
elkyjussi01, Pricey, nalioth have any of you actioned the +f from last night's meeting yet?06:32
elkyjussi01, Pricey, nalioth have any of you actioned the +f from last night's meeting yet?06:35
elkyargh, stupid buffer06:35
jussi01no, we havent yet.06:35
elkyjussi01, that was supposed to be a diff second line06:35
elkyjussi01, can you +f ususul and m4v in -es please then?06:36
naliothjussi01: you know who ( it was in -meeting )06:36
elkyjust read the log and whichever nick we agreed on.06:36
m4verUSUL and me, yes, in #ubuntu-es #ubuntu-es-ops and #ubuntu-es-offtopic06:37
elkyjussi01, ^^that06:38
jussi01elky: thanks very much.06:38
m4vI'm going to sleep, later06:43
dpmhi IRC team. I'd like to ask you if you could help me with a couple of things:11:56
dpm1) I'd like to have a bug bot in #ubuntu-translators11:56
dpm2) If possible, I'd like the logs of #ubuntu-translators to be recorded at irclogs.ubuntu.com, as with the other teams11:57
ubot2`In #ubuntu-br, ursula_ said: !aptoncd is <reply>APTonCD é uma ferramenta com uma interface gráfica que permite que você crie um ou mais CDs ou DVDs com todos os pacotes que você baixou via apt-get ou aptitude, criando um repositório removível que você pode usar em outros computadores - veja também !offline12:49
jpdsdpm: Gimme a sec.13:31
dpmjpds: great, thanks13:31
jpdsdpm: Bug bot done.13:34
jpdsdpm: for ubuntulog you'll have to poke IS at: rt@ubuntu.com13:35
dpmjpds: thanks!13:35
jpdsNo problem.13:36
jussi01jpds: thanks for sorting that13:54
=== Zic is now known as Guest38226
m4vjussi01: did you look into -es access lists? at least +f for erUSUL would get us working22:16
nikom4v: ask in #ubuntu-irc please22:19
m4vI thought I did...22:19
Priceyelky: Pici ^22:28
PiciPricey: Could you add +f for erUSUL and m4v?22:44
Piciin #ubuntu-es22:44
PriceyPici: sorted.22:45
PiciPricey: Thanks22:45
=== Guest38226 is now known as Zic
m4vPricey: thanks, can you do the same for #ubuntu-es-ops and #ubuntu-es-offtopic?22:49
PriceyPici: elky ^22:50
PiciPricey: thanks, can you do the same for #ubuntu-es-ops and #ubuntu-es-offtopic?22:50
Pici(also, gtrans.pl keeps translating Pici as22:50
elkyPricey, i already did this yesterday, in the presence of jussi01 and nalioth. if it got undone, then this needs more than just it being redone on a daily basis...23:31
Priceyelky: Where?23:32
elkyPricey, sec while i convert times23:33
Pricey'where' is good enough, i'll /lastlog23:33
elkyPricey, here.23:34
m4vI asked erUSUL to remove the private flag in #ubuntu-es-offtopic, besides that p3l|c4n0 gave access in a horrible way, erusul is still without +f23:35
Priceyelky: aha I see. Well I assume it wasn't done.23:36
Priceym4v: I don't think an Ubuntu GC has requested they get +f in that channel.23:37
Priceyoh wait, elky did use some ^^s above23:37
elkyPricey, i did to correct the spelling23:38
elky<elky> jussi01, can you +f ususul and m4v in -es please then?23:38
Priceyelky: I'll get them +f in -offtopic and -ops too now then. I don't think that was done either?23:38
elkyPricey, clearly not. i need to pack laptop and go battle traffic now.23:39
Priceyelky: But that is good to do?23:39
elkyPricey, yes, please do it.23:40
Priceyelky: thanks.23:40
erUSULPricey: elky thanks for sorting all this out; much apreciated23:40
Priceyelky: erUSUL m4v all sorted23:42

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