
mahfiazthumper, where is the rosetta project, where I was supposed to ask?00:15
thumpermahfiaz: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion00:16
mahfiazthumper, ok, thanks for your quick hand00:16
thumpermahfiaz: np00:16
drgastonanybody can help me setup translate with my files?01:39
drgastonI have tried uploading the POT, loading these through Bazaar or a one time Bazaar import01:40
drgastonNothing gives ... still stuck with the message 'Your project is not configured to use launchpad for translations' ....01:40
thumperdrgaston: edit your projects details and set the "uses launchpad for translations" option01:42
drgastonI did ... same message again!01:42
drgastongo check the centresis project01:42
thumperdrgaston: I'd suggest either asking a question on the rosetta project or hassling danilo, jtv, or henninge01:43
drgastonhttp://launchpad.net/centresis states Uses Launchpad for:  Code and Translations.01:43
drgastonwhat is rosetta? I am using launchpad01:43
thumpersomewhat distracted01:56
thumperby drgaston01:56
thumpers/by/bye/ D'oh01:56
=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
thumperafk for a while02:08
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pooliecan anyone explain what's happening in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/42546502:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 425465 in malone "cannot target series bugtask to a milestone?" [Undecided,New]02:39
jmlpoolie, I can't.02:41
jmlpoolie, my guess is someone in Europe can.02:42
pooliewhy don't you toddle over and ask them, there's a good chap :) :)02:43
pooliethis is very weird02:43
rippsHow do you force a package that failed to rebuild in ppa? I used to be able to intiate from the packages archetecture info, but the new layout doesn't have a force rebuild button.03:07
jmlripps, I'm not sure.03:19
jmlripps, as a work-around, you can disable edge redirection, I think.03:19
wgrantripps: It does. See the little green arrows next to the build status.03:23
rippswgrant: ah, i see. They could make it a little more obvious03:24
wgrantripps: There is a bug filed.;03:24
wgrantpoolie: Did you work out bug #425465, or want an explanation? There are two bugs there, as you suspect.03:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425465 in malone "cannot target series bugtask to a milestone?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42546503:35
pooliewgrant: it's not actually blocking me atm but i'd still like an explanation03:39
wgrantpoolie: So, there is the icon vs. text bug, as you said.03:39
wgrantIn fact, there are three bugs.03:39
wgrantThere's the bug that the non-AJAX links are bad for productseries tasks -- they point to the product task directly.03:40
wgrantAnd then there's the bug that +editstatus renders for conjoined slaves.03:41
wgrantRenders, but then crashes on submission.03:41
wgrantAre you aware of the conjoined task rules?03:41
pooliewgrant: the last is the most serious for me03:44
wgrantpoolie: The last is meant to be broken, just in a more obvious way.03:44
pooliewgrant: not really, i'm aware there are some but ... this ui is not making it clear how they're meant to be working03:44
pooliei can see that the trunk task should be coupled to the overall bug status or something03:45
pooliehowever, this happens even when i try to target what i think of as the supplementary task03:45
wgrantThat's the second bug I mentioned.03:45
wgrantIf you can invoke the AJAX, it should work fine.03:45
wgrantYou just have to find the right bit of the link to hit.03:45
wgrant(a conjoined slave cannot be edited directly. a product task is a conjoined slave iff the bug also has a non-WONTFIX'd task for the product's development focus series. in that case, anything linking to the product task's +editstatus needs to be hit with a cluebat.)03:48
pooliei don't suppose this is documented other than in wgrant? :)03:50
wgrantpoolie: No, it's not documented anywhere except the code and IRC logs.03:51
pooliek, thanks, bug 42549003:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425490 in malone "no documentation or help on conjoined bug tasks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42549003:54
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=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: thumper again | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
micahgIs there a problem with the AJAX edit of descriptions in bugs?06:53
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baltadthello all07:34
baltadtI have a question for you07:34
jmlfire away :)07:36
baltadti think i fixed it07:44
baltadtok i didn't fix it07:49
baltadtyou still there jml07:49
jmlbaltadt, yeah, I am :)07:51
baltadti'm having a problem signing the code of conduct07:53
baltadti'm getting this error07:54
baltadtgpg: can't open `ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt': No such file or directory07:54
baltadtgpg: ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt: clearsign failed: file open error07:54
jmlbaltadt, what command are you running that produces that error?07:55
baltadtgpg --clearsign ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt07:55
jmlbaltadt, what happens if you type 'ls ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt'?07:56
baltadtls: cannot access ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt: No such file or directory07:56
baltadti have the coc saved to my desktop07:57
jmlbaltadt, what's the output of 'pwd'?07:57
jmlbaltadt, ok. 'cd ~/Desktop' and then run the GPG command07:58
baltadtjason@jason-laptop:~$ cd ~/desktop08:04
baltadtbash: cd: /home/jason/desktop: No such file or directory08:04
baltadtthis has been a horrible night08:04
spivbaltadt: Desktop, with a capital D08:04
baltadtty spiv08:05
baltadtthat was a stupid mistake08:05
wgrantbaltadt: Also check the capitalisation of the filename -- it's UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt08:06
baltadtty i'm tired and still a noob in my eyes08:07
jmlbaltadt, linux pretty much always cares about capitalization of file names and directory names, fwiw.08:09
jmlbaltadt, also, in case you didn't know, you can start typing out a filename and then hit the Tab key. If there's only one possible match, the filename will be automatically completed. If not, hitting tab again will list the possible matches.08:10
baltadti didn'y know that08:11
baltadti have been learning alot from people on xchat lately08:12
jmlit's a good way to learn.08:12
wgrantIRC does that.08:12
baltadti have only been using ubuntu for about 2 months now08:13
baltadthello i'm jason and i am a recovering windows addict08:13
baltadt_ok if you all are still the i have a new problem08:30
wgrantbaltadt: Ask away.08:30
baltadt_i got the ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt08:31
baltadt_i mean txt.asc file08:31
baltadt_but when i try to open it it says similar file name already exists08:32
wgrantWhat says?08:32
baltadt_a popup window08:33
wgrantFrom what? Your web browser?08:33
baltadt_i downloaded the COC for launchpad08:34
baltadt_then in terminal08:34
baltadt_gpg --clearsign ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt08:34
baltadt_i get a new file titled ubuntucodeofconduct-1.0.1.txt.asc08:35
wgrantOh, I know what it's doing.08:36
wgrantRight click, open with, Text Editor.08:36
baltadt_i have yto open this and copy/paste into signed code box08:36
baltadt_ok then copy/paste08:36
wgrantbaltadt_: Right.08:37
baltadt_i knew it had to be something simple i was doing wrong08:38
baltadt_hopefully one day I won't have to be suck a pain08:40
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james_wnoodles775: hi, did you do the overhaul of the distribution source package page?11:00
noodles775james_w: no, bigjools11:01
james_wah, ok, thanks11:01
james_wbigjools: It's generally a big improvement, thanks11:02
james_wbigjools: the increased emphasis on the upstream links reminded me of something though. The UI indicates that they must be set individually for each distroseries, but I was told once that they are in fact inherited11:03
james_wbigjools: if so then cleaning up the UI for that would lead to the links being better maintained and so more useful I think11:03
bigjoolsjames_w: I don't think they are inherited11:05
bigjoolsthat's a bug though11:05
james_wit would be great to be able to rely on this information more11:05
bigjoolsbut Curtis will know more about that than I11:05
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noodles775Hi fta! I'm just doing some browser-detection stuff in LP, and had a bug for Chromium, but just realised that chromium doesn't give anything more than 'Linux i686' in the user-agent? Do you know if that's intentional?11:21
noodles775(ie. we cannot determine the distroseries of the user browsing launchpad)11:21
* noodles775 asks on #chromium11:30
wgrantnoodles775: Ubuntu carries a Firefox patch to do that.11:31
noodles775wgrant: oh really. Hrm. Thanks wgrant.11:31
visik7is there a "fork me" like method for launchpad (as seen on github)12:45
bacvisik7: no there isn't.  you just grab the existing branch, make your changes, and then push to your own space.12:46
visik7ok no problem just to be sure12:47
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ililhi all, I have problem uploading to PPA ... Here is email from Launchpad:13:25
ililUnhandled exception processing upload: The email address 'muravev@yandex.ru' is already registered.13:25
ililhelp plz13:26
bigjoolsilil: which PPA are you uploading to?13:26
bigjoolsilil: and that's your PPA?13:27
ililthat email is my primary email, but on Launchpad its rejected to add to my profile.13:27
bigjoolsilil: so the email associated with your key doesn't have any email addresses that match the ones you registered in Launchpad13:28
bigjoolsilil: the easiest way forward for now is to add one of the LP emails to your key13:29
bigjoolswe have a bug with some email addresses that may have been used with Shipit13:29
bigjoolsbut it will be fixed very soon13:30
wgrantbigjools: Wouldn't it be a better idea to merge the accounts now?13:30
wgrantbigjools: That will fix it, and it will have to be done eventually anyway.13:31
ograhi, is there any way to tell rosetta i dont want to get mail about the translation imports when i uploaded a package ?13:31
ililbigjools, how to add another email address to GPG key?13:31
ograi did an upload of openoffice on friday (a one line fix in debian/rules) ... up to now that resultet in 270 rosetta mails13:31
bigjoolsilil: it depends on your local tool, I use kgpg13:35
bigjoolshenninge, jtv: can you help ogra?13:35
bigjoolswgrant: yes, that's the best thing13:35
jtvogra: no way to do that atm, besides filtering your mail13:35
ogragah, ok13:36
michaelforrestis launchpad's code browsing broken?13:36
bigjoolslooks like it13:36
dpmogra: I believe that's bug 35364813:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353648 in rosetta "Template import success notifications shouldn't be sent to package uploaders" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35364813:37
ogradpm, yeah, looks like it13:37
bigjoolsmichaelforrest: try again13:38
michaelforrestyep seems ok13:38
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azimoutquestion: I've tried uploading my first package to my ppa, and it seemed to complete successfully, but I still don't see the package in there. If I try to dput again, it tells me it's already uploaded.14:46
azimoutis there an approval queue or something?14:47
bigjoolsazimout: it's probably because you signed with a key not known to LP or didn't sign at all14:47
geserazimout: did you got a mail? either that your upload was accepted or rejected14:49
azimoutgeser: nope, no email14:49
azimoutI just ran it again with -f14:50
azimouthere's the output:14:50
azimoutChecking Signature on .changes14:50
azimoutgpg: Signature made Mon 07 Sep 2009 01:48:23 PM CEST using DSA key ID B54581AA14:50
azimoutgpg: Good signature from "Dimitrios Symeonidis <azimout@gmail.com>"14:50
azimoutGood signature on /home/azimout/sandbox/azimout-prefs_0.1-1_i386.changes.14:50
azimoutChecking Signature on .dsc14:50
azimoutgpg: Signature made Mon 07 Sep 2009 01:47:57 PM CEST using DSA key ID B54581AA14:50
azimoutgpg: Good signature from "Dimitrios Symeonidis <azimout@gmail.com>"14:50
azimoutGood signature on /home/azimout/sandbox/azimout-prefs_0.1-1.dsc.14:50
azimoutUploading to azimout-ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net):14:50
azimout  Uploading azimout-prefs_0.1-1.dsc: done.14:50
azimout  Uploading azimout-prefs_0.1-1.tar.gz: done.14:50
azimout  Uploading azimout-prefs_0.1-1_i386.changes: done.14:50
bigjoolsazimout: if you don't get email, then what I said will apply14:50
azimoutSuccessfully uploaded packages.14:50
bigjoolswe don't send email to unknown people14:50
noodles775I think we need to make the first para at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors more prominent.14:51
geserazimout: your LP account is "azimout"?14:51
geserit looks like you signed with the wrong key. your LP account know the key 0x8CFBC5AF, but you signed the package with 0xB54581AA (see your output)14:53
azimoutyeah, you're right, I'll look into that, thanks14:56
gesereither sign the package with the key LP knows or register your other key in LP too14:58
ililbigjools, is there a bug in Launchpad about "bug with some email addresses that may have been used with Shipit" ? I would like to track it.15:11
bigjoolsilil: yes, one moment15:11
bigjoolsilil: https://launchpad.net/bugs/40852815:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 408528 in soyuz "Packages build but fail to upload due to email address issue" [High,Fix committed]15:12
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ililbigjools, thanks15:15
* Laney misses the recent bugs box from the package summary page16:08
binarymutantis there an easy way to cancel an import?  :/16:42
binarymutantis there a quicker way to change my Pending Review status on a vcs-import? or cancel it all together?16:53
macnohi all, please could someone look at this? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/8211616:59
bacmacno: that question has been updated and assigned.  it may not get any attention until tomorrow, though.17:54
macnobac: thanks17:56
xnoxHeya =) I've read somewhere there was translation backlog18:08
xnoxbranch translation import, I think.18:09
xnoxIs it still in affect? or where can I check out import queue18:10
rowinggolferjust reading about the "scores" given to prioritise PPA builds.18:14
rowinggolfersurprised to see this18:14
rowinggolferArchive privacy18:14
rowinggolferBuilds destined for private PPAs are given a higher priority.18:14
rowinggolferthough that would be the other way round :(18:15
rowinggolfersurely freedom haters shouldn't jump the queue??18:15
xnoxit could be unpublished CVE build fixes. And if not them PPA's might not be there at all ....18:16
rowinggolferxnox: ah.. hadn't thought of that.18:18
rowinggolferanother small gap in my knowledge filled.18:18
delphiexilei have a problem ,  i lost all my karma18:23
delphiexile2278 in 2 seconds18:23
delphiexileI lost about 2300 karma in a tentative of a merge account ; I had 2 accounts in Launchpad (One for daily use , and the second was created to make a tutorial in aim to show other people how to use launchpad) , the first one has a PGP Key , and I've created another one for the second account , I included the access e-mail of the first account as the PGP mail , when I've uploaded the key to the second account , Launchpad requested me if I wanted to mer18:26
delphiexilege the first account into the second , I agreed (in hope to upload the second Key in the first account) , but Launchpad has transferred all my work with the first account into the the second except my Karma. And Launchpad has deleted the first account (this was not a problem for me , but I need my Karma back because I have a meeting after tomorrow)18:26
Gui82I changed the maintainer of my project by mistake, is there any way to revert back ?18:27
stgraberdelphiexile: Karma is only one thing of the many the council will look, explaining what happened will be enough. But please fix your wiki and LP link in the candidate table.18:32
delphiexileyes i did that18:33
delphiexilei'll do what u told18:33
delphiexilegive me the contact of one admin18:33
xnoxon translations.launchpad.net/+imports what does * mean in the project pop-down menu18:38
ftanoodles775, wgrant: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1709518:53
delphiexileI lost about 2300 karma in a tentative of a merge account ; I had 2 accounts in Launchpad (One for daily use , and the second was created to make a tutorial in aim to show other people how to use launchpad) , the first one has a PGP Key , and I've created another one for the second account , I included the access e-mail of the first account as the PGP mail , when I've uploaded the key to the second account , Launchpad requested me if I wanted to me20:03
delphiexilerge the first account into the second , I agreed (in hope to upload the second Key in the first account) , but Launchpad has transferred all my work with the first account into the the second except my Karma. And Launchpad has deleted the first account (this was not a problem for me , but I need my Karma back because I have a meeting after tomorrow)20:03
delphiexilecan anyone help me20:04
h4ck3rm1k3hi what time does a poll have to open if created now?21:02
h4ck3rm1k3what time is it for the server?21:02
h4ck3rm1k3A poll cannot open less than 12 hours after it's created.21:02
h4ck3rm1k32009-09-07 21:00:00+00:0021:03
h4ck3rm1k3i will try 2009-09-07 21:56:11+02:0021:03
komputesI have a question about launchpad answers. I was sent an email notification to https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/82039 because I am part of Ubuntu-QC LP Group. The member is not part of the group and they are not asking a question to the group. I do not see the relation between the question and the group.21:12
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czajkowskihaving a bit of difficultly https://edge.launchpad.net/~locoteams  getting there been timing out for the last while, (Error ID: OOPS-1346ED349)21:25
openmolarmassive build queue tonight it seems?21:26
czajkowski(Error ID: OOPS-1346EB334)  still timing out21:26
binarymutantis there a quicker way to change my Pending Review status on a vcs-import? or cancel it all together?21:32
ftaopenmolar, only 4 builders per arch, the rest has been reassigned to something else, probably QA testing21:51
LysiHi, in launchpad.answers 'add information request' button doesn't work.21:55
LysiIt appears only as 'answered'.21:56
Lysiscreenshot: http://www3.pic-upload.de/07.09.09/84imwyulwr7.png22:05
=== sale_ is now known as sale
mdzthere doesn't seem to be a button to unmark a bug as a duplicate anymore (see bug 425915)22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425915 in eucalyptus "UEC installer does not set up a bridge device by default for Eucalyptus nodes (NCs) (dup-of: 424541)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42591522:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424541 in netcfg "When installing a node controller, a bridge device should be created" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42454122:30
mdzdid that get lost in recent UI changes?22:30
mdzit also seems to be impossible to assign a bug to a known launchpad userid (as opposed to searching for a string)22:31
MTeckmdz: I unmarked it22:33
MTeckmdz: just choose to edit the bug, then delete the string22:33
MTeckedit the bug duplicate number22:33
mdzMTeck, I didn't want that one unmarked, was just giving an example22:34
MTeckok - marked then22:34
MTeckmdz: you just click the little edit icon22:34
mdzMTeck, which one, where?22:35
MTeckthe yellow button is an edit icon22:35
MTeckright next to the bug number22:35
mdzthere is one next to the summary (only edits the summary), several in the task table (only edit that attribute), one next to the description, etc.22:35
MTeckDuplicate of bug #424541 edit22:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424541 in netcfg "When installing a node controller, a bridge device should be created" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42454122:36
mdzMTeck, the bug number appears in at least 3 places on that page, but none have an icon next to them22:36
MTeckright below the description22:36
mdzMTeck, are you using edge?22:36
mdzhmm, I wonder if this is a chromium bug22:36
MTeckI assume you are too since you're talking about the ui change22:36
mdzall of the other edit icons show up fine, though22:36
MTeckjust tried it in chromium - looks like it22:37
mdz<span id="mark-duplicate-text">Duplicate of22:37
mdz              <a style="margin-right: 4px"22:37
mdz                 href="/bugs/424541" id="duplicate-of"22:37
mdz                 title="When installing a node controller, a bridge device should be created">bug #424541</a>22:37
mdz                22:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424541 in netcfg "When installing a node controller, a bridge device should be created" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42454122:37
mdz            <a id="change_duplicate_bug"22:37
mdz               title="Edit or remove linked duplicate bug"22:37
mdz               class="sprite edit"22:37
mdz               href="https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/425915/+duplicate">22:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 425915 in eucalyptus "UEC installer does not set up a bridge device by default for Eucalyptus nodes (NCs) (dup-of: 424541)" [Undecided,New]22:37
mdz            </a>22:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 424541 in netcfg "When installing a node controller, a bridge device should be created" [Medium,Triaged]22:37
mdz            </span>22:37
mdz(sorry for the spam)22:37
mdzthe image isn't linked directly there; I guess there is some js somewhere which adds it?22:37
MTeckYou could check the LP source - I don't know tbh22:38
thekornmdz, looks like bug 394189 to me22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394189 in malone "Can't unmark a bug report as a duplicate in WebKit and KHTML" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39418922:42
mdzthekorn, indeed, thank you22:44
intellectronicamdz: it's a known bug with our new 'sprites' method of showing icons next to things on webkit browsers. let me try and find the bug22:44
intellectronicaoh, looks like you already have22:45
mdzintellectronica, can we get that bug out of New/Undecided/Unassigned?22:45
intellectronicamdz: yes, it should be scheduled for this cycle. i'll raise this with deryck and the guys tomorrow and see when we can fix it22:46
mdzintellectronica, thanks22:46
quentusrexIs it possible to have launchpad build the ubuntu packages for multiple releases from a single uploaded package?22:53
Davieyquentusrex: currently there seems to be some issues, so simple answer = no.22:54
quentusrexwhat is the best way to current support multiple releases?22:55
MTeckDaviey: You should teach me to make packages :)22:55
DavieyMTeck: will do, directly after i've mastered it :)22:55
MTeckI've tried to learn but it's beyond my comprehension atm :P22:57
quentusrexDaviey: if I need to have packages built for 3 releases: 8.04, 8.10, and 9.04, what is the best route that currently works to do so?22:58
quentusrexI'll also need to start building packages for 9.10 very soon.22:58
MTeckquentusrex: Check out #ubuntu-motu22:59
quentusrexMTeck: they said to come here to find out22:59
Davieyquentusrex: in debian/changelog ensure the series is set to "hardy", then set the version22:59
Davieythen for each one, bump the version number in someway22:59
Davieysome people use ~hardy etc23:00
DavieyThere was a script floating around that could do it automagically.23:00
quentusrexthat would make my night if I could see a script like that...23:00
quentusrexwhat does ~hardy do in the changelog?23:01
BUGabundobac: ping23:01
Davieyquentusrex: looking for the script.. one mo23:02
BUGabundobac: about https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/8211623:02
BUGabundoI didn't understood your question23:02
MTeckDaviey: is this you? "Dave Walker, the founding designer of Herbst-Walker Studios, has over 15 years of graphic design, web design, web development, ...."23:02
Lysishould I recall my question from an hour ago?23:03
DavieyMTeck: no, but it sounds promising... might adopt that.23:04
lifelessDaviey: nce23:04
MTeckDaviey: you have a linkedin profile?23:04
maxbBUGabundo: it is not possible to convert a project into a projectgroup. The project must be renamed, and a new projectgroup created. You are being asked what the current project should be renamed to.23:06
sivangMTeck: I do :)23:06
BUGabundomaxb: that's what I want!23:06
BUGabundoI'll add it there23:06
sivanghi all, btw23:06
sivanghmm, kiko is not here23:06
sivangis he still working with canonical ?23:07
LysiMay anyone advise please where the right place is?23:08
Davieyquentusrex: I can't locate the script at the moment.. but the key is to make the version number unique and ensure the correct release is in debian/changelog23:10
Davieyhttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Versioning describes it pretty well23:10
maxbDaviey: dch? autoppa?23:10
Davieysee where adding "~hardy" after the version23:10
Davieymaxb: certainly not dch, might be autoppa23:10
Davieymaxb: nah, not autoppa23:11
maxbhmm. I have my own hacked together scripts for this sort of thing23:12
quentusrexmaxb:  would you be able to post some of them?23:12
maxbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/266882/ for example23:12
maxbtakes a source package for karmic and derives ~hardy, ~intrepid, ~jaunty suffixed ones23:13
zsquarepluscif i have two branches in CVS and like to have it in launchpad, should i use the VCS import feature or do it myself? the vcs import seems to import only one branch at once (is the common history of the branches preserved?) i already did a local test conversion with cvs2svn/cvs2git which looks good.23:17
maxbI doubt that common history would be preserved. LP uses cscvs as the conversion tool, so you could search for info on that to discover for sure23:23
lifelesszsquareplusc: if you are migrating, use bzr cscvs-import23:24
lifelesszsquareplusc: if you want to keep the branches in CVS and allow some development in bzr, use the vcs import facility of launchpad23:24
zsquarepluscthe plan is to move to a DVCS and i prefer bzr, but for the start i'll have to keep the CVS alive i guess :/ however there is currently not much going on in the CVS repo so a one time conversion might be good enough23:26
maxbBUGabundo: Brad is asking you if you know what your second subproject is going to be, so that he can rename 'mustard-statusnet' to be that. I'm unsure whether projects can ever be really deleted, rather than deactivated.23:30
sorenIs there a way to get the list of bugs assigned to a particular user using the launchpad API?23:30
wgrantsoren: No, only in a single target, not throughout Launchpad.23:30
BUGabundomaxb: mustard-statusnet *is* the Group project choose name23:30
sorenwgrant: Well, for Ubuntu would be fine.23:31
sorenwgrant: But that23:31
maxbYes, I know that. Brad knows that.23:31
sorens a good hint.23:31
sorenwgrant: Sorry, my apostrophe is not where it used to be on this keyboard :)23:31
maxbHe's asking what else to rename the project to, to free up the name to be used by a new projectgroup23:31
wgrantsoren: You can give searchTasks an assignee.23:32
sorenwgrant: Fantastic. Thank you!23:33
wgrantsoren: np23:33
BUGabundomaxb: I have no other need to it! its meat to be the Group Proj only. other sub proj already exist23:37
sorenWhat could cause my app to require reauthentication on every invocation (I23:37
sorenm using staging, if it matters)23:37
BUGabundomaxb: if not that, then I don't understand your question23:37
wgrantsoren: You need to explicitly cache the credentials. Do you?23:37
* soren curses this new keyboard layout.23:37
wgrantsoren: And you're sure didn't just try it straight after a staging reset?23:38
sorenwgrant: I thought I did.23:38
soren  5 cachedir = "/home/soren/.launchpadlib/cache/"23:38
soren  6 lp = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('foobar', STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)23:38
wgrantsoren: No, no. That's an HTTP cache.23:38
wgrantsoren: You need to save a reload the auth info. https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib tells you how to do that.23:38
* soren looks up how he managed it last time.23:38
wgrantAnd ubuntu-dev-tools has a helper.23:38
sorenwgrant: Ah, gotcha. Thanks again :)23:39
zsquareplusclifeless: is there a small howto for bzr cscvs-import?23:41
lifelesson the wiki or users guide, yes.23:41
zsquarepluscit has a wiki? i just found the launchpad site23:42
lifelessand doc.bazaar-vcs.org23:45
zsquareplusclifeless: you lost me somewhere. i know these sites and the BzrMigration page, however i don't find anything about cscvs there, only other tools23:49
lifelessoh, typo23:50
BUGabundomaxb: any more questions from bac ?23:53
maxbI've not been speaking with him, I've merely been trying (and failing) to rephrase what he said in the question such that it makes sense to you.23:54
zsquarepluscnot funny... bzr cvsps-import sends notifications for all 1800 revisions it's going to find to bzr-notify23:59

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