[00:12] What is another know by launchpad? === s8n is now known as vorian [03:55] wgrant: around? [03:56] I need someone on a different network to check that http://ppa.launchpad.net/subunit/snapshots/ actually has garbled metadata - http://ppa.launchpad.net/subunit/snapshots/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2 Hash Sum mismatch [04:15] lifeless: if you tell me how to check it, I probably can [04:18] ojwb: add the ppa, see if you can update properly with it in your sources.list [04:18] https://edge.launchpad.net/~subunit/+archive/snapshots [04:19] is the web page fo rit [04:19] will it work on jaunty? [04:19] or was it the karmic repo in particular? [04:19] put karmic in the line [04:19] ok, sure [04:19] you don't need to install anything from it [04:19] ok [04:20] ok, need to add the key of course [04:23] sudo apt-get update works fine for me after doing that [04:23] ok; thanks [04:28] lifeless: Sorry, was lunching. [04:29] lifeless: It's possible that you caught it in the couple of seconds that it was inconsistent, but more likely is that your proxy sucks. [04:30] wgrant: not the first, not the second :) [04:30] wgrant: am hunting a cause [04:30] lifeless: Huh. [04:30] [its several days old, a cache refresh would have caught it] [04:31] lifeless: The file is certainly correct from here. [04:32] if it's not a proxy, what on earth could it be? [04:34] exactly [04:34] its aliens [04:34] lifeless: Sure there's not a transparent proxy somewhere? [04:35] wgrant: no :P [04:35] wgrant: but even if there was [04:35] lifeless: What hash does Packages.bz2 have if you grab it manually? [04:36] s/hash/md5sum/ [04:36] f6f932044fecd70edc7e2a79723d9e46 Packages.bz2 [04:36] Huh. [04:36] That's right. [04:36] its the pointer thats wrong [04:36] What does Release say for it from your end? [04:36] Right. [04:41] dak I hate you. [04:41] hates hates hates [04:41] lifeless: Uh, what!? [04:41] wgrant: uplaod to debian rejected, gpg signing error [04:41] lifeless: Ah, so not the Release vs Packages error. [04:41] for my signing only subkey on this machine [04:41] >< [04:42] I was very confused for a while. [04:42] wgrant: totally different discussion [04:45] f6f932044fecd70edc7e2a79723d9e46 1029 main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2 [04:45] is whats I see as being in Release [04:46] lifeless: That was retrieved somehow other than apt? [04:46] that was wget [04:47] lifeless: I really can't think what's wrong then, unless you have an proxy configured for apt. [04:48] wgrant: I do; the same one that the releases was retrieved through [04:48] wgrant: the content is consistent [04:48] lifeless: Unless apt is sending requests in such a way that it gets cached, whereas wget does not. [04:49] wgrant: wget allows caching unless you explicitly prohibit; I've been watching the logs, etc. [04:49] lifeless: Damn. [04:49] wgrant: you do realise I'm upstream for squid :P [04:49] lifeless: Forgot that bit, sorry. [04:56] its ok :P [04:56] going to be a yak shaving day, I can just feel it. [04:57] Sounds like it :( [04:58] now, where was I [04:58] thats right, pandora build ITP [05:01] wgrant: don't suppose you've used pristine-tar w/ bzr? [05:01] lifeless: 'fraid not. [06:31] intellectronica: Hi... you'v solved question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/81833 , thanks , but just to confirm there are no other bugs linked to ayatana , right? === zirpu2 is now known as zirpu === DaveDave1port is now known as DaveDavenport [12:13] hi [12:13] how can we grant access to https://code.launchpad.net/~merlin/views3-d6 a new project? [12:13] the owner is right ehre [12:59] hi. who have upload rights for group ppa [12:59] is it true: any group member have upload right for group's PPA [12:59] ? [12:59] if not, where can i grant upload rights for group members? [12:59] antono: All team members can upload to a team's PPA, yes. [13:00] wgrant, thanks! [17:35] help [17:35] barry: hey barry, are you on launchpad support duty ? [17:36] !duty [17:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about duty [17:36] !support [17:36] The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org [17:38] https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct, my key is there, I follow instructions, result: bad signature [17:38] !codeofconduct [17:38] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [17:42] I really want to sign the code of conduct but the pgp signing don't work... [17:43] !gpg [17:43] gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts [17:57] what problems do you have? === doctormo_ is now known as doctormo [18:09] geser: still there? [18:10] geser: https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.0.1/+sign [18:10] I did step 1, 2,3, and 4 [18:10] but I get 'bad signature' after I press continue [18:11] I see that there is also a key pending for vlidation in my profile but I didQ === sale_ is now known as sale