
ChickenCutlassChickenCutlass: test03:23
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loolplayya: Without looking at the source code it sounds like it's definitely something you want to ask upstream07:58
loolplayya: I could check it out myself but I'm doing any gstreamer development, only packaging and even so almost none of it in the last year07:59
loolplayya: So best to ask directly on #gstreamer07:59
playyalool, ok10:24
playyaafter i wrote a test, i figured out that my patch would move the object to g_object_set_property10:24
gamblerlool, did u get a chance to talk to michael11:48
loolgambler: s*** I'm sorry it completely escaped my mind; I'm setting up a reminder for later today to ask him11:53
loolI was focused on oo.o issues yesterday11:54
loolgambler: I just added a calendar entry in my afternoon/their morning for me to check it out with them11:54
loolgambler: Do I have your email?11:55
gamblerlool, eric.ml.mail@gmail.com12:28
gamblernp btw12:28
bigonany idea why libhildon is so old in ubuntu?13:48
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=== cprov-zzz is now known as cprov
loolgambler: around?15:18
loolbigon: Because we didnt merge it and dont have much time to spend on merging it I guess   :-/15:19
bigonlool: :/ because I tried to compile some code I've on a tutorial for the upcomming n900 and it ftbfs15:34
bigonand it works with the version in debian15:34
loolbigon: :-/15:40
loolbigon: If you have some bandwidth for the merge...15:40
bigonI will have a look15:47
bigonbut there are lot of hildon pkg that need to be merged15:57
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bigonpfff this pkg is a mess17:13
loolbigon: :-/17:43
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=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
bigonlool: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhildon/+bug/42754222:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 427542 in libhildon "please merge libhildon 2.1.34.debian.1-5" [Wishlist,New]22:22
loolbigon: What's the diff against?22:45
looldebian version?22:45

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