
MTeckPici: Why is there a ban on
MTeckPici: 00:53 -!- ServerMode/#ubuntu-release-party [+bb *!*@ *!*=floodbot@ubuntu/bot/partybot] by irc.freenode.net04:42
MezPici: because if I weren't in here due to -uk, I'd be in here due to -backports06:50
MezThere are other "out of scope" channels that are not locality based06:50
jussi01Mez: to me, the international doesnt exclude non locality based chans. Its an inclusive term, not an exclusive.08:59
jussi01Mez: However, if you disagree, it may be helpful for you to suggest your thoughts on a better alternative.09:06
nikosomething i guess your nick is an hash :)12:48
jussi01Hei all! Just a reminder that the IRC Council meeting is in 15 mins in #ubuntu-meeting.13:48
jussi01or 12 even :D13:48
m4vjussi01: looks like erusul won't make it for #ubuntu-es's topic, there won't be a problem if I speak on his place?13:55
jussi01m4v: if he is happy about that a quick PM to me from him would help.13:56
nikoas erUsul agreed that ..13:56
nikojussi01: check log here :)13:56
jussi01niko: can you give me a reference time?13:57
m4vwell, he's not online..13:57
m4vyeah, wait13:57
nikojussi01: localised in fact13:57
m4v[2009-09-02 15:42:42] erUSUL m4v: i put you as my proxy ? i dunno if the fact of not being op would hust... but you can stand as user of the channel13:57
m4vby hust he meant hurt13:58
m4vah, 15:42 hours in my local time, which is utc-313:58
nikojussi01: but as far as i know, erUSUL he's agree13:59
nikojust in time13:59
erUSULjust in time14:00
erUSUL 14:59 is a record for a spanish ;)14:00
nikoerUSUL: usually you sleep at this time ? :)14:00
erUSUL... siesta ;)14:01
erUSULso #ubuntu-meeting is the place...14:01
naliothmeeting beginning any moment14:01
nikooh LjL join14:01
jussi01niko: ?14:04
nikoi just have /notify :) i have to talk with him :14:04
jester-some lcobot admin around?17:02
MTeckCan I have my ubuntu hostmask removed?18:03
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
nikowhy ?18:05
MTeckAvoid some flames when I'm in windows channels asking for help, irritations that haven't gone away, I'm planning on a company hostmask soon, etc.18:06
nikothere is no ops on these channels to help you ?18:10
MTeckhelp me with which part?18:10
nikoavoiding issue due to your cloak18:12
MTeckNo, ops (some of them) in ##windows tend to let Linux bashing slide18:13
MTeckniko: the biggest issue is because of irritations in the ubuntu community that I'm having troubles with18:14
MTeckniko: I've put thought into the decision - more than just a day or two18:16
MTeckI took care of it18:30
Alvinwaremy ubuntu freeze suddenly, why?18:32
m4vAlvinware: you will get more chances of getting a reply if you ask in the support channel ----> #ubuntu18:34
Alvinwarei can't get the original #ubuntu, when i try, i get #ubuntu-ops, why?18:35
m4vyou're probably banned then, you should talk about in #ubuntu-ops18:36
m4vtalk about it* in #ubuntu-ops18:36
MTeckand now he's ban evading18:43
unknown1where can i request to lift a ban on username, other than in #ubuntu-ops?21:07
nikounknown1: begins to follow channel rules perhaps ?21:09
nikoor ask again in #ubuntu-ops in one day21:09
unknown1i'm following in ubuntu rules, and i really need help in #ubuntu, ban discourage user of ubuntu.21:10
unknown1i cant go in #ubuntu-ops.21:10
nikoprobably because you never read links provided by ops in #ubuntu-ops ?21:11
nikoanyway, ask op banned you, that's the way to resolve these kind of issue21:12
m4vunknown1: there's a reason why you're banned, go to #ubuntu-ops, ask nicely what to do for get unbanned, and listen to the ops.21:13
unknown1ask op/ops?21:17
unknown1ops banned.21:17
unknown1any ways?21:18
topyliunknown1: please return to -ops after 24 hours or so, the ban there will be lifted by then21:19
topylimeanwhiile,, please don't try and roam the network under different nicks in an attempt to go unnoticed. it's not working21:20
unknown1why, they banned my router mac address?21:20
ikoniaunknown1: you have had your reasons explained21:27
unknown1so lift ban?21:34
unknown1please life ban ok?21:39
ikoniasorry - not at this time21:42
ikoniaplease come back to #ubuntu-ops in 24 hours AFTER you have read the rules you where requested to read21:42
unknown1i have read.21:53
unknown1u should read it too, and need to understand21:54
ikoniaunknown1: then please come back in 24 hours, and next time you're asked multiple times to do something, do it instead of arguing21:54
ikoniaunknown1: I'm well aware of the rules/guidelines in that documentation, trying to put blame/fault on someone else, this won't be discussed until 24 hous have past, as you have been told21:54
unknown1repeat will get warning. too.21:55
unknown1other got blame cause responsibility.21:55
ikoniaagain - trying to pick a fight by saying I'm repeating will get you no-where as you have been told about this21:55
ikoniauntil you can stop trying to provoke a situation this will go no further, I only have to repeat something because you are unable to grasp it until it has been said to you multiple times. This channel is not the place to discuss it, please re-join #ubuntu-ops in 24 hours21:56
unknown1lol, i'm mean ask multiple times to do something, do it instead of arguing, will get warning, u repeating too? lol.21:56
unknown1lol. i'm saying u said repeat it instead of arguing, will get warning, are u repeating something too? lol21:58
ikoniathis discussion is over21:59
unknown1operator shouldn't be excluded. laws apply all, fairness.22:00

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