
xivuloncjwatson, I am quite sure the file is not corrupted (still getting out of disk errors)00:28
xivulonI mounted the xp vm under my main jaunty setup, run fsck on root.disk, then mounted root.disk and accessed without any problem00:43
xivulonthen unwound everything and tried to access root.disk from kvm/grub2 via loopmount module, but got "out of disk"00:44
xivulonnot sure how to check for lba, it's the stock kvm bios (vgabios cvs 8-jul-09) but do not see any obvious way of displaying the settings00:47
xivulonsoren ^00:47
xivulonas for the fs corruption that happens after reboot, the error is "contains a filesystem with errors" (EXT2_ERROR_FS || !ext2fs_test_valid())01:16
xivuloncjwatson, morning, any hint for ^^^?09:39
xivulonevand, davmor2, do you experience fs corruption in a wubi installation after a reboot?09:41
xivulonit seems most (all?) of those are just dirty flag09:42
davmor2xivulon: is it down to time check on superblock09:42
xivulonah so it's not just me, glad to hear that09:43
xivulonat the moment grub.cfg has to be updated manually, I will provide a patch for casper-support09:44
davmor2xivulon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/42324709:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 423247 in clock-setup "Superblock last mount times cause fsck to fail" [High,Fix released]09:44
xivulonre grub2 loopmount, I still have "out of disk" errors even after running fschk on the root.disk file (from outside the vm)09:45
xivulonsoren, how can I check whether vgabios used in kvm supports LBA?09:46
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3433 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog ubiquity.templates):09:51
CIA-33ubiquity: Do not provide an inaccurate remaining time estimate for the file copy09:51
CIA-33ubiquity: process (LP: #199834). Thanks rugby471!09:51
sorenxivulon: vgabios doesn10:08
sorent. It's for the graphics card :)10:08
sorenxivulon: The bochsbios should.10:08
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3434 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/base.py: Remove reference to a no longer used variable.10:10
xivulonsoren thanks!11:41
davmor2evand, xivulon: Running today's iso wubi is working again however after reboot on the linux side.  Hit ubuntu you get the grub menu hit the top option and I get the following error.  error: You need to load the kernel first  press any key to continue...  This takes you back to the grub menu12:24
evanddavmor2: is this after the install completes in its entirety (after ubiquity has run)?12:25
davmor2evand yes12:26
evandif you press e instead of hitting enter on the option, what does it show you?12:26
davmor2set quiet=112:27
davmor2insmod ntfs12:27
evandthat's it?12:27
davmor2set root=(hd0.3)12:27
davmor2evand hang on I'm copying it all12:27
davmor2, not . on hd012:28
davmor2search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set f6863c88863c4b7f12:28
davmor2linux /vmlinuz-2.6.31-9-generic root=/host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash12:29
davmor2initrd /initrd.img-2.6.31-9-generic12:30
davmor2evand that's the lot12:30
evanddavmor2: can you please file a new bug with that information, and attach the wubi log file12:31
davmor2yes no probs12:31
xivulonhi davmor212:39
davmor2xivulon: hello12:39
xivulonas mentioned grub.cfg has to be edited12:40
xivulonwill have to submit a patch for lupin to that automatically12:40
xivulonin the meantime you can change thing manually12:40
xivulonthe line should read:12:40
xivulonlinux /ubuntu/disks/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk  [other arguments]12:41
xivulonreplace sda1 with whatever is appropriate, similarly, for the initrd, prepend "/ubuntu/disks/boot/"12:42
xivulonloop might be = /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk (don't remember on top of my head which one it is)12:43
davmor2xivulon: wilko I'll try it now12:44
davmor2evand: bug 426238 fell free to do what ever I'll add the work round to it when I know it works :)12:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426238 in wubi "ubuntu fails to boot after install." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42623812:45
xivulonevand, FYI I have been waiting to get grub2 loopmount going first, as in that case the grub config will change12:52
xivulonwas hit by 423247 and lba but hopefully today will get that moving12:53
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r163 trunk/usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py: Re-enable ISO image support in KDE fronte-end againg. Got lost in one of the prev merges.12:55
davmor2xivulon: added the temp work round to the bug13:10
mterryevand, hey, thanks for pushing in the plugins branch!14:02
evandsure thing14:02
StevenKevand: Did anything happen with UNR + wubi, by the way?14:12
xivulonStevenK we played with davmor2, and we still have the size issue14:22
xivulonevand shall we enable DVDs?14:22
xivulonor do you prefer for me to check the squasfs instead?14:22
StevenKI thought the size issue was sorted out14:22
StevenKI've managed an install off a USB key14:23
xivulonif I am not mistaken the patch compensated for free space14:23
xivulonwhich might still be an issue if you have a large usb disk, with little free space14:23
StevenKMy issue on Friday was that I could install UNR via Wubi, but I couldn't boot14:24
xivulonah that's known, I am on it14:24
StevenKxivulon: Is there a bug about it?14:24
xivulonSee  42623814:24
xivulonif you look at the irclog above I gave davmor2 instructions for manual override14:25
xivulonas mentioned I am playing with grub2 loopmount, once that is sorted I will take care of update-grub14:25
rgreeningevand: any progress with working around format backend issue in usb-creator?14:27
evandrgreening: not quite yet.  davidz hasn't responded, so I'm going to have to look into it myself.  I'm caught up in getting policykit support working at the moment, but I'll make sure I find time for it today/tomorrow.14:29
rgreeningoh, policy-kit is a bigger priority. :)  Will the kde FE be able to take advantage then?14:30
rgreeningevand: as soon as you have something ready for policy-kit, let me know and I can add the kde bits and test...14:31
evandwill do!14:31
rgreeningassuming it's straight forward14:31
rgreeningty evand14:31
* rgreening cant wait to remove kdesudo14:31
davmor2StevenK: it may also be that the wubi builds were failing so it dropped to version 142 rather than rev 15014:33
evandyeah, that's quite the kludge14:33
davmor2try again with todays you might have more luck :)14:33
davmor2StevenK: also I add the work round to the bug above14:34
kirklandevand: usb-creator seems broken again15:01
kirklandevand: known issue?15:01
evanddefine broken15:01
evandthere are a few fixed issues that are in trunk15:01
kirklandevand: http://rookery.canonical.com/~kirkland/fail.png15:03
evandcan you pastebin /tmp/usb-creator.log15:03
kirklandevand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/267299/15:05
evandkirkland: does the CD image you're using not have an isolinux directory?15:07
kirklandevand: dunno ... it's the current karmic desktop amd64 iso15:07
kirklandevand: i can crack it open15:07
evandkirkland: can you pastebin isoinfo -J -l -i whatever.iso ?15:08
kirklandevand: yeah it has isolinux15:08
kirklandevand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/267304/15:09
kirklandevand: i downgraded to jaunty's usb creator and it's working15:09
evandoh, I've missed the obvious in the log file15:11
evandit's not copying any relevant files over15:12
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r164 usb-creator/usbcreator/ (backends/devicekit/backend.py install.py): Add debugging information on install choices.15:21
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r165 usb-creator/po/ (37 files): Update translations from Launchpad.15:34
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r166 usb-creator/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.515:45
rgreeningevand: you know that in the current version of crewator it shows drives with 0 capacity? Just wondering if we should filter them out appropriately.15:54
rgreeningand best way to go about it ( i assume in back-end)15:54
evandit's 0 bytes free15:56
evandnot 0 bytes capacity15:56
evandbut it's for entire disks15:56
evandwhere there's no concept of free space15:56
evandsuggestions welcome15:56
evand(see the devicekit backend's _add_drive function for the relevant code)15:57
rgreeningevand: if capcity == 0 and free space == 0 then should we filter?16:00
evandI don't think we ever want to hide a partition (disks are a different story, but one step at a time :)).  If we need to delete some files, then we should put up the "need more space" message below the target list box with an open button next to it that spawns a file browser.16:02
rgreeningevand: hmm... I get /dev/sr0 which is my CD-ROM showing up in target list16:02
evandrgreening: is that with the latest bzr?16:03
superm1evand, wrg to the permissions drop on the UI for ubiquity, do they actually get fully restored by the end for that 'reboot' command?  (referencing bug 412825)16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412825 in upstart "Clicking reboot doesn't actually reboot the system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41282516:04
superm1I thought they were16:04
rgreeningah-ha... evand, if I load the CD-ROM with a proper imatall media first, then launch creator, it works as expected.16:04
rgreeninghowever evand, if I do not have a CD inserted, it shows up in the targets list and does not allow me to add the CD to the source list (as its already in the target)16:05
evandrgreening: hrm, r160 should have fixed that16:05
evandI'll look into it16:06
evandsuperm1: checking16:06
rgreeningevand: ok16:06
rgreeningI see the same in both kde and gtk FE16:06
CIA-33ubiquity: evand * r3435 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): Call reboot as root. Thanks Mario Limonciello!16:12
evandsuperm1: so it is not.  Thanks a bunch!16:12
superm1evand, wow crazyness.16:12
superm1how did that ever work before?16:12
rgreeningevand: the capacity && free == 0 question, both are referencing disks here. E.g. the /dev/sr0 and /dev/sdb. sr0 is my CD-ROM and sdb is my card reader. Both show in target list and 0 capacity and 0 free which is correct since neither have media in them at the time. SO they really shoul dnever hit the target list (I believe)16:12
* evand shakes his head.16:12
evandno idea16:13
evandrgreening: I disagree on /dev/sdb.  It allows us to use it as a target for disk images (do recall that usb-creator supports those) and format the device when it's unpartitioned.16:13
evandwe should fix it so that cd rom devices do not show up in the targets list though16:14
rgreeningevand: my point is, that I have no card in it and it shows up with 0 free and 0 capacity16:14
rgreeningso exactyl how is that beneficial :) format thin air :P16:14
evandI see your point16:14
evandapologies for that16:14
superm1maybe only show /dev/sdb when you select a .img file in the first place then16:15
superm1if it's an ISO, then don't ever offer it16:15
evandsuperm1: that's the plan, but I'd like to get it working without issue first16:15
superm1ah ok :)16:16
rgreeningevand: also, the fact that the CD-ROM cannot be picked up in source list if the CD is inserted after launching the creator is a problem (could be related to it being already in the target list I guess)16:16
evand(it was also need to show it when a device was unpartitioned or had no vfat partitions, so you could format the device)16:16
evandrgreening: not sure why that's happening.  I'll add it to my list of things to check out.16:17
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r167 usb-creator/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/backends/devicekit/backend.py): Ignore 0 byte devices. Thanks Roderick B. Greening!16:22
rgreeningevand: yeah, a device with no partitions, will still have a > 0 capacity :)16:26
rgreeningty for the fix16:26
rgreeningevand: tested. 0 capacity filtering works as expected now. cheers.16:32
rgreeningso, now just need to get it to pick up CD insertion after the fact...16:33
rgreeningI'll take a peek and see if I can figure it out16:33
evandcool, thanks16:35
rgreeningnp. gonna reboot.. bbiab16:35
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3436 trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): oem-config: restart HAL when finished16:46
superm1mterry, with halsectomy going on, perhaps you should add hal as a depends to oem-config for now as a reminder that script needs to be dropped when hal goes away16:51
mterrysuperm1, fair enough16:52
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3437 trunk/debian/control: oem-config: add hal to Depends for last checkin -- when hal is finally dropped, we should remove this and update the ubi-restart-hal script that restarts it16:55
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rgreeningevand: ping17:56
rgreeningevand: In creator gtk frontend, there's a timer for update_free. Is this still necessary? If so, I need to mirror this code in kde front-end.18:01
rgreeningotherwise, it should be removed from gtk version, along with the dead code (add/delete_timeout)18:01
rgreeningevand: I think the CD-ROM detection issue required a dbus signal in detect_devices for "DeviceChanged" ... maybe...18:07
rgreeningevand: yep. DeviceChanged will catch it... but it seems the device is constantly in a changed status CD or no CD inserted.18:21
rgreeningso, it's not quite correct...18:21
rgreeningideas evand?18:21
rgreeningevand: have a look at this... http://paste.ubuntu.com/267435/19:04
rgreeningevand: it's my attempt at fixing the optical drive detection not working if inserted after creator is run. It works, but may not be the best approach.19:05
rgreeningevand: I believe the devicechanged polling for optical drive needs to deal with add and remove, cause if you also eject the optical media, the normal remove device doesn't apply/work either.19:06
rgreeningsince the device file exists regardless of any media in the drive, and the backend only detects new or removed device file entries.19:07
rgreeninganyway, have a look. Let me know if this is ok to commit for now until we get a better solution (I have in my local bzr checkout rdy to apply)19:07
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r168 trunk/usbcreator/frontends/kde/frontend.py:19:12
CIA-33usb-creator: Make kde frontend call detect_devices from private ref (self.__backend).19:12
CIA-33usb-creator: Add update_loop timer to mirror gtk frontend (is this still required by either frontend?)19:12
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r169 trunk/debian/changelog: update changelog19:16
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