=== Traveler is now known as Guest64235 === Guest64235 is now known as Apollo24 === basile is now known as guillom [22:02] hi [22:03] is it possible to recieve posters for educations on universitys that are involved with opensource and related stuff? [22:03] s/recieve/receive/ [22:04] we moved with our education called system & network engineering to a whole new location but our lab is clinical white, and i'm trying to find *nix/*networking related posters [22:04] the website from our education is www.os3.nl [22:04] the picture on the frontpage is our lab [22:04] Try looking around on the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Materials or otherwise SpreadUbuntu http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/ [22:06] otherwise that's just digital files [22:07] It's all I'm aware of at hand [22:07] okay [22:07] otherwise feel free to wait and see if others have anything in mind