
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
dholbachgood morning06:52
thekorngood morning bugsquad07:24
baltadtgood morning07:28
baltadtgot a technical question for you07:29
loic-mubuntu-bug keeps crashing on my Karmic Alpha 5 install. Is there a way to do it under the command line?08:54
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=== mvo is now known as drhorrible
=== drhorrible is now known as mvo
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earthlingwdm problem, contacted developer and he hasn't touched code since 2006.  who, in ubuntu, can i contact about the problem?17:41
pedro_earthling, try asking on #ubuntu-motu17:43
earthlingok, thanks..17:45
Awsoonn_Fresh install of karmic, first boot I got fsck with exit code 4. Should I report? and against what package?20:57
mattiAwsoonn_: Lookup in LP first.20:58
mattiAwsoonn_: Somebody might have already reported that.20:58
Awsoonn_what package should I search against?20:58
mattiI'd say, the kernel itself.20:59
mattiThen you can lookup fsck20:59
Awsoonn_fyi it appears to be that it was last mounted in the future. the clock must have been changed during installation. /me preorts21:02
maxbAwsoonn_: it's already filed21:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 423247 in clock-setup "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [High,Fix released]21:15
Awsoonn_maxb:  thanks for that!21:16
=== Nelis2 is now known as Nelis

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