
gobnutsDWonderly: 9.10 has a kubuntu-netbook-remix version currently Alpha5. Works quite well overall, the plasma-netbook needs more tweaking though00:00
DWonderlyOkay. Ive been thinking about changing over from gnome to KDE00:00
rabidweezlehow do I turn off all keyboard repeating?00:02
rabidweezlelike if you hold down a button and it repeats that button00:02
rabidweezlelike aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa00:02
rabidweezlenevermind, got it00:03
Zerg2000Does anyone experience slower logins in KDE 4.3? About 10 seconds slower than in KDE 4.2.00:07
ussher_I have virtualbox running an ubuntu server.  It works when im connected to my router because an ipaddress is assigned, but when not connected to the router how can i access the virtual server from the host os?00:10
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jamesb_Is there anything in Kubuntu 9.04 that is similar to Cleartype? To smooth my fonts look?00:15
jamesb_Main reason is in Firefox.. the text looks bad...00:17
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DaskreechHow do  I run a GUI app under a different user?00:21
Daskreechkrunner is broken00:23
BeepAnyone got three monitors to work with xinerama (1 on PCI; 2 on PCIx)00:24
Daskreechand logging in via the CLI and setting the xserver and display and running an application results in squat all happeneing00:25
Daskreechah this sucks I'll just logout and login the other user00:27
DaskreechTo run one app >_<00:27
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pablozhi guys, anyone knows why may Kate be ignoring my keyword configuration (particularly regarding dead-keys)?00:44
Daskreechdidn't load them?00:48
pablozDaskreech: sorry, not sure I understood the question. In any other kde/whatever app I can press ' and then a to produce á (spanish layout), within kate, I can't00:59
pabloz(it comes as two separate characters: 'a)00:59
Beeppabloz, I've had KDE "forget" the keyboard layout. I get around it by having both EN and ES loaded and "show country flag" option turned on in => System Settings -> Region & Lang > Keyboard01:02
BeepWhen it forgets I just press the flag twice. (Once to go to EN, then again to go back to ES)01:02
pablozactually, I have keyword layouts disabled01:05
pabloz*the* keyword layout is spanish01:05
TD-Linuxpabloz, that's an odd bug, works for me on, err, kde 3.5.10 :P01:08
pablozTD-Linux: do you have keyword layouts enabled in System Settings -> Region & Lang > Keyboard ?01:10
TD-Linuxyeah I switch between US and US International01:10
TD-Linuxboth are in the list01:11
TD-Linuxas I said this is ancient kde though, kubuntu 8.0401:11
pablozok, I guess that's the difference01:11
pablozI'm on 9.0401:11
pablozmaybe is http://guido-flohr.net/dell/latitude-e5400/keyboard.html#keyboard_kde_qt ?01:15
pabloz"""Setting the environment variables LANG and LC_ALL to "en_US.UTF-8" (or any other utf-8 locale (...)) fixed the problem"""01:17
pablozmaybe that's what the keyword layout setting option does directly or as a side-effect? (assuming that would make kate follow the system configuration)01:18
rabidweezleanyone know if it's possible to like set certain mouse buttons to do certain keyboard combos?01:26
rabidweezleI've got a 5 button mouse and want to use the other buttons01:27
Some_PersonHow many lines is Terminal01:31
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what_ifI am having a problem where a blacklisted module (evbug) is beibng loaded even though the module is blacklisted. What would cause this behavior ?02:14
pair0docdoes another module depend on it? just a guess, I have never had to blacklist a module.02:15
what_ifno modules depend on it. It is more a developer tool02:16
what_ifthis module is blacklisted by default, I did not blacklist it02:16
Planetaryhello i want to mention that nvidia driver 180 should be updated to 185. we would really apprciate it02:49
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:51
genii!info nvidia-glx-18503:01
ubottuPackage nvidia-glx-185 does not exist in jaunty03:01
genii!info nvidia-glx-185 karmic03:01
ubottunvidia-glx-185 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 185.18.36-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 8770 kB, installed size 26592 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)03:02
cuznti think i have that03:03
cuzntim 180 and i am 64 bit03:03
geniiPlanetary: Request a backport to 9.04 from 9.1003:04
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Planetaryhuh? does 9.10 have 185?03:05
Planetaryif so i ll just wait for 9.1003:07
geniiPlanetary: That works also.03:07
Planetaryok sweet i was hoping that would happen\03:08
Planetarythanks for info03:08
=== benjamin_ is now known as GS3User007
GS3User007anyone else getting the following on "sudo apt-get update": W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.03:11
TD-Linuxthe "nvidia vdpau team" PPA also has recent nvidia drivers for all release03:19
TD-Linux185 is packaged for jaunty there03:19
levarnuShould installing the 'kubuntu-netbook' metapackage on a UNR install make all the necessary changes to switch...and has anyone tried it?03:21
=== ben is now known as Guest30259
Guest30259233 people and no ones talking?03:28
genii9999 channels and nothing on03:29
Guest30259want to help me with my first venture into linux lol03:29
GS3User007depends, do you need general assistance, or is something seriously wrong?03:30
Guest30259nothing serious03:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:31
Guest30259but my poor heads got a sore spot on it from beating it into the desk03:31
GS3User007i'm going on year two or so of mostly linux myself... let's see if we can't help you out03:31
Korliswhat up people03:31
GS3User007Korlis: Guest30259 is new, we're going to help him03:32
Korliswhat seems to be the issue?03:32
GS3User007Korlis: he hasn't asked anything yet though03:32
Korlishey, has anyone had any success with Rosetta Stone in Wine? I can get it running easily enough, but it won't detect my analog mic03:33
Guest30259someone told me that the best way to start learning linux was to start off with a project.... so my project is this to take my 16gig usb thumbdrive.... put ubuntu ISO onto it so i can boot into it live and have xp.iso and vista/7.isos along with a few other utilities03:33
Guest30259i have read and read and grub 2 seems to be able to do this03:34
KorlisGrub two could do it03:34
Korlisim sticking with the 1.x for now though, not a big fan of the read only grub.cfg03:34
bemlindoAgum br por aqui?03:34
bemlindohi people03:35
GS3User007Guest30259: well that project is way beyond me... good luck03:35
Korlisthough with 16 gigs, you might have a hard time fitting 3 operating systems on it with your applications03:35
geniibemlindo: Brasil?03:35
Guest30259? there not that big of isos?03:35
bemlindovc tbm?03:36
Korlisthe isos are compacted, they expand when you unpack them so they'll boot03:36
Guest30259that doesnt happen in ram?03:37
Korliscan't think of the right terminology right now, sorry03:37
Guest30259and how is it possible on a cd then where its read only03:37
Korlison a live cd it does, but you're talking about installing them on the drive, not booting into a live usb environment03:37
Korlisor so i thought03:38
Guest30259no no no03:38
Guest30259but installing xp/vista03:38
Guest30259but the other utilities will be live iso03:38
bemlindogenii: vc tA Ai?03:39
Korlismy advice, if you're just starting out would be to keep windows on your hard drive, and just install SUPEROS on the usb03:39
geniiThe main prob is that an .iso file is for CD and when you try to boot for instance an iso9660 filesystem from hard drive, needs messing around with03:39
genii!br | bemlindo03:39
ubottubemlindo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:39
bemlindogenii: isso mesmo03:39
Korlisif you install windows on the USB you will only be able to boot to one computer03:39
pair0docin a live cd everything happens in ram. that is what I think he is asking.03:40
geniibemlindo: English here03:40
Guest30259bad communication here03:40
bemlindook sorry03:40
=== rabidweezle_ is now known as RabidWeezle
Korlisso let me give this a go03:41
Guest30259i would love to have one usb key and be able to boot ubuntu/kubuntu off of it and run it live, but if i need to fix someones computer/format i want to boot to it and use it as a xp/vista cd03:41
Korlisyou want to install linux, windows xp/vista on a pen drive, the ubuntu or whatever as a live usb03:41
Korlissadly windows doesn't work as a live cd03:42
pair0docdoes 2 :P03:42
pair0docgoogle barts pe.03:42
Guest30259! pe does but i dont care about that im talking about... just using it for a cd03:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:42
Guest30259so i dont need to carry around cds03:43
Korlispair0doc, i knew MS had a live cd thing, but I thought it wasn't available to normal consumers03:43
pair0doctheir is a freeware version hang on will look up the link.03:43
drvenomI've just installed linux-kubuntu for the first time. I can't seem to edit the sensitivity of my stick pointer. Can anyone help. I also don't see adept, which i was told I could use to install firefox.03:44
Korlisdrvenom, open up a terminal and type - apt-get install firefox03:44
Korlissudo apt-get install firefox03:45
drvenomok, is there an easier way to install software than command lines?03:45
Guest30259in the terminal03:45
Korlisi mean, there is a graphical way, Adept will do that03:45
drvenomI'm a windows user, so I'm not use to command lines.03:45
Korlisterminal IMO is easier03:45
Korliser, ima  gnome user03:45
FloodBotK2Korlis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
Korlislol, maybe i should finish an entire sentence before pressing enter03:46
Guest30259haha i have the same problem very .... random03:46
geniidrvenom: If you follow Korlis' advice also reun before that sudo apt-get update .For gui:  K-menu, System,Add/Remove  (which is neithe Adept or Synaaptic, etc but now KPackagekit)03:47
Korlisthank you genii, i moved to gnome when the 4.x series came out and kubuntu pushed it out03:47
Guest30259ok here is a link of sorta what i want to accomplish but not really there using something like grub legacy or grub4dos or something www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-52403:47
Korlisso i wasn't aware of the change03:47
Korlisi might give kde a try again when karmic koala is released03:48
Korlisi plan on doing a clean install this time around, been doing dist-upgrade since feisty03:48
Guest30259ok how the F#%@# do i change my name in here this is rediculus guest3025903:49
Korlistype /nick yourname03:49
=== Korlis is now known as korlios
=== korlios is now known as Korlis
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Guest58353it just changed03:50
Korlisone thing i love about Linux, i do computer repair, i was able to diagnose a bad HD in a laptop just by switching the HD form my laptop into the broken one and making sure everything worked03:51
geniiGuest58353:  /nick newnicknamegoeshere03:51
Korlisplus the scratching and whining sounds the HD made when i hooked it up to an external dock were good indicators too03:51
Guest58353i did and in 30sec it changed back03:52
geniiGuest58353: If the name is already taken by someone else and registered, it won't let you use it for your own03:52
Korlisye gods genii, stop typing so fast03:52
Guest58353.... isnt that the point of a NICKname GERRR03:52
geniiGuest58353: "ben" is most likely taken03:52
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Korlishey genii03:53
=== Spider is now known as Spider21
GS3User007the registration is frist come, first serve03:53
GS3User007if memory serves, 'Benjamin' is also taken03:53
Korlisi just got Rosseta stone, was told it works flawlessly in wine, and it does, with one hiccup, it can't detect my analog mic, any ideas?03:54
geniiKorlis: I don't have any useful insight on that problem. You may want to try in ##winehq   (I think is the channelname)03:55
Spider21so is there a way of registering a name on irc or do i have to do this every time i log on03:56
genii!register > Spider2103:56
ubottuSpider21, please see my private message03:56
Spider21AHH nm03:56
* genii sips his coffee03:57
KorlisType /nickserv register passwordhere emailhere03:57
GS3User007Spider21: you'll want to change your identity on your irc client03:59
GS3User007so it grabs your name by default04:00
Spider21thanks gs304:01
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Spider21there we go! learning already lol04:04
Spider21lol u check out that link yet04:04
Korlispretty cool spider04:05
Spider21thats SORTA what i want to accomplish04:06
Spider21i think i could bump my way threw it if i could only figure out how to install Grub 1.96 onto my damn usb key04:07
Spider21aka grub2*04:07
Spider21i figured out how to upgrade my kubuntu box from grub legacy to grub2 but no such luck actually installing it to the usb key its self04:08
Spider21also whats the best irc client to use when im on my windoze box?04:09
Korlisyou could install windows on it first, then make an iso with all the apps you want on it using remastersys, and since you have grub2 installed on your box remastersys will install with grub204:10
GS3User007Spider21: i use kvirc04:10
Korlisdont ask me, last windows i used was 2000, now the ony time i touch windows is to fix computers04:11
Spider21korlis why am i installing windows on my usbkey?04:12
Korlisi dont know, i thought you said you were04:12
Korlisam i missing something04:12
Spider21i think im still miss communicating04:12
Korlisim probably mis interpreting04:13
Korlisi think im gonna start a LUG04:14
Spider21ok right now i have cd.1 for running ubuntu live i can also install from it clearly cd2 is kubuntu cuz im not sure what one i like better lol, i also use either of them for fixing windows boxes, cd3 is a copy of windows xp for when i reformat someones pc cd4. is vista it would be awesome if i could take all these isos that i used to burn all these cds and boot to a usb key and have them all listed on there04:15
Korlisoh, ok, so you want to take all the iso's, put them on a usb key and have a menu to where you can choose which one to load04:16
Spider21along with still using it for storage if needed but not a must04:17
ScuniziHow do I get rid of join part quit messages in Quassel?  /ignore #kubuntu joins parts quits doesn't do anything.04:18
ScottKScunizi: Right click on the channel name and look at ignore events.04:18
ScuniziScottK: thanks.. I guess it acts like xchat.. not irssi04:19
Spider21any of them links accomplish this with grub04:20
Korlisi dont think so04:21
Korlisbut does it matter?04:21
Spider21Bah... it didnt look like it lol well it doesnt matter but im trying to be difficult and learn something at the same time04:22
Korlisthe second link is easier04:22
Korlisi started with Debian, kinda dove in head first with woody04:22
Korlisthen went to kubuntu feisty, on this pc, been dist-upgrading since then, once kde4.x came out i didn't like it, so apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:23
Korlisnow im with gnome, with a million unused libraries lying around that i never bothered to clean up04:23
Spider21haha is there anything hurt from having kde and gnome on the same box04:24
Spider21and kubuntu and ubuntu is deb based isnt it?04:24
Korlisyeah, thats why i use it04:24
Korlisdebian was my first love04:24
Spider21lol i hear debian is the way to go so i chose the ever so popular k/ubuntu04:25
Korlisyou heard right, at least imo. though redhat's certification is certainly popular in the workplace04:26
Korlisim my opinion04:26
Spider21i knew thats what that meant04:26
saebbihello. i recently installed kubuntu 9.04 after having used 7.04 for almost 2 years04:27
Spider21whats this suse craze i also hear about maybe im useing the wrong term here but it seams to be more of a "hacker" distro04:27
Korlisi much prefer apt over rpm, and Debian's repo's are larger than redhat's and Fedora's, though Fedora does KDE better than Kubuntu04:28
saebbii'm experiencing trouble with the sound. i do get sound for all applications, but it sounds very bad04:28
saebbilike an old record04:28
Korlisnah, gentoo, or LFS would be hacker distros04:28
saebbiwhen i googled, i found that ubuntu 9.04 users tend to have problems with their sound because of pulse audio, and disabling it solves the problems04:29
Korlisyou could try using alsa instead04:29
saebbicool.. or so i thought.. but then i read that in kubuntu pulse audio isn't even activated04:29
ScottKsaebbi: No pulseaudio on Kubuntu.04:29
saebbiin fact, kubuntu users install pulseaudio because they WANT to use it.. as opposed to ubuntu users04:29
Korlisdoes kubuntu use OSS?04:29
saebbinow i'm confused ;)04:29
saebbiso.. should i install pulse audio and hope it will fix my sound problem? or are there other things i could try?04:30
Korlisso try installing pulse, see if that works, can't hurt04:30
Spider21is his audio problem soundcard specific? my sound works fine04:31
saebbiwell, my sound worked fine with kubuntu 7.04 on that very same computer04:31
Korlismy soudn worked fine when i first switched to kubuntu with feisty04:31
Spider21something someone *fixed* hu? lol04:32
Korlisi have pulse though04:32
saebbikorlis, any problems?04:32
Korlisseriously, ive heard horror stories with pulse, but its always been perfect for me04:32
saebbii find it funny that all the ubuntu users have problems with pulse04:32
Korlisi have a realtek sound card04:32
saebbiand kubuntu users install it by choice04:33
saebbiwell, i'll just try it.. as you said, it can't hurt04:33
Korlisive been an ubuntu user since kde 4.x came out, and it still don't cause me problems04:33
Scunizisaebbi: pulse is new and has tons of potential.. it will eventually be good.. but until then it's somewhat problemmatic04:33
Spider21*goes to read about wtf pulse is*04:34
saebbiit does have a LOT of potential04:34
Korlisi personally like pulse04:34
saebbii really like what i could do with it (if i got it to work)04:34
saebbipulse server on one computer with a nice sound system, and pulse clients on all of my linux and win boxes04:35
saebbisomething i've always wanted04:35
Spider21humm.... interesting project04:35
KorlisHTPC running Debian Sid04:35
KorlisPPA's installed for stuff liek Miro, MythTv, Boxee04:36
Korliscron automatically updates weekly04:36
Korlisnow i just need a HDTV intead of my 19 inch CRT04:37
ScuniziKorlis: lately tigerdirect.com has had 22" monitors on sale for $139 .. HD compatible.04:38
Spider21haha have u guys heard of .... www.silicondust.com04:38
Korlissweet, cept the wife would kill me if i wpent more money on computer, or computer related stuff04:38
Korlishmm, i'll just tell her my check was 150 bucks short, and you can tell her it was a gift from you Scunizi04:39
ScuniziKorlis: :)\04:39
Korlisi can wait, we're gonna use out taxes this year to get a 42 inch LCD04:40
Korlisthe debian box already has a hdmi output, because i think ahead04:42
Korlisnow i need a gaming box04:42
Spider21obama probably is gona hand out IOU's for tax season this year lol04:42
Korliswith Gentoo, for optimum performance04:42
Shdwdrgnlooking for some help... upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04/kde3.5.10, now automount doesn't work for cd's or usb devices, and wine programs do not recognize when I insert a blank disc for recording.04:43
ShdwdrgnI'm assuming that wine not detecting the blank discs has something to do with the automounter not working, but I'm not even sure what the name of the automounter was that was used in 8.0.404:45
Shdwdrgner... 8.0404:45
Korlisseems to be a problem with KDE04:48
Shdwdrgnhow so?04:49
Spider21i got another question connecting to a kubuntu box via vnc from a windoze box.... the remote screen *linux* from the windows box gets all crazy colored and double imaged/blurry04:49
Korliswait, not KDE gparted04:49
Shdwdrgngparted is listed as a gnome tool... kde uses it too?04:51
Shdwdrgnaptitude says it's not even instlled here04:51
Korlisdunno, i just followed a link from a guy having the same problem with Suse, in KDE04:52
Korlisspider, are you using VNC or tightvnc?04:53
Shdwdrgnok, thanks04:53
DarkriftXanyone know of soemthing that will stream video over my local network and reencode it as flash on the fly?04:54
Spider21to view or what04:54
DarkriftXI basically want to be able to stream video to my wii04:54
Spider21no clue dark04:54
Spider21i know how to encode to flash but.... stream idk04:55
Korlisyeah, no idea dark, maybe from pc to pc04:55
ScuniziDarkriftX: I don't know about flash but vlc server will serve it up in lots of ways04:55
DarkriftXhrmmmm, ill check that one out04:55
Korlisbut how would you connect to vlc server from a wii?04:55
DarkriftXsomeone said i need it to encode it to flash on the fly (i wasnt sure this was even possible)04:55
DarkriftXit needs to be an http server04:55
DarkriftXi found a windows app, but i didnt want to setup a windows server04:56
DarkriftXmaybe ill have to :(04:56
ScuniziDarkriftX: vlc will do http04:56
Korlissee if the windows app will work in wine04:56
ScuniziDarkriftX: it'll run in windows to04:56
DarkriftXit chokes on the .net 2.0 install04:56
DarkriftXScunizi: yeah, i have vlc on all my compuiters04:56
Korliswell, if vlc will serve up http then there you go04:57
KorlisScunizi knows all04:57
Korlisive actually never used vlc server04:57
Spider21and to answer your question korlis i have tried viewing the linux box with real vnc and tight vnc as well04:57
Scunizinaw.. I've just played with lots of programs .. mainly because I don't program .. always looking for a better way to skin a cat :)04:57
Korlisi learned python, wrote a bunch of stuff, then got tired of the resources it uses with large programs, so i stopped, i might learn C++ or some other compiled language when i have the will to04:59
Korlisbut right now, ive no desire, i got Rosetta Stone, and am going to learn Japanese04:59
Spider21i cant confirm this but i want to say linux to linux vnc works fine....04:59
Korliswell, i do know that X sometimes has problems over a VNC connection, ive experienced them, freenx works much better, but is not available for windows05:02
Spider21when i connect to my self from kubuntu to kubuntu with the build in remote desktop vnc client works fine05:03
Korlishmm, looking at my last comment, that wasn't helpful at all05:03
Korlisgo ahead, strike me down05:04
Spider21haha no its fine... lol05:04
Korlisi deserve it05:04
Spider21helpfull no but atleast im not crazy05:04
Spider21someone else has had the problem too05:05
* Korlis says "Hey, here's this great program that I use all the time, works flawlessly. However, you can't use it for what you want, nananananana!"05:05
Korlisleast thats how i came across to myself05:06
TD-Linuxyou can also tunnel X via putty + xming05:06
TD-Linuxfreenx is an improved version of that05:07
Spider21from windoze05:07
Spider21here is my idea to run my linux box headless down stairs in my server rack05:08
Spider21airconditioned server rack :)05:08
zadumaHey everyone, I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I can't find a solution too. (perhaps my google-fu is failing me) Anyways, just got done installing kubuntu, restarted and my computer booted into windows... I have 2 hard drives, I thought I installed over windows, but obviously I did not, so my question is. How do I get it to boot into linux, not a dual boot, just a straight boot.05:09
Korlisif its headless you can jsut sftp or ssh into it to move around files or whatever you want05:09
Spider21... lol u could i couldnt *yet* bassically i want to run it as i would in virtualbox but it not being virtual05:10
TD-LinuxSpider21, there are also two different ways for vnc05:10
TD-Linuxyou can use x11vnc for the current session05:11
TD-Linuxor you can login to new session with the traditional vnc server05:11
Spider21*very new to linux*05:11
TD-LinuxGUIs are nice :)05:11
TD-LinuxI'm going to bed now05:11
TD-Linuxask me tomorrow :P05:11
Korlisnight TD05:11
Scunizizaduma: sounds like grub got installed on the wrong drive.. switch the drive order in your bios and see if that fixes it.05:11
Spider21lol night05:11
TD-Linuxor ask someone else how to use the X vnc server :) I used it as well as x11vnc for my ancient athlon server over LAN and it worked nicely :)05:12
Korlisi think im gonna go to bed too, my fingers are outpacing my brain, and im not a fast typer05:12
TD-Linuxx vnc server for full headless05:12
TD-Linuxx11vnc when I was doing work on the actual machine as well05:12
zadumascunizi: thanks i'll try that now, seems so simple now ill come back to let you know05:12
Spider21so dont use the "built in" vnc server in kubuntu05:13
Korlissee you all later05:13
Spider21cya korlis thanks for the help05:13
Korlismeh, i gave very little help, i might be of more help when im fully awake, maybe05:13
Korlisbig maybe05:14
Korlisanyway, see ya later05:14
Spider21ill pick your brain later ;)05:14
zadumaHey everyone, I'm back that solution did not work, seeing as I can not just change which hard drive is first on boot order in my bios.05:17
Scunizizaduma: the other solution is to put grub on the other drive.05:17
Scunizi!grub | zaduma05:18
ubottuzaduma: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:18
zadumaScunizi: what will happen if i later reformat the drive (because it has windows on it and i want to use it for storage only) will grub be lost?05:19
Spider21oops ok im back05:19
Scunizizaduma: perhaps  but grub can be installed where ever.. anther thing you might try is to switch the positions of the drive cables on the motherboard..05:21
Scunizizaduma: is one sata and the other ide?05:21
zadumaScunizi: Yes one is ide and one is sata05:22
zadumaScunizi: Also, i'd rather just have to install grub again later then open up my case... to lazy for that ;)05:22
Scunizizaduma: I've had this issue.. drove me nuts.. I ended up installing grub on all my drives.05:22
navetzcan someone help me05:23
navetzi have got sound working on my laptop05:23
navetzbut no sound for flash05:23
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:23
navetzScunizi: i have flash installed and working - sometimes the sound works but most of the time it doesn't05:24
zadumaScunizi: Well here goes nothing, I'll come back to confirm that this has worked, hopefully on my kubuntu and not this crappy windows..05:24
Scunizinavetz: flash is problemmatic05:24
navetzScunizi: it was working fine before i went from 8.04 to 9.0405:25
Spider21scunizi: how would i go about installing grub2 onto a usb key05:25
Scunizinavetz: when you did that did flash also get upgraded?05:25
ScuniziSpider21: I haven't messed with grub2.. maybe the link will have info05:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:26
navetzScunizi: no idea lol05:27
Scunizinavetz: check your /home hidden directories for flash references.. you might have 2.. delete the older one.05:27
navetzI dont even see one05:31
zadumais the guy i was talking to earlier here?05:54
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x__does kubuntu use pulseaudio?06:15
x__pulseaudio kubuntu yes?06:15
x__great support channel06:17
leaf-sheepx__: I'm not a KDE user but it looks like ALSA.06:21
x__then why are you in the Kubuntu support channel?06:22
leaf-sheepx__: It's not need-to-know basis for you but I came in here to answer your question.06:22
leaf-sheepx__: Look up "aptitude show kubuntu-desktop" and you'll see a list of packages.06:23
x__need to know?06:23
x__It was a logical question06:23
x__do with it what you will06:23
leaf-sheepx__: Sorry if I came off hostile.  I'm just telling you it's pointless to know why.06:24
leaf-sheepx__:  No worry. :)06:24
x__hmmm ok06:24
sauvin_Jaunty Jackalope. Brand new install. Mplayer playing movie DVD very nicely, except, no sound.07:02
sauvin_In fact, no sound *anywhere*. How to enable sound?07:02
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freescvhi all07:55
freescvscv good to go!07:55
freescvJUST got rid of that nasty virus. Some call it XP, some call it NT, regardless it was a tough one to rid of. Thank goodness Audacious gave me the "Windows Refugee" skin to look like winamp 2.9 (before they became 3 /w the bloat from aol)07:57
freescvfor so many people in a chat y'all ain't chatting much. ping07:58
abhifxhi there! u just installed amarok neon but i still cant find equilizer08:09
dentatoCode::Blocks IDE non trova ncurses, nonostante abbia installato sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev08:14
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i0000не подскажите какую-нибудь нормальную программу для сканирования документов под кде4?08:40
i0000и под вин32 желательно, но чтобы через sane работала08:42
abhifxi just installed amarok neon, but i still cant find equilizer08:44
morganljohnsonkuHello out there.  I am having a problem with ubuntu.  I am trying to install a dual boot with ubuntu and kubuntu and it seems to be givign me some trouble with graphics.  I turn my computer off and when I try ot sign back into ubuntu I get a the logo ofmy computer three times across the screen like a movie projector or something08:49
morganljohnsonkuI was just thinking it may have been a problem with the both of them on the same computer.08:51
freescv_perhaps different hard drives or partitions?08:53
freescv_so that files dont copy/overwrite?08:53
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[Vex]hi... when I have booted my kubuntu on my laptop, without external monitor, shut it down, and boot it up with my dock and external monitor, the bottom panel is the size of my internal (laptop) monitors resolution09:00
[Vex]is there a way to maximize the panel from command line or?09:00
bigbrovarmorning guys09:13
bigbrovarfreescv_: hi09:16
freescv_just got on ubuntu. big, you know the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu??09:19
bigbrovarfreescv_ its depend on the desktop interface been used09:22
bigbrovarubuntu uses gnome Desktop Enviroment09:22
bigbrovarwhile kubuntu uses KDE09:22
bigbrovaru can google the diff between kde and gnome09:22
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bergan bara09:58
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Lovzani have question about, sms server tool10:50
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shreycan anyone tell me how can i remove a program from my kick launcher11:49
shreycan u tell me how can i remove a program from my kick launcher11:50
shreycan u tell me how can i remove a program from my kick launcher11:50
shreycan anyone tell me how can i remove a program from my kick launcher11:50
shreypls reply...........11:50
FloodBotK2shrey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
bdgraueshrey: only remove from launcher or remove completely?11:53
shreyya only from launcher..11:54
shreyactually i installed itunes using wine11:54
bdgrauerightklick on the menu button -> menu-editor11:54
shreyso iremoved wine and c drive created by it11:54
shreyya got it man...11:54
shreythanks alot...11:54
[-Haza-]Hey folks Does anyone else ahve aalot of trouble conencting to a vpn using the kde tols?12:40
shreyanybody know any chat messenger in kubuntu which support voice12:45
galvaoGreetings. Sorry if this will sound like a cheap way to get attention, but for real: No one was able to help me and I've been trying for quite some time: I'm having problems with mounting my iPhone in Kubuntu 9.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125500412:46
[-Haza-]Does anyone here actually connect to a VPN using kubuntu? (OpenSVN)12:54
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spacelimecould someone give me a hand... i'm trying to find out why Cairo Docks is autostarting... can't find the setting anywhere?13:06
spacelimenothing in ~/.kde/autostart/13:06
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galvaoGreetings. Sorry if this will sound like a cheap way to get attention, but for real: No one was able to help me and I've been trying for quite some time: I'm having problems with mounting my iPhone in Kubuntu 9.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125500413:34
BluesKajhiyas folks14:00
roved2101Welcome marcel! You have achieved a new peak of 269 users for #kubuntu!14:02
roved2101Welcome timvdm! You have achieved a new peak of 270 users for #kubuntu!14:02
sczgilaehi to all. when i try to shutdown my kubuntu 9.04 does not stop. the image  is fading  away after say something like "kdm is stopping". that occur when i use the NVIDIA 180 version driver. if i remove this driver and i try with the default one does not stop neither, apeears "halt:unable to iterate IDE devices: no such a file or directory".14:03
roved2101Welcome afeijo_! You have achieved a new peak of 271 users for #kubuntu!14:05
brennani need help14:14
brennancan anyone help me14:14
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p_quarles!ask | brennan14:21
ubottubrennan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:21
proctisi wonder are there any conferences, meeting or something in europe dedicated to kubuntu/ubuntu14:22
proctisI couldn't find any.14:24
brennancan anyone help me with mp3 playback14:25
BluesKajbrennan, sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpeg for amarok and other players14:28
brennanill try14:28
galvaoSorry if this will sound like a cheap way to get attention, but for real: No one was able to help me and I've been trying for quite some time: I'm having problems with mounting my iPhone in Kubuntu 9.04: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125500414:28
ebovineI have a wireless network at the office that doesn't broadcast its SSID and the Jaunty network manager doesn't seem to let me say "hey, connect to this saved network *here*".  Am I missing something?14:30
ebovineIt will let me type in the network name, but then it creates a new network with that same SSID instead of trying the existing one.14:31
brennanhey Blues it said this "sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpegSorry, try again.14:31
mathaving problems with amarok no music runs14:33
mattried configuring the multimedia tried many things14:34
BluesKajebovine, you'll need to configure the dhclient ,and the router IP and pw and then on the router configure it to accept your pc IP address for starters ,14:34
matdke 4.3.114:34
Mamarokmat: why version?14:34
matkde 4.3.1 on kubuntu14:34
MamarokI meant which Amarok version :)14:34
matoh ! wait a sec14:35
brennani got 2.0.214:35
Mamarokmat: make sure you use the xine backend and have libxine1-ffmpeg installed14:36
ebovineBluesKaj: It will connect just fine if I create a new network with the SSID and shared key.  DHCP and everything else is working.  The only issue I have is reconnecting the next day to the wireless network that I saved yesterday.14:36
mati'll check that thanks14:36
Mamarokbrennan: 2.1.1 is in the jaunty-backports repository14:36
frederickhello, someone got xmacro or xnee on his kubuntu 9.04?14:36
BluesKajebovine, network manager doesn't save your settings ?14:37
Mamarokfrederick: that is a strange question, what problem do you have exactly?14:37
matMamarok: i already got it installed14:37
brennanwhat does that mean?14:38
frederickwell, i wanted to know if there is an issue with xnee of 9.04, and how i can let record xmacro?14:38
ebovineBluesKaj: Yeah, it saves it.  But it never tries to re-use it and I can't find a way to manually tell it to try a specific saved network.  Network manager works like a champ for my networks that do broadcast their SSID.14:38
brennanWhat does jaunty-backports mean?14:38
Mamarokbrennan: that is the repository where newer versions are backported to, you can activate it in the sources14:38
matbrennan: its the repo to install new software after the freeze14:38
galvaoso, am I alone on this one? =/14:39
Mamarokgalvao: I don't have an iPhone, sorry, also mounting highly proprietary devices like that one are always tricky14:40
brennanso what do i gotta type in bash14:40
Mamarokbrennan: I guess you have KDE 4.2.2, right? Are you familiar with editing sources?14:40
matMamarok: i'll try to get the kubuntu 9.10 and test it and see about amarok 2.1 maybe the problem is with jaunty, thx for your time anyway14:41
Mamarokmat: wait14:41
Mamarokmat: I bet you have pulseaudio installed...14:41
BluesKajbummer ebovine , I haven't encountered this problem before , so it's new to me . Maybe wicd would do a better job of at least manually connecting , if not auto , dunno for sure14:41
matyes i do14:41
matMamarok: i do have pulse audio14:41
Mamarokmat: get rid of it, that's the cause of your problems14:42
brennanim not sure what kind of ver. i got?14:42
ebovineBluesKaj: wicd was my next option.  :)  Thanks.14:42
matMamarok: thx a lot mate i'll do that14:42
Mamarokmat: remove pulseaudio, set the phonon backend to xine, remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and restart KDE14:42
Mamarokthat should do the trick14:42
BluesKajebovine, give wicd a try , we'll be here to help when you get it installed14:42
matbig thx14:43
Mamarokbrennan: if you didn't add sources since you installed Kubuntu 9.04, then you have 4.2.214:43
ebovineBluesKaj: Anticipating that wicd is going to give me troubles?14:43
BluesKajebovine, warning , wicd will replace your existing network manager14:43
brennanhow do i add sources14:43
Mamarokbrennan: well, by editing the sources.list, but you need to make sure not to make any typos14:44
BluesKajebovine, wicd is successful in most cases , but there are some that are inexplicably not working with it14:44
ebovineBluesKaj: What the package name to get the original network manager back if wicd fails.14:44
Mamarokbrennan: first, type 'sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.save14:44
Mamarokwithout the '14:44
Mamarokso you have a copy of the sources.list if something goes wrong14:45
galvaoMamarok: Well, thanks for responding =)14:46
brennani typed that14:46
Mamarokbrennan: then you type 'kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and check, if you have a line there that says: #deb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main14:46
Mamarokgalvao: you are welcome14:47
panos4ever_i have installed the mx440 nvidia drivers but playonlinux tells me that i havent installed 3d drivers.i tried everything so what of it?what am i missing?14:48
Mamarokbrennan: do you see this line in the sources.list?14:48
brennanuh im typing14:49
Mamarokbrennan: instead of typing you can also copy-paste the command I gave :)14:49
Mamarokkdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list14:49
Mamarokjust that14:49
BluesKajebovine, do you still have your live cd , if so you can reinstall it from there14:50
brennani did14:51
Mamarokbrennan: the important part to look for is the 'jaunty-backports' one, I typed the source I have as I am on a Swiss mirror14:51
Mamarokdo you have such a line?14:52
panos4ever_i have installed the mx440 nvidia drivers but playonlinux tells me that i havent installed 3d drivers.i tried everything so what of it?what am i missing?14:52
Mamarokpanos4ever_: you also have to actually run X with that driver, try looking in the hardware drivers (in the menu System -> Hardware drivers)14:53
brennanit opened kate and  they are main restrected  universe multiverse14:54
panos4ever_thats on mamarok14:54
Mamarokbrennan: you have that line with jaunty backports?14:54
Mamarokbrennan: then you can just remove the # sign in front of that line and save the file14:55
Mamarokpanos4ever_: you did try with the default installed driver, did you?14:55
Mamarokpanos4ever_: then I don't know, somebody with better knowledge about Nvidia drivers might know better14:55
brennanboth its says this directly14:56
rabidweezlewhat's the nvidia question?14:56
frederickMamarok: i saw you typing about sound configuratrion... i have no more sound neither... i'm busy removing pulseaudio like you said... and then?14:56
brennan# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse14:56
brennan# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse14:56
Mamarokbrennan: ok, just remove the # and the space in front of the first line14:56
brennank ill try14:57
panos4ever_if i show u my xorg.conf can u see whats on?14:57
Mamarokthen save the file (it will ask you to save it when you close kate)14:57
Mamarokpanos4ever_: no, not really, as most of the time that file is empty anyway14:57
Mamarokpanos4ever_: also I don't use nvidia14:57
brennanthen what?14:57
Mamarokbrennan: did you save the file and close kate?14:57
rabidweezleI can help you panos4ever_ check your pm14:57
brennanuh huh14:58
Mamarokrabidweezle: please keep support in this channel and don't pom people except on request14:58
rabidweezleok, well can someone relay to me what his question was, I just got in :/14:58
Mamarokbrennan: what does that mean? Could you make clear sentences, please?14:58
Mamarokrabidweezle: then ask him :)14:59
rabidweezleI did, in channel and pm XD14:59
Mamarokthen be patient :)14:59
brennani closed kate and opened amarok14:59
Mamarokbrennan: no, that's not how it works :)15:00
Mamarokbrennan: you now need to run 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get install amarok'15:00
brennanwell it said too many errors encountered in playlist playback stopped15:00
* genii twtiches15:00
Mamarokbrennan: because you don't have it installed yet15:01
Mamarokbrennan: see what I wrote above15:01
Mamarokbrennan: also, from the error you get you also need to install the codecs anyway15:02
Mamarokbrennan: did you update and install it yet?15:02
brennanafter the first command you gave me i got 'E: Type 'medibuntu.orgdeb' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list15:03
Mamarokbrennan: then you modified something else in the sources.list, I didn't even talk abut that source15:03
Mamarokbrennan: there is obviously a typo in your sources.list15:04
frederickhello, i have problems with audio... phonon popups and tells me my soundcard doesn't work, fallback to pulseaudio... a long time it went good, but now sound is gone... are there solutions?15:04
brennanya in line 54 i think15:04
Mamarokfrederick: remove pulseaudio, install the phonon-backend-xine and kubuntu-restricted-extras, remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and restart KDE15:05
brennansome other kid told me to me to try medibuntu15:05
sczgilaeanyone knows this bug? cannot solve?  "halt: unable to iterate ide devices" cant shutdown the computer15:07
Mamarokbrennan: well, you have a typo in there, could you please send the sources.list into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the URL here?15:07
brennani corrected what that kid told me now i fixed it.15:07
Mamarokbrennan: ok, but you should avoid taking advices for the same thing from different sources, and I don't know who is giving you advice in PM, but that's not how it should be done...15:08
brennanafter i typed aptgetinstallamarok , with the proper punctuation. i get ...15:09
Mamarokbrennan: either you follow me or somebody else...15:09
brennanok i wont15:09
BluesKajsczgilae, in the terminal sudo halt or to reboot , sudo reboot ..that will work until your updates fix it15:09
brennani get 'brennan@brennan-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install amarok15:10
brennanReading package lists... Done15:10
brennanBuilding dependency tree15:10
brennanReading state information... Done15:10
brennanamarok is already the newest version.15:10
FloodBotK2brennan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
brennan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.15:10
Mamarokbrennan: don't paste in line, please use the pastebin for that!15:10
Mamarokbrennan: you copy that output to http://paste.uuntu.com and send the URL, never send more than 2 lines in line15:10
sczgilaeBluesKaj:  yes, i have tried to reboot and its okay, but no solutions by the moment to shutdown? i have the latest updates in my kubuntu 9.0415:10
brennanlines of what you told me15:11
Mamarokbrennan: did you run sudo apt-get update first?15:11
brennanit all cleared15:11
Mamarokand what does amarok --version tell you?15:11
brennanwhat di you mean?15:12
Mamarokbrennan: type 'amarok --version' and tell me what version it says about amarok15:12
brennanQt: 4.5.015:12
brennanKDE: 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2)15:12
brennanAmarok: 2.0.215:12
FloodBotK2brennan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:12
brennani didnt i copied and pasted15:13
Mamarokbrennan: please read what I said, I don't ask you to paste stuff in the channel...15:13
brennanwheres the paste bin i got a clipboard15:14
Mamarokbrennan: http://paste.ubuntu.com15:14
Mamarokalso I asked you to tell me the version, not to copy-paste in the channel15:14
Mamarokbrennan: please, copy the sources.list in the clipboard, paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the URL here15:16
brennanhere is  amarok --version >http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/267306/15:17
Mamarokbrennan: I already know that15:17
brennansource list coming right up15:17
brennani typed source.list ... it didnt work15:19
brennanit said command not found15:19
Mamarokbrennan: you can see the sources.list in a konsole by typing 'less /etc/apt/sources.list'15:20
Mamarokthen copy that to the pastebin and give me the URL15:20
blake__To build Wine properly, you may need to install a bunch of libraries.15:21
blake__For Ubuntu, Fedora, SuSE, and OpenSolaris, the easiest way to do this is to download and run http://winezeug.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/install-wine-deps.sh as root (e.g. with sudo). Try running that before reading the rest of this page.15:21
blake__do i run that in the konsole?15:21
Mamarokblake__: what are you doing?15:21
blake__Mamarok: trying to get eve-online installed15:22
Mamarokblake__: just install the wine package in the repositories15:22
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:22
Mamarok!info wine > blake__15:22
Mamaroksorry, that should have been the one I intended to send you :)15:22
Mamarokthank you, brennan, let me have a look at that15:23
brennani had my uncle look and i dont think he knows too much about computers15:24
Mamarokbrennan: see in line 38: the # sign is still there, you need to remove that to activate the backports15:24
Mamarokbrennan: do you remember the instructions I gave you earlier?15:25
brennani can find them15:25
Mamarokbrennan: you need to edit the sources.list with 'kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list'15:27
Mamarokremove that # sing in front of that line, save the file, then run sudo apt-get update again, then you can install Amarok 2.1.115:28
Mamarokblake__: type /join #winehq15:29
brennanok should i remove the space after15:30
Mamarokyes, just remove # and the space, too15:31
brennan+ what about line 3915:31
brennanMamarok: what about line 3915:32
Mamarokbrennan: no, you don't need the sources, unless you are a developer15:32
Mamarokthe deb-src line only gives you the sources, not the packages15:33
brennannow what i closed kate15:34
Mamarokand you saved the file, right?15:35
Mamarokthen you can run sudo apt-get update15:35
Mamarokthen sudo apt-get install amarok15:35
Mamarokthat should install the newer version15:35
Mamarokyou will have to rescan the database, as there was a database change betweeen 2.0 and 2.115:36
Mamarokbut normally it should be triggered automatically15:37
brennanit told me invalid opertion install15:40
brennanhow do i rescan the detabase15:40
Mamarokbrennan: sudo apt-get install amarok ?15:40
Mamarokthe certainly works15:40
Mamarokbrennan: just let amarok do that, it should be automated15:41
brennank its working15:41
Mamarokbrennan: while you are at it, check also if you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed15:42
Mamarokjust type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras it should tell you if it's already there15:42
ebovineWell, I have wicd installed and it scans the networks fine but for some reason when I try to connect to my wireless network it just hang with "Validating authentication..."15:43
ebovineThe wired worked fine.15:43
ebovine(Is working fine)15:43
brennanit said it couldnt find the package15:45
Mamarokbrennan: and you are sure you didn't make a typo?15:46
Mamarokbecause here tis command shows me the package is installed15:47
brennannever mind there wasnt an s on the end.15:49
Mamarokok :)15:49
brennanamarok still wont play its comes back with errors in the playlist15:52
brennansould i wait till this extras gets dont15:52
brennanwould that even matter15:52
Mamarokbrennan: well, yes, once these packages are installed, just restart Amarok15:54
Mamarokbecause those ship the codecs you need for mp3 playback and such15:54
Mamarokfrom your exclamation I guess it works now :)15:54
Mamaroknice :)15:55
brennanthanks dude15:55
Mamarokbrennan: you are welcome :)15:55
brennanthe wifi doesn't work on here what do you know15:56
Mamarokbrennan: well, installing the wicd package seems to solve the problem for most of the people15:58
ku...i'm interested in using scripts of Gimp. What books should i finde?16:02
Mamarokku: books? try the official gimp website, they link to lots of tutorials and howtos16:03
chiragm on kubuntu 8.1 i guess16:04
chiraghave a live cd for 9.0416:04
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chiragwhen i put the live cd, there is no response. i get pass language selection but nothing after that16:05
chiragpls help16:05
geniiku: http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-using-script-fu-tutorial.html on the main gimp site is not bad16:06
chiragany help would be surely appreciated16:06
Mamarokchirag: maybe your CD is damaged, you can't run the live CD at all?16:06
chiragactually my system is totally messed up16:07
=== MIlk|out is now known as Milk|out
chiragin terms of different OS and partition16:07
chiragwould be glad to get some help on that as well if someone can16:08
chiragsome one please help16:08
Mamarokchirag: you need to be a bit more detailed of what doesn't work16:08
chiragok. mamarok do you have some time?16:09
chiragwould love to explain things in detail to get help16:09
Mamarokchirag: just ask, I can't tell if I can help without knowing the question16:09
Mamarokjust try to keep it short and precise16:09
kuMamarok, genii: thanks, i'v just supposed that there is better literature for beginings. But... thnx)16:10
Mamarokku: you are welcome, the tutorials there are quite good16:10
chiragoriginal xp user. started dual boot with kubuntu which some how crashed. xp was working fine. removed kubuntu and installed opensue.16:10
chiragmean while windows crashed. opensuse followed.16:11
Mamarokchirag: stop16:11
chiragreinstalled kubuntu 8.1 i guess16:11
Mamarokyou don't tell us what crashed16:11
Mamarokand reinstalling and switching all the time is hardly a good way to solve things :)16:11
chiragthere are too many partitions which i want to remove16:12
Mamarokchirag: you can remove partitions only iif those are not mounted, and a precise plan what is located where to make sure things don't get messed up16:13
Mamarokalso, get yourself a working live CD, that's needed16:13
chiraghave one16:13
Mamarokyou just said you couldn't run it16:13
Mamarokchirag: 8.04 you mean16:14
chirag9.04 is not working16:14
Mamarokthat doesn't matter, for partitioning you can do this with every version, even much older ones16:14
chiragwhat do i do now?16:15
Mamarokchirag: hm, I haven't done that in a while, I need to reread the docs for that16:15
chiragmy bad luck may be16:16
Mamarokchirag: no, as you are online, you can also read that:16:16
Mamarok!partition | chirag16:16
ubottuchirag: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:16
Mamarokbut as I said previously, I am not the only person online here and maybe someone else knows off hand the exact steps16:17
chiraghhmm. that would be nice if "someone" can come forward!16:21
rockprincessis it true that 3g internet/modems wont work properly with kde 4.3 / knetworkmanger????16:23
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frederickhello again,16:23
frederickMamarok: I followed your steps for the sound problem... no solution...16:24
Mamarokfrederick: and you have the necessary codecs installed?16:24
Mamarokfrederick: also check the systemsettings -> multimedia if everything is set correctly, using the xine backend16:25
frederickMamarok:  is Xine, and what codec i need? i can't remember of deleting any codec...16:26
Mamarokfrederick: just install kubuntu-restricted-extras, that should install all the needed ones16:27
chiragANY PARTITION EXPERT... need some time of yours pls...16:27
frederickMamarok: was already installed...16:27
BluesKajchirag, dunno exactly what your partitoning issue is but GParted is a great partition editor . Read the documentation with it first and I'm sure you'll figure out how to solve your problem.16:27
frederickMamarok: deinterlace method in backend is 'use_vo_driver', is that correct?16:28
Mamarokfrederick: I have not a clue what you are talking about :)16:28
Mamarokjust make sure you use xine, and that you don't have pulseaudio on top somewhere16:28
Mamarokalso, check that nothing is muted in kmix16:29
fredericki don't... but phonon still says that the soundcard doesn't word...16:29
fredericknothing muted :-)16:29
Mamarokfrederick: strange, did you do some alsa configuration yourself?16:29
chiragdoes GParted come as default?16:30
chiragor need to download it?16:30
Mamarokchirag: just check :916:30
Mamarokaptitude show gparted16:30
fredericknope... the only thing i did was adding some updates from the kubuntu updater... and bang, no more sound...16:30
Mamarokfrederick: what updater?16:31
frederickthe one thats come standard in kubuntu...16:31
chiragcheck in adept?16:31
Mamarokhm, typo, I meant what updates?16:31
BluesKaj!gparted | chirag16:32
ubottuchirag: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:32
frederickthats the question, donno anymore... it's a week ago, already a weer searching for the sound problem...16:32
Mamarokfrederick: I haven't seen mayn updates lately in 9.0416:33
chiraggot it. thanks. it works fine with kde as well, right?16:33
frederick3 days ago :-)16:33
MamarokI know, but those were not that many, which KDE do you run?16:33
frederickthe latest, trough the backports...16:33
Mamarokfrederick: which is 4.3.1, same as I have16:34
frederickcan i check that with a command in terminal?16:34
BluesKajchirag, it's a live cd , you boot into it16:34
Mamarokfrederick: check if you have some .asoundconf in your home folder16:34
frederickMamarok: .asoundrc.asoundconf16:35
frederickand i think my kde version is 4.1.1...16:36
Mamarokfrederick: remove that and restart KDE, that might ne the culprit16:36
Mamarokphonon does the configuration without that, this is a relict of pulseaudio I guess16:36
frederickwhere can i see the version of kde?16:37
frederickMamarok: deleting .asoundrc also?16:38
Mamarokfrederick: in any KDE application Help -> About KDE16:38
Mamarokfrederick: yes16:38
Mamarokfrederick: I don't think you have 4.1.1, that would be from 8.1016:38
Mamarokand you run 9.04, don't you?16:38
shreyhey anyone know how to update blocked updates in kubuntu16:39
Mamarokshrey: sudo apt-gt dist-upgrade16:39
fredericki use terminal sudo aptitude dist-upgrade16:39
frederickok :-)16:39
Mamarokapt-get, sorry16:39
Mamarokfrederick: they have the same meaning :)16:40
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frederickMamarok: 4.3.1, i know, but it typs easier :p16:40
frederickok, lets delete files, see y'all later :-)16:40
Mamarokwell, try removing thpse asound* stuff, remove the phonondevicesrc again and restart16:40
shreyMamarok : i have 7 blocked updates...i just want to install only 3 of them.. can i do that16:44
thev3Rn? I have a laptop with Kubuntu installed - and when it boots it "pauses" if I don't use the keyboard or mouse.. what could be the problem?16:45
blake__Setting up kubuntu-docs (9.04.2) ...16:47
blake__ln: target `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kubuntu/' is not a directory: No such file or directory16:47
blake__how do i fix that?16:47
shreyfrederik : i have 7 blocked updates...i just want to install only 3 of them.. can i do that16:47
shreyfrederik: i have 7 blocked updates...i just want to install only 3 of them.. can i do that16:48
Mamarokshrey: patience :)16:50
Mamarokshrey: just type then individual packages to install then: sudo aptiget install packagename16:50
* Mamarok needs a rest16:50
Mamarokblake__: try making that directory with sudo mkdir16:52
blake__worked like a charm Mamarok ;)16:54
Mamaroknice :)16:54
thev3Rnis the question to broad?16:58
frederickMamarok: no solution...16:59
frederickhow am i sure anything of pulseaudio is gone of my pc?17:00
frederickmy soundcard is a Realtek ALC1200 codec... does you know any issues with that?17:02
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Mamarokfrederick: I don't know, did you google for it?17:10
fredericki'm looking again... :-)17:10
Mamarokalso it's strange that sound is gone after an update, that shouldn't have happened17:11
Mamarokfrederick: try with a new user if sound works, then it's sonething in your personal configuration that went wrong17:11
Mamarokfrederick: I am gone for a while, just keep me updated, I will read later17:12
frederickok, i will...17:12
shreyMamarok: hey i need one more help...i installed lot of applications today and then i deleted which i dont like. But now my disk space is very full even when i have deleted those application..how can u tune my disk space.17:13
shreyfrederik: hey i need one more help...i installed lot of applications today and then i deleted which i dont like. But now my disk space is very full even when i have deleted those application..how can u tune my disk space.17:13
shreyany way to uninstall the files which r not being used...17:14
shreylike the libraries which it download...17:15
fredericki use computer janitor17:19
frederickshrey: i use computer janitor17:19
Murchadhshrey: aptitude autoclean will remove the newly downloaded source files and aptitude clean will remove them all. They are in /var/cache/apt/archives/partial. Do du -h /var/cache/apt/archives/partial to see the disk space they use first.17:19
shreyMurchadh: i m not able to remove files in du -h /var/cache/apt/archives/partial17:21
Murchadhshrey: Sorry, leave off the partial, and you will need to be root. aptitude clean will remove them all.17:22
Murchadhdu -h /var/cache/apt/archives/ is to show what space they are currently taking up.17:23
Murchadhsudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/ will delete all the .deb files in there.17:24
shreyMurchadh: Thanks...17:24
Murchadhshrey: df -h will show disk space. du -h ~ shows disk usage of /home/yourusername. (The -h switch is for Human Readable form i.e. MB instead of bytes, etc.17:26
Murchadhshrey: Also kdirstat or baobab will show what files are eating up your space in a handy graphic format.17:27
frederickMamarok: Sound works again... i just installed all pulseaudio stuff again... and then there was sound! :-)17:29
frederickthanks for the help anyway!17:29
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AchimPAchimP: hi17:52
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* genii sips18:07
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tjblairMamarok u there/18:31
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tjblairhi hamit18:38
tjblairhi hsmit18:40
tjblairanny one read me18:41
philipp__hi can someone help me?18:45
menoxphilipp__ what is your question?18:48
philipp__with compiz fusion i doesn't work18:48
jussi01!language | tjblair18:48
ubottutjblair: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:48
tjblairhey  i cant get on line with my computer18:48
tjblairmenox can you please help me18:50
menoxtjblair: you're online right now18:51
tjblairon difflaptop next to me18:51
menoxtjblair: ok, what is the problem?18:52
tjblairi downloaded wicd and now my connection doesnt work18:52
BluesKajtjblair, how did you configure wicd ..more details pls18:54
tjblairwhat do you think18:54
ghostcubetjblair: you checked the howto and how youre interfaces file has to look like18:54
tjblairapt-get install wicd18:54
tjblairi dont know what you mean ghost18:54
ghostcubefirst paragraph18:55
ghostcubecalled troubkleshooting ^^18:55
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tjblairok funny18:55
tjblairwhat the restricted update thing18:56
tjblairwhat the restricted update thing/?18:56
ghostcubefor a driver ??18:57
tjblairjust treat me like i have to apt-get install amarok\18:57
ghostcubewhats refering to18:58
menoxtjblair: If you have questions about anything Wicd related, just stick a message on the forums or join us at #wicd on freenode.18:58
ghostcubeah restricted is like tools cant be shiped with base ubuntu kubuntu install18:58
ghostcubelike media libraries and some drivers18:58
tjblairok how do i get there menox18:58
ghostcubethe troubleshoot thing should work for him menox18:59
ghostcubei bet he didnt check this18:59
menoxtjblair: type /join #wicd18:59
menoxghostcube: yeah, it should work for him but I don't think he'll get anywhere without some help19:00
ghostcubemenox: yeah could be :)19:01
menoxI'm trying to figure out why he wants to use wicd instead of networkmanager19:02
RAsmusHi i could nd some help about skype for ubuntu!!!19:03
cingbugI Am having trouble with my sound card alsa is not detecting my sblive19:03
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ZebraHi i could nd some help about skype for ubuntu!!!19:04
tjblairits my router19:04
Zebrawhen im calling people i just get the message problem with audio playback19:05
Zebrawhen im calling people i just get the message problem with audio playback19:06
e370i had the same problem19:07
e370go into sound and try selecting different soundcards19:07
e370oh he left19:07
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blake__what does  stub! mean19:37
sczgilaeanybody knows how to solve "halt: unable iterate IDE devices" when you shutdwn your computer on kubuntu 9.04?19:41
blake__i just lost my sound19:43
blake__how can i get it back or  troubleshot it?19:43
blake__how can i troubleshoot my sound?19:54
blake__i had it workin fine19:54
blake__i pluged in an mp3 player to usb nd it seems its not working anymore?19:54
ZeikGood afternoon everyone.19:56
ZeikDoes anyone know what i would need to put my current Kubuntu installation onto a disc so i could reinstall it the exact way it sits now?19:57
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franz_Hello. I did something wrong while using synaptic. Since mine is in Italian I need to know which is the first voice under the File menu in Synaptic in english.20:10
franz_can anyone simply open synaptic (in english) and check that?20:11
ZeikI am trying to check, but i dont see an option for language.20:12
kalpwhich is the best audio player?20:12
franz_no, it is not a language problem. it is only a matter knowing which is the first line20:13
alan__I hit CTRL + ALT + F1, but i cant get back to my X session.20:14
alan__How do i do it?20:14
alan__Im using Kubuntu 9.0420:14
kalpwhich is the best audio player?20:14
geniialan__: alt-f720:15
genii!best | kalp20:15
ubottukalp: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:15
alan__genii: I did it, but i got a new Loging Screen.20:17
alan__does that means that i lost the other session?20:17
geniialan__: Most likely, yes20:17
alan__Any advice for the next time?20:17
geniialan__: Why did you hit ctrl-alt-f1 in the first place?20:18
ZeikFile: Read Markings... - Save Markings - Save Markings as.20:18
alan__to show someone else what is text mode without Terminal20:19
alan__It's like Introducing Windows 95 (or 98?) video!20:19
franz_Can anyone tell me which is the first line in the File menu in Synaptic? Mine is in Italian and I need the English text.  Thanks20:19
kalpwhich is the best audio player?20:20
geniifranz_: You might want to ask in #ubuntu since in Kubuntu the package managers are Adept and now KPackagekit20:20
franz_yup, you are right genii.... only, I am using synaptic in Kubuntu....20:21
kalppanos4ever: other than amarok?20:21
kalpalan__:  other than amarok?20:22
geniikalp: Stop asking about "best audio player" over and over for the reasons the bot described.. Also it's annoying20:22
panos4eversearch in add/remove20:22
ghostkerneli need some help guys20:41
ghostkernelis the package manager down?20:41
ghostkernel"Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" Internal Error"      i get that when i itrie to search for a package20:42
ZeikWhat version of OpenGL is required for KDE 4.x to run smoothly?20:57
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Peace-_hey on karmic there isn't xorg.conf?21:10
zadumaHey everyone, I just installed kubuntu yesterday, I have had a few snags but nothing to big, here is a real issue however: my internet is A LOT slower in linux, i think its cause im not using the correct drivers for my card21:15
zadumais there a way to check what drivers are being used?21:16
zadumaI know I should be using RT2500 drivers btw21:18
zadumaand am currently using ruTilt as my network manager21:18
zadumabut it hasn't improved much21:18
zadumaAnyone confirm my messages are even going through?21:18
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zadumaHey everyone, I've got a problem with my rt2500 wireless card, if anyone thinks they can help please let me know..21:53
zadumaThere is a major speed issue and I just noticed it says the Bit Rate is 1 Mb/s instead of 5421:54
mostafa_hey there I have a problem I enable the compositing from system settings -> Desktop -> resume compositing but when I reboot all settings gone failed and compositing is suspended21:57
mostafa_can anyone help plz21:57
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thegustyAnyone know how to solve this problme - after I clicked install kubunt,  my screen has a pattern of vertical lines of red, green, gray colors that flickers, changing color to yelow22:11
computer_whats the operating system emulator called?22:26
computer_whats the operating system emulator called?22:27
skierpageI'm debugging broken resume from suspend and I'm not sure what to check.  After resume failed (no display, no disk activity), I powered off and booted Kubuntu 9.04 live CD and mounted my drive.  But so far I don't see any useful logs of the resume failure.  ??22:27
skierpagecomputer_  WINE is a Windows emulator, things like VirtualBox emulate hardware so you can run operating systems in tyhem.22:27
skierpagecomputer_ actually WINE stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator" :) , but it lets you run Windows programs on other OSes22:32
LamoI'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and would really like to try kde4 out. I installed via the guide here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-kde-4-3-1-in-ubuntu-jaunty.html Whenever I log into kde it autostarts a bunch of apps i dont even use then freezes. I can use move my mouse pointer but thats it? Any way figuring out how to get it working? Also how do i lock my current gnome session and get back to gdm so i can try to login into kde again without using my c22:42
Lamourrent, although i am unable to ctrl+alt+F1 really wish i could get restartx back.22:42
tyler_d_how do I remove duplicate entries in Amarok?22:42
FloodBotK2Lamo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
Lamouse to be an option lock current session and start new one22:43
Lamook will at least where can i find kde autostart folder? cause the one in .kde only had one of the many apps its starting on boot22:47
freescvhi all23:04
shock_day13hey fellows23:12
LamoI cant kde to login without freezing on me. The most frustrating part is that I can ctrl+alt+F1 out of it or ctrl+alt+backspace so i have to hard reset my laptop.23:12
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Lamoalso why does kde insist on autostarting a billion random apps at login? I disabled all them in gnome.23:14
freescvhi shock_days1323:15
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Lamoi give up ill try again with kde523:36
Kuser25Hello everybody!23:37
Kuser25Could someone help me?23:39
Kuser25I've installed Kubuntu 9.04 in a machine and all its O.K. but I've a problem. The file manager Dolphin don't recognize especial characters in file names so and I cannot open these files. Does anyone knows something about?23:43
ubuntui wanna fuck you like an animal!23:52

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