
MTeckI need to do a project for my university. My first thought was making dd have a hasning function so you could say dd if=/from of=/to hash=in ; then it would hash the file as it's being read so the file is only read from disk once. Apprently dd can do the same thing. So... You guys have any ideas for how my group could help LP? We do need a clear goal to accomplish.03:57
jmlMTeck, you want to contribute patches to LP?04:00
jmlMTeck, how much time does your group have? :)04:00
MTeckjml: You think somehow we could develop a clear goal? Is there any feature that you guys want added that we could do04:00
jmlMTeck, we could definitely come up with something.04:01
jmlMTeck, is there anything on LP that interests you in particular?04:02
MTeckbranches - loggerhead - bugs - teams04:02
jmlMTeck, cool.04:02
MTeckI think those are my favorite part :P04:02
MTeckI did like the tabs better for the UI - but I can see where removing images is a good idea04:03
* jml nods04:03
jmlMTeck, I'm definitely sure that we can find something in one of those that would be suitable04:04
MTeckWas it a bandwidth decision?04:04
jmlMTeck, also, what TZ are you guys in?04:04
jmlMTeck, It was partly a bandwidth decision, and partly a communication-of-structure thing04:04
jmlMTeck, I'll chat to a couple of the team leads & get back to you.04:05
jmllogging out to test a gnome thing04:26
jmltime to repeat the ipod experiment05:10
jmlback soon.05:10
jmlhow do I get the exit code of the last command?06:07
MTeckAll I know about getting an exist status is either an error message handler, %d, or echo $?06:11
wgrantjml: $? is the shell variable, as MTeck suggested.06:19
* jml is giving up on Banshee, and trying gtkpod for syncing06:22
* wgrant gave up on Banshee when he couldn't work out how to use its DAAP plugin and Launchpad at the same time.06:22
wgrantjml: LH wants to be kicked very much.06:23
jmlI can't really do anything about it, I'm afraid.06:23
* MTeck uses totem when he really needs audio/video - but much of the sound type06:24
jmlI guess I should use gstreamer to convert all my flacs to mp3s and then try gtkpod again06:26
jmltranscoding is not its strength06:26
jmlI wish banshee didn't rely so much on HAL, dammit.06:27
jmland now I can't even figure out gstreamer06:33
* jml takes a break06:33
MTeckThis is how I like to start coding (same as when I started usling Linux) - http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/6990/arcticfoxhunting.gif06:49
MTeckjml: head first :D06:57
wgrantjml: What's broken with HAL?07:12
jmlwgrant, podsleuth uses HAL to find iPods. There's some crazy interaction between it and gnome's auto mounting stuff.07:20
wgrantjml: Possibly related to the HALectomy? Or was this a problem pre-Karmic as well?07:23
jmlwgrant, HALectomy, I think. Haven't tested pre-Karmic, it's a new ipod07:23
jmlwgrant, F11 users are reporting the same thing07:24
wgrantjml: Yeah, that looks like it.07:25
wgrantNautilus has used DeviceKit-disks for some time now.07:25
jmlI don't really know what to do about it, other than change banshee / podsleuth to use DeviceKit / udev / whatever07:28
lifelessooh look people07:50
jmllifeless, what?07:51
jmllifeless, btw, tribunal is now in 2a & works with testtools.07:52
wgrantIs 2a stable now?07:53
lifelessjml: cool07:57
lifelessjml: subunitification?07:57
jmllifeless, writing an email about that now :)07:58
lifelesswgrant: its been supported since 1.1607:58
lifelessI'm trying to decide how best to plugin in a SubunitLogObserver to arbitrary buidl steps in buildbot07:58
wgrantlifeless: But it had some big issues back then. Are they all gone now?07:58
lifelesswgrant: 2.0rc2 should have no operational issues using it07:59
wgrantlifeless: OK, thanks.07:59
jmllifeless, .... and sent07:59
lifelessjml: [replied]08:14
jmlmake build is broken in stable :(08:48
jmloh wait, that's just karmic08:58
wgrantjml: There are also test failures on stable.08:58
jmlwgrant, test failures?08:58
wgrantjml: yeah, one test is failing without counting towards the failure counts, so the suite passes.08:58
jmlwgrant, sheesh.08:59
wgrantjml: 'make build' works fine here on karmic/2.4. What's wrong with yours?08:59
jmlwgrant, I'll try again & paste.09:00
jmlit fails on wadllib generation09:00
wgrantjml: WFM :(09:03
jmlwgrant, up to date with download-cache?09:04
wgrantThat's impressive.09:04
wgrantjml: No.09:04
* wgrant updates09:04
wgrantI probably should get onto those remaining formatting-related 2.5 failures at some point.09:05
jmlI was going to fix ec2test on karmic, but...09:06
wgrantIt needs make build?09:07
jmlhmm, I guess it doesn't.09:07
jmlbut 'make build' is pretty essential to almost everything else09:07
wgrantIt works for me with up-to-date devel and download-cache.09:08
jmlI'll give it a try with devel09:08
* jml runs branch-flow09:09
jmlwgrant, it's a utility I wrote that lives in utilities/.09:12
jmlwgrant, give it a burl :)09:12
lifelessI always forget how ugly unittest.py is09:13
lifeless        self.testsRun = self.testsRun + 109:13
jmllifeless, it predates +=, iirc.09:14
lifelessall the same09:14
lifelessits had lots of time to be cared for09:14
wgrantjml: Ah, that's very nice.09:15
jmlwgrant, thanks.09:15
jmlit's not so nice that we have 26 untested revisions in devel.09:15
wgrantjml: No. But I guess that'll be fixed in less than 24 hours.09:16
* jml hopes so.09:16
wgrantBut is make build still broken?09:17
jmlI think it's a python-xml thing.09:17
jmlI recall someone saying something about xmlplus at some point.09:18
* jml uses a proprietary web service to find out where.09:18
wgrantRemove python-xml?09:18
wgrantIt's not needed.09:18
jmlI'll try that.09:19
jmlwgrant, what's the test that's failing but not failing the suite?09:19
wgrantjml: lp.buildmaster.tests.test_manager.TestBuilddManagerScan.testScanRescuesJobFromBrokenBuilder09:20
wgrantjml: It fortunately shows up in ec2test success emails, so I know it's *only* that one.09:21
jmlremoving python-xml does the trick09:22
wgrantjml: It started failed in r9267 due to sampledata changes (bug #424797)09:22
mupBug #424797: lp.buildmaster.tests.test_manager.TestBuilddManagerScan.testScanRescuesJobFromBrokenBuilder failing silently <soyuz-build> <spurious-test-failure> <Soyuz:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/424797>09:22
wgrantThat's odd.09:23
jmloh good, there _is_ a bug.09:23
jmlthat's something09:23
wgrantI considered filing a -foundations bug about the lack of detection of the failure. Should I?09:25
lifelessif something is wrong, file a bug :)09:35
jmlwgrant, build-infrastructure tag please09:42
jmlhey look, it's a trial test case09:43
jmlI know this!09:43
wgrantlifeless: Well, it might have just been a bug in the test.09:45
wgrantIt is a subclass of something I've not seen before.09:45
lifelesswgrant: eitherway, is it not a bug ?09:46
wgrantlifeless: Yes, but there's already a bug about the test being broken.09:46
lifelessI'd file one about the detection09:46
lifelessif its a false positive bug, no harm done09:46
lifelessjml: # tests: current=51, target=53.009:47
lifelessjml: from buildbot09:47
jmllifeless, ECONTEXT09:47
lifelessjml: subunit to buildbot progress09:48
wgrantBug #42511309:49
mupBug #425113: Some tests can fail without detection <build-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/425113>09:49
lifelessjml: "I have a patch to make buildbot show test progress if there is subunit in the output."09:49
jmllifeless, ahh, awesome.09:49
wgrantVery nice.09:50
lifelessIts so helpful that 'git diff' does not show what you will commit.09:57
wgrantlifeless: Is there a way to work around that?09:57
lifelessgit add .; git diff --cached09:57
lifelessor use bzr-git and 'bzr diff'09:57
wgrantThat always hits me when I use git, but that's rare enough that I can never be bothered to look it up.09:58
lifelessI had done a git add09:58
lifelessso when git diff showed me nothing I was ... puzzled09:58
jmlso what's happening is that our newer zope is demanding even more things from the traceback object than it used to10:00
jmltrial, in this case, is converting a twisted Failure object into an exc_info-alike tuple10:01
wgrantjml: Is this related to there not being any output?10:01
jmlwgrant, yes.10:01
jmlwgrant, zope.testing is raising an AttributeError that somehow gets swallowed.10:02
wgrantjml: Yay.10:02
lifelessand failing open, lovely.10:02
wgrantThe best kind.10:03
jmlAttributeError: "'_Frame' object has no attribute 'f_locals'"10:03
wgrantWhat's eating that?10:03
jmlnot sure yet.10:03
lifelessheh there isn't a BuildBot dev.lp.net wiki page10:05
jmlwgrant, probably something in trial.10:05
jmllifeless, Trunk/Glue gets close10:05
lifelesswhere is the buildbot status page?10:05
wgrantjml: Ah, good.10:05
jmllifeless, https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/10:06
lifelesshmm, we already have test counts. \o/10:08
lifelessjml: was my tribunal feedback useful ?10:09
jmllifeless, yes, thanks.10:09
jmllifeless, I'm having attention problems today, sadly.10:09
lifelessfair enough10:10
lifelessI had my allergy shot today10:10
lifelessso I'm lethargic, sore, and hard of focus10:10
jmluntangling why trial is swallowing this error is going to be a challenge10:10
jmland I don't think I care enough10:10
lifelessis it trial swallowing it?10:11
lifelesslp:twisted ?10:17
jmllifeless, see the #twisted topic10:17
jml(I think it's lp:twisted, but I can't remember)10:17
jmlI've linked the Twisted bug & made a comment about the whole thing.10:22
lifelessjust quickly10:26
lifelessis there anything in the ReporterProtocol that I should know about?10:27
* jml thinks10:28
jmlit does todos & skips differently from what you might expect10:28
jmladdError being called more than once per test is expected10:28
jmlinstead of exc_info tuples, it expects t.p.failure.Failure objects10:29
jmlPyUnitTestResultAdapter should be a fairly good read in this respect.10:29
jmloh, and the constructor is part of the contract, iirc.10:31
jmlsorry about tha.10:31
lifelessclass TestResult(pyunit.TestResult, object):10:31
lifeless    def __init__(self):10:31
lifelessdoesn't seem that onerous?10:32
jml    def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout, tbformat='default', realtime=False):10:32
jmlclass Reporter(TestResult):10:32
lifelessso this is a lie:10:32
lifeless    implements(itrial.IReporter)10:32
jmlI tried fixing that ages ago, and got blocked on something stupid10:33
lifeless_observeWarnings seems to be on totally the wrong class, to me.10:34
lifelessanyhow, lets see if this work10:35
lifelesswhat tests would you like? :)10:36
lifelessjml: ^10:37
jmllifeless, we really do aim for total coverage.10:39
lifelessso, putting aside how to test the missing import block10:39
lifelesswhich is thorny10:39
jmllifeless, fwiw, there's a typo in the missing import block10:40
lifelessdo you have an interface conformance suite for reporters?10:40
jmllifeless, sadly no.10:40
jmlthere might be a test for the trial script10:40
lifelessthanks for the typo note10:40
jmlto see which reporters are shown in the help10:41
jml... apparently not.10:41
lifelesstwisted.trial tests pass for me10:41
lifeless(using --reporter=subunit too :P)10:41
jmllifeless, I can't think of any appropriate tests.10:42
lifelessI'll write something plausible10:42
lifelessbut it works!10:42
jmllifeless, cool.10:43
jmlyeah, I saw :)10:44
jmlthere'll need to be some formatting tweaks too, but nothing that major.10:44
lifelessthere may be some friction10:46
lifelessI don't know that trial is capable of downgrading properly to stock TestResult's10:46
lifelesse.g. UnexpectedSuccess may go boom10:47
lifelessjml: what is the reason that the result object hooks into log observing?10:48
jmllifeless, kind of historical reasons10:49
jmllifeless, log.err() calls in tests should fail tests10:49
lifelessjml: sure; shouldn't each test hook in though?10:50
jmlparticularly because that's how Twisted reports unhandled errors in deferreds10:50
jmllifeless, I guess...10:50
jmlI wonder...10:50
lifelessjml: so, I'm not saying 'hooking into log is odd', I'm saying 'Reporter hooking into log ...'10:50
jmllifeless, it's been added since I last touched the code.10:51
jmllifeless, so, I don't know the reason.10:52
jmllifeless, http://paste.ubuntu.com/266016/10:54
lifelessyes, that sounds nice.10:55
lifelessI don't see that being at all incompatible with my question :)10:55
lifelessits a separation of concerns issue, is all.10:55
lifelessmy reporter won't do this, because its totally outside the responsibilities of a reporter..10:56
lifelessunless I multiple inherit10:56
lifelessand I'm not sure what would happen if I do that :(10:56
* lifeless shruggifies10:56
lifelessooo, EINTR.10:57
lifelesshmm, I suspect subunit doesn't loop no EINTR at the moment10:58
lifelessjml: how important is this^ ?10:58
jmllifeless, it's important.10:59
* lifeless files a subunit bug10:59
jmllifeless, as for the location of responsibility, well, I haven't paged any of that code in, but what you say makes sense11:00
jmlfwiw, it looks like the only change needed to make ec2test work in karmic is to remove the version checking for boto :)11:01
wgrantjml: That's what I suspected, but best to be safe.11:02
lifelessjml: interestingly, I see this:11:04
lifelessRan 535 tests in 3.165s11:04
lifelessPASSED (expectedFailures=1, successes=534)11:04
lifelessTotal tests:     51611:04
lifelessPassed tests:    51511:04
lifelessFailed tests:      111:04
jmllifeless, that is interesting.11:04
lifeless18 missing tests :)11:04
lifeless18 overreported tests11:05
lifelessjml: further thoughts11:11
lifelessjml: PyUnitResultAdapter would in some ways be better11:11
lifelessfor subunit; as subunit wants to be a real boy.11:11
lifelessbut 400511:11
lifelessits kindof late for yak shaving though11:12
jmllifeless, yeah.11:16
lifelessaddExpectedFailure is sadly different to python 2.711:24
jmlyeah, I kind of wish they at least investigated prior art before standardising11:25
lifelesshell no11:25
lifelessnow what?11:27
jmllifeless, you want to land it?11:28
lifelessits ~ done11:28
lifelessuhm, I think I need to add Failure support11:28
lifelesswhich I'm about to do. then its done11:28
lifelessIt may handle Failures already11:29
lifelessas it just stringifies stuff it doesn't recognise11:29
jmllifeless, you probably want to read over http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/trunk/doc/core/development/policy/coding-standard.xhtml?format=raw11:29
lifelesshmm, needs to be improved there11:29
lifelessjml: thats a longish document11:31
lifelessjml: what do I have wrong?11:31
jmldocstrings are """\nFoo.\n"""11:31
jml"All unit test methods should have docstrings specifying at a high level the intent of the test."11:32
jmltwo blank lines between methods11:32
jmlthree blank lines between classes11:32
lifelessI have to presume there are good reasons for this11:33
jmllifeless, there aren't.11:33
jmlwhen it's ready to land, please add the tag 'review' and assign it to me.11:36
jmlI'll review it (and if appropriate, land it) tomorrow,11:36
jmlI'm going to step away from the computer for the evening.11:37
lifelessare you jml in matrix?11:44
lifelessjml: enjoy, its in your paddywhack :)11:45
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
MTeckjono: the whole irc thing is getting to me. I'm on the verge of not coming back for a year or to or ever - just in case I go off the deep end...18:28
MTeckhrm... wrong channel18:29
MTeckjml: I am excited to work on that project though18:29
mwhudsongood morning21:11
thumpermwhudson: call?22:13
mwhudsonthumper: yes22:22
thumpermwhudson: how different is Launchpad's bzr-git from trunk bzr-git?23:32
mwhudsonthumper: not very, i thought23:32
mwhudsonthumper: easy to check cd ~/mumble/sourcecode/bzr-git; bzr missing lp:bzr-git23:33
thumpermwhudson: we are using bzr-git out of sourcecode still?23:37
mwhudsonthumper: yes, aiui bzr doesn't work with plugins in eggs23:37
mwhudsonthumper: but admittedly i haven't really looked into the issue yet23:38
* thumper checks missing23:38
lifelesseggs are evil23:47
lifelessand no, we don't23:47
wgrantlifeless: However, LP moving to eggs should make it easier to move to real packages later.23:50
lifelesswgrant: uhm, that seems totally orthogonal23:51
lifelesswgrant: just moving straight to real packages would be less likely to run into egg specific issues23:51
wgrantlifeless: Not quite. It provides a greater incentive to use unhacked versions of the dependencies.23:52
lifelesswgrant: which moving to real packages would do to23:52
wgrantlifeless: Right, but I suspect it's easier to move to real packages from eggs than from sourcecode/.23:52
lifelesswgrant: I have no reason to think that that is the case23:52
lifelesseggs are a poor proxy for real packages23:53

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