
rickspencer3ccheney, how could there be hundreds of files to modify to change one key binding?00:00
robert_ancellpitti, how do you turn lintian on to get the errors in the gnome-games slpit?00:00
ccheneyrickspencer3: its in each module (eg draw) for each language00:00
rickspencer3that's insane00:00
ccheneyrickspencer3: but its only in 75 files because it seems the keybindings are currently poorly localized00:00
ccheneyrickspencer3: yep00:01
rickspencer3ccheney, so how do you know which languages should get changed?00:01
ccheneyshould be able to have it done by tomorrow though00:01
ccheneyall of them, heh00:01
ccheneyluckily its an xml file so is easy to understand what to change00:01
rickspencer3(also, I think it was writer, calc, and impress)00:01
rickspencer3ccheney, ok00:02
ccheneyeg   <accel:item accel:code="KEY_F11" accel:mod1="true" xlink:href=".uno:ActivateStyleApply"/>00:02
TheMusoeeejay: ok found out why the env variable is not being set.00:02
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell it's team meeting time00:02
rickspencer3shall we give TheMuso a couple of minutes to finish what he's working on?00:02
* TheMuso is ready.00:03
rickspencer3I actually got the meeting page updated just now!00:04
rickspencer3of course, there wasn't much to the meeting00:04
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ready?00:04
rickspencer3so no partner update, kubuntu update, or x update today00:05
ccheneyrickspencer3: btw roughly around beta freeze i'll probably have to take a few days off, moving into a new house00:05
TheMusoccheney: congrats.00:05
ccheneyrickspencer3: ie ~ Sept 3000:05
ccheneyTheMuso: thanks :)00:05
rickspencer3ccheney, ok, so long as F11 is for Full Screen by then00:05
ccheneymoving to an area with much better schools, my soon will be starting pre-k next year00:05
rickspencer3(j/k) ;)00:05
ccheneyrickspencer3: heh yea should work by tomorrow :)00:05
rickspencer3so we talked about two things:00:05
rickspencer31. Pidgin vs. Empathy00:06
rickspencer3you can read the discussion00:06
rickspencer3any thoughts?00:06
* ccheney apologizes for interrupting the eastern meeting, shuts up now00:06
TheMusoEmpathy is pretty much accessible out of the box, however on the orca side, no work has been done yet to make orca play nice with empathy, i.e read most recent messages you are sent, etc. Pidgin still works fine in that regard.00:06
robert_ancellhaven't used either enough to comment00:07
TheMusoi.e orca has functionality to provide  users the ability to use pidgin well, being able to read last sent messages, etc.00:07
rickspencer3ccheney, no problems, you are welcome here :)00:07
c_kornchrisccoulson: thanks for your help about the gconf listeners thingy. I think my patch will make it into karmic :)00:07
rickspencer3TheMuso, do you consider Empathy sufficiently acccessible?00:07
TheMusorickspencer3: Because orca doesn't yet help users make use of empathy, probably not, as users will not necessarily like the fact they have to do some manual work to read their messages.00:08
* rickspencer3 adds to cons list00:08
TheMusoIf they were all like me, I'd say yes, but I know they're not. )00:08
rickspencer3TheMuso, ok00:09
rickspencer3in general, I am very inclined to stick with the current Plan of Record00:09
rickspencer3we deliver Empathy on upgrade and new default installs00:09
rickspencer3on upgrade, we leave pidgin in place00:09
rickspencer3note that sabdfl was not at all happy with this last point, but I don't see a better way forward considering where we are in the release cycle00:10
rickspencer3ok, moving on00:10
rickspencer3note that we have some release targetted bugs, including for alpha 600:10
rickspencer3ok, neither of you do, but if you did, I would be using my ...00:11
rickspencer3amazing management ability to motivate you to fix them asap00:11
TheMusoMore fixes from pulseaudio upstrea will be uploaded today, thanks to Daniel Chen.00:11
robert_ancellTheMuso, yay.  My pulse is locking up my system all the time currently00:12
rickspencer3oh fudge, I stomped on robert_ancell's changes00:12
rickspencer3robert_ancell, really? it seems to be working well flately00:12
robert_ancellrickspencer3, it was working ok when it was bad for you.  But the last week it has been terrible for me00:12
rickspencer3robert_ancell, could you please test those pulse changes asap, and let TheMuso know if you still have issues?00:12
robert_ancellrickspencer3, sure00:12
TheMusoThey will likely go up straight after the meeting.00:13
rickspencer3robbiew and jono both reported significant improvements00:13
rickspencer3any other business?00:13
TheMusonot from me.00:13
TheMusorickspencer3: Oh do we know when hext UDS is likely to be?00:13
rickspencer3TheMuso, yes, the *when* has been settled for quite some time, and is published on the release calendar00:14
rickspencer3if you have trouble finding it, please let me know00:14
rickspencer3the *where* is still up in the air so far as I can tell00:14
rickspencer3but they say "North America"00:14
TheMusook the when is all I needed to know.00:15
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I have some questions about a couple of your bugs00:16
rickspencer31. are you still doing that gdm api thing for ted?00:16
rickspencer32. I saw something about the "user list loads slowly" bug, but wasn't sure what the outcome was00:16
rickspencer3 00:16
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes, working on finishing that today.  I expect it will be done by the end of the week00:16
robert_ancell2. I made a cache patch for that so there is no delay now00:16
rickspencer3robert_ancell, sweeeet!00:17
rickspencer3do you have a bug # for #2?00:17
robert_ancellbug 40086300:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400863 in gdm "ck-history can take a *long* time to run, during which gdm is unusable" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40086300:18
TheMusorickspencer3: ok nothing set in stone yet, but I'll likely take the first 2 weeks of November off, right before UDS, so I can move into my new place.00:18
rickspencer3TheMuso, uh00:19
rickspencer3well ..00:19
rickspencer3what if there are bugs and such?00:19
rickspencer3will you be at all available if it comes down to it?00:19
rickspencer3robert_ancell, it looks like sabdfl would also like to know what it would take to make GDM load faster00:20
TheMusorickspencer3: As I said, nothing set in stone, but probably not, as I'll need to get the net up and running for one.00:20
rickspencer3looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/400863/comments/1100:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 400863 in gdm "ck-history can take a *long* time to run, during which gdm is unusable" [Medium,Fix released]00:20
rickspencer3TheMuso, ok00:21
rickspencer3I'm sure we can work it out00:21
rickspencer3there's never and ideal time to take time off00:21
TheMusoNo there isn't.00:21
TheMusorickspencer3: If things work out well, I'll be online the second week and can check in once a day or so.00:21
rickspencer3TheMuso, ok00:21
TheMusoIf not by the middle of the first week.00:22
robert_ancellrickspencer3, the patch means it now is running at the fastest possible.   I think he's asking (how fast could we start if we don't do the expensive user list lookup)00:22
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ok00:22
rickspencer3robert_ancell, is there a bug for more general GDM perf00:22
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I don't know of one00:22
rickspencer3robert_ancell, ok00:22
rickspencer3thanks for your work on the gdm user list loading, and the api00:22
rickspencer3this is great work, and very useful and user visible00:23
robert_ancellno prob00:23
TheMusoeeejay: Thanks, your first patch is redundant since i've just fixed that, but I'll certainly use the second, thanks again.00:23
rickspencer3robert_ancell, and I think you are probably right about what sabdfl was asking00:23
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
pittiGood morning06:45
pittioh, Robert already gone..06:45
hyperairpitti: are power management keys supposed to work in karmic yet?06:46
pittihyperair: "keys"?06:47
hyperairscreen backlight keys, sleep key..06:47
hyperairmy sleep key for some reason is shutting off my screen instead of suspending06:47
pittiah; yes, they should absolutely work06:48
hyperairand my screen backlight keys don't work. backlight can be changed using the screen brightness applet06:48
pittihyperair: can you please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting and then ubuntu-bug udev?06:48
pittihyperair: please assign the bug to me06:49
hyperairpitti: will do06:49
hyperairpitti: i reached #3 and don't see anything for my brightness keys.06:53
hyperairpitti: also something interesting is that at usplash, prior to keying in my cryptsetup password, the brightness keys work. after that, they don't06:54
pittihyperair: you need step 4 then06:54
hyperairhmm LENOVO LENOVO3000 Y41006:55
didrockshi hyperair, guten Tag pitti06:55
hyperairpitti: i meant i reached #3 of /usr/share/doc/udev/README.keymap.txt07:00
hyperairpitti: /lib/udev/keymap -i input/event6 isn't seeing the brightness key events07:01
pittihyperair: do you have other input devices which could be relevant? (check sudo lsinput)07:03
pittimany laptops have a "thinkpada extra keys" or "vaio extra keys" device07:03
hyperairwhich package?07:03
hyperairlsinput doesn't exist here =\07:03
hyperairpitti: no other keyboards07:08
pittihyperair: could you try all the other input devices except the obvious ones (like "lid" or "power button")?07:08
hyperairi also did /lib/udev/keymap -i input/eventX for every event* file in /dev/input.07:08
pittiah, ok07:08
hyperairnone of them showed any keycode07:08
pittihyperair: could you try with acpi_listen?07:09
hyperairjust did07:09
hyperairnothing either07:09
pittiok, then it's a kernel bug07:09
hyperairpitti: but even then it's pretty strange that it works at initrd stage07:11
hyperairi mean at usplash07:11
hyperairpitti: orig-keymap doesn't show anything with brightness in it.07:16
pittihyperair: indeed it is; I guess they keys are hardwired to control the brightness, but then it's strange that they are suppressed later on07:16
pittihyperair: or it is a KMS problem; does it work in rescue mode?07:17
pittior just on a VT?07:17
pittithey should still leave key events, though07:17
pitti(for the notifications)07:17
hyperaireh the kernels i compile have KMS compiled in07:17
hyperairnot as a module07:17
hyperairbut the stock kernels have the same problem07:17
pittiOIC; so it doesn't work on VTs either?07:18
hyperairalso, like i mentioned before, at usplash, prior to the password prompt (before mounting root) it works.07:18
hyperairno it doesn't work on VTs07:18
hyperairalso, previously, when i tested it on intrepid (i only had jaunty for a short time so i don't erally remember) the brightness dialog appeared07:19
pittiany chance to try the intrepid or jaunty kernel with karmic?07:19
hyperairhmm i could try07:19
hyperairi don't have them installed any more07:20
hyperairprobably could get it by adding the old deb lines eh..07:20
pittihyperair: just grab the .deb from archive.u.c.07:23
pittigdebi FTW :)07:23
hyperairfor now lemme test without modesetting..07:24
hyperairhmm how does one disable modesetting again?07:24
hyperairnevermind. i915.modeset=007:24
hyperairpitti: without modesetting, acpi_listen shows events happening when i press my brightness keys, and they work both in the VT and the desktop07:32
hyperairpitti: looks like modesetting screwed up my brightness keys eh?07:32
pittihyperair: if you boot with "text", i. e. don't start X, do they work or not?07:32
hyperairas in with modesetting, without X?07:33
pittithis should tell us whether it's actually a KMS bug or X's XBACKLIGHT/xrandr stuff screws things up07:33
hyperairlemme try07:33
hyperairpitti: with modesetting, no matter where in the boot process, the keys don't work at all07:42
pittiok, interesting07:49
pittihyperair: I'm afraid this needs upstream's help now; I think the fastest way would be to report a bug at bugs.freedesktop.org against the -intel driver07:49
hyperairhmm okay07:50
pittihyperair: you can also report it in Launchpad, then someone will forward it07:50
pittibut Jesse Barnes is following the upstream bugs, and he's probably the best person to fix these kinds of problems07:50
hyperairjbarnes, right?07:52
pittihyperair: please include the versions (linux 2.6.31-rc9, -intel 2.8.1, X.org 1.6.3)07:57
pittiand dmesg and X.org log07:57
hyperairi'll get to it later07:58
seb128good morning there08:13
didrockslut seb12808:14
seb128salut didrocks08:14
seb128ca va?08:14
didrocksc'est le feu au boulot, mais sinon, ça va :) et toi?08:15
seb128didrocks, c'est le feu au boulot mais sinon ca va ;-)08:17
pittibonjour seb12808:28
seb128hello pitti08:29
mac_vseb128: hi... :) hmm... regarding the txt extensions... why is nautilus not prompting when the video/image formats have exec priv? how is it simply opening the files ? exclusions?08:31
seb128mac_v, explain me how to run a video?08:31
seb128mac_v, txt files can be scripts08:32
seb128ie things you can run08:32
seb128I fail to see how you want to run images or videos though08:32
mac_vsure it cant be run , no.. my question was ,  how was nautilus detecting these , isnt it by the file types?... also could you see my latest comment , i just wrongly assumed the OP was commenting about vfat and ntfs volumes!08:33
seb128mac_v, detecting what? text file?08:34
mac_vthat the mpg/mp3/jpg cannot be run08:34
seb128the question makes no sense to me08:34
seb128those formats have no run concept08:35
mac_vhrm.. :(08:35
seb128they are meant to be played08:35
seb128nautilus know the file formats, it needs to to display icons08:35
seb128the question only happens on text files08:35
seb128texts are a special case since they can be edited or run when set +x08:36
seb128that's the only format in this case08:36
mac_vah... so it detects them while assigning icons...08:36
seb128binaries can't be edited in a text editor08:36
seb128videos either08:36
seb128well, it look to the directory content to display it yes08:36
seb128otherwise it would not know what to display ...08:36
mac_vseb128: yeah... i thought that nautilus first looks for the exec priv and then executes the files08:37
seb128session restart brb08:37
pittitseliot: I'm confused by bug 292606; is there something to upload? the latest attached patch looks weird08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292606 in nvidia-common "dkms - error when installing custom kernel" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29260608:39
* tseliot has a log08:39
tseliotpitti: I thought that has been fixed by superm1 in DKMS already.08:43
tseliotlet me find the bug report08:43
pittitseliot: ah08:43
pittitseliot: I just updated the bug and unsub'ed sponsors08:43
pittijust close it if it was fixed in dkms itself08:43
pittiseb128: do you have an idea why bug 204567 has as gnome-panel task?08:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204567 in gnome-panel "Downloads should go to ~/Downloads" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20456708:44
pittiseb128: I thought this was just an xdg-user-dirs problem?08:44
tseliotpitti: yes, there was nothing I could do from nvidia-common as DKMS had to flush stdout after printing08:44
seb128pitti, I guess that's for the discussion for the number of bookmarks before submenu08:45
seb128pitti, why do you look at this bug?08:46
Laneysponsors queue?08:48
pittiseb128: also, does it really break existing installations if you change the default?08:49
pittiseb128: yes, sponsoring08:49
seb128pitti, sorry I should have unsubscribed sponsors, I'm watching this bug08:49
pittiah, ok, thanks08:50
seb128there is ongoing discussion, I'm against breaking consistency with all other linux for one char08:50
pittiI don't see anything to sponsor for panel anyway08:50
seb128I want the change to happen upstream or not basically ;-)08:50
pittiand it looks like the xdg-user-dirs change already was uploaded (task is closed)08:50
pittiseb128: right, makes sense08:50
seb128it was08:50
seb128but now they discuss changing Download to Downloads08:51
* pitti updates bug08:51
seb128I unsubscribed sponsors08:51
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:54
seb128hey chrisccoulson, thanks for the gdm investigation, I though it would be something like that08:54
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you're welcome08:54
pittihey chrisccoulson08:54
chrisccoulsonhey pitti08:55
pittiOMG bug 385850 ..08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385850 in hundredpapercuts "Ship fewer screensavers by default" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38585008:58
seb128pitti, what about it?08:58
tseliotpitti: I was wrong. The bug hasn't been fixed yet08:58
pittilong discussion, intrusive package reorg, etc., but I'll grind through it08:58
pittitseliot: oh, ok; so 292606 should stay open then?08:59
seb128pitti, it seems pretty clear consensus from what robert_ancell said08:59
seb128just a small set of screensavers by default08:59
tseliotpitti: yes, but it's really a dkms bug09:00
chrisccoulsonpitti - have you seen any gnome-session / g-p-m crashes recently that look dk-power related? i've seen a couple of people report simultaneous crashes of both when unplugging USB devices, and kklimonda got some good backtraces last night of the actual crash and also a critical message that occurs just before the crash too09:02
chrisccoulsonbug 42650109:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426501 in gnome-session "gnome-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42650109:02
pittichrisccoulson: I didn't get that one, no; I'll have a look at the bug after finishing with sponsoring09:03
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to find the equivalent g-p-m bug too but i'm having issues with edge :-/09:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. there is also an equivalent g-p-m bug that occurs at the exact same time, and they both look the same09:03
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I don't see xsession-errors there?09:05
pittichrisccoulson: ah, too bad that devkit-power-dbgsym wasn't installed for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31510719/gnome-session.gdb.log09:06
pittichrisccoulson: perhaps dkp_device_get_object_path() returns NULL because the device was just yanked out and doesn't exist any more?09:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i only saw xsession-errors in pastebin last night, but the error was why i asked him to run gnome-session with G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals for the second backtrace09:06
chrisccoulsonbut there still seems to be enough info there09:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - yes, that's what it looks like09:06
pittiSegvReason: reading NULL VMA09:07
chrisccoulsonthe trace of the crash suggests that anyway, as it's passing NULL to g_hash_table_remove09:07
chrisccoulsonand the critical message would cause dkp_device_get_object_path to return NULL too09:08
pittihm, so if it's storing the object paths, it's hard to remove the correct one if it doesn't exist any more09:08
pittiudev does preserve the sysfs path and properties for a removal event, though09:09
pittibut if that's passed on as an asynchronous event through dk-p, then you'd get that race presumably09:09
chrisccoulsonthat's wierd actually. it looks up the DkpClient from a local hash table, using the object_path. so, there should be no race09:10
chrisccoulsonit would suggest that the device was never added to the hash table perhaps?09:10
pittiah, perhaps; it was said to be a mouse09:10
pittiperhaps they get filtered out when adding09:11
pittianyway, this is just wild speculation09:11
* pitti unplugs/replugs usb mouse a couple of times09:11
chrisccoulsondkp_device_removed_cb looks wrong actually. it looks like the g_hash_table_remove should happen conditionally based on the "if (device != NULL)"09:12
chrisccoulsonalmost like it's missing some curly braces;)09:12
pittithat's an obvious workaround, but we should check if that situation is actually legal09:12
pittihm, 4 replugs, no crash09:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. it would be interesting to see what happens when the device is added. if it is ignored and not added to the hash table, then that would probably be the fix;)09:13
pittinothing in devkit-power --monitor-detail for me09:13
chrisccoulsonstrange. anyway, do you want me to reassign this to dk-power for now? (it doesn't look like anything gnome-session is responsible for)09:14
pittiright, please do09:14
pittiand the g-p-m bug as a dupe then?09:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, if i can find it. i'm struggling with LP this morning - not sure if its my connection or not09:16
pittiworks fine here09:16
pittichrisccoulson: thanks for the investigatinos09:16
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome09:17
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - i can't find the g-p-m bug you reported last night now. would you be able to mark it as a duplicate of bug 426501 please?09:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426501 in gnome-session "gnome-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42650109:22
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I get timeouts on edge, too09:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i just disabled redirection for now and it works ok09:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - does dk-power have a utility for monitoring what happens when you plug/unplug devices, or is it best just to use "dbus-monitor --system"09:36
pittichrisccoulson: devkit-power --verbose --monitor-detail09:37
pittichrisccoulson: but this will only show you relevant events, like power chords or batteries09:37
pittiit doesn't say anything about e. g. an usb mouse09:37
pitti(and it shouldn't really)09:37
pittiideally it wouldn't even wake up on those events09:37
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks. the output of that might be useful for that bug report, just in case something wierd is happening. i had a look at the code for devkit-power-gobject, and every added device is added to the hash table09:38
pittiuh, why would it want to track all devices?09:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - it only tracks the devices enumerated by the dk-power daemon09:39
chrisccoulsonbut i'm just confused that this device which causes the crash doesn't appear to be tracked at the point it is removed09:40
pittichrisccoulson: I presume dk-power installs a gudev event handler?09:41
chrisccoulsonpitti - i would think so. i've not looked at any code for the daemon just yet though09:41
chrisccoulsoni'll have another look at it later if you haven't figured it out before me. i probably should get on with some work now ;)09:47
didrocksseb128: lionel has the infrastructure to test evolution-mapi. He will ping you to confirm a FFe once the new version will be built and tested before uploading10:12
seb128that's a GNOME component it has a standing exception10:12
didrocksseb128: ok, I paste this :)10:13
seb128you're welcome10:14
seb128thanks to whoever is doing the update ;-)10:14
=== ember_ is now known as ember
* seb128 grrrs at edge timeouting10:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just disabled redirection ;)10:31
chrisccoulsonit was too annoying10:31
seb128me too10:31
seb128but it breaks scripts I'm running10:31
seb128like the versions update10:31
chrisccoulsonah, yeah, that's a pain10:32
maxbpoint the scripts at lpnet too :-)10:35
seb128I can't be bothered to change it twice only to workaround the issue, I will wait for them to fix launchpad10:36
seb128vuntz, alacarte still doesn't display the correct name for menu entries10:42
vuntzseb128: latest gnome-menus/gnome-panel/alacarte?10:43
seb128no, gnome-menus, alacarte10:43
seb128should be enough10:43
seb128it's not about edition10:43
seb128but gedit is still named gedit there10:43
seb128does it read the new key?10:43
vuntzseb128: does it have X-GNOME-FullName?10:44
vuntzit was working in my tests10:44
seb128$ grep Name /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop10:45
seb128GenericName=Text Editor10:45
mac_vseb128:  for the .txt bug ... the exec mounting is due to ntfs-3g , right? i'm thinking of assigning the also affect to ntfs-3g10:45
seb128vuntz, grr, I have an user copy10:45
seb128no that was not that10:45
mac_vor gvfs?10:46
seb128mac_v, ask pitti he might know10:46
mac_vpitti: hi... any idea why windows filesystems mount as exec? or why they shouldnt be mounted as noexecby default ?10:46
seb128mac_v, but vfat has the same issue, that's a rather a fs limition than a bug10:46
mac_vhm , yeah10:47
pittimac_v: in some earlier releases we in fact did that10:47
mac_vwhy did we change?10:47
pittibut then you couldn't execute anything, including .exe files (wine/Mono) or .desktop files10:48
pittimac_v: well, it's just the upstream default10:48
mac_vpitti: and which package is involved?10:48
pittimac_v: but shouldn't it ask you whether to run or open it?10:48
pittimac_v: gvfs and devicekit-disks (the latter mainly)10:48
seb128pitti, that's the issue, they don't like this dialog and want to get ride of it10:48
pittibut it's hard to do the right thing wrt. mounting with fat/ntfs10:49
mac_vyeah... it asks, but it is redundant for .txt files created in windows10:49
pittiso perhaps with .txt there should be a gvfs-layer workaround to not run it10:49
pittii. e. always open .txt with an editor, and always run .sh10:49
pittiseb128: "they" -> upstream or an ubuntu bug?10:50
seb128pitti, what is there is no .txt but the file is purely text10:50
seb128pitti, hundredpapercut10:50
seb128ie mac_v10:50
mac_vpitti: could you pls comment on Bug #425166 ,10:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425166 in nautilus "Nautilus *.txt file behaviour" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42516610:50
seb128well is the issue purely for things named ".txt"?10:50
seb128or for any text file10:50
seb128because you will get the same issue with let's say README10:50
pittiseb128: can nautlus/gvfs look into the file, or just look at file metadata?10:51
seb128or TODO10:51
seb128or NOTES10:51
seb128or whatever10:51
mac_vseb128: windows only uses txt10:51
seb128mac_v, you say you will never have a README in a win disk?10:51
seb128I think you are overlooking the issue...10:51
mac_vhehe ;)10:51
mac_vyeah , forgot that10:51
seb128pitti, what do you want to look for?10:52
seb128the issue is to know if a text file +x is a script or not10:52
pittiseb128: it could perhaps run file on it, or check for ELF/ #! or so10:52
seb128we have some magic for it but it's not perfect10:52
seb128imho we should have specific buggy cases to look at those10:52
mac_vpitti: seb128: rather than simply working around that bug , it is better to fix it properly , even if it is not a papercut10:52
seb128because the current discussions are a bit fuzzy there10:52
pittiscripts always need to start with #!, but of course we also need to detect compiled binaries10:52
pittimac_v: sure, we are just discussing this10:53
pittifrom an Unixish POV, an executable bit means it's executable, even if it's broken10:53
pittibut we can't really enforce that for FSes which are incompatible with Unix, like vfat or ntfs10:53
pittiso the only other proper thing which comes to my mind is to look at the file10:54
seb128pitti, right10:54
seb128then we list to build a descriptive list of mimetypes to run10:54
seb128ie no only sh scripts10:54
seb128but also perl, python, etc10:55
seb128those are text files that can be run too10:55
pittiseb128: right, but they all need to start with #!10:55
seb128that would need a new mimetype in shared-mime-info I guess10:56
seb128and change all the scripts format to subclass this one10:56
seb128the way it works now is that nautilus uses glib mimetype detection10:56
pittiapplication-x-executable ?10:56
seb128I wouldn't like to add nautilus api to read the file a second time only to see if it starts with !#10:57
pittithere's also a text-x-script type10:57
seb128python does10:57
seb128    <sub-class-of type='application/x-executable'/>10:57
seb128the issue is that "start with #!" is not enough10:58
seb128looking to shared-mime-info there is quite some format doing that but which are not scripts10:58
seb128we need to filter things out if we do that10:58
pittihm, but everything that is executable and starts with #! can be run10:58
pittiyou are saying that there are non-scripts file formats which start with #!?10:59
seb128  <mime-type type="message/rfc822">10:59
seb128    <magic priority="50">10:59
seb128      <match value="#! rnews" type="string" offset="0"/>10:59
seb128that stored on a vfat disk would be +x10:59
mac_vpitti: what about  exec files which dont start with #! ,10:59
seb128and that's not an executable10:59
mac_vi use them as launchers and stuff10:59
pittimac_v: see above10:59
pittiseb128: yay :-(11:00
seb128  <mime-type type="audio/AMR">11:00
seb128    <magic priority="50">11:00
seb128      <match value="#!AMR\n" type="string" offset="0"/>11:00
seb128too for example11:00
pitti'#!(.*)' && test -x $111:00
seb128I think we could use application/x-executable11:00
pittii. e. check that the interpreter actually exists?11:01
seb128and make sure that all script mimetype subclass it correctly11:01
pittiseb128: right, that avoids false positives11:01
pittisafer approach11:02
seb128in any case the patch on this bug to change the default gconf key is not a good solution11:02
pitti*nod*, this shouldn't be configurable IMHO11:03
pittithat sounds like an "unbreak my desktop" switch11:03
* mvo celebrates revno 200 in software-store by having lunch11:03
* seb128 hugs mvo, good work!11:06
pittimvo: yay11:07
pittimvo: can you please have a look at bug 369198 later on? I reopened it11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369198 in update-notifier "update-manager auto-opened after each apt use when security updates available" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36919811:07
asacsecond time now that i rebooted my laptop11:59
asacsuperblock is 2 hours ahead11:59
asacexactly 2 hours -> aka UTC->CEST offset12:00
asacfeels like a bug somewhere12:00
asacany clue where to look?12:00
asacwhat writes the superblock? and why is there non-UTC time?12:01
asacany clue pitti ?12:01
pittiasac: hm, ISTR that this was talked about in the release meeting; cjwatson or Keybuk might know12:02
asacok i will check in -devel12:02
mvopitti: yes, I have a look at #36919812:15
geserdidrocks: in case you didn't notice: gir-repository (main) is in DEPWAIT on libgoocanvas-dev (universe)12:16
seb128pitti, do you know you could mir review libgdata before the paper work is done? or do you want to dispatch that to somebody else?12:25
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, did you start on the libgdata mir bug?12:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not yet. i planned to start last night but got distracted by other things12:31
chrisccoulsonfeel free to start it if you like. if not, then i'll try and set aside some time again later this evening12:31
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, ping me before starting in case I start before you12:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - ok, no problem12:39
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|postal-o
didrocksgeser: I know, I ping StevenK about that (he put clutter from universe to main). What's strange is that I was able to send gir-repository (it was in universe) and in the meantime someone put it in main, apparently?12:58
pittiseb128: re13:22
pittiseb128: yes, I'll have a look13:23
seb128brb, trying fsck clock issues13:23
mac_vKeybuk: noticed the call for boot testing mail... any known issues with the ppa?13:37
Keybukmac_v: only that network filesystems won't13:45
mac_vhm.. ok will give it a whirl :)13:46
mvompt: could you please check trunk/ for the margins? It seems like the margins next to the scrollbar are something from the theme or webkit, I see them in e.g. devhelp as well. the top/bottom ones should be fixed now13:53
mptmvo, trunk r206 doesn't start: glib.GError: Icon 'software-store-arrow-button' not present in theme13:54
mvompt: right, give me a sec, I add a workaround for you13:55
mvompt: please try r20714:00
popeyKeybuk: trying ubuntu-boot ppa, setting up anacron is hanging apt..  want a bug filed?14:00
mptnot uploaded yet14:00
mac_vmvo: 7 revs in ~3 hrs \o/14:01
mvompt: if you pull via http there is usually a small delay14:01
mvomac_v: :)14:01
mptmvo, yes, bottom margin is almost completely fixed now, except for the extra border14:03
mptso now there's 2px border both at bottom and at left14:03
mac_vmpt: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/123544/out.ogv , one user has done that ;) directed him to mvo14:03
mptIs it possible to turn the border off completely for the Webkit view?14:03
mvompt: I think that is a webkit problem actually, I will do some code to test that theory14:03
Keybukpopey: not yet14:04
Keybukpopey: join #ubuntu-boot and repeat the problem there14:04
mptmac_v, yes, mvo showed me, it's brilliant14:04
popeyKeybuk: ok, it's moved on a bit, but the update feels real slow14:04
mvomac_v: yeah, that looks pretty slick :)14:04
seb128vuntz, could the naming issue due to one of the langpack patches we have? ;-)14:04
mvohe said he is off to bed now but will send contribuor agreement tomorrow14:04
mptmvo, for the right margin, epiphany-webkit appears to have exactly the same problem.14:05
mptso, maybe not something you can do anything about.14:05
vuntzseb128: I don't think that would explain it, but well, hard to tell14:05
mptThese very-slightly-rounded corners for things in Human are awful (but then, Clearlooks etc has the same problem)14:06
seb128vuntz, should the new key be added to gkeyfile.h in glib?14:07
vuntzseb128: there are really two things there:14:09
vuntza) gnome-menus will read X-GNOME-FullName. Your langpacks won't change the presence of the english version of the key14:09
vuntzb) to make it work with langpack, yes, you probably need to add X-GNOME-FullName there14:09
seb128vuntz, alacarte displays the correct name for you for gedit?14:11
mptmvo, btw, now that the navigation button looks like a button, it doesn't need the pointing hand cursor any more14:12
seb128vuntz, gmenu-simple-editor has the wrong name too14:13
vuntzlet me build the latest gedit in my jhbuild14:14
davmor2guys I want to find out if xsplash is causing the issue I'm having with ubuntu + ati card is there a way I can temporarily switch xsplash off?14:14
seb128vuntz, doh, sorry, the current gedit doesn't have the change14:15
fredpvuntz: oh, maybe gedit has X-GNOME-Fullname (wrong capitalisation -> fail)14:15
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
fredp(I think I spotted once, someday, but then I forgot)14:15
vuntzseb128: tss14:15
seb128gra, it has14:16
seb128vuntz, they used X-GNOME-Fullname=gedit Text Editor14:16
mvompt: I attached a small test app to #42674114:16
seb128vuntz, changing n to N fixes the issue14:16
seb128what fredp said14:17
fredpand too bad I spotted that and didn't fix it.14:17
fredpbad me.14:17
seb128and how come empathy keeps changing soname so late in the cycle?14:18
seb128they changed 2 libs soname in .92 again14:18
seb128cassidy, Zdra: ^14:22
cassidylibempathy shouldn't be a lib, that's a trap14:23
seb128cassidy, and the -gtk one?14:23
cassidyidem. Plan to is to move libempathy features to tp-glib and create a telepathy-gtk containing the useful bits of libempathy-gtk14:24
seb128ok good14:24
seb128hum, I should triage some of the crashers there14:24
seb128the empathy bug list has a lot of those14:24
cassidyplease fw them upstream is you have usable trace14:27
seb128will do14:27
asacseb128: where can i find hadess?14:31
seb128asac, #gnome-hackers14:31
asacah ;)14:31
seb128on irc.gnome.org14:31
mvompt: about bug #425810 - am I misreading that or is "what happens" and "what should happen" the same?14:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425810 in software-store "Navigating back to department leaves application segment in path button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42581014:31
mptmvo, sorry, fixed.14:32
seb128pedro_, want to forward some empathy crashes upstream today? ;-)14:33
mptergh, Yelp crashes if you look at it too sternly14:33
mvompt: hm, I always thought that this is a nice feature, that the element is still around14:33
mvompt: that means you can browse around and late return to the app you selected14:33
mptmvo, it's very confusing, please fix it14:33
mptmvo, if it turns out we need a Back button, we can add that for 2.014:34
pedro_seb128, sure I'll flood them ;-)14:34
seb128pedro_, thanks ;-)14:34
mvompt: *shrug* it is not confusing to me, but I can fix it14:34
pedro_seb128, btw just fyi reopened the ugly file-roller bug 39917214:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399172 in file-roller "file-roller crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39917214:35
seb128pedro_, ok14:35
seb128did you reopen the upstream bug too?14:35
pedro_seb128, yeah just did it14:35
seb128I'm focussing on updates and bug fixing atm so I don't track all bugs correctly14:35
pedro_will get a new valgrind log and stacktrace just in case14:35
mptmvo, yeah, you and I have a strong mental model of where we really are, but other people will need a stronger indication14:35
mvompt: so the button being pressed is not enough as a indicator, this is why the last entry needs to vanish?14:36
mptmvo, it's not necessarily immediately after the button being pressed. For example see the third test case in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore#Navigation%20pane>.14:38
=== MacSlow|postal-o is now known as MacSlow
seb128pedro_, I think those dispatch crashes are similar to bug #42347014:40
ubottuBug 423470 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/423470 is private14:40
mvompt: the test case that starts with "Begin installing an application. ..." ? I don't see the connectoin to the navigation button (when clicking in progress, the navigation buttons are hidden, no?)14:40
* pedro_ looking14:40
seb128the bug seems to have a lot of duplicates14:40
seb128#0  tp_connection_manager_idle_read_manager_file (data=0x1d22c28)14:41
seb128    at connection-manager.c:115814:41
seb128self = (TpConnectionManager *) 0x19c556014:41
seb128could be a telepathy-glib issue14:41
asacerr. what was the command line thing to wrap a long text and indent it?14:41
mptmvo, yes, and when you click on "Get Free Software", it returns you to "Get Free Software" > "Internet" + search, because that's exactly where you were before.14:41
mpt(Where "before" == "last time you were in the Get Free Software section".)14:41
pedro_seb128, yeah, will clean up those there14:42
mvompt: but this is working correctly now, right ?14:43
mptmvo, no, in r207 I end up with "Get Free Software" > "Search in Internet" > "Gnumeric", which is obviously wrong.14:45
mpt(That's using Gnumeric as the application I'm installing as the first step.)14:45
cassidyseb128: this one should have been fixed in tp-glib14:46
mptmvo, I should get just "Get Free Software" > "Internet".14:46
cassidyseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59392914:46
ubottuGnome bug 593929 in General "Empathy crashes at start -- connection-manager.c: No such file or directory." [Blocker,Resolved: notgnome]14:46
mac_v , how do i access kernel 31-3 ? i'm trying to download it14:47
seb128cassidy, I just synced 0.7.36, nobody asked for the update before14:47
seb128cassidy, let's see if that fixes those14:47
seb128cassidy, we still had 0.7.3514:47
cassidyseb128: I don't know the details, sorry14:48
mvompt: ok, I assume we mean the same, but just to be clear? if you have  [1][2][3]  and you click on [2] then [3] should disappear ? if you click on [1] then [2][3] should disappear ?14:48
mptmvo, exactly14:48
seb128cassidy, that's ok, thanks14:48
mac_vnvm found it :)14:48
mptmvo, the last item should always represent where you are (not counting any search)14:48
seb128pedro_, you can reassign to telepathy-glib and close as fixed is 0.7.3614:48
pedro_seb128, yes will do14:48
seb128pedro_, thanks!14:49
pedro_you're welcome ;-)14:49
seb128slomo, hey14:51
slomohi seb12814:52
seb128slomo, do you think you could backport http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base/commit/?id=058776bcf1ab218b509d19685a0b528d71c65f98 in debiajn?14:52
mvompt: so https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=1.0-department-search.jpg shows that when a search is done the category name is in the navigation bar (and should not be "search in $category" - isn't that helpful for people who do not have a good mental model of where they are ? especially when e.g. switching between available and installed so that they see after the switch that they are not actually looking at14:53
mvoeverything in office (but only a subset by a given search)?14:53
mvothat is for bug #42580914:53
slomoseb128: not sure, if you want to ship gnome 2.28 you'll probably ship gstreamer/gst-plugins-base 0.10.25 anyway ;)   does this bug really affect ubuntu in an important way?14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425809 in software-store "Searching adds redundant "Search in ______" path button segment" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42580914:53
mvompt: assuming that someone is e.g. search in office, then looks at installed for some time and forgot that he was actually doing a search he may wonder why office is so small14:54
mvo(has so few entries)14:54
seb128slomo, bug #42658714:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426587 in gst-plugins-base0.10 "Very large latency in gstreamer-based voip apps" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42658714:54
seb128slomo, it's an issue for empathy for example14:54
seb128slomo, I would not say it's too important but would be nice to get fixed in karmic14:55
seb128slomo, when are new versions due?14:55
slomoseb128: oh, that's scary, yes :) oct 19th, first pre-releases will be oct 5th/6th14:55
mptmvo, that's shown by (1) the presence of the text in the search field, and (2) the "___ matching items" in the status bar. If it turns out not to be enough, we can add something extra to the main pane for 2.0, e.g. a "Search results" treeview header.14:58
mvompt: I would be interessted to see user testing on this, I got confused myself for not paying attention to the search field (that it was still on). the "search in"  seems like a simple way to make it more obvious14:59
seb128slomo, that's late, I would like to get the change backported so we get the issue fixed in 2.28 and karmic beta14:59
seb128slomo, if you don't want to do it for debian that's fine I will do an ubuntu change14:59
slomoseb128: problem is, if i want to backport that change i should also backport many other changes that are of same importance or even more important... and that's too much work ;)15:01
mptmvo, I think it would be unfair to judge that before bug 425810 was fixed, because the extra elements obscured a bit the relationship between the location and the search being done in that location.15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425810 in software-store "Navigating back to department leaves application segment in path button" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42581015:01
mvompt: ok, I work on fixing that now15:02
mptthanks mvo15:02
seb128slomo, can you convince upstream to roll candidate tarballs earlier? ;-)15:02
seb128slomo, I would tend to say "backport issues users complained about and which affect default GNOME experience"15:03
seb128but as you want, as said if you don't backport it I might have a look before beta15:03
slomoseb128: do you have more issues that users complained about?15:04
seb128we get lot of gstreamer bugs and most don't get investigated15:04
seb128nothing where there is an obvious fix upstream or a backport required15:05
slomoseb128: ok, that's good ;) i guess all other issues i have in mind don't happen often enough15:05
* seb128 hugs pitti for fixing the guest session15:05
pittiyay, fading usplash15:06
slomoseb128: except the broken easy codec installation but if you want to backport the patch for that you might have a lot of fun... i'm currently rewriting decodebin2 (that thing that searches and connects the required plugins for decoding) for fixing this...15:06
seb128slomo, right, that one is one my list too but I figured I would wait since you were still fixing issues15:07
seb128slomo, what are the chance to get fixing in the next month?15:07
slomoseb128: good but i can't guarantee that there are no regressions, it'll be a large change15:08
seb128slomo, ok, thanks15:08
seb128we will see what we do15:08
seb128we will probably backport it as soon as it's ready to do early testing15:08
seb128brb, session restart15:08
mvompt: what should happen to any search if "get free software" is clicked? clear the search?15:08
mvompt: (same for installed software)15:08
mptmvo, yes, clear the search15:09
mvompt: re https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore#Searching from the lobby - if the user starts from the lobby, searches firefox, clicks on firefox details and goes back to "Get Free Software" (in the [Get free software][firefix] navigation. should that clear the search as well? and if not, what is the way for the user to go back to all apps? by clicking on the clear icon in the search?15:25
mptmvo, yes, clicking any item in the path button, other than the last one, should clear the search15:27
* mpt wonders if clicking the last one should clear the search too15:27
mptI guess that would make sense15:28
mvompt: just to be clear I get this right - the user searches fire and gets 5 results, he clicks on firefox and when he clicks on "Get Free Software" again he does not get his search results but instead is returned to the lobby screen with the search cleared?15:29
mptmvo, hm, you're right15:29
mptthe search results should remain, then15:29
mptSo, the way to go back to all applications in a category is to clear the search field15:29
mvothis might be a useful case where the "search in button" is handy, I'm not sure clicking on clear search is obvious15:31
seb128cassidy, Zdra: is there any way to import an account after the first start?15:32
cassidygood question. Let me ask15:32
mptok, help is 5/9 complete15:38
cassidyseb128: apparently it's not possible15:44
seb128cassidy, ok, thanks15:45
cassidyseb128: if you think that should be possible, suggest an UI change to mpt :)15:45
seb128well usually I don't get the point, but 2.27.91 failed to import msn accounts15:46
seb128I will just remove all the accounts and do a new import15:46
mvompt: I commited the search changes as just discussed, I put the behaviour in the debian/changelog, please double check that I captured it correctly15:59
mvompt: as r21016:00
mptmvo, that looks perfect, nice work16:04
mptHelp pages 6/9 complete16:05
mvompt: what is your branch name?16:06
mvompt: rugby471 seems to have done some doc work as well, but I noticed just now only, he did not send a merge request16:07
seb128hum, karmic is slooow to boot16:21
seb128it takes around 35 seconds to reach the gdm start there16:22
seb128Keybuk, do you have any workaround for this fsck bug?16:23
Keybukuse ext216:23
seb128my laptop crashed while opening pitti's bootchart in firefox16:23
Keybukor don't forcibly power off your machine ;)16:23
seb128no fun to have to run fsck every time16:23
mpthi rugby47116:27
rugby471mvo: have you had time to look at my merge proposal?16:29
mvorugby471: hi - hm, it did not send me a mailfor this16:29
rugby471oh, that is annoying :-)16:30
mvorugby471: there are some conflicts, could you have a look? the parts without the conflicts looked good :)16:30
rugby471mvo: basically it fixes a papercut16:30
mvorugby471: but there might be some overlap with mpt and his work on the help16:30
rugby471sorry what are we talking about?16:30
mptmvo, rugby471: <https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-store/help>16:31
rugby471I was referring to the update-manager branch16:31
mvorugby471: oh, sorry16:31
mvorugby471: I have a look16:31
rugby471mvo: np, I shall have a look at mpt's branch as well :-)16:31
mptmvo, I haven't pushed so far today because I forgot to copy my SSH key over to Karmic, yay16:31
* mpt is also working in half-darkness because the latest Karmic updates broke the Xorg brightness setting16:33
pittimpt: could you try to boot an older kernel in grub and see whether this was the reason for the brightness breakage?16:38
mptpitti, ok16:39
pittimpt: pressing shift during boot should give you the menu16:39
rugby471oops too late :-)16:41
mptpitti, in 2.6.31-9 the display is much brighter, but the brightness is still unchangable.16:42
mpt(as in, the brightness applet reports "Cannot get laptop panel brightness" and the keyboard keys don't do anything.)16:43
pittimpt: but it did work in Jaunty?16:45
mptpitti, yes, it works in 9.0416:46
mvompt: could you please check if #425816 is still a problem with current bzr (r210) ?16:49
pittimpt: I doubt it's a hotkey issue, since it worked in 9.04 and g-p-m complains about not being able to read the brightness, so it sounds like a kernel regression :-(16:50
mptmvo, that's been fixed since the first revision you showed me this morning, I think :-)16:52
mptlooks much better now16:52
mac_vpitti: i tested the acer orbicam [gspca module] upto kernel 31-3 and also 30-3 but its not go , the module causes the same problems everywhere :(   i guess blacklisting it is the only option16:56
pittimac_v: meh :-( but thanks for testing16:56
mac_vnp :)16:57
seb128huats, hi, there is a new pessulus version for you16:58
huatsseb128: yep17:00
huatsI'll include that one17:00
huatsMy pleasure seb12817:01
pittirickspencer3: FYI, just talked to liw about the janitor pidgin cleanup, and subscribed you, Seb, and a few other relevant folks17:04
seb128pitti, do you know about bug #426800?17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426800 in gdm "lost gnome in gdm session chooser" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42680017:07
seb128pitti, what cleanup?17:07
pittiseb128: see bug 42690517:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426905 in computer-janitor "Please offer pidgin for cleanup" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42690517:07
pittiseb128: gdm> looking17:08
pitti(sorry, LP is slow, just uploading postgresql)17:08
pittiseb128: could be related to the *-default-settings changes in bug 403291, looking17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403291 in gdm "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329117:09
pittiah, indeed17:10
pittiseb128: will update the bug17:11
seb128pitti, what the janitor would do? clean datas too or just the package?17:11
seb128pitti, thanks17:11
pittiseb128: just the package, I presume?17:12
seb128isn't the janitor used by the dist-upgrader?17:12
seb128I'm a bit concerned that people might trust the janitor and uninstall pidgin without wanting to do that17:12
pittiseb128: juggled both bugs17:15
pittiseb128: I thought the janitor is deliberately decoupled from the dist-upgrader?17:15
seb128pitti, thanks17:15
* pitti subscribes mvo and triple-checks17:15
seb128update-manager (1:0.98) jaunty; urgency=low17:16
seb128  * merge the 'computer-janitor' core and quirks code into17:16
seb128    update-manager-core (part of the jaunty-cruftremover-improvements17:16
seb128    spec)17:16
seb128pitti, I don't know about specifics though, might be a good idea to take mvo's input ont hat17:16
pittiseb128: done17:16
mvonot every bit is used, I have a look if its a problem or not17:16
mvo(after dinner)17:17
seb128mvo, there is no bug don't worry17:17
seb128we are just discussing what to do with pidgin on upgrades17:17
pittimvo: ah, it's just a question; enjoy dinner!17:18
* pitti will have dinner, too17:18
seb128german are having diner early today!17:19
* seb128 will wait another hour before diner17:19
ccheneyhow do i get vi to tell me the name of the file it is editing?17:19
pittiTaekwondo later this evening, don't want to go there with a full stomach17:19
pitticcheney: ctrl-g ?17:19
ccheneypitti: thanks :)17:20
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mvompt: r213 should make the progress less cramped now, please have a look and let me know if its enough or if the padding should be different17:37
mptmvo, nice work17:38
mptmvo, the columns don't yet stretch to the window width17:38
rugby471mvo: I have pushed to my branch the documentation with mpt's changes and some other bug fixes17:38
mptmvo, to be precise, the column containing the text should stretch. All the other columns should stay exactly the same size.17:39
mptmvo, I've finished the help pages, just copyediting now, then I'll push them and let you know17:41
rugby471software store is going to rock :-)17:44
* ccheney already is hearing the screams from users about the F11 change after seeing what exactly it does17:47
ccheneyer hearing in my mind ;-)17:47
rugby471ccheney: what is the F11 change?17:50
mac_vccheney: lol17:50
mac_vccheney: why not switch " Shift-F12 is ungroup and shift-F3 "17:51
ccheneymac_v: F-key mappings are sets eg F11 (regular, shift, alt, shift+alt) all do style related things17:53
ccheneyF12 does group and shift-F12 does ungroup, just moving group to F3 doesn't work well because Shift-F3 is used so you can't move shift-f12 ungroup to it17:53
ccheneyso by rearranging all the keybindings you aren't keeping related things on the same key17:54
* mac_v ducks , this mess17:54
ccheneyrickspencer3: ping ^17:54
rickspencer3ccheney, right17:54
ccheneyyea, upstream could potentially fix this, but they might not even want to try since it causes a huge reorg of all the mappings (most likely)17:55
rickspencer3this is why we should have started this long ago17:55
ccheneyi can just free up F11 but if done it won't really work well from a user perspective17:55
rickspencer3ccheney, so what you suggest?17:55
ccheneyi dunno17:56
ccheneywe do have a upstream bug already for it and aiui its been forwarded to the ui team at OOo, but i don't know the status on the list17:56
ccheneyalso just changing the keybindings doesn't change all the documentation telling you which keys to use by default17:56
cassidyseb128: seems http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base/commit/?id=058776bcf1ab218b509d19685a0b528d71c65f98 would be good to have. It improves audio conferencing17:56
ccheneyso really we would need to change that too, makes it much larger in scope than just a papercut (i think)17:57
cassidyseb128: don't ask me more ;)17:57
seb128cassidy, cd discussion with slomo this afternoon ;-)17:57
cassidyseb128: oh you're already on it, great :)17:57
slomoseb128: you might want to come into #gstreamer and convince thaytan to make new core/base releases 2 weeks earlier because of gnome 2.28 and all that :)17:59
slomoseb128: i don't know if he's still there though, best time might be tomorrow18:01
seb128slomo, I did ping, will try again tomorrow if he doesn't reply18:01
ccheneyrickspencer3: what do you think i should do for the keybinding issue?18:05
rickspencer3ccheney, let me think18:08
rickspencer3I think that group and ungroup by keybinind is probably less of common scenario than a netbook user trying to see the whole screen18:09
slomoseb128: of course that will mean that automatic codec installation will only be fixed in 0.10.26 ;)18:09
ccheneyrickspencer3: david siegel thinks it probably doesn't qualify as a papercut anymore due to the extent of change18:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - you still here?18:10
chrisccoulsonjust discussing this gnome-session crash with kklimonda at the moment18:10
rickspencer3ccheney, is it possible to ship a way to go back to stock OO keybdindings?18:11
chrisccoulsonhttp://pastebin.com/f5dc691b3 is quite interesting18:11
chrisccoulsonone DeviceAdded signal for the mouse, then there is a DeviceRemoved when it is connected, but no DeviceAdded signal when it is connected for the second time18:11
chrisccoulsonthen when it is removed the second time, the DeviceRemoved signal triggers the crash in both gnome-session and g-p-m18:12
rickspencer3ccheney, dang it18:12
chrisccoulsoni meant to say "DeviceRemoved when it is disconnected". d'oh18:12
ccheneyrickspencer3: probably not very easily, but i'm not certain18:12
ccheneyreading the OOo ux list annoys me, they don't seem to care about system standard keybindings for apps at all :-\18:16
ccheneyas far as i can tell F11 is supposedly the standard for Win/Gnome/KDE but they refuse to use it properly18:17
rickspencer3ccheney, it seems that when you modify your keybindings in OOo, it creates a new little file that you can move around18:19
rickspencer3could we not simply make such an extra little file, call it "ubuntu keyboard short cuts" and drop it in the right place?18:20
ccheneythe right place being the users .openoffice.org dir ?18:21
mpt_mvo, not sure if you sure (I dropped off IRC): <https://code.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-store/help> is updated18:21
mpt_if you saw, rather18:21
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
ccheneyor do you mean diverting all the default.xml files under /usr to be a different set?18:22
rickspencer3ccheney, I don't know18:22
ccheneyfor oem's (eg netbooks) we could do that without it changing for general ubuntu since there is a separate repo, it wouldn't change for regular unr though18:26
pittiTaekwondo o'clock, cu tomorrow!18:30
davmor2bryce: bug 423415 is getting weirder.  I've added a video clip and as much info as I can and I've run out of ideas on what else I can add.  This bug is still only effecting ubuntu's gnome desktop and nothing else which is the really weird bit :(18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423415 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "Ati driver issues when logging into desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42341518:35
mvompt: merging now + making the column text scretch19:12
mvo(and merging the changes from rugby)19:12
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mvompt: I looked at the branch from michael, but it gives me funny results, the games icon is ~96px, the sound & video 24px everything else 48px19:24
mptmvo, is it using SVG icons? If so, maybe those have a suggested default size?19:25
mvowb mpt19:52
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mptmvo, on the application screen, how can I tell from JS whether I'm in the "Get Free Software" section or the "Installed Software" section?20:32
* mpt discovers the CSS that puts the "this is installed" emblem in place :-P20:36
mvompt: heh :) I will blame one of the contributors :P20:38
mvompt: you mean in the app-details - how to tell if its installed or not? I can give you anything you want there via the template system20:38
mptmvo, I think what would be ideal would be <body class="section-get"> or <body class="section-installed"> depending on what section you're in20:39
mvompt: sure, that can be arranged20:40
mvompt: but only in ~1h or so :/20:41
mptoh boo, merely changing the background color of a button reverts it right back to non-GTK ugliness20:42
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asacRiddell: do you still have this old UMTS card you had back in london at some point ;)?20:57
asacwas that a "nozomi" driver thing?20:57
mptmvo, when an application's icon is SVG, how is its rendered size decided for the application screen?21:13
mptmvo, nm, I found it in appdetailsview.py21:16
mptmvo, hm, actually, I don't see reference to SVG in that code at all21:18
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you start that MIR yet?21:20
seb128chrisccoulson, no21:20
seb128I've been tried to catch up on upgrade21:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've been trying to debug gnome-session crashing, but i'm done with that now. i'll take a look at this MIR21:21
seb128did you find a bug in gnome-session?21:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - there is a gnome-session crash, but it's actually a devicekit-power bug21:22
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23820 in DeviceKit-power "gnome-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Critical,New]21:22
chrisccoulsonit's also making g-p-m crash in the same way21:23
seb128launchpad seems to behave correctly again now21:24
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've not had any issues with it this evening21:24
chrisccoulsoni sometimes wonder whether some of the issues i have at work are down to our IT network21:25
chrisccoulsonour internet connection is routed via a swedish proxy21:25
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mvompt: the change for the css is commited, you have section-get and section-installed as body class in rev 21721:36
mvompt: I use the icon_theme loader function to get the right image, for the html there is a ${icon_width} and ${icon_height}21:37
mvompt: in the AppDetailsView.html21:38
* mpt has the department icons lining up in a grid now21:38
mvompt: execllent! is it availabe somewhere yet :) I'm eager to learn more about this stuff21:39
mptmvo, the only thing missing was "!important" after the width: :-)21:39
mpt(and then fixing vertical alignment)21:39
mptbut I don't have the ellipsis working yet21:39
* mvo nods21:40
statikhi there kenvandine, i want to help out with a bug i heard of with couchdb being started by default during boot. jcastro had it in his boot chart, and he mentioned you knew there was a bug already filed on it, but I haven't found such a bug21:43
mptmvo, can you switch to larger icons for the departments? Like, at least twice as large?21:43
mvompt: not easily, the sound and video icon is only available as 24px21:43
kenvandinestatik, oh... i don't know of a bug to keep it from starting21:43
mvompt: its trivial to change to a bigger size, but it just looks ugly then21:43
kenvandinebut there is a bug for making it not call xulrunner right?21:44
mvompt: I can do you a commit for this (or send a patch) if you want to try it out21:44
kenvandinestatik, although it probably shouldn't start at boot21:44
mptmvo, ok, we'll make it ugly, and kwwii can fix it before ArtworkFreeze21:44
mptmvo, I can fix it21:44
mvompt: catview.py line 5521:44
mptmvo, exactly, I changed it to 48 and Games gave me 96-ish21:45
statikkenvandine: the xulrunner thing might be a red herring. xulrunner is what has the spidermonkey javascript engine in it, so it's hard to say for sure without getting some more details. i'd like the couchdb to not start until the user starts evolution or firefox or somethign though21:45
chrisccoulsonvuntz - did you discuss with hughsie about how screensaver locking on suspend should be implemented? (i can't remember if you said you were going to or not)21:45
* ccheney should finally get the signed contract for his new home today :)21:46
mvompt: that seems to be caused by games only available as 24px or svg21:47
mvompt: I think I can fix that in the JS, give me a sec21:47
kenvandinestatik, yeah... so only start on the desktop in the users session if needed21:49
kenvandineand no system couch21:49
statikyeah. so i'm thinking i might be able to change the package to disable the system couch, and get it completely off the bootchart21:49
statiki don't see a bug related to this on the couchdb sourcepackage, maybe it is on xulrunner...21:51
mvompt: commited as r21821:51
kenvandinestatik, i don't recall where it was21:55
* kenvandine looks21:56
kenvandinebug 42142221:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421422 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "xulrunner dependency is overkill - only spidermonkey is needed" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42142221:57
kenvandinestatik, ^^21:57
mptmvo, merged, thanks21:57
kenvandinestatik, not exactly the same thing21:57
kenvandinebut the result should be not running xulrunner at boot21:57
kenvandinestatik, so perhaps split /etc/init.d/couchdb into a separate binary package?21:58
vuntzchrisccoulson: no, didn't have time to discuss22:01
chrisccoulsonok, i might mention it to him then. you don't think the functionality belongs in gnome-session do you?22:01
vuntzchrisccoulson: imho, it shouldn't be in gnome-session22:02
chrisccoulsoni think it would be nice if DkpClient emitted a signal on suspend that gnome-screensaver could hook on too and lock the screen with22:02
mptmvo, so I just asked the editor of the W3C CSS3 Text module, :-P and the reason the ellipsis didn't work the way we want is that it's not implemented yet22:03
vuntzchrisccoulson: yep22:04
vuntzchrisccoulson: we should at least have a bug filed somewhere to track the issue22:05
chrisccoulsonvuntz - yeah, i will do that. we probably need one on b.g.o (for gnome-screensaver) and b.fd.o (for dk-power)22:06
mvompt: heh :)22:06
mvompt: at least we have a authoritative answer now22:06
statikkenvandine, that sounds like the ideal fix. jcastro is filing a separate bug for that with the bootchart attached22:08
vuntzchrisccoulson: thanks!22:09
mptmvo, the reason I was asking about the icon size for the applications is that applications that have only tiny icons (e.g. ACM Aerial Combat Simulator) are getting theirs blown up jaggily, whereas applications that have beautiful scalable icons (e.g. Inkscape) are looking scratchy22:10
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mvompt: inkscape looks ok here - what should we do aobut the size? show them all bigger? or try to figure it out based on the icon size?22:13
mptmvo, I thought it would be nice to show applications that have a scalable icon at 128*128, while those that don't end up with their largest icon centered in a 128*128 square22:15
mptmvo, that would be a subtle nudge to application developers to get themselves scalable icons22:15
mptmvo, I have the CSS sorted to do that except at 64*64, since even Inkscape's icon wasn't going any larger22:16
mptso I'll push this up, and then you can double the numbers if you have time.22:16
mvompt: ok, please push (or commit directly to trunk)22:17
mvompt: I need to upload 0.3.0 before midnight...22:17
mptmvo, ok, I'll let you know when push is complete22:20
mptmvo, pushed to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mpt/software-store/css22:29
mvompt: merged, many thanks22:34
mpt_mvo, did you see the branch?22:35
mvompt_: the ~mpt/software-store/css branch? yes, I just merged it22:37
mpt_thanks mvo22:37
mpt_mvo, is there anything else I can help with today?22:38
mvompt_: I think we are done for now, I will look at a issue in the JS next, if that is fixed I upload 0.3.022:39
mvo(and go to bed)22:39
mvompt_: thanks for the css, that was a very valuable help22:39
seb128mvo, bou22:41
mvoseb128: *wehh*22:42
seb128mvo, I got the "you should reboot" dialog again while update-manager was still running22:42
mpt_mvo, and thank you for working so hard on this and fixing so many of the bugs22:42
mvoseb128: I was able to reproduce that here too, happens on a partial upgrade, right?22:42
seb128it's asking me if I want to clean up now22:42
seb128mvo, it happens when I click on dist-upgrade sort of button it shows me on start22:42
seb128ie when things need to be installed and cleaned22:43
seb128I never know how you call that ;-)22:43
mvoseb128: yeah, I was able to reproduce that22:43
mvopartial upgrader22:43
seb128or is the dist-upgrader only distro to new distro?22:43
seb128so you don't need extra infos I guess, I can click on clean?22:43
mvoseb128: yeah, I know the problem, I just not got around to fix it yet :(22:44
mpt_mvo, what do you think are the odds of getting an exception tomorrow/Friday for the path button code? It doesn't affect any documentation. The only thing it would affect would be non-thumbnail-sized screenshots.22:45
seb128mvo, ok, cool22:45
mvompt_: well, the code is of unknown quality (also it looks nice) - and needs to get integrated22:47
djsiegel___seb128 mpt, do either of you know why the only nautilus toolbar icons with labels are Back and Forward -- probably the two toolbar buttons that need labels the least?23:02
seb128no idea23:03
djsiegel___seb128: think we should turn them off?23:04
djsiegel___remove the Back and Forward labels?23:04
djsiegel___I think that would be an improvement over the current situation23:04
djsiegel___besides, the margins are weird and the labels touch the icons23:04
seb128you mean change the flag which makes those being display when setting text beside icons23:04
seb128since we don't set that option by default that probably doesn't confuse many users23:05
djsiegel___we don't?23:05
seb128I'm fine changing it but I would rather see that done upstream to avoid having distro changes there23:05
seb128no we don't23:05
djsiegel___it's turned on in Karmic now23:05
djsiegel___are we going back?23:05
djsiegel___to text under icons?23:06
seb128oh, right, GNOME pushed that in the same time as the no icon in menus for testing23:06
seb128I've no strong opinion23:06
seb128I though mpt was against text beside icons because apps don't behave correctly23:07
seb128well I will let you guys decide on whether applications behave enough in karmic or not23:07
seb128I'm fine changing nautilus but as said that should go upstream, the change would be quick to do but every change we carry is extra work for every update we do23:08
seb128and has a non null cost over time23:08
djsiegel___of course23:09
andreasndjsiegel___, I think those are marked as "important", ie, the logic is bigger hit targets23:09
djsiegel___I see23:09
djsiegel___mpt_, any word on text beside vs below icons?23:09
rickspencer3if (cost != NULL) throw new PlanningException("Out of resources");23:11
mpt_djsiegel___, I think text beside icons looks ugly in toolbars. I have no idea whether "apps behave correctly"23:12
djsiegel___mpt_: I don't think they do behave correctly :)23:12
mpt_well, gosh darn it23:13
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rickspencer3-afklooks like seb128 bot crashed when I threw that exception23:13
rickspencer3-afklooks like a sentry thread restarted seb12823:14
mpt_djsiegel___, I think (1) applications should choose text-under-icons or no-text-at-all based on what's most suitable for the individual application, (2) the global setting for toolbar text should be abolished, and (3) all themes should use a smaller font size for toolbar button labels than they do for other text.23:14
djsiegel___mpt_: yes23:14
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* mpt_ wonders what happened to the necessary gnome-panel changes for the Store23:32
seb128what gnome-panel changes?23:33
seb128adding it in the system menu?23:34
seb128is somebody supposed to work on that? I can have a look otherwise23:34
seb128I read the bug but since software-store is in universe atm I have that on the bottom of my todolist23:35

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