
MootBotMeeting started at 18:00. The chair is barry.00:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]00:00
barryjml, rockstar, mwhudson hi!00:00
mwhudsonbarry: hello00:01
rockstarHi barry00:01
barryso, shall i do a quick update from ameu?00:01
jmlyes please00:01
barrythere was no ui meeting on monday, so nothing to report there00:02
barry* `__iter__()` in model objects?00:02
barrywe agreed that __iter__ should be avoided except in the case of IFnordSets iterating over IFnords00:02
barryi should say "except possibly"00:02
barryno mandate, but it's okay00:02
jmlwhat was the reasoning?00:03
barryfor things that aren't naturally collections, it's hard to know from looking at the call site what you're iterating over00:03
barrycprov had a specific example that came up in a review and __iter__() just made things harder to understand00:04
barry* mkstemp()/open() combination leaks file-descriptors00:04
barryreviewers have to watch out for these calls when the code does not clearly close the open fd they return00:05
rockstarAh yes.  I reviewed a fix for this last week.00:05
barrygeneral call for questioning the opening/leaking of resources00:05
barrywhen you see it in a review, make sure that the resource is being closed00:05
jmlbarry, one nice workaround in test code is to have a wrapper method that calls mkstemp and then calls addCleanup appropriately00:06
jmland then returns what mkstemp returns00:06
barryjml: right.  that was brought up (or something along those lines)00:06
jmlnaturally, that won't stop prod leaks00:06
barryflacoste suggested using mkdtemp  and then creating files as needed in the directory, blowing the whole dir away in the cleanup00:07
jmlI tend to do that.00:08
barry* Guidelines changes for tests checking systems pre-requisites (specific umasks, app configurations)00:08
barrythis came up because maxb got bit by a umask sensitivity in the tests00:09
barryand i remembered fixing a bunch of these ages ago when i first joined00:09
barry(cause my umask isn't 022)00:09
barrythe general rule is, if the code requires a specific umask, then put it in the code and test for it, otherwise fiddle the umask in the test00:10
barrythe general guideline is, don't assume the user env is the default ubuntu user env00:10
mwhudsoni guess the hard part is that most of the time you won't realize you're depending on the umask00:10
mwhudsonbut it's a good principle i guess00:10
barrymwhudson: right.  i think in general we're pretty good right now.  maxb found one failing test in archives which was checking a file perm, and thus relying on umask00:11
mwhudsonoh right00:11
barry* Invalid markup; The <script> tag requires a close tag (Do not: <script type="text/javascript" src="..."/>)00:11
maxbthe other aspect was invocations of devscripts tools which could be affected by ~/.devscripts. I'm going to do some grepping and liberally sprinkle --no-conf around00:12
jmlwell, the more likely mistake is code that fails because it implicitly relies on a umask and is not tested00:12
barrymaxb: ah, i didn't know about that one00:12
jmlmaxb, I didn't know about that _directory_00:12
* barry neither00:13
* mwhudson either00:13
mwhudsonmaxb: tell us, what does it do? :)00:13
mwhudsonbarry: shouldn't invalid <script> tags be caught by make lint?00:14
maxbdirectory? ~/.devscripts is a conf file for tweaking the behaviour of the devscripts tools00:14
mwhudsonoh right00:14
maxbwhen you tweak the behaviour of dch.... the tests get a bit upset :-)00:14
jmloh right.00:15
barrymwhudson: problem is, our lint only checks the templates, not the generated html00:15
mwhudsonbarry: oh yes00:15
mwhudsonbarry: and we have to generate <script> tags in strange ways because TAL*(&(*&(*&)(*00:16
barryright.  curtis gave some good background on what we do now, and what he hopes to do later.  there was some discussion about validating the html in the tests, which nobody much liked, validating on staging (or was it edge), etc.  no resolution for what we'd eventually like to do00:17
barryso reviewers just have to watch out for that00:17
barryand empty <p></p> which apparently ain't kosher either00:17
barrythat's it for ameu update00:17
mwhudsonbarry: is chameleon brain dead in the same way in this respect?00:18
jmlbarry, one thing on the __iter__ guidelines.00:18
barrymwhudson: didn't come up, and i don't know00:18
barryjml: k00:18
mwhudsonjml: operator overloading is evil, don't do it?00:18
* mwhudson hopes00:18
jmlbarry, I'd prefer it if we wrote that up as "don't use __iter__ for things that aren't obviously collections"00:18
jmlmwhudson, operator overloading is great.00:19
barryjml: that's how bigjools worded it, which seemed perfect to me00:19
jmlbarry, cool.00:19
mwhudsonjml: when correctly applied, yes00:19
jmlbarry, I was a little worried about restricting it to IFooSet or whatever.00:19
mwhudsonbranch_set[id] was not a good application :)00:19
barryso.  i will now open the floor to y'all.  anything on your mind today?00:20
jmlmwhudson, agreed.00:20
* jml does00:20
barryjml: ga-head00:20
jmltwo things00:20
jmlthe first is that I don't know the canonical page to get code review policy from...00:21
jmlis https://dev.launchpad.net/StyleGuides is ?00:21
jmlif so, it's a lot of stuff00:21
jmlthe second is that I've been telling people to use the cover letter template as checklist, and not feel obliged to fill in every section.00:22
jmlwhich may have been overstepping the mark00:23
barryjml: #1 do you mean canonical page for our coding guidelines, or for requesting reviews?00:23
jmlbarry, guidelines00:23
jmlbarry, what I have to look at as a reviewer / patch submitter to see if a patch passes.00:23
barryyeah, that's the page, although gary and i have an action item we suck at to migrate stuff on the internal wiki (and old old internal wiki) into here.  it would be nice to find some time to clean those pages up too, but don't hold your breaht00:24
barryer, breath00:24
mwhudsonbarry: go go go!00:25
jmlbarry, I understand the difficulty00:25
jmland it sure is a tedious task00:25
barryjml: but i understand the need to clarify and make concise.  seems like a general problem with wiki info (he says nearly completing this month's chr penance)00:26
jmlbut at the rate we are accruing legislation, I'd be quite surprised if any reviewer had everything in their head...00:26
* barry does :)00:26
jmlbarry, problem is, how can we tell :)00:26
barryjml: just ask me :)00:26
barrybut that's a joke.  i really don't either00:26
barryjml: i wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of stuff slip through, but at least if either the dev or reviewer remembers, they have a place to look00:27
mwhudsonbarry: can i call you at 4am to ask for clarification?00:27
barrymwhudson: sure.  your 4am00:27
mwhudsonbarry: :)00:28
jmlbarry, having those pages cleaned up would be great.00:28
barryjml: seriously though, i'm very sympathetic, i just don't have a good answer00:28
* mwhudson hands barry a +1 sword of crap deletion00:29
jmlthe other thing was the cover letter00:29
barrycover letter, right!  do you use the lpreview-body bzr plugin?00:29
jmlno, I don't.00:29
jmlbut also, I don't tell other people to do so.00:30
barryit's pretty simple, but it gives you a standard template in the mailer of you choice, and i do think it's a good idea to fill everything out00:30
barryit's also not hard00:30
jmlI agree with the spirit of it00:30
barryjml: but... ?00:30
jmlbut I don't feel like telling community contributors to fill out another form before I review their patch00:31
jmland I'm happy enough if people demonstrate that they've thought about each of the items on https://dev.launchpad.net/QuickCoverLetterTemplate00:31
barryjml: that's a good point.  we get paid to do menial tasks :)00:31
mwhudsoni think the point is that the reviewee gets the information to the reviewer00:31
mwhudsonthe cover letter template is a handy checklist, no more00:32
jmlmwhudson, thank you :)00:32
jmlbarry, what he said.00:32
mwhudsonchecklists are great, btw00:32
rockstarJust mentioning you've thought about it should suffice.00:32
* jml loves checklists00:32
barryagreed!  i'm all for streamlining the process, especially for community contributors00:32
* rockstar can't use lpreview-body in his hardy chroot00:32
jmlbarry, as for me, I like using the web ui, just so I can be using the web ui :)00:33
mwhudsonsounds like resounding agreement00:33
* jml is done00:33
barryyep.  though i do have to say that when i'm reviewing i find a filled out cover letter to be very helpful.  tbh, when i'm submitting a branch too00:34
barrythere might also be a difference between the ameu workflow and asiapac workflow, as in how interactive you can be, how big the queue is, etc.00:35
barryso i say, use what works for you00:35
mwhudsoni think we should certainly recommend the cover letter00:35
barrymwhudson: i'd go a little further.  if you're queuing up for +activereviews, a cover letter is much more important.  if you're doing a highly interactive one, much less so00:36
mwhudsonbarry: right00:36
barryas you say, the important thing is to communicate the info, however that happens00:36
jmlputting it out there00:37
jmla flagon of $BEVERAGE to whoever makes a tool that submits a branch to Launchpad via ec2test based only on the MP page.00:37
rockstarjml, you mean like Tarmac?00:38
jmlrockstar, I don't know!00:38
rockstarI'm sure we could probably do something like that.00:38
rockstarjml, let's talk after this.00:38
mwhudsonjml: get rockstar to do it, he won't ask for a flagon of single malt00:38
barryrockstar: is a switch to tarmac in the cards after 3.0?00:38
rockstarbarry, well, lp-oops is using it, and some ubuone folks.  We're working out kinks still.00:39
mwhudsonabentley asked in today's call what PQM still does for us00:39
rockstarabentley broke Tarmac by changing the API - another hint that we need a versioned API.00:39
mwhudsonover and above us just merging and pushing00:39
barrymwhudson: that's easy.  it crashes and obfuscates00:39
jmlit checks for db changes in devel00:40
jmlit enforces the testfix thing00:40
rockstarWe can do this all very easily in Tarmac.00:40
jml(whether that is _for_ us or _against_ us is an open question)00:40
rockstarIf all we're doing is merging, I'm not even sure why PQM does a build at all.00:40
barrytestfix thing: hopefully much more transparently than pqm00:40
barrypqm does /not/ run in 5 minutes00:41
rockstarI think Tarmac will be a lot more useful when we have merge queues.00:41
barrybtw, did someone make ec2 --headless detach more quickly recently?00:41
jmlnot I.00:41
mwhudsonbarry: a new AMI for ec2test will help a lot there00:42
mwhudsonbarry: i intend to do that today00:42
barryfantastic.  it did not seem to take 45m the last time i used it (more like 5-10 which was a pleasant surprise)00:42
barrycould have been luck i s'pose00:43
mwhudsontwo things are very variable00:43
mwhudson1) instance launch time00:43
jmlrockstar, what I want is "submit https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/whatever/+merge/212", for it to take the commit message, target branch and reviewer info and submit it to ec2test.00:43
mwhudson2) make schema time00:43
jmlrockstar, tarmac's README implies it does something else.00:43
mwhudson(making schema before detaching is insane, but...)00:43
barrymwhudson: yep.  would be nice to detach asap00:43
rockstarjml, yea, like I said, we should talk after the meeting.  I'm sure my documentation skills are pure suckage.00:43
mwhudsonbarry: i hope to get to that before I run out of BE time00:44
* jml assumed that it was after the meeting :)00:44
barryrockstar: use sphinx00:44
mwhudson(or sanity, whichever comes first)00:44
barryjml: yes.  i think we're done.  any objections?00:44
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:44.00:44
barrythanks guys.  i'm off to dinner00:44
rockstarjml, okay, so Tarmac.00:44
rockstarTarmac is just a script that goes out to find Approved merge proposals against a branch (currently only the development focus) and merges them automatically.00:45
rockstarThere are plugins to be hooked into it that can do all sorts of things.00:45
rockstarI'm curious to know what the README tells you.00:46
jmlrockstar, that it's focused on projects, basically00:47
jmlI'm just looking at the README in trunk00:47
rockstarWell, it is now.  My plan is that 0.3 is less about project development focus and more about branches.00:47
jmlrockstar, I don't want auto-landing, I want to store all the information that's in my head about how to land branches in some sort of computer program00:47
rockstarjml, well, we can use the functionality from Tarmac, and maybe even just make it a Tarmac plugin.00:48
rockstarI think we can easily do it.  Even something like the old Atomic PQM analyzer would be nice.00:49
jmlrockstar, what would using tarmac give me that launchpadlib doesn't?00:49
rockstarjml, well, tarmac is implemented using launchpadlib, so most of the code is already written.00:50
rockstarI'm just saying we give tarmac another task.  That's another goal of 0.300:51
rockstarI want Tarmac to be able to deal with all sorts of things related to landing a branch, whatever it is.00:51
rockstarMany tools > one tool.00:51
rockstarThat's my goal anyway: suite of landing tools.00:52
rockstarSo you're free to implement something else, but I'm free to steal it.  :)00:52
jmlsure :)00:53
wgrantWhat was APA? I've seen references to it, but nothing about what it does/did.01:40
jmlwgrant, I can't even remember what it did :01:40
jmlI think maybe it looked ahead in the pqm queue for failures01:41
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
rockstarwgrant, it used to grab all the branches in the PQM queue, make a super branch out of them, and test it in ec202:10
rockstar'Twas quite nice in Week302:10
=== cprov is now known as cprov-zzz
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== cprov-zzz is now known as cprov
=== salgado_ is now known as salgado
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is matsubara.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
matsubaraWelcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.16:00
matsubara[TOPIC] Roll Call16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Roll Call16:00
matsubaraNot on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!16:00
matsubarasinzui, Chex, danilos: hi16:01
sinzuimatsubara: sorry, I was reading the scrollback16:01
mbarnettlate me16:02
matsubarastub and danilos can join in later. let's move16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] Agenda16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda16:02
matsubara * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:02
matsubara * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:02
matsubara * DBA report (stub)16:02
matsubara * Proposed items16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara    * barry to continue debug on bug 403606 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:03
matsubara    * intellectronica to take a look or find someone to take a look on bug 408738 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:03
matsubara    * ursinha to keep an eye on timeouts for person +branches pages and report back if the CP solved the issue or further action is needed16:03
matsubara        * The timeouts are gone16:03
matsubara    * matsubara to file a bug for OOPS-1342EA107 (ValueError using the api) and chase someone to fix it16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408738 in malone "OOPS when rendering bug activity" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40873816:03
matsubara        * Filed bug 423880 and assigned to leonardr16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423880 in launchpad-foundations "ValueError: Invalid boundary in multipart form using the API on bug and branch merge proposal objects" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42388016:03
matsubara    * ursinha to chase jtv about CP to fix rosetta-poimport script failure16:03
matsubara        * The fix is in devel, but no CP will be requested because according to jtv it's unlikely that the problem hits us hard before 3.0. The script stopped failing as well.16:03
matsubara    * chex to trawl logs and add request that caused 500 error to bug 42296016:03
matsubara    * matsubara to email stub about dba report16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422960 in launchpad-foundations "appear to be failing to record oops for all +translate HTTP 503 errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42296016:03
matsubara        * emailed stub16:03
matsubarasinzui, I take barry is still busy with 3.0 ui stuff?16:03
sinzuimatsubara: yes16:04
matsubaraintellectronica, news about 408738?16:04
rockstarEVERYONE is busy with 3.0 UI stuff.16:04
intellectronicamatsubara: so, we've sceduled the bug for 3.0, and if everything goes according to plan it will be addressed next week. until now we were still very busy with 3.0 UI upgrade16:04
intellectronicaeveryone and their sister, even16:04
matsubaraall right. I'll keep both action items in. thanks16:04
matsubara[action]  barry to continue debug on bug 403606 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:04
MootBotACTION received:   barry to continue debug on bug 403606 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:04
matsubara[action] intellectronica to take a look or find someone to take a look on bug 408738 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:05
MootBotACTION received:  intellectronica to take a look or find someone to take a look on bug 408738 after finishing 3.0 UI stuff16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408738 in malone "OOPS when rendering bug activity" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40873816:05
intellectronicamatsubara: no objection for keeping the action, but mind you it is now scheduled for this milestone16:05
matsubaraChex, any news about 422960?16:05
UrsinhaI wonder if I got disconnected again16:08
matsubarawell, let's move on then.16:08
matsubara[action]  chex to trawl logs and add request that caused 500 error to bug 42296016:08
MootBotACTION received:   chex to trawl logs and add request that caused 500 error to bug 42296016:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422960 in launchpad-foundations "appear to be failing to record oops for all +translate HTTP 503 errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42296016:08
matsubara[TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:09
MootBotNew Topic:  * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:09
Ursinhame me16:09
Ursinhaflacoste, stub, I have some oopses like OOPS-1345G2533, that reminded me of bug 174368 (that is fix released), but I couldn't reproduce it16:09
Ursinhastub fixed that16:09
Ursinhastub, could you take a look, please?16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174368 in launchpad-foundations "Search query triggering error in tsearch" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17436816:09
Chexmatsubara: I started to look at that last week and was sidetracked, I will still be looking at it16:09
matsubaraChex, thanks. I added the action item back. it'll serve as reminder next meeting :-)16:10
Chexmatsubara: great thanks16:10
Ursinhasinzui, also I have OOPS-1348XMLP49, that seems to be related to the problem barry was working on yesterday, the launchpad-reviewers mailing list16:10
Ursinhasinzui, do you know if that's correct? if so, is there a bug? (or do you want me to open one?)16:10
Ursinharockstar, bug 427383, can I haz triage in that, please?16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427383 in launchpad-code "ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded in merge through the API" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42738316:10
sinzuiUrsinha: there is a bug16:11
gary_posterUrsinha: you should put me and stub down for that Foundations OOPS16:11
rockstarUrsinha, I will look.16:11
Ursinhathanks rockstar16:11
sinzuiUrshina: We do not understand what is wrong and we do not have time to investigate it16:11
rockstarLaunchpad is teh slow today.16:11
Ursinhagary_poster, I'll file a new bug for that and let you know16:11
gary_posterUrsinha: thanks16:11
stubUrsinha: Yes, it looks similar. Separate bug, same piece of crap code.16:11
Ursinhasinzui, I've added a highlight for 'Urshina' just for you here :)16:12
Ursinhasinzui, do you know the bug number? I'll keep my eye on that problem and let you know if it gets critical16:13
stubUrsinha: Not a high priority though, as it is unlikely to be triggered by anything other than a spam bot (like the OOPS you cited)16:13
sinzuiUrsinha: bug 40360616:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403606 in launchpad-registry "ExpatError errors should be handled to not generate the OOPSes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40360616:13
Ursinhasinzui, this bug is the same of that oops? hmm.16:13
sinzuiUrsinha: sorry, I was confused..my scrolling is knackered16:14
matsubara[action] ursinha to file a bug for OOPS-1345G2533 and coordinate a fix with gary/stub16:14
MootBotACTION received:  ursinha to file a bug for OOPS-1345G2533 and coordinate a fix with gary/stub16:14
sinzuiUrsinha: That is Barry and LOSAs doing DB surgery.16:14
intellectronicasiniuz: that's no excuse16:14
sinzuiUrsinha: That screwed of the data. They fixed it.16:15
Ursinhasinzui, all right.16:15
Ursinhathanks sinzui16:15
Ursinhathe only Critical bug is already Fix Committed16:16
Ursinhathanks gary_poster :)16:16
gary_postersorry :-P16:16
Ursinhamatsubara, you can move on16:16
Ursinhathanks guys16:16
matsubaraall right. thanks Ursinha and everyone16:17
matsubara[TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:17
Chexhello everyone here is what we have for the report:16:17
Chex- Buildbot issues in the process of being resolved (currently setting up a staging buildbot)16:17
Chex- Higher than normal load on the app servers yesterday which seemed to be caused by higher than normal edge traffic, but not16:17
Chexsure if that was slow processing of queries meaning more connections per second, or really more traffic16:18
Chex(would need to correlate with apache logs)16:18
Chex- Edge outage over the weekend caused by app server hanging during auto edge rollout (bug 307447)16:18
Chex- Codebrowse is still timing out a lot16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307447 in launchpad-foundations "launchpad process not exiting after make stop on staging" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30744716:18
Chex- A few CPs were applied in the past week.16:18
matsubaraChex, re: high load on edge, I'll trawl some logs about it today. I'll let you know what I find out16:18
Chexand thats it from us. any questions?16:18
Chexmatsubara: ok, great thank you on the edge load16:19
gary_poster307447 is in progress, btw16:19
matsubaraChex, do you know if the LP outage reported by spm might be related with the high load?16:19
Chexmatsubara: I am not sure, I would have to check on that16:20
* gary_poster notices ubottu beat me to the punch16:20
matsubaraChex, ok, we can coordinate after the meeting.16:20
matsubarathanks Chex16:20
matsubara[TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)16:21
MootBotNew Topic:  * DBA report (stub)16:21
stubDiscussions afoot on migrating to PostgreSQL 8.4. PostgreSQL 8.4.1 has just been released, but will need packaging and backporting to Hardy. We also want Slony-I 1.2.27 to be released and packaged, as that is the version in the 1.2 series that supports PG 8.4 (I think - slony site is having issues right now so I can't fact check).16:21
stubNothing else interesting happening.16:21
stub1.2.17 is the Slony-I release we are waiting on16:21
stub(site is back up, or my net connection is)16:22
matsubaraok. questions for stub?16:22
matsubaraguess not. moving on16:23
matsubarathanks stub16:23
matsubara[TOPIC] * Proposed items16:23
MootBotNew Topic:  * Proposed items16:23
matsubarano proposed items16:23
matsubaraanything else before I close?16:23
rockstarPurple monkey dishwasher.16:23
matsubara[action] matsubara to trawl logs related to high load on edge yesterday and ping Chex about it16:24
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to trawl logs related to high load on edge yesterday and ping Chex about it16:24
intellectronicarockstar: i don't understand, what does it wash, dishes or monkeys?16:24
rockstarintellectronica, it was a Simpsons reference, and I was just being silly.16:24
bigjoolsor purples16:24
Ursinhagary_poster, stub, bug 42739716:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427397 in launchpad-foundations "Search triggering error in tsearch query again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42739716:25
Ursinhamatsubara, you can mark that action as completed :P16:25
gary_posterthanks Ursinha.  stub, I'm marking it low and throwing it your way.16:25
matsubarathanks Ursinha16:26
matsubaraok, I think that's all16:26
Ursinhathanks gary_poster16:26
matsubaraThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.16:26
Ursinhaand matsubara16:26
Ursinhaand stub16:26
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:26.16:26
Ursinhaand everyone else16:26
gary_posterheh, thanks Ursinha and matsubara :-)16:26
intellectronicathanks Urshina and matsubara16:26
=== Ursinha is now known as Urshina
=== Urshina is now known as Ursinha
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
Ursinhaawww I forgot mentioning something16:31
UrsinhaI'll mail the list16:32
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-away
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
=== gary-away is now known as gary_poster
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk

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