
robert__my internet works fine, frostwire and epiphany connect just fine00:06
keihey, i have my /home dir on a sd card in my acer aspire one netbook... it use to work fine with 9.04, but with 9.10 the sd card isn't mounte after I wake the computer from suspend, which obviously causes all sorts of problems. Any idea what changed that might cause this?00:06
robert__whats the difference between epiphany browser and epiphany (gecko) browser?00:06
robert__firefox doesn't connect but epiphany does just fine00:08
robert__its the same thing to me just different name lol00:08
Casandraxkomputes: Are you ?00:11
komputesdto: Casandrax: I want to test it. is it a package in karmic repos or is it a PPA?00:11
Casandraxkomputes: Perhaps you should call it QT and make it proprietary ?00:12
CasandraxEye, K-dood ?00:12
komputesCasandrax: cute00:12
billybigrigger1komputes, i doubt you'll find a package for gnome300:13
komputesI heard it was supposed to be more mac-vista-ish00:13
komputesthe look that is...00:13
billybigrigger1your best bet would be SVN or download the source from their git tree if they have one00:13
CasandraxQT- yeah... those guys are hopless :P00:13
dtokomputes: the only real choice is to run their script that downloads and builds everything. however, it worked flawlessly.00:13
dtokomputes: however i needed a proprietary radeon driver just to get the gnomeshell to work at all00:14
komputesdto: does it create a deb package or just a dirty install from source?00:14
Casandraxkomputes/dto: how fun can you get :P00:14
Casandrax"Dirty install from source" ? ... can it get any better and more clean then from source installs ?00:16
komputesCasandrax: yep, deb, easy to install and remove00:16
dtokomputes: it installs everything into ~/gnome-shell00:16
komputesCasandrax: how do you remove from source after you do "make install"00:17
Casandraxnewbie right ? .. how long have you been using open source for ?00:17
komputesdto: I don't want just the shell, I want the whole desktop environment00:17
Casandraxmake uninstall00:17
komputesCasandrax: you serious?00:17
Casandraxfrom the source package00:17
robert__anyone else having trouble with firefox connecting?00:18
robert__it tells me offline and i know its online00:18
CasandraxHow many years have you been wandering our magnificent lands for ?00:18
robert__this is proof lol00:18
komputesCasandrax: point still stands, you need to keep the source to uninstall whereas debs are kept in the apt database and can be removed whenever00:18
Casandraxkomputes: install, test, like: keep. install test doesnt like, make uninstall00:19
CasandraxVery easy00:19
komputesCasandrax: I need to play more with installing from source - thanks for the tip00:19
CasandraxNp, keep learning my friend00:19
CasandraxKnowledge of the many is often achieved by leaning much-00:20
billybigrigger1current gnome is 2.27, gnome 2.30 aka gnome 3 is a long ways away00:20
billybigrigger1i would imagine any current source you come across isnt that usable00:20
billybigrigger1take a look at gnome schedule00:21
Casandraxgnome is very good, the best, but the chema crap is, well.... crap. Flat configuration files are always the best according to me. They also dont need all the dependencies we have now, like xml parser crap and such.00:23
Casandrax76'er has spoken.00:24
alteregoahow can i made  a cronjob to renice the windows program fabcore.exe to 19?00:41
edoceoalteregoa: can you simply `nice $(pidof fabcore.exe)` ?00:44
alteregoano nice starts the fabcore00:50
alteregoathe fabcore gets started from within a wine program so i must use renice00:51
Chester_hi guys00:55
alteregoayeah gnome 3 is something in 202000:55
Chester_i need some help about gdm config : i have gnome kde xfce and enlightement on my laptop, and an update from the xfce project broke gdm.00:56
Chester_Basically, i can't choose anymore gnome, as it get kind of deleted00:57
billybigrigger1alteregoa, 2020?00:57
Chester_instead of having gnome and xfce, i have 2 xfce in my list :X00:57
billybigrigger1haha more like april '1000:58
Chester_any ideas ?00:58
DanaGhmm, try schedtool, for that "nice" issue?00:58
billybigrigger1Chester_, someone else had this problem today aswell00:58
DanaGWhat is fabcore?00:58
billybigrigger1he also ran kde xfce and gnome, using gdm00:58
DanaGTry editing whatever launches it, perhaps?00:58
DanaGor do you mean fahcore (folding@home)?00:58
billybigrigger1Chester_, have you tried $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:00
alteregoai man fabcore01:00
alteregoadvdfab fabcore01:01
Chester_i'm gonna try01:01
Chester_see you in a minute :)01:01
alteregoacause i cant find a gui program for linux to rip dvds to mkv01:01
alteregoaand cmdline sucks!01:02
billybigrigger1alteregoa, dvd::rip i think or something similar01:02
billybigrigger1and then use ffmpeg to re-encode dvd to mkv01:02
billybigrigger1i don't think you can directly rip to mkv01:02
billybigrigger1Chester__, did you get your gnome session back?01:06
Chester__i'm having a look @ logs01:07
Amaranthwhee upstart native boot01:08
billybigrigger1Amaranth, ?01:11
Amaranthbillybigrigger1: it's in testing still01:12
Amaranthstep 1: make sure it works01:12
Amaranthstep 2: make it faster01:12
Amaranthwe're on step 1 :P01:12
Chester__ok i didn't figure out where is the problem, i probably need to reinstall gnome desktop env.01:15
Chester__dependencies problems01:17
Chester__ Dépend: fast-user-switch-applet (>=2.22.0) but it is not installable01:17
Chester__ Recommande : fam mais ne doit pas être installé01:17
Chester__sorry for the partial french in it01:17
Chester__i don't know what to do01:20
Chester__i need a package i can't install :S01:20
DanaGhmm, you could try sudo aptitude reinstall ~n.*gnome.*   -- what that'll do, will be to reinstall anything with "gnome" in the name, but not install anything new.01:21
Amaranthwait, what are you trying to do?01:23
Chester__i need to get back my gnome01:23
Amaranthyou don't want gnome-desktop-environment01:24
Chester__but my gnome session env. is not installed at the moment01:24
Chester__i do want it01:24
Amaranthno no, you don't want that package01:24
Chester__why :s?01:24
Amaranththat's a "pure" GNOME session01:24
Amaranthepiphany as web browser, etc01:24
Amaranthit's also synced from debian and we don't do anything to make it work01:25
Chester__aw ok01:25
Amaranthlooks like we actually made some changes to it a couple releases back so it hasn't been synced from debian since then01:26
Amaranththus it is broken01:26
Amaranthwe're on GNOME 2.28, that's GNOME 2.2201:26
alteregoai updated to grub now it wants to install lilo and mbr!01:26
AmaranthChester__: What is the error you are getting?01:26
alteregoai don't need lilo and mbr, i got grub201:27
Chester__i don't really know what is my error actually, the only thing i know is that my gnome is missing in my gdm environement list01:27
Amaranthalteregoa: it's the kernel01:27
AmaranthRecommends: grub-pc | grub | lilo (>= 19.1)01:28
Chester__plus i have 2 entries for xfce01:28
Amaranthit will only install lilo if you don't have grub-pc or grub installed01:28
AmaranthChester__: Do they both boot into XFCE?01:28
alteregoai got grub-pc installed01:29
alteregoaim not that stupid01:29
Amaranthalteregoa: the only other things that could pull it in are mkrboot and mindi01:29
AmaranthChester__: /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop is provided by the gnome-session package01:30
alteregoai check that01:30
AmaranthChester__: sudo apt-get reinstall gnome-session01:30
alteregoaif its not in?01:30
Amaranthalteregoa: *shrug*01:30
Amaranthalteregoa: Only thing I can think of after that is apt bug01:30
alteregoayeah its a apt bug01:31
alteregoais there a way to blacklist those mbr and lilo?01:31
Amaranthalteregoa: file a bug01:31
Amaranthalteregoa: no, not really01:31
lordmetroidhttp://pastebin.com/d5c84b3f5 what is wrong here?01:31
lordmetroidWhy can I not install eclipse?01:32
Amaranthalteregoa: does it happen with aptitude?01:32
alteregoai have no clue with this aptitude stuff01:32
Amaranthalteregoa: you could pin them using /etc/apt/preferences, I guess01:33
Amaranthalteregoa: see man apt_preferences01:33
Amaranthalteregoa: What command are you trying to run with apt that is wanting to install lilo?01:33
alteregoai use synaptic not apt01:33
alteregoai hate command line01:33
Amaranthalteregoa: Ok, what are you trying to do with synaptic?01:33
alteregoareload and apply01:34
Amaranthno, apply does something01:34
Amaranthwhat are you trying to apply?01:34
alteregoathen i see on the list - to install lilo and mbr01:34
Amaranthyou clicked something before that01:34
Amaranthyou could just close synaptic and start over01:34
alteregoabut i don't click install, cause i think this would mess up the system01:34
Amaranthalteregoa: What did you click to make apply want to do something?01:35
DanaGhmm, you might wanna' go to "forget marked changes".01:35
AmaranthChester__: did reinstall help?01:35
lordmetroidAnyone else have problems install Eclipse like I have?01:40
Amaranthlordmetroid: yes01:42
Amaranthlordmetroid: last I heard eclipse was going to be removed from the archive since it is not maintained01:42
lordmetroidI see, to bad, it is a nice IDE01:42
Amaranthlordmetroid: just download it from the website01:43
lordmetroidYes, but that is not the Ubuntu way01:43
MTecknologyWhat is the latest kernel in 9.04?01:43
MTecknology!info linux-image-2.6.31-9-generic jaunty01:43
ubottuPackage linux-image-2.6.31-9-generic does not exist in jaunty01:43
MTecknology!info linux-image-2.6.31-9-generic karmic01:44
ubottulinux-image-2.6.31-9-generic (source: linux): Linux kernel image for version 2.6.31 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.31-9.29 (karmic), package size 27982 kB, installed size 87876 kB01:44
MTecknologyok - nevermind - thanks ubottu01:44
Amaranthlordmetroid: In this case it is broken because gcj 4.2 has been removed from the archive01:44
Amaranthlordmetroid: Hopefully it just needs a rebuild01:44
lordmetroidAmaranth, how do one do that and uploads a patch for it?01:47
lordmetroidHmm, I never done any packaging before01:48
Amaranthlordmetroid: you don't01:48
lordmetroidmaybe I am not the right guy01:48
Amaranthiirc it's an automatic thing01:48
Amaranthwell, not automatic so much, I guess01:48
MTecknologywhat was the issue in linux-image-2.6.31-9-generic ?01:49
MTecknologywhat was the issue in linux-image-2.6.31-9-generic ?01:49
MTecknologysorry for repeat01:49
lordmetroidIt can't be automatic, someone has to compile things and write the package dependencies, right?01:49
AmaranthMTecknology: the fact that linux-image-2.6.31-10-generic exists?01:49
MTecknologyAmaranth: I know there was an issue with trying to impliment a memory thing, but I forgot what it was called01:50
Amaranthlordmetroid: hopefully the dependencies on certain versions of gcj are configured at build time so it just needs a rebuild01:50
AmaranthMTecknology: badram patches?01:51
MTecknologyit was somethign to optimize memory pages I think01:51
AmaranthMTecknology: the only major difference between -9 and -10 is an intel bug fix, afaik01:51
AmaranthMTecknology: I really have no idea what you're talking about :P01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ksm01:52
MTecknologykernel shared memory01:53
AmaranthMTecknology: expand the macro :)01:53
MTecknologyI'LL FIND THE BUG01:53
AmaranthMTecknology: anything in particular about kernel shared memory? :)01:54
MTecknologybug 41878101:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418781 in linux "Karmic 2.6.31-7.27 KSM patchset breaks encrypted swap" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41878101:55
Amaranthah, security nut :)01:56
MTecknologyit wasn't fixed - just deferred for 10.0401:56
dtohmm, was a new kernel just pushed out?01:56
dtoit had to restart after i just updated, but i didn't catch whether a kernel came01:56
dtomaybe i should try the realtime kernel again?01:57
AmaranthMTecknology: the KSM patchset was deferred for 10.0401:58
AmaranthMTecknology: so the bug is fixed, encrypted partitions should work again01:58
AmaranthMTecknology: you want the ksm patchset?01:58
MTecknologyMy only system is using LUKS and on Karmic01:58
MTecknologyanyway - answered the bug - time for homework02:01
IndyGunFreaki'm thinkin i might install Karmic on my laptop... i can dea w/ the intel graphics issues, the intel audio is a bit more annoying02:01
MTecknologyI need a stable system for college - so I use karmic :P02:04
DanaGthe only encryption I use, is truecrypt.02:05
DanaGAnd only for stuff that I specifically want to encrypt.02:05
MTecknologyI use LUKS, ecryptfs, for trasmitting I use truecrypt02:10
MTecknologyI suppose if I wanted I could do drive level, truecrypt hidden volume, and pgp02:11
MTecknologyof all those - pgp is probably safest :P02:11
buckywoo hoo! 2.6.31 kernel is out02:32
lokadsomeone here with grub-debug-foo?02:32
buckyi use old grub 1 so i don't know02:33
lokadsince 1.97~beta2 it refuses to boot02:33
buckyis this with ext4 ?02:33
lokadboot on ext2 root on ext402:33
mikmlokad: What error are you getting?02:33
lokadIt only gets to "GRUB loading." then immediately restarts the system02:34
lokadSo no menu or anything02:34
lokadI've already played a bit with different "modules" settings but nothing helps02:35
lokadbucky: thx anyway02:38
buckylokad, google for rootfs=ext4  in /etc/grub.cfg02:38
buckyor something like that02:39
mikmYou meant /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:39
buckythats it02:39
lokadmikm: in grub legacy that would mean stage2 not found02:40
lokaddon't think thats that ... grub 1.96 works02:40
lokad(same config)02:40
worlock_check the kernel dir02:41
worlock_maybe is this02:41
worlock_somebody knows why desapears the menu icons under GNOME???02:41
drs305worlock_: Run this: gconftool-2 --set --type=bool /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons  true02:42
lokadI think there must be something wrong with core.img02:42
worlock_but this will be a default config for karmic or is jut temporal??02:43
drs305worlock_: It was a dev decision to get rid of the icons. You can get them back with the above or Sys >Prefs > Appear : Interface02:43
lokaddefault karmic config. I only had to remove 1.97 specific uuid stuff (search --uuid ...) and manually set the kernel root02:44
lokad(default -> grub-mkconfig)02:45
worlock_I read some about that...02:45
worlock_but is more easy to find options looking for icons... I just think so...02:46
lokadjust tried with upstream grub2 - doesn't work either :-(02:48
buckylokad,  do you have a /boot/grub/menu.lst~  <- backup file?02:52
hggdhany left-handed here?02:55
DanaGugh, USB data transfers are annoyingly slow, for some reason.03:01
DanaGI mean, slower than usual.03:01
DanaGSlower than in Windows, for example.03:01
DanaGIt's also giving absurdly high iowait.03:03
DanaGThe system load average is 8.03:03
billybigriggeri was going to say complain about that earlier today03:04
billybigriggeri thought it was just my flash drive03:04
DanaGNope, I'm starting to think otherwise.03:04
billybigriggeri didn't look to far into it as usb transfers have always been slow for me in karmic03:05
DanaGIt's been sitting at the same percent-done for quite a while.03:05
billybigriggerhow big is the file your transfering?03:05
DanaGIt's a collection of files, 1.5GB.03:05
billybigriggeri took me probably close to 10 mins to transfer 700mb03:05
billybigrigger1 file for me03:05
DanaGIt's on a new device (Cowon S9), so I don't know how fast it's actually supposed to be.03:05
billybigriggerit was file, all the way until the last 100mb took forever03:05
DanaGIt's been saying "556.7 MB of 1.5GB -- 6 minutes left (2.4 MB/sec) for the past 5 or so minutes.03:06
billybigriggerthat looks too familiar :)03:07
DanaGIn fact, even a 'cp' is being seemingly faster.03:08
DanaGat least I can see (with wmhdplop) some disk activity.03:09
=== lokad1 is now known as lokad
billybigriggerwmdhplop? haha thats new to me03:10
dotblankhey anyone got eclipse working?03:14
dotblankeclipse has unmet deps in karmic it seems03:14
billybigriggerwow, 2.6.31 went stable sometime today03:16
billybigriggeri just checked this morning and told someone to grab as it was latest stable haha03:16
DanaGhmm, the actual transfer speed is about the same in Windows, actually.03:18
buckybillybigrigger cool new features http://kernelnewbies.org/Linux_2_6_3103:18
DanaGBUt at least I can do two transfers at once without them both getting stuck.03:18
billybigriggerbucky, i've been using 31 since rc1 :P i'03:18
billybigriggerm aware of the features03:18
buckybillybigrigger you got ati card?03:19
billybigriggernegative my friend03:19
billybigriggernvidia here03:19
billybigriggerno kms for me :(03:19
buckywonder how the new ati driver works in the kernel03:19
billybigriggerfor some it works, others not so well03:20
Amaranthfedora has nvidia KMS03:20
billybigriggermight just have to give fedora a go :)03:22
buckyAmaranth, how well does it work?03:23
AmaranthCUSE looks pretty awesome03:23
buckyyup... but do you really need it if you have a good audio card03:24
Amaranthbucky: uh, yes03:24
Amaranthbucky: it lets pulseaudio do proper OSS emulation03:24
buckyinterestingly pulseaudio is the only frontend that can use it now apparently03:24
buckyoh.. well that is cool03:25
Amaranthbillybigrigger: you've been using 2.6.30 since rc1, you know all the features, right? :)03:25
billybigriggerALL the features? haha no not all03:25
buckyyou know.. i've been around for a little while but i am impressed with how good linux is getting lately03:25
billybigriggeri know intel/radeon have kms support, the butterfs is new, uhh my gspca webcam doesn't work since rc1...03:26
buckyi bought a cheap multimedia keyboard on an impulse buy and all the keys work... plug and play03:27
billybigriggerit all boils down to the distro03:27
buckyi915 : Change GEM throttling to be 20ms (improves high-settings openarena performance on my GM45 by 50%)03:28
buckyAdd rv740 drm support03:29
billybigriggerDanaG, you have that wmhdplop in your taskbar? or just running in its own small window?03:29
DanaGI just run it in a window.03:30
DanaGwmhdplop -c2 -g128x128.03:30
DanaGsets color scheme to a nicer one.03:30
billybigriggerhaha how do you tell your xfer rate from that? lol03:31
billybigriggerahh i see now03:34
crimsunPulseAudio 0.9.16 is available in the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA04:07
buckyhi crimsun04:11
buckynice packages crimsun.. thank you04:26
ShapeShifter499I tried hooking up my ipod(nano 2gb 2gen) to my acer aspire one netbook with ubuntu karmic alpha 5 on it, and when ever I try accessing any files on my ipod either though a media player or nautilus it gives me a "internal data flow" error, now what the heck does that mean??04:27
buckyprobably a permissions problem.. i never tried that so i don't know04:28
ShapeShifter499oh and a note, I have been able to play music on my ipod even after this error, I know this because I'm using my ipod right now04:29
ShapeShifter499well if its a permission prob how do I fix it?04:29
ShapeShifter499on its dev file?04:30
aboSamoorMy external mic is still not working with PA 0.9.16, after purging PA it works charmly :)04:30
ShapeShifter499or what04:31
ShapeShifter499I don't what to loose my music04:31
AmaranthI wonder if we're going to use OSS Proxy04:34
ShapeShifter499oh nvm04:41
ShapeShifter499I'll fix it04:41
Name141Is it possible to put karmic on a USB stick to boot live?04:56
alksjdfasdfadon't know i can't even get it to boot off a live cd04:57
Name141I just wanted to see if my NIC module was fixed yet04:57
Name141It isn't showing fixed at the bug report04:57
Name141so I doubt it04:57
Name141It broke when it went to Intrepid and still is in Jaunty04:57
Name141So I said screw that and didn't want to run old software (hardy)04:57
Name141installed XP04:58
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 11998 in Network "e1000e driver does not initialize correctly" [Normal,Assigned]04:58
Name141it worked fine in hardy04:58
* Name141 shrugs04:58
alksjdfasdfaeverything worked on 9.04, can't even get 9.10 to boot04:58
Name141Some people told me to see if the newer kernel in karmic would work04:59
alksjdfasdfai swear every time they release a new version they break more stuff then they fix04:59
billybigriggeranyone here use rawdisk mode in virtualbox?04:59
SwedeMikeName141: didn't live work with karmic before? I thought that was the standard way (I put 9.04 on an usb stick yesterday with unetbootin and it became a "live" when I booted it)05:01
ShapeShifter499ok I give05:12
ShapeShifter499can't get my ipod working05:12
pantalooni have a stupid question: does karmic fix the intel video chipset/xorg fiasco?05:13
billybigriggerpantaloon, intel gfx are good in karmic i've heard05:23
ShapeShifter499help my ipod won't work05:24
ShapeShifter499re-asking from earlier05:24
DanaGugh, when doing multiple file operations at once, gnome file-copy thingy slows down quite horribly.05:25
pantaloonbillybigrigger, thanks...i'll find out soon05:26
pantalooninstalling right now05:26
pantalooni also found the xorg edgers driver05:26
ShapeShifter499I have a ipod(2gb 2gen nano) and I'm trying to connected to my acer aspire one with ubuntu karmic alpha 5 on it, and I get this error "internal data flow error" now what is that and how do I fix?05:26
pantaloonso if it still doesn't work, i can try that05:26
DanaGSystem load average is 12.96.05:27
DanaGAnd some of the file copy operations have been sitting at "0 seconds left" for over a minute.05:28
pantaloonShapeShifter499, did you try mounting the ipod manually05:29
DanaG(sorry, that's a nerdy joke.)05:29
ShapeShifter499how do I do that?05:29
legend2440is ext4 the default in karmic?05:30
pantaloonif you originally set up your ipod on a windows machine it should have fat32 and should mount just like an external hdd05:31
ShapeShifter499so I unmount than05:32
pantaloonso it's mounting properly?05:36
pantaloonwhat software is throwing the error?05:36
ShapeShifter499all media players05:37
ShapeShifter499the media players are giving me the errors05:38
wastrelmy card reader didn't work i tried it today05:39
ShapeShifter499one thing is odd the Palimpsest Disk Utility is saying there are 2 partitions on my ipod05:40
ShapeShifter499one thats 1.9 gb and one that is not readable and at  99 mb big05:41
pantaloonhave you tried using xine? instead of gstreamer apps?05:41
pantaloonit could be your decoder05:43
ShapeShifter499how do i tell?05:44
pantaloontry a different one05:44
quentusrexanyone know what happened to the package: nvidia-glx-ia3205:45
quentusrexI'm trying to run wine under karmic, and I need that package for 32 games...05:46
pantaloonShapeShifter499, go into Synaptic and search for xine05:47
ShapeShifter499and thats it?05:47
pantaloonyeah, then install the packages and test05:48
=== niekie_ is now known as niekie
ShapeShifter499installing right05:53
billybigriggerDanaG, usb transfers suck06:06
DanaGI made it a bit better by using the "Deadline" scheduler instead of CFQ.06:06
DanaGI had to go to /sys/block/sdc/queue06:07
billybigriggeraccording to your little app there i was getting 100MB/sec constant, peaking around 150/160MB/sec between 2 sata ext4 disks06:07
DanaGoh, and if you try to do two file-transfer actions to or from the same device at the same time, in Nautilus.... it chokes rather thoroughly.06:07
billybigriggerhaha i wouldn't dream of doing 2 xfers to usb06:07
DanaGWorks fine in Windows -- granted, it takes a bit longer, total time, than it would take separately.06:08
DanaGBut in Linux, it seems to take an absurdly, exponentially much greater time.  Like, into the 7 hours range.06:08
DanaGAnd it'll sit there, not even updating the progress text, for ages... saying "0 seconds left" for like 15 minutes.06:09
billybigriggerhehe i still don't get how to read the blobs06:12
billybigriggerthat whole graphing scheme doesn't make much sense06:12
mostafa_hey there06:13
mostafa_can any one help me with my problem06:14
mostafa_I just update my packages and I got this message after06:15
mostafa_the following linux cammand line was extracted from /etc/default/grub or the 'kopt' parameter in grub legacy's menu.lst. please verify that it is correct and modify it if necessary06:16
billybigriggeri've never heard of the grub command, or kernel parameter kopt06:18
billybigriggeryou'd better look into that one and see if you need it06:18
billybigriggeryou would have had to manually enter that i'm thinking06:19
virtualdkopt is the default kernel command line in grub legacy06:21
billybigriggermostafa_, all that is saying is that it detected that you have entered the kopt parameter in legacy grub's menu.lst, and that it wants to enter it into its (Grub2) configuration06:21
billybigriggervirtuald, ok then, i don't remember much of legacy grub :)06:21
virtualdin the debianised menu.lst06:22
mostafa_billybigrigger: oh excuse me for being late can you describe how to add?06:29
legend2440in order to upgrade from jaunty to karmic do i need to convert ext3 to ext4 first?06:29
virtualdlegend2440, no06:31
virtualdAfk low batt06:32
legend2440virtuald: ok thanks. so will ext3 be converted to ext4 during the upgrade? or will the partition just stay ext3?06:33
virtualdIt'll stay ext3 untill you manually upgrade06:34
legend2440virtuald: ok thanks06:34
ShapeShifter499I got to go06:34
mostafa_do anyone know where jockey save the downloaded files?07:12
alteregoahow can i mount a iso?07:53
alteregoaits easy to upgrade to ext407:55
MindVirusIs it just me or does PulseAudio freeze every few minutes?08:07
dtoMindVirus: what kind of freezing? temporary cut-out or skip?08:08
MindVirusdto: Sound stops working. PulseAudio CPU usage goes to 100%. I have to kill -9 it.08:08
dto:( ah, not the same problem i was having.08:09
dtowith mine, an irq conflict was causing a short audio "hang" every 2 minutes08:09
MindVirusToo bad.08:12
dtoi tried a bunch of kernel boot options to fix it, eventually i just moved the audio cable to another USB port08:12
rothchildupgrade to karmic went very smoothly but I can't see why it's disabled the touchpad on my laptop from being tapped, can anyone point me in the right direction?08:13
dtorothchild: go to System, Preferences, Mouse, Touchpad, click "enable mouse clicks with touchpad" or something similar08:13
dtorothchild: the mouse options changed around in karmic apparently08:13
dtook, now i have my own question08:14
rothchildthanks dto, i was looking in the keyboard settings! Forgot it's actually a mouse!08:14
billybigriggerall Pulseaudio users should be using the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA08:15
dtobillybigrigger: where do I find that?08:15
billybigriggeralteregoa, you need help mounting an iso?08:16
billybigrigger!iso alteregoa08:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iso alteregoa08:16
billybigriggeroooh burn haha08:16
billybigrigger<ubottu> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:16
billybigriggeralteregoa, also, i don't recommend converting an ext3 partition to ext4...your far better off, and will have less potential problems if you just create a clean fresh ext4 partition08:17
billybigriggerand a hint to all you guys having problems with pulseaudio with freezing and cutting out, kill pulse08:18
billybigriggeror do something like make a keybind like i did, System>Preferences>Keyboard shortcuts, create a shortcut like Ctrl-Alt-P and have it run the command "killall pulseaudio"08:19
dtobillybigrigger: alteregoa i think you can rightclick on the iso file in nautilus and choose archive mounter, it works sort of like the mac feature08:19
billybigriggeryou don't need to kill -9 the pid because pulseaudio is started via your user08:19
billybigriggerdto, i prefer command line :P08:20
billybigriggeri try to push my habits on others haha08:20
billybigriggerCLI is such a powerful tool once you get the hang of it08:21
dtobtw folks let me say i am really impressed with the new ubuntu, gnome, etc and all that. the complete picture is really cool.08:21
dtobillybigrigger: ok i upgraded to the audio dev ppa08:21
billybigriggeri'd killall pulseaudio after upgrading08:21
dtobillybigrigger: should i log out and log back in?08:21
billybigriggerno need08:21
billybigriggeralt-f2 then type killall pulseaudio08:21
billybigriggerwatch your speaker in the tray08:22
billybigriggerit takes about 5 secs on my machine, but it will disappear and re-appear08:22
billybigriggermeaning pulseaudio has been killed, and restarted08:22
billybigriggeror type $ killall pulseaudio in a terminal08:22
dtobillybigrigger: done08:22
billybigrigger1:22AM time for bed :P08:23
dtobillybigrigger: ok, i'm still having the same problem. it doesn't see the inputs on08:23
dtowait! :(08:23
dtoon the fast track pro08:23
dtoUSB audio from the M-audio corp08:23
billybigriggerlet me go grab a smoke, type out your problem, ill be back08:23
dtoIt says stereo output instead of stereo duplex and i can't choose it for audio input.08:23
dtook :)08:23
billybigriggerholy crap08:24
billybigriggerwhat's with the m-audio users today?08:24
billybigriggeryour the 3rd i believe08:24
dtowell their stuff all works really well with linux08:24
billybigriggerwhy are those cards so popular? are they laptop onboard or what?08:24
billybigriggerahhh makes sense08:24
billybigriggerwell i know ubuntu's audio dev dtchen has an m-audio board, and he commits to that PPA on a regular basis08:25
dtothe sound quality is good. right now without standing/leaning i can reach out and touch 3 different M-Audio products.08:25
billybigriggerhe would be the one to talk to about that, and that is who i've been pointing everyone else too...im not much of a linux audio guru08:25
billybigriggerok, you have a few tools at your disposal here :)08:25
dto(5" powered monitor speakers, a USB Fast Track Pro, and an Axiom 4908:25
dtoi have tons and tons of hardware to test ubuntu on08:25
billybigriggertake a look at these apps, padevchooser, pavucontrol08:25
billybigriggerpavumeter is another08:26
dtobillybigrigger: installing08:26
dtowhat should i do with devchooser08:26
billybigriggeri remember one person saying they had to disable m-audio device to get internal sound working properly08:27
billybigriggerwhich is a short fix, come back tomorrow and look around for dtchen, he might also be in #ubuntu-devel08:27
billybigriggerdto, paman is a good one too08:28
billybigriggerthe devchooser isn't so much important but it might be08:28
billybigriggerbut it's a front-end to most of the PA tools08:28
billybigriggerpaman, pavucontrol, pavumeter08:29
dtomy internal sound works fine. if you turn off the m-audio while rhythmbox is playing, it skips to the onboard speakers without missing a single note08:29
billybigriggerjust m-audio is choppy?08:29
billybigriggerim done my smoke, i'm off to bed! good luck :P08:29
dtom-audio playback works fine, but it won't see the inputs in devchooser08:30
dtoalso there are 4 outputs :( not just 208:30
dtohi. i can't seem to configure dual-head properly on this laptop with a vga output. when running in dualhead it detects the built in laptop LCD as 1024x768 even though it's 1366x768, so the resolution is wrong and it's all blurry. the external monitor works fine and runs at its native resolution. in the extra Multiple Screens dialog box i installed, trying to set up a dual-head display results in "user tried to set screen size larger08:45
dtothan max-size"08:45
DKcrossasumo que solo aquí hay 203 personas testing karmic koala08:51
Wistfuldto: Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually.08:52
dtook, i got dual head working, but only because I edited xorg.conf's "virtual" line myself. it was set to 2048 2048 when what it needed was 2726 76809:01
dtoperhaps i can help fix this?09:01
dto... so that the screens dialog knows how to fix it?09:02
mostafa_does anyone know where jockey saves its downloaded files?09:15
Brankoi have some issues with karmic release09:36
Brankocan anyone help please?09:36
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:42
Brankois this channel for karmic release problems?09:42
cbmuser2.6.31 is finally out :)09:43
Brankoso i have this issue this morning, first it start with flashplugin09:43
Brankofirefox asked me to install new one (for some reason)09:43
ActionParsnipok wassup with flash?09:43
Brankoi downloaded .deb package from adobe09:43
Brankoand when i tried to install, corrupt error message came out09:43
ActionParsnipBranko: the deb is a bit weird imho09:44
ActionParsnipBranko: dpkg -l | grep flash09:44
ActionParsnipBranko: uninstall those packages09:44
ActionParsnipBranko: is there any output with: dpkg -l |grep gnash09:44
Brankoi'l try, but now i can't even make update or nothing09:44
ActionParsnipBranko: of: dpkg -l | grep swf09:44
Brankono output with dpkg -l |grep gnash09:45
Brankono output with dpkg -l | grep swf09:45
Brankoi'v tried sudo dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb09:46
Brankobut with no luck09:46
ActionParsnipok thats cool09:46
Brankoi continue to get this message: Remove package in bad state09:46
BrankoThe package 'adobe-flashplugin' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Do you want to remove this package now to continue09:46
Brankoi click yes09:46
ActionParsnipok run: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer09:46
ActionParsnipjust get all flash packages out09:47
ActionParsnipso we are clean of flash09:47
ActionParsnipi hate flash its such a pain in the ass09:47
Brankowont work...09:48
Brankoadobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:48
Brankoand this blocks everything...09:48
ActionParsnipBranko: ok: sudo apt-get --reinstall install adobe-flashplugin09:49
ActionParsnipBranko: once we get this squared up, never install the deb from adobe, its not needed09:49
Brankosame thing...09:49
BrankoThe package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.09:49
Brankook, i'll remember that09:49
Brankoyou can count on it...09:49
ActionParsnipBranko: then you will need to websearch to try find a deb for it to force install it, then remove09:49
ActionParsnipBranko: does the adobe.com deb install adobe-flashplugin?09:50
Brankoi already downloaded .deb from adobe09:50
Brankoi will paste error message09:50
Brankocould not open install_flash_player_10_linux.deb, The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file.09:51
Brankoi checked permission and check "Allow executing file as program" but no luck...09:52
ActionParsnipBranko: ok can you provide the output of: ls -al /path/to/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb09:52
ActionParsnipBranko: change /path/to  to the actual path, that command wont work as is09:52
Brankoi don't follow you now...09:53
eagles0513875hey guys09:53
ActionParsnipBranko: what is the output of ls -al <the deb file>09:54
Brankoi don't know what you mean by that09:54
ActionParsnipBranko: i have nearly no chance of guessing where you stored the file so I need you to apply some fuzzy logic so the command is ran againt the deb file09:54
Brankoi am not that experienced...09:54
Brankoi stored .deb file on desktop09:54
Brankoif that is what you asked...09:54
ActionParsnipBranko: then why are you using an alpha release of Ubuntu?09:55
ActionParsnipBranko: the alpha release isnt for newb users09:55
Brankowell, i like to try new things...09:55
ActionParsnipBranko: use jaunty09:55
ActionParsnipBranko: karmic isnt for you09:55
Brankook, then i will return to jaunty...09:55
Brankothanks for help, anyway...09:55
ActionParsnipBranko: karmic is for users who can fix things and log bugs09:55
ActionParsnipBranko: you may be able to find the deb you need to force install to the remove09:56
Brankoyes, ok, i just wished to help by trying...09:56
Brankoi will try09:56
Brankothanks again!09:56
mostafa_does anyone know where jockey saves its downloaded files?10:10
ActionParsnipmostafa_: /tmp maybe10:12
haggisPCintel 82852/855GM on karmic gives a blank screen10:19
haggisPCis this a known problem ?10:19
haggisPCkernel 2.6.31-910:20
mostafa_ActionParsnip: thnx for your response I check it but nope there can't find any thing useful10:24
hernadfirefox karmic some letters are partially cut off , reported here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/42725610:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427256 in ubuntu "firefox 3.5.2, karmic some letters are partially cut off" [Undecided,New]10:26
haggisPCintel 82852/855GM on karmic gives a blank screen after grub menu using kernel 2.6.31-9 , any solution10:28
ActionParsniphaggisPC: switch to vesa driver10:28
haggisPChow ?10:28
haggisPCcant pass options to kernel on boot10:29
ActionParsniphaggisPC: boot to recovery mode root console10:29
ActionParsnipand edit xorg.conf there10:30
haggisPCwill that help , seems this is before X loads10:30
haggisPCie when kernel boots10:30
ActionParsniphmm, not sure then. maybe you have set a bad display for grub to use10:31
amortvigilhello does karmic koala have gnome shell 3.0?10:31
haggisPCi never had any option to set display on install10:32
ActionParsnip!find gnome-shell10:32
ActionParsnip!find gnomeshell10:32
ubottuFound: gnome-shell10:32
ubottuPackage/file gnomeshell does not exist in karmic10:32
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell10:32
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): redefines user interactions with the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.27.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 211 kB, installed size 1080 kB10:32
amortvigilActionParsnip: is that the shell where all the fuzz on youtube is about?10:33
haggisPCActionParsnip, i have access to / via recovery on CD if thats any help10:33
amortvigilActionParsnip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieEE664_-fw&feature=related10:33
ActionParsnipamortvigil: no idea, not heard of it10:34
ActionParsniphaggisPC: sure sounds like a plan10:34
haggisPCdid apt-get update / upgrade , lets se if that helps10:34
ActionParsnipamortvigil: wow that looks like id get sick of it real quick10:35
amortvigilActionParsnip: HEHEHEH :P10:36
amortvigilTHATS WHY ASKING10:36
ActionParsnipamortvigil: like i said, ive not heard of it10:36
haggisPC/boot/grub/menu.1st doesn't exist , is something new happening that is replacing it ?10:37
ActionParsniphaggisPC: karmic uses grub2 by default10:38
haggisPCokay so where can i edit the grub2 menu , /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?10:39
robin0800haggisPC: /etc/default/grub and then run update-grub10:40
ActionParsniphaggisPC: update-grub generates grub.cfg so if you edit grub.cfg then run update-grub the change will be lost10:41
haggisPCi'll mess with that robin080010:42
robin0800haggisPC: I had to do that to make karmic alpha 5 boot10:43
ActionParsniprobin0800: i had to hack out --no-floppy from my grub config as it made my system not boot10:44
robin0800ActionParsnip: I used an alternate cd and rescue system10:46
ActionParsniprobin0800: yeah had to do that if my system auto rebooted and i didnt change the file. i found a permanent fix though so all is good10:48
ActionParsnipDoes anyone know how to get grub2 to timeout10:48
ActionParsnipmine just stands defiant and waits for enter to be pressed10:48
ActionParsnipto chosse the kernel10:48
robin0800ActionParsnip: yes thats in /etc/default/grub too10:50
ActionParsnipfor a single boot system, grub2 is really ott10:51
haggisPCwhat kernel option can i pass to get vga=1024x768 guys10:54
haggisPCi think this is my problem10:54
haggisPCand thanks , edited /etc/default/grub so i can see grub menu on boot now10:56
haggisPCnow i can edit kernel line options to see whats causing problems10:56
haggisPCvga=773 for 1024x768 lets add that and see what happens10:58
Kanohi, why does amarok2 does not show the shoutcast directory with current daily11:00
funkyHatOn the Hardware tab in Sound Preferences I have nothing in the "Choose a device to configure:" box, should I have something? (I have 2 soundcards, my assumption is that each of them should show up here :))11:02
th_I have karmic on my netbook and after upgrading now mythtv frontend is 0.22, but my backend and other frontends are 0.21 and I'm not ready to upgrade those, any way I can downgrade it on my netbook?11:03
funkyHatth_: you could try installing the 0.21 deb, or even compiling the deb-src from jaunty, but don't file bugs related to mythtv if you do that11:05
th_yeah I know, I just want it to connect to my server :)11:07
th_I'll try the older debs and see, it's just that there are quite a few and I was wondering if there was a simple way to tell it to use the older ones automatically11:07
th_compiling all of mythtv on my netbook will probably take until after xmas ;)11:08
haggisPCseems i'll be dumping ubuntu when karmic comes out , cant resolve my problem11:11
alteregoai got still a problem with updating11:13
alteregoait tries to install lilo and mbr but i never selected this11:13
nperryFile bug report?11:23
alteregoayeah i want to fill a report11:33
alteregoabut manualy not with this program because ths bug report program has a bug11:34
alteregoaweird bug11:34
richardcavellfunkyHat: sound seems to be pretty broken on Karmic11:51
funkyHatrichardcavell: I'm not having any problems with sound apart from that, actually11:55
funkyHatThe only thing I might be missing is a surround sound option, I assume that would be in there somewhere11:56
herenbdyhow do you move widgets in kubuntu netbook remix?11:56
funkyHatherenbdy: on the panel?11:56
herenbdyfunkyHat: yes11:56
funkyHatherenbdy: middle click and drag (both mouse buttons together is usually middle click)11:57
funkyHatOr right click and click move11:57
herenbdyright clicking does nothing11:58
herenbdysame with middle click :?11:58
funkyHatWhat are you trying to move?11:58
funkyHatOh sorry, I completely missed that you said kubuntu11:59
herenbdyI added an application launcher to the applications desktop11:59
herenbdyI wanted to ask in kubuntu, but netbook remix is a karmic thing :/11:59
funkyHatWell it might be the same in normal KDE? I don't know12:00
MindVirusHow do I kill pulseaudio so it doesn't start up again?12:13
MindVirusSorry. Did I get a response?12:19
BoohbahMindVirus: update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove12:27
MindVirusBoohbah: and to restart it?12:27
Boohbah/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart12:28
Dr_Willisi never cen rember that update-rc.d command. :)12:28
BoohbahUbuntu should be renamed Sudoers :)12:29
Dr_Williswe need a UAC dialog! in ubuntu. :)12:30
Dr_Willisor not.12:30
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cwilluDr_Willis, gksudo?12:35
Dr_Willisi noticed on kubuntu some dialog kept popping up wanting the admin password.12:35
Dr_WillisI think that might ofbeen for the bug reporting system12:36
ActionParsnip!gksudo | cwillu12:36
ubottucwillu: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)12:36
cwilluActionParsnip, uh, hi?12:36
Dr_Willisi recall reading some 'articals' about what some people 'want' in ubuntu/linux file managers..12:36
Dr_Willislike if you drag/drop a file to /etc/ they 'expect' a admin password dialog to appear to allow the action..12:37
Dr_WillisI can see that being good and bad in many ways. :)12:37
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: yeah. not liking that at all12:38
cwilluBoohbah, /etc/init.d/pulseaudio only deals with the system instance of pulseaudio, which I don't believe we use by default12:38
Boohbahcwillu: really? is another instance loaded by the desktop managers?12:40
* cwillu just read /etc/init.d/pulseaudio12:41
cwilluyes, the session manager is typically responsible for launching it12:41
cwillugranted that I haven't checked my karmic machine to see if it's still done like that, but I'd be surprised12:42
* Boohbah loads up VirtualBox12:44
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frogzoothe kernel/network manager needs updating for the ZTE 6273 3G modem, to recognise product id = 0x19d2, vendor id = 0x0064 if anyone's interested...13:19
Dr_Willisfile a bug report...13:20
Dr_Willisthen again it may be  allready worked on in the kernel dev stuff :)13:20
shadeslayerHonk Honk13:30
shadeslayeri dont think ill be hanging around here in a few days.... :P13:30
Dr_Willistried to test out the latest 'frugalware' and after 2+ hrs of installing from dvd.. it crashed...13:32
eagles0513875ouchi dr0pknutz13:34
eagles0513875whoops miss type13:34
eagles0513875ouchi Dr_Willis13:34
Dr_WillisVirtual box is so handy to test out other distros in.13:37
Dr_Willisoff to test the next disrto on my list.. HmeraOpen13:38
shadeslayerDr_Willis: tried arch?13:38
Dr_WillisYep. Used arch for about 3 months..  then came back to Ubuntu13:38
eagles0513875heheh Dr_Willis exactly13:38
eagles0513875and ur like me i cant seem to get away form kubuntu lol13:38
eagles0513875hey shadeslayer13:39
shadeslayerDr_Willis: im thinking of migrating,anything i should expect out of the blue?13:39
shadeslayereagles0513875: oh hai13:39
Dr_Willisshadeslayer:  to arch.. read the wiki pages beofr you even begin. :)13:39
shadeslayerDr_Willis: i am :P13:39
Dr_Willisand dont expect a lot from their IRC channel13:40
shadeslayerDr_Willis: hmm,well they have solved some basic issues as of now13:40
BluesKajwhat's arch about?13:40
Dr_Willissetting things up 'your' way mainly13:40
shadeslayerBluesKaj: KISS13:41
shadeslayerKeep it simple,stupid ;)13:41
Boohbahexcept they have all their own custom scripts; might as well run linux from scratch13:41
Dr_Willissome things about it are Not 'simple'13:41
Dr_WillisBut they do have some good wiki pages with some info id not seen on other places13:41
BluesKajKISS , shadeslayer?13:41
shadeslayerBluesKaj: Keep it simple,stupid ;)13:42
BluesKajI try to keep things as simple as possible ..possible being the operative word13:43
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edgyHi, I can logon to kde normally but can't logon to gnome. How can I troubleshoot this?14:00
vigoSweet update this morning.14:00
frogzooedgy: ask in #ubuntu ?14:00
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shadeslayerDr_Willis: btw : http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_M153014:00
edgyfrogzoo: I am using karmic14:00
ActionParsnipedgy: try logging onto kde then renaming all the ~/.gnome ~/.gnome2 etc folders14:01
shadeslayeredgy: have you tried selecting gnome in kdm14:01
ActionParsnipedgy: then try logging in to gnome14:01
edgyActionParsnip: I created a new user and still cannot log in14:01
shadeslayeror gdm or whatever you are using as a login manager14:01
ActionParsnipedgy: yo uneed to change the session name to choose gnome before logging in14:01
edgyshadeslayer: yes this is how I try to login; selecting gnome from kdm14:01
shadeslayeredgy: what do you get?14:02
edgyshadeslayer: it just flash the screen as if it's trying to login then back to my login screen14:02
ActionParsnipedgy: can you log on to kde and provide the output of: ls -la /home/$USER14:03
edgyActionParsnip: sorry I don't understand what you mean by unneed to change session14:03
shadeslayeredgy: hmm... try reconfiguring kdm to use gdm instead,and try logging in again14:03
ActionParsnipedgy: you change the session type at the logon screen to choose kde or gnome14:03
edgyActionParsnip: sure http://pastebin.ca/156102114:05
edgyshadeslayer: I haven't tried gdm but I would after finishing the discussion here14:05
shadeslayeredgy: well remove .gnome and .gnome2 and try gdm,thats all i can think of14:06
ActionParsnipedgy: looks fine, and yuor logon name is mimo?14:06
ActionParsnipedgy: rename instead of delete ;)14:06
edgyActionParsnip: yes, mimo14:06
edgyshadeslayer: ok I would try it now14:07
shadeslayeredgy: rename the folders.... dont delete them14:07
ActionParsnipedgy: was just checking you were the owner of your own data14:07
edgyok let me rename and retry .......14:07
shadeslayerActionParsnip: o.014:07
shadeslayerActionParsnip: long time no see ;)14:08
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: im around ;)14:10
shadeslayerActionParsnip: what do you think of arch?14:12
mostafa_BluesKaj: does NTFS supprots in karmic14:16
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: not tried it tbh14:17
shadeslayermostafa_: yes14:17
shadeslayer!ntfs | mostafa_14:17
ubottumostafa_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:17
BluesKajmostafa_, yes14:22
mostafa_BluesKaj: when I click on them it cause an error14:23
mostafa_BluesKaj: when I am in jaunty whenever click on the partition Icons they just ask me the password and all was ok14:24
mostafa_but here just for Fat32 partitions are OK14:24
edgyshadeslayer, ActionParsnip: still same problem but I now noticed many errros in this file http://pastebin.ca/156103714:24
ActionParsnipedgy: looks like it is chasing compiz but you dont have it installed14:26
shadeslayeri was going to tell him to install ubuntu-desktop14:26
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sounds ok to me14:26
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: use --reinstall14:26
shadeslayerActionParsnip: just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop brings in all the remaining packages14:27
edgyActionParsnip, shadeslayer: I already did that and it's installed14:28
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: fair point, the reinstall may set the configs to default of what is currently installed14:28
mostafa_ActionParsnip: can you help me with adding a manual NTFS partition into the fstab14:28
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I make a directory in "/media" then open the /etc/fstab14:29
mostafa_what should I do then14:29
shadeslayeredgy: ok try sudo apt-get install compiz14:29
edgyActionParsnip: I haven't tried --reinstall though yet14:29
edgyActionParsnip: it's saying already installed14:29
ActionParsnipedgy: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop14:30
ActionParsnipmostafa_: /dev/<your partition>     /media/<mount point>     ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    014:30
ActionParsnipmostafa_: the mount point folder MUST exists14:30
ActionParsnipmostafa_: and change <your partition> to the partition name sthat you see in the output of: sudo fdisk -l14:30
mostafa_ActionParsnip: thnx so much bro14:31
ActionParsnipmostafa_: you will need to run: sudo mkdir /media/<mount point>14:31
ActionParsnipreplacing <mount point> in both parts with where yu want it mounting14:31
ActionParsnipmostafa_: you will need to run: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab   to get write access14:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:32
mostafa_ActionParsnip: thanx man you are a good person :-814:32
edgyActionParsnip: I tried --reinstall and surprisingly it works!!!! new new package is installed so what does this means?!14:32
ActionParsnipmostafa_: if I am having to tell you this sort of thing you shouldnt be using karmic14:33
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i use it all the time14:34
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I don't catch your point14:34
mostafa_ActionParsnip: what do you mean by saying that?14:34
edgyActionParsnip: I though Policyconf would allow us to mount without needed fstab, am I wrong?14:34
frogzoomostafa_: karmic is a development release - for experienced users14:34
ActionParsnipmostafa_: karmic is for folks to log bugs and fix their own issues. If you cant mount a partition without help then karmic will be very frustrating for you14:34
ActionParsnipedgy: its another way14:35
ActionParsnipedgy: i like fstab as the partition will be mounted at power on so (i think) it will be accessible earlier14:36
edgyActionParsnip: in dolphin I found a shortcut to my internal drive partitions, I just click on it and it works but really I don't know how to automount it14:36
edgyActionParsnip: I mean without clicking on it14:36
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I know I have difficulty with that as a matter of fact very of my problems are solved14:36
mostafa_ActionParsnip: when I get to the karmic14:37
ActionParsnipedgy just so you are aware :D14:37
edgyActionParsnip: so there is no way?14:37
ActionParsnipedgy: you can add them to fstab and they will mount at bootup14:38
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I do all and now save the fstab then what should I do ?14:40
ActionParsnipmostafa_: if you run: sudo mount -a    it will mount it, you can also reboot to test14:40
edgyActionParsnip: I am saying this because I know in solaris at least there is no more need to those fstab files any more ;) Hope linux would catch that sooner14:42
mostafa_ActionParsnip: it is mounted but it has no info in it14:42
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I mean it is correct to mount but I don't know why it doesn't show me any data14:43
edgyAny one noticed problems in autocompletion in bash?14:44
mostafa_ActionParsnip: if I click on other NTFS partitions it give me an error on the bottom of dolphin14:44
ActionParsnipmostafa_: maybe you dont have read access, did you reboot/14:44
mostafa_ActionParsnip: no but is it a must to reboot?14:44
ActionParsnipif you umount the partition then rerun: sudo mount -a    it will reboot14:45
ActionParsnipnot reboot14:45
mostafa_this is the line I add to fstab :/dev/sda5 /media/Windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0"14:46
mostafa_ActionParsnip: is it correct14:46
edgymostafa_: what's the output of mount |grep ntfs-3g14:46
mostafa_the folder exists too14:46
ActionParsnipmostafa_: looks fine14:47
wastreltab completion is broken in koala in bash when the file has a - in the name14:47
ActionParsnipcould try: /dev/sda5/media/Windowsntfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=10000014:47
wastrelat least in directories14:47
mostafa_ActionParsnip: just add uid=100014:48
edgywastrel: wastrel touch a-b, ls a<TAB> works for me14:48
ActionParsnipmostafa_: yeah, can help14:48
edgywastrel: i remember I faced a problem but don't remember the case now, do you have a bug report?14:49
ActionParsnipmostafa_: i'd it a reboot so you know its good after a cold bootup14:50
mostafa_ActionParsnip: Ok I'll reboot brb14:50
wastrelah it's a space not the - that's broken14:52
wastreli had a couple files with "foo - bar" type names14:52
wastrelthe space is what does it there's a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/41950914:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 419509 in bash-completion "no tab completion on path that contains a space" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:52
mostafa_ActionParsnip: yeah as you told it needs a reboot14:54
ActionParsnipmostafa_: np man14:54
ActionParsnipmostafa_: you can even be cheeky and run this:14:55
ActionParsnipmostafa_: ln -s /media/Windows ~/windows14:55
ActionParsnipmostafa_: then you can access the data from your home folder easily14:55
mostafa_ActionParsnip: thnx I made it before14:56
ActionParsnipmostafa_: good lad, 2 laps ahead14:57
wastrelREALLY annoying bug :]  have to type these long names ;__;14:57
wastreloki cheers ttyl14:57
mostafa_ActionParsnip: what are they?14:57
ActionParsnipmostafa_: what are what?14:57
ActionParsnipdefine "they"14:58
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I don't know"2 laps ahead"14:58
mostafa_ActionParsnip: what do you mean by that14:58
ActionParsnipmostafa_: its a saying between me and my mates14:58
ActionParsnipyou are 2 laps ahead of my thinking ;)14:58
edgywastrel: I just found a nice workaround14:59
edgywastrel: I would put it in the bug report now15:00
edgywastrel: what do you think about this? ;)15:02
duffydackwhats up with sound in karmic.  there isnt a mixer like in jaunty.  my laptop has quite decent speakers controlled with pcm channel, plus subwoofer which is controlled with the master mono channel, but things are different in karmic.15:04
mostafa_can anyone told me how to understand what is my karmic version ? alpha4 or alpha5?15:06
edgymostafa_: just do apt-get dist-ugprade and you would get the latest15:06
mostafa_edgy: when I try that it says 0 upgraded 0 newly installed15:07
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, an alpha is just a particular combination of versions of packages15:07
edgyduffydack: ask in #alsa15:07
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, the moment you update, you're no longer running an alpha, you're running something newer15:07
* Pici conciders adding a factoid for alphaversion15:08
edgymostafa_: then you are running the version newer than alpha5 which is the best thing you can do15:08
* cwillu_at_work considers turning on pici's spellcheck :p15:08
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, specifically, alpha's aren't minidistributions, they're purely a figment of our imagination :)15:08
mikmconciders is probably the brist spelling15:08
* cwillu_at_work is using uk spellcheck15:09
PiciI'm not British15:09
cwillu_at_worktoo bad15:10
mostafa_edgy: cwillu_at_work:  how can I know that what is that new thing15:10
edgymostafa_: we are telling you so15:11
mostafa_edgy: I understand15:11
mostafa_edgy: but you say you are newer than alpha15:11
edgymostafa_: you are newer by the packages that you upgraded after you install the alpha15:12
mikmalpha# is just a milestone.15:12
mikmPackages have been updated since alpha 5, so I'm "newer" than the latest alpha15:12
mostafa_edgy: ohhh I get it now you mean for example if alpha6 comes just the packages change yeah?15:13
mostafa_mikm: am i right?15:13
edgymostafa_: yes15:13
mostafa_edgy: mikm: thank you both15:14
mostafa_edgy: mikm: I have a problem with my VGA when I enable the effects it is ok but when I reboot it get disabled again15:15
mostafa_what is your idea about it?15:15
richardcavellAre they going to get sound working properly in Karmic before it is released?15:15
edgyrichardcavell: what's your problem?15:16
richardcavelledgy: Karmic has had broken sound for me since about alpha 315:16
richardcavell(it was working fine on Jaunty and up until some pulseaudio updates)15:16
Picirichardcavell: Is it not playing at all ever, or once and then not again?15:17
richardcavellone application 'steals' the sound system and no other app can play sound15:18
Picirichardcavell: Theres a bug logged for that issue, one of the suggestions was to remove/move ~/.pulse15:18
Picirichardcavell: let me find the bug #15:18
Picirichardcavell: bug 41196215:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411962 in pulseaudio "Pulse audio queues audio and gets locked to the app PID" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41196215:19
richardcavellPici: I have uninstalled Karmic and I'm not reinstalling until final release15:19
richardcavellI have about 30 bugs logged on launchpad and they're all just sitting there15:20
duffydacksound is a lot different in karmic it seems.  8.04 to 9.04 is fine but not so nice now.15:21
Boohbahwastrel: i just tried it, i can tab-complete filenames with a space and a hyphen15:27
edgyrichardcavell: for me it works15:28
richardcavelledgy: I believe you15:28
edgyrichardcavell: did you file a bug report?15:28
edgyrichardcavell: where is it?15:29
edgyBoohbah: check the bug report pasted by wastrel15:29
edgyAny one noticed bluetooth not working in kde but working in gnome?15:29
edgyIn KDE, I get org.openobex.Error.NotFound15:30
richardcavelledgy: mate I'd love to talk about it but I've already exhausted everyone here and on #alsa about it15:30
richardcavelland I gotta go to bed15:30
edgyrichardcavell: np, bye15:31
cwillu_at_workah yes, now I remember why I had him on ignore :/15:33
Boohbahedgy: right, it is a bug, i retract my previous statement15:33
wastrelBoohbah: touch foo\ bar; touch foo\ baz;15:51
wastrelthen try15:51
Boohbahwastrel: yes, i got the same result. i should have read the bug report first15:53
nemoW: Failed to fetch http://archive.linux.duke.edu/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python2.6/python2.6-dbg_2.6.2-0ubuntu5_i386.deb15:57
cwillu_at_workwhere is the animation for the new gdm stored?16:07
cwillu_at_workand is the animation itself jerky for anyone else?  (i.e., there's an extra frame in there that shouldn't be)16:07
cwillu_at_workoo, oo, and is the new main menu thingy supposed to be completely broken?  (unresponsive to the mouse here)16:08
mikmxsplash images are in /usr/share/images/xsplash16:09
mikmI haven't had any problems with GDM lately16:09
cwillu_at_workit's working fine, but the animation itself is wrong16:10
mikmFYI: xsplash is that animation you see before GDM starts and after you enter the password, not GDM16:11
cwillu_at_workirrelevant to the question "does anyone else think the animation is missing frames"  :p16:12
cwillu_at_workbut thanks for the correction16:12
mikmWhat animation?16:12
cwillu_at_workthe thobber16:12
mikmoh nm16:12
cwillu_at_workthrobber rather16:12
mikmyeah, the animation looks screwy16:12
cwillu_at_workand the main-menu thingy?16:15
cwillu_at_workah, netbook-launcer16:16
* cwillu_at_work puzzles: how did that get there 16:16
cwillu_at_workso my revised question is: is netbook-launcher known to be broken?16:17
mostafa_BluesKaj: if I don't have karmic ppa or repository for a software for example VLC what should I do?16:24
Picimostafa_: VLC is in in the regular karmic repositories16:24
mostafa_Pici: yeah you are right16:25
mostafa_Pici: but if you want to track the newest version of vlc16:25
mostafa_Pici: for example in jaunty I add this to the 3rd party16:26
mostafa_Pici: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu jaunty main16:26
shadeslayermostafa_: theres a SVN which has the latest builds,use a SVN checkout if youre keen on dev work16:27
Picimostafa_: Look for the main launchpad page for that ppa, it will list if they provide packages for other releases16:27
mostafa_shadeslayer: is SVN for any software?16:29
shadeslayermostafa_: there are various systems.... git,mercurial,svn which download the code and you compile it16:29
mostafa_shadeslayer: for example I track some softwares like "Wine Zekr VLC Audacious Amarok"16:30
shadeslayermostafa_: Amarok and VLC have SVN's for sure.... dont know about wine and zekr16:30
mostafa_shadeslayer: do you have any link for me to know the SVN better?16:31
eagles0513875shadeslayer: wine does16:31
shadeslayereagles0513875: okies16:31
shadeslayermostafa_: youll need dev libs and svn to be installed16:32
cwillu_at_worksudo apt-get build-dep <package-name> will get the build dependencies installed16:32
cwillu_at_workand build-essential should get everything else you'd need (including svn)16:33
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: I always install build-essential16:34
shadeslayermostafa_: #<put_app_here> will tell you how to compile all the apps16:34
mostafa_shadeslayer: zekr or audacious16:35
shadeslayermostafa_: no idea since i have never compiled them.... google around16:36
mostafa_I don't know what ever you compile16:36
shadeslayermostafa_: #amarok16:36
mostafa_ok amarok16:36
mostafa_shadeslayer: what should I do then type this in terminal?16:37
shadeslayermostafa_: no, join #amarok :P16:37
shadeslayermostafa_: like >> /join #amarok << in your IRC client16:38
mostafa_shadeslayer: lol now I got your point :)) =))16:38
mostafa_shadeslayer: thnx16:38
shadeslayermostafa_: basically you use svn as : svn co url_to_svn_here16:39
cwillu_at_workthat said, if you find yourself wanting to build from upstream source when a package is available, you're probably doing something wrong16:39
cwillu_at_worki.e., the package maintainer in all likelyhood has newer source debs available16:39
mostafa_shadeslayer: what is the name of " deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu jaunty main "?16:42
mostafa_shadeslayer: PPA or Repository?16:42
cwillu_at_worka ppa is a repository16:42
cwillu_at_workpersonal package archive, and archive is basically a synonym for repository16:43
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: you mean no difference between them ?16:43
cwillu_at_workalthough the text itself is a deb line16:44
cwillu_at_workthe address you point it to is a repository16:44
cwillu_at_workand a ppa is just a type of repository, that happens to be hosted on launchpad ;p16:44
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cwillu_at_workwhat's the name of that program that captures the changes made to a filesystem into a deb for later removal or reinstall?16:45
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: I don't know16:46
cwillu_at_workdidn't expect you to know, was planning on tell you to use it if you ended up building from source :)16:46
cwillu_at_workbut I can't remember the name of it for the life of me,16:46
cwillu_at_workdespite using it like every day ;p16:47
DanaGthere's a handy thingy to add a PPA to your sources: add-apt-repository.16:47
cwillu_at_workthat's it16:47
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, use checkinstall if you end up doing a build from source16:47
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: I am not as pro as you are16:47
* cwillu_at_work huggles DanaG, that was gonna drive me insane16:47
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, the normal build process tends to dump files all over the place in a way that they can't be removed or upgraded cleanly16:48
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, "./configure; make; make install" becomes "./configure; make; checkinstall"16:48
cwillu_at_workwhich gives you a deb file at the end, which you can install properly :)16:48
cwillu_at_workwait, what the hell16:49
cwillu_at_workI did a quicksearch in synaptic for "package", and checkinstall doesn't show up in the list16:49
cwillu_at_workdespite using the word "package" in the description16:49
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: I am listening now I got what you are saying16:50
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: about yeah I know it16:50
mvocwillu_at_work: oh, a interessting bug, I see that as well, let me check16:51
geniicwillu_at_work: It's in Universe16:51
* cwillu_at_work pokes genii with the how-about-you-try-the-steps-I-said stick :p16:52
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: for example if I have a source package and install it16:52
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: and then checkinstall that package it gave me a deb file16:53
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, then you would use "checkinstall" if it requires "make install" or "check install <command>" if it requires a different command16:53
cwillu_at_workand then you can just install that deb file like any other deb16:53
mvocwillu_at_work: ok, the problem is that it tries to attach some "relevance" to each package and "package" is a pretty common term. here xapian (the backend of the quick search) seems to be just a wee bit too clever)16:54
cwillu_at_workbecause a normal search for the term found it :)16:54
mvothe term search is not clever at all ;)16:54
cwillu_at_workdoesn't make sense though16:55
cwillu_at_workbecause it still gives results for 'package'16:55
mvostrstr() ftw!16:55
geniicwillu_at_work: apt-cache search package|grep checkinstall ... : checkinstall - installation tracker             apt-cache policy checkinstall: Candidate: 1.6.1-8   , 500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe Packages16:55
cwillu_at_workis it doing relevance per topic?16:55
cwillu_at_workgenii, yes, I know16:56
cwillu_at_workgenii, you can stop telling me about alternative approaches, we're talking about getting the relevant feature fixed :p16:56
cwillu_at_workmvo, so why does xapian give _any_ results for 'package'?16:57
mostafa_thank you all bro s;)16:57
cwillu_at_worknp mostafa_16:57
* genii sips and messes with Synaptic for a bit16:57
mvocwillu_at_work: it adds some words to the query (stemming, XP prefix to search in the package name namespace)16:57
mvocwillu_at_work: I'm just adding some more output to -o Debug::Synaptic::Xapian=True to see what is going on exactly16:58
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: can I ask you how many repositories do you add to your menu.lst16:58
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, don't use menu.lst, add list files to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ :p16:59
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: ohh excuse me17:00
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, depending on the machine anywhere from 'none' to 'a dozen or so'17:00
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, adding files that way just plays better with config file updates17:00
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: this repositories always change?17:01
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: for example if we move to karmic from jaunty then all of them must change?17:01
cwillu_at_workalthough it's sometimes just a formality: if the package doesn't have any real specific library requirements, the package might be identical17:02
mostafa_ I have these repositories in jaunty17:04
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/268639/17:04
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: but I don't know how to change them in karmic17:04
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: can you help?17:04
cwillu_at_workreplace jaunty with karmic in each line :p17:04
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: just this do the work17:05
Twigathyhm, a recent update seems to have broken NFS mounts for me17:05
Twigathyin dmesg I have: [ 4090.276986] svc: failed to register lockdv1 RPC service (errno 97).17:05
TwigathyMounting NFS shares hangs forever until I ^C the mount command17:05
TwigathyAnybody else hit this problem?17:05
cwillu_at_workcheck the changelogs of the last couple versions for suspicious changes?17:06
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: I change them but in some of them it says there is no such repo17:07
Twigathyit just worked17:07
Twigathywhat on earth17:07
Twigathyokay, well, if I see this happening again I'll see if I can track down what is wrong... :|17:07
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
mvocwillu_at_work: so, without a quality cutof, package returns 16500 results :)17:08
mvoout of 2800017:08
cwillu_at_workso, return all the results17:08
cwillu_at_workhonestly, a quality cutoff makes it's useless as a quick filter17:09
mvoyeah, that is right. its not quick then though.17:09
mvoI need to think about what the right balance is, maybe a "more" entry or something17:09
cwillu_at_workI don't mind slow in particular cases, but getting incomplete results is a good way to make me waste time17:11
cwillu_at_worksorry, getting incomplete results without knowing I'm looking at...17:11
cwillu_at_workalso, what's the default combinator?17:12
cwillu_at_worki.e., I want to be able to search for "package make" and get checkinstall back as a result17:12
cwillu_at_workbut it should be an "and" query, not an "or" query17:13
cwillu_at_workright now, that query includes things such as "9mount-dbg", which doesn't even mention package OR make in the description :p17:14
cwillu_at_workor dependencies17:14
* cwillu_at_work pokes mvo 17:14
cwillu_at_workmvo, also, as long as I have you here :p17:15
cwillu_at_workmvo, it would be useful if the search results were initially sorted by package name rather than the default ordering (which is useless in the search's case)17:15
mvocwillu_at_work: hm, so in theory the ordering is done by relevance, but in a lot of cases this is probably "unordered" because the package descriptions are not long enough and the search terms are too few to attach meaningful relevance17:17
cwillu_at_workmvo, I've never had the relevance ordering give me anything useful17:17
* mvo nods17:18
mvothat is probably sadly true17:18
cwillu_at_workjust as a datapoint, I never even suspected it was anything other than a pseudo-random order based on the behaviour of some internal datastructure17:18
cwillu_at_workI don't know that relevance is terribly useful here anyway17:19
cwillu_at_workthis isn't google, this is basically quick filtering :)17:19
cwillu_at_workand the closer that filtering is to a math operator, the better17:20
cwillu_at_work(incidently, you saw my comment about searches for multiple terms?)17:20
tuukkahhi guys! does anyone know if it should still work with karmic to install with usb stick and syslinux?18:10
tuukkahat the beginning of boot, it stops after repeatedly trying to mount cdrom18:11
James147tuukkah: i have managed to install karmic iwth usb, useing usb-creator (this that uses syslinux)18:13
tuukkahso i suppose i did something wrong or the instructions need updating18:14
James147tuukkah: try useing usb-creator if you can (its in the reopsities) its the esiest way to make a liveusb18:15
bmungeris anyone else having trouble with us.archive.ubuntu.com and cdimage.ubuntu.com ?18:20
billybigriggertuukkah, what instructions are you following?18:30
billybigriggerand how are you writing your ubuntu image to usb?18:30
billybigriggerbmunger, cdimage is working here18:30
bmungerbillybigrigger: i cant even telnet to it on port 8018:41
bmungercant do updates or downloads from ubuntu, but the main site works just fine oddly18:41
bmungercant do it on a server i have at another isp18:42
ShapeShifter499I got a question18:45
ShapeShifter499I use openoffice 3.1 on my ubuntu karmic alpha 5 system and I noticed that when I needed to edit a word that was all ready typed I go to type a letter into it and letters after the one I justed type begin to erase, like if I had pushed the "del" and the letter key at the same time18:45
PiciShapeShifter499: Are you sure that insert mode isn't on? It may be able to be toggled by pressing the insert key.18:46
ShapeShifter499how do I check?18:46
robin0800ShapeShifter499: overtype ? and not insert mode18:46
PiciI haven't used OpenOffice in a long time, I'm just suggesting what I've seen in other wordprocessors18:47
ShapeShifter499how do I tell what mode I have set, I just began using openoffice18:48
ShapeShifter499before it was just the text editor18:48
PiciShapeShifter499: Its probably on the status bar on the bottom of the screen. Try pressing insert to toggle it and see if it works like you want it to.18:49
ShapeShifter499hold on18:49
ShapeShifter499it was on over18:50
robin0800ShapeShifter499: you can click it18:50
ShapeShifter499now it says INSRT18:50
ShapeShifter499and it seems to be good18:50
ShapeShifter499yea just clicked it18:50
robin0800ShapeShifter499: Yes thats the normal mode I hate overtype18:50
ShapeShifter499me too, now I know that mode18:51
ShapeShifter499can I force the mode I want?18:51
ShapeShifter499so that it will never go into over mode?18:51
robin0800ShapeShifter499: no idea18:53
badmox_hi i have some problem with my nvidia drivers when i do sudo modprobe nvidia i get an error modprobe: invalid option -- 'Q'18:55
ShapeShifter499only reason is before I knew about the two modes, it seemed to switch on me, one session it would be fine and then  on another session it would do what I had just decribed(I guess be in over mode)18:56
ShapeShifter499thats why I would want to force the mode I like18:56
ShapeShifter499well tnx for the help18:57
James147ShapeShifter499: dont know why it would just switch randomly, most likly you are hitting a shortcut key by accdent. You can try disableing that18:57
ShapeShifter499ok where are those options?18:58
James147ShapeShifter499: Tools > Customise > keyboard18:59
ShapeShifter499oh ok19:00
ShapeShifter499hold on19:00
ShapeShifter499it says insert key would activate insert mode19:02
ShapeShifter499that key is the one that has Ins on it right?19:02
ShapeShifter499if so I never hit that key19:03
ShapeShifter499ok well I seemed to have fix my prob19:03
ShapeShifter499tnx for help19:03
ShapeShifter499Now one more thing19:05
ShapeShifter499I use rhythmbox and it wouldn't play any of my music, just kept giving me error "internal data flow error" now what is that?19:06
ShapeShifter499also totem did too19:06
billybigriggerShapeShifter499, try killing pulseaudio or maybe you don't have the correct codecs installed19:06
ShapeShifter499what codecs?19:06
billybigriggerwhat are you trying to play19:07
ShapeShifter499music from my ipod and from hard drive(when I was on jaunty)19:07
billybigriggermusic is too general haha19:07
billybigriggerthink codecs and filetypes19:08
billybigriggerShapeShifter499, you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?19:08
ShapeShifter499mp3 are the file types19:09
ShapeShifter499hold on19:09
billybigriggerinstall it :P19:10
tuukkahbillybigrigger, i'm following these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Manual Approach19:10
ShapeShifter499doing it right now19:10
ShapeShifter499so try it now?19:11
billybigriggerShapeShifter499, yeah try it19:11
ShapeShifter499hold on19:11
billybigriggermight need to close your audio app and re-open19:11
billybigriggertuukkah, where are you stuck?19:11
ShapeShifter499all right!19:11
ShapeShifter499it works19:11
om26eri cannot search wireless network in ubuntu moblin remix (daily-release)19:12
ShapeShifter499but what did that error mean? it sounded to me like the files I tried where corupted19:12
billybigriggerit just meant it didn't know what to do with the files19:13
billybigriggersince you didnt have a decoder19:13
tuukkahbillybigrigger, the boot loader works, and splash screen appears. then it tries to mount cdrom (trying to find the live filesystem there), which obviously fails19:14
ShapeShifter499I got it, so it should be ok to use rhythmbox with my ipod and lubrary of music right?19:14
om26eri cannot search for the wireless network on acer aspire one on ubuntu moblin remix19:14
tuukkahbillybigrigger, so sounds like what that wiki page says for "Mounting the USB stick as /cdrom - This step is only needed for the Alternate install CD and Ubuntu 6.10 or older. "19:15
billybigriggerwhat install media are you using?19:16
billybigriggerShapeShifter499, ya, if not search around, tons of ipod/ubuntu articles around19:17
tuukkahbillybigrigger, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/alpha-5/karmic-desktop-i386.iso - unpacked to the usb stick, along these instructions19:17
ShapeShifter499well it *seems* to be working right now19:17
ShapeShifter499well thanks for the help everyone19:17
ShapeShifter499I got to go19:17
billybigriggertuukkah, use the alternate cd19:18
om26erany ubuntu moblinr remix help19:18
billybigriggerom26er, not here19:18
om26erbillybigrigger: this is the 9.10 karmic irc so y the hell not here19:19
tuukkahbillybigrigger, why? i'd rather not (i'd like to see the live)19:19
billybigriggertuukkah, ok have it your way19:20
billybigriggertuukkah, you won't get it installed is all im saying19:20
tuukkahbillybigrigger, so those instructions won't apply for karmic anymore?19:20
billybigriggeryeah they will19:21
James147tuukkah: Is there any reason why you arent useing use-creator? karmic can be installed to usb with that19:21
billybigriggerjust instead of writting the desktop image to usb, write the alternate image19:21
billybigriggerusb-creator or unetbootin19:21
billybigriggermuch easier19:21
billybigriggerthey are automated and are listed on that page19:21
tuukkahok. the only problem is i'm doing this on debian lenny, which doesn't have those tools19:27
billybigriggerwhat tools?19:30
billybigriggerunetbootin will work on any linux distro19:30
billybigriggerdebian even has unetbootin packages19:31
billybigriggerright at the top of the page, you can either download and run the .bin file or download debian package19:31
junkY_Sanhey, i'm trying to install ne kde netbook version on a one a11019:34
junkY_Santhe resolution is too small to view the buttons on the bottom19:34
junkY_Sanor maybe the installer is too big ;)19:34
tuukkahbillybigrigger, you know how it goes... if it's not in the repos, it doesn't exist ;-) but thanks, i'll consider that19:34
raindogapt-get is wants to remove ubuntu-desktop, I didn't proceed, and yesterday I noticed that I no longer have a gnome option listed as session option.  I'm checking launchpad for related bugs, but does anyone have any further insight for me?19:35
billybigrigger$ sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade19:36
raindogbillybigrigger: Thank you.  Now get that coughed checked out.  :)19:37
hifiwhy did you use apt-get to update?19:37
billybigriggerraindog, your the 3rd or 4th person since yesterday that's had gnome as a session dissapear on them19:37
hifijust curious19:37
billybigriggeryou wouldn't by chance have kde or xfce or both installed aswell do you?19:37
raindogbillybigrigger: Why yes I do.19:38
billybigriggerhmmm include that in your bug report, i don't think anyone has filed one, mind you i haven't looked19:38
raindogWill do.19:38
billybigriggerand your running gdm, not kdm or xdm correct?19:38
billybigrigger$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm19:39
billybigriggerdo anything for ya?19:39
raindogI haven't tried that yet.19:39
billybigriggergiver er a go :P19:39
billybigriggerim not sure if it will help...19:39
raindogWorth trying.19:39
raindogbillybigrigger: Thanks again.19:40
billybigriggerraindog, you could try purging gdm and re-installing it19:41
billybigriggeralso, if reconfigure doesn't work19:42
raindogupdated and reconfigured, will relog to check the results.19:42
raindogNo change.  purging next19:44
raindogPurge wants to take ubuntu-desktop with it.19:46
James147raindog: unbuntu-desktop isent important, it just cantains links to other packages what ubuntu wants to install by default19:47
James147raindog: try reinstalling it19:48
billybigriggerBugs #403291, #42680019:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403291 in xubuntu-default-settings "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329119:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426800 in xubuntu-default-settings "lost gnome in gdm session chooser" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42680019:48
billybigriggeri see there were some gdm changes this morning and yesterday...19:49
billybigriggerno just early this morning, should see a fix soon19:49
raindogbillybigrigger: Thanks.19:51
squeHello. I have installed Karmic and there is a problem with setting up the external monitor with gnome-display-properties. Current it is setup to work in extended mode but trying to set it back to mirror causes a SEGFAULT on display properties window. Where are those settings stored?20:03
=== mbamford` is now known as mbamford
tuukkahsque, one thing you can check is the xrandr command20:10
* JEEB just moved from 8.10 eeebuntu to ubuntu netbook remix 9.10's daily cd version20:47
JEEBNice work has been done with the netbook GUI, I'm somewhat impressed20:47
JEEBOne question though: I used the netbook<->standard gui switcher app and now I lost those nice gray'ish icons at the top. Any fix for that? I can't seem to find them in the appearance menu20:48
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:21
faganI know but I dont think anyone actually uses it lol21:25
ActionParsnipoh i do21:25
ActionParsnipevery day i'm no here21:25
tuukkahok found the solution: needed to add the boot option ignore_uuid21:34
lieterhi, quick question before i try karmic: Does it come with Bash 4 or Bash 3.2?21:34
ActionParsnip4.0.4 here21:35
ActionParsnipoops 4.0-421:35
lietercool, thanks :)21:35
bbeckDoes anyone know if the new 2.6.31 linux kernel will be in Karmic?21:35
ActionParsnipbbeck: linux-image-2.6.31-10-generic here21:36
bbeckActionParsnip: wow, that's awesome thanks.21:36
ActionParsnipnp, dpkg -l is awesme21:36
ActionParsnip!info linux-image21:37
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)21:37
ActionParsnipthat works too ;)21:37
guntbertI just now stumbled upon empathy - it seems to be the standard client - did you find it usable for IRC? I did not22:00
ActionParsnipguntbert: there are many other clients, you dont have to use the defaults22:01
guntbertActionParsnip: I do well know :-) - instead of ranting I *could* have asked if it has the option to hide those "join/part" messages - I couldn't find such...22:03
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: r u there?22:04
ActionParsnipnot sure duder, ive always used pidgin22:04
mostafa_ActionParsnip: I have a question if the next version for example alpha6 comes does that mean I must upgrade all of my packages? if not what kind of packages should be upgraded?22:06
ActionParsnipmostafa_: you will upgrade seamlessly to alpha622:07
mostafa_ActionParsnip: ok dude if Beta1 comes22:07
ActionParsnipmostafa_: if there is any difference between the updates you have and alpha6 you will only upgrade those22:07
ActionParsnipsame again22:07
AlanBellanyone know when the partner repositories come alive in Karmic? I am particularly interested in alfresco-community which doesn't seem to be present yet22:15
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, poke poke22:21
cwillu_at_workmostafa_, the only thing you won't upgrade to is 10.0422:21
henkefor a long time I've had gnome-panel freezes in karmic, but I am not sure whether there is a matching bug report. Has anybody else encountered this problem? The panel appears to stop redrawing after some time, but "wakes up" again after it is moved22:22
mostafa_cwillu_at_work: hehe :D thnx22:24
JanChenke: might be useful to check if it happens with both metacity & compiz ?22:41
henkeJanC, could be. I'll give that a try22:51
lokadhello together23:06
lokaddoes anyone use karmic on his/ her netbook and has problems with current grub-ps (1.97 beta2)?23:07
nastasanyone with blackberry storm on ubuntu?23:27
hggdhI have a blackberry, and there is a storm outside,but I am sure this is not what you asked ;-)23:38
nastasso no one with blackberry mobile?23:38
nastashggdh sorry my bad. i mean if there is a way to install apps in my blackberry like the windows desktop manager23:40
hggdhI am not aware of any, except for the barrybackup one23:46
hggdhoh, hasty, hasty people23:48

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