=== m4v_ is now known as m4v [03:19] buenas una pregunta señor m4v [03:19] que le pasa [03:19] por q me banea [03:19] que le afecta en que ayude ala gente [03:19] aaaaaaaaaa [03:20] m4v si no ayuda dege q uno ayude [03:20] yo entro al canal a dar ayuda alos usuarios [03:20] no entro a verlo a usted [03:20] q solo se la pasa baneandome sin rasoina alguna [03:20] m4v contesteme por q me banea [03:21] m4v digame q estamal entrar a ayudar [03:21] m4v solo quiero darle gracias por darme tanta importancia en su vida [03:22] m4v contesteme cual es su problema [03:23] m4v sabe q es lo que usted ase kon su op por desgrasia [03:23] se yama prepotencia [03:23] tuxinfo: ya lo discutimos anteriormente aquí mismo, por offtopic, instultar el en canal, y evadir constantemente el ban [03:23] si un acces no es solo para banear ala gente [03:23] sabe q señor [03:23] esta usted mal [03:24] m4v al q debe de banear es a usted [03:24] q solo esta de reyeno [03:24] y no ayuda en nada [03:24] no se como se dan los acces [03:24] pero si es por esta colgado [03:24] si lo tiene bien ganado [03:24] si [03:24] m4v si no ayuda no estorbe [03:24] deje alos demas q si keremos ayudar [03:25] tuxinfo: muy bien [03:26] no te puse ningún ban para que sepas. [03:26] y ase un momento [03:26] q entre en la tarde [03:26] ?? [03:26] no fue ban [03:26] kiere q los pege [03:27] no hace falta [04:31] hey [04:31] anyone here ? [08:37] hello friend. [08:37] i have question [08:37] any can help me? [08:37] we have problems whit the channel ubuntu-uy, we dont have op [08:39] DKcross: why do you need ops? [08:39] for example for the topic [08:39] we can change the topic [08:39] and the founder of channel is [08:40] DKcross: you are all alone in the channel [08:40] ubuntuIrcCOuncil [08:40] yes, i know [08:40] now only me in the channel [08:41] nalioth, you know about? [08:41] are you on the Uruguay Ubuntu team? [08:41] nop, i'm working with theys [08:41] they have any problems [08:42] i'm working with PabloRubianes [08:43] Nafallo, sorry for my english :\ ok, the problem is that they have the control of any things [08:43] like channel of IRC, the launchpad team [08:44] and i'm working with PabloRubianes. [08:44] they have not" [08:45] nalioth, are you there? [08:45] well, that can all be changed [08:46] ? [08:47] Nafallo, what do yo mean? [08:48] sorry, nalioth [08:53] DKcross: the Uruguay Ubuntu team needs to get with us [08:54] sure no problem i'm working with they [08:54] :) [08:54] nalioth, what need to do? [08:55] nalioth, trust in me.. man, i will talk whit they [08:56] :\ [08:56] if you want you can search about me at ubuntu-sv [08:56] i'm from ubuntu El Salvador [08:56] i'm working together === UBot-tn is now known as MaWaLe [22:29] In #ubuntu-uk, popey said: !unr is UNR is the short name for Ubuntu Netbook Remix, which has a user interface tailored for small screen computers. http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr [22:30] thanks ubot4 [22:38] niko: You are welcome. [22:38] ;o [22:40] popey: Changes should go to ubottu directly, as ubot* wipe their databases on the hour. [22:41] jpds: how? [22:43] http://paste.ubuntu.com/267569/ [22:59] Could I please get some copy of ubottu in #ubuntu-us-mn? (my LoCo channel)