
mrooney|wdo you happen to know off-hand if the trend has been towards more or less?00:00
slangasekmrooney|w: I doubt there's a clear trend; we always stuff as many langpacks on as we can, some releases we manage more, some we manage fewer00:00
slangasekoverall the trend is probably towards "less"00:00
mrooney|wI'm interested to know to know if Ubuntu is getting bigger or smaller over timem when you subtract the langpacks from the 700MB00:00
mrooney|wah ok00:00
RainCTSurvived the reboot with GDM not showing up unless being started manually and /etc/resolv.conf getting "nameserver" as content.00:04
RainCTNo visible speed change (forgot to do a benchmark before, will get one now), and I've also seen this: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1502/10092009118.jpg00:05
RainCTalthough maybe the ML would be a better place to say all this :P00:05
bluefoxicyI can't figure out how "hundreds of updates a month" are hard to maintain in the context of Ubuntu specifically00:06
RainCTbluefoxicy: Why do you even look at such stuff? :)00:07
bluefoxicythis is a direct lie and false advertisement, even out of context.  In context, ... we're talking about netbooks, aimed at end-users in freaking Best Buy, who just turn on Automatic Updates in whatever OS they use.00:07
bluefoxicyRainCT:  Actually what's interesting me here is that encouraging the dissemination of false information about a specific business competitor by a third party may be slander, unethical, and illegal.00:08
bluefoxicyMicrosoft basically directly attacked Canonical, LTD with libelous written-word falsehoods and encouraged a third party to repeat the written word as slanderous spoken word in a false advertisement campaign.00:09
mdzmathiaz, not necessarily, but I think you should ask him for help diagnosing whether it is an apt bug or a packaging bug (and what the problem is exactly)00:10
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TheMusoslangasek: If you deny an FFE, what do you usually set the bug to? I am responding to the alsa FFe, and don't think its worthwhile at this time, and I want to be sure the status is consistant with other denied FFes.00:38
* TheMuso will just use wont fix for now.00:39
slangasekTheMuso: didn't I already mark that 'wontfix'?00:40
TheMusoslangasek: don't know, I am just responding to bug mail as I go through it. If you did already, then sorry. :)00:41
Riddelljdstrand: I've no plans to upload qt4, did you do your upload?01:01
ScottKRiddell: I saw it recently listed as building in their PPA01:10
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liwis there any chance that the gdu-notification-daemon dialog can be shut up so it doesn't uselessly whine at me every time I log in?05:49
dholbachgood morning06:40
pittiGood morning07:02
pittikirkland: test .dmrc> just select a different session (like "xterm") or a different keyboard layout and check ~/.dmrc that it has the setting afterwards (and that it exists in the first place)07:02
pittikirkland: will look at the bug and comment there; thanks for working on this!07:03
dholbachis anybody else waiting for a upload confirmation of LP too?07:20
pittiI'm waiting for LP to display my bugs, or file one07:22
pittiit keeps timing out07:22
dholbachpitti: * spm has changed the topic to: ** Launchpad Is Having Issues atm ** | [.......]07:33
spmpitti: dholbach: fwiw, edge appears unaffected, only lpmain seems to be having woes.07:34
pittihm, not really07:34
pittifiling a bug on edge times out as well07:35
spmheh. I'll rephrase - I have a sea of nagios red on lpmain; not on edge :-)07:35
* dholbach goes back to all the emails he wanted to write for a longer while07:35
dholbachpitti: how can I submit a crash report to LP later on?07:36
dholbachI just got "502: bad gateway"07:36
pittispm: heh, ok; so then I'll just hope that fixing production will magically fix edge, too :)07:36
pittidholbach: cancel, and then click on /var/crash/... in nautilus or ubuntu-bug /var/crash/... later on07:37
spmpitti: you and me both... :-)07:37
dholbachpitti: thanks, I'll do that07:37
dholbachit's funny: LP is broken, then I decide to do emails, then evo crashes on me and I can't send the crash report in07:37
dholbachseems like I should do something completely different today07:37
dholbachI know it sounds a bit like "my dog ate my homework" :)07:38
pittidholbach: same for me; I was supposed to debug an X hang on suspend, and kernel -10 broke suspend07:38
liwdholbach, I had that happen once in school07:38
liwdholbach, although it happened to the teacher07:39
* StevenK tries to convince edge to talk nicely to him07:39
dholbachliw: the dog's teacher ate your homework? sounds like you were on the safe side then and nobody could accuse you of shamelessly lying :)07:39
liwdholbach, yes :)07:39
liwthe whole class's homework, to be exact07:40
StevenKHaha, way cool07:40
dholbachnice :)07:40
YokoZarWhat package has the "system restart required" notifier?07:44
YokoZarI don't think it's update manager07:44
YokoZarthanks dholbach07:44
YokoZardholbach: actually I'm not sure that's it either.  I'm talking about the actual "System restart required.  In order to complete the update of your system, it needs to be restarted.  Until you do so, security updates..."07:49
YokoZargrepping through update-notifier and update-manager doesn't give me that as a string anywhere :(07:49
dholbachyou mean the upgrade from one distro release to another?07:50
YokoZarNo like after you install a kernel update07:50
slangasekno, it is update-notifier07:50
YokoZarhmm maybe I'm looking wrong07:51
slangasekthe strings are provided by the individual packages07:51
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~/update-notifier-0.87$ grep -ri restart * | wc -l07:51
dholbachthere's a lot of restart in there :)07:51
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\shwhere is the gnome .desktop entry gone after latest karmic updates? ;)07:53
pitti\sh: you mean the gnome session in gdm?07:55
\shpitti: yepp07:55
pitti\sh: sounds like bug 42680007:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426800 in xubuntu-default-settings "lost gnome in gdm session chooser" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42680007:55
YokoZarah, found it in the .ui dialog07:55
YokoZarI guess this makes sense07:56
\shpitti: ihh...sounds like removing xfce will bring it back then...07:57
superm1\sh, just xubuntu-default-settings for now07:58
superm1once the proper solution is in place for gdm to use default.desktop, those hacks can be dropped on mythbuntu-default-settings and xubuntu-default-settings07:58
\shsuperm1: I wanted to remove xubuntu anyways..cause I don't use it .. just installed it earlier to test something...08:01
ivokspitti: hi! around?08:02
pittiivoks: hey08:04
ograKeybuk, ??08:04
pittisuperm1: second-next on my list08:04
ivokspitti: hey, regarding bug 42665208:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426652 in corosync "Please sync corosync 1.0.0-5 (main) from Debian experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42665208:04
ivokspitti: you've acked the upload08:04
pittiright after unbreaking DVD builds08:04
ivokspitti: there's an issue with compression level of orig.tar.gz in ubuntu's package; so, if you could upload it manually, that would be great :)08:06
pittioh, fakesync?08:08
ivoksdon't know what fakesync is :/08:09
StevenKspm: Edge now gives 'please try again' immeadiately08:09
spmStevenK: yes08:10
StevenKspm: Oh, so you know. Okay. :-)08:10
spmyes. sorrry. terse atm :-)08:10
pittiivoks: -ENOLAUNCHPAD, sorry; can you assign it to me and ask for a fakesync in the bug?08:15
pittiivoks: (later on, I mean, when it comes back)08:19
ivokspitti: sure08:26
spm** launchpad should be back to normal now **08:26
slangasekspm: thanks :)08:28
pittispm: merci08:28
pittioh, now going offline?08:31
cjwatsonpitti: I think I already muttered about fakesync when denying the archive admin request in that bug08:31
pittiivoks: ah, I get the bug now; doing08:32
ivokspitti: awesome, thanks!08:32
seb128shrug, edge is not able to reassign bugs since yesterday08:43
seb128it keeps timeouting08:43
seb128bah, edge keeps timeouting and that drops the comments I write when going back08:47
seb128very annoying08:48
* seb128 switches to non edge08:48
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apacheloggerArneGoetje: language-selector gnome and qt are so incredibly different, it's not even funny09:08
* pitti chuckles09:10
pitti$ sudo service network-manager start09:10
pittiRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)09:10
pittiutility, e.g. service network-manager start09:10
pittiKeybuk: hmm... ^ want a bug for that somewhere?09:10
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: I know. And I'm trying to port some of the functionality from the gnome to the qt version09:11
apacheloggerArneGoetje: IMHO the qt thing needs a complete rewrite09:13
apacheloggerit's ab abomination of Qt09:13
slangasekpitti: hmm, and does it know not to spit that out when called from rc?09:14
pittislangasek: I didn't see those on boot, but then again it's made very quiet by default09:19
* slangasek nods09:19
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: I won't be able to do that as I have no idea about qt or pyqt. I just want the combobox for input method choosing to get in.09:23
* apachelogger aint got no idea about python :D09:24
apacheloggerArneGoetje: combobox population implemented, moving on to applying the setting09:24
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: is my description in the mail enough for you to understand what's going on?09:25
apacheloggerArneGoetje: sure :)09:26
sorenIs there a 64 bit equivalent to htonl?09:26
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: thanks a lot for helping out :)09:26
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slangasekpitti: <blink> I'm cc:ed on this mail because... I filed bad FFe requests? :-)09:55
pittislangasek: heh, no; "CC" FYI, not because it's aimed at you :)09:56
slangasekpitti: huh, how were you able to conclude that quickly that bug #427224 was bugfix-only?10:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427224 in pulseaudio "Feature freeze exception request for pulseaudio v0.9.16 final." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42722410:16
pittislangasek: I read the upstream changelog10:16
slangasekhalf of those one-liners are completely opaque to me, so I have no idea if they're bugfixes :/10:17
apacheloggerArneGoetje: btw, did you take a look at making kde langpacks depend on kde-l10n-$code? Riddell said that youd give that a shot IIRC10:18
pittihm, they mostly sounded like code cleanup; and it's just rc -> final, too, and TheMuso also said it's just bug fixes10:18
slangasekah, so he did10:19
Riddellapachelogger: recommend I think rather than depend10:19
apacheloggersomething default-installish at least :D10:19
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: it's in the latest language-selector code. please give it a try. when starting up, l-s should give a message about missing packages for the given language. the check should include several kde related packages now.10:23
apacheloggerMissing: ['kde-l10n-engb', 'gnome-user-guide-en', 'kde-l10n-es', 'language-pack-gnome-es', 'gnome-user-guide-es', 'openoffice.org-l10n-es']10:24
* apachelogger hugs ArneGoetje10:24
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: see data/pkg_depends in the source tree10:24
StevenKArneGoetje: We will just sync the new ibus into karmic?10:31
slangasekStevenK: the new upstream version?10:33
StevenKslangasek: At this point, just trying to figure out the plan, so ... maybe?10:35
ArneGoetjeStevenK: I think so. Unless you have any reason not to do so...10:40
apacheloggermvo: bzr upgraded the app-install-data-ubuntu branch, should now be a bit faster :)10:42
apacheloggergood thing that bzr2 is supposed to handle large histories better10:43
mvoapachelogger: wehh, great :)10:44
mvoapachelogger: many thanks (also for your work on software-store!)10:44
apacheloggerArneGoetje: lp:~apachelogger/language-selector/karmic-qt++ merge r273..27410:44
apacheloggermvo: I didn't do work on software-store?10:44
mvoapachelogger: eh, typo - software-properties10:45
mvoapachelogger: my fingers auto-complete software- to software-store these days it seems ;)10:45
apacheloggeroh, yeah, that also needs some more love still :)10:46
apacheloggerwork all over the place, but fist utf8ing in apturl-kde10:46
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, did you ever consider implementing that stuff in some python module?10:46
apacheloggerdef _ and def utf8 are a perfect example of code duplication10:47
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: thanks a lot10:47
Riddellapachelogger: well it's all a cludge the utf8 stuff, I'm hoping python 3 will fix it10:56
apacheloggerRiddell: ScottK said that it will still be some time until that becomes default, so I think that a more maintainable implementation would be a good idea :)10:58
Keybukpitti: bug for what?11:05
pittiKeybuk: "service" saying that you should run "service"11:05
Keybukpitti: that's a server bug11:05
Keybukerr service bug11:05
pittiok, sysvinit then?11:05
ogra<Keybuk>  kees: could you set OGRA=n on that script? :)11:07
ograKeybuk, that was in my lastlog output without much context, mind explaining what you were referring to ?11:07
ogradid i trash something without knowing ?11:07
Keybukogra: don't worry ;)11:08
ograok :)11:08
KeybukI believe I was making light fun of your occasional habit of panicing about things unnecessarily11:09
Keybukjust like that init script was doing ;)11:09
ograah :)11:09
pittidone, bug 42727711:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427277 in sysvinit ""service start" complains about using the init script and recommends using "service"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42727711:12
stoojHi all. I've written a wee gui in python. How can I graphically prompt for a sudo password?11:57
pittistooj: ideally you wouldn't need to; but first, what is wee?11:59
stoojpitti: Heh. Sorry. Wee = small.12:00
stoojpitti: I have a collection of DVDs that used to be part of a LinuxMCE collection.12:00
pittistooj: so, the "modern" way of doing privileged things is to have a d-bus backend with PolicyKit-protected functions12:00
pittiand GUIs running as normal user, calling the d-bus functions12:01
pittiif your frontend itself needs root privileges, then start it through gksu in its .desktop file12:01
pittie. g. /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop12:01
stoojOK. The gui just runs an mount command when you choose a file in a filepicker12:02
stoojSo, d-bus would be the way to go.12:02
pittistooj: well, devicekit-disks already provides that d-bus interface for mounting for you12:03
pittiand you don't even need to  mess with d-bus yourself; if you have GNOME, you can call gvfs-mount from python12:03
pittithere's a nice library libgdu for this, but it doesn't have a Python binding right now12:04
pittibut doing the mount through devkit-disks should be okay12:04
pittistooj: you can just call "devkit-disks --mount /dev/sdc1", or (for more control), call the corresponding d-bus method12:05
stoojWow. OK.12:06
stoojAny documentation in particular I should look at for that?12:07
pittistooj: http://hal.freedesktop.org/docs/DeviceKit-disks/ is pretty comprehensive12:08
pitti"man devkit-disks" should probably get you going in 2 minutes12:08
pittiKeybuk: just as a warning, I uploaded a new gdm to fix an alpha-6 bug; this has a higher version number than your PPA12:09
stoojMany thanks pitti!12:10
Keybukpitti: no problem12:22
Keybuk"bzr update" for me ;)12:22
Keybukpitti: talking of which, any idea when all of the network-manager updates in the bzr branch will be uploaded?12:24
apacheloggermvo: any objections to making apturl use debhelper 7 automation?12:25
Keybuk^ I wonder what the "exe" is12:30
Keybukpitti: you have the mysterious "exe" in your graph too12:33
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Keybukbut it goes away again after the first boot12:33
Keybukwonder whether it's an ext4 thing12:33
mvoapachelogger: no12:36
cjwatsonapachelogger: dh7++12:37
cjwatson(for whatever that's worth :-) )12:37
jdstrandRiddell: not yet, but will today for sure12:39
liwdh7: the power of cdbs, and the obfuscation of cdbs, but with the good taste of joeyh12:40
directhexyum yum joeyh12:40
apacheloggermvo: should apturl get bug reports related to encoding within the next few days, then I seriously screwed up ... now encodes to utf8 all over the place (as seen in gdebi)12:44
apacheloggerother than that is apturl-kde all awesome now and lintian all happy again12:45
mvoapachelogger: wonderful, I think if its following gdebi, then we should be fine12:46
apachelogger*nod* I still think we should move that stuff to one module imported by all of our pyapps though12:47
evandpitti: am I okay to reopen bug 395103, given your discovery in the upstream report that the existing patch breaks variants?12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395103 in gdm "Gnome doesn't have my configured keyboard layout after login anymore" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39510312:47
ograKeybuk, the exe ?12:51
ograKeybuk, clearly the first steps of http://www.tuxradar.com/content/ubuntu-rewrite-linux-kernel-using-mono12:51
apacheloggerabout time12:53
kelemengabor_yeah, that is the penguinfucker's night13:44
cjwatsonkelemengabor_: that's unnecessary; please cut it out13:46
kelemengabor_cjwatson: nevermind13:46
kelemengabor_just I try little spammer troll-bot13:47
cjwatsontry it somewhere else13:47
kelemengabor_it is run under ubuntu sucked penguin 12.4 release candidate13:47
liwhm, that's the third troll/spammer I see in two days13:50
* ScottK notes the +o came less than a minute after the initial troll. Very solid reaction time.13:54
cjwatsonit only took that long because for some reason my /op alias wasn't working13:54
cjwatsonoh, that's because I called it /opself, bah13:55
liwheh, I had a habit of using my native language for naming scripts, aliaes, and other such things I wrote for myself, so they'd not be confused with stuff that came from elsewhere13:57
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ograKeybuk, geez, thats an insanely long changelog13:57
liwthen I kept forgetting which native language I used in each instance, since I have to choose from13:57
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pittiKeybuk: I noticed that I get a couchdb instance started, for no reason; that's a bug as well; perhaps "exe" is something from erlang14:04
Keybukno, the exe is happening inside the initramfs14:05
pittiKeybuk: network-manager> redirecting to asac; I don't know14:05
asacdont see the question. repost please ;)14:09
cjwatsonexe> presumably /proc/$pid/exe14:10
rgreeningpitti: I need some assistance with build_kdeui in python-distutils-extra and using the kde ui file to generate translations in the usb-creator project. I am at a loss. I see build_kdeui can generate a .py file, but my app uses the pyqt.uic.loadui method to load the ui directly rather than a compiled version.14:12
rgreeningpitti: so, I was wondering what the correct way to generate the necessary pot info sould be for this project to combine with the gtk pot/po (if you have some pointers)14:13
pittirgreening: hi14:14
pittirgreening: for .ui> right, Apport still uses loadUi() as well; your setup.py manually needs to install the *.ui files in data_files14:16
pittirgreening: I spoke with some KDE devs, and they said that the preferred way would be to build and ship the .py files instead, which is why distutils-extras does that by default; but you don't need to use that, of course14:17
rgreeningpitti: done that. so it loads the ui fine. The issue at hand is getting the translations template to include my stuff in the ui14:17
pittirgreening: pot> usually you just have one domain for the project, and try to share as many strings between the projects as possible; you want to have several domains?14:17
rgreeningpitti: no, want to merge to domain usbcreator14:18
asacanyone knows a eager + not-so-overloaded debian ftpmaster?14:18
rgreeningjust to make sure we don't miss any differences14:18
pittiit's not picking them up automatically?14:19
rgreeningpitti: for example, I use Close not Exit, in the window. there are some minor differences.14:19
pittirgreening: indeed, seems you found a bug14:19
rgreeningpitti, maybe you could have a look at usb-creator in lp and see what I may be doing wrong14:19
Riddellrgreening: we use extractrc to extract strings from .ui files, see the script extract-messages.sh14:19
pittirgreening: mind to report it against python-distutils-extra? I'll fix it ASAP, but probably not today14:19
rgreeningRiddell: doesn't that require cdbs14:19
florian__Hey guys. I saw that UIFreeze is in place for Karmic. Is there a place we can see what it will look like ? I search the wiki with no success.14:20
Riddellrgreening: no, it's from upstream KDE14:20
cjwatsonasac: pick on one of http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/08/msg00004.html ?14:20
rgreeningRiddell: are there any required deps to ensure extract-messages is called?14:20
pittiflorian__: grab the current daily CD and start the live system?14:20
Riddellrgreening: I did say I'd look at i18n for usb-creator, although I utterly failed to get to it yesterday I'm afraid14:20
florian__pitti: not a bad idea... is there anything easier ?14:21
rgreeningpitti: I'll try what Riddell suggest first. If it still doesn't work as expected, I'll open a bug report.14:21
Riddellrgreening: cdbs kde.mk will call it, you can also call it any other way you wish.  it uses Messages.sh files14:21
asaccjwatson: good idea. fresh blood :)14:21
pittirgreening: cool, thanks14:21
rgreeningRiddell: so I include a Messages.sh and where do I call extract-messages.sh? In the makefile I assume14:22
rgreeningpitti: ty. I'm so not good with translations :)14:22
kirklandcjwatson: in qemu-kvm, we have a very simple shell script called 'kvm-ok' that basicly does egrep "flags.*:.*(svm|vmx)" /proc/cpuinfo14:22
kirklandcjwatson: i often ask people to run that, to tell me if they have VT14:22
pittirgreening: don't worry; distutils-e is supposed to extract them, but it seems that fails for some reason14:22
kirklandcjwatson: i was thinking that script belongs somewhere more basic than qemu-kvm package14:23
cjwatsonkirkland: oh, I dunno, qemu-kvm sounds OK14:23
rgreeningpitti: what are the requirements to enable it to extract them?14:23
cjwatsonwe don't really have any more general place that I can think of14:23
kirklandcjwatson: because i often tell them to run kvm-ok, which they run that script, find out they can't do VT, and then uninstall the package14:23
pittirgreening: me fixing the bug, I suppose :)14:23
rgreeningmaybe I misses something14:23
kirklandcjwatson: i was thinking pciutils, perhaps14:23
pittirgreening: you can of course have a manual po/POTFILES.in with everything14:23
cjwatsonkirkland: stick it on a web page then :)14:23
cjwatsonwell, maybe shell scripts on web pages not a great plan14:23
cjwatsonkirkland: pciutils doesn't make sense to me, but I can't think of anywhere better14:24
rgreeningpitti: does the kdeui file need to be tagged with a special tag in POTFILES.in? like the text: gettext/glade is?14:24
kirklandcjwatson: web page didn't do it; telling people to do that grep didn't do, hence the stupid script14:24
* rgreening wishes there was documentation for all this :)14:24
kirklandcjwatson: it can stay where it is, i suppose; i was just thinking that it's a little strange to install a package to run a script to tell you if you can use the package at all; would be nice to know that ahead of time14:25
pittirgreening: I know that GtkBuilder .ui files work with "[type: gettext/glade] file.ui"14:25
rgreeningpitti: so, does the kde ui have an equiv?14:25
pittirgreening: hm, according to intltool-extract(8) apparently not :-(14:26
pittiit should really..14:27
rgreeningpitti: should the setup be using auto mode for this to work?14:28
pittirgreening: well, it won't make much difference; if intltool can't handle them, then auto mode can't do magic14:29
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* rgreening wishes translations were easier :) or at least more documented :)14:32
rgreeningRiddell: so, if I want to merge the .pot into the same domain, the sample Messages.sh I have assumes a seperate domain.. suggestions?14:32
pittirgreening: you want to merge two .pot files? I think msgcat can do that14:33
rgreeningmsgmerge maybe also?14:34
pittiI don't think so14:34
pittithat joins on msgids14:34
rgreeningah, so that may be what I was doing wrong14:34
rgreeningpitti: you are golden :P14:35
rgreeningI'll try the msgcat...14:35
* rgreening really wants to ship usb-creator-kde with working translations14:36
kirklandcjwatson: do you ack, nack, or abstain, on the move of kvm-ok from kvm to pciutils?14:36
kirklandcjwatson: i ask because we're about to do a qa community call for testing of kvm, and the qa team wants to give the community easy instructions to find out if they can participate or not14:37
Laneyoh dear14:37
cjwatsonkirkland: abstain leaning towards nack; it's not a pci thing14:37
LaneyI shouldn't have remotely updated with the new boot stuff14:37
kirklandcjwatson: fair enough, thanks14:37
ScottKLaney: Defintely not.14:37
Laneydhcp-20-65:~ laney$ ssh laney@home.orangesquash.org.uk14:38
Laneyssh: connect to host home.orangesquash.org.uk port 22: Connection refused14:38
DavieyLaney: no worries, use the serial console to resolve it :P.14:38
Laneyoh yeah... that...14:39
Laneynah it's my workstation at home, I can just prod it when I get back later14:39
rgreeningpitti: just to confirm, if this was working as expected, I wouldn't need to add build_kdeui to my setup.py nor call it, as the build_il8n (in theory) would handle the kde ui file if listed in the po/POTFILES.in, correct?14:47
rgreeningif so, then I'll file a bug to get that working.14:47
pittirgreening: those are two entirely different things14:47
YokoZar1slangasek: Just a heads up, one last UI change that I hoped to sneak through after mpt and I discussed: http://yokozar.org/blog/archives/142  -- I uploaded a bzr branch just before feature freeze, though the package isn't live yet.14:47
pittirgreening: extracting strings from KDE *.ui files to the POT doesn't work, and needs intltool support14:48
rgreeningyeah, just wanted to confirm that kdeui was something different than what I was trying to achienve14:48
pittirgreening: build_kdeui is for compiling *.ui into *.py files which you would ship instead of the *.ui files14:48
rgreeningya. cool. Ok, I'll file a bug about the second part then. ty pitti14:48
=== zul_ is now known as zul
jcastroKeybuk: fyi I filed bug 421422 about the desktopcouch launching xulrunner14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421422 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "xulrunner dependency is overkill - only spidermonkey is needed" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42142214:51
jcastroKeybuk: sorry, I meant bug 42703614:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427036 in couchdb "Launching xulrunner affects boot time" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42703614:51
sorendoko: Is python-central still our preferred python packaging system?14:55
Keybukjcastro: cool, can you subscribe me14:56
rgreeningpitti: bug 42735814:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427358 in python-distutils-extra "extracting strings from KDE *.ui files to the POT doesn't work, and needs intltool support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42735814:57
jcastroKeybuk: done, you don't have a boot tag for bugs or anything do you?14:58
Keybuk(since you can't subscribe by tag)14:58
jcastroI see14:58
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ScottKsoren: On the off chance you care, the Debian Python teams have picked python-support to standardize on.15:09
sorenScottK: Is python-central frowned upon?15:10
sorenScottK: Or is it just a preference?15:10
ScottKThe DD that sponsors ~70% of sponsored uploads for those packaging teams will no longer sponsor python-central stuff.15:10
ScottKThe perception in Debian is that python-central is not maintained.15:11
ScottKMy view is that each one has it's advantages and disadvantages.  Python-support has improved a lot recently.15:12
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
sorenScottK: Ok, thanks.15:14
pittiKeybuk: $ sudo stop -q anacron15:15
pittistop: Unknown instance:15:15
pittiKeybuk: anacron isn't a daemon, so does that command even make sense?15:15
pittiKeybuk: (it's in /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/95anacron and currently breaking suspend)15:15
pittiI'm not quite sure whether it should be a daemon, controlled by /etc/init/anacron.conf, or a cronjob, controlled by /etc/cron.d/anacron15:16
pittiKeybuk: but the manpage doesn't talk about a daemon at all, and ancron -s just processes pending jobs and returns15:17
cr3mathiaz: do you think it would be reasonable to reuse bug #426613, regarding checkbox 0.8.2, in order to apply for a FFE?15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426613 in checkbox "Candidate revision checkbox_0.8.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42661315:19
Keybukpitti: I already fixed that in the PPA15:19
Keybuk"stop anacron" *will* stop any running anacron instance15:19
Keybukie. if cron.daily is underway15:19
pittiKeybuk: great, thanks15:19
Keybukwhich is what the sleep.d is trying to do15:19
Keybukit just needed an || :15:20
* pitti dist-upgrades -- lots of new stuff15:20
Keybukjust minor tweaks15:21
Keybukpitti: I'm surprised that I haven't got any of one bug report, and more more of another15:22
Keybukthe one I've had a couple of reports of, which I expected, is the "computer just sits on boot with the hard drive light on"15:22
Keybukie. fsck running ;)15:22
* Keybuk hadn't hooked the progress stuff up yet15:22
pittiKeybuk: argh, dist-upgrade just killed my session again15:23
Keybukthe other is that gdm is currently started even in recovery mode ;)15:23
pittidoes anything there restart gdm or so?15:23
Keybukpitti: nope15:23
KeybukI think X crashes15:23
superm1pitti, for your 15_default_session, it looks like the file name is favors is default.desktop, not default.session, correct?15:24
superm1or would either work?15:24
pittisuperm1: erm, sorry, yes; I meant xsessions/default.desktop15:24
superm1no problem, thanks :)15:24
LaneyKeybuk: Might have something for you later... when I discover why my PC didn't boot ;)15:25
KeybukLaney: ?15:25
LaneyI upgraded to the PPA and it never came back up15:25
KeybukLaney: I'd like to help with that "discovery" :)15:26
Laneywell I'll be going home in a couple of hours so we can check it out then15:26
Keybukanything unusual or non-standard about your setup?15:26
Keybukin particular, the contents of your /etc/fstab /15:26
LaneyI've got it partitioned into a few LVs15:27
Laneyacross... 4 disks I think15:27
* seb128 grrrs at Keybuk for opening a collection of tasks on the same bug15:28
seb128which means spamming everybody subscribed to any of those components15:28
LaneyBoots took ages before anyway, probably because it's been upgraded since forever (http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/chicken-karmic-20090910-1.png)15:29
geniiAre there any plans to package Clonezilla?15:30
Keybukseb128: I was told to do it that way <g>15:30
seb128who told you to do that?15:30
Keybukseb128: robbie15:30
Keybukbesides, that's how LP is supposed to work ;)15:30
seb128robbiew, could you please not recommend people to do that? ;-)15:30
Keybukseb128: just ignore the bug15:31
KeybukLaney: huh, lvm taking that long kinda implies that you have an actual problem there15:31
Laneywell I wouldn't be surprised if some of the disks are on the way out (indeed I have ordered the replacements)15:32
robbiewseb128: if you are talking about the FFE...slangasek recommend that15:32
dokosoren: yes15:32
Laneyso yes it could just be a coincidence15:32
seb128the issue with such bugs is that you get email for every change to any of the tasks15:32
Keybukseb128: the counter-argument to that issue is that if you're a bug contact, you should be aware of changes to those packages *and* how they fit in with the other tasks15:33
seb128ie when there is 19 components you don't care about and one you are subscribed to, you get all the trafic for the 19 other by email15:33
seb128Keybuk, I just dislike multi-tasking, it makes it also almost impossible to rely comments to your component15:34
KeybukI don't really find that it makes much difference15:34
Keybukit all ends up in your mail folder anyway either way15:34
Keybukit's no worse than having two subscribers to the bug both replying to requests for information15:34
ScottKThe problem is once one package is fixed and you really don't care anymore.15:35
seb128anyway let's not discuss for hours how launchpad sucks ;-)15:35
pitti hm, but having tasks on a bug is how LP is supposed to work15:35
pittibut it's missing the possibility of unsubscribing from bugs where you don't have open components any more that you are sub'ed to15:36
seb128pitti, I found that making different tasks basically impossible to track and flooding people by email15:36
seb128it's fine when a bug needs a change in several components to be fixed15:36
Laneythere was an LP bug about supporting negative subscriptions15:37
seb128but thinks like freeze exception would be better tracked with different bugs15:37
seb128if you start mixing question and concern about 15 different components in one bug it becames really hard to read or to find what applies to your component15:38
Laneybug 20498015:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204980 in malone "bug contacts should be able to unsubscribe from implicit subscriptions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20498015:38
pittiseb128: well, actually you wouldn't want to get these FFEs in the first place, would you?15:39
seb128pitti, I would like to know what's going on with gdm15:39
seb128but I don't care about all the other things there15:39
seb128but right if I could opt-out that would be fine I guess15:40
seb128which is the bug Laney listed15:40
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mathiazcr3: yes - bug 426613 can be used to ask for a FFe.15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426613 in checkbox "Candidate revision checkbox_0.8.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42661315:52
cjwatsonmy rule of thumb is that if it's the same bug that needs to be fixed in several places in order for the bug to go away, use tasks16:11
cjwatsonif it's the same issue that is independently present in N different places, then use separate bugs16:12
cjwatsonso, let's say, that bug where upstart and some bit of the installer had to cooperate to get /etc/event.d/tty1 setting up getty properly for 8-bit text, that was a good case for tasks16:13
cjwatsonbut something like that mega-bug about all the different packages that need to use dpkg --print-architecture rather than --print-installation-architecture should really have been one bug per affected package16:13
sgallaghmathiaz: ping16:17
mathiazsgallagh: hey - just sending emails to sssd-devel16:17
sgallaghmathiaz: Yeah, I saw the first one. I wanted to make sure you pulled in both patches that were likely to affect you16:17
mathiazsgallagh: yop - I've also included the proxy enumration patch16:18
sgallaghmathiaz: Ok, great :)16:19
mathiazsgallagh: anything else worth integrating?16:19
sgallaghmathiaz: Looking at the git log right now :)16:20
sgallaghmathiaz: I think most of the rest of the patches we've pushed lately have been related to new functionality since 0.5.0, so you should be alright.16:21
mathiazsgallagh: there was a thread about testing as well (started by jenny)16:21
mathiazsgallagh: are there any tests publicly available?16:21
mathiazsgallagh: great! thanks for keeping me in the loop16:22
sgallaghmathiaz: There are some unit tests available in the tarball16:22
sgallaghmathiaz: It's hard to make the rest of the tests public, because they rely on the availability of a remote data provider to work (e.g. LDAP and Kerberos)16:22
mathiazsgallagh: right - I'm looking into this as well16:23
mathiazsgallagh: one option I'm investigation is to use ec216:23
* pitti looks at /builders..16:23
pittiamd64  9   7790 jobs (four days)16:23
pittii386 15 14434 jobs (three days)16:23
mathiazsgallagh: with public AMIs16:23
sgallaghmathiaz: I'm not familiar with it. Can you give me some details?16:23
pittioh, archive rebuild test?16:24
mathiazsgallagh: ec2 is amazon's public cloud16:24
mathiazsgallagh: it should be possible to create a default ldap+krb infrastructure16:24
sgallaghToo many acronyms/initializations to keep track of :-P16:24
mathiazsgallagh: and run tests in there16:24
sgallaghThat's a very interesting idea16:24
mathiazsgallagh: right - it can be a bit overwhelming if you're not following all of this closely16:25
sgallaghCould we move this discussion to #freeipa? I think there are a few others who'd love to be involved in this16:25
mathiazsgallagh: sure16:26
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kirklandcjwatson: is it possible to downgrade a karmic system from grub2 to grub1 ?16:37
cjwatsoninstall grub, make sure /boot/grub/menu.lst is right, and then run grub-install?16:42
cjwatsonI don't really want to spend time supporting that though ...16:42
kirklandcjwatson: no problem, i'm trying to work around a bug in vmbuilder, it doesn't work with grub216:43
cr3mathiaz: FFE completed, now we play the waiting game. good thing I prepared well before Alpha 616:47
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RainCTKeybuk: Hey. Tried the boot stuff out with both PPAs now. The first boot worked but took 90 seconds instead of 40 before; now it's failing to boot with: "mountall: unable to write pid file: read-only file system" (and a moment later: "init: module-init-tools main process (xxxx) terminated with status 1")17:30
ionrainct: In /etc/init/mountall.conf, comment out ‘expect daemon’ and replace ‘exec mountall --daemon...’ with ‘exec mountall --debug...’17:31
mathiazmvo: hi17:31
ionrainct: That should provide a nice amount of debug output.17:31
mathiazmvo: I've got another bug for your apt debugging skills - bug 19414017:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194140 in cyrus-sasl2 "Dependency cycle prevents upgrade of libsasl2-2" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19414017:31
RainCTion: there is no such file (nor an /etc/init/ directory)17:33
RainCTerr ignore that17:34
ionWhich both PPAs, btw? ubuntu-boot and17:34
RainCTYes, doing what you said now. Stupid me, trying /etc when I have the filesystem in /mnt :)17:34
ionAh, i misread what you said. It’s module-init-tools that returns 1, not mountall. The problem is probably not in mountall then.17:35
ionDo you have /etc/modules?17:36
RainCTion: Yes, contains "lp" and "rtc"17:36
RainCT(both PPAs = ubuntu-boot/ppa/ubuntu and ubuntu-boot/staging/ubuntu)17:39
RainCTion: So should I try out the mountall thing?17:41
ionrainct: Try adding the line ‘console output’ to module-init-tools.conf first, and also add ‘set -x’ as a new line immediately after the ’script’ line.17:43
RainCTion: OK. Is "console output" right after author or where should that go?17:45
keesslangasek: thanks for helping triage 426658.  one down.  :)17:46
ionrainct: Anywhere, except for inside the script block17:48
RainCTok, trying it out..17:48
popeydirecthex: when you have a little time, I'm still having issues building tomboy if you wouldn't mind helping me.17:49
seb128evand, bug #421212 is similar to the one you reopened?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421212 in gdm "gdm ignores keyboard layout selection" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42121217:57
pittievand: BTW, I already talked to upstream about that; they don't seem to want to replicate the entire variety of variants and options in hal/gdm..17:59
pittisince bug 395103 originally was karmic RC, but fixed for most folks, I would either like to see it being closed again and have a new bug for the remaining issues (whcih aren't likely to be fixed in karmic), or downgrade that bug, which changes history18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395103 in gdm "Gnome doesn't have my configured keyboard layout after login anymore" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39510318:00
evandpitti: that's problematic for us, as (as far as I can tell) the current code completely breaks dvorak being set in XKB_VARIANT (see bug 408292)18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408292 in ubiquity "Keyboard layout setting did not take effect in installed system (dup-of: 395103)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40829218:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395103 in gdm "Gnome doesn't have my configured keyboard layout after login anymore" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39510318:02
pittiokay, but still it's a different cause now; we might need some workarounds for that18:03
pittievand: if it's important, can we please bump the prio of bug 421212, set it to karmic, and use that?18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421212 in gdm "gdm ignores keyboard layout selection" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42121218:03
* pitti doesn't like reopening old bugs18:04
pittiok, great18:04
evandapologies for reopening your old bug18:04
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
* pitti shuffles bugs18:04
pittievand: none needed, just coordinating here :)18:04
RainCTion: it doesn't find the rtc module18:04
pittievand: how's that now?18:06
ionrainct: Ok, that isn’t the problem either. Dunno then...18:08
evandpitti: Looks good.  I just moved mdz's bug to be a duplicate of the new master.18:09
RainCTion: well, thanks :)18:09
* RainCT looks at Keybuk18:09
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: any chance we can get the language-selector changes uploaded?18:09
evandpitti: thanks for sorting that18:09
pittievand: thanks to you; I don't have a clear idea yet how to fix that in gdm, since it requires changes in gnome-settings-daemon as well (hopefuully not in the stack below, like libxklavier)18:10
pittibut I'll have a look at it18:10
evandbest of luck18:10
evandif you need any help testing, do let me know18:10
pittitesting should be easy18:10
keesKeybuk: do you have an ETA for the udev signal bug getting fixed?  I can upload it if you don't have other changes pending (which I suspect you do...)18:13
Keybukkees: I'm waiting on an upstream release18:15
keesKeybuk: is that coming soon?  :)  My VMs keep breaking.18:17
Keybukkees: yes18:17
Keybuk*shrug* karmic ;)18:17
Keybukion: the modprobe failure thing is fixed18:19
Keybukthough don't know why it would stop the boot18:19
Keybuknothing waits for module-init-tools (and even if it did, nothing waits only for success)18:19
ograi have a slowdown as well due to modprobe, remember ?18:20
ionYeah, it probably isn’t the one stopping the boot. I only wanted the modprobe output in case it had been something like ‘read-only filesystem, can write blahblah’.18:20
ogra(with my unsupported touchscreen that has no driver and gets probed in a loop)18:20
ionWhich would have strongly suggested an issue in mountall. :-)18:20
ionOh, now that i think of it, modprobe probably doesn’t need to write anything ever.18:20
Keybukthe virtual 1/2 type lines in the mountall --debug output are the important ones18:21
Keybukthey tell you why it's waiting18:21
Keybukso far, all three people complained have "remote 0/4" or something in there18:21
Keybukand I get to do the "I told you not to try it if you had network filesystems" dance18:21
mathiazzul: so what's the state of moving puppet into main?18:22
zulmathiaz: almost done, working on enabling the testsuite18:22
zulill take one more crack at it today18:22
mathiazzul: great!18:22
Keybuk(and that's easy to fix 'echo initctl emit net-device-up > /etc/network/if-up.d/somescript' ;)18:24
soreauHello. I am having some trouble with snd_46xx on an old thinkpad and I found something that I want to try but I need a modules.conf file which of course doesnt exist. If I create one, where should it go so it will be respected?18:26
Picisoreau: Under /etc/modprobe.d/18:28
soreauPici: ok thanks18:28
LaneyKeybuk: Interested in doing some debugging? sreadahead main process ... terminated with status 1, mountall: unable to write pid file: read only FS, debug pre-start process terminated with status 1, module-init-tools terminated with status 118:29
mathiazzul: there are a lot of puppet dependencies in universe - http://paste.ubuntu.com/268694/18:55
mathiazzul: do all the required src packages have MIR written?18:56
mathiazzul: it seems that some of them are useless - like rails, wwwconfig-common18:57
zulmathiaz: dont think so18:57
mathiazzul: it seems that the dependencies need to be reviewed - and only relevant one should be kept18:58
mathiazzul: before puppet can be moved to main18:58
zulkees: ^^^18:58
keesholy cow18:59
keeszul:  your MIR report said only 3 weren't in main??19:00
zulkees: uh...wtf19:00
zuli need to go look at this again19:00
zulpuppetmaster recommends rails19:02
mathiazzul: also - one of your upload disables starting puppetmaster at install time - why?19:02
mathiazzul: right - I think most of what got pulled in are recommends - these can be dropped to suggests19:02
mathiazzul: dropping rails would be a good start19:02
mathiazzul: unless puppetmaster requires rails to run :/19:02
zulmathiaz: i disabled it because it was required for the MIR19:03
mathiazzul: hm - in bug 408297? where?19:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408297 in puppet "MIR for puppet." [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40829719:03
zulmathiaz: see kees' comment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/puppet/+bug/408297/comments/119:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 408297 in puppet "MIR for puppet." [Undecided,Incomplete]19:04
mathiazzul: are you refering to debian bug 518831?19:05
ubottuDebian bug 518831 in puppet "puppet: Default configuration is broken" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51883119:05
zulmathiaz: yes19:06
mathiazzul: IIUC the fix is to not start puppetd (ie the client) - I don't think the puppetmaster should be disabled as well19:06
zulmathiaz: noted19:07
zulactually its not started as well19:07
mathiazzul: bug 427466 - can I assign it to you?19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427466 in puppet "puppetmaster not started by default" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42746619:09
keesKeybuk: given that alpha6 is next week, do you mind if I upload the udev fix now, just to get it solved?  it may be causing issues with rsyslogd too19:11
zulmathiaz, of course19:11
=== jason_ is now known as phish3
superm1kees, if you do upload, coulud you also cherry pick http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/hotplug/udev.git;a=blobdiff;f=extras/hid2hci/70-hid2hci.rules;h=e133afd62546a37a598ffd317badd0cb7081823e;hp=b332c168e981682eb58e29699b64f7b154fb6663;hb=8a0217ffd432e56231b0d1bccda71449bca5f8f6;hpb=2ffc9cc1917b1bb6fe86881a94a47dce9aa15168 ?  i was figuring we'd wait till udev 147, unless opportunistic19:20
keessuperm1: sure19:22
zulmathiaz: you dont need rails for puppetmaster19:25
zulmathiaz: rails would only be useful for the testsuite19:26
zuland that seems to be broken atm still :(19:26
mathiazzul: right - if the test suite requires rails, it means it will be a build-dependency19:26
mathiazzul: and thus rails would have to be moved to main as well19:27
mathiazzul: and I don't think this is something we wanna do19:27
mathiazzul: (ie moving rails to main)19:27
mathiazzul: does all the test require rails?19:27
zulmathiaz: it needs rails to build19:30
zuland to run19:31
mathiazzul: to build and run the tests?19:31
mathiazzul: or to build puppet?19:31
zulmathiaz: to build and run the tests19:31
mathiazzul: hmmm19:32
mathiazkees: ^^ what's your opinion on this?19:32
mathiazkees: I don't think we should pull rails into main19:32
mathiazzul: which part of rails is required?19:32
zulbut there is a MIR for rails that look it got approved19:32
mathiazzul: ?19:32
zulhavent got that far yet its still failing for me and im not a ruby expert19:33
mathiazzul: I don't a MIR for rails on wiki.u.c19:33
zuli was wrong about the rails MIR must have been look at something else19:33
mathiazzul: I don't *see* a MIR for rails on wiki.u.c19:33
zulyeah so its not something we want in main19:34
keesI don't want rails in main19:34
zulneither do i19:35
mathiazkees: zul: great - we all agree then :)19:35
mathiazthat means tests can't be enable in the build19:36
zulill fix that puppet bug then19:36
mathiazzul: can they still be run outside of the build process?19:36
mathiazzul: ie - could they be packaged separately?19:36
zulmathiaz: i think so havent tried yet19:36
mathiazzul: I think the first step is to try to get them running19:37
mathiazzul: if that works try to package them - or leave instructions in a readme file19:37
mathiazkees: ^^ would that work for you?19:38
keesmathiaz: you're proposing documentation how to run the tests and verifying that they pass (but not during the build)?19:40
mathiazkees: yes19:40
keesmathiaz: yeah, that seems like a fair compromise19:40
NCommanderany archive admin, can someone binNEW linux-mvl-dove? I'm kinda depwait for that to pass through the NEW queue19:41
keessuperm1: does the hid2hci commit fix a specific LP bug?19:48
NCommanderjdstrand, you around?19:49
jdstrandNCommander: yeah19:50
superm1kees, let me see, looks like it was bug 38593419:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385934 in bluez "Dell Bluetooth 370 does not work after resume from suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38593419:50
NCommanderjdstrand, can you debinNEW a kernel for me?19:50
* NCommander has been depwait on this since yestreday :-/19:50
keessuperm1: okay, thanks.19:51
jdstrandNCommander: did you try StevenK or Muharem? (it is thier day)19:53
jdstrandNCommander: if they aren't available I can do it19:53
NCommanderjdstrand, LP was very unstable last night, so StevenK didn't want to try deNEWing anything at risk of breaking LP, and Muharem doesn't seem to be on (or at least, I can't see him on IRC)19:53
jdstrandNCommander: is LP any better now?19:54
NCommanderjdstrand, its not 502ing forme anymore19:54
NCommanderjdstrand, thanks, sorry that you keep getting hit with the random kernels19:56
cr3is there a way to detect whether a script is running in a live environment programmatically?20:08
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NCommandercr3, why?20:11
cr3NCommander: if I'm running from live, I could easily use echo ubuntu | sudo -S in order to run commands as root without having to prompt the user for a password they might not even know20:12
cr3NCommander: oddly, I thought there was no password and gksudo wouldn't even ever prompt anyways20:12
NCommandercr3, sudo should just give you root on the live envirionment sans password20:12
cr3NCommander: thanks for the confirmation, even better then :)20:13
NCommandercr3, well, you could just download a livecd and check ;-)20:13
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ahejoin #launchpad20:26
robbiewudevadm trigger is not premitted while udev is unconfigured.20:37
robbiewGave up waiting for root device. Common problems:20:37
robbiew-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)20:37
robbiew  -Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough)20:37
robbiew  -Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)20:37
robbiew-Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)20:37
robbiewALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/05d79451-0ad0-43fc-9f51-a2c98b4831f2 does not exist.20:37
robbiewDropping to a shell!20:37
robbiewi hate this bug20:37
robbiewkees: ^^^^^ once I fix this, should I run the script in bug 358654 to find the offending package(s)?20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358654 in watershed "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35865420:39
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3
keesrobbiew: yes please :)20:50
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
robbiewkees: shell script identifies: fuse-utils and initramfs-tools20:51
robbiewKeybuk broke it! ;)20:52
jdstrandNCommander: done20:53
robbiewwell at least if initramfs-tools is the culprit...from the ubuntu-boot ppa...fun times!20:53
NCommanderjdstrand, +1 beer (to be redeemed at next meatspace meet)21:06
ScottKDid someone say beer?21:06
NCommanderScottK, jdstrand gotten stuck NEWing every ARM kernel since they seem to land around Fridays :-/21:07
ScottKI see.  Well I'd suggest something stronger than beer then.21:07
englaDktrKranz: ping21:12
DktrKranzengla: pong21:14
jdstrandheh, np21:16
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
apacheloggerArneGoetje: sure, in a bit21:34
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=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk

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