
cjwatsonevand: just saw the slideshow for the first time (it's been a while since I did a desktop installation) - very impressed10:20
evandthough lots of credit goes to the community team that created the slides and the javascript transitions10:20
cjwatsonpass it on :)10:25
cjwatsonis it worth trying to space it out a little better? I noticed that the last slide is up from maybe 45% or so onwards10:26
evandwill do :)10:27
evandI don't follow.  Can you explain that in another way?10:27
cjwatsonwell, there were a bunch of slide transitions up to about halfway through the installation progress bar10:31
cjwatsonthen the same slide was up for the entire second half of the progress bar10:31
cjwatson(the "Getting Help with Ubuntu" one, I assume the last slide)10:31
evandahh, indeed10:31
cjwatsonare they time-based transitions at the moment?10:32
evandindeed, 30 seconds10:32
cjwatsonI wondered if maybe it should be max(30 seconds, 100% / number of slides)10:32
cjwatsonor something like that10:32
evandyeah, a variation of that which ensures that slides aren't displayed for less than some minimum value (perhaps 10 or 15 seconds) would be fine with me10:33
evandI'll work on a fix10:33
cjwatsonif it's max(30 seconds, 100% / number of slides), then 30 seconds is that minimum value ...10:38
evandright, I'd claim it was too early, but it's nearly 1110:44
ogracjwatson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/423639 feel free to comment ;)10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423639 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu "timing is to fast if installing to slow media" [Wishlist,New]10:49
* cjwatson stares at icu a bit. Where on earth does it actually get the translations from?10:57
cjwatsonogra: hah, yeah10:57
cjwatsonbut Dylan raises an actual UI concern, damn him ;-)10:57
ograwell, for you it is at 45% at least :)10:58
ografor me its still partitioning if the last slide shows up10:58
cjwatsonI commented10:59
ograheh looping ... good idea11:02
cjwatsondpm: you might be interested in the horror involved in the second paragraph of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+bug/408393/comments/15 :-)11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408393 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu "Asturian language appears in boot menu, but not works" [Undecided,Fix released]11:25
cjwatsonsome investigation was required to come up with all that ...11:26
* dpm reads...11:26
cjwatsondpm: I suspect that perhaps translation teams ought to be encouraged to get the Unicode CLDR translated into their language quite early on, as it seems like quite a complex process11:26
cjwatsonand there's a lead time11:26
dpmok, yes. Thanks a lot for the pointer. I'll let translators know11:31
evandick, the translations that come out of launchpad for ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu are a bit of a mess.  Different directories for different translations of the same template ('.', 'accessibility', 'accessibility.html', where each directory has a few different po files)11:37
dpmevand: I've forwarded your question to #launchpad.11:39
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r138 html/ (170 files in 12 dirs): Updated translations from Launchpad.11:50
CIA-33console-setup: cjwatson * r113 ubuntu/debian/changelog: bug closure for previous commit11:50
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r139 html/debian/changelog: releasing version 512:31
CIA-33ubiquity: cjwatson * r3439 ubiquity/gui/ (gtk/stepLocation.ui qt/stepLocation.ui): adjust timezone labels in .ui files to match translation templates13:00
* evand considers automatic new translations importing into the usb-creator trunk branch.13:20
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cody-somervillecjwatson, Do I have to do anything special to take advantaged of fuse-unionfs in karmic for live images or will casper take care of it?15:15
ograadvantage ?15:16
ogracody-somerville, there is no advantage in using unionfs-fuse, use aufs :)15:16
cjwatsonwhat he said15:16
cody-somervilleSo the only thing I need to do is get the new version of squashfs-tools and all should be well?15:17
cjwatsonif you want to force unionfs-fuse, you can make sure unionfs-fuse is installed when building the initramfs and boot with union=unionfs-fuse; but it's not normally worth it15:17
cjwatsonshould be15:17
ogracjwatson, seems you introduced some new bugs with the partman merge btw, i was just told manual partitioning is broken15:17
ogra(bugs on their way)15:18
cjwatsonogra: ok, I'll have a look when they arrive15:18
cody-somervilleDo you know if the new squashfs module will work with the jaunty kernel?15:18
cjwatsonyou of course can't insmod the new module in a jaunty kernel; the ABI is different15:19
cjwatsonyou should ensure that squashfs-tools and the squashfs module in the image match, roughly15:19
* cody-somerville nods.15:20
ogracody-somerville, StevenK has some experience with out of sync karmic/jaunty squashfs15:20
ogra(its no fun)15:20
cody-somervilleIs it possible to union a remote filesystem in d-i? like, for PXE net based installs15:23
cjwatsonnot out of the box15:23
cjwatsonI think you would need to define the problem a bit more; we don't in general need union mounts to do network installations15:24
* cjwatson -> out for a bit15:24
evandhrm, anyone know if there's a way of detecting what block device is used for the live media in the live CD environment?  I'd rather not just check for a /cdrom mount, as that strikes me as being too broad, but if there's no other way, so be it15:25
cody-somervilleevand, cdrom-detect/cdrom_device15:25
ogracody-somerville, you likely could easily create a bastard out of an ltsp client that fires up d-i15:26
ograltsp uses nbd exported squashfs images it mounts in a unionfs on boot15:26
* cody-somerville nods.15:28
evandcody-somerville: I don't follow.  cdrom-detect/cdrom_device is not set in the booted live environment, nor do I see it referenced anywhere in casper.15:32
cody-somervilleoh, ubiquity.15:33
cody-somervilleI'm not sure about ubiquity bit in d-i cdrom-detect is responsible for finding and mounting the install media. Once it successfully does so, it sets cdrom-detect/cdrom_device and cdrom-detect/cdrom_fs15:34
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cjwatsonevand: I think the mount point might be exported in casper.conf, so you could then use that16:10
evandit's not, but perhaps it should be16:11
evandI asked Scott if he knew of any way to follow the mounts back up to /cdrom, or if aufs provides any useful information here, but it apparently nukes anything remotely useful16:12
evanderr rather, he suggested that we follow the mounts in /proc/self/mountinfo up to /cdrom, but aufs doesn't make that possible here16:13
* cjwatson gets to the point where he can at least start thinking about debugging wubi/grub2/loopback into existence16:32
cjwatsonxivulon: hmm, this is odd, do you have any idea why there are no .mod files in /ubuntu/disks/boot/grub/ ?16:42
cjwatsonxivulon: I'm thoroughly confused why they aren't there, and I can't insmod ext2 without them of course ...16:48
cjwatsonI guess I can just copy them in manually for now but it's a bit worrying16:53
cjwatsonxivulon: ok, at least I can reproduce your problem now16:56
cjwatsonnow to see if I can do it with grub-emu or grub-fstest or something ...16:56
cjwatsonok, good, I can17:02
cjwatsonit doesn't happen when I don't use ntfs+loopback17:03
cjwatsonyay for grub-emu though, this would be totally impossible if I couldn't gdb-attach to the bootloader17:05
cjwatsonxivulon: oh, I see the problem - something is rounding the disk size to 32 bits17:11
cjwatsonor truncating rather17:12
cjwatsonit's a grub ntfs implementation bug17:16
cjwatsonit declares a file's size as grub_uint32_t17:16
cjwatsonxivulon: OK, I think I've fixed it - I'll get the patch upstream17:29
xivulonxivulon you are a *17:40
xivulon^ cjwatson17:40
xivuloncjwatson, re .mod files I think that grub-common is installed but not grub-pc17:41
xivulonwhich isn't needed since grub is already in the host partition (deployed by wubi)17:42
xivulonand the wubi version already has the required mods built-in17:42
xivuloncjwatson, thank you a bunch17:43
xivulonps please have a quick look at the makefile if I need any extra mod17:45
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r174 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py): Ellipsize long text strings in the GTK+ treeviews (LP: #424883).17:48
cjwatsonxivulon: hmm, you really need to have grub-pc installed I think - the configuration file format is not yet stable and it's important to keep the grub core image up to date18:25
cjwatsonxivulon: is there any reason why installing grub-pc would break?18:25
cjwatsonxivulon: in any case, though, grub-pc *is* installed here18:26
xivuloniirc (was long time ago') grub-install does not like having to deal with a disk image/loop device18:27
xivulonthen I am wrong18:28
cjwatsonmm. but there's no reason it shouldn't copy the .mod files. This is odd.18:28
cjwatsonI think I might do a fresh install and arrange for grub-install to be set -x, so that I can see what's going on18:28
cjwatsonso, I'm going to include this grub ntfs patch in the next upload. Is there anything else stopping us getting rid of the bind-mounted /boot?18:29
cjwatsonbeyond some configuration magic18:29
xivulondon't think so18:29
cjwatsonrock on18:29
cjwatsonyou'll want ext2 (or whatever) in that list in order to use loopback effectively18:32
cjwatsonhmm, I think we need to arrange for that image to be upgraded occasionally, which is going to involve figuring out how to point it at wubildr.cfg on an ongoing basis18:33
cjwatsonit really needs to be upgraded whenever grub-pc is upgraded in the loop image18:33
xivulonyes, that is a good point. The image will be in the /host root (wubildr), which is rw, so it's a matter of copying the winboot2 makefile into a lupin-support script (or grub-pc post-install)18:37
cjwatsonwell, ideally, we'd make grub-install figure it out for itself18:39
xivulonwell I will play with the bindmount killing this w/e and see if I can also handle the wubildr upgrade18:40
cjwatsonit really only needs to notice that / is loop-mounted18:41
xivulonhmm do we also need to upgrade wubildr.mbr?18:48
xivulonthat requires grubutil/grubinst/grubinst to generate18:49
rgreeninggood-day evand18:51
cjwatsonwhat's in wubildr.mbr?18:58
cjwatsonor rather, what configuration file(s) does it read?18:58
cjwatsonif any18:58
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cjwatsonxivulon: I think I have a working implementation of /etc/grub.d/10_lupin now (not tested in its entirety, though), but it relies on an extra grub2 patch that I just sent upstream21:33
cjwatsonxivulon: so I'll keep plugging at it21:33
cjwatsonI *really* want to get rid of that /boot bind-mount if we can21:34
cjwatsonxivulon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/268771/ is the script implementation, and the subject line on grub-devel is "[PATCH] loopback vs. 'set root='"21:35
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