=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk [02:09] is someone able to tell me whether software store will include software from user-added repositories (such as medibuntu)? [02:59] * hyperair still finds the whole don't-hide-if-mouse-is-already-there behaviour of notify-osd very annoying [02:59] now i have to move my cursor a suitable distance in order to continue reading whatever i was before the previous bubble disappeared and was replaced by a new one [05:06] hyperair: Is that a recent change? [05:07] bratsche: hmm quite recent. came about the same time as the whole notification-in-the-middle-of-screen thing [05:07] so much for being unobstrusive [05:07] Yeah. [05:07] At any rate, I think that stuff is still just experimental. I'm not sure if they've decided to keep it that way. [05:08] I hope not anyway, as I happen to agree. :) [08:57] DanRabbit: i'm now going to fix the 16px folders , let me know if you need any other icons done ;) [09:41] hello [09:43] mac_v: around? [09:43] hey :) [09:44] mac_v: have you read my email? [09:45] yup [09:45] alourie: but seems no one else is interested :( [09:58] mac_v: yea, seems so [09:58] mac_v: and meanwhile I had another expansion on that idea [10:02] mac_v: was the email clear enough? [10:08] i think it was clear enough , [10:08] brb [10:08] * mac_v reboots [10:26] mac_v: welcome back [10:31] :) [10:32] while I see that noone got interested, I had another idea [10:32] (which goes well in the design I imagined for this) [10:33] * mac_v nods [10:33] do you remember the example of "channel" items I gave in the email? [10:33] like email, twitter, etc? [10:34] yup [10:34] so what if I don't call it email, twitter [10:34] but call it [10:34] ubuntu, family, work? [10:34] and everything else goes inside? [10:34] hrm... :/ thats is not nice, IMO [10:35] why? [10:35] alourie: too much can go into each "ubuntu, family, work" then they would need subcategories [10:36] true [10:39] but I still think it may be interesting [10:48] .' 5 [11:04] anyone who has good knowledge of gtk around ? === Wajih is now known as MaWaLe [12:42] * MacSlow -> postal office === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|postal-o [12:43] lol^ [12:44] mac_v: ^^ I won't trust postal offices from now on :-) [13:15] DanRabbit: found an awesome app > https://code.launchpad.net/icon-library [13:15] we can use it o check the symlinks and stuff and also how the icon looks in different backgrounds [13:15] to* [14:06] djsiegel___: hi... [14:06] hey mac_v [14:07] djsiegel___: the .txt bug was discussed by pitti and seb, they have come up with a solution , might wanna check with them :) [14:07] yeah? [14:07] yup [14:07] where was it discussed? [14:07] what did they decide? [14:07] -desktop [14:08] I think we could use application/x-executable and make sure that all script mimetype subclass it correctly [14:08] djsiegel___: ^ [14:09] ooh, that sounds nice [14:12] djsiegel___: any hopes on fixing "100" papercuts by karmic? [14:13] we are only half way through :( [14:13] we are more than half way [14:13] ;p [14:13] I bet a good 75 are fixed [14:13] they just need merging [14:13] and updating [14:13] Amaranth not here eh... [14:14] DBO: -desktop [14:14] oh woops, wrong room [14:14] Im kinda curious about what to do with compiz bugs [14:14] the devel team is not working on C compiz anymore, and certainly we are not shipping compiz++ [14:15] compiz is a bit stagnated for nearly a year :( === rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3 [14:15] DBO: amaranth was mentioning the same thing [14:16] yeah I know, I guess I can try my hand at patching this issue, but I dont know the compiz codebase all that well [14:16] its a very very complex codebade with very poor organization [14:16] DBO: ping him in #ubuntu-desktop [14:16] i pinged him in #gnome-do [14:17] DBO: he might be sleeping now ;) [14:17] that would be unfortunate === MacSlow|postal-o is now known as MacSlow [15:55] mac_v: BTW, I don't think there's a way to change the default save format in Inkscape. But, I don't think that's a bad thing, as it's the only format that keeps all the data Inkscape needs for a good experience. [15:56] tedg: i dont think its bad either , but people want smaller file sizes ! ;p [15:57] and it doesnt save much either! [15:57] Oh, they can use svgz :) [15:57] tedg: for icons set ? does svgz work? [15:57] sets* [15:58] I think so, I'm pretty sure nautilus thumbnails them. [15:58] I haven't tried though. [15:59] will give it a try sometime :) [15:59] And I wouldn't commit an svgz into a version control repository, kinda defeats the point as the diffs would suck. [15:59] oh.. , then that wont help :( [16:17] tedg: why isnt there a way to change the default option? usually apps remember the last saved format , right? [16:20] * mac_v reboots === chaotic_ is now known as chaotic === chaotic_ is now known as chaotic === mpt_ is now known as mpt === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk === rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3 === rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk