest package? [22:02] Polt(laptop) sortof, yes. [22:02] huh? [22:02] vigo my guess is that if I purge pulseaudio then it gets rid of all the config files and settings and reinstalling it means a fresh install of pulse [22:02] from the karmic repos [22:02] and then it in theory should work [22:02] vigo: Polt{laptop}that won't help [22:03] Bigshot_, yes copy it to your ubuntu pc with a usb stick or some such [22:03] it just seems like this has to be some type of settings issue somewhere in the system because in root totem played music perfectly [22:03] bz2 or gz? [22:04] Polt(laptop): Right, the theory is sound, the function is in question, seems like a way to perhaps solve it. [22:04] gz \ [22:05] SCIM broken in koala [22:05] BluesKaj: will it automatically do all the blacklisting and stuff? [22:05] Bigshot_, leave it compressed til you copy it into your home/user file [22:05] ya but [22:05] BluesKaj: will it automatically do all the blacklisting and stuff? [22:05] I will do this experiment ... I will purge pulseaudio and reinstall it from repos [22:05] blacklisting ? [22:05] if this does not fix it then it is not a config error that was left over from the last install [22:06] ya rmmod b43 -ssb and all other unnecessary drivers [22:06] and that is because purge removes config files and folders [22:06] when you use purse you totally remove something [22:06] purge [22:06] lol [22:06] Right [22:06] anyway I will brb [22:06] okee dokee [22:06] BluesKaj: got wat i say? [22:07] ssb, yeah the snr is better on ssb [22:07] i thought they use pwm [22:07] Bigshot_, it will use whatever driver you have installed [22:08] k bbl [22:08] as long as it's the right one [22:12] ok basically what I am going to do ... [22:12] I am using the same method used here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apturl/+bug/422825 [22:12] Ubuntu bug 422825 in apturl "Upgrading of apturl to 0.4.0ubuntu3 fails" [High,Fix released] [22:12] to fix apturl [22:12] I am totally purging the system of pulseaudio and then removing any leftover packages and then reinstalling it [22:13] from updated package list [22:13] this way I know I have the most recent pulse audio [22:13] and I made sure I was logged out of X to do this [22:14] this way there are no processes using pulseaudio [22:14] That makes sense. [22:14] man ln [22:15] hopefully I do not have to create a symbolic link back to /dev/dsp [22:15] :P [22:15] Polt{laptop}: eheh are you sure? [22:15] its a system dameon [22:15] that launchs an applet on userland [22:15] ehe [22:15] and it autospawns so it *can't* be killed [22:15] ahaahaahaha [22:15] i am hodoniert [22:16] ln does not make symbolic links from within wildcards [22:18] that fixed totem [22:18] so I "was" right [22:18] :D [22:19] ok but now the sound applet is taking time to respond [22:19] still though audio works [22:20] so now I will logout and log back in [22:20] I may end up having to remove totem and reinstall it though since the gstreamer visualization effects are not working for me now [22:20] they worked in root earlier as I mentioned also about audio [22:20] I think these are config errors [22:21] need some help really quick guys [22:21] Polt{laptop}, gstreamer visualizations are a big deal? [22:21] BluesKaj: it's not connecting [22:22] i did python setup.py configure/install [22:22] Karmic won't load on kernel 2.31 but it will for 2.15. 2.31 goes to X terminal with no GUI [22:23] BluesKaj: you there bud>? [22:23] I have also noticed that if I move the volume slider when testing the mic on monitor settings the audio system stops responding [22:24] That is like Doctor it hurts when I do this... [22:25] hehe [22:25] Polt: srry, had to go for a hint at humor there. [22:25] Anyone else running Karmic on kernel 2.6.31-9.29? [22:26] lol [22:27] ok now it is telling me it could not get / set settings on resource when I try to play sound in totem [22:27] this is still better than what it was doing before though [22:28] there's no "logical name" for my wireless card wht should i do? lshw -C network [22:28] StevenMyers, i put a hold on the kernel right after install and still have linux-image-2.6.31-6-generic [22:29] Ok so basically remove the kernel and keep the image so it loads the gui? [22:29] I don't know if that's a good idea or not but people have reported your problem here a lot.. some kernels work with some video and some don't [22:29] I have the NVidia card [22:29] StevenMyers, do you have an older kernel that works that you can boot to in the grub menu? [22:30] Yep on it right now [22:30] [22:31] But it's not the one I need as it doesn't perform correctly on the load of the login [22:31] try linux-image-2.6.31-6-generic ? [22:32] isnt' like from jaunty? [22:32] generic here [22:32] @bucky: it is [22:32] the 31 goes to X terminal with no GUI [22:33] there's no "logical name" for my wireless card wht should i do? lshw -C network i use broadcom 4322 [22:33] Says No kernel image found [22:33] Normal boot [22:33] StevenMyers, did you just upgrade from jaunty? [22:33] Aye [22:33] Bigshot: what does lspci show? [22:33] Never had this problem before when I upgraded a few days ago [22:33] StevenMyers, what nvidia card? [22:34] Integrated NVidia Geforce4 MX [22:34] oh [22:34] vigo: Wilreless lan controller (rev 01) [22:34] ok, so you're out of the game for now [22:34] I'm going to remove python 2.6 [22:34] and reinstall it [22:34] ;-) [22:34] none of the drivers will work for you until nvidia updates the old ones to work witht he new kernel [22:34] this is something else worth trying [22:34] Yeah NVidia is not supported on karmic kernel [22:34] broadcom corp [22:34] Bigshot: It is an onboard chipset dongle? [22:34] typically on the last day before an ubuntu release [22:34] alot of these errors actually are being reported back as py symbols [22:35] vigo: it is a tablet pc [22:35] I'll let it sit on the jaunty kernel and wait for the public release [22:35] meaning that these errors are python related [22:35] Bigshot_, do an iwconfig , but isuggest you join #wicd chat for further assistance, they are willing to help [22:36] StevenMyers, you could try the nouveau driver, which is for newer cards, or the nv driver, which will give you a basic desktop i suppose [22:36] StevenMyers, or...you could throw that old thing out [22:36] lol [22:36] Yeah I do need to upgrade it with an ATI [22:37] Bigshot: Did you sudo lshw etc etc etc? [22:37] BluesKaj: iwconfig shows no wireless extensions found [22:37] yes [22:37] vigo [22:37] Bigshot: hrmm,,it says on the forums, here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=425832 [22:38] * BluesKaj tries to drain lappy battery to get rid of battery memory [22:38] Bigshot_: What version? [22:38] Second question "n00b question". How do you keep the terminal in the same position you had it on when you reboot? [22:38] version of what? [22:38] The distro [22:38] I have Alltray and it loads in the same spot even though it was moved to another location. [22:39] Bigshot_, #wicd chat can help [22:39] yeah i am ther [22:39] StevenMyers: maybe there is a configuration option or a config file for alltray? [22:39] * funkyHat does not know what alltray is * [22:40] ok, my battery is at 8%, I'll be on my pc soon [22:40] question: how can i get rid of 28x kernels? [22:41] @funkyHay: There is a config file but the modifications are not in GUI. It's used to place items on the top menu panel on boot. Such as Startup Items or Sessions [22:41] i got a programm called hausmeister krause [22:41] does hausmeister krause clean the old kernels? [22:43] Nevermind, found my issue. It's in geometrix for the position on the screen such as: 750x460+850+715 [22:43] does karmic have a sound mixer? [22:43] it is in pulseaudio [22:44] Polt{laptop}, so... not one like before. [22:45] nope [22:45] it is different in karmic [22:45] in karmic it has a different layout [22:45] it seems like it relies more on pulseaudio [22:45] and currently I am troubleshooting my own system to make sure sound will work correctly [22:46] can I enable surround sound from it? or do I need to change the pulse daemon config file? [22:46] something about apparmor said it was forcing complain mode [22:46] I don't know what that is all about [22:47] something to this effect [22:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/401109 [22:47] Ubuntu bug 401109 in apparmor "[karmic] profiles not (always) loaded on boot" [Undecided,Fix released] [22:50] does grub plays sound on startup? [22:51] alteregoa: no [22:51] Polt(laptop): Is ufw enabled or am I on the wrong path? [22:51] no [22:51] I use firestarter === DanaG1 is now known as DanaG [22:51] I actually don't use ufw [22:51] yeah prodigy rocks! [22:52] hi, I upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04 version, all worked just fine, and after reboot, X doesn't start. All xorg packages are install but not working ! :| [22:52] Polt(laptop) Yes you do, I think, [22:52] vigo: its disabled by defautl [22:52] Oh ok [22:52] I just enabled it [22:52] jack_: what kernel, gpu, and gpu drivers? [22:53] kernel 2.6.31 [22:53] installed by ubuntu 9.10 [22:53] heh, I have a spare laptop with an MX video card (it's really a geforce2, essentially!). [22:53] ah [22:53] Even in Intrepid release, the nvidia binaries have been broken. [22:53] and nvidia driver.. [22:53] geforce 440 need legacy [22:53] All they do is segfault the X server. Every time. [22:53] I have just the console here [22:53] :| [22:53] So yeah, nvidia legacy sucks. horribly. [22:54] I mean, I can understand it being slow.... but segfaulting the X server at login, is inexcusable. [22:54] i had this card before on my old system i added now two gtx295 instead for fah [22:54] I have fx 5200 and X doesn't start :| [22:54] DanaG, that hardware is older than jesus's ancestors [22:55] Yeah, so they should open the damn specs. [22:55] alteregoa: try to write on a single line, or else ill lose the text [22:55] I'm glad that's just a spare laptop. [22:55] buy a netbook. new, cheap, no graphics issues [22:55] gma500? do not want! [22:56] =þ [22:56] Anyway, I already have my good laptop. [22:56] If I wanted a new spare system, I'd consider something ARM-based. [22:56] yes, with your awesome ati card [22:56] i need to increase my MTU OK BUGabundo [22:57] Actually, my ATI card works well enough for me. [22:57] So, anybody knows how to start graphics on 9.10 ? [22:58] jack_, two possibilities: nouveau driver and nv [22:58] I did a sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a [22:58] i assume grub2 uses vesa to access highres? [22:58] I am going to reconfig my entire system I think [22:59] jack_: well not easy [22:59] just to be sure it is like a fresh insteall sort of [22:59] what does .xsession-errors say? [22:59] Polt{laptop}: I did that a few times in the past [22:59] then I stop doing it [22:59] took me HOURs to finnish [22:59] alteregoa: there's a bug on that. [22:59] yeah it can take awhile [23:00] I had to do it earlier with sidux in vmware [23:01] how do i get rid of sysklogd? [23:01] its residual config in synaptic [23:03] grub for 1024x768:24 is 792 [23:03] bjsnider: nouveau driver works for Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 ? [23:04] when I finish this it might look even better than it looked before because of setting up fonts [23:04] I made the fonts just barely smaller [23:04] when it loads up it may look a bit more sleek [23:05] and after I finish all of this ... [23:05] then I have to get the "old" legacy version of grub and reinstall it [23:05] and revert [23:06] jack_, i don't know [23:06] worth a try [23:08] I'm trying right now :) [23:25] ok grub2-splashimages rocks [23:29] which alpha is this?> [23:29] 5 [23:30] someone help me for a problem with tuncfg? [23:31] alteregoa, type tun does it say you have a tun ? [23:31] alteregoa, sorry type ifconfig [23:32] no a program on startup needs admin rights, and im sick of enter the password [23:35] alteregoa, does tuncfg start up when you login? [23:35] and ask you for a passwd? [23:35] yeah [23:36] should i chown the program? === repete is now known as repete-sleep [23:37] alteregoa, is this for hamachi? [23:38] yes [23:38] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1165106 [23:39] ah thanks you are good [23:42] search term on that was tuncfg asks for a password it was the first hit that said ubuntu [23:44] hmm, you can add "tuncfg" into /etc/rc.local [23:45] that's a whole lot easier. [23:46] yeah [23:47] i instaled ati-radeon driver but xorg is not starting what should i do? [23:47] do i need to enter the path too? [23:47] e.g /usr/sbin/tuncfg? [23:50] hmm, you might as well, if you know what it is. [23:50] though, it probably doesn't need the whole path, since /usr/sbin is in root's $PATH