
dholbachgood morning06:39
mattiMornign :)08:16
thekornhi matti08:16
alouriegood morning08:17
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Brankoi have some issues with karmic release alpha 5, can anyone help please?09:39
pedro_asac, is this a problem with the ubuntu package? bug 37563714:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 375637 in firefox-3.5 "Uninstalling Firefox 3.5 does not remove all gconf entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37563714:14
asacpedro_: thats a good question. i am not sure14:15
asacthose are user configs14:15
asacfeels like only thing that could do better is gnome-settings-daemon ... or something14:15
asacmaybe would need to check on each run if certain keys are still valid14:16
asacand if like the command line handlers are not, fallback to the last used option that is still available14:16
pedro_right, that seems to be better option14:16
asacso maybe reassign and post what i wrote ;)14:19
asacdoesnt feel like a bug that can get fixed soon. but if seb agrees we could upstream it and maybe it gets fixed14:19
debfxhow can I mark a bug that has duplicates as duplicate of another bug?14:22
pedro_asac, yes will do that14:23
asacdebfx: i thought in latest launchpad it works. otherwise you need to redupe everything ;)14:23
asacthats what was needed int he past at least14:23
pedro_debfx, not easy to do, you need to unmark/mark all the childs there first :-/14:23
debfxis there a tool to do that automatically? :/14:26
mattiYes. We call it "humans" ;]14:26
debfxis it already packaged? ;D14:28
pedro_m there's one...14:29
* pedro_ looking14:29
debfxyeah, lp-set-dupe14:29
debfxbut that requires a list of the duplicates14:30
debfxcould someone  please set bug #361862 to public or undup it?14:32
ubot4debfx: Bug 361862 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/361862 is private14:32
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micahgpedro_: you know you can create a new profile without a new user for firefox, right?15:37
pedro_micahg, yeah i know, just want the user to test without the broken user configuration he could also have on gnome15:38
micahgah, ok15:38
pedro_micahg, are you ready to triage some bugs on firefox today ? ;-)15:38
pedro_micahg, there's a firefox-3.5 hug day going on now15:39
* micahg knows15:39
* micahg is watching15:39
* micahg will probably tackle a few15:39
* micahg is normally the one who triages bugs in the package with gnomefreak and asac :)15:40
micahgright now I'm wrestling with a build that doesn't like me15:40
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Kamusincould somebody try to reproduce this 424746 please? this works fine for me..17:20
Kamusinbug 42474617:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 424746 in firefox-3.5 "firefox download xml-error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42474617:32
pedro_Kamusin, working fine here as well17:46
Kamusinthank your sir ;)17:50
* Kamusin you17:50
qenseThere is this new media-player-id package in Karmic for recognising media players. This is different from the way media players used to be detected. Is there a guide of how to add new devices to this package? I'd like to know what to say/do when someone requests to add a new device.18:50
billybigrigger#ubuntu+1 has seen a few users who are all running gnome, kde and xfce, loose gnome as an available session in gdm19:41
billybigriggeris anyone aware of this or know the bug # or a fix?19:41
mr_pouitBugs #403291, #42680019:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 403291 in xubuntu-default-settings "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329119:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 426800 in xubuntu-default-settings "lost gnome in gdm session chooser" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42680019:42
billybigriggermr_pouit, thanks19:48
qensebug 403291 should be fixed in the latest update for gdm20:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 403291 in xubuntu-default-settings "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329120:06
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Flare183Can someone please tell me exactly how to triage bugs? I still don't understand how to do it, even though I've already read the wiki pages on it.21:14
Flare183I know how to improve a bug report, but I don't know how to mark it as triaged.21:15
micahgping Kamusin21:47
micahghi first, thanks for doing a great job with the ff3.5 bugs21:48
micahgKamusin: just 2 comments21:48
Kamusinmicahg, please tell me :)21:49
micahgif you dupe a ff3.5 bug against a ff3.0 bug, make sure to add a ff3.5 task to the bug21:49
micahg2, if swfdec is at fault for something, we can suggest switching plugins, but a bug should be filed against swfdec-mozilla21:50
micahgotherwise, great job!21:50
micahg(there might be a bug for it already)21:51
Kamusinmicahg, I will.  thanks for you advice ;)21:51
micahgnp, and keep up the good work21:53
micahgKamusin: one more thing...Fix Released should not be used for unknown fixes21:56
micahgThis should be used instead: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Bugs%20resolved%20after%20update%20or%20config%20change21:57
KamusinI will change that right now,21:59
micahgthanks Kamusin22:00
micahgKamusin: have you seen the status wiki page?22:00
Kamusinyep micahg , but sincerely I just made a mistake for my poor experience in that kind of reports  : / . I'll try to remember for next time!22:07
micahgKamusin: don't worry about it22:11
micahgwe're all learning all the time22:11
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Kamusinmicahg, how can I manage this bug 411476,  is one  wishlist I think but should I send to upstream directly?23:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 411476 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox 3.5 should not use the ubuntu logout noises as default sounds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41147623:07
micahgKamusin: well, I wasn't sure why it was happening23:07
micahgKamusin: maybe hop in #ubuntu-mozillateam and see what asac thinks23:08
asaci am also here ;)23:08
asacthough its late23:09
asacisnt this a canberra setting?23:09
Kamusinwhat do you think about bug 411476? asac23:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 411476 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox 3.5 should not use the ubuntu logout noises as default sounds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41147623:10
asaci just replied (well reasked) on that23:11
asac00:09 < asac> isnt this a canberra setting?23:11
asaci asked23:12
KamusinI am not sure sir23:15
KamusinI tried to reproduce this in a fresh install of Karmic (by the way, how can I check that?)23:16
asacKamusin: /etc/sound/events/gnome.soundlist:file=login.wav23:23
asacwhat of those sounds is it?23:23
Kamusinasac, where are located these files? I can't find them23:26
asacKamusin: the bug is about the sounds you get on "confirm" dialog?23:32
Kamusinyep, when you are closing firefox and ask you if you want to proceed..23:33
asacone second23:34
asachave to check that23:34
Kamusinno problem sir, well I have to go home right now, so I see you later, thanks for your time23:35

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