
mpt_robert_ancell, hi, any progress on the PolicyKit modality bug?00:12
robert_ancellmpt_, no, I've just shelved it at the moment (bug 423454) due to other priorities.  Note that upstream wont accept any UI changes until 2.2900:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423454 in policykit-1-gnome "Improve UI of GNOME PolicyKit user interface" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42345400:13
robert_ancellmpt_, I did some work on it but the UI is hard-coded which makes it a bit tricky :(00:14
mpt_robert_ancell, sorry, I meant the bug where the alert isn't made properly modal to the parent window (e.g. the Software Store window)00:14
robert_ancellmpt_, oh the compiz bug.  No progress yet but it is on my radar00:14
mpt_ok, thank you00:15
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
Riddellasac: yes I have it00:59
Riddellasac: how do I tell if it's a nozomi?00:59
asacRiddell: plug it in and paste the syslog you get01:06
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
Riddellasac: is this what you want?  http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/daemon.log01:35
Riddellor this http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/syslog01:36
asacRiddell: yes. i will check that with you tomorrow. too late now. the modem seems to be not detected for you?01:39
Riddellasac: knetworkmanager picks up that something is there but I can't do anything with it01:40
Riddellnot tried nm-applet, will do tomorrow01:40
asacRiddell: ok. /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.ModemManager.service ... append --debug to the command01:48
asacso it gets more useful output next time01:48
crimsunTheMuso: i've readded q-funk's bug reference in debian/changelog04:05
crimsuni should `bzr pull' first next time :-)04:05
pittiGood morning07:07
didrocksgood morning pitti07:32
pittihey didrocks!07:37
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
robert_ancellpitti, can you give me any pointers for bug 417900? I can't work out what is changing the permissions of the games...07:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 417900 in gnome-games "Update to 2.27.92" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41790007:58
pittihey robert_ancell08:08
pittirobert_ancell: I suppose it's the upstream build system08:10
pittiDEB_DH_FIXPERMS_ARGS := -X/usr/games08:10
pittidebian/rules doesn't set them, just sets this ^ so that dh_fixperms doesn't override them08:10
robert_ancellpitti, no, I checked, the upstream perms are set fine.  And they're fine in the debian/tmp directory too08:11
pittirobert_ancell: so I guess debian/rules just needs a binary-postinstal rule to chmod u+g debian/*/usr/games/* or so08:11
robert_ancellpitti, yeah I wanted to avoid that though - what is changing them and why??08:12
pittirobert_ancell: uh, weird; so debian/tmp/ has 2755, and debian/<game> has 2555?08:12
pittirobert_ancell: hm, I don't see what could cause this; anyway, the 2555 isn't the worst thing here08:12
mvohey robert_ancell - sorry that I have not taken on compiz yet, I was busy with the UI freeze deadline08:13
pittiif you fix the Architecture: and the missing executables from teh package, then it's at least working08:13
mvorobert_ancell: I put it on my list for today08:13
robert_ancellpitti, I got debian/tmp has 2755, debian/game has 755, .deb has 55508:13
pittirobert_ancell: hm, they had 2555 in the .debs when I built it08:13
pittiI guess it wants to be setgid games to write global highscores?08:14
robert_ancellpitti, sorry, you're right08:14
robert_ancellmvo, no prob08:14
pittirobert_ancell: well, *shrug*, don't waste time on that one for now; 2555 at least works08:14
robert_ancellpitti, ok08:15
robert_ancellpitti, the arch thing is not a bug, the gnome-freecell package just contains a .desktop file and executed aisleriot (which it depends on)08:15
pittiI thought it was suposed to contain /usr/bin/sol08:15
robert_ancellno, it just runs sol --freecell08:16
pittiok, that looked strange08:16
pittirobert_ancell: I wonder whether it actually makes sense to have a separate package for it then, though08:17
robert_ancellpitti, it could be part of the aisleriot package.  I guess from the users perspective they are logically distinct though08:18
robert_ancellpitti, I merged the freecell files into aisleriot - gnome-games is ready for sponsorship again :)08:26
seb128hey robert_ancell08:27
robert_ancellhey seb12808:27
seb128how are you?08:27
pittirobert_ancell: ah, cool; please set the bug back to new then08:27
pittibonjour seb12808:27
pittirobert_ancell: oh, btw, you had a question wrt. lintian installation yesterday, but you were offline when I came in08:28
pittirobert_ancell: settled now, or still need anything?08:28
robert_ancellpitti, I didn't have it installed - once installed bzr-buildpackage uses it automatically - very helpful08:28
pittiit's actually "debuild" which calls it08:28
robert_ancellso many layers :)08:29
seb128pitti, re pidgin cleaning, I think we should adress the log migration and the registered session issue before suggesting to clean it08:34
seb128otherwise we give the feeling to the user that there is a drop in replacement but the said change will drop all the log history for example08:35
seb128and if some user have pidgin in their session they will have no im started and an error message08:35
pittihm; the logs won't go away08:35
seb128same difference08:35
pittiseb128: well, as I said in the bug, this shouldn't be announced as "cruft which you should purge"08:35
seb128users will never go to .dir/cache/log to browse those08:36
pittimore like "you have two instant message programs installed, woudl you like to remove one of it" or so08:36
seb128my gut feeling is that user who do cruft cleaning run it and click ok without reading08:36
pittiit's confusing to have two in the menu all of a sudden08:36
seb128hum, maybe we should really stay on pidgin08:37
pitti*shrug* I'm not too fussed about this janitor thing08:37
bigonseb128: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/42720208:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427202 in empathy "please merge empathy 2.27.92-1ubuntu1" [Wishlist,New]08:37
pittiwas just an idea to get a little closer to Mark's request08:37
seb128bigon, shrug, new binaries now?08:37
didrockshey seb128, hi bigon08:37
seb128hey didrocks08:38
seb128bigon, I'm not sure we win anything by doing merges now but I will have a look later08:38
seb128pitti, I've no strong opinion about that either but did we reply on whether the janitor run in the dist-upgrader?08:39
pittiseb128: still waiting on mvo's reply on that08:39
pittiif it does, it's not an option of course08:39
seb128mvo, hello!08:40
bigonhi everybody08:40
seb128hey bigon08:42
pittihey bigon08:42
robert_ancellseb128, is the versions script working again?08:44
seb128robert_ancell, I do run updates locally08:44
seb128which is very annoying08:44
robert_ancellseb128, yes.  I run a local copy08:44
seb128I doubt they will fix python-apt on rookery any time soon08:45
bigonanother thing about telepathy framework is something has been decided for gupnp-igd support for libnice and telepathy-farsight?08:45
seb128not sure where else we could run it08:45
didrocksQuickly in LWN \o/08:46
mvoseb128: which one is that?08:46
seb128didrocks, that's the start of the success? ;-)08:47
mvoseb128: the janitor question from yesterday?08:47
seb128mvo, which what?08:47
didrocksseb128: ahah :-)08:47
mvosorry, software-store08:47
seb128mvo, yes08:47
seb128mvo, does dist-upgrader does some janitoring08:47
mvoseb128: yes it does, but its only a subset of what the janitor is doing08:50
mvothere is a certain overlap but in general u-m has a much better idea about obsolete stuff08:50
mvoseb128: so we want to ensure that the u-m keeps its hands of pidgin?08:50
seb128I'm not sure what pitti what to do exactly08:52
seb128pitti, ^ can you clarify?08:52
seb128if we don't want to migrate upgrading users it doesn't really make sense to clean it on upgrade, not sure when the janitor is used otherwise08:52
pittiseb128: python-apt> you could run a local version with LD_LIBRARY_PATH, like in the retracers?08:53
pittiseb128: I don't want to auto-migrate people from pidgin to empathy08:53
pittiI just want to have a place that tells you why you suddenly have two IMs, and pick the one you run/want08:54
mvojust to clarify, this is not commited yet to computer-janitor, right?08:54
pittifor karmic+1 we can re-visit whether it's then an appropriate time to move pidgin to universe and have update-manager do it's auto-removal, but we aren't there yet (as discussed)08:54
pittimvo: right08:54
mvoI don't think there is a risk of u-m cleaning it if we do not want this08:54
pittimvo: pidgin will stay in main for karmic08:55
pittiso u-m shouldn't propose cleanup08:55
mvothat should be easy, a plugin for c-j that is just not part of u-m but only of c-j (u-m has only a subset of the plugins)08:55
mvohas liw agreed on writing it already? should be pretty trivial to do08:56
seb128pitti, well, python-apt ... new version would require a new libapt version too?08:56
seb128I'm still unclear about this janitor thing08:56
seb128I've the feeling that users go there and click on "clean" without reading details08:56
pittiseb128: oh, I thought it just needs to match the installed libapt? or is it libapt which is h4x0red on rookery?08:56
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:56
pittiif so, you probably need both, yes08:56
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:56
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:57
chrisccoulsoni started the libgdata MIR last night08:57
seb128dear retracers, stop spamming me, thanks08:57
seb128chrisccoulson, nice!08:57
chrisccoulsonnot quite finished yet though08:57
robert_ancellLP is dead :( Time for me to finish then :)08:58
seb128edge timeout a lot08:58
seb128you can use non edge08:58
pittiseb128: it obviously shouldn't appear as "unused", even less so if you have a configuration for it, of even running08:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - i sent the dk-power crash bug upstream yesterday. it was slightly unclear to me where to send it, as there are only DeviceKit and DeviceKit-disks products on fd.o08:58
pittiseb128: figuring out how the UI could look like is why I opened this bug report08:58
robert_ancellI'm out of brain juice anyway, see you all tomorrow08:58
pittichrisccoulson: devicekit has a "power" component08:59
pittichrisccoulson: thanks!08:59
seb128pitti, should we try to be smart on configured sessions, ie users running it?08:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i figured that out in the end. it also has a "disks" component too. confusing ;)08:59
pittiif janitor can do that, it would certainly be cool08:59
seb128pitti, mvo: that's the python-apt crash on rookery09:00
seb128"==9958==  Address 0x41E6010 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd09:01
seb128==9958==    at 0x401D268: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:246)09:01
seb128==9958==    by 0x44E58F2: std::string::_Rep::_M_destroy(std::allocator<char> const&) (in /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.0.7)09:01
seb128==9958==    by 0x43D0972: Configuration::Lookup(Configuration::Item*, char const*, unsigned long, bool) (in /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.3-6.so.3.51.0)09:01
seb128I guess that's a bug fixed for ages09:02
seb128but the box still run a years old version09:02
pittiseb128: macaroni.ubuntu.com is hardy; maybe just run it there?09:07
seb128pitti, but how do I put the html online there?09:07
pittiit has python-apt 0.7.4ubuntu7.509:08
pittiseb128: http://macaroni.ubuntu.com/~pitti/09:08
pittiseb128: normal public_html/09:08
seb128oh, I didn't know about that09:08
pittiseb128: it's ddebs.ubuntu.com, too09:08
seb128I though we had web hosting on rookery only09:08
pittiseb128: you have to install the launchpad bits there, but I guess that's just a matter of scp'ing over the entire directory?09:11
seb128right, will try that now09:11
seb128I still blame IS for running a so old version on rookery ;-)09:11
seb128pitti, Unable to open URL: http://www.gnome.org/~vuntz/tmp/versions/versions-2.28, (111, 'Connection refused')09:21
pittiah, firewall..09:21
pittisurprising that this worked from rookery09:21
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
seb128mvo, is there a way to use a local apt_pkg.so rather than the system one?09:39
mvoPYTHONPATH should do the trick09:39
mvosetting PYTHONPATH I mean09:39
mptseb128, yes, I meant moving the Store to the top level of the System menu09:41
mpt(good morning btw:-)09:42
seb128mpt, ok09:43
seb128mvo, ok, that works but not enough for what I need09:43
seb128the dapper python-apt doesn't support indexes in subdirs09:44
seb128and newer distro versions want a new glibc09:44
seb128enough time spent on that for today, I will keep running those locally09:45
mvompt: the new css seems to act funny in some cases http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/tmp/Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Store-1.png09:50
mvoseb128: let me finish the triage for software-store and I can try to help you09:51
seb128mvo, don't bother, I doubt we will get it working there, should find a recent install to run it rather09:52
seb128chrisccoulson, any idea about bug #412291? or the bugs with left hand not working09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412291 in gnome-settings-daemon "Trackpad and Mouse Odd on Dell Inspiron 1525n" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41229109:53
seb128upstream seems to think it might be due to the migration setting patch we have09:53
mptmvo, don't copy URLs containing spaces from Chromium, it mangles them :-)09:53
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yes, there is one commit recently in GIT that i can see which touches this plugin and might cause this issue09:54
chrisccoulsoni didn't have much time to debug it in detail, but that's next on my list when i've done this mir09:54
seb128ok thanks09:54
seb128do you want me to try to undo the commit?09:54
mptmvo, ok, remind me tomorrow and I'll fix it09:55
mptI really need to get back to other design work today09:55
mptmvo, separately, kwwii has sent me a bunch of application icons for the Store. Should I just stick them in a bug report?09:57
seb128mvo, how is the initial software-store geometry determined?09:57
seb128it has quite a margin on the right there09:57
chrisccoulsoni've not looked at anything to do with trackpads, but the bugs about left hand mouse not working might be due to http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=a5c3c61908662f50ece15a3e890a0a3b493f679909:57
seb128ie almost the space for an extra icon but not exactly09:57
seb128which looks weird09:57
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks, I will try that09:58
mvompt: custom icons means they are different from the ones in the menu - is that what we want?09:58
chrisccoulsonseb128^^^ that's only 1 of 2 commits between 2.27.91 and 2.27.92 that actually touch any code09:58
mptmvo, I mean the icon for the Store itself09:58
mvompt: aha, ok. sure, just put them in a bug or commit them into a branch09:58
mptseb128, it would be nice to increase it just a little so that all the departments are shown by default without scrolling09:59
chrisccoulsonis it still acceptable to ask for packages to be removed from the archive after FF?09:59
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:00
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks10:00
Laneyyeah I need to do some removals10:00
Laneyare they FFe worthy or?10:00
chrisccoulsonhow are you?10:00
didrockschrisccoulson: busy but fine :) and you?10:01
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i'm good, but busy too - trying to juggle work, ubuntu and preparing for the new arrival10:02
chrisccoulsonthe number of hours of sleep i get are decreasing quite a bit now!10:03
didrocksI can imagine :)10:03
seb128chrisccoulson, new arrival?10:03
chrisccoulsoni have a daughter on the way in a few weeks;)10:03
huatsmorning everyone10:04
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, congrats!10:04
seb128you should stop spending your nights on ubuntu ;-)10:04
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks:)10:04
seb128lut huats10:04
huatschrisccoulson: welcome to the club :) (well it is a bit further for me since it is planned for january :) and I dont know yet for a boy/girl (tomorrow))10:04
huatshello seb12810:04
seb128huats, aren't you supposed to do ubuntu training today?10:04
huatsseb128: nope10:05
huatsapache training on monday to wed10:05
seb128ok, I misread what you wrote yesterday I think ;-)10:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm trying to prepare myself for having little sleep though ;)10:05
seb128ah ok10:05
huatschrisccoulson: welcome to the club :) (well it is a bit further for me since it is planned for january :) and I dont know yet for a boy/girl (tomorrow))10:05
chrisccoulsoncongrats huats!10:05
huatssame to you !10:05
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure if that's a good move, maybe a good idea to get some extra sleep rather ;-)10:05
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's what friday afternoons are for now ;)10:06
seb128that's what weekend are for too ;-)10:06
chrisccoulsonand i can sometimes shut my eyes at work too ;)10:06
* seb128 tends to lack sleep during the week and catch up on saturday and sunday10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, good catch for the g-s-d commit10:08
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's what i end up doing too. i always have plans for the weekend, but then they go out of the window when i sleep in late on both mornings10:08
chrisccoulsondid reverting it work?10:09
chrisccoulsoni didn't look at it in any detail yet, so i'm not entirely sure what it does yet10:09
seb128chrisccoulson, yes it did10:10
seb128+                if ((device_info[i].use == IsXPointer) ||10:11
seb128I'm not sure what xinput property IsXPointer is10:11
seb128$ xinput list-props "Logitech Optical USB Mouse" | grep -i point10:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too sure10:11
chrisccoulsoni don't know what issue the commit is trying to solve10:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=6a3bedfcb9be30b883a145d7e4ce83fd9cbc3e25 might fix it:10:13
chrisccoulson"If XInput is supported, don't switch the core pointer to left-handed, as it would cancel our other settings "10:13
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, that fixes it10:16
seb128chrisccoulson, I will backport the change to karmic10:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - excellent, thanks for testing!10:21
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for pointing the git changes!10:28
tseliotseb128, chrisccoulson: ah, so it was a but in g-s-d (bug 27724) and not in synaptics10:41
seb128tseliot, wrong bug number?10:43
tseliotseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/2772410:43
chrisccoulsontseliot - yes, it seems that issue was g-s-d10:44
tseliotoh, I've just noticed this on launchpad: Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance very very soon.10:44
seb128tseliot, oh thanks, closing10:44
seb128tseliot, it displays that for hours there ..10:44
tseliotchrisccoulson: good10:45
seb128pitti, is gpm or devkitpower known to be busted when determining the battery charge level?10:45
cassidyseb128: would be good to fix https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-salut/+bug/42726210:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427262 in telepathy-salut "Crash with mission-control 5.2.2" [Undecided,New]10:49
seb128cassidy, thanks, I noticed the crash reports there but I was not sure what to do10:49
seb128cassidy, do you know if somebody is going to upload that to debian?10:50
cassidyseb128: I just released 0.3.10 (upstream) which should be packaged in Debian rsn10:50
seb128cassidy, do you think 0.3.10 would be good to get in karmic?10:51
seb128cassidy, it's not really late to get a new version but it needs to be interesting10:52
seb128ie no point to do changes if they don't bring value10:52
cassidyseb128: most of the changes are in tubes code (implement new interface) which are not used that much for now but would be cool to have10:53
pittiseb128: not known to me anyway; it doesn't work for you?10:53
seb128pitti, I was using my laptop on battery yesterday10:53
seb128and gpm icon tooltip was saying ~1h of battery run10:54
seb128then 2 minutes later the hardware orange light started blinking10:54
seb128and a few second later gpm went "batter almost empty you should save work.."10:54
seb128it did that twice in a week now10:55
seb128I'm not sure how to debug10:55
pittiseb128: could you please save /var/lib/DeviceKit-power/ ? it should have the history10:58
pittiseb128: which one of those was right? the 1 hour?10:59
pittiseb128: (you can check with LEDs and the button on the battery)10:59
pittiseb128: I'm done with unbreaking the DVDs, I'll get to bug 403291 now, and then I'll try battery on my laptop11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403291 in gdm "Unable to change the default session for GDM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40329111:01
seb128pitti, the one hour was wrong since 2 minutes later the hardware led started to blink orange11:01
pittiah, so it was empty11:01
pittisorry, misread11:01
seb128and gpm did update a few second later to say "saving your work"11:01
seb128it just did skip the one hour gap in a few minutes11:01
seb128and I was not building or anything11:02
pittimeh, telepathy-salut keeps crashing today11:15
pittiah, seb128 just uploaded a fixed version11:17
* pitti hugs seb12811:17
* seb128 hugs pitti back11:18
LaneyI forgot to assign the tomboy upgrade bug to myself11:18
mptmvo, icons uploaded to bug 42727911:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427279 in software-store "Application icon is boring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42727911:21
seb128mpt, mvo: looking at the gnome-panel changes, should we still list gnome-app-install in the applications menu?11:45
seb128mac_v, mpt: any opinion on the workspace naming? GNOME names those "workspace" by default and we change to desk currently11:47
seb128but the change introduce some bugs and inconsistency with the documentation11:47
seb128I'm wondering if that's a delta worth having11:47
chrisccoulsonheh, there's already enough delta in our gnome-panel pacakge ;)11:51
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm looking at cleaning some ;-)11:52
mac_vseb128 , mpt:  IMO , "workspace" is better than desk , since metacity also references them as "workspace" would be easier for users to recognize11:53
seb128let's drop the change if it's not required ;-)11:54
mptseb128, the Store is intended to replace gnome-app-install. But I think it would be reasonable to leave the gnome-app-install special positioning in gnome-panel, in case anyone decides they want to switch back while running 9.10.11:56
seb128mpt, ok, thanks11:56
mptseb128, why did we change to "desk" in the first place?11:56
seb128mpt, I think that's one of the changes sabdfl suggested for a cleaner desktop in dapper11:57
seb128I think the rational was "it's easier to understand what a desk is"11:58
mac_vpeople have gotten more accustomed to "workspace" by now ;p11:59
mptIt may be true that it's easier to understand what a desk is11:59
seb128if you guys don't make a strong point for desk I'm going to go back to what upstream is doing11:59
seb128that will fix bugs and make documentation consistent11:59
mptI don't really care tbh12:00
seb128ok thanks12:00
mptI don't think it's a strong enough change to be worth breaking help pages etc12:00
seb128right, that's what I think too12:00
seb128especially that it creates bugs12:00
seb128ie when adding extra desks they are named workspace right now12:00
seb128I was pondering trying to fix that or just lower delta and go with what upstream do12:01
seb128I will go with the upstream naming12:01
mac_vyeah , ex: keyboard shortcuts ... we need to pick one and be consistent everywhere , but easier to *not* change this from the upstream version ;)12:01
mac_vmpt , mvo: is the software store intended to only show 3 departments in 1 row? is it a spec or.. ?12:06
seb128mac_v, bug #8949 ... should that be un-paperpercuted?12:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8949 in hundredpapercuts "Opening a deleted 'recent document' results in a new file." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/894912:07
mptmac_v, it's intended to show all the departments in the default window size without scrolling.12:07
seb128mvo, pitti: any though about what to do with bug #422568?12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 422568 in gnome-panel "could not find glade file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/clock.glade'" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42256812:09
seb128the issue is the glade to gtkbuilder changes, they will break things until session restart12:09
seb128should we try to workaround that? just say that distro upgrades need restart anyway? document it?12:10
mac_vseb128: i think so too , but david had it confirmed and assigned , so i'v assigned it to him to invalidate it12:10
seb128mac_v, ok, I will ping him when he's around12:10
pittiseb128: hm, I don't understand that12:10
mvoseb128: couldn't we load the glade (or reference it) early?12:10
pittiseb128: if it's crashing and restarting, it should use the new glade-less code surely?12:10
mvoseb128: so that even if it gets removed on disk, a refernce is still around?12:10
seb128pitti, it's not crashing, it just displays an error saying it doesn't find the .glade12:10
mac_vmpt: causes scrolling here > http://imagebin.ca/view/NhKL8qZ7.html12:10
seb128when trying to open the run application dialog for example12:11
pittihm, it says "restarts over and over"12:11
seb128that's another issue12:11
seb128the title is the bug12:11
mac_vmpt: thats with the latest updates , Software Store 0.2.212:11
seb128sorry I didn't read the description again12:11
seb128it doesn't crash but displays the error when trying to open dialogs using glade12:11
mptmac_v, so mvo needs to make the window a liiiiiiitle bit wider by default :-)12:12
seb128mvo, hum, that would mean changing the jaunty version now in a non trivial way?12:12
pittiseb128: I wouldn't waste too much time on it, but if it's easy to do, maybe we can just make the panel exit if it detects this, so that it restarts properly?12:12
mac_vmvo: yeah , pls see mpt's comment ^12:12
seb128what we could so is ship the .glade files still but that's a workaround12:12
seb128ok, so12:12
seb128- do nothing and ask for session restart after dist-upgrade12:12
pittiseb128: we would have to do this until karmic+1, though, which would be a burden12:12
seb128- make gnome-panel exit12:12
seb128- ship glades files in the new packages just for that12:13
mac_vmvo: or do you want a bug filed for this >  http://imagebin.ca/view/NhKL8qZ7.html12:13
mvoseb128: I guess12:13
pittiseb128: (1) will happen pretty much automatically for jaunty upgrades, so it's good to have12:13
mvompt: sure, I can make it wider12:13
pittiseb128: (2) as I said, only if it's a single-line patch which we can drop in karmic+212:13
pittiI don't personally like (3), do you?12:13
seb128I guess I will put that at the bottom of my todolist and assume that dist-upgrade need restarts anyway12:13
seb128pitti, I don't either12:14
seb128I would be for (1)12:14
pittiseb128: yes, if for nothign else, the reboot will be triggered for the new kernel12:14
mvois it just me or does the icon for .gz, zip files look a bit strange at first?12:14
seb128mvo, it's just you12:14
* mvo hugs seb12812:15
seb128mvo, it didn't change, it's still this sort of pack there12:15
seb128or box12:15
seb128what theme are you using?12:15
mvohuman-clearlooks I think12:16
mvoseb128: oh, its just in the firefox download window12:16
mvoseb128: "Downloads", nautilus shows a different one12:16
seb128iz firefox bog12:16
* pitti -> lunch and some errands12:17
mac_vmpt: mvo: the "installed" emblem is getting cut in the apps list , couldnt this be moved to the right > http://imagebin.ca/view/vLfBje.html , the right side is totally empty .... while the app description retains the emblem on the app icon itself?12:18
mvomac_v: size change commited12:20
mac_voh ,ok... hm... right side would be nice too ;) wont keep the window even more empty when the window size is increased12:21
mac_vmpt: your thoughts on moving the emblem to the right?12:24
mptmac_v, it should be in the same place and size, relative to the application icon, wherever it appears12:25
mptmac_v, so it just needs to be raised a couple of pixels (and possibly shrunken a bit) in that list12:25
mptmac_v, also, why is "Calculator" showing up in that list without the emblem? Is it installed (in which case it should have the emblem), or not installed (in which case it shouldn't be there at all)?12:26
mac_vmpt: hm... ok , but the right side emptiness is a bit off to me  ;)12:26
* mac_v checks12:26
mptmac_v, in future maybe we'll have a "Date Installed" column there12:27
mac_voh , thats nice \o/12:27
mptthanks mvo12:27
mac_vmpt: i think the calculator is due to jaunty reading or something... not sure , i dual boot jaunty and karmic , so that maybe causing this12:31
mac_vmaybe due to the jaunty repo i have or... meh ;p12:32
mac_vmpt: lol! the "date installed" is a new idea ;p12:45
mac_vseb128: the indicator , why is it in the startup list? why not remove it?12:50
seb128mac_v, because things started by the session are listed12:51
seb128there is no way to have it run and not listed right now12:51
seb128and that would also mean users can't stop it from running if they want12:51
seb128the whole way we deal with config migrations after upgrade sort of sucks12:52
seb128we need to work on better tools for that12:52
mac_vbut that doesnt stop the applet from running , i think i'm the one who confused you about it12:52
seb128no, the code is a migration script12:52
mac_vcant the applet install the icon itself , like how other panels applets do ?12:52
seb128it adds the applet to your gnome-panel bar12:52
seb128no, applets can't add themself this way12:53
seb128the gnome-panel default configuration is a static description12:53
seb128we update it to be what we want12:53
seb128but your user configuration is user datas12:53
seb128and we can't easily change those in an automatic way12:54
mac_vsuggesting a better description , for the i-a12:54
seb128thanks ;-)12:54
seb128I'm doing changes right now12:54
seb128I will upload your suggestion if you do one12:54
mac_vseb128: "Adds the applet to the panel on first run" ? how does that sound?12:54
mac_vfirst boot?12:55
seb128still confusing12:55
seb128let me think12:55
seb128something around those lines I would say12:56
seb128 12:56
seb128"adds indicator-applet to existing configurations after upgrade"12:57
seb128oh, indicator-applet is already in the title right?12:57
mac_vdoesnt it add to fresh installs too?12:57
seb128"update existing configuration to add the applet"?12:57
seb128fresh install get the stock ubuntu profile which has the applet12:57
seb128the code is only there to tweak user configs for upgraders12:58
seb128ie for people who installed ubuntu before the applet existed12:58
mac_vyeah i checked it after you mentioned :)12:58
mac_vBTW , the code should remove itself too ;p12:58
seb128it can't12:59
seb128it's system installed12:59
seb128and it might be used for other users12:59
seb128ideally we would have it in the user session only yes12:59
seb128not sure how feasible that would be to make update-manager add things to .autostart12:59
mac_vits a redundant in the startup list  , its a bit misleading TBH12:59
seb128mac_v, it clearly sucks and should not be there but run once and go away13:00
seb128it's just not trivial to do13:00
mac_vwe need an "upgrade manager"as you said :)13:00
mac_vor tool13:00
seb128we know that ;-)13:02
seb128but we have only one mvo13:02
seb128and he has too much to do already13:02
seb128so we do with what we have13:02
mac_vwe clone him \o/13:02
mac_vseb128: "update existing configuration to add the applet" , this is a bit confusing too13:02
seb128"sucking code which should not be there"? ;-)13:03
mac_vgreat +113:03
mac_v"Adds the applet to the main panel for users who upgrade from existing Ubuntu editions" , but its a bit too long :(13:04
mac_vmpt: ^ pls simplify13:04
seb128"Tweak upgraded configuration to match new ones"?13:06
seb128"Tweak upgraded configurations to match new ones"?13:06
seb128"Tweak upgraded configurations to match new ones (one time runner)"?13:06
mac_vhrm "Tweak" ? ;p13:06
seb128or whatever you english speakers use ;-)13:06
seb128I'm french what do I know ;-)13:06
mac_vseb128: pls see comment >https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/146918/comments/4813:08
mac_vseb128: "Updates the old panel configuration to include the applet" ?13:09
seb128that description would match if that was the applet in the session13:09
seb128but it's the script adding it to existing configs only13:09
mac_vor "Updates old panel configurations to include the applet"13:09
mac_vhrm :( , i think we dont need to get too technical ;p13:09
seb128"Updates existing configurations to have an indicator"?13:09
mac_vseb128:  "Updates existing configurations to have the applet"13:10
seb128let me think for a bit13:10
seb128I'm fine with this one otherwise13:10
seb128it's better than what we have now ;-)13:10
mac_vi-a , indicator doesnt need to be mentioned13:10
mac_vseb128: yeah13:11
mac_vseb128: oops ... "to have" is not correct13:11
mac_v "Updates existing configurations to add the applet" ?13:11
seb128and maybe changing the title to "Indicator Applet Installer"?13:13
mac_v"installer" is not right either , hmm... so we change that too..?13:15
seb128mac_v, I will try to think to a way to have it not be listed there ;-)13:15
mac_v\o/ thats better13:15
seb128mac_v, btw I think djsiegel wanted to drop the separator next to fusa in the stock config13:16
seb128I'm not sure now, do you know about that?13:16
seb128I would like to do the change in the same upload if that was the case13:16
mac_vyeah... that separator really doesnt belong there , since now we have an icon "status" from indicator-session13:17
mvoseb128: sorry I was on the phone - what is needed here? another update-notifier hook?13:24
seb128mvo, still the same "how do we deal with changes to user configs on upgrade"13:25
seb128mvo, I will register a spec for that in karmic +113:25
mvoseb128: sounds good, thanks!13:25
seb128mvo, you're welcome ;-)13:25
LaneyAdds the applet to existing configurations13:27
asaci X hanging on intel chipset a big thing atm?13:42
asacor am i the only one who cannot even use his laptop ;)13:42
* asac disables compiz13:48
seb128asac, when does it hang?13:49
seb128I've no issue there on i96513:49
asacall the time ... related to any compiz effect i guess. i usually only use alt-tab (because i only use keyboard)13:50
asacjust doing that hangs it13:50
asacand compiz loops 100% on two CPUs13:50
asaci just found out13:50
asaci even upgraded to edgers now .. to check if that helps. but it didnt :/13:51
seb128asac, oh, that13:51
seb128asac, it should be fixed in current linux13:51
seb128bug #41926413:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419264 in linux "Uses 100% CPU with latest mesa/libdrm update" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41926413:51
seb128I forgot about it because I'm running a fixed version for a week now13:51
asaci updated just a few days ago to check if its fixed13:52
asaci think my bug is different then13:53
asacwhat is current linux?13:53
seb128I was running ogasawara's test deb13:53
asacodd i am still running -9 ... not sure whats going on13:53
asaci will try13:53
asacah that explains it13:53
seb128and it's fixed in karmic now13:53
seb128at least she closed the bug13:53
asacok i am running an upgrade atm. will check after rebooit13:54
seb128it was freezing on every alt-tab cycle there too13:54
asacfeels like it then13:55
* asac happy13:55
mac_vmpt: mvo: bug 427279 , if not known already... the icons have exec bits , so they need to be removed before uploading...13:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427279 in software-store "Application icon is boring" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42727913:55
mvomac_v: thanks for noticing that13:55
=== kenvandif is now known as kenvandine
pittikenvandine: wasn't there work to split out couchdb-bin? I now have "couchdb" installed, which starts a system instance14:06
pittiwhich eats memory and boot time for no reason14:06
kenvandinepitti, statik is working on that14:06
kenvandinewell splitting out the initscript14:07
kenvandinepitti, i think the only thing we want split out is the initscript, right?14:08
kenvandine /usr/bin/couchdb needs to be there for desktopcouch14:08
kenvandinewe just don't want the service installed14:08
kenvandinepitti, the suck is that it runs xulrunner at start to determine the xul version14:09
kenvandineadds like 3s to boot14:09
pittikenvandine: do you know what /usr/share/couchdb/www/ is?14:09
kenvandinei bet that is the futon web ui files14:10
pittiwe probably don't need them either?14:10
kenvandineyes we do14:10
pittiuh, what is that14:11
kenvandinestatik: ^^14:11
pittiright, so at least the init script needs to move14:12
kenvandineit is part of the package14:12
kenvandineso not created at run time14:12
pittior, rather, everything except the init script should move to -bin14:12
kenvandinei was thinking couchdb-server14:12
kenvandinefor the initscript14:12
kenvandinefor people that want to run it as a server14:12
statikwhile we're moving stuff around, i have a bug about a normal user running /usr/bin/couchdb, and that fails due to permissions. I was thinking to move that to /usr/sbin instead14:13
pittiif we rename "couchdb" and make it behave differently, then you have to fix all reverse dependencies to couchdb (and in Debian, too)14:13
statiki can commit the changes to the debian package14:13
kenvandinepitti, good point14:13
pittiit's not that many, though14:14
kenvandinestatik: you would need to make sure nothing calls /usr/bin/couchdb14:14
kenvandinepitti, i do think couchdb-server would be cleaner...14:15
kenvandinehow many is not that many?14:15
kenvandinedamn my internet connection...14:16
statiklooks like only chef14:16
kenvandineever since my cable modem went down over night... some IPs i just can't connect to14:16
kenvandinelike us.archive.ubuntu.com!14:16
* kenvandine thinks he is gonna have to call them14:16
kenvandinehey rickspencer314:18
kenvandinegreat use of gwibber :)14:18
rickspencer3hi kenvandine14:18
seb128hello rickspencer314:18
didrockshey rickspencer314:18
rickspencer3the key thing is I wanted to get some sample code out asap14:18
rickspencer3hi seb128 , hi didrocks14:18
pittikenvandine: apt-cache rdepends couchdb14:19
pitti  chef-server-slice14:19
pitti  chef-server14:19
pitti  bindwood14:19
pitti  python-couchdb14:19
pitti  desktopcouch14:19
pittihey rickspencer314:19
rickspencer3hi pitti14:19
kenvandinepitti, yeah just chef14:19
statikpitti, yep out of that list only chef might care to have couchdb-server. the other packages don't want it14:19
kenvandinethe other stuff doesn't need the service14:19
kenvandinedamn... i can get to archive.ubuntu.com14:19
* kenvandine gets the phone to yell at the cable company14:20
rickspencer3hi davidbarth14:22
chrisccoulsondoes anyone have any opinion on whether touchpad clicking should be enabled or disabled by default? (it's disabled currently)14:28
pittikenvandine: do you have some minutes today that we can finally sort out bug 388898 and get the upnp stuff?14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388898 in papyon "[MIR] empathy dependencies" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38889814:28
kenvandinepitti, yeah i can14:28
pittikenvandine: shall I just start a local/PPA build of farsight, or did you try already?14:28
kenvandinelet me get the dx releases sorted out a bit14:28
kenvandinei tried14:28
kenvandineit didn't work14:29
seb128asac, bug #375637 sounds like a firefox bug, it should not be messing with those gconf keys14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375637 in firefox-3.5 "Uninstalling Firefox 3.5 does not remove all gconf entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37563714:29
kenvandineit is on my list today... wanted to talk to the upstream guys14:29
kenvandinepitti, with upnp stuff it actually fails faster :)14:29
pittikenvandine, seb128: any thoughts about the final call about whether or not to use t-butterfly?14:30
seb128+1 to use it from me14:30
asacseb128: well.14:30
asacseb128: i dont think this is only about ftp14:30
seb128the msn import doesn't work without it for example14:30
asacif you go to preferred applications ... select firefox14:30
asacand remove firefox package14:30
asaci dont think firefox package should be responsible to invalidate non existing commands14:30
kenvandinepitti,+1 from me14:30
asacrather like what i wrote in comment14:31
pittikenvandine, seb128: ok, thanks; is that just "install and it works"? then I can deal with the dependency/seed changes and MIR stuff14:31
asacseb128: so right solution is gnome-settings-daemon to check if the selected commands are still valid and otherwise either reset to "default" or even better maintain a list of last working one and try them until there is a valid command14:31
kenvandinepitti, thx!14:32
seb128pitti, thanks14:32
kenvandinepitti, i will talk to upstream about the upnp stuff later today14:32
pittikenvandine: great14:32
kenvandinei really want that to work14:32
seb128asac, yet another code checking things at every login for no use 99.9% of the time :-(14:32
kenvandinedamn... i can't get to bzr either!14:32
seb128asac, we need uninstall hooks ;-)14:32
seb128asac, duplicate bug #217296 in any case then14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217296 in gnome-settings-daemon "Uninstalling default browser doesn't fall back to another" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21729614:33
asacyes. i still think that its one of those polishing things that needs to be done14:33
asacto provide a great user experience14:33
asacwe cannot just say: dont check corner cases if it consumes startup time ;)14:33
asachooks would work. but it should even work if user sets it to something not packaged14:33
seb128upstream closed the bug by then, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54512614:34
ubottuGnome bug 545126 in general "Uninstalling default browser doesn't fall back to another" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]14:34
seb128asac, I would rather display a "your default software is incorrectly set"14:35
seb128"do you want to change it now?"14:36
seb128and open the capplet if clicking on configure14:36
asacyes thats also an option14:36
seb128that would avoid complex update logic14:36
seb128and to know what to select next14:36
seb128just hack the error dialog to open the capplet14:36
asaci think on startup: check if there is something fishy14:36
asacotherwise open the preferred application dialog with warning markers next to the entries that are broken14:37
asacdoes that sounds better?14:37
seb128I'm not sure what the startup checks win us14:37
seb128it's extra work at every login for a thing which is likely never going to break14:37
asacits a core desktop feature to have preferred applications14:38
seb128and if it does break you can easily fix it when you get the error which suggests a way to fix it14:38
asacthe argument above applies imo14:38
asacseb128: well. there is no way to unify that behaviour across applications if you say it shoud happen on click14:38
seb128it does14:39
asacthere is no common lib in gtk or something that wraps this?=14:39
seb128the error comes from the library used14:39
asacwhat library is that14:39
seb128I need to check in the modern world14:40
asaci dont think there is a unified lib14:40
seb128it used to be libgnome and gnome-vfs14:40
asacif there is then yes14:40
chrisccoulsongnome-open is using gio14:40
seb128well, apps don't call gnome-open14:40
chrisccoulson(i think)14:40
seb128they use a g_* function14:40
seb128but the preferred browser is a gconf key14:40
seb128so it's not glib itself, could be gvfs though14:40
asaci can tell you that in the past apps queried for mime-type handlers14:41
asacand did all the rest of the business on their own14:41
asacmime-type + scheme handlers that is14:41
seb128that's orthogonal to the preferred application thing14:41
asaci dont understand14:41
asaclets summarize:14:42
asacyou say you want to modify the lib (that we dont know) used by almost allmost all apps to auto trigger this?14:42
asacor are you proposing something different?14:42
asacthe options i see are:14:42
asaca) on startup do the checks and open preferred applications so user can fix it14:43
pittihm, sensible-web-browser might actually make sense/14:43
asacb) on demand (when any app wants to open a preferrred app) that check is done14:43
asacand if it fails the same behaviour as a) ... maybe with a warning dialo14:43
asacpitti: then preferred applications needs to tweak sensible browser14:43
seb128pitti, it's not user friendly, or we need to patch the code to display what browser that's actually is and display an icon14:43
asacsame thing.14:43
pittiasac: they already do anyway?14:44
asacmaybe. but in the preferred UI you set a command14:44
asacalso you dont know up-front all the protocols that might be in gconf14:44
asacso we dont have a wrapper script for all14:44
seb128asac, I don't like the on startup thing14:44
seb128I don't like things auto-opening without actions14:45
asacseb128: i know. i just summarized it14:45
seb128I need to look how it works now14:45
seb128but apps use to call gnome-open basically14:45
seb128or whatever libgnome api that was14:45
asacsensible-browser we have ... but we dont have sensible-ftp ... or sensible-irc or whatever scheme there might exist14:45
seb128I think there is an api to call the prefered browser too nowadays14:45
seb128I think the right place for the change would be in the error handler for that call14:46
seb128ie the one which displays the error14:46
asacfind the call14:46
asaci dont know about a common call that has a common error handler14:47
seb128I will have a look later, I'm trying to update gtk now and to patch gnome-panel to fix an issue14:47
asacnot urgent14:47
seb128what do you think displays the error when you click on a url and the software is not set?14:47
asacthe application14:48
asacthat tries to open it14:48
* seb128 tries14:48
asacapps in princpal just get the command14:48
asacand then run that14:48
asacthats my current understanding14:48
asacsome apps might always run sensible/www-browser14:49
chrisccoulsongvfs implements a gio module that does the lookup from gconf then (gconf/gapplookupgconf.c in gvfs), although you probably already figured that out14:49
chrisccoulsonperhaps gvfs could be made a bit more clever to update broken entries when you use them rather than just returning an error14:50
chrisccoulsonand rather than having to check for them at the start of every session14:50
asacthats the general idea we are discussing, yes.14:50
seb128hum ok14:53
seb128so you might be right14:53
seb128there might be an api to call the default browser and the calling software deals with errors14:53
=== asac__ is now known as asac
chrisccoulsonif the default application is not installed on the system then, how would you determine what other suitable applications are installed to handle that particular URI scheme?15:02
chrisccoulsonit doesn't seem to be quite as clever as the way mime types are handled15:02
pittikenvandine: ok, papyon and butterfly MIRs written, approved, and I'm uploading empathy with butterfly recommends re-added; that shold do it15:10
seb128djsiegel, hey15:13
seb128djsiegel, did you suggest dropping the separator next to fusa in gnome-panel?15:14
djsiegelseb128: yes15:14
seb128ok, good15:14
seb128uploading that now15:14
* djsiegel kisses seb15:14
kenvandinepitti, thx15:14
seb128we usually do hugging around ;-)15:15
* didrocks is wondering about pam stuff15:28
didrocksin common-account, account requisite                       pam_deny.so is before "account required                        pam_permit.so"15:28
didrocksso, we can never get to pam_permit.so, no (as requisite is as required, but just fail immediately if execution failed)15:29
mvoseb128: weeh, sweet - thanks for dealing with #426209 :)15:41
* mvo hugs seb12815:41
* seb128 hugs mvo15:41
mvompt: I noticed you added "date installed" - do you think it should list "date-installed" and "date-last-updated" ? or only the first install? or only the latest update?15:42
mvompt: I know this is for later :)15:42
mvoI like the idea15:42
mptmvo, "date installed" would be the most relevant. I don't really know if the others would be useful at all.15:43
* mvo nods15:43
mptmvo, Windows XP and later tell you whether you have used an installed program "Never"/"Rarely"/"Occasionally"/"Frequently"/etc. Is there anything in Ubuntu collecting that kind of data?15:44
dobeyjames_w: ping15:45
mvompt: popcon is doing something similiar, we could try that15:45
james_whey dobey15:45
mvompt: we need to add a bit more logic to ensure that dependencies are properly handled15:45
mvompt: (unless you want it only for app, not for packages)15:46
dobeyjames_w: hey... bug #426442 <- do i need to do anything special (make a branch of the source pkg branch, make a debdiff, etc...) to get this in asap?15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426442 in python-oauth "OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token creates invalid parameters" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42644215:46
mvoseb128: is there anything that software-store needs to to in the desktop file to make the menu appearance right? or is that all done with the gnome-panel patch?15:46
james_ware the sponsors subscribed?15:46
pittiasac: yay, current langpacks work with ffox 3.5 now, thanks!15:47
pittiArneGoetje: ^15:47
dobeyah, doesn'tlook like it15:47
seb128mvo, EPARSEQUESTION15:47
pittiasac: they still have the 3.0 translations, though15:47
seb128mvo, what do you call appearance?15:47
dobeyjames_w: now they are15:47
mvoseb128: sorry, let me try again - for the gnome-panel change that puts software-store to its new place - is that only needed in gnome-panel? or do I have to change anything in software-store to make it work too?15:48
james_wdobey: ok, then getting it in faster than that is a case of asking someone15:48
* mvo hopes that was better15:48
dobeyjames_w: ok15:48
asacpitti: what do you mean?15:48
seb128mvo, it was, I'm looking if you need to change something to make it not listed in normal categories15:48
asac(2 minutes before i leave)15:48
seb128mvo, the gnome-panel change is enough to have it directly in the system menu15:48
pittiasac: the previous langpacks didn't work with 3.5; the ones that I just built on rookery do now15:48
pittiasac: but now the langpacks contain both 3.0 and 3.5 translations15:49
mvoseb128: sweet, many thanks. I have not updated the panel yet, this is why I ask15:49
pittiasac: it doesn't exactly break anything, I just wanted to make sure that this is deliberate15:49
asacpitti: yes15:50
asacthats the current way15:50
* pitti uploads the lot and makes the buildds glow15:50
dobeyjames_w: one day i'll just be able to do such things myself :)15:50
mptmvo, seb128, just to be clear, it's after "Administration" but before the separator, right?15:51
dpmasac: pitti, unless there is a technical reason, I could deactivate the "Include in language packs" checkbox in LP for FF3.0, if you like15:51
seb128mpt, yes, what you wrote in the bug15:51
dpmin karmic, that is15:51
mptseb128, ok, thanks, just checking :-)15:51
asacdpm: for now please not15:52
seb128mvo, it's listed in system, admin too, you will need to tweak the desktop to avoid that15:52
asacdpm: we need those  exports so we can reimport lanagues that were already partly translated in 3.0 to 3.515:53
asacarne probablyl did that but for now i want to keep that in case something went wrong15:53
dpmasac: ah, ok. Thanks for the clarification15:53
seb128mvo, you can add NoDisplay-true15:53
pittiasac: could you please clean rookery:/tmp/xpitranslations* ? rookery is running low on space, and I can't do anything any more15:56
mvoseb128: thanks, commited15:58
pittiasac: oh, and /tmp/po2xpi*, too15:59
pittiseb128, mvo: could you please rm -rf rookery:/tmp/tmp* ?15:59
seb128pitti, done16:00
pittiseb128: merci16:00
asacpitti: doing that now ... but out16:00
asacits runinng a screen16:00
pittiasac: thanks16:00
pittimeh, still 97%16:00
* pitti hugs asac and movo16:01
pittiand mvo, too16:01
pittidrwxr-xr-x 6 changelogs changelogs 4096 Feb 14  2005 /srv/changelogs.ubuntu.com/www/changelogs/pool.x16:05
pittimvo: do you think this could go?16:05
pittiArneGoetje: did you happen to start the langpack upload?16:09
ArneGoetjepitti: yep16:10
pittiArneGoetje: does it work?16:10
pittiArneGoetje: rookery is runing out of space, and it's likely that it'll fail in the middle16:10
pittithat's why I cancelled mine16:10
ArneGoetjepitti: oh...16:10
pittior it just failed because it got a race condition with your's16:10
ArneGoetjepitti: so far still running16:10
pittiok, goo16:10
pittiwell, at a load of 50 it will take a while..16:11
pittiArneGoetje: I'm that --><-- close to removing the intrepid tree, since we probably won't ever do an update for it any more..16:11
pittiit's easy enough to restore, if we should ever need them16:12
ArneGoetjepitti: you mean the chance that any user still runs intrepid is very slim?16:12
pittiArneGoetje: no, there will be plenty; but users who run intrepid AND are ubuntu translators AND give us feedback are very scarce16:13
ArneGoetjepitti: heh... yeah16:13
pittiwe have trouble enough verifying the jaunty updates, after all16:13
ArneGoetjepitti: right16:13
pittiArneGoetje: heck, I just rm -r it; as I said, we can always dpkg-source -x it again from /srv/archive.ubuntu.com16:13
pittiand we're desperate for space16:13
ArneGoetjepitti: ok, go16:14
pittiArneGoetje: I disabled the cronjob, too16:16
ArneGoetjepitti: ok.16:17
pittiArneGoetje: speaking of which, shouldn't we enable jaunty cronjob at least?16:17
pittiand hardy as well?16:17
pittiand karmic after this upload?16:17
ArneGoetjepitti: while you are at it... rm -r langpack-o-matic/temp16:17
mvopitti: yes, that can go16:18
pittiooh, good fodder ^16:18
rugby471mvo: did you check my branch yet?16:18
ArneGoetjepitti: yes, we can do that. The last jaunty upload went fine. So it should be safe to enable them again16:18
mvorugby471: not yet, give me a sec16:18
pittimvo: would you mind doing it? -EPERM for me16:18
mvorugby471: I get some conflicts, could you please merge and see what of those are valid and which are not?16:19
rugby471mvo: np16:19
pittiArneGoetje: all enabled again16:19
rugby471sure (merge from trunk?)16:19
rugby471mvo: ^16:19
mvorugby471: yes please :)16:19
rugby471mvo: kl, and have you looked a the update-manager branch yet? sorry to be such a nag :-(16:20
rugby471a > at16:21
mac_vseb128: any luck with removing i-a from the startup list?16:21
seb128mac_v, no, it's low priority on my list, I've been busy with other changes16:22
mac_vsure , its a def low , ;)16:22
mac_vi'll comment about that on the bug16:22
mvorugby471: not yet, but I will, I got a big pile of stuff that I need to look at, I wanted to finish as much software-store as possible for the freeze16:26
rugby471mvo: sure16:27
mvopitti: the rm is running16:29
pittimvo: danke16:29
rugby471mvo: ok I have merged with trunk16:43
rugby471mvo: the latest rev in my branch is merge with my changes16:43
rugby471it changes scrollbar policy in the viewswitcher16:43
rugby471and the icon size in the pending view16:44
rugby471mvo: ^ I am saying this here as for some reason my commit message is mucked up :-)16:44
mvorugby471: hm, something is odd, when I merge it I get loads of conflicts (e.g. all po/ files conflict)16:46
rugby471damn it16:46
rugby471let me try again16:46
mvosure, no problem :)16:46
c_korneh, fully-patched, fresh installation of karmic misses some icons: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/24329/screenshot_001_1h92Zq.png16:48
mac_vc_korn: that was a purposeful move :(16:53
c_korna move ? there were also icons in the applications menu missing. but after an update they are there again. so the move is not finished yet ?16:55
seb128vuntz, should preferences and administrations menus have icons?16:55
seb128c_korn, they changed mind on the categories16:55
mac_vseb128: c_korn: mpt suggested that the applications menu icons need to be present but not the system menu16:56
c_kornso they are following ?16:56
mac_vyup :(16:57
rugby471mvo: ok it should work now, I had to start my branch again though :-)16:57
mac_vc_korn: if you want the icons just turn them on from the appearances prefs16:58
c_kornmac_v: oh, there they are. thanks.16:59
mac_vmpt: is the padding needed for the system menu? cant we do without the padding? so that the missing icons dont seem like a bug?16:59
mac_vvuntz: ^ ?17:00
mptmac_v, all menus are indented that much, whether they have icons or not, for the sake of those items that have check marks or radio marks.17:00
mptmac_v, eventually I think items with icons should be indented so that the icons of items that have them line up with the text of items that don't, but that's something to consider later once people are used to mostly-icon-less menus.17:02
mac_vyeah , that i know but it seems unnecessary to have the padding for the menus which have no intent of showing the icons17:02
mvorugby471: thanks, I need to clarify with mpt if the pendingview should have icon size 24 or 32, I don't mind either way17:02
mac_valteast by default17:02
mpt(And so that items with icons can themselves be boolean/radio items, which is currently impossible in GTK.)17:02
mvorugby471: thanks for the other fixes (and sorry that your name was missing in the help page if you contributed to that :(17:02
mac_vmpt: hmm.. eventually that would be nice :)17:02
c_kornwait, icon-less menus ? is this going to be the future ?17:04
pittikenvandine: FYI, doing the evo-couchdb 0.3.0 packaging and bzrification ATM17:04
seb128pitti, wasn't that waiting for sponsoring?17:05
mac_vc_korn: lol ... where have you been? ;p > Bug #40762117:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407621 in libgnome "(design decision) Icons missing from context menu , dialogue buttons , firefox bookmark favicons" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40762117:05
pittiseb128: right (that's what I'm doing ATM)17:05
seb128pitti, ah ok, good17:05
pittiseb128: but there's no branch/package for 0.3.017:05
mptc_korn, icons only for items that represent the sort of object that can easily appear/disappear in the menu. E.g. applications, categories, files, folders, disks, etc.17:05
seb128pitti, it's blocked on couchdb-glib though17:05
pittiseb128: right, was just going to say17:05
seb128pitti, the update didn't have a shlibs updated so I sent it back to incomplete17:05
pittibut evo-couchdb is released upstream, so I suppose couchdb-glib is as well? (didn't check yet)17:06
seb128pitti, btw does os have a standing exception?17:06
pittiseb128: no17:06
pittiseb128: but evo-couchdb is just three bug fixes17:06
seb128because couchdb-glib was not a bug fix version17:06
pittiseb128: but I can commit evo-couchdb to bzr at lelast17:06
seb128I was not sure if they need a ffe17:06
=== Richie is now known as YDdraigGoch
mac_vmpt: i think you'v ticked off , number one of this ;) > http://lifehacker.com/5355900/five-features-we-want-to-see-in-ubuntu17:11
mptmac_v, give us another year, then yes. :-)17:12
mptThen we'll have the ratings, reviews, user-submitted descriptions, etc17:13
mac_vyeah , that would be nice :)17:14
mac_vmpt: BTW , why is this list using small font?17:14
mac_voh that was my default nevermind17:14
mptAnd a decent database of keywords of equivalents etc.17:14
mptThat's an excellent article.17:16
rugby471mpt, mvo, mac_v: I read that early this morning (as I subscribe to Lifehacker) and had to do a double-take :-)17:17
rugby471mvo: np about the credits :-) thanks for merging the branch17:18
=== rugby471 is now known as rugby471|badmint
rugby471|badmintsee ya for an hour17:20
mac_vrugby471|badmint: lol , bad mint ;p17:21
mvompt: did you respond to the icon size question for the pending view? should it be 24px or 32px by default? (sorry if I missed the answer)17:24
mptmvo, "The items should be displayed similar to a package list view..." -- so it should use the same size icons as (for example) the list on the department screen does17:26
mvothanks mpt, that would be 24px then17:34
=== spc_ is now known as spc
seb128pitti, *shrug*, I did let the couchdb-glib to update as a learning tasks for shlibs updates ;-)17:50
seb128oh, you add a .symbols17:50
pittiseb128: well, we are the packages, they are the upstreams17:50
pittiseb128: yes, I usually prefer symbols, since it reminds me when it changes instead of silently breaking dependencies17:51
seb128pitti, well, the bug was a sponsoring request, not a request to update, but right17:51
pittiI'm just too good for this world :)17:51
seb128pitti, I sort of dislike those, need to build twice which is annoying17:51
pittiseb128: to get the changes?17:51
seb128one to get the error17:52
pittiwell, you can run dpkg-gensymbols manually17:52
seb128thing you need to resume at least a debuild binary17:52
seb128or rebuild17:52
seb128well, you need the libs built for that17:52
seb128and it made builds so slow17:52
pittibuild, update symbols, clean17:52
seb128but that's sort of orthogonal17:53
pittiseb128: you don't really need to rebuild twice, but I do it to verify the changes if I edited the patch (e. g. added (optional))17:53
pittiseb128: I use this for these cases:17:53
pittialias dreb='debuild -us -uc -nc'17:53
pittihandy if you just change the packaging17:53
seb128right, I do it too17:53
seb128takes ages for some packages17:53
pittior, the bzr bd counterpart:17:53
pittialias bdreb='bzr bd --reuse -- -us -uc -nc -b'17:53
seb128I should get such aliases ;-)17:53
pittiseb128: you might be better than me, but I keep forgetting to update shlibs files :/17:53
mac_vmpt: why was rugby's idea of "sliding doors" scrapped. ?17:54
mac_vfor the departments17:54
mptmac_v, it wasn't scrapped, it just wasn't finished17:54
* pitti untangles gnome-games split now17:54
mac_vmpt: oh...ok17:54
pittirebuilding _that_ again takes long ...17:54
mptmac_v, and afaik it would have required using a WebKit view for the department lists too, which we don't really want to do17:54
seb128pitti, I've a diff-symbol script I run after builds ;-)17:54
seb128pitti, yeah, gnome-games split!17:55
mac_vmpt: hrm.. :( , but it was a nice  idea ;p , maybe we need some other way to do it :)17:55
pittiseb128: (was missing C/R gnome-games-data, but I think it will work now)17:55
mptmac_v, yes, Clutter probably17:55
mptdidrocks is awesome, he'll find a way :-)17:55
pittiseb128: I see you are busy with sponsoring, too :)17:57
seb128pitti, indeed ;-)18:02
didrocksmpt: thanks :) Well, it's kinda difficult to mix webkit and clutter, but I still can have a look (next week, probably, even if we can't still include clutter into karmic as I'm using a highely experimental branch :))18:13
chrisccoulsonyesss! only 4 more hours of work left until the weekend!18:56
pittichrisccoulson: oh, took the Friday off?18:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, i only work for 4 hours on a friday ;)18:57
chrisccoulsoni finish at lunchtime18:57
seb128chrisccoulson, see how it is at canonical ;-)18:58
seb128you say "only 4 hours left" a 8pm and people think "oh you are on vac tomorrow"18:58
seb128ie, it's normal to work 4 hours after 8pm ;-)18:58
seb128that said, it's dinner time!18:59
chrisccoulsonheh, yeah, i'd never be at work at 8pm!18:59
* didrocks remembers of an interview where someone left at 7PM and the manager said "oh, you took your afternoon off?" :)18:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks - that's quite bad ;)19:00
chrisccoulsoni did some long hours in my first job, but i don't do any extra hours in my current job because they don't pay me for it ;)19:00
chrisccoulsonand it's not interesting enough to be hanging around at 8pm;)19:00
chrisccoulsonright, time to finish off the MIR for libgdata19:02
pittiok, 'nuff sponsoring for today; good night everyone!19:26
chrisccoulsongood night pitti19:26
pittichrisccoulson: enjoy your short work day tomorrow :)19:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - thanks:)19:27
chrisccoulsonit means i have more time to spend on here ;)19:27
didrockspitti: python-distutils-extra only suggests devscripts, which makes fail Quickly ubuntu-project share and release command calling python-mkdebian which uses debchanges (Quickly only dep on dpkg-dev). So, how to handle it gracefully? Adding depends on Quickly ubuntu-project even if I don't directly need it? :/19:58
=== mbamford` is now known as mbamford
seb128maxb, you like tap clicking really?20:57
maxbYes. I consider it part of the basic functionality that I expect in any laptop touchpad I may come across20:58
seb128I never managed to use a touchpad with that on20:58
seb128I keep clicking randomly while trying to scroll20:58
maxbhuh. I've never had that problem20:59
seb128or while moving the pointer20:59
seb128not to mention clicking by mistake while typing20:59
seb128but there is an option for that now21:00
* kenvandine keeps buying think pads to avoid the touchpad21:02
Amaranthseb128: I think that may be a problem with the xorg driver because I never have that issue with OS X21:11
AmaranthIt's too sensitive or something21:11
seb128or you know what pressure to use or something21:11
seb128or it depends of the hardware21:11
seb128mac_v, hey, do you have any opinion on bug #388303?21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388303 in eog "Eye of Gnome should have Image Collection enabled by default" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38830321:19
mac_vseb128: i'v noticed that bug , but have left it untouched because it feels like unnecessary duplication/complication... we already have fspot with collection and a bunch of nice new features , not sure why EOG needs a collection!21:22
mac_vthe user wants to use EOG like fspot , i would say that would be good idea , pre-fspot's recent development but now it seems unnecessary21:23
mac_vseb128: are you interested in fixing that? i'm thinking of invalidating the papercut , or ....?21:26
seb128mac_v, I'm interested by getting it off the sponsoring queue21:27
seb128either by uploading the change or saying that need discussion21:27
mac_vi'd say we need a discussion ...21:27
seb128ok, same here21:28
seb128let me unsubscribe the sponsors meanwhile21:28
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
mac_vseb128: could you also change the EOG status to "triaged" ?21:35
seb128mac_v, no21:35
seb128we use triaged when upstream bugs are sent upstream21:35
seb128we = desktop team21:35
seb128I did set confirmed21:35
mac_voh , so "in progress" is correct?21:36
* mac_v rechecks21:36
seb128I just did the change21:36
mac_vhrm... lp  is slow ;p had it "in progress" in the regular but "confirmed" in edge21:38
mac_vcorrected now21:38
alex-weejwhen i plug my usb drive in22:06
alex-weejxattrs don't appear to be enabled?22:06
alex-weejwhy? D: D: D: D:22:06
chrisccoulsonalex-weej - no idea. probably due to the change over to dk-disks though22:19
alex-weejon jaunty?22:19
chrisccoulsonno, i thought you were talking about karmic22:20
chrisccoulsonis http://wiki.ubuntu.com being really slow for anyone else here? i can't edit anything at the moment22:22
c_kornthe wiki opens immediately for me22:25
chrisccoulsonhmmm, might be something on my connection then22:26
seb128chrisccoulson, it's fast there22:26
chrisccoulsonthanks. it's working ok here now as well. just a temporary glitch ;)22:27
c_kornbtw: is it just me or did google enlarge their search buttons ?22:43
asacwhere are those canberra event sounds configured?23:09
* asac checks preferesnces -> sound23:10
asacthats not it23:10
asacthere is a sound theme entry23:10
asacbut no way to change what sounds is played where23:10
seb128asac, I think the new GNOME UI doesn't allow changing those23:17
seb128there is a bug open about that23:17
asacseb128: what is the config file ;)?23:18
seb128asac, http://0pointer.de/public/sound-theme-spec.html23:19
asaci have a bug about about firefox using the log out drums for some operation ;) want to verify if its a config fault or misuse on firefox side23:19
seb128short reply: I don't know23:19
seb128TheMuso might know23:19
asacyeah will check with himo23:19
asacoh he is online ;)23:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - libgdata MIR is done now23:20
asaci found those sound theme like files23:20
seb128"Configuration programs that allow limited user manipulation of the selected sound theme (i.e. for disabling or replacing certain sounds), should create a dynamicly created theme "__custom" that inherits from the selected theme and store it in the "~/.local/share/sounds/__custom" directory"23:20
asacin /etc/sound23:20
asacbut they only refer to all those meta info23:20
asacnot the files themselves :(23:20
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks!23:20
asacoh ok23:21
asacthere are really (just a few) file= entries23:21
seb128the /etc/sound thing is the old libgnome api sounds I think23:21
seb128libcanberra uses the new xdg spec23:21
seb128http://0pointer.de/public/sound-naming-spec.html is the naming spec23:21
asac/etc/sound/events/gnome.soundlist ... thats at least .desktop style file23:22
asacfeels not sooo old23:22
asaci will check that later ;)23:22
seb128wait for TheMuso that will be easier23:22
seb128anyway enough work for today there23:23
seb128see you tomorrow23:23
TheMusoSomeone was wanting to ask me something?23:37
TheMusoAh sound theme stuff.23:40
TheMusoYeah we can drop all /etc/sound/events files, including batstatus since gpm afaik uses libcanberra now.23:42
asacTheMuso: so the problem is that dialog-question sound23:44
asacis this drum roll23:44
asacwhich previously probably only was used on log out ... which might be fine23:44
asacbut now firefox also uses it for importanht "question dialogs"23:44
TheMusoasac: Oh do you mean for gdm?23:44
asacTheMuso: bug 41147623:44
TheMusoasac: Does firefox-gnome-support not use libcanberra?23:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411476 in ubuntu-sounds "Firefox 3.5 should not use the ubuntu logout noises as default sounds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41147623:44
asacTheMuso: /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/dialog-question.wav23:44
asacthats the file we ship for dialog-question in the xdg theme23:45
asac(from what i understand)23:45
TheMusoyes thats right.23:45
asacTheMuso: i think the sound is suboptimal for the extended purpose of desktop apps using it through canberra23:45
asacfor logout it was fine.23:45
asaci assignned it to the ubuntu-sounds package now. not sure what to do23:45
asacmaybe the logout should use a different "theme name"?23:46
asacand the dialog-question sound become much shorter ... and less noisy?23:46
TheMusoasac: I'll look at the bug and see if I can reproduce it.23:46
asacTheMuso: ok thanks. let me know if you need help/input23:47
TheMusoasac: np23:47
TheMusooh and that sound is not for logout at all. Previously, that sound was played with the old gdm loading, which actually needs to be fixed up for the new GDM.23:48
asacTheMuso: ok. so we could use something shorter and less annoying for dialog-question. sounds right23:48
asacnot the "drum roll" just because there is a question ;)23:48
TheMusoasac: Ok, I'm going to reproduce this on a fresh user/install and go from there.23:49
asacok i will check with you tomorrow on what you think23:50
asac(i guess for you this evening) ;)23:50
asacTheMuso: one question though. who owns the sound theme? how get files in there?23:51
TheMusoasac: I don't really know who owns it. Files have different creators etc.23:52
TheMusoI just had a hand in converting it to the XDG spec.23:52
asacah ok.23:52
asacgood ... then you own it ;)23:52
TheMusoI am hapy to take responsibility for it at least.23:53

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