
Flannelwell, misspellings mean no highlights at least!00:30
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuIn ubottu, xikteny said: !startup is bar05:12
ubottuIn ubottu, xikteny said: !no startup is To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to "System>Preferences>Startup Applications". For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot.05:13
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot05:14
FlannelAh fun, menu changes.  What version did that change in, does anyone know?05:15
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PancakeStaffer
PancakeStafferbazhang: Watch out.08:48
PancakeStaffermanou just got ejected from ##linux for the same thread.08:48
bazhangPancakeStaffer, thanks :)08:49
PancakeStafferNot to worry.08:49
=== vorian is now known as s8n
PancakeStafferbazhang: Yeah.  TOTALLY didn't see that coming. :-)08:53
bazhangPancakeStaffer, hehe08:53
bazhangnice nick btw08:54
PancakeStafferThankee.  Someone asked if I had a headset on my head, I said "No, just a pancake," and... yeah. :)08:54
* s8n wants a pancake08:55
* jussi01 wants bacon pancakes!08:55
bazhangmmm Bacon08:55
s8ni would just like a bit o sleep08:56
jussi01yay for long meetings...09:07
jussi01Due to the change in policy at the last IRCC meeting the IRCC are correcting the access lists here in #ubuntu-ops. Voiced users should be an operator of at least one of the channels listed at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IrcTeam/Scope or be freenode staff. If you are not an operator in one of these channels we kindly ask you to remove your voice and join #ubuntu-irc. Thanks.09:38
jussi01Amaranth: bazhang christel Dave2 Daviey Flannel Gary genii highvoltage ikonia jdong jpds maco Mamarok Martinp23 mneptok Myrtti nhandler niko njan Pici pleia2 robotgeek ryanakca s8n Seeker` SportChick stew Tm_T tomaw topyli tritium.  ^^^09:41
bazhangjussi01, noted thanks09:41
highvoltagejussi01: also noted09:43
Garyjussi01: I still have named ops in -offtopic don't I?09:44
Garyahh, yes, so I do09:45
jussi01Gary: even so, read the message again...09:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu, aaron11 said: ubottu supper key is supper key is known as home key in windows12:39
jussi01hi aaron1112:40
aaron11jussi01 are u an operator12:40
jussi01aaron11: yes - all the people with voice here are.12:40
aaron11oh u mean the gold balls12:41
aaron11next to their names12:41
jussi01Possibly, Im not familiar with your client. Is there something we can help you with?12:42
Piciaaron11: Was there something you needed to speak to the operators about? Please note that we ask idling users to part from the channel in order to keep track of people with pending issues.12:53
elkyaaron11, are you here to discuss what the bot said?12:56
elkyaaron11, what did you want to say to us about it?12:58
aaron11i wanted flood bot to talk12:58
aaron11because it makes him more HUMANITISH12:59
aaron11please dont get offended because of caps lock12:59
elkyaaron11, the bot isn't there to be a person, it is to stop the channels getting spammed with nonsense.12:59
aaron11i wrote some thing to ubottu about the supper or home key13:00
elkyaaron11, we saw that, thanks.13:01
elkyif there's nothing else you need from us right now, we ask that you don't just hang around here, it gets crowded and makes it hard on others who want to talk to us without non-ops being an audience.13:01
elkyaaron11, it'd be really nice of you if you could help us out by respecting that :)13:03
Piciaaron11: The thing you wrote to ubottu was incorrect though. The 'super' key is not the same thing as the home key.13:04
aaron11oh mmh wrong info i bet13:05
aaron11are you there13:06
Tm_Tyou hu-man are silly13:07
jussi01hi seeker^13:08
elkyok, home time.13:09
seeker^Am I still here?13:19
Tm_Tyou are13:19
seeker^Good :)13:20
pleia2ah, #ubuntu-women is not on that list13:22
Tm_Tin which list?13:22
pleia2the list of channels the IrcTeam covers13:23
Tm_Taah, yeah13:23
pleia2so I have to leave13:23
pleia2which is unfortunate, since troll tracking via discussion here was quite useful for us13:23
ikoniayou have voice in here13:24
ikoniaI thought that meant it was ok13:24
pleia2ikonia: jussi01 made an announcement here a few hours ago, saying it no longer is13:24
seeker^Why doesn't the irc team cover -women?13:24
pleia2I don't know, I thought they did :)13:24
seeker^Who owns -women?13:25
pleia2I do13:25
seeker^jussi01 seems to have disappeared for now13:28
jussi01pleia2: If you think it would be good for -women to be on the core channels list, please mail the Ubuntu IRC council, or even pop it on the agenda for sundays meeting.13:28
pleia2jussi01: ok, thanks, will do, until then do you need me to leave here?13:28
jussi01pleia2: 1 sec, phone13:29
* gnomefreak thought pleia2 had voice in here13:37
Tm_Tshe does have13:37
pleia2gnomefreak: 04:38:55 <+jussi01> Due to the change in policy at the last IRCC meeting the IRCC are correcting the access lists here in #ubuntu-ops. Voiced users should be an operator of at least one of the channels listed at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IrcTeam/Scope or be freenode staff. If  you are not an operator in one of these channels we kindly ask you to remove your voice and join #ubuntu-irc. Thanks.13:38
gnomefreakah yes i refresed the /n13:38
gnomefreakoh things changed13:39
* pleia2 nods13:39
* genii sips coffee and checks the ircteam scope list14:04
PriceyYay a nice email from pleia2, I feel ever so slightly less useless.14:09
* pleia2 hugs Pricey 14:10
Priceypleia2: Give it 10 minutes and we'll remove you all from the access list and +im it.14:11
pleia2Pricey: hm?14:12
Priceypleia2: Haven't you heard? That's what we do.14:13
pleia2oh dear :)14:13
* jussi01 carefully hugs Myrtti14:40
* Tm_T hugggles Myrtti 14:55
Tm_Thope you getting better, little sister14:55
gnomefreakcan someone point me to a page that descibes the changes in policy for ops?15:19
* gnomefreak just getting confused15:19
bazhanggnomefreak, the being voiced in here part?15:20
gnomefreakbazhang: i think i saw that one.the scope page15:20
bazhanggnomefreak, not sure which one you are referring to then :)15:21
gnomefreakthe one Pici just gave i saw already15:21
gnomefreakim mainly wanting to know the changes that everyone is talking about on mailing list15:21
bazhangoh that15:21
gnomefreakyeah that confused me eally bad15:22
Picignomefreak: Thats the page, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Scope?action=diff&rev2=7&rev1=515:22
gnomefreakPici: thanks looking15:22
PiciIt was added to clarify who is in -ops and who gets voiced here.15:22
gnomefreakthats it?15:23
bazhangthe mailing list is not related15:23
Picipleia2's message is, the other stuff, not so much.15:23
gnomefreakthe mailing list has nothing to do with policy/ i havent seen her post yet15:24
gnomefreakthe mailing list more of a personal opinion?15:24
* gnomefreak checks email 15:24
Picignomefreak: Which email exactly?15:25
Picioh, sorry, pleia2's message was just to the ircc, forget I said anything ;)15:25
* gnomefreak only saw one topic about ops15:25
pleia2gnomefreak: my email was to the council15:25
gnomefreaki dont get that list :)15:25
Picignomefreak: I know ;)15:25
* gnomefreak happy i dont. 15:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lucky15:26
gnomefreakah 3 more on the topic15:26
gnomefreaksorry for being so behind but ljl is no longer an op15:29
bazhangyeah. who is M. Lustfield?15:29
Picibazhang: mteck15:29
bazhangPici, he is an operator?15:30
gnomefreaknot sure15:30
pleia2he doesn't like me15:30
gnomefreakpleia2: im seeing that15:30
Picibazhang: no. Hes a user. mtecknology, used to be active in -offtopic15:30
elkybazhang, no.15:30
gnomefreakbut it seems you did everything right15:30
bazhangPici, elky okay thanks15:30
elkypleia2, the amusing thing is the emails he's sent the irc list over the past month or so.15:30
pleia2gnomefreak: actually we had a long talk with elky in -irc and I thought it was settled, but I guess not15:30
elkypleia2, no, apparently i'm deaf and all my reactions were cooincidental.15:31
pleia2oh yes, seeing ML reply now15:31
gnomefreakwho is matt darcy? he seems to think the channels are not publicly logged15:31
bazhangthought it was odd he was joining in that discussion15:31
Picignomefreak: ikonia15:31
bazhangikonia, gnomefreak15:31
jdong*reads scrollback*15:31
bazhangsorry ikonia15:31
ikoniaahh no problem15:31
gnomefreakikonia: was asking who you were15:32
ikoniareal names do confuse15:32
jdongok folks, so long, was a pleasure hanging out here :)15:32
ikoniajdong is in an op in #ubuntu isn't he ?15:32
gnomefreakikonia: last i heard he was15:32
bazhang#ubuntuforums iirc15:33
ikoniaI thought he was #ubuntu too15:33
bazhangdont think so15:33
ikonianope he's not15:33
ikoniajust checked, wow15:33
gnomefreakno i just checked15:34
gnomefreakalot of names i havent seen in a long time15:34
* Pici wonders why genii's account name is genii-around15:36
ikoniahe's around15:36
bazhangquassel account I thought15:36
geniiPici: Because I had different locations connecting from when i started, none of the names were registered... so the day I *did* register happened to be under my secondary15:37
genii(from my -around location)15:39
geniiI actually only discovered that was the case when my account info was needed for -ops15:45
elkywhich is odd considering your cloak is unaffiliated/genii15:59
ikoniahello mdgrech16:17
mdgrechHello, kind of new to irc. I someone how ended up here while trying to access the main ubuntu room16:17
ikoniamdgrech: hang on for a moment while I look into it16:17
bazhangubuntu-read-topic ikonia16:18
gnomefreakstill a problem with the "attacks"  cant think of a better word atm16:19
ikoniamdgrech: hi, if check you'll find your also in a channel called "#ubuntu-read-topic" - if you check out the topic in there and the instructions from the bot you'll find out how to gain access to #ubuntu16:20
ikoniaahhhh  !!!!!!!16:20
gnomefreakthought that exploit was taken care of16:21
ikoniadoesn't think so16:22
ikoniadon't think so16:23
gnomefreakwell if he is being forwarded im gessing not but i havent seen anyone ever try it16:23
naliothgnomefreak: the D C C exploit will never be taken care of16:25
gnomefreaknalioth: ah i was thinking it can be blocked on server16:25
naliothgnomefreak: sure, and then we block everyone who says a dirty word16:26
naliothand then everyone who doesn't use utf-816:26
gnomefreakgood point16:26
naliothgnomefreak: do you realize the overhead it would take to do a word-by-word monitoring?16:27
naliothand it's not an "IRC issue"16:27
gnomefreaknalioth: yeah after i thought about it, after i said it16:27
naliothit's a hardware issue (some of the manufacturers think it's a "protective" mechanism - not an'exploit')16:28
naliothwhich is why everyone has updated their firmware but some have not seen any difference16:28
naliothbest option = connect via a non-standard port16:30
gnomefreakthat would explain why i was never affected16:31
gnomefreaki thought i was on port 8000 but im on 800116:33
naliothyou can use 8000, 8001 or 8002 here16:44
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
Tm_Thi highvoltage20:32
highvoltagehi Tm_T20:33
ubottuyes, I'm alive.20:52
highvoltageit's just quiet :)20:57
* jussi01 is curious to see know who highvoltage is, Havent seen you active in here before.21:00
Priceyjussi01: kubuntu op iirc21:03
Priceyop somewhere...21:04
highvoltagejussi01: I don't hang in here that much21:20
highvoltages/hang/hang out/21:20
jussi01highvoltage: where are you an op, just out of curiousity? /me is just interested to know the people in here a little better..21:21
highvoltagejussi01: #edubuntu21:24
ikoniawindow 3521:25
jussi01highvoltage: ahh, ok, Ive not much to do with that channel. well welcome in here and Im sorry for being so "interrogating"21:26
Seeker`jussi01 is (mostly) harmless really21:27
highvoltagejussi01: no problem at all. I mainly rejoined here after reading the latest messages on the list21:27
Mezhighvoltage: ah, sorry, didn't mean to have you add another window to your list :D21:28
geniijussi01: ubottu needs a kickstart21:29
jussi01genii: Ahh, I missed that, 1 sec21:29
PriceyMez: Can we help?21:31
MezPricey: I'm just idling.21:32
Mezand reading chatter.21:32
PriceyThe channel is publically logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com Mez :)21:33
MezPricey: I am aware of that.21:34
Seeker`I think Pricey is trying to be subtle and no just do the "!idle! factoid21:34
guntbertare you aware that ubottu is unresponsive?21:35
jussi01guntbert: Hi, what can we help with today?21:35
Seeker`I believe it is being kickstarted now21:35
jussi01guntbert: please give her time to sync21:35
guntbertok bye21:35
highvoltageMez: heh, I'm sure it won't kill my irssi session :)21:37
Seeker`irssi \o/21:38
MezSeeker` / Pricey: Feel free to /remove me if you feel it neccessary.  I'm causing no harm here, and I may still be able to provide both input regarding previous bans I may have placed, and alerts to ops as neccessary21:38
Mezalso, I am still an op in 2 ubuntu channels.  Coordination may or may not be neccessary.21:39
Seeker`I don't have the ability to remove you; I was simply trying to make a suggestion of what I think Pricey was trying to get at21:39
PriceyMez: I don't want to remove you.21:40
MezSeeker`: It was a reply to your comment, and useful to Pricey21:40
Mezhence the direction21:41
MezPricey: good to hear.21:41
* Daviey wonders how big a knife would be required to cut the current atmosphere.21:42
mneptokMez: if you are no longer on the ops team, IMO it behooves you as an Ubuntu member to adhere to the rules established by the IRC Council. being as active as you are, if your input is needed everyone knows where to find you.21:42
Seeker`Daviey: Thats not a knife! Thats a spoon!21:42
Mezmneptok: or I'll happily leave if directed. " we ask you to part when you have no further business here" ... I potentially do have business :P21:43
MezSeeker`: there is no spoon21:43
mneptokMez: i potentially have issues that might require police services. that doesn;t mean i can dial 911 and ask to be placed on hold.21:44
highvoltageif Mez is still ops in two channels, shouldn't he have +v as well?21:44
Davieymneptok: As Me rightly points out, he is "Step[ing] down considerately", by being avaliable to "provide both input regarding previous bans I may have placed"21:44
mneptokDaviey: and as i said, being active, people know where to find Mez.21:44
jussi01highvoltage: as I mentioned earlier today: Due to the change in policy at the last IRCC meeting the IRCC are correcting the access lists here in #ubuntu-ops. Voiced users should be an operator of at least one of the channels listed at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IrcTeam/Scope or be freenode staff. If  you are not an operator in one of these channels we kindly ask you to remove your voice and join #ubuntu-irc. Thanks.21:44
Mezhighvoltage: they're not "Ops Team" jurisdiction, per se21:45
Mezscope, thats what I meant21:45
highvoltageMez: ah, ok.21:45
Davieymneptok: May i ask, where you suggesting Mez /part to enforce the !idle rule, or an effort to keep the situation calm?21:49
mneptokDaviey: a little of Column A, a little of Column B21:50

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