=== onestone_ is now known as onestone [00:47] java plugin doesn't work on my jaunty machine either :( [01:00] so sad [02:16] How would I call the system monitor from the terminal? Google has failed to give me the name of the application, and I really need it, because I'm virtually running ubuntu in windows.... with coLinux. [02:17] Anyone know at all? [02:18] I think its gnome-system-monitor [02:18] You can run it from the run dialog [02:18] ALT + F2, or its somewhere in the menus./ [02:18] TheMuso, I don't have menus, I'm running a pretty raw GUI. [02:19] TheMuso, thanks a million. It is gnome-system-monitor. [02:19] I appreciate it a lot. [02:21] awalton: around ? [02:21] mclasen, idneed [02:21] *indeed. [02:21] you did the session inhibit stuff in nautilus, right ? [02:22] tried to, yes [02:22] it doesn't work :-( [02:22] what's broken? [02:22] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=521501 [02:22] bugzilla.redhat.com bug 521501 in nautilus "nautilus emptying trash" [Medium,New] [02:22] the uninhibit doesn't seem to happen [02:22] fix committed [02:23] got the same bug in ubuntu the other day.. [02:23] ah, nice [02:23] http://git.gnome.org/cgit/nautilus/commit/?id=e6ef2d96f6adc507425123716961aa48281af83d [02:23] thanks [02:23] no probelm [02:23] .. well, if I could type tonight. [02:23] seems to me the cookie should be uint througout, anyway ? [02:23] g_return_if_fail() gets me every time [02:24] mclasen, thought that originally too, but I'm not sure of a way to test for the error case then [02:24] right now we just test it against -1, which probably should never be valid [02:25] it'll be a fun bug to track down anyway [02:25] (if it turns out to be valid, after all...) [02:25] gotta hope sanity wins out in that case... [02:27] * awalton just noticed that commit doesn't have my last name. strange [05:15] awalton: hi.... could you have a look at the bug> Bug #417589 , i'v attached the valgrind and some other info too [05:15] Launchpad bug 417589 in nautilus "Nautilus memory leak on regular usage for long hours" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417589 [06:40] morning [06:47] robert_ancell : how is that xscreensaver bug going ? [06:48] rugby471, awaiting main sponsorship [06:48] robert_ancell: cool, that is a great papaercut :-) [06:48] *papercut [06:55] good morning o/ [06:57] didrocks: hello [06:57] hey rugby471 [07:56] Good morning [07:58] Morning pitti. [08:00] good morning pitti [08:00] hey TheMuso, bonjour didrocks [08:05] hey pitti, can I talk to you about the compiz 0.8.3 freeze exception? [08:06] robert_ancell: sure [08:07] pitti, so there are some stable updates being made to compiz which will result in an 0.8.4 release "soon" (bug 422384) [08:07] Launchpad bug 422384 in compiz "Update to 0.8.3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/422384 [08:08] mvo has built packages and both him and I have been testing them and we think the changes are good for Karmic [08:08] robert_ancell: freeze exception due to the abi break? [08:08] pitti, it needs a freeze exception because it is non-gnome right? [08:08] robert_ancell: replied in gnome [08:08] argh [08:08] "in the bug", I mean [08:09] robert_ancell: no, we are just in feature freeze [08:09] if it's just bug fixes, it's fine [08:09] pitti, ok, and will we need to repeat this process when 0.8.4 is released? [08:09] robert_ancell: if it's just bug fixes, then not [08:09] pitti, thanks [08:10] robert_ancell: if you upload a library with a new api which requires a major transition, then you need one [08:10] robert_ancell: but if you just need to upload three packages, don't bother [08:10] pitti, ok [08:10] (if it doesn't have new features, of course) [08:11] ls [08:11] whoops [08:11] pitti: cool, thanks! [08:11] * pitti hugs mvo [08:11] pitti: its a all from a bugfix only branch :) [08:11] * mvo hugs pitti [08:11] I've been to the dentist after so many years, and I'm still alive *wipes sweat away* [08:11] * mvo hugs pitti again [08:12] pitti, can you also look at my patch in bug 400863 [08:12] Launchpad bug 400863 in gdm "ck-history can take a *long* time to run, during which gdm is unusable" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/400863 [08:15] robert_ancell: dropping the reading of all the rotated CK logs would require a change in CK itself, right? or can this be made optional? [08:16] pitti, yes. This patch really just covers up the underlying issue in CK [08:16] anyway, thanks for fixing that [08:16] I guess if it's important to know the exact number of logins then CK should be caching this information [08:17] I was looking at changing CK but it needs more thought (probably by someone more familiar with the CK arch) [08:18] pitti, and while it's still early I'll head on to the next item on my pitti list :) [08:19] heh [08:19] Regarding bug 417900, is it necessary to make the packages have long names when they already have claimed their binary and .desktop files with the same name as the current packages? [08:19] Launchpad bug 417900 in gnome-games "Update to 2.27.90" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417900 [08:19] e.g. you can't really have another "mahjongg" package as it would collide with a number of files in the gnome-games derived "mahjongg" [08:20] they should conflict then [08:21] but at least the pacakge name would make it clear which one is installed [08:21] like gnome-mahjongg, kmahjongg, or whatnot [08:21] so is the rule: "don't use ambiguous/generic names for packages" or "make the package name closest to the binary/application name" [08:23] generic package names like "editor" or "tetris" are generally frowned upon, and a common cause for rejection [08:23] so usually they should be called after their project name [08:23] but "mahjongg" isn't a proper project name [08:24] pitti, but it is the application name everywhere (menu, about, window title) [08:24] right, we can't change that easily (and shouldn't bother) [08:25] same with gedit, the package name is gedit and yet it just says "text editor" [08:25] but having a package called "editor" would be serious namespace trampling [08:27] good morning there [08:27] bonjour seb128 [08:27] pitti, yes but gedit never refers to itself as "editor" or has any online presence as "editor"... anyway, I'm not that worried about the naming. Only one thing, did you mean to change the name of "aisleriot" as that is a very unique project name afaik [08:28] robert_ancell: no, that sounds much more like a proper noun [08:28] pitti, ok, so I'll just change blackjack, freecell, and mahjongg then [08:28] thanks [08:29] pitti, last question I promise. Why do we not run autogen.sh in debian/rules so we can avoid making all those annoying autoreconf.patch files? [08:29] hey pitti [08:29] hey seb128 [08:30] hey robert_ancell [08:30] robert_ancell: there are some packages that do; it depends on the maintainer's preferences [08:30] robert_ancell, because running autotools on buildds is not reliable [08:30] robert_ancell: I don't like to do it because of two reasons: [08:30] - you don't test what actually gets built [08:30] sometime things start breaking when autotools versions change [08:30] - it tends to break far too often [08:31] when you autoreconf with a known to be working version the package work and is stable [08:31] so it's the usual "autotools is crap" then :( (I feared that might be the case) Is anyone pushing something like cmake in GNOME? Did it work out well for KDE? [08:32] robert_ancell: if you have some packages you work on often, and you often need to change the build system, feel free to try build-time autogen.sh [08:32] but we shouldn't make it a common practice IMHO [08:33] pitti, ok I will do some time. I find I spend a lot of time regenerating those patches [08:36] robert_ancell, did you finish the gtk update? [08:36] seb128, i can't get it to build [08:37] what error do you get? [08:37] https://edge.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/ppa/+build/1206100 [08:37] seb128, I'll commit the changes to bzr (there aren't a lot) if you want to continue on it# [08:38] It may be an external issue (note amd64 built fine) [08:38] zlib error? [08:39] weird [08:39] did you retry the build to make sure that was just not a one timer [08:39] hey seb128 [08:39] lut didrocks [08:39] does it build locally? [08:39] yes. It faild on a .deb stage the first time, then I did a dist-upgrade and it hit the zlib issue [08:39] yes to seb128, no to Amaranth [08:40] hum, weird [08:40] could you push your work before stopping your day so I can try to have a look later? [08:41] seb128, pushed [08:41] thanks [08:41] there is not too many tarballs waiting for the moment apparently [08:41] I will get some coffee before starting on bug emails then ;-) [08:41] wait until tomorrow :) [08:42] seb128: did you check out my branches? :) [08:42] Amaranth, I did upload your g-c-c change [08:42] was there any other? [08:42] metacity and gnome-panel [08:42] I dislike this review thing a lot, that's totally out of workflow [08:43] ie you can't see easily what is assigned to you, or has sponsors subscribed [08:43] seb128: well, I should probably assign the related bugs to you then you can see the linked branches [08:44] could you assign the gnome-panel one to me and the other one to mvo? [08:44] I've no clue about wms so mvo could be a better bet there [08:47] oh, someone uploaded the metacity one already [08:47] hrm, no one marked it as merged [08:48] bug 150443 assigned to you though [08:48] Launchpad bug 150443 in gnome-panel "No workspace switching with mousewheel with compiz" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150443 [08:48] ok [08:48] as said those requests are totally out of workflow [08:49] I though that lp was clever enough to auto change the status on upload [08:49] apparently not [08:50] It seems like the merge request stuff is actually based on the gnome-do workflow :P [08:50] They used to do merge requests via IRC otherwise it's similar [08:52] I guess I should poke vuntz a few more times about gnome bug 520779 too :) [08:52] Gnome bug 520779 in workspace switcher "make mousewheel work on switcher when using viewports" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520779 [08:52] (that was poke 1) [08:58] right [09:03] mvo, do you want to push your compiz 0.8.3 changes into compiz bzr? [09:05] robert_ancell: yeah, let me check git first though to see if there are more fixes [09:16] good morning everyone [09:17] mpt: hello! a quick question about the software-store spec - in a previous version it said that the cursor should become a pointing hand when hovering over a application in the "package list view". that seems to be no longer the case - is that correct (i.e. should I remove that again)? [09:26] hello chrisccoulson mvo [09:26] hey seb128 - did you have a good weekend? [09:26] hey seb128 [09:26] chrisccoulson, excellent thanks: you? [09:26] :->, [09:27] yeah, not too bad. we just went to visit some family and friends, so quite relaxing [09:42] hey baptistemm - do you agree with dropping the apache depends to recommends on gnome-user-share? [09:43] if so, then i will do that later [09:43] i would very much like bluetooth sharing without having apache installed:) [09:43] chrisccoulson: I'd drop a part of the functionnality? [09:43] s/I/You. [09:44] it would drop the webdav part when apache is not installed [09:44] but recommends are still installed by default [09:46] what is the real problem? [09:47] to much dependencies? pulling whole apache packages? [09:48] for the latter, apache package has been worked out to reduce the dependencies, but g-u-sh was never modified to change that [09:48] baptistemm - yeah, apache is a big dependency for a desktop, and a lot of people probably want bluetooth sharing without the webdav part [09:49] has it been modified in debian? i just merged it with debian before the weekend [09:49] g-u-s could now take advantage of http://bugs.debian.org/468690 [09:49] chrisccoulson: don't know I wanted to talk with Josselin few months ago but didn't managed to [09:50] thanks, i'll take a look at that [09:52] apparently dependeing on apache2.2-bin should the way to go, but I needed Josselin ack to know if he looked to the new packaging [09:52] and honnestly my time is short for few months :/ [09:52] +free [09:52] baptistemm - the new version already only depends on apache2.2-bin [09:52] so, it sounds like it might be less of an issue now [09:53] chrisccoulson: ah nice if gnome-user-share was modified [09:54] yeah, it seems so. that was one of the changes i pulled in from debian [10:08] mpt, have you followed the discussion about icons in the gnome panel menu? [10:10] MDC1, vaguely [10:10] MDC1, not recently though. Where is it? [10:10] mpt, in the logs on this channel and http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322932 [10:10] Gnome bug 322932 in Panel "Always show icons on panel menus" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [10:11] MDC1, last I saw is it getting a -1 on desktop-devel@ for re-adding the category icons in the Applications menu for 2.28 [10:12] mpt, what was the reason to remove them? it looks really broken now see http://www.mejlamej.nu/broken.png [10:12] Yes, I agree that's broken [10:12] mpt, i think the whole gnome menu should be an exception and have icons for all items but at least have them for the sections [10:13] There's no reason for it to be an exception, it would look better if it followed the same general guideline as I proposed for any other menu [10:14] i.e. treating categories as dynamic objects, just like applications themselves are, just like folders are, etc [10:14] thing is this menu is twice the height of a normal menu so it really is a different sort of menu [10:15] and its a very important menu - such as the "on / off" Shutdown item [10:17] mpt, not that we should copy windows way of doing things - but even them differences this menu from other and have icons... [10:18] mpt: hi... got a min? :) [10:18] the ayatana bugs dont have a project now :( [10:20] MDC1, the shutdown menu items don't have an icon in either Windows 7 or Mac OS X. [10:20] mac_v, what do you mean by "the ayatana bugs"? [10:21] * mac_v doesnt like Win7 comparisons [10:21] mpt: Bug #388866 [10:21] Launchpad bug 388866 in hundredpapercuts "Applet windows can be opened twice" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/388866 [10:22] there were 17 such bugs, which were assigned to the old ayatana project but after renaming , they dont have a home ;p [10:23] mpt: a project within "The Ayatana Project",similar to xsplash,..., for such bugs would be ideal [10:23] mpt, well.. then i'll have to give up on those ones then - but if at least the categories get icons i'm a little bit happier ;-) [10:24] MDC1: dont...! [10:24] dont give up , i like those icons ;p [10:25] me too - but if everyone is against you it's hard to fight back ;-) [10:26] i think the menu looks pretty silly with the height 1.5 - 2 times larger than a normal menu now when it's without the icons - but design is a preference thing and i'm actually no designer so i might be wrong.... [10:28] mpt, its up on d-d-l now; http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2009-September/msg00022.html [10:32] MDC1, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322932#c22 [10:32] Gnome bug 322932 in Panel "Always show icons on panel menus" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [10:33] mac_v, I know this might be a novel idea, ;-) but have you thought of filing those bug reports against the actual software they affect? [10:34] mpt: it was not my idea , those were bugs already in ayatana ;p [10:34] i just rescued them :) [10:35] mac_v, as a first resort, you could open them all against Ubuntu. Then the usual process of figuring out the relevant package, reporting upstream, and so on. [10:37] mvo, oh, I'd already specced "The secondary text should be the application Comment if there is one, otherwise the package name" [10:37] mpt: hmm... Ok... that sounds good... but some already have the software(Ubuntu) assigned [10:38] mpt: yeah, so I put the pkgname there? I personally think that the package summary is a better choice [10:39] mvo, ok, package summary then [10:40] mpt: thanks, I add it, its trivial to change if it turns out that its not ideal [10:40] mpt, what's blocking getting the menu icon guidelines into the HIG? [10:40] andreasn, no idea [10:42] mvo, are there cases where applications have Name but not FullName or vice versa? [10:43] mpt: no, they are considered invalid then. every desktop file must have a Name= (according to the spec) [10:43] mpt: its common that Name and GenericName are there and the same [10:44] mvo, ah, I think I'm getting FullName from an xdg@ discussion, it doesn't actually exist yet [10:44] oh, sorry. I did not follow that discussion [10:45] Not expecting that you would have, I'm just confused [10:46] did anyone else loose the application icons in the window decoration? [10:46] e.g. is that a default theme change or am i using something non-default? [10:46] asac: that is new feature [10:46] ;p [10:47] feels like a bug to me [10:47] asac: human theme has removed the icons [10:47] i cannot distinghuis my window decorations that are in the background [10:47] just change your theme [10:47] yeah [10:47] though i feel a bit obliged to use our default ;) [10:48] asac: i agree with you, and explained the same on Bug #405426 [10:48] Launchpad bug 405426 in human-gtk-theme "Remove application icons from title bars" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/405426 [10:49] asac: i even showed the screenshots of the difficulty identifying the windows! , but it was a design decision ;p === MenZa_ is now known as menZa [10:50] why is that bug still open? the title suggests that it was the bug that was already fixed === menZa is now known as MenZa [10:51] i assume mac does the same? doesnt mac display the icon in the top level menu? [10:53] asac: why does mac have to be a reference! [10:53] asac, mac_v, if it helps i don't agree with removing the icon from the window either.... [10:53] asac: if you want i can point to the lines which you can change in the human theme ;) [10:55] mac_v: i dont say that mac has to be a reference. i just have the feeling that it might have been used to get the inspiration here [10:56] just trying to figure if mac would have the same problem. but i think it doesnt have it because we have the top menu [10:56] which most likely displays the app icon so you always know which app you are currently using [10:56] for me it mostly popped up because i couldnt identify if i run firefox trunk or the stable version [10:56] exactly! you can differentiate :( [10:57] cant* [10:57] mpt: quick question about icons in the panel menu. Should the Preferences/Administration submenus have icons too? (just the submenus, not the items in the submenus) [11:02] asac: current gnome-bluetooth pulls in geoclue (needs MIR) which pulls in gpsd (blocked MIR, bug 409796), which wants to pull in lesstif (eww no) [11:02] Launchpad bug 409796 in gpsd "[MIR] gpsd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409796 [11:02] asac: is geoclue a required dep of g-b now or can we drop it? [11:03] pitti: i will drop it as discussed [11:03] its a runtime thing through dbus [11:03] ah, nice; sorry, wasn't aware of that discussion [11:03] yeah sorry [11:03] too much catch up last week [11:03] will address all that this week [11:03] vuntz, I don't think so. They're not meaningfully dynamic, e.g. you hardly ever have a Gnome setup that has one but not the other. [11:04] vuntz: seb128: so yelp + webkit ... is that off the table? or should i try to just package the webkit branch? who should i talk to to get an answer? [11:04] asac, not for this cycle, they found things not working correctly in the webkit variant [11:04] ok so postponed [11:04] thx [11:04] seb128: same for epiphany? [11:05] asac, if by "menu" you mean "title bar", Mac document windows have a draggable icon for the actual document in the title bar. They never have the application icon in the title bar. [11:05] or will there be official tarballs for webkit? [11:05] vuntz, what do you think? [11:05] mpt: ok thanks. [11:05] asac, epiphany-webkit is default for GNOME [11:05] asac, it's in karmic [11:05] seb128: yes. so lets migrate users there? [11:06] even if password management isnt implemented? (maybe its there now?) [11:07] asac, feel free, I've too much to do on default desktop to spend time on that now [11:07] mvo, so does this sound right? "If the item has an application Name, then the primary text should be the application Name, and the secondary text should be the application Comment if there is one, otherwise the Summary from the package metadata. If the item does not have an application Name, then the primary text should be the Summary from the package metadata, and the secondary text should be the package name." [11:08] seb128: its ok. i just dont want to get ranted at if i do that ;) [11:08] well rant is ok. but i want to say: "this was a decision not made alone" [11:08] ;) [11:09] I'm fine with that [11:09] you can do any change you want to migrate users [11:10] seb128: plan is to put transitional epiphany-browser package and maybe -gecko into the webkit one and remove the gecko source from archive [11:10] the bookmarks are in gconf so they get auto migrated [11:10] password management is non-existing so there is nothing we can do to migrate them [11:10] asac, there is already an epiphany-browser package [11:10] just change the depends to be on -webkit only [11:10] and conflicts on gecko [11:11] seb128: err webkit also ships the -browser package? [11:11] seb128: afaik its shipped by gecko [11:11] oh right [11:11] i want to move it to the webkit source [11:11] yes you are correct [11:11] thats all ;) [11:11] ok i will check if there are direct rdepends on -gecko [11:11] and maybe talk to kov to see if he would like to do that for debian too [11:11] which could hold back stuff ...but i hope not [11:12] there is probably a bunch [11:12] ie the wget downloader thing [11:12] debgtd [11:12] epiphany-extension-gwget [11:13] |sun-java6-plugin [11:13] those are the ones i think [11:13] anyway. i will proceed [11:14] seb128: am i right that there are no extensions at all? or just not packaged for webkit? [11:14] asac, I think they are not packaged [11:14] ok from git feels like we just need to bump the package and it will be for extensions [11:14] err for webkit [11:14] will check that [11:14] there is newer tarballs I think [11:14] we just didn't do the updates [11:14] yeah [11:14] that how it feels [11:20] seb128: should Pidgin use the indicator applet by default? [11:21] debfx, define "use the indicator"? [11:21] show new messages in die indicator messaging menu [11:21] *in the [11:23] I guess it should be it might need changes for the new api or something [11:24] better to ask ted when he will be there [11:34] mpt: makes sense, I think [11:38] so basically, it means we need the categories back for the applications menu, and that's all [11:41] vuntz, yep [11:43] vuntz, hey, dunno if you read my comment there other day [11:44] vuntz, the workspace switcher issue is because you use non define adjustment in the .ui [11:44] non defined adjustments [11:44] ie adjustment1,2 for the spin buttons which are not in the .ui [11:46] seb128: hrm [11:46] seb128: weird [11:46] vuntz, why? [11:47] vuntz, grep adjustment1 /usr/share/gnome-panel/ui/workspace-switcher.ui [11:49] vuntz, the alt-f2 issue has been fixed in gtk btw [11:49] seb128: weird because I don't know how it happened [11:49] vuntz, in the glade to gtkbuilder conversion I guess [11:54] Hello, is there an orig tarball for gnome-games 2.27.90 somewhere on Launchpad ? [11:55] launchpad is not upstream for gnome-games you want to look on the GNOME ftp rather [11:56] mpt: yes, that sounds good [12:03] thanks [12:12] mpt: could you check the SS icon i just submitted? its the version with a paperbag , i'll be making another one with a basket... is it OK if the apps are shown as objects? === mvo is now known as drhorrible [12:13] drhorrible o.0 === drhorrible is now known as mvo [12:22] mpt: just couldnt fit more of the apps in the paperbag... :/ [12:25] mac_v, sorry, I didn't know you were working on that today. kwwii's actually started on an icon this morning. [12:25] mpt: actually my system crashed last week and lost the icons :( [12:26] it would be awesome to rename that icon btw... ;-) [12:26] mpt: sure no probs , kwwii just mentioned :) [12:26] just sounds wrong o_O [12:26] Nafallo: ;p , brown bag? [12:26] that sounds better at least ;-) [12:27] brownbag.svg [12:27] Nafallo: actually thats how i'v labelled it :) [12:27] \o/ [12:34] seb128: for gdm, I want to override a method for GdmDisplay for the guest session case [12:34] is it kosher to do [12:34] display = gdm_transient_display_new (num); [12:34] GDM_DISPLAY_GET_CLASS(display)->get_timed_login_details = gdm_local_display_factory_get_guest_timed_login_details; [12:34] ? [12:35] (it works fine) [12:35] pitti, seems fine to me [12:35] or is that a hack, and people are supposed to copy&paste the entire class definition boilerplate? [12:35] * pitti is a glib n00b, sorry [12:36] s/glib/gobject/, I mean [12:36] at least I have something working now [12:36] not sure, I don't do that much goject either, maybe mvo or asac know better [12:36] so another two hours, and guest session should be back [12:36] seb128: thanks [12:36] go pitti go ;-) [12:36] mvo, asac: are you gobject literate? [12:37] more or less [12:37] whats up? [12:37] seb128: I'm already happy to have waded through the huge pile of indirections and abstractions that gdm is.. [12:37] asac: see ten lines above [12:37] asac: starting from "for gdm, I want to override..." [12:37] pitti: that should be done in the appropriate class_init function [12:38] not after saying _new [12:38] asac: well, it is [12:38] but for this instance I want to override the get_timed_login_details() method [12:38] of course I could define a real GdmGuestDisplay class and copy&paste all that boilerplate [12:38] but it's like 50 times the effort of just overriding it locally that way [12:39] if my way is an ugly hack, I have to do that effort [12:39] well. doing this after the _new is definitly ugly. [12:39] but I don't really undersstand how gobject is supposed to be used [12:39] its not ment to be used that way for sure ;) [12:39] asac: ok, thanks [12:39] with some luck the class is a local copy for the instance ... but in worst case you just mess all class instances [12:41] pitti: to define a subclass you dont need to copy all the builderplate ... usually just the _init and _class_init function with a G_DEFINE_TYPE is enough [12:41] if you dont want to export a full class definition to the outside [12:42] gdm_display_class_init() is ~ 100 lines long [12:42] but I suppose I can just call that [12:43] yes. but a subclass doesnt need all that [12:43] yeah [12:43] but then that would already do [12:43] dbus_g_object_type_install_info (GDM_TYPE_DISPLAY, &dbus_glib_gdm_display_object_info); [12:47] i would think that you dont need to call that if the superclass already does that. [12:47] but its dbus_ magic so you probably know better ;) [12:49] think depends on whether the subclass has its own refined dbus introspection interface [12:50] no, it doesn't [12:50] I just need to override one function (same signature), and perhaps one additional property [12:51] it shouldn't have any different d-bus interface or behaviour [12:51] yeah. i would just try to subclass it using G_DEFINE_TYPE and overwrite the function you want to override in the _class_init function [12:52] asac: ok, thanks! I'll look at that after lunch [13:34] seb128 - you got any ideas as to why bug 424511 might happen? [13:34] Launchpad bug 424511 in gnome-session "gnome-panel and window manager do not start on login" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/424511 [13:35] chrisccoulson, would not be the first time where a schemas registration break [13:35] reinstall gnome-session [13:36] really? i thought it was a bit strange that the schema was part registered [13:37] it is? [13:37] or does the user has user config for some keys? [13:37] yeah, the windowmanager component seems to be registered correctly [13:38] or he used the appareance capplet who wrote the user key? [13:38] ah [13:38] yeah, you might be right actually [13:40] the upstream schema is "metacity", but we change the default to "gnome-wm" with update-gconf-defaults [13:40] that's why the windowmanager entry appears there === pedro__ is now known as pedro_ [13:47] hey chrisccoulson [13:47] hey pitti [13:49] how are you today? [13:53] chrisccoulson: pretty good, I'm in the middle of beating gdm :) [13:54] and I had a nice weekend [13:54] although too little sleep [13:54] I worked on my new blog/hp until 2:30, and forgot that I had a dentist appointment at 8 [13:56] pitti - yeah, i tend to use my weekends to catch up on sleep, after sleeping so little in the week ;) [13:56] whats up wtih gdm now? [13:59] chrisccoulson: I'm adding the guest session feature back [14:00] cool! it will be nice to have that back :) [14:01] chrisccoulson, there is a new g-s-d available, do you want to do the update later? [14:01] seb128 - yeah, i'll do that when i escape from work later [14:01] thanks [14:02] pitti, there is a new gnome-power-manager if you want to do that later [14:03] there's a gdm-2.20 in NEW, that's been discussed I guess? [14:04] sort of, I disagree with for the record [14:04] I think it would be a better way and as much effort to adapt the current one to xubuntu [14:05] seb128: gpm> keeping on my mental list [14:05] pitti, thanks [14:30] * pitti sighs at gobject [14:31] overriding one function requires me to copy 50 lines of boilerplate [14:32] right, doing object programming in C ... [14:33] am i the only one who likes gobject? ;) [14:33] and quilt [14:33] chrisccoulson: well, gobject might be ingenious [14:33] but it requires such a high cost for changing a very small thing [14:33] seb128, hello, may you have a look to bug 421318 later? totem seems to crash everytime you close it [14:33] Launchpad bug 421318 in totem "totem crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/421318 [14:34] pedro_, I've noticed that too, is there a patch we can use or do you ask me to debug? [14:34] seb128, just wondering if that a python crash (library) or in totem itself [14:34] totem didn't change recently so I would say pygtk rather [14:35] but I could be wrong [14:51] asac: hm, so now I did all that hocuspocus that the compiler wants from me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/266671/ [14:52] asac: but gdm_guest_display_init() and gdm_guest_display_class_init() are never called; do you happen to have an idea why not? [14:52] pitti: return gdm_transient_display_new (display_number); [14:53] you need to use g_object_new (GDM_TYPE_GUEST_DISPLAY , ....) [14:53] the transient _new just instantiates the an instance from the superclass [14:54] asac: hm, does it call the superclass ctor automatically? [14:55] I really wouldn't like to copy the gdm_transient_display_new() code [14:55] what does it do? [14:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/266676/ [14:56] if thats heavy weight its a problem of the transient class ... usually _new should just invoke g_object_new [14:56] it's not really that heavy, but it does have code [14:56] and this is OO after all, so ctors should be hereditiary somehow? [14:57] asac: speaking of inheritance, do _class_init() and _init() automatically call their parent functions? [14:57] pitti: _new are no real constructors. they are just short hands [14:57] to create new instances of a certain type. constructors are something difference [14:59] asac: so there's no way to re-use the parent _new() function? [14:59] no. if you need real constructors you need to use the "constructor" feature [14:59] if folks put too much into _new they do it wrong [14:59] pitti: _class_init is called for all supertypes [15:00] ah, good; _init(), too? [15:02] asac: right, so with a complete cut & paste of gdm_transient_display_new() it works; thanks! [15:05] reconnect [15:06] 15:59 < pitti> asac: so there's no way to re-use the parent _new() function? [15:06] 15:59 < asac> no. if you need real constructors you need to use the "constructor" feature [15:06] 15:59 < asac> if folks put too much into _new they do it wrong [15:06] 15:59 < asac> pitti: _class_init is called for all supertypes [15:06] 16:01 < asac> let me find a good tutorial that gets the facts straight [15:06] asac_: I still got that [15:06] 16:03 < asac> http://library.gnome.org/devel/gobject/unstable/gtype-instantiable-classed.html#gtype-instantiable-classed-init-done [15:06] 16:05 < asac_> reconnect [15:06] ok [15:06] asac_: ah, thanks for the link [15:06] also, [15:06] so if you want to reuse _new you can write a proxy class ... or you can maybe just memcpy over the struct created [15:06] [16:02]- pitti| asac: right, so with a complete cut & paste of gdm_transient_display_new() it works; thanks! [15:07] not sure how busted you might get by that though [15:07] pitti: ok great. maybe file upstream bug telling them that their _new is not derive friendly ;) [15:07] I'll mention it when I file this patch [15:07] if they tell you that there is a best practice for reusing _new let me know please [15:07] sure [15:08] asac_: thanks for your help [15:08] np === asac_ is now known as asac [15:43] guys is there a new time app being added? The one in the current karim image is a bit screwy. It's not displaying a time zone and when you click on it so it does the map is a black square with lots of purple dots. [15:43] karmic even [15:44] james_w: since you are doing archive admin stuff today ... could you remove eclipse for now? [15:44] its widely understood that its making no progress and there was lots of discussion [15:44] nope [15:45] as you filed it today I wanted to leave it for today [15:45] ok [15:45] james_w: too much work? [15:46] no, just a chance for others to speak up [15:46] there is no way to speak up [15:46] I realise it has been discussed already in different places, but still [15:46] remove and if someone maintains it it can reenter [15:47] james_w: its been part of bug 352968 for ages [15:47] Launchpad bug 352968 in pcmanx-gtk2 "remove xulrunner 1.8 and all left over rdepend binaries from karmic archive." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/352968 [15:47] well, I'm done for AA for the day anyway [15:52] seb128: do you mind if I enable tap-to-click by default in the gnome-settings-daemon. It's already enabled in the X driver [15:52] arghl [15:52] tseliot, what does that do? [15:52] this is the most stupid invention ever [15:52] pretty please not [15:52] seb128: it allows you to click when you tap on the touchpad [15:52] is that the "touch the touchpad twice to click"? [15:52] no please not [15:53] it's ridiculously easy to click by mistake with that [15:53] and very confusing [15:53] and it kills touch typists [15:53] and little kittens, too [15:53] seb128, pitti: it's been enabled for ages. This brakes consistency with previous releases [15:53] and we got users complaining for ages [15:53] I would call that a bug fix [15:54] and users keep reporting bugs because their missing this feature (as they got used to have it in previous releases) [15:54] tseliot: hm, can we leave it fixed then? :-) [15:54] tseliot: easy enough to enable, it's not "missing" [15:54] either way we will get users complaining [15:55] seb128: good point [15:55] ;) [15:55] would be nice to get the input from people doing user testing [15:55] well, it confused the hell out of my mother, my sister, and me [15:55] hehe [15:55] mpt ^^ [15:55] it drives me nut when it's enabled [15:56] tseliot: do you actually like it? [15:56] I don't get how user can have that enable and not click by mistake all the time [15:56] pitti: yes, I use it a lot [15:56] I haven't met someone yet who told me that (s)he likes it.. [15:56] okay, you are number one :) [15:56] heh [15:56] (FWIW, i also use tap-to-click) [15:56] seb128: it depends on the force that you apply [15:56] tseliot: can a touchpad actually measure that? [15:57] mine fires off if I just gently touch it without actually dragging [15:57] it seems to measure movement, not force [15:57] pitti: yes it can, apart from Elantech touchpads [15:57] tseliot, I really have no idea, except that I have it turned off and it seems like every time I lend my notebook to someone they're tapping away irritatedly on the touchpad and wondering why it's not clicking [15:57] hehe ok [15:58] windows enables it by default, that might be where people are getting used to it? [15:58] I would default to what upstream is doing without strong argument either way [15:58] pitti: i suspect so [15:58] tseliot, but that could be just that I notice the people who are irritated and don't notice those who are not. [15:58] anyway, if we enable it, then please let's make sure that the disable checkbox really works [15:58] upstream (the X driver) keeps it disabled too [15:58] seb128: good point [15:58] mpt: good point [15:58] so, let's keep the upstream defaults for consistency's sake [15:59] fine with me. No tapping by default if you use GNOME [15:59] tseliot, feel free to open a GNOME bug to argue if you think the default is wrong though [16:00] seb128: no, I doubt there's right way to do it. It's a matter of taste. I just wanted to know whether we wanted to keep it enabled or not in GNOME [16:00] ok [16:01] I was looking at bug 413880 [16:01] Launchpad bug 413880 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "trackpad driver on Asus Eee 701 doesn't accept tap as click" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/413880 [16:01] which I can mark as "invalid" now [16:06] pitti: do you know why xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is not in Karmic's iso (i386 and possibly lpia too)? [16:07] s/why/whether/ [16:07] tseliot: ?? [16:07] xserver-xorg-input-all depends on it.. [16:07] tseliot: it's there: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/karmic-desktop-i386.manifest [16:08] pitti: some users complained about the fact that it wasn't installed by default. Is there a build log I can see too? [16:09] tseliot: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/karmic/ubuntu/latest/ [16:09] not that I don't trust the .manifest file [16:10] pitti: ok, thanks [16:18] good afternoon [16:24] didrocks: I see your quickly guide is up :-) [16:30] rugby471: yes, 9 more are coming (I've finished step 7) ;) [16:30] didrocks: hehe [16:37] mvo: wow you have done loads on software-store today :-) [16:37] hey rugby471 [16:37] yeah, today was the customcellrenderer day [16:38] hehe [16:39] mvo: if I have time I may do some of the documentation [16:39] mpt: could you please test trunk/ again and see if the installed view works for you? it will be just the "availabe" view filtered for installed stuff, but it should not fail [16:39] rugby471: I commited a stub for the docbook to trunk some minutes ago [16:39] yup [16:39] I may try to develop some of that :- [16:39] ) [16:40] mvo: I shall test the installed view now [16:40] mvo, ok, restarting into Karmic [16:40] rugby471, hey, I was just talking about you before :-) [16:40] rugby471: some help with the css would be cool as well, e.g. 423749 [16:40] mpt: hehe [16:41] rugby471, wondering what happened to your sliding doors effect. Does that work without changing the department view to a WebKit one? [16:41] mpt: nope, it has to be webkit for the javascript to work [16:41] i.e. a WebKit view sliding away to reveal GTK underneath [16:41] hm, bother [16:41] Guess we'll have to do that in Clutter instead [16:41] mpt: I could work but not very well [16:42] mpt: unless we convert everything to gtk [16:42] gtk > webkit [16:42] rugby471, I really don't think we want to do that. [16:42] There's already enough glitches in the lobby. :-] [16:42] ok :-) [16:43] (Not that that shouldn't have changed, it was necessary, it just has costs) [16:44] mvo & mpt :https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store/+bug/423749 [16:44] Ubuntu bug 423749 in software-store "departements icons not aligned on a grid" [Undecided,Triaged] [16:45] that bug is about how the departments should be in a grid [16:45] how many department icons do we want in a row [16:45] ? [16:46] mvo, I've finished the menu item descriptions. I've arranged it so that most menu items are off by default, and then in various sections or situations it says "Whenever X, menu item Y should be sensitive and it should do Z." I hope that matches a convenient way to handle the menu items in code. [16:47] rugby471, as many as will fit, hence {display: inline-block; width: some-number-of-em;}, as I said in my comment [16:47] mpt: I thought that is the current behaviour though [16:48] rugby471, if that was the current behavior, the {width:...} would be making them all the same width, and the bug wouldn't occur. [16:48] ok, really restarting now [16:48] there is not width, just min-width right now [16:48] mpt: thanks, I have a look [16:49] mpt: it is just I don't understand what the bug is saying, the reporter says that when you resize, the number of icons increases, that is what is meant to happen [16:49] mvo: my virtual mcahine can't update itself for some reason, so I cannot run trunk :-( [16:49] I shall try to get it working [16:50] rugby471: I can upload a new deb if that helps? [16:50] mvo: it cannot access the archive for some reason [16:52] mvo: when I get it working, I shall do some work on the documentation however that is all for tonight [16:52] ok [16:52] I need to leave soon for dinner anyway [16:53] kl [16:57] mvo, yes, "Installed software" is showing installed software only now [16:57] It really really shouldn't have a lobby though :-) [16:58] mpt: yes, one step at a time :) [16:59] ergh, new Human makes scrollbar troughs look contiguous with the buttons [17:30] mvo, "In Progress" section is empty while installing, did you know about that? [17:36] mpt, what was the conclusion of the gnome menu icon discussion? categories will have icons and not the rest? [17:36] MDC1, I commented in the b.g.o bug report, and vuntz asked me a followup here. That's all I know a.t.m. [17:41] mpt, ok - thanks [18:18] mpt: "In Progress" section is empty while installing, did you know about that? - Are you sure, it works for me [18:19] mpt: works for me too [18:19] mpt: I can have a look tomorrow, does it print anything on the terminal window if you start it from e.g. gnome-terminal [18:19] rugby471, 100% reproducible here [18:20] nothing printed on the terminal [18:20] hmm what revno? [18:21] r179 [18:22] * mpt realizes a design bug: what if you're looking at a non-Canonical-maintained application at the moment you switch into "View" > "Canonical-Maintained Applications"? [18:22] I guess we should fade you out and bubble back up to the department view [18:29] fixed [18:30] ok, 10 bugs reported, that's enough for this evening [18:30] 100 more tomorrow ;-) [18:43] Taekwondo time, have a good night everyone! [18:57] when will empathy get messaging indicator support? [19:09] seb128: ping? [19:44] vuntz, pong [21:20] Hello, I've been working on gnome-games package, and I've done a few fixes that the desktop team might like to use [21:21] problem is that I dunno how to file a merge request for certain revisions on LP [21:22] AnAnt, hi, what did you work on exactly? [21:22] you mean, what changes I did ? === TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso [21:22] I mean what I work, on what did you work? [21:23] or what did you change if you prefer ... [21:23] some fixes to make lintian happy [21:23] lp:~sabily.team/sabily/gnome-games (have a look at revisions 39 & 41) [21:24] the easier is to open a bug and ask for sponsoring [21:24] do you have a web url rather? [21:24] https://code.launchpad.net/~sabily.team/sabily/gnome-games [21:25] thanks for your work but most of those changes are not required [21:26] we don't bother changing standards-version usually that's extra diff over debian and has no interest [21:26] gnometris is already enable in the ubuntu-desktop bzr [21:26] the games have been splitted in binaries there [21:26] seb128: it is enabled in control.in but not control [21:26] and gnometris which depends on clutter is built [21:27] the bin-nmu change is not really useful since ubuntu doesn't have bin-nmu [21:28] ok [21:28] no need to file a bug then [21:28] I would say to wait for the 2.27.90 update and split to be uploaded to karmic [21:28] and then open a cleaning bug with the remaining changes you have [21:38] asac, do you have somebody in the mozilla team who would be interested to look at updating webkit in karmic? [21:38] asac, the new version is in debian, should be an easy review and update, epiphany-webkit currently depwait on the new webkit [21:44] seb128: webkit is not available through grab-merge ;) [21:44] asac, do it by hand? ;-) [21:45] asac, they don't fetch from experimental I think [21:45] so you want experimental [21:45] ok [21:46] asac, yes, as said epiphany-webkit depwait on it [21:48] seb128: what is anjal? [21:48] asac, the evolution ui for mobil devices which is being worked by novell [21:48] novel [21:49] status? [21:49] no novell, I never know how to spell it ;-) [21:49] ok only one version [21:49] so i guess the "new api" we ship needs to be kept [21:49] asac, it's work in progress, I don't think they rolled a stable version yet [21:49] why do we ship an extended api? [21:49] hjmm [21:49] yes. only patch we have is 30_anjal.patch [21:50] that introduces more symbols ;) [21:50] asac, I think it's from the eom or mobile [21:50] they wanted to get anjal in universe for playing with it [21:50] http://paste.ubuntu.com/266854/ [21:50] hmm. but extending an api isnt really nice ;) [21:51] especially if those symbols are named like official ones ;) [21:51] webkit_web_frame_is_cursor_at_blockquote [21:51] right, I mentioned it to the guy who did the change [21:51] that they should use at least an ubuntu_ namespace [21:52] I think the change is coming from anjul upstream rather than from ubuntu [21:52] but still you are right [21:52] you know the anjal folks= [21:52] ? [21:52] not sure if should just break them ;) [21:52] and add ubuntu_ [21:53] should be easy enough ... just a "sed" ;) [21:54] so they define 4 prototypes but only implement 3 new ones [21:54] doews that mean that the 4th prototype is not implemented ;)? [21:54] webkit_web_frame_get_inner_text [21:54] is missing [21:54] in the patch at least ;) [21:54] seems to be a previously internal function [21:54] hmm [21:55] ./WebKit/gtk/webkit/webkitprivate.h: webkit_web_frame_get_inner_text (WebKitWebFrame* frame); [21:55] asac, you mean the upstream folks or the packager? [21:56] whoever wanted to have it in like its now in ubuntu ;) [22:08] vuntz, you pinged before? [22:09] seb128: hrm [22:09] seb128: yeah. I think I wanted to ask about X-GNOME-FullName [22:09] something like "do you think it's important to fix this before 2.28.0?" [22:10] I have things nearly ready for gnome-menus/gnome-panel, but I keep discovering small issues [22:10] vuntz, well, we have gedit called "gedit" now [22:10] like: if you edit a launcher in alacarte, alacarte needs to set the X-GNOME-FullName key too, else the panel will ignore the change [22:10] vuntz, so either fix your component and get them to roll back [22:11] I would get gedit to roll back, I think it's too late for this cycle and doesn't make sense to hurry that now [22:11] you will run into issue and that doesn't win GNOME anything since most softwares will not change their desktop anyway [22:20] vuntz, btw do you think you could review the change on bug #520779? [22:20] gnome bug #520779 [22:20] Error: Launchpad bug 520779 could not be found [22:20] Gnome bug 520779 in workspace switcher "make mousewheel work on switcher when using viewports" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520779 [22:22] seb128: not sure... Need to figure out what to do with fullname stuff, then putting back icons, then fixing the spin buttons in the workspace switcher [22:23] vuntz, there is no hurry that can wait after tarballs this week [22:23] or next week [22:23] just when you have some time ;-) [22:24] vuntz, do you want me to have a look at the adjustment issue? [22:24] seb128: if you can come up with a patch, that'd be great [22:24] ok, let's me have a look [22:54] vuntz, http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=142654 [22:54] vuntz, that works, do you want me to commit? [23:50] hey robert_ancell [23:50] hey seb128 [23:50] robert_ancell, I was about to go to bed, coming updates and things not updated are yours [23:51] no prob [23:51] robert_ancell, chrisccoulson said he would do gnome-settings-daemon and TheMuso does gnome-media usually [23:52] which means there is basically gnome-games to update for now and things which will be rolled later [23:52] * TheMuso has just completed gnome-media. [23:52] I didn't manage to get gtk done either, it seems to build fine there [23:53] debian has 2.17 in experimental too so we might want to look at rebasing on that [23:53] that would reduce the delta too [23:57] hey robert_ancell [23:57] thanks for the cache-ck-history patch [23:57] were we still seeing slow ck-history queries, other changes should have improved that somewhat [23:58] james_w, no prob. It needs a cache somewhere as all that IO on startup can't be great :) [23:58] ok