
=== barry changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
PATXcan i get help with with uploading a ppa?01:55
PATXi have made a working .deb, and am using dput my-ppa fastpatx_0.0.1-1ubuntu1_all.deb01:56
PATXwhat else do i need?01:56
micahgPATX: you upload a source changes file to a ppa01:57
PATXhow do i make one of those?01:57
micahgPATX: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading01:57
PATXi read that02:00
PATXi dont have the sources.changes file or whatever, can i make one micahg02:01
micahgPATX: you make it by following the directions here https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage02:02
PATXmicahg - still not seeing how to do it...02:05
PATXmicahg - i have a debian/changelog file in the .deb, so i use that?02:06
micahghow did you make the .deb?02:06
PATXdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc02:07
PATXi used https://launchpad.net/pyapptemplate too... to set everything up, i can double click the deb and it will install properly too...02:07
micahgso you just need this part https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#Options%20when%20building02:08
micahgis the source in UBuntu?02:08
micahgyou can just do this: debuild -S -sa02:08
micahgbut you first need a PGP to upload a package to LP02:09
PATXits a python app (fastpatx - a web browser)02:09
PATXyea i know02:09
micahgyeah, then jsut debuild -S -sa02:09
PATXwhat dir do i do debuild -S -sa in?02:09
micahginside the build dir02:09
micahgnot the debian dir02:09
PATXok ty02:09
micahgit'll produce the files outside that dir02:10
micahgand then you use dput to upload the source_changes file02:10
PATXok thanks02:10
micahgsorry for the confusion02:11
PATXits fine02:11
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pooliespm or others, i'm seeing lots of "problem connecting"06:37
spmpoolie: yeah; one of the serves just went boom.06:37
pooliei wish we had some kind of announcement about this06:40
pooliei mean a "no it's not just you" page06:40
spmideally, only the super major outages would ever get even noticied. :-/06:41
mkanatHey hey. How do I delete a branch?06:42
spmmkanat: click the transhcan icon beside the brnach name06:43
pooliemkanat: only through the web page atm06:43
mkanatspm: Ahh, I see it now! Thanks. :-)06:43
spmmkanat: you ain't the first, you won't be the last :-)06:43
mkanatHahahaha. :-)06:43
spmpoolie: fyi; should be all fixed and working again06:55
pooliemkanat: i think, but imbw, this is fixed in the 4.0 branch page06:55
mkanatpoolie: Okay. :-)06:55
talmikhi has anybody problem with connection to launchpad translation?07:17
spmtalmik: url?07:19
spmbleh. yes. looking.07:21
dholbachcould it be that Soyuz is dropping uploads atm?07:22
dholbachI uploaded zsh to karmic twice now and didn't get any confirmation email07:22
wgrantdholbach: Some binaries will fail to upload.07:22
eris23"problem connecting to the Launchpad server"07:22
spmdholbach: possibly; I know cprov was working onsome fixes earlier; but we haven't had the ok to make em go live07:22
wgrantAnd some source might fail silently.07:22
wgrantdholbach: Is the .dsc somewhere?07:23
dholbachwgrant: on my machine - where would you need it?07:23
wgrantdholbach: Can you pastebin it?07:23
wgrantspm: They need an additional OK on top of the one for iron?07:24
dholbachwrong one07:25
spmwgrant: upgrading s/w on services without the guys responsible for the same services not knowing about it, is Not A Good Idea :-)07:25
dholbachwgrant: http://pastebin.ca/156080207:26
wgrantspm: Indeed not, but it has never been clear who is responsible for what and blah.07:27
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: ** Launchpad Is Having Issues atm ** | There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
wgrantdholbach: Hmmm. What's the changed-by for that?07:27
wgrantIt doesn't look like it should be dropped by this issue.07:27
dholbachthat's in the .changes07:27
wgrantRight, I forgot that bit :(07:28
dholbachalright, I'll create ~/uploads now and do it later on :)07:28
spmwgrant: generically atm, the guys in question are kiko and flacoste.07:31
wgrantspm: Aha, I see.07:32
dholbachone of them should move in a different timezone ;-)07:33
jmlhell yes.07:37
dholbachI mean... somebody of them should just go to Thailand07:40
dholbachit's a nice place, isn't it?07:40
wgrantI was hoping that jtv would ping out a few seconds after dholbach said that :(07:40
rippsHoly**** what is up with the ppa build status? 15001 queued i386 jobs?07:41
wgrantripps: Ubuntu archive rebuild.07:41
wgrantripps: The rebuilds are queued way behind the PPA builds, though.07:41
lodderProblem I'm getting : Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.07:47
dholbachlodder: the problem is known already :/ - see topic07:48
jdois launchpad having problems?08:09
stestermanLP is definitely giving me grief; it's been slow for a few hours and now it's Please Try Again.08:10
pooliespm, timeouts again, you probably know08:11
pooliejdo, stesterman, if you go to launchpad.net and disable beta redirection it may be better08:11
stestermanwill try, thanks08:11
dumoulinHi! I haven't seen such an option about beta redirection, but I've seen a warning in my profile that says "Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance very very soon."08:24
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
spm** launchpad should be back to normal now **08:26
dumoulinspm: yes, it's ok :-)08:31
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
gleni see that nagios project uses vcs import aka it pulls changes from the original one. can same be accomplished for nagios-plugins? as i like the branching thing that lp offers to host09:01
glennot sure does the project (nagios-plugins) actually accepts bzr branch (they use git themselves)09:01
adeuringglen: you can request imports from other VCS systems. But the idea is to do that once in order to continue the development in Launchpad.09:20
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maxbcodebrowse very dead again :-(10:36
maxbadeuring: can you locate someone to kick it?10:36
adeuringmaxb: let me try...10:36
maxbsorry, I think it's just my branch this time10:37
adeuringmaxb: no problem ;)10:39
maxbI lept to conclusions when I saw "Internal server error"10:41
* mpt stares at <https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store> for a few seconds trying to find the "Report a bug" button11:19
adeuringmpt: that link is playing hide and seek ;)11:21
mptit's outside the Rectangle Of Interest11:22
intellectronicampt: but that's going to be where this link will be on all pages, so hopefully it will be easy to learn11:26
intellectronicai'm not sure what that extra line is doing there, though11:27
mptintellectronica, it didn't work in 1.0. Maybe there's something different that makes it work better this time, but I don't know what that would be.11:27
intellectronicampt: it's bigger and bolder, and there are fewer actions to confuse it with11:28
intellectronicaas an added bonus, it's searchable, since it's a textual link11:29
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
dpmdanilos: jtv, henninge, could any of you have a look at this, please? ->11:39
dpm<evand> ick, the translations that come out of launchpad for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu are a bit of a mess.  Different directories for different translations of the same template ('.', 'accessibility', 'accessibility.html', where each directory has a few different po files)11:39
dpmthat's the ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu template in karmic11:39
jtvdpm: if this is conventional, manual export then it's a known bug.11:39
danilosdpm: what jtv said, I suggest bzr export for better layout11:40
danilosjtv: though, didn't we do something about it at least?11:40
pooliehi danilos11:40
jtvdanilos: not that I recall11:40
daniloshi poolie, how's it going?11:40
dpmevand: it seems to be a known bug -> <jtv> dpm: if this is conventional, manual export then it's a known bug.11:41
evandtis indeed11:41
evandawesome, I'm just glad it's not something we're stuck with long-term.11:41
dpmdanilos: but bzr export won't work with source packages, will it?11:41
danilosdpm: nope, it won't11:42
pooliegood thanks11:42
dpmso is there any workaround for this, or do maintainers simply have to do some renaming?11:42
jtvdo a published upload of the translations where each translation file has its proper, up-to-date path.11:43
danilosdpm: they basically have to do the renaming themselves, though I believe we can fix it by uploading a tarball with sane paths, and then approving all those entries manually with new paths11:43
jtvThe problem is that we export POFiles with their remembered paths, and that path gets initialized when the POFile is created.11:43
jtvThe paths aren't always the right ones forever: templates move, people upload files without paths etc.11:44
poolieis it just me or was edge in fact affected a lot in today's outage?12:00
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
sladencome-on, how short is "very very soon", it's been displaying that for a good while12:24
maxbadeuring: Has someone forgotten to turn off the "offline soon" banner?12:51
adeuringmaxb: I think it is gone meanswhile.12:51
maxbok, let me rephrase..... has one of the appservers got stuck with the banner on :-)12:52
maxbIt seems if I sit there refreshing the front page I sometimes get it and sometimes not12:53
adeuringmaxb: Ah, I haven't looked that closely.12:56
maxbI'm not getting it on edge at all, only sometimes on lpnet12:56
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
qnixHi ppl13:08
qnixDoes rebuilding a package now possible via the web interface ?13:09
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bigjoolsqnix: you can rebuild failed builds13:18
bigjoolsis that what you mean?13:19
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qnixbigjools: no sorry, I mean.. instead of reupload a package just to "rebuild" against the ppa.13:31
qnix(when a dependency changed per example)13:31
bigjoolsqnix: no, that can't be done13:34
geserqnix: no, that's not possible as the package revision needs to be bumped for this13:34
qnixOk, but I think this feature is on the way ?13:34
SamBwhat, no binary-only NMU feature ?13:36
bigjoolsit's on the list, but there are no firm plans to implement it13:36
SamB+b1 and all that ?13:36
mrevellthanks deryck14:03
deryckmrevell, np.14:04
ScottK~7 hours ago I uploaded assogiate_0.2.1-0ubuntu3 to Ubuntu and it doesn't seem to have made an appearance yet.  I was wondering if someone might have a look into it's fate.14:15
mrevellderyck: http://blog.launchpad.net/meet-the-devs/meet-deryck-hodge14:31
deryckmrevell, I really liked your marillion question. :)14:34
mrevellheh :) deryck, I've justed pre-ordered their new accoustic album14:34
deryckI *so* need to do that.14:34
* deryck reaches for his wallet ;)14:35
barrywow, marillion!  i saw them open for rush at radio city music hall in 1982.  amazing show.14:35
* ScottK assumes it got eaten and reuploads.14:35
gmbmrevell: Nice interview :). Typo in the post though: colleques.14:36
mrevellgmb: Thanks chap, I'll fix it14:36
deryckbarry, lucky you!14:37
intellectronicamarillion open for rush. that's like, a sinful experience14:39
* intellectronica is a closet progger, but please don't tell anyone14:39
plarswhat's with the "Launchpad is going down for maintenance very very soon" for the past 1+ hour?14:48
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cgregankiko: ping16:38
kikocgregan, pong16:39
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
smoseri believe that i can craft a "open a bug" url that can be passed around that will fill in the bug with a tag, right ?16:58
smoserie, i want to "file a bug against ec2 images" with this url http://bugs.launchpad... that will automatically tag the created bug with 'ec2-images'16:59
smoseris that possible ? what would the url be17:03
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
adeuringsmoser: http://bugs.launchpad.net/firefox/+filebug?field.tags=foo+bar17:11
adeuring(according to oneof the LP tests)17:12
smoseradeuring, thats what i had guessed, but when i tried walking through it (admittedly i didn't hit 'go') i thought it didnt work17:17
smoserbut now i see the 'Tags' filled out17:17
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=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
telmichgood morning18:13
telmichare there any plans to support git on launchpad?18:13
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
telmich(probably not the first one who asks, but someone, who did not find the answer in the net)18:20
Ursinhatelmich, I'm pretty sure there's a FAQ about it somewhere....18:21
Ursinhakfogel, hi :) do you remember if this question has a FAQ? ^^18:22
mathiazHi - there are two vcs imports that are no longer valid18:37
mathiazUpstream has switched to git - I've added the new upstream git tree in the whiteboard of the vcs-import branches18:38
mathiazwhat should I do to make it effective?18:38
Davieymathiaz: unless i'm mistaken, you need to ping someone in18:41
Daviey(or subteam)18:41
mathiazabentley: rockstar: ^^18:43
mneptokmrevell: you've got mail! O:)18:43
* rockstar looks up18:45
james_wmathiaz: I believe you request a new import, and then file a question asking for the old one to be removed18:45
rockstarmathiaz, you probably want to request the old branches be deleted, and at the same time, request new imports for the git repos.18:46
mathiazrockstar: james_w: allright - thanks.18:46
mrevellthanks mneptok :)18:48
mrevellokay, night all!18:48
mathiazjames_w: where should I file the question? against the launchpad project?18:53
james_wand the new one at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/+code-imports/+new18:54
=== bialix-qbzr is now known as bialix
bialixdoes lp on maintenance?20:26
bialixwhat is eta?20:27
seb128is launchpad having issues?20:30
rahearni can't get in now and saw "launchpad going down for maintenance soon" messages earlier today,  but haven't seen anything about when it should be back up20:31
bialixme too20:31
dktcodingHi I've been having a lot of trouble connecting to launchpad, is anybody else having such a problem?20:34
dktcodingoh, ok just wanted to check out, I was blaming my isp!20:35
bialixI think we should be patient20:36
YumyanAnyone having trouble downloading Plone?20:36
airstrikei'm having trouble downloading bazaar20:40
abhiSrihello, can we discuess CD request issues here on this irc??20:40
seb128launchpad is back20:44
abhiSri hello, can we discuess CD request issues here on this irc??20:44
dktcodingyeah baby! like futurama "It just won't stay dead" =P20:45
jpdsabhiSri: No, please send them to info@shipit.ubuntu.com20:45
abhiSrijpds: thanks20:45
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
maxbCan someone check on poppy? I'm uploading things to my PPA and I'm neither receiving reject emails, nor are they showing up in Launchpad20:55
maxboh, it seems to have noticed now21:02
didrocksis there a way to retrieve its own gpg key keyid with launchpadlib?21:05
kfogelUrsinha, telmich: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+faq/3721:15
Ursinhathanks kfogel!21:16
kfogelUrsinha: np.  feel free to link to that page from somewhere in the dev wiki if you think it appropriate (like dev.launchpad.net/FAQ)21:18
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PATXmy openpgp key will not import...21:56
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PATXwhat is wrong?21:56
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
rowinggolfer_hi folks.22:15
rowinggolfer_great news about the planet.22:15
rowinggolfer_that will fill the hole left by the infrequent podcasts :(22:15
rowinggolfer_QUESTION - is there an issue with the key importing system?22:17
rowinggolfer_ie the backend to https://launchpad.net/~rowinggolfer/+editpgpkeys22:17
rowinggolfer_ah... no worries. found another wonderful howto.22:25
rowinggolfer_incidentally.... geoffrey@bungle.com   is VERY funny.22:25
rowinggolfer_launchpad is just SO british :)22:26
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
maxbLP isn't quite smart enough to know to fetch .orig.tar.gz for PPA uploads from Debian if they don't exist in Ubuntu, is it?22:49
wgrantmaxb: No.22:51
jmlgood morning folks22:52
maxbShame. It's already in the librarian, after all :-)22:52
jmlkfogel: ping23:00
kfogeljml: hey23:01
kfogeljml: can phone now, but if you want to wait 15 or so, I could have some more wiki page done for us23:01
kfogeljml: mrevell's nick doesn't complete, so my guess is he's not joining23:01
jmlkfogel: excellent23:02
* jml continues with morning mail processing23:02
jmlkfogel: yeah, that was my guess23:07
kfogeljml: can't blame the guy!23:08
jmlright :)23:09
kfogeljml: before we skype, want to do https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kfogel/launchpad/add-community-contributions-script/+merge/11417 ?23:18
kfogeljml: (and note the typo on line 170-171 is fixed :-) )23:18
jmlkfogel: sure, you've got me.23:18
kfogeljml: thx23:20
kfogeljml: I guess we should go to #launchpad-dev for any comments23:20
jmlor #launchpad-reviews. ha ha.23:20
kfogeljml: <grrr>23:21

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