
erikcorryAny instruction scheduling experts here?11:20
erikcorryIs there any penalty for using postincrement addressing modes, relative to register+offset addressing modes?11:20
sijihi all11:22
sijiwhile am trying to boot ubuntu in Beagle board11:22
loolerikcorry: You want to check the ARM manuals11:25
sijiit's stoping "Starting kernel .......11:25
sijiand not mving further11:26
sijiany help pls11:26
loolsiji: Did you pass any console= on your kernel cmdline?11:26
loolWhat did you pass?11:26
sijisetenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rootfstype=ext3 ro omapfb.mode=dvi:1280x720MR-16@60'11:26
loolDo you get screen output?11:27
loolWhere did you get your kernel from?11:27
ograwhere di you download your kernel from ?11:28
loolsiji: Do you have a screen plugged over HDMI?11:28
loolsiji: Do you get output on the HDMI screen?11:28
ogra(or did you build it yourself)11:28
loolsiji: it's the same as on serial console?11:28
sijiorga, i did myself11:28
loolsiji: Which git repo + branch + config did you use to build your kernel?11:29
sijilool, confused11:29
loolsiji: You said you built your kernel yourself; which .git repo did you use?11:30
loolOr which tarball11:30
sijiactually i created the new rootfs with gtk gcc support11:30
sijiand downloaded the kernel frm11:30
sijisrry and dwnloaded the uImage11:31
sijiam srry, am new in arm11:31
sijiso dnt knw is it the right way  to do?11:31
loolsiji: We dont understand where your kernel is from right now11:31
loolsiji: We can help with userspace issues but we dont provide the kernel11:31
loolAnd we could perhaps help with the kernel if you'd be more precise about where it comes from11:32
loologra and I have a beagleboard and perhaps others here as well11:32
sijilool, i am ready with ubuntu rootfs for arm11:32
sijitested under qemu11:33
sijiit's wrking fine11:33
sijiso can you pls tell me what next ?11:33
loolOk so the issue is with your kernel11:33
sijido we hve to compile the kernel for it11:33
loolWe dont provide kernels for beagle or OMAP in general; you could build one yourself or use a prebuilt one from some source11:33
sijioh ok11:34
sijibut in that ogra's docs something mentioned11:34
ogralatest rootstock upstream has an option to include precompiled beagleboard kernels11:34
ogra(io havent tested it though, it comes from the maintainer who does http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu)11:35
sijiyes am trying that11:35
sijias per the doc while creating root fs it wil generate vmlinux too11:36
sijibut i hvent got anything11:36
ogra"--kernel-image http://rcn-ee.net/deb/kernel/beagle/jaunty/v2.6.29-58cf2f1-oer44.1/linux-image-2.6.29-oer44.1_1.0jaunty_armel.deb"11:36
sijiya the same11:36
ograthat should work as rootstock option11:36
sijiogra means ?11:36
ograyou should add that to your rootstock call (note it works only with the latest upstream code)11:37
sijiogra, i added that,11:38
sijioh it may be old code then11:38
ograsee "Demo Image" on the above wikipage11:39
sijiso ogra, there is no precompiled kernel for unbuntu 9.04/beagle board11:40
sijiwhich i can direclty download11:41
ogranot from ubuntu, robert (the guy running the wikipage) provides some prebuilt .deb's11:41
sijithanks for the info ogra,lool11:41
sijiactually i was little cunfused11:42
sijisrry for it11:42
sijiand thanks alot11:42
sijiogra, can you tell me where wil i get the new rootfs creation code11:44
ograbzr branch lp:project-rootstock11:45
ograthat will get you the script11:46
sijiogra,lool , at last it started12:31
sijiubuntu with lxde12:31
loolsiji: Screenshot!12:31
sijithanks alot12:31
loolOr picture or photo!12:31
sijiwhere hve to upload ?12:31
loolWherever you likie12:32
loolwe dont have an Ubuntu service for it12:32
sijilool not getting u :(12:32
siji<lool> Or picture or photo! ??12:32
loolsiji: Yeah, take a photo and send us a link to see it!12:33
sijioh ok12:33
loolWee 5e088bd90909011455y48ce86c4t532ed5a66bac01fe@mail.gmail.com14:59
ogralool, ?15:07
loologra: beagle USB EHCI fix15:09
loolBuilding a kernel really takes up a lot of space   :-(15:10
ogralool, btw, the new OO.o doesnt chnage a thing wrt apps starting/not starting15:10
ograjust fyi ... and indeed i didnt expecti it to be different15:11
loolHmm not in tree for some reason15:20
=== cbrake is now known as cbrake_away
DjamelOuerdii just got a Thecus N2100 nas box16:06
DjamelOuerdii setup debian on it and i am trying to compile a kernel16:06
DjamelOuerdiis someone able to indicate me how to perform this ?16:06
loolDjamelOuerdi: There's a debian arm chan which is probably better suited16:06
loolDjamelOuerdi: #debian-arm on oftc16:06
DjamelOuerdii will check16:07
loolsee you there  :)16:07
=== DjamelOuerdi is now known as Jamolski
Jamolskioftc ?16:07
Jamolskii am on freenode.org16:07
* bjdooks is having an unhappy openembeeded experience, so is having a look at ubuntu to put on beagleboard16:53
bjdooksIs http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu a good start?16:55
Meiz_n810yes i think that's the best how-to available :P17:12
loolbjdooks: Out of curiosity, what were you unhappy with in openembedded?17:16
bjdookslool: i tend to think something marked 'stable' shouldn't require messing about with to get it to build from checkout17:52
bjdooksie, deleting symlinks and having to google to find patches17:52
bjdooksthat sort of thing tends to stop the love flowing17:54
kblinbjdooks: the only problem I'm currently having is that the kernel proposed by that wiki page is showing the same OTG issues as the mainline angstrom kernel18:46
kblinbjdooks: so if you transfer files from a usb hdd to a usb ethernet card while there's CPU load, it croaks18:47
bjdooksi've still yet to get angstrom image built..18:47
kblinthe validation kernel doesn't display the issue though18:47
kblinoh, I've chickened out and used the precompiled binaries18:48
* bjdooks is trying to get a ksz8851 tested18:48
bjdooksso need to build my own kernel18:48
kblinah, ok18:48
kblinwhatever a ksz8851 is :)18:48
bjdooksspi 10/100 network18:49
kblinso google tells me :)18:49
bjdooksI soldered some connections up earlier18:51

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