
slhsenhi, I just installed 9.04 and I cannot change my keyboard layout to TR it shows the turkish flag on keyboard switch plug in but does not work. any ideas?00:02
slhsen"setxkbmap tr" works00:09
slhsenbut xfce settings does not00:09
imfluxiblei just did a new install of 9.04 but i only have a top of screen panel, can anyone tell me what might be the problem that i don't have a bottom panel?01:18
imfluxiblei tried to sudo apt-get install gnome-panel but it said there was already installed an instance or similar01:26
durtimfluxible, xubuntu uses xfce not gnome, it would be xfce4-panel01:42
durtand it should be already installed, right click on your top panel choose customize panel to add more panels.01:43
=== MrNaz` is now known as MrNaz
mikubuntutrying to help my friend in california install .. she has xp, and i don't know anything about microsoft, and neither does she, does anybody know what program might be on her xp by default to burn the iso?08:10
Techiethere is no program on xp that will allow you to burn iso files out of the box08:18
Techiemay i suggest a burning application?08:19
mikubuntuTechie, sorry i was away looking for resources ... yes please suggest the best08:31
Techiei personally use IMGburn08:31
mikubuntuso it is freely available to download to ms xp?08:31
mikubuntucool, let me try to walk her thru it08:32
Techieonce its installed you can right click the iso and select burn with imgburn if you want08:33
Techiethen just put in a black disc and click the big button on the bottom left08:33
mikubuntuTechie, ok, waiting for her to re-download buntu, she selected run instead of save ... lol08:52
mikubuntuTechie, you there?09:10
Techieim here09:11
mikubuntushe says its offering her 'Advanced Reg Opt' to download, is that the file? Imgburn?09:11
Techiethats an ad09:11
Techiewhich mirror site?09:12
mikubuntuhmmm, i don't know what she's seeing ...  mirror 1 betanews09:12
Techieblue button on the right09:13
mikubuntuk, lemme tell her09:13
Techieit says Download Now (2,119 Kb)09:13
mikubuntustill here? :P09:21
mikubuntugina says :: the ubuntu file not on desktop, where would xp put it normally?09:22
Techietry my documents09:22
Techiethere may be a downloads folder09:22
mikubuntudownloads folder under docs?09:23
Techieyeah, might not be there though09:23
Techieyou could always do a search for it09:23
Techiehit [windows key] + F09:24
mikubuntuhow do you search on xp09:24
mikubuntuk, then?09:24
Techieall files and folders on the left pane09:24
Techiein the first box put buntu and click search09:25
mikubuntushe's trying.  like the blind leading the blind.09:29
mikubuntushe says :: OMG i foooouuuund it ...  we'll see ...lol...09:30
Techiewindows isnt any harder than ubuntu, its just that it doesnt have large support channels like this and doesnt have the might of the open source community09:30
mikubuntuand you forgot, it DOESN'T WORK ... lol09:31
Techiecommon misconception09:32
Techieit does work, its just that alot of users dont know how to work with it properly, the same goes for any distro of linux09:32
mikubuntui hate it, i've never had money, so i've always had older equipment and machines always froze up, crashed, etc... , nvr happens with linux (in my experience - UNLESS i've done something stupid, which i have on occasion)09:34
Techieuse your resources09:35
mikubuntuconvoluted coding, made to obfuscate09:35
mikubuntui'm no coder, but i understand and believe that to be true, right?09:35
Techietheres only 2 peices of hardware in my computer that arent 2nd hand09:35
Techiewindows code isnt as bad as its made out to be09:36
mikubuntuok, she found it!!! so, she just needs to insert disk, and right click you said to bring up imgburn09:36
Techiebtw if you didnt figure it out... im a windows user, but i also work with linux09:37
mikubuntui did, just giving you a hard time.  i'm sure you know LOTS more than i, without a doubt.  i toil thru everything, haha09:38
mikubuntuso what will be img's options again?09:38
Techieno need to change any options, however you can change the burn speed and disable the verify procedure if you want09:39
mikubuntui can't see what she's seeing09:39
mikubuntuok, so i should slow the burn speed right09:39
Techieup to you09:39
Techiegood writer and good discs and you can burn at full speed09:40
Techieif you doubt either then burn at a slower speed09:40
mikubuntunot 100 percent familiar with her equipment, its a two year old dell laptop is all i know09:41
Techieyeah, maybe reduce the burn speed a little bit09:41
mikubuntuhope i get a good install ...09:41
Techienot a big fan of dells09:41
mikubuntume neither ezackly09:42
mikubuntui bought a 300 doller acer couple months ago, and everyone says its sh$%, but i haven't had any probs complaints on it yet, does everything i tell it to09:43
Techiewhat specs?09:43
mikubuntuhouston we have a problem ... she said she clickd on the file and it took her back to ubuntu home page ... that doesn't sound like an .iso to me    heehee09:45
Techieshe could do a search for *.iso09:46
mikubuntuahhh, good idea.  but she just crappd out.  tomorrow nite :P09:47
mikubuntuTechie, thanks ... see you tomorrow?09:48
Techieif im on, otherwise it should be pretty simple09:49
mikubuntuk, laters then, thx again09:49
* Techie waves @ miguelonnnn 09:56
Techie   /away sleeping10:44
Techie... why did i have a bunch of spaces in there???? oh well10:44
SiDiGood night, Techie :)10:44
Techienight SiDi10:44
Sysii think i'll ever get bored to peple from different time zones10:51
miguelonnnnsry good night techie hope not being too late :S11:10
=== MastaAce is now known as Prof
=== Prof is now known as ProfP30
ace__how can i change the mixer icon?12:46
asdfkjlhldshi'm having some troubles with xubuntu instalation15:56
SiDihi asdfkjlhldsh15:58
SiDiwhat problem do you have exactly ?15:58
asudhdhuauhdhow can I stay connected to this webirc16:03
asudhdhuauhdit loses conection every time16:04
asudhdhuauhdctcp version16:04
tryingtoobtainhei cant stay conected16:06
tryingtoobtainhefreenode-connect [freenode@freenode/bot/connect] requested CTCP VERSION from tryingtoobtainhe:16:07
Sysiyou can't use proper irc-client?16:08
qwebirc2953i'm having some trouble with xubuntu16:09
qwebirc2953and with this webirc16:09
Sysiyou can't use proper irc-client?16:10
SiDiproblems with the webchat should be dealt on #freenode16:10
SiDii'm on webchat.freenode.net too and it works very well.16:10
qwebirc2953I installed xubuntu on my notebook16:10
qwebirc2953its an old Toshiba Satellite16:11
qwebirc2953and CD drive doesn't work any more16:11
qwebirc2953so, i made a cd image aproach16:11
qwebirc2953on installing, everything was ok16:12
qwebirc2953when the pc rebooted,16:12
qwebirc2953it asked to my user and pw16:12
qwebirc2953but in "console" mode16:12
qwebirc2953i filled user and pw, but i'm still on text mode16:13
qwebirc2953how can I start xfce?16:13
durtsudo /etc/init.d/gdm start16:14
qwebirc2953i got:16:14
durtthis is IRC not IM. You can put more than a few words on a line, in fact multiple lines. :)16:15
qwebirc2953sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm: command not found16:15
NickDeNegerlol @ durt16:15
qwebirc2953i got: sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm: command not found16:16
durtdid you do a cli install?16:16
SiDiqwebirc2953: what CD did you use ?16:17
qwebirc2953clean install?16:17
qwebirc2953alternate cd16:17
SiDiit looks like you didnt install XFCE16:17
SiDiAre you sure you didnt install ubuntu server ? :/16:17
SiDiwhat does uname -r return please ?16:17
durtthen you need to install xubuntu-desktop (if that's the correct package name, anyone?).16:17
qwebirc2953returns:     2.6.28-11-generic16:18
SiDiAlright, that's just weird16:18
NickDeNegertry: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:18
NickDeNegerthat will setup the complete xubuntu environment16:18
NickDeNegerprobably you are missing allot of packages :)16:19
qwebirc2953"impossible find xubuntu-desktop package16:19
qwebirc2953actually, let me explain how i installed.16:19
qwebirc2953This notebook's cd drive isnt working16:20
qwebirc2953and it doesn't book from pendrive16:20
qwebirc2953so, searching on ubuntu documentation, i found:16:20
qwebirc2953    * Installation     * FromWindows        *  The CD image approach16:21
qwebirc2953"Note: This method only works with the Alternate Ubuntu install CD."16:22
SiDiqwebirc2953: could you please paste the documentation ?16:22
NickDeNegeror the url16:22
qwebirc2953If for some reason you can not (do not want to) write the CD it is possible to use the ISO image to do the installation from hard disk.      *        Create a directory called hd-media in the root directory of the first primary partition of your hard drive (usually drive c:\, which it will be referred to as from now on).     *        Download vmlinuz and initrd.gz from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/instal16:22
qwebirc2953better hrl16:22
qwebirc2953I used The CD image approach16:23
qwebirc2953with Xubuntu Alternate CD16:23
SiDihuh, Download vmlinuz and initrd.gz from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/hd-media/ and save them to hd-media16:25
SiDiThese files don't exist :/16:25
qwebirc2953i downloaded from16:25
qwebirc2953the last ubuntu distro16:25
NickDeNegerafter booting you got the installer? and you didn't get any error's during the installation?16:26
SiDiqwebirc2953: can you try to type ubiquity in a command line please ?16:26
qwebirc2953no error16:26
SiDiI think you got booted into a LiveCD (installed in your partition)16:26
SiDiyou're not booted into an actually installed system16:26
qwebirc2953ubiquity not found16:27
qwebirc2953in fact,16:27
qwebirc2953i have the alternate cd imagem on the hd16:27
SiDithen ubiquity should be there16:27
qwebirc2953what should i do?16:28
qwebirc2953i'm tryng to instal linux on this notebook16:29
qwebirc2953but i can't use CD.16:30
SiDiWell, can you reach the internet from your machine ?16:30
qwebirc2953from windows yes.16:30
SiDiif you can then you can do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:30
SiDiFrom the linux box, i meant16:30
SiDiWhat network configuration do you have ?16:30
qwebirc2953this note doesn't have cable ethernet16:31
qwebirc2953just a usb wifi16:31
SiDiWhat does iwlist wlan0 scan say ?16:31
qwebirc2953not installed16:32
qwebirc2953i really dont understand.16:32
NickDeNegerit sounds he only got the kernel module...16:33
qwebirc2953on instalation, everything gone ok16:33
SiDiNickDeNeger: yeh, sounds like that...16:33
SiDijust like that, is your console something like ubuntu@ubuntu~: or (initramfs): ?16:33
SiDiSo, once you booted the first time, you DID perform an install, right ?16:34
qwebirc2953i think i will try again16:34
SiDiwell, it looks like nothing got installed at all :]16:35
NickDeNegermaybe if he setups his wireless and add a repository he can get all?16:35
NickDeNegerdid you select: use entire disk on setup?16:36
qwebirc2953i still have windows on other partition16:36
NickDeNegerso you picked manual and created 1 ext3 partition and 1 swap?16:36
SiDiNickDeNeger: yeh but he doesnt seem to even have the basic networking tools16:37
qwebirc2953i picked automatic create partitions16:37
qwebirc2953with /home  and /swap separeted16:37
NickDeNegerhmm k that shouldn't be the problem then i guess16:37
qwebirc2953do you think i should instal again?16:38
NickDeNegeryou can try?16:38
qwebirc2953i can login on windows16:38
qwebirc2953access internet16:38
NickDeNegerreally don't know ^^16:38
NickDeNegernever worked with that kind of installation16:39
qwebirc2953maybe the Cd image aproach doesnot work with xubuntu alternate cd.16:39
qwebirc2953i will download ubuntu alternate cd16:39
qwebirc2953and try16:39
NickDeNegershouldn't make a difference but you can try16:39
NickDeNegerboth installations are similar but with different basic packages16:39
qwebirc2953i rebooted16:40
NickDeNegerbut trying never hurts =)16:40
qwebirc2953on grub I have:16:40
qwebirc2953ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11 generic16:40
qwebirc2953ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-11 generic (recovery mode)16:40
qwebirc2953Ms Windows XP16:40
qwebirc2953should I select recovery mode?16:41
NickDeNegerdon't know... maybe SiDi knows ^^16:42
qwebirc2953i have the complete iso image on another partition16:43
qwebirc2953if i can access it,16:43
qwebirc2953may be i can instal the packages?16:43
SiDitry to boot every line16:44
qwebirc2953how I do this?16:45
qwebirc2953on grub I also have:16:46
qwebirc2953ubuntu 9.04, memtes86+16:46
qwebirc2953I'm starting a clean install16:47
NickDeNegermaybe the setup didn't setup grub correctly and it's still booting the installer grub version16:47
NickDeNegeron the installation16:47
qwebirc2953reinstalling now16:48
qwebirc2953i got a problem16:48
NickDeNegerwhen the installer asks where you want tot setup grub type in: (hd0)16:48
qwebirc2953Error while running 'modprobe -v -yenta_socket16:48
qwebirc2953now it's loading addtional components16:49
qwebirc2953again the same error. I hit continue.16:49
qwebirc2953No network detected.16:50
qwebirc2953I select Continue or Go Back?16:50
SiDiI have strictly no idea :/16:50
qwebirc2953i selected go back16:51
qwebirc2953entered in hardware detection16:51
qwebirc2953again, no network detected. i hit continue.16:51
qwebirc2953Configure network. It is asking the hostname. i write "ubuntu"16:52
NickDeNegerhow did you enter the setup? on boot: ms windows xp >> setup?16:52
qwebirc2953when i reseted,16:53
qwebirc2953it entered on grub16:53
qwebirc2953I selected Ms Windows XP16:53
qwebirc2953so it entered in Windows Boot Loader16:53
qwebirc2953I selected "Instal Ubuntu" (from the CD image aproach)16:54
qwebirc2953So it loaded the instalation program16:54
qwebirc2953i'm partitioning the HD now16:56
qwebirc2953#1 primary 9.5 gb B ntfs    (where MS Win and the cd image are)16:57
qwebirc2953pri/log 10.5GB   free space16:57
qwebirc2953i select the second one16:58
qwebirc2953and then Automatically partition the free space16:58
qwebirc2953it created:16:59
qwebirc2953#1 primary 9.5 gb B ntfs    (where MS Win and the cd image are)16:59
SiDintfs ?16:59
NickDeNegerthat is the windows partition16:59
qwebirc2953#5 logical 10 gb      f    ext3 /16:59
SiDi(btw your network isnt detected probably because you have an usb wifi dongle without drivers)16:59
NickDeNegerthat's wrong ^^16:59
qwebirc2953#6 logical 493.5 gb      f    swap swap16:59
SiDiOkey, where are 2 3 and 4 ? :P17:00
SiDi493 MB you mean ?17:00
qwebirc2953don't know17:00
SiDi(thats a 20GB disc ?)17:00
qwebirc2953493 mb17:00
NickDeNegerthe root / should be on a primary partition not a logical17:00
SiDiNickDeNeger: actually it should matter at all w/ linux :/17:00
qwebirc2953i will delete this partitions, and leave only the ntfs one17:01
NickDeNegerhmm oke17:01
NickDeNegeralthough i would prefer to make #2 primary 10gb f ext3 /17:01
qwebirc2953right.. now I have:17:01
qwebirc2953 #1 primary 9.5 gb B ntfs    (where MS Win and the cd image are)17:01
NickDeNegerand swap at #317:01
qwebirc2953pri/log 10.5GB   free space17:02
SiDidelete every one apart from the #1, then go to manual partition, make a 4,5GB / ext4 primary partition, a ~512 mb swap one, and a 5GB /home ext4 primary17:02
SiDiyou wont need logical partitions since you dont leave any room behind you :P17:02
SiDi(but afaik linux is meant to be bootable from logical ones :/ )17:02
qwebirc2953it's asking where i want the partition to be created on the space avaliable: beginning or end17:03
qwebirc2953(4,5GB / ext4 primary partition)17:03
NickDeNegerquick question, is it possible at all to takeover the active session screen (you see on your monitor) using vnc? if so i'll try harder xD17:04
qwebirc2953i'm with the notebook at my side.17:04
qwebirc2953cant access from this pc17:05
NickDeNegerthat wasn't a question for you ^^ i hoped SiDi  knows ^^17:05
qwebirc2953now, it says I'm editing #2 partition17:06
qwebirc2953on partition settings17:06
qwebirc2953use as:    ext4 ?17:06
qwebirc2953mount point:    ???17:06
NickDeNegermounting point: /17:07
NickDeNegerand i guess ext4 is good to but i use ext3 (older version)17:07
qwebirc2953mount options:   realatime???17:07
qwebirc2953mount options:   relatime???17:07
NickDeNegermount point: /17:08
qwebirc2953below mount point, is mount options17:08
qwebirc2953default relatime17:08
qwebirc2953but the other options are:17:08
qwebirc2953noatime,     nodev,     nosuid,      noexec,       ro,      sync,     usrquota,    grpquota,    user_xattr17:09
qwebirc2953leave relatime?17:10
NickDeNegerguess so...17:10
SiDiNickDeNeger: i dont use VNC much :p17:10
qwebirc2953Label:  none17:10
qwebirc2953Reserved blocks:   5%17:10
qwebirc2953typical usage:   standard17:10
qwebirc2953bootable flag:    off     ????17:11
SiDibootable flag on17:11
SiDifor the rest leave it as it is17:11
SiDifor partition #3, just set ext4 and mount point /home17:11
NickDeNegerSiDi: me neighter but i hoped that i could takeover my media center box ^^17:11
SiDiand leave the rest as it is17:11
SiDiNickDeNeger: by takeover do you mean remote control or do you mean remote control AND prevent local control ?17:11
SiDiremote control is possible NickDeNeger17:11
SiDimake sure your VNC server on your media center allows you to control it and you're done17:12
NickDeNegerhmm k i'll try harder, found some tutorials but probably i missed something somewhere hm17:12
qwebirc2953swap is ext4?17:13
SiDii dont have vnc here but there is a VNC configuration utility in ubuntu, its somewhere there17:13
SiDiqwebirc2953: swap is swap ;)17:13
NickDeNegerno swap must be swap17:13
qwebirc2953i found here  ^^17:13
NickDeNegery vino but it's not there for xubuntu ^^17:13
SiDiNickDeNeger: install it ;)17:13
qwebirc2953now i have:17:14
qwebirc2953#1 primary 9.5 gb B ntfs17:14
NickDeNegery but i hoped to be able to use vnc server but configurating that is... well... like hell ^^17:14
qwebirc2953#2 primary 4.5 gb      B      f ext4 /17:14
qwebirc2953#3 primary 510 mb            f           swap      swap17:15
qwebirc2953#4 primary 5.5 gb            f           ext4       /home17:15
qwebirc2953writing changes into the disk17:16
qwebirc2953Now it's istaling the Base System17:17
qwebirc2953Now it's Installing the Base System17:17
SiDionce its finished, go to grub, and use the option to edit a line17:21
SiDi(forgot what it is though :/ probably e or ctrl+e)17:21
SiDiand then i'll ask you what the Xubuntu 9.04 line looks like17:21
SiDiit should be pointing to hd(0,1)17:21
qwebirc2953now it's in: Configure the package manager17:24
qwebirc2953asking for a http proxy.17:24
NickDeNegerskip that since you have no network17:24
qwebirc2953i use none. so i will leave black17:24
NickDeNegery blank is good17:25
qwebirc2953configurint apt17:25
qwebirc2953now, Select and Install software.17:25
qwebirc2953"The installation cd does not support for you language.17:26
qwebirc2953Using english so17:26
qwebirc2953installing english language pack base17:26
qwebirc2953now, SoftWare Selection17:28
qwebirc2953"At the moment, only the core of the system is instaleled.17:28
qwebirc2953To tune the sistem to you needs, you can choose to instal one or more of the following predefined collections of software"17:29
qwebirc2953Choose software to instal:17:29
qwebirc2953[ ] Mail Server17:30
qwebirc2953[ ] OpenSSH server17:30
qwebirc2953[ ] print server17:30
qwebirc2953[ ] samba file server17:30
qwebirc2953[ ] xubuntu desktop17:30
qwebirc2953[ ] manual package selection17:30
qwebirc2953--------- what should i select17:31
NickDeNegerselect xubuntu desktop17:31
NickDeNegerwith space17:31
qwebirc2953only xubuntu?17:31
qwebirc2953looks like it's is diferrent from the firts instalation17:33
qwebirc2953first instalation was faster...17:33
qwebirc2953i selectec xubuntu and samba that time17:33
qwebirc2953now it's installing more things.17:33
qwebirc2953mean: more packages17:34
NickDeNegery sounds good ^^17:34
NickDeNegersamba is used for windows shares you can install it later on if you need it :)17:34
qwebirc2953retrieving file 751 of 76617:34
qwebirc2953<NickDeNeger> right17:35
qwebirc2953i think now it will work.17:36
NickDeNegerlet's hope17:36
qwebirc2953let me ask you,17:37
qwebirc2953after installed,17:37
qwebirc2953where i can find the drivers for the wifi usb stick?17:37
NickDeNegerprobably you don't need any and linux reconizes it itself17:38
NickDeNegerwhat branch is it?17:38
NickDeNegerold thing?17:38
qwebirc29533 years17:38
qwebirc2953windows xp can recognize17:38
NickDeNegerthen linux probably supports it ^^17:38
qwebirc2953i hope17:39
qwebirc2953i've never used linux before. Decided to start now.17:40
qwebirc2953let's see what happens.17:41
=== WB2Colorado is now known as Growlithe
NickDeNegerthere is allot of documentation on internet especially for ubuntu17:42
qwebirc2953i'm reading about linux17:42
qwebirc2953but only now, i got time to try and install it17:42
qwebirc2953with this old laptop17:43
=== Growlithe is now known as WB2Colorado
NickDeNegerffs i can setup servers, routers and all different stuff with debian but i can't get the freaking vnc server to work xD17:51
qwebirc2953installing grub18:00
qwebirc2953installation complete18:00
qwebirc2953time to reboot18:00
qwebirc2953<SiDi> once its finished, go to grub, and use the option to edit a line18:01
qwebirc2953[13:25] <SiDi> (forgot what it is though :/ probably e or ctrl+e)18:01
qwebirc2953it started the xubuntu logo18:02
NickDeNegerthen it's gonna work ^^18:03
qwebirc2953it's now asking for my user name18:03
qwebirc2953this time18:03
qwebirc2953in the installation,18:03
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
qwebirc2953it didn't ask me for one18:03
NickDeNegertry user: root18:03
NickDeNegerhmm nvm is protected18:03
NickDeNegeryou are in a graffical user interface now18:04
qwebirc2953root     pw black?18:04
NickDeNegery pw is blank but it's blocked (security :p)18:04
qwebirc2953any way to create a user now?18:05
NickDeNegerehhh yeah but i don't know how exactly...18:06
NickDeNegerpress ctrl+alt+backspace18:06
NickDeNegerthat should kill the GUI18:06
qwebirc2953still in the GUI18:06
SiDiNickDeNeger: ctrl+alt+backspace is disabled by default18:07
SiDiOk, so you're in the blue-ish login window, qwebirc2953 ?18:07
NickDeNegerin 8.10 and early it wasn't i guess?18:07
qwebirc2953my name is Felipe ^^18:07
SiDiqwebirc2953: type your username and password then :d18:08
NickDeNegerthe setup didn't ask him for one18:08
qwebirc2953this time, the instalation didn't asked me a user and pw18:08
SiDiis that even possible ?18:08
qwebirc2953any way to create one now?18:08
SiDiIn ubuntu, no :P18:08
SiDiyou can't login as root AT ALL18:09
SiDitry user ubuntu, password blank18:09
SiDior user ubuntu, password ubuntu18:09
qwebirc2953i have to install everything again?18:09
NickDeNegeryou can chroot with an backup cd but i don't know how that works exactly18:09
NickDeNegerSiDi: you can type: sudo passwd18:10
SiDiNickDeNeger: a backup CD ? :D18:10
SiDiNickDeNeger: no because he cant type commands at all without having logged in before18:10
SiDiand you cant login as root in ubuntu18:10
SiDiapart from sudo su or sudo -s or sudo -i which require to be already logged in as a sudoer18:10
qwebirc2953really a problem18:10
NickDeNegerSiDi: yeah but you can enable root when you are in the console...18:10
NickDeNegerindeed ^^18:10
SiDiyou should ask in #ubuntu-installer how such things can happen qwebirc295318:11
SiDiits definately meant to ask for an username18:11
SiDiand ask on #linux or #ubuntu how to chroot to an ubuntu install and to create users, but i think it wont be possible :/18:11
qwebirc2953i had this problem the very firts time i tryed to instal.18:11
NickDeNegeryeah, but he got some error's when the setup was loading18:11
NickDeNegerprobably also the user setup mod failed to load...18:12
qwebirc2953i entered in the recovery mode18:12
qwebirc2953and there is an option like this:18:12
qwebirc2953root:      Drop to root shell prompt18:12
qwebirc2953can it help18:12
qwebirc2953right. now i'm on prompt18:13
NickDeNegertype: adduser <username>18:14
SiDiwait NickDeNeger18:14
SiDilets give him all the good options18:14
NickDeNegerow don't listen to me18:14
SiDihe needs an admin account :)18:14
SiDiadduser --system USERNAME18:16
SiDiThe rest should do itself with proper defaults18:16
qwebirc2953"Adding system user 'felipe' (UID 111)...18:17
qwebirc2953"Adding system user 'felipe' (UID 111) with group 'nogroup'...18:18
qwebirc2953Creating home directory '/home/felipe'18:18
qwebirc2953did it worked?18:18
SiDiyou should be able to login with username = felipe and with whatever password you set18:19
qwebirc2953let's try18:19
SiDiit's been hard...18:19
NickDeNegerif everything works it would be easier :p18:19
qwebirc2953really hard for the first time.18:20
qwebirc2953Everyone says the first time is harder.......18:20
SiDiThe first time is easier when you can boot on CD / USB :P18:20
SiDihave a look at installs via bootp next time ^^18:20
qwebirc2953it didn't worked18:20
qwebirc2953incorrect user ow pw18:20
qwebirc2953or pw18:21
* SiDi thinks about keyboard layout issues18:21
_Pete_SiDi: did you expect adduser --system to add user with sudo privileges etc?18:21
qwebirc2953us layout18:21
SiDi_Pete_: kind of :P18:21
_Pete_it's not like that18:22
qwebirc2953should i try to reinstal?18:23
SiDi_i read the man entirely18:24
SiDi_and i was totally wrong ! :D18:24
SiDi_So, the command was adduser --ingroup admin felipe18:25
SiDi_sorry, qwebirc2953 :|18:25
SiDi__Pete_: thanks18:26
qwebirc2953no problem18:26
SiDi_qwebirc2953: you'll have to remove the user before adding it again of course18:26
qwebirc2953how to remove?18:26
SiDi_userdel felipe18:26
qwebirc2953should i type     passwd username   after to set a pw?18:27
SiDi_it should ask for the password18:28
SiDi_but type that it it forgets too18:28
qwebirc2953Asked for a pw18:29
qwebirc2953Full Name: Felipe18:29
qwebirc2953Room Name []:   ???18:29
qwebirc2953It also sayd that /home/felipe already exists and doesn't belong to the user i'm creating.18:30
qwebirc2953What is Room Name [ ] : ?18:30
qwebirc2953Room Number18:30
qwebirc2953sorry... it's Room Number18:30
qwebirc2953i leave in blank18:33
qwebirc2953it says now:18:33
qwebirc2953chfn: invalid name '18:33
qwebirc2953"adduser: '/usr/bin/chfn felipe' returned error code 1. Existing."18:33
qwebirc2953it worked18:36
qwebirc2953thank you SiDi, NickDeNeger18:37
qwebirc2953how i can see if it recognizes my wifi stick?18:39
NickDeNegeron the right top you see 2 computers18:40
NickDeNegerin 1 icon18:40
qwebirc2953no networks18:40
NickDeNegergo to console type: ifconfig18:41
NickDeNegerapplications >> accessories >> terminal18:41
NickDeNegerdoes it say wlan0 or ath0 or something at all?18:42
NickDeNegerhmm type: lsusb18:42
NickDeNegerthis will list all usb devices18:42
NickDeNegeris your network adapter somewhere in there?18:43
NickDeNegersec ordering food18:43
qwebirc2953Bus 001 Device 002: Id: 0457:0162 Silicon Integrated System Corp. SiS162 usb Wireless LAN Adapter18:44
qwebirc2953Bus 001 Device 001: Id: 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub18:44
qwebirc2953that's all18:44
qwebirc2953did it recognized the wifi adapter?18:46
NickDeNegerwireless lan adapter is your adapter so it does find it18:48
NickDeNegerdo you know your wireless network name out of your head?18:48
NickDeNegerand the password?18:48
qwebirc2953what should i do now to add the conection?18:49
NickDeNegerthen type in your terminal: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces18:49
qwebirc2953felipe is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported18:50
NickDeNegerhmm crap18:50
NickDeNegertry: su18:50
NickDeNegerand blank password18:50
_Pete_wont work18:50
NickDeNegertrying never hurts :p18:51
qwebirc2953su: authentication failure18:51
NickDeNegerhmm then you got to get back in the recovery mode18:51
NickDeNegerand add felipe to the sudo users18:51
NickDeNegeralthough i don't know how to do that sec ^^ searching18:52
qwebirc2953ok NickDeNeger. I have to go now. Will be back onother time.18:53
qwebirc2953I even dont know how to thank you18:53
qwebirc2953Thank you alot18:54
qwebirc2953SiDi and Pete18:54
NickDeNegerk bye18:54
qwebirc2953thank you18:58
SiDi_its in the group admin ?19:01
SiDi_if so it should be in sudoers x_x19:01
SiDi_(at this stage, boot as root from the recovery console, and set a password to root... and login as root and create an admin account with the graphical utility x_x)19:02
NickDeNegery or just at felipe to the admin group from the root recovery console19:03
NickDeNegerwh000t it worked! xD19:20
NickDeNegergot vnc \o/19:20
NickDeNegercan you try one thing for me? type in console: vncviewer ownage4u.nl:019:26
NickDeNegeri guess it's open for all :/19:26
NickDeNegerwhich is not what i want :p19:26
=== VampKitty is now known as KittyKatt
KittyKattIf I wanted to find the file that xfce4-panel stores the entries for the Applications menu in, where would it be?21:10
TheSheepKittyKatt: /usr/share/applications/*.desktop21:11
TheSheepKittyKatt: also ~/.local/share/applications, if you want to override something21:11
TheSheepKittyKatt: the sepcification is here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/menu-spec21:12
KittyKattAlright...so, I was using fortunes at the startup of my terminal just fine until a few minutes ago.21:26
KittyKattIt's now outputting this instead of fortunes...21:26
KittyKattCommand 'fortune' is available in '/usr/games/fortune'21:26
KittyKattThe command could not be located because '/usr/games' is not included in the PATH environment variable.21:26
KittyKattbash: fortune: command not found21:26
KittyKattAny ideas?21:26
_Pete_in script accesss it with full path as the error suggests: /usr/games/fortune21:27
KittyKattI don't know where I input it to do that, though...21:28
KittyKattI checked .bashrc21:28
dgpjnew to xbuntu...very much enjoying! how do I turn on my wireless card on my laptop?21:55
SiDiBy giving me more than three minutes to answer. :(21:59
Chymerahi, I'm using xfce and I would like to assign my multimedia volume keys to change the master volume of my entire computer22:50
Chymerahow could I do that?22:51
KittyKatt[AmsG] I'll be back on tonight...gotta go for now. seeya22:55
SiDi_Chymera: heya23:26
SiDi_please checkout lp:~sidi/xfce4-volumed/jaunty23:26
SiDi_(otherwise you can manually set the shortcuts as explained in http://open.knome.fi/2009/07/05/panels-disappearing-and-other-frequently-asked-questions/)23:27
Chymerayup, I'm looking into volumed already.... seems kinda messy though23:27
SiDi_What seems messy ?23:27
ChymeraI had to unmask some stuff to get it running, usually this isn't a good sign23:35
SiDi_Chymera: what did you have to do exactly ?23:38
Chymerawrite the packaage names in /etc/package.unmask - anyway, no matter, how do I start it?23:42
ChymeraSiDi_: ?23:43

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