
=== RAIDSONG is now known as Raidsong
doctormopleia2: Of course, this is the non-evil plan *mwhahah*00:04
doctormoThe problem will be trying to get the BiosElement element done quickly, organising sessions where we would work on it together has been dificult00:05
pleia2ah :\00:06
pleia2oh! and I almost forgot, I am not sure lp is properly showing me00:06
pleia2it shows you all clickable, but I'm elizabeth@r2d2 (my desktop)00:06
pleia2what setting do I need to fix?00:07
pleia2I mean, it's obviously uploading it properly, it's associated with my lp account00:08
pleia2just something is weird00:08
doctormopleia2: You need to identify yourself propperly with launchpad00:09
pleia2yeah, "bzr launchpad-login lyz" isn't enough00:09
pleia2seems to do half the job00:09
pleia2so what am I missing? :)00:14
doctormo~/.bazaar/authentication.conf should have things, so should ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf00:14
pleia2ok, thanks00:15
pleia2hm, they both are populated00:15
doctormoMy email section needs to be "exactly" what is in my GPG key Name (Other) <Email>00:16
pleia2ah, I didn't have an email at all in that file, just launchpad_username00:17
doctormohttp://pastebin.com/m2d313a1e <- added my deb environs00:18
pleia2ah ok, I had those set in my dev VM but not on my desktop, might as well00:19
pleia2thank you :)00:20
pleia2cprofitt: hey03:54
cprofittI have not gotten any emails... has the list been silent or am I not getting them?03:54
pleia2latest team reports shows what we're all up to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/TeamReports/09/August03:55
pleia2under "Current major tasks"03:55
cprofittlooks like I am not pulling my weight03:58
cprofitthave we decided on the next meeting time?03:59
cprofittcan you send me an email so I do not miss it...03:59
cprofittI need to get back up to speed04:00
pleia2I'm going to be adding some things to the Task list and sending out a general project status email sometime this week too04:00
pleia2so I'll make sure I nudge you about that to make sure you get it04:00
cprofittI have been unable to get any educators even remotely interested in assisting...04:01
pleia2aw :\04:01
cprofittwhich has been disappointing04:01
pleia2maybe once they see the material that has been produced thus far04:02
cprofittI thought the people there would be inclined if not enthused to help04:02
pleia2ah, not the case?04:02
cprofittI got not even one person interested04:02
pleia2:( shame04:03
doctormohey cprofitt04:07
cprofitthey doctormo04:07
doctormoI heard you were major busy, is everything going well?04:07
cprofittI work in a K-12 and school is about to start04:08
cprofittmy back-end stuff came in a bit late04:08
cprofittand I have been working hard to get it all setup04:08
cprofittI 'gave' my employer 12 hours this weekend getting some stuff setup04:08
doctormocprofitt: Makes sense, over here we've been working on reinventing teaching skills, course creation and drafting/development workflows.04:09
cprofittteaching skills?04:09
cprofittyeah... the workflows are very important04:09
cprofittI was just telling pleia2 that I have not found a single educator that was willing to review our courses or help use design them04:10
doctormocprofitt: You don't think we're all born with them eh? I'm talking mostly about my personal experiments in the classroom, since I'm not a trained teacher I've had to sort of play "try random things" until something seemed to make sense and worked.04:10
cprofittwhich really disappointed me04:10
cprofittdoctormo, been there and done that...04:11
cprofittlive training is different than non-live as well...04:11
cprofittI wrote a course for the Professional Learning Board -- and they failed to market it well04:11
cprofittit was an interesting process though04:11
cprofittthe women who I worked with is a teacher and helped me really refine the course04:12
doctormoOf course, and you seem to have some of the know how to impart into the whole thing. It'd be great to get your working with BiosElement on the "How to Teach" course, just as soon as possible.04:12
cprofittdid bios take a look at the course I found an uploaded?04:13
cprofittis that what we are talking about or something more basic?04:13
pleia2our workflow thus far has been: wiki > bzr > pdf04:15
pleia2so I think BiosElement is working on that portion04:15
pleia2then we'll get to the moodle stuff04:15
cprofittcool... that sounds like a decent workflow...04:16
* BiosElement heard his name04:16
cprofittit would be good to know Moodle as well... make one 'fake' course and see what elements are in it...04:16
cprofittand learn how to use some of the tools.04:16
BiosElementI could probably setup a "testbed" moodle install if that'd be useful on one of my servers04:17
pleia2there is already a testbed moodle install :)04:18
cprofittI think we already have a testbed04:18
cprofittand there is a course on how to make a course in Moodle that I got from another Moodle site04:18
cprofittI need to get some sleep -- all hell breaks loose in the morning with the return of the teachers04:19
pleia2best of luck tomorrow :)04:19
cprofittthey will find tons of 'issues' real and imagined and all want them resolved in 15.3 seconds or less04:19
cprofittI will be like Hawkeye in MASH with triage being overwhelmed04:20
cprofittit is amazing how an institution focused on learning fails to learn basics like how to make a shortcut04:20
* pleia2 chuckles04:20
cprofittI actually got called -- by the lead Mac/Apple tech...04:21
cprofitthe told me my server was down... because he used the VPN and could not access it.04:21
cprofitthis VPN gives him access to a network VLAN not 'internal' to the districts04:21
cprofittit is inside the firewall, but uses a different DHCP and DNS server...04:22
cprofitthe knew my server was down because he used 'Connect to Server' and it failed04:22
cprofitthe did not use the fully qualified domain name04:22
cprofittyou following the issue...04:22
cprofittcan you understand why I shook my head is utter astonishment04:23
* cprofitt smiles04:23
pleia2yes :)04:23
cprofittso I asked him a real simple question...04:23
cprofittdid you ping the server...04:23
cprofittdid you do a traceroute....04:23
cprofittthe answer was "No."04:23
doctormocprofitt: Did you think this was my problem because you couldn't be bothered to think?04:23
doctormoSometimes BOFH has the right idea04:24
cprofittI have decided he need remedial training on the process of troubleshooting connectivity04:24
pleia2most people do04:24
pleia2except then you get "I pinged it!" "the fqdn?" "..no"04:24
cprofittthis guys is a MCP and certified Apple desktop and server support guy04:24
cprofittI gently explained to him... that he was in a space that has a different DNS server...04:25
cprofittgot "yeah... so"04:25
cprofitthe then tells me proudly... I still can't connect to it04:25
cprofittand I just tried pining it04:25
cprofittI think you are going to have problems tomorrow - he proudly says04:26
cprofitt... he then makes some quip about how Apples are reliable and stable04:26
cprofittmind you in the 11 years I have been running my file servers we have had ZERO unplanned downtime04:27
cprofittso... my stuff is stable04:27
cprofittI then asked him what name he pinged...04:27
cprofittand what IP address the ping reported going too04:27
cprofitthe was all confused...04:27
cprofittnow,... I do not know what the GUI network tool shows on a Mac so it may not be his fault04:28
cprofittbut... my lord...04:28
cprofittI told him to use the fully qualified domain name... and he tried...04:29
cprofitt"wow... I can ping it now"04:29
pleia2hehe "now"04:29
cprofitthe asked me what it meant that he can not connect to the server but can ping it04:29
cprofittI had to hold back mad laughter04:29
cprofittI asked him to connect to using the FQDN04:30
cprofittthen he connected...04:30
cprofitthe had no understanding even at this point...04:30
cprofitthe asked me why did that work04:30
pleia2dns is a concept I find a lot of folks in the mac and windows world have trouble with04:30
cprofitthere is the question for you guys...04:30
cprofitthow in heck do I train this guy?04:31
pleia2I am not sure why it is, I think maybe it's just poorly covered int he certs?04:31
cprofittI certainly do not like Microsoft's implementation of the management frontend04:31
pleia2I don't know, maybe you can practice training by writing the dns course for this team04:32
* pleia2 grins04:32
cprofittyeah... perhaps I should do that...04:32
cprofittI was thinking more of using a two-by-four04:32
cprofittbut your idea might work...04:32
cprofittto be honest... I am not sure how people do not get that...04:33
cprofittso writing a course could help me figure out what I need to... so I can train him04:33
pleia2dns in the wild is a tricky concept to grasp04:33
pleia2trickles down to being confusing on lans (even though it's much simpler on lans)04:33
cprofittmind you that he is the same level as I am -- in the mind of my boss....04:33
cprofittI did not have to work with him until we integrated the Apple's with Active Directory04:34
cprofittand I am astonished that he can tie his shoes some days04:34
* pleia2 chuckles04:34
pleia2darn ldap, making us all work together04:35
cprofittI started with NDS04:35
cprofittthen my boss made me switch to AD -- because we could not find any 'Novell guys'04:35
pleia2sad, but not surprising, I think it happens a lot04:36
cprofittthen after we have cast the AD move in stone... he hires a guy who used to work for Novell as a support engineer04:36
pleia2trouble is, AD *seems* cheap to support, but most AD admins I've met scare me04:36
pleia2"I can't figure this out, I'll just copy the permissions of this admin user and you should be able to do what you need"04:37
* pleia2 cringes04:37
cprofittApple has some decent tools... for OD environments, but it sill lacks real enterprise features04:37
cprofittyeah... the AD admins that have no background other than AD are usually pretty... frightening04:37
pleia2working outside of schools, I hardly ever encounter server-macs04:37
cprofittthe 'instructor' I had actually told me something was impossible...04:38
cprofittand it took me 20 minutes of 'demonstration' (repeated three times) to make him admit he was wrong04:38
cprofittApple sucks on the enterprise level support04:38
cprofittthey are brutally bad04:38
cprofittI used to love Apple back in the 80s04:39
cprofittbut having to deal with them in this job has made me swear that I never want to do business with them04:39
cprofittthey are worse than Dell support04:39
cprofittI need to get some sleep though...04:40
cprofitthave babble on about the Mac guy for far too long04:40
cprofittnight all04:40
doctormoIf cprofitt ends up doing DNS, take a start from my networking basics course section, that has a rough start on it04:48
pleia2doctormo: I think one of the current issues is not everyone reads your blog15:51
doctormopleia2: Not everyone should have to, I'm not the only person running this project15:52
pleia2so I nudge you to update the wiki, but none of your courses have been posted to the mailing list for review, and you don't frequently post links here15:52
pleia2yeah, so maybe I should take up that task15:52
pleia2or someone :)15:52
pleia2just a thought, I think we're just not reaching as many people as we could be, more pushing to more areas to encounter more people will help15:53
* pleia2 has blog entry in the wings about the project15:54
pleia2was going to include learning update in my post yesterday, but didn't get that far15:54
doctormono your right, I'm not perfect with my involvement and I just like everyone else needs prodding and refocusing.15:54
doctormoAlthough I did post one section to the mailing list for the record.15:55
pleia2oh, good15:57
{HaRiTh}hi all19:58
{HaRiTh}hi , how's it going ?20:00
{HaRiTh}i need a little help with my Wthernet card20:05
{HaRiTh}any response ?20:09
pleia2{HaRiTh}: we're a course development project, #ubuntu is probably a better place for your question20:20
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