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apacheloggercould apport be even more annoying?08:21
jussi01apachelogger: possibly... anyway, I have a quetion for you. Do you know which flag is being used for making quassel in kubuntu - it has issues with phonon in karmic.08:23
apacheloggerjussi01: a complete list is available in the build log08:24
jussi01apachelogger: which is where?08:24
apacheloggeron launchpad08:25
apacheloggerrun usrc:quassel08:25
apacheloggerthat should take you to the package's launchpad page08:25
apacheloggerwho wants to maintain qt langauge selector?08:58
Riddell"Kubuntu Members - KDE 4 Repository has a new message requiring your approval.  Subject: Kubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) - kde doesn't start  Author name: janber"  huh?10:22
jussi01is that repo a "team" on LP? maybe it has a ML attached and you happent o be the default handler of that ML...10:26
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apacheloggereverytime I want to fix something in apturl I end up reimplementing half the UI :S11:40
apacheloggerktitlewidget seems like a good thing though11:41
Riddellit has a UI?11:55
apacheloggerRiddell: apturl-kde?11:56
apacheloggeron the CD? :P11:57
apacheloggergotta fix that nasty encoding thing and blog about it11:57
apacheloggerkubuntu-firefox-installer is also in and waiting for shtylman__ to provide a kubuntu-installer-style package11:58
ghostcubemorning peoples12:15
seelekubuntu meeting in 3 hours, yes?13:03
apacheloggerseele: huh?13:05
* seele points to topic13:06
apacheloggerso considering one does not use IRC a whole lot one is supposed to ask the fortune teller of choice when the next meeting is?13:07
seelemaybe it is specific to notifications? i dunno13:07
apacheloggerme neither13:08
jussi01apachelogger: no, you are supposed to be telepathic, didnt you know? :D13:08
apacheloggerat the very best I would write a ninja script that beats up someone to obtain such information :P13:08
jussi01apachelogger: awesome :D13:10
ScottKWhen is the meeting?13:41
JontheEchidnain 2 hours 20 mins13:44
JontheEchidnain 2 hours 16 mins now13:45
ScottK15 actually.13:45
apacheloggerand what is the agenda?13:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wanna maintain qt-language-selector? :P13:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: btw, any nus on jockey-kde? going to blog about apturl and firefox installer so I could ship some other apps news in13:47
ScottKapachelogger: I think kubuntu-firefox-installer is also waiting to get implemented in a language fully supported in Main.13:47
JontheEchidnajockey-kde will probably remain untouched since 9.04 :(13:48
apacheloggerScottK: ruby is fully supported :P13:48
ScottKapachelogger: Not the gettext bits.13:48
JontheEchidnaI never did manage to get it thread-safe for System Settings13:48
apacheloggerScottK: I suppose I need to re-upload13:48
apacheloggersince the stripping happens at build-time and it was built in universe...13:48
apacheloggerpot extraction should be working fine13:49
ScottKapachelogger: It needs something.  slangasek was skeptical about the stack of MIR that would be needed.13:49
apacheloggerScottK: it is in :P13:49
ScottKOK.  A rebuild upload might be a good idea then.13:49
apacheloggeraye, doing that in a bit13:49
ScottKI'll do a meta upload.13:50
apacheloggerup it goes13:54
* JontheEchidna wonders what's up with userconfig: bug 42374113:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423741 in userconfig "[MIR] userconfig" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42374113:57
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JontheEchidnaLoïc did his upload on the 5th or so13:57
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did anyone seed it?13:58
ScottKRiddell: Did we decide we want userconfig instead of kuser?13:59
JontheEchidnaIt's not been promoted to main yet13:59
RiddellI've not had time to look at userconfig recently I'm afraid13:59
Riddellin general I think we want it13:59
ScottKRiddell: Want me to go ahead and seed it?14:00
Riddellthere might have been questions like does it to LDAP?14:00
RiddellScottK: please14:00
ScottKOK.  I won't drop kuser yet so we don't have CDs with nothing in the meantime.14:00
JontheEchidnaI think we said on the ML that before we could get userconfig to replace kuser upstream, it'd probably need ldap work like kuser14:02
JontheEchidnasounds like a good topic for the meeting, though14:02
ScottKOK.  It's seeded, so it'll show up in component mismatches shortly.14:06
JontheEchidnabug 379397, bug 379399, bug 37940614:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379397 in kdeadmin "kuser is violating debian policy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37939714:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379399 in kdeadmin "kuser ignores umask when creating homedirs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37939914:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379406 in kdeadmin "kuser ignores /etc/skel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37940614:11
JontheEchidnakuser seems somewhat broken14:11
danttiScottK: As you are interested in PK this -> http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/5682/simulate2.png will fixes this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/34267114:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 342671 in packagekit "Doesn't support installations which require a removal or updates which require additional software" [High,Fix released]14:12
ScottKdantti: Is there something we need we don't have already (I'm noting the bug status)?14:14
JontheEchidna^removals still don't work, actually14:14
danttiScottK: well that can only be done (currently) with my aptcc backend, PK >0.5.2 and with kpk 0.5 (I didn't commit this ui yet)14:15
danttiJontheEchidna: yes, and this is the fix (authough aptcc lacks install/remove/update support, but only this)14:16
ScottKdantti: This sounds good.  I suspect it's too late for use to make major changes for Karmic, but it sounds like we'll be in pretty good shape for the next release.14:16
danttihopefully when i finnally finish kpk 0.5 I'll finish install/remove/update in aptcc backend..14:17
ScottKWhat's your timeline for that?14:17
danttiScottK: yes, well I'm thinking on having this finished till the end of the month (aptcc + kpk 0.5), kpk comes first (since FC12 needs it)14:18
ScottKThen it sounds like it should be quite mature for Karmic +1.  This is good since that's likely a long term support release for us.14:18
danttithis will still left 2 problems of PK vs APT, but I have the fixes in mind already.. hopefully for Debian squeeze they will get in..14:19
ScottKI saw mornfall is working on Adept again.14:19
danttiwell with the problems pk vs apt currently have imo pk is not a good option for users... but I'm trying to change this..14:20
JontheEchidnaScottK: he was fixing the "adept crashes when sources.list is wrong" bug since he was getting so much bugmail, but then that release FTBFS14:20
JontheEchidnaScottK: so then he released beta7 to fix that14:21
JontheEchidnathen 7.2 managed to get it to build14:21
apacheloggerI luv to blog14:31
apacheloggerdpm: please revu the templates for kubuntu-firefox-installer14:33
* apachelogger is wondering where the main pot is though14:33
dpmapachelogger: ok thanks for the heads up. I'm in the middle of something now, but will get to it in the next hour or so14:34
apacheloggersure, there is no rush :)14:35
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: is apturl-kde supposed to work with firefox?14:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: aye14:35
apacheloggerwell, technically14:35
apacheloggerwhat was apturl before is now a shell script that tries to make an educated best guess on what UI to use14:35
JontheEchidnafirefox sez that it doesn't have any program associated with apt :(14:36
JontheEchidnamaybe one needs ubufox?14:36
apacheloggerdid you restart it?14:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 362345 in apturl "firefox-3.5 apt:// urls not working out of the box" [High,Triaged]14:37
apacheloggermaybe that issue14:37
JontheEchidnamaybe! *clicky*14:37
obamakubuntu will soon be the nations only OS, keep up the good work14:40
apacheloggeroh dear14:40
apacheloggerrgettext :S14:41
apacheloggerup it goes again14:41
* apachelogger needs to de-thread a bit14:41
apacheloggermy coffee is already cold -.-14:41
ScottKGood point.  Mine too (coffee)14:43
apacheloggerwhat do you think about reintroducing kdelibs5-doc?14:43
Riddellthat takes ages to build14:43
Riddelland does anyone use it?  you can download docs from api.kde.org14:44
apacheloggerRiddell: one can?14:44
apacheloggerdownload that is14:44
apacheloggerhm, takes one additional hour to build14:45
apacheloggerwe could, however, detach it from kde4libs itself (i.e. have a fake package that apt-get sources the kde4libs source)14:45
JontheEchidnaEwww: http://imagebin.ca/view/MWvWkK1X.html14:47
JontheEchidnainstall-package is all kinds of untranslated :(14:48
apacheloggerupdate to ubuntu514:48
apacheloggerinstall-package is a bastard child of the devil14:48
apacheloggerone single code duplication from gdebi14:49
JontheEchidnatherefore, gdebi-kde is teh devil?14:49
apacheloggerhave you looked at it's code? :P14:50
JontheEchidnait's been a while, but yeah14:50
JontheEchidnaI was looking to see how it did kcmdlineargs14:50
apacheloggerhm, mozilla is gettig more communistic by the minute14:51
ScottKIs that a bug or a feature?14:55
apacheloggerI find it intimidating14:55
jussi01In soviet mozilla...14:57
JontheEchidnaxul runs you!14:58
jussi01Ill get my coat14:58
JontheEchidna(get it? xulrunner anyone? noone?)14:58
* apachelogger doesnt get it14:58
JontheEchidnawasn't a very good joke anyways, lol14:59
jussi01is anyone here involved with the chromium-browser ppa?14:59
JontheEchidnajussi01: doubtable14:59
ScottKjussi01: I suspect asac15:00
* apachelogger needs to revise his approach on firefox theme packaging15:27
apacheloggerScottK: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kubuntu-firefox-installer/+imports15:27
apacheloggerit seems chromium would use xdg-open to open urls it can't process15:31
apacheloggerso apturl does even work there15:31
ScottKapachelogger: New kubuntu-meta uploaded, so FF installer should be on the next CD.15:31
apacheloggerScottK: CDs are built from the seed, so it is on the CD I think15:31
ScottKRight.  On the CD, but won't get installed without being in the metapackage.15:32
ScottKSo on the CD/get installed15:32
* apachelogger has an urge to beat up firefox15:35
dpmapachelogger: templates approved -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kubuntu-firefox-installer (it will take a few minutes for the stats to show up)15:36
apacheloggerdpm: thanks :)15:36
* apachelogger hands dpm a cookie15:36
dpmnp :)15:37
neversfeldeapachelogger: where can I get your kopete style?15:46
apacheloggerneversfelde: efficientmod15:47
apacheloggerI recommend to tweak kopete's background setting though15:48
apacheloggerand/or possibly hack the style to match the widget color, looks super cool IIRC15:48
apacheloggerlost my configs on some machine :D15:48
neversfeldeapachelogger: thank you15:49
dpmand there goes the first kubuntu-firefox-installer translation15:49
rgreeningJontheEchidna: what to package new 0.9.0 arora (we still have 0.8.0 apparantly) and there are fixes in 0.9.0 we should want15:51
rgreeningassuming we can still update the package15:51
ScottKrgreening: Ask Riddell for FFe.15:51
rgreeningand we need to remove the adblock patch. icefox indicates it's broken and a major memory leak15:52
rgreeningRiddell: can we get a FFe for arora 0.9.0?15:52
Riddellrgreening: I expect so15:52
Riddellrgreening: want to open a bug and put the changelog there?15:52
ScottKrgreening: That was Tonio's.  You might want to mention it to him.15:52
rgreeningalso Riddell, we need to revert the patch Tonio_ added for adblock. icefox says not to add it...15:53
RiddellI don't think I've looked at that patch15:53
rgreeningRiddell: icefox says including it will make arora crash (memory leak) and generally it is unstable and unsuitable for use15:57
Riddellscrap it then15:57
* rgreening is glad he tried to configure it and ended up speaking with icefox about it15:57
rgreeningRiddell: I'll file a FFe and build 0.9.0 without the patch. If we have issues getting 0.9.0 approved, we'll have to release an update to 0.8.0 and remove there.15:58
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting in two minutes in #ubuntu-meeting16:00
JontheEchidnaHoly crap, this gtk theme rocks: http://imagebin.ca/view/5B81qG.html16:01
JontheEchidnaeww @ jpeg compression, though. Should've saved as .png16:02
yuriyoh meeting really16:02
ScottKagateau: I would encourage you to discuss now how MI and sebas Lion Mail can relate well in KDE 4.4.17:20
JontheEchidnaFFe's need 2 motu-release approvals, correct?17:21
agateauScottK: Lion Mail is very specialized toward one thing17:22
ScottKFor universe packages, yes.  The delegate for an area (e.g. Vorian for KDE) can approve by themselves.17:22
agateauScottK: I would expect users using Lion Mail to disable indicators in KMail17:23
ScottKagateau: It is, but if you want MI to get acceptance then I think this needs to be worked out.17:23
ScottKEven if worked out means "we discussed it and it's not a problem"17:23
agateauScottK: good point17:25
ScottKagateau: In a lot of ways the social aspects of these problems is the hardest and IMO we don't generally pay enough attention to them.17:25
agateauScottK: that's the problem with geeks :)17:26
ScottKagateau: No just geeks.  It's part of the universal human condition.17:26
agateauScottK: I was planning also to present the Ayatana notifications on plasma@ someday17:27
agateauso that they are introduced to it in a more personalized way than a blog post17:28
ScottKagateau: I think until Canonical gives up on Actions == Evil, it's not going to get much acceptance.  There may be other good points, but people will mostly not listen beyond that.17:28
agateaupresenting as in "making them aware of it", not trying to convince them17:28
agateauScottK: I agree, I would like to present this as a source of information,17:29
agateauan opportunity to get feedback from users about different ideas17:29
agateauat least the queueing part could be interesting I think17:30
ScottKagateau: I agree there are some interesting ideas, but I just don't think people will listen due to the actions thing.  Perhaps in the KDE incarnation of Ayatana notifications they could optionally be supported?17:31
ScottKThat way if people like actions, they can still try the other bits.17:31
agateauScottK: this would clash with the click-through feature17:31
ScottKAlthough you could perhaps still click through everything that's not the action target area.17:32
agateauthat's an idea I had,17:32
ScottKHonestly if you can do that, then the odds of your other points getting listened to will go way up.17:33
agateauWill think about it17:33
agateauThere are technical issues as well17:33
* ScottK waves hands17:33
agateaukid time,17:34
agateauhave to go17:34
ScottKBye even17:34
nixternalwhoa, Canonical rocks hardcore I must say!17:39
nixternalI just got an email concerning a person with a SAMBA crash17:39
nixternalcheck this out:17:39
nixternalI'm trying to solve a problem and trying to find someone to assist me in17:39
nixternalfixing my server. I found your name thru calling Canonical.17:39
nixternalnow if Canonical would only pay me :)17:40
nixternalthe person is in Chicago, so that is why they gave him my information17:40
ScottKSounds like time for a blog post.17:40
ScottKThat or just help him and send Canonical an invoice.17:41
nixternalI bet Riddell said, "OH, he is from Chicago...forward him to nixternal...what's next to get uploaded?" :p17:41
nixternalarchitectural firm...stating they have limited funds....probably a 1 hour fix, so I will help them out17:43
yuriynixternal: did you post yourself on market place?17:57
nixternalyuriy: no I am not on marketplace18:11
nixternalScottK: would you be annoyed if you got this email, or would you think it was cool that Canonical actually trusted you to help them out?18:33
nixternalthat is what I am mulling over...I am helping the guy out for a couple of reasons, 1 of course which benefits me, but the other benefits the project and the community18:33
nixternalword of mouth helps us all, that is how this project got so darn large in the first place18:33
ScottKnixternal: If it was a potential consulting gig (even if small), I'd think it was cool.  If it was just pawning him off on me and expecting me to give free help, I'd be annoyed.18:34
nixternalright, which is exactly why I am mulling this over18:34
nixternalthe guy really can't afford to have a full support contract18:34
ScottKIf they want to point people at local community support, they ought to use the loco or something.18:34
nixternalmy next question is why didn't they send him to the market place?18:34
ScottKRight, well if he can afford an hour of your time, then it's a professional courtesy.18:35
nixternalthey did, he stated "Ubuntu Chicago" and that I am the one running it18:35
ScottKOK.  Well that's a bit different.  If they sent it to you with a loco hat on, I think that's quite appropriate.18:35
nixternalI didn't paste that part cuz he had personal info attached in there18:36
nixternaltypically I would charge, but in this case, the fact he is a small business and didn't choose Ubuntu because it would save him money, but he did his research18:36
nixternalhe is not a techy at all, and he read up enough to set up a SAMBA server as a file server in his office18:36
ScottKRight.  With a loco hat on, I think that's entirely appropriate of you.18:37
ScottKGood for you for it too.18:37
nixternalall because a) he felt more secure, b) he could still use the machine as a desktop with less overhead than Windows, and c) because it was free18:37
nixternalsorry, even with the loco hat on, I would charge, except in certain cases18:37
nixternalie. schools, religious facilities, and small businesses who make a good decision :)18:38
nixternalschools that don't have the money and are usually not-for-profit18:38
nixternalnow our school system here, I just switched out their main line of servers to CentOS18:38
nixternalboy did they pay good18:39
ScottKI can imagine18:39
nixternalyet they are on tv complaining they can't afford to house any more students and that they have to cut staff18:39
nixternalits funny, I was telling jcastro about one I just did...they went with debian for their servers and had Ubuntu and Kubuntu for desktop machines...one guy picked Xubuntu cuz he liked the logo and it was really clean looking...out of the 5 women in the office, they chose Kubuntu. Everyone had the choice of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu for one guy, and Windows XP...all but 2 chose us :)18:41
rgreeningScottK: bug 424312 - FFe for arora (someone else filed an incomplete request). Can I add to it and subscribe the correct group?19:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424312 in arora "[FFe] [karmic] update to 0.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42431219:05
Tonio_rgreening: I've uploaded a hudge partch for arora, it would be nice to see if the branch I've gotten it from has ben updated or if it still applies19:10
Tonio_rgreening: the patch is for adblock support19:11
Tonio_rgreening: appart from that, well of course we should update ;)19:11
rgreeningadblock is getting removed as per arora devs19:11
rgreeningthey really do not want it in its current state in arora19:11
rgreeningtalk to icefox19:11
rgreeningI mean, I'm removing the adblock patch19:12
Quintasanhurr, I wanted to translate docs :S19:37
Sputhmmm... what happens if one runs MI within a KDE4 session, do the plasma notifications get disabled then?19:49
Sputor should apps disable that?19:49
Sputthat is to say, should we disable knotify if the MI stuff is enabled...19:54
rgreeningSput: agateau would be best to discuss with. He's not here atm though.19:57
Sputyeah, he hangs around in #quassel usually :)19:57
Sputjust thought maybe someone knows that off the top of his head :)19:58
rgreeninghe's the man19:58
rgreeningI'd hate to state what I think, as I'd probably make a mistake :)19:58
SputI can't play around with MI myself yet19:58
Sputthough I think I'll have Gentoo package it in a couple week or so after upstream has stabilized it19:58
* rgreening remembers packaging for gentoo 19:59
rgreeningebuild --build ...19:59
rgreeninganother lifetime20:00
* Sput is probably gonna review agateau's Quassel patches later tonight, but as I said, I can't really test more than check if they compile and if the code makes sense :)20:00
rgreeningsure, that would be a great start at any rate20:00
rgreeningScottK: I just uploaded arora to my PPA making sure it builds there for all platforms. Will test/install later. and upload FFe details. Will you review/sponsor or whatever is needed?20:07
ScottKAs long as 'whatever is needed' doesn't compromise my morals and isn't very hard to do, sure.20:45
ScottKIt's have been funnier if he were still around to get that.20:45
RiddellI laughed21:00
ScottKGlad to hear it.21:02
ScottKIt looks like Quassel may be the world's only IRC client with a retroactive unignore feature.21:03
Riddellthat sounds like a nice idea21:04
ScottKIt's a side benifit of the way the implemented it with their database.  If you unignore someone then all of what they said comes back.21:06
Mamarokis there a known problem with the mail server? I have two users on the kubuntu-users list complaining about not getting diget mails anymore21:16
Mamaroktheir settings are ok21:16
Sputalso we'll probably have a toggle button to temporarily show all client-side ignored messages, in case you just want to check something out :)21:20
apacheloggerRiddell: do native packages require a complete copy of the gpl?22:06
Riddellapachelogger: no22:11
Riddellnot by my reconing22:11
apacheloggerRiddell: ok, thx :)22:15
apacheloggerRiddell: I reall think we should handle the non-usplash installations of k-d-s using dh_install rather than the makefile22:25
apacheloggerway less stuff to write, also less confusing and easier to maintain22:26
Riddelloh totally22:26
Riddellthat was the first package I ever made and I didn't know any better and it was copied from something similar that used Make but it's ugly as anything22:27
nixternalkind of like kubuntu-docs?22:27
Riddellshtylman__: slideshow, what's the crack?22:28
apachelogger+ kubuntu-installer-style package :{22:29
apachelogger:P even22:29
apacheloggerRiddell: I suppose we can nuke the kde3 configs?22:44
Riddellapachelogger: yes22:46
apacheloggerrevise revise23:01
apacheloggerRiddell: moved to dh7 and dh_install, removed all the kde3 stuff... still need to restructure though23:18
apacheloggerthe current dir structure is just not compact enough23:18
* apachelogger notes he only wanted to implement oxygen emoticons when he started working on kds today :S23:19
apacheloggergotta go to bed23:19
Riddellthanks apachelogger23:19
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