
verterokdrascus321: the problem to get new tokens it's related to the fact that the service is changing the domain name, from ubuntuone.com to one.ubuntu.com...00:01
verterokdrascus321: and the oauth client can't handle the redirect00:02
verterokdrascus321: and sadly the url it's hardcoded :(00:03
drascus321so really no way to fix it then?00:03
verterokdrascus321: I'm looking into it, give me a minute ;)00:03
drascus321Alright thanks!!00:04
urbanapestatik, you around?01:05
BrennydooglesHow is everyone tonight?04:02
BrennydooglesIs anyone actually here?04:04
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
thisfredaquarius: can you confirm that it's just me/my machine that's crazy and that in fact the tests in dc do *not* mess with the real user's couchdb? (by throwing in a pdb in the middle of a test or so , because the tests *might* be smart enough to clean up after themselves)13:49
=== thisfred changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 198, Protocol Revno is 69 | Release 0.93.0 (protocol) 0.94.0 (client)
=== thisfred changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: need help? ping thisfred| File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 198, Protocol Revno is 69 | Release 0.93.0 (protocol) 0.94.0 (client)
aquariusthisfred, I'm confused by this14:00
aquariuswhat are you testing? trunk?14:00
thisfredaquarius: yes, have tested trunk14:01
thisfredyesterday, but I  assume nothing's changed14:01
thisfredmy couch is still weird in that I seem to always start two, not one (both with start_master_couch, and in desktopcouch)14:02
thisfredaquarius: so maybe this, and the weird ini chaining and everything is just a screwy set up here14:03
aquariusok, odd. I will give it a go shortly14:03
thisfredaquarius: I'm trying to migrate to my new laptop14:03
thisfredbut our deps won't install without java5, which isn't in karmic anymore :S14:03
thisfredaquarius: there appears to have been a real problem in the .ini chaining, and adam has patched trunk and the 0.10 branch, but for me that doesn't help either14:04
thisfredaquarius: so when you're testing, could you also stuff an admin user in your system couch for good measure?14:04
iahello. ubuntuone devels, could you look at #426804 bug, please? does this bug is correct, or reason somewhere else?14:11
dobeyia: i believe it's been fixed already in trunk :)14:23
=== thisfred changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 198, Protocol Revno is 69 | Release 0.93.0 (protocol) 0.94.0 (client)
thisfredaquarius, CardinalFang: I see in desktopcouch.records.server in CouchDatabase.__init__:14:54
thisfred            desktopcouch.find_pid()14:54
thisfred            port = desktopcouch.find_port()14:54
thisfredshould that not now be:14:54
thisfred            pid = desktopcouch.find_pid()14:54
thisfred            port = desktopcouch.find_port(pid=pid)14:54
aquariusperhaps so, yes indeed14:55
thisfredMaybe merge order of branches screwed this up14:55
thisfredbut it would 'splain  my current pickle14:55
aquariusalthough...if you call find_port with no pid, it calls find_pid itself14:56
aquariusso that shoudln't be the problem. Probably14:56
aquariusHaving it print out the pid it's found might be good though :(14:56
aquariusit looks at local_files.FIND_PID14:56
aquariuser, FILE_PID14:57
CardinalFangthisfred, Riger..14:57
aquariushaving local_files print that out would show which one it's reading14:57
CardinalFangThat's probably the problem.14:57
thisfredaquarius: I'll run my local tests (for local people) with that.14:57
dobeyo/~ lookin in my gucci, it's about that time o/~15:00
aquariusafter the meeting begins line, we should paste a line of everyone we expect to attend so everyone gets notified, I reckon15:01
jblountaquarius: CardinalFang has a watch thing set up in his IRC for "MEETING BEGINS" in this channel15:01
* dobey doesn't want that responsibility. has enough already15:02
jblountaquarius: But that's a good idea also :)15:02
* aquarius pokes around to work out if xchat-gnome can do that.15:02
CardinalFang"highlight words"15:02
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:02
jblountHello! Please say "me" if you are here for the Desktop+ meeting. Format is DONE / TODO / BLOCKED15:02
aquariusdone it. rawk.15:03
aquariusgood one xchat-gnome15:03
aquariuser, me :)15:03
jblountCardinalFang: Your it, I think :)15:05
CardinalFangDONE: Committed test code for couchdb_io.  Now approaching one huge patch, which is bad.15:06
CardinalFangTODO: Get it reviewed and included today.15:06
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:06
CardinalFangjblount, want mudkips?15:06
jblountDONE: Work on template tags to accomplish #40283715:06
jblountTODO: Still finishing header refresh and tabs, need to keep working on  #402837 and talk to teknico about front end stuff15:06
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:06
jblountaquarius: Tag!15:06
aquarius⚀ DONE: allow unpairing of servers (bug #419975); got U1fs working on my machine :)15:06
aquarius⚁ TODO: get dc-records-oauth tested and merged into trunk (bug #415375); fix UnknownLoginError and make it be known (bug #376087); turn on oauth for desktopcouch by default (bug #416413); talk to thisfred and CardinalFang about that last one; test android phone sync15:06
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: well confused by the big bzr format change thing for ubuntuone; can't replicate thisfred's start-up-the-wrong-couch problem15:06
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 415:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419975 in desktopcouch "for pairing, do not display hosts or servers that are already paired" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41997515:06
aquariust to the e to the k to the teknico15:06
teknicoDONE: check mattg's problem with multiple contacts, upgrade branches to 2a repo format, reviews15:06
teknicoTODO: more reviews, talk with jblount (!) about the new contacts web ui, implement adding and editing contacts15:06
ubottuBug 415375 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/415375 is private15:06
teknicoBLOCK: none15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376087 in ubuntuone-client "UnknownLoginError during request for OAuth token" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37608715:06
tekniconext: rodrigo_15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416413 in desktopcouch "Create login details on initial desktopcouch setup" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41641315:06
rodrigo_• DONE: Working oauth support in couchdb-glib. IM addresses in top level contact record15:06
rodrigo_• TODO: Start upstream discussion for adding social services accounts config to about-me. Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Propose couchdb-glib/evo-couchdb for GNOME 2.29. Store UUIDs for postal addresses. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. More tomboy syncing fixes.15:06
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:06
rodrigo_next urbanape15:06
urbanapeDONE: Finally got Bindwood speaking OAuth. Waiting on branch merge with trunk. Started a branch for complete sync of bookmarks.15:06
urbanapeTODO: Finish new branch that ensures complete sync on start, and make sure we don't back-propagate nulls on pull. Investigate whether we can use the batch processing.15:06
urbanapeBLOCK: None, thank the maker.15:06
urbanapedobey: hit it15:06
urbanape(not sure what the bug number is looking up)15:07
dobey☺ DONE: Worked on #403243 #41936515:07
dobey☹ TODO: Finish #403243 #419365, Fix #397331, Release 0.95.015:07
dobey〠 BLCK: None.15:07
dobeyvds: ciao15:07
vdsDONE: landed branch to improve funambol exchange logs, investigated problems with the logs in production, discussed with the others about security in couchdb15:07
vdsBLOCKED: no15:07
vdsand I guess that's it15:07
CardinalFangaquarius, I can help with android sync test!15:07
teknicovds, wow, lucky you ;-)15:07
aquariusCardinalFang, are you running android 1.5?15:07
CardinalFangaquarius, Yes.15:07
aquariusCardinalFang, and the funambol android client didn't, e.g., delete all your contacts or wipe the phone or anythning? :)15:08
urbanapeActually, I don't think we had a bug for enabling OAuth in Bindwood. Shame.15:08
CardinalFangI have not tried it.15:08
aquariusah. How then is your help to be manifest? :)15:09
CardinalFangI have a phone.  I have emulators.  I am willing to back up my stuff and install.15:09
aquariusah, OK. I plan to do something similar -- need to back up my contacts15:09
dobeyUnknownLoginError: Unbeknownst to user, but knownst to curl, there was a problem.15:10
aquariusdobey, yeah, that's what I'm going to look at next, but I have to go through a million confusing bzr things first, as I understand it15:10
aquariusCardinalFang, I am less impressed with the automatic sync-to-google thing than I might be, since it occurred to me that if I screw up the contacts it will merrily sync the screwed ones to google.15:10
CardinalFangaquarius, Roger.  I will test in a sandbox first.  Then, export contacts out of gmail and try on physical phone.15:12
dobeyi've got plenty of bzr upgrading to do as well15:12
thisfredaquarius: I have found a syncml export app for android15:12
thisfredaquarius: have not gone much further than installed it15:12
CardinalFanggmail -> contacts -> import/export15:12
thisfredaquarius: VCard IO be its name15:12
thisfredCardinalFang: ah, yes15:13
thisfredprobably massively easier15:13
aquariusthisfred, ah, I've got that. I bet it doesn't export all my linking-people-to-facebook adn so on though :(15:13
urbanapeaquarius, I don't see anything about dbus and bindwood in your branch, I just see the diff that I submitted as well.15:13
urbanapeah, I see it15:14
aquariusurbanape, it was a *minute* fix :)15:14
urbanapeyeah, but since my branch hadn't landed, your branch included all the rest of the diff.15:14
aquariusyeah, I know15:15
urbanapeanyhoo, does anything need to happen in the keyring for that to take effect? Do I need to delete my existing entry?15:16
urbanapedoesn't look like it15:17
aquariusno. It's purely there so the prompt which says "this application wants access to the keyring: Bindwood" actually says "Bindwood".15:18
dtois ubuntu one broken on Karmic Koala? i made an account, but can't seem to get anywhere with the applet. it crashes after starting.15:18
aquariusrather than "Application"15:18
dobeydto: can you elaborate on the meaning of 'crashes'? :)15:19
dtosure. the icon comes up in the tray, is clickable, can go to preferences etc, but the icon shows a red "can't connect" type of box on it. then a moment later i get a dialog box saying ubuntu one crashes.15:20
dobeyplease report the issue then :)15:21
dobeyit should work, but maybe it's having a problem on your system15:21
urbanapeaquarius, coolio. I'll give it a thumbs up.15:24
dtothe bug is apparently already on there. seems like time and date settings may have something to do with it.15:25
dobeyyour time is off > 5 minutes?15:26
dtohmm. i apparently have no timezone and the time+date dialog is crashing15:27
dobeyi suppose that could cause problems, yes :)15:27
dtowell, fixing my timezone and NTP time didn't help with ubuntuone crashing on karmic. i guess i will have to wait for now16:04
CardinalFangdto, how does it crash?  If you run it in a terminal, what happens?  What output?16:05
* jblount waits patiently while running fsck and hoping his machine isn't borked.16:06
CardinalFangjblount, what happened?16:08
jblountCardinalFang: Unsure, random abort on this vm dumped me to a root shell asking me to fsck16:08
dtoCardinalFang: http://paste2.org/p/41985116:08
dtoCardinalFang: the Application Problem dialog box comes up right after ubuntuone starts16:09
CardinalFangdto, do you have a  ~/.config/ubuntuone/ubuntuone-client.conf  file?16:10
* Chipaca looks at the paste16:12
Chipacadobey: ping? dto is getting "ttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'key'" in storageprotocol.oauth16:13
CardinalFangdto, run "seahorse", look in "passwords" for "UbuntuOne token for ...".16:13
dtonothing like that in the list.16:14
CardinalFangAh, good.16:14
dobeyChipaca: something is trying to create a token from an empty string then i guess16:14
CardinalFangdto, what kind of things are in that list?16:14
Chipacadobey: ah, this isn't something you've touched? then it's probably me :)16:15
dtopop and smtp passwords, probably from evolution. network secret for my wireless.16:15
Chipacadto: could you file a bug, with the log?16:15
dtowell i don't recall there being any place to enter my ubuntuone account info16:15
dobeyChipaca: it's probably due to the domain name move16:15
dtosomebody else already filed a basically identical bug.16:15
CardinalFangdto, right.  That's what we need to know, I think.16:15
dobeydto: what version of the ubuntuone-client-gnome package do you have?16:15
Chipacadto: have you ever used it before?16:16
Chipacadto: or is this the first time?16:16
dtofirst time. i set up the account the other day so i could try it.16:16
dobeywell it obviously failed to get the token :)16:16
dtodobey: 0.94.0-0ubuntu116:17
dtoi notice ubuntuone-client-tools is not installed16:17
dtoshould it be?16:17
dobeyprobably an issue with the moving of the domain name16:18
dobeydto: should be fixed in 0.95.0 though16:18
dtois there a ppa i can use in the meantime to get it working?16:19
CardinalFangdto, What happens when you run  xdg-open http://ubuntuone.com/  ?16:20
dtothe webpage opens.16:21
CardinalFangOkay, good.  I thought maybe you had the system setting for web-browser wonky, perhaps.  That's good.  That means it's all our fault.  We'll try to get it fixed soon.16:22
dtook :)16:22
dobeydto: it's not fixed yet in trunk, so no :-/16:23
dobeyCardinalFang: no, web browser failure should pop up an error dialog on its own :)16:24
dobeyCardinalFang: this is just failing to get the request token, because it's getting a redirect which it's not handling16:24
iacan anyone tell me, please, what dns_srv.default record should be in /etc/xdg/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf instead of default _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com (since canonical change domain name) for works?16:53
CardinalFangia, Hrm.  statik?17:25
CardinalFang$ host -t ANY  _https._tcp.fs.one.ubuntu.com17:25
CardinalFangHost _https._tcp.fs.one.ubuntu.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)17:25
statikCardinalFang, smells like a mistake in the domain move or in the DNS config for file sharing. I bet pfibiger and lucio or dobey can figure out what to fix17:29
CardinalFangI don't know if SRV records are allowed to point to radically different names, but those would be good to keep around if they are.17:30
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
pfibigerstatik: i had mentioned SRV records to mthaddon during the switchover, we should probably ask him.17:33
pfibigererr, CardinalFang: ^^17:33
mthaddonpfibiger: I don't think we switched over fs.one.ubuntu.com, only fs-1, fs-217:34
mthaddonpfibiger: we were told it wasn't used any more17:34
pfibigerah ha.17:34
statikright, we dropped api.ubuntuone.com, it was probably my mistake about fs.ubuntuone.com then17:35
pfibigerverterok: ping.17:35
CardinalFangmthaddon, I think you should update the contents of those records, and leave some at ...fs.ubuntuone.com .17:35
* CardinalFang reads up on SRV.17:35
mthaddonbut fs. points to fs-1 - what's that actually used for? would prefer not to have traffic going to one specifically when it's not using the specific hostname17:36
mthaddonI mean the current DNS for fs.ubuntuone.com actually just points to the same IP as fs-1.one.ubuntu.com17:37
CardinalFangmthaddon, We're talking about service discovery records.  SRV type.17:37
CardinalFangmthaddon, and the names inside must be canonical names, not CNAMEs or anything.17:38
statiki'm not sure which name the syncdaemon uses to lookup what storage server to connect to, verterok knows though17:38
mthaddonCardinalFang: yeah, but I'm just questioning what's looking for fs. vs. either fs-1. or fs-2.17:39
thisfredhmm: CardinalFang: the aforementioned fix in desktopcouch does not seem to do anything, actually. Tests on my machine seem to talk to the real desktopcouch couchdb no matter what I do. I can't figure out what changed between friday and yesterday that caused this.17:39
verterokpfibiger: pong17:39
CardinalFangmthaddon, Well, we would never have a _https._tcp.fs-1.one.ubuntu.com, right?17:39
CardinalFangmthaddon, We look up  _https._tcp.fs.one.ubuntu.com and find out about fs-1, fs-2 and maybe eventually fs-4182634182317:40
verterokstatik, pfibiger: as CardinalFang points ^ _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com is used for ther srv lookup17:41
pfibigerverterok: i was just looking for your input on the above. :)17:41
verterokpfibiger: I didn't changed that in my update-domainname branch as it wasn't listen in the email  :/17:42
mthaddonCardinalFang: ah, okay, so we do need fs.one.ubuntu.com17:42
verterokpfibiger, CardinalFang: so ATM, we still use _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com for the srv lookup17:42
verterokpfibiger: should I change it to _https._tcp.fs.one.ubuntu.com ?17:44
pfibigerverterok: i guess that yes, as soon as fs.one.ubuntu.com is set up by the losas, then we could change it, right?17:45
mthaddonpfibiger: can has RT?17:45
pfibigermthaddon: yes.17:45
mthaddonthx :)17:45
verterokpfibiger: I can change it in the branch as it wasn't landed yet17:46
verterokpfibiger: anyway, it's just a config change :)17:46
pfibigerverterok: ok, cool, we'll just have to make sure it is set up dns-wise before we roll that out :)17:46
iai'm sorry for annoying, but i still can't get connect with _https._tcp.fs.one.ubuntu.com and _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com either :-/18:15
dobeyia: hrmm?18:16
dobeyia: those aren't valid hosts... they are SRV records for resolving to a valid host18:16
CardinalFangia, I don't think those exist yet, anyway.18:17
dobeyoh they exist18:17
dobeythe one.ubuntu.com ones don't18:18
iadobey: AFAIU, syncdaemon.conf must contains correct dns_srv.default option for ubuntuone-client syncing, right?18:19
dobeyia: _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com resolves correctly still18:20
dobeyi can't actually test anything at the moment though, because bzr is using up most of the resources on my machine18:20
CardinalFangia, it still resolves, but I think we've decided that the HTTP-level redirection doesn't work well for the client code.18:21
dobeyredirection isn't the problem with that one :)18:21
dobeyCardinalFang: the storage protocol doesn't use http :)18:21
CardinalFangdobey, what does the "https" mean then, in  _https._tcp.fs.ubuntuone.com ?18:22
dobeyCardinalFang: we use port 443, so we can do some funky stuff to poke through proxies18:23
ChipacaCardinalFang: read up on SRV records, it's really instructive :)18:29
CardinalFangChipaca, yeah, I did.  What in particular are you talking about?18:29
Chipacamaybe I misunderstood the conversation, I thought you were stumped as to why there was an _https in there18:31
firfinquick question i couldnt fin in faq ... what if 'add this computer' doesnt come up after first launching ubuntuone?18:32
Chipacamine was a fly-by commentary (the worst kind, maybe?)18:32
joshuahooverfirfin: We are having an issue currently where adding your computer does not work, it's related to the change in domain names18:33
firfinjoshuahoover: ah okay .. thanks for your answer .. any page i can see the status/progress on this issue?18:33
joshuahooverfirfin: let me try to find it for you18:34
dobeyoh, looks like my cpu is available again18:34
firfinjoshuahoover: I could just try again later. Any clue as to how much later would be enough info for me. Not that I don't appreciate you taking the time. :-)18:36
CardinalFangfirfin, if it's not fixed in 48 hours, I would be astonished.  Likely before tomorrow, even.18:38
joshuahooverfirfin: should be going into tomorrow's release18:38
firfinCardinalFang: joshuahoover: ok, thank to the both of you. I'll be trying again tomorrow18:39
joshuahooverfirfin: yes, you should do a system update, install the client upgrade and then try again :)18:39
CardinalFangfirfin, If it's not working by Friday, come back and make loud noises.18:39
firfinlol, I will try18:40
CardinalFangfirfin, watch for updates.18:40
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
rmcbrideFWIW, new test clients are building in teh Nightly PPA now. Once those are done I'll do a quick sanity on them before posting to the Beta PPA.19:33
joshuahoover1rmcbride: very good!19:36
rmcbridelpia packages won't start for 37 minutes, but that's not as bad a delay as we normally get :)19:41
* dobey wonders why lpia still gets built for anything19:45
rmcbrideI dunno about that but Im not waiting for them to get built before I test the others.19:47
rmcbrideWon't be able to copy the packages until all platforms are finished buildign though19:47
dobeysure. but less platforms == faster builds :)19:49
CardinalFangjdo, Hi!  How far off is the  http...api/couchdb  data?19:54
jdoCardinalFang, its in the review queue19:58
CardinalFangjdo, Rgr.  I'll review!19:58
CardinalFangOh, gosh.  You are not James Đỗ.19:59
CardinalFangHrm, I will just assume that  os.path.join  will concatenate URL pieces.  The day we use Windows will be frightening anyway.20:06
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 203, Protocol Revno is 69 | Release 0.93.0 (protocol) 0.94.0 (client)
rmcbrideas the change in topic should indicate, new BETA clients should be in the PPA in mere moments. Enjoy20:31
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
joshuahoover1thanks rmcbride for getting that packaged up and put out there!20:48
=== urbanape_ is now known as urbanape
statikhey urbanape, could you set the commit message on your pending bindwood branch?22:11
statiki set the one on aquarius branch22:11
urbanapesure thing22:19
urbanaperunning out for a bit. I'll be back after dinner and Lex's bath.22:20
=== jegHegy_ is now known as jegHegy

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