
sbalneavEvening all04:54
Ahmuckhi sbalneav04:55
Ahmuckhow's it going ?04:55
=== vorian is now known as obama
alkisgsbalneav: this just came to me: Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed: sbalneav at ltsp.org - heh, I guess you didn't get my mail, then :)05:42
alkisg!info italc-master20:23
ubottuitalc-master (source: italc): Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 1084 kB, installed size 1684 kB20:23
alkisg!info italc-client20:23
ubottuitalc-client (source: italc): Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 498 kB, installed size 1268 kB20:23

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