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DaskreechIs there a way to run a GUI app from the CLI for another user?00:35
DaskreechKrunner is screwed00:35
ryanakcaRiddell: ping, can you email me a list of organizations (educational, business, government, non-profit, etc) that are using Kubuntu? I have the french government at the moment. I was going to use the Canary Islands, but they're using a) a derivative, and b) it was only until the start of 200901:19
ScottKryanakca: Riddell's offline until Thursday.01:52
ryanakcaScottK: Bummer. Well, if anybody else can provide me with a list, please do, otherwise, I can wait until he gets back...01:56
shtylmanseele: for the slideshow during install02:46
shtylmanI need the text reviewed and more text added to the konqueror page02:47
nixternalshtylman: who is doing the text?03:56
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markey"It's no secret that when it comes to technology news sites, OSNews isn't exactly the cream of the crop."11:56
markeyisn't that so11:56
markeywhat a stupid article: http://www.osnews.com/story/22113/Kubuntu_Gets_Some_Love11:57
jussi01markey: oh dear. who wrote that?12:29
jussi01So USB creator is still borked. Yay for fun :)12:43
shtylmannixternal: I did the current text mostly as a placeholder12:47
rgreeningjussi01: try from my PPA13:01
jussi01rgreening: for karmic?13:01
rgreeningnew version 0.2.5 isn't relaeased yet, but I have a beta in my PPA that does.13:01
jussi01ahh, ok. I just went meh and burned the disc.13:02
rgreeningIm hoping we can release 0.2.5 soon13:02
jussi01so burned the disc and made the usb from that13:02
rgreening0.2.4 got horribly broken13:02
jussi01which worked fine.13:02
rgreeningI just uploaded 0.2.5~beta4 to my PPA... testing would be welcome :) (once it builds)13:03
jussi01rgreening: Ill give it a go in a while.13:16
rgreeningexcellent. ty13:18
ghostcubeKubuntu is a distribution which always felt a bit like the stepchild Canonical never really wanted to have13:19
ghostcubewtf ?? who wrote this crap13:19
rgreeningyeah. I saw that article. some people will write anything without even contacting the devs for questions. Not real journalism at all.13:19
rgreeningI wish some of the people would act like real journalists...13:20
rgreeningos news needs a smack for publishing utter crap13:21
ghostcubeanyone owns an botnet ?13:22
jussi01rgreening: argh. waitign for the build...13:25
jussi01someone link me to the build queue?13:25
rgreeningjussi01: 4 hours wait apparantly... grr... https://edge.launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa/+build/120812313:28
rgreeningjussi01: you can download the beta3 maybe... it should still be available in PPA13:29
rgreeningbeta3 works too.13:29
jussi01rgreening: doesnt look that way :(13:29
rgreeningjussi01: if you add the PPA see if it comes up13:30
jussi01rgreening: could you just mail me a 386 deb?13:30
jussi01ooh, fanks13:31
rgreeningyou need both the common and kde deb13:31
rgreeningdpkg -i usb-creator-common_0.2.5~beta3_all.deb usb-creator-kde_0.2.5~beta3_all.deb13:31
jussi01rgreening: yeps :D13:32
rgreeningcool. beta4 mostly updated the gtk stuff13:32
jussi01rgreening: still got a bit of an issue...13:34
jussi01rgreening: the format button dont work.13:35
rgreeningjussi01: intentional at the moment. it was explicitly disabled due to issues with the back-end support13:39
rgreeningjussi01: devicekit-disks (used by back-end) has an issue. There is an open bug reprt on it. See:https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2354113:41
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23541 in operations "PartitionTableCreate method times out when 'none' is specified as a parameter." [Normal,New]13:41
jussi01rgreening: oh...13:41
* jussi01 goes to try remember how to format properly in kde...13:41
rgreeningjussi01: it's being worked on. I believe evand is trying to get a work around in the meantime.13:41
rgreeningjussi01: sudo fdisk <dev>13:42
rgreeningjussi01: delete the partitions and create a new one13:42
rgreeningjussi01: mark it a bootable and set the type to 'b' Fat 3213:42
rgreeningjussi01: then save and exist fdisk.13:42
jussi01rgreening: I got to figure out which /dev it is first :D13:43
rgreeningjussi01: now mkfs.vfat on the partition13:43
rgreeningdmesg after pluggin it in13:43
rgreeningshould tell you /dev/sdc1 or somethnig like that13:43
jussi01ahh, sdb. (and good point)13:43
rgreeningsudo fdisk /dev/sdb13:44
rgreeningd to delete13:44
rgreeningn for new13:44
rgreeningt for type13:44
rgreeninga for bootable flag13:45
rgreeningw to save13:45
jussi01do I want extended or primary?13:46
jussi01rgreening: ok, I went for primary, 1. How do I know the partition now to run mkfs.vfat on?13:50
jussi01oh never mind...13:51
jussi01rgreening: It didnt work. :/14:01
jussi01rgreening: the created USB says that it hasnt got an OS, remove and reboot.14:01
rgreeningjussi01: weird14:12
rgreeningjussi01: can you mount the usb stick?14:13
rgreeningjussi01: can you verify the FS is vfat?14:13
rgreeningjussi01: and did you remember to set eh bootable flag to on for the partition?14:18
rgreeningjussi01: it should look something like this in fdisk:14:20
rgreening   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:20
rgreening/dev/sdc1   *           1        1012     2007777    b  W95 FAT3214:20
rgreeningnotice the '*' for bootable and 'b  W95 FAT32' for FS type14:20
rgreeningjussi01: also the fdisk anbd mkfs commands need to be done while the stick is unmounted else it gets corrupted.14:21
siegieWhen i select encrypted home, the swap partition wil also be encrypted. This means that hibernate can't work. Could hibernate be removed from the menu in the case of encrypted swap?14:22
rgreeningsiegie: I think swap unencryption occurs early on so it should work (unless you tested and it doesn't). In the later case, file a bug report aboutit.14:28
siegiergreening: it doesn't work in my case. When I look at the bluprint specification "Ubuntu installations with Home Directory Encryption selected should encrypt swap space and disable hibernation capabilities. " with tell my that hibernation wil be disabled. It's maybe the case in ubuntu but not kubuntu. I just want to make sure that kubuntu will not be forgotten with new features in ubuntu.14:33
rgreeningsiegie: oh, didn't realize that. Riddell ^14:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell is away unitl thursday14:51
nixternalshtylman: if you need me to do the text write up stuff, let me know...marketing and that kind of stuff is my background :)15:52
rgreeningjussi01: evand has released 0.2.5 usb-creator-kde. SO I expect it to be uploaded and building soonish15:53
yuriyhmm this might be nice for the feedback plasmoid http://amroth.coldshock.net/kmess/blog/generally-kmess/allowing-user-feedback-with-likeback/16:25
macohey what was it about a kubuntu firefox package?16:36
macoi dont suppose itd be possible to teach firefox to say "Ubuntu" in its User Agent when logged into gnome and "Kubuntu" when in KDE so that we show up as "Kubuntu"?16:38
maco(right now, all ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu users show as ubuntu)16:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: batl10n for l10n packages :P16:40
apacheloggeractually, I seem to remember that I told you once already :P16:40
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: should we do it?16:40
JontheEchidnaseems to be a matter of somebody having enough bandwidth16:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can't hurt, though I find it mostly pointless16:41
apacheloggerit will be difficult to communicate to users that they need to install kde-l10n-$theircode16:41
apacheloggereven considering that the ppa users are probably more advanced ones anyway16:42
JontheEchidnashould the langpacks depend on their corresponding kde-l10n?16:42
apacheloggerthey should16:42
apacheloggerRiddell said that arne was going to implement that for karmic16:42
apacheloggerbut it's not yet done there either16:42
JontheEchidnaso basically jaunty is screwed for KDE 4.3 translations, oh well16:42
apacheloggeryeps, because I wasn't enough of a PITA when I backported kde-l10n for hardy back in the days :(16:43
* JontheEchidna wonders if the templates for the packages with abort -> cancel string changes have been imported to rosetta yet16:44
apacheloggergood thing it is so easy to check, huh? :S16:45
JontheEchidnaif only one could search the entire source package16:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I can't reproduce the language-selector issue16:46
JontheEchidnahmm, maybe it's fixed then16:46
apacheloggerwhen I close install-package l-s just goes ahead16:46
apacheloggerthen reports that the packages have been installed16:46
apacheloggerwhich is a bug of it's own but lower profile16:46
JontheEchidnawell, at least it doesn't hange with the grey screen anymore16:47
apacheloggerclosing as fixed16:47
apacheloggerreporting new bug :D16:47
JontheEchidnaStill has abort strings in the template, meaning that those three strings are totally untranslated16:48
apacheloggerprepare the suse-like translations system I say16:49
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe we didn\t change them?16:50
apacheloggeror did we?16:50
JontheEchidnawe changed them for a papercut16:50
apacheloggerwell, those strings as well :{16:50
JontheEchidnaand we have a bug report about that last string16:50
apacheloggerdarn you qwerty16:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: oh welly16:51
JontheEchidna"Abort fetches" was changed to "Cancel fetches" and shows up as English :(16:51
apacheloggeryou are wrong16:52
apacheloggerour change were incomplete16:52
apacheloggertake a look at the diff16:52
apachelogger-    stopAction->setText(i18n("&Abort Fetches"));16:52
apachelogger+    stopAction->setText(i18n("C&ancel Fetches"));16:52
apacheloggernot "abort fetch"16:53
apacheloggereh, fetch aborted even16:53
apacheloggerthat one is actually translated16:53
* JontheEchidna wonders how many languages that string will actually be translated in16:54
apacheloggerif we are lucky16:55
apacheloggerI am quite sure german will not be translated16:55
dpmapachelogger: JontheEchidna: I've heard this change for the first time, so I don't think translators would know about it. Could you guys e-mail ubuntu-translators about it?16:56
apacheloggeroh, no one wrote a mail16:56
apacheloggerno wonder my system is all englishy :D16:57
* apachelogger pokes JontheEchidna into producing some content there16:57
JontheEchidna"halp, translate stringz pl0x" :P16:57
apacheloggeralso I was wrong when I said that language-selector reports success where there is none ... it actually checks the exit code, which is 0 if install-package is properly quit16:57
JontheEchidnaI'll try to find all the places where the abort strings were changed16:57
JontheEchidnathen send off an email16:58
apacheloggerif for example it gets xkilled l-s will tell the user in a friendly manner that the language could not be set16:58
dpm:) Just a brief e-mail announcing the changes will do16:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: gypsy branch every package branch and grep :)16:58
JontheEchidnadpm: ok, I like that better16:58
apacheloggerlazy b.. :P16:59
dpmI could do it myself, but you guys know better which changes16:59
apacheloggergood nus everyone, qt-language-selector is bugfree (reportwise at least)16:59
apacheloggerif anyone cares to improve the UI though...17:00
apacheloggermakes me wanna throw up every single time I see it17:00
* JontheEchidna wonders when UI freeze is17:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: so what does gdebi do to prevent premature exits?17:01
JontheEchidnauhh... I haven't checked actually17:01
apacheloggerso it might not do anything about it at all? :P17:01
JontheEchidnaI did test that17:01
apacheloggernow where do I find a deb that gdebi does not refuse to install due to newer version being installed -.-17:02
apacheloggerdantti: pling pling17:02
danttiapachelogger: hey17:03
JontheEchidnahuh, it does close. I really thought I tested that17:03
apacheloggerdantti: hola, can we haz --refresh (to refersh package cache) and multi-argument support for the name based installation?17:04
JontheEchidnaI do know for a fact that adept does this, though17:04
JontheEchidnathe question is... how the heck does it do it?17:04
danttiapachelogger: hmm you want kpk to have --refresh and --instal-package pkg1 pkg2 pkg3?17:05
apacheloggerI actually have a hack for tha latter somewhere on my netbook ... I got a bit bored one might say ;)17:05
danttiapachelogger: well iirc you already can install multiple packages..17:05
apacheloggerdantti: yeah, but that requires multiple options17:06
apacheloggerso --install pkg1 --install pkg2 --install pkg317:06
danttifor the refresh part I can add that option, (I'll also add it to the DBus session interface) so i can remove some code from kded17:06
apacheloggerwhich is not very user friendly and requires more code in applications using this particular option17:06
danttiapachelogger: well the problem i had is that when dolphin (for example) calls kpk with multiple packages i can't distinguich what are they..17:07
apacheloggerdantti: pardon?17:08
danttiapachelogger: if you can give me a patch to test, I have some other stuff (more important imo) to do now, but surelly if in the future i find out how to deal with both cases I'll change it17:09
danttiapachelogger: the problem is that i tryied to do that, (the --install-pkg) but i had some limitations..17:09
danttiif you have a patch i can test it..17:09
apacheloggerdantti: well, in theory you only need to change it for the install by name case .17:09
apacheloggerdon't care about the file name stuff ;-)17:10
danttiapachelogger: I'll put on my todo.. I'm finishing the new simulate ui..17:11
apacheloggersupporting multiple arguments for both would actually require a pretty similar implementation ... basically you need to create the qstringlist yourself by iterating over args.arg(i)17:12
apacheloggerdantti: I'll send you my changes later today for some inspiration :)17:12
danttiapachelogger: ok, thanks :)17:12
apacheloggeroh dear lord, update-manager started installing stuff17:14
apacheloggerbeware apachelogger's broken machine -.-17:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, I can close the gdebi installation dialog17:18
apacheloggeralso seems to interrupt the installation17:18
ScottKCan't gdebi go away?17:21
apacheloggerScottK: install-package depends on it17:22
apacheloggeralso it is more userfriendly than kpk at this point17:22
apacheloggerso first I'd nuke install-package and then hunt down gdebi17:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the only sensible solution I can think about: reimplement kapplication and override it's quit slot, to prevent quitting17:23
apacheloggeror at least display a warning and exit with non-0 exit code17:23
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apacheloggerthis pykde stuff cracks me up17:55
apacheloggerJontheEchidna:  oh well, let's just get install-package replaced by kpk17:56
apacheloggernot worth digging in that mess17:56
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Agreed. RESOLVED WHOGIVESASHIT17:59
apacheloggernice resolution tag17:59
apacheloggermust remember17:59
apacheloggerKDE detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed.18:00
apacheloggerDo you want KDE to permanently forget about these devices?18:00
apacheloggeroh my18:00
apacheloggeroh and networkmanager is also installed again18:04
apacheloggerhow I hate distupgrades -.-18:04
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spstarryeah, I will get a PPA setup for Qt 4.6/KDE trunk for people wanting to play, it will take time though at least for the KDE bits, I dont build of all of KDE daily, just the parts I use mainly for development21:46
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shtylmannixternal: lp:~shtylman/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/kubuntu-slideshow ... in the slides/kubuntu folder , if you could take a look at the verbage that would be great :)23:35
shtylmanapachelogger: still need that installer style package?23:35

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