
rgreeningevand: ping pong00:30
=== avoine1 is now known as avoine
tleuser_hello all05:40
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r170 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py):09:44
CIA-33usb-creator: Close the file chooser when Cancel is selected (LP: #426430). Thanks09:44
CIA-33usb-creator: Severin Heiniger!09:44
CIA-33partman-partitioning: cjwatson * r714 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 71ubuntu109:50
xivuloncjwatson, I am still stacked with the out-of-disk issue, I think I can rule out fs corruption and lba/bios (tried all kvm bioses)09:52
CIA-33partman-auto: cjwatson * r304 ubuntu/ (17 files in 5 dirs): merge from Debian 8909:55
cjwatsonxivulon: ok, what I need is clear directions on how I can reproduce it here - it's very unlikely I'm going to be able to debug it remotely09:56
cjwatsonxivulon: well, unless you can give me a full filesystem image to download, but presumably it's quite large?09:56
xivuloncjwatson create a vm with ntfs, mount it, put a 5GB disk image with ext3 and linux, and a bootloader09:57
xivuloncreate a vm = create a raw file and format as ntfs09:58
CIA-33partman-auto: cjwatson * r305 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 89ubuntu109:58
cjwatsonpresumably not just any disk image09:59
xivulonThe ntfs image should be a disk image with partition table although I assume kvm can boot also from a formatted file10:00
xivulonthe ext3 image you put in there is instead a formatted file10:01
xivulonI'd guess that dd of a karmic ext3 partition will do10:01
xivulonThe rune I use to mount an image with partition table is:10:02
xivulonsudo losetup /dev/loop0 /home/vm/xp_sp2.img && sudo kpartx -av /dev/loop0 && sudo mount  /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt10:03
xivulon^ credit to kirkland (iirc)10:03
xivulonyou will have to install grub2 in the mbr somehow (in my case I have ntldr in there which chainloads to grub2)10:06
davmor2cjwatson: hey will you have time to look at this vista issue today, I'd like if possible to get a fix in place pre alpha610:22
davmor2I'll try it against xp too10:22
cjwatsonyou mean the one xivulon just asked about? I'll see, can't promise10:33
xivulondavmor2 what vista issue?10:34
xivuloncjwatson, by the way, if you want to use the same grub2 used in wubi, I build it from karmic grub-pc packages, via make winboot2 (you need to add ext2 module)10:35
xivulonfiles end up in build/winboot and, wubildr is the one you want10:36
davmor2cjwatson: I mean the one where vista doesn't show up in the grub menu.10:37
davmor2xivulon: ^10:37
cjwatsonoh, that. probably not today, sorry10:38
davmor2cjwatson: no probs :)10:38
xivulonevand, forgot to mention that, I do not enforce what grub2 package is required for building wubi at the moment, FYI  I am still on jaunty, but I have latest grub-pc from karmic installed10:41
cjwatsonyou probably ought to enforce that, jaunty's grub2 is pretty old and crusty10:43
CIA-33ubiquity: cjwatson * r3438 ubiquity/ (16 files in 7 dirs):11:07
CIA-33ubiquity: More packaging simplifications: move dh_clean arguments to debian/clean;11:07
CIA-33ubiquity: remove old $(BUILDDIR) cruft; move architecture-specific11:07
CIA-33ubiquity: build-dependencies to debian/control, which dpkg has supported for quite11:07
CIA-33ubiquity: a while; use dh-di for partman scripts.11:07
dpmcjwatson: hi, good morning. Regarding https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations-coordinators/msg00151.html, and in particular http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m28f6671d, have you had a chance to look into merging the d-i template translations into the ubiquity one? Do you need any help from the translations team?11:20
cjwatsondpm: I have no idea where to start, really11:21
cjwatsonI have an export from before the split11:21
cjwatsonoh, no I don't11:22
cjwatsonbut my export does contain ubiquity translations11:22
cjwatsonI assume it'd be a great big msgmerge and upload, but ... yes, I need help11:25
dpmcould you give me a few pointers, so I see whether we can help? Perhaps a link to the old and new templates in the code11:25
dpmI mean before the split11:26
dpmand to the translations11:26
dpmThen I can try to summarise what we can do in an e-mail to the UTC list and perhaps we can take it from there11:27
dpmor if you've got some suggestions in a particular task we can help (e.g. the msgmerge)11:27
cjwatsonA link to the old and new templates? I don't understand, either what you want or how it would help if I did understand :-)11:30
cjwatsonbut that's not really where I need help, I can drive the gettext tools very competently. What I need to know is what I need to upload to LP ...11:30
dpmcjwatson: I was just mentioning the templates so I can understand the structure myself, I'm not very familiar with the d-i code nor the packaging (and I'm well aware you are more than competent with the gettext tools :-), I was just trying to see how the translations team could help).12:06
dpmI was just mentioning the templates so I can understand the structure myself, I'm not very familiar with the d-i code nor the packaging (and I'm well aware you are more than competent with the gettext tools :-), I was just trying to see how the translations team could help).12:07
dpmI'll try to recap to the best of my understanding, so can you please correct me or help me filling the gaps?12:07
dpmSo in Jaunty there were the following templates exposed for translations in LP:12:08
cjwatsonhelp and bootloader are not relevant12:09
dpmIn Karmic the changes basically imply transfering some translations from the d-i template to the ubiquity one.12:09
cjwatsonalso merging oem-config into ubiquity12:09
cjwatsonTBH it only matters at all for languages we don't support yet12:09
cjwatsonbut anyway ...12:09
dpmso the d-i and oem-config strings get put into ubiquity, but I guess we should not block the current oem-config template in LP, since it still contains some (.desktop?) translations which need to be exposed12:12
cjwatsonoem-config is dead, long live ubiquity12:17
cjwatsonit's been merged12:17
dpmso those couple of translations exposed in oem-config in jaunty are now in ubiquity and we can block oem-config12:18
dpmfor Karmic in LP, I mean12:18
cjwatsonbut same thing, ought to transfer over translations that haven't been merged into the source package12:19
dpmah, before I forget: another question regarding bootloader and the slideshow...12:21
dpmWe've got these templates in the import queue. What shall we do with them?12:22
dpm1) debian/gfxboot-theme-suse/usr/share/gfxboot-theme-suse/po/bootloader.pot12:22
dpm2) debian/gfxboot-theme-sles/usr/share/gfxboot-theme-sles/po/bootloader.pot12:22
dpm3) debian/gfxboot-theme-nld/usr/share/gfxboot-theme-nld/po/bootloader.pot12:22
dpm4) debian/gfxboot-theme-zen/usr/share/gfxboot-theme-zen/po/bootloader.pot12:22
dpm5) debian/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/usr/share/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/po/bootloader.pot12:22
dpmI guess I can approve 5) straight away, but I don't know what 1-4 are.12:22
CIA-33debian-installer: cjwatson * r1148 ubuntu/ (10 files in 3 dirs): Move to 2.6.31-10 kernels.12:23
cjwatsondpm: err, I *think* all of those should be blocked12:24
cjwatsonlet me check12:24
dpmok good thing I asked :)12:25
CIA-33debian-installer: cjwatson * r1149 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu5812:25
cjwatsondpm: yeah, just block those; 1-4 are uninteresting to translate in Ubuntu in any event; 5 is already in LP, and that's just a build artifact or something12:26
dpmright, thanks12:27
dpmdone, they are now blocked12:29
dpmThere are also some additional templates, like the ones for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu Karmic, which I think I could safely approve, but I prefer double-checking:12:29
dpm... etc.12:29
dpm(I've noticed translations are already set up in the upstream project at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu)12:29
cjwatsonI don't know what those are; evand would know better12:42
evandthey're the translations for the individual pages in the slideshow12:43
dpmyeah, I've noticed they're are the equivalent ones to those in the upstream project in LP, so I guess I can approve them?12:44
dpmhave translations from the upstream project already been exported and put into the karmic package?12:45
evandplease do12:46
evandpulling down a new tarball of translations from LP to commit to trunk now12:48
dpmgreat, thanks12:48
dpmI'll approve them now12:49
dpmapproved. evand, have you considered automatically committing translations to a bzr branch in the upstream slideshow project -> http://blog.launchpad.net/translations/screencast-exporting-translations-to-a-bazaar-branch? It might save you manually downloading translations13:03
evanddpm: very cool, I'll look into it.  Thanks!13:13
dpmcjwatson: ok, before I go to lunch, here's what I think we can do. Let me know if it sounds ok, or if I'm talking rubbish. As you can see, step 4 is probably oversimplified:13:24
dpm1) request export of the oem-config translations [installer team]13:24
dpm2) request export of the ubiquity translations [installer team]13:24
dpm3) request export of the (pre-split) debian-installer translations [installer team]13:24
dpm4) merge those translations into debian/real-po/templates.pot [installer team]13:24
dpm5) do a new package upload with the translation updates13:24
dpm6) disable the 'ubiquity' template (po/ubiquity.pot) in LP [translations team]13:24
dpm7) rename the 'debconf' template (po/real-po/templates.pot) to 'ubiquity' in LP  [translations team]13:24
cjwatsonno, 5) is the oversimplified bit13:34
cjwatsonwe can't (well, won't) do this by way of a package upload13:34
cjwatsonthere's lots of translations there that I actively don't want to import into the package, but want to preserve in LP in case they're ever used in future13:34
cjwatsonwe've already imported the bits that we're happy to include in the package13:34
cjwatsonwhy 7)? I chose that name kind of deliberately, to avoid conflicting with an existing template13:35
cjwatsonI don't think there should be any need to rename it13:35
cjwatsonoh and 6) is wrong and should not be done13:35
rgreeningmorning evand13:39
dpmcjwatson: on 6) and 7) I thought the current po/ubiquity.pot messages would go to the po/real-po/templates.pot template, that's why. But you've now confirmed that that assumption was wrong, so 6) and 7) don't need to be done13:43
cjwatsonpo/ubiquity.pot is a couple of desktop file translations13:45
cjwatsonI guess we could rename ubiquity/ubiquity -> ubiquity/desktop and ubiquity/debconf -> ubiquity/ubiquity13:46
cjwatsonI don't know if that's worth it13:46
cjwatsonfor 5), I need to know how to upload the bits to LP in a way that produces the minimum possible loss of translation credit information13:46
dpmI think it would make it clearer13:46
dpmcjwatson: regarding the credits, I mentioned that on my e-mail. I spoke to danilo about this and he said that it would be difficult to do this throughh database queries, so we agreed that the best workaround is to simply ensure that at least the PO files have the Last-Translator field set13:48
cjwatsonfine, but I can't do it by a package upload - I'll have to upload it through the API13:50
cjwatson(or similar)13:50
cjwatsonI need help to determine the exact best way to do that upload13:50
cjwatsonI already have lp:~jtv/lp-translations-tools/trunk checked out13:51
cjwatsonare you saying that I should just do a msgmerge, fix up Last-Translator if necessary, and then use lp-translations-tools-upload in the most ordinary way?13:52
cjwatsonif that's the case, I can handle that13:52
dpmWait a second, I've got a question before (that might be beyond my knowledge): why can't you upload the translations through a package upload?13:53
dpm(and let me get danilo or jtv in here as well...)13:54
dpmcjwatson: sorry, you answered my question already in an earlier comment I missed13:57
cjwatsonthe installer is special13:59
cjwatsonwe only include translations for languages we're actually going to support; and we don't incorporate translations for strings that come from Debian, because that would put us in the position of having to mediate translation differences for 50-odd languages we don't speak every time we merge13:59
cjwatsonthat doesn't mean I want those translations to vanish from Debian, though13:59
cjwatsonerr - from Launchpad14:00
dpmok, jtv seems to be away, but danilo is coming over after lunch later on to give a hand on this14:06
rgreeningevand: did you get my messages from yesterday?14:27
evandrgreening: yeah, I'm on it14:42
rgreeningcool. you da man14:52
rgreeningevand: btw, you still marked away14:52
rgreeningevand: I also need some help in getting translations working for the kde font-end and someone qualified to help with that and test it out. I'm no use when it comes to that.14:57
evandrgreening: I'm not sure how KDE/Qt handles translations, unfortunately14:58
evanderr not familiar with*14:58
rgreeningevand: I kown it can use the gettext/locale usbcreator for all the _('messages')14:58
rgreeningwhich I have tried.... just need someone who can help test/debug what isn't working and how to get the kde UI translations in there as well...14:59
rgreeningevand: any suggestions on who we may be able to hit up to assist?15:00
evandrgreening: jr would either know, or be able to point you at someone who does15:00
danilosdpm, cjwatson: hi15:01
rgreeninghmm... I'm thinking the issue is a little different here, as we want to use the gettext from gtk version in the kde frontend and not strictly ki8ln translations from kde.15:01
dpmhey danilos, as I said, it's about http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/09/09/%23ubuntu-installer.html#t13:2415:02
DogWaterMan 8.10 goes ape with a 3420 chipset motherboard15:02
dpmColin would like to know what the best way to upload those translations is15:03
* danilos is reading...15:04
evandrgreening: well, it's standard gettext, it doesn't have any GTK dependencies, but perhaps I'm just being pedantic.15:04
dpmdanilos: there's more discussion in the page before that link, but I think that's the relevant part15:05
rgreeningevand: I think my confusion is in the ki8ln stuff in places (which I think I need to remove). And to ensure that the UI strings are loaded and translated somehow (which I am not sure I am doing correctly).15:08
danilosdpm, cjwatson: ok, so, what do you expect me to help out with? in general, we don't have an "upload" link for a sourcepackage, and lp-translations-tools can only upload directly to a potemplate; basically, if you need to set up new templates in a sourcepackage which is not part of sourcepackage, we have to do that through some trickery (set up an empty template somewhere else, and then move it to the sourcepackage: any rosetta admi15:09
danilosn can do that)15:09
cjwatsonthe templates already exist; we just need to plug in the translations15:10
cjwatsonI just need advice on the best approach, I already have all the necessary technical privileges unless it actually involves database hacking :)15:10
danilosthen you can just use lp-translations-tools to do the upload :)15:10
daniloscjwatson: I only see "help" and "debian-installer" on eg. https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/debian-installer/15:12
dpmdanilos: it's that one and https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubiquity. Some of the d-i translations will go into the 'debconf' template15:13
danilosdpm: ok15:13
daniloscjwatson, dpm: so, if you worry about how to best reuse previous translations from one big template as done in Launchpad, I'd just upload all of them into corresponding templates using potemplate upload; Launchpad can take care of merging them properly, though if you upload the same big template in all of these, it will import them and mark them as "obsolete" (i.e. they will not be shown, but will be in the database and might be re15:16
danilosused once those messages are added)15:16
danilosok, that second part was confusing15:16
cjwatsonI certainly have no problem cutting it down to just the relevant msgids using msgmerge15:16
danilosi.e. if you've got one big debian-installer-de.po which is now split into 4 templates, you can upload it into each of the templates without changing it at all15:16
cjwatsonso is that all I need to do? just upload the d-i po files into ubiquity and we're done?15:17
daniloscjwatson: right, that'd be much better, but in general, you should not worry about merging or anything, because LP is smart about it itself :)15:17
daniloscjwatson: as far as I can see, yes15:17
cjwatsonok, excellent! much easier than I thought. I'll get round to that soon15:19
dpmso I guess the question is answered, thanks a lot danilos!15:21
dpmcjwatson: one last thing, regarding the renaming of the ubiquity and debconf packages: 1) would it be possible to merge the ubiquity .desktop translations into the debconf template, so to have a single one? If not, as mentioned before I'd favour a rename. I think we can do that in LP without the need of packaging changes, simply renaming the template there. What would you think of ubiquity -> ubiquity-desktop, debconf -> ubiquity (a slight variatio15:22
dpmn of your earlier proposal)?15:22
cjwatsonit's not possible to merge them15:22
cjwatsonwell, very painful anyway15:22
cjwatsonthat's fine by me if you prefer those names15:22
danilosdpm: yw15:22
cjwatsoncan you do that nowish, before I do the uploads?15:23
cjwatson(which I won't do right now as I have to go out for a bit and then have a meeting)15:23
dpmyeah, I think they might be clearer for translators. Let me see if I can do the change in the next few minutes15:23
DogWaterman, i hate new platforms15:25
DogWaterintel has got to stop15:25
dpmcjwatson: ok, renaming done -> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubiquity/15:28
rgreeningevand: po/POTFILES.in does not contain ./bin/usb-creator-kde nor ./bin/usb-creator-gtk but should, correct? And the type: gettext/glade fpr usb-creator-kde.ui is likely not correct at all. Not sure what to do there... thoughts?17:18
iloweI would like my package A to configure and install a package B; I don't want A to "depend" on B, since I won't be able to config B via A's installation if the order is "wrong"; my initial thought is to mark B for installation just after preseeding debconf with the values for B and then let apt-get manage the installation of B when it checks to make sure all marked packages are installed. Am I way off base with this strate17:26
cjwatsonthis isn't really the right channel ... but in general the only supported way for a package to request that another be installed is by means of the dependency relationship fields. dpkg is not re-entrant17:29
cjwatsonif you try to mark the package for installation in one of A's maintainer scripts, then at best (!) it will only get installed on the *next* run of the package management system17:30
cjwatsonwhich might be arbitrarily much later17:30
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
ilowecjwatson: sorry and thanks for clearing that up17:48
cjwatsonI'm not sure I quite understand your comment 'since I won't be able to config B via A's installation if the order is "wrong"'17:50
ilowecjwatson: I mean, let's say I want to "preseed" debconf with the values to configure B. I want to do this setup during the installation of my package A. However, I want to make sure that once I'm done setting the values in debconf that B actually gets installed.17:53
ilowecjwatson: If I put B in the Depends list for A, then it will get installed first, so I won't have a chance to modify the settings; hmm... should I be doing something like dpkg-reconfigure on B after fiddling it's config instead?17:54
cjwatsonredesign :-)17:56
cjwatsonit would be more usual for A to drop in a configuration file modifying B's behaviour (although not actually to change any of B's configuration files - that's a policy violation). This may require some cooperation from B17:57
cjwatsonin general, preseeding is for administrators, not for packages17:57
cjwatsonand so trying to do it in packages is probably doomed to frustration17:57
iloweech... I guess this square peg won't fit in this round hole.... redesign is starting to look better and better18:04
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
xivuloncjwatson, did you manage to reproduce the grub2 issues?18:45
cjwatsonsorry, no, I didn't get to it today18:45
cjwatsonit's been an odd day, a lot of interruptions18:45
xivulonnp, let me know if you think there is something I can help with18:45
mtchave got a question regarding the ubuntu "usb-creator" ... when creating a bootable usb drive, the application nicely asks how much user space is requested for data19:50
mtchow much is a good amount to reserve for the ubuntu operating system updates, on the usb drive?19:50
mtcwould like to use the drive as an persistent installation, carrying it around on a keychain19:51
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
mtclooks like that casper-rw is problematic at large sizes anyway20:46
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r171 trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs):21:10
CIA-33usb-creator: * Fix Makefile to include ./bin/usb-creator-* for translations21:10
CIA-33usb-creator: * Update kde frontend bits to be more translatable (needs more work)21:10
CIA-33usb-creator: * Add the translation script (Messages.sh) for kde .pot21:10
CIA-33usb-creator:  (needs to be integrated somehow)21:10
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r172 trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs): * Bump version in setup.py, kde_about.py, usb-creator-gtk, and man to 0.2.621:22
CIA-33usb-creator: rgreening * r173 trunk/Makefile: * Only the gtk ui is glade... fix sed to deal with that21:46
CIA-33casper: cjwatson * r684 trunk/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Upgrade to debhelper v7.22:43
CIA-33partman-auto-loop: cjwatson * r49 ubuntu/debian/ (di-numbers install install-rc changelog compat control rules): Upgrade to debhelper v7.22:52
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk

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