
RainCTfunkyHat: Maybe you'll find something here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize00:09
funkyHatThanks RainCT :)00:11
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ScottKfunkyHat: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ is another place to look.01:19
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dholbachgood morning06:52
Ryan52dholbach: you sponsored my upload?07:35
dholbachRyan52: yes :)07:36
* Ryan52 was slightly confused by that07:37
Ryan52well thanks :)07:37
dholbachno worries :)07:38
SkyNetMastermorning :) I'm trying to create deb file of gcc compiled for specific mcu arch. but cant figure out couple of things07:49
SkyNetMasterhow can I point from rules to specific make file?07:49
SkyNetMasteris there a way to just make packge of existing obj files?07:51
AnAntiulian: Hello, I thought Ubuntu was in feature freeze ?08:10
iulianAnAnt: You're right.08:11
AnAntiulian: doesn't that mean that FFe was needed ?08:12
iulianAnAnt: You're talking about gw6c?08:12
iulianAnAnt: It doesn't need a FFe.08:13
AnAntiulian: well, what I mean is. when should I ask for FFe and when not to ?08:13
iulianAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess08:13
loolIs there an email alias for MOTU release folks?08:15
loolOk thanks08:17
loolDo they use ubuntu-release or ubuntu-motu mainly?08:17
loolI'm not sub-ed to -release08:17
Hobbseelool: i'd be surprised if motu-release@lists.ubuntu.com doesn't work08:35
loolOh I missed that one; thanks08:35
iulianlool: Yea, we usually use ubuntu-motu.08:36
loolActually I think I'll just use a bug as the wiki page documents our case as typical of a bug anyway08:36
* lool goes unsubscribing from ubuntu-release@ again08:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 425547 in ubuntu "Ubuntu Moblin Remix: Merging ~moblin PPA packages into karmic" [Undecided,New]08:42
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andvdholbach, hi09:22
andvdholbach, are you sure the versioning used in gnome-web-photo is right?09:22
andvdholbach, I wanted to ping asac about it (as it's written in the bug report)09:22
andvI was assigned to do that but looks like the package got uploaded already09:23
asacandv: check with rail09:32
asaci think he wanted to fix things09:32
andvasac, I wanted you to review the patch09:32
andvasac, plus versioning09:32
asaci cannot review anything if you dont give bug ids09:32
andvasac, too late, it's uploaded already before I could give you the ID today09:33
andvasac, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/42382209:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 423822 in gnome-web-photo "Take screenshot from web does not work." [Medium,Fix released]09:33
jetienneq. i got a given file on my disk, how can i know from which package it come from ?09:34
asacandv: looks fine. i talked to ryan about that before09:34
asache did it09:35
Flanneljetienne: dpkg -S /path/to/file09:35
andvasac, is versioning ok?09:35
andvasac, new version looks like 0.8-0ubuntu2 and the previous was 0.8-0ubuntu1.ffox3509:35
andvasac, does that matter?09:35
jetienneFlannel: thanks09:35
asacandv: thats ok09:36
andvasac, perfect then09:36
asacandv: the .ffox35 version was just done because there were no real changes over ubuntu109:36
andvasac, I pinged you yesterday night about it but you were off09:36
andvso wanted to ping you this morning but found out the upload was done already09:37
dholbachandv: the versioning is no big deal09:40
andvdholbach, asac was the previous upload so I assigned that to me to talk with him09:41
andvdholbach, but anyway np09:41
dholbachandv: rather the versioing was a bit uncommon before :)09:42
dholbachbut thanks for taking a look at it09:42
andvdholbach, yeah09:42
andvdholbach, I wanted to ask about that strange versioning e.g if we had to keep it or not09:43
dholbachit's "solved" now :)09:43
andvdholbach, I just hope gnome-web-photo works fine now09:43
asacwell. i just approved a "sync" ... didnt i?09:48
andvasac, a sync? bug id?09:48
asaci already approved it09:48
asacin #ubuntu-devel is the bug id09:48
asacit was something else09:49
asacso nevermind ;)09:49
dholbachandv: hum, it just crashed now (gnome-web-photo)09:49
dholbachI'm filing the bug now09:49
andvdholbach, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/423822 this?09:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 423822 in gnome-web-photo "Take screenshot from web does not work." [Medium,Fix released]09:49
andvdholbach, damn was old one09:49
andvdholbach, yeah, no one submitted a bug report yet09:50
andvfeel free to open09:50
andvdholbach, let me download it09:50
andvdholbach, so I can try to reproduce it09:50
andvdholbach, crash at startup?09:51
dholbachandv: gnome-web-photo -m thumbnail http://web.de web.png09:52
andvapt-getting it09:52
andvdholbach, I get a cannot load shared lib10:01
andvdholbach, using gnome-web-photo.real as --help suggests10:01
dholbachandv: which version do you have installed?10:08
andvdholbach, 0.8-0ubuntu2, it should be the latest made10:09
andvdholbach, gnome-web-photo.real: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:10
andvyou don't get it?10:10
dholbachandv: nope10:10
andvdholbach, did you build the package yourself? or did you download it from LP?10:10
dholbachfrom LP10:10
andvdholbach, did you run gnome-web-photo.real10:11
dholbachI have xulrunner-1.9{,.1}{,-gnome-support} installed10:11
dholbachthe wrapper10:11
andvdholbach, gnome-web-photo itself works10:14
andvdholbach, .real not10:14
andvdholbach, but the --help  suggests the use of .real10:14
dholbacherm, that should be fixed then10:14
andvdholbach, Usage: gnome-web-photo.real [--mode=photo|thumbnail|print] [...]10:16
dholbachask asac about it10:17
andvasac, why gnome-web-photo --help is wrong?10:17
asac.real is not supposed to work10:17
asacthats a bug10:17
andvasac, then the --help is completely wrong10:17
andvand suggests the user to use a command that won't work10:18
asacit probably used $0 to print the command10:18
asacyeah. would be great to fix10:18
asaccheck with ryan if you dont know how :)10:18
andvI gonna tell him to fix it10:18
andvdholbach, did you post a bug for the crash?10:19
andvdholbach, using the command you gave me makes gnome-web-photo to get stuck10:21
user_hi out there11:33
slytherinuser_: hi11:33
user_I need some help configuring LDAP and Radiu on Ubuntu LTSP11:33
user_can you help me11:34
user_Here is my situation11:34
slytherinuser_: This is not the user support channel. Either try #ubuntu or see if you can find information on http://wiki.ubuntu.com11:35
user_thank a lot11:36
loic-m_Does https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/405783 need a FFE?11:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 405783 in desmume "Sync desmume 0.9.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Incomplete]11:51
Laneydepends whats in the new release11:52
loic-m_a few new features, but most of it is a lot of bug fixes11:53
gesercheck upstream changelog11:53
geserif there are new features then a FFe is needed11:53
slytherinI have a question regarding FFE. If a debian/ubuntu revision of a package introduces new binary packages (-doc), will it need FFE?11:53
loic-m_Laney, geser, thanks. I'll fill a FFE11:54
geserloic-m_: don't open a new bug for it, but turn the sync request into one (add the missing parts)11:55
geserthat way all info will stay in one place11:56
loic-m_thanks, that's what I was planning to do, sorry I wasn't clear11:56
slytherinCan anyone help me debug a particular problem with nautilus-sendto build?12:15
geserI can try12:35
geserslytherin: what problems do you have with the nautilus-sendto build?13:15
slytheringeser: for some reason the empathy plugin is not getting built. The build deps are correct.13:31
slytheringeser: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31435636/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.nautilus-sendto_1.1.7-0ubuntu2~ppa1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz13:31
geserI'm looking at it already13:31
geserlooks like a missing dependency on libcanberra-gtk-dev in libempathy-gtk-dev: Package 'libcanberra-gtk', required by 'libempathy-gtk', not found13:32
slytherinCan that cause a failure in pkg-config check for libempathy-gtk-dev?13:33
slytherinhmm, let me check if adding libcanberra-gtk-dev to nautilus-sendto build-dep list fixes the problem.13:34
geserconfigure: ** empathy plugin enabled13:35
geserbut the right fix is to fix libempathy-gtk-dev13:35
geserto add the missing dependency13:35
slytherinyes, I will file a bug tonight.13:35
geserwill file one as I've currently the needed info at hand anyways13:38
slytherinOk. Thanks.13:39
geserslytherin: bug #42569213:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425692 in empathy "libempathy-gtk-dev is missing a dependency on libcanberra-gtk-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42569213:46
walterlhow do i create a karmic pbuilder setup on jaunty?13:48
Laneyusing pbuilder-dist is easiest13:49
walterlLaney: thanks13:51
slytherinwalterl: change value of DISTRIBUTION in pbuilderrc. You will also need to change the name of base.tar.gz.13:51
slytherinwalterl: more details here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto13:51
slytheringeser: subscribed.13:52
walterlslytherin: thanks :)13:52
blackxoredslytherin, hi13:52
slytherinblackxored: hi13:52
blackxoredslytherin, sorry to say I had no time for swt-gtk this weekend, but since the issue is minor, I'll check probably tonight13:52
slytherinblackxored: No issues. If you do please let me know. I have done the merge but actually not uploaded it.13:53
blackxoredslytherin, sure I will, it builds on ubuntu fine, doesn't it. My concerns are on ppc13:54
slytherinblackxored: ppc should not be a problem my logic was fulproof. :-)13:55
blackxoredslytherin, sure it was, who said ;)13:55
slytherinanyway, I will check on powerpc before merge/sync.13:56
blackxoredslytherin, exactly my point13:59
blackxoredslytherin, back to work, tonight I'll push some eclipse changes, and fix AWT_LIB_PATH14:03
blackxoredslytherin, glad to here azureus got accepted on karmic ;)14:05
slytheringeser: you forgot to subscribe the main-sponsors team to that bug.14:22
geserthought about that, but as empathy is in ~ubuntu-desktop bzr, someone need to sponsor it who can also commit there14:26
slytherinhmm, maybe dholbach can14:29
geserslytherin: seb128 took already care of it14:29
=== asac_ is now known as asac
zookoGood morning, folks!  (UTC-6)15:18
funkyHatGood afternoon, zooko15:21
zookoiulian: I invoked your name on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/421802 .  Are you still planning to upload Tahoe-LAFS?16:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 421802 in ubuntu "Feature Freeze Exception: Tahoe-LAFS" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:14
iulianzooko: Sure.  Are all dependencies in Karmic?16:25
zookoiulian: yes, except pycryptopp is still only in the Karmic queue.16:26
iulianzooko: Hm, does Tahoe-LAFS depend on pycryptopp?16:28
zookoHere is the ticket to sync pycryptopp from Debian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/28943116:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 289431 in debian "Please sync python-pycryptopp from debian unstable" [Unknown,Fix released]16:30
blackxoredsomeone working on rubygems? there's this hobo gem (for rails development) that won't install with <= 1.3.217:24
blackxoredif that isn't the case is ok if I update it???17:26
ScottKYou can put together a package and file for an FFe.  For something like rubygems it would likely be approved.17:43
ScottKblackxored: We've got 1.3.5 in karmic already.17:44
blackxoredScottK, oh right missed it ;) sorry17:45
kaushalanybody here using autossh ?19:03
DWonderlyQuestion... from what I gather from the wiki page you guys make offical ubuntu packages either from debian or from source?19:19
pochualways from source, but the source may come from Debian19:20
pochui.e. everything is rebuilt in Ubuntu, binaries are not imported from Debian19:20
DWonderlyOkay... I've been wanting to get involved and I was on the Doc team but, most of the time I have to work on stuff is offline. This sounds like something I could do offline and still contribute19:22
ScottKRoAkSoAx: Would you please have another look at the split up of packages in lekhonee?  I took a brief look at it in the New queue and it looks to me like there might be stuff in -kde that needs to be in -common.19:48
RoAkSoAxScottK, sure I'll take a look at it. But, in fact, upstream was the one who told me which where the common files. I'll talk to him again though.19:58
ScottKRoAkSoAx: I didn't try to run it, so I may be wrong, thanks for double checking.20:03
RoAkSoAxScottK, no prob :)20:08
joumetaldoes bug424385 need anything more? it would be very nice to have new flashrom in karmic.20:08
fabrice_spbug #42438520:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424385 in flashrom "[karmic] Please sync flashrom 0.9.1+r706-1 from Debian sid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42438520:13
fabrice_spjoumetal, no. Only a second ack from some from the Motu Release  team20:16
RoAkSoAxScottK, Is the folder Chotha being installed into usr/share/pyshared your concern?20:17
ScottKRoAkSoAx: IIRC, yes.20:17
RoAkSoAxScottK, ok. The Chotha folder actually contains the specific files for KDE, though I'll check if that folder can be installed in other folder without breaking the app, because IIRC it did break it.20:21
dhillon-v101hi everyone I need some help with packaging21:13
maxbdhillon-v101: It will help if you try to be a bit more specific about what you need help with21:17
dhillon-v101maxb: great so can you tell me what to write in the rules file if I want to package some wallpapers21:18
dhillon-v101in a ppa21:18
maxbI'm not familiar with wallpapers, but I assume they are just files.21:19
dhillon-v101maxb: yah :-D21:19
dhillon-v101so what should I write21:19
maxbI would be inclined to pick an existing wallpaper installed on my computer, ask dpkg what package it is in (dpkg -S filename) and look at that source package, initially21:19
dhillon-v101can you name any because I don't know any of those21:20
maxbhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingWithoutCompiling may also be a useful primer21:22
Lutinhyperair: ubuntu-wallpapers (apt-cache search wallpapers21:22
Lutinerr. dhillon-v101 : ^21:22
hyperairLutin: what?21:22
Lutinhyperair: sorry :)21:22
hyperairnp np =)21:22
dhillon-v101hi how are you21:22
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hyperairumm was that addressed to me? O_o21:22
hyperaireh i'm fine thanks21:23
dhillon-v101I forgot to put your name in the front21:23
dhillon-v101alright so I got a bunch of stuff on the terminal what now21:23
hyperairthere's always a bunch of stuff in the terminal21:23
dhillon-v101alright so I did sudo apt-get source kdewallpapers21:24
dhillon-v101will that work21:24
Lutindhillon-v101: if what you're interested in is packaging, what you want to grab is the source package. that will show you how the package is made21:27
dhillon-v101so I did put the right command21:28
Lutinoops sorry, I misread you.21:28
Lutinlooks like I really should get some sleep. 'night21:28
dhillon-v101Lutin: looks like MOTU works too much :P21:30
quidnuncWhat is the command that compares version numbers again?21:34
hyperairdpkg --compare i think21:34
quidnunchyperair: thanks21:35
c_kornis there a command to know when the apt-get update cache has been called the last time ?22:04
maxbI guess you could check the update-manager source to see how it does it22:04
DWonderlyI know in the update manager it states how long it's been since last update... It caches somewhere22:04
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c_kornmaxb: good idea. this answers my question: $ ls -la /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp22:21
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quentusrexAnyone know the best way to have launchpad ppa build for multiple releases?22:47
quentusrexso that I can upload only one package, and have it build for multiple releases?22:48
ScottK#launchpad is the channel for Launchpad PPA support.22:51

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