
kwwiigood morning09:34
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
wersguys, is gradient_shade an engine-specific option?14:20
werswhere can i find a documentation about that?14:20
kwwiiwers: unfortunately there is very little information available14:33
kwwiibut, yes, I think it is an engine specific option, as it is in the murrine part of the human gtk14:34
werskwwii, so i'll just base my knowledge on such options on existing gtkrc's right?14:34
wersi was wondering why it's not in http://www.cimitan.com/murrine/options though14:35
wersor in murrine.xml14:35
wersi'm really confused.... hehe14:35
kwwiiwers: well, there is little info available and what there is somewhat out of date14:43
kwwiinote that I might be wrong :p14:43
kwwiianyway, I think that the murrine webpage is way out of date14:44
werskwwii, yep. good thing Cimi is replying in #gnome-art. hehe14:44
mac_vwers: you could have asked here itself ! Cimi_ is here too...  ;p    we all could have been updated too ;)15:20
wersmac_v, apparently, the murrine.xml is just a reference for apps like gnome-color-chooser. i'll just download murrine's source code. hope you guys can give us a list of complete engine options15:32
mac_vwers: is this something you are looking for? http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/GtkWidget.html15:38
wersthere's no gtk2-engines-murrine package on http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/gnome/ ???15:38
mac_v!info gtk2-engines-murrine15:38
ubottugtk2-engines-murrine (source: gtk2-engines-murrine): cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine. In component main, is optional. Version 0.90.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 216 kB15:38
mac_vwers: ^15:38
wersmac_v, that's been very helpful to me along with http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes . However, having more descriptions would help us a lot in theming15:39
wersespecially with engine options because they change rapidly15:39
mac_vyeah , hard to know all the available options :(15:39
mac_vthere should be some place for the complete list of options , I'm pretty sure kwwii is hiding it somewhere ;p15:40
wersmac_v, thanks. it's installed by default on jaunty. it's just weird because it's not listed on http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/gnome/ . probably a site bug15:40
wersi wonder where some themers refer15:41
* mac_v too 15:41
wersthis would be a good project for ubuntu-art. Cimi_ was talking about gtkconf yesterday. it needs dev attention15:42
wersif i can only do python...15:42
werswith that, many will be inspired to do artwork. i believe that a lot of people have good ideas but they just cant translate them to code. investing efforts on something like gtkconf would really be worth it especially because gtk3 wont make gtk2 work obsolete15:44
wersunlike metacity, which i think, would be obsoleted15:45
lucazadewers what is gtkconf? gui for theming?16:00
werslucazade, yeah16:00
lucazadeavailable somewhere?16:00
werssee launchpad16:01
werslucazade, no prob :)16:02
wersi'm trying to make murrine buttons pop out more so they're more pronounced like aurora's. is that possible? any suggestion? :)16:14
mac_vwers: pixmaps \o/16:17
wersmac_v, hehe. did aurora achieve that look with pixmaps?16:17
wersmac_v, if that's the case, i guess, i'll have to learn engine development and just edit aurora to my liking. hehe16:18
mac_vwers: what theme are you working on , right now?16:18
wersmac_v, i'm trying to make an aurora-looking theme with the murrine engine. lol16:18
mac_vwers: dark theme?16:19
wersi patched on sonar yesterday. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=111593 looks good but i'm still craving for the gradients of aurora16:19
wersmac_v, as in like shiki and dust16:19
mac_vnice :)16:20
wersmac_v, you think it's possible to have the aurora gradients on a shiki-based gtkrc? hehe16:21
wersi was trying to do it with gradient_shade but it didnt work16:21
mac_vi even forgot how aurora looks like :( , but it was my fav16:22
mac_vgot tired of installing from external links and finally dumped it ;p16:23
wersmac_v, yeah. it's really better to stick with official engines. it's hard to depend on "non-official" ones because you dont know if they will still be developed since your gtkrc is dependent on them16:26
=== SiDi_ is now known as SiDi
FLOZzHello all  _o/19:01
mac_vMDC1: did you note vuntz comment on bgo :)22:00
MDC1mac_v, hmm, no mail about it (yet) - what bug?22:01
mac_vthe icon bug22:01
MDC1ahh. about categories - yes22:01
MDC1that's progress ;-)22:01
MDC1mac_v, let's just hope we can get the rest of the icons back and i'll be a super happy ubuntu user ;-)22:02
* MDC1 wonders why it takes forever to build gtk...22:02

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