
=== yoos_ is now known as yoos
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diwicwhile trying to build a package with pbuilder it seems like it can't satisfy the libjack-dev dependency00:52
diwichow can that be?00:52
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RainCT_Out of curiosity, how often are apt's Translation-X files updated?00:54
RainCT_diwic: Try updating your pbuilder.00:54
diwic"pbuilder update"? Tried that.00:55
diwicRainCT_: pbuilder-satisfy-depends-dummy: Depends: libjack-dev which is a virtual package.00:59
diwicAFAIK, libjack-dev is not a virtual package...?01:00
c_korndiwic: you are not running dapper by chance ? :)01:02
diwicc_kom: I hope not :-) Freshly installed karmic01:02
diwicc_korn: sorry I misspelled your name01:03
diwicgaah...found it...forgot to enable universe01:20
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LordMetroidWhat is Ubuntu doing for so long after one has logged in to one's user?02:01
LordMetroidIt is annoying as hell to wait after one has logged in02:01
LordMetroidCause in the time it takes to come to the login field, you can go and take a cup of coffee02:02
LordMetroidIn jaunty when you logged in you got the system served to you02:02
LordMetroidNow I have to wait02:02
billybigriggeranyone tried vnc sessions in karmic?02:32
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TheMusoDo such packages as xsplash, indicator-session, and libdbusmenu require feature freeze exceptions to be updated? Yes I know Canonical works on them, but they are new upstream releases after all. (I am looking into sponsoring uploads, and want to be sure an FFE is not required before I do so.)06:03
ScottKTheMuso: My understanding was they were to be treated like any other upstream.06:07
ScottKCertainly that's what we're doing in Kubuntu.  For Ubuntu I don't know if it's different.06:08
dholbachgood morning06:12
superm1TheMuso, keep in mind new upstream release != new features though06:13
TheMusosuperm1: I am aware of that.06:13
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dholbachvorian: can you please please please take a look at bug 386428?06:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386428 in xom "Please merge xom_1.2.1-1 (universe) from debian unstable" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38642806:32
dholbachArneGoetje: will scim-anthy stay in main?06:51
dholbachif it should go to universe, we wouldn't need a MIR06:52
dholbach(for kasumi)06:52
dholbachpitti: ^ do you know what the state of the discussion is there?06:53
dholbachscim vs ibus?06:53
ArneGoetjedholbach: stay in main06:53
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ArneGoetjedholbach: we may need to switch back to scim if ibus appears to be too buggy and we cannot fix the issues in time06:55
dholbachArneGoetje: there were a bunch of ITPs filed in Debian for new ibus plugins06:56
ArneGoetjedholbach: yeah, saw them06:56
ArneGoetjedholbach: but it's more important to get the current code into a good shape06:59
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dholbachI was just excited to see things moving so quickly in ibus land07:03
* nixternal hugs dholbach 07:04
* dholbach hugs nixternal back :)07:05
nixternalgood morning sir07:05
StevenKArneGoetje: In regards to the bug, if the upstream doesn't want to remove the .desktop file, we can just NoDisplay=true it07:19
ArneGoetjeStevenK: yeah07:19
StevenKArneGoetje: But however you want to deal with it is fine07:22
ArneGoetjeStevenK: I'll poke the package maintainer again07:23
ArneGoetjeStevenK: I really don't want to carry a delta around07:24
StevenKArneGoetje: Even if it's a one-line delta? :-)07:33
ArneGoetjelidaobing: what about bug #420282 ?07:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420282 in ibus "ibus is in "other" category in the menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42028207:34
lidaobingArneGoetje, I'll fix that in today or tomorrow07:35
ArneGoetjelidaobing: thanks07:35
ArneGoetjeStevenK: ^07:35
StevenKFix it how, though? :-)07:37
pittiGood morning08:17
pittidholbach: no, from what I know scim should move to universe, we only keep ibus08:18
dholbachpitti: ArneGoetje seems to think otherwise08:20
pittioh really? I thought we discussed that08:20
pittiArneGoetje: we still need scim?08:20
* StevenK waves to pitti, throwing him a gummy bear08:21
dholbachhey seb12808:22
seb128hello dholbach08:22
pittihey StevenK!08:22
ograhmm, did pidgin finally move to universe ?08:24
StevenKI thought it was supposed to stay?08:24
* ogra wonders why nautilus-sendto doesnt find it at build time08:24
ograwell, n-s ftbfs on armel08:25
ogra pidgin-dev: Depends: pidgin (>= 1:2.6.1-2ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed08:25
ogra              Depends: libpurple-dev but it is not going to be installed08:25
seb128arch all-any mismatch there?08:25
seb128the new version has just been uploaded yesterday08:25
ograyeah, i missed there was a pidgin upload yesterday08:26
ogragiven back08:26
ArneGoetjepitti: if ibus is too buggy and we cannot fix the issues in time, we'll switch back to scim... that's what we discussed.08:26
pittiArneGoetje: right, but why do we need to keep both in main?08:27
ArneGoetjepitti: you want to move scim back and forth?08:27
pittiwell, I want to make sure that we fix all dependencies, so that it is ready to go to universe08:28
pittiArneGoetje: ATM, something still keeps it in main through a dependency08:29
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slangasekTheMuso: why is paprefs now pulling in packagekit-gnome?09:21
slangasekTheMuso: I now have an extra (and buggy) update notification icon on my taskbar thanks to this; I think I'm going to remove paprefs from my system to get rid of it, but the dependency looks wrong to me anyway09:23
Ryan52dholbach, asac, didrocks: could one of you please look at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-web-photo/+bug/42382209:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423822 in gnome-web-photo "Take screenshot from web does not work." [Medium,New]09:27
Ryan52dholbach, asac, didrocks: that ugly hack of a wrapper script around gnome-web-photo instead of linking properly to libxul was probably a bad idea...09:27
dholbachasac: can you take a look at it? I don't know enough about it09:28
mvoslangasek: I filed a bug about this09:31
asacRyan52: using libxul is no answer for sure either. i cant remember exactly what i did, but most likely i tried to avoid porting it to use the real "standalone glue"09:33
Ryan52yes, by "properly linking" I meant using the xpcom glue.09:34
asaci dont know for sure how to use gnome-web-photo. please drop instructions how to reproduce in the bug09:34
Ryan52honestly, I don't know how to use it either.09:34
Ryan52for that, I'm sure dholbach can explain tho :)09:34
asacah thats not your bug ;)09:34
asacRyan52: want to work on it ;)`09:35
Ryan52I'm not an Ubuntu user, and we don't have gnome-web-photo in Debian. I'm just taking care of my shutter users. :)09:35
asacwhat does shutter do then?09:35
Ryan52takes screenshots from various places, one of those places being the web, for which it uses gnome-web-photo.09:36
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ gnome-web-photo.real --mode=thumbnail https://daniel.holba.ch/blog bla.png09:36
dholbachgnome-web-photo.real: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:36
asacdo you run a command? or link against a lib?09:36
asacdont call .real09:36
dholbachI guess that's what the problem is right now09:36
asacwhy do you do that?09:36
dholbachasac: the other one didn't work either :)09:37
dholbachbut basically that's how you'd run it09:37
Ryan52asac: once gnome-web-photo works, shutter will too, so fix dholbach's problem :)09:37
asacRyan52: .real is not supposed to work09:37
Ryan52asac: he said the other one doesn't work either.09:37
asacbut no hint how09:37
asacfrom what i know the non-real thing sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:37
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ gnome-web-photo --mode=thumbnail https://daniel.holba.ch/blog bla.png09:38
dholbachRegistering '@mozilla.org/module-loader/python;1' (libpyloader.so)09:38
dholbachRegistering '@mozilla.org/network/protocol/about;1?what=python' (pyabout.py)09:38
asacso thats different ;)09:38
asacand has nothing to do with libxul09:38
dholbachI have no idea what happens there tbh09:38
asacRyan52: ^^ dont call .real ;)09:38
Ryan52./share/shutter/resources/modules/Shutter/Screenshot/Web.pm:    system("gnome-web-photo --timeout=$self->{_timeout} --mode=photo --format=$self->{_format} -q $self->{_quality} '$self->{_url}' '$self->{_dest_filename}'");09:38
Ryan52from shutter's source code.09:38
Ryan52so it doesn't look like shutter is calling .real09:38
asacbut http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31278228/screenshot_006.png09:38
asacdholbach: can you paste the non-real script?09:39
dholbachjust a sec09:39
Ryan52asac: I dunno, I'm just telling you what I know :)09:40
mat_tpitti: hey09:40
* Ryan52 thinks there should be a 1.9.1 there..09:40
pittihi mat_t09:49
Ryan52asac, dholbach: am I correct in assuming that neither of you are going to look further into it?09:53
Ryan52I guess tomorrow I'll install Ubuntu, meh. -.-09:53
asacRyan52: any help would be appreciated. eventually i hope i would look at it09:54
dholbachRyan52: I'm too busy at the moment to look into it, I'm sorry09:54
asacRyan52: if you cannot do it, just remember to assign the bug to me09:55
Ryan52okay, thanks.09:55
mat_tpitti: I'm preparing the usplash assets now09:59
TheMusoslangasek: Because upstream told me that it required packagekit-gnome. Unfrotunately I don't know much about packagekit, so I added a dep on the package that provided the needed executable that paprefs needs.10:08
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pittiTheMuso: eww, can we do without PK-gnome, please?10:12
pittiwe really don't want to propose it as general interface for installing packages10:12
pittiPK is not suitable to be a general package installer on Debianish systems10:13
pittiand it's painfully slow, too10:13
mvowe should discuss this at next UDS, but if we can not get debconf support for PK I guess we need to bite the bullet and provide a PK compatible dbus session interface10:15
mvowe have a debconf frontend for aptdaemon, so its not a technical problem (anymore)10:15
cjwatsonI think upstream said that if we want the former it should be done using the latter10:15
mvooh well10:15
pittimvo: that, and conffiles10:16
cjwatsonJoey and I talked with Guillem at DebConf about moving bits of debconf into dpkg; it's still not out of the question that we might be able to get conffile prompts implemented using debconf10:16
cjwatsonwhich really does need to happen ultimately10:17
james_wfor conffiles, would there be an issue with doing the prompting at the end of the run?10:30
james_wi.e. are there good reasons why the prompt is done when it is?10:31
cjwatsonthe package isn't configured properly until the conffile is replaced; for instance you often need to replace the conffile before starting a daemon10:33
cjwatsonthis can be pretty importance10:33
pittibut debconf is also done at preinst time, so wrt. conffiles this should DTRT?10:34
pittiseb128: ah, retracers didn't upgrade yet, so they failed again; upgrading manually and restarting10:35
seb128pitti, thanks10:35
seb128sorry I've been not very helping on those this week10:36
pittiseb128: no problem, just to let you know why you got another set of spam mails10:36
dholbachmok0: great session yesterday!10:37
cjwatsonpitti: yes; but conffiles are postinst-time anyway10:40
TheMusopitti: Right will look Monday, but I guess we have to disable the install feature in paprefs then, or patch it to use apt...10:46
pittiTheMuso: what does it want to install?10:48
TheMusopitti: afaik to install things like the bits needed to talk over the network via upnp/zeroconf etc I suspect.10:55
pittiTheMuso: we could replace that with a call to gksu synaptics...? (there's a standard invocation for this to install a particular package; let me know if you need it)10:56
TheMusopitti: ok thanks10:56
seb128TheMuso, hey, there is a new libcanberra version available in case you didn't notice10:57
seb128not sure if you want to do the update10:57
TheMusoseb128: Known, and wasn't sure if it was under the GNOME upstrea version umbrella, so just pulled important fixes from it for now.10:59
seb128TheMuso, ah ok, I would just do the update it seems mostly bug fix changes10:59
pittidoes anyone happen to know if latest karmic now enables KMS by default on ATI?11:23
pittitkamppeter: do you have some time to look at bug 422930?11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422930 in cups "after upgrade, CUPS refuses to use existing PSC-750 'usb' config and creates a new PSC-750-2 'hp' config" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42293011:26
jderosepitti: I believe KMS is still only enabled for Intel chipsets11:26
pittijderose: ok, thanks11:26
jderosepitti: but i haven't tried it, just read it from http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha511:26
pittibryce, tjaalton: is it still the plan to enable ati kms by default, as said on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus ?11:26
tjaaltonpitti: I'm not sure, bryce has been testing it. AIUI there are performance regressions when it's used11:33
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Riddellasac: this would be nice to look at, probably for karmic+1 http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-kde/2009-09/msg00006.html12:15
asacRiddell: yeah. but it has to land upstream first ;)12:17
asacin the past suses hacks against ffox were regularly rejected12:17
asacbut right. i should check and see if i can helkp them with upstreaming this12:18
tkamppeterpitti, bug 422930 is most likely called by the USB backend problems of CUPS. Please also upload the current BZR state of CUPS to assure that all fixes are in.12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422930 in cups "after upgrade, CUPS refuses to use existing PSC-750 'usb' config and creates a new PSC-750-2 'hp' config" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42293012:21
pittitkamppeter: current bzr head is already in karmic (I uploaded a bzr snapshot for alpha-5)12:56
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.12:57
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taavikkopitti: I accidentally may have selected "ignore future crashes" in apport, I just can't find the right place to nullify this decision... any help?13:23
pittitaavikko: rm ~/.apport-ignore.xml13:24
pittitaavikko: or wait until a new version of that program arrives :)13:24
taavikkothanks a punch pitti :)13:25
ogradont punch pitti, we need him ;)13:25
taavikkohold the thanks then, "no .apport-ignore.xml here..."13:27
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pittitaavikko: then you don't have an ignore list13:50
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taavikkopitti: then apport fails somehow to collect crash (it used to work few times today already, but not anymore? )13:52
taavikkoarora keeps crashing ( bug 420474 ) and the .crash file kept growing...13:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420474 in arora "arora crashed with SIGSEGV in PL_HashTableLookupConst()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42047413:53
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taavikkotodays first crash report was 1GiB in size, removed it, next crash, resulted in 276MiB size, now it is 42Mib so little "funny behaviour"13:54
pittitaavikko: if it already crashed three times today, it will ignore further crashes today; remove the file in /var/crash if you want to get new ones13:59
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taavikkopitti: doh, the max-report thingy :)13:59
taavikkois there any limitations how big the crash report can be? didn't felt comfotable sending 1GiB14:00
pittitaavikko: it's meant to prevent eternal crash loops with programs which restart themselves but crash (e. g. nautilus or devkit-disks)14:00
ograpitti, are you the one making decisions about usplash staying/going etc ?14:00
* ogra would like what the status is for live images ... do we keep it there ? 14:00
ogra*like to know14:01
pittitaavikko: it's by and large capped on half of your memory size uncompressed core dump14:01
pittitaavikko: but yes, you shouldn't bother sending a 1GB dump..14:01
pittiogra: I thought it was collectively decided at UDS already14:01
pittiogra: since usplash kicks in after a (short) timeout, it should automatically come up on the live CDs AFAIUI14:02
ograi wasnt there14:02
ograah, cool14:02
pittiusplash should start (1) on interactivity (boot password), (2) on fsck, (3) when X takes too long to start14:02
ograpitti, that concept means if my armel system takes 45sec to boot i will have usplash anyway ?14:02
pittiogra: yes; my laptop takes a similar time, so I should see it, too14:03
ograso my work wasnte throw away stuff to make usplash work on imx51 :)14:03
Notch-11hi, i'm trying to "beep" during the boot process, but i can't ear anything... must i load some modules or something else to get beep to work?14:03
ograprobably the pcspkr module ?14:04
ogra(just a guess)14:05
pittiNotch-11: pcspkr is blacklisted, you probably need that14:05
Notch-11ogra: yes, my first guess too, but still can't ear the beep14:05
Notch-11pitti: with "modprobe pcsprk" should work even if blacklisted, right?14:07
pittiNotch-11: yes14:07
pittiNotch-11: if you spell pcspkr right, that is :)14:08
Notch-11pitti: hehe, both tried :P14:09
Notch-11mm pcspkr is not in the initrd, maybe this14:10
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Notch-11ubuntu pcspkr14:16
highvoltage(sorry wrong channel)14:17
Notch-11nothing, even with the module loaded..14:23
Notch-11so what is missing for beep to beep ?14:30
RainCTKeybuk: Hey. Does D-Bus on Karmic have some limitation (as in the size of the answer to a call or something like that) impossed which wasn't there  in Jaunty?14:30
KeybukRainCT: not that I know of14:50
Keybukthere *are* limits to such things14:50
Keybukbut I don't think they have changed14:50
Keybukin fact, the primary limit of D-Bus used to be the length of time a receiver of a message was permitted to take to reply to it until it timed out14:50
Keybukand that's been entirely removed14:50
ograKeybuk, did you see my ping before ?14:51
Keybukogra: no14:51
ograKeybuk, did you notice that the boot slows down with every apparmor profile thats being adeed (additional reads ... i see a massive impact on armel but suspect it happens on other areches as well, just not as noticeable)14:51
jdstrandogra, Keybuk: that is not accurate any more14:51
ograjdstrand, since when ?14:51
ograi see it on A514:51
jdstrandogra, Keybuk: or at least not noticably accuate14:51
Keybukthough that should be largely fixed in karmic aiui14:52
KeybukI've certainly not noticed apparmor take that long14:52
Keybuk(and I made it largely background anyway in my prototype - so services depend on it but not X)14:52
ografor me it's enough to make usplash time out14:52
RainCTKeybuk: Weird. We are having problems with Zeitgeist, always getting the generic error message ("may have timeout/disconnected/etc") when fetching more than 140 items in Karmic, but this works fine on Jaunty (and is actually pretty fast). Anyway, thanks for the info :)14:52
jdstrandogra: kees implemented binary caching for the profiles14:52
ogra(on armel)14:52
ograjdstrand, after usplash timed out i can slowly count to 5 to see the [ok] appear14:53
jdstrandogra: this is very fast loading, assuming that the cache file exists. if it doesn't already exist, it the cache file must be compiled (done automatically)14:53
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ograif it was added after A5 i havent probably tried it yet14:53
jdstrand(or if the profile changed)14:53
ograbut it is surely noticeable in my A5 installs14:53
jdstrandsubsequent boots will use the cache then14:54
ograok, i'll keep an eye on it ...14:54
jdstrandogra: that is certainly odd-- it shouldn't take that long. kees did the implementation so you'd want to follow up with him for problems you are having with it14:54
ograi guess usplash needs a bigger timeout anyway on arm14:54
ograwill do ...14:55
jdstrandogra: this feature was added way before A5, so I'm not sure what is going on14:55
Keybukthe usplash timeout thing is interesting14:55
ograi'm currently busy with other stuff and will ping him if i have time for tests and measurements14:55
KeybukI just noticed yesterday that there's no support for it in the upstart-based boot14:55
Keybukso technically we need to disable the timeout entirely ;)14:55
ogrameaning ?14:55
ograit cant time out at all ?14:55
ograor we just lose ability to change it14:56
ograah, cool14:56
* ogra loves that14:56
Keybukno timeout, upstart already knows to kill usplash itself14:56
Keybuk(and there's nothing on the console to timeout *to* anyway)14:57
Ryan52asac_: ya that wrapper script is crap.15:10
Ryan52asac_: it thinks it'll find libxul is /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/15:10
Ryan52asac_: changing the 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 in it fixes the problem.15:10
* Ryan52 will get a package made later, gotta go now15:13
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asac_Ryan52: thx.15:26
asac_Ryan52: if you want you can fix it to use standalone glue ;)15:26
tkamppeterpitti: Your nre udev rules (bug 420015) work.16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420015 in udev "usblp Kernel module needs to be removed and /dev/bus/usb/*/* made accessible for USB printers to work with CUPS 1.4.x" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42001516:10
pittitkamppeter: \o/16:10
pittitkamppeter: thanks for testing; committing then16:10
keesogra: hrm, you're sure it's in apparmor it's stalling?  can you check if /etc/apparmor.d/cache has files?16:14
ograkees, on monday ...16:15
seb128slangasek, are you going to upload your empathy fix or should I do it?16:17
slangasekseb128: not in the next hour or so; if you don't beat me to it, I'll have a look after the meeting :)16:21
seb128slangasek, I do it now16:21
keesogra: okay (i'm out on monday, US holiday...)16:23
ograkees, tue. then, my schedule is full today16:24
keesogra: okay16:24
ograi want to do some measuring first so i can come up with some numbers16:24
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week - last day, starting in 16 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek16:44
dholbachhey Daviey!16:52
dholbachwaaaah, I have a half-installed grub-common (/usr/sbin/grub-set-default in package grub too) - am I going to die?!?!?!16:54
cjwatson--force-overwrite it for now16:58
dholbachthanks cjwatson16:59
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jdstrandcjwatson: hmm, bug #423485 doesn't seem to be fixed by the rebuild17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423485 in valgrind "Valgrind needs to be recompiled for glibc 2.10" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42348517:29
jdstrand *** 1:3.4.1-1ubuntu2 017:29
jdstrandvalgrind /bin/echo hello17:29
jdstrand(very noisy)17:29
cjwatsonjdstrand: it worked for me - can you try to track it down? does /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp have 2.10 suppressions?17:30
jdstrand# Errors to suppress by default with glibc 2.10.x17:31
jdstrandcjwatson: seems to, but I've never looked at this file before17:32
nh2hi, how to get an app into that "easy-going" gnome app installer (add/remove software)?18:24
cjwatsonkirkland,soren: would appreciate it if you could once-over lp:~cjwatson/eucalyptus/discover-nodes18:52
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slangasekTheMuso: I see nothing in the paprefs package description that explains why it needs to install packages; it's definitely not getting back on my system as long as it has that dep, though19:05
LutinI there anything needed to get the flash plugin to output audio with pulseaudio on karmic ? doesn't seem to work here19:33
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ebroderIs it OK for package-a to depend on package-b, and package-b to depend on a >= version of package-a?19:48
ebroderI don't know whether apt will do the right thing with that or not19:48
cyber_666_ukhey - can anyone submit software to the repositories?19:48
cyber_666_ukhow does that work, do you need to give out your source code?19:49
slangasekebroder: it's generally inadvisable; the package manager has provisions for breaking dependency loops, but it's better to not have them in the first place (e.g., by putting everything in a single binary package instead of splitting it)19:55
ebroderHmm...that might actually be an option. This used to be a one-way dependency pointer until the change I just made, so it was less of an issue :)19:56
ebroderIt should be fine if apt wants to temporarily break the loop, though. Thanks19:57
cyber_666_ukis there a page you can point me to?19:57
kirklandcjwatson: looking ...20:07
kirklandcjwatson: looks okay by me20:12
kirklandcjwatson: i had added the avahi-utils recommends locally here20:12
kirklandcjwatson: so i can fix that up on merge20:12
kirklandcjwatson: would you like me to merge, and push that to our working tree?20:12
sgallaghmathiaz: ping20:25
mathiazsgallagh: hi20:25
sgallaghmathiaz: I don't know if you caught the bug update, but I fixed that hang you were seeing in the proxy provider.20:26
mathiazsgallagh: right - I saw something going through20:26
mathiazsgallagh: do you plan to maintain a 0.5.X branch?20:27
sgallaghI figured you'd probably want to pull that and the D-BUS fix in and roll another package20:27
sgallaghmathiaz: Not at this time, mainly because we're targeting 0.6.0 for Sept. 24th20:27
mathiazsgallagh: understood20:28
mathiazsgallagh: thanks for letting me know20:28
sgallaghmathiaz: I wanted to ask something else20:28
sgallaghmathiaz: Does the Ubuntu development process have anything like concerted feature test days?20:28
sgallaghI'd like to try and get one scheduled for the SSSD if so20:28
mathiazmarjo: bdmurray: ^^?20:29
mathiazsgallagh: so yes - we're running TestingDays20:30
mathiazsgallagh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/20:30
mathiazsgallagh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20:30
mathiazsgallagh: hm - there hasn't be one run for a while now20:30
sgallaghmathiaz: Can you possibly look into scheduling one for us?20:31
mathiazsgallagh: we could organize such a day though20:31
mathiazsgallagh: sure - I'll get in touch with the QA team20:32
sgallaghmathiaz: Great, thank you!20:33
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sistpotyhey, congrats bryce!20:53
brycesistpoty, thanks20:53
sistpotybryce: before you leave, any opinion on bug #424354? if testing confirms that my patch works, ok to upload it?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424354 in xserver-xorg-video-cirrus "pitch too high for CL5446 at 1360x768" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42435420:54
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brycesistpoty, wow that's an oddball bug21:01
brycesistpoty, but if that patch solves it, yeah I wouldn't have a problem seeing that go in for -cirrus.  Looks properly conditionalized to only affect the specific chip21:01
sistpotybryce: ok, thanks... I'll take care to forward it upstream as well then21:02
brycesistpoty, so yes, if testing confirms it works, feel free to upload, but please be sure to check launchpad after a couple weeks in case there are any regression bugs reported21:02
sistpotybryce: sure, iirc I'm still subscribed to -cirrus bugs (iirc there aren't many people with real cirrus cards out there *g*)21:03
sistpotyand the 4 mb versions seem to be extremely rare, still haven't managed to get one via ebay :(21:04
cjwatsonkirkland: I think it's awaiting an FFE (there's a bug), but otherwise yes please21:16
cjwatsonunless somebody wants to process that :)21:16
kirklandcjwatson: i was just going to commit to the upstream project for now, and wait for soren to push a package upload21:19
cjwatsonok, if that's cool with upstream21:20
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moldycan i safely delete/bzr ignore the .upload files dput creates, or is the information in them important for something?22:47
cjwatsonyou can safely delete them; the log file causes dput not to upload the same thing again should you run it again on the same .changes22:47
moldycjwatson: ok, thank you22:48
moldyi just created my first ppa and tried to upload some packages22:54
moldyi got an error e-mail saying "Unable to find distroseries: unstable"22:54
moldywhat's the right way to correct this?22:54
cjwatsondon't put "unstable" in the top line of your changelog - use "karmic" or whatever22:55
sistpotymoldy: use one of ubuntu (karmic, jaunty, intrepid, ...) in debian/changelog22:55
moldysistpoty: ah, ok, thank you22:56
moldyand you too, cjwatson :)22:56
cjwatsonthat should really be in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors22:56
cjwatson(it isn't)22:56
cjwatsonmaybe you could suggest that to them22:56
sistpotyimho a ppa should accept $whatever except releases22:58
cjwatsonthe top line of the changelog tells it which release to build for and against22:59
cjwatsonso that could only work if you reinvented the wheel to tell it some other way22:59
* sistpoty thought that was the distribution field in the changes file23:00
moldywhat's the right way to suggest that, cjwatson?23:00
cjwatsonmoldy: there's a link at the bottom of the page for giving feedback23:01
cjwatsonsistpoty: which is generated from the top line of the changelog23:01
moldycjwatson: ah, right23:02
sistpotycjwatson: yep, but changing that wouldn't mean I'd hand out a ticket to upload a ppa package to ubuntu :)23:02
sistpotywould mean that I wouldn't even23:02
cjwatsonoh, you mean that it should accept something that is not the same as Ubuntu release names23:02
cjwatsonI thought you meant it should accept *anything*23:03
cjwatsonyes, I agree - there's a pretty old bug about the replay attack there23:03
sistpotyiirc it's fixed nowadays (I filed it after siretart discovered it)... but you never now ;)23:03
sistpotyknow even23:03
moldyit might also be nice if dput would check this client-side23:03
sistpotysame is true for revu. the .changes file is there for the pleasure of revu admins but gets stripped for storage purposes (iirc)23:04
sistpotymoldy: partially agree... otoh I couldn't upload to unstable then (ok, agreed I can't right now myself, and even if I could, I should test the package really on unstable)23:06
cjwatsonI can upload to unstable and occasionally do so from Ubuntu (after testing on unstable, of course)23:08
cjwatsonusually due to forgetting which window I'm in but ...23:09
moldyok, one should make it configureable if one did it23:10
cjwatsonit doesn't really bother me, in order to actually break something in unstable you have to upload to the wrong place as well as having the wrong distribution target23:11
cjwatsonso there's no real safety reason for a client-side check23:12
* sistpoty wonders what would happen if he'd put multiple values in the Distribution field of a .changes file and would upload that23:19
Davieythe intertubes would melt.23:20
sistpotyDaviey: let's see, I'm just testing revu with it :)23:22
Daviey*BOOM* :)23:22
cjwatsonsistpoty: there's a bug about that ;-)23:24
cjwatson"it gets complicated"23:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 235064 in soyuz "Implement multi-release support for packages" [High,Triaged]23:24
sistpotynice, thanks for the pointer cjwatson23:26
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