
aragood morning!06:54
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
fader_davmor2: Around?14:03
fader_davmor2: Whenever you are back, can you tell me if you have anything running the proprietary nvidia driver?  There's a bug against one of my plugins in checkbox that I think might be related to it14:07
schwukfader_: I'm running nvidia on my desktop14:23
fader_schwuk: With the proprietary driver?14:23
schwukfader_: yup14:24
fader_schwuk: What does "xrandr" alone return for you?14:24
schwukfader_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/267273/14:26
fader_schwuk: Thanks, so the proprietary driver does support xrandr14:26
schwukfader_: I'm running version 180 of the driver14:27
fader_Thanks... I'm looking at bug 42550614:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 425506 in checkbox "extension "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0". RandR extension missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42550614:28
davmor2schwuk: 180 or 185 it got updated ;)14:28
fader_To be honest I should detect that particular result anyway, as it's possible that someone is using vesa or something and won't have xrandr14:28
fader_But I'm confused as to why he doesn't have that extension with the nvidia driver14:28
davmor2fader_: mine always misses the top resolution other than that it's been working fine14:28
davmor2fader_: I can drop an install on later for you if you want though14:29
fader_davmor2: Yeah, actual resolutions are not my problem. :)  You'd have to bug the xorg guys about that, and I expect they'd tell you 'tough luck for using closed-source drivers' :/14:29
fader_davmor2: Nah, that's okay, thanks... schwuk gave me the confirmation I needed14:29
fader_I was just going to have unpleasant things to say if nvidia had their own resizing extension and didn't use xrandr :)14:30
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cr3mathben: salut mathieu14:40
davmor2cr3: did you get my email containing cases1.txt?14:41
cr3davmor2: nope, did you have the word "casino" in the subject?14:41
cr3davmor2: sorry then, I don't seem to see it in my inbox14:42
davmor2np's I'll try again14:42
fader_davmor2: http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/92email.htm14:43
davmor2fader_: I've re-installed my server over the weekend and last night added spam filtering etc so I'm just hoping that it is sending still :)14:45
mathbencr3:hello Marc14:49
fader_mathben: Good to see you... bonjour :)14:51
davmor2fader_, cr3: http://pastebin.com/f13778083 till I can get my email working again15:02
mathbenfader_: Good to see you too :p!15:03
cr3davmor2: I just got your email15:09
fader_davmor2: Just be like cr3 and me; telnet to port 25 and bash it out by hand15:13
fader_Mail clients are for the weak!15:13
jtatumhi ara :)15:40
arahey jtatum, great to see you around!15:40
jtatumara, thanks! great to be here :)15:40
jtatumI made some updates to the roadmap on the wiki the other day. Just curious - I don't know much about it, but what about launchpad's roadmap feature? Is it just a pain?15:42
cr3fader_: I now cat a here document directly into netcat instead of using ol' telnet :)16:03
fader_cr3: Is netcat included with busybox by default? :)16:03
fader_If so, I might switch.16:04
* fader_ goes off to cat /var/spool/mail16:04
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cr3davmor2: henceforth, you shall now be dubbed: The Testinator16:10
jtatumhi mikefletcher16:18
mikefletcherjtatum: hello16:18
jtatummikefletcher, I saw that ara merged your screenshot branch today :) congrats16:23
arahey mikefletcher16:23
arajtatum, did you receive my email about the CCA?16:23
foormeain what file do i configure my nvidia? i've managed to enable my nvidia card through kde-jockey, but i'm wondering in which config file it's ended?16:24
jtatumI did not :(16:24
jtatumara, rmcbride is mentioning it to me now :)16:25
arajtatum, did you receive it? I am going to double check the email address16:25
mikefletcherI was thinking of building a test suite for Tomboy next.  Starting/stopping tomboy is going to be a real challange because it runs within the panel.16:25
jtatumara, I didn't receive it :(16:26
arajtatum, I sent it through the contact page in launchpad :)16:26
arajtatum, it seems it didn't work16:27
jtatummikefletcher, I'm starting on some mago dbus bindings which may help you trigger any needed windows. Panel icons don't seem to be accessible though :(16:27
arajtatum, resending now16:27
arajtatum, to your email inbox directly16:27
mikefletcherfoormea: If you ask the question on ubuntu questions (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+addquestion) or ask in the #ubuntu channel you should find some help there.16:27
foormeawell i'm talking about karmic16:27
foormeanot jaunty16:27
jtatumfoormea, you're looking for #ubuntu+116:28
arajtatum, sent! :-)16:29
mikefletcherjtatum: Hmm.  Testing the dbus api would useful.16:30
foormeajtatum: ok.if you don't mind me asking, what's #ubuntu-testing then?16:30
mikefletcherjtatum:  I messed around with ldtp and the top panel.  I was almost able to do it but I found a couple of unimplemented bits in ldtp.16:31
aramikefletcher, jtatum: have a look to the indicator-applet tests, they use the panel a bit16:32
mikefletcherara: thanks16:32
aramikefletcher, jtatum: also, if you ever find a missing feature in ldtp, report it in the ldtp bugzilla. they are always willing to help16:32
jtatumfoormea, #ubuntu-testing is relating to QA testing of ubuntu. #ubuntu+1 is about karmic specifically.16:35
foormeajtatum: ok, thanks :)16:36
jtatumara, I made some changes to the roadmap on the wiki the other day. Just curious - I don't know the first thing about it, but what about launchpad's roadmap feature? Is it just a pain?16:57
jtatumafk a bit17:09
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arajtatum, I have to step out, I will send you an email about it17:19
davmor2cr3: I take it they're alright for you then :)17:30
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=== fader_ is now known as fader|away

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